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Table of Contents

The Spiritual Significance Of Music ....................................................................................... 3

REPRINT: from article from Alternative Medicine Magazine – ............................................. 4

Finding Your Own Voice ....................................................................................................... 6

Using Low-Frequency Sound to Neutralize Resistant and Mutating Pathogens ..................... 8

BioAcoustic Tech Firm Decodes Swine Flu ............................................................................ 9

New Way to Kill Viruses: Shake Them to Death .................................................................. 10

Holy Grail Mystery Math has Potential to Promote and Extend Life ................................... 12

Breaking the Sound Barriers of Disease .............................................................................. 15

The Harsh Price of being a “Canary” ................................................................................... 16

BioDiet Press Release ......................................................................................................... 18

Three Case Studies Suggesting that Hip Joint Pain has a Common Frequency-based

Biomarker that can be Used to Ameliorate Hip Joint Pain .................................................. 19

Dr. Russ Rudy Multiple Sclerosis Article ............................................................................. 31

If You Can Moan, You Can Tone .......................................................................................... 33

Cheetah Cub Conceived with the Help of BioAcoustics ....................................................... 35

Children beat diabetes with good vibrations ...................................................................... 37

Vocal Profiling – Making Entrepreneurial Excellence a Reality ............................................ 38

Lupus Markers Subject of BioFrequency Cholesterol Study ................................................ 39

Sound Health Open House ................................................................................................. 44

Can voice frequencies be successfully sampled over the phone? ........................................ 45

VVooccaall PPrrooffiilliinngg .................................................................................................................... 46

Sound Presentation ............................................................................................................ 47

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The Spiritual Significance Of Music


According to the mandates of science, everything is frequency, and frequency is everything.

Science shares this thought by stating that the most common denominator of all structure, the

atom, is energy, a form of frequency. An expression attributed to God states that “In the

beginning was the Word” [John 1:1], and since sound is also frequency, God joins science in the

observation that, at its foundation, frequency is the basis of our universe. Color, sound, smell,

touch, vibration, music, and emotion are all forms of frequency. Life and living has energy

patterns of creation and resolution because we are hardwired through our DNA to respond to

the basic principles of rhythm and sound. We have defined music by using the universal

language of frequency based mathematics. As man evolved, language became levels of

harmonious frequencies nestled within structures of great elegance. All language shares this

trait, and all cultures share the reality that music is based on the intrinsic sounds and rhythms of

its society. For me brain is to mind, as body is to spirit; intangible qualities that we attempt to

define using concrete language. Just as it would be impossible to fully define a mind, so it is also

difficult to define the mechanism of how music influences our spirit. We only know that we feel

the experience. Ancient as well as modern, religious practices incorporated sound, music and

rhythm into their rituals of worship and spirituality. It is a common Yogic belief that even a

single atom deprived of vibration would wreck the universe. We exist in a universe that consists

entirely of energy. Einstein proved this. Frequency defines it. Music expresses it. Spirit allows us

to judge, enjoy, or ignore the power of sound expressed as music.

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REPRINT: from article from Alternative Medicine Magazine –

Meaning “life sounds,” Human BioAcousticsTM was developed by Sharry Edwards, M.ED., Founding

Director of the Sound Health Research Institute, in Athens, Ohio. “BioAcoustics can most aptly be described as

a cross between music therapy and biofeedback,” Edwards explains. “It is related to music because specific

combinations of sounds are used, but not necessarily sounds that would be considered musical. Biofeedback

comes into play as low frequency sounds are presented to elicit specific biological and emotional responses.”

The principles of BioAcoustics originated with the idea that the brain perceives and generates impulse

patterns that can be measured as brain-wave frequencies. These impulses are, in turn, delivered to the body by

way of nerve pathways. Based on her research, Edwards theorizes that these frequency impulses serve as

directives that sustain the body’s structural and biochemical integrity and maintain emotional equilibrium.

BioAcoustic uses voice spectral analysis to identify and interpret the complex frequency interactions

that constantly occur within the body. “The frequencies contained in the vocal patterns provide a holographic

representation of the body and its energy patterns,” Edwards says. “BioAcoustics seeks to influence the

systems within the body that produce, interpret, and use those frequencies in order to create and maintain

sound health. My research shows that the body requires a full range of harmonious frequencies working

cooperatively in order for health to exist. If even one note is out of tune, as it were, the result is discordant.”

Edwards began her research into BioAcoustics as a result of the unusual hearing and vocal abilities

with which she was born. Audiological tests first conducted over 30 years ago confirmed the fact that Edwards

is capable of hearing sounds beyond the normal range of human hearing and can vocally produce sine waves.

This testing resulted in Edwards’ first project, which revealed her ability to use her voice to control a person’s

blood pressure levels by as much as 32 points. This, in turn, led her to develop the technology to mechanically

reproduce this technique, along with her instructional training program, which is used to certify other in the

use of BioAcoustics. Today, approximately 3,000 people have taken her training worldwide, with about 40% of

them medical practitioners who use BioAcoustics as a complement to their conventional or alternative


According to Edwards, BioAcoustics voice spectral analysis can detect hidden or underlying stresses in

the body that are expressed as disease. “The vocal print can identify toxins, pathogens, and nutritional

supplements that are too high or low, muscles that are weak or strong and the root cause of symptoms,”

Edwards says. “In addition, it can be used to match the most compatible treatment remedy with each client.”

The introduction of low frequency sound to the body, as indicated through vocal analysis, has been shown to

control pain, body temperature, heart rhythm, and blood pressure, regenerate body tissues, and alleviate the

symptoms of a broad variety of diseases (in some cases, even those that are considered to be incurable)

More recently, microscopic observation has shown that BioAcoustics technology is able to dissolve the

ringed protein barrier used by certain pathogens, such as yeast, Chlamydia pneumoniae, and the Epstein Barr

virus, to avoid detection by the immune system. White blood cells quickly become activated to attack and

consume the pathogens. Based on such results, Edwards foresees BioAcoustics being used to deal with the rise

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of such microorganisms and the conditions associated with them. “It has potential in the eradication of such

diseases as chronic fatigue, influenza, and HIV,” she says, “and it can also help in the fight against antibiotic

resistant pathogens.”

BioAcoustics has also been shown to be affective as a early diagnostic tool even when patients appear

to be symptom-free. As an example of this, Edwards recalls the case of a man who came to her out of curiosity,

wondering what BioAcoustics could reveal about his physical condition. “After I gave him a tour of our

facility, I analyzed his voice,” Edwards recounts. “His vocal print revealed that he might have a serious

thyroid problem even though he had no medical history or evidence of that condition. Just to be sure, I

suggested that he visit his physician, which he did. The laboratory results taken a few days later indicated

nothing abnormal, so both he and his physician dismissed BioAcoustics as having inherent shortcomings. Nine

days later, he collapsed with a set of mysterious symptoms that stumped his doctors. His heartbeat was erratic;

he was sweating profusely, and was anxious and disoriented. Only after he remembered his vocal test and

requested further testing of his thyroid did his physicians find that he indeed had a serious thyroid condition,

which was causing his symptoms. BioAcoustics revealed that this thyroid was in stress nine days prior to any

physical symptoms or lab results.”

The sounds used in BioAcoustic are created by frequency generating and filtering equipment, which

patients listen to either in a sound room or through headphones. Depending on the symptoms, treatment can

be either short- or long-term, Edwards says. In most cases, reassessment, monitoring, and program adjustment

is essential for continued improvement.

Among the condition for which BioAcoustics has shown benefit are chronic illnesses, such as arthritis,

heart disease, diabetes, emphysema, gout, and hypertension; musculoskeletal disorders, including physical

trauma, muscle sprains and strains, osteoporosis, sports injuries, and temporomandibular joint (TMJ)

syndrome; neurological conditions, including cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, and

senility; and psychological disorders, such as anxiety, psychosis, attention deficit disorder (ADD), and learning

disorders. Edwards is in the process of developing computerized techniques to further improve the

BioAcoustics technology, in the hopes that this procedure will become a routine part of preventative and

diagnostic health care just like blood work or pulse-taking.

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Finding Your Own Voice

Finding your own voice takes on new meaning if you begin to consider the possibility that the sounds of your voice may

be a holographic representation of all that you are. Imagine a future in which our individual vocal frequency is our

identification; where the use of frequency based biomarkers contained within our voice can be used to keep us healthy

and emotionally balanced.

From birth to death, we use sounds to express our needs and emotions but there are additional layers of information

hidden within our words. As man evolved, language became levels of intricate harmony nestled within structures of

great elegance that carried meaning and allowed understanding of ourselves and others.

Everything that happens to the body reaches the brain as biofrequencies that are then sorted, routed and assigned an

interpretation but it seems, in modern times, that we carry very little conscious awareness of this information. Did we

as a human race forget, or were we forced to abandon, a great deal of our intrinsic abilities to glean information about

another person simply by hearing their voice?

The recent popularity of the da Vinci code sparked interest in the possibility that a great deal of knowledge has been

kept hidden from the general population. Is the idea that we have dominion over our lives through our thoughts and

intentions an intrinsic fact of human spirit? Can we in truth chant the words and create our Reality?

The obvious success of the movie, The Secret, shows that people are ready to accept the fact that we can think or say

something and have it manifest. Have we sufficiently matured enough to receive the bounty of consciousness produced

reality with wisdom? Do people really know what they want, deep down, devoid of old parental “tapes”, advertising,

peer pressure, the “oughts” and “shoulds” that we are subjected to daily?

If we want to manifest our neighbor’s car or wife for ourselves is this a lack of respect or our basic right of conscious

intention? If we accept the reality that we all fit, perfectly into the perfectly conceived, perfectly interlocking puzzle of

life, then how can we allow any two people to want the exact same item? Someone would do without and therein

resides a basic problem. If we both pray for the same thing, who gets the prize? So how can someone “program” their

lives with the voice of prayer and mantra without bumping into the needs and rights of others?

Many spiritual leaders, though-out the ages, have claimed that we have the power to be who we want to be, to have

what we want. Could it be that the world is designed perfectly and if we really knew the ideal life to manifest, then

everything would be in harmony. But how can we ever know what will perfectly balance our lives? How can we know

what we really want underneath the layers of greed and need?

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We can find our true voice. Nothing is hidden from your own voice. You may be able to lie to your friends and deceive

yourself with your words but the voice does not lie. Vocal Profiling computer software has been built that can evaluate

the frequencies, architectures and harmonics of your voice. Vast frequency based databanks can now be used to create

a report of what you really think, who you are emotionally and the status of your health. The frequencies missing from

your voice are just as important as those that are present. An entire matrix of information, from your DNA to your

partner preferences can be evaluated.

Using this modality, your voice can be used to reveal who you really are under the layer of public personality you have

created. This is an opportunity of the human race to break free of all of the deceit and deception that we live with on a

daily basis.

What would our world be like? Our legal system would be unwarranted if your true voice could be so easily read:

Unsound relationships would crumble, businesses would fall because for the most part, our world is built on what we

can keep hidden from those who think they know us.

Vocal Profiling has the ability to let us know the intentions of our leaders, the motivations of our partners, the pathway

to our sense of self. Would that be of value?

What would a world be like if everyone only spoke the TRUTH? Can you image a society where we are all known by our

frequency signatures that people could read through a voice that truly represented who we are. Could finding our true

voice allow us to create a world full of grace and dignity?

We loudly proclaim that truth should be valued as a virtue. Should it have taken a computer program for us to discover

our internal truth and clarity?


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Using Low-Frequency Sound to Neutralize Resistant and Mutating Pathogens


To examine the incursion of resistant and mutating pathogens plaguing our world population, a pilot study was

undertaken to explore the possibility that low frequency sound presentation could be used to influence pathogenic

activity within the blood.

Preliminary results suggest that infra-sound can be used to “decloak” the bubble-like protective barrier used by invading

pathogens to mask their presence within the body. In addition, the results suggest that specific frequency formulations

support the immune system in its attempts to identify and influence the activity of the body's killer cells, thereby

causing a decrease in patient symptoms.

Although a controversial idea, it has been proposed that when an invading pathogen infiltrates an organism, the

pathogen seeks to conceal its identity in order to escape detection by the immune system. It is postulated that when

protein digestion is inefficient, invading pathogens can more easily capitalize on the situation by using protein debris to

cloak themselves and therefore avoid discovery.

During this small study (n=17) the presentation of ambient, low -frequency analog sound was shown to facilitate the

degradation of the three-dimensional protective barrier employed by pathogens. A filmed recording of the activity

under the microscope showed the abatement of the attack on a T-cell after the protective barrier was degraded using

low frequency analog sound presentation. The behavior of the neutrophils (cells that support immune response)

seemed to galvanize in a manner designed to defeat the invading pathogen. The activity of the neutrophils were not

detectible until the pathogen began to decloak; even though the physical separation between the two was minute. As

the breach of the ringed barrier was initiated, it seemed obvious that the neutrophils had not been aware of the attack

on the nearby cell. After the decloaking, the neutrophils continued to assemble around and upon the invading


Since computerized vocal sampling was successfully used to identify resistant and mutating pathogens, and ambient

sound presentation was successfully used to support the body’s immune system, this novel technique has the potential

to provide nearly instant frequency-based identification of invading and mutating pathogens. At the same time the

technique can therapeutically benefit normal structure and function in a non-invasive manner. Digital vocal sampling

allows this technique to be accomplished from a distance via a computer using a mobile system.

Using the data from this pilot study, it is anticipated that the information could be extrapolated to identify and eradicate

bioterrorist-exploited pathogens such as anthrax, avian flu, smallpox, salmonella, etc. but controlled studies would need

to be undertaken to validate both detection and eradication of such dangerous and potentially lethal pathogens.

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BioAcoustic Tech Firm Decodes Swine Flu

April 29, 2009 – In response to the increasing incidents of infection and the first reported American death from the new

strain of the H1N1 Influenza virus, Sound Health, a small non-profit Ohio Biotech firm has confirmed that they have

decoded the Swine Flu virus.

Sharry Edwards, the director of Sound Health, is recognized by the state of Ohio as the pioneer of Human BioAcoustics.

BioAcoustics is translated as “life sounds” and is a field of research involving the use of Vocal Profiling and low frequency

sound presentation to move the body towards “self health.” Vocal Profiling evaluates the patterns of the voice in

mathematical terms. These numeric values are then entered into a database from which health issues can be assessed.

Through the decoding of frequencies for the Swine Flu virus, the Sound Health Institute is confident that it has the

correct low frequency sounds to support the body to heal itself quickly from the Swine Flu virus.

Currently, Sound Health is giving away its Vocal Profiling program “nanoVoice” for free at nanovoice.org and will be

disclosing the frequency correlates to help the body fight off the Swine Flu.

For more information please contact Sound Health at:

(740) 698-9119 or [email protected]

Contact Info:

Sound Health

PO Box 267

Albany, OH 45710


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New Way to Kill Viruses: Shake Them to Death

By Michael Schirber, Special to LiveScience

posted: 05 February 2008 09:27 am ET

Scientists may one day be able to destroy viruses in the same way that opera singers presumably shatter wine glasses.

New research mathematically determined the frequencies at which simple viruses could be shaken to death.

"The capsid of a virus is something like the shell of a turtle," said physicist Otto Sankey of Arizona State University. "If the

shell can be compromised [by mechanical vibrations], the virus can be inactivated."

Recent experimental evidence has shown that laser pulses tuned to the right frequency can kill certain viruses. However,

locating these so-called resonant frequencies is a bit of trial and error.

"Experiments must just try a wide variety of conditions and hope that conditions are found that can lead to success,"

Sankey told LiveScience.

To expedite this search, Sankey and his student Eric Dykeman have developed a way to calculate the vibrational motion

of every atom in a virus shell. From this, they can determine the lowest resonant frequencies.

As an example of their technique, the team modeled the satellite tobacco necrosis virus and found this small virus

resonates strongly around 60 Gigahertz (where one Gigahertz is a billion cycles per second), as reported in the Jan. 14

issue of Physical Review Letters.

A virus' death knell

All objects have resonant frequencies at which they naturally oscillate. Pluck a guitar string and it will vibrate at a

resonant frequency.

But resonating can get out of control. A famous example is the Tacoma Narrows Bridge, which warped and finally

collapsed in 1940 due to a wind that rocked the bridge back and forth at one of its resonant frequencies.

Viruses are susceptible to the same kind of mechanical excitation. An experimental group led by K. T. Tsen from Arizona

State University have recently shown that pulses of laser light can induce destructive vibrations in virus shells.

"The idea is that the time that the pulse is on is about a quarter of a period of a vibration," Sankey said. "Like pushing a

child on a swing from rest, one impulsive push gets the virus shaking."

It is difficult to calculate what sort of push will kill a virus, since there can be millions of atoms in its shell structure. A

direct computation of each atom's movements would take several hundred thousand Gigabytes of computer memory,

Sankey explained.

He and Dykeman have found a method to calculate the resonant frequencies with much less memory.

In practice

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The team plans to use their technique to study other, more complicated viruses. However, it is still a long way from

using this to neutralize the viruses in infected people.

One challenge is that laser light cannot penetrate the skin very deeply. But Sankey imagines that a patient might be

hooked up to a dialysis-like machine that cycles blood through a tube where it can be hit with a laser. Or perhaps,

ultrasound can be used instead of lasers.

These treatments would presumably be safer for patients than many antiviral drugs that can have terrible side-effects.

Normal cells should not be affected by the virus-killing lasers or sound waves because they have resonant frequencies

much lower than those of viruses, Sankey said.

Moreover, it is unlikely that viruses will develop resistance to mechanical shaking, as they do to drugs.

"This is such a new field, and there are so few experiments, that the science has not yet had sufficient time to prove

itself," Sankey said. "We remain hopeful but remain skeptical at the same time."

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Holy Grail Mystery Math has Potential to Promote and Extend Life

Ancient mysteries were deliberately withheld until mankind was ready. The deVinci Code helped enlighten an audience

to what was believed to be a myth but a real-life Holy Grail Keeper has been identified and her work and results do

indeed defy modern science.

Albany, Ohio (PRWEB) January 8, 2008 -- Sharry Edwards, the pioneer of the

emerging field of BioAcoustic Biology, has been identified by Sylvia Francke as

one of the few living Keepers of the Holy Grail mysteries in her 2007

publication, The Tree of Life and the Holy Grail. BioAcoustic Biology attempts

to define human health through frequency-based biomarkers.

Three other original thinkers, Royal Rife, Wilhelm Reich and Alfred Tomatis

were also named as individuals who helped rediscover the Tree of Life

energies. All three are deceased but during their lifetimes each was

enormously influential in originating a diverse form of frequency based

medicine. Much of the work of Rife and Reich has been lost due to the FDA's

destruction of their written works. Edwards presently continues her work with

vocal codes, as a representation of human health, in a small experimental

research center, Sound Health, located in rural Southern Ohio in the US.

Francke's manuscript published by Temple Lodge discusses ancient mysteries

and how secret knowledge has been kept hidden from all but a few "enlightened" beings. Two hugely popular movies,

National Treasure and The deVinci Code, demonstrate the immense public fascination in seeing these ancient mysteries

brought to light. Through the ages the blood lines of the Knights Templar have been seen as the protectors and keepers

of these spiritual Truths which are believed to guide the evolution and unity of the planet.

It was not evident to Edwards that she had any special place in the world of hidden knowledge until her very unique

talent of being able to hear and sing the frequencies that emanate from the human ear was made public. Although this

sounds far-fetched, Johns Hopkins researcher, Wendell Browne has substantiated that the ear does emit sound which

can be used to diagnose disease. Information about these oto-acoustic emissions is being published by PubMed and is

believed to be the same frequencies heard by Edwards.

Although Edwards' talent was initially thought to be an esoteric one, she has now computerized the process so that

others can use her ideas to reveal the vocal codes within the human voice.

Many prominent scientists are working in similar areas as Edwards. James Gimzewski, a physicist from UCLA, has been

able to establish that all cells within the human body create frequency and sound patterns. Gimzewski believes that

these cell sounds can be used to diagnose disease.

He hoped that his research could be used to listen to healthy versus diseased cells but he states that he does not

understand what the frequencies mean. Edwards' research fills that gap. Edwards's work is able to use vocal profiles to

identify and predict disease patterns using a math matrix created by vocal frequencies. Traumatic injury, nerve and

muscle regrowth, anti-aging and genetic issues as well as metabolic and immune topics have been modeled by Edwards'


Its stunning what

comes out in these

reports. Only my best

friends would know these

things and it answered

questions I didn't even

ask even though they told

me that each report

would probably be topic


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Many of the ailments investigated by Edwards were considered incurable by conventional standards. Robert Day, a long

time sufferer of Macular Degeneration, heard Edwards on the internationally syndicated show, Coast to Coast, hosted by

George Noory and thought maybe she might be able to help him with his deteriorating eyesight.

Day visited Edwards' experimental lab and reported, "I never thought my eye problems could be reversed but the very

first day I saw Sharry in her clinic, much of my eyesight returned. I could see street signs, I could drive. I could read a

newspaper. I have my life back and I'm very happy that George Noory had the vision to have her on his show."

This work has the ability to change the lives of thousands of Macular Degeneration sufferers who have been told that

there is no hope for recovery through normal medical channels.

Another convincing account is that of Russ Rudy, MD., who suffered from what had been diagnosed as multiple sclerosis.

Not only did Edwards' experimental technique help his body regrow the nerves in his legs from the waist down (a feat

considered impossible by conventional medical standards) but she was also able to help him when a car accident left

him without the full use of his left hand.

Rudy comments, "It only took minutes to find the sounds that allowed my hand to move without restriction…I don't

know how this works, it is beyond our present medical science but I'm certainly glad is does and I'm very happy to be a

part of Sharry's work."

Based on this kind of clinical study, Edwards hopes that this technique could revolutionize sports rehabilitation because

the math based evaluations that have been created have the ability to predict which muscles are going to be in stress.

What professional sports team wouldn't want to know who's going to be injured before it happens?

Lynn Taggart has written a very popular book, The Field, in which she explains that the body has a field of energy that

can be controlled using the mind. Edwards' work not only substantiates Taggart's suppositions but goes beyond The

Field to show that the body's energy can be managed using the presentation of individualized, low-frequency sound


Edwards' work also moves into the realm of modern String Theory which proposes that our DNA, the blueprint of our

being, emanates from infinitesimally small bits of matter called Strings. The issue with String Theory is that no one

knows how these undisciplined strings become structure. Edwards' work goes a step beyond to show how the frequency

matrix of matter, becomes RNA, the regulatory proteins of synthesis and transmission of genetic information. Edwards'

work is clearly a new foundation for understanding how the structure of DNA is able to develop into specific structures

of life.

Although Edwards and her staff have “decoded” thousands of genes into frequency patterns, she says that her research

can show that a gene's controlling proteins are just as important as the genes themselves especially in her work with

anti-aging, the liberation from of pain, weight management, amplified immune response; and degenerative diseases like

arthritis, macular degeneration and heart disease.

The Secret is one of the most popular movies of all time. It attempts to teach us that we can have whatever we want just

by our intention. Edwards feels that this perspective needs a bit more inquiry because many people do not know what

they want.

A recently developed computer program, nVoice, used Edwards unusual ability to associate personality traits with

changes in vocal tones to create 5-6 page profiles that move people past what they think they want, to the realization of

who they are and what they represent to others. "Its stunning what comes out in these reports. Only my best friends

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would know these things and it answered questions I didn't even ask even though they told me that each report would

probably be topic specific," stated one astonished client.

Human BioAcoustics, as Edwards calls her work combines the concepts of Vocal Profiling and analog Sound Presentation

to create the new science of Sonistry. Edwards explains that "just as there is a system of biochemical pathways within

the body, there is also a system of frequency based Mathways™ that can be used to assess and predict states of health.

She has amassed a database that includes math based biomarkers for many issues thought to be incurable.

A few years ago, Pfizer pharmaceuticals published a paper showing that Parkinson's disease could be predicted through

vocal analysis. Many of the concepts used by Pfizer were techniques used and published by Edwards nearly two decades

ago. Edwards has taken a very old idea - that sound has the ability to influence personality and health - and has

transformed it into a modern concept of math-based medicine. Her work has appeared in numerous publications

including The Definitive Guide of Alternative Medicine, Health on the Edge (entire chapter) by Larry Trivieri, The Duke

Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine, and The Scientific Basis of Alternative Medicine.

Edwards was named Scientist of the Year by the New Frontiers of Science and has received awards together with first

lady Betty Ford, John Nash of a Beautiful Mind (movie) and William Tiller, the father of psychoenergetics. Her company,

Sound Health has been recognized by the State of Ohio as a unique and innovative biotech endeavor. In combination,

the diversity of Edwards' work shows an astounding blend of the old and the new; the esoteric with the scientific.

Many people have attempted to imitate Sharry's work and they all fall short; she is the original. Sylvia Francke has

proclaimed an appropriately graceful position for Edwards' work that allows Sharry to take her rightful place among the

greats in Energy and Frequency Medicine. Sharry feels that she is just doing what comes naturally but even a quick look

at her life's work shows that she is driven to understand her own very extraordinary auditory talent and to search for

answers that validate her work so that it can be made available to all people.

The idea that the body holds codes to its own existence has been with us for centuries. Nostradamus, Kepler, deVinci, Sir

Isaac Newton, Tesla, Einstein, Asimov have all sought to commemorate the esoteric codes of life. Edwards has an innate

talent that allows all of us to benefit from her ability to translate a person's vocal codes into usable information that can

be used to promote and extend the existence of human life.

Additional information about Edwards and her work can be found at: www.JBAB.org or by writing to

[email protected]

Sylvia Francke follows the work of Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) who was a respected and well-published scientific,

literary, and philosophical scholar. He developed his earlier philosophical principles into an approach to methodical

research of psychological and spiritual phenomena that has led to innovative and holistic approaches in medicine,

philosophy, religion, education, science, agriculture, and the arts. He founded the General Anthroposophical Society,

which has branches throughout the world.

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Breaking the Sound Barriers of Disease

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The Harsh Price of being a “Canary” More and more the opportunity to learn and communicate is being challenged by the consequences of modern living.

Toxic byproducts of our industrial world are creeping into our building materials, our water and food supplies; reeking

havoc with our immune systems, hormones, metabolism and neurotransmitters.

Many readers of this article will remember the characterization of “trailer trash”; the label attached to the kids who

lived in mobile homes who came to school but never quite caught up to the rest of their peers in comprehension,

reading and math ability. It is likely that those children were the “canaries” that should have warned us that building

materials used in the construction of mobile homes were probable hazards to our mental and physical health.

The story below aptly illustrates what can happen to families who have no place to turn when inexplicably symptoms of

brain fog, memory loss and unacceptable behavioral outbursts are exhibited by their children; especially when those

symptoms are intermittent and without justification. The account is of a talented, yet mysteriously delayed, young

reader who went through the experimental process of vocal profiling offered by an Albany, Ohio facility, The Institute of

BioAcoustic Biology.

This poignant article was written by Ronna Steel, a parent an educator, is about her daughter’s experience with the

emerging science of BioAcoustic Biology and Vocal Profiling. The story is an inexample of how the process of vocal

profiling can be a positive step in helping identify toxins that may be interfering with our children’s ability to learn and

thrive. Presently Ms. Steel is an assistant superintendent in the Michigan school system.

Mommy, Why Do I Feel So Dumb?

They said she had forgotten how to read! Over the summer, Andi, a top reader last session, had forgotten how to

read. I couldn't believe it. "Had there been any trauma in her life this summer?" her teacher demanded. I was stunned.

It had been a beautiful summer with the children. I had finally been able to afford a real home for them. Actually this

was the first summer I had been able to spend with my children since I had enrolled in college, as a single parent, to try to

get my life back together. What could have caused this? The summer had been wonderful and fulfilling. How could my

child have forgotten how to read?

I met with her teacher and it was decided that Andi should be put in a special reading class. Andi was embarrassed and

reluctant to go to school. She cried every day. On the days she didn't cry she pretended to be sick. My heart ached for

her. The special classes were not helping. I didn't know what to do.

One day while we were riding in the car, Andi wrote a few words on a small slip of paper and handed it to me as I was

driving. Her head was down. She was staring at her lap. It read, "Mommy, I feel so stupid. Why can't I read anymore?"

My tears were so quick and so thick that I pulled over onto the side of the road. We cried together; embracing, sharing

the frustration and dismay. Was I such a failure as a parent that I could not find a way to help my child? I vowed to find

an answer for Andi and for myself.

I was aware of a pioneering technique that used low frequency sound to help another little girl in our area reverse the

symptoms of mental retardation. They used voice testing to detect and remedy the situation. Could something like this

help Andi learn to read again? I scheduled an appointment desperate to try anything. During that first session, using low

frequency sound entrainment, Andi was able to read clearly and without hesitation. Her relief and my joy was


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The test pointed to the possibility that Andi had been poisoned with formaldehyde; a chemical preservative. When I

was asked if my child had been exposed to formaldehyde, I started to say "NO" but then I remembered. Our new mobile

home instructions had warned that formaldehyde levels in our new mobile home could be an issue.

Several thoughts went rushed through my mind. “It was the fault of the mobile home company. They should have

given me stronger warnings. No, it was my fault! I had allowed my child to be poisoned”.

We quickly entered into a protocol of low frequency sound presentation in combination with clearing the air in the

mobile home with an ozone air filter. Andi's teacher noticed immediate and striking differences. Andi's self esteem

soared. Andi became a bright, cheerful, intelligent seven year old again.

We had Andi’s siblings tested using this innovative procedure. Both Kelsea and Ben had been affected but not to such

an extreme. As they all began to listen to the frequency based formulas designed to counter the toxic effects of the

formaldehyde, behavior problems decreased and there were considerably less arguments in our home.

I've learned from reading that some of the symptoms of formaldehyde sensitivity is irritability and problems with

memory and I've also begun a campaign to alert other parents to the dangers. What would have been the consequences

for my child? Her life would have been charged with unfair opinions and gossip that she didn't deserve. I had failed to

heed warnings. The mobile home salespeople have failed to make it clear how important it was to clear the trailer of

toxic fumes before my family moved in.

I'm very thankful that there is a program like Sound Health’s work with BioAcoustic Biology that has the ability to

examine vocal frequencies and offer a potential solution answer. For Andi and the rest of the family, the solution was

painless and inexpensive. When I think of what could have happened, I know that I need to let others know about this

wonderful program.

Sound Health has an ongoing research project using vocal analysis and sound to try to find the hidden causes of reading

and learning issues for children and adults. It is a non-intrusive program using computerized vocal profiling. Every

person with a learning problem, no matter what the cause, should have access to this technique. I would encourage any

parent of a child with unexplained symptoms to have their child tested. I'm very lucky. My child was helped. She won't

grow up branded as "dumb" even by her own opinions because we, the adults, have failed to make our world a safe place

to nurture, emotionally and physically, our most valuable resource; our children.

This story is just one of many that has helped change the course of a child’s opportunity to become be positive stimulus

for themselves and others.


Sound Health can be reached by email: [email protected]; phone: 740-698-9119, or land address: 5151

Alton Street, Albany, Ohio 45710. Sound Health has been recognized by the State of Ohio as an innovative biotech

company. More information is available from JBAB.org (Journal of BioAcoustic Biology).

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BioDiet Press Release

Albany, Ohio February 2008 - BioDiet is a newly created addition to Sound Health's BioAcoustic Profiler Series. It is

designed to evaluate, in terms of frequency, why your body tends to pack on extra pounds. Each individual retains

weight for a myriad of reasons. The BioDiet database allows you to record a vocal sample and use it to determine the

underlying biochemical Frequency Equivalents that may be the cause for your weight issues.

From the Vocal Profile created by the computer, nutritional needs

can be determine that identify the ideal foods and supplement

requirements for your body. Many people find that when their

body receives optimal nutrition, cravings lessen and they are

naturally drawn to healthier foods.

The second step in the process involves using the BioDiet database.

It is used to assess the Frequency Equivalents for

neurotransmitters, glands and biochemical pathways that are in

stress. Based on this information, sound presentation is employed

in an attempt to entrain the body to produce the appropriate


A balanced diet and exercise would be beneficial but is not required because when the body's nutritional needs are

balanced, cravings tend to disappear. The increased energy and mental clarity that results is a likely impetus so that you

are just naturally more active. Clients who have maintained an exercise schedule and those who have not seem to be

equally drawn to healthier choices in diet and lifestyle. This type of protocol has been perceived to be able to "reset"

your metabolic rate so that even if you end up eating a few foods that you thought were forbidden, you are likely to

maintain your overall weight loss.

A Program created to help you lighten up!

BioDiet software is designed to evaluate serotonin, dopamine, epinephrine and carbohydrates use by the body. These

biochemicals have been identified as those that are intimately involved with weight management - This will be a very

important program to take to your communities and local health food stores. The program includes receptor factors

and proteins for weight related issues – this database is not included in any other program.

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Three Case Studies Suggesting that Hip Joint Pain has a Common Frequency-based

Biomarker that can be Used to Ameliorate Hip Joint Pain Recent statistics from the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention1, report that nearly 70 million Americans suffer

from chronic joint pain, stiffness and inflammation.

Hip joint pain can run the gamut of being an intermittent annoyance to causing relentless debilitating symptoms.

Suggestions for relief can range from simple stretching movements and OTC pain relievers to replacement of the entire

hip joint and connective tissue with accompanying narcotics and corticosteroids. Surgery is often a last resort but still

does not guarantee freedom from pain.

Causes of hip pain can be single or multiple in origin including tendonitis, arthritis, bursitis (inflammation of joint fluid

sacs), fibromyalgia, prolonged abnormal posture, Osteonecrosis (restriction of the blood flow to the area), herniated

discs, sciatica, trauma (due to repetitive or stressful movement, injury or excess weight), bacterial infection and

genetics. Inflammation commonly accompanies these symptoms but the cause of joint inflammation is not completely


Stiffness, swelling, tenderness, fluid collection, lack of balance, instability, decreased mobility, and deterioration of bone

and connective tissue often accompany joint pain. Often surgery and/or

attempted rehabilitation is not wholly satisfying.

Joint pain is referred to as arthralgia and is responsible for thousands of

lost hours of work, immense suffering, reduced quality of life and lost

physical performance. Any respite from the pain, fatigue, immobility and

stiffness would be of benefit for sufferers and a great support for

physiotherapy; sports injury recovery; trauma and stroke rehabilitation.

A small study conducted by an innovative functional medicine2 research

facility, Sound Health, located in southern Ohio was undertaken to

investigate the potential of pain relief and accompanying inflammation

using vocal profiling and low frequency sound presentation. This option, if

demonstrated to be viable, would offer non-invasive, easy-to-use, low-cost

sound presentation as an option for pain reduction. Such a system would

certainly be a welcomed resolution to victims of chronic hip joint pain.

However, it is not likely that such an efficacious alternative would be well-

received by those whose financial status would be negatively impacted as a

result of pain reduction without the use of prescribed pain medications

and/or surgery.

It is generally recognized that joint pain stems from inflammation and that inflammation comes from either pathogenic

or inflammatory mediators of the body. Although these are important issues when dealing with pain, this study

primarily investigates the potential to identify and eliminate joint pain using low frequency sound presentation.


Voice Spectral analysis has been under investigation by many prestigious organizations including Pfizer Pharmaceuticals

and CogState of Australia. Articles concerning the ability of the voice to identify frequency based biomarkers have

appeared in PubMed and many professional publications3.

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These companies use voice analysis for diagnostic purposes primarily but Sound Health’s Institute of BioAcoustic Biology

originated of most of the work with vocal profiling for health and wellness; and has continued to use the frequencies

and patterns of human vocalizations to model the innate mathematical templates of the human body.

Using the idea that the voice is a holographic representation of health status, these non-invasive techniques are being

advanced to the extent that a computerized Vocal Profile, using a system of Frequency Equivalents™ (FE) can be used to

accurately quantify, organize, interpret, define and extrapolate biometric information via the human voice. This

information, in turn, provides the opportunity to predict, direct and maintain intrinsic form and function.

Human BioAcoustic Vocal Profiling & Sound Presentation, at present, is an emerging research modality that has the

potential to provide pre-diagnostic assessment using a predictable math-based template of frequency correlations and


The practice of Human BioAcoustic Vocal Profiling requires two distinct processes if maximum results are to be achieved.

First, it is essential to determine the distinct vocal patterns for each person, prior to any low frequency sound being

provided. Second but just as important, are the sound formula protocols that must be specifically constructed and

presented to each individual. Both elements must be comprehensively performed to ensure that each person is being

provided the most accurate and comprehensive approach possible.

Vocal Profiling offers interpretative information that stands independently as a valuable assessment tool. Sound

Presentation provides the management phase through brain wave entrainment4 using low-frequency, ambient sound.

The emerging Mathematical Matrix Model of BioAcoustic Biology has the potential to establish the ground work to

assert that we are energy based biological units that can be defined and monitored through math-based biomarkers.

Continuous networks of biological signals, “biofrequencies”, provide information to the body to produce and/or

reproduce inherent form and function. Tapping into these self-healing biological pathways (mathways) from brain to

neuron to cell has long been a goal of scientific medical investigation as an approach to provide and promote optimal

health. Brian Butterworth, in his publication, What Counts: How Every Brain is Hardwired for Math establishes a

compelling argument for the brain’s response to math.5

The Process

Vocal Profiling uses a microphone linked to a computer that is equipped with a calibrated sound card to capture a short

(less than a minute) sample of the voice. A Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) converts the recorded vocal sounds into

numeric data using the properties of frequency (Hertz/cycles per second) and amplitude (decibel). This information is

used to create a digital graph that represents the vocal frequencies and the corresponding architectures using a range

of 0-1000 cycles per second. Twenty four base frequencies, Sonostats, are identified by the computer as significant.

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FFT’s are computationally efficient algorithms commonly used to convert analog vocal data to digital numeric data for

rapid spectral analysis. Such transformations from time domain to frequency domain use mathematical functions to

depict the relative magnitudes and phase relationships of the vocal frequencies.

The frequencies and patterns that are generated are evaluated in terms of coherence, architecture and numeric value.

A technician accesses the graph, identifying the dissonant value that will be used to characterize the information.

The resulting 24 Sonostats are entered into a database that can be manipulated to create a variety of reports that

represent substances and structures in terms of Frequency Equivalents; a frequency representation of a person, place or

thing. Categories include nutrients, immune and aging factors, biochemicals, toxins, genes, pathogens, proteins,

receptors, muscles and personality traits.

These reports are intended for research purposes by wellness providers in the hope of providing substantiation and

direction for optimal wellbeing.

The software used for BioAcoustic evaluation is not available commercially and is continuously being modified to fit

research requirements. Databases are upgraded constantly to include research results related to frequency correlates

that can be associated with the biochemical functions and structural organization of the human body; including

environmental threats from toxins and pathogen exposure. The information contained within the databases, as well as

the processes to interpret and construct frequency associations are novel, distinctive and exclusive to the research

functions of Sound Health.

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Vocal sample data is used to develop appropriate formulations that are presented to the subject during a testing phase

of the process. All frequencies are reduced to appropriate octave levels and presented in the range of 0-64 Hertz – the

frequency range required for brain wave entrainment5. Objective biofeedback such as oxygen saturation, temperature

and heart-rate variability is monitored to determine optimal frequency-based combinations for each individual. Final

tones chosen for use are “set” on a device that delivers the appropriate formulations via headphones or an amplified

subwoofer. Case studies, to date, have shown that homogenous groups have strikingly similar needs in terms of

frequency presentation and productive outcomes. This small sample of three subjects supported that premise:

Three subjects, all presenting with active hip joint pain and associated symptoms were selected for this review.

Subject 1 - a 61 year-old male physician in general good health (a former jogger) with the exception of hip joint pain

that had continued despite a myriad of contemporary and alternative treatments. He was contemplating joint

replacement surgery in the immediate future. Subject reported constant right hip joint pain, stiffness with lack of

balance and mobility of the joint and accompanying muscles. Walking was somewhat “jerky” with uneven steps. Muscle

stiffness lessened with active movement. Pain level on the day of evaluation was estimated to be 5-6 on a scale of 1-10.

Date of Evaluation: January 20, 2009. This client session was filmed.

Subject 2 - A 30 year-old male graduate student who

had undergone right hip ball- joint replacement

surgery two years previously. Elevated cholesterol

and depression from the constant pain and the lack of

mobility was taking a toll on his energy and stamina. Joint

stiffness lessened somewhat with movement;

pain was obvious, a limp, which he described as a

“hitch”, impaired his walking and balance. Subject was

required as part of his schooling to carry heavy

equipment. This exacerbated his pain considerably

particularly when it was necessary to climb steps. Pain

level on the day of evaluation was estimated to

be 6-7 on a scale of 1-10. Date of Evaluation:

February 17, 2009. Client session was filmed.

Subject 3 - A 62 year old female educator who had experienced a stroke two years prior which disclosed/caused high

blood pressure and diabetes. Five medications were presently prescribed. A lack of weight management exacerbated

the hip and joint pain although her pain and stiffness was intermittent. Muscle stiffness lessened with movement. There

was reported hesitation of movement at times, especially after periods of inactivity. Subject could not correlate

symptoms with any particular activity or possible allergy causing foods. Night leg cramping was intermittent. Pain level

on the day of evaluation was estimated to be a 3-4 on a scale of 1-10. Because pain was intermittent for this subject, a

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comparison vocal sample was taken when pain was absent. Date of assessments: March 10 and April 13, 2009,

respectively. Client sessions were not filmed.

When considering appropriate formulations for each subject, brain dominance1, the frequency of each Sonostat and the

subject’s objective and subjective feedback is considered. Each frequency listing is developed independently and

individually designed to identify and support the elimination of each subject’s reported symptoms. Among these three

subjects with reported hip joint pain and inflammation, several nearly identical frequencies appeared in all three subject

sets of vocal samples. A total of 192 Sonostats from eight vocal samples were evaluated: Of these, 25 Sonostat sets

matched the samples of at least two subjects; seven sets matched all three subjects. The most diverse variance from the

median was .06 hertz; a difference not discernable by the human ear.

Each set of appropriate tones was set on a proprietary device, a tonebox that emitted analog duplicates of the sounds

that were presented to each client during the testing phase of the process. One particular set of whole brained

frequencies eliminated the pain within minutes for all three subjects: For the physician, in less than one minute -

“results were impressive” he reported. Increased mobility and balance was reported by all three subjects. For Subject

2, the “gimp” was,= reported by the Subject and observed by clinicians to be less pervasive. There was a shift toward

more fluidity in his gait. Stiffness was not eliminated but it was significantly diminished. Walking was less hesitant.

Subject A was doing well, reporting that the pain had subsided until his tonebox ceased working several days later. At

that point the pain returned after a day of not using the tonebox. Because the pain seemed to go away so completely

and seemingly effortlessly, he had somewhat convinced himself that it was just time for the pain to fade. As a practicing

physician he reasoned that the elimination of pain could not be as simple as play a sound and have the pain subside.

When the tonebox quit working, he quickly realized the power of low frequency sound presentation for the relief of hip

joint pain.

Subject 2 required reassessment because one of the frequencies presented seemed to be causing headaches. A re-

check of his vocal frequencies resulted in one of his tones being eliminated. Headaches were no longer an issue with

long term use of the sounds.

1 Brain dominance plays a major part in determining which frequency sets are appropriate. It is a common mistake of color/light/sound “healers” to provide a red color combined with a sound they identify as “red”. From our studies it seems that Left brained dominant people use sound and light as opposites; right-brained dominant people use sound and light together. For maximum results, for Left brained persons the color red must be matched with sound identified as being the frequencies associated with green.

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The continued requirement for the frequencies long term is generally required to allow the structures that were

damaged to recover. Meanwhile the probable biochemical root cause of the original deterioration can be addressed.

Identifying Sonostats that decrease the most apparent pain allows for the gathering of the most obviously involved

frequencies. Because math can be used to compute predictable outcomes, the missing Sonostats can be calculated. A

very simple example: If we know that 2+2+? = 10, we can determine the missing component of the equation. Known

formats garnered from years of study allow us to consider absent Sonostats which facilitate the construction of exacting

sets of biofrequencies which can be used to ascertain the developing process and genetic origins of presenting


Chart -1 - lists the seven consistent frequencies exhibited by the three Subjects. The actual frequencies have been

redacted for publication. In this chart the musical notes associated with the frequency range of each Sonostat have

been listed.

Chart 1 – Common frequency based Biomarkers used to diminish Chronic Hip Pain for three Subjects are shown in



Subjects Note Pain Frequency Equivalent Correlation

Subj 3-NoPain C B12 co factor sulfur pathway related

Subject 2 C tyrosine muscles contain high levels of tyrosine

Subject 3-Pain C Betacarotene may help prevent formation of free radicals

Subject 1 C homocysteine sulfur pathway related

Subject 1 D Myostatin Inhibitor testosterone DHEA

Subject 3-Pain D THF 5 methyl folate may improve flexibility

Subject 2 D tetrahydrofolate AKA THF THF active form of folate

Subj 3-NoPain D part of precursor pathway for methioine and sulfur - required for collagen

Subj 3-NoPain D Pycnogenol activates production of collagen

related to antidote for arthritis bacteria

Subject 1 D Glutamine

Subject 3-Pain D wheat sensitivity genome

Subject 1 D alpha keto glutarate sulfur precursor

Subject 2 D lysine

Subj 3-NoPain D# NAD precursor NAD free radical inflammation related

Subject 1 D# inflammation related

Subject 2 D# myelin protein

Subject 2 D# nerve sheathing related

Subject 2 F Vitamin C essential for formation of collagen

Subject 1 F MTRR - part of 5 methyl folate pathway

Subj 3-NoPain F B12 and homocysteine related to sulfur pathway

Subject 1 F Methionine sulfoxide reductase regulates antioxidative defenses

Subject 2 F hip muscle - Psoas major

Subject 3-Pain F galactosamine

Subject 2 F glucosamine helps supress inflammation

Subject 3-Pain A Ankle muscles

Subject 1 A Vitamin B5 potent antioxidant may reduce joint pain

Subj 3-NoPain A lecithin

Subject 1 A manganese enhances growth and repair bones

Subject 2 A phosphatidly choline improves reflexes

Subject 2 A required for repair and maintenace of myelin sheathing

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To the right of each of the seven sets of notes, various associated Frequency Equivalents™ are listed. One particular set

of notes (shown as RED) eliminated the hip joint pain for all three Subjects.

There are a great many frequency associations that relate to inflammation; parts of the sulfur pathway (which is

required to create collagen and connective tissue); evidence of free radical involvement (inflammation causing); ankle

and hip muscles; plus assorted biochemicals relating to muscle health.

These three cases demonstrating hip joint pain elimination could be the starting point for establishing a standard

process for pain relief using vocal profiling and sound presentation. For the Subjects in this study it was not necessary

for them to know how the process worked, only that they had their life back without the relentless joint pain. In light of

our current deteriorating health care system, a repeatable system capable of equivalent results as has been

demonstrated by this small pilot study, should not be viewed as an optional arena of exploration, it should be

designated as mandatory.


It is important to note that although this paper was not intended to deal with pathogenic or inflammatory root cause for

any of the clinical participants, significant indications of the presence of the frequencies associated with mycoplasma

arthritic bacteriophage activity were present. C reactive protein and inflammatory prostaglandins and mediators were

present but not consistently.

There is, to date, no definitive reason why the presentation of ambient low frequency analog sound to a human body

might alleviate hip joint pain and associated symptomatology. We might want to consider the concept of frequency

oscillation entrainment through the skin. That along with other known but unrelated information might present a

unifying foundation for frequency based intervention:

The autonomic nervous system, through billions of frequency-based neural interactions, is responsible for the

monitoring, maintenance and stasis of every minute detail of biological existence. This diagnostic and regenerative

process is not limited to sentient beings. Therefore this course of development is not necessarily a feature of intention,

advanced cognitive planning or something that is under conscious control. For example, if sexual intercourse occurs

within the appropriate time frame, without preventative intrusion, pregnancy will likely result without forethought with

regard to reproductive potential. The body inherently knows how to handle this biological feature.

All creatures large and small, brained and brainless reproduce in some way. If reproduction did not happen, that

organism would cease to exist in one generation. The actions and reactions of the autonomic nervous system are largely

involuntary. So how does the body “know” how to act, how to regenerate, how to repair? What system is involved? Is it

pure mechanics? Are we simply organic robots dancing to an encoded tune?

Mankind, in his quest for biological understanding has divided the human nervous system into layered branches

beginning with the peripheral nervous system and the central nervous system.

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The peripheral nervous system is further divided into the sensorysomatic nervous system and the autonomic nervous

system. The autonomic nervous system consists of sensory neurons and motor neurons that run between the central

nervous system and various organs.

The autonomic nervous system is divided into the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems. These two

regulatory agents monitor and regulate the actions and reactions of the body. When we anticipate eating a favorite

dessert, the sympathetic system stimulates saliva in anticipation of receiving the fare. The body is so adaptive that it will

recognize which variety of enzyme is required by the expected sweet even before we experience the first morsel.

The body responds to unusual stimuli through the sympathetic nervous system. Responses to loud, non-habituated

sounds normally produce an excretion of adrenalin to prepare the body for an unfamiliar event. A person can acclimate

to sleeping near a loud railway and not be awakened by the noise but not all responses to sound are learned. A baby,

even a baby animal, has an instinctual reflex to loud noises. Even if the noise is familiar, hearing it at an unexpected

interval can cause a startle response.

As stated earlier, the parasympathetic nervous system is regulated through the vagus nerve that also regulates the

motor impulses of the vocal cords. The vagus nerve, through the recurrent laryngeal nerve and spinal cord, has a direct

pathway to the brain. Through entrainment of the vocal cords and the vagus nerve, the sounds produced by the vocal

cords can be perceived as a holographic representation of the regulating parasympathetic neuronal network.

BioAcoustically Biological Entrainment

The Central Nervous System (CNS) is an interactive intranet that allows constant information from millions of body

processes—which keep us functioning as an inclusive unity of atoms, cells, tissues, organs and systems—to collaborate.

The majority of these activities unite via the brain through the twelve cranial nerves; in particular the vagus nerve plays

a significant role in these processes.

Human BioAcoustic Vocal Profiling & Sound Presentation offers a glimpse into the mathematical modeling and

understanding of that CNS process through entrainment of the vagus nerve and the vocal cords. Since the vagus nerve is

a direct pathway to the brain, and the vocal cords lie within the structures of the vagus nerve bundle, the voice can be

perceived as a direct frequency representation of the sympathetic and parasympathetic expressions of the body.

At present, BioAcoustic sound presentation is designed to allow the skin to accept the sounds being presented. Ongoing

studies have shown that changing the timing of the frequency formulation protocols allows organs to be directly

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targeted for intervention. Using a vocal sample in comparison to the known principles of the body’s Mathematical

Matrix allows frequency intervention to support the fundamental conduct of self-healing.

Through Human BioAcoustic techniques the self-healing is often perceived as being so subtle that people sometimes

insist that it was just time for the body to get well on its own. An anecdotal video demonstration of the management of

gout pain by manipulating the frequencies associated with gout shows the absolute dominion over gout pain using

BioAcoustic sound presentation. The video shows an MD who was experiencing gout related pain, redness and swelling

as the symptoms were provoked and then rescinded. This was repeated several times in the same session by the

presentation and withdrawal of frequencies known to support the body in dealing with the symptoms of this very

painful type of arthritis.

Reassessment is essential to insure that the sounds are being used for the appropriate amount of time. An excess of a

sound can cause symptoms to recidivate. The presentation of Frequency Equivalents seems to be akin to ingesting a

vitamin. It is not the vitamin that achieves the healing; it is what the body does with the vitamin that makes the


The Voice as a Holographic Representation of the Body

The voice, as music, is a calculated mathematical arrangement of sounds. The voice, as spoken language, is a complex,

yet often mathematically chaotic, conglomeration of sounds. Each word is made up of individual sound units called


Human BioAcoustics examines the chaos, the disharmony, of these phonemes. The foundational principle on which

BioAcoustics has been established is the perception that the voice is an in-depth representation of the body. The

frequencies, the coherence patterns and the architecture of the voice have been used to develop a computerized

Mathematical Matrix that can provide a glimpse into the individual mathematical patterns that make-up the body.

Steven Xue, Ph.D., a noted researcher in the arena of the voice and health, has shown a definitive relationship between

the voice, health and aging. Dr. Xue has studied the role of vocal changes and health such as the role of apnea and

snoring as it relates to vocal sound waves. In a recent interview with Perspectives Magazine, Xue reiterated the

importance of understanding which vocal changes are normal and which may signal health problems.6

Danielle Campbell-Angah, Editor of ADVANCE for Audiologists and Speech Pathologists, states that the quality of

nutrients ingested has a significant impact on vocal health. Campbell explains, “On a cellular level the body depends on

specific nutrients for the best performance of each individual cell. In this same way certain enzymes, co-enzymes,

vitamins and minerals have an effect on the functioning of the vocal mechanism”.7

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Voice Analysis (Vocal Profiling) is much more than listening for allophones – a phonetic variation of a word that would

differentiate the speech patterns of persons who might have a Texan or French accent. BioAcoustic computerized

evaluations examine the biometric principles of the frequencies contained in the voice and then relate those patterns to

an emerging Mathematical Matrix that is being assembled using several thousand case studies as a base.

Thousands of mathematical associations, which closely follow the known biochemical relationships of the body, have

been identified. For example, when the FE of calcium is combined with the FE of magnesium, the resulting Frequency

Equivalent is the bone matrix protein. Medical science has long recognized that calcium and magnesium are needed, in

combination, to support bone growth. Lab tests, and double blind, long-term and homogeneous case studies have all

provided useful information that has worked to substantiate the voice as a multi-dimensional view of homeostasis


These observations are obvious, but who, or what, has dominion over these processes? Why has medical science not

been able to completely access and explain this internal alchemy? In our limited wisdom, should we have access to

knowledge of such potent significance? The answer may not be obvious but it is inevitable. If such a unifying premise

were to exist it would contain not only a diagnostic component but also a method of management and resolution for all

disease, stress and trauma!

If such an operative prescription for maintenance and renewal could be achieved, it would permit dominion over the

innate processes of the body that are mandatory for rejuvenation; nutritional and structural requirements, appropriate

detoxification systems and potentially, perpetual regeneration. If, in addition, that system could predict how the body

would react based on genomic, environmental and internal stimuli, it would be an incredible advancement in the world

of medicine. Human BioAcoustic Vocal Profiling & Sound Presentation is such a twofold system.

Disclaimer: Human BioAcoustic Vocal Profiling and Sound Presentation, as originated by Sharry Edwards, M.Ed., does not diagnose

or prescribe for medical or psychological conditions nor does it claim to prevent, treat, mitigate or cure such conditions. HBA

researchers do not provide diagnosis, care, treatment or rehabilitation of individuals, nor apply medical, mental health or human

development principles.

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1 http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm5717a9.htm

2 The National Institute of Medicine defines integrative medicine as any therapy which has some high quality scientific

evidence of safety and efficacy.

3. Kumar, R, Clermont, G, Vodovotz, Y, Chow, C. The dynamics of Acute inflammation. Journal of Theoretical Biology.

2004 April (145-155). www.sciencedirect.com

3 Cannizzaro MS, Cohen H, Rappard F, Snyder PJ. Bradyphrenia and bradykinesia both contribute to altered speech in

schizophrenia: a quantitative acoustic study. Cogn Behav Neurol. 2005 Dec;18(4):206-10. PMID: 16340393 [PubMed -

indexed for MEDLINE]

3 Cannizzaro MS, Reilly N, Mundt JC, Snyder PJ. Remote capture of human voice acoustical data by telephone: a

methods study. Clin Linguist Phon. 2005 Dec;19(8):649-58. PMID: 16147408 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

3 Cannizzaro M, Harel B, Reilly N, Chappell P, Snyder PJ. Voice acoustical measurement of the severity of major

depression. Brain Cogn. 2004 Oct;56(1):30-5. PMID: 15380873 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

3 Harel B, Cannizzaro M, Snyder PJ. Variability in fundamental frequency during speech in prodromal and incipient

Parkinson's disease: a longitudinal case study. Brain Cogn. 2004 Oct;56(1):24-9. PMID: 15380872 [PubMed - indexed for


3 Reilly N, Cannizzaro MS, Harel BT, Snyder PJ. Feigned depression and feigned sleepiness: a voice acoustical analysis.

Brain Cogn. 2004 Jul;55(2):383-6. PMID: 15177818 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

3 Vogel AP, Maruff P. Comparison of voice acquisition methodologies in speech research. Behav Res Methods. 2008

Nov;40(4):982-7. PMID: 19001389 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

3 New Test May Detect Parkinson's Early, Aid Search for Drugs.


3 Cobeta, Acoustic voice analysis in patients with Parkinson's disease treated with dopaminergic

3 Gamboa J, Jiménez-Jiménez FJ, Nieto A, Montojo J, Ortí-Pareja M, Molina JA, García-Albea E, drugs. Department of

Otolaryngology, Hospital Universitario Príncipe de Asturias, Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Spain.

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4 http://www.trans4mind.com/holosync/Research.pdf- The Science Behind Holosync and Other

Neurotefchnologies: A Revolution in Neuroscience: Tuning the Brain. Bill Harris, Director of Centerpointe Research


5 Butterworth, Brian. What Counts: How Every Brain is Hardwired for Math. Free Press (Simon & Schuster Inc.). 1999.

Brain dominance plays a major part in determining which frequency sets are appropriate. It is a common mistake of

color/light/sound “healers” to provide a red color combined with a sound they identify as “red”. From our studies it

seems that Left brained dominant people use sound and light as opposites; right-brained dominant people use sound

and light together. For maximum results, for Left brained persons the color red must be matched with sound identified

as being the frequencies associated with green.

6 Xue, S., & Deliyski, D. (2001). Effects of Aging on Selected Acoustic Voice Parameters of Elderly Speakers: Preliminary

Normative Data. Educational Gerontology, 21, 159-168.

7 Campbell, D. (1999). High Performance. ADVANCE for Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists, May 31.

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Dr. Russ Rudy Multiple Sclerosis Article

Physicians rarely think of themselves as patients. Unfortunately it was necessary for me to become a patient in 2001. As

an emergency physician, I had enjoyed good health all of my life except for the usual minor cold and flu bugs that we all


But in 2001 all of this changed. I was hit with a crippling neurologic illness. It was determined that I had a syrinx of the

thoracic spinal cord. This is a condition where spinal fluid collects inside the spinal cord and exerts pressure from the

inside destroying neurologic tissue. Untreated this may lead to paralysis. I had already developed weakness and

numbness in my legs and I was beginning to limp when given the diagnosis.

I had a tri-level laminectomy and a shunt placed in my spinal cord November 2001. I was reassured by my neurosurgeon

that not only that this would stop any further worsening but I would also regain the strength that I had lost. Post

operatively I did physical therapy but instead of improving I became weaker and developed increasing stiffness and

spasticity of my legs. My neurologist prescribed various muscle relaxers to no avail. By May of 2002 I had deteriorated to

“In May, 2005, I had an EMG that

showed that the nerves to my

quadriceps had completely

regenerated. The nerves of the

tibialis anterior (front muscle of the

leg below the knee) had completely

regenerated and the nerves of the

muscles in my calf were regenerating

at a rate of 3:1. This is something

that we don’t expect yet mine are


Russ Rudy, MD

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the point that I went from a cane to a walker to a scooter. My legs became so weak that I needed hand controls installed

in my car in order to drive. My muscles were so stiff that after a shift in the ER the nurses would help me get into my car

by helping to bend my legs so I could get into the vehicle.

In order to combat the stiffness and spasticity a baclofen spinal pump was implanted May 2002. This is a device

implanted in the abdomen with a catheter to the spinal fluid where baclofen can exert a more potent effect in helping to

ease the muscle spasticity. This helped and I was able to discontinue the oral muscle relaxers. However the

neurosurgeon who performed this procedure decided to do testing of the spinal fluid. I remember the devasting blow

when I received the news that I also had primary progressive multiple sclerosis.

I was then placed on many different medications ranging from methotrexate (a drug with many potential side effects

including liver damage) to high dose intravenous steroids. One prominent neurologist had recommended novantrone

which is chemotherapy that is toxic to the heart. I refused the chemotherapy despite the neurologist warning me that

my spinal cord would be “eaten away” by the MS.

I traveled to such well known centers such as the Cleveland Clinic and the Mayo Clinic looking for answers. I had my

body CT scanned from head to toe looking for cancers and fortunately none were found. I had so many MRI (magnetic

resonance imaging) scans my friends joked that I might start attracting loose change from being so highly magnetized. I

had various blood studies that ruled rare disorders that I had never heard of. No definite diagnosis was ever given for my

condition. I could see the expert neurologists at these excellent institutions had no clue what was wrong and worse did

not really know what to do. I had decided that despite being a physician that I would no longer seek any further medical

evaluation for my condition if such experts could offer any guidance.

I was guided to see a local physician who practiced many alternative therapies. One of the most intriguing was

BioAcoustics. I was referred to Sharry Edwards of Sound Health in Albany, Ohio.

Although I am not sure exactly how this works, the basic premise is to determine what is wrong by analyzing a voiceprint

of the client. A brief recording of ones voice is made and this is translated into a computer generated graphic. The

various frequencies can be studied to see where there are problems. Sharry Edwards has developed a database based

on the mathematics of the frequencies that correlate with various pathogens, enzymes, muscles and more.

After discovering what areas need to be addressed based on the vocal print a set of tones corresponding to the

frequencies in stress are then supplied to the client. I play these tones via a tone box that I connect to a subwoofer.

I have done sound therapy for several years and I have made a tremendous and unexpected recovery. I no longer use a

scooter and in fact use only a straight cane to walk. I had my baclofen spinal pump removed a couple of years ago and I

am off all medications. When I had the pump removed I asked them to check the spinal fluid for multiple sclerosis

and…..NONE WAS FOUND!!! I had an EMG (electromyogram) done which showed regeneration of nerves!!! These are

unexpected findings as nerves usually do not regenerate years later.

I am not back to where I was but I am so much better than I was in 2002-3 when most people including myself gave me

little hope for any recovery. I have returned to full time work as an emergency physician. I enjoy my life immensely and I

have Sound Health and Sharry Edwards to thank for my improvement. I plan on continuing the BioAcoustics and who

knows maybe some day I will get it all back.

…Russ Rudy, MD

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If You Can Moan, You Can Tone By: Sharry Edwards

From the first wail at birth to the funeral lament, sound and rhythm are a part of our lives. In between these two

moments, we use a variety of notes, pitch and intonation to express ourselves. Some of these vocalizations are learned;

others are quite natural and spontaneous.

All manner of systems have been devised to organize the various sounds we produce. Language and musical

composition are probably the two most well known. Techniques such as toning, praying, chanting, and primal screaming

are just a few of the methods that have been used in our attempts to gain dominion over our physical and emotional


But it is the natural tones that seem to be the most useful. Granted they are the ones that we often don't use; at least in

public. Actually the natural grunts, groans and sighs are the sounds used when we find ourselves in our most vulnerable

states: when we are ill, afraid, grieving, angry or making love. These sounds are associated with the most fundamental

aspects of our lives.

We didn't have to learn to moan or weep. It is not required that someone teach us to groan or laugh. With few

exceptions, the ability to produce such verbalizations comes as standard equipment.

Almost anyone can tone. Make a sound; any sound. Make the sound originate from your throat, your nose, from deep in

your gut. Close your mouth and make a sound. Do you feel it move through your nose? Experiment. Run a scale from the

lowest to the highest note you can make. Do you like one sound better than the other? Does one tone make you vibrate

more than the other?

The sounds that cause you to vibrate are the most helpful. Vibrating tones in your sinus cavity or throat have been

known to reduce the pain of a headache and decrease sinus, ear or throat infections. Puff out your cheeks and blow a

sound through your, barely touching, front teeth. See if you can find a note that will make your teeth or inner ear

vibrate. Congratulations, you just learned to tone!

Do any of the sounds make your ears ring? A high-pitched ring that you could not possibly match vocally is present in

your ear if you know how to listen. This is your own soul note. If you haven't heard such a ring maybe you haven't

trained your ear to focus. Try this exercise: Listen, for a few seconds, to someone talking who is very near you. Now

listen to someone who is several feet away, maybe in another room. Now listen close again. Now far. Keep changing

your focus. Can you feel your ears change focus? If you use this same technique, you will soon begin to hear a high-

pitched ring in your ears. This is your own. It is exactly right for you, every minute of every day. Listening will feed you

the tones you need.

Another way to listen for your own sound is to lie down and place a pillow over each ear. Listen to the pillow as you

practice changing your hearing focus. If you have difficulty hearing your sound this way, try making a very low note and

then slowly slide up and down the scale as you listen for your ears to ring. Sometimes cupping your hands over your ears

will help you hear the sound more easily. Once your ears start to ring, quit making the sound and listen to the tones in

your ears. Actively listening to these patterns takes you to a theta brain wave level. According to Robert Becker, MD.

Theta is the healing range for the body.

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Even professional speech therapists are now admitting that the sound of your voice has a lot to do with your energy and

health. Just open your mouth and make a sound; a noise. It doesn't have to make sense, even to you. It doesn't need to

be pleasing to anyone but you.

Although some people may want you to believe that toning must be done in a special form or fashion, don't believe it.

No one is better at moaning (toning) for you than you are.

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Cheetah Cub Conceived with the Help of BioAcoustics

The Wild Animal Park's, Amara meaning Grace, is a six week old Cheetah cub that was conceived with the help of a bioacoustic recording that somehow encouraged the cub's parents to mate. (Photo Jamie Scott Lytle - staff photographer) SAN PASQUAL VALLEY: Cheetah cub conceived with help of bioacoustics By ANDREA MOSS - Staff Writer SAN PASQUAL VALLEY ---- She's cute, she's cuddly, and she was conceived with the help of a new technology called bioacoustics. A 6-week-old African cheetah cub looked healthy and energetic Wednesday as she bounded awkwardly around a small room in the San Diego Zoo's Wild Animal Park's Animal Care Center, which is visible to the public. Pouncing on stuffed toys, gnawing senior mammal keeper Judy Byers' hand, and nuzzling with the keeper, the cub drew lots of "oooohs" and "aaaahs" from onlookers outside a window. Born Feb. 19, the cub has been on display at the care center for about a month. Named Amara, or "Grace" in Swahili, the cheetah cub represents a milestone in a park breeding program aimed at increasing the endangered species' population. The program has produced 133 cubs since the park opened in 1972 just outside Escondido. However, Amara's conception marked the first time researchers have used bioacoustics ---- or doctored recordings of animal sounds ---- to entice cheetahs to mate. Talking about the achievement Wednesday, Autumn Nelson, an animal care supervisor at the park, said the discovery that bioacoustics actually work is a huge step forward, because female cheetahs do little to signal when they are ready to mate. That makes the species the most difficult cat to breed in captivity, she said. Park scientist Matt Anderson said he and his research team weren't even thinking about breeding when they began recording the sounds that cheetahs make when "talking" to each other in 2007. "We were interested in how vocal the cheetahs were ---- what words or vocal sounds the animals used," he said. "We

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recorded everything that they said, then we watched to see what they were doing when they were making certain sounds." Most of the recordings captured little chirrups and purring similar to the noises that ordinary house cats make, Anderson said. Every once in a while, though, researchers heard a cheetah do a sort of "stutter-bark," he said. "It was heard very rarely, and only the males made it," said Anderson. When the team realized the stutter-barks came about the time the female cheetahs were in heat, park endocrinologist Corinne Pisacane started testing and tracking the cheetahs' hormone levels, Anderson said. Combining that data with the information his team had collected revealed that female cheetahs' hormone levels jumped a couple of days after the animals had heard a stutter-bark, indicating that the sound is an aphrodisiac that triggers female ovulation, the scientist said. The park houses six young-adult male cheetahs who live in groups and three young-adult females who are loners, which mimics cheetah behavior in the wild, Anderson said. One of the males is a proven breeder, but the other cheetahs are "naive" or inexperienced breeders, he said. The scientist said he used computer software to alter the stutter-barks his team had recorded from the proven male so his vocalizations sounded like those of a new male. When the altered tapes were played inside the cheetahs' enclosure, Anderson said, mating occurred. The park's use of bioacoustics has caught the attention of zoos across the country, he said, because many breeding programs use such methods as hormone injections to manipulate cheetah breeding. "This is completely noninvasive," the scientist said. Park staff members are still waiting to see whether any other cubs are on the way. In the meantime, the staff is hand-raising Amara to be an "animal ambassador" for the park, because female cheetahs who give birth to single cubs often kill or abandon them, said Nelson. "There's not really been any documented case in the wild where the mother has successfully raised a single cub," she said. Looking like a large, clumsy kitten with an oversized head, Amara seemed to enjoy her playtime with Byers. Weighing in at 408 grams at birth, the cub was up to 4 pounds Wednesday morning. The keeper said she was enjoying seeing Amara develop. "I come in after a weekend, and I see her ability to focus on things and play," said Byers. "She's clumsy, but it's hysterical. She pounces, she stalks." Contact staff writer Andrea Moss at (760) 739-6654 or [email protected].

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Children beat diabetes with good vibrations

Louise Hall, Health Reporter, October 19, 2008

VIBRATING platforms developed to boost muscle mass in Soviet cosmonauts and to improve the performance

of elite athletes are being used to help obese teenagers ward off type 2 diabetes.

A world-first study at The Children's Hospital at Westmead hopes to show that spending just nine minutes a day

on a vibration plate can stimulate weight loss and muscle growth in adolescents with insulin resistance, a

common precursor to the disease.

The 40 participants are given a $5000 Galileo vibration plate to use at home for three months, plus an individual

diet and exercise program. Their results - including waist circumference, bone mineral density and fitness levels

- will be compared with those of 40 adolescents who receive a diet and exercise program only.

"It's easy to swallow a pill but life- style is the hardest thing to change … so we're trying to see if something

that you can do at home as part of your daily routine improves [your] outcome," lead researcher Craig Munns

from the department of endocrinology and diabetes said.

Vibration training is used by sporting and health bodies such as Collingwood Football Club and St Vincent's

Hospital. The vibrations trigger rapid muscle contractions, increasing muscle power.

Researcher Kim Ramjan said the study needs to recruit 65 children aged between 10 and 18 who have pre-

diabetes, where blood glucose levels are higher than normal. Without treatment, one in three will develop type 2


She said the only visible sign of pre-diabetes was a dirty mark on the back of the neck or armpits. Abraham

Sayour, 11, noticed a dark mark on the back of his neck and scrubbed so hard to remove it he drew blood.

Diagnosed as insulin resistant and obese, the year 6 student has completed the three-month program and has

dropped from a size 36 to size 32 waist.

Abraham uses the vibration plate every night and is determined to lose more weight.

[email protected]

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Vocal Profiling – Making Entrepreneurial Excellence a Reality

From a tiny space in a cluttered garage, to being internationally known in only a few years could only happen with a

concept that is boldly waiting to happen: One for which the moment in history is exact. Such is the case of Sound

Health, a very unique educational research institute located in Albany, Ohio that is dedicated to the idea that the voice is

a holographic representation of health and wellness.

Known as Vocal Profiling, this innovative biotechnology is the inspiration of an exceptional local entrepreneur, Sharry

Edwards. “The idea of vocal analysis is atypical to people at first but once they realized that they are already familiar

with the basics they eagerly want more information,” states Edwards. She goes on to note that nearly everyone is

familiar with the changes that take place in a young man’s voice as he moves through puberty. Those changes are

related to the biochemical adjustments taking place. “It just didn’t occur to people that such a natural event could be

used as a biological model for health”, she objectively states with raised eyebrows and a knowing smile.

The idea of analyzing the frequencies and modulation of a human voice to determine emotional, biochemical and

structural status of a person is being used by medical facilities and schools; for military applications; in police work for

verification purposes; in research studies for issues thought to be incurable, to determine health status; to relieve stress

and pain; to determine exposure to toxins and pathogens. From working with the firefighters and engineers at the WTC,

to assisting locally to determine the identification of a threatening phone caller, the pioneering work done here in

Athens has proven its worth.

“The list of how Vocal Profiling can be used seems endless and provides an avenue for the integration of energy

medicine with the allopathic approach,” states Roman Chrucky, MD. Dr. Chrucky credits this new technology with

predicting his heart attack last year and for helping his body reverse a diagnosis of prostate cancer. “I’m very happy with

this work and very happy that Sharry has stuck to these ideas in the face of much adversity. She is the doctor’s doctor. I

send all my perplexing patients to her even though by definition what she does is not medicine.”

When asked to name a verified technique using her methods, Edwards responded. “We could very easily help athletes

and trainers predict which muscles need support. Double blind studies have shown that low frequency analog sound

can relax and/or strengthen selected muscles. Professional teams, and even colleges teams lose revenue when their

star players are on the bench. I think we can help prevent that.”

Embracing a new paradigm usually comes very slowly over time or instantly from an unforgiving catastrophe. Not so

with the idea of using the Voice to provide information concerning health and wellness. Through dedication, tenacity

and hard work the working principles of the voice as an indicator of health will soon become as common as taking your

temperature or blood pressure when you visit your local health care provider.

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Lupus Markers Subject of BioFrequency Cholesterol Study

The diffusion of reported symptoms associated with lupus, an autoimmune disease, were brought together in a pilot

study designed to determine the biofrequency based root cause of lupus.

(PRWEB) May 11, 2004--The diffusion of reported symptoms associated with lupus, an autoimmune disease, were

brought together in a pilot study that was designed to determine the biofrequency based root cause of lupus.

Using computerized vocal samples from a small group of women who suffer from lupus, three common biochemical

Frequency Equivalents* were determined: Inositol, aldosterone and corticosterone. Even though these compounds are

different in their properties and function within the body, inefficient cholesterol management was found to be the most

common, but not the most severe, Lupus marker.

A comparison of each lupus patient’s vocal profile using cholesterol as a base, revealed that adenosine diphosphate

(ADP), Lipoic acid and GABA are the biofrequency root causes of cholesterol insufficiencies associated with Lupus. Each

Lupus sufferer would express these defaults individually.

Lupus is a chronic inflammatory disease that can affect various parts of the body, including the skin, joints, blood, and

kidneys. Immune response antibodies build up in the tissues and can cause inflammation, injury to tissues, and pain. For

some people, lupus is a mild disease affecting only a few organs. For others, it can cause serious and even life-

threatening problems.

The Lupus Foundation of American estimates that 500,000 to 1.5 million Americans have been diagnosed with lupus.

Sixteen thousand new cases are diagnosed each year. Medical science has not yet developed a cure for lupus but has

developed several diverse theories concerning its cause. BioAcoustically Speaking, the frequency pathways of GABA,

ADP and Lipoic Acid may be an efficient means to control the cholesterol inefficiency associated with Lupus.

Mary J. Roman, MD, a cardiologist at Cornell University in NY, writes that the association of cholesterol disturbance and

Lupus has long been known but is as yet not understood1. Vocal Profiling may be an avenue to determine the

biofrequency root associated with many diseases. It must be stressed that individual vocal assessment will be required

to reveal individual faults within the basic frequency pathways to be addressed.

There are other secondary issues that must be considered individually for each Lupus sufferer. Additional issues

associated with the frequency related Lupus/Cholesterol pathway include Candida, cardiomyopathy, thyroid issues,

Parkinson like symptoms, hyperprolinemia, tooth plaque and Kreb cycle insufficiency.

*Frequency Equivalent - a frequency representation of a person, place, thing or emotion.

side bar - Nutrient Information associated with this article –

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Inositol is a non-essential vitamin associated with the B complex family of vitamins and is necessary for nerve, brain and

muscle metabolism. Inositol is complementary to folic acid, Vitamins B6, B12, choline and methionine and has been

associated with inefficient immune response disorders such as Lupus.

Aldosterone is secreted by the cortex of the adrenal gland. It acts on the kidneys to help regulate sodium and blood

pressure. Lupus has been associated with defective stimulation of Aldosterone.

Corticosterone imbalances have been associated with Lupus but there has never been a methodology that could

determine which of these issues were stressed or why these biochemicals were at issue among Lupus patients as a

heterogeneous group.

ADP is involved in DNA repair and apoptosis, both of which may be of relevance in Lupus pathogenesis2.

Lipoic Acid - Lipoic acid is a co-factor for the use of ADP and is often recommended as a supplement to lupus treatment.

GABA – gamma aminobutyric acid is referenced in several articles and research papers in association with lupus and


Disclaimer: The above considerations are not intended to diagnose, treat or mitigate any disease and are to be treated

as frequency related suggestions only. Lupus frequencies associated with Lyme disease are not included here.


1. Davis, Jeanie L. Lupus Patients Risk Early Heart Disease. WEBMD Health.


2. Bruce, Ian N., and Ahmad A. Yasmeen. Arthritis Research & Therapy Review: Genetic

epidemiology: Systemic lupus erythematosus .http://arthritis-research.com/content/3/6/331.

Background Information:

Human BioAcoustics is a research modality dedicated to the idea that the voice is a holographic representation of the

body. Tapping into the network of nerve pathways from the larynx (voice box) via the vagus nerve to the brain,

Frequency Equivalents* are being investigated as a method of diagnostic management to support optimal health and


Employing fundamental mathematical concepts, Sound Health Inc., an educational research institute, uses biological

pathways expressed as frequency relationships to distinguish novel biometric associations.

Vocal Profiling using the tenets of BioAcoustic Biology has been described as being “beyond medicine” because of its

potential to provide an unsullied glimpse into the inherent form and function of the body.

Contact Information

Sharry Edwards SOUND HEALTH RESEARCH http://www.soundhealthinc.com [email protected] 740-698-9119

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BioAcoustic Biology used to Identify Risk Factor Pathways for Heart Disease and Stroke

Biofrequency markers identified as predictive risk factors for heart attack and stroke

(PRWEB) July 22, 2004 -- In response to the increased incidence of heart attacks and stroke reported by the Center for

Disease Control, a study was undertaken in an attempt to identify a hierarchy of risk factors, in terms of biofrequencies,

utilizing the Vocal Profiling techniques of BioAcoustic Biology.

Vocal Profiling evaluates the patterns of the voice in terms of coherence, architecture and frequency relationships. The

resulting numeric values are entered into a database that can be manipulated to create listings of common frequencies

associated with a homogeneous population.The computerized analysis of biomarkers for heart disease and stroke risk factors

identified eleven mathematical sequences implicating Vaccenic and Oleic acids, both trans-fatty-acids (TFA), as the prime

biofrequency markers associated with heart attack and stroke risk factors.

The most common frequency faults were associated with CoA reductase and cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP); both

of which assist in the management of cholesterol. These biochemicals, along with other heart health indicators have been

converted to Frequency Equivalents™ and can be monitored through the heart marker templates used for Vocal Profiling.A

Frequency Equivalent can be defined as a frequency representation associated with the biochemical functions and structural

organization of the human body; including environmental threats from toxin and pathogen exposure.

A study conducted by the Dairy Science Department at Virginia Tech demonstrated that dairy cows fed canola and soybean

oil significantly increased the percentages of the good trans fatty acids, vaccenic and oleic, found in their milk. Marcella

Whetsell of the West Virginia University Extension Service suggests that a reason why TFAs such as oleic acid may not raise

serum cholesterol concentration relates to the fact that these acids are favored substrates for the liver enzyme that converts

cholesterol from an active to an inactive form.

Vaccenic and oleic acids have been shown to have a positive influence in reducing serum cholesterol while other types of

TFAs have been shown to raise serum cholesterol levels. Vaccenic and oleic acid can be found in butter and animal fat, olive

oil and cocoa butter.

If a person exhibits stress involving several markers, his/her risk level would be considered to be HIGH for heart attack and

stroke in terms BioAcoustic Biology values. There is considerable controversy relating to TFAs and cholesterol levels.

BioAcoustic related information may provide the potential to develop a research or educational program that concentrates on

dietary choices that include vaccenic and oleic acid while excluding TFAs that increase cholesterol such as palmitic, lauric,

myristic and elaidic acids.

Cell oscillations can be measured in terms of frequency. James Gimzewski, a UCLA physicist who is an expert regarding the

high pitched sounds emitted by single molecules, believes that frequencies emitted by cells are potentially a hidden language

of health and disease. Investigations of this phenomenon have begun to reveal sets of biofrequency markers based on

simple, yet uniquely expressed mathematical principles. By constructing a numeric matrix using the Frequency Equivalents of

disease biomarkers, BioAcoustic Biology Mathways™ (frequency based biochemical pathways) can be used to map the

biometric terrain of the body.

BioAcoustic research applies proprietary mathematical sequencing to a set of recognized disease indicators to establish a

common, frequency-based, root cause or origin of a set of symptoms. The compilation used for this study incorporated

known biomarkers for heart attack and stroke including fibrinogen, Placental Growth Factor, aldosterone, homocysteine, folic

acid, C Reactive Protein, cholesterol, Interleukin, Serum Amyloid Alpha, C3F proteins, aspirin, genes associated with heart

health. The interrelationships of supplements, enzymes, proteins and hormones were clarified as they relate to heart and

circulatory stress.

The U.S. Center for Disease Control estimates the cost of heart disease and stroke in the U.S. will escalate to $368 billion in

2004. Despite education, research and attempts at managed health care, contributing risk factors continue to remain

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individually complex, elusive and often difficult to categorize. To compile a set of Frequency Equivalents associated with a

specific disease, computerized vocal sample correlates are combined with specifically designed computer algorithm to create

a listing that merges the risk factors with the biochemical functions and structural organization of the human body.

BioAcoustic studies would commonly use such Mathways - frequency based biochemical pathways - to evaluate a subject’s

voice against common biochemicals such as insulin, for example, to determine the status of insulin production and resistance

for a specific individual.

Some of the Mathways for heart health included Alzheimer and thyroid associations. It is theorized that these sequenced

numeric formats can predict the development of the frequency pattern related to the lack of optimal health. Comparing an

individual’s vocal sample to known heart disease risk markers may be the most cost effective approach to identifying which

Mathway components are at fault.

Cardiomyopathy associated with the Epstein Barr virus was also implicated together with the presence of citrulline antibodies

as a potential biomarker of heart inflammation. When followed to a BioAcoustic conclusion, another inflammation marker that

is citrulline related can be mathematically associated to lecithin, a phospholipid that has been shown to help manage heart

disease and atherosclerosis.

An interesting association between high homocysteine levels (a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease) and folic acid

(one of the B family vitamins) as combined with B2 (aka riboflavin) was revealed during the study. Homocysteine and folic

acid share the common biofrequency of riboflavin. This would indicate that B2 plays an integral part in controlling levels of

these nutrients. There is little indication in the literature to show that B2 has been implicated as a leading factor for heart

health. The associations with glutathione, thyroid dysfunction, mold, aspartame, snoring and diabetes are particularly


A frequency fault (much like an instrument that is not in tune with the rest of the orchestra) is individual and can usually be

revealed by comparing a known Frequency Template against a particular set of vocal frequencies. The frequency biomarkers

for heart disease are a combination of known risk factors for heart attack and related supplements compared to the

Frequency Equivalent's of TFAs.

By comparing these markers with individual heart risk factors such a C-reactive protein (CRP), cholesterol and aldosterone,

as well as known genes and blood markers for inflammation associated with heart attack, it was clear, BioAcoustically

speaking, that TFAs, specifically vaccenic and oleic acid, were the most obvious issues when all risk factors were considered

in combination.

Prior to completing the computations for the Math Matrix for Heart Risk Factors, no attempt to match a disease paradigm

with any specific frequency was undertaken. A Mathway was created, and then a literature search was completed to see if

the numbers did, indeed, match acknowledged disease patterns and biomarkers. In most cases, the information not only

substantiated the literature but went beyond to hidden views of knowledge that are waiting to be explored!

Disclaimer: Vocal Profiling uses simple mathematical principles, uniquely expressed, as a self healing modality. The emerging

science of BioAcoustic Biology is in its infancy. Databases references herein are not all inclusive. Getting “well” from reading

or using the information contained herein is purely coincidental.

Sound Health Research Institute

Employing fundamental mathematical concepts, uniquely expressed, Sound Health Research Institute, a 501 C-3 educational

research facility, uses biological pathways expressed as frequency relationships to distinguish novel biometric associations.

Human BioAcoustics is a research modality dedicated to the idea that the voice can be a holographic representation of the

body. Tapping into the network of nerve pathways from the larynx (voice box) via the vagus nerve to the brain, Frequency

Equivalents are being investigated as a method of analytic management in support of optimal health and wellness.

Contact Information:

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Sharry Edwards


[email protected]


# # #

Contact Information

Sharry Edwards




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Sound Health Open House

Sound Health and the Institute of BioAcoustic Biology of Albany is opening its doors to the public to provide free Vocal

Profiles on May 15 from 6-8 pm. Vocal Profiles being offered – as time permits - will include Personality Profiling,

Muscle Evaluations and Nutritional Assessments. Each guest will receive a link to FREE software that will allow them to

create their own vocal profiles at home.

Sound Health specializes in Vocal Profiling and is presently involved in an Army sponsored project dealing with the

quantitative identification of damage experienced by soldiers due to close proximity acoustic bomb blasts.

Although most of Sound Health’s clients are referred from physicians outside of Ohio – some bopping in on their private

jets - local residents are beginning to take advantage of the pioneering body of work created by Sharry Edwards, the

internationally recognized founder of Human BioAcoustic Vocal Profiling.

Teddy is a 9 year old student from Nelsonville-York school district recently broke his clavicle playing baseball. His

physician prescribed pain pills which he could not swallow. Teddy was in pain but without any option for relief. His

mother, Jen, had him evaluated at the Institute’s clinical lab located in the old Albany School. In just a few minutes of

using sound, Teddy’s pain was relieved, completely. The process involved using the frequencies found in Teddy’s voice

to determine which frequencies would be most appropriate for his issue – a broken bone. “I was thrilled that he did not

have to take any pain medication and he healed sooner allowing him to get back on the baseball field.” said Teddy’s

mom. Teddy seemed to take it all in stride, which is typical since the younger generation seems to accept novel

outcomes more readily than us older folks.

Chip, a 38 year old former EMT and current graduate student at Ohio University, suffered from severe gout pain for over

10 years. At the Institute his gout pain was relieved in less than two minutes using an experimental device developed

during research studies. When asked how he felt without the pain he replied “Completely relieved and surprised and

very grateful.”

Other projects that are planned for local participation include weight loss management and pain relief. Sound Health

just this week decoded all of the proteins, genes and activators associated with the current swine flu dilemma. Many

downloadable videos about this work are available from www.nutrasounds.com and jbab.org.

Edwards is the recipient many prestigious awards for her work which has been cited in over twenty books and


One of the best kept secrets of southeastern Ohio prospers in the old Albany school, who some say is haunted. The

1921 structure, houses a State recognized, non-profit biotech research facility, the Institute of BioAcoustic Biology and

Sound Health. Please join us for our 2nd OPEN HOUSE and in celebrating another accomplished year of research and

innovative technology happening right here in our own backyard.

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Can voice frequencies be successfully sampled over the


The top sample was taken using a recorded voice (using a counting sequence) that was input into the nVoice program

via a microphone. The bottom sample is of the same recorded voice input to the nVoice program via a microphone over

the phone line. Each report generated 24 paragraphs: 18 of the paragraphs were identical. The paragraphs that we not

identical were similar in content. We did encounter a difference in the sampling rate. 234 from the wave; 259 via a

phone. A cell or filtered phone should not be used.

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What is Human BioAcoustic

VVooccaall PPrrooffiilliinngg Using a uni-directional condenser microphone that is linked to a computer equipped with a calibrated sound card, a

short (less than a minute) sample of the voice is captured. A Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) converts the recorded vocal

sounds into numeric data using the properties of frequency (Hertz/cycles per second) and amplitude (decibel). This

information is used to create a digital graph that represents the vocal frequencies and the corresponding data using a

range of 0-1000 cycles per second.

FFT’s are computationally efficient algorithms commonly used to convert analog vocal data to digital numeric data for

rapid spectral analysis. Such transformations from time to frequency domain use mathematical functions to depict the

relative magnitudes and phase relationships of frequencies in a time varying signal.

The frequencies and patterns that are generated are evaluated in terms of coherence, architecture and numeric value.

A technician assesses the graph, identifying the dissonant values that will be used to characterize the information.

The resulting frequencies are entered into a database that can be manipulated to create a variety of reports that

represent substances in terms of Frequency Equivalents™ (FE); a frequency representation of a person, place or thing..

Categories include nutrients, biochemicals, toxins, genomes, pathogens, muscles.

These reports may be used for research purposes by wellness practitioners in the hope of providing substantiation and

direction in support of optimal form and function.

The software used for BioAcoustic evaluation is not available commercially and is continuously being modified to fit

research requirements. Databases are upgraded constantly to include research results related to frequency correlates

that can be associated with the biochemical functions and structural organization of the human body; including

environmental threats from toxin and pathogen exposure. The information contained within the databases as well as

the processes to interpret and construct frequency associations, are novel, distinctive and exclusive to the research

functions of Sound Health.

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What is Human BioAcoustic

Sound Presentation Sound presentation, BioAcoustically speaking, is the delivery of analog sequenced frequency sets, via headphones or a

speaker, that are individually constructed for a client using information gleaned from a Voice Profile ™ by a trained

BioAcoustic Research Associate/Assistant.

After a vocal sample is captured, computer analysis is used to determine the most appropriate frequencies that will be

evaluated during tone trials. These frequencies are established using information supplied by the referring physician

reported issues from the client, data from vocal samples, comparisons against other client vocal prints who have similar

issues and a client’s responses during sound presentation.

Once a BioAcoustic Research Associate has identified the frequencies to be tested, the next step is to determine the

most suitable form of feedback that will assist in the determination of the appropriate tones to be used for long-term

sound presentation. During tone trials objective, as well as subjective, feedback is used to refine the formula sets.

Positive and negative emotional physiological responses are used to assist in the determination of the specific

frequencies, assembled in the appropriate combinations, for the proper amount of time.

Clients are situated in a suitable position for testing – this could be standing, sitting or lying down. Individual tones are

provided for duration of 30-60 seconds. The client is then asked to evaluate the tones in terms of any reactions they

may be experiencing. Frequency techniques include a variety of objective measurements. In the case of a muscle

involvement, the tones may be used for up to two minutes during the testing phase of sound presentation. Data is

gathered as each sound is presented and directly after each tone is concluded for biofeedback reactions. Unless

otherwise indicated, no more than 10-12 tones are tested in any one session. Often these clinical tone trials are

videotaped and/or observed by BioAcoustic trainee of assistant to be used for educational purposed. A client’s privacy

is always protested unless specifically waived.

The goal of the tone trials is to determine the most appropriate combinations of tones that can be programmed into a

small, personal computer-like analog frequency generator called a Square Two™, that has been specifically designed to

provide programmed long-term BioAcoustic sound presentation.

For research purposed, the Square Two™ tone box is programmed using the resulting data from the tone trials. Tone

boxes are generally loaned to a client for a short period of time *usually for one or two days) to provide an opportunity

to evaluate the continuing responses. If warranted, the client is offered the opportunity to purchase a tone box for self


Reassessment is essential, either by self monitoring using the Provider Series of computer assessment programs, or by a

trained BioAcoustic practitioner. It is rarely the situation that one session is sufficient to support optimal long-term form

and function. Our interest is in the continuing data that is gleaned from the responses to the sounds presented during

tone trials.