Facebook and the data it produces can increase web search for a assortment of reasons. One reason belongs to recommendations or reviews, even if they're in general. People can say bad and the good things about experiences they have with music, places, films, new bands, cuisine, etc. This takes place naturally on a regular basis. These details depending on FB people you're friends with (and know whether you trust or care about their opinion) It can supply a great deal of relevance to a query. One other reason is photographs. Wonder how nice it might be to see photos from your friends show up for

Social Marketing Getting New Clients From Facebook

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Page 1: Social Marketing Getting New Clients From Facebook

Facebook and the data it produces can increase web search for a assortment of reasons. One reason belongs to

recommendations or reviews, even if they're in general. People can say bad and the good things about experiences

they have with music, places, films, new bands, cuisine, etc. This takes place naturally on a regular basis. These

details depending on FB people you're friends with (and know whether you trust or care about their opinion) It can

supply a great deal of relevance to a query. One other reason is photographs. Wonder how nice it might be to see

photos from your friends show up for relevant queries. Let's say you want to take a getaway. You could web

search for pictures of Bali on the search engines and find some beautiful shots no doubt. How nice would it be to

visit your friends' honeymoon pictures in Google?

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Start to see the interesting things they did while they were there. You possibly will not have even known they went

there, but if their photos surfaced in your Search engines like Google search, you would know, and possibly be led to

discuss their knowledge about them. This type of influencing can occur on the internet, as a close

recommendation or review along with images is a compelling feature. think about this and how it could

possibly apply to business applications.

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Online video and video clips are one more reason. People are posting more and more video clips on social sites like

you tube and Facebook - both original and links to interesting or entertaining things they've found on the

world wide web. In relevant cases, wouldn't it be nice to see video clips from a friends when they make sense. You

can apply the offers example here as well. Or let's say you're trying to find "location based" videos, but not one specifically. Maybe you could see some specific ones that your particular friends thought were notably interesting.

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But Search engines normally do not include this kind of personalized social media information in its web search

results, and there's nothing indicating that this is en route either. Bing uses personalized Facebook itself data,

although not in this rich of an experience. There's a high probability you don't in fact care about the opinion of

everybody you're friends with on Facebook. Simply because you knew somebody in High School doesn't mean

you worry about their opinions on whatever services. However, your friend providing you with an incredible

cuisine every time you go to their house for a party might carry more weight.

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On the other hand, you will never know what you're going to be in search of in the future, and whose words could

possibly have some hidden and unexpected significance. Maybe you are friends with somebody who has the

complete opposite taste in movies as you. If they say a film is irrelevant , maybe you'll be more inclined to view it. The thing is that Facebook content has the potential to make

searches better when integrated in interesting and relevant ways. This really is one reason why Facebook

itself could be a treacherous match for Search engines like Google, if it ever decided to start taking search engine

more seriously.

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To many, the notion may seem quizzical, but it didn't take long for a unique web search engine called Microsoft's'

BIng to gain significant ground in the web search market. And Facebook's user-base is enormous. A solid marketing budget can go a long way, as Microsoft proved with Msn. Then of course there's that whole Bing-Facebook . com

partnership to consider for the future of SEO. Bing supports Facebook's world wide web results and Bing will no doubt find new ways to integrate Facebook into its very

own experience.

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