Opening In order to “hook” your audience, you can use a broad general statement: Everybody knows smoking kills a question What do smoke signals, wax tablets,

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Opening an anecdote (a short one!) or a joke. a fact: Fifty percent of marriages end up in divorce. a quote: "Never do yourself what you can afford to pay someone else to do." That is a motto my brother lives by. Had I lived by it, too, I could have saved myself a large expense, much griminess, and a painful injury to my hand the last time I tried to fix a leaking toilet.

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Page 1: Opening In order to “hook” your audience, you can use a broad general statement: Everybody knows smoking kills a question What do smoke signals, wax tablets,
Page 2: Opening In order to “hook” your audience, you can use a broad general statement: Everybody knows smoking kills a question What do smoke signals, wax tablets,

Opening In order to “hook” your audience, you can use

a broad general statement: Everybody knows smoking kills

a question

What do smoke signals, wax tablets, and the telegraph all have in common?  They were all tools used for communication.  Some of these tools were more sophisticated than others, but all of them served the same purpose.  They allowed people to communicate with each other. Maybe in a few thousand years, our way of communicating will become obsolete.  But there's no denying the importance of the cell phone, the computer, and the postal service in our society today.

If you became seriously ill and needed to be hospitalized for several weeks, would you be able to afford to pay thousands of dollars for proper medical care?  Unfortunately, many Americans have already found out that they cannot.  Therefore, the federal government must provide national health insurance for all of its citizens.

a thought-provoking idea: Imagine having to pay every time you slept?

Page 3: Opening In order to “hook” your audience, you can use a broad general statement: Everybody knows smoking kills a question What do smoke signals, wax tablets,

Openingan anecdote (a short one!) or a joke. a fact: Fifty percent of marriages end up in

divorce. a quote:

"Never do yourself what you can afford to pay someone else to do."  That is a motto my brother lives by.  Had I lived by it, too, I could have saved myself a large expense, much griminess, and a painful injury to my hand the last time I tried to fix a leaking toilet.

Page 4: Opening In order to “hook” your audience, you can use a broad general statement: Everybody knows smoking kills a question What do smoke signals, wax tablets,

Closing Include a brief summary of the paper's main points, expressed in a different way and with one more argument.

Thesis Statement (main idea): San Francisco is a stimulating place to visit because of its magnificent location, its theaters and art galleries, and its many fine restaurants.Summary Statement: If you love beautiful surroundings, world class theater and art, and an exquisite meal, then San Francisco is the place for you. ask a provocative question and an answer to it. “Is this the future we want for our children? Definitely not.” Use a quotation. I am inclined to think that common belief about friends having to be together at all times is mistaken, after all, as the saying goes “a friend in need is a friend indeed”.

evoke a vivid image: Imagine yourself sipping a cocktail by the Caribbean sea…well, that could be you in 10 years time, just start saving today! call for some sort of action/ end with a warning: Unless wet want this apocaliptic future to become a reality, we should act. Now. universalize (compare to other situations). suggest results or consequences (using a list of three would fit in nicely)

Page 5: Opening In order to “hook” your audience, you can use a broad general statement: Everybody knows smoking kills a question What do smoke signals, wax tablets,

Linking Opening and Closing Paragraphs

Page 6: Opening In order to “hook” your audience, you can use a broad general statement: Everybody knows smoking kills a question What do smoke signals, wax tablets,

Linking Opening and Closing Paragraphs In Lake Wobegone Days, humorist Garrison Keillor tells of a

retired dentist in a little Minnesota town.  He sits in a fishing boat much of theday.  "Open wide," Dr. Nute says to the fish.  "This may sting a little bit.  Okay.  Now bite down."  Unfortunately, not all retired persons are so easily able to continue their once interesting professions in some form, as Dr. Nute has.  Retirees have a high death rate within the first six months after retirement, apparently because of boredom, and psychologists suggest three ways to prevent it.

It´s good to know that by doing regular physical activity, eating a balanced diet and sustaining meaningful relationships, retired people can stay healthy and enjoy a pleasant meaningful retirement. Seniors don´t have to spend all their day fishing in a pond the way Dr, Nute did, but there are plenty of other engaging activities available to retirees.

Page 7: Opening In order to “hook” your audience, you can use a broad general statement: Everybody knows smoking kills a question What do smoke signals, wax tablets,

Fully half the fatal automobile accidents in Maryland involve a drunk driver, according to the State Division of Motor Vehicles.  We should support concerned citizens who are now demanding that three strict laws be passed to alleviate this problem.

Lowering the blood alcohol limit, revoking the licences of first-time offenders and forcing convicted frunk drivers to compensate their victims will help hold will a start towards making theses irresponsible people more accountable for their actions. If we don´t get tough with drunk drivers soon, many more will be killed on our state´s highways.

Page 8: Opening In order to “hook” your audience, you can use a broad general statement: Everybody knows smoking kills a question What do smoke signals, wax tablets,

Where does our drinking water come from?  Some people get theirs from water systems maintained by cities and towns.  Other people get theirs from their own wells. However, much of your drinking water, whether people get it from a city water system or from a home well, comes from the ground.

It is amazing to consider how much we rely on underground aquifers to supply our drinking water. Knowing this, can we possibly justify the continued pollution of our main source of fresh water?

Page 9: Opening In order to “hook” your audience, you can use a broad general statement: Everybody knows smoking kills a question What do smoke signals, wax tablets,

Its left ear is partially detached.  One of its black plastic eyes is gone.  Parts of its fur is worn and matted from being hugged and tugged around the house.  Food and juice stains dapple its tan coat in places.  Some people might think this little stuffed bunny should be thrown into the junk heap.  But this old bunny is one of my favorite childhood possessions, and we've been through a lot together.

Even though people might think I´m crazy for being so attached to an old toy, I can´t imagine what I would do without Mr. Softie. Every torn stitch, every missing piece, every worn spot brings back a childhood memory to be cherished.

Page 10: Opening In order to “hook” your audience, you can use a broad general statement: Everybody knows smoking kills a question What do smoke signals, wax tablets,

Suggested compositionsShould children wear a uniform in Primary

and Secondary education?

Are military interventions justified if endorsed by the UN (United Nations)?

Page 11: Opening In order to “hook” your audience, you can use a broad general statement: Everybody knows smoking kills a question What do smoke signals, wax tablets,

PracticeHow to expand an idea

Page 12: Opening In order to “hook” your audience, you can use a broad general statement: Everybody knows smoking kills a question What do smoke signals, wax tablets,

Smoking is an unwise choice.Topic: Should Smoking Be Banned?Restatement: For all of these reasons,

smoking should be outlawed. Comment: Deciding not to smoke and deciding

to outlaw smoking for everyone are different arguments. Pick one and stick with it

Revision: If you don’t smoke, don’t start. And if you smoke, quit.

Page 13: Opening In order to “hook” your audience, you can use a broad general statement: Everybody knows smoking kills a question What do smoke signals, wax tablets,

Unfortunately all this preparation could not prevent a disappointing tripRestatement: In conclusion, our trip turned out

to be a complete disaster.

Comment: Do not overstate your thesis. The trip could not have been a complete disaster unless it ended in tragedy.

Revision: We probably learned some valuable lessons about planning a trip, but that did not lift our sour mood on our long drive home.


Page 14: Opening In order to “hook” your audience, you can use a broad general statement: Everybody knows smoking kills a question What do smoke signals, wax tablets,

Our trip to Key West was disappointing. Topic: Talk about a trip.

Restatement: Come to think about it, being at Fantasy Fest was a unique once in a lifetime experience, so maybe the trip was worth it after all.

Comment: Don’t hedge. Make up your mind before you write the paper and then stick to your thesis. If you do change your mind, change your thesis and paper, not just your ending.

Revision: I can now brag to everyone that I was at Fantasy Fest, but I might not tell them I didn’t enjoy it.