Presented to: Presented by: 1 Khisal Iftikhar Prof.Sa daf

Smoking kills

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Page 1: Smoking kills


Presented to: Presented by: Khisal Iftikhar


Page 2: Smoking kills


Topic: Smoking Kills

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Smoking is one of the worst things that kids or adults can do to their bodies.

Yet every single day nearly 4,400 kids between the ages 12 and 17 start smoking.

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What is smoking?

Smoking  is a practice in which a

substance, most commonly tobacco,

is burned and the smoke is tasted or

inhaled and then,exhaled.

The most common method of

smoking today is through cigarettes.

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Why Do People Smoke? Many people started smoking long before they learned how

unhealthy it was, and now it is hard for them to stop.

Some people start smoking because they think it is "cool".

All their friends are smokers and they don’t want to be the odd ones out.

His family smoked so he wanted to try it.

Some may just be foolish enough to think that smoking will not harm them.

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What Happens?

A cigarette contains substance called nicotine, that gives pleasure to smokers. Nicotine is a poison. The scientists say nicotine can kill a person when taken in large amounts.

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Nicotine It is the most important

pharmacologically active substance (any substance that affects the function of the body)in every form of tobacco and its smoke.

The problem of nicotine is that it addicts the individual to the inhalation of tobacco smoke, which permanently alters the structure and function of the human body.

Nicotine has the reputation as ‘one of the dirtiest drugs in pharmacology”

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It is absorbed readily from tobacco smoke in the lungs, and it does not matter whether the tobacco smoke is from cigarettes, cigars, or pipes.

From the lungs, it moves quickly to the left side of the heart, where nicotine is pumped to every corner of the body.

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It is a thick, dark liquid that is formed when tobacco burns. This tar covers the linings of the lungs, where it can cause disease.

It contains numerous compounds,suspected to be, tumor promoters.

A person,smokes a pack of cigrettes daily through out the year is equivalent to a cup of tar over his respiratory track.

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The other dangerous substances,extreamly harmful for health,that are present in a cigarette are:





Carbon monoxide

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Another form of smoking tobacco,which is very popular among teens now a days is

“ Hookah“.

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Hookah’s AppealWide variety of flavors +

Pleasant smells

Social activity

Hookah bars/lounges

Portable hookahs

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Myths About Hookah

Its flavor doesn’t contain tobacco and nicotine.

Hookah is better than cigarettes because the toxic smoke passes through the water and it cleans the smoke of it’s toxins.

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All of these are“ False

Perceptions “

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Exposure to Toxins

Water does not purify smoke of all toxins

Exposed to: Tar

Carbon Monoxide

Heavy metals


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WHO Advisory A typical one-hour session of

hookah smoking exposes the user to 100 to 200 times the volume of smoke inhaled from a single cigarette.

Contains more nicotine than cigarette

Same addiction risk as other forms of tobacco

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Other Hazards

Hygiene hazard Passing pipes between people

possibility of infection

Fire hazard Lit charcoal

Slightest movement can cause hookah to topple causing a fire

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So,we conclude that,

“ Hookah is just as dangerous as other forms of tobacco.”

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Smoking and Health

Every year about five million people

lose their lives because of smoking. Smoking is the single most important preventable cause of death. It causes the two most deadly diseases: heart disease and lung cancer, as well as other deadly diseases.

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SmokingCauses … Makes … Affects …

a cough


heart disease

teeth yellow

skin unhealthy

hair and clothes


brain centres


the whole family

people around


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Effects of Smoking on The Body

Organs Short Term Effects

Long Term Effects

Brain Head-aches Stops body parts from working

Eyes Cannot focus Go blind

Ears Becomes a little deaf

Totally deaf

Mouth Yellow teeth,bad breath

Mouth cancer

Skin Wrinkles Skin cancer

Heart Stroaks,increase heart beat

Heart disease

Lungs Asthma Lungs cancer

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Mostly Effected Organs

The organs,which are mostly

effected by smoking are:




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Smoking and Heart Diseases

The chemicals in tobacco smoke harm your blood cells. They also can damage the function of your heart and the structure and function of your blood vessels.Some major heart diseases,that the smoking can cause are:


Coronary heart disease (CHD)

 Peripheral arterial disease (PAD)

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Atherosclerosis: Atherosclerosis is a disease in which a waxy substance called plaque (plak) builds up in the arteries. Over time,plaque hardens and narrows your arteries.This limits the flow of oxygen-rich blood to your organs and other parts of your body.

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Coronary Heart Disease:Coronary heart disease (CHD) occurs if plaque builds up in the coronary (heart) arteries. Over time, CHD can lead to Chest Pain, Heart Attack, Heart Failure or even death.

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Peripheral Arterial Disease

Smoking also is a major risk factor for Peripheral Arterial Disease (P.A.D.). P.A.D. is a condition in which plaque builds up in the arteries that carry blood to the head, organs, and limbs. People who have P.A.D. are at increased risk for heart disease, heart attack, and stroke.

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Smoking and Lungs DiseasesMany smokers can tell that smoking is causing damage to their lungs. They sometimes feel short of breath. This happens because every time a cigarette is smoked, the following occurs: The minute hairs in the upper airways (cilia) are damaged by

the chemicals in cigarette smoke.

The lungs are irritated so the airways become narrow, which makes it harder to breathe.

Carbon monoxide, a poison, is forced into the blood and restricts the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood.

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Smoking can cause a number of lungs diseases that are followed:

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

Lungs Cancer


Other cancers of repiratory system

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Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): 

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a long-term lung disease that causes shortness of breath.

Initially, shortness of breath may happen only when walking up hills or stairs. But with serious disease, even walking and normal activities will become difficult.

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Lungs Cancer:

The other major respiratory disease that smoking causes is lung cancer.New evidence has identified an important gene - p53, found in the nucleus of every cell.Its main role is to clean up any errors or changes that occur within copied cells.This means that any cell with damaged p53 is highly susceptible to cancer.

In 1996, scientists made a direct link between smoking and lungs cancer when they proved that benzopyrene, a carcinogen found in high concentrations in cigarette smoke,that directly damages p53.

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Risks of Lungs Cancer:

The risk of developing lungs cancer is related to both,how long and how much a person has smoked.

For instance, a person who takes up smoking in their teens is five times more likely to die of lung cancer than someone who starts after their mid twenties.

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Asthma:When someone smokes, he may cough, wheeze, and feel short of breath.

This is because smoke irritates the airways, causing them to become

swollen, narrow, and filled with

sticky substance. These are the

same things that happen during

an asthma flare-up.That's why

smoking can cause asthma flare-ups.Those flare-ups may be more severe

and harder to control, even with medicine.

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Other Cancers of Respiratory System:

Smoking is a major cause of cancers of the oral cavity, oesophagus and larynx. The use of alcohol in combination with smoking greatly increases smokers' risk for these cancers.

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Smoking and Brain Diseases

The Indian National Brain Research Center (NBRC), have found that a compound in tobacco provokes white blood cells in the central nervous system to attack healthy cells, leading to severe neurological damage.

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General Appearance

Bad Breathing

Black lips

Yellow teeth

Dental caries


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Important Statistics

Overview of smoking in Pakistan

In Pakistan, 19 percent of adults (age 18+) smoke tobacco

Almost one-third (32 percent of men and 6 percent of women smoke

It is estimated that for each cigarette smoked, an average of 5.5 min of life is lost.

Each year, approximately 60,000 people die from tobacco-related diseases in Pakistan.Among youth (age 13-15), 34 percent report being exposed to secondhand smoke in public places and 27 percent report exposure at home.

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Health care costs are about 40% higher for people who smoke.

Death rates of smokers are 2-3 times higher than for nonsmokers at all ages.

The younger a person is when he begins to smoke, the more likely he is to develop nicotine addiction and even become heavily addicted and the more difficult it will be for him to quit.

There is no safe cigarette, whether it is called ‘light’, ‘ultra-light’, or any other name.

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Tobacco is the most widely grown crop in countries. Therefore, less land is available for food crop. Between 10 to 20 million people could be fed if food crop was grown in its place.

All types of lung cancer are caused by tobacco use for both men and women.

About one third of all heart attack deaths and 40% of stroke deaths are linked to tobacco use.

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Smoking in ISLAMA general rule of the Islamic Shariah is that it is haram for the Muslim to eat or drink anything which may cause his death, either quickly or gradually, such as poisons or substances which are injurious to health or harmful to his body.Moreover,Shariah also prohibits the wastage of money.

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Verses Allah says: « And do not kill yourselves;

indeed, Allah is ever Merciful to you. » (4, 29)

He also says: « And do not be cast into ruin by your own hands …» (2, 195)

Allah says: ...But spend not wastefully (your wealth) in the manner of a spendthrift, Verily, spendthrifts are brothers of the devils, and the Devil (Satan) is ever ungrateful to his Lord..>> (Quran 17/26-27)

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Islamic Point of View

As an application of this principle,if it is proved that the use of tobacco is injurious to health; It is prohibited in Islam, especially for a person whose physician has advised him to stop smoking.

Even if it is not injurious to health, it is still a waste of money, spent neither for religious nor for secular benefit, and the Prophet (peace be on him) forbade the wasting of wealth.

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So, ISLAM doesn’t allow any one to smoke..!!

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How to Get Rid of Smoking

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Start your stop smoking plan with STARTS = Set a quit date.

T = Tell family, friends, and co-workers that you plan to quit.

A = Anticipate and plan for the challenges you'll face while quitting.

R = Remove cigarettes and other tobacco products from your home, car, and work.

T = Talk to your doctor about getting help to quit.

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Manage Mood Changes

After quitting, you may be more irritable, frustrated, restless or angry,than usual. You may also experience headaches, trouble sleeping, and difficulty in concentrating.

However, these changes usually get better in 1 or 2 weeks as the toxins are flushed from your body and you find other, healthy ways to manage your moods

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Additional Tips

Keep your hands/fingers busy: Squeeze balls, pencils, or paper clips are good substitutes to satisfy that need for tactile stimulation.

Keep your mind busy: Read a book or magazine, listen to some music you love.

Say “ NO “ to any offer.

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Stay active: Keep yourself distracted and occupied, go for walks.

Find an oral substitute like mints,hard candy,chewing gums,etc. when you’re craving a cigarette.

Drink lots of water: Flushing toxins from your body minimizes withdrawal symptoms and helps cravings pass faster.

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Tips for parents

Set a good example for your kids by not smoking yourself. Parents who smoke are more likely to have children who smoke.  

Know if your children have friends that smoke. Talk with your kids about ways to refuse a cigarette.

Explain the health dangers, as well as the unpleasant physical aspects of smoking (such as bad breath, discolored teeth and nails).

Establish a smoke-free policy in your home. Don't allow anyone to smoke indoors at any time.

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You can also stop others from smoking through media

By advertisements

Making dramas that create awareness among people

Through pamphlets about its side effects

By banning its advertisement

Through medication

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