j| SOUTH IMBOY.' A CONTRAST. The N. Y. At U B. Ft IF. lias been repairing (ho John at red crossing. It was sometliing that was very much needed, but not more so than the pas- senger station which is filthy and in an unsanitary condition. Why the company leaves such a ramshackle concern an an eye sore to their pat- rons we are unable to say, but tills we will say, that a few days ago as we were in the Kuril an River waiting room some half-dozen i '.dies came in and by their conversation we learned that they wore waiting for a trniii o the N. Y. At L. B. R. K. They said Ihov could not stand ill the N. Y. Ac b. B. R. R- waiting room, but came in the Raritan River waiting room, where it was comfortable and decent. 1 should think this would shame tlie powers that be to have a small road I like tho Raritan River excel them iu iheir accommodations for their pat- rons. SOON WAS DISCOURAGED. As reported in yesterday’s NEWS, William R. Vochringer and Saxbury Wuridell had bought the stock and goodwill of the John street bakery from John Patterson. The necessary papers were drawn up and signed, also a three years’ lease was signed by Michael Welsh, who owns the building, upon which the parties paid one month's rent in advance to Mr. Welsh and Tuesday morning they took possession. How much they paid Mr. Patterson wo did not learn, hut we did learn that Tuesday before 12 o’clock they had become discour- aged and abandoned till the property they had secured and were well on tlieir way to tho city. What disheart- ened them so quickly we have been unable to learn. TEACHERS ill. There seems fo bo considerable ill- ness among the teachers in our public schools. Miss Mercy Hillman was so 111 Tuesday that she was.unable to meet with her scholars, and Miss Mary Hillman acted as substitute for bur. Miss Mary Buchanan was also ill on Tuesday and Mrs. C. Voorhees substituted for'her. MOVE WHOLE PLANT HERE. \ The Acme Underwear Company has ft” concluded to move the whole of their manufacturing plant to South Amboy. They hatte secured the balance of the Odd Fellows’ building and the differ- ent ordfers that have been accustomed to medt in the upper hall are about vacating the same. LOCAL ITEMS. Assistant Postmaster Edwin Roddy availed himself of the pleasure of a trip over to Perth Amboy Monday, but bis going there was purely a mat- ter of business. Mr. Schwartz, assistant manager of the Colonial Life Insurance Company, was In South Amboy Tuesday and called on Judge Mason. Nels Llnderberger, the brakeman who was hurt about six weeks ago, has so far recovered as to be. able to get around without crutches. He en- joyed the pleasure of a trip Monday qn the train on which he was former- ly employed and also enjoyed the pleasure of meeting those he knew and giving them the friendly hand- shake. Mrs. William H. Brower died at her home in New York Sunday night. Mention is made of this fact for the reason that Mrs. Brower has many friends In South Amboy with whom she had frequently met and it. was presumed that it might be of interest to them to know of the sad occur- rence. Mrs. Hattie Petty, of Second street, was a Perth Amboy visitor Tuesday. Elias Stratton, of First street, who has been ill for several weeks, has sufficiently recovered as to resume his business and Tuesday was again at the throttle. R. P. Mason, of First street, made a quick trip to New York city on business Tuesday of this wpek. Miss Grace Albaugh has secured a situation as stenographer and type- k vrliter with the International Smoke- Powder Company at Parlln. ^Alfred Smith, of Catherine street, s a New York visitor Tuesday op WG0k. { 98 Isabelle Wilson, of Newark, Jting Mr. and Mrs. Geo>rg(> Tay- [f John street. / «. E. J. Rogers,Mrs. Rue, of Sgton, a|i?,.'!*tfiting Mrs. Rogers' ’» Mrs. -Howard Bloodgood, of street/^ ,.Dry7ier, state Inspector of high p/-made a short visit to tho Amboy schol yesterday. Tho Term examination being in pro- his stay was unusually short. ..e cold wave passing over this HE "Action of (lie country tHo past few wl' days has made ice skating possible •.wj and many of the young people are Wt taking advantage of the occasion and t the sounds of enjoyment were heard yesterday on Stovensdale lake. Subscribe ror the NEWS. Stm tTAMB 0Y~wants! For Kent—A, six room house on Pros- pect street at Maxville In the bor- ough. Inquire on premises of Mrs. J. W. Bolce. 6257-1-16-tf First National Hank, of South Am- boy, N. ,T., pays Interest in their special deposit department from Jan- nary 1, 1907, If deposited on or be- fore January 10, 1907. 5344-11-24-W.S. Wanted—A number of men to cut cord wood. Inquire of A. O. Earn- est, South Amboy, N. J. 6334-1-19-23-26 For Sule—One young Jersey cow. Can be seen at H. C. Perrlne's, Swan Hill, South Amboy, N. J. 6386-l-23-0t -4 -4 -4 4 4 ■!« 4 4 -4 4 4 4-4 jL. PERELMAN JEWELER ; •• * State and Smith Streets ■ • Cor. New Brunswick Ave., 4 ■I. 4 1—4 4 4. 4 4- 4 4 4 4-4- j1 Hill Mamfel*, apillaris It Absolutely Curei All Scalp and Skin Diseases, cbntilc canes of Kczems. Salt Rheum. Ac, Ac., Falling Hair, Dandruff, Itching Scalp, Poisonous tilings mid Bites. 6 to 10 applica- tions draw to surface and cure all humors babies and children are subject to. Merit alone, without advertising, has created uu immense sale all over America, and hundreds of thouMtuls of sufferers have been cured with from a ha If to one bottle. Try It today and you will tell your frienda of this wonderful cure. C. A. Sexton j 70 Smith Street I SOUTH MBOT. g ROLLER HKATLNCl. The correspondent of the NEWS was requested to publish that the fol- lowing young men from South Amboy enjoyed the pleasure of attending and taking part in the exercises at the roller skating rink at Keyport Satur- day evening last: J. H. Cozzons, R. Everett, M. Lamborston, J. Thomp- son, H. Bowen, H. Diebert and H. Littell. The informant said the floor met one of the young men half way, at least he thought it did. DIPHTHERIA APPEARS. Diphtheria has made its appoar- tnce in the borough In Main street, flip seven-year-old child of Mr. and Mrs. Seaman Christian was stricken :vlth this dread disease Monday. In- spector Sexton, of the Board of Health, has placed the home under luarantino and It is hoped that the lisease may be effectually eradicated without further spreading. | METUCHE | lllliHUMM _I LOCAL EtKMS. Mrs. Frank Salvage, of Philadel- phia, has cards out for a reception at her home on January 30. The Woodmen gave a banquet at the Metuchen Inn Monday evening, it was well attended and a success in every way. The toasts were respond- ed to heartily. Miss Daisy Orton is ill at her home. Mrs. DeWhite Lent, of Philadel- phia, who was about to return to Me- tuchen, is seriously ill with pneu- monia. Mrs. Cephas Waile is spending a few days with tier daughter, Mrs. Wells, of New York Lawyer George Silzer was a guest of Governor Stokes Monday evening. Father Explains. Johnny—Papa, what does automo- bile mean? Papa—It comes from the Greek ‘‘auto”—self—and the I-alln "mobile” movement. It means a machine that goes by itself. Johnny—Doesn't any one have any- thing to do with it.? Papa (who tries to drive a horse and buggy)—No one with any self-re- spect.—Home Magazine. Rough on Bill. “What has become of Bad Bill?" asked the new arrival In the Frozen Heart hotel. “Bad Bill?” echoed the landlord. “Oh, he ‘bit the dust' yesterday." “What? Had Bill dead?" "Oh, no. Bill took a ride in a ten- derfoot’s gasoline carriage and swal- lowed a peck of dust in a twenty-mile spin."—Chicago Dally Nows. All Hi* Trouble in Vain. The scientist, had invaded -th?>'Jun- gle and conquered tht^monkey lan- guage. -• "And,.iiqw that you have acquired obit lingo,” said the head monkey, -•’nave you any information of value to convey to us?” Of course, the scientist, nonplused, had to sneak back to civilization. Moments of History. Ulysses looked upon the sirens with considerable amusement, at the same time ordering the man at the prow not to hurry. “There was a time," he observed flippantly, "when your antics would have amused me. But—musical com- edy is not what it used to be.”—Lite. Mr. Henpeck Warned. Mr. Henpeck—I shall have to go to town to-day, my dear, and I shall want some money, for there's train tare, lunch, 'bus fares, and I've got to— Mrs. H.—Well, then, take this shil- ling, and mind, if you come home the worse for drink I'll not let you in. A Society Mother. Rector—And have you any children' Society Woman—Yes; three little darlings. * Rector—Are they boys or girls? Society Woman—D.ear me! Do yot know, for the moment I can't remom ber?—X. Y. Times. Not Guilty. "Pop!" "Yes, my son.” "Do poets have to be born?" "Yes. my boy." '■Ain't the stork rosmmsihle for His View Point. "I see that the dtikc of Atholl, in England, has 22 titles." "What of it?" “Wouldn’t you like to have that many and be able to sell each one to an heiress?”—Milwaukee Sentinel. ‘‘Pineulerfjj tt,-alcoholic) math from resin sj /s^mir Pine Forests used for huno/^fiS of years for Blad der and Kidney diseases. Medlcin for thirty days, $1.00. Guaranteed Sold by Sexton, druggist. .r; .iP^r j ROOSEVELT. | K. J. Kelly and Bertram Miller, of Elizabeth, are the guests of P. J. Mitchell, of Woodbridge avenue. Miss Mary Mitchell, of Woodbridge avenue, is spending a few days in Eliza beth. Julius Hilf, traveling salesman for the firm of Mnhlendorf & Company, i of New York, was In town Monday, j Dr. Joseph Wantoek was in New ! York yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Steinberg at- tended a wedding in New York last night. DOCAl7lTE.MfC Mrs. George Devon, of Main street, Is out again after a short Illness. The Misses Bessie Hodapp and | Edith Arnold spent.Sunday with Miss Npllie Clark, of Perth Amboy. Rev. Mr. Reynolds is improving after a serious cold, which kept him in the house recently. Tho entertainment for the benefit of the public.school was largely at- tended. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Edwards and son, of Jamesburg, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Ivins. Mrs. Behringer spent part of the past week with friends in New Bruns- wick. John O. Cozzcns is confined to the house with pneumonia. Albert Moore, of Main street, has secured work at the Physical Culture Publishing house. William Petty is very sick at his homo in Main street. Btshop Scarborough, of Trenton, visited St. Peter's parish Sunday and confirmed a class of four. They were oieviu Appieny anu Mamie reuy. George Petty and Howard Hulit. William Croneli and son Frederick ^pent Sunday with relatives tn New Brunswick. W. H. Hulit, who was very sick. It able to go back to work at Ilelmetta again. Holmes Van Dusen Is mourning the loss of his grandfather. Mr. Davison, of Cranbury, who died Saturday morning. Miss May Miller, of Jamesburg. was the guest of Mrs. H. Van Dusen Monday. Frank Vliet, of Trenton, was the ruest of his mother, Mrs. John Vliet, Sunday. It is rumored that one of our most optilar young ladies is to be married loon. Father Time’s Joke. Father Time had stopped to sharpen Ills Bcythe. “Why,” exclaimed the Fool Killer, whe was close at hand, “you look thinner than when I met you last.” Father Time lauglfed. "In that case," he replied, “I sup- pose you would allude to me as spare time."—Chicago Dally News. An Appropriate Motto. Cemetery Sculptor—You wish a monument to your aunt? Yes, sir, 1 knew your dear, departed relative very well, sir. She was all her life a board- ing house keeper in my neighborhood. Do you wish a motto inscribed on It,' sir? Englishman—Oh, yes. Put hon “Peace to ’or h’ashes."—N. Y. Weekly. ( I_;_1 Winks—Most divorces are caused by a common mistake. Jinks—What is it? Winks—Many a man in love only with a dimple or a curl makes the mistake of marrying the whole girl.— Cincinnati Enquirer. Neighborly Comment. Mrs. Callers—I see Mrs. Homer hai a uew fall bonnet. Mrs. Neighbors—Yes; iter husbanl had a streak of good luck. Mrs. Callers—How was that? Mrs. Neighbors—He took out an ac cident policy for $25 a week recently ; and the very next day he broke his j leg.—Chicago Daily News. -- ■■ Doesn’t Miss Them. "I suppose," said the garrulous j uncle, “now that you have come intc your money you have found thai j riches will not buy everything?” "Yes," assented the nephew, “bul ; I have found that the few things money won’t buy I can get along without."— Detroit Free Press. Expansion. | He—They say travel broadens i person. She—Surely. The moment a mat enters ,a car he Spreads out over hall a doceu seals.—Judge. Bee’s Laxative Cough Syrup con talnlng Honey and Tar Is especially appropriate for children, no opiate; or poisons of any character, conform; ; to the conditions of the National Pur* Food and Drug Law, June 30, 1900 For Croup, Whooping Cough, etc. 1 s expels Coughs and Colds by gently moving the bowels. Guaranteed Sold by Sexton, druggist. PROGRAM FOR RECITAL. I At the organ recital,in the CoBgre- ! Rational entirch Thursday night, at 8 o’clock. Mr. J. Warren Andrews, org- anist of the Churdh of the Divine Paternity, New York, will be assisted by Miss Estelle Harris, soprano solo- j isi of that church. The program will be as follows: ! Organ fa) Fugue, St. Ann’s. ,T. S. Bach (b) Caprice In, B. Flat. A. Guilmant (c) Berceuse in F.Gounod Mr. Andrews | Soprano solo, Come Uuto Him..Cohen Miss Estelle Harris ; Organ (a) Toccata and Fugue in D Minor.J. S. Bach th) Communion In G.Batiste (c) Largo In O.. Handel-Whltney Mr. Andrews ! Soprano solo, Loves Whisper. Berwald Miss Harris | Organ (a) Offertoire, fit. Cecilia No. 2 .Batiste j (b)Fanfare in D.Lemmons Mr. Andrews Soprano solo, Spring.Hlldacb Miss Harris Organ (a) Marche Militalrc. .Gounod (b) March of the Magi. Th. Dubois (c) Andantlno in D Flat. Edwin H. Sernare Mr. Andrews Organ (a) Gavptlp, Mlgnun. .Thomas (h) Chromatlsche Fantaise. S. Thiele Mr. Andrews LOCAL ITEMS. Miss Minerva Young, who has been 111 with tonsllitls at: her home at Crab Beach, Is slowly recovering. The Salmagundi Society will meet on Tuesday evening, January 2!>, al the residence of Dr. B, \V. Hoaglund. Do not forget the bread, cake, pie handkerchief and apron sale pn Fri day afternoon at the home of Mrs. | Freeman Rowlands under the dlrec- ! LI VII VI IUC luUlvn VI UJU II VO IJ LtT (ill church. A kindergarten entertainment and sociable will be held at the home of Mrs.. F. P. Antiess the last week in January under the direction of the Builders. Mrs. J. H. Love and Miss Marian Love spent Tuesday out of town. The turkey supper in the Congre- gational church for fifty cents is Thursday night, January 31. j RIIRUEHOT. | ^ LOCAL ITEMS. Herbert Lunl, of Rossvllle, has re- covered from Ills vecent Illness and returned to his duties at tho S. S. White Dental Works. The new house of Charles Ander- son. In Androvette avenue, Is being rapidly completed and will probably bo ready for occupancy shortly. A meeting of the.,newly organized Atlas Fife and Drum corps will lie held some time this week. Stephen Houseman is slowly recov- ering from his recent illness. The special evangelistic services are still being lurgelyiattended each night in Woodrow M. E. church. The services are being conducted by the pastor, Rev. Frank Walton. The ser- vices will come to a Close at the end of this week. •'-.-q. ?lou>:, Hiouitl A girl In the'city of Sl<ihx Ran a ter,penny nail in Uer rhioux, ’Trias a terrible tii^C, ... And—to make this tiling rime— If made Her feel awfully bliouv >. -Milwaukee Sentinel. * 1 The Language of South Africa. A language lives or die3 according to Its vitality, and Prof.’Do Vrts might is well try to drive feack the sea as to stem tho spread of English as the language of South Africa.—Cape Town j Times. Auk Egg Brings High Price. Mr. Beville Stanier, of Peplow Hall, Shropshire. England, who bought the Hawkins collection of British birds ecently, sold the Sheffield specimen ,f the great auk which It contained j (or $2,000. -- ,. Wherein Lies Real QlOry. "AS In a game of cards, so in the I ;ame ov life, we must play what Iz I lealt tew us. and the glory consists I .J.W w OU »uu.v» ..***0 | a pore hand well."—Josh Billings. ---,— Snail's Sense of Smell. j Recent Investigations show that snails have a xer.se of smell which, however. Is not localized, but extends | over the greater part of the body. Pins by the Million. The largest pin factory In the world is at Birmingham. England, where nearly 40,000,000 pins are raariufac- j tured ill a day. The Cleared Vision. j Seeing the little foolishness of life : is one way of acquiring some of i life’s wisdom. London’s Many Newspapers. More than one fourth of all Eng- lish newspapers arc published in London. Its wonderful power goes to the seat of your trouble, vitalizes, streng- thens every part of your bodvfl That’s what Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea does. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Sex- ton’a Drug Stoic. -■ > + 4.-4. >1 -I1 'I' * 4--4»-4* 4«'4»-4—4" 4""4»1 ■ < v’ •;! J A Present of a Complete Course in our school would be a most valuable gift to your J toy or girl. ----- J I Crainer's Private School ; Scheuer Building Perth Amboy, j : **'‘ \ ,, i 14. 4. 4. 4. + ,|. 4*-4» 4. "4t-4« '4* 4-4- ■* ■!’ 4- 4* * *■ ■■I- | PLEISMT PUBS. Another large shipment trf pack ages containing copies of tie ‘TIctme less Child,” a paper printed at Mt Loretta, will be made from the loca express office and the post office in : few days. About ten of the largi trunks used^n shipping the package: from here to New York city arrive! at I he depot yesterday. A large con sigwnent of empty mall sacks alsi arrived at the post office. It b thought that the number of copie: sent out this year will break all rec ords. ANNUAL MASyi KK.'WiK. Preparations are rapidly beint made for the annual masrpiorndo bal and reception of the Amicitla Asso elation to bo held in their hull in Am boy avenue, this pluce, Thursday February 21, Washington's birthday eve. Invitations will probably be is sued some time next week and al those who are fortunate enough to re ~.elve one will be accorded a fine time The following is the committee In charge df this affair: Albert Cawse chairman; George Harden, Clarence George, William Swade ynd J. Benish. LARGE IRON TANK ARRIVES. A large iron tank, weighing four fons, consigned to .lames McArthur, the contractor erecting the addition to public school No. :!, in Church street, arrived at the local depot yes- terday morning. Cornelius J. Roil- ner, (he local contractor, with a gang of men, was unloading it from a flat car and taking it to the school yester- day afternoon. LOCAL ITEMS. Madame Maretzek still continues ill at the home of her duughter, Mrs Charles F. Wilbur, in Amboy avenue, but slightly improved. Miss Mabel Newberry, of Bayfiew avenue, is slowly recovering from her recent illness. >. u. Albert Davidson, son of Chief J. C? rto..Un,<n nf »c G Whftn Tlontnl Works, Princes Bay, has almost en- tirely recovered from his recent ill- ness, Simpson Gildersleeve, of ApibPl avenue, is confined to his how a with pneumonia. ,,, Wesley Thompson is able to be out again after his recent illness. 7 Max Wilbur, of this place, is still at Monticcllo, Sullivan county;iWew York. At last reports he was «iu<» Improved in health. Miss Lydia Decker has returned to her home again in Princes Bax attej; a visit with relatives in Railway. A meeting of Molly Stark Coutlcll, Daughters of America, will be. held In their rooms in Amlcitia hall to- night. Abram Latourette, of the United States navy, now stationed at the Brooklyn navy yard, returned again tf> that place after a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Abram Latour- atte; ill Sharrott avenue, last week. The Happy Six Social Club, of Sandy Ground, is making prepara- tions fori a strawvtdc to take place thortly. 1 Invitations will bo isBued this week. A reception will be held upon their return home at the home of one of the" members. The subject of the general prayer meeting in St. Mark’s M. E. church tonight wilt he. "Blessed are the Meek.” The pastor, Rev. J. B, ,-J.i Rhodes, will be In charge. A meeting of the Young Men’s Brotherhood will be held in St. Mark’s M. E. church tomorrow night at 7:45 o’clock. Much Interest Is be- ing manifested in this organization. All young men over sixteen years old, are Invited to join. A pure food sale for the benefit of the Mission Study Class of SI. Mark’s M. E. church will be held iu the church Saturday afternoon from 2 to 5 o'clock. All kinds of homemade bread, cakes and pies will be offered for sale. The Korean Heirloom. The heirloom of greatest import- ance in the Korean family is Uws hat It is made frem the hair of the .family ancestor, and is handed down, .from father to son. Sign of Self-Mastery. s When you can pass a sign reading "Fresh Paint" and not put the..paint to the finger test., you are in fair con- trol of yourself.—John Howland. -■ lCl Voluminous Veiling. Armenian women envelop ‘them1 selves in great sheets ot cotton doth when they go abroad. The sheds are to veil them. _■ .'V., -UMI In the Near Future. The Cook tselectlns her employ- er)—Well, Ol lollte the looks o' yez. But phwat riferinces hcv yez from the glr-rl that hod yez last?—Puck. Ancient Philosophy. "The man,” said Epicurus, solemnly, "who utilized the nutmeg had a grate mind.”—Philadelphia Press. Live and Let Live. "Live" spelled backward is%“evil;” and "lived” is the "devil.” Peril in Lithography. It is claimed that ir> per cent, ol lithographers die of tuberculosli. Kate—Outdoor life Is good foi nervous people. It occupies the mine pleasantly. Hollister’s Rocky Mouu tain Tea, cheers the heart and makei life worth living. f35 cents, Tea oi Tablets. Sexton's Drug Store. 1 IMVrrvn.' C LI 11. The Crescent Ettchrq, Club was <>n- j tertrifmcl at-the #)rt<e%f TMrs. Bdtilf j Larsen, .In Amboy avenue, yesterday | afternoon. The feature of the after- | noon was progressive euchre. Re- j fresh meats were served by the hos- 11 tens. Those who received prizes were Mrs. Edward BalMet, first prize, nap- kins, und Mrs. Truman Simonson, second, lunchc loth. Mrs. Larsen had as her guest Miss Hilda Peterson, The next meeting will be held at trie home of Mrs: Edward Lovett, In Amboy avenue. ELKS ENTERTAINMENT. The annual entertainment of Stat- en Island Lodge No. 841, B. P. O. Elks, held Monday night at the Ger- man club rooms, attracted one of the largest gatherings of the season. The Criterion Dramatic Club, of Staten Island, presented rPinero’s "In Chan- cery.” A dance foilpwod the enter- tainment. The proceeds will go into the? building fund of-the lodge. NOW HAVE STEAM UEAT. .7. H. HenderHhol, of German Val- ley, N. J., has just completed the in- stalling of a large steam heater in the Aquehonga hotel, in Amboy avenue. The plant is thoroughly upt-o-datc. A radiator has been placed In every room in the hotel. FOR PRIZE EUCHRE. A meeting of the committee for the prize euchre of Richmond Camp, Woodmen of the World, will be held at the home of John Preacher, In Wil- liam street, tomorrow night. MANY AT SERVICES. The special revival services are still being largely attended each night in the South Baptist church, in Main street. Rev. W. Parkinson Chase Is Conducting the services. '13 LOCAL ITEMS. The Evening Euchre Club will be ! nntnninlnnd n »!■»/> V? r\ ivi \yf CL? ! ward Balliet, In Butler avenue, to- 1 Aight. A business meeting of the Epworth ! League, of St. Paul’s M. E. church, jyill be held in the church parlors to- I morrow night at 7:45 o'clock. A-food sale will be held In the lec- | ture room of the South Baptist I church on Saturday afternoon from 2 : to 5 o’clock. The T. T. T. Social Club will be en- tertained at the home of the Misses Cook, in Wood avenue, tomorrow night. D. W. Robertson will give an enter- tainment ad moving picture show in K. or P. hall tonight. Mrs. .7. F. Bedell, Mrs. George W. Moore, Mrs. George Hoehn and El- mont Bedell attended a reception in Homecrest, Long Island, Monday night. Sidney Callman, of New York city, formerly of this place, was a local visitor yesterday. A meeting of the Young People’s Society, of the Church of St. Stephen, will be held in the church tonight. George Beckel, of New York city, was the guest of Miss Florence Morey, In William street, Tuesday. A meeting of the Carpenters’ Un- ion, Local 11188, was held in the Leh- man building last night. Lester Duryea, of New Brighton, VaS a local visitor yesterday. Captain William Cunningham, of Brooklyn, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. N. Peterson, In Broadway. Harry Henne, contractor, of Amboy avenue, was In New York yesterday to purchase a large block and falls for use at the new school building. A meeting of Washington Council, No. 24. Daughters of Liberty, was held In Mechanic hall last night. Mrs. .7. E. Benz„ of Broadway, will entertain the Fleur De Lis Euchre Club tomorrow afternoon. A STRAPPING YOUTH, Kneeling at her tiny feet Shod in dainty shoes, For a pleasure so complete Who'll a chance refuse? As she lingers on' the Ice ;ut* And to give awaits Joy to some admirer litre Strapping on her skates. Careful not to pinch her toes. Nor to bruise her heels, Though a fellow freeze ills noso Or an car congeals. Naught can chill his bliss tc hold Those wee pedal mates. j Strapping on her skates. Agt. Too Suggestive. Sands PHtes—What did the kind lady say when you told her all dem historical stories? Gritty George—She said I was a was * “wise old saw." Sandy Pikes—Great hobos! Ycr Next thing she'll be ex- you to show up at de wood- -Chicago Daily News. LIKE DARK COLORS. Johns—I heard you tell that man to never darken your door again. Try- ins U > marry your daughter? Thorns—No; he's a .inter and he 1 painted my front door instead of oak.—Troy Budget. ManZan Pile B up in ly H> It- lg or *• i Lyons, of West New Brighton Coun- cil. Speeches were made by District Deputy Burke, Regent pahill, District Deputy Anderson, Bast Regent Pep- per, Regent Cronk, Regent Chadwick, Alternate Representative Cronk and others. District Deputy Burke, in it pleasing speech presented Past Reg- ent Pepper with the past regent’s ; jt'WOls. A short session was held before the Installation. ... After tlie ceremonies all adjourned to the lower hall, where a banquet was served by the Ladies Auxiliary of the council. The officers installed wore: Past, regent. Dewitt H. Pepper; regent, A. Powell Cronk; vice regent, Edward Coogan; orator, Martin H. Cronk; secretary, Aime B. Marsh; collector, Charles W Knight: treasurer, John Newctcnu; chaplain, liim.go S. Li.utn; guide, Eugene Cunv; warden, Alfred J. Smith; sentry, Charles H. Higbee; trustee, A. J. Simonson; organist, Charles W. Knight. The representa- tives to the hospital relief are Martin H. Cronk and Aime B. Marsh, and representatives to Arcanum work bureau, li. A. Bachman and Emil Jost. CilVK TWO CANTATAK. The Ladles' Aid Society, of St. Paul’s M. E. church, is making prep- In Knights of Pythias hall March 14. The firs I will l)o a cantata entitled "A Carnival of Nations," by the chil- dren of the Sunday school, and the second will be a sacred cantata. "Easter with the Angels," by the young people of the Sunday school. Rehearsals are now going on undet- the direction of Mrs. Benjamin Roth- schild. Mrs. Anna O.1 Davis, orga^jst of the church, and Mrs. Charles T. Van Duzen, superintendent of the primarv department. They will be assisted by the Philharmonic orches- < dra. The society is also making prep- arations for a chicken pate supper to be given in the chapel of the church Washington’s birthday, February 22. CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATION. The Municipal Civil Service Com- mission has announced that the men- tal eaxminajion for the position as fireman in ttie fire department of the city of New York will be held Febru- ary 7. Although many of the candi- dates on the list have received only 69 per cent., on their physical exam- ination, they will be allowed to take this examination. This does not mean that if they pass the mental test that they will go on the list. It means that they will be allowed to take advantage of an appeal to the commissioners, for reconsideration of their physical rating, but if a man has received only 69 per cent, in the physical and receives the same mark- ing in the mental, he will be rejected. Notices to appear for the mental torlt are being sent out today. A PRETTY WEDDING. ^ The marriage of Miss Fannie Sweeney, only daughter of Mrs. Kath- erine Sweeney, of Amboy avenue. Pleasant Plains, and Joseph Brown, of the same place, took place at 4ho Church of Our Lady Help of Chris- tians, in Amboy avenue, this place, at HI o'clock this morning. The cere- mony was performed by Rev. Father James M. Byrnes, pastor of tho church. Both are ponular young people of that place. Mr. Brown is a patrolman attached to the eighty-first nrldnct station house in West New Brighton. A reception followed at the home of the bride’s parentB. They left this morning for a short wedding trip. OPENS AN OFFICE. 1 vj Conner, oi mis place, who is in the state archttect’fi office in Albany, N. Y., has opened an offlc iu Elk street, that city, under the ftrn oanic of Bralnard & O’Conner, arcHi tects. They have already Becured large contract and are business. The medicine that world thinking, The remedy on v agree, The prescription all taking, is Hollister’s Rnrtrv Sexton’s Drug Sto STATEN ISLAND RAPID TRANSIT R’Y. T,pSiyA?,jI5 IN EFFECT NOV. 1. tnoe ili* ’VToo.T^rS;«: m*?- H^yson’fyt6148’ #:4*’ 7:00. s'MOr9%0tO10?00rt,l 1 «J"“oy:'8:0°- m„ 1:00, 2-00 2-40 ? in12:00 7:30Un9'100y810n0'0 W Ho"d^»- 1:00, 2:00 S-00°0i-#n *&?“•!. 1*:0° m- 8:0> Hn v-m 4°°. 6:00, 6:00, 7:00 Sir UM P m ‘12:80 •: rn. Holld# 1 ^RRY BETWEEN PERTH AMBOY T AND TOTTBlfvTTLT W AMBOY 8:3?a7foo,C7t-30Al8po°oy IM1/1—«:1°. *:1*. 10:52, 11.20 11 -is8.00, 8:52‘ »:52, 10:25 1:53, 2:20 ’2-53 8 M5" 12:20' 12:4s, 1:25 6:33 6:10 s:«’ 2:25' 4:00, 4:33, 5:00 10:18J^8 p^’ 1^00 a.m’ 7:56’ S;0c: 6:15Un6a4a5y8784n7d Holidays. Mi,*!!}?: •:«£ 6:22^ 10:40 1:05, 4:46, 9:48, 8:30 11:05, 2:05, 10:Sb, “10-.3

SOUTH IMBOY.' apillaris · K. J. Kelly and Bertram Miller, of Elizabeth, are the guests of P. J. Mitchell, of Woodbridge avenue. Miss Mary Mitchell, of Woodbridge avenue, is spending

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Page 1: SOUTH IMBOY.' apillaris · K. J. Kelly and Bertram Miller, of Elizabeth, are the guests of P. J. Mitchell, of Woodbridge avenue. Miss Mary Mitchell, of Woodbridge avenue, is spending


The N. Y. At U B. Ft IF. lias been repairing (ho John at red crossing. It was sometliing that was very much

■ needed, but not more so than the pas- senger station which is filthy and in an unsanitary condition. Why the company leaves such a ramshackle concern an an eye sore to their pat- rons we are unable to say, but tills we will say, that a few days ago as we were in the Kuril an River waiting room some half-dozen i '.dies came in and by their conversation we learned that they wore waiting for a trniii o

the N. Y. At L. B. R. K. They said Ihov could not stand ill the N. Y. Ac b. B. R. R- waiting room, but came in the Raritan River waiting room, where it was comfortable and decent. 1 should think this would shame tlie powers that be to have a small road I like tho Raritan River excel them iu iheir accommodations for their pat- rons.

SOON WAS DISCOURAGED. As reported in yesterday’s NEWS,

William R. Vochringer and Saxbury Wuridell had bought the stock and goodwill of the John street bakery from John Patterson. The necessary papers were drawn up and signed, also a three years’ lease was signed by Michael Welsh, who owns the building, upon which the parties paid one month's rent in advance to Mr. Welsh and Tuesday morning they took possession. How much they paid Mr. Patterson wo did not learn, hut we did learn that Tuesday before 12 o’clock they had become discour- aged and abandoned till the property they had secured and were well on

tlieir way to tho city. What disheart- ened them so quickly we have been unable to learn.

TEACHERS ill. There seems fo bo considerable ill-

ness among the teachers in our public schools. Miss Mercy Hillman was so

111 Tuesday that she was.unable to

meet with her scholars, and Miss Mary Hillman acted as substitute for bur. Miss Mary Buchanan was also ill on Tuesday and Mrs. C. Voorhees substituted for'her.

MOVE WHOLE PLANT HERE. \ The Acme Underwear Company has

ft” concluded to move the whole of their manufacturing plant to South Amboy. They hatte secured the balance of the Odd Fellows’ building and the differ- ent ordfers that have been accustomed to medt in the upper hall are about

vacating the same.


Assistant Postmaster Edwin Roddy availed himself of the pleasure of a

trip over to Perth Amboy Monday, but bis going there was purely a mat- ter of business.

Mr. Schwartz, assistant manager of the Colonial Life Insurance Company, was In South Amboy Tuesday and called on Judge Mason.

Nels Llnderberger, the brakeman who was hurt about six weeks ago, has so far recovered as to be. able to

get around without crutches. He en-

joyed the pleasure of a trip Monday qn the train on which he was former- ly employed and also enjoyed the pleasure of meeting those he knew and giving them the friendly hand- shake.

Mrs. William H. Brower died at her home in New York Sunday night. Mention is made of this fact for the reason that Mrs. Brower has many friends In South Amboy with whom she had frequently met and it. was

presumed that it might be of interest to them to know of the sad occur-

rence. Mrs. Hattie Petty, of Second street,

was a Perth Amboy visitor Tuesday. Elias Stratton, of First street, who

has been ill for several weeks, has sufficiently recovered as to resume his business and Tuesday was again at the throttle.

R. P. Mason, of First street, made a quick trip to New York city on

business Tuesday of this wpek. Miss Grace Albaugh has secured a

situation as stenographer and type- k

vrliter with the International Smoke- Powder Company at Parlln.

^Alfred Smith, of Catherine street, s a New York visitor Tuesday op

WG0k. { 98 Isabelle Wilson, of Newark, Jting Mr. and Mrs. Geo>rg(> Tay- [f John street. / «. E. J. Rogers,Mrs. Rue, of Sgton, a|i?,.'!*tfiting Mrs. Rogers' ’» Mrs. -Howard Bloodgood, of street/^ ,.Dry7ier, state Inspector of high p/-made a short visit to tho Amboy schol yesterday. Tho

Term examination being in pro- his stay was unusually short.

..e cold wave passing over this HE "Action of (lie country tHo past few wl' days has made ice skating possible

•.wj and many of the young people are Wt taking advantage of the occasion and t the sounds of enjoyment were heard

yesterday on Stovensdale lake.

Subscribe ror the NEWS.

Stm tTAMB 0Y~wants! For Kent—A, six room house on Pros-

pect street at Maxville In the bor- ough. Inquire on premises of Mrs. J. W. Bolce. 6257-1-16-tf

First National Hank, of South Am- boy, N. ,T., pays Interest in their

special deposit department from Jan- nary 1, 1907, If deposited on or be- fore January 10, 1907.


Wanted—A number of men to cut cord wood. Inquire of A. O. Earn-

est, South Amboy, N. J. 6334-1-19-23-26

For Sule—One young Jersey cow. Can be seen at H. C. Perrlne's,

Swan Hill, South Amboy, N. J. 6386-l-23-0t

-4 -4 -4 4 4 ■!« 4 4 -4 4 4 4-4


•• *

State and Smith Streets ■ •

Cor. New Brunswick Ave., 4 ■I. 4 1—4 4 4. 4 4- 4 4 4 4-4-

j1 Hill Mamfel*,

apillaris It Absolutely Curei All Scalp and Skin

Diseases, cbntilc canes of Kczems. Salt Rheum. Ac, Ac., Falling Hair, Dandruff, Itching Scalp, Poisonous tilings mid Bites. 6 to 10 applica- tions draw to surface and cure all humors babies and children are subject to. Merit alone, without advertising, has created uu immense sale all over America, and hundreds of thouMtuls of sufferers have been cured with from a ha If to one bottle. Try It today and you will tell your frienda of this wonderful cure.

C. A. Sexton j 70 Smith Street


The correspondent of the NEWS was requested to publish that the fol- lowing young men from South Amboy enjoyed the pleasure of attending and taking part in the exercises at the roller skating rink at Keyport Satur- day evening last: J. H. Cozzons, R. Everett, M. Lamborston, J. Thomp- son, H. Bowen, H. Diebert and H. Littell. The informant said the floor met one of the young men half way, at least he thought it did.

DIPHTHERIA APPEARS. Diphtheria has made its appoar-

tnce in the borough In Main street, flip seven-year-old child of Mr. and Mrs. Seaman Christian was stricken :vlth this dread disease Monday. In- spector Sexton, of the Board of Health, has placed the home under luarantino and It is hoped that the lisease may be effectually eradicated without further spreading.

| METUCHE | lllliHUMM _I

LOCAL EtKMS. Mrs. Frank Salvage, of Philadel-

phia, has cards out for a reception at her home on January 30.

The Woodmen gave a banquet at the Metuchen Inn Monday evening, it was well attended and a success in every way. The toasts were respond- ed to heartily.

Miss Daisy Orton is ill at her home. Mrs. DeWhite Lent, of Philadel-

phia, who was about to return to Me- tuchen, is seriously ill with pneu- monia.

Mrs. Cephas Waile is spending a

few days with tier daughter, Mrs. Wells, of New York

Lawyer George Silzer was a guest of Governor Stokes Monday evening.

Father Explains. Johnny—Papa, what does automo-

bile mean? Papa—It comes from the Greek

‘‘auto”—self—and the I-alln "mobile” movement. It means a machine that goes by itself.

Johnny—Doesn't any one have any- thing to do with it.?

Papa (who tries to drive a horse and buggy)—No one with any self-re- spect.—Home Magazine.

Rough on Bill. “What has become of Bad Bill?"

asked the new arrival In the Frozen Heart hotel.

“Bad Bill?” echoed the landlord. “Oh, he ‘bit the dust' yesterday."

“What? Had Bill dead?" "Oh, no. Bill took a ride in a ten-

derfoot’s gasoline carriage and swal- lowed a peck of dust in a twenty-mile spin."—Chicago Dally Nows.

All Hi* Trouble in Vain. The scientist, had invaded -th?>'Jun-

gle and conquered tht^monkey lan- guage. -•

"And,.iiqw that you have acquired obit lingo,” said the head monkey, -•’nave you any information of value to convey to us?”

Of course, the scientist, nonplused, had to sneak back to civilization.

Moments of History. Ulysses looked upon the sirens with

considerable amusement, at the same

time ordering the man at the prow not to hurry.

“There was a time," he observed

flippantly, "when your antics would have amused me. But—musical com-

edy is not what it used to be.”—Lite.

Mr. Henpeck Warned. Mr. Henpeck—I shall have to go to

town to-day, my dear, and I shall want some money, for there's train tare, lunch, 'bus fares, and I've got to—

Mrs. H.—Well, then, take this shil- ling, and mind, if you come home the worse for drink I'll not let you in.

A Society Mother. Rector—And have you any children' Society Woman—Yes; three little

darlings. * Rector—Are they boys or girls? Society Woman—D.ear me! Do yot

know, for the moment I can't remom

ber?—X. Y. Times.

Not Guilty. "Pop!" "Yes, my son.” "Do poets have to be born?" "Yes. my boy." '■Ain't the stork rosmmsihle for

His View Point. "I see that the dtikc of Atholl, in

England, has 22 titles." "What of it?" “Wouldn’t you like to have that

many and be able to sell each one to an heiress?”—Milwaukee Sentinel.

‘‘Pineulerfjj tt,-alcoholic) math from resin sj /s^mir Pine Forests used for huno/^fiS of years for Blad

■ der and Kidney diseases. Medlcin for thirty days, $1.00. Guaranteed Sold by Sexton, druggist.

.r; .iP^r j ROOSEVELT. |

K. J. Kelly and Bertram Miller, of Elizabeth, are the guests of P. J. Mitchell, of Woodbridge avenue.

Miss Mary Mitchell, of Woodbridge avenue, is spending a few days in Eliza beth.

Julius Hilf, traveling salesman for the firm of Mnhlendorf & Company,

i of New York, was In town Monday, j Dr. Joseph Wantoek was in New ! York yesterday.

Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Steinberg at- tended a wedding in New York last night.

DOCAl7lTE.MfC Mrs. George Devon, of Main street,

Is out again after a short Illness. The Misses Bessie Hodapp and

| Edith Arnold spent.Sunday with Miss

Npllie Clark, of Perth Amboy. Rev. Mr. Reynolds is improving

after a serious cold, which kept him in the house recently.

Tho entertainment for the benefit of the public.school was largely at-

tended. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Edwards and

son, of Jamesburg, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Ivins.

Mrs. Behringer spent part of the past week with friends in New Bruns- wick.

John O. Cozzcns is confined to the house with pneumonia.

Albert Moore, of Main street, has secured work at the Physical Culture Publishing house.

William Petty is very sick at his homo in Main street.

Btshop Scarborough, of Trenton, visited St. Peter's parish Sunday and confirmed a class of four. They were oieviu Appieny anu Mamie reuy. George Petty and Howard Hulit.

William Croneli and son Frederick ^pent Sunday with relatives tn New Brunswick.

W. H. Hulit, who was very sick. It able to go back to work at Ilelmetta again.

Holmes Van Dusen Is mourning the loss of his grandfather. Mr. Davison, of Cranbury, who died Saturday morning.

Miss May Miller, of Jamesburg. was the guest of Mrs. H. Van Dusen Monday.

Frank Vliet, of Trenton, was the ruest of his mother, Mrs. John Vliet, Sunday.

It is rumored that one of our most optilar young ladies is to be married


Father Time’s Joke. Father Time had stopped to sharpen

Ills Bcythe. “Why,” exclaimed the Fool Killer,

whe was close at hand, “you look thinner than when I met you last.”

Father Time lauglfed. "In that case," he replied, “I sup-

pose you would allude to me as spare time."—Chicago Dally News.

An Appropriate Motto. Cemetery Sculptor—You wish a

monument to your aunt? Yes, sir, 1 knew your dear, departed relative very well, sir. She was all her life a board- ing house keeper in my neighborhood. Do you wish a motto inscribed on It,' sir?

Englishman—Oh, yes. Put hon “Peace to ’or h’ashes."—N. Y. Weekly.



Winks—Most divorces are caused

by a common mistake. Jinks—What is it? Winks—Many a man in love only

with a dimple or a curl makes the mistake of marrying the whole girl.— Cincinnati Enquirer.

Neighborly Comment. Mrs. Callers—I see Mrs. Homer hai

a uew fall bonnet. Mrs. Neighbors—Yes; iter husbanl

had a streak of good luck. Mrs. Callers—How was that? Mrs. Neighbors—He took out an ac

cident policy for $25 a week recently ; and the very next day he broke his j leg.—Chicago Daily News.

-- ■■ ■

Doesn’t Miss Them. "I suppose," said the garrulous

j uncle, “now that you have come intc your money you have found thai

j riches will not buy everything?” "Yes," assented the nephew, “bul

; I have found that the few things money won’t buy I can get along without."— Detroit Free Press.

Expansion. | He—They say travel broadens i

person. She—Surely. The moment a mat

enters ,a car he Spreads out over hall a doceu seals.—Judge.

Bee’s Laxative Cough Syrup con

talnlng Honey and Tar Is especially appropriate for children, no opiate; or poisons of any character, conform;

; to the conditions of the National Pur* Food and Drug Law, June 30, 1900 For Croup, Whooping Cough, etc. 1

s expels Coughs and Colds by gently moving the bowels. Guaranteed Sold by Sexton, druggist.

PROGRAM FOR RECITAL. I At the organ recital,in the CoBgre- ! Rational entirch Thursday night, at 8 o’clock. Mr. J. Warren Andrews, org- anist of the Churdh of the Divine Paternity, New York, will be assisted

■ by Miss Estelle Harris, soprano solo- j isi of that church. The program will

be as follows: ! Organ fa) Fugue, St. Ann’s.

,T. S. Bach (b) Caprice In, B. Flat. A. Guilmant (c) Berceuse in F.Gounod

Mr. Andrews | Soprano solo, Come Uuto Him..Cohen

Miss Estelle Harris ; Organ (a) Toccata and Fugue in D Minor.J. S. Bach th) Communion In G.Batiste (c) Largo In O.. Handel-Whltney

Mr. Andrews ! Soprano solo, Loves Whisper.

Berwald Miss Harris

| Organ (a) Offertoire, fit. Cecilia No. 2 .Batiste

j (b)Fanfare in D.Lemmons Mr. Andrews

Soprano solo, Spring.Hlldacb Miss Harris

Organ (a) Marche Militalrc. .Gounod (b) March of the Magi. Th. Dubois (c) Andantlno in D Flat.

Edwin H. Sernare Mr. Andrews

Organ (a) Gavptlp, Mlgnun. .Thomas (h) Chromatlsche Fantaise.

S. Thiele Mr. Andrews

LOCAL ITEMS. Miss Minerva Young, who has been

111 with tonsllitls at: her home at Crab Beach, Is slowly recovering.

The Salmagundi Society will meet on Tuesday evening, January 2!>, al the residence of Dr. B, \V. Hoaglund.

Do not forget the bread, cake, pie handkerchief and apron sale pn Fri day afternoon at the home of Mrs.

| Freeman Rowlands under the dlrec- ! LI VII VI IUC luUlvn VI UJU II VO IJ LtT (ill

church. A kindergarten entertainment and

sociable will be held at the home of Mrs.. F. P. Antiess the last week in January under the direction of the Builders.

Mrs. J. H. Love and Miss Marian Love spent Tuesday out of town.

The turkey supper in the Congre- gational church for fifty cents is Thursday night, January 31.

j RIIRUEHOT. | ^ LOCAL ITEMS. Herbert Lunl, of Rossvllle, has re-

covered from Ills vecent Illness and returned to his duties at tho S. S. White Dental Works.

The new house of Charles Ander- son. In Androvette avenue, Is being rapidly completed and will probably bo ready for occupancy shortly.

A meeting of the.,newly organized Atlas Fife and Drum corps will lie held some time this week.

Stephen Houseman is slowly recov-

ering from his recent illness. The special evangelistic services

are still being lurgelyiattended each night in Woodrow M. E. church. The services are being conducted by the pastor, Rev. Frank Walton. The ser- vices will come to a Close at the end of this week.


?lou>:, Hiouitl A girl In the'city of Sl<ihx Ran a ter,penny nail in Uer rhioux,

’Trias a terrible tii^C, ... And—to make this tiling rime—

If made Her feel awfully bliouv >. -Milwaukee Sentinel.

* 1

The Language of South Africa. A language lives or die3 according

to Its vitality, and Prof.’Do Vrts might is well try to drive feack the sea as

to stem tho spread of English as the language of South Africa.—Cape Town

j Times.

Auk Egg Brings High Price. Mr. Beville Stanier, of Peplow Hall,

Shropshire. England, who bought the Hawkins collection of British birds ecently, sold the Sheffield specimen

• ,f the great auk which It contained

j (or $2,000. -- ,.

Wherein Lies Real QlOry. "AS In a game of cards, so in the

I ;ame ov life, we must play what Iz

I lealt tew us. and the glory consists

I .J.W w OU »uu.v» ..***0

| a pore hand well."—Josh Billings. ---,—

Snail's Sense of Smell.

j Recent Investigations show that snails have a xer.se of smell which, however. Is not localized, but extends

| over the greater part of the body.

Pins by the Million. The largest pin factory In the world

is at Birmingham. England, where nearly 40,000,000 pins are raariufac-

j tured ill a day.

The Cleared Vision.

j Seeing the little foolishness of life : is one way of acquiring some of i life’s wisdom.

London’s Many Newspapers. More than one fourth of all Eng-

lish newspapers arc published in London.

Its wonderful power goes to the seat of your trouble, vitalizes, streng- thens every part of your bodvfl That’s what Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea does. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Sex- ton’a Drug Stoic. -■ ■ >

+ 4.-4. >1 4» -I1 'I' * 4--4»-4* 4» 4«'4»-4—4" 4""4»1 4«

■ < v’ •;! J

A Present of a Complete Course in our school would be a most valuable gift to your J toy or girl. ----- J

I Crainer's Private School ; Scheuer Building Perth Amboy, j

: **'‘ \ ,,

i 14. 4. 4. 4. + ,|. 4*-4» 4. "4t-4« '4* 4-4- ■* ■!’ 4- ♦ 4* * *■

— ■ ■■I-


Another large shipment trf pack ages containing copies of tie ‘TIctme less Child,” a paper printed at Mt Loretta, will be made from the loca express office and the post office in :

few days. About ten of the largi trunks used^n shipping the package: from here to New York city arrive! at I he depot yesterday. A large con

sigwnent of empty mall sacks alsi arrived at the post office. It b thought that the number of copie: sent out this year will break all rec ords.

ANNUAL MASyi KK.'WiK. Preparations are rapidly beint

made for the annual masrpiorndo bal and reception of the Amicitla Asso elation to bo held in their hull in Am boy avenue, this pluce, Thursday February 21, Washington's birthday eve. Invitations will probably be is

sued some time next week and al those who are fortunate enough to re

~.elve one will be accorded a fine time The following is the committee In

charge df this affair: Albert Cawse chairman; George Harden, Clarence George, William Swade ynd J. Benish.

LARGE IRON TANK ARRIVES. A large iron tank, weighing four

fons, consigned to .lames McArthur, the contractor erecting the addition to public school No. :!, in Church street, arrived at the local depot yes- terday morning. Cornelius J. Roil- ner, (he local contractor, with a gang of men, was unloading it from a flat car and taking it to the school yester- day afternoon.

LOCAL ITEMS. Madame Maretzek still continues ill

at the home of her duughter, Mrs Charles F. Wilbur, in Amboy avenue, but slightly improved.

Miss Mabel Newberry, of Bayfiew avenue, is slowly recovering from her recent illness. >. u.

Albert Davidson, son of Chief J. C? rto..Un,<n nf »c G Whftn Tlontnl

Works, Princes Bay, has almost en-

tirely recovered from his recent ill- ness,

Simpson Gildersleeve, of ApibPl avenue, is confined to his how a with pneumonia. ,,,

Wesley Thompson is able to be out again after his recent illness. 7

Max Wilbur, of this place, is still at Monticcllo, Sullivan county;iWew York. At last reports he was «iu<» Improved in health.

Miss Lydia Decker has returned to her home again in Princes Bax attej; a visit with relatives in Railway.

A meeting of Molly Stark Coutlcll, Daughters of America, will be. held In their rooms in Amlcitia hall to- night.

Abram Latourette, of the United States navy, now stationed at the Brooklyn navy yard, returned again tf> that place after a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Abram Latour- atte; ill Sharrott avenue, last week.

The Happy Six Social Club, of Sandy Ground, is making prepara- tions fori a strawvtdc to take place thortly.

1 Invitations will bo isBued

this week. A reception will be held upon their return home at the home of one of the" members.

The subject of the general prayer meeting in St. Mark’s M. E. church tonight wilt he. "Blessed are the Meek.” The pastor, Rev. J. B, ,-J.i Rhodes, will be In charge.

A meeting of the Young Men’s Brotherhood will be held in St. Mark’s M. E. church tomorrow night at 7:45 o’clock. Much Interest Is be- ing manifested in this organization. All young men over sixteen years old, are Invited to join.

A pure food sale for the benefit of the Mission Study Class of SI. Mark’s M. E. church will be held iu the church Saturday afternoon from 2 to

5 o'clock. All kinds of homemade bread, cakes and pies will be offered for sale.

The Korean Heirloom. The heirloom of greatest import-

ance in the Korean family is Uws hat

It is made frem the hair of the .family ancestor, and is handed down, .from

father to son.

Sign of Self-Mastery. s

When you can pass a sign reading "Fresh Paint" and not put the..paint to the finger test., you are in fair con-

trol of yourself.—John Howland. -■ lCl

Voluminous Veiling. Armenian women envelop ‘them1

selves in great sheets ot cotton doth when they go abroad. The sheds are

to veil them. _■ .'V., -UMI

In the Near Future. The Cook tselectlns her employ-

er)—Well, Ol lollte the looks o' yez. But phwat riferinces hcv yez from the glr-rl that hod yez last?—Puck.

Ancient Philosophy. "The man,” said Epicurus, solemnly,

"who utilized the nutmeg had a grate mind.”—Philadelphia Press.

Live and Let Live. "Live" spelled backward is%“evil;”

and "lived” is the "devil.”

Peril in Lithography. It is claimed that ir> per cent, ol

lithographers die of tuberculosli.

Kate—Outdoor life Is good foi nervous people. It occupies the mine pleasantly. Hollister’s Rocky Mouu tain Tea, cheers the heart and makei life worth living. f35 cents, Tea oi Tablets. Sexton's Drug Store.

1 IMVrrvn.' C LI 11. The Crescent Ettchrq, Club was <>n-

■ j tertrifmcl at-the #)rt<e%f TMrs. Bdtilf

j Larsen, .In Amboy avenue, yesterday | afternoon. The feature of the after- | noon was progressive euchre. Re-

j fresh meats were served by the hos- 11 tens. Those who received prizes were

Mrs. Edward BalMet, first prize, nap- kins, und Mrs. Truman Simonson, second, lunchc loth. Mrs. Larsen had as her guest Miss Hilda Peterson,

The next meeting will be held at trie home of Mrs: Edward Lovett, In

Amboy avenue.

ELKS ENTERTAINMENT. The annual entertainment of Stat-

en Island Lodge No. 841, B. P. O.

Elks, held Monday night at the Ger- man club rooms, attracted one of the

largest gatherings of the season. The Criterion Dramatic Club, of Staten Island, presented rPinero’s "In Chan- cery.” A dance foilpwod the enter- tainment. The proceeds will go into the? building fund of-the lodge.

NOW HAVE STEAM UEAT. .7. H. HenderHhol, of German Val-

ley, N. J., has just completed the in- stalling of a large steam heater in the Aquehonga hotel, in Amboy avenue.

The plant is thoroughly upt-o-datc. A radiator has been placed In every room in the hotel.

FOR PRIZE EUCHRE. A meeting of the committee for the

prize euchre of Richmond Camp, Woodmen of the World, will be held at the home of John Preacher, In Wil- liam street, tomorrow night.

MANY AT SERVICES. The special revival services are still

being largely attended each night in the South Baptist church, in Main street. Rev. W. Parkinson Chase Is

Conducting the services.


The Evening Euchre Club will be ! nntnninlnnd n »!■»/> V? r\ ivi \yf CL?

! ward Balliet, In Butler avenue, to- 1 Aight.

A business meeting of the Epworth ! League, of St. Paul’s M. E. church, jyill be held in the church parlors to-

I morrow night at 7:45 o'clock. A-food sale will be held In the lec-

| ture room of the South Baptist I church on Saturday afternoon from 2 : to 5 o’clock.

The T. T. T. Social Club will be en- tertained at the home of the Misses Cook, in Wood avenue, tomorrow night.

D. W. Robertson will give an enter- tainment ad moving picture show in K. or P. hall tonight.

Mrs. .7. F. Bedell, Mrs. George W. Moore, Mrs. George Hoehn and El- mont Bedell attended a reception in Homecrest, Long Island, Monday night.

Sidney Callman, of New York city, formerly of this place, was a local visitor yesterday.

A meeting of the Young People’s Society, of the Church of St. Stephen, will be held in the church tonight.

George Beckel, of New York city, was the guest of Miss Florence Morey, In William street, Tuesday.

A meeting of the Carpenters’ Un- ion, Local 11188, was held in the Leh- man building last night.

Lester Duryea, of New Brighton, VaS a local visitor yesterday.

Captain William Cunningham, of Brooklyn, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. N. Peterson, In Broadway.

Harry Henne, contractor, of Amboy avenue, was In New York yesterday to purchase a large block and falls for use at the new school building.

A meeting of Washington Council, No. 24. Daughters of Liberty, was held In Mechanic hall last night.

Mrs. .7. E. Benz„ of Broadway, will entertain the Fleur De Lis Euchre Club tomorrow afternoon.


Kneeling at her tiny feet Shod in dainty shoes,

For a pleasure so complete Who'll a chance refuse?

As she lingers on' the Ice ;ut* And to give awaits

Joy to some admirer litre Strapping on her skates.

Careful not to pinch her toes. Nor to bruise her heels,

Though a fellow freeze ills noso Or an car congeals.

Naught can chill his bliss tc hold Those wee pedal mates.

j Strapping on her skates. Agt.

Too Suggestive. Sands PHtes—What did the kind

lady say when you told her all dem historical stories?

Gritty George—She said I was a was * “wise old saw."

Sandy Pikes—Great hobos! Ycr Next thing she'll be ex-

you to show up at de wood- -Chicago Daily News.


Johns—I heard you tell that man to never darken your door again. Try- ins U > marry your daughter?

Thorns—No; he's a .inter and he 1 painted my front door instead ■ of oak.—Troy Budget.

ManZan Pile B up in ■ ly H>

It- lg or



Lyons, of West New Brighton Coun-

cil. Speeches were made by District

Deputy Burke, Regent pahill, District Deputy Anderson, Bast Regent Pep- per, Regent Cronk, Regent Chadwick, Alternate Representative Cronk and

others. District Deputy Burke, in it

pleasing speech presented Past Reg- ent Pepper with the past regent’s

; jt'WOls. A short session was held before the

Installation. ...

After tlie ceremonies all adjourned to the lower hall, where a banquet was served by the Ladies Auxiliary of the council.

The officers installed wore: Past,

regent. Dewitt H. Pepper; regent, A. Powell Cronk; vice regent, Edward

Coogan; orator, Martin H. Cronk; secretary, Aime B. Marsh; collector, Charles W Knight: treasurer, John

Newctcnu; chaplain, liim.go S. Li.utn; guide, Eugene Cunv; warden, Alfred J. Smith; sentry, Charles H. Higbee; trustee, A. J. Simonson; organist, Charles W. Knight. The representa- tives to the hospital relief are Martin H. Cronk and Aime B. Marsh, and

representatives to Arcanum work bureau, li. A. Bachman and Emil Jost.

CilVK TWO CANTATAK. The Ladles' Aid Society, of St.

Paul’s M. E. church, is making prep-

In Knights of Pythias hall March 14. The firs I will l)o a cantata entitled "A Carnival of Nations," by the chil- dren of the Sunday school, and the second will be a sacred cantata. "Easter with the Angels," by the

young people of the Sunday school. Rehearsals are now going on undet- the direction of Mrs. Benjamin Roth- schild. Mrs. Anna O.1 Davis, orga^jst of the church, and Mrs. Charles T. Van Duzen, superintendent of the

primarv department. They will be assisted by the Philharmonic orches- <

dra. The society is also making prep- arations for a chicken pate supper to be given in the chapel of the church Washington’s birthday, February 22.

CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATION. The Municipal Civil Service Com-

mission has announced that the men- tal eaxminajion for the position as fireman in ttie fire department of the city of New York will be held Febru- ary 7. Although many of the candi- dates on the list have received only 69 per cent., on their physical exam- ination, they will be allowed to take this examination. This does not mean that if they pass the mental test that they will go on the list. It means that they will be allowed to take advantage of an appeal to the commissioners, for reconsideration of their physical rating, but if a man has received only 69 per cent, in the physical and receives the same mark- ing in the mental, he will be rejected. Notices to appear for the mental torlt are being sent out today.


The marriage of Miss Fannie Sweeney, only daughter of Mrs. Kath- erine Sweeney, of Amboy avenue. Pleasant Plains, and Joseph Brown, of the same place, took place at 4ho Church of Our Lady Help of Chris- tians, in Amboy avenue, this place, at HI o'clock this morning. The cere- mony was performed by Rev. Father James M. Byrnes, pastor of tho church. Both are ponular young people of that place. Mr. Brown is a patrolman attached to the eighty-first nrldnct station house in West New Brighton. A reception followed at the home of the bride’s parentB. They left this morning for a short wedding trip.

OPENS AN OFFICE. 1 vj Conner, oi mis place,

who is in the state archttect’fi office in Albany, N. Y., has opened an offlc iu Elk street, that city, under the ftrn oanic of Bralnard & O’Conner, arcHi tects. They have already Becured large contract and are business.

The medicine that world thinking,

The remedy on v agree,

The prescription all taking, is

Hollister’s Rnrtrv Sexton’s Drug Sto


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