C3General Contractor Tool KitV3 10292012 Page 1 of 1 3825 Dacoma Street Houston, Texas USA 770921 Phone: 713-843-3719 E-mail: [email protected] www.constructioncareercollaborative.org BELOW IS THE LIST OF DOCUMENTS AND FORMS RELATED TO EXECUTING A C3 P ROJECT FOR THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR . FOR MORE INFORMATION ON EXECUTING A C3 PROJECT CONTACT KATRINAK @CONSTRUCTIONCAREERCOLLABORATIVE . ORG OR GO TO WWW. CONSTRUCTIONCAREERCOLLABORATIVE . ORG C3 Sample Specifications-General Conditions Appendix A – Craft Training Self-Assessment Appendix B – Certificate of Compliance Appendix D - Project Participant Sheet Appendix E – Database Manuals C3 SPECIALTY CONTRACTOR TOOL KIT

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C3General Contractor Tool KitV3 10292012 Page 1 of 1

3825 Dacoma Street Houston, Texas USA 770921

Phone: 713-843-3719 E-mail: [email protected]





C3 Sample Specifications-General Conditions Appendix A – Craft Training Self-Assessment

Appendix B – Certificate of Compliance

Appendix D - Project Participant Sheet

Appendix E – Database Manuals


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C3 Specifications-General ConditionsV2 10192012 Page 1 of 5

3825 Dacoma Street Houston, Texas USA 770921

Phone: 713-843-3719 E-mail: [email protected]



I. Purpose

II. Standards

III. Contractor Compliance Requirements

IV. Executing Work under C3 Guidelines

V. Access to Information

VI. C3 Database

VII. C3 Audit Process

VIII. Communication of C3 Guidelines for the Jobsite

IX. Glossary of C3 Terms


The Construction Career Collaborative (C3) is an alliance of owners, contractors, and specialty contractors

dedicated to promoting the sustainability of the greater Houston area construction industry workforce.

C3 has established a method whereby socially responsible owners, contractors and specialty contractors can

positively affect the growth of a sustainable construction workforce by advancing principles that raise the image of

the construction industry by attracting and retaining verifiably qualified workers; providing a safer and healthier

construction environment and improving efficiency and productivity.


A. Promote the financial security, health and well-being of craft workers.

B. Require construction industry safety training standards for the workforce.

C. Require craft training standards and certifications for the workforce as such are developed.



A. Pay entire workforce, and assure sub-tier contractors pay their entire workforce, by the hour with

applicable overtime in lieu of piece work payment for anyone performing labor on the project.

B. Withhold unemployment taxes, provide workers’ compensation insurance and contribute to social

security for all self performed labor.

C. Provide, or show evidence of a plan to provide, OSHA trained workforce; 30 Hour for supervisors, 10 Hour

for all craft workers.

D. Submit the Craft Training and Certification Self-Assessment. See Appendix A


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Phone: 713-843-3719 E-mail: [email protected]



A. Compliance with hourly payroll practices

i. All participating C3 general contractors, specialty contractors, and sub-tier contractors will certify

in writing their compliance with the “Hourly Payroll Practices” as detailed below by signing

Certificate of Compliance. See Appendix B

ii. All jobsite craft workers are paid by the hour.

iii. All jobsite craft workers are W-2 earners.

iv. Overtime for jobsite craft workers is being paid in accordance with federal overtime laws.

v. Employment taxes, tax and non-tax reporting requirements for all jobsite craft workers are in

compliance with applicable federal/state laws.

vi. Workers compensation insurance is being provided on behalf of all jobsite craft workers as

required by the Texas Workers’ Compensation Act.

B. Compliance with safety training standards. All participating contractors, specialty contractors, and sub-tier

contractors will comply with minimum safety training standards for all jobsite craft workers; as follows:

i. OSHA 30 hour – Supervisors must hold an OSHA 30 hour card or be scheduled to attend training

before working on the jobsite. Supervisors must complete OSHA 30 hour within 6 months of the

contractor’s or specialty contactor’s first C3 construction contract date.

ii. OSHA 10 hour – All craft workers must be OHSA 10 hour trained. Once the construction contract

is signed for a C3 project, the contractor, specialty subcontractor, or sub-tier contractor, has one

year to have all jobsite craft workers OSHA 10 hour trained.

iii. C3 5 hour – All craft workers must be C3 5 hours trained. Once the construction contract is

signed for a C3 project, the contractor or subcontractor has one year to have all jobsite craft

workers C3 5 hour trained.

iv. Information on safety training will be recorded and tracked in the C3 Database; refer to Section



A. All participating general contractors, specialty contractors, and sub-tier contractors will provide a

complete list of ALL lower tier subcontractors who will provide jobsite craft workers and include

information on each individual’s safety training.

B. All participating general contractors will complete the Job Start Up Sheet – See Appendix C

C. All participating specialty contractors will complete the Project Participant Sheet – See Appendix D

D. All participating general contractors and specialty contractors will authorize the release of any documents

requested to ensure compliance.

E. All information requested by C3 will be kept in strictest confidence, and only accessed by C3 staff or firms

contracted to perform C3 Audits.


A. All jobsite craft workers must be approved to work on the jobsite, prior to being allowed onsite, through

the C3 training database. Participating contractors are required to register on the C3 training database,

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3825 Dacoma Street Houston, Texas USA 770921

Phone: 713-843-3719 E-mail: [email protected]


and enter all jobsite craft workers in the database, including their verifiable information related to Safety


B. Participating contractors are required to pay an annual fee of $250.00 for the usage of the C3 training

database. This annual database usage fee covers multiple projects and is not a per project fee.

C. For detailed instructions on database requirements, refer to C3 Database Manuals for General

Contractors and Specialty Contractors – See Appendix E


A. A representative of C3 will regularly inspect the jobsite for compliance with the ‘Hourly Payroll Practices’

using the following process:

i. Upon arriving at the jobsite, obtain access to the sign-in sheet‘, or whatever authorizing tool is

being used that lists ALL jobsite craft workers. See Appendix F for Orientation Log Example

ii. Also obtain a list of all subcontractors and sub-tier contractors from the General Contractor.

iii. Representative will randomly interview jobsite craft workers in search of the following

information: Name, craft or trade, hourly wage, employing company

B. Verify that the employer is on the approved sub list

C. A copy of jobsite craft workers’ pay stub (or equivalent) showing FICA, overtime, etc., OR a certified

payroll form as issued by the DOL outlining the same information and listing the requested employees

D. If this process turns up questionable employees, then a full audit as per the Agreed upon Procedures

would commence.

E. Contractors will only be audited for their own jobsite craft workers.

F. Specialty contractors will be responsible for their own jobsite craft workers and any lower tier subs, and

will audited accordingly.

G. Auditing of Safety Training requirements will be conducted utilizing the C3 Database.


A. General contractor is responsible for facilitating dissemination of information of the jobsite.

B. Any and all pre-qualification documents, RFQ’s and Bid invitations will include specific references to these

general conditions.

C. C3 project jobsites will display posters or signage identifying all C3 guidelines and rights of C3 workers.

Appendix G

D. All craft workers will be given a C3 handout outlining their rights under the C3 agreement. See Appendix H


Apprentice/Trainee – Enrolled in an approved apprentice/craft training program that leads to a credentialed


Approved Apprentice / Craft Training – Defined as National Joint Labor/Management Committees, NCCER and/or

other nationally recognized organizations that provide "best practices" training materials for the construction

industry. Also includes programs approved by authorities for “licensed” trades and/or industry recognized

programs with third party validation and credentialing.

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3825 Dacoma Street Houston, Texas USA 770921

Phone: 713-843-3719 E-mail: [email protected]


C3 Member Agreement – An agreement between C3 and the General Contractor whereby the General Contractor

endorses and promotes C3 Principals to owners, architects, and other stakeholders and applies the C3 Standards

for its own workforce. Membership Agreements included certain membership benefits. Go to

www.constructioncareercollaborative.org for details.

C3 Owner Partner Agreement – An agreement between C3 and the Owner whereby Owner endorses C3 Principals

and agrees that all projects initiated will include C3 Specifications and General Conditions.

C3 Owner Project Agreement - An agreement between C3, the Owner, and the General Contractor whereby all

endorses C3 Principals and agree that specific project(s) will include C3 Specifications and General Conditions.

C3 Specifications and General Conditions – Contract language sample for the owner and general contractor to

incorporate into bid documents.

C3 5 Hour Class Trainer – OSHA 500 Certified Instructor who performs classroom training or instruction.

C3 5 Hour Proctor – Computer Based Trainer – OSHA 30 Hour card holder who has completed “C3 Train the

Trainer” course will administer computer based training.

Certified/Credentialed Journeyman – A craft professional who has achieved a journey-level credential or

certification for the craft they perform from a nationally-recognized professional organization or Federal or State

apprenticeship authority. Examples: Department of Labor Certificate or NCCER Certification.

Competent Person – One who is capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards in the surroundings or

working conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous, or dangerous to employees and who has authorization to

take prompt corrective measures to eliminate them.

Competitive Wage – The wage necessary to attract and retain qualified craft workers in the Commercial

Construction Industry.

Contractor – The General Contractor or Construction Manager that executes the contract with the owner.

Craftsperson/craftworker – One who performs any labor on the project.

Intern – Persons confined within limitations on a project by the length and purpose of their employment. Example:

Summer Intern

Laborer – Performs tasks involving physical labor at construction sites including clean up rubble, debris and other

waste materials. May assist other craft workers; however construction laborers who primarily assist a particular

craft worker are classified under Sub-journey level craft persons.

NCCER Core Curriculum – A prerequisite to all other Level 1 craft curriculum; CORE should include basic safety,

construction math, hand tools, power tools, introduction to construction drawings, basic communication skills and

be delivered according to Approved Apprentice/Craft Training standards.

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C3 Specifications-General ConditionsV2 10192012 Page 5 of 5

3825 Dacoma Street Houston, Texas USA 770921

Phone: 713-843-3719 E-mail: [email protected]


NCCER Core Skill Assessment – A written assessment design to assess an individual knowledge of basic

construction skills. Provides a training prescription.

OSHA – Occupational Safety and Health Administration

OSHA 10 Hour – Construction Safety Training which meets the OSHA Training Institute requirements for workers.

OSHA 30 Hour – Construction Safety Training which meets the OSHA Training Institute requirements for


OTI Instructor – OSHA Training Institute Instructor

Owner – The entity that engages the Contractor

Performance Verification Process – Process to assess an individual's skill level on specific tasks and require an

individual to demonstrate their skill level in a controlled, observable, and measurable manner and must be

administered by a qualified performance evaluator.

Piece work – A craftworker that is paid in any manner other than hourly.

Qualified Person – A person who, by possession of a recognized degree, certificate, or professional standing, or

who by extensive knowledge, training and experience, successfully demonstrates the ability to solve/resolve

problems relating to the subject matter, the work, or the project.

Specialty Contractor – A subcontractor of any tier.

Sub-journey level craft persons – Craft professionals who are not credentialed.

Supervisor/Foreman – Company-designated employees with management responsibilities.

Sustainable Workforce – A workforce that, through its own environment is capable of sustaining itself at the

necessary level of worker satisfaction and required expertise indefinitely into the future. It is an environment that

encompasses, by necessity, elements of financial security, health and well-being, training and education for

employees; stability, ethical conduct, moral behavior and talent pools for contractors; and efficiency, productivity

improvements, and social acceptability/responsibility for owners.

Upgrade training – Training for sub-journey level craft professionals to address skill or knowledge deficiencies

identified through the assessment process.

Written Assessment – A process to evaluate the knowledge and skill level of an individual in a specific craft area

and to identify skill deficiencies per NCCER Craft Skill Assessment Process.

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Appendix A - C3 Self-Assessment ChecklistV3 10192012 1

3825 Dacoma Street Houston, Texas USA 770921

Phone: 713-843-3719 E-mail: [email protected]


C3 Craft Training Standard

Craft Training standards have been developed to ensure that all C3 contractors and C3 Projects provide a highly-skilled professional craft workforce. Minimum standards related to craft training will accomplish this. The ultimate goal of craft training standards is to provide the individual craft worker with portable credentials valued by the industry. In the future C3 will incorporate national standards into the craft training requirement. For now, contractors are only asked to: 1. Completed the following Craft Training Program Self-Assessment. 2. Work with the C3 to help build a knowledge base for best practices around craft training for the Houston area.

Craft Training Program Self-Assessment

Contractors are required to complete the Self-Assessment Checklist. Contractor will provide a description of the contractor’s overall company program and investment in training, as well as workforce staffing plan and craft skill level breakdown by journeyman, laborer, helper and apprentice categories regarding craft training and assessment.

Future Craft Training Standards

Contractor commits to training for all sub-journey level craft persons through an approved apprentice or craft training program. Minimum requirement includes successful completion of CORE Curriculum. Craft persons with one year or less of work experience will complete CORE training. Craft person with five years or less will complete the NCCER Core Skill Assessment and address identified deficiencies. Craft persons with five or more years of experience will be considered competent in CORE construction. Laborers and Interns are excluded from requirements. Contractor provides a path to graduation through an approved apprentice or craft training program for all sub-journey level craft persons. Verification of skills for all journey level craft persons through approved written assessment testing and performance verification through an approved performance verification process. Providing upgrade training to all journey level craft persons that have identified deficiencies through an approved skills assessment program. Persons already certified may be given upgrade training after reviewing specific site needs with the owner.

The contractor self-assessment checklist provides a list of practices that align with C3 objectives and

should help a contractor implement the most effective training program possible

If you have not checked 80% of the items listed in this document, you might want to re-evaluate your craft training program.

Part 1: Self-Assessment - Information about your workforce and training programs.

Part 2: Providers - Information about your training provider(s). Please go through the list of crafts and complete the applicable. Private providers take students based on employment or enrollment. Public providers have open enrollment (for example, a community college). Please list ONLY currently active programs.

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Phone: 713-843-3719 E-mail: [email protected]


Part 1: Craft Training and Certification Self-Assessment Checklist

Does your company participate in workforce training? What percentage of workforce is training available to? What percentage of workforce is in workforce training or specific training programs? List crafts/training programs and the percent of workforce engaged in training: Does your company have a written craft workforce-management program? Describe the roles of person(s) accountable for training and their responsibilities: Does your Company have formal classroom training? What numbers of hours, per year, per apprentice are spent in classroom training?

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Appendix A - C3 Self-Assessment ChecklistV3 10192012 3

3825 Dacoma Street Houston, Texas USA 770921

Phone: 713-843-3719 E-mail: [email protected]


Describe the facilities used for training: How does your company address training on CORE Construction skills*? Do you have a written structured jobsite (OJT) training program? Do you use training curricula approved by the industry; for example but not limited to: DOL , NCCER, etc.? List curricula used:

Are elements of your training program approved by a manufacturer or vendor? List organization and/or vendors:

Does your company assess new hires? List or describe the methods and types of assessment:

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Appendix A - C3 Self-Assessment ChecklistV3 10192012 4

3825 Dacoma Street Houston, Texas USA 770921

Phone: 713-843-3719 E-mail: [email protected]


Terms and Definitions

Apprentice/Trainee – Enrolled in an approved apprentice/craft training program that leads to a credentialed


Approved Apprentice / Craft Training – Defined as National Joint Labor/Management Committees, NCCER and/or

other nationally recognized organizations that provide "best practices" training materials for the construction

industry. Also includes programs approved by authorities for “licensed” trades and/or industry recognized

programs with third party validation and credentialing.

C3 Member Agreement – An agreement between C3 and the General Contractor whereby the General Contractor

endorses and promotes C3 Principals to owners, architects, and other stakeholders. Membership Agreements

included certain membership benefits. Go to www.constructioncareercollaborative.org for details.

C3 Owner Partner Agreement – An agreement between C3 and the Owner whereby Owner endorses C3 Principals

and agrees that all projects initiated will include C3 Specifications and General Conditions.

C3 Owner Project Agreement - An agreement between C3, the Owner, and the General Contractor whereby all

endorses C3 Principals and agree that specific project(s) will include C3 Specifications and General Conditions.

C3 Specifications and General Conditions – Contract language sample for the owner and general contractor to

incorporate into bid documents.

Does your company participate in record keeping for certifications of craft persons at a regional or national level, beyond the boundaries or hiring databases of your own firm? List Regional and/or National Provider:

Does your company provide upgrade training for sub-journey level craft professionals, to address skill or knowledge deficiencies, identified through the assessment process?

Do you share your workforce development policies with your employees?

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Appendix A - C3 Self-Assessment ChecklistV3 10192012 5

3825 Dacoma Street Houston, Texas USA 770921

Phone: 713-843-3719 E-mail: [email protected]


C3 5 Hour Class Trainer – OSHA 500 Certified Instructor who performs classroom training or instruction.

C3 5 Hour Proctor – Computer Based Trainer – OSHA 30 Hour card holder who has completed “C3 Train the

Trainer” course will administer computer based training.

Certified/Credentialed Journeyman – A craft professional who has achieved a journey-level credential or

certification for the craft they perform from a nationally-recognized professional organization or Federal or State

apprenticeship authority. Examples: Department of Labor Certificate or NCCER Certification.

Competent Person – One who is capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards in the surroundings or

working conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous, or dangerous to employees and who has authorization to

take prompt corrective measures to eliminate them.

Competitive Wage – The wage necessary to attract and retain qualified craft workers in the Commercial

Construction Industry.

Contractor – The General Contractor or Construction Manager that executes the contract with the owner.

Craftsperson/craftworker – One who performs any labor on the project.

Intern – Persons confined within limitations on a project by the length and purpose of their employment. Example:

Summer Intern

Laborer – Performs tasks involving physical labor at construction sites including clean up rubble, debris and other

waste materials. May assist other craft workers; however construction laborers who primarily assist a particular

craft worker are classified under Sub-journey level craft persons.

NCCER Core Curriculum – A prerequisite to all other Level 1 craft curriculum; CORE should include basic safety,

construction math, hand tools, power tools, introduction to construction drawings, basic communication skills and

be delivered according to Approved Apprentice/Craft Training standards.

NCCER Core Skill Assessment – A written assessment design to assess an individual knowledge of basic

construction skills. Provides a training prescription.

OSHA – Occupational Safety and Health Administration

OSHA 10 Hour – Construction Safety Training which meets the OSHA Training Institute requirements for workers.

OSHA 30 Hour – Construction Safety Training which meets the OSHA Training Institute requirements for


OTI Instructor – OSHA Training Institute Instructor

Owner – The entity that engages the Contractor

Performance Verification Process – Process to assess an individual's skill level on specific tasks and require an

individual to demonstrate their skill level in a controlled, observable, and measurable manner and must be

administered by a qualified performance evaluator.

Piece work – A craftworker that is paid in any manner other than hourly.

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Appendix A - C3 Self-Assessment ChecklistV3 10192012 6

3825 Dacoma Street Houston, Texas USA 770921

Phone: 713-843-3719 E-mail: [email protected]


Qualified Person – A person who, by possession of a recognized degree, certificate, or professional standing, or

who by extensive knowledge, training and experience, successfully demonstrates the ability to solve/resolve

problems relating to the subject matter, the work, or the project.

Specialty Contractor – A subcontractor of any tier.

Sub-journey level craft persons – Craft professionals who are not credentialed.

Supervisor/Foreman – Company-designated employees with management responsibilities.

Sustainable Workforce – A workforce that, through its own environment is capable of sustaining itself at the

necessary level of worker satisfaction and required expertise indefinitely into the future. It is an environment that

encompasses, by necessity, elements of financial security, health and well-being, training and education for

employees; stability, ethical conduct, moral behavior and talent pools for contractors; and efficiency, productivity

improvements, and social acceptability/responsibility for owners.

Upgrade training – Training for sub-journey level craft professionals to address skill or knowledge deficiencies

identified through the assessment process.

Written Assessment – A process to evaluate the knowledge and skill level of an individual in a specific craft area

and to identify skill deficiencies per NCCER Craft Skill Assessment Process.

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3825 Dacoma Street Houston, Texas USA 770921

Phone: 713-843-3719 E-mail: [email protected]


Part 2: Trades and Existing Training Programs








Access Flooring

Acoustical (Ceilings & Otherwise)

Appliances & All Equipment


Audio / Video Systems

Building Automation & Control

Building Automation System






Composite Metal Panels

Concrete Finishing

Concrete Formwork

Concrete Restoration & Cleaning


CORE Construction


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3825 Dacoma Street Houston, Texas USA 770921

Phone: 713-843-3719 E-mail: [email protected]










Doors, Frames & Hardware

Drilling/Driving – Piers/Piles



Escalators & Moving Walks


Final Cleaning

Finish Carpentry

Fire Extinguishers & Cabinets

Fire Sprinkler

Fireplaces & Stoves

Fixed Seating


Flashing & Sheet Metal

Flood Doors and Gates

Floor Sanders and Finishers

Flooring Installer (non tile)


Glazing & Skylights

Gypsum Board Assemblies

Heavy Equipment Operator

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Phone: 713-843-3719 E-mail: [email protected]









Heavy Timber Construction

Highway Heavy Construction

Hoists & Cables


Ice Rinks

Identification Devices


Industrial Coatings


Joint Sealers & Waterproofing

Landscaping & Irrigation


Lightning Protection

Lightweight Concrete Decking

Louvers & Vents

Masonry Block/Stone

Metal Lockers

Metal Studs - CFMF


Mobile Crane Operations

Operable Partitions

Ornamental Metals

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3825 Dacoma Street Houston, Texas USA 770921

Phone: 713-843-3719 E-mail: [email protected]









Painting & Wallcoverings

Pedestrian Control Devices

Pest Control

Pier Driller Operators



Plasterers and Stucco Masons

Plastic Fabrications


Postal Specialties

Pre Engineered Structures

Precast Architectural Concrete

Protective Covers

Reinforcing Ironwork

Roofing (Including Metal Roofing)

Rough Carpentry


Sheet Metal

Shoring/Underpinning/Site Retention

Site Furnishings

Site Layout

Site Utilities

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Soil Remediation

Solar & Wind Energy Equipment

Storage Shelving

Structural Iron & Steel Workers (Welding, Rigging, etc.)

Sun Shades


Swimming Pools


Systems Furniture

Tension Grid Systems

Termite Treatment

Terrazzo Workers and Finishers

Testing, Adjusting & Balancing

Theater and Stage Rigging

Thermal Protection (Insulating)

Tile & Marble Setters

Toilet Compartments & Accessories

Tower Crane Operator

Traffic Markings & Signage


Unit Pavers

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Visual Display Boards

Wall & Corner Guards

Wardrobe & Closet Specialties

Window Coverings

Window Washing

Wood Frame Carpentry

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C3Affidavit of ComplianceV2 10292012 Page 1 of 1

3825 Dacoma Street Houston, Texas USA 770921

Phone: 713-843-3719 E-mail: [email protected]


“The undersigned certifies compliance with the following criteria for any and all jobsite craft workers supplied

by or through the company on the ___________________________ project:”

All jobsite craft workers are paid by the hour.

1. All jobsite craft workers are W-2 earners.

2. Overtime for jobsite craft workers is being paid in accordance with federal overtime laws.

3. Employment taxes, tax and non-tax reporting requirements for all jobsite craft workers are in

compliance with applicable federal/state laws.

4. Workers compensation insurance is being provided on behalf of jobsite craft workers.

5. Contractor agrees to provide access to information and documents listed in the “C3 Policy


Company Name Name of Authorized Representative




Affiant, whose signature appears above, upon oath and after being duly sworn, made the statements above in

the Affidavit of Compliance and stated that such statements are true and correct.

Subscribed and sworn before me on this the _____ day of _______________ , 20___.

Notary Public in and for the State of Texas


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C3 Project Participant Information Form and ChecklistV1 10132012

Project Participant

Sheet (Specialty Contractor)

C3 Project Number

To Be Assigned by C3

3825 Dacoma Street

Houston, Texas USA 770921

Phone: 713-843-3719

E-mail: [email protected]


□Provide Specialty Contractor Information and agree to C3 Standards below:

Specialty Contractor Name: _________________________________________________

C3 Contractor Representative: _______________________________________________

Representative’s Phone: ________________________________________________

E-mail Address: ________________________________________

Specialty Contractor Tax ID # : _______________________________________________

□We agree to the following: Allow our Corporate Name and Logo to be posted on the C3 Website

allow C3 to audit all C3 related Project Records; allow C3 to have access to employee training certifications and agree to that data being uploaded into C3’s Training Database.

□Verify Compliance by submitting Signed and Notarized AFFIDAVIT of COMPLIANCE

□Provide Craft Worker security by paying unemployment taxes, providing workers' compensation insurance and contributing to social security.

□Pay Craft Workers by the hour with applicable overtime in lieu of piece work payment.

□Construction Industry safety training standards for the workforce as follows:

OSHA 30 hour - Supervisor must be enrolled in the course when their contract is signed or craft workers begin, whichever occurs first. The supervisor of C3 will have 6 months to complete the 30 hour course.

OSHA 10 hour - When a contractor has signed the contract for a C3 project; the contractor has one year to have all employees OSHA 10 hour trained.

C3 5 hour - When a contractor has signed the contract for a C3 project; the contractor has one year to have all employees C3 5 hour trained.

For information on how your company can participant in safety training, contact C3.

□Submit Completed Craft Training Self-Assessment The assessment is designed to provide you with

feedback on your current craft training program and to compile information on Training Opportunities available. It is the goal of C3 Craft Training Committee to mentor contractors on the benefits of the highly skilled, credentialed workforce. Currently there are no specific requirements for craft training programs, contact C3 for a current list of programs available.

□Tracking C3 Workforce Data for the Purposes of Benchmarking and Auditing

Log In and Create an Account in the C3 Database for Your Company A Log In and Password will be provided to the contact above after submitting this checklist. Access the C3 Database Manual suited to you: General Contractor or Specialty Contractor.

The annual membership fee for access to the database is $250.00. Information entered about your workforce is used for purposes of auditing and benchmarking and is accessed only by designated representatives. For more information on C3 requirements for Safety and Craft Training and Certification access C3 Specifica-tions-General Conditions.

To be completed by all Subcontractors

on the project. GC should review

Checklist for compliance for its own

Craft Workers.

This Project is Administered Under:

Please Check Only One:

□ C3 Member Agreement

□ C3 Project Participant Agreement

Quick Links to Documents

C3 Agreements

C3 Specifications/General Conditions

C3 White Paper

C3 Presentation

C3 Job Set Up Sheet

C3 Job Close Out Sheet

C3 Compliance Affidavit

Craft Training Self-Assessment

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1 | P a g e Version 2.0 July 2012: SCTC-Jim Gossett

C3 Training Database (C3 TD)

User Manual Specialty Contractor

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2 | P a g e Version 2.0 July 2012: SCTC-Jim Gossett

1.2 Specialty Contractor

Contractor(s) or Specialty Contractor(s) have the ability to add employees, manage employee

information, and assign employees to jobs. Once the Contractor or Specialty Contractor has

been entered into the C3 TD by a C3 Administrator, the Contractor(s) or Specialty

Contractor(s) have the ability to perform their activities and tasks.

The C3 Contractor is responsible for maintaining a list of their C3 employees and job


1.2.1 Employee Management

The Employees tab is where a contractor or specialty contractor maintains their list of


1) Login to the C3 TD.

2) Click the “Employees” tab.

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3) The Registered Contractor/Subcontractor Employees table displays a list of all employees that the contractor has added to their account: the type of employee, the employee’s status, current C3-5 and OSHA training status. To add a new employee, click “Add”. The Contractor is responsible for manually setting Status to Active or Inactive to reflect current employee activity.

4) This presents the contractor a window with two fields: SSN and Date of Birth. These fields are used to uniquely identify an individual within the system. Enter the employee’s SSN and Date of Birth and then click “Add.”

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5) If the person exists in the database, the SSN and the Date of Birth must match correctly or an error will be displayed. The User will be given two attempts to enter in a matching SSN and Date of Birth. First Attempt:

Second Attempt:

6) If the person does not exist in the database, the window will expand to allow the entry of

the rest of the employees' information.

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Table 2: Employee Data-Entry Fields

Field Name Description

Employee Name The name of the employee. Only first and last name are required. Note that if data

was found matching the SSN & DOB entered previously, this will be pre-populated

and will not be editable.

Type The type selected for an employee will affect the training requirements for the


High School Student – C3-5 is required

Employee – C3-5 and OSHA 10 are required

Supervisor/Foreman – C3-5 and OSHA 30 are required

OSHA 10 These fields allow the contractor to enter the completion date and certificate

number if the employee has completed OSHA 10. If the employee has not

completed OSHA 10, these fields should be left blank. Note that a certificate

number is NOT required, but it also cannot be entered unless a completion date is

provided as well.

OSHA 30 These fields allow the contractor to enter the completion date and certificate

number if the employee has completed OSHA 30. If the employee has not

completed OSHA 30, these fields should be left blank. Note that a certificate

number is NOT required, but it also cannot be entered unless a completion date is

provided as well.

7) Select the correct type of employee. Once all the information has been entered, the

contractor clicks “Add”.

Note: If High School Students are part of your workforce development program, contact C3 about the “Future Force” initiative.

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8) A confirmation dialogue box will be displayed. Click “OK.”

9) The contractor is returned to the employee summary list which now includes the new

employee. Clicking on the C3 ID of the employee in the employee summary list allows the

contractor to change the status or type of the employee as well as updating their OSHA 10

and OSHA 30 course information.

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10) Below is the Edit Contractor Employee window, allowing the contractor to update the

employee’s type, status and OSHA training information.

The Contractor is responsible for manually setting Status to Active or Inactive to reflect current employee activity.

11) From the Edit Contractor Employee window, the contractor is also able to schedule training for C3 courses by clicking the “Schedule” button next to the name of the course.

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12) The contractor will select the Course Providers by clicking on the drop down arrow, choose a training provider, and enter the date that the employee will take the course. Click “Schedule” to schedule the course.

13) If the employee needs to cancel the course and reschedule, the contractor can click on the “Cancel” button and the course registration will be canceled. Then follow the steps to reschedule.

14) Displayed on the right hand side of the employee edit window is a list of all active jobs accepted by the contractor. The contractor can simply check off boxes for the jobs that this employee will be assigned to.

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15) The Contractor is able to remove an employee from their list by clicking the “Delete”


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1.2.2 Job Management

Note: The C3 Contractor is responsible for maintaining a list of their C3 employees and job

information. This tab is available only to Contractors that the C3 Committee has approved

and entered in the C3 TD. The Specialty Contractors or Subcontractors will not be able to access

Job Management. This tab allows the Contractor to add Jobs, assign specialty contractors to

those jobs, and view the employees assigned to work on the Jobs.

1) Once a specialty contractor has been added, an email is sent to the primary contact for that company asking their permission to add them to the job.

The specialty contractor simply clicks on the link within the email to approve the request. Once approved, the specialty contractor can login to the C3 Training Database to begin assigning their employees to the job.

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1.2.3 Company Profile

The Contractor has the ability to view their Account Profile information.

1) Click the “Company Profile” tab.

2) The Contractor is able to update their account information with any necessary changes. Once

changes are ready to be saved, click “Update”.

3) The users of the account are also managed in the Company Profile. Click the “Manage Users”

button to view the users who have access to the account.

The Contractor Admin has the ability to add new users or edit the user’s information.

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4) By clicking on the user’s name, the user’s information can be edited. Click “Save” to update the user’s information.

1.2.4 User Profile

The Contractor is able to manage their login information to the C3 Training Database.

1) Click the “User Profile” tab.

2) Update the user profile with the necessary changes and then click “Update” to save the new
