r 1 j a il - runuinKti -SJ mTj TP TBrUlfll ArTBKMOUR 1 JljL lb 7 B CKUTi A HUM Til BVOBPT IDMDAT. I'M AtirAHCB J I Hi HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, TUESDAY EVENING, JULY 9. 1895 NO Carrie Orene Ktno Save the Children By Purifying Their Blood Hood's Sarsapsrllla Make Purs Blood, Cure Scrofula, Etc. "My siperltnce with Hood's Rartsparllls has been very effective. Mr Utile elrl, fire 7 taxi old, had for lour) ears a bsd skin dlsesse. Htr arms and limbs would hrexk out In a mui of sores, illsclisrirlnK fellow mailer. Rh would ss though It rsv, nDef, soil tear open ths lorn. Two Bottles of Hood's Baruparllla caused the eruptions to betl and and the scabs pealed off, arter wblrh the ixla became tort and smooth. Af a family tnedktlM HOOD'S Sarsapariila CURES txltere Hood's Rama pari. la has no eqasl and I recommend ILH V U Kino, Mult Dais, Tci. Hood's Pills are the best family csthartle, gentle aud effective. T17 a 1ok. 23ctots. llobron Urug Company Wholesale A cents. WILLIAMS' ART GALLERT. Having resumed business and taken advantage of rtlie past two weeks to renovate our studio we are better than ever to fill orders for views of ancient Hawaii and, of the stirring events of the lata troubles. Portraits of IhoTeadine characters a specialty. Our portrait department is open for engagements, and our work, as in the past will be. up to all of the modern ad- vancements in our line. Hawiian 'Electric Company. The cleanest, brightest tafest and really, the Ions ruu, the cheapest'and tiest light for use in tha family residence, la the incan- - descent electric lhrht. bafo: nothhur could be safer. A, few days ago a prominent gen- tleman of Honolulu came rushing down to tbe otuce 01 the iuecinc company ami aaia: Give 1110 figures for wiring my house, and I want it done at once; no more lamps for me. Last night a lamp tipped over and it came so near Netting lire to the house and burning my children and I take no more risks." This Is tbe sentiment of auito a number in the past few weeks, who have ordered their houses fitted with the perfect light. Just tblnk it over and make up your mind thflt vnti want the liest and safest lieht! Bend for the Hawaiian Electrlo Company and tell them what you want. We hare a complete stock of everything in this line and have just received a lot of the very latest designs in chandeliers. BISHOP & CO., Established in 18.58. BANKERS. Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. DRAW EXCHANGE ON THE BM OF CALIFORNIA. SAN fMISCO AND TDKIB AGISTS lit New York, Chicago, Boston, Paris. MESSRS. H. M, RQTHCH1LD & SONS, LONDON FR ANKFORT-ON-T- E-- AIN, The Commercial BaaldaJE Co, of Sydney, N. R. W. The Bank of New Zealand. Auckland, and ita branches la Chrlstchurch, Dunedin and Wellington. tit.. t.i aVne I Ml ilia. Ui ill in em VAJiuuima, ivsaj i, sum its branches, Vancouver, Nanalmo, West minister, u. u., ana ronuma, uregon. The and Madeira Islands. Rtrebholm. Sweden. The Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. The Hongkong and Shanghai. , China;, and YOKonama, mogaana aagaiuvdapan. And transact a General Banking; Business. ATLAS ASSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, - - $ 6,000,00a Assets, - - $9,000,000 Bavlnn been appointed agents of the above Company we are now read 7 to ettect Insur- ances at the lowest rales ot premium, U. W. SCHMIDT A PONS. Castle & Cooke, Ltd. LIFE AND FIRE Insurance Apnts. AOIHTB FOB weir ENQIUSD MUTUAL Life Insurance Co. OF BOSTON. JETNA FIRE " INSURANCE CO. OK HABTFORD, CONM i mm & co ltd Queen St, Honoluln, H, I,, AOBNTS FOR Hawaiian Agricultural Co., Onomea Sugar Co., Honomu Bugar Co., VaU ikn Rnirar Co.. Waihee Butrar Co.. .Makee Sugar Co., llaleakala Uaxoh n Tl L IO., IVAUUpiSUS SWSUUII. u Planters' Line Ban Francisco Packets. Chaa. Brewer A Oo.'i Line of Boston ' rackets. ... AirenU Boaton Board of Underwriter' Agents Philadelphia Board of Under, writers. List or Omenta t P. O. lorn..,.. , ,. .Osa.rL. ROBUTsos HB. F.'IH90r Tress. U. WiTiuioisi'.'. V Dlrsotors - A. W. CABTSB.... I TO I'OI.ONKI, IMll.llSlll.l, Chaplain MeCah. Sends a Messes;. In the lecturer. On May 8th Colonel Ingersoll delivered his lecture on "The Bible," nt Ilangur, Me. Chaplain McCabe was passing through the city on his way to the sent ol Uast Maine Conference. He had an hour to spend waiting for a tain, and he went tip lo the Daily Nae office and asked permission to send a message to the colonel through its columns. Permission was granted, and the following is the message as it appeared in the columns of the Daily Ntws on the morning of the lay uoionei mgerEoii ucuvereu uis lecture. 'Dear Colonel: While you have been lectttr ng against the Bible the Methodists hove built ten thousand new churches in this country. All other denominations have built , ten thousand more, at least. Meanwhile, you have not overthrown the hum blest altar upon the farthest fron- tiers of this Republic. 'In thirty vears the Methodist Episcopal church (North) has in- - increased its membership from nine hundred thousand to twenty-eigh- t hundred thousand, and her church and school property has increased one hundred and twenty one millions of dollars. Never were we so successful as now. In heathen lauds, orphan- ages and hospitals and asylums for the children, for the sick, for the aged, and for the insane spripg up as if by magic. Thirty-fiv- e years ago we had but one convert in all the heathen world. Now, we have one huudrcd and thirty-fiv- e thousand converts iu foreign lands. and they give over three hundred thousand dollars a year to propa- gate the faith. "Come and join tlie Meliioaisis, Robert Stranger things than that have happened. Saul of Tarsus joined the Christians. He built up the iaitu he sought so vainly to Come and do the same. We are praying foryourconvcrtion. Take your Bible; read the Sermon on the Mount: think what a world this would be if its teachings were universally obeyed. Meantime look out for your hammer. The seal of the Huguenots had on it a representation ot an anvil surround' ed by broken hammers, and this legend: Hammer away, ye hostile bands; Your hammers break, God's anvil stands.' C. C. McCAMt." In Court. Letters of administration of the estate of Sarah M. Rodgers have been issued to C. T. Rodgers with out bond The estate consists of $1650 in cash and Government bonds. A. V. Gear and B. L. Finney, copartners, plaintiffs, and G. C. Keuyon and K. Norrie have joined issue and pray for a hearing of their case at the earliest opportunity. Trousseau Will. Judge Cooper has filed a decision iu the case of Edna Genevievi Trousseau vs. Bruce Cartwrigbt, et al, executors of the will of G. P. Trousseau, assumpsit, on demurrer interposed on the grounds; first, that the complaint was insufficient in law; second, ,hat the agreemenl sued on was void for want of con sideration; third, that the ngremeui was an attempted contract between husband and wife. The demurrer is sustained. Ts my Patrons and the Public. I have just opened at my 'office, 113 Bktukl St., Honolulu, H. I., an AHT EXJUUniON of the latest designs and novelties ii Embroidery Work. Drawn Work, Hutu Silk, Kensington Work and Etchings. I would respectfully invite you anu your friends to call and inspect these Roods. The Singer received 51 first award, for Sewing Machines and Embroider! Work at the World's Fair, Chicago, 111., being the largest numlier ot cwards ob- tained by any exhibitor, and more than double the number given to nil other Sewing Machines. For Sale by B. BERGERSEN Bettael Ht. WHY PAY RENT. When you can apply the rent money to pur- chase a house ? We will sell you a house to be built to suit you by paying month ly Installments. Call and ekamine our plat' and satisfy yourself that our proposi tion Is one which will be fully sat isfactory to you. HE HAN SAFE DEPOSIT AND INVEST MEHT COMPANY, 408 Fobt Street, Honolulu. THIS SEATTLE SOAP COMPANY Bear to inform the nubllo of Honolulu and the other Islands that a complete line of their famous and de-- serveo.iT popular .. . , , LAUNDRY AND TOILET SOAPS. WASHING COMPOUNDS, ANIMAL SOAPS, 7X7., have been Introduced Into this martet sqd are now to be found on sals at tlx stores oi u.c. siuiPTxnKotKu. grocery and HekuV Davis & Co. where their elegant display cabinets can be teen. The valuo given for price, charged has never been equaled in this mar as l oj any outer ootp uomgauj, Sherry Pectoral HAS NO EQUAL FOll THIC HAPID f't'tlK OP Colds, Coughs, Influenza, and SOIE THROAT. It wilt rellPxe the mont cough, soothe tiio In- - lliinied mom (ICHERRYl'l ran, loo.? a the plileRm, uid itifluce re- freshing llrtP. For the cure ot Croup. TIiro.it. mui rII the piiliwtiisry tiouMes towhlrh tlieyonnjt are m liable, there I tin oilier trnu'tly so clfrctl as Ayer's Cherry Pectoral HIGHEST AWARDS AT THE World's Great Expositions. Mdel.jOr.J.aArcr A Co., Lowell, M.uar.S.A. tTT" .thwart nf tki ImHutlort. Tim name . Arrrn I'litrrf l - t tTnliiit tn tit wrnriTia,ul UI.o.ii in the fthttof cU four buttle. MUSTER DRUG CO., Wil6t.KULE AOEN1V. BUTTERICK PATTERNS BDTTERICK PATTERNS BUTfLRICK PATTERNS I liave Just recoireJ a fulllineof tiiese ccteluali'd Patterns and can acconiruo. dato uiy ratrons villi the latest styles. Mho a full line of Millinery Goods Juno litis Itaoes Derby Hats. Yachting and Picnio Hats, etc.. etc. IIAM-J- A, FOItT 8TKEET. BICYCLES new crni'.Kun.ent of tho famous FALCON ROADSTERS jimt arrived. Also h 17 lb. Track Racer, the only track wheel mailt) wHU largo h:iU bearings and large sprockets. These machines are manufactured by the Yost llanu facturii g Company of Toledo, Oh To, who give a guarantee for one j ear with every machine sold. For terms etc. apply to G. WEST. Sole Aokxt. MASONIC TEMPLE. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY Ask your Grocer for PURJ5 Hawaiian Honey tut ur by The Eomlilg Apiary ConpsDj. Gloves foF 25c. Bring 1110 your Soiled Gloves and I will make them New and Glean for the. small sum of 25 cents. 2 Also prepared to tako Orders for Trousseaus and all Underwear kinds of AT VERY LOW PRICES. vr M POULAIN. Masonic TKitrLE, Dress Silks, Silks, Silks. 25c, 25c, 25c, S5c. IWAKAMI, ltOIlHSON 11L0CK, 110TKL ST11EET For Rent. The jiremlses on Judd Street, beyond Llllha, lately occupied by Joaquin Miller, House of four Rooms and Kit chen) Stable and 2j acres of land mure or less, For Sale. One All Hioss Double Acting Force Pump, 8 inch suction and discharge with 250 feet 1)i inch Hose, At a bargain one English dog car- t- imported, One revolving baker's oren. Apply to J. EMMELUTI1, 632 tf. Mo, 6 Nuuanu street. HAWAIIAN (Irnwln, T.nnl Clnlt. Major Hawcs, H. B. M. commis sioner, is taking an interest in the new tenuis club, the Dcrctania, There are now eighteen members, these gentlemen having been added to the roll! I., de L. Ward, J. Low, I). Kawauanakoa, Sam'I Woods, lit nest Wodehousc. The new courts will soon be opened. Ilnll,tlii Aosnelatlnti. The directorate of the Pioneer lluilding and Loan Association has elected these officers for the coming term of one year: President T. lf. Lansing. S. II. Rose. Secretary A. V. Gear. Treasurer J. J. Lecker. Attorney Alf, W. Carter. ICautl t.'nnrerta The Hawaiian Hand, under the .1! -- . ; r t, 1 . IT I Heitmann, will give a public con- cert this evening at Thomas Square, beginning at 7:30 o'clock. Hollow- ing program will be rendered: PART I Ij 1. Mnrch Ma Jeannette" Sidney Joneii S, Oterture "! dniHka"......Kretitctr U, Wulta ltusei fmni the bouth .... HtraiisH 4. iStU'ctinii "Truvisitt' Verdi PAHT II. ft. Selection "The Kuan of Caotile' Hal f 0. Waltz "New Vfeiimt.. ...Strauss ? Quadrille "En Manque" Faimt 8. tiuloi MVivatM Ziknir Hawaii Puiitji." jnattttDwIlcs, and Iunr llurhntiil According to your own fig- ured, you spent m erf 100 thin yenr in cheap frtprien which had to Le thrown anay after once nenrliiK. Thnt tlOOnould have bought n piece of Itce thatnould hnve luBted n lifetime In fact, could leutied by your dettrendiints for Kcuerntions. WifeWell, (tlve me 1 100, nnd I will buy the lace for next ear. Husbnm! Urn never mind. I I ilont think lace, ts very UcominK to your atyle of iKauty. Here's 10 cents for another ruQ. New York M'eeLly. CASTLE & COOKE tIMlTKD. Importers, Hardware and General Merchandise. The "Iftelcn Brewer" brought us a Ijuire Shipment of floods among which will b- - found ft General and Conipletu Ltue of Agricultural Implements a d Tools, Kiscellanecus Hardware, Including LVM MOWERS, MAY CUTTER , COW BED FAMILY GRIND STONES, VICES, ROPE, (Alanila and Sisal) CHURNS. CARI AXLES, BLACKSMITH'S BELLOWS, STOVE TRUCKS, S'APLBS, BELTING, FAIRBANK'S SCALES, WO'iDEN WASHBOARDS, REFRIGERATORS MEAT CUTTERS, ICE CKEM FREEZERS, Etc., Etc: NOTICE. ITAnL OIL delivered to any part f the Cit) at Vi a yet Case, C. O. I) Castle k Cooke, Ltd. IMPORTERS, Hardware and General Merchandise. Everybody says that FIMIfl IS the best Preservative known. Benson, SmitM Go. AGENTS. IPPii BAZAAR I Yale's La Freckla J SIiw Yale's itdaliil.i. ri.re for ITnnand Hunliiirn. It is th only riclr eer pMtni sounded that nlll rvnnve freoklee poinp ocy nit'i nm-iy- ino iiiin-- r aim innio itMicaie iii(.!SKin,iiie mora UkHy it ii to frwktennd tlie wune it n(U hxik f lor ft Is fra hiel. TliounihH nf wwiitMI. otherwise win t trul. are ilnfigutHil l.j ihe hnmit niotciu". . out i n j mvi uuiQ tnein. iiir-- are u wmrreof inin'ry, but tb"yrnn tfiirtii, Frekn Nth freckles Tlie preivtrntinn of iJiFr ckin is one of Mine. Vdlv'tt Rnntt mhiertnfiiU. Then Rie mnny liuitntmns hih f them crydnn-cnnii- mid hnrtfulto tlie fklu ; none of them rcnllv elTeothe. For nretv mui certainty, liiftlt nlnoyn nn RHttu)? the Reiiuino nnd eriglnat Ln Frecklii, Price $t t ornir tf,orby mull. MM!. Ms Y I.K. llfniih HDt Iloiutr UII-- 1 HUhttiteht.Cli fsnftj. fifiiu') iluMtifn-ea- t THE HOORON DUG CO.. Sule Atresia, PLANTERS' SPECIAL!! A Good Fertilizer, To Suit' the Times At 830 Mr ton of 2000 llw. AnaWzcd ad follows! 10 rer cent. Plirwiihoric Acid. soluble and unilalile. , 0 ,Hr rent. I'o ash (nctnal.) !1 er cent. Ammoidn. 10 k.t ctnt. Lime (Carbonate). also' FLORIDA PllOSPJIATE, BONE MEAL, SULPHATE AND MURIATE or rorAsii NITRATE OF SODA and SULPHATE OF AMMONIA. Double Super Phosphate, 40 per cent, to 45 per cent, soluble in water, in qustitities to suit. Any Special Formula Made to Order, by. A. F. roOKE, HAWAIIAN FKUTILIZINO CO, Try 'Tlie Slur" for Finn Jiii PrMina We bee to this tor w we tne louowing aiivantKes TUB CKUSUBR will o t the ran? transferal In ptece uUmt 3 inc hen lon aim extract nlHUit oU er cent, or the juico amlMeliver the cruelietl ratio In a uniform taytr the 3 roller mill, thereby cauftlnff a perfect feed and extraction of juico. T11E (JltuHlIKU wi leave the gk n" on the cane, thereby pivin th juice a oeuer cnance in mi expeiicu man 11 ine cane wus rtppod open tuihiutting the pulp to the on the returner bar nf the 3 roller mill. THE CKUmiEU will nave. labor In hindlinir of the cnne, a- - an Irregular illntribulion of cane on tlm carrier will not tnitterially effect the regular and even feed to me a rnuer mm. 1HE CUUHHElt will not require ad- ditional steam or boiler power, as it has PrrxxKro March 28, 1195. Mcmhi Honnlalo Iron Works Co. Ukar ' Biilhi Weliave dmmI the Crusher clnce the Winnlnir or the neaeon and have had no trouble or hitch whatever wilb It or the, mitlne. Tlie Crunher Is extracting 40 pe r cent, to M percent, ol the Jalc-- I'ewide cuttjrur the cane in pieces five lo lx iuches tuntf uul ulvlntf perfect. en ana rady feed t Ihe three roller mill. Wv am doinif to kikp more irk nr day anil could do much more If our boiling houm. capiiclty would We aretmiiitf the labor of six men n the cane CMrrlerevrryday. bervihliii alniUt tha Prunhor work otooth amleaav, and the amount of team consumed is triHinif, aa yu'i mav JudKe, for we are ruiinlmr Imci e nine for thn thrfe mills aud httvetomm tjpre tur the U Hinir IIouho iromo eojn iikh in coume nun inm even feed of cruhed csne from he cruali we are enhltnl t close down our mill ra ch mora than evei tHfure, and from exHrlmenia of drying ihe trah, l here w a, only Wto U ter cent. if mtsiure left la It. Our ruu nf irtntllntr nrdlaarly Is from Hi lowest, toM hltihtvt, ft u gallon clarlQers In fourteen hours, I remain, oun respectfully. 11. fACf)M, Manager i'epe)teo bugar Co. Paia I'm station, March IV, Pftft. Ilnnnlitln linn Wfirki fJL IIkti tcMKkt W'm And th Krajevitkt Crusher advantageous la theumlerno Utms: Uleotlu mui evtn red of the tltrt tiillcr tnfft, thuscnuslntra ureal d al less strain on the mill and at tbe ante time itlvtne us from 6 to 0 percent, betterextroctlon of juice. HONOLULU Sole Agents East Cokner Fort GENUINE HAWAII UKULELES TARO PATGH GUITARS. iVi Imitations made Abroad. Newsdealer & Stationer. auctunt practice, tAt the increubed extraction of juice Iihh imtiroved tint tntxh it fuel so hh fo fully make up lor the additional ute of eteam to drive It. THE CKUSHEIt It Btrcnt built, the roller are innle of Ai steel riiut on the shaft. The piiiiun are all of Bteelandtho spuruheel i provided with HeKtiient rim Its iKed in nbout the Bit me us the mill rollers, therein " ivlntc Cfimfort and safety in runnitiK It i w Construcicd. that should iron parts, such as bolts, car coupling Unlfr and iiins, cane kidvevi, eto ko throUkth, it will not injure any nf tho parts. The following tire teetlmonfola from plantations Where the crunher at present f s work: Inerentett nmmint of ttailu Omng to tbu Uraltrtt CHpuitvf our bull Ins hm ue have to drlveihcOnielier luw, but If iitc tart cuuld do 14 tu JU per cent, mure work with it. JaUhit Saving. Wo save three men at the inllU. 'Ihe trah tu very ilru andean aIvmiji supply us wlih plenty ol ttaru wiihout the uoe of elthea wood or coal. ral h'u I) jours, J, W, COLVILLt ManaKer, t Kekaiia I'laktation, farch JK, 189ft, MtHrH. Iluit.tliilu Inm Wnrka 14 . Itviu Hntsi We have be-- wh kin. the Krajewkt Cr aher sluiu the teulnntntr ot (Xtolx r wlltuiUL dclav hih! wlih H.h mna ui sfsrinsi renulta from the tart. ur dally work ha irom i ciarillere to bi 'lnrincrs (run if.illttliM) u tit th aattift ii ii in Imp nt luiHir. Meuscdhefo'e. Hluceweare utlnie lhelrunher the eitractlon has In rerteul con itif r ably and the trash leevea ihe l roller Mitll d ler than formerly and make excellent fuel. Ily uihlp tl thefruaher Meaiiprehentled tlmt our steam-In- if capacity mlubi t innutlcient. but wt Hnd tlmtihe Cruher ami tiielhree roller mill consume lea toer Ihun tltd the 8 roll- er mill hefnre alone. The extraction of the Cruai er amounts to Ail per rent, of thejulce aud the H roller intll ncetvea a sieatly and rvtfular feed thereby dfcreusimc tbe risk of brtHiklbsf ihe roller shafts. We can reooniiueud ihe KreJeHi-k- l Cane Crusher a t valuable addlllon to a mill which 4 IK pay for Itaelf in aihort time. We remain, your truh, i or Kelt a ha Sugar Co, r. w. glde, IRON WORKS CO.; for Hawaiian Islands. and King. Streets. KRAJEWSKI CANE CRUSHER draw llie nlanlersattenthin to machine hich claim to harilp.oklnn: dernonfttrnletlln TlCHTIMOXIAL,H I ed at We ure at present making a Crusher In our shopa and shall be pleased to show and explain its construction to any party In teres ted. H. E. McllMTYRE BRO., ItirOKTKKS AND DKAWmS IN Groceries, Provisions and' Feed. New floods noeliM by erery Tackst from tha Eutern HUtes and Em-op- t Fresh California Prod uoe by ,T,ry sUamer. All orders faithfully atteuded t and ioods delirered to any part of the city free of ehartr Island orders solicited. Satisfaction gtuurantee.1. Talsphoiu No Fast OfUo. Uai No Its. DR. E. C. StflUIANN, -- T8 IintlCTANl.V sr., 0(iKlte Or.trnl Union Church. OITIOK lll)UH: to 11 a.m.. J to 1p.m. S t s p m N. II. Tud y Hnl Kr.itsys from S u, l in. Ihe trutiii 1, fr llMlt I'CUl'I.K Is frMiscfHfr I.. niprilcliip. J. M. MO.NSARRAT. Itn or ATTOHNKV AT LAW AND XOTAHY one i'UilWC I'artirriirht lllorlt. Mrrrhant Ht. Honiililln G. E. SMITHIES, Accannliiiil. Collector and Copyist Otlic with C. I. Chase, .H.ili Ueposlt lliill'linK. , tiny Telephone IBI. riietoilscllonofnur.rnm.nt bills. Sinclair tho E. M. NAKUINA,- - Commissioner of Private Ways and Water Rights. ivtcn' I.uilo Agent to f,raiit 11 irrl:ire License's. MiitQAl Tek' phono t26. WILLIAM WAGKXKI1, tONntAClOU ASH ltUILUKll, Pwiul rioir llniiolulu 1'UliluK.Mlll, fort M. All Kinds of Jobbing Promptly At tended to. CHAS. SEYDONE St.KNK AND OUNAMKNfAL PAINTER, SKIN WKITKK PAPERHANCER and DECORATOR, No. 15 IltTMI.I. inT. c. j. wiimw, Teacher of Klocntion and Dra matic Art, AkLinuton Hotel. IM7 I. Box I7, 1 el.pnons 2X). LEWIS & CO. LMlUltTKItS. Naval Supplies. Wholesale and Reta! Uealcro in iirocerlea, rrovtsions, etc. lit Fort ht., Honolulu, 11. 1. ,.!( M. I'HILLirS & CO. Wholesale I tn portent ami Jobbers of AMERICAN & EUROPEAN DRY GOODS Corner Fort and Qu-- 8U., Honolulu. S7tf II. W. SCHMIDT & SONS IMPORTERS AND COMMLSSION MEIICHANTS. Fort Street, Honolulu. M. S. GUlSlbVUll & CO. MidIuhL n HOKOLULU II. I Merchantu nnl ImiH-rtei- of Gcnrral Slcrchcndiso. Hun Franclrn Office. Si Front t. E. VANDOUIIN & CO.. No. 208 FORT ST., lisii.ANAii Slop on your way In the wharf nnd buy aclgiirorgrt an Iced cold drink. American Lliery and Boarding StaWtf Cor. Mtrclmot ami ill. lisrd bircls. Oirrmges, Surreys nd Hacks nt ah hours, JAMP.S CARTY, Proprieloi. Tf.i.i riiosE No 4UU. CO.N80I,11)aTEIi SODA WATER WORKS COMIVA.NY, LTD. Enplanade, come" Allen and Fort streets. HOLLISTER A. CO.. ARnnts PACIFIC TRADING CO., RUcrassous TO "ITOHAS," IMPORTURS AND DKAI.IJRf In Jtipanese Provisions nnd Dry (ioods, etc., etc 101 and SUU Four T IIokoli'MI, II, HONOLULU IRON WORKS, hTKAU BlVQINCH, Ht'UAlt MILLS, Boilv LrilULsKHA, 1UQN, 11HASB AjtD IjKAD CA8T1XUS. Machinery of Bvery Dtwcriptlon Made Order. Particular attention paid to Hhi UlCRSintthlntf Jolt work TtvrutMl nt Kh CU1TERJ0N SALOO: FOItT NEAR IIOTgL. STniTST. CHAS. J. MCCARTHY. Mnnuwe Popnlar Brands of Stralfbt Quo ALWAYS OK HAND. Try the Oreat Appetiser, "TU HUOWN1E COCKTAIL, a siecluli with this resort. DEPOT OP THE FAMOUS WIELAND LAGER BEEI Raducod From $3Q to $ao, We have reduced our black cork screw. French and Herman pique suit, from t30 NowJs your chance If you want to get dressed iu flneilylc for utile money. MEDHRIOS & CO., Arlinqton Block, Hotel, Street. B. DECKEK, Man Ulcycle. lteilred. nuu and Iss k Hiulth, No. 15 liKTilbL, KTltEET, Next js Uasll. A Cooks, THIS PIPER no file Adret'ilcs a. IT k ' nci.ll.udSA Msrelisnt's Frsee'sssi Cal , wlur. oonrruU lor sie.r. iwvi VMM im W. 1. .or I ', SILK FABRICS. Embroider! ClrM ottt-itt- in iHichta. lot Mnl liiettloii. Botnn of tbe prettlet inaterlnl hnx fin All broken chwkn ln(erwnj wttli fllki others itlruw n niitfrtiUh fmrfiMv reminding ntieuf frranlte frtmi w lilt'h they trtlell.clr rwtiiM of imtnlieii. 'Hh-- nre woven In two poIom tirrfl rnnku tHMtt wnlkintf ilnnm Crri-tM- i of nil inlon will jMiprvmn, n eniriii foiilnnl lirlnjt tint lfiift nrrUnl of kind, ery lift lit nmt pretty timl prlnte! v'tli whlto deplffnn on n tljitk blue, puri'lo thirk tirmvn Rruuml UPMiwitrk rtn I m tldered ktti cloth In of OieinaterlnU to In tery Inrirely nil wilt lf lnitd with It, niHl, In mjinoln ' For warm mtlier tlanrlttff piwtn finely puunti iiiiiuwiiikt iw nu uiiini worn, with whltoJctlwuoutheouUUleofeswh I1au. MnnygnwimaronliHi mmle with Itatid nf mw ltiertloti, nut only tlrewn tnennt for eeninffwmr, hut thormof wnh xhUot thin fillv for the time. KmbroWereil tulle ntnl Jet an? tbechflr-tHlrrUtlo- of thoM airy trlfim which ro by name of immnwr vtoim. T;o oipiM hi os The It the as mi TAITETA TOILET. as onto ecanvly to thu waist, nnd their prln cliul fenturo Is the oillnrctte, which is In inauo veijy voluinlnotis and Is more or less ndornod vvltth Uowcn. Sntln duchess is tho silk fahrlo of tha season, of which nroinmlo nil tho fashiona loo ble capes which nro meant for cool days, lliey nru lunch rippled nnd im.o an Inter- lining of crinoline. Tim nutsldo of each fold is ornamented with n motif of Jet, while nroutit! the tn-- Is nn limneiikn riichonf tlmsatln, whlchhasnt tho back n larco butterlly kuot itiillunsnr nil sins are extremely rash- - tnnnble, nntl tho bigger t hey are I ho N Her. Cut steel, pmrl and jeweled ones are most worn ly. Tho Illustration shows n rowh of ocean bluu iomlilmil with jmle yellow green fulllu. ThotafTetn skirt is cut with godets and is mlornl with long motifs of Uindsof tho faslllonallIo"llllMmllght,' tint. Tho short corsage hiu n plastron of falllo cnMM-t- l by strings of licads. Tho dmpeil collar is fiistclusl by n brooch of dead pld. Awldd faille collar covers tho shoulders nnd Is embroidered with n design In bead. Thuslceeri have two Uilloou puffs of Laf feta lind i. deep cuff ot faille. JPDIC CllOLLKT. MILLINERY NOTES. Kapoloonle Ttir ornerd Hats Stjlea of Fan and Trimming- - Width of headgear iK'lng now erwcntlal to faishlou, tho t hn-- cornered hat of tho dnysot plcturexquo living U again brought to tho front, and thouKh now worn with UHTemieo It ftjll retains much of its 1h conilnKHitts. Stniw taliis thu place of old world felt or vehet, nntl flowers, hww and rlhljon. enhanrn Its ehitrtni whero an edg- ing of Kohl Lvo, or at utmost a slnglo foutlier (wlirn forridlnff oo'tumc), wnt the solo itccomt lou ul lot ted to the orlgin.il of tho present chtjHsin. T1hh trliunilng-t- , of course, to n largo extent, take from tho Individual character of tho in) h though they cannot nltothcr de- bt roy Itf very becoming outline It K of LAKGEIIAT. court, to atato that tho prlu ctpal dlllerenoo, bi which nil others aro trltles, ts that tho triangular hot Is now con 11 nod to women's wear, while original-- 1 It woi n iuaculluo imbllliiient. All sorts of hat shaiies are worn, largo and small, but thu loquu has tho prefer- ence perlutps fur younggtrt Thesotoqum nru of colored straw, often with n crown of a different tint. Largo hats are trimmed with ItnmeuMt liowsof glaco talTctA, phveed near tho hair nt tho back, thu front trim inlngconslst Ina of flowers having a chango-abl-o Fans to bo carried out of doors should bo of some dark color ur black, black uiolru ones being particularly liked. Kor evening uo, nowever, iieiiciuv ami imiuani colors are employtU, loco, gnuzoand fi titers g tho materials or tulle decorated with spangles. Tho shaped pieces of itasemunterle, such as motifs, collars, ngaroa and phuttrous, aro wonderully rich and teautiful this (sea son. IJ ght anu heavy laco, mock Jewels, ituirU. KiuuifflcH and bends of all tints and silk nnd metal embroidery nru all imwed iniotno senieis wttn tnu nwuit tnattna trimming counter of tho largo shops look ruo Aiamun s cave. A sketch Is given of a largo bonnet bat 'if rloo straw. Tho wldo brim ts entirely Hued with puffed inousttcIlnudoKolo. Clus- ters of rose a replaced at tho side and back and under tho brim, and a largo lanv of changeable taffeta finishes the decoration. JUD10 CU0LLET. A Trultless nidation. He was very handsome, yonnic, tall, dnsed In exquisite luste. IHseycaweren bright blue; his hair a golden yellow. He sat in tho Uralid Central station waiting fore, train, llowas the most nttractlre figure In the crowded station uutll she came in, hauttlng ou the anu of her aunt. All male eyes were turned admiringly in her uirectlon. inn sue uuu niP'rii oniy tor the youuit tnnn with tho ) cllow hair. Bhe walktt by nun anil cast, loitif, lingering glances In his direction, but lie did not re- spond. Thin she took sent near bttu and dropjieil her ninbrella on his fist. He started and turutsl bis eyes uwii her, but there was no answer on hisfAce to tbe luve light ill her eji, She bit her rosy llsi with venation and moved avcrtotbe other idoof the room. His guza folluwnl her, hut Ids face was .till unmoved, still The gal enian shouted that tbe train was alsmt to Hart The pretty )oung womau arose, still wllh her eyes ou the handsome ronth. Villi rxisi'tnucy In her look. A uinn In livery entered tlie station, lie touchisl the young man with thejtllnw hair ou the Oouldur. lie arose unsteadllr and Ut lu a helnlts way for the ami ol Ids escort. The young woman's face hlanchnl white, llowas stoue blind. New York llecorder. Au IrresUllbl. Conclusion. "Chollylias n very Iboughftul ex. prcssiou on his face," raid one KirL "Cholly's becoming ilcceitf ui. " to. plied tho other. Washington. Star. --- s NATIONAL CANE fWtnfrii under tie luvt of tl,e Ha- waiian IttpuUte. One ol these Shredders has recently bCCIl IllStalfccl at the jti t .1 111,11 OI inc I'anhnti Plantation Company, llamakua, Hawaii, am) Mr. Andrew Moore, the manager, writes conctininu ii I'AACIIAU l'LATrATIO!) CO., Hahakva, Jan. in. lc.tv. '' " Inv, 11 A: Ltd, Hovilolci UKStLitMt.-iIc.ji4ilLU- runiann ilun lonth.pasftuSrsAHiUi the "i.tto.L.1 Ullie NjioUrr lately installed, Ki1ng tl, Our mill aiiisl.ts nf three sets of L I,v7i in. I.,ne, the rtm..r discs Is'ln Sit. 7 In. long, dnr.n l.t n ailt.Miuitio engint II In. .lis. cj Under 1.1 It stmke Tlie lUttoiin am. Mug mlllwl is as turd It Is (sMHtbls (or oune Ut ls. ItavLig ln suhjeeteit t, a s.ere drought during the whole pprio,! of lUgruvith, aud growing on lADd with a trade whhi exiwure. Our Willi the HhlwMrr, lartutlUrlv with atsnerane, iiro.es it tu l at lt our luills rciuln.l, the slirnMwl nn. lielng l.u-- r plTare,l t lute IU JuIt eltracte,! than alter iwMsing throush the first mill. llljt null Is now all.mni t, ol In. lustmlbf In. aa f rmerlr.so that u,r trash now leava. the nrst mill, U'll-- r an.und, lhan rtirmerl;. did the errand, and this without kM ttiuesl imwulng, choking, uiul rtrain-li- u of the mucliluery ltehiu.1 tbe Urst Hjid soeond mills wo aM,lr hotnator,the iiusntit. for the ut iSclsjs, er statement atta-h- l, has a.ersgnl to r rent, on the (otnl Juice from the cane. Tho tra.b fnim ths last mill is cut up much itlnertbau the WhrniJr as applied, ch of It nwuihllng saw dust. It cuutalrs iir statement 1 ivr cent, of mol.tur. arsl makes gsl fuel, vhe Juice from th last mill ian.isft uegrces llrU.,so that the moisture the tra.hii.or S cent. sURar solution. The ll.illi rs maks t,m much eiisier than Iwfore, now eare has to Is. lid.en to keep them from blowing oft", whereas before great care wns iioveiry tukevp thestnun from going low when tbe l'on was on. Ily the use of the Bhrwldcr w. hare withsii men, formerly necessary to distribute the ranenn the currier, fel the llrtt mill uii.l throw Isu k the long piece. ...v ,juii,iw. Aiacmnery is a kishi sub-- tantlsl Jon. and should cause little or no trmihle.as it Is subjected to but light strains. ouwlll see that by appljing the Hbred-de- r, rrir work tn all desirtm-nt- a has bsen very materially Improved obtaining a letter extraction at less exinse than former The great Improvement in our steam, causes ruuih satisfaction to those engaged in the Milk Yours Iteepectfully, A. Moult E. Plans, specifications and prices )1 these Slireiltlrrs may be hail ui application to W. G. IRWiN & Go. Ltd. Sole Agents for tho IIsw.ll,- - Pen , lie. Equitable Lire Assurance Society op Tint U.tireu &tateh. bee heli new Tout'ni lntalment iVtllcy. i means, f site I mt n ior,a m in is Hbiet ti ee lila f ni y uiA o ilch fit fieiiht-r- In i h, s, .iii.rrel;Nud nd 'he niH ir, ft and riok lu- - ulvl I itit I'.xi'idtus. n 'f a t u Ihe I eialns. t ilfy not nl itlrei he mll uinn. t a. nt i, iltirtntlal imt-- c Inn n he fjent fhiaprHii uredr-'h- , but mny be i b'J it da t imttaue that prJ'e" on for i i.ntiMft a f )wHrr iilo d ait Fun mr Icula a I Ma .d ah oth-- r ptans f Jiisttrn ic h this chn rfillr uriiUli(4 ti pi:ic(ii.,ti tu H. UCE CAUTUItlllUT, (leneril Mauatier for ihellsMailan Iklsid KqufiMhte Uf- t urauco boci tydlh United Matrs. Motary Public. I'aitl, ular attenllun given, and satisfaction guarantee,!, to all desire A.'coillils AiIJiisU-.- I ur CullccU'd IMiCOIiDS SEA1ICIIED - - By an experienced person. orKICE with The Hawaiian Investment Co., HEAL ESTATE AND IOANS, 13 and 15 KAAHUMANU ST. Tkixpiionk S09. WHAT? Haven't got a Ulcycle Tag YET! What arc you tliinking of? Want your wheel stolen ? GET ONE AT ONCE. H. F. WIG H HI AN, 8 ELLS THEM, AND THEY ARE CHEAP. Where did you get that sultf Why, at JOHNSTON & STOREY'S, 413 F011T ST., There you get the latest New York fashions iu Clothing and Gent's Remember JOHNSTON 6c STOREY, 413 Four Stxskt, Honohilu.

-SJ J mTj 1 HAWAIIAN · 2015. 6. 2. · r j 1a il- runuinKti-SJ mTjTP TBrUlfll ArTBKMOUR 1 JljL lb 7 B CKUTi A HUM Til BVOBPT IDMDAT. J I'M AtirAHCB I Hi HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS,

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Page 1: -SJ J mTj 1 HAWAIIAN · 2015. 6. 2. · r j 1a il- runuinKti-SJ mTjTP TBrUlfll ArTBKMOUR 1 JljL lb 7 B CKUTi A HUM Til BVOBPT IDMDAT. J I'M AtirAHCB I Hi HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS,


j a

il -

runuinKti-SJ mTj TP TBrUlfll



Carrie Orene Ktno

Save the ChildrenBy Purifying Their Blood

Hood's Sarsapsrllla Make PursBlood, Cure Scrofula, Etc.

"My siperltnce with Hood's Rartsparllls hasbeen very effective. Mr Utile elrl, fire 7 taxiold, had for lour) ears a bsd skin dlsesse. Htrarms and limbs would hrexk out In a mui ofsores, illsclisrirlnK fellow mailer. Rh would

ss though It rsv, nDef,soil tear open ths lorn.

Two Bottles of Hood'sBaruparllla caused the eruptions to betl andand the scabs pealed off, arter wblrh the ixlabecame tort and smooth. Af a family tnedktlM


txltere Hood's Rama pari. la has no eqasl andI recommend ILH V U Kino, Mult Dais, Tci.

Hood's Pills are the best family csthartle,gentle aud effective. T17 a 1ok. 23ctots.

llobron Urug CompanyWholesale A cents.


Having resumed business and takenadvantage of rtlie past two weeks torenovate our studio we are better

than ever to fill orders for viewsof ancient Hawaii and, of the stirringevents of the lata troubles. Portraitsof IhoTeadine characters a specialty.

Our portrait department is open forengagements, and our work, as in thepast will be. up to all of the modern ad-

vancements in our line.


The cleanest, brightest tafest and really,the Ions ruu, the cheapest'and tiest light

for use in tha family residence, la the incan- -descent electric lhrht. bafo: nothhur couldbe safer. A, few days ago a prominent gen-tleman of Honolulu came rushing down totbe otuce 01 the iuecinc company ami aaia:

Give 1110 figures for wiring my house, and Iwant it done at once; no more lamps for me.Last night a lamp tipped over and it cameso near Netting lire to the house and burningmy children and I take no more risks."

This Is tbe sentiment of auito a number inthe past few weeks, who have ordered theirhouses fitted with the perfect light.

Just tblnk it over and make up your mindthflt vnti want the liest and safest lieht! Bendfor the Hawaiian Electrlo Company and tellthem what you want.

We hare a complete stock of everything inthis line and have just received a lot of thevery latest designs in chandeliers.

BISHOP & CO.,Established in 18.58.

BANKERS.Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands.



New York, Chicago, Boston, Paris.MESSRS. H. M, RQTHCH1LD & SONS, LONDON

FRANKFORT-ON-T- E-- AIN,The Commercial BaaldaJE Co, of Sydney,

N. R. W.The Bank of New Zealand. Auckland, and

ita branches la Chrlstchurch, Dunedinand Wellington.

tit.. t.iaVne IMl ilia. Ui ill in em VAJiuuima, ivsaj i, sumits branches, Vancouver, Nanalmo, Westminister, u. u., ana ronuma, uregon.

The and Madeira Islands.Rtrebholm. Sweden.The Chartered Bank of India, Australia and

China.The Hongkong and Shanghai. , China;, and

YOKonama, mogaana aagaiuvdapan.And transact a General Banking; Business.


Capital, - - $ 6,000,00aAssets, - - $9,000,000

Bavlnn been appointed agents of the aboveCompany we are now read 7 to ettect Insur-ances at the lowest rales ot premium,


Castle & Cooke, Ltd.


Insurance Apnts.



Life Insurance Co.OF BOSTON.




i mm & co ltdQueen St, Honoluln, H, I,,


Hawaiian Agricultural Co., OnomeaSugar Co., Honomu Bugar Co., VaUikn Rnirar Co.. Waihee Butrar Co..

.Makee Sugar Co., llaleakala Uaxohn Tl LIO., IVAUUpiSUS SWSUUII.

u Planters' Line Ban Francisco Packets.Chaa. Brewer A Oo.'i Line of Boston

' rackets.... AirenU Boaton Board of Underwriter'

Agents Philadelphia Board of Under,writers.

List or Omenta t

P. O. lorn..,.. , ,..Osa.rL. ROBUTsosHB. F.'IH90r Tress.

U. WiTiuioisi'.'. V Dlrsotors- A. W. CABTSB.... I

TO I'OI.ONKI, IMll.llSlll.l,

Chaplain MeCah. Sends a Messes;. Inthe lecturer.

On May 8th Colonel Ingersolldelivered his lecture on "TheBible," nt Ilangur, Me. ChaplainMcCabe was passing through thecity on his way to the sent ol UastMaine Conference. He had an hourto spend waiting for a tain, andhe went tip lo the Daily Nae officeand asked permission to send a

message to the colonel through itscolumns. Permission was granted,and the following is the message asit appeared in the columns of theDaily Ntws on the morning of thelay uoionei mgerEoii ucuvereu uis

lecture.'Dear Colonel: While you have

been lectttr ng against the Biblethe Methodists hove built tenthousand new churches in thiscountry. All other denominationshave built , ten thousandmore, at least. Meanwhile,you have not overthrown the humblest altar upon the farthest fron-

tiers of this Republic.'In thirty vears the Methodist

Episcopal church (North) has in- -

increased its membership from ninehundred thousand to twenty-eigh- t

hundred thousand, and herchurch and school propertyhas increased one hundredand twenty one millions of dollars.Never were we so successful asnow. In heathen lauds, orphan-ages and hospitals and asylums forthe children, for the sick, for theaged, and for the insane spripg upas if by magic. Thirty-fiv- e yearsago we had but one convert in allthe heathen world. Now, we haveone huudrcd and thirty-fiv- e

thousand converts iu foreign lands.and they give over three hundredthousand dollars a year to propa-gate the faith.

"Come and join tlie Meliioaisis,Robert Stranger things than thathave happened. Saul of Tarsusjoined the Christians. He built upthe iaitu he sought so vainly to

Come and do the same.We are praying foryourconvcrtion.Take your Bible; read the Sermonon the Mount: think what a worldthis would be if its teachings wereuniversally obeyed. Meantimelook out for your hammer. Theseal of the Huguenots had on it arepresentation ot an anvil surround'ed by broken hammers, and thislegend:Hammer away, ye hostile bands;

Your hammers break,God's anvil stands.'

C. C. McCAMt."

In Court.

Letters of administration of theestate of Sarah M. Rodgers havebeen issued to C. T. Rodgers without bond The estate consists of$1650 in cash and Governmentbonds.

A. V. Gear and B. L. Finney,copartners, plaintiffs, and G. C.Keuyon and K. Norrie have joinedissue and pray for a hearing of theircase at the earliest opportunity.

Trousseau Will.

Judge Cooper has filed a decisioniu the case of Edna GenevieviTrousseau vs. Bruce Cartwrigbt,et al, executors of the will of G. P.Trousseau, assumpsit, on demurrerinterposed on the grounds; first,that the complaint was insufficientin law; second, ,hat the agreemenlsued on was void for want of consideration; third, that the ngremeuiwas an attempted contract betweenhusband and wife. The demurreris sustained.

Ts my Patronsand the Public.

I have just opened at my'office, 113 Bktukl St.,Honolulu, H. I., an


of the latest designs and novelties iiEmbroidery Work. Drawn Work, HutuSilk, Kensington Work and Etchings.

I would respectfully invite you anuyour friends to call and inspect theseRoods.

The Singer received 51 first award,for Sewing Machines and Embroider!Work at the World's Fair, Chicago, 111.,being the largest numlier ot cwards ob-

tained by any exhibitor, and more thandouble the number given to nil otherSewing Machines. For Sale by



RENT.When you can applythe rent money to pur-

chase a house ?

We will sell you a house to bebuilt to suit you by paying monthly Installments.

Call and ekamine our plat' andsatisfy yourself that our proposition Is one which will be fully satisfactory to you.



408 Fobt Street, Honolulu.


COMPANYBear to inform the nubllo of

Honolulu and the other Islands that acomplete line of their famous and de--

serveo.iT popular . . . , ,


have been Introduced Into this martetsqd are now to be found on sals at tlx

stores oi u.c. siuiPTxnKotKu.grocery and HekuV Davis & Co.where their elegant display cabinets canbe teen. The valuo given for price,charged has never been equaled in thismar as l oj any outer ootp uomgauj,

Sherry PectoralHAS NO EQUAL


Colds, Coughs,Influenza, and

SOIE THROAT.It wilt rellPxe

the montcough,

soothe tiio In- -lliinied mom

(ICHERRYl'l ran, loo.? athe plileRm,uid itifluce re-freshing llrtP.For the cure otCroup.

TIiro.it. mui rIIthe piiliwtiisry tiouMes towhlrh tlieyonnjtare m liable, there I tin oilier trnu'tly soclfrctl as

Ayer's Cherry PectoralHIGHEST AWARDS AT THE

World's Great Expositions.

Mdel.jOr.J.aArcr A Co., Lowell, M.uar.S.A.tTT" .thwart nf tki ImHutlort. Tim name .

Arrrn I'litrrf l - t tTnliiit tntit wrnriTia,ul UI.o.ii in the fthttof cUfour buttle.






I liave Just recoireJ a fulllineof tiieseccteluali'd Patterns and can acconiruo.dato uiy ratrons villi the latest styles.

Mho a full line of Millinery GoodsJuno litis Itaoes Derby Hats.

Yachting and Picnio Hats, etc.. etc.



new crni'.Kun.ent of tho famousFALCON ROADSTERS jimt arrived.Also h 17 lb. Track Racer, the only trackwheel mailt) wHU largo h:iU bearingsand large sprockets. These machinesare manufactured by the Yost llanufacturii g Company of Toledo, Oh To,

who give a guarantee for one j ear withevery machine sold.

For terms etc. apply to



Ask your Grocer for

PURJ5Hawaiian Honey

tut ur by

The Eomlilg Apiary ConpsDj.

Gloves foF 25c.

Bring 1110 your Soiled Glovesand I will make them

New and Gleanfor the. small sum of 25 cents.

2 Also prepared to tako

Orders for Trousseaus

and all Underwearkinds of


vr M POULAIN.Masonic TKitrLE,







For Rent.The jiremlses on Judd Street, beyond

Llllha, lately occupied by JoaquinMiller, House of four Rooms and Kitchen) Stable and 2j acres of land mureor less,

For Sale.One All Hioss Double Acting Force

Pump, 8 inch suction and dischargewith 250 feet 1)i inch Hose,

At a bargain one English dog car-t-imported,

One revolving baker's oren.Apply to

J. EMMELUTI1,632 tf. Mo, 6 Nuuanu street.

HAWAIIAN(Irnwln, T.nnl Clnlt.

Major Hawcs, H. B. M. commissioner, is taking an interest in thenew tenuis club, the Dcrctania,There are now eighteen members,these gentlemen having been addedto the roll! I., de L. Ward, J. Low,I). Kawauanakoa, Sam'I Woods,lit nest Wodehousc. The newcourts will soon be opened.

Ilnll,tlii Aosnelatlnti.

The directorate of the Pioneerlluilding and Loan Association haselected these officers for the comingterm of one year:

President T. lf. Lansing.S. II. Rose.

Secretary A. V. Gear.Treasurer J. J. Lecker.Attorney Alf, W. Carter.

ICautl t.'nnrerta

The Hawaiian Hand, under the.1! -- . ; r t, 1 . IT I

Heitmann, will give a public con-

cert this evening at Thomas Square,beginning at 7:30 o'clock. Hollow-

ing program will be rendered:PART I Ij

1. Mnrch Ma Jeannette"Sidney Joneii

S, Oterture "! dniHka"......KretitctrU, Wulta ltusei fmni the bouth

.... HtraiisH4. iStU'ctinii "Truvisitt' Verdi

PAHT II.ft. Selection "The Kuan of Caotile'

Hal f0. Waltz "New Vfeiimt.. ...Strauss? Quadrille "En Manque" Faimt8. tiuloi MVivatM Ziknir

Hawaii Puiitji."

jnattttDwIlcs, and Iunrllurhntiil According to your own fig-

ured, you spent m erf 100 thin yenr in cheapfrtprien which had to Le thrown anayafter once nenrliiK. Thnt tlOOnould havebought n piece of Itce thatnould hnveluBted n lifetime In fact, could leutied byyour dettrendiints for Kcuerntions.

WifeWell, (tlve me 1 100, nnd I willbuy the lace for next ear.

Husbnm! Urn never mind. I I ilontthink lace, ts very UcominK to your atyleof iKauty. Here's 10 cents for anotherruQ. New York M'eeLly.




The "Iftelcn Brewer" broughtus a Ijuire Shipment of floods amongwhich will b-- found ft General andConipletu Ltue of


Implements a d Tools,Kiscellanecus Hardware,




STONES,VICES,ROPE, (Alanila and Sisal)




Etc., Etc:

NOTICE. ITAnL OIL deliveredto any part f the Cit) at Vi ayet Case, C. O. I)

Castle k Cooke, Ltd.

IMPORTERS,Hardware and General Merchandise.




Benson, SmitM Go.




Yale'sLa Freckla JSIiw Yale's itdaliil.i. ri.re for

ITnnand Hunliiirn. It is th only riclreer pMtni sounded that nlll rvnnve freokleepoinp ocy nit'i nm-iy-

ino iiiin-- r aim innio itMicaie iii(.!SKin,iiiemora UkHy it ii to frwktennd tlie wune itn(U hxik flor ft Is fra hiel.

TliounihH nf wwiitMI. otherwise win t trul.are ilnfigutHil l.j ihe hnmitniotciu". . out i nj mvi uuiQ tnein. iiir--are u wmrreof inin'ry, but tb"yrnn tfiirtii,

Frekn Nth frecklesTlie preivtrntinn of iJiFr ckin is one of

Mine. Vdlv'tt Rnntt mhiertnfiiU. ThenRie mnny liuitntmns hih f them crydnn-cnnii-

mid hnrtfulto tlie fklu ; none of themrcnllv elTeothe. For nretv mui certainty,liiftlt nlnoyn nn RHttu)? the Reiiuino nnderiglnat Ln Frecklii,

Price $t t ornir tf,orby mull. MM!.Ms Y I.K. llfniih HDt Iloiutr UII-- 1

HUhttiteht.Cli fsnftj. fifiiu') iluMtifn-ea- t

THE HOORON DUG CO..Sule Atresia,


A Good Fertilizer,To Suit' the TimesAt 830 Mr ton of 2000 llw.AnaWzcd ad follows!

10 rer cent. Plirwiihoric Acid.soluble and unilalile. ,

0 ,Hr rent. I'o ash (nctnal.)!1 er cent. Ammoidn.10 k.t ctnt. Lime (Carbonate).



or rorAsiiNITRATE OF SODA and

SULPHATE OF AMMONIA.Double Super Phosphate,

40 per cent, to 45 per cent, solublein water, in qustitities to suit.

Any Special Formula Made to Order,



Try 'Tlie Slur" for Finn Jiii PrMina

We bee to this tor w wetne louowing aiivantKes

TUB CKUSUBR will o t the ran?transferal In ptece uUmt 3 inc henlon aim extract nlHUit oU er cent, orthe juico amlMeliver the cruelietl ratio Ina uniform taytr the 3 roller mill,thereby cauftlnff a perfect feed and

extraction of juico.T11E (JltuHlIKU wi leave the gk n"

on the cane, thereby pivin th juice aoeuer cnance in mi expeiicu man 11 inecane wus rtppod open tuihiutting thepulp to the on the returnerbar nf the 3 roller mill.

THE CKUmiEU will nave. labor Inhindlinir of the cnne, a- - an Irregularillntribulion of cane on tlm carrier willnot tnitterially effect the regular andeven feed to me a rnuer mm.

1HE CUUHHElt will not require ad-ditional steam or boiler power, as it has

PrrxxKro March 28, 1195.Mcmhi Honnlalo Iron Works Co. Ukar '

Biilhi Weliave dmmI the Crusher clnce theWinnlnir or the neaeon and have had notrouble or hitch whatever wilb It or the,mitlne.

Tlie Crunher Is extracting 40 pe r cent, to Mpercent, ol the Jalc-- I'ewide cuttjrur the canein pieces five lo lx iuches tuntf uul ulvlntfperfect. en ana rady feed t Ihe threeroller mill. Wv am doinif to kikpmore irk nr day anil could do much more Ifour boiling houm. capiiclty would Wearetmiiitf the labor of six men n the caneCMrrlerevrryday.

bervihliii alniUt tha Prunhor workotooth amleaav, and the amount of team

consumed is triHinif, aa yu'i mav JudKe, for weare ruiinlmr Imci e nine for thn thrfe millsaud httvetomm tjpre tur the U Hinir IIouhoiromo eojn iikh in coume nun inmeven feed of cruhed csne from he crualiwe are enhltnl t close down our mill ra chmora than evei tHfure, and from exHrlmeniaof drying ihe trah, l here w a, only Wto U tercent. if mtsiure left la It.

Our ruu nf irtntllntr nrdlaarly Is from Hilowest, toM hltihtvt, ft u gallon clarlQers Infourteen hours,

I remain, oun respectfully.11. fACf)M,

Manager i'epe)teo bugar Co.

Paia I'm station, March IV, Pftft.Ilnnnlitln linn Wfirki fJL IIkti tcMKkt W'm

And th Krajevitkt Crusher advantageous latheumlerno Utms:

Uleotlu mui evtn red of the tltrt tiillcr tnfft,thuscnuslntra ureal d al less strain on themill and at tbe ante time itlvtne us from 6 to0 percent, betterextroctlon of juice.


East Cokner Fort





iVi Imitations made Abroad.

Newsdealer &


auctunt practice,tAt the increubed extraction of juiceIihh imtiroved tint tntxh it fuel so hh fofully make up lor the additional ute ofeteam to drive It.

THE CKUSHEIt It Btrcnt built,the roller are innle of Ai steel riiuton the shaft. The piiiiun are all ofBteelandtho spuruheel i provided withHeKtiient rim Its iKed in nbout theBit me us the mill rollers, therein" ivlntcCfimfort and safety in runnitiK It i wConstrucicd. that should iron parts, suchas bolts, car coupling Unlfr and iiins,cane kidvevi, eto ko throUkth, it will notinjure any nf tho parts.

The following tire teetlmonfola fromplantations Where the crunher at present

fs work:

Inerentett nmmint of ttailu Omng totbu Uraltrtt CHpuitvf our bull Ins hm uehave to drlveihcOnielier luw, but If iitctart cuuld do 14 tu JU per cent, mure workwith it.

JaUhit Saving. Wo save three men at theinllU.

'Ihe trah tu very ilru andean aIvmiji supplyus wlih plenty ol ttaru wiihout the uoe ofelthea wood or coal. ral h'u I) jours,

J, W, COLVILLt ManaKer,


Kekaiia I'laktation, farch JK, 189ft,MtHrH. Iluit.tliilu Inm Wnrka 14 . Itviu

Hntsi We have be-- wh kin. the KrajewktCr aher sluiu the teulnntntr ot (Xtolx rwlltuiUL dclav hih! wlih H.h mna ui sfsrinsirenulta from the tart. ur dally work ha

irom i ciarillere to b i 'lnrincrs (runif.illttliM) u tit th aattift ii ii in Imp nt luiHir.Meuscdhefo'e. Hluceweare utlnie lhelrunherthe eitractlon has In rerteul con itif r ably andthe trash leevea ihe l roller Mitll d ler thanformerly and make excellent fuel. Ily uihlp tlthefruaher Meaiiprehentled tlmt our steam-In- if

capacity mlubi t innutlcient. but wt Hndtlmtihe Cruher ami tiielhree roller mill

consume lea toer Ihun tltd the 8 roll-er mill hefnre alone. The extraction of theCruai er amounts to Ail per rent, of thejulceaud the H roller intll ncetvea a sieatly andrvtfular feed thereby dfcreusimc tbe risk ofbrtHiklbsf ihe roller shafts.

We can reooniiueud ihe KreJeHi-k- l CaneCrusher a t valuable addlllon to a mill which4 IK pay for Itaelf in aihort time. We remain,your truh,

i or Kelt a ha Sugar Co,r. w. glde,

IRON WORKS CO.;for Hawaiian Islands.

and King. Streets.


draw llie nlanlersattenthin to machine hich claim







We ure at present making a Crusher In our shopa and shall be pleased to showand explain its construction to any party In teres ted.


Groceries, Provisions and' Feed.

New floods noeliM by erery Tackst from tha Eutern HUtes and Em-op-tFresh California Produoe by ,T,ry sUamer. All orders faithfully atteuded tand ioods delirered to any part of the city free of ehartr

Island orders solicited. Satisfaction gtuurantee.1. Talsphoiu NoFast OfUo. Uai No Its.

DR. E. C. StflUIANN,-- T8 IintlCTANl.V sr.,

0(iKlte Or.trnl Union Church.OITIOK lll)UH: to 11 a.m.. J to 1p.m.

S t s p mN. II. Tud y Hnl Kr.itsys from S u,

l in. Ihe trutiii 1, fr llMlt I'CUl'I.K IsfrMiscfHfr I.. niprilcliip.




I'artirriirht lllorlt. Mrrrhant Ht. Honiililln

G. E. SMITHIES,Accannliiiil. Collector and Copyist

Otlic with C. I. Chase,.H.ili Ueposlt lliill'linK. , tiny

Telephone IBI.riietoilscllonofnur.rnm.nt bills. Sinclair tho


Commissioner of Private Ways andWater Rights.

ivtcn' I.uiloAgent to f,raiit 11 irrl:ire License's.

MiitQAl Tek' phono t26.


Pwiul rioir llniiolulu1'UliluK.Mlll, fort M.

All Kinds of Jobbing Promptly Attended to.



c. j. wiimw,Teacher of Klocntion and Dra

matic Art,AkLinuton Hotel. IM7

I. Box I7, 1 el.pnons 2X).


Naval Supplies. Wholesale and Reta!Uealcro in iirocerlea, rrovtsions, etc.

lit Fort ht., Honolulu, 11. 1.,.!(

M. I'HILLirS & CO.Wholesale I tn portent ami Jobbers of


Corner Fort and Qu-- 8U., Honolulu.S7tf




Fort Street, Honolulu.

M. S. GUlSlbVUll & CO.MidIuhL


Merchantu nnl ImiH-rtei-

of Gcnrral Slcrchcndiso.Hun Franclrn Office. Si Front t.


No. 208 FORT ST., lisii.ANAiiSlop on your way In the wharf nndbuy aclgiirorgrt an Iced cold drink.

American Lliery and Boarding StaWtf

Cor. Mtrclmot ami ill. lisrd bircls.Oirrmges, Surreys nd Hacks nt ah

hours,JAMP.S CARTY, Proprieloi.

Tf.i.i riiosE No 4UU.



Enplanade, come" Allen and Fort streets.



IMPORTURS AND DKAI.IJRfIn Jtipanese Provisions nndDry (ioods, etc., etc

101 and SUU Four T IIokoli'MI, II,




Machinery of Bvery Dtwcriptlon MadeOrder. Particular attention paid to HhiUlCRSintthlntf Jolt work TtvrutMl nt Kh



Popnlar Brands of Stralfbt Quo


Try the Oreat Appetiser, "TUHUOWN1E COCKTAIL, a siecluliwith this resort.



Raducod From$3Q to $ao,

We have reduced our black corkscrew. French and Herman pique suit,from t30 NowJs your chance Ifyou want to get dressed iu flneilylc forutile money.

MEDHRIOS & CO.,Arlinqton Block, Hotel, Street.


Ulcycle. lteilred. nuu and Iss k Hiulth,No. 15 liKTilbL, KTltEET,

Next js Uasll. A Cooks,

THIS PIPER no fileAdret'ilcs

a. IT

k ' nci.ll.udSA Msrelisnt'sFrsee'sssi Cal , wlur. oonrruU lor sie.r.iwvi VMM im W. 1. .or I ',


Embroider! ClrM ottt-itt- in iHichta.lot Mnl liiettloii.

Botnn of tbe prettlet inaterlnl hnxfin All broken chwkn ln(erwnj wttli fllkiothers itlruw n niitfrtiUh fmrfiMv remindingntieuf frranlte frtmi w lilt'h they trtlell.clrrwtiiM of imtnlieii. 'Hh-- nre woven In twopoIom tirrfl rnnku tHMtt wnlkintf ilnnmCrri-tM- i of nil inlon will jMiprvmn, neniriii foiilnnl lirlnjt tint lfiift nrrUnl of

kind, ery lift lit nmt pretty timl prlnte!v'tli whlto deplffnn on n tljitk blue, puri'lo

thirk tirmvn RruumlUPMiwitrk rtn I m tldered ktti cloth In

of OieinaterlnU to In tery Inrirely nilwilt lf lnitd with It, niHl, In mjinoln '

For warm mtlier tlanrlttff piwtn finelypuunti iiiiiuwiiikt iw nu uiiini worn,with whltoJctlwuoutheouUUleofeswhI1au. MnnygnwimaronliHi mmle with

Itatid nf mw ltiertloti, nutonly tlrewn tnennt for eeninffwmr, hutthormof wnh xhUot thin fillv for the

time.KmbroWereil tulle ntnl Jet an? tbechflr-tHlrrUtlo-

of thoM airy trlfim which ro byname of immnwr vtoim. T;o oipiM







onto ecanvly to thu waist, nnd their prlncliul fenturo Is the oillnrctte, which is Ininauo veijy voluinlnotis and Is more or lessndornod vvltth Uowcn.

Sntln duchess is tho silk fahrlo of thaseason, of which nroinmlo nil tho fashiona looble capes which nro meant for cool days,lliey nru lunch rippled nnd im.o an Inter-lining of crinoline. Tim nutsldo of eachfold is ornamented with n motif of Jet,while nroutit! the tn-- Is nn limneiiknriichonf tlmsatln, whlchhasnt tho back nlarco butterlly kuot

itiillunsnr nil sins are extremely rash- -

tnnnble, nntl tho bigger t hey are I ho N Her.Cut steel, pmrl and jeweled ones are mostworn ly.

Tho Illustration shows n rowh of oceanbluu iomlilmil with jmle yellowgreen fulllu. ThotafTetn skirt is cut withgodets and is mlornl with long motifs ofUindsof tho faslllonallIo"llllMmllght,' tint.Tho short corsage hiu n plastron of falllocnMM-t- l by strings of licads. Tho dmpeilcollar is fiistclusl by n brooch of dead pld.Awldd faille collar covers tho shouldersnnd Is embroidered with n design In bead.Thuslceeri have two Uilloou puffs of Laffeta lind i. deep cuff ot faille.



Kapoloonle Ttir ornerd Hats Stjlea ofFan and Trimming- -

Width of headgear iK'lng now erwcntlalto faishlou, tho t hn-- cornered hat of thodnysot plcturexquo living U again broughtto tho front, and thouKh now worn with

UHTemieo It ftjll retains much of its 1h

conilnKHitts. Stniw taliis thu place of oldworld felt or vehet, nntl flowers, hww andrlhljon. enhanrn Its ehitrtni whero an edg-ing of Kohl Lvo, or at utmost a slnglofoutlier (wlirn forridlnff oo'tumc), wnt thesolo itccomt lou ul lot ted to the orlgin.il

of tho present chtjHsin. T1hhtrliunilng-t- , of course, to n largo extent,take from tho Individual character of tho

in) h though they cannot nltothcr de-bt roy Itf very becoming outline It K of


court, to atato that tho prluctpal dlllerenoo, bi which nil others arotrltles, ts that tho triangular hot Is nowcon 11 nod to women's wear, while original-- 1

It woi n iuaculluo imbllliiient.All sorts of hat shaiies are worn, largo

and small, but thu loquu has tho prefer-ence perlutps fur younggtrt Thesotoqumnru of colored straw, often with n crown ofa different tint. Largo hats are trimmedwith ItnmeuMt liowsof glaco talTctA, phveednear tho hair nt tho back, thu front triminlngconslst Ina of flowers having a chango-abl-o

Fans to bo carried out of doors should boof some dark color ur black, black uiolruones being particularly liked. Kor eveninguo, nowever, iieiiciuv ami imiuani colorsare employtU, loco, gnuzoand fi titers g

tho materials or tulle decorated withspangles.

Tho shaped pieces of itasemunterle, suchas motifs, collars, ngaroa and phuttrous,aro wonderully rich and teautiful this (season. IJ ght anu heavy laco, mock Jewels,ituirU. KiuuifflcH and bends of all tints andsilk nnd metal embroidery nru all imwediniotno senieis wttn tnu nwuit tnattnatrimming counter of tho largo shops lookruo Aiamun s cave.

A sketch Is given of a largo bonnet bat'if rloo straw. Tho wldo brim ts entirelyHued with puffed inousttcIlnudoKolo. Clus-ters of rose a replaced at tho side and backand under tho brim, and a largo lanv ofchangeable taffeta finishes the decoration.


A Trultless nidation.He was very handsome, yonnic, tall,

dnsed In exquisite luste. IHseycawerenbright blue; his hair a golden yellow. Hesat in tho Uralid Central station waitingfore, train, llowas the most nttractlrefigure In the crowded station uutll shecame in, hauttlng ou the anu of her aunt.All male eyes were turned admiringly inher uirectlon. inn sue uuu niP'rii oniy torthe youuit tnnn with tho ) cllow hair. Bhewalktt by nun anil cast, loitif, lingeringglances In his direction, but lie did not re-spond. Thin she took sent near bttuand dropjieil her ninbrella on his fist. Hestarted and turutsl bis eyes uwii her, butthere was no answer on hisfAce to tbe luvelight ill her eji, She bit her rosy llsiwith venation and moved avcrtotbe otheridoof the room. His guza folluwnl her,

hut Ids face was .till unmoved, still

The gal enian shouted that tbe train wasalsmt to Hart The pretty )oung womauarose, still wllh her eyes ou the handsomeronth. Villi rxisi'tnucy In her look. A

uinn In livery entered tlie station, lietouchisl the young man with thejtllnwhair ou the Oouldur. lie arose unsteadllrand Ut lu a helnlts way for the ami olIds escort. The young woman's facehlanchnl white, llowas stoue blind.New York llecorder.

Au IrresUllbl. Conclusion."Chollylias n very Iboughftul ex.

prcssiou on his face," raid one KirL"Cholly's becoming ilcceitf ui. " to.

plied tho other. Washington. Star.--- s


fWtnfrii under tie luvt of tl,e Ha-

waiian IttpuUte.

One ol these Shredders hasrecently bCCIl IllStalfccl at the

jti t .1111,11 OI inc I'anhnti PlantationCompany, llamakua, Hawaii,am) Mr. Andrew Moore, themanager, writes conctininu ii

I'AACIIAU l'LATrATIO!) CO.,Hahakva, Jan. in. lc.tv.'' " Inv, 11 A: Ltd, Hovilolci

UKStLitMt.-iIc.ji4ilLU- runiann ilunlonth.pasftuSrsAHiUi the "i.tto.L.1Ullie NjioUrr lately installed, Ki1ng tl,

Our mill aiiisl.ts nf three sets of L

I,v7i in. I.,ne, the rtm..rdiscs Is'ln Sit. 7 In. long, dnr.n l.t nailt.Miuitio engint II In. .lis. cj Under 1.1 Itstmke

Tlie lUttoiin am. Mug mlllwl is as turdIt Is (sMHtbls (or oune Ut ls. ItavLig lnsuhjeeteit t, a s.ere drought during thewhole pprio,! of lUgruvith, aud growing onlADd with a trade whhi exiwure. Our

Willi the HhlwMrr, lartutlUrlv withatsnerane, iiro.es it tu l at lt ourluills rciuln.l, the slirnMwl nn. lielng l.u-- r

plTare,l t lute IU JuIt eltracte,! thanalter iwMsing throush the first mill.

llljt null Is now all.mni t, ol In.lustmlbf In. aa f rmerlr.so that u,r trashnow leava. the nrst mill, U'll-- r an.und, lhan

rtirmerl;. did the errand, and this withoutkM ttiuesl imwulng, choking, uiul rtrain-li- u

of the muclilueryltehiu.1 tbe Urst Hjid soeond mills wo aM,lr

hotnator,the iiusntit. for the ut iSclsjs,er statement atta-h- l, has a.ersgnl tor rent, on the (otnl Juice from the cane.

Tho tra.b fnim ths last mill is cut up muchitlnertbau the WhrniJr as applied,

ch of It nwuihllng saw dust. It cuutalrsiir statement 1 ivr cent, of mol.tur. arslmakes gsl fuel, vhe Juice from th last millian.isft uegrces llrU.,so that the moisture

the tra.hii.or S cent. sURar solution.The ll.illi rs maks t,m much eiisier than

Iwfore, now eare has to Is. lid.en to keep themfrom blowing oft", whereas before great carewns iioveiry tukevp thestnun from going

low when tbe l'on was on.Ily the use of the Bhrwldcr w. hare

withsii men, formerly necessary todistribute the ranenn the currier, fel thellrtt mill uii.l throw Isu k the long piece.

...v ,juii,iw. Aiacmnery is a kishi sub--tantlsl Jon. and should cause little or no

trmihle.as it Is subjected to but light strains.ouwlll see that by appljing the Hbred-de- r,

rrir work tn all desirtm-nt-a has bsenvery materially Improved obtaining aletter extraction at less exinse than former

The great Improvement in our steam,causes ruuih satisfaction to those engaged inthe Milk

Yours Iteepectfully,A. Moult E.

Plans, specifications and prices)1 these Slireiltlrrs may be hailui application to

W. G. IRWiN & Go. Ltd.Sole Agents for tho

IIsw.ll,- - Pen ,lie.

Equitable Lire Assurance Societyop Tint U.tireu &tateh.

bee heli new Tout'ni lntalment iVtllcy.i means, f site I mt n ior,a m in isHbiet ti ee lila f ni y uiA oilch fit fieiiht-r- In i h, s, .iii.rrel;Nudnd 'he niH ir, ft and riok lu- -

ulvl I itit I'.xi'idtus. n 'f a t uIhe I eialns. t ilfy not nl itlrei hemll uinn. t a. nt i, iltirtntlal imt-- c Inn n

he fjent fhiaprHii uredr-'h- , but mny bei b'J it d a t imttaue that prJ'e" on fori i.ntiMft a f )wHrr iilo d aitFun mr Icula a I Ma .d ah oth-- r ptans

f Jiisttrn ic h this chn rfillruriiUli(4 ti pi:ic(ii.,ti tu

H. UCE CAUTUItlllUT,(leneril Mauatier for ihellsMailan

Iklsid KqufiMhte Uf- t uraucoboci tydlh United Matrs.

Motary Public.I'aitl, ular attenllun given, andsatisfaction guarantee,!, to all

desireA.'coillils AiIJiisU-.- I ur CullccU'd

IMiCOIiDS SEA1ICIIED - -By an experienced person.

orKICE with

The Hawaiian Investment Co.,


13 and 15 KAAHUMANU ST.Tkixpiionk S09.

WHAT?Haven't got a

Ulcycle Tag

YET!What arc you tliinking of?Want your wheel stolen ?





Where did you get that sultfWhy, at


STOREY'S,413 F011T ST.,

There you get the latestNew York fashions iuClothing and Gent's


JOHNSTON 6c STOREY,413 Four Stxskt,


Page 2: -SJ J mTj 1 HAWAIIAN · 2015. 6. 2. · r j 1a il- runuinKti-SJ mTjTP TBrUlfll ArTBKMOUR 1 JljL lb 7 B CKUTi A HUM Til BVOBPT IDMDAT. J I'M AtirAHCB I Hi HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS,

BP 'The Hawaiian Star UimePy Hemic. BYEf rURLtaitKU KV&KY AP tftKNOOlt 2S52?w



jJ 3 "1 Jj'' 0. U PODUB, BUHtNKfc-- MAN AO VA

KOBAcnirrioit hatch.Hh

Foreign, per "Year lu Advance. - I2.0u



ml vert Mntfrutilicntlon ntticw.


the Huilnem



0, 1895.




The latest tourist book of theOceanic Steamthip Company U an

art pamphlet with the gold embossed

title, "Picturesque Hawaii." Thepublishers do the islands a greatfavor by making a feature of thework a concise and reliable treatiseon the material resources of thecountry. There is a splendid artide on coffee and fruit culture,with carefully prepared data of themost practical nature. Pineappleand bauana culture are exploited,and there is ah article on land ten-

ures. The climate comes in for itsfull share of mention. The illustralions are superb, l'ruuinent amongthe pictures are: Colored plate of

Kilauea, surf riding at Waikiki,date palm avenue at Queen's hos-

pital, residence of V. C. Wilder,library aVPresidcnt Dole's mansion,Nuuanu avenue, Waimanalo plan-

tation, lane on Judge H. A. Wide-matin- 's

premises, St. Louis College,

Honolulu, Hilo, Hanapeepc falls,

Mariposa, Australia, Volcano House,Hawaiian Hotel.

"Picturesque Hawaii" presentsthe likenesses of President Dole

and cabinet. In facfthe pamphlet,wh'ch will.be very widely emulat-ed, has for its opening chapter,"The Republic of Hawaii." It is

noted that very little was known ofthe Islands 'till the revolution of,

1893, and later the establishment of

the present Government gave thecountry extensive advertisement."Picturesque Hawaii" warmlycommends the new administrationand earnestly argues for annexa-tion.

Honolulu is still at the "crossroads of thel'acific."

Tun present law for the protec-tion of domestic animals from dis-

ease seems to answer all purposespretty well. Tinkering with it is

likely to result in harm.

Hvknes, the retired New Yorkoolice superintendent, driven fromoffice by Parkhurst, et al, will notlong remain idle. He has been

offered a position with a foreign

Government. The country is notmentioned.

The act granting a franchise for

the proposed electric railway is get-

ting on swimmingly. No attentionis paid to suggestions that the cor-

poration give bond or accept anybut the conditions offered by itselfin taking the valuable concessions,

Akmv and navy circles have hada surprise in the conviction of

Captain Henry W. Howgate. Heembezzled $560,000 while chief of

the weather bureau at Washington, 1867-8- and was at large till

last fall. Meantime original in-

dictments against him were stolen,but luckily photograph.c copies

had been made.

Tub advocates of settlement forKaiulani weaken their argumentvery much when they urge the al-

lowance npon the ground of an

actual or presumed relief measure.The matter appeals to Tin; Staras being based upon an infinitelyhigher plane. The rtal considera-tion and the only one which can be

advanced with entire propriety is

the existence of a moral obligation.This rises far beyond conciliationor policy. Mr. Bishop, in his cor

respondence, is both practical andperhaps sentimental. Abstractjustice knows no conditions and if

that is what is to be meted out let- it bedispensed minus any tfs or


On June 20th, the Lord Mayor

of London, Sir Joseph Renals andLady Reuals gave 'a receptionto the delegates of the Woman'sChristian Temperance Union at theMansion House. Lady HenrySomerset introduced the delegates,saying that they represented women

engaged in the noblest work

throughout the world. MUs Will- -

ard also spoke briefly. In reply thethe Lord Mayor said: "I indorseheartily every effort to uplift hu-

manity. I greet you in themmeof the city of London." Continuing,the Lord Mayor paid a high tributeto women and concluded by invit-

ing the delegates to wander at theirwill throughout the historic man-

sion. The delegates availed them-- ,

selves of the invitation, and a

pleasant reception followed.

Wit! Itnurua HusIdcm.

Chas. Hammer, the veteranharness maker, who returned from

the Coast on the Monowai, says thetrip did him a world of good phy-

sically. While absent, Mr. Ham-

mer bought a complete stock oftrimmings, etc. He will soon open

ud a harness shop and again sup.tAv thf liirrh class of home made

L ;. goods that he dealt in for seventeenapyears. Mr. Hammer is certain to

make a success 01 ins venture,


July 8, lSi)S

This is so much tho ngo oftlit' specialist tlmt outside ofstatesmanship, wo liml verytow men accomplished in morethan one lield. In some of thovocations tho pressure requiredto roach profiency is so greatand constant that the Machineis good for only ono thing. Wofind for instance men like educators, stenographers and

physicians nndattorneys who are entirely lostwhen called upon to act out-side their particular grooves.In tormer years the specialistwas considered a weak vessel,rather a partial failure. Nowlie is looked up to ns a properlyequipped man. (Jno practical,.reason tor tins is that thereare so many orators, as it were.that it is deemed necessary to'"divide the question" in ordertliat all may have an q.portu- -

Itlty ot being lieard. L hoSDOl.

timr- Sliocialist is a.. illSti- -.

tutiou 111 most places. Jiut mHonolulu wo" have an athleticelement endowed with mixedtalent. The same names occurfor base ball, foot ball, fieldrames and rowinii. We almost)have the sturdy, old fashioned

athlete. In politicswe have him sure enough.He can deal out an office, settlean international dispute ordetermine a Constitutionalquestion with equal facilityand speed. Ho knows j'usthow every act should read andis lavish with his advice andinformation. Tho cemetarycould to spare thesewise men, but somehow thoyaro not greatly missed whenthey disappear.

Tho Monarch is what woare harping about all the timeand you will see by this columnof ours that we are still at it.

Last week wo sold two, 0110

to deliver when a wheel ar-rives, and tho other gentlemaninsisted that we take tho dis-

play bicycle running in out-sho-

window, and if you lookin thefo now you will sue onlyhis Hoyal Highness, monarchof all he surveys. Tho nextAustralia will bring him anyamount of friends to keep himcompany, and until then homust si"h alone

As tho onl wheels wo havenow are two lauies mercies,wo will describe them to you.Is it not a trifle sclhsli torgentlemen to rido around onfast wheels and not ask yourwives, daughters and sweet-hearts to go with you in theseoutings I Would tlay notenjoy it ns much as any man.?Did you over see a younglady speeding down the streeton a bicycle nnd not envy thohealthful vigor f

Make one of your dearestlady friends a present of whatwo will guaranteo sho will saymore than "thank you" for.

Mopki- - No. 11.

"Weight '22 pounds.Frame anil Fork Finest

quality of Mannesman!! steeltube.

Head 0 inches.Sprocket Wheels Front and

rear sprockets detachable bypatented device, accuratelymilled to fit chain: easily re-

moved and never work loose.Chain Finest quality of

inch Humber pattern, nickleplated and adjustablo by

dovice.Crank Detachable round

steel, G inch throw.Thread 5 inches.Bearings All ball of the

finest quality, fitted with Binns'patent ball holder anddust protector, used exclusively on Monarchs. By thisdevice tho balls and ball racoaro kept freo from dust and rotain tho oil, permitting tho re-

moval of tho cones withoutdisturbing tho balls a veryconvenient feature.

Wheels 20 inches, frontand rear, geared to 02 inches,

Wheel Base 42 inch.Spokes Swaged tangent,

butted onds, tied and full nickelplated, 28 to front and 32 torear,

lliius Finest quality of;wood.

Tiros Option, Morgan &Wright, Now York, Dunloi)or ti & J, 1 inch.

I'edals Brandenburg, liub- -

hor, 13 oz.Saddle Garford or similar

high grade.i'ltush Jet black enamel,

highly finished, with all brightparts heavily nicklo plated oncopper.

Dress Guard, light nndnoiseless, affording perfect pro-tection to tho dress from con-tn- ct

with tho wheel, chain orsprockers.


COMPANY.yj Fon street.




Interior DeportmentHonolulu Water Receipt:iiettio I.liilit itrrt'iina

Market lteelpt4R. Klmry CJIlt.i- - Receipts11, lo Wiiler RicelpUt Ultimo Receipt f..l'o-- t Olllee Reeelptsl'lioll ReceiptsHoard ot Elocution Receipts!.Fims. lVtmlttte hiiii ivOMA....Om eminent Itenlir. illon- -IteirUtry ot Ilrnmla.... .Sim Francisco Consul tees....t'ldtieoe Pmcs oris .rron bind RevenueRevenue Stumpstaxes

Iran Art. 7. 18112.. ..Uui Act, January II, lS'U......Trcumr Nolo Act, Ji 1, 1SM- -.

Totnl Receipts .

EXPENDITURES.Silnrv ot PresUentExpetiM-so- the Advlnry O uni- - ...I'.npenses or Uib Executive Cout.iil ..

Pkiimasest Settlements.Mrs. Emma IlarniirdMr. KuuluiMrs. Mr KmihaiieMrs. Mar) stolu

Department.Salaries Chief JuMice and ArsoclitesNiUrles Clerks ami Short Hand ReirlerSnlntles Inierpretersnml MesseiiiiersSih.rl- - Circuit JmUes anil ClerksSalaries District Map.Mr.iltw.

Sin, r,. in., ami Circuit Courts1.'. vv,..,...n. In Oi ..IimI Cxses4',ViT. , inci.ie.tals ami Purchato of i

Hooks .

DFrAimiENT ok i oreion Affairs.MiuiMir, Clerks anil MrsM-nicrr-

"- -J MiSrlari Ctnmul 'UwimuI, 8m ftamisco

Kl". Dlplomntio ami Consular Servrce.....HMIll -Preservation of ArchivesKeenr of I'owiler MagazineOlllee Inciilentiils ; :Extienses Mawiill.in Constihite. S in Irnnriscit...

llV"rTLSo'L .V"yieiiin. c... .........


uipliiinutic ami Uotiuir wiomI'ixancf. Department.

Salaries MinlMer, Amlit'T General, Registrar ofPub io Account I'm' Clerks

Salaries lax .Wssors ami CollectorsIncidentals Finance, Otlice........incidental Auditor I leuerals OlliceIncidentals Tax OlllccIiiUieslnii l'uidic Delit -

National lMt fallliitf dueNiluri s IVstumster General and CltrksI'tty ol Tost musterst'av of Mail Canneislocideiit.ils Postal llureatlSnlnriesCu tour- IlureauKxieiihfS I ilol BoatsIncidental Uureail -

S(,eciiil Service KundTax Aiieal HoardsSpecial Mail Carriage

Attorney Gexekal's Dkpaktmext.

Sililies Altornej-Oeliei- and Dqiilly. .. .. ...Sixties Man-lial- , I)e.ul., Jailors uml Clerksi3 ilalles .ShenlTs and del Us

Silaiu Deiin Slierilla .S.rlailes Clerks.iinl l'inici.in., lteciivlnn fcti.llonl'a id 1'oliceon allSdlanes a iineiue Court OllUeis, Hack Inctorf

Clcik- - and rrviliol 101s

l'.i ol Jailors, Gu.rds and Lun is ofDt'tccilve SenileStilipoil ot Prisoners... . -

inu ueniun. iivn unu vi,iii,Coroner's Inquests.

IkiiEAO of Public Ixstkiction.Salaries In- - ecior General of Schot Is, Secretary

Hoard of lilucallini and Clerk

Siiirt of EiikIMi, Hawaiian al.d CommonSchools .. ..........

Iuilusiri.il and Itefuriu SchoolScliolaridiiiis - - -Miuionen and Incidentals....IMnlrlriR Scho.d llouseeManual training and Senlutr MatellalBxjieieot School Atcut -si Ai.iheu'a l'rlorv . ................... .....Gill's School of the Sacred Heart

Interior DeparmentSalaries Minister, Clerksand MessengersSilariis lluieau of SurveyOllko Kxtieni-e- Ilureau of S'irveySiluries Itiglstrj OlliceOlHce Expenses ItenUtrj OlliceSalaries Ilureau of IuiuifcraiionIncidental Bureau of Immigration. .nabriesSuperlntendant Honolulu Water Works,

Clerks and Assistants ,Kunnlnn Expenes of Water WorksIteii.ilrsol Kcervo rs -

General HV'Ulrs of Water WorksHilo Waler Works :W."VV.i""rSalaries huiieriritendaut of Public W orks, Clerk

and Assistants .. .-

Itond and Bridges, Hmolulu,Meani Tug.-- . - - -Repair tu Furniture nnd Addition to Govern-meu-t

lludiliiiKS - "Landing and Buo)all Islands and outer Dis-

tricts of OahuLanding and Buojs, HonoluluLight IIouu SuppliesI Induing Honolulu HarborHoaiUalid Bridges, HawaiiKo id mid Hridgi s, Maul

aid I) images, all Islands.......Incident Is Bureau ot Public WorksKoloa Water Works !

IiovRti or HealthSilaryof SecretaryI'ay of Government I'hjsiciansGeneral Extienses.... ..... .....................Support of Non Leprous Childrenllemovlng Garbage..... -Quarantine Kxpen-e- s

.Mainlenalice of Hospitals .......-.- .Segregation of Lepels. ........... .............Medicine...Act 10 MillgateSalaries Insane Asylum.... ...............Expenses Insane Asslutn .....Expanses Under Opium Act '

Miscellaneous.Electric LightHonolulu Fire Detriment J..Pay of l HedstrarPay of Veterinary SurgeonP yof Keeper Diamond Iliad Signal Station..Pay of Steward lid" Fire DepaltmelitPay or Light House KeepersForest- - and Nurseries.,... -Public GroundsLighting Streets other than Honolulu..Aid to Queen's HospitalAid to Kiipiolsnl Maternity HomeAid to Kat iolani Park Assoc ationAi l to lirodisc of PacificQuarantine of l)i.ast! Animalstl ivernment Pounds - .1......Diamond Head Signal StationKent Post Olllee Lot, Hilo -- -

Curbing and Paving Government Sidewalks....Hilo Fire Department ,Sulnldv to Stiamer between Honolulu, Maui,

Mulokal and LaualExpenses of ElectionPrintingIncidentals Inlet ior Office

Special Acts.Support of tho Millltarr ;..Exrtensp of the Lalmr Commission........General Expentcs, Itebelllon of January, 1893

Loan Act.Nw Wharves and Sea Wall, HonoluluNew Pile Drlier......New Hoails, II wall...Beach Road, Honolulu -Nw Buildings Insane AsvlumSchool House N. Kona..School II Uses Wailllkll 1

School Houses Mskawao, . ........... ....School Houses Ewa and Walanae ...... ....Additions nnd Iinproveinciitu, Honolulu Water

WorksPurchase Kuleanas, Leper Settlement

Sundries,Road Tax. Special DepositTreasury Note Act. June I 1894Postal Savings Bank Withdrawals.Hospital Tax, S(a lal Dei oslt

Total ExpenditureTreasury Balance Mirch SI ,189.5

Keteipts for quarter tnuingdune 00, ioua.

Expenditures for Ounrter Ending Jane 30,Treasury Balance, June HO, IbOo

Honolulu, July 2nd, 1605.



JUNE 8O1I1, 1893.

49.CA3 501,;IMI t

8M W1.409 tiS8 7.19 111

44 it144,723 HI

I&.W8 "d1,458 15V.olfl 5t

15.W 8 054,877 88

yO IK)

l.WB 4 J0,755 HO

14 511 70

laal.t 102J.370 02

t299,07(l 90a,4UU uu

45 000 0050 COO Oil

398.07(1 90

2.000 00873 00am 00

1 2,075 00

75 0051 00on 0090 HO

275 00

4.000 001,275 001.71.5 016 375 005.111 348,0511 51

0J9 45

80- 21,981 10

2.523 001,500 00l.ll'O 001,1 mo 001.050 18

...... 4.372 30233 30HO 00215 72309 5104 75

312 00851 25

- 13,030 41

3.300 000,138 27

108 85103 51SOU 01

G9.9U2 13000 00

5,lil 8 004.0OU 158.815 50

811 7413.8J7 Oi

430 5059.) ft)295 91

I'll 0023 115

--t 109.SOO 2"

; 1,025 002.175 002 0C2 .'i05 210 00

000 0032 i8 35

870 005,9.18 115

2.213 000.C58 838,t93 50

100 85-- $ 07,037 01

$ 1.900 00

39,090 37110 3007 (10

I. .01 SO

1.0.V) 7t441 41108 75M'O 00500 00

$40,43G 07

4.200 004,098 85

55 851,915 00

15 00330 00

17 00

2413 0041)2 22

49 75307 23PiO 15

1.755 0111.050 b4V,0r3 67

3,902 07

2.54 3 43l,8ti8 20

119 413.799 784,2'JS 110

H8 521,117 00m 50

49 021(48,840 7

450 004 470 001,073 01

X3I 780t0 13317 15

1 .400 8914,042 08

0711 (12

351 712.538 001,875 115

410 1.0

--i 30,409 71

2.010 184.23.1 33

15U 00150 00225 00

30 009l3 50

1.912 851,210 1)2

25 051,000 0(1

SOU 00410 001.00 00

81 (X)

20 501 95

300 002.0.M 10

500 00

400 00219 10041 70

-- -9 i 08--t 18,000 43

20 200 39869 00

3 312 003H,447 00

1 858 83632 00

9,532 041.551 444 725 001,727 211.0 3 701.762 701,499 81

84.400 07300 00

-- I 69,011 83

1,083 0020.000 00

8,400 002 393 75

-- $ 27,075 75

t 478,065 48200,581 9803 070 00

808 608 89

1895 476.005 43121,844 40

598 609 69

W, O, ASHLEY,Registrar of Putllc Account.


- .

Will lie re'elve'l at the Generrl Post- -

olTlce ! FUIDAY.Jiili 12".. 1893, at12 o'clock noon, for furnishing milbags for the f,r"ii mall service.

Hnuiple of bags can be seen nt thePost Dice.

The Postmaster General doe not bindhimself tu accept the lowest or an) bid

JOf. M. OAT,?03 U Pot mister Oeneral.


Hi nolo ti. June 20, 1895,

In accordance with Section I of Chapter XXVI of the laws of 18861

All persons holding water privilegesor Umbo paying wan r rati, nre herebynotified that the water rat for theterm ending December 31, 1895, will bedue nnd payable at the ollice of theI lorn lulu Water Works, on tho Isfdajof July, 1895.

All Bitch rale remaining unpaid forfifteen da nfter lltey ate due will besubject to an additional 10 per cent.

Rates are payable at the office of thewater works in the Knpualwa Building,

ANDREW BROWN,Supt. Honolulu Water Works,


Will la received at the Interior Officeuntil WEDNESDAY, July 10th, at 12

o'c ock noon, for publishing the Session

Las of the Special Session of 1895, nsfollows: f

1. Publishing in newspaper, English,one time, at lr 1000 "ems," octavomeasure, double column.

2 Publishing In newspaper, Hawaii-an, one time, at per 1000 "ems," octavomeasure, double column.

3, Printing and binding 500 copies ofthe nbove laws, English, In same sty!ns Session Laws of 1892.

4. Printing nnd binding 250 copies oftho above laws, Hawaiian In the samestyle ns Settiun Laws of 1892.

All bids must be endorsed ''Tendersfor Printing Laws," and must be madein conformity with the abovo Items aspecified.

J. A. KING,Minister of the Interior,

Interior Office,July 9, 1893. 703-- lt

Putnam sTHE modern stan

dard -- FamilyCough Medicine1 u kh s tnecoughs and colds

that harass hu



Cherrj OneRelieves;





iSZ and SIO oontw.

At thistimeof year

it is most important to cleanse theblood of impurities and tone upthe nerves. The system needs atonic, and by this means thegerms of disease are eradicated.Everyone should look carefullyafter , the health at this time.Malaria and weakness, iner-tia and all nervous ailments,as well as iiimousness andconstipation yield to the gentleand gradual action of the bestremedy in the world

. RrowrfsIron fritterswhich is iron combined withhealth-givin- g medicines in a palat-able form. No other medicineis more popular in the house-hold for old and .young forwomen and children. Itstrengthens the muscles, purifiesthe blood and makes the cheeksrosy with health,


It is a blessingto tired and weary wives andnursing mothers. Pleasant totake and the dose is small.won't stain your tteth.j












STILL ON DECKand Winning Races

as Usual

On June nth the Ramblercrossed the line first in the5 mile race. Un June 1 5 tli.it the H. A. A. C. field daysports the Rambler won 40Ithe 6 events on the program.

The Rambler Bicy-cle holds the worldsrecord for a mile in

t.34 t.5.Don't experiment with newbrands, buy one that hasbeen tried and found true,Rambler Bicycles and G &J tires has stood the test ofyears'.

Wheels sold, on the installmcnt plan.

Call at Rambler agency forcatalogues and information.




Ic now prepared to sell

Goffis and Fruit LandsIN

KEAAU, Inlniul of llmviill.In Lota to suit Purchnsera.

Parties de iring to buy land can do soupon the

INSTALLMENT PLAN,paying for same In monthly Inotnll.roents.

Call and examine the mnp of theland fnr Bale.

For prospectors and Information applyat tne oince or tne tympany, .iwin a.Jones Secretary, In the


408 Fort Street, Honolulu.

Caught in


With and



It you want lu Bur, Bell or Rent

Residence Property,Building Lots,

Acreage Property;If you want to , . ,


Call on me. If I haven't what youwant I will try and find It. I now haveseveral des rsble Houses and Lots, etc.,for Sale and Itent.


C D. CHASE,Safe Deposit lulling,

Tel 184. 400 FORT STREET

JOHN PHILLIPSHas removed his Plumbing

Establishment to

HOTEL STREET,next to Horn' Bakery,

where he will be pleased tosee hi old patron and thepublic generally,

680-- tf

Why.Do You Pay

ao to 40 per cent.mora for your Groceries when you cansave that much by paying cash atVoei-lk- r Co.'s ? Everything fresh andnothing but standard brands kept.

Gooth Dclivcrttl

VOELLER & CO.,Cimli Orooer,

WAntKO Block. Tel GSfJ.

Malaria kept offby takingBrown's IronBitters.


Fine PrintingTry the StarC t nnttlri

the Act.to obtain

Cords to Match.

The temptation was too great. Peoplo are resorting to

JUST RECEIVEDPer S. S. Australia,A JVew Line of






WHITE COTTON GOODS,Reduced from 2.1c. to 15c. a yard.


Wrought Steel Ranges, ChilledIron Cooking Stoves.HOUSE'KEEPINa GOODS:

Agate V are (White, Gray and Nickel-plated- , PumpsWater and Sou Pipes, Water Closets and Urinals, RubberHose, and Lawn Sprinklers, Bath Tubs and Steel Sinks,O. S. Gutteta and Leaders, Shee Iron Copper, Zincand Lead, Lean pipe and Pipe Fittings.

Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iroi.Work.


Scientific Suspenders-- A MUCH NEEDED REFORM.


Popular for full dress wear because they cannot crease (heshirt bosom, and the straps arc never seen.

No dragging on the shoulders.

The trousers keep their shape because they are never pulledup from the shoe and there is no strain on the bands. No sewedjoints to come apart

To Wear Them


Mcrolimit duel I?ox-t- : Stroota.





Havana,Manilla,and Vera Cruz, --

Mexico, also fromHenry Clay andBock & Co., Limited.

Tobacco Everything

ib to Like Them.

. . . .



IMPORTERS DIRECT of Pipes and Smokers' Articles, from

France and Vienna.









We Cigarr fromall Flr;- -

Clana . . . :

you can wish for.


Have an enormous sale in Canada andthe United States, and we predict the same

them here. They contain just theStrengthening Qualities needed to counter-act the enervating influence of this climate.For sale, wholesale and retail, by the



Ladies' Outing Suits,All ready made In Duck and Flannel, and Dark Colon,at Very Low Prices. . . . ,

Ladies' New Equestrian Hats,IN DIFFERENT SHADES.



LADIES' and CHILDREN'S TAN STOCKINGSA Full Assortment of Slzei.

Don't Fail to Try Our

NEW S5o. BLACK STOCKING.They Beat Everything on Record.



Importwell known





mm4 .

Styles of Furniturelire Constantly Changing.

As we have only a New STOck we have all NewStyles. We arc very fortunate in having such large

. Show Windows, enabling us to display completeSets. But all our Goods are not in the windowsas you will find out if you come inside


Undrtakv and Kmbalmen.



.: ?


Page 3: -SJ J mTj 1 HAWAIIAN · 2015. 6. 2. · r j 1a il- runuinKti-SJ mTjTP TBrUlfll ArTBKMOUR 1 JljL lb 7 B CKUTi A HUM Til BVOBPT IDMDAT. J I'M AtirAHCB I Hi HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS,

J rrrI "" 'I NKUH IN A



1 -- 3.-





A' '",

Meal Itntnte.



803 Tort Btrert, near King Street.

rmnvF.n lot on kinau and niicoi.


7 flDOM HOUSE WITH I.AIWK OltllUNUPon ratios, roao, near ii umi u nuun

fir 1,'.17UNK PROPERTV ON NUUAN.U 8TIWRTJL' with soveral cottom. 1W winsold at a very reasonable fitare. .

YEARS t.KASK ON OROUND 'AND0 cottages oo Walfclal UVach.tlOOO.

nevrt ttnnu nmTAnrc UN NUU.1' una KttMt. between Vlntrard nlHehool Htreeta.

KICK PLANTATION AT KOULAUXV containing 64 acres.

o ACRES AT KAUIII, SUITABLE FORt icvrasnina;, (iw.

IOT ON QUEEN KTRKKT, OPPOSITEthe Tax Office. Price. ".

o LOTS ON WAIKIK1 ROAO. VERYm revooiible md on easy payments

FEW MORE LOTS ON KINO STREET,A Kallhl. tlSoeacli.can be paid for Inmonthly Installment.

LOT WITH J LAROE HOUSEa UNA I'auoa Koad. tan.1TOUHE LOT WlTn COTTAI1E ANDI I Tim ratcbes, containinf l acre aiKallhl, tcm.


OPPORTUNITY FOn HOOD HOTEL1.1ISE at Walanae. the terminus of Oahultallaar, Sreclal Indocementa am offered.

A FINE RESIDENCE ON THE JUNCTIONI V of Thnreton Arenne, Oreen and NewStreet. Houne very large and convortable,containing all the latest tanttair Improve-ments. Fine Verandas, palm avenne, beauti-fully I ldoutgronn.1s.etc Will be Bold forleal than Its actual value.

LOT OIT NUUANU STREET,SMALL suitable for stores. Ooodcottage In rear. Price. IJKM.

i ACRE WITH NEW COTTAGE AND1 other bulldlnM In Kallhl. Price 2UOO.

fin X ltd FEET ON ASYLUM KOAII.llU r.ew brantlfnl modern room houseand nicely laid cit grounds. Price. 91,200.

Kft X IM FEET WITH NEW COTTAGEOU on Young Street, near KeaumokuHtreet nicely Improred lot Fruit trees, etc.Price, fMOO.

No charge for making Deeds, Mortgages,etc., In tra sferlnjr property.

N. It. Properties placed In our hands forsale will recefre special attention.


AM PREPARED TO MAKEI of Title in a most thorough andcomplete manner, on short notice, and accu-rate in every detail

T. W. MAKINNEY,S18 Fort Street.

W. O. Smith's office.


LYONS. BUSINESS AGENT ANDDAN Ueneral Collector of Accounts, soli-

cits the patronage of he business emmu-nit- r.

He la .well acquainted in Honoluluand will falthfnlly attend to all businessmatters intrusted to him. Clerical work ofany kind, including Bookkeeping,Convlnl. etc.

Oilli-- 21 Alakea Street, between Merchantana Jvlug streets.


VIEWS Or IlEV, 8. K. niSHOP ON THEANNUITY fob the princess.

Liberal Atlowanee Shonld lie MadeAs To Lllluokalanl Aoeleot


Editor Star: Doubtless mypast record will save me from anycharge of lack of loyalty to the Re-

public, when I say that I am, andalwavs have been, in favor of making a liberal allowance not only to

"..aiulani but also to tneas' soon as it can be done withsafety.

I heartily believe in striking downenemies of the Republic in insurrec-tion against it, and in sitting solidlyupon them, as we are doing, untilall tendency to further attempts isat an end. But I also believein showing great kindness towardsthem. It would be strange if thePrincess (or. Katulanidid not feel hostile to its. But doesnot the very noble precept "Ifthine enemy hunger, feed him,"have appropriate application in thecase? TUis young lady has heendeprived of her inherited high ex- -

' pectations, and is in need. Whatharm is she likely to do us, if werelieve her necessity? If there isany danger of her coming here toconspire against the Republic,which seems to me quite improb-able, it will be easy to make thepayment of her pension conditionedupon compliance with the will ofthe President as to her residing InHawaii.

In the case of the thereis no need' of haste, and the timedouotless has not come for so pro-viding in her case. It may behoped that at no very distant dateit can be done with safety. Weneed cherish no bitter resentment'or the attempts to restore monarchyThey were most natural, especiallyas they were encouraged by the attitude of the American administration. Those attempts have notgreatly injured us. They haveeiven us opportunity for heroic determination and effort. This long:struggle has been a grand educationto our people in manliness and civicvirtue. We can ajtora to, be mag'nanimuus to these royal ladies.

I remember, and we all ought toremember, h'jw much the very nobleHawaiian royalty of former gener-ations did for the well beingof bothnatives and foreigners, and how in'dispensable the monarchy was intlinsp davs. Let the deoosed representatives of that ancient monarchy be treated with no needlessindignity Whatever tnelr lauits,it becomes the Republic to provide!

S. E. Bishop.

Local news on page 1.


As stores be soilguess right number

Sugar $3.20,

The Postmaster General calls forbids for mail bags.

Madame Vale's remsdyfreckles is advertised.

Storage to let, apply Brown SKubey, Arlington block.

Hiehcst cash price paid for Hawaiian stamps. C. V. Stukdkvant,

Lost A copy of Anderson'sDigest, Please return to Staroffice.

The Coptic brought thirteen bagsof mail lor Honolulu, two beingletters.

The Government band gives aconcert at Thomas Square thtsevening.

Tho Mvrtle boat club will hold ameeting tomorrow evening for theelection of officers.

"Chip from Many Shops"the Y. C. A. Hall tonightRev. Dr. MacArthur.

Ordinary mail by the Coptic tomorrow closes at 1 1 o'clock, registered mail an hour earlier.

Immense bareains in lacetains, just think, lace curtains forIt. So a pair at S. Sachs.

A gang of prisoners are nt workon .the new beach road. The roadhas extendedjhrough the Ena lots..

Highest grade sewing machinesfor rent and sale. C. V. Sturdevant.

A fine portrait of I.iliuokolanifrom the studio of George Westfallis on exhibition in the Golden Rulebazaar.

A pleasant passage to the Coaston the barkentiue W. H. Dimond,to leave at noon Thursday, isoffered

The Honolulu Amateur Athleticclub did meet yesterday even-ing on account of there not being aquorum.

Al. Chisholm is turning outsome elegant sets of hand-mad- e

harness from his shop corner Fortand King.

In the new ad. today the Mc- -

Inerny Shoe house gives a hint ofthe general ardent desire for theirfine goods.

Dr. MacArthur speaks tonightat the Y. C. A. Hall. He isan exceedingly able and interest-ing speaker.

Judge Ross decides against theGovernment of the United Statesin its suit $15,000,000 of theStanford estate.

At 10 o'clock tomorrow morningMorgan will sell an elegant collec-tion of fenu. palms and other plantsat his salesroom.

Chinese are flocking to the Chinese bureau to secure return per-mits. They intend taking passageby the S. S. .Cop'ic

If you want to v, sell or exchange stamps, go to JohnT. Brown,Arlington Block, Hotel . street.Note change of address.

Big lot of white shirts-jus- t re'ceived at L,. D. Timmons', WaringBlock. White, laundned, 8scents; unlauudried, cents.

On account of the Coptic remaining in port tonight, the band willgive concert at the HawaiianHotel instead of at Thomas square.

Fine pleasure boats for ladiesand gentlemen at the new Hawaiian Boat House, toot ol Richardstreet. Moonlight boating parties,etc.

Mrs. R. L. Ogilvie will receivea limited number of pupils 111

struction in drawing and out-doo- r

sketching. Apply Kilohana ArtLeague.

Complaints are made of the continued practice among the Chineseof binding the feet oi children. Thepo'ice find it a difficult matter tolocate them.

Brown & Kubey the wholesaleand retail dealers in watches,clocks, jewelry and plated goodshave moved into the ArlingtonBlock, Hotel street.

Several cases ot Winchester rifleswere shipped by island steamers to-

day to members of the Citizen'sGuard on the other islands. ' Thearms are those recently arrived.

When you want fine watch re-

pairing done or jewelry made, go toH. G. Biart, Fort street at Gertz'.Mr. Biart's long experience, is aguarantee of good workmanship.

Lose represents the oldest firerisk concern in the United Statesin the Insurance Comoanv of North .

America, This miu'e.company hasover nine and a half millions ofassets.

W. C. Achl bad a penal summonsserveo on mm yesteruay, cuargmgmanciuus juscia mcinjury.. ...... i.li ,cumpiaiuaiu. Que cmmis mattore down a fence and gate on herpremises.

A Oood AppetiteAlways accompanies good health, and antabsence of appetite is an indication of some-thing wrong. The universal testimony givenby tuohe have used Hood's Barsaparilla.as to its merits in n.tprinK the appetite, and

stronzest recommeudation can be urged(or any medicine.

Hood's Pills all liver Ills, blUlousnesjaundice, indigestion, sick headache, 25c. 4


regular price, one risks anything, only Ifyour stove costs you nothing. The

No lottery, raffle or game of chanoe, but r tr t'ght business proposition. EveryPerton who purcnaMt one of our New Pr ess 'ovea between TiiUkSDAY HoiiN1NO June 27, and One o'clock Wedncsda , A oust 7, will be entitled to oneguest as to bow many of these stoves will l so . up to that time, it being thenlust Ave months .ince first store was tiutcu wed.

The person guessing correctly, or coming nearest to the correct number, willreceive at a present tu rash of the full amount paid for his stove; In case of twoor more persons guessing winning number, each shall make a further guess

h. nt iha fallnwlnir week, one Derson thus flnallr recelvlnit the prize.

the will atyou nearest to the





















being simply an ad. for New frocees moves.ili.i miMi In an AnvalnnA and tdace vour name and address on the in-

.i.i. ..jUmimn.irlrnolha outside. The envelopes will be carefullywhat is inside each until the date ofkept and no one but the gnessera will know

opening. A correct list of stoves sold will be hung up before the opening ofenvelopes, which will be done at our store In the Waring Ulock, tort and Bere.tania at 1 p, m, on August 1, m tne prnseuiMi 01 owe pu.v ,.rc, ,. ..." puuuu

Jlmtmhr-Sto-vti Sold h ihi Installment Plan.


t- OiBecsN. (Oer Fort aa4 Senuala SU.I

lV.tJ&r-- r. lWSiAll'VW5VT:s'rf


liAllT M!W OP TIIK WOIll.1l


l'arllament nuula Japan I'ubaHUniarrk - Fire Tralrf



The Oreat Chancellor's Coudltl lte- -

ported to He Merlon.

Frkidkichskuiik, July a.

Prince Bismarck isscriouslj ill andunable to partake of food. CountHerbert Bismarck and other mem

bers of the familyhave arrived.

A correspondent who ha intimate relations with the Bismarckfamily says that the condition ofBismarck s Uealtli lias been seriousfor the past week. He is sufferingfrom ereat physical depression.combined with severe neuralgia inthe face, and is only able to takeliquid food.

VAsrofVKit (B ('), July S.-- The latestmall mlvlcea from the Orient by thesteamer Empress of Jnpan mefollows i

, , I. a CJ

tlman, China, has taken a turn f..r theAt urieng iu, ivii.iiiiK nun i

Yachnu. Protestant ami Cnlliollfl ,ri- -

iwrty has vn titlerly tlwlroywi. nmai-le-

rltlM have siillereil simllarlr.Oflleials refuse.! .rolcctlon till the mobhail completed their work. Viceroy l.hiIs chiefly to hlame. Puchoit nn.l etherplaces arn aeriously threatened.

The American Consul at Hankoweays help is needed.


ndlls Hold Vp an Kinreits InOresnti.

RosiinORG, Or..' July 2. Masked

bandits, heavily armed and suppliedwith a good supply of dynamite,held up the north-boun- Oregonexpress nearRiddles station, a sidingabout thirty miles south of thisplace, about 10 o'clock last night.It is thought there were three menin the gang. They robbed the express and mill cars and tlien turnedtheir attention to the passengers,from whom they secured aboutf500. The total amount stolen isthought to be about $1500.

The robbers are at large.

Slore Kebels.

New York, July 3. A special fromHavana says: Gomez has left PuertoPrincipe provinco In command of General Lope Heel. 1. It in reported that heis advancing westward nil Santa Clarait Hie liea.1 nt iu,vuu im-n- . Aireuuymore norsona are in rebellion in Saniattara province then during the wholeten years or t ne nret revolution.

New Parliament,LoSDO.v, July S. The first meeting of

Lord Salisbury's new cabinet took placetoday and attracted many sightseers touowuing street.

Kirst Kird of the treasurv. A, J. Hal- -four, announced in the House ofnions today that wrllament would beprorogue.1 Saturday, and that the iiisso-.itio- n

of parliament would follow onMonday.


M. Carlisle Bets the I'ace ClevelandObjerts to Illoomers.

Washington, July 2. Mrs.Carlisle, wife of the Secretary ofthe Treasury, has raised a flutterin the select society circles ofWashington by appearing on thestreets mounted on a bicycle.

The innovation is liable to befollowed by other women of theCabinet, as Mrs. Carlisle usualysets the pace for the official set.Mrs. Lamont is taking lessons.There is unusual interest manifested to know whether'Mrs. Clevelandwill take to the wheel. The President is usually bitterly opposed toall fads and has been beard to criticize bloomers.

Trade ltevlvlna.Chicago, June iiO. The Times-Heral-

tomorrow will print dispatches frumabout a score of cities lying east of Denver 00 trade conditions. The followiiiKillirest leads the symposium:

The Timet-Heral- d has gathered thetestimony of the best business mlniU ofthe country as evidence that from theAtianuo to tne l'acinc industry andtrade is rapidly, healthfully and ieuitimately reviving, from rvew York toSan Francisco withiu the last eightweeks there ha an increase inhusfuess of at least 33 per cent, and atiadvance of wages ot nut less than JOper cent.

Son of President Uarlleld,

Warren, O , July 2. Republicans ofthe Twenty fourth and Twenlylithjoint district today chose James A. Gar- -Ilemot Jientor.sonor tno late president,as one of their Candida es for the statesenate. Mr. Garfield ia llllrty years ofage.

Itus.Ia Annoyed.

New York, July 3. The llcrala" St.Petersburg special sas: Although theultimate acceptance by China of Hubsia's proposal in the matter of the Cnl- -nese loan Is looked upon aa oertain,considerable irritation is felt by the Government and in financial circles at thetlilatoriness displayed by the PekingUovernment. The delay Is seriously interferlng with negotiations with TOMregarding the evacuation of t.Miiese termury "J "'"Jap'anese troops,

raid the Penalty,Nkw York, July i. Dr. Robt,

w. Buchanan was electrocuted atsing sing. yesterday for wife lnur-

ier two years ago,

Ml, 000,000 rlllK.

Twenty Acres llurned Over In SanFranrlaeo,

California's big city had hergreatest fire: on the uight on June27, It started on Fifth street, between Bryanfand Breunan, Overzoo trame buildings were burned.The damage is It, 000,000. Manv




On Wednesday, July 10thAt 10 o'clock, a. ru.,

I will sell ut Publio Aucttrn at mySalesrooms, by o.der of MRS. C. O,

IlElluEIt,A fine collection ot


OTHER .PLANTS.Plants on view at my Salesroom on

TUESDAY, July 9th.

James F. Morgan.703-- AUCTIONEER.

Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report




An Ilspedltlon t'ttder MlnUler KinTo l'erfert the Uncord A I.eh.t


The revenue cutter Lchnn willnow make an annexation voyage.She will leave at 5 this evening,returning in about eight days.

The Hawaiian flag is to beformally planted on French FrigateShoals, on Island not far fromKeckar Island and actually a pariul 8uP ..V"? J" ' ....'Vwere Hawaiian territory. Tins

IIUl UUtl UtailULLU. UUi IUUC 13

" ""ecord of annexation by cere- -

uiuuy.Captain Tns. A. King, Minister

of Interior, will command this ex-pedition. He made the conquest ofNeckar and will touch there, rrof.W. T. Brigham, curator of theBishop museum goes along with anassistant. F. S. Dodge goes forthe survey department, with youngMr. Atkinson as his helper, dpt.Macauley sails the Lehua, Thecrew of ten foreigners has been replaced by natives, more experiencedat handling boats in the surf,

In the foreign office this morningChief Clerk Potter was preparing theproclamation, etc., under directionof Minister Hatch, The paperswill be placed in a copper tube andthe flag nailed to the staff.



oc tiik rAciric.

Idvantaires ttf This Calllns; Tort Lame- -

ness of Other Claims ThatAre 3Ia.le.

Kditor Stak: There is nothingnew iu the so called discovery otCapt. Sigsby that the route fromHrito to Yokohama via ban rran- -

cisco is 400 miles shorter than thatvia Honolulu. That fact has longbeen familiar to all who have studiedthe subject. It is also true that agreat circle route from Cape St.Lucas direct to Yokohama is mttcnshorter than to turn aside to SanFrancisco. The main reason forwhich steamers will leave the shortest possible route to touch nteither Honolulu or San

will be to fill their coalbunkers. It would be unprofit-able lor them to carry a supplyof coal for the whole distance ofnearly 70oojmiles on the directcourse from Brito to Yokohama.

It is plain that some advantagewill be enjoyed by the port of callthat is most nearly midway of theroute. Honolulu possesses thatadvantage over San. Francisco,being only 340 .miles from a pointmidway, while Sari Fraiicis,o issituated at a poiut little more' thanone-thir- of the whole Voyage,beiug about 2 Goo miles from Britoand 4500 from Yokohama. Astretch of 4500 miles without

will be rather long for themajority of ireigutiug steamers. Unthe Honolulu route the longeststretch will be 4120 miles fromlirito with 1440 to Yokohama. Ifthe Asistic terminus be Hong Kongthe advantage ot Honolulu overSan Francisco will be much increased,

The Honolulu route has also thequite important advantage of navigation in the smoothest parts ofthe Pacific Ocean, while the banI'rancisco route lies 111 comparatively stormy seas.

With these two important advantages to counter balance theslightly lesser distance via SanFrancisco, Honolulu hardly needfear very greatly the competitionof that port as the calling stationof the trans Pacific traffic via Nicaragua. S. U. B.



One of the Late Dr, Trousseau's Kiperl,mentsA Vicious Heail-T- nt To

Its Death.

Tho monkey belonging to the lateDr. G. P. Trousseau, which waskilled on Friday, had developedleprosy, one ot his eyes being almost entirely gone and his mouthbeing touched by the disease. Theanimal was a very vicious one, andalthough kept in a wire netting cageno one dared to go near, A railingwas put up by the late doctor several feet away from the cage. Kvery,time anyone approached the cagethe brute would screech and makea dash. The monkey had alwaysbeen vicious.

About eigbt-yea-rs ago, when Dr.

Trousseau held the position ofpresident of the Hoard of Health.he, with Dr. ArningWho'was'tben here, decided to

with the monkey.TKey inoculated it with leprosy. No signs of tbe,.,dreadlirseasejippeared until awtry shorttime sflicc, when it showed on theeye and mouth and developed con-siderably. His viciottsness increas-ed and the people liviug on thepremises decided to have himkilled. When the officers approach-ed the cage on Friday the monkeymade a spring, causing one of themen to jump back andturn white as a' sheet. Themonkey was buried by the Boardof Health. About three monthsago Dr. Wood brought up thematter ot tbe Inoculation ol themonkey by the late doctor beforethe Hoard ol Health. At that timethe doctor remarked that the monkey had not developed leprosy.

A place lo spend a few quiet hours isthe Ilaniwai Baths. Waikiki can passme aoor.

Deaths,R'n Janeis", June

Pel tutu of lintel ia dead.LoMO N, June 29 I'rofesaor Thomas

U, Uuiley died this uiurDOoo,



- M1


wini TIIK :to SOLON'S.

llt'MV IM INIIIM.NLIlf-.ti- .

Art Itrlnttnj In 1'itlillfl l.nntU --

tu lmtorttttlon nm Or utt.ltittnrn.



All present.Senator Rice reported the Hilo

Rltctric light franchise Bill

Senator Brown gave notice fortwo bills. Concerning steamerpilotage. On new trials and appeals.

The Act to regulate Chinese immigration passed its third reading.It has already passed the House.

A joint resolution was offered bySenator Waterbousc recommendingtuat a commission to consist of twomembers from each branch of tin--

Legislature to be appointed bv thechairman thereof, three membersfrom the community at lame to beappointed by the President of theRepublic, all members to servewithout pay, to obtain alt possibleinformation rclalinc to the leealregulations of the liquor traffic andintemperance and present their report at me regular session ol theLegislature iu 189ft.

Aiioriiey-Ueneia- l Smith cavenotice of his intention to introducea bill entitled "An Act to Facilitate r n J Maintain Telegraph Cablesin the Pacific."

The Act relating to Public Landswas taken up. A new Sectionmaking interpretation of woras andterms was ndopted. The pro-vision for a title 011 residence andcultivation of 20 per cent of certainlands was agreed upon, final pay-ment to be nude in six years, TheSenate has reduced the House pro-vision for the cultivation of 35 percent of Olaa land to 1 . per cent.It is recommended mat the VolcanoRoad reservation strip be 250 feetinstead of Mr. Baldwin was passage In 5 days 21 hours and 44in favor of extending all min. Smooth seas and light

to the able winds encounteredCorporations arc requited to make the passage. The Coptic sails atroads to the Volcano road and thefull benefits extend only to Hawa-iian corporations. Olaa land is ap-

praised at tS, !fG and $4. TheHouse had made it $6, ?4 and $3.Mr. Smith favored the lower rates..ir, uucKiug tnuugiu Tioau ocienot too much for land alonir theroad. Tim fi.n,r adopted wereJf8, f6 and 4. Mr. Hocking 8rnntinn In mnl-- lli, third class if2,was amended by Mr. Baldwin to

3 and carried.After passing the remaining sec-

tions of the Laud Bill the Senateadjourned.

nousn.The Committee report

ed on the pelitionTefcrred to thempraying lor the changing of theFourth Judicial Circuit Jrom Vai- -

ohinu, Kau, to K&'lua, Kona Thecommittee recommend its passage.

Kepresentative Halualani propounded the following question tothe Minister of Finance: "Is thegovernment continuing to payMary Katiltaiie thewhich was nnde for her. now thatshe his been

Representative Haiiuna prcsent- -ed tne following question to the.Minister 01 interior: "What doesthe government proose to do withthe new market building whichwas erected and is now standingidle?"

Representative Kamanoha readtor a first time a bill to amendthe law regulating appeals fromDistrict Macistratcs to the Circuit

1 he Act to Amend the I,aw Re- -lating to Terms of the Circuitrnr. ...i.. .1.:.. i .,n.wuu.ts, ...uivn 11119 IICThird Circuit to beat Kailua, NorthK.ona, insteaa of Waiolnnu.

Senate bill No. , "An Act toPrevent the Wanton Destruction ofGame," was read section by sectionmid passed first reading on motionof Rep. Kamauoha.

L Rep. Kamauoha asked that therules be suspended and the bill beread a second time by title. Car-ried.



Cha.tonlna- - Editor and TeachersMatnplna; Out Opium amoklnc

Va.scuuveh, (B, C), July 2. Thework of auseiidlnir Japanese news,papers still g.e on. On June 'Pill theNaiifai Tausliinee, the news agency inJapan and the moatfaiwerful news cor-poration In the Vnii.i e. whs closen bri he Uinperur it sent out a fakereport of an eniiHg- - ment theHerman and Jspnnese Miuadioii andpuhliehed an alU'trcd forcrd letter fiomAdmiral Firemaiitle to Count I.i on thepeace ut initiations.

Polio Tired,There is no prospect of the barge

race between the boat boys anilpolice coming off on Saturdayafternoon, the police crew refusingto pull unless there is more moneyput up. They consider the twentydollar prize too small for the work.

AwardedHighest Honors World's Fair,

rjold Medal-Midwi- nter Fair.



from Ammonia, Alum or any ollwr adulterant,...In alt the great Hotels, the leading

Club and the homes. Dr. Price' CreamBikr-i- g Powder holds its supremacy.

40 Yuri tho Standard.

j.uj-- 9 1895. ' ;m:

ALL ALONG THE DUCKS.1 I MAll alarm for a fire on the Plains I , IlliUld lCc (1O1 Of AOf ll AfiififlCa H


pioneers. I throughout





ISLAM) .Tti.tMr.lt t'l.lMIl OUT ".vAiunm I'oim.

nil Working .it the wretk-Ti- .e


The Miknhala sails for Kauai nt5 o clock this afternoon.

The steamship Coptic is due tomorrow from San Francisco.

Thanks are due to Purser Oood-ric- h

of the Coptic for news favors.

At noon today the Waialcatcsailed for ports 011 Maui and Ha-waii.

About 100 tons of coal for a

went by the Ke Alt Hon thisnoon.

me win. lf. Wllzematiu washauled on the marine railway yes-terday.

The Ke Att Hdu for a circuit olthe island, sailed at 10 o'clock thismorning.

The yacht Klcanor left the har-bor a little before 5 o'clock yester-day afternoon.

The V. G. Hall, due this after-noon, will bring the balance of theDitnond's cargo.

The Kilauca Hon, for Maui andHawaii, leaves at 4 this afternoon,The Likclikc, for Maui, sails at 5.

The schooner Olga sailed thisforenoon for Mnliukona in ballast.There she will load with sugar forSan Francisco.

The barkentiue V. If. Dimondwill sail for San Francisco at 12o'clock noon on Thursday next.Intending passengers will be afford-ed first-clas- s accommodations. Sev-eral have already been booked.

A spar measuring about fifty feetin length was brought by thesteamer Mikahala Sunday from thewrecked Pele, now lying 011 thebottom on one of the Kauai coasts.It is a part of one of the Pele'smasts, which was broken the otherday when the Mikahala attemptedto pull it off its sockets from thehold. Another attempt will probablybe maJe at some future date to se-cure the remaining mast.

The O & O S. S. Coptic, Lind-say commander, arrived this after-noon and docked at the PacificMail wharf. Coptic sailedfrom San Francisco on Wednesday,July 3d, nt 3:46 p. 111., and arrivedtoday at 1 1:58 n. m,, making the

12 noon tomorrow for Yokohama



From S.111 Francisco, per S S Comic.July D Honolulu! V. A Ki.,.,l.. Mr.WM,C " . uii.ierinii, airs l' 1;

X'.'.ko,l.l4II!"l J.''' r"!"od, MisJ"'" '. H .MiicArlhur, K ADowning, A V llapiK-- r Jr., Mr-- APMapper. Kobe: Dr W II Park, Mrs

'I'urk and child, Mrs II I Umhurth and' I8l'?nIv"" J Mur-En-

sakl: DrHmlrnor, Dr Motoric v.


TL'ESIMY, JllllxOO & O 8 H Coptic, Miidss) , from San

vfsi:lh i.kavimi kimokiidw.O O S S Coptic, Undsat, for Yoko-

hama ami Hniifr Kong at noon,

i&rAiiit'itKi.TorsiiAV. July 0

Bchr OIct, Kiwen, (or Mnhukona.fi'iiir Mikiihaln, HiiKlund, for ports

rn Kmifll at A p in.Stn.r K An ir,.t. Tl... ......... r

',eiiriut nf Oihu,nui r uninienii', ureRnry, for Maul

and I In .v.ili,Klmr Kilmiea IIou, Weir, for Maul

nnd Hawaii m 4 p mKlmr I.lkflike, Wclsla-rlli- for inirls

on Maul nt A p in

IM follT.kavai. VKarij.

U S R nennliiKton, Thomas', Stare IslandMrilOllAHTMItV

rr!nn.tr. nnt lnnliwla.1 l ,SWir Norma, IloM'hlll, Claiton, 110

S"flirii w n iri... wiui.m. av

" "' , r.'rt namble.,WfVila 5 r.' .j, or

at Mfiuiiiumiva row's.

MAIIfKOtf A,Rchr Olnnilale, R F DueBchr Jennie Wand. R F Due

II 10.Steam yacht Eleanor, Boott. Honolulu.Hclir Anna. H F DueBk Annie Johnson, S P Due

A Illln.l Man

One of the Japanese who wasblinded in an accident on the OahuRailway by an explosion of dynamite, will be sent back to his native-lan- d

by the S. S. Coptic on Wednesday. A subscription is beingraised lor the blind man. WalterDillingham gave him $5.

II Was On l ire.An employee of the government

had a trick played on him thismorning, which nearly caused him1 go up iu smoke. Some one puta lighted match in his coat pocket.The cloth igni'ed and before longsmoke was issuing from the pocket.uystanuers graooea the coat andextinguished the fire. With theexception of a fright and slightdamage to the coat there was nothing serious.

Mar Adrai.eeTacoma, June 30 The Norwegian

aleamer Oscar II, which arrived earlythis morning, eiirhteen day from Vladivnelock, Siberia, brlnita newa that theIndications nre gomi roranother Orientalwar, unknown to the outsideCaptain II. Anderson ot the steamersays Russia has massed 80,000 men atVladivoslock, and it Is believed in

prearatlois nre being madelor an auvat ce on japan.

nrriu riji.Shaw tne gold Artist has just re

turned from a very successful tripto the leading Islands and willopen again at t leTempIe of Fashionlor ten day g belore sailing for Fni.Be sure to see the new line of cat- -

eye jewelry also Rolled Gold wirework All work made to orderwhile you wait.

alck I'ritonars.Messrs. Rickard, Seward, Gulick

and two natives are in tbe hospitalat Oahu prison. They are on thes'ck list but their condition is notcritical, although for a couple of

Inava Seward nn.l Btrtloct um," ; 'weak. Greig and Marshall are onme nign roac 10 recovery and willprobably be returned to Oahu prison(OOU,

Courts of the ?d, 3rd, 4tl, and SthrKyBV.Judicial Circuits. Bohr Win. '. WItMniinn. 01n. R P.









lro,e.l. r " -- I ...P. rn.i. 1 . ml

j was turned in about.6 o'clock yestenlay evening. The departmentresponded promptly. IJnginc Co.Xo. 1 and hosccirt going out onKing street mid Jiiiglne Co. No.on llcrctnnia street. The fire waslocated iu the house of K. Podcyn,When hngine Co. No. 1 arrivedthe blare had gained too muchheadway nnd the efforts of the fi.tmen were turned to s.iviugadioinitii:buildings, The fire completed itsworn 111 devastation and Mr. andMrs. Podeyn mid family were rob-be- d

oi a comfortable home. Thehouse was in ruins. T.Ike iininother fires the oriuin remains amystery. The finnics were firstseen iu the room where Mrs.

little child was sitting. Thewas rescued.

The hottxe and furniture are in-

sured with the At'as AssuranceCompany of which H. V. Schmidt.t Sons are the agents. Mr Podcynwas until n month ago in' the em-ploy of II. V. Schmidt & Sons asclerk.


In decirallio art untie that arc notonly ornauientiil, but ureful,

llnve von been lo the NKW ItCPUIt-I.I- C

IIUIUMNU tnsrt'lhe lien- - eti.cl.-o- f "I'n lie), IHM'oriitlii'iiiiil.Viitt'l-l- y

.'iiimI, I).i not mtrs 'his oppoitunlty as it may not occur ngiln. on




Dirds and flowers theraising and caring lor these aretwo of the most pleasant pas-

times. The care of birds is

what we wish to speak about.A bird in prison is not likeone at liberty, and you oughtto make its home as pleasantas you can. We have thehomes all sorts for all kindsof birds. We have almost everyconceivable style, nnd you can

pay for your cage all the wayfrom 75c. to $8.00.

Jlipillllll'll, 121 M)lcs.Ilruo 29 "1'nrrol li "IlrectlttiK 'J "

Make your bird happy and hewill sing for you all day long(if he is that kind of bird)

fi. 0. HALL & SON.

THE FALCONI knewa Falcon, ewft nl.il peerless

set... whs cradled In ll.e piue;No bii d had e ei an el e so f ar.es,

ur Minus so e!rutit(B tl.l.of mine.-l- oMell, TUelalcon."

The neareBt npnroach to the ncet'alueai avH.iaoie ill litis llltle t arauise (olthe l'acillc) U tho the Falcon Uicule.It aiai.da today without n eer Iti theuorl.1 ol cycles, ana lius lukeii Mist piecewherever iiitriKluieil, It ia manuluc- -turei hy the Yost ilAMFACTUKI.suCoui'ANV, a linn which has loin; sinceacquired u uorl.l-wld- e reputation forthu eaco letice of their numerous pro-ductions, inutility the famous .Yost typewriting machines. The reputation ofthe manuractuiers of an article shouldreceive the must careful considerationot an intending purch.taer. If their re.putatiun is uuote suepiclon lie can haveno hesitation in purchuslnir their irotals.even though he limy nut be altogetherlaminar wuii inu pariicuiar article iiieyutay olTer for aale, and winch ho desiresto purchase. Although tut rulcuiiIlicvclea have only roientlv lieen intro.duce.1 in the Honolulu murket they areKnown an over me coiiiitieni oi ,m. u

as a wheel of the highest Krade, NotOlllt Ihis. but EVlKY WllKkL IS ACl'.lM.

ASIEO BV THE OST JlANUf ACTL'Ul.Ml(JOUI'ANV'H UL'AIIAMLK YUlt Dsn VKAll.Ill uddltiull to its Illicit anile ol mediumcal prrlectioii ihe falcon is hy fur I liee,taiesi running iiiitcuilxi in the market.We make tills .uuierllon feurle-alv-

knowiiiK whereof we state, Ihis fea-ture in the Falcon has been hrouehtabout hy a reduction of fricliou ti thelowest piweible iHiint. Iu other machines the beating ure constructedwith fltleeii balls, while in tinralcon there ale only nine. In theralcou the liearines are mi constructeuthat the lialls have only two iHJluta ofcontact In their track, while in mostother machines there are foui. In allmachlnea each ball will touch at fivepoints In one revolution of itself.

A wlie.l Willi tiiieen balls In eachbearlilir liaa therefore 75 ixiinl of r,Intloti In one revolution on liaxle. 1 dm talent uearinK being constructed with only nine lialla has conse.quently hut 4a pointa of friction, or SO

points leas in each bearing thun othermuchln.-i- , Suinuieil up briefly, in ullmachinea there are x axle

Take a wheel of another make, sixbearings each containing 15 balls, and3 silnts of contact each bearing,.. IiO

lliei'aicon. k x UeHllmra nn.l 4.1

poiiitsof contact each bearing 2".0

Thus making a saving of, JB0poiuta oi iricin.ii iu iaor or the Falconover other machines.

una la not all, but then we cannot tellvou everything In an nriicle of ttiias I

kind. Weu.kyou lo call and examine juie raicon ror jimree f. when wb .ni.ileiiiotiBlrHte the ilrti.il of its construe- -lion i.i jour aall.facllon, llutclohltig we would remind jou briefly t

1st, That the Falcon Is beyond ques-tion the beet wheel on the market,

2nd, It sells fur a lower price thanany other high grade wheel.

iird. It runs eiuler than any oilierwheel, having 180 points of friction lew,

4th, If you are not in a position to.uy cash for u wheel do not go without

one on that accouut, we will give youany reasonable ti rma you may desire.

G. WEST,Bole Agent for Falcon Ilicyoles, Ha-

waiian Islands.Maaonlo Oullding, Honolulu,



If you want your horsesto be winners the ....

CALIFORNIA FEED co.Is the place to buy.

We have just received some ChoiceOAT HAY an.l SURPRISF,OATS, selected for Race Horses.Catch on.


Notice.All partita indebted to tho


MARCH 1st. 1805. who liav nr.tluce settled their account ate request-

ed to call, and a tllrment, an.lneemmu us almvo not pnld by ihe

SOril DAY OF JULY, 1895, wilt Iwplaced In the li.in.ls or 11 collector, tosue for and recoier at once.

Ily orter

Hawaiian Wino Company.

The attention of the I'nblie lawcl.illy invited lo the Ivirse

and Varied Stock of NEW(JOOI)S just urrued rS.8.Auornlht nnd other Liteui rivals

InSia LiDCDS. Nainsoois, VictoriaLawns, Giobams.

The Ivircest Stm-- of WlilKiIlreaa hiiIs but ini)rttil.

Hosiery, Ritas, Laces, Flowers,Fuatoers, sailer Hats,

StllTINOI, TltOCMIIMI, VfSTISOS.rOAT, .u tinyir vara ur uvioieMiic- jiruvt.

SoleAeent for the renowned"IVnrl" Sewlnit Machine.



Is prepared from the nutritiveportion of carefully selected graineomnmea wan l egetaMe J'hosfhateand Peptin. It is a perfect loodtor





It is the only infant food iu themarket containing titaliiinir andbrain producing material combinedwith pure nutriment thoroughlydigestible.

It is endorsed by the medicalfaculty in the United States havingbeen prescribed by them for manyyears with the best of success.

Gllmin Brothers, Props., Boston.

110BK0N J)HUG CO..Sole JfawaHnn Agents.

Honolulu, II. ., May, IgJV

Dkaii SfAtuM: Have youadealrelo save In your kitchen? Milk, nil

kinds of fruit, and miny otherkin Ia of food c in la. kept sweet nndfresh without Ice for a long timeby using Atillfermcr.tine tablets,ThhJpreservMive Is entirely harm-less and tuakeii Ihe canning of fruitone of Ihecanli'iit things Imaginable.Vou don't lie.il to cook it nt nil; justdUsolte a tablet In water, makea cold water syrup nn.l pour overthe fruit and put It uvvay, and it will

keep as sweet nnd fresher thanwhen c,K)ked.

Trusting you will appreciate themerits of Antlferuientlne,

We ore very rt'stat'tfullyHensun Smith & Co.,

i Drugglsta.


j Office, King Street, Fort


Cash Capilal : : $3,030,000,00

Assets, Jan. 1st, 1E95. $9,562,539 92

I'lillcl.-- l.s.l, .1 Sirnlnaf l.... 1. 1 -all cla-- e of pro lit.

II. LOSE,Afnl for thc "IMI I.UuJs.

For San Francisco.

Tho A I Darkonllno

W. H. DIMOND.Vll.ON. .Maskk,

Will Mil for SAN Ht.t.NCISCOon

Thursday, July u, 1895,At -' o'clock, noon.

The Dimond will aiford inte,n.lfne -"eiiBers accommodations.

for freight or sae apply to

WM. 0. IRWIN & CO, LTD..



Waikifc! andKapiolani Park

i.ovi;-.- s r.ic'i3ivwill deliver bread to customers atWniklM and the Parkinenciiig

On Wednesday, July 10th

Order Telephone

Xo. 2S2.;03--ot

On account of jroing into OtherBusiness

The Celebrated HACK


JL,. II. 1535Is or sale on reasonable terms.

Hawaiian Baseball Association.

On Saturday, July 13th,At 3:30 p. m.,



,V.li.ilMal on - us c-.- it

Your FatherWas a Good Man,Hut you no longer do the thingsas he did. Why ? Because allis improved. So don't buy a dic-tionary forty years old, when


DICTIONARY?was compiled this ear. It isbetter than others for many morereasons. Ask

To explain these reasons.

Alt chatties nf the 1 .TiotLung. Chinese watchmaker nt.blreet, will beopen next WEDNESDAYthe 10th. at the store of II) nun llroa.,when nil parties can Identify theirjewelry or watches left for repairs.

U. K.AISKU,01-- Administrator.


Healed rronoeals will Im

the olllco of ihe Hawaiian KlectrioCompany, Honolulu, II, I., until 10 a,m.. JulV 1,1. 1K)V. for th IV.n.ln.Mlnnof a Cold hlorage HuiMlng,

runs aim stteciilcatlous can be aeenat Ihe olllce or ihe auld comiuiuy.

iln. Il.iwailan Llectrfc Compantreserves the right to reject any or allhiJs.


For Jient.

The building on Merchant Strvetfoiiiierly ul by tho u.iily IMlletlniTibli.hlng Co. The lower la.rtion canbe aultahl) divid.il into ollices, etc,

Api ly at tho ..flice i,WM. O. IKWI.V 4t CO. Ld.



..y.Vm. ",0 rrlrl of the steacen ofildcr Steamship Company, Ltd., noperron w ill Iw allow ed to goaboard, until

the paaenger are ailiore. without apermit from the onloe; unless permis-sion to do so to granted by the olticcraot tno vessel. a L. WIOIIT.

President W, S. 8. Co,, Ltd.67J-fl-


an'l Bethel, . Honolulu, H. I.P. WALTON, Manag.r.

Peerless Preserving Paint CoMANUKACTUIIEIUJ AND HrSllsl IN

FIRE, RUST, DECAY AND WATERPROOF PAINT,Warranted not to Scale, Crack or Iluu, caused by Heat.Moisture or liain

Old Roofs Made As Good As New.All Roofs (Tin, Metal or Shingle), tluaranteed against Rust or Leakage.

Our Peerless Preterving Paint it Etfecially Made fir OU and A'ewShingle, Metal and Felt Kocjs, liridges, Pests, Iron, Steel, Etc.

dominations and Estimates an all Work Given Free, of Chargax.


T.teplion. 80.



Page 4: -SJ J mTj 1 HAWAIIAN · 2015. 6. 2. · r j 1a il- runuinKti-SJ mTjTP TBrUlfll ArTBKMOUR 1 JljL lb 7 B CKUTi A HUM Til BVOBPT IDMDAT. J I'M AtirAHCB I Hi HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS,

f 1' TIJll'.S, MUN AM) MOON. I

PR& 1 ri Tllr. I .it ll'Jre ITmiii t). X. Cm" IH """




a.ra.1 I I

4(111 .... 4 VI IKI1 (MS 48 STnwi v liu "0 a ft Z4i 6 4 -

Vw M A ' ft 8, (MftlO-- ft 4 fl 40 8 1

Cbur.. . It 6 li 7 4 H 11.. o 4fl lm a

Fti tr - ' s. o Lia VS'i ins' imo.mSat IJ, 7.1V 8 Mi 2, f( 1.41 5.16. 8.H 11 ft

- U.in.ip.ni.inn Il' t.Stf 8.1113-4- .S 6.43 11.38

P 111 mum. on Ihe "ill, at Oh f7m p. in., fun tVniHle itlurtsal lh., .amurUs. I t

'uuiulu ttmf. which Is Ike same as l2u ,0mlire ttwlcb time,

rur ry itw feet of distance of the otIV , .erver If rum the On torn Home) allow on".ml for iraiwnt"ttm ol vmnrt.or ft wm,

J r.tHtOI.Oi.HJ U. Kl.CiUllt.

the Ooveriiuieut NuTTey. lublUheiiKery Muiulay.

IU.M. TIUH.7- - ft-",?



. . 7 Maiu! 72 Hi 0 01 61 4 MK t. t.in --0.it 71 tsi "A),

J7 M I

i .l4rkU7 71 M IMU "0 0 Mi I

t . VmA 7l 3 lU U ( Nt. I. J.1 J.M 8 j tu Iu.ojI t n INK t

lumjier ior reeled lor temper a turn audwntii but not tor latltudft 4


dtpa nMups will IrtiTe for and arrive fromdu frAuvinco ou the following dates, till theCiiwe of 1M5 1


8 L5. 895.m or About On or ltout

Arawa July 4 Atameita ....June 27

lu AustratlH . . June HOvHlttC ul iViiriLia .Jui 1) tiiuAerti Jul)liA.veni luiy A I'tklukt Jui 17

t A m t mil a ...Jul) iiiuh1.i- - vui:it - Jui) 3MunpotJttt uirtlu. turf vtrnuiorX. 1At.Kfa turf Auk 1)

a iirrinnK.-..-iVU- H Australia.. .. AuK 14UllllHI-W- i ....Ann

IV .MiOAera... ,....AUkt JlCoptic thin ..seit 6Al.utvefi ..5iit i"fpt ustr.uuAr.

AuairttlU ....dtiut JtJ Klo tie Jtielro..ffetil 16

iaiiraiu ot Alameda ...-e- Itnarnuioti... .Uct

.Uct 21 Auetraila . ....Ott tk hum ... ..... ..lH:l 17

tusiiialia li Ulovcra... ....Nov 1

Nuv XI Coptic...... .. .Nov 6

Z4 Nov It.....o Australia.. .Nov 'M... .... .SVUeo 1 arriuioo, Dec 1Ara. M

....Ueu 2 1'ek.lurf .... D.i 0

.....llet 2A Al.iUlftl Pec 12

in a era Ann I Imm

.anil d&lLrV&Y k LuNU CO.'i)

- . .7-- TV

TIaVIE tableAfter Julie lMti IHOiT K A I IN &

S ? 8c . a,

i a J3A M. CM. P.M.V is 1:15 f:ida fa tI0i S.4U llli-- .... C:l

B $a a


z siA.M. P.M. P.M.

laun:i i f.IP r 51

.8 :.: 4 110.bU lUl 4.A.

Leave Honolulu. 0ve (arl, i.1t..T.

Lea e Mil' .J0Arrive AVatanao

fave Walasao.ljM b JUtl.. 1U

. .ve 1'e.rl ilitr..-- ? arri.llonululu...sOn Saturday and Sunday nlslita Ewn Mill

PaiM.'UKtfr Trtiln will ..rrnu In llouululuato: Instead i: p.m.

l'roiKlit Tiulns uill carry Setond-Cla-

aceomniodAtionsi 1', bElsi,N, F. O SMITH,

S3uirlutend ut. Gen. Pass. A: ILt. Act.


Ifow the Grand Old Popular Hymn Cameto ll Wrlttru.

When onr grantlires Kud their dnmswere young, good old ,tlIalIowcllMuiedtobe the most irapular tttDe In tho singingbookB. It was contemporary with "Port-land," "Turner," and "Unckfleld," andit was sung by choir and class, its inspir-ing air idukinK deep into the hearts of themany. Very little hai been safd about, thehistory of this grand old hymn, auditsmelody, and H was Flora K, Herry,

contralto, who told mo the story ofIts origin, for It una written by an ownuncle of her mother's, and so grauduucleof hers.

Mrs. Herry pays tbe can remember whenher mother used to rock her to bleep withthe tune of "Hnllowell." She liked theair, but ftwai because UncleAbram wroteIt t hat it poHstwsed for her its great charm.

Untie Abrani Maxim nus a man ofmarked ability. At an early age he man-ifested an ardent love for music, and forthe day In which he lived he acquired athorough knowledge of Its jirluclplca.

When a young man. Uncle A brum metwith a serious disappointment In love.Tired of life, bo one morning wanderedInto the deep forest between the Owl'sHead and Streaked mountain. This pic-turesque spot, noted all about for itsbeautiful scenery and for Its abundanceand variety of rare minerals, is In Paris,Oxford cunty. Me., about 60 miles northbyeabtof Portland. This locality like-wise enjoys ttu distinct ion of having beenthe birthplace uf the author of the tune of"JIalloiTell." Uncle Ahram continued bisway until he came to a deserted loggingcamp. On the old hovel sat a lone sparrow,uttering her lament at the disturbing ofher nest by some ruthless marauder. lieBat for some time IMvuing to the plain-tive Rongof tbe bereaved bird. Going to abirch tree, he removed a piece of burk,and on It he wrote the following lines s

As on some lonely bulldlnc topThe ei arrow tells her moan.

Fur from tho tents of joy and hopeI'll Bit and grieve alone.

lie then commenced to write a plaintivemelody of most exquMte sweetness, inthe minor scale, justly befitting the

When he had finished this, be be-

came so Interested in his work that he began to afllx tbe other parts, as his wholemind and energies eeemeU wrapped up inth labor before him.

Evening had ttegun to cast Its shadowsover the valley ere his task was completed. When the whole was adjusted to hisliking, his lively imagination, to bis in-

finite delight, pictured the glorious harmony which must arise from his subjectwhen perform etl by his competent choir.He hastened homeward and became a verypopular and useful inau.

lie was an eminent composer and theanthor of many of the most popular melo-dies now known as continentals, which bylong and continued use have become firm-ly established In the hearts of not onlythe people of Uncle Abram's own state,but throughout tbe Union. Uoston Iranscript.

Typewriting: by Touch. ,In the opinion of most people who have

tried to run a typewriter, it Is a pig headed and untrustworthy Instrument, evenwhen one keeps both eyes uponlt. Tosuch persons It may be a consolation tolearn that a really good operator scarcelylooks at tho keys at all, writing by toutn,or location, as some ol them call it.

A Mall and Express representative theother day visited one of the big typewriting establishments down town wnere ineykeep men who can do all sorts of groundand lofty tumbling on tbe typewriter, andasked an expert about writing ur touca

'All good operutors write largely bytouch," he said. "They look at the key-board often, but do not look at each .sep-arate letter, being uo familiar with the

that the tinge-ag- o to the right placeby instinct. It Is not a matter of choice.We have to learn that way, Suppose aman wrltesatordlnaryrpeed.Bny&Owordsa minute, lie will strike 250 keys, andIf be watches all the time It means 350glances of the eye.

"This rapid aud incessant motion quick-ly fatigues tbe eyes, causing headache andwtit r noua trn It lit a tiinttpr nf ii(iHiiltv to

' 'learn to writ by toutb. The easiest wayto paste a piece of paper upon one key,

bus forcing yourself to remember it. in afriar or so the next key i covered, and soon? till you know the whole keyboard by poei- -

' evr iorn juau anil cypres.

LBtatUtlos in Franco show that duringt lat fow yean the population has ah

talutely decrmsod.

STOMACHSro born, not imule. Strong conlo

ns n rule cut heartily mul ill jest theirfooil oasilv, while, weak, debilitated,puny and thin people, simply suiter

fiom want of liomishmeiit and ro- -

main so because the. food they eat

does not digest properly. When in

this condition, thov should tako

before meals 111


perfected and tasteless, of Cod Liver hn

Oil with Uompouiut Syrup 01 liypo- -

phosphites, Extracts of .Malt aim :m

Wild Cherry 15ark so highly rccom- -. .. .., .. .1 .... ut

inetHlearorauilugiligcsiion, so uni- -

versaliy cstccmeil as 11 promoter 01

health and strength, and in order

Hint tlie full benefits from its use j

uro obtiiineU. should bo takenaiitl not occnsioimlly. lice

ommenus nseu. r..,..,...; ,

nt all seasons of the jcar. bold by

HoLLHTKit mi u Co; Kensoa, Smith

It Coi HoimoN Diil il Co.






Stab Agent, Hllo.

Htar Ajienl tt'alluku and LahAlna


410 Fort Ht.




Fort HL. opposite Club StaMeH,


t el. a.VI. Cor. Alakea and Hotel Streets


VIGGO JACO..hE-N- ,Telepbone lrt. Pacific Hardware Co.


Hotel BLJ, HOPP & CO.

7 King St.


CASTLE & COOKE.Aetna, Alliance, New England Mutua


ESIMELUTH & CO.,G Nuuanu St,

MtRCHANTS a I. Shaw, Proprietor


H. Hackfeld & Co.

ItA just received, perII. I Glnlc"and

per other lato arrivals, tbemost complete stock of . .


Hardware,HaiU and Railway

Material,Ciocken and OlHfrflware.

Bug and Rtgliur.




A new Bupply of thecelebrated


, . Also on hand .


All of which they oiler to thetrade on the on the mostliberal terms.






Is prepared to do all kinds of

artbtio Book, Job and Newspapr printing1 at fair pri


Books, Pamphlets, Legal Papers,Hand Bills, Dodger Letter andBUI Heads, Business and VisitingCords Tickets, Programs, etc, ,




Som nf Thrln Tru, Sl.ny Fftlftr, hut AllIllClity Inlertlnj tlvkmn nml tli

'Vrllltiton Hoot Rjntnn" A T.Ik Willi

Xlti Kppft.tnr, M M.n Who Knowi.

lint who rtiouM tliis lio slpiilna somo

Iml vrrinonin at iiici ninruio tnuio inn11M fticnil wliom I will rail air.

Hrvctutur. Ho Uu--s tit Jlonto Carlo, hohas yusMil a xcoro cf seasons hero, hoInn Jilenty of money, ho goes to thoL'aino every (t.ty ami every evening auit

never nlavs a cent. It Is his occmu.lion in llfo to lio an observer of thingsM1(l ,0 )Klrk ti10W11V9 0f llun ,! wom

klml. In tlio rainnirr lio win matKHiem at at Lansanno or

TriniTllle. Ho CTerTthiiif?llionl wh.)t (,1)luK just uow nt

KXi.Monly," what ltii'slan prince

pawiKcl lier ilianiomh last week andwhat Cuban sonar nhmter ili not ille ofapoplexy at tho Hotel CarmMe, butpolnoncil liim.-e-lt Wltn pni'iio acm."Ho was a fool, sir," qtioth Jtr. S)icc- -

Vliy ilitln t lio go to tlio adnilnlstnlton? why ma.i't ho mako his dec- -

Luntlou? Tliey know well enough that)10 hint lost SOO.OOO franen in tho ornrfoof ten days. They would havo paid Illstraveling and liotol expenses back toParis, or back to Urazil, for tho matterof that. Ho was a fool, sir 1"

Mr. Siwtator went on to explain thatwhen a cleaned out player mado it can-

did admission of his impt cnnioslty tlioadministration gavo him a sum ot mon-

ey sndlclent to defray his journey byrailway to tho placo whence ho camoand his incident! expenses en route.Ho mentioned one casoinwhlch nwholofamily of ilvo jiersons wcro allowed 15

louls apleco to tako them from JlontnCarlo to London, tlio solo condition at-

tached to tho largesi being that thorecipient slionld not tho Cii'lnounless ho or sho rceoniHil tho adminis-tration for their outlay. In tho casowhich ho cited, ono of tlio party, a lady,who had not gone farther than Nice,received somo weeks afterward a hand- -

somo remittance from Kngland. bliowent back blithely to "Monty," repaidtho 10 louls, tho Casino, andbacking tlio douzo dernier, not forgettingzero, won 300. "on are not to bo- -

licvo," added Mr. Spectator, "a titho oftho sensational stories printed aboutruined g.iinoslci'S hanging themselves totrees iu tho gardens, ur blowln; "ttheir brains in tho reading room. " Tho'majority of tlieo cmards uro set on footby obscure i rencu nevnimicrs wuicnhavo not been subventioned or briledbytho administration to pnir Monto Carlo.

Ono of tlio mcuRimtest characteriftlcsof my friend Mr. Spectator is that everytuuo jun meet hini lie has w freuli storyto tell jou about an infallible system forwinning at runlet tf, and this tlnio ho re-

galed me with a succinct narrative ofwhat I may eall tho "Wellington bootsystem.' Captain Backum had playedfor many years , largo number of systems, nml by tho time. lie was live andforty had played uway handsomo fortuue. AhappythuuglitaTurredtohiiiLXio uivvayn vvuiv t iniiugiuu ijuuia, iiibcapital was just 5 louis. This hochanged Into 5 frano pieces, and lie nev-

er Mnkcd more than one piece nt n time,uud if he won ho withdicw liis stakes aft-

er tlio third coup. His winnings ho carefully placed in u hide iwket, uud whenever ho had won four pieces ho changedthem into a Ion is and slipped tho coininto ono ,of his boots. Ho played forseven consecutive lionrs beforo his stockcapital w.ts oxliaUfted. Then he rotnrnedto Nice, comevvbat heavy of footstep,and drawing oif liis lioots, found that hehad won 100 louis.

This was two years ago," continuedMr. Spectator, "and only last week I

found Hackuiu at a third class hotel atNico. He was in a dressing gown andslippers and looking by no means cheerful. 'How about tho Wellington bootsystem?' I asked. Utter collapse, he I

replud. 'Uouiomiiied run oi bad luck,''And tho boots?' Iweutou 'The boots?ho replied. I pawned them yesterdayafternoon.' "

So this is "Monty" in full swing"Monty," with its ups and downs, itsceiuselebs whirl of gaycty and dissipa-tion. There is uu rest ut Monte Carlo.When you nro tired of play, there aredramatic performances, thero nro

thero is pigeon shooting, nnd intho spring and tummcr thero is plentyof yachting. Bnt nil these aro only sUlo

issues. Tho Grand Trunk lino of MonteCarlo leads to the temploof mammcni.It is crowded uight and day by peoplolnsting for money which they havo notearned, and it is tho road to ruin.Loudon Telegraph.

The Uarber'a Little Juke."I fceo youwoaru Grand Army but-

ton," said tho tnau in tho chair."Yes, sali," said tho barber, with a

Bin He."Bclongto ftcolorcd post, Ifaupposef""No sali. Tho cullud po&t belongs to

me, sah."It was not till ho had stepped out and

seen tho barber's bIrii that tho customersaw tho point. Indianapolis Journal

The Home's Hope.Young Horse Nothing but work,

work, work. I'vo n great mind to com-

mit suicide.Old Horse Jlavo patience. When yon

aro so old that yon can't walk, you'll bondveitited as suitable for u lady todrive, and after that you'll llvo in cumand luxury. New York Weekly.

It Is supposed that tho avox age valuovt fnrnituro ier houo in tho UnitedKingdouS is about 100. This cstimatoincludes tho valuable pictures, plate,horses and carriages, which aro apn-dage- s

of the moro pretentions establish-ments.

Lobelia, ahjo called Indian tobacco, isknown as a common herb, often growinga-- a weed in many parts of tho United


Iaiiy l!uuii2h.Cora I saw Jack Enslow'a arm around

you lust night. How could jou, dear, whenyou are eiigiiged to nnother man?

Dora But Jack aud I are old friends, andthis was only in memory of old times.

Cora But supp)1) your fiance shouldhear of it. What would jou tell him?

Dora I would tell him that Jackwoonly presenting me with a fcouvenir spoon

Brooklyu Lilt).

Very MimIi In Earnest.Aunty Why, what nro j ou dolngfLittle Johnny Only pray in,"Praying?""Yes'ra. Pin pray In that I'll be a good

boy this afternoon.""That's noble.""Yes'm. Mamma said if I was a good

boy this afternoon she'd bring me somecandy," Good News.

ruizled to Know.Old Gentleman flu horse car) Madam,

you are on my loot.Madam (severely) If you were gentle-

man enough to give a lady u teat, therewould be no trouble.

Old Gentleman But where is tbe ladyf-Ll- fe.

Even In Italy,First Fair Neapolitan (bearing her laun1

dry basket on her head) Say, Jean net to.Second FairNeupolltan Well?First Fair Neapolitan Is my basket on

straigntr cnicago uecoru.

Mother (reprovingly to little girl Justready to go for a wulk) Dolly, that holewas not In sour clove this morning.

Dolly (promptly) Where was it then,moth err

lleparteeGrocerWhat are you grumbling about!

D ye want tbe earth?Customer No. not in tbe sugar. Truth

Cautious,"I don't know w by it was," said Ham fat

ter, tbe tragedian, to hU 'friend at the Actor club. "I pawed a splendid physicalexamination for my life lusurance, but tbcompany wouldn't accept the rlk."

"They bail probably heard that you weregoing to play llamlet lu the west," sug-gested the friend. Harper's Bazar.


Every Woman LivingiVt'illlvclr timid nHKIN hKJli tolreenl Wrinkten.withering, drj Ins,mceluR ol the Hklnami Facial Hlcmnhf. The originalktn Food Tlntue


CRbMKU tm tho tKt.

ha iip.

4irWAw(UwMlf. pAni, 1 when you try

wtec.plirlco. Alb l liwt.llirwininiltii. Do yuu Inn nr tiuruT


cuk Ihe wornt we if Km'kel". Hunburn,MUlimnc". Jlollin, lHiiili' and all nlllcmlilm, l'rlin I1.W). HurmlcM andclHlUc.

SnftrJIuoHt katr trmtn,-ntl- ttmovtit,rnr ntwlnl ndvu and lilc nn bmulj,

rrw.acldreM M1K NBTHK ltAHHlUN,licimty liuclor, Wi (limry t., !nn ! raiiclnpo.

Kiir wilohy lldl.MMThU l)Ut!(l CO..Hort M lloiioliilii. M1.ll


Rome Highly lutereftllnn Oboertntlontthe Mil Meet.

It wn on a Michigan avenue car theother aftt riunui, 1 he innti on the seat be-

Mdo btrwn rending n newspaper, and aftergetting settled In the mmVt of her parcelsand bumlles and regaling herself with apinch of Scotch snulT she leaned over andsaldt

'I don't fill much time to read thepa- -

ners nowndars. but I alius like to heatwhat's goln on. Is there any news in per--tickler?"

"Nothing ery excit!iig,"he replied as het zcdherttn out of the corner of u In ere."Here's an item about'n wife killing herbut band."

"Shool Ilow'dshodoitr"With an as.""Law me I Waal, she probably stood it

and ft ooi 1 It until pIio, couldn't stand It nomore. It's an fill how foiiic husbands car- -

rr on. Anything else""Here's an Item about a woman In this

state w hn drove her husband to suicide bynairclng him.'

"tohool Jest kept Jawln and complalnlnfrom morn In till night, I suppose, and hellually got fo ttred that be took plzenr

"No. he hung himself.""Waal, 1 don't blame her a mite. He wo?

probably shiftless and lazy, and It pp'ilt heiteni)H'r to see things go! ml own hill! She'llha e a chance now to get married to a bettirinan."

"And here's a case," be continued as hepretcndid to rtad, "of a wife and motherwho tan away from home with a tin ped-dler, leaving a husband aud several chil-dren bthlud."

l, ....I 11,.... If ilM.I I

Mt, en,u tK In a1.,n,.,.1 I, a Itttl.flighty In htr hiad."

Waal, she ain't u bit flighty. She donejest light, purtynlgh howltwaa.bhe hud all her housework to do and themyoung tins to take keer of, and the husbandwas probably fludiu fault all the time ontop o' that. She Jest slaved aud slaved tillshe was clean tired out. Some folks thinka woman can bear anything, but they can't.I s'pose the youngest child wati purtyBmallf"

"Only 7 months old.""Waal, she probably hated to leave it,

but it would have Letu weaned in n coupleof mouths, an j how, and the father kinbring It up on a ImttleC It'll serve himright If It srmalls half the time. Anythingelse!"

Why( l notlce that xvoman has Jufctmarried her lifth husband and Isn't SO

years old yet. Her neighbors ure so indig-nant that they talk of driving her an ay."

"I ,ii Got her fifth, chr Waal, if I wasthat woman, the nay burs might talk andhanged to 'em. 1 ain't AO years old, u'ither,and Pin with my fourth and don'tkeer how soon he goes. 1 was powerfullydeceived In him."

"Do j on say that you'd marry again If heshould dlej"

"Sartlu, and I wouldn't wale over sixmonths either. Some folks think a womanlias no light), but she has, anil she's a foolIf she don't assert Vm,"

"Thin may interest you," said the man,ns he turned the paper over. "A St. Louisdoctor dtclfirca that the feet of Indianawomen are giadually but surely growinglarger, and that In the next Mi ears tocomeevtry one of them will want a No. 7

shoe", or larger.""Shoo! He says that, does her"

'"Ves'm.""And he's a doctor!"'"Yts'm.""Waal, he hain't told uo'startlln news.

I've been weartno.7's ever since 1 wasa gal 10 years old. and Pvo got the smallest foot uf any woman iu our town as it is.1 did feel kinder sorry when I disklveredthat I'd left my spectacles on the kitchenclorkshelf at home, but If that's all thenews the paners klh rake up I guesshain't missed nothlnl"- - Detroit PicePiess.

"Why do you think they're morythan ordinarily rich'f"

"Because they don't give any utoni'A boingFo." chlrnnv ltnrd




Made at shortnotice Dy the




BBAYER SALOONPort Stteet. Opposite Wilder & Co

II. J. NOLTIi, Prop'r.rmt-Cla- s Lunelle, served with Tea, CotTi

ila M atei Ultgcr Ale or Hint.Q mI. 0.n,.UI... . Qn.rl.


t Coo, Xait and Clean Place Willi IheVety Bent Fare.

At tue Bmloiib lionsMeuls will be served as follows:

Breakfast from 6 to 10 n'clucb.Lunch - - . from 11:30 to 2 o clock.Supper ... from 8 to 7:30 oolock,


King St. Restaurant!

Corner King nml Alakea sreMts will giveyou the nest meal for 26c23 cents in Ihe city.We are now in ournew rooms, every thine fresh and:lean,

Itcmemlier the Place, corner King and

Alakea Ktreets. 808 1 mo


AIT Chock's Restauran

Cor. Hotel and Union Sts.

Meals 25 CentsArrangements can here be made for servlns

mwill wroiiiiiiiniureasonable dlsUuce.


No. 48 Nma.iii AvriiUP.

fine Cloths. Perlect Fits. Styles upto Date. Prlcea that will satisfy

you. Give mp a trial Istrive to please.

Htnckt of Tut, JMoiiwIt, Flannel! it Dudrfuf


P. O. Box IM. 70


HeprMilueliik hii April ShowerA DREAM OF A IOUNIAIN...... I'.ltl'Hl Il il I itslleA TREE IRRIUAIOIt,

Ip .s.li) le llil. IVbllni tMtlo.l)AN AIR UlbTRlliUit It.

Llitu) , Simple.




Exkcltive Council.

ft. Dole, President of the ltepubltc ol

Hawaii.P. M. Hatch, Mlnlilcrof Fort-In- Affairs.

A, Kins, Minister of the Interior.M. Damon, Minister of Finance,. O. tSmlth, Attoraey-Ucnera-

Apvimiht Council.

W, F. Allen. Chairman of the Advlftory

Council of the Hawaii.

John Nott, O. Itolte,iohn Kna. a E. D. 1 enney,James F. Morgan, A. Youmr,

J. 1. Mendoiica, I). 11. Smith,nlio hmmeluth. James A. Kenn-id-

Dr. C. 11. Wood. George '1. Castle.Prof. 1'. A. tlusmer,!. T. Kodtters, secretary Executive and Ad.

vlsory Councils.

HtpaKMB Court.

ion. A. F. Judil, Chief Justice.Imt. n. F. lilckertoo, First Associate Justice

lion. W, K. Iirear, ond Associate JusticeHenry irlih, Chief Clerk.Ueorge Lucas, First Deputy Clerk.C. F. Peterson, Second Deputv Clerk.

. Walter Jouci, Menotcrapher.

CiacniT JenoEs.

("irat Circuit II.E. Cooper, W. A. W hltll.f.Hbu. t

eronl Circuit : JIaul, J w. Kalua.Ihfrdanil fourlliCircultKlIan.il S.L.Aut u.rifth Circuit! Kauai. J. ll.rdr.

Offlcea ami Court-roo- In Judlclar)rtullillim, Klnn S.reet. Bitting In Honoluluf'iret Monday lu February, May, August an.lxovembor


Illce in rxecutire Ilulldlng. Ktnn Btreelrancls SI. Hatch, .Minister of Foreign Affair,.eo. C Totter,. M. M. Macklulocli, Clerk.

I. NV. Ulrvin, Becreury Chinese Dureau,


nice In Executive Building, Klin. Btreel

1. A. King, Mlnieter ot tho Interior. -blef Clerk, Jol.n A. Hasslnger.

Ittant Clerks, Jau.es II. Boyd, 11. C.

Mejers. Out Hoae, 8tephen Maha-ul- ii,

Oeorge C. Hobb, Kdward tf. Do) d.

iiiefs or Bureaus, Department orIfiTERIOK.

W. 1). Alexander.Supt. l'ubllo Vork, W. E. llowell.supt. Water Workt, Andrew Br.iwn.Inspector Electric Lights, John Caanldy.

Ileglntrur of Convej auces, T. O. Thrum.Deputy Heglttrar of Conveyances, R. W.

Itoud BupervlsorJ Honolulu. W. II. Cum.mlnga.

Chief Engineer Fire Dept.. J. II. Hunt,bupi.lusane Asylum. Dr. Geo. Herbert.


Prealdeut exrfjulcio, J. A. King. Minister..f tbe Interior.

Members: W. tl. Irln, A.Jaeger, A. Iler--

t,.ri ami John Ena.lommlasioner ot Agriculture and ex officio

secretary of the Board: Joseph Alaraaen.


Minister of Finance, 8. M. Damon.l, 11. Law a.

Registrar of Accounts, YV. O. Ashley.J. B. Castle.Collet. of Customs,

Tax Aise.aor. Oahu, Jonathan 8haw.Deputy Aexesaor, W. i . Weedon.I'oetmatter-Oenera- l, J. M. Oat.

Customs Bureau.

Office, Cuatom Howe, Esplanade, FortSt,

Collector-Genera- l, J. B. Castle.r, F. B. McStoclter.

Harl.r Master, Captain A. Fuller.

Port Burveor, M.N. r,

Geo. C. fctratemef er.

Department or Attorney-Genera- l.

om- - in Executive Building, King LAttoruey-Oenera- l, W.O.Smith.Deputy Attorney-tleiiera- l, A. O. M. Robert-

son.Clerk, J.M. Kea.MarshaL E. tl. Hitchcock.Clerk to Marshal, II. M. Dow.Deputy Marshal, Arthur M. Brown.Jailor Oahu Pritou, James A, Low,

Prison Phy.Ician, Dr. N. B. Emerson.

Board or Health.

office In grounds of Judiciary Bulldlnacorner of Mllllanl and Queen mreeia.

Members: Dr. Day, nr. Wood, Dr. Andrews.

J.T. Waterhouse, Jr., John Ena,Thodor"F. Lansing and Attorney-Gener- Bmlth.President, Hon. W. O. bmlth.Secretary, Chat. Wilcox,

xecutlve Officer. O.B. nejnolds.gent Board of Health. J. D, MoVelgh.

nspector and Manager of Garbage BervlwL. L. La Pierre.

Inspector. Dr. V M'.arrat.Port Plualcian, Dr. F. B. Day,Dispensary, Dr. Henry W. Howard.

per Heltlemeut, Dr. It. IC. Oliver.

Uoahd or Immioration.

nffice. Department of Interior, JudicialBuilding, King Street.

President. J.A.King.Members of the Board of Immigration

J. B. Atherton, Jat. A. Kennedy, JosephMarsden, Jamet Q. Spencer, J. Carden.

Hecretary, Wray Taylor.

Board or Education.Office, Judiciary Building, King Street

President, W. It. Castle.Clerk. J. F. Scott.Inspector ol Schools, A. T. Atkinson.


J. . King, Minister of the Interior, w O

Bmlth, Attorney-uener- and O. P. laukeaoffice in Judiciary Building.

Labor Commission.

' W, N. rrnstrong Chairman.J. Cmmeluth, T. B. Hurray,J. M. Vlioa, H. W. Severance.

Dr. '. T. Itodgert. Secretary.


Police Station Ilulldlng, Merchant StreeLAntonio Perry, Magistrate. ,

Jamet Thompson, Clerk,

PosTorncE Bureau.

Postmaater-Oenera- l, J, Mort Oat.creUry, W, O.Atwater,

Sup't Potal Havingi Bank, K. H. Wod.horu..Money Order Department, F. B. Oat.General Delivery, L, T. Keuake.Registry Department, G. U Desha.Clerks: J, D. Holt, R. A. Dexter, B.L. Eekn.

mano, F, B. Angua, J. Llwalarlu J. T:gud.





Iler father was a tnorrhant bol4Who o'er the w lid Blsraynn water

Btlll brought ltftck the Rood red polATo richly dowir his only ilauchter.

Bat, though full many a galUnt soojbther,

Kn. tin. nnl 011 all their wooFrowned back the merchant's daughter

tin ill. nfTulcpnt from tho flfrhtThat shook the shores from France to

Flanders.Shone unon her patriot slcht

The kini(Utt of our sea eomwanders,Look (Ml hi r through, and from her flew

Vanished smiling, on tho morrow,Aht but h her laughing cJeo

Forsook for sighing sorrow.

"Fair blows tho wlndt the skies are blue.Wilt salt with tue, my winsome daagli

tert"Tliutwnill Dear friends, adlcnl"And oVr the wave her sire has caaght

her.Southward far, by sun nnd star,

Ills Rood hlp fleets tho ocean over,When alack t acroiw her track

Thero strikes a Haluo rover.

Dot as the pirate prtssrd thcra sore,And deck and hold run red with slaugh

tor.Budden rrmnd tho hendlsnd hoar

A noble warhhlp sweeps tho water.Ilcavens nlMivel 'tis her truo love

That hath this great dcllv'rauce wroughther.

Griff farewell! wake, marriage bell.For oar hh-s- merchant's daughter I

Airred rcrcevol Graves In Athentcum,


When Left lo Watch Children He WillFaithfully ITotcrt Them.

Tho whole family of tho mahoutas it were, parasites to tho ele-

phant, by whom they earn their living--

havo scon a baby placed by Its mothersystematically under tho elephant's careanil within reach of its trunk, while themother went to fotch water or to get

nr nmtrinl tn cnnlf thn fnmilV1,. ja(,ka, or w0 wou,,

likely to pick np nnd carry oil a babywho was thus conlltlcd to the cam i.r anelephant, but most people who have livedn llfo in the Jangle know now very pos-

sible it Is for a jackal or wolf to carryoff n baby when lyinp; in n hut when themother s back is turned.

Tlio children thus brought np In thocompanionship of an elephant liecomefamiliar with him and tako nil kinds ofliberties with him, which tho elephantseems to cndnro on tho principlo that itdoes not hurt him, whtlo it amnses thochild. Yon seo a llttlo naked black childabout 2 feet high standing ou the ele-

phant's baro back and taking it down tothe water to bathe, shouting all tho timein the most unbecoming terms of nativeabusive language.

On arriving at tho water the elephant,ostensibly in obedlenco to the child'scommand, lies down nnd enjoys him-self, just leaving a part of his body, likoa small island, above the water, onwhich tho small child stands aud yellsand yells all the moro if ho has severalcompanions of his own ane, also inchargo of their elephants, all wallowingin tbo water around him. If tho childslips off his island, tho elephant's trunkpromptly replaces him iu safety. Thelittlo urchins 'as they grow up becomefirst mates to mahouts nud eventuallyarrive nt tho dignity of being mahoutsthemselves. Omaha World-Heral-

An Electro-Magnet- Cannon.This recent invention is dependent for

its action upon tho principlo of tho forceof attraction nud repulsion as caused bymagnetism. A brass tube, S feet long,2 M inchos iu diameter and 1 inch bore,was wrapped with insulated wiro alongits entire length, tho current flowingturougu aincrcut sections or the winalugs lu such n manner as to cause thobullets to become temporary magnets,which were attracted by tho magnetioliuca of forco ahead of them nnd repelledby those behind them, thus giving theprojectiles an increasing impetus as theypoos along tho gun. Tho bullets arethrown forward in much thcsauio manncr as the armaturo of an cloctrio motoris turned on its axis. Tho cauuon islight, inexpensive, and its capacity forthrowing projectiles depends on tho ra.pidity of loading tho sumo. It is estimated that a llvo foot guu, requiriug500 volts and 100 umperes, will thrownono pound ball 1,000 feet, with a strik-ing velocity of 100 pounds. BostonJournal of Commerce.

Got What She Asked For.She was buying a trunk."I want one," she said, "that cannot

be opened by the regulation trunk keythat everybody uses."

"All right," said the Uoalcr. "IwillEeo that you hare one. "

Tho next day the trunk was senthome, and a few hours later tho pur.chaser appeared at tho trunk store.

"I told'you," sho said, "that I wanted a trunlc that could not bo opened bythe regulation trunk key. '

"That's what I sent you.""Why, any trunk key in the house

will unlock that trunlc""You said the regulation trunk key.

Have you tried a hairpin?"Then sho went homo and wept when

she found that she couldn't unlock thattrunk with a hairpin. Detroit FroeJPrcss.

William Morris.William Morris, tho English poet, re.

joicea iu the possession of a prodigiousmemory, u iven a fair start on any sen.fence in Dickens' works, he will completo that sentence with very little do-

viatiou from textural accuracy. Wereevery copy of "Pickwick Papers" de-stroyed today William Mortis couldWrite the book almost word for word asit uow stands.

Greenland was so called becausa insummer its hills were covered withbeautiful green moss.

Paganini looked like a caricature of aman, so thlu was he, with every featureexaggerated.

Haydn had a long nose, an almost in.variablo peculiarity of genius.

Buckram was at first ansort of clothStiffened with gum.

In the early days of the ice trade lu l,oudon most of the Ice came from Weohauilake, Massachusetts, and (t la still kuowcby that name, though It come, rroru or


The first government document evei la--

sued from a printing presa In Slam waa andiet or the king lu ituu proaiDiuug tueuu

portatlon of opium.

Among the article, of diet relished by tb.native, or biam are .nana, cruoouue tgifa.tuts, silkworm, and horw ll

The farmer, of this country annuallyusesa.uuutonaor twineupon tues.ll bind-tng harvesters, equal to a string longenough to go more than six times aroundthe earth.

Each) year. It 1. estimated, there 1. anaverage of 0,000 murders committed lathe1UtMt


Office at cor. of Kingand Alakea streets

I am prepared to bid on all kindsor Contracts for Painting

and Repairing.

All Work Quai.anteid..


CONTKACTOIt & BUILDER.Hill, of qimiitit) for anykind of ttnihllr nuA

repniri , . ,

jounixu rnusti'Tt.r ATTENDED 30

506 KING i TREET,II. IlKnwHn'R Old Stand.

Oh, I Say!a e you heard of th3 new firm at the corne

of King and Alaka streets, nhera youa iuy or sell anything from a cambric need) I

to a saw milk

Hew and Second-ha- nd Fiirnitnr'All kinds of second-han- books

ttritight aud sold. All kinds of contracttaken for

Painline and Unlolsterine are fully rrcjiaml to contract Uany sized jub oi wiiitlug aud repairing,



band tactorp 'ake Baker.URDTB.rnl '




ISLAND CURI08.Our BttablUhmcDt It tbe Pineit Retort la the

Cltv. Call P0 tee u Open till II p. tn

OHAS. HUSTACE,Lincoln Block, Kino Street,

Between Fort and Alakea Bta.


Groceries and Provisions.Fresh California Roll Butter and Island

Butter always on hand

Fresh Goods received by every Steamerfrom San Francisco.




Commission Merchants

Pnclflr Mull S. 8. Co.Agents Occliloiitiil A

mi s. h, Co.


H. MAY & CO.Wholesale and Retail

GROCERS1)8 Fort Street,

oth Telephones 23. P O Mox 17.

JAS! F. MORGAN.No. 45 Queen Street,

Auctioneer and Stock Broker,

Special attention given to thehandling of

Real Estate' Stocks, Bonds.

California and Hawaiian


Orp, u. K. Detot.

groceries; provisions, &ICE HOUSE GOODS,


lly every Steamer trom 'an v ranclsco andVancouver. Shipping huppuea.



STEAM COCKS, and all other fitting.for pipe on hand.

Honolulu Steam Rice Mil!.

eih milled Klce or Bale in quantities to salt

J. A. HOPPEK, Prop'r.rt tr--. flonnlaln


LEWERS & COOKE,Lumber. Builders' Hardwari

doors, sash, blinds,paints, oils, glass,

wall paper, mattino"3rugated iron,

lime. tfmf.nt. f.t


HUSTACE & COhave moved to

organ's Auction Roon

for a short time. We are still selling

Departure Bay Coa


KINDLING WOOiIn an; quantity.

pat TwI.i.1ia,.m 41

Castle & Cooke, Ltd


General Merchandise


We rMakeAll Kindsof Silverware.

uo you wearone of our

War EmblemB?

Jacobson Is Pfeiffer.Tori Sim I

Metropoiiian Meal Co81 KINO STREET

Wholesale & Retail Hulclier


Navy Contractors.1. J WAI.I.rK Mnnngti

WILDER & CO(Eiublish-- d In tin.)

Estate S. 0, WILBEB - ?. C WILDER.


Lumber and Coal

Building Materials


Builders' Hardware,Paints, Oils, Glass


Cor. Fort and Queen Streets


Removed to Store next GoldenRule Daznnr.

YOURWATCHwill be made to keep excellent

time il left




the well known and reliabltWatch Makers.

If satisfaction is not given, you.money will be rctiirnul in ( ul .

Island orders will receivrprnmnt ultpnlian Ct7rm



Importers find dealers in nil kinds ofProvisions, Merchnmlls , Ciguis, Etc.

YEE CHAN,No. 804 and 300 NUU.ANU STREET-Nea- r

King Street.Clothlnir, Mnttir.K. CamphorTrunks, Valises, Hals and GentsFurnishing Goods.

HIP CHOiXG,Dealer Iir

GROCERIES - AND - PROVISIONS."Pork, Ulco, Brim andGeneral Merchiuid.se.

Cor. Hotel and Nuuanu HU. Honolulu, H. I.

CHINESE PROVISION STOREBrick Building ....Cor. Hotel and Smith Sts,

Kl CHONC, Proprietor.Rice, Tea and General Merchandise,



PETER HICH & CO.Ofllce mul Mill onnear Queen Btreet,

Prompt attention tn nil orders

P. O, Box, 480

The lf


W, W. A.ITA.3VA,

3a3NuunuSt. . TolephoneOOS.

Fine nw, Scotch and

American Goods.


GOO 2SL I .. 1


Importer and Dealor In Orysoodaand Fanoy Coods.


TELf PHONE 542 -- ! :



Chluene HlTk. M.ltltur.Camphor 1ankt.

No. 43 NUUANU BIItLET,P.O. Box lit.

Yee On Co.,Watcnniaiers and Macnfacturine

JUW15 LLIIJK - ,Repairing of Watches and Jewelry Clyeap,

Importers of Watches and Clocks,317 NUUANU STHEET. P. O. Dox 148

Orient Planing Mill,vino fat a. CO.,

CONTRACTORS & BUILDERSFum turret all klnd4made and repaired. . .

P. O. Box 191. Cor. KINO and BETHEL Bis.


Oeneral Merohandliae,Groceries, China and Japan Teas,

Matting, China Silk, Etc.Telephone No--

. 457. i: 417 HOTEL Bt.

WING MOW CHAN,Importers and Commission Merchants.

China anil Japan Teas,Manila Cigars, Silks,Matting, Groceries andProvisions. ....

64 King Street. Telephone 78.



GENERAL MERCHANDISE,Fine Manila Cigars Crockeryware,Matting. Dress fcJiika, Chinese andJapanese Teas, - - ...

. . . . Telephone 266

TA1 WO WING KEE CO.- No. 309 Nucamu St. :


Boots and Shoes Made to Order.V. O. Box i!07. . . .We Use the Best Material and Warrant it to

Wear Well.

BOO YINC LUNG,Importer of

Silfc Goods, Fine Tms, Manila Cigars,Matting, Nut Oil and General

Merchandise.No. 204 Maunakea Btreet, Honolulu, H. L

P. O. Box KM.


Importers and dealers tn GeneralMerchandise.

Wholesale Wine and Spirit MerchantsCob, Kino and Maunakea bTREtTS.


Wholesale Dealers InLiquors and Manila Cigars, English and

American Groceries.402 Hotel Street. .... Telaphon. 147.

L. AHLO,Dry Good, lloots, Shoe, Etc.

General Rice Agent for the fullowlntr plan-tation on )hu: Walpio, Walavt a, Walmalu,Kaneohe. Walalua.

Kaneohe Klce Mill best rice for sale.Mark A. U

No. 4G8 Nouano Stm Cor. Chaplain St.P. O. Box IM.


Croctery, Hardware, Ctors, Etc.,

331 Nuuano St.,P. O. Box ISA



Water Pines, laid and Repaired,and plumbing neatly executed , . .

No. 41 Nuuanu bthei

Perfect NutrimentTon GROWING CHILDREN,


andth. Aced, andIn Atal. IIImm audall WaaUaa OUeaMA.


Best Foodfor Hand-h- d infants,

OCR' BOOK, for the Instrnctkrmotbcn,The Care and Fee

Uf aflalkau'wUl be malledrtfto any address, upon requtxt.


PLANING MILL.Proprietors.

Alakea and Richards,Honolulu, H. I, , , ,

Telephones: Mutual. M: Bell. 49a.

Mutual Tel. 345

, To bethe lowest

Nuuanu nd King treu...l.-- f

Give the Baby

BENSON, SMITH & CO.,Hole AaZa-a- t lor ttie Hawaiian Il





Priced Store ou the Islands to buy NKW and

First - Class - Second -- Hand - FurnitureGood and Clean, at Prices to suit (he hardtimea gfiT and Bold Cheap for Caah. , ,


