aaaj % mpTtp^mmp^p^p^p^p^p^p^ptpipMptpm PART II. SIX PAGES. QfcVtotmt *jBaa8|iaB>BJg4aBgBgagaa8g4)agBa^^ m SATURDAY, JULY i, 1899. *k+j*++++*+*+++++++*+++++*i**++***^ roeljiyn. AROIWP CARROLL PARK. ATTRAi'TIVE PLACI IX>B MKN OF MODKKATK MEANB. agajiroaj as whll as th.jse who bbbx momu WIIX >'NT> THK DIBT1UCT VKLL ¦ BTBJ LOOXma OVKR. To home-peekera and Invcatora certaln parta of aju flxth, Tenth and Twelfth warda present apiendid fhellltlca, accommodatlons and oou- reoJeacea. Here tha mmMe of trade. the \heez- ing of llevatld trolns. tho braln ehatterlng roar 0f trafflr. and all that llfe In a commerclHl inetropolia meana, are dlstant, nubdued and un- .jgreaatve. It !a ar. old sertton of the borough, of coura<*. hut II !s quiet, peaoeful, corafortable. Many of aajl itiaeta ari nsphaltej, and ln the nelghbor- hon-1 of '": Parh they are tree llned, and the houiei are moatljr of brownatone, three or four Btory and baoement, and have all of the fr.r'lerr. conveniencea and the best ayatem of gar.itatlon. p\jr the worker, .he man <.n Ralary. wlth n llttle money ln th» savlngs lank, getting from .u , i at al ."> per cent, here ar,1 some ,a,..9 ;. the hlatory of Invettora In Bouth jjr-r.' klyn whkh may brlng enlightenmcnt. A. J Doohi r, of No. 1<K> iirst Place. aald that 4 year ago a clttaen of Manhattan purhased n houae ln the Blxth Ward for |3,n00. It waa a privat" two-atory aml l.aaement brownatone rullding He made it an apartmenl houae, onl to-day it paya hlm at the rate of $300 a year. Another wlae lmmlerant from arross the river bought a three-atory and l.aaement brownatone houae In the same nelghborbood. Hl g>»ta be¬ tween |800 and $700 a year from bls Inveatment. .\, ¦ " aald Mr. Dooher, "thiB place is fllled with men of moderate mrani, thrlfty mechanles, lnrtuatrlous clerks, atorekeepera whoaa placea yjeld a falr profit. and men who, whlle pussesa- lng meana, like a qulat old nelghborbood, where ortentatlon la, at least to them, only an anxlliarv of downrlght vulgarlty." This dlatrlcl may be reached from lower Manhattan ln about flfteen mlnutes from the Brldgl "t ferrlea. The Trih- »ne is frank. nnd If yo.u want a paylng inveat¬ ment, this seotion will repay jroar Inveetlga- t!on. You may buy a home here f..r .5«t.«K~H> or lesa. and yet you are paylng $1.<*>0 or more .ental a year for a leaa ,1,-sirable house ln Man¬ hattan. as your brother cltixen is dolng In the overcrowded distrlcts ol Brooklyn. Ruch houaes are to be had In CaiTOll-aL, ln Court ar.d Cllnton Btl., In Henry and Ripeiye Bt?. and In Plrst. Becond and Third Placea. poii-n thr-.ugh Unlon nnd Prealdent ata there are also many fine plaoen, wlth good old treea ahaklng their klndly branchei at them. and k-epinf? the too brlght sun from the rooms. In thls dlfltilit are the homea of Colonel A. E. Lamli, Alderman Dooley, Watrlct-Attorney 3teele the flne old manslon of the ]nte J. S. T. Ptranahan- the llrst citiien.and that of il. W. Maxwell, the Buperlntendent of Elducatlon. Cliureheg of many denomlnatlono.Catholl^ and ProTeaitant.are ln thls diatrlct. Among theae are the Flrat Methodlet Bptacopal Church, Bt. Ptephen'B Roman Cnthollc. St. Mary s. Star of the Sea, Westminster, Church of the Vlaltatlon, and, away down belOW, the beautlful Church "f Bt. Agnes. ' In Prealdent. Unlon. Carroll. Henry ann Bmlth ate. men of moderate lnoome or means may rent floors or aparttnanta ln the best part« of the streets for ?1<> or upward. Blnce eonaoll- datlon asaessmentF on property vatues have begn run down from H!» per cent to 0<>, and ln a few years. by an oqultable aaitBBinont, they wlll be at least 10 per cent leaa I.OXG YOYAGE OF A BOTTLF. IN rur.r.r. TEAM it rniFTED FROM PATCHOOU1S, I.ONO TPI.AND, TO THK PA'IKir- COA8T. Patchogue. Lor.g Island. June 80..Mlia Datiy Cnnklln. daughter of Smlth W. fonklln. Juatlce of the peaee, of this Vllllge, haa recelved word from .alaun, a smnll clty near 8an Franrlsc.. Cal., of tha flndina of i bottle, ln whleh wai Incloeed a plece <f brofcan eCg ahell, wlth Mlaa ConklhVa name and iddreaa wrltten on It. Mlia Conhlln re- aemhera throwing the bottle Into the ocein off r ,a :,. aboul iree yeiri ago. How lt reached the Paclflc Coail la nol known. F.FF1F VBOOMAX BOME AGAIX. A MI.'""I OirtT. B-TUBKi AND EXP1.A1NB HEB AB8EKCK. The pollce have been taformed that Kffle Vroo- »f,r.. ibi uTenteen-year-old pin for whoaa they have been looklng slnce Tueaday nlght, haa re- turned to her home. No. K0 NMneteentb-iL Sh« went iwiy on Tuiaday m«rnlna wlth, her alater Edna. going to Manhattan to looh for work. The llatera parted nt BroOBM-lt. and Hroadway, ai.d Edna cinM home aione. Accordlhg to Kfflea stoi> ahe met a Kirl frlend md together they obtalned .aployment ln a candy ractory "> K,K,hthVavH"- When ihey ftr.lahe.l w.rk on Tueaday evenlng Kffle aa« ifrild to come to Brooklyn beciuae lt waaao late - <he w.nt home wlth ber frlend. On Wedneadav nlght the rnln kept her, but on Tbori- tiav Blu came home. and was much aurprlaed to Bad Ihll the family bad been inxloua Her father bas made her glve up her employment ind auy at home to help h-r tiL.th.-r. KfTle la the oldeil of Itven chlldren. CBAXGE IX I'OSTAI. BERYICE. Poatmnater a W. Hltberger. of Ixing Iiland Clty, aaid yeaterday tbnt on nnd :/ter July 1 the poat- ajpje,. ... ..,.! Hlll, Wlntield. Coronn. Klmhurst and \v.latde would t> dticontlnued, nnd a free- drttverj ayBtem from Lona Iiland Clty to theM Placea'beK',m. The borough in this wiy wlll have .bc :,... poBtil offlce. ind Ihe former ama of- fl-.a wlll be made Bub-ititloni roi tha uta of .tampa and money ord« PRA18B FOR DI8TB1CTATT0RXEY sTFFI.F. judge Hurd yeaterday morning the Orand Jary foi tba June Term handed In a preaantment Ir. amlgnment of th< Health Departmenl ol New- Terk Cltj ln permlttlng the old n ilian, ea In New- towa ,'r., k ln reference to bone bolllni !':d- lnK ! ,.,. Jury denounced aulaii Hurd. ln dlacharglBf tbe Grand Jury. sui.l that the crtaatnal l" dneaa of Ihe county of Klnga a-as la a remarkable condltlon, and ihaf^ovtuOtot the indictmenta ban I, d In yeati i taj ^"^tlwri wera leaa than hall doaen 1"''V". ,- , ,^m t trtal Thla was regirded aa a "',"J,r,rt ... ,, aily to il..- efflcl B Hlrara B. . DEATB 0F IlEXRY W. BIQQIXS. Henry W. Hlg| Bve yeara Id, of No 247 .Mth Thb died ln ihe Preabyterlan Hoapital. Mmbi ai ii' a i operatea upon three wa. rB*' lV*t''l>>' Pigglna. who wii a wi _,,f»n 'r ' ,e,!", th Ward i nt ol Brooklyn all hla llfetlme. Hl waa a member of P^grewlve Lodj F. and a M., ind wia foi many yeara wnnectea arith Ihe WIlilimBli nl ».°«., Vfemorlil Ha took pari parade on Men omi -.. to-morrow. UBRART BEPAIR8 DI8CX 88ED. Albert Bcitwick, thi llbrarlan of the Publlc Mbrary. and Dinlel M Bomera, ¦ meiaber of tn Uhrary Coaaaaltiee, yeaterday called it ihe »or- o m Departmem of Hu-idina-. ughtin* »"d ®tip" to confer wltb D putf Coonmh-lonet uaion tn ragard to the alteratlona and repalra n ibi library buUdtaga now pul i" charga of that depart- Mr Waltoa eaplalaed thal appraprUllon hod . been made In tha budgal !¦<? work oa the Paan Qulal is Davla A Eoody. presldent "f,'n* "''Lraired before any furilitr detall could be arrai.gea. i/i vy rr icherb gr i dva ted. p. TRAINlNd BCHOOL COMMBNCEMENT BXER- <'ISKS HELD l.AST KYKNINC, Oueata fllled the larg. aaaembly hall cf the Olrja' HiBh Bchool laal evenlng on the oecaalon of the commencement exerclae. of tbe Tralntng for Teacher. Decorattona of potted planta an.l flowera adorned tbe ataKe. on whi.-h were the local commltte. Henry W. M.xwell, ehalrman; Vt. john Harrlgan, Frank l.. Babtott, Qeorge P. ciark, i>r. Henry C. McLean, John Oreene and Dr. A. .1. Dower nn.l t prtri pal of the John Gallagher. So f.-ir ns the (rra.luiites were COB parl of ihe programaa. waa princlpally alnglng, un¬ der the leaderahlp of AUaert B. C.swell, olrector of mualc In the achoola. The selertiona were ull ple.B> ing, nn.l wer>- receive.] with much .pplauae. The Pro.esalori.il waa playeil by .Miss KatB W ainl tiie \aledictory easir .nd addreu were by Blta. Kmiiy 1.. Smlth. Henry W. Maxw. 11 mn.le the Introductory ;oiiir.-ss. anJ Justlce Wllllam J. Q.ynor made the addresa to the atmlents. I>r Oallagher preewnted dtplomaa to the followlng graduatea: n, Marj ¦'. Archer, Ini. H.m tt. Sk-,1 in, hai lotla Mnny. Sij'.m M. K ithryn, Hr in-i'i. rin rea l. Ihurat, Amy A. lii man, 1-'reda K. Brown, E1al« A Urowo, II irtenae ... B Hu 'katt Ha <'ar*y. Marj I. ler, Corlnne. "aufleld. Katl rln. 0. I'tii.:.. Tivhhb A. Itharey, Mary P <larke i.nim i s .. iiran. t-:n al P, i,. ... Ilarri le D. Emma i: r. II, Katl. M DhIv. Mary Daly, Noi A Deknatel, Marii 1 rn< Marv T V u«i... n.ian O. Dunbar, Carollna M. La .. N .rali C J.. hl n*;ein. Ploranc P. ..'!. Her:- H. Lowena .hl:. McAfee, Halen l: M 111 h n. Mary '' M Keilar, Fl .renca U M Hlnty, Me.rj K MrQ .. .. ¦.. ,\ M i ¦¦. arn, Margarel C. M Mai M L. M Hullan lh nrlrtta E. M< ¦ tfahel n Miiier. Martha n M re, Edna M«r. in, Mary K Murray, Qn. O'Rellly, M irj I. Parkard, Adala H .etltia 81 Pn hley, Ella M I'ettlt. I'. rtar, Pli rei i-r. tda I.. Qulnlan, Fi inc.« M Rl.by, .-ii; E K '¦-.rt. -ii. .1 i;.< Ite, Roblna, Prai Rogera, Georgla P. Ronayne, Mary fl- ¦.¦¦'!.... ln. i. Man M. Baward, l"ugtr..a II. Th<- claaa committee waa compoaed of Miss Ethel bf. Hall MIs? Mary V Cberry, Mlaa Jeanette i. ertaon, Mlsa Hattle B. Ltppencotl and Mlaa Mlllan M, Thompaon. >unbar, Jennle I* i. ¦! .. i.. tal .tb M !-; If I! Bnnla, M«.\ P. \ .!,,. Franka. n, Adi .... llne, Marv "'. Anna i>. Uriffln (Jrac. B. Iliiinea. Francea '- M II ii A. Iliiie Ethel M. Hall Igi llimna. Elale. H.nai n, BelII. Harker. Mart. M iiairi. n. Clara i. Hellmund. C rlal ina C HIII. M< lla M. Hlral Hellen. Ilobby, Annle .'. II. nr.l; ;. ti.-v!e\ p. Ol .nce M. ... Plorence A Jonea, Rebeeca n K. Ilan, Marguarlt. Kelly. Il-l.-r. K. Marj E banlggn, Harrl.tt* k m, Edna B. na V Umallhela. r Lena Hmtth, llertha E flmlth, Edna ll Hmlth, Plla 0 siau'h. Emfly l> HrWIth, Mnbe) H Stni-h Mhi-1 \\" Hl k ¦iiill. Man P. ftotii nb irgh. I Btrl Jorephln. A Swe.n.y. Kttt» .; Thompaon, Ullan M. Tllly. Bu >n .'. Annn K. Tuthlll. Qertrude M. Vnn Norden, Mary P. \jti sia«, Ollre. Yun Deaaauer, Iteatrlee. W.if-r. Bi 1 IValdr n. Maj I w aJker, Eatell! <> Walrh. laabel M Mary II I Lilllaa B B'ai .ii. Kat. A ^ linlen. Marj- T. wi-ai Oraee A, « ¦.. Emma K wi'.'.s. Marjor* H. w.k 'htc-irin Irane Anna M W'vnue, M.irv A M C0URT-8T. 1//.V PR0TE8T. PAVING BLOCK8 ON THE B1DEWALK DRIVE TRAFPIC AWAY AND INJURE BL'SINESB. For the- lapt thr«c week. reatdent. and bualne«i men ln Court-al from Joralemon to Llvlng.ton-.t., hav. heen r.rot.stltiK ae;,itiJt the coinlitlons lni- pOMd upon them by th. Department of Publl: Hlgh waya For . month on on. alde of Court-at. thouaanda of granite blocka, Intended for repavlng Court-at. have been ptled up on the aldewalk In front of their doors. Tlu other si.le of the .treet, whlch ls ono of the boal thoroughfarea In Brook¬ lyn, ha- nol been aaddled wlth a alngle block. Tb. Department of Hlghwaya onfeasea Ignor.nn of the whoie matter. The Department of Incumbrance., whlch if a branch of th.- former D^artment, .tatea upon Inqulrj thal Contraetor Lewla may ha celved . permll to block wlth hla larara gi blocka the entran ..- to the ho-.is«-s .nd at«>res In th.- sectlon named. Tliat la the only aatlafnctlon than can i..- or may be recelved from the Bun Incumbrance. Meantlme the merchanta re aufTer- Ing and thev propoae to have some redreaa, aa tne publlc paaaea on the unobatructed alde ol the atreet. Thelr arlevance not only exleta m Ihe facl that th.v have rnther paltlentlj wlthal.i wlthdrawaJ of cuatom throngh the practlcal blocklng aidewalk hn fronl of their placea of bualnena, l.ut also in th- bellef conveved to them from an au- thorltatlv. eource tbal ine aranlt. blocka maj re- n.a'.n where they are nntll next October. Edward o. Wenlff, Inauran - ag. n ?f.,N%«" ,-,,..,.,., j. the rlme mover n th. proteat, OBITUARY JOHN M ''"NKUNV john M conkim. head of the recentl: flrm Of John M. Conklln & Son. In Fulton-trt dled v.st.r.my mornlng at *M o'clock al Wa aummer home Ha- Bhore. l^ong Ialand. Mr. I onklln had nol ;..r.n m Koo,i heaith for aeveral yeara. bul dled fn.m exhaustlon cauaed by the eatreme n. ., 0f the laat few montha, when he waa n m,,. ihe ii.-w bualnesa Hla wlfe and chlldren M,5. Maude ^rir'Ckl'n, Ueorge W Conklln and .. k m Conklla were wlth hlm. ¦,,' ,, -.« I.A-. ago thal hla .ndltlon waa erttleal Arrangementa have nol yel ^e foi ihe funeral bul probablj Ihe aervlcea will be held . o t nii ii.'ii.. No 218 Berkeley Place, on hecanTe o Brooklyn ln 18 obtalnlna n |.|..v....-..t iiih nickaon a- wesi In lower Pulton-al Boon WfV!l ' ¦¦'. lh< t>i llBhmenl of Journeay A Bu^nhano. rVmainlng wlth ihamBBtll laat Novem- ¦..r al whlch tlme he *" prealdent ,,, ... ita arareat atockholder. H- v. ;;; . HsUil.riMcn.M.t .1 the tlme of Mr Burn- ham'a death Mr Conklln waa on- of Ihe flrat lo V ¦. V, i*i-.-~i.i.-i*- ,.. lor troop. when FoTSumter waa B Spo. !>.. anllated arlth the olh New-York '::'' "'"¦'l«""i '" »h« Veyw..,anirnS'm^m.nyfrlend-lnh ,'[fn V ', ,'e: By nature he waa gentle, yel Hrm ,,',... l> ro' makl bta ..or. wen j,,,,. ,"y attached to hlm. ? - MRS. MAROARET J. BBHMAN M - Margarel J Behman, ivlfe of Louli ebm.n, tha tbeatrtcal maoaaer. dled on Tburaday evenlng -ft.r an lUneaa of ten day.' turaUon from blood- pouonlngcaimedbyanulceratedtoolh Bbe wa. .1 her summer home, Bayport, Long Lland. .nd had been under ' Dr« R«Wnaon. a lo, a. t'.e Hme ..f her ^''i Dra Powler and ffiSJ&FtSZ BrooklynjMjd Dr Chjg« T K"N from Matihattan were alao if. atte ''Mi- i" in -i. a-ai .UBhtw ol Charlea T 8 oti ol Phlla i , m.i of Charlea T B11U ,. olHien. Iwo i Th ...ii ,1,, .ji.lv iie held tormorroa and ihe w!;Ar:;^:.,-.. jr**, .«. Behman :i\e-i al No. 5i Bavonlb-a . THE RBV JBREMIAH A BROBNAN. Th- Rev Jeremi.ih A Broanaa dled from nionia yeelerday mornlng ln tbe home ol la ar-m-law at Na Raaaljr^al waa aa .aalat- .nt to tb. H.v. D. J. Hlcaay. iiaaaor of st. i Vavler'a Church, at Bt*th-ave. an-1 Carroll^l He wu tranaferred thtwi frofa Bl -'an,- .-, Broanan w.a b graduaUofal xl?$, Collea* I" al ¦'' k"" .'!;' i.,^c;^»M-^-""^ DEATH OF DAXIEL '/'. WHITE. INJIWIBfl RECBIVED IN A RUMAWAT ACC1 DRNT TWu WEEK1 AOO RE SI'l.T KA'IAl.I.Y. Danlel Thataaa vTMte, of Ifo i*.n Hoeaer-ai who w.,s one of the largeil lind ownera «t Newtown. died it bla home on Thuraday nlght from mjartee ln , runiwiy icctdent arhlch oeeorred whlle i,. waa drlvina ln Ihe Boulevard two weeha ago to-day. Illa a_e waa ao badly hurl lhal pneu- ¦ nla wia Buperladuced and there wia no bope for th. patlenl fr..m the tlme tha dlai Mr Whit, hoToaa. ind took going down the road nearly even da He «.<« on bla aray boma Wben the k >.' him loat control ol hla inl- .1 h diahed Into the HkM road amgon drlven by Mr Whlte, frigbtenlng bla hora--. which alirted | Aftei Vllnlj tr.Wng to control hlm Mr. \\ .',!.¦¦ declded t,, |ump, bul unforlunately landed on hla rlghl aide arhlch araa lerrlbly brulied klndlt alded bv at.angera wh.. witneaied lh, tlent plaeed !:, a rarrlage and drlven home 11 phyalclin, I>r Jimea V Feeley, of Lorlmer ind ,1 for, Though he had tbe bea< <.r ,,,ri- he rould nol aurvlvi the ahock. Mr. winte w.is born it. the okt town ol Newtown alxtv-nlne yeara ago In ., minilon on the Muaning ,.,.' He llved ther, until mlddle ige, md I married Mlia Jine Qoodman Johnaon, daughter of Chai ,.f lhal town. Thej llved in Highwood, ¦ home on whil la now Metropolltin- ave arhlch thoroughfire he haId out whlle he waa Commiaaloner of Hlghwiya For the laal aixteen .,, in he llved ln thi Nlneteenth Ward, and Iden- tlfled hlmaelf wlth aa11 i.iihii. Iraprovetnenta Mn waa ..ii- "f the charter m,»mbers of the Hinoy, r Club and wia formerly a member ..f Ihe Amphlon g, ¦;, m htil realgned ,, f.-u yeara ;,ko He wia a member of Mvatt Lodge No. BB, r. and A. a. When I young man h.- was ln th.al husiiiess. bul retlred yeira ago, In order to ittend lo hla in- ln Newtown. Whlle I'vtna th.-re he n ia a member of the old Btiahwlck Reforraed Church. al ,. q and Huml oldl Bta ll- alwaya ittemled the Mlneola Falr, aa there be mel all hls old New- loa n frlenda , ,, , Mr Whlte w.is fond of travelllng. hid aeen all ol this country, nnd bad devoted much ofehla tlme whlle travi lling to Ihe collectlon ol booka, iceumu- litlng manj rai \ olumea The funeril wlll be held tu-m.rrow Bl 4 p. nv. md wlll be conducted by Ihe Rev. Diytd << Downe) paatoi of St. .lohn's Methodlal Bplacopal Church. ln Bcdford-ave. Aaslstlna him will be the Bev. Wllllim H Ja ksmi. paator of Ihe old Bueh- wlch '¦hureh. A Mnaonic aervlce will follow the church aervlce. Mr. Whlte leivea a arldow, fln chlldren nnd fi\.- grandchlldren. ? CHARGEO WITH GRAXIi LARCEXY. TBEABCBBB 09 A UNION KCCVfrnW OP M1BAPPRO PRIATINO ITNI'S Oeorge a Norrie, of No. IB Hatl-it.. ama om mltted to Raymond Btreei Jall yeiterday on Ihe complilni of John H Kelly, preHdent ol Brlckliy- .-rs Benevolenl Cnton No. Norrli «:>s a. ..f mlaappropriating the funda ol ¦¦¦¦ The charge waa grand lirceny, and ball wia Bied at i. ooo I'p to a month ng.- Norrla waa treaaurei ol ... mlon, Then hls iccounta were found lo be mized, and he waa requeated to feilgn, John Mc- Namee of No. 183 Johnaon-aL, being elected to flll he vacani .. ,, /wuv The funda In the bank. amountlng lo aboul were found lo be »800 sle-rt. Norrla aayB p.irt of thla he lent to membera of the unlon in sm.in amounts, md wlth ihe reil be pliyed the oot. ? QRT8 IIFR 8BABB OF Hls E8TATE. nt; niki-k OF JOHN POOME BOI.fE WINB KEB CA8B, AM' THi: MONEY WILL OO TO CHHJ. The Appellate Division of the Bupreme Court de¬ clded yealerdiy tbii one-flftb of the eitite p, > ,;,, '. ;l lawyer. mual be pafd by hla ea* io hia nlece, Mra. Bniiqulti Enni Bchrlgley wife of Wlnfleld Bcotl Bchrlgley, of Valparalao, ,.1,111 Mn Bchrigle) milntilned thal ihe wia en- titled to n ¦¦. tha money. on accounl of a trus: whleh it waa aought to create L"!ns Invilld. The appellate Dlvlalon declded thal ahe is m- tne money. and lt wlll aoon i>e pald to her. Mr. Rotfe lefi an eatate vilued at |77f,iet He dr. w hla own wlll. -a>- MuTHF.R BAVBB HFR CBILD'8 I.1FF. WRAPPETJ THK I.I7TI.R ONE. v7ROB_ C-OTHINQ \v\« OM PIRE, IN HER OWN, AND ptrr orr the blaze. A mother'a love promptej her to take n tertlbla chance of being burned to deith yeiterday ifter- noon. Mrs. Jamea M. Btone, of Bath Beach, cliaped her three-year-oM daughter, Bthel, ln her irma whlle the llttle one'a clothlng wia abliie. The Bi.i llve in ¦ cottige In Biy Fourtb-it., Bith Beach. The huaband la in electrtcton, ind li em- ployed In New-York Clty. The chlld hid been lefl alone, playlng In the kltchen, In aome way ahe ,i ,, boi of aulphur ra ttchea, ind thi ,).,.. on ftre. Thi llghl clothlng of the chlld caughi ilr,-. ind h< r Bcreima brougbt the mother t.> the Wlthout ¦ motnent'a heiltitlon, Mrs Btone p!eki up her chlld, ..nd. presBlng the llttle one heart, wripped her up In her own clothlng ind xtlnrulahed the flame , Tho chlld w.is burned aeverely aboul the Wa-. bul will bi all rlghl In b co iple of daya The braye mother's huii.Ia were on- niaaa of bllatera, but ahe aaid Bhe would nol mlnd the paln aa >ong aa her llttle one waa aaved. l YOVXG UlV DROWXED. Btony Brook, Long [alind, Jone »..Wllllim Ben- twent) .' ira old wn drowned Ihhi morn¬ ing. The young man ha 1 Juil retiirned from Egypt, a/here he bad lefl fohn Jacob Aator'a yichi Nour- mahal, owlng to aevere Blckneaa. He was worklng on a will il the end of the pler when he fell o*\-er- boird, Hla brother Erneal heird the Bpliih. He called aome men who happened to be neir, ind ln a few mlnutea they had the young man on land. %lthouah they worked falthfully, ind Dr -i A. Bqulre waa aummoned, he coual not be reauacltatia. Laal week young Bennetl complalned of na been eunitruck, and a tly obllged to lli down, owlng to al 'k eadache ? \'EWCTRECBT LIBERTT POLE IX8CBED. The old Mberty \">\- ln froni ol .¦>.¦ New-Ctrec il .i Church, In Vin Pell Min r, hai Iniured igilnit tire. The pollcy ls probibl] only one ol its klnd evi r lnu, I. In oi li r . jual whal rate to charge M hacame ne mpany to caJl a Bpedil n nt the Boird of Dlrectori, who were gi -, for wh H obji t thi gi ther. H |i belleved Ihla pole {- ihe oldeal one on Long l-!:,':.! and probabl) I I ¦tood on thla apol for III yeara The pr< |s thlrty-two yeara old, and haa juat I.i re| ;,.,! uui ln perfeel order al a "ost ol I17S, pald chlefl} I.-. the patrlotlc deacendantB of the Dutch aettlera who ire dolng all In thelr pow, preaerv, reli The committi .ompoaed of -I lx>tl Noatrand, Townaend pell and John Van P t who are alded by n t.um- ber ol Ihe a ome .' .¦. nelghb rhood. ? D.4VIO TAPLITRKl Hl \BD FBOU. Bhoitly ifter Ihe myaterloua dlaappi .. ' llttle Marlon Clarh In Manhattan, David Ta] .:-,.. ia taken <"it ,.f the publlc achool ln QU nmon -a e. y a Btrange ,: \i | mi Abraham 1 plltaky. hlagrandfather, ..¦ from Ihe b ¦> - nd th,- atrange * >n u ,, itoli ti ra tt.. re, I al the Bael New-York poll al iow« the letter to the aptain. ..-h, Auatrla and « lt atated lhal the boy, hls fal man were paaalna thro »ui a a/aj io C laala. and thal th- fath< r won l ai urn lo thla rountry » UV8IC IS PB08PEVT I'AI'K TO-DAY. The followlng prognmm, wlll be given by tbe il Hand in PToape, t Park 1 PART I Btai Bpani . I. ¦¦'¦ ¦ PART II ' , 8 How ,1 r !l- l al ,a, Oavott* "l_ lultana ,< rrorba ' ... ? THF IRIIH \f. II 101 I I Rl Bdttor of 'i have bad Tbe Trlbune la fou kli dl] pul II from rnv aermon '"' ' hjV'' ri m riorlda. Boiton. Troy. Mld- and perbapi twenty-ftva, Jetteri fro«^ ferenr pla.-e» lt, Nea 1 "ri Ity IBd Btatl K e.> ,'tated thal the wrlter bad read rl.-- I report. Toara *. * LA',a ' Brooklyn. June J0. ^SSh Ifc NctosfflNe^crj?/ Davta haa loat a competent eounnellor an.l ald a prominenl ring potttlotaa expreaned tbe aentlmenta of many of thoae famlllar arttb the party BiaBagetnent la Hodaon County when he aald yeaterdaj "Heller «;ih a-^ mui h to Davla as his rlghl arm. II- waa thorougbr) Wl up in the man. No >.ne elae can ever !». ao rloae. Ilell.-r was Bbrewd, ¦ man of remarkable itlve ablllty aml courage. Heiw would ii..t atop if it would i.'ti.'.u Davl. an.l 'h.' party. ,\,, in.tance .f that wai the Freeholdere' deal an.l bla nerve in going up to u/eehawken and beatlng Blmon Kelly." f>ne of the amu.lng feature. of hol weather polltlcfl ln Jeraey Cltj la the mshi.-ii; "f the DemocraUc press t" tln- reacue "f the dla red- Ited Republican leader. in Hudaon County. Naturally, they regard them as alllea. for dld they not make It ulnmst p.ispll.le for the T>.-m '- crata lo eouul Crane In last fall? The motlve of this Democratlc defence of Republican lead- m |. so obvlou. that it defeata Itaelf. "The Trenton Btate Oaaette" seen ln lt evldence of the need "f th.- reorganlxatlon in iiu.ison whlcb Tii>- Trlbune dcmanda it a.y.: .Tlie 'i'i !.. Americ.n" haa added Itself ;.> ihe ;>-t ,,f |i. ;,.... i'i.- newapaper. thal are oppoalng the i. orgai Izutl. 11 ..f th.- Repul iu Hudaon . 'ounlv. The facl thal newapapera of that polltical Btrlpa in.icotiraglng the Republir&n. who are their i--- to block the iindertakln. of Ihe Reorgan- Commlttei i- Ihe beal evldence un tlie world ier. I. need nf ;. rhange m the managemenl affalra of Ihe Repubftcan party ln Hudaon Me.ara Woolle) Dlcklnaon aml dulato are woi- Pome i'i 'lo- aatlafuctton the) can dr.w from ih, inpon they ire tecelvlng from ihe Democratlc preaa meanwhlle Ihe rommlttee ahould n<> rltrlit ;,'..., I ui", Ita «.rk and hea to the llne. Mr w lolley may b* rlfhl an hla oplnlon that there »ri nol enough Republlcana ln Hudaon roun- tv if he « 'i.- re ... III be n I.I de.l of aatlafac- nndlna "." "h and wn« re Ihey ara ? TWO YIVTIM8 ol THK KI88IXQ BVO. \ IIOBOKRN v..i ril'H I.IP8 IXD I PATROLMAJTS ll \ni> BW( ILL8N, Oeorge Fraumthal, a Hoboken young man who doea nol umi .. mu.< iche, aay. Ih.l he has been three tlmea ln Ihe laal week by ihe Bo-caUed a bug " On each .taalon ihe Inaect took r up whlch bea Ki ini.lth.ils !. , B.d he taya thal Ihe bltea eauaea hlm fman O.ba.n. of Cnton lim jraa prt k;.l I y th- "klaalng bug" on Thuraday. The InaectWt hlm i,. k of the hand, caualng n td BWell to its normal ? U0BRI8 WILl H \BD TO BBEAK. BI8HOP M'PAL'I. rOBSVLTg Hla MWT8H AND THE EXECTTOB ABOPT THK PROPOSED BtrtT Ti nton, June » (Bneclat) \ conaaltatlon has been held al th,- rwldei of Bl.hop McF t. the threatei ed ault to upael I ie will oi Ul.ntlc nty, who lefl th. bulk 0f hla e.l ita to Catholtc In.tltutSon.. Parcy Archer, of Phll.Iphla, th. executor of th. aatate, ferred wlth tne Blahop and Peter Baekea, tne tl advlaer. Among the bequeata were 840.000 to tb. B ho..i the iged .nd tJS.000 for the ,. orphan A.ylum. Accordlng to Mr..Archer. ,al of «hom llve In the l\e.t. nn\. in- in-irs lii.si o ..ii.-ni ,.»- ." ,,,.i rhan..f upaettlng the will on th. ground .. uorrl waa of unaound mln.l wnen ni rigned H Mi Morrl. made aeveral prevttu. wtlla. hut ln them he dld nol lenve hla, naturalhetrw-any- ;hl. .i,. e ol aeveral checka, nnd that untll of hladeaih he iranaacted hla general bualne.a aa uaual. ?- PROFE880B BOTET8 FABEWELL. Profeasor Edmund O. Hovay, of tbe Newark Hlgh s hool, who reatgned ¦ areek ago. preelded at the I ezerclaea of tbe achool yeeterday, and aft.-r an addreaa of congratul.tion to th<- puplia he ¦*.<* ;,,. iente arlth a handaome le.-ufi.-r chalr, the glft of Ihe acl .or Hovey a tknowledg. the tlft in i ,mi touchlng trorda A valuable gol.l watch, the Kift of the t'.i. .iitv. wns alao preaented to Profeaaor fi ? PRI80XER FOVXD DEAD IS A CELL. Patri k Maloney, f..r'y .....ir* old, hnm>-less, waa lea.l ln his cell !n Jersey Clty yeaterday. He wns arralgned before Pollee Justlce Nevln the day before, who aent*need i.im to the penltentlary for laya for Intoxlcatlon. Maloney waa aenl to lh. eltj prlaon foi the night. The prlaon keeper, M Comb .. ini.il to pul hlm iti a cell wlth another ier bul he objected, aaying there were plenty of empty eella and he nrould i!k- one to hlrna. ". Hla whlm was gratlfled. County Phyalclan Con- acrlb. -I hls death to alconollam. D VCER8 FALL FROM A POBCB. Wiiiiam lie.-iz. r, nlneteen yeara old, wh-i liv% on th. Hudaon County Boulevard, near Hlgh-at., N'orth Bergen, was danclng wlth lils slster In the renr of ihelr home yeaterday, when the riiilir-.* iiiok.- and they were thrown to the rround 0 of tl .. ,-oung mun'a hlpa waa fractured and an ..rm idl) torn. Hla ed wlth a apt ?- PATBIOTIC SERVLCE IX ELIEABETH. Bllxabeth, Jun ;- There will be a pa- day afternoon bi I o' lo. k, In the Flrsi Preabyterlan Church, whlch will be attended by Ell.abethtown Chapter, Bons of the Rei and Boiidknoi cbapter, Daughter. of the Amei Th. i.- E Btuchell, th< b ar a patilotlc ad ¦¦ and the Na- nthema «III be ¦ x.k bj l h* lolr a on- PRESBYTERIAS CBVBCB IS BATOXSE. Th- ..- church ln the north- .:,. end ol Bi yonne Clty, ther belng none between .t.-i-. "ity, la to be adpptled through lh. loi of aen Ici. to-morroa In lajl IVeat irand-al near Avenue Re. 1' I. oi Ii l. of ihe Pi I'.li.r It la alao propoaed to ¦- sundny- achool it ihe t '.-r whlch volunteer leai h«-i Preai hlng .. rvlrca wl e held al 11 a. m ai p m. A weekl) |>r. tlng mbera of th. mlnlwtei n found il :"'tne any -. We.t Portj -alxth-.l Ha. ? IMH'STRIAL C0BMI8810S'8 TOUR. \\ . (9p->clal) T..1,-- '. Kennedy, .- leraej Clty, one of tho membera of tb. 'omml.Blon, will *-art to-m the .-' ¦<¦ mml.'te. on Miiiiiijj for Coloi itea He ex| ang.g. J lu immlaalon tlie 11 e x -l'l > -. gei gfl PATEB80X*8 FOOLISB COt'BRB. ¦¦ v-w nk A ertlaar The iflewa expreaaed In »ome of the Pateraoa i, ,u,,ii,.i- In regard t.j i'n- -i and >m rdlnary atnie of mlnd, ... loea nol reflect the areneral aentl- ommunlty Th. ae edltorlal |y (llfregardful of the I itlona, and I foollah. thal .!.<> exclte aaton- t iu ..-her parta of th. I mak. 'he j. 1: ia a pltj tbal tl - i'H'er-,..:, ahould .'..'.. al thla p«riod of ita ilvei and co true Interi ' ru-onaeloua of atenl ' alta ln «tit. I ? PA88AIC8 TAMMAST. Froi,. 1 Patei Evenlng I Tha) preeenl Demoeratl gjrganlaatlOB- lo thla coiinu modelled aftei '. Tammanj mn. nin- m Vew-Vork ll li»> "h !" \l1ou« featurea and none ;, ,.. i- :- nol " repreaentatlv. ..f . It la a Mnall and aelflah tru.t itered 1 Boaa Oourley for hla own prh ite beneflt The .lec.-ni J> Itteena have no rona lla II ia kepl m power prlmarlea Aa well-known W.ri at.ti ' "s l'T- I don'l care If ihey irole more when ihej stick. from th- printer. and An.l tne iime ha. eom. lo kl k the whole arTali iVerlKmrd and one more alloa tb. repre4»antailv. -.,,. of Taaaale County to have « voIre ln XSiriwnagemenl of their party affalra. The .jammaii) la doomed. OCEAX GROYE 8IMMER UEETIXG8. DBVOTIONAL COMMITTRR ANNOITNCR1 THK PROORAMMB FOR THK CAMP OROUND Ocean Orove, July M (Bpeclal) Th»- Devotlonnl Commlttee of the Ocean <;ri.\.. Cimp Meeting »*¦ Boctitlon, made up of Btabopjiaaea S FltiOerald, \'|. Prealdent A. B, Billard ind tbe Rev. Dr. J. li Alday, announced to-di) thi complete pro- me of rellgloua ind apeclal meetlnga to be h.-i.l ..a the camp groundi thla aummer as followa: July 2 Natlonal ii<>s|i,.| aermon al II II a m by the Ri v. Dr 'urts, ol riri, Inna! Jul> t Natlonal annlveraar; exei aee; pitrlotlc si.ii>: aervlcei ,,i jo ., m In the Audltorlum, under the dlrectlon ol Profeaaor Tallle Morgan; readlng of the Declaratlon ,,f Independence, by Bamuel A. Patteraon. ..f Aaburj Park; Corpoval Jimea Tn 101. of Waahlngton. thi untqui 'haracter In tha v. :i War, w lell. Jni\ 7 tn a- Woman'a Home Mtaal, nary Bo, letj, i'ii tdng Babbath morning, IO:tS o'clock: aerm ut 7:80 p m b] tbe llev. l»r W l Haven lary of tbe Amerlcan Blble Boelety. July 10 Vtiiihers.ii> riercleea nf the Order of I leacon, July 11 to 22 Tbe Ocean Qrove Bunday-achool and Chautauqua Aaaembl) tbe Rev, Di B. B Loomia, conductoi. atereoptl on 1 li a I coi .-erts; dtiring the aeaalona there wlll be regular claaa w, t',; July II Annlveraary ,,f th" Natlonal Sn'ii.ath Ob- aervance Boelety. «it*n baccalaureate aermon o( ihe Stinday School Aaaembl) I'reachlna. by the Rev. Dr. Hathaway and addreaaea bj Mrs. Welllngton Whlte, 111 Loomia and o' li< 1 a Joly 1H- Kloculonary ind mualcal entertalnment by Profeaaor P ird. Julv 20 Annlveraary «.f the 0 ean Orove Alumnl Aaao, iatlon. julv 11 Inatrumental and vocil concert under tha alre, tlon of Profeaaor Vltale Juh S Commencemenl addreaa to Ihe s Bcbool Aaaembl) bl tbe Rev. l>r Cleorg, M Brown, July O Young People'a floral >l>i > July :'t s- aaion o( tne «irder of lh, Klng'e Daugh- i - July B-M Woman'a Chrletlan Temperance I'nlon, wlth Bpeechea b) Mra Bmma Bourne, Mrs Sturk- >rg, Mlaa ackerman and other* Julv 27-80 Natlonal temperance daya, meetlnga In rge ..f the Natlonal retnperai ind Publlca- tlon Boelety, wlth lecturea iy Colonel ,i."Ot'' \\ Baln, of Kenlucky, and othera Julv 31 Ocean Orove Memorl ,1 Day Augual 1-1! Summer Bol.' of Theolog} Blahop Flta Oerald prealdent; the Rev Ur. .1 K Prlce, dean. Augual I, aummer achool popular conceri 11 8 j. m, Augual 2-11 I.eetu'es. iheological Bibllcal, liter- arv and aclentlfic, ln the temnJe dally al 1" nnd 11 .1 in and i p m. Popular Ie, turea ln the audl t.iriiitti al I p, m e\-r\ evenlng i> dlBtlngllahed ,,r>it.., s preceded b) a mualcal half-hour. Augual i" Summer Bchocl Chlldren'a Festlval 1 lucted i'V Prof, Baor Monan Augual 11 The 01 itoi o i»f KHJah." conducted by Profeaaora M.-r^-m and Damroseh, aaalated New-York Bymphony Orcheatra and a chorua ..t flve hundred vol, aa VugUBl 12 and I8.The Woman'a Forelgn u ary Boelety, wlth annual aermon b\ the Rev. Dr. Ooucher, prealdeni o( tha Baltlmore Woman'a Col¬ lege luguat IS The Pai idaj [natltute of Willlng Work.'is' reunlon \ igual 16 Women'a Encotiragement Meetlnga, ln e of Mrs Kennard Chnndler and Mra II \ Kati n. >:' Baltlmore, tugual 11 Openlng of the annual camp-meetlng and prayer aer P m in the tabernacle The Ba Tament of the l_rd'a Bupper will be relebrated Frlday evenlng at 7:80 o'clock ln udltorium. Ooenlng aermon Baturdi) il b m by the Rev. Dr .1 >: Rei I, of Ocean <'.r ... Augual 20 Preachlni al 10:15 a. m. by Biahop Dubba Babbath Augual 27. pr aehlng by Blahop Fowler. Promlnent mlnlatera wlll preach durlng tha camp-meetlng, Augual :i Mi*. Wliliam B Mlaaloniry Claaa In the temple. s.irf meetlnga wlll be h< id at <he foot of Ocean Pathway every Babbath evenlng durlng the aum- mer at .; o'clock, and twlllght meetlnga every even- i" dui Ing he camp-m, The aummer Babbath-a hool wlll be ln charge ..f Oeorge w Bvana ind Claude V Oourln. Mra Wliliam 11 Sklrm wlll have charge of the prlmary department, aaalated by Mra Btarka; the chlldren'a department wlll be under the aupervlalon of Mrs ;.,.. VWiacr-l mvta, .-md th" Rev. l>r. Thomaa O'Hanlon, prealdeni of Pennlngton Bemlmry, wlll bi tli" leader of the nn Ie department OHITI 1/7}'. MKP BARAH H CHBNBT. F.llza belh, June 3o fSpecllI) Mra. S.irah H. Cbeney, widow <>f charlea Cheney, a well-known New-Tork liwyer ind a member ..f ihe Ellaabeth Clty Councll, died laal nlghl Bhe wia ictlve ln church an.i chaeatable work. Six daughtera and a BOn stirvlve her Mrs ,'li.-ney w.is l...rn aeventy- tive yeara ago MAHLON COOPER. Montrialr, June 30 (Bpeclil). Mihlon Cooper, who for a numberaf yeara conducted the Hlllalde Houae and lately the Montrlilr House, died yeaterday fter i long lllneaa. He was aeventy-ali yeara old. ilr Cooper was 11 natlve of Buaaex County, lle * a widow and two grown daugbten, -? EYIDEXCE OF A DE8PERATE 8TRV00LE. BLOOD BTAINED CtiOTHlNO FOlfND IN THK WO, iDB BETWEEN BCOTCH PLAINB AND WEBTFIELD. Plalnfleld, June (81.lil). Evidence of whal appeara to bava been a deaperate atruggle betwe, two or more men haa been dlicovered ln tha wooda between Bcol h i'lains md Weitfleld. Teiterdiy John Hlckorj wia berrylng ln the vlclnlty, ind .,1 roaa a hil in of ., whlte ahlrl andthe front w.iisti'o.it. which had evldentl) been forcfblv tom from the garmenta, and whleh were apattered with human blood Me notlfled the offlclaJi, and an Inveatlgatlon is being nii.de, The ground ahowed th.tt ther.- had been a Btruggle, and I short dla- tance aa'ay ther.- was evidence that aome heavy oblecl had been dragaed through the buehea, i.ut 11 waa Imposalble to flnd oui if if w.is a buman ,-? - 8BERIFF HFI.IFirs Fl \EBAL. BIBHOP WIOOEB ALLOW8 THE BODT TO RElT IN A CATHOUC KMKTI-.KV The funeral aer\-lcea of Wllliim Heller, PherifT ..f Hudaon County. were held laal r.lKht at the family s M,r er-al They were ted by Jeraey Clty l_dge No. 211. B ,.,.,. \ 1 were mioe by Lealte 0 "Inaiion^ViBB-er veate'rday granted a d ;f ¦!... bod ln the li.-iv Name ,.,...'. ,'v In w. .( Bld, .-.¦ tho ramlly owna -. plol VIi H, llei a/aa a Prot, but Mra Heller ls .. devoul «'athollc, and II waa a" a conceaalon to her thal the dUpei aranted The Intermenl will be made al 2 .k to-day. There wlll ba n rellgloua s^r / |yf) nol i.HI FoR A 8AXITARIVB. 0 ikland, .) 11 a K Tl .. Remlngton Vt rnoi ii venty-flve acrea, haa .:,i-..,....l. wlth hf th corporatora namod are Dr T M Johnaon, .1 II Rutk-r 7. Sai.la md P W Brow. .,....,1 to erecl -- aanltarl im n Tl pla la to bt .- ¦- in-the- .. , ..-. irounda ? BOARD OF ELKCTtoy 0EB0CRAT8. ,.,,.. bj Wliliam B Oo irley, ch I | mmltt, riaaini roUowing rei reaei :' tbe twent) -one rountlea to 'ompoae the Damo ratl membera of the Boanl ItlanUc. J IJim- a || lam Bly. N< a Brldge; Burllng- lacob llendrlcka«,n, «ounl Holly. Camden, Davld fc: Barry. Caroden f'apa Ma) Wliliam J .1- ler. Cape \1 1) C im leorae V>. K k 1...1 Kaaex, Edwln \ Rayner Bloora Charlea .1 lik-'" ., H x a Clty: H interdon. O R. Ki Mercer. Waiter B Orover. Prlnceton ,,,".: Midleaex Ollvei Kelly. Mel hen: Mon- . IV-" Major D L Magle Manaagu.n. Morrls. ;. ndalej Morrlal »wn O ean, John K Forbea. . .1 Riu-y, Balem; Bomer- ar H. ir \v!.iI.h. Kiliabeth; \\ irren, Henry XI Vllet. Blo >ma n ? I WEDDISG. inge. June ag (Bpe, lal) Mlaa Mary King. a iter of Mra. Bdward King, of Bouth 0 wia marrled laal nlght to Rlchard ¦terllng Bbapler of Bummlt. The careaaoay was p*rformed .. Bov H. P Randolph. pMtor of thi Orange Mathodlai Church. Four genera- . were repreaenled. and the weddlna ake waa \ir« vui, Trowbrldae grandmother of ,T_1?-td- AfTer the recVptTonM ind Mra H-.apter rwMl nve m BuaaaMI IFITFft CABRIER8 WILL BIDB FRFF. Hereaftar a" letter carrleti m Jeraey ctt> wttl ri'i. mi troUey earj free of rharse whiie on duty. Thi« ls hv \lrtua of a lump *um pald by tbe Oov- Jrnm-nt to the N'orth Jrrae^ and North fiwiaoa lines Th» amo-ir.t pald ara l The ar- rangemeril wlll take effect to-da>. HBLP FOR THK IWUHADES. ANDRBW H ORataTM NAMKH A CoMMPJV TK.K AT rjOVKHMOR K< MiSKVKLT'B KKyl'KST. RB8TTL1 OP T1IK LBOIBLATPBtra PWt.lRB TO PAS8 A HIII. OTIII-'.lt HISTOKK- PI.ACE8 To RBCBTVB ATTBBTJOB i:..-.. in.ir Itoa.v.H arrote the foUowlag attBav oa l ia. it lo A'ultew il. Oreen, preetde.l of the so- it.-ty for the Preaervatlon ..f Bcenlc and lllstorlo Pta. . s ..; \. . York. Executlve Chamber, Albany, Jun.- 17. iwj. Hon \ 'I Oreen, Prealdenl Bociety for Puanaaja tloti ,.f Bcenlc and rtl acta M] D if Mr Oreen The Legl.lature ..t ita last aeaalon havlng f;iii. to paa. th. blll provldlng for the ippotntment of .. commlaalon t<> .ei on h.-half of thla Btate In contunctlon wlth .1 :ik>- Comralaatoa of Ncw-Jerae) for lh. preaervatlon of lh I nllaadaa if your aoclet) tppro* a, 1 would reapeetfully aug- geal th.1 you ippolm commltte. to <-o- oper.te witli the New-Jeraej Pommlaalon ln >lev|.« me plan of actlon foi the Btate. looklng to thi nd in 1. m \ ¦> aln t. K j oura THEODORK ROOBRVBLT. In con » wlth thi fJovernor*a rtgaaat, Mr. yeaterday appolnted thi followlng commit- to repreaenl th. Bt.t. of New-Tork In ¦i.-uaing meana fur the preaervatlon of th. Pallaadea: Kd- ward Adam*. Abram <;. MHIb, O. .. t Kuna, i'i..l s Lamh and Edaard Payaon Cone, all or N'cu-Voik dty. The X>>a Jeraey Commlaaloner. nre F, W llopklna, of Alpln. w \ Llnn, of ll... k- li S Wo ..I M l'l iv. ul Kdg< w.ter Mla. :h Vermllve, ..t Rnglen.t. and Mlaa Ce» The Boclet) for lh\ Preaervatlon if Bcenlc and. Hl.torlc Place. and Objeete, whlch la .< s. ml-om- .¦¦t\, haa autl lt. own ael of In.-or- poratlon to co-opcrat< wlth thi JCew Jeraey I'otn- iri-i-'..!!. bul th. Oovemor'a requeal «..- made wlth lh. purpoac ..: glving t 11 commltt. appolnted by th. aoclet y .1 atai irl> equal tiiit <>f th-» Kew-Jeraey Commlaalon ia poaal ile Sectlo.i n of Chapter i-V, of thi I..«- ol tfei I rk foi ;o whlch the aoclet) wa» incorporatcd, aaya "Sald itlon ahall annuall) make lo th. Legtelatura atatemenl of its affalra and from tlm-- to tlme, ri poi 1 to tl». I.. gl.lal in .lae, auch omti endatl re pei tlm nl to the obyects roi whlch ll waa created and t". i) .cl lolatly or otherwlae wlth mn peraonfl appnlnteil by any other Btate for purpoa. ided to ha accompllahed i-\ ihi-. .1 whenever th- object to i.. -..¦ iir. .1 or purpoa. ~..ii«ht to be i< -omplUbal I. wlthln the rin-.it tlon of this and any other Btate, or c.n onl] be attalned bj ¦-.; ii lolnl actloa." At the laal meetlng of ihe truateea of Ihe Boctely f..r th. Pn aervatlon ol S torl. Placea nnd Object. it wa. reporti by M ¦. that John .' Bmock, Btale (Jeologlat of MewJeraey. waa !,, make a contlnuoua photograph of th. whole lengtn of Ihe Pallaadea, maklng a connected, grapnic panoramu one hundred reoi long, and would glve the aoclet) .. copy for exhlbltton in the rall. ln romplfanc wlth ihe recent auihortaatlon hy ContaOller Wllllam .1 Morgan, Mr >i.1 a..* ap- polnte<l the foilowitiK commltte. to vlali th. battta. ii. i.i of l.ak Caldwell 1 DMB acqulred b) Hm Btate. and repori recommendatlon. concernlng lh* property Bamuel I'.n 1r, of \. n ^ ork Charlea s Pi inela ol roj md l.d- wnr.l llagaman 11..ll of Xew Tork. The aocletv haa iken noaweaalon of the Htony. Polnl battleneld, acqulred by ihe Btate and c.m.i mltted to Ihe I. ty'a care, and 1- taklng st.pa ror Ita .1. md rehaWlltailon A watchman haa he.n tloned on the reaervatlon and algna of warnlng have l.ti erected. On the annPeraary nf Mad An- thony Wayne'a amoua esplolt. July IS the aocli tjrg Committee on Bton) Polnt. ronal.tlng nt Mr. lar- ,. .. \ir Hall, ll K B i.h-Brown and Oeorg. P. Kuna will i-ialt the property for th. ' pra». paiing recommendatlOBB for lt* Improveraeat, ? COVSTT PBY8ICIAS 8TOP8 A FVSEBAL, 8TOMAB DIB8 IM a, B18WARB BAMrTABItTal AND) HEB BBLAT1VBB MAKB >-<>MI'I.AINT. Mlaa Roaa U'otlz. "forty yeara oi.i, living at Vo» 188 Norfolk-art Newark, <n.-l cn Thuraday ln th. aanltarium of Dr Auguatu. V w.-tidei. No* :. North Klev.ntli-st Newark, undar in-umatance. that cuaed th. eounty phyatdan lo order tha il to t.e poatponed untll he cotild Inve.tlgate, m Jun. -1 Mlaa u otla .. 1- mki .. II '"pon, Dr Wendel who >\hera on June s: an operatlon for appendUitl. *.s per- i.irmoi accordlng to Ih. Bl.tement of the un.ler- i.iker to the couaty physi i.m. The hrother and alater-ln-law of Mlaa wotl. called aeveral tlmei at lanitarium an.l alleg. tbal they wero not par* mltted to .ee her , _. 1)11 Thuraday th.» hrother was notlflcl that hla had dled nmi he waa requeatod t.i remov. tha from the aanltarium. He s..ya he had no M*a> thal her .on.lltlon waa ao ¦ could get no partli tlara a. lo her death County l'h>aklan ciark aald yeaterday thal Dr Wfendel had mada oul a certlfleate ahowlng death from appendleltia. \t Dr Vt'endel'a offlce the atatemenl « ia mad. that the doctor waa ln need ¦.: real and that It waa his Intentlon to t..- abaenl fr..m the dty for tlme, iiut that h. would return if notified ioj do M . JVnOEH' RiUHT TO SIT IS IV APPEAL. THB BIOME8T COPBT AT TRENTON DtXTOH Alf IMPOBTANT POIHT IN' A BAlLROaD CAaWL Trenton. June 80 (Spectal) The Court "f Frrora and Appeala held a conference to-day over th. queetlon whether the Con.tltutlon n'lowa a Juds?<* to -it In . eae. ln whlch he haa expreaaad hl. upon the error complalned of Th. ""»« of Spottawood agalnal the Morrla nn.l !.:--< x Ilnlirofld. rompan) waa belna argued before the Court when s.irii an In.tanc. came up, The ludgea at once held afi nrcument betwe.a lelvea In np"n court. and flnally, helnar unahhi ,,. retlred to Ibe room The polnt waa rataed in an unexpecteil manner by on. of th. jiiiIk'--- and the argumenl on it it once ensued. .... fhlel J;istl e and J .Jummero and Ludlow .al in the caee wh.-n lt waa .t--.'|.|ert In the Buprem. Court. .nd the declalon would affe.-t them After conference the Chlef Juatlce nn- nounced thal the Court had declded thal all th. ludgea wer. qu.llfled to elt, Bnd th. argument proceed ed. afj.va BODY FOVXD SBAR ELIEABMTW RfrppoaBD T'< T\V. THAT OP JOtTN M1TCHBLU THBJ MiaaiKd PARM BtrPEBIKTBMDBKT. Ellxabeth, June M ffpeclal). Aiex.nder Anler- ancy, of Ellaab* thport, thia e-.-n- iv of a rn.-.n lylng betweaa two treea on the .-i'i Bpeneer farm, " nva» They notlned tbe pollc an - ""P*"! Mltcheil, who took eharge of it Ph^maa had ,.. n ,,, ;,| g number of daya. Jual a areefc «o thaj ii en -' """. T.1 an. an ¦¦iKafe tho king 1 I ll came from . chemlcal .ni it bul had pretfp ought that Mltcheil, the mli < :irm.i "*! ,,, 1 on Ju «i ¦ luarrel wllb hia s .,.,, <. ,t m t, 1- bei n ' Hind ataea ? n>,\ FATALIA 8BOT WITB I 8KEWEB, Predi rl -k Bond, tw< '. "' Hanteaga th. home of hla frlenii. Krank Danea, fourtei '. aaar Newark. Th. bo) wenl from Harrlaon ye-t..r.i..\ . s;'"! '^' wlth hla frlend. al So 580 Sorth Ptfttl-Bt. ... ... .....g tha ta boya wer. playlng with a Ibr. Fevolver when ll wei -"'»a 1 meai akewer four ./k*an.i punnured hla kid. ludaon .. ;, condltloa l[,Z. , ¦'¦'"<t0 ^ little h >pe lhal be will r- DELISQI BST~CBVRCB MEMBI 98 " T OFF, p Held im M (Bt. laU Al 1 latnea. m-et- i,K 0f tbe ntembera of th. Bcoieh PlaJM Haptlat .. aft.r tr... ,.,-....r meaHlng tMa BveaaaaT, lt f a larg. n'imhir ,,f dellnauenl peraona iroin th.- r-.-t.r 01 tne ao- ?,et, T?nla actlon waa taken al the Inj^alloacal the Rev "1 M BhOtl . MH.el SUCh . at" ln the place b) - ¦.." for the ref.,rm of 'to- tuwn'a 111. rala ThJ .\Z-i la 150 yeara old. and la 1^e panwtaf the Bmi Hai.t.M church ever orgaiuaed ln Ijaw- Vork" TliT name. or the rlellnquenta nave been noated ln the lo.by of tne edlflce for ibraa et4ta The Rev Mi Bhotl declarea thal he doea ..«' wanl Ki) lead wood la ala l,\\ll> 1/ ht.MARKsrs KstiTF. Ptalnfiakl Jua. » (aapactal) Tha caateat eaat fJBl ,,f Davfd M D-r,,are,\ betWaam hla aecond BUaabeth Deaaare*. and hia son. Henry i.H-iar-st waa yeaterday declded la f«vor of the 5;';:;:-.:,'si;:^v,:r.;:K ^aSKT^aK^aKjaari vi, li.-marea! Who was one of th- exet .ilora, 01a ,. m f .l?.". VLe-.-ham-eiior Bteven. or<iere4 lha",!'. prop- r-v be re.ol.l. ta ordM I.-re mor. near-y Ha real value. M(,\i:Y a ROY FOI W> ffOAT* TO TBB POOBk pr, .. r. K Kruae. tanHV. ye.ua oM. B.rralgned. In th. I <¦¦<¦¦. Caatl ..ti" I '"v t*<°f judga B 1I1 ¦-¦.'.i'' ' ndlolaaaal cbargtag him wRh graad - mm * araaaa. -irop her Docla«trMMk. coatalnlRg m, but n.aTe «o "ffort to overtak. her or return the prop- TAv judie HUir declded th-t th. boy waa not cull-y of larceny. and dlach.rged him Aa th. owner could noi be found ordered U»e mone/ i,ald to the J'oormaater.

SIX PART II. QfcVtotmt roeljiyn. IfcNctosfflNe^crj?/ · .aployment ln a candy ractory "> K,K,hthVavH"-Whenihey ftr.lahe.l w.rk on Tueaday evenlng Kffle aa« ifrild to come to Brooklyn

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Page 1: SIX PART II. QfcVtotmt roeljiyn. IfcNctosfflNe^crj?/ · .aployment ln a candy ractory "> K,K,hthVavH"-Whenihey ftr.lahe.l w.rk on Tueaday evenlng Kffle aa« ifrild to come to Brooklyn

aaaj %mpTtp^mmp^p^p^p^p^p^p^ptpipMptpm







agajiroaj as whll as th.jse who bbbx momu



To home-peekera and Invcatora certaln parta of

aju flxth, Tenth and Twelfth warda present

apiendid fhellltlca, accommodatlons and oou-

reoJeacea. Here tha mmMe of trade. the \heez-

ing of llevatld trolns. tho braln ehatterlng roar

0f trafflr. and all that llfe In a commerclHl

inetropolia meana, are dlstant, nubdued and un-

.jgreaatve.It !a ar. old sertton of the borough, of coura<*.

hut II !s quiet, peaoeful, corafortable. Many of

aajl itiaeta ari nsphaltej, and ln the nelghbor-hon-1 of '": Parh they are tree llned, and

the houiei are moatljr of brownatone, three or

four Btory and baoement, and have all of the

fr.r'lerr. conveniencea and the best ayatem ofgar.itatlon.

p\jr the worker, .he man <.n Ralary. wlth n

llttle money ln th» savlngs lank, getting from.u , i at al ."> per cent, here ar,1 some

,a,..9 ;. the hlatory of Invettora In Bouthjjr-r.' klyn whkh may brlng enlightenmcnt.A. J Doohi r, of No. 1<K> iirst Place. aald that

4 year ago a clttaen of Manhattan purhased n

houae ln the Blxth Ward for |3,n00. It waa a

privat" two-atory aml l.aaement brownatonerullding He made it an apartmenl houae, onlto-day it paya hlm at the rate of $300 a year.

Another wlae lmmlerant from arross the river

bought a three-atory and l.aaement brownatonehouae In the same nelghborbood. Hl g>»ta be¬

tween |800 and $700 a year from bls Inveatment..\, ¦ " aald Mr. Dooher, "thiB place is fllled

with men of moderate mrani, thrlfty mechanles,lnrtuatrlous clerks, atorekeepera whoaa placeayjeld a falr profit. and men who, whlle pussesa-

lng meana, like a qulat old nelghborbood, where

ortentatlon la, at least to them, only an anxlliarv

of downrlght vulgarlty." This dlatrlcl may be

reached from lower Manhattan ln about flfteen

mlnutes from the Brldgl "t ferrlea. The Trih-

»ne is frank. nnd If yo.u want a paylng inveat¬ment, this seotion will repay jroar Inveetlga-t!on. You may buy a home here f..r .5«t.«K~H> or

lesa. and yet you are paylng $1.<*>0 or more

.ental a year for a leaa ,1,-sirable house ln Man¬hattan. as your brother cltixen is dolng In theovercrowded distrlcts ol Brooklyn.Ruch houaes are to be had In CaiTOll-aL, ln

Court ar.d Cllnton Btl., In Henry and RipeiyeBt?. and In Plrst. Becond and Third Placea.poii-n thr-.ugh Unlon nnd Prealdent ata thereare also many fine plaoen, wlth good old treeaahaklng their klndly branchei at them. andk-epinf? the too brlght sun from the rooms.

In thls dlfltilit are the homea of Colonel A.E. Lamli, Alderman Dooley, Watrlct-Attorney3teele the flne old manslon of the ]nte J. S. T.Ptranahan- the llrst citiien.and that of il. W.Maxwell, the Buperlntendent of Elducatlon.Cliureheg of many denomlnatlono.Catholl^ andProTeaitant.are ln thls diatrlct. Among theaeare the Flrat Methodlet Bptacopal Church, Bt.Ptephen'B Roman Cnthollc. St. Mary s. Star ofthe Sea, Westminster, Church of the Vlaltatlon,and, away down belOW, the beautlful Church "f

Bt. Agnes.'

In Prealdent. Unlon. Carroll. Henry ann

Bmlth ate. men of moderate lnoome or means

may rent floors or aparttnanta ln the best part«of the streets for ?1<> or upward. Blnce eonaoll-datlon asaessmentF on property vatues have begnrun down from H!» per cent to 0<>, and ln a fewyears. by an oqultable aaitBBinont, they wlll beat least 10 per cent leaa




Patchogue. Lor.g Island. June 80..Mlia DatiyCnnklln. daughter of Smlth W. fonklln. Juatlce ofthe peaee, of this Vllllge, haa recelved word from

.alaun, a smnll clty near 8an Franrlsc.. Cal., of

tha flndina of i bottle, ln whleh wai Incloeed a

plece <f brofcan eCg ahell, wlth Mlaa ConklhVaname and iddreaa wrltten on It. Mlia Conhlln re-

aemhera throwing the bottle Into the ocein offr ,a :,. aboul iree yeiri ago. How lt reachedthe Paclflc Coail la nol known.



AB8EKCK.The pollce have been taformed that Kffle Vroo-

»f,r.. ibi uTenteen-year-old pin for whoaa theyhave been looklng slnce Tueaday nlght, haa re-

turned to her home. No. K0 NMneteentb-iL Sh«

went iwiy on Tuiaday m«rnlna wlth, her alater

Edna. going to Manhattan to looh for work. The

llatera parted nt BroOBM-lt. and Hroadway, ai.dEdna cinM home aione. Accordlhg to Kfflea stoi>ahe met a Kirl frlend md together they obtalned.aployment ln a candy ractory "> K,K,hthVavH"-When ihey ftr.lahe.l w.rk on Tueaday evenlng Kffleaa« ifrild to come to Brooklyn beciuae lt waaaolate - <he w.nt home wlth ber frlend. OnWedneadav nlght the rnln kept her, but on Tbori-tiav Blu came home. and was much aurprlaed toBad Ihll the family bad been inxloua Her fatherbas made her glve up her employment ind auy athome to help h-r tiL.th.-r. KfTle la the oldeil ofItven chlldren.

CBAXGE IX I'OSTAI. BERYICE.Poatmnater a W. Hltberger. of Ixing Iiland Clty,

aaid yeaterday tbnt on nnd :/ter July 1 the poat-ajpje,. ... ..,.! Hlll, Wlntield. Coronn. Klmhurstand \v.latde would t> dticontlnued, nnd a free-drttverj ayBtem from Lona Iiland Clty to theMPlacea'beK',m. The borough in this wiy wlll have.bc :,... poBtil offlce. ind Ihe former ama of-fl-.a wlll be made Bub-ititloni roi tha uta of.tampa and money ord«


judge Hurd yeaterday morning the Orand

Jary foi tba June Term handed In a preaantmentIr. amlgnment of th< Health Departmenl ol New-Terk Cltj ln permlttlng the old n ilian, ea In New-

towa ,'r., k ln reference to bone bolllni !':d-

lnK ! ,.,. Jury denouncedaulaii

Hurd. ln dlacharglBf tbe Grand Jury. sui.l

that the crtaatnal l" dneaa of Ihe county of Klngaa-as la a remarkable condltlon, and ihaf^ovtuOtotthe indictmenta ban I, d In yeati i taj ^"^tlwriwera leaa than hall doaen 1"''V". ,- , ,^m ttrtal Thla was regirded aa a "',"J,r,rt... ,, aily to il..- efflcl B

Hlrara B. .

DEATB 0F IlEXRY W. BIQQIXS.Henry W. Hlg| Bve yeara Id, of No 247

.MthThb died ln ihe PreabyterlanHoapital. Mmbi ai ii' a i operateaupon three wa. rB*' lV*t''l>>'Pigglna. who wii a wi _,,f»n 'r ' ,e,!",

th Ward i nt ol Brooklyn all hla

llfetlme. Hl waa a member of P^grewlve LodjF. and a M., ind wia foi many yeara wnnecteaarith Ihe WIlilimBli nl ».°«., VfemorlilHa took pari parade on Men omi

-.. to-morrow.

UBRART BEPAIR8 DI8CX 88ED.Albert Bcitwick, thi llbrarlan of the Publlc

Mbrary. and Dinlel M Bomera, ¦ meiaber of tn

Uhrary Coaaaaltiee, yeaterday called it ihe »or-

o m Departmem of Hu-idina-. ughtin* »"d ®tip"to confer wltb D putf Coonmh-lonet uaion

tn ragard to the alteratlona and repalra n ibi

library buUdtaga now pul i" charga of that depart-

Mr Waltoa eaplalaed thal "« appraprUllon hod. been made In tha budgal !¦<? work oa the Paan

Qulalis Davla A Eoody. presldent "f,'n* "''Lrairedbefore any furilitr detall could be arrai.gea.

i/i vy rr icherb gr i dva ted.



Oueata fllled the larg. aaaembly hall cf the Olrja'HiBh Bchool laal evenlng on the oecaalon of thecommencement exerclae. of tbe Tralntngfor Teacher. Decorattona of potted planta an.lflowera adorned tbe ataKe. on whi.-h were

the local commltte. Henry W. M.xwell, ehalrman;Vt. john Harrlgan, Frank l.. Babtott, Qeorge P.ciark, i>r. Henry C. McLean, John Oreene andDr. A. .1. Dower nn.l t prtri pal of theJohn Gallagher.So f.-ir ns the (rra.luiites were COB

parl of ihe programaa. waa princlpally alnglng, un¬der the leaderahlp of AUaert B. C.swell, olrector ofmualc In the achoola. The selertiona were ull ple.B>ing, nn.l wer>- receive.] with much .pplauae. ThePro.esalori.il waa playeil by .Miss KatB Wainl tiie \aledictory easir .nd addreu were byBlta. Kmiiy 1.. Smlth. Henry W. Maxw. 11 mn.lethe Introductory ;oiiir.-ss. anJ Justlce Wllllam J.Q.ynor made the addresa to the atmlents. I>rOallagher preewnted dtplomaa to the followlnggraduatea:

n, Marj ¦'.Archer, Ini.H.m tt. Sk-,1

in, hai lotlaMnny. Sij'.m M.

K ithryn,Hr in-i'i. rin rea l.

Ihurat, Amy A.lii man, 1-'reda K.Brown, E1al« AUrowo, II irtenae ... BHu 'katt Ha<'ar*y. Marj I.

ler, Corlnne."aufleld. Katl rln. 0.

I'tii.:.. Tivhhb A.Itharey, Mary P<larke i.nim i s

.. iiran. t-:n al P,i,. ... Ilarri le D.

Emma i:r.

II, Katl. MDhIv. Mary I»Daly, Noi ADeknatel, Marii1 rn< Marv TV u«i... n.ian O.Dunbar, Carollna M.La .. N .rali CJ.. hl n*;ein. Ploranc P.

..'!. Her:- H.Lowena .hl:.McAfee, Halen l:M 111 h n. Mary ''M Keilar, Fl .renca UM Hlnty, Me.rj KMrQ .. .. ¦.. ,\M i ¦¦. arn, Margarel C.M Mai M L.M Hullan lh nrlrtta E.M< ¦ tfahel nMiiier. Martha nM re, EdnaM«r. in, Mary KMurray, Qn.O'Rellly, M irj I.Parkard, Adala H

.etltia 81Pn hley, Ella MI'ettlt.I'. rtar, Pli rei

i-r. tda I..Qulnlan, Fi inc.« MRl.by, .-ii; !« EK '¦-.rt. -ii. .1 i;.< Ite,Roblna, PraiRogera, Georgla P.Ronayne, Mary fl-


ln. i. Man M.

Baward, l"ugtr..a II.Th<- claaa committee waa compoaed of Miss Ethel

bf. Hall MIs? Mary V Cberry, Mlaa Jeanette i.ertaon, Mlsa Hattle B. Ltppencotl and Mlaa MlllanM, Thompaon.

>unbar, Jennle I*i. ¦! .. i.. tal .tb M

!-; If I!Bnnla, M«.\ P.

\ .!,,.Franka. n, Adi.... llne, Marv "'.

Anna i>.Uriffln (Jrac. B.Iliiinea. Francea '-

M II ii A.Iliiie Ethel M.Hall Igillimna. Elale.H.nai n, BelII.Harker. Mart. Miiairi. n. Clara i.Hellmund. C rlal ina CHIII. M< lla M.Hlral Hellen.Ilobby, Annle .'.II. nr.l; ;. ti.-v!e\ .¦ p.

Ol.nce M.

... Plorence AJonea, Rebeeca nK. Ilan, Marguarlt.Kelly. Il-l.-r. K.

Marj Ebanlggn, Harrl.tt* k

m, Edna B.na V

Umallhela. r LenaHmtth, llertha Eflmlth, Edna llHmlth, Plla 0siau'h. Emfly l>HrWIth, Mnbe) HStni-h Mhi-1 \\"Hl k ¦iiill. Man P.ftotii nb irgh. IBtrl Jorephln. ASwe.n.y. Kttt» .;Thompaon, Ullan M.Tllly. Bu >n .'.

Annn K.Tuthlll. Qertrude M.Vnn Norden, Mary P.\jti sia«, Ollre.Yun Deaaauer, Iteatrlee.W.if-r. Bi 1IValdr n. Maj Iw aJker, Eatell! <>

Walrh. laabel MMary II ILilllaa B

B'ai .ii. Kat. A^ linlen. Marj- T.wi-ai Oraee A,« ¦.. Emma Kwi'.'.s. Marjor* H.w.k 'htc-irin Irane

Anna MW'vnue, M.irv A


C0URT-8T. 1//.V PR0TE8T.

PAVING BLOCK8 ON THE B1DEWALK DRIVETRAFPIC AWAY AND INJURE BL'SINESB.For the- lapt thr«c week. reatdent. and bualne«i

men ln Court-al from Joralemon to Llvlng.ton-.t.,hav. heen r.rot.stltiK ae;,itiJt the coinlitlons lni-

pOMd upon them by th. Department of Publl:Hlghwaya For . month on on. alde of Court-at.thouaanda of granite blocka, Intended for repavlngCourt-at. have been ptled up on the aldewalk Infront of their doors. Tlu other si.le of the .treet,whlch ls ono of the boal thoroughfarea In Brook¬lyn, ha- nol been aaddled wlth a alngle block. Tb.Department of Hlghwaya onfeasea Ignor.nn of thewhoie matter. The Department of Incumbrance.,whlch if a branch of th.- former D^artment, .tatea

upon Inqulrj thal Contraetor Lewla may hacelved . permll to block wlth hla larara giblocka the entran ..- to the ho-.is«-s .nd at«>res Inth.- sectlon named. Tliat la the only aatlafnctlonthan can i..- or may be recelved from the BunIncumbrance. Meantlme the merchanta re aufTer-Ing and thev propoae to have some redreaa, aa tnepubllc paaaea on the unobatructed alde ol the atreet.Thelr arlevance not only exleta m Ihe facl that

th.v have rnther paltlentlj wlthal.i wlthdrawaJof cuatom throngh the practlcal blocklngaidewalk hn fronl of their placea of bualnena, l.ut

also in th- bellef conveved to them from an au-

thorltatlv. eource tbal ine aranlt. blocka maj re-n.a'.n where they are nntll next October.Edward o. Wenlff, Inauran - ag. n ?f.,N%«"

,-,,..,.,., j. the rlme mover n th. proteat,



john M conkim. head of the recentl:flrm Of John M. Conklln & Son. In Fulton-trt dled

v.st.r.my mornlng at *M o'clock al Wa aummer

home Ha- Bhore. l^ong Ialand. Mr. I onklln hadnol ;..r.n m Koo,i heaith for aeveral yeara. bul dled

fn.m exhaustlon cauaed by the eatreme n.

., 0f the laat few montha, when he waa

n m,,. ihe ii.-w bualnesa Hla wlfe and chlldrenM,5. Maude ^rir'Ckl'n, Ueorge W Conklln and

.. k m Conklla were wlth hlm.¦,,' ,, -.« I.A-. ago thal hla .ndltlon waa

erttleal Arrangementa have nol yel ^e foiihe funeral bul probablj Ihe aervlcea will be held

. o t nii ii.'ii.. No 218 Berkeley Place, on

hecanTe o Brooklyn ln 18 obtalnlna n |.|..v....-..tiiih nickaon a- wesi In lower Pulton-al BoonWfV!l '

¦¦'. lh< t>i llBhmenl of Journeay ABu^nhano. rVmainlng wlth ihamBBtll laat Novem-¦..r al whlch tlme he *" prealdent

,,, ... ita arareat atockholder. H- v.

;;; . HsUil.riMcn.M.t .1 the tlme of Mr Burn-ham'a death Mr Conklln waa on- of Ihe flrat loV ¦. V, i*i-.-~i.i.-i*- ,.. lor troop. whenFoTSumter waa B Spo. !>.. anllated arlth theolh New-York '::'' "'"¦'l«""i '" »h«

Veyw..,anirnS'm^m.nyfrlend-lnh,'[fn V ', ,'e: By nature he waa gentle, yel Hrm,,',... l> ro' makl

bta ..or. wen

j,,,,. ,"y attached to hlm.? -

MRS. MAROARET J. BBHMANM - Margarel J Behman, ivlfe of Louli ebm.n,

tha tbeatrtcal maoaaer. dled on Tburaday evenlng-ft.r an lUneaa of ten day.' turaUon from blood-

pouonlngcaimedbyanulceratedtoolh Bbe wa. .1

her summer home, Bayport, Long Lland. .nd had

been under' Dr« R«Wnaon. a lo,

a. t'.e Hme ..f her ^''i Dra Powler andffiSJ&FtSZ BrooklynjMjd Dr Chjg« TK"N from Matihattan were alao if. atte''Mi- i" in -i. a-ai

.UBhtw ol Charlea T 8 oti ol Phllai , m.i of Charlea T B11U

,. olHien. Iwo i Th...ii ,1,, .ji.lv iie held tormorroa and ihew!;Ar:;^:.,-.. jr**, .«.

Behman :i\e-i al No. 5i Bavonlb-a.

THE RBV JBREMIAH A BROBNAN.Th- Rev Jeremi.ih A Broanaa dled from

nionia yeelerday mornlng ln tbe home ol la

ar-m-law at Na l« Raaaljr^al H» waa aa .aalat-

.nt to tb. H.v. D. J. Hlcaay. iiaaaor of st. i

Vavler'a Church, at Bt*th-ave. an-1 Carroll^l He

wu tranaferred thtwi frofa Bl -'an,-

.-, Broanan w.a b graduaUofalxl?$, Collea* I" al ¦'' k"" .'!;'




SI'l.T KA'IAl.I.Y.Danlel Thataaa vTMte, of Ifo i*.n Hoeaer-ai who

w.,s one of the largeil lind ownera «t Newtown.died it bla home on Thuraday nlght from mjartee

ln , runiwiy icctdent arhlch oeeorredwhlle i,. waa drlvina ln Ihe Boulevard two weehaago to-day. Illa a_e waa ao badly hurl lhal pneu-¦ nla wia Buperladuced and there wia no bopefor th. patlenl fr..m the tlme tha dlaiMr Whit, hoToaa. ind took

going down the road nearlyeven da He «.<« on bla aray boma Wben the

k >.' him loat control ol hla inl-.1 h diahed Into the HkM road amgon drlven

by Mr Whlte, frigbtenlng bla hora--. which alirted| Aftei Vllnlj tr.Wng to control hlm Mr.

\\ .',!.¦¦ declded t,, |ump, bul unforlunately landed on

hla rlghl aide arhlch araa lerrlbly brulied H«klndlt alded bv at.angera wh.. witneaied lh,tlent plaeed !:, a rarrlage and drlven home 11phyalclin, I>r Jimea V Feeley, of Lorlmer ind

,1 for, Though he had tbe bea< <.r,,,ri- he rould nol aurvlvi the ahock.Mr. winte w.is born it. the okt town ol Newtown

alxtv-nlne yeara ago In ., minilon on the Muaning,.,.' He llved ther, until mlddle ige, md I

married Mlia Jine Qoodman Johnaon, daughter ofChai ,.f lhal town. Thej llved in

Highwood, ¦ home on whil la now Metropolltin-ave arhlch thoroughfire he haId out whlle he waaCommiaaloner of Hlghwiya For the laal aixteen.,, in he llved ln thi Nlneteenth Ward, and Iden-tlfled hlmaelf wlth aa11 i.iihii. Iraprovetnenta Mnwaa ..ii- "f the charter m,»mbers of the Hinoy, r

Club and wia formerly a member ..f Ihe Amphlong, ¦;, m htil realgned ,, f.-u yeara ;,ko He wia a

member of Mvatt Lodge No. BB, r. and A. a.When I young man h.- was ln th.al husiiiess.bul retlred yeira ago, In order to ittend lo hla in-

ln Newtown. Whlle I'vtna th.-re he n ia a

member of the old Btiahwlck Reforraed Church. al,. q and Huml oldl Bta ll- alwaya ittemled

the Mlneola Falr, aa there be mel all hls old New-loa n frlenda , ,, ,

Mr Whlte w.is fond of travelllng. hid aeen all olthis country, nnd bad devoted much ofehla tlmewhlle travi lling to Ihe collectlon ol booka, iceumu-litlng manj rai \ olumeaThe funeril wlll be held tu-m.rrow Bl 4 p. nv.

md wlll be conducted by Ihe Rev. Diytd <<

Downe) paatoi of St. .lohn's Methodlal BplacopalChurch. ln Bcdford-ave. Aaslstlna him will be theBev. Wllllim H Ja ksmi. paator of Ihe old Bueh-wlch '¦hureh. A Mnaonic aervlce will follow thechurch aervlce. Mr. Whlte leivea a arldow, flnchlldren nnd fi\.- grandchlldren.




Oeorge a Norrie, of No. IB Hatl-it.. ama om

mltted to Raymond Btreei Jall yeiterday on Ihecomplilni of John H Kelly, preHdent ol Brlckliy-.-rs Benevolenl Cnton No. Norrli «:>s a.

..f mlaappropriating the funda ol ¦¦¦¦ Thecharge waa grand lirceny, and ball wia Bied ati. ooo I'p to a month ng.- Norrla waa treaaurei ol... mlon, Then hls iccounta were found lo bemized, and he waa requeated to feilgn, John Mc-Namee of No. 183 Johnaon-aL, being elected to flllhe vacani .. ,,/wuv

The funda In the bank. amountlng lo aboulwere found lo be »800 sle-rt. Norrla aayB p.irt ofthla he lent to membera of the unlon in sm.in

amounts, md wlth ihe reil be pliyed theoot.





The Appellate Division of the Bupreme Court de¬clded yealerdiy tbii one-flftb of the eititep, > ,;,, '. ;l lawyer. mual be pafd by hla ea*

io hia nlece, Mra. Bniiqulti Enni Bchrlgleywife of Wlnfleld Bcotl Bchrlgley, of Valparalao,,.1,111 Mn Bchrigle) milntilned thal ihe wia en-titled to n ¦¦. tha money. on accounl of a trus:

whleh it waa aought to create L"!ns Invilld.The appellate Dlvlalon declded thal ahe is m-

tne money. and lt wlll aoon i>e pald to her.Mr. Rotfe lefi an eatate vilued at |77f,iet He dr. whla own wlll.




ptrr orr the blaze.

A mother'a love promptej her to take n tertlblachance of being burned to deith yeiterday ifter-noon. Mrs. Jamea M. Btone, of Bath Beach, cliapedher three-year-oM daughter, Bthel, ln her irma

whlle the llttle one'a clothlng wia abliie. The

Bi.i llve in ¦ cottige In Biy Fourtb-it., BithBeach. The huaband la in electrtcton, ind li em-

ployed In New-York Clty. The chlld hid been leflalone, playlng In the kltchen, In aome way ahe

,i ,, boi of aulphur ra ttchea, ind thi,).,.. on ftre. Thi llghl clothlng of the chlld caughiilr,-. ind h< r Bcreima brougbt the mother t.> the

Wlthout ¦ motnent'a heiltitlon, Mrs Btone p!ekiup her chlld, ..nd. presBlng the llttle oneheart, wripped her up In her own clothlng indxtlnrulahed the flame ,

Tho chlld w.is burned aeverely aboul the Wa-. bulwill bi all rlghl In b co iple of daya The brayemother's huii.Ia were on- niaaa of bllatera, but aheaaid Bhe would nol mlnd the paln aa >ong aa herllttle one waa aaved.

l YOVXG UlV DROWXED.Btony Brook, Long [alind, Jone »..Wllllim Ben-

twent) .' ira old wn drowned Ihhi morn¬

ing. The young man ha 1 Juil retiirned from Egypt,a/here he bad lefl fohn Jacob Aator'a yichi Nour-mahal, owlng to aevere Blckneaa. He was worklngon a will il the end of the pler when he fell o*\-er-

boird, Hla brother Erneal heird the Bpliih. Hecalled aome men who happened to be neir, ind lna few mlnutea they had the young man on land.%lthouah they worked falthfully, ind Dr -i A.Bqulre waa aummoned, he coual not be reauacltatia.Laal week young Bennetl complalned of nabeen eunitruck, and a tly obllged to llidown, owlng to al 'k eadache


\'EWCTRECBT LIBERTT POLE IX8CBED.The old Mberty \">\- ln froni ol .¦>.¦ New-Ctrec il

.i Church, In Vin Pell Min r, haiIniured igilnit tire. The pollcy ls probibl]only one ol its klnd evi r lnu, I. In oi li r .

jual whal rate to charge M hacame nempany to caJl a Bpedil n

nt the Boird of Dlrectori, who were gi-, for wh H obji t thigi ther.

H |i belleved Ihla pole {- ihe oldeal one on Longl-!:,':.! and probabl) I I¦tood on thla apol for III yeara The pr<|s thlrty-two yeara old, and haa juat I.i re|;,.,! uui ln perfeel order al a "ost ol I17S, paldchlefl} I.-. the patrlotlc deacendantB of theDutch aettlera who ire dolng all In thelr pow,preaerv, reli The committi.ompoaed of -I lx>tl Noatrand, Townaendpell and John Van P t who are alded by n t.um-ber ol Ihe a ome .' .¦. nelghb rhood.


D.4VIO TAPLITRKl Hl \BD FBOU.Bhoitly ifter Ihe myaterloua dlaappi .. .¦


llttle Marlon Clarh In Manhattan, David Ta].:-,.. ia taken <"it ,.f the publlc achool ln

QU nmon -a e. y a Btrange,: \i | mi Abraham 1 plltaky. hlagrandfather,

..¦ from Ihe b ¦> -

nd th,- atrange * >n u

,, itoli ti ra tt.. re, Ial the Bael New-York poll .¦ al

iow« the letter to the aptain...-h, Auatrla and «

lt atated lhal the boy, hls falman were paaalna thro »ui a

a/aj io C laala. and thal th- fath< r won lai urn lo thla rountry


UV8IC IS PB08PEVT I'AI'K TO-DAY.The followlng prognmm, wlll be given by tbe

il Hand in PToape, t Park 1

PART IBtai Bpani



¦¦'¦ ¦


, 8 How,1 r

!l- l al,a, Oavott* "l_ lultana ,<




THF IRIIH \f. II 101 I I RlBdttor of 'ihave bad

Tbe Trlbune la fou kli dl] pul IIfrom rnv aermon '"' ' hjV''

ri m riorlda. Boiton. Troy. Mld-and perbapi twenty-ftva, Jetteri fro«^ferenr pla.-e» lt, Nea 1 "ri Ity IBd Btatl K e.>

,'tated thal the wrlter bad read rl.-- I

report. Toara *. * LA',a '

Brooklyn. June J0. ^SSh

Ifc NctosfflNe^crj?/Davta haa loat a competent eounnellor

an.l ald a prominenl ring potttlotaa expreanedtbe aentlmenta of many of thoae famlllar arttbthe party BiaBagetnent la Hodaon County whenhe aald yeaterdaj "Heller «;ih a-^ mui h to Davlaas his rlghl arm. II- waa thorougbr) Wl

up in the man. No >.ne elae can ever !». ao

rloae. Ilell.-r was Bbrewd, ¦ man of remarkableitlve ablllty aml courage. Heiw would

ii..t atop if it would i.'ti.'.u Davl. an.l 'h.' party.,\,, in.tance .f that wai the Freeholdere' deal

an.l bla nerve in going up to u/eehawken andbeatlng Blmon Kelly."

f>ne of the amu.lng feature. of hol weatherpolltlcfl ln Jeraey Cltj la the mshi.-ii; "f the

DemocraUc press t" tln- reacue "f the dla red-Ited Republican leader. in Hudaon County.Naturally, they regard them as alllea. for dld

they not make It ulnmst p.ispll.le for the T>.-m '-

crata lo eouul Crane In last fall? The motlveof this Democratlc defence of Republican lead-m |. so obvlou. that it defeata Itaelf. "The

Trenton Btate Oaaette" seen ln lt evldence ofthe need "f th.- reorganlxatlon in iiu.ison

whlcb Tii>- Trlbune dcmanda it a.y.:.Tlie 'i'i !.. Americ.n" haa added Itself ;.> ihe ;>-t

,,f |i. ;,.... i'i.- newapaper. thal are oppoalng thei. orgai Izutl. 11 ..f th.- Repul iu Hudaon. 'ounlv.The facl thal newapapera of that polltical Btrlpa

in.icotiraglng the Republir&n. who aretheir i--- to block the iindertakln. of Ihe Reorgan-

Commlttei i- Ihe beal evldence un tlie worldier. I. need nf ;. rhange m the managemenlaffalra of Ihe Repubftcan party ln Hudaon

Me.ara Woolle) Dlcklnaon aml dulato are woi-Pome .¦ i'i 'lo- aatlafuctton the) can dr.w fromih, inpon they ire tecelvlng from ihe Democratlcpreaa meanwhlle Ihe rommlttee ahould n<> rltrlit;,'..., I ui", Ita «.rk and hea to the llne.Mr w lolley may b* rlfhl an hla oplnlon that

there »ri nol enough Republlcana ln Hudaon roun-tv if he « 'i.- re ... III be n I.I de.l of aatlafac-

nndlna "." "h and wn« re Ihey ara?



Oeorge Fraumthal, a Hoboken young man whodoea nol umi .. mu.< iche, aay. Ih.l he has been

three tlmea ln Ihe laal week by ihe Bo-caUeda bug " On each .taalon ihe Inaect took

r up whlch beaKi ini.lth.ils !.

, B.d he taya thal Ihe bltea eauaea hlm

fman O.ba.n. of Cnton lim jraa prt k;.l I yth- "klaalng bug" on Thuraday. The InaectWt hlm

i,. k of the hand, caualng n td BWell toits normal '¦





Ti nton, June » (Bneclat) \ conaaltatlon has

been held al th,- rwldei of Bl.hop McFt. the threatei ed ault to upael I ie will oi

Ul.ntlc nty, who lefl th. bulk

0f hla e.l ita to Catholtc In.tltutSon.. Parcy Archer,

of Phll.Iphla, th. executor of th. aatate,ferred wlth tne Blahop and Peter Baekea, tne

tl advlaer.Among the bequeata were 840.000 to tb. B

ho..i the iged .nd tJS.000 for the,. orphan A.ylum. Accordlng to Mr..Archer.

,al of «hom llve In the l\e.t. nn\.in- in-irs lii.si o ..ii.-ni ,.»- ."


rhan..f upaettlng the will on th. ground.. uorrl waa of unaound mln.l wnen ni

rigned H Mi Morrl. made aeveral prevttu. wtlla.hut ln them he dld nol lenve hla, naturalhetrw-any-

;hl. .i,. e ol aeveral checka, nnd that untllof hladeaih he iranaacted hla general bualne.a aa


PROFE880B BOTET8 FABEWELL.Profeasor Edmund O. Hovay, of tbe Newark Hlgh

s hool, who reatgned ¦ areek ago. preelded at the

I ezerclaea of tbe achool yeeterday, and aft.-r

an addreaa of congratul.tion to th<- puplia he ¦*.<*

;,,. iente arlth a handaome le.-ufi.-r chalr, the glft ofIhe acl .or Hovey a tknowledg. the tlft ini ,mi touchlng trorda A valuable gol.l watch, theKift of the t'.i. .iitv. wns alao preaented to Profeaaorfi


PRI80XER FOVXD DEAD IS A CELL.Patri k Maloney, f..r'y .....ir* old, hnm>-less, waa

lea.l ln his cell !n Jersey Clty yeaterday. Hewns arralgned before Pollee Justlce Nevln the daybefore, who aent*need i.im to the penltentlary for

laya for Intoxlcatlon. Maloney waa aenl tolh. eltj prlaon foi the night. The prlaon keeper,M Comb .. ini.il to pul hlm iti a cell wlth another

ier bul he objected, aaying there were plentyof empty eella and he nrould i!k- one to hlrna. ".Hla whlm was gratlfled. County Phyalclan Con-

acrlb. -I hls death to alconollam.

D VCER8 FALL FROM A POBCB.Wiiiiam lie.-iz. r, nlneteen yeara old, wh-i liv% on

th. Hudaon County Boulevard, near Hlgh-at., N'orthBergen, was danclng wlth lils slster In the renr

of ihelr home yeaterday, when the riiilir-.*iiiok.- and they were thrown to the rround 0of tl .. ,-oung mun'a hlpa waa fractured and an ..rm

idl) torn. Hla ed wlth a apt


PATBIOTIC SERVLCE IX ELIEABETH.Bllxabeth, Jun ;- There will be a pa-

day afternoon bi I o' lo. k, In theFlrsi Preabyterlan Church, whlch will be attendedby Ell.abethtown Chapter, Bons of the Reiand Boiidknoi cbapter, Daughter. of the Amei

Th. i.- E Btuchell, th< bar a patilotlc ad ¦¦ and the Na-

nthema «III be ¦ x.k bj l h* lolr a on-

PRESBYTERIAS CBVBCB IS BATOXSE.Th- ..- church ln the north-

.:,. end ol Bi yonne Clty, ther belng none between.t.-i-. "ity, la to be adpptled

through lh. loi of aen Ici. to-morroa Inlajl IVeat irand-al near Avenue

Re. 1' I. oi Ii l. of ihe PiI'.li.r It la alao propoaed to ¦- sundny-

achool it ihe t '.-r whlch volunteerleai h«-i

Preai hlng .. rvlrca wl e held al 11 a. m aip m. A weekl) |>r. tlng

mbera of th.mlnlwtei n .¦ found il :"'tne any

-. We.t Portj -alxth-.l Ha.?

IMH'STRIAL C0BMI8810S'8 TOUR.\\ . (9p->clal) T..1,-- '. Kennedy,

.- leraej Clty, one of tho membera of tb.'omml.Blon, will *-art to-m

the .-' ¦<¦ mml.'te. on Miiiiiijj for Coloiitea He ex| ang.g. J lu

immlaalontlie 11 e x -l'l > -. gei gfl

PATEB80X*8 FOOLISB COt'BRB.¦¦ v-w nk A ertlaar

The iflewa expreaaed In »ome of the Pateraoai, ,u,,ii,.i- In regard t.j i'n- -i and >m

rdlnary atnie of mlnd,... loea nol reflect the areneral aentl-

ommunlty Th. ae edltorlal|y (llfregardful of the

I itlona, andI foollah. thal .!.<> exclte aaton-

t iu ..-her parta of th. I mak. 'hej. 1: ia a pltj tbal tl - i'H'er-,..:,

ahould .'..'.. al thla p«riod of itailvei and cotrue Interi '

ru-onaeloua of atenl '

alta ln «tit. I


PA88AIC8 TAMMAST.Froi,. 1 Patei Evenlng ITha) preeenl Demoeratl gjrganlaatlOB- lo thla

coiinu modelled aftei '. Tammanj mn. nin- m

Vew-Vork ll li»> "h !" \l1ou« featurea and none;, ,.. i- :- nol " repreaentatlv. ..f

. It la a Mnall and aelflah tru.t

itered 1 Boaa Oourley for hla own prh itebeneflt The .lec.-ni J> Itteena have no

rona lla II ia kepl m powerprlmarlea Aa well-known

W.ri at.ti' "s l'T-

I don'l care If ihey irole morewhen ihej stick.

from th- printer. and

An.l tne iime ha. eom. lo kl k the whole arTaliiVerlKmrd and one more alloa tb. repre4»antailv.

-.,,. of Taaaale County to have « voIre lnXSiriwnagemenl of their party affalra. The.jammaii) la doomed.



PROORAMMB FOR THK CAMP OROUNDOcean Orove, July M (Bpeclal) Th»- Devotlonnl

Commlttee of the Ocean <;ri.\.. Cimp Meeting »*¦Boctitlon, made up of Btabopjiaaea S FltiOerald,\'|. Prealdent A. B, Billard ind tbe Rev. Dr. J.li Alday, announced to-di) thi complete pro-

me of rellgloua ind apeclal meetlnga to beh.-i.l ..a the camp groundi thla aummer as followa:July 2 Natlonal ii<>s|i,.| aermon al II II a m by

the Ri v. Dr 'urts, ol riri, Inna!Jul> t Natlonal annlveraar; exei aee; pitrlotlc

si.ii>: aervlcei ,,i jo ., m In the Audltorlum, underthe dlrectlon ol Profeaaor Tallle Morgan; readlngof the Declaratlon ,,f Independence, by Bamuel A.Patteraon. ..f Aaburj Park; Corpoval Jimea Tn101. of Waahlngton. thi untqui 'haracter In thav. :i War, w lell.Jni\ 7 tn a- Woman'a Home Mtaal, nary Bo, letj,

i'ii tdng Babbath morning, IO:tS o'clock: aerm :»ut 7:80 p m b] tbe llev. l»r W l Havenlary of tbe Amerlcan Blble Boelety.July 10 Vtiiihers.ii> riercleea nf the Order of

I leacon,July 11 to 22 Tbe Ocean Qrove Bunday-achool and

Chautauqua Aaaembl) tbe Rev, Di B. B Loomia,conductoi. atereoptl on 1 li a I coi.-erts; dtiring the aeaalona there wlll be regularclaaa w, t',;July II Annlveraary ,,f th" Natlonal Sn'ii.ath Ob-

aervance Boelety. «it*n baccalaureate aermon o( iheStinday School Aaaembl) I'reachlna. by the Rev.Dr. Hathaway and addreaaea bj Mrs. WelllngtonWhlte, 111 Loomia and o' li< 1 aJoly 1H- Kloculonary ind mualcal entertalnment

by Profeaaor P ird.Julv 20 Annlveraary «.f the 0 ean Orove Alumnl

Aaao, iatlon.julv 11 Inatrumental and vocil concert under

tha alre, tlon of Profeaaor VltaleJuh S Commencemenl addreaa to Ihe s

Bcbool Aaaembl) bl tbe Rev. l>r Cleorg, M Brown,July O Young People'a floral >l>i >July :'t s- aaion o( tne «irder of lh, Klng'e Daugh-i -

July B-M Woman'a Chrletlan Temperance I'nlon,wlth Bpeechea b) Mra Bmma Bourne, Mrs Sturk-

>rg, Mlaa ackerman and other*Julv 27-80 Natlonal temperance daya, meetlnga In

rge ..f the Natlonal retnperai ind Publlca-tlon Boelety, wlth lecturea iy Colonel ,i."Ot'' \\Baln, of Kenlucky, and otheraJulv 31 Ocean Orove Memorl ,1 DayAugual 1-1! Summer Bol.' of Theolog} Blahop

Flta Oerald prealdent; the Rev Ur. .1 K Prlce,dean. Augual I, aummer achool popular conceri 118 j. m,Augual 2-11 I.eetu'es. iheological Bibllcal, liter-

arv and aclentlfic, ln the temnJe dally al 1" nnd 11.1 in and i p m. Popular Ie, turea ln the audlt.iriiitti al I p, m e\-r\ evenlng i> dlBtlngllahed,,r>it.., s preceded b) a mualcal half-hour.Augual i" Summer Bchocl Chlldren'a Festlval1 lucted i'V Prof, Baor MonanAugual 11 The 01 itoi o i»f KHJah." conducted by

Profeaaora M.-r^-m and Damroseh, aaalatedNew-York Bymphony Orcheatra and a chorua ..t

flve hundred vol, aaVugUBl 12 and I8.The Woman'a Forelgn u

ary Boelety, wlth annual aermon b\ the Rev. Dr.Ooucher, prealdeni o( tha Baltlmore Woman'a Col¬lege

luguat IS The Pai idaj [natltute of WilllngWork.'is' reunlon

\ igual 16 Women'a Encotiragement Meetlnga, lne of Mrs Kennard Chnndler and Mra II \

Kati n. >:' Baltlmore,tugual 11 Openlng of the annual camp-meetlng

and prayer aer P m in thetabernacle The Ba Tament of the l_rd'a Bupperwill be relebrated Frlday evenlng at 7:80 o'clock ln

udltorium. Ooenlng aermon Baturdi) ilb m by the Rev. Dr .1 >: Rei I, of Ocean <'.r ...

Augual 20 Preachlni al 10:15 a. m. by BiahopDubba Babbath Augual 27. pr aehlng by BlahopFowler. Promlnent mlnlatera wlll preach durlng thacamp-meetlng,Augual :i Mi*. Wliliam B Mlaaloniry

Claaa In the temple.s.irf meetlnga wlll be h< id at <he foot of Ocean

Pathway every Babbath evenlng durlng the aum-mer at .; o'clock, and twlllght meetlnga every even-i" dui Ing he camp-m,The aummer Babbath-a hool wlll be ln charge ..f

Oeorge w Bvana ind Claude V Oourln. MraWliliam 11 Sklrm wlll have charge of the prlmarydepartment, aaalated by Mra Btarka; the chlldren'adepartment wlll be under the aupervlalon of Mrs;.,.. VWiacr-l mvta, .-md th" Rev. l>r. ThomaaO'Hanlon, prealdeni of Pennlngton Bemlmry, wlllbi tli" leader of the nn Ie department

OHITI 1/7}'.

MKP BARAH H CHBNBT.F.llzabelh, June 3o fSpecllI) Mra. S.irah H.

Cbeney, widow <>f charlea Cheney, a well-knownNew-Tork liwyer ind a member ..f ihe EllaabethClty Councll, died laal nlghl Bhe wia ictlve lnchurch an.i chaeatable work. Six daughtera and aBOn stirvlve her Mrs ,'li.-ney w.is l...rn aeventy-tive yeara ago

MAHLON COOPER.Montrialr, June 30 (Bpeclil). Mihlon Cooper, who

for a numberaf yeara conducted the Hlllalde Houaeand lately the Montrlilr House, died yeaterdayfter i long lllneaa. He was aeventy-ali yeara old.

ilr Cooper was 11 natlve of Buaaex County, lle* a widow and two grown daugbten,-?




Plalnfleld, June :» (81.lil). Evidence of whalappeara to bava been a deaperate atruggle betwe,two or more men haa been dlicovered ln tha woodabetween Bcol h i'lains md Weitfleld. TeiterdiyJohn Hlckorj wia berrylng ln the vlclnlty, ind

.,1 roaa a hil in of ., whlte ahlrl andthe frontw.iisti'o.it. which had evldentl) been forcfblv

tom from the garmenta, and whleh were apatteredwith human blood Me notlfled the offlclaJi, and anInveatlgatlon is being nii.de, The ground ahowedth.tt ther.- had been a Btruggle, and I short dla-tance aa'ay ther.- was evidence that aome heavyoblecl had been dragaed through the buehea, i.ut11 waa Imposalble to flnd oui if if w.is a buman

,-? -




The funeral aer\-lcea of Wllliim Heller, PherifT ..f

Hudaon County. were held laal r.lKht at the familys M,r er-al J« :¦ They were

ted by Jeraey Clty l_dge No. 211. B,.,.,. \ 1 were mioe by Lealte 0

"Inaiion^ViBB-er veate'rday granted a d;f ¦!... bod ln the li.-iv Name

,.,...'. ,'v In w. .( Bld, .-.¦ thoramlly owna -. plol VIi H, llei a/aa a Prot,but Mra Heller ls .. devoul «'athollc, and II waa

a" a conceaalon to her thal the dUpeiaranted The Intermenl will be made al 2 .k

to-day. There wlll ba n rellgloua s^r

/ |yf) nol i.HI FoR A 8AXITARIVB.0 ikland, .) 11 a K Tl .. Remlngton Vt rnoi

ii venty-flve acrea, haa

.:,i-..,....l. wlth hfth corporatora namod are Dr T M Johnaon, .1II Rutk-r 7. Sai.la md P W Brow..,....,1 to erecl -- aanltarl im n

Tl pla .¦ la to bt .- ¦- in-the-..

, ..-. irounda?

BOARD OF ELKCTtoy 0EB0CRAT8.,.,,.. bj Wliliam B Oo irley, ch

I | mmltt, riaaini

roUowing rei reaei :' tbe twent) -one

rountlea to 'ompoae the Damo ratl membera of theBoanl ItlanUc. J IJim-

a || lam Bly. N< a Brldge; Burllng-lacob llendrlcka«,n, «ounl Holly. Camden,

Davld fc: Barry. Caroden f'apa Ma) Wliliam J.1- ler. Cape \1 1) C im leorae V>. K k 1...1

Kaaex, Edwln \ Rayner BlooraCharlea .1 lik-'" ., H

x aClty: H interdon. O R. KiMercer. Waiter B Orover. Prlnceton

,,,".: Midleaex Ollvei Kelly. Mel hen: Mon-. IV-" Major D L Magle Manaagu.n. Morrls.

;. ndalej Morrlal »wn O ean, John K Forbea.. .1 Riu-y, Balem; Bomer-

ar H. ir \v!.iI.h. Kiliabeth;\\ irren, Henry XI Vllet. Blo >ma n


I WEDDISG.inge. June ag (Bpe, lal) Mlaa Mary King.

a iter of Mra. Bdward King, of Bouth 0

wia marrled laal nlght to Rlchard ¦terllngBbapler of Bummlt. The careaaoay was p*rformed

.. Bov H. P Randolph. pMtor of thi

Orange Mathodlai Church. Four genera-. were repreaenled. and the weddlna ake waa

\ir« vui, Trowbrldae grandmother of,T_1?-td- AfTer the recVptTonM ind Mra H-.apter

rwMl nve m BuaaaMI


Hereaftar a" letter carrleti m Jeraey ctt> wttlri'i. mi troUey earj free of rharse whiie on duty.Thi« ls hv \lrtua of a lump *um pald by tbe Oov-Jrnm-nt to the N'orth Jrrae^ and North fiwiaoalines Th» amo-ir.t pald ara l The ar-

rangemeril wlll take effect to-da>.




To RBCBTVB ATTBBTJOBi:..-.. in.ir Itoa.v.H arrote the foUowlag attBav oa

l ia. it lo A'ultew il. Oreen, preetde.l of the so-it.-ty for the Preaervatlon ..f Bcenlc and lllstorloPta. . s

..; \. . York.Executlve Chamber, Albany, Jun.- 17. iwj.

Hon \ 'I Oreen, Prealdenl Bociety for Puanaajatloti ,.f Bcenlc and rtl acta

M] D if Mr Oreen The Legl.lature ..t ita lastaeaalon havlng f;iii. to paa. th. blll provldlng forthe ippotntment of .. commlaalon t<> .ei on h.-halfof thla Btate In contunctlon wlth .1 :ik>- Comralaatoaof Ncw-Jerae) for lh. preaervatlon of lh I nllaadaaif your aoclet) tppro* a, 1 would reapeetfully aug-geal th.1 you ippolm commltte. to <-o-oper.te witli the New-Jeraej Pommlaalon ln >lev|.«

me plan of actlon foi the Btate. looklng tothi nd in -¦ 1. m \ ¦> aln t. K j oura

THEODORK ROOBRVBLT.In con » wlth thi fJovernor*a rtgaaat, Mr.

yeaterday appolnted thi followlng commit-'¦ to repreaenl th. Bt.t. of New-Tork In ¦i.-uaingmeana fur the preaervatlon of th. Pallaadea: Kd-ward l» Adam*. Abram <;. MHIb, O. .. t Kuna,i'i..l s Lamh and Edaard Payaon Cone, all orN'cu-Voik dty. The X>>a Jeraey Commlaaloner.nre F, W llopklna, of Alpln. w \ Llnn, of ll... k-

li S Wo ..I M l'l iv. ul Kdg< w.ter Mla.:h Vermllve, ..t Rnglen.t. and Mlaa Ce»

The Boclet) for lh\ Preaervatlon if Bcenlc and.Hl.torlc Place. and Objeete, whlch la .< s. ml-om-

.¦¦t\, haa autl lt. own ael of In.-or-poratlon to co-opcrat< wlth thi JCew Jeraey I'otn-iri-i-'..!!. bul th. Oovemor'a requeal «..- made wlthlh. purpoac ..: glving t 11 commltt. appolnted byth. aoclety .1 atai irl> equal tiiit <>f th-»Kew-Jeraey Commlaalon ia poaal ile Sectlo.i n ofChapter i-V, of thi I..«- ol tfei I rk foi;o whlch the aoclet) wa» incorporatcd, aaya "Sald

itlon ahall annuall) make lo th. Legtelaturaatatemenl of its affalra and from tlm-- to tlme,

ri poi 1 to tl». I.. gl.lal in .lae, auchomti endatl re pei tlm nl to the obyects

roi whlch ll waa created and t". i) .cl lolatly orotherwlae wlth mn peraonfl appnlnteil by any otherBtate for purpoa. ided to haaccompllahed i-\ ihi-. .1 whenever th- object toi.. -..¦ iir. .1 or purpoa. ~..ii«ht to be i< -omplUbalI. wlthln the rin-.it tlon of this and any otherBtate, or c.n onl] be attalned bj ¦-.; ii lolnl actloa."At the laal meetlng of ihe truateea of Ihe Boctely

f..r th. Pn aervatlon ol S torl. Placeannd Object. it wa. reporti by M ¦. thatJohn .' Bmock, Btale (Jeologlat of MewJeraey. waa

!,, make a contlnuoua photograph of th.whole lengtn of Ihe Pallaadea, maklng a connected,

grapnic panoramu one hundred reoi long, andwould glve the aoclet) .. copy for exhlbltton in therall.

ln romplfanc wlth ihe recent auihortaatlon hyContaOller Wllllam .1 Morgan, Mr >i.1 a..* ap-polnte<l the foilowitiK commltte. to vlali th. battta.ii. i.i of l.ak Caldwell1 DMBacqulred b) Hm Btate. and repori recommendatlon.concernlng lh* property Bamuel I'.n 1r, of\. n ^ ork Charlea s Pi inela ol roj md l.d-wnr.l llagaman 11..ll of Xew Tork.The aocletv haa iken noaweaalon of the Htony.

Polnl battleneld, acqulred by ihe Btate and c.m.imltted to Ihe -» I. ty'a care, and 1- taklng st.pa rorIta .1. md rehaWlltailon A watchman haa he.n

tloned on the reaervatlon and algna of warnlnghave l.ti erected. On the annPeraary nf Mad An-thony Wayne'a amoua esplolt. July IS the aocli tjrgCommittee on Bton) Polnt. ronal.tlng nt Mr. lar-

,. .. \ir Hall, ll K B i.h-Brown and Oeorg. P.Kuna will i-ialt the property for th. ' pra».paiing recommendatlOBB for lt* Improveraeat,





Mlaa Roaa U'otlz. "forty yeara oi.i, living at Vo»188 Norfolk-art Newark, <n.-l cn Thuraday ln th.

aanltarium of Dr Auguatu. V w.-tidei. No*:. North Klev.ntli-st Newark, undar in-umatance.

that cuaed th. eounty phyatdan lo order thail to t.e poatponed untll he cotild Inve.tlgate,

m Jun. -1 Mlaa u otla .. 1- mki .. II '"pon,Dr Wendel who >\heraon June s: an operatlon for appendUitl. *.s per-i.irmoi accordlng to Ih. Bl.tement of the un.ler-i.iker to the couaty physi i.m. The hrother andalater-ln-law of Mlaa wotl. called aeveral tlmei at

lanitarium an.l alleg. tbal they wero not par*mltted to .ee her , _.

1)11 Thuraday th.» hrother was notlflcl that hlahad dled nmi he waa requeatod t.i remov. thafrom the aanltarium. He s..ya he had no M*a>

thal her .on.lltlon waa ao ¦ could getno partli tlara a. lo her death County l'h>aklanciark aald yeaterday thal Dr Wfendel had madaoul a certlfleate ahowlng death from appendleltia.\t Dr Vt'endel'a offlce the atatemenl « ia mad.that the doctor waa ln need ¦.: real and that Itwaa his Intentlon to t..- abaenl fr..m the dty for

tlme, iiut that h. would return if notified iojdo M



Trenton. June 80 (Spectal) The Court "f Frroraand Appeala held a conference to-day over th.queetlon whether the Con.tltutlon n'lowa a Juds?<*to -it In . eae. ln whlch he haa expreaaad hl.

upon the error complalned of Th. ""»« ofSpottawood agalnal the Morrla nn.l !.:--< x Ilnlirofld.rompan) waa belna argued before the Court whens.irii an In.tanc. came up,The ludgea at once held afi nrcument betwe.a

lelvea In np"n court. and flnally, helnar unahhi,,. retlred to Ibe room The polnt

waa rataed in an unexpecteil manner by on. of th.jiiiIk'--- and the argumenl on it it once ensued.

.... fhlel J;istl e and J .Jummeroand Ludlow .al in the caee wh.-n lt waa .t--.'|.|ert Inthe Buprem. Court. .nd the declalon would affe.-tthem After conference the Chlef Juatlce nn-

nounced thal the Court had declded thal all th.ludgea wer. qu.llfled to elt, Bnd th. argumentproceeded.



MiaaiKd PARM BtrPEBIKTBMDBKT.Ellxabeth, June M ffpeclal). Aiex.nder Anler-

ancy, of Ellaab* thport, thia e-.-n-

iv of a rn.-.n lylng betweaa two

treea on the .-i'i Bpeneer farm, .¦ " nva»

They notlned tbe pollc an - ""P*"!Mltcheil, who took eharge of it Ph^maa had,.. n ,,, ;,| g number of daya. Jual a areefc «o thajii en

-' """. T.1an. an ¦¦iKafe tho

king 1 I ll came from . chemlcal

.ni it bul had pretfpought that

Mltcheil, the mli <

:irm.i "*!,,, 1 on Ju «i ¦ luarrel wllb hia

s .,.,, <. ,t m t, 1- bei n ' Hind ataea?

n>,\ FATALIA 8BOT WITB I 8KEWEB,Predi rl -k Bond, tw< '. "' Hanteaga

th. home of hla frlenii. Krank Danea,fourtei '. aaar Newark. Th.

bo) wenl from Harrlaon ye-t..r.i..\. s;'"! '^'wlth hla frlend. al So 580 Sorth Ptfttl-Bt.

... ... .....g tha ta boya wer. playlng with aIbr. Fevolver when ll wei -"'»a

1 meai akewer four

./k*an.i punnured hla kid. ludaon.. ;, condltloa

l[,Z. ,¦'¦'"<t0 ^

little h >pe lhal be will r-

DELISQI BST~CBVRCB MEMBI 98 " T OFF,p Held im M (Bt. laU Al 1 latnea. m-et-

i,K 0f tbe ntembera of th. Bcoieh PlaJM Haptlat.. aft.r tr... ,.,-....r meaHlng tMa BveaaaaT, lt

f a larg. n'imhir,,f dellnauenl peraona iroin th.- r-.-t.r 01 tne ao-

?,et, T?nla actlon waa taken al the Inj^alloacalthe Rev "1 M BhOtl . MH.el SUCh. at" ln the place b) - ¦.." forthe ref.,rm of 'to- tuwn'a 111. ralaThJ .\Z-i la 150 yeara old. and la 1^e panwtafthe Bmi Hai.t.M church ever orgaiuaed ln Ijaw-Vork" TliT name. or the rlellnquenta nave beennoated ln the lo.by of tne edlflce for ibraa et4taThe Rev Mi Bhotl declarea thal he doea ..«' wanlKi) lead wood la ala a«

l,\\ll> 1/ ht.MARKsrs KstiTF.Ptalnfiakl Jua. » (aapactal) Tha caateat eaat fJBl

,,f Davfd M D-r,,are,\ betWaam hla aecond

BUaabeth Deaaare*. and hia son. Henryi.H-iar-st waa yeaterday declded la f«vor of the

5;';:;:-.:,'si;:^v,:r.;:K^aSKT^aK^aKjaarivi, li.-marea! Who was one of th- exet .ilora, 01a

,. m f .l?.". VLe-.-ham-eiior Bteven. or<iere4lha",!'. prop- r-v be re.ol.l. ta ordM I.-re mor.

near-y Ha real value.

M(,\i:Y a ROY FOI W> ffOAT* TO TBB POOBkpr, .. r. K Kruae. tanHV. ye.ua oM. B.rralgned.

In th. I <¦¦<¦¦. Caatl ..ti" I '"v t*<°f

judga B 1I1 ¦-¦.'.i'' ' ndlolaaaal

cbargtag him wRh graad - mm *

araaaa. -irop her Docla«trMMk. coatalnlRg m, butn.aTe «o "ffort to overtak. her or return the prop-TAv judie HUir declded th-t th. boy waa notcull-y of larceny. and dlach.rged him Aa th.owner could noi be found h« ordered U»e mone/i,ald to the J'oormaater.