RLPV SMART CITY Online National Polling Version1.1 Team Guide: Mr. Roopesh Kumar (Lect. CSE Dept.) Team Members: Rahul Sharma Lokesh Patidar Prinesh Farkya Vinod Panwar College Name: Mandsaur Institute of Technology, Mandsaur (Madhya Pradesh)

Smart City Srs

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Page 1: Smart City Srs



Online National Polling


Team Guide:

Mr. Roopesh Kumar

(Lect. CSE Dept.)

Team Members:

Rahul Sharma

Lokesh Patidar

Prinesh Farkya

Vinod Panwar

College Name:

Mandsaur Institute of Technology,Mandsaur (Madhya Pradesh)

Page 2: Smart City Srs

Smart City Version: 1.0Smart City Date: 31/12/2010Team Name: RLPV

Revision History

Date Version

Description Author

31/12/2010 1.0 Synopsis RLPV

CreativeMITiansMIT Mandsaur 2009

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Smart City Version: 1.0Smart City Date: 31/12/2010Team Name: RLPV

Table of Contents

1. Introduction1.1 Purpose 151.2 Scope1.3 Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations1.4 References1.5 Technologies1.6 Overview

2. Overall Description2.01 Product Perspective2.02 Software Interface2.03 Hardware Interface2.04 Communication Interface2.05 User Characteristics2.06 Constraints2.07 Use-Case Model Survey2.08 Architecture Diagram

2.09 E-R Diagram2.10 Database Design2.11 Assumptions and Dependencies

3. Specific Requirements 3.01 Use-Case Reports3.02 Supplementary Requirements

CreativeMITiansMIT Mandsaur 2009

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Online National Polling

1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose:The purpose of this project is to develop an Smart city environment

that provides person to access any information about the city via the in-ternet.

Smart City will continue to evolve as the nation’s leading provider of event technology services, meeting the ever changing needs of our customers. Through our strategic partnerships with the world’s most innovative technology companies, Smart City will test and implement new products and services for the technology leaders of today and tomorrow.

For the convention industry, Smart City will keep providing the golden standard of technology providers. Each and every convention center, hotel and event facility that offers Smart City services will be providing their customers the latest and greatest technology over the industry’s most reliable networks with one of the best trained, most versatile workforces in the country.

1.2 Scope:Basic Features: All information about the city, online.

Easy access for user who want the any news of city for business purpose.

The tourist will visit city online and find the tourist plase in the city easily.

Validate the registration of voters as well as candidates.

The business man have facility to advertise our product online.

Candidates can run their election campaign via forum or chat rooms.

Maintain all the details of user who’s subscribe the sms alerts in our mobile.

Alert the citizen or user of any government notice or any other news on the date by sending sms.

SMS based inquiry for real-time services.

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Optional Features:

Secure Socket Layer (SSL) connectivity for secure access of confidential data.

1.3 Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations:

User: A User is a aurthorised person who can get th sevices of the

smart city through sms on mobile by paid some money.

Businessman: A businessman is a aurthorised person who can

chnge our product information and database any time.

HTML: Hypertext Markup Language is a markup language used to

design static web pages.

JavaScript: Client side script language for interactive designing of

web pages.

JDBC: Java Database Connectivity.

SSL: Secure Socket Layer.

XML: Extensible Markup Language is a widely used system for

defining data formats. XML provides a very rich system to define

complex documents and data structures.

AJAX: It is an acronym for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. It's a

method to utilize the abilities of JavaScript, the Document Object

Model, and XML to create interactivity on the web.

EJB: Enterprise Java Beans. It is architecture for the development

and deployment of transactional, distributed object applications-

based, server side software components.

J2EE: Java 2 Enterprise Edition is a programming platform— part

of the Java Platform—for developing and running distributed multi-

tier architecture Java applications, based largely on modular soft-

ware components running on an application server.

DB2: DB2 Database is the database management system that de-

livers a flexible and cost-effective database platform to build

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robust on demand business applications. It also uses pureXML

technology to store data.

WAS: WebSphere Application Server is an application server that

runs business applications and supports the J2EE and web services


RSA: Rational Software Architect is a designer toolkit which is de-

signed to develop more complex project by providing fully dy-

namic services.

RAD: Rational Application Developer is a developer tool which is

designed to develop multitier application using Java technologies.

HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol is a transaction oriented

client/server protocol between web browser & a Web Server.

HTTPS: Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol is a HTTP over SSL

(secure socket layer).

TCP/IP: Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol, the suite

of communication protocols used to connect hosts on the Internet.

CDMA: Code Division Multiple Access - a generic term for a type

of digital mobile telephony technology which supports a number of

mobile connections.

GSM: Stands for Global System for Mobiles and is the interna-

tional standard for wireless technology. GSM allows users to utilize

one phone and one number in many countries throughout the


1.4 References:

IEEE SRS Format.

Beginning Database Design - Gavin Powell (Wrox Publisher).

Mastering UML with Rational Rose - Wendy Boggs, Michael Boggs. jQuery Cookbook - John Resig.

Problem Definition (Provided by IBM).

E-Books (Provided by IBM).

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1.5 Technologies:

UML. Java J2EE XML Ajax Web 2.0 (XHTML, CSS, JavaScript ) jQuery (Cross Browser JavaScript Library) DB2 pureXML Google Data Visualization API

1.6 Overview:

Overall Description: It will describe major components of the system, interconnection and external interfaces.

Specific Requirements: It will describe the functions of actors, their role in the system and constraints.

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2. Overall DescriptionDescribe the general factors that affect the product and its


2.1 Product Perspective:

The web pages (XHTML/JSP) are provides the user interface to the User/businessman/visitor in a web browser. Communication between client and server is provided through HTTP/HTTPS protocols.

The Mobile Client is a GSM or CDMA phone used to send and receive SMS for new news of smart city on the mobile phone. This communi-cation is provided using AT commands.

At the server side web server is for EJB, Servlets, JavaBeans, and database server is for storing the information.

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HTML Client(User or


HTML Client(User or


Mobile Client(User)

GSM or CDMA Phone

Mobile Client(User)

GSM or CDMA Phone





Server &SMS Server


Server &SMS Server


Client SideApplication Server Database Server

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2.2 Software Interface:

Client on Internet : Web Browser, Windows Operating System.

Client on Intranet : Client Software, Web Browser, Windows Operating


Client on Mobile : Any mobile phone having Send and Receive SMS functionality.

Web Server : Web Sphere Application Server, Windows Operat-ing \


Data Base Server : DB2Development End : RAD (J2EE, Java, Java Bean, Servlets, HTML), DB2,

Operating System (Windows), Web Server.

2.3 Hardware Interface:Client Side

Software Processor RAM Disk SpaceInternet Explorer

7.0Intel Pentium IV

At 1 GHz512 MB 2 GB

Server Side

WebSphereApplication Server


Intel Pentium IVAt 2.6 GHz

1 GB 2 GB

DB2 V9.7 Intel Pentium IVAt 2.6 GHz

1 GB 2 GB (Excluding Data Size)

2.04 Communication Interface:

Client on Internet will be using HTTP/HTTPS protocol. Client on Intranet will be using TCP/IP protocol. Client on Mobile phone will be using AT Commands and SMS proto-col.

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2.05 User Characteristics: Every user should be comfortable of working with computer and net browsing and mobile phone. He must have basic knowledge of Eng-lish too.

2.06 Constraints:

Graphical User Interface (GUI) is only in English. Login name and password is used for identification of user of the

system and there is no facility for visitors. There is no maintainability of back up so availability will get affected. Only Indian citizen can cast their vote to the electoral candidates. Election Commission Officer would insure the integrity of the system

because he will be admin of the system. Limited to HTTP/HTTPS.

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2.07 Use - Case Model Survey:

Visitor User

View/Update_User_Profile Active/deactive_sms_service View_any_news_of_city Visit_the_website Find the businessman

Go_for_registration Visit_The_website View_News


View/Update profile Change_our_Product_details Find_the_user Sale_our_product

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2.08 Architecture Diagram:

Application Layer Business Layer Database Layer

UserLogin_UI Login

Registration_UI Registration Registration

Email_UI Email Mail

Business_UI BusinessDescription

Report_UI Report Report





Receipt_id ReceiptDescription

News News type Description

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2.09 Database Design:Entity Relationship Model –



Status Begining_date

Provide Service

Salary Service_amt

Paid User

User_id User_password



Receipt _id Receipt date


Receipt amount

Service_idService_id Service name








Busineemen _id password

Business _description













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Database Schema:-





1.Date_code 2.Type 3.News_image 4.Gvt_.Notice5.Description

Services1.User_id2.Services_id3.Begining_date 4.Status



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2.10 Assumptions and Dependencies:

The end user should have a basic knowledge of English language.

The end user should have a basic knowledge of computer usage and internet.

The User and Business man should be able to scan and upload the required document and photos while applying for registration on the website.

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3. Specific Requirements3.1) Paid_User :- The paid user are use the services of the website

which is provide by subscribing the sms services.

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Use ServicesUse Services

View ProfileView Profile

See any news about city

See any news about city

Subscribe/Unsubscribe service

Subscribe/Unsubscribe service


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Business Man:

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View ProfileView Profile

Update product desc.Update product desc.

Find the userFind the user


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Name of use case: View Business_man

Description: View the list of Business men of all the constituencies of a particular city.

Normal flow of events:

Name of city will be selected.

Query will be submitted.

Result will be displayed (If one of the city will be selected then list of all the business men will be displayed with other details.)

Alternate flow of events: None

Post Condition: None

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Name of use case: Add Business men

Description: To add new Business men to a city constituency.

Normal flow of events:

New login name, password and other details will be entered.

Details will be saved.

Post Condition:

A login id is generated with its details.

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Name of use case: Update details of business men & their products.

Description: To add update details of business men.

Normal flow of events:

Select the business men.

Edit the profile and other details.

Details will be saved.

Alternate flow of events:

A message appears if any error occurred.

The administrator has to fill the required details again.

Post Condition:

Business men profile will be updated.



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Businessmen loginBusinessmen login

Edit profile & other detailEdit profile & other detail

Detail will be savedDetail will be saved


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Name of use case: - VisitorDescription: - To show Visitor function.

Normal flow of events: -Visitor can visit the website and go for registration in website.


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Visit SiteVisit Site

Go for RegistrationGo for Registration


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Assumptions and Dependencies:Name of use case: Login.

Description: User login in account.Preconditions:

User must be entering valid login ID and password.Normal flow of events:

User enters Login ID and Password. If login ID and password is correct user successfully login in.

Alternate flow of events: If login ID and password is incorrect, reenter ID and password.

Post Condition: None.

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Supplementary Requirements

24 x 7 Availability - If the base is now the entire world, staying open 24 hours a day becomes critical. Because system can be an au-tomated Process, so it can stay open for 24 hours a day. So UPS sup-port must be on server site for at least 8 hours in case of power fail-ure. System will remain inaccessible to users at 2:00 to 4:00 am for backup and maintenance purpose.

Dynamic Website - Many early Web implementations consisted of static HTML pages. This becomes very difficult to manage if the num-ber of pages gets too large. An effective system should be largely dynamic taking advantage of technology that automates this process rather than relying on manual processes. Application should serve dynamic user based customized web pages to its clients from server.

Integration with existing enterprise systems – Any existing Web site that relies on the manual duplication of data from another system is one that can be improved. Most of the business data in the world today exists in enterprise servers that can be connected to the Web servers to make this process far more effective.

Provide good performance and the ability to scale the server – The Web application Server should provide good performance and the ability to manage performance with techniques, such as support for caching, clustering, and load balancing.

Providing session management capability - Web application de-velopers should not spend valuable time worrying about how to maintain sessions within the application. The Web Application Server should provide these services.

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