.•<_» ,TE Garments in * Suits and you .amwrit _t »?w U H 't -.Mi Jje " J 1 . T f tt * * 'V ' ^ "For Plattsburgh and Clinton Co., First, Last and Always." VOL XVII-NO. 168 LARGEST CIRCULATION H^TSBtpHSfpS^ X , SATURDAY FEBRUARY 21 1914. _*_> r .if. I^CUNTON.COUNT!?. FRIGE TWO.CSI BLOODHOUND DOES HIS WORK TO PRESS ACTION IN BAKKBiG \M Rons Down Fair ofTiroes in Poit i ATTORNEY GENERAL CARMODY 0$ SECURD. GEAT.LY TRIALS AGAINST NEW YORK BEAUTY COMPANIES Albany, Feb. 20—Attorney General .Carmody proposes to "press to early LOCATES THE STOLEN PROPERTY trial [York belie' i actions instituted against New city realty companies which he res are doing business contrary O. B. WEIR'S "SPIGGIE" AGAIN PROVES HIS ABHiTTY AS A MAN TRAILER Again "Spiggie," the famous blood- hound, owned by O. B. Weir, of this city, distinguished himself in the tracking down of guilty parties when yesterday afternoon at Port Henry, be successfully and within compara- tively few minutes lea his keeper, An- drew Wilson, of this city, to the spot where stolen goods had been hidden and then to the hotel where the thieves were stopping, unaware of their danger of capture. Earlier in the week, the saloon of Dick Harrington which place is near the Port Henry depot was'broken in to and a number of articles stolen. The case had its baffling features and the services of "Spiggie" were called upon. Mr. Wilson left with the dog yesterday morning afad upon arrival at Port Henry, the animal was at once put on the trail. In a few minutes, the dog found the tracks of the thieves which imprints led to a bos car which was standing a short dis- tance fro mthe depot. The car door was opened and inside the car was found an overcoat, a quantity of whis- key and a box of cigars, all of which were found to be the property of Harrington and were the articles which he complained of having been stolen the day before. The dog led his keeper up town to a hotel where, sitting apparently se- cure in the hotel office, were two strangers who after a short examina- tion admitted their guilt U p o n <m_s» tio liS& _kem ** ^^ c °w*d thM both had recently been inmates In a peni- tentiary in Vermont. The two men were taken to the Port Henry jail where they will await a hearing. Mr. Wilson and the faithful ."Spig- gie" returned to this city last evening. mod j, upon times. to the state banking law. H e s o ad- vises the Legislature in his annual repot t. "During the year," rays Mr. Car- actions were instituted by me gainst the Manhattan Mutual Realty company and the Monatcn Realty Investing corporation, Companies en- in New York in the business of mjaking contracts With individuals by which the companies agree in re- turn {for the payment of certain sums by tbje individuate to return the sums certain conditions At certain together with interest thereon, or a bortion of the profits of the cor- pora) ions. "Many complaints were made to mo agairst these corporations by indl- vidurls who had entered into such contracts and were unable to get the comi anies to perform the condition? of their contracts or to return the memy which had been paid to them. The actions were therefore begun upon the principal ground that the conduct of such business wan in vio- lation of the.banking law of this state, and as the companies affected were organized under the business corporations* law, they had no right to engage in such business. "In an action brought against the Monuton Realty Investing corpora- tion by one who had male ouch a contract, a decision was rendered by the supreme court which has since been Affirmed by the appellate divi- sion of the supreme court holding that such corporations in the con- duct of their business referred to, were violating the provisions of the banking law. WILL STOP BOOTLEGGI District Attorney Collins Will Pro-s ecute Excise Violations f WO HAVE BEEN HELD FOR GRNA JURY MRS. JAMES TYRELL AND HER SON OF MOOERS MUST AN- SWER TO THE CHARGE OF SELLING WITH- OUT A LICENSE District Attorney Collins hat for the past few days been engaged 4fl ; the investigation -of alleged illegal trafficking in liquor in the town of _X_pers and a s a result of V is Investi- gation Mrs, Jliios Tyr.rtl and htr eon Glenn of that -.-..TO' have boon held to await the actio 1 of the gruid jury. Complaint* veve made to Bifltriei Attorney Collins that th;;e was con- siderable illegal trafficking lu Uduoi in the town,, wUicL is without license and he made a thorough investigation of the complaints, owe ring a num- ber of witnesses iu John boe pro ceetiinga, and as u resnli «v the evi- dence thus secured wai.vuai_ were„i % sued for the arrest of Mrs. I'yreH anti her E.»n. 5 Thoy were taken into cus- tody, arraigned before JuslL:. of the Peaes John* % Gilbert, waived ex aminatjon and were held to avail thf> action, of the grand jury, but wert released ma bonds. District Attorney CoUlns strted la, si evening that if the psople of the'cmjjir ty would stand behind him in bis ef- forts be wqiip make ^otfeccjng?* a loet art in the county, _,n_. Must overj violation of thel aw brovglit to .hln attention which .could 1'» proves would be pra*ecut_d without lea** ©i fat .r. "I expect, therefore, to bring, to trial as soon as possible, the actions refer red to and. actions against other corporations engaged In the same gene; __ business with the utmost hope affecjted and the appointment of re celvelrs of their property, so that whatever assets they may have, may be properly distributed to those to whom they belong. il>Miiiniiiiiiii»»»»iH»iH»m!Hi»8»i»»»»t»»«»tHi»»Mi»i»»n»tw»»i»n»iiimtg Tin Pleasure should not end with the planning. *H»epe K or should be, no reason why yoo can't also enjoy the process Provided you have 4 reliable contractor f Building r of construction—- and but rather an invitation to u to the average man. So it RELIABLE MATERIAL This ii "where we come In." Reliability Is our watchword. If yon hate been dealing with ns you know it. If not, ask our customers and you will soon know It. Th_» te not an attempt at self-praise, you to investigate ns yourself. Building is a oncc-in-a-life-time e venf pays to be careful. It will also pay you| well to Come la 4nd Talk U Over VI ilh Us This Pats You to No Ob Igafi n A. iH ASON & SONS Lumber and Building Material Peru and Plattsburgh Phone Plattsburgh 21-F-3 or!Peru 25 fo:t;;i;:trtr::::;:::;:mtm:iiHttMmitrmn: D .spite, t_ie i ,&taf of 'the hollda; seseron t£_a JKU -sftav ' _ ^ p » | i y . Thoatrr dit? an |mj4|i^'.hiiish|eif;% p&dsy. tfo< i latinee a'u'ienfs taxing t&e'capa- of dissolving tfie"^cWpWaWo1i^^^ of th « «*»»*«_ this hill for ibfe week is bigger and bet* x iiutn some of the special holiday _ea.cn show* ard make the liggett et r$ ; V a M% ,' the opening. The steK .v future o the bill is the wonderfn' <..fferin3r r Prof v Bristol and li* -wondorht' Equine Circus. Prof. I5r* •»«* repre- sents the last word in animal 1 rain- ing and his fifteen horses and muter act with an intelligence that is mor than human. The.act will : •> fonn«t particularly appealing to the Indies artti r.Mldii>n but there are seme feats that will astound even the most fea- Boped h< rsftm^n among grownup i»ao- pi •» —La: i c oat a* Morning Telegra p^ Jan. 7. Thl3 otii-action will be at the '.hoi- tre all next week with the exc^r^it of Tueaday and Friday. ROUSES POINT Y. U. C. A. Sunday, Feb. 22nd, w T be ;tnt erally observed by the ^ . .«£. C A of the state as **New An-.«"'csn" iun - day, with special referen--. b< welfare work" for the great bo' of 1mml grants that settle in New V »rk i t a t e . At the Rouses Point Assoch-Uon o-n Illustrated addiess on the "New ^^^ erlcan in His Old World Home," wil' be given at 7:30 p. m. to which tKr public is invited. Conditions lit thr native land and reason for imniicm- tlon to America will be given Rpftdil attention and the large numher or high grade pictures will make it a most interesting travel lecture. .***•»+*»»»•*•«*«•*•••«*•«»••+•*•*»•«***•*»**•*••*•»«« RUSSIA -TO - PF.KIX FLIGHT St Peten^uvg. Fo-b. 20:—The Ilus- sdan Government has authorized tht French av'-itf)r, Janolr, to attempt a flight from Rt Petersburg to Pekin The route will be across Sibeiria anu Manchuria, and the airman intends Ui start as soon as the snow has melt- ed. MAY OPEN PANAMA CANAL THIS YEAR >EXT WILSON SUES NO REASON FDR DELAYING USE \"<pjp ; ^ta6 GR3BM? WATER- '^WAir tSfCSliE SAM HAS unfprjscen Jsmculty aj^p^^ <?acyut. tered. "rtUhfe iulormation cattsed him to e%&im' i%p~v$nl$Vi i^Lilvi^ ?houid s ht. ^o l o ^ dj?' a 'y M.-W actual opett^ n fltteqp^.'^^i«^' : .|A«;' date for ho ceremonies attendant .ofOft- #fee forjinal- opening .Jip^'. hi^.-j^^as^S. fi>r ,4attuarjr I, l§i§ t . WANTS TO CONTINUE CONTROL Oelaware ^i^a^dson >Comp«ny Ap- '. Comiulsslohfcr Authority «.» .. " ConUnne dperatiott *>t: L«ke. S^amors A Washington dispatch stents thii the JJeiawar* and Hydson cunpany mor<?6 ; '%#fttn^[oa , Jf^'^lM^Wrtty • **& coutJnue after July 1 : next its control and oikeralfon of the. f ChajnnbJn transportation company /and. th lake- ^Ge^ip^^^bjojA^iHMBpaiJS 'ipd the water line isi^ioe op LaK>. dcofge -4M ,/Ldlto ' ' j l ^ n i ^ ^ ^ i'anama. caftal ."act, f^i&fds, rj^feoaas > vonU"*! jmtQt fcnes ift«ap Jtily 1. 7 The LeJ'te Ghamplain company owns tnd orteiatost boatj from point -to i>oh»l in the sUte o New York on the west shore of L*ike Champlain and Metween t^hoie points and points in Vermont en the east <de of the lake. The point it serves In New York are MomcaJm Landing, near Ticanderoga, Westnort, Port Hea.-y. Port Kent, Blui^ font and Plattsburgh. Bur Unfit..i ir the principal point serve' 1 In VV-L oit. The capital of the Lai Cr-nu • 'n com?a.*i* is | i 60,000. The Luivo Ueon o company owns ste^mbfats on T -ake, George and op- erates them on the lake entirely in New York from the village of Lake Jcorge to Baldwin. Its Capital is scot,000, and is owned by the Cham- •dahi company. The t w j are ir. trrn •-wned by the Delawara & Hu.'.son : !. - oad. v The railroad company setT out that notwithstanding its control of the existing service by water the Cham- olain and Lake George companies, the service is in the interest of the public and to the advantage and con- venience of commerce and the peo- ple and the continuance of such eeri- viee will not exclude, prevent r.or t-educe competition on routes by wat- f*r. It is pointed out that the boats of the two steamboat companies were built to handle passengers and that only ten per cent of the revenues comes from freight and BRITISH SUBJECT SLMNBIVILi Execution Causes Great kdignation v t tm tta-Border ' - i REBEL LEADER G E T S , ^ AWAY TO INTfRIOR / IMMEDIATE INVESTIGATION IS OKJ>EREl) BY SECRETARY URYAN—VICTIM WAS TRIED. B i t C O U R T M^VHTIAlu A N D SHOT TO DEATH . |5?a%#Stoto3eb 20 —It fe prob- atojievffefijth© Panama Canal will be opjjgmilffiihfr ship^ing^ of the worla some {i!l?ne lit the present year ana that vessel* will pass through several jnionta»% adtajlce of th\e (formal p,p^ai^|,i|ih^ watftfway. It wae disclosed today that "P,vm- .dent Wilson expects that the cana* wi'i» hfe jeo»rpleted a»d ready for ttst, this itiiumn The president doet not he#fy^ tjtfre should he anv tea- sou for po?^Ptn-ne cho use of the canal marely fur the sake of formal* Jttea, -'.; .^ t Mr. Wllsott-takes the abnd that the -anal liaif' been |conetrucie4 hv the United States for toe great benefit it will ,confer oh the ci^mmorc* ot the world r «ffid, that it is the duty of the CJpyernmeht to se* to it that these bshefttis shall he a«(?«««:ble as soon ias".pD||%ie. j The^Prejsident has as^ received de- finite, information that the canal au- tbprities platmed to op*n the tana, .u the autumn,, but merely had learn- _____ «d/. that : ^ "w# te^ay jmm^ ^\ ^iiMt^hm^^^M &a* epmpioted. ^jyh^t.time u^Ies^Bomel^,^ ^^^ h&yao* fo>malr#pub1ic' ft£ff YORK SENATORS CLASH IN SENATE i. * ^ , . ^j,T GORMAN'S ATTACK ON CARNEGIE - mitQBmt^~mLttx*ts ALSO "\ ___SS A t_0_tt> ^j iii n i - m >, Washittg&on, Feb. 20-—* «e_ator _&8ot r amd Se.n&t_r^O'G*p#a» claahod. m the- d^ettaea on. the aroh_a_;on treat- l i.e in the executive session of the iSenate yesterday afternoon^ Senatot 0'Qoim«_a w^s" oppOBing the; treaties and h9,d occasiosa to Vefe* to th* <3arne_ief Pfi^ce Foahuiratoa. g?he Son, «t0Jt declared that ^this^ o-nganizatian wair "siiiiste:^ « s a TBOEMI^ -that its pprpos, was Ttwt the pwjmotioa of tn- terugi. onaJ peace, but to promote an Anglo-Anie-ican alliance In dia ef--' forts to prove hie ^cftarfie Seftatoi" O^Gownoa. flSoted isrW *4m articfe written att&ttSr f yea_& a^o by Andrew Carnegie, in »u_^norl £fm AngJo^Am- ej_Cj)ti. alliance^ " ~935tfc jfefeYeaiide* to tk© «Sa_ttegie MRS & BED1 cho Villa, ahd was Officiary «6p_r«y*- ed to tht endow hero" by Uhitea State. Coniul T. 2>, Xdwwld* ot Juirf e_, " 1 *_ Mystery surrounds th|^ report of the death . William Benton, a.*cou» _i_ of the deid mac. copfrrmad the i"tpc«r_ **• r * 'Consul Edwards, told Mr*. Bertton h« aaidi'^'__at h*rJ_a»_«J_!"wa_'deftd ja Paso, TexaeiT Febr _8^=W5Hi»»f 8 Bcntom of _1 Paso, „_otchmap, _ut> left of Giea^ 7&toB& _.*^«ad. Bj»: _ _ a _*^»» ^ 0 n ^^^^ 6 S i^r^-' i ^^ Fosmidj&tton "ft_r.'u«ht 'senator f-toot Jo his feet aaid "he ear&eatly replied the sugges^ott -that t_i^ orgap- isaiioa had aay sjnistgr pSrpoae. J_e s_ad th* ch\rg\m«ide,_«j hlsTcolleague waa. offeatlVo to W a <Mr, %mi)jjk& . j#^* jseverely tsrltioiseafcsaSfr- -O'eiormaav ,; M \ wfr 5 * the (Ittails exesyt' in official dispatch '«»to' hia .goverhJaiiht.** ^"st*?" -> , ' _reatonrwas ekecuteu Tuesaay.' nigh* a_**t a frtei hy^_^ttltaT$- Ishirt w. .Tuarest, of i»h&tt _%dierfcd! ^ottiales -€kkn__:''w_8 _h%' ; *est|^'-a_k5ot_3nir to what-appears »to%e : # qstTssi&i version of.thO'vafCs.rs. >*'';'•/.*••••. '•*''"•• %f- ', 'SJhe'-'i.haig--' a___«s£ ^^^loii w?as ihjat he was tmpiic«t*d^ft*a~pl0t to 'falk.>Wa% «_<_'- •" -'-. - 1 - - ^ •^ii_# Ifeft for €hj| #i»fh this mero- ing ; oa"a - epeelaS .tralu; • •. 'V. *" •••>•, Benton vs^last.seelt alive ifi luares _ r u_sd J a5** mpraing. S^ wash ioihg to n i l a ' r ttofcie, aad" said he wj_, golp^ t«T «te« %lita 1»hs* ^ctho%|3ii of «h*m; f *"'" for the mkane? - in*' which his c&ich, t_tl **f4ss SemelSfe,** t^ t&stetu Gltic|th,]8a, had *e»n footed 'jbjr, rebel soHliorsL.' , <:'•.'-- •'" "i - ? v Ipstpuetiopa had hften^seiii hy ; thr ? i>ia^ ^imtr^^'^p^M^^if^^ Kd wards^ it 'If 'reported. -M'^& : P#tv|^*l*||s^ harm -cauie, -^^fee^toB r "4*e^fe_sii5i» ions tn»ins *«nt..ett m*-t*&oi&t «f*$$? 4t>ttf#' J aaiUi^8s4dor' ^t _'\^|j|ggto^ -Tue- warsisg^ .it-. ?.ow, appsa|s. #aa»e too late. ' J -^ It is supposed. thai Villa's defense wlll.be ihat the man was shot be- cause, he entered Villa's office ant. started li. draw . gun,.although the cousin says B*ato> d<d dot go to Jua- rez armeU. Benton Lid been in Mex- ico for about 25 year.- He was about 45 years old. Consul E_«vard8 t*e_s the flrsi to iHaru tl>o true facta. He gave Mrs- tSenlon only a l >ya outline of the.case lie said he had _*•.__ra^hed details to Washington. Asked what disposal had been made of the body, Edwards replied: "I do not think it win he seen on this side of the border." Villa's sudden departure with his _n ,ait .effort^ to coa-HUs^ Senator JtoOt^MJV J p r ^ r a g _ ^ ittsi_t£dY„n«t* i. httarjttQi meant ^ b ? personal i?t &!% allu^opa to the Carnegie Peace Foun* diitian, "Senator John Sharp XVilliams, a trustee .h. the^paoiesi^^outidaiiojt, poured wl on, the troubled^ wa?te*s by suggesting that Senator feoet outhT«at t& t^Jte his 5Tew ^ r i t _o,i-- T eaga. aeriottS^* , ihecauie Mr. O'^ipjr* man was a lo^ai Inshmau "and that when he discussed any matter* relat- ing- to British affairs _ce N was lifeely t o exaggerate,, Senator WUhams ad- mitted that he had Irish blood in 1». ifVtn ve^cs apd he could readilv undei- stan'd: T&h\ s&aator OMSprmsii ta_ked as Its dM Mr Wiihams is in favor of the ifctifiV-ation of the treaties l'ROFESSOR CIIADWICIC OX 'THE EARTHQUAKE Instructor in Sfc I(ilft_#nc«Tpfvjers»^« So. a We Are Pa<$frtfc ""li^ngira ^cfemio l5_t;1t» Ruling No One Knows Whero _ -*_S V ,_ rfr1ad'i»4he«iff^ •quotes»Wte'ds-^" „ ? |srf "Corttjig- %o, be- lieve that Northern' New York wih do me just as well. After a little w e waHr t a k e an earthquake regtiJarly befure each meal and think nothing of it—Just as they do in J$ •>__ There was a time when our pionee. geolo- gists ,suct as Hugh itfiller and Wer- ner and Baron Cuvler, believed tb>tt each geologic period was ushered in and ushered out by a vozcaaic cat- aclysm. Today, we take a milder view, but it -is. still evident that geolo- gic time runs thVSasl. g^eat cycles of comparative qnii? andj. contoarative unrest . And -with 1 __«!•» periods jf un- rest, in which soaae times great tnoua- from the storm of indignation, which Was presaged by the int-rest manifest *d in the disappearance ot Benton. Talk of a mess meeting of protest by refugees of various nationalities was indulged in. Bryan Orders Investigation Washington, Feb. 20 •—Secretary Bryan, after a cabinet conference, or- dered an immediate investigation oi the killing of W. S.-feenton, the Eng- lish ranch owner, at Juarez. tain systems have their slow birth come far-reaching climatic chanire.*. forcing the former proline inhafett- staff £his morning is regarded-as flight 4 ants of the.earth to the wall and mak- ing way for the rise imto place an-J power Of newer more vt_oroas group_ Thus the trilobites have had their day and gone: the labyrinthodems an3 the (5oai forest* in xvnich the.* wandered h.'rv? followed the trilobites into o-livion: and after them the hug-e reptiles,"^Pleeiosaur and Ichihysaur and Pterodactyl, with the Ammonites and later the hairy mammoth an. mastodt.i, have played out thear briel act and vanished behind the drop. At I the height of their glory, sometime | they went outlike a smiff.d can _(t CIRCLE dame. When man's turn comes, will ,. | he do any better?The internal forces The annual meeting of . .ezpah Cir- ; of the earth are very nicely balanced. thirty-five/! ele of the First M. E. church was held , The exceedingly plow radiai ; on of in- .iNNTAL MESnTNO vJF MTCZP •WBJOAN N O W GRIND YOUR GRIST PROMPTLY Our New Machinery is in operation. We would A like to show you the kind of goods our new rolls turn out. MAKE U S A CALL DOCK 8c COAL CO per cent of this is due to automo- biles accompanied by owners. The other freight is largely local or port to port business. The application ^fl|s^nlt further that the Delaware fmd Hudson pro- cured the erection of a large summer hotel at Plattsburgh on Lake Cham- \ Secretary plain and' one at Lake George at | Assistant Caldwell, at thel ower end of Lake Stllwell. George. The hotels and boat lines are operated in conjunction with pas- senger service of the Delaware & Hudson railroad for the purpose of developing the two lakes as pleasure resorts. The boats only operate in summer. at the home, of Mrs. T. G. Thompson last evening when the following of- ficers were Selected: President—Mrs. Earl Wheeler. Vice President—Mrs. H. J. Hart- well. ternal heat, causiner contraction wi.'i- in the rigid outer she!!, n.cumu'.utc* ;!ow but relentless strains, upst:: ri" the balance Presently the weakest point snaps. That completely des- troys equilibrium throughout .th" ^Te torgofc to say n put adv that we hare, not all our - s B_B_BB_B_ n -_B_I -A fruit Jams $ l*oceries a_Ur< m Margaret Street SOCffiirtli Pleases Large AutJieace it Street Theatre THISAFII I^?T__a_Il__S^N_. IS _*>_*' ins OF^scoHoaaoit SCHOOL—SOME OF* l?__A!t l OR_23 JOF T3^ _ PEKFORBU^CE ,,,' Che <Joui'/_!Beet theatre to the doors lasfev.nin|r yg&ti «eotant orowd to -witness ^ «$* forma,nce of t h e S o c i e t y Cfr< promptly 3 oTjowck, ^the g r a n d , ana assembly took place in the In this Bp'ecta.culaf" opeii&t|r fe*i ^C_"pleli$o3^eW,";^_^Aihea anh si_*iS_*- i _a2_ I i_S&_' **• ft*!**,*^' * -Ji- • **=i____r^________ t WS^B^J^SJtia*^ ' .\_^S-S(.vt-_..iS_.: .^.T-rTA.-. _i J.*aS_ Treasurer—Mrs. Charles E. Rileigh ! whole system, and little by little, on* trained ape, the matfieniaticat M€ der, apd was the source ,o3E much ^^rtainmentr on the parfe of-t^» K i ence. "then followed one "ot-the 1 Pa* pleasing numb. ra' -on' 'the" .'iilf^ equestrian apt in _wlrie_. ^MiBa^JUbSr?!^ garet Sweet was "the _ tralltaf- - ___»*' trained bear was an amusin^ntanSfeiL: and its antics were warmly".tpplaud-^ ed. Two clever clowns -|cept^*h*C crowd in good humor and^toutfbn laughter with their funny stahtsl The parallel bar act unaerfthe dl*v S rections of acrobat Gailey was a. nutp» ber deserving of special praise; Prof. Gailey was assisted by five iaimb.i/ athletes, Victor Brown, Harry^ifor* rls, Myron Caplan, Charles Hamiltsn and Victor Lefebvre. Thetr .,|nanjr feats of skill were warmly applawlel-" by the audience. j v -s\-r. ' In the concert which followed the• , main performance, Claude 0*Conhe|ir '- as the strong man furnished an act." oi astonishing features. The higlfc-^ dive made by Charles Stuart into *-'' tank of water was a sensational thrill- * er and was watched with breathless^ interest. Miss Catherine O'Connell pleased her audience with the inter- pretation of a Scotch folk dance foe which she received a hearty encore* Alons with the regular performers- and the trained animals were the usual following of the typical circus,, the attendants, venders, barkers, also"* .ypsy girls, Spanish, Dutch, Indian, .'upanese girls and colored maraav- jinnies were present selling wares, l^mcuiade and candy. The Circus will give Its second per- formance at the Court street theatre' this afternoon at 2 o'clock. -Mrs. Edward Stilwell. Secretary—Mrs. Emma fl. H. MOLFR GOES TO DJEXVER Denver, Feb 2.0:—Henry H. Moler has been appointed inspector in change of the Federal Immigration Bureau in Denver to take the plac* of Louise Adams deceased. Mr. Moler is a resident of Brooklyn. He is the I may not spell the end of man. at a time, regions far and near in turn nlso snap, until the whole system is broken down and readjusted to a new balance. This is a seismic c. cl-?. We are just passing -nroush one, be winning with Fe'.ee and ending who knows where? It. may be small and short, nearly oxer. It tray be just beginning, wikh it? climax con- i furies in the future . It may, or it Rut THE "LITTLE LOST SISTER" I father of Mrs. Sherman Williama A small but appreciative audience J of Denver, and of Mrs. Rotoert W. wdtn*ssed the performance of Vir- j Chambers, of New York. ginia Brooks' white B »ave play, "The Little Lost Sister" at the Plattsburgh theatre last night, and at the c!cse of the performance all left the house feeling that the play told a story of the snares and pitfalls of the great cities which maJ<es.(for the ru.na_.on of countless numibeirs of unsuspecting young girls from all walks of life, Mof. of the characters were well port rayed by the comnpany which heJ«l the boards at the theatre last night and a_ a whole the entertainment was all that could be expected of a production dealing with a topic which is anything but pleasing to the aver- age cittetB. Commissioner of Immigration Cam- inetti is reported to be in bad with the members of the Wilson official family. He got that way by taking too freely about the exclusion of the Asiatics whom, he thinks, ought to be kept out of the country for the country's good. He may be right in this conclusion, but owing to the dis- pute with Japan over the California aliens land laws, the situation is just the least bit delicate now, and it the commissioner were as diplomatic as he should be he would have refrain- ed from airing his views at the pres- ent time. we can be pretty safe in believing that this particular generation will •not be the one to decide that Even •while we contemplate with a pleas tut little shudder what may be in store for our remote descendants, we can sit in oomfortaWe a&?t_pai_?e that Northern N'_w Tork is a prettj sa:".- p'm-e to live in. and win be far _ few centuries to come," JfmSHTP.TM.-X IS DTSMTSSET- V. ashington, Feb. 2_:—Dismissal of Midshipman V. I. McOlure. of Ioia, Kan., from the Naval Academy, on charges of irregudarities in an exam- ination, was approved yesterday by President Wilson. The cases of two midshipmen fcmpUcatefd with him were and A BUTTERFLY ON THE WHEEL Perhaps England and America were never in better accord theatri- cally than when they enthused over ^ the production of the English di- j vorce play entitled "A Butterfly on i the Wheel" which will appear at the Plattsburgh theatre next Friday even- ing. Imm. dluti-'.y following its pronouno ed hit in London it was produced at the 39th St. Theatre, New York, with the same gratifying results and both countries enthusiastically endorsed it as one of the fe\s great plays of the season. This proves that human truths are sounded in its story for that always has a universal appeal and human its characters are and hu- man their motives and actions. It holds and interests and follows It u p with a grip that makes one "sit up and take notice." So when a play posessses these qualifications It can- not fail. The main scene is the divorce trial —treated in a convincing I manner that has a climax of great strength- power. It is a masterpiece ot •si not acted upon. realism.—Adv. •gi^,:y : -'yft*»? j^lfiS^M^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^S^&^l^

6S · tre all next week with the exc^r^it of Tueaday and Friday. ROUSES POINT Y. U. C. A. Sunday, Feb. 22nd, w T be ;tnt erally observed by the ^ . .«£ . C A of the state as **New

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Page 1: 6S · tre all next week with the exc^r^it of Tueaday and Friday. ROUSES POINT Y. U. C. A. Sunday, Feb. 22nd, w T be ;tnt erally observed by the ^ . .«£ . C A of the state as **New


,TE Garments in *

Suits and

you .amwrit _t »?w

U H 't -.Mi Jje "

J 1



f tt

* *

' V '


"For Plattsburgh and Clinton Co., First, Last and Always."





Rons Down Fair of Tiroes in Poit





Albany, Feb . 20—Attorney General

.Carmody proposes to "press t o early



[York belie' i

act ions instituted against New

city realty companies which he

res are doing business contrary




Again "Spiggie," the famous blood­

hound, owned by O. B. Weir, of this

city, dist inguished himself in the

tracking down of guilty parties when

yesterday afternoon at Port Henry,

b e successful ly and within compara­

tively few minutes lea his keeper, An­

drew Wilson, of this city, to the spot

where stolen g o o d s had been hidden

and then to the hotel where the

thieves were stopping, unaware of their danger of capture.

Earlier in the week, the saloon of Dick Harrington which place is near t h e Port Henry depot was 'broken in to and a number of articles stolen. T h e case had its baff l ing features and t h e services of "Spiggie" were called upon. Mr. Wilson left with the dog yesterday morning afad upon arrival at Port Henry, the animal was at once put on the trail. In a few minutes , t h e dog found the tracks of the th ieves which imprints led to a b o s car which was standing a short dis­tance fro mthe depot. The car door w a s opened and inside the car was found an overcoat, a quantity of whis ­k e y and a box of cigars, al l of which were found to be the property of Harrington and were the articles wh ich h e complained of having been s to len the day before.

T h e dog led his keeper up town to a hotel where , s i t t ing apparent ly s e ­cure in the hotel office, w e r e two strangers w h o after a short examina­tion admitted the ir g u i l t Upon <m_s» t i o l i S & _kem ** ^ ^ c°w*d thM both had recently been inmates In a peni­tentiary in Vermont. T h e two m e n were taken to the Port Henry jail where they will awai t a hearing.

Mr. Wilson and the faithful ."Spig­gie" returned to th i s c i ty last evening.

mod j ,

upon times.

to the state banking law. H e so ad­

vises the Legislature in h i s annual

repot t.

"During the year," rays Mr. Car-act ions were instituted by m e

gainst the Manhattan Mutual Realty company and the Monatcn Real ty Investing corporation, Companies e n -

in New York in the business of mjaking contracts With individuals by which the companies agree in re­turn {for the payment of certain sums by tbje individuate to return the sums

certain conditions At certain together with interest thereon,

or a bortion of the profits of the cor­pora) ions.

"Many complaints were made to mo agairst these corporations by indl-vidurls who had entered into such contracts and were unable to get the comi anies to perform the condition? of their contracts or to return the m e m y which had been paid to them. The actions were therefore begun upon the principal ground that the conduct of such business wan in vio­lation of t h e . b a n k i n g law of th i s state, and a s the companies affected were organized under the business corporations* law, they had no right to engage in such business.

"In an act ion brought against the Monuton Realty Invest ing corpora­tion by one w h o h a d m a l e ouch a contract, a decision w a s rendered by the supreme court which h a s since been Affirmed by the appellate divi­s ion of the supreme court holding that such corporations in the c o n ­duct of their business referred to, were violating the provisions of the banking law.


District Attorney Collins Will Pro-s

ecute Excise Violations





District Attorney Collins hat for the past few days been engaged 4fl; the investigation -of alleged illegal trafficking in liquor in the town of _X_pers and as a result of V is Investi­gation Mrs, J l i ios Tyr.rtl and h t r eon Glenn of that -.-..TO' have boon held to await the actio 1 of the gruid jury.

Complaint* veve made to Bifltriei Attorney Collins that th;;e was con­siderable illegal trafficking lu Uduoi in the town,, wUicL is without license and he made a thorough investigation of the complaints, owe ring a num­ber of witnesses iu John boe pro ceetiinga, and as u resnli «v the evi­dence thus secured wai.vuai_ were„i % sued for the arrest of Mrs. I'yreH anti her E.»n.5 Thoy were taken into cus­tody, arraigned before JuslL:. of the Peaes John* % Gilbert, waived ex aminatjon and were held to avail thf> action, of the grand jury, but wert released ma bonds. „

District Attorney CoUlns strted la, si evening that if the psople of the'cmjjir ty would stand behind him in bis ef­forts be wqiip make ^otfeccjng?* a loet art in the county, _,n_. Must overj violation of thel aw brovglit to .hln attention which .could 1'» proves would be pra*ecut_d without lea** ©i fat . r .

"I expect, therefore, t o bring, to trial a s soon a s possible, the act ions refer red to and. actions against other corporations engaged In the s a m e gene; __ business with the utmost hope affecjted and the appointment of re celvelrs of their property, so that whatever assets they may have, may be properly distributed to those to w h o m they belong.


Tin Pleasure should not end with t h e planning. *H»epe K or should be, n o reason

why yoo can't also enjoy the process

Provided you have 4 reliable contractor

f Building r

of construction—-


but rather an invitation to

u to the average man. So it

R E L I A B L E M A T E R I A L This i i "where w e c o m e In." Rel iabi l i ty Is our watchword. If yon

h a t e been deal ing with ns you know it. If not, ask our customers

and you will soon know It.

Th_» te not an attempt a t self -praise ,

you to investigate ns yourself.

Building is a oncc- in-a- l i fe - t ime e venf

pays to be careful. It wil l also pay you| well to

Come la 4nd Talk U Over VI ilh Us This Pats You to No Ob Igafi n

A. iH ASON & SONS Lumber and Building Material

Peru and Plattsburgh Phone Plattsburgh 21-F-3 or!Peru 25


D .spite, t_ie i ,&taf of 'the hollda; seseron t£_a JKU -sftav ' _^p» | i y . Thoatrr dit? an |mj4|i^'.hiiish|eif;% p & d s y . tfo< i latinee a'u'ienfs taxing t&e'capa-

of dissolving tfie"^cWpWaWo1i^^^ o f t h « «*»»*«_ this hill for ibfe week is bigger and bet* x iiutn some of the special holiday _ea.cn show* ard make the liggett et r$; V a M% , ' the opening. The steK .v fu ture o the bill is the wonderfn' <..fferin3r r Profv Bristol and li* -wondorht' Equine Circus. Prof. I5r* •»«* repre­sents the last word in animal 1 rain­ing and his fifteen horses and muter act with a n intel l igence that is mor than human. The.act will : •> fonn«t particularly appeal ing to the Indies artti r.Mldii>n but there are s e m e feats that wil l astound even the most fea-Boped h< rsftm^n a m o n g grownup i»ao-pi •» —La: i c oat a* Morning Telegra p^ Jan. 7.

Thl3 otii-action will be at the '.hoi-tre all next week with the exc^r^it of Tueaday and Friday.

ROUSES POINT Y. U. C. A. Sunday, Feb . 22nd, w T be ;tnt

erally observed b y the ^ . .«£. C A of the state a s **New An-.«"'csn" i u n -day, with special referen--. b< welfare work" for the great b o ' of 1mml grants that settle in N e w V »rk i tate . At the Rouses Point Assoch-Uon o-n Illustrated addiess on the "New ^^^ erlcan in His Old World Home," wil' be given at 7:30 p. m. to which tKr public is invited. Conditions lit thr native land and reason for imni icm-tlon to America will be given Rpftdil attention and the large numher or high grade pictures will make it a most interesting travel lecture.

. * * * • »+ *»»» • * •« *« • * • • • « * •«» • •+ • * • *» •« * * * • *» * * • * • • * • »««

RUSSIA -TO - PF.KIX FLIGHT St Peten^uvg. Fo-b. 20:—The Ilus-

sdan Government has authorized tht French av'-itf)r, Janolr, to attempt a flight from Rt Petersburg to Pekin The route will be across Sibeiria anu Manchuria, and the airman intends Ui start as soon a s the snow has melt­ed.



\ " < p j p ; ^ t a 6 GR3BM? W A T E R -'^WAir tSfCSliE SAM H A S

unfprjscen Jsmculty a j ^ p ^ ^ <?acyut. tered. "rtUhfe iulormation cattsed him to e%&im' i%p~v$nl$Vi i^Lilvi^ ?houid sht. ^o l o ^ dj?'a'y M.-W actual opett^nfltteqp^.'^^i«^':.|A«;' date for ho ceremonies attendant .ofOft- #fee

forjinal- opening .Jip^'. hi^.-j^^as^S. fi>r ,4attuarjr I , l§i§t .


Oelaware ^i^a^dson >Comp«ny Ap-

'. Comiulsslohfcr Authority «.» .. " ConUnne dperatiott *>t:

L«ke. S^amors

A Washington dispatch stents thi i the JJeiawar* and Hydson cunpany

mor<?6 ;'%#fttn^[oa, Jf^'^lM^Wrtty • **& coutJnue after Ju ly 1 : next i t s control and oikeralfon of the. f ChajnnbJn transportation company /and. th lake - ^Ge^ip^^^bjojA^iHMBpaiJS 'ipd the water line isi^ioe op LaK>. dcofge -4M ,/Ldlto ' ' j l ^ n i ^ ^ ^ i'anama. caftal ."act, f^i&fds, rj^feoaas

> vonU"*! jmtQt fcnes ift«ap Jtily 1. 7 The LeJ'te Ghamplain company owns

tnd orteiatost boatj from point -to i>oh»l in the sUte o New York on the west shore of L*ike Champlain and Metween t^hoie points and points in Vermont en the east <de of the lake. The point it serves In New York are MomcaJm Landing, near Ticanderoga, Westnort, Port Hea.-y. Port Kent, Blui^ font and Plattsburgh. Bur Unfit..i ir the principal point serve'1

In VV-L o i t . The capital of the Lai C r - n u • 'n com?a.*i* is | i 60,000.

The Luivo U e o n o company owns ste^mbfats on T -ake, George and op­erates them on the lake entirely in New York from the vil lage of Lake Jcorge to Baldwin. Its Capital is

scot ,000, and is owned by the Cham-•dahi company. The t w j are ir. trrn •-wned by the Delawara & Hu.'.son

:!. -oad. v The railroad company setT out that

notwithstanding i ts control of the existing service by water the Cham-olain and Lake George companies, the service is in the interest of the public and to the advantage and con­venience of commerce and the peo­ple and the continuance of such eeri-viee will not exclude, prevent r.or t-educe competit ion on routes by wat-f*r. It is pointed out that the boats of the two steamboat companies were built to handle passengers and that only ten per cent of the revenues comes from freight and


Execution Causes Great kdignation v ttm tta-Border ' - i





. | 5?a%#Stoto3eb 20 — I t fe prob-

atojievffefijth© Panama Canal will be opjjgmilffiihfr ship^ing^ of the worla some {i!l?ne lit the present year ana that vessel* will pass through several jnionta»% adtajlce of th\e (formal p ,p^ai^ | , i | ih^ watftfway.

I t wae disclosed today that "P,vm-.dent Wilson expects that the cana* wi'i» hfe jeo»rpleted a»d ready for ttst, this itiiumn The president doet not he#fy^ tjtfre should he anv tea-sou for po?^Ptn-ne cho use of the canal marely fur the sake of formal* Jttea, -'.; .^ t

Mr. Wllsott-takes the abnd that the -anal liaif' been |conetrucie4 hv the United States for toe great benefit it will ,confer oh the ci^mmorc* ot the worldr«ffid, that it is the duty of the CJpyernmeht to se* to it that these bshefttis shall he a«(?«««:ble as soon ias".pD||%ie. j

The^Prejsident has as^ received de­finite, information that the canal au-tbprities platmed to op*n the tana, .u the autumn,, but merely had learn- _ _ _ _ _ «d/. that: "w# t e^ay jmm^ • ^\ ^ i i M t ^ h m ^ ^ ^ M &a* epmpioted. ^ jyh^ t . t ime u^Ies^Bomel^,^ ^ ^ ^ h&yao* fo>malr#pub1ic'


i. * ^ , . ^ j , T


- mitQBmt^~mLttx*ts ALSO "\ ___SS A t_0_tt>

^j iii n i - m >,

Washittg&on, Feb . 20-—* « e _ a t o r _&8otramd Se.n&t_r^O'G*p#a» claahod. m the- d^ettaea on. the aroh_a_;on treat-l

i.e in the executive session of the iSenate yesterday afternoon^ Senatot 0'Qoim«_a w^s" oppOBing the; treaties and h9,d occasiosa to Vefe* to th* <3arne_ief Pfi^ce Foahuiratoa. g?he Son, «t0Jt declared that ^this^ o-nganizatian wair "siiiiste:^ « s a TBOEMI^ -that its pprpos, was Ttwt the pwjmotioa of tn-terugi. onaJ peace, but to promote an Anglo-Anie-ican alliance In dia ef--' forts to prove hie ^cftarfie Seftatoi" O^Gownoa. flSoted isrW *4m articfe written att&ttSr fyea_& a^o b y A n d r e w Carnegie, in »u_^norl £fm AngJo^Am-ej_Cj)ti. alliance^ " ~935tfc jfefeYeaiide* to tk© «Sa_ttegie

M R S & BED1

cho Villa, ahd was Officiary «6p_r«y*-ed to th t endow hero" by Uhitea State. Coniul T. 2>, Xdwwld* ot J u i r f e_, " 1 *_

Mystery surrounds th|^ report of the death . William Benton, a.*cou» _i_ of the deid mac. copfrrmad the i"tpc«r_ **• r *

'Consul Edwards, told Mr*. Bertton h« aaidi'^'__at h*rJ_a»_«J_!"wa_'deftd

ja Paso, TexaeiT Febr _8^=W5Hi»»f 8 Bcntom of _1 Paso, „_otchmap, _ut> left of Giea^ 7&toB& _.*^«ad. Bj»: _ „ _ a _ * ^ » » ^ 0 n ^ ^ ^ ^ 6 S i ^ r ^ - ' i ^ ^ Fosmidj&tton "ft_r.'u«ht 'senator

f-toot J o his feet aaid "he ear&eatly replied the sugges^ott -that t_i^ orgap-isaiioa had aay sjnistgr pSrpoae. J_e s_ad th* ch\rg\m«ide,_«j hlsTcolleague waa. offeatlVo to W a <Mr, %mi)jjk& . j#^* jseverely tsrltioiseafcsaSfr- -O'eiormaav ,; M \ wfr 5*

the (Ittails exesyt' in official dispatch '«»to' hia .goverhJaiiht.** ^"st*?" -> , ' _reatonrwas ekecuteu Tuesaay.' nigh* a_**t a frtei hy^_^ttltaT$- Ishirt w. .Tuarest, of i»h&tt _%dierfcd! ^ot t ia les -€kkn__:''w_8 _h%';*est|^'-a_k5ot_3nir to what-appears »to%e: # qstTssi&i version of.thO'vafCs.rs. >*'';'•/.*••••. '•*''"•• %f-', 'SJhe'-'i.haig--' a___«s£ ^^^loii w?as ihjat he was tmpiic«t*d^ ft* a~pl0t to 'falk.>Wa% «_<_'- •" • -'-. -1- - ^

•^ii_# Ifeft for €hj| #i»fh this mero-ing ;oa"a - epeelaS .tralu; • •. 'V. *" •••>•,

Benton vs^last.seelt alive ifi luares _ru_sdJa5** mpraing. S^ wash ioihg to n i l a ' r ttofcie, aad" said he wj_, golp^ t«T «te« %lita 1»hs* ^c tho%|3i i of

«h*m;f*"'" for the mkane? - in*' which his c&ich, t_tl **f4ss SemelSfe,** t^ t&stetu Gltic|th,]8a, had *e»n footed 'jbjr, rebel soHliorsL.' , <:'•. '-- •'" "i - ? v Ipstpuetiopa had hften^seiii hy ; thr ?i>ia^ ^imtr^^'^p^M^^if^^ Kd wards^ it 'If 'reported.-M'^& :P#tv|^*l*||s^ harm -cauie, -^^fee^toBr"4*e^fe_sii5i» • ions tn»ins *«nt..ett m*-t*&oi&t «f*$$? 4t>ttf#'JaaiUi^8s4dor' ^ t _ ' \ ^ | j | gg to^ -Tue- warsisg^ .it-. ?.ow, appsa|s. #aa»e too late. ' J -

It is supposed. thai Villa's defense wlll.be ihat the man was shot be-cause, he entered Villa's office ant. started li. draw . gun,.although the cousin says B*ato> d<d dot go to Jua­rez armeU. Benton Lid been in Mex­ico for about 25 year.- He was about 45 years old.

Consul E_«vard8 t*e_s the flrsi to iHaru tl>o true facta. He gave Mrs-tSenlon only a l>ya outline of the .case l i e said he had _*•.__ra^hed details to Washington.

Asked what disposal had been made of the body, Edwards replied:

"I do not think it win he seen on this s ide of the border."

Villa's sudden departure with his

_n ,ait .effort^ to coa-HUs^ Senator JtoOt^MJV Jpr^rag_^ ittsi_t£dY„n«t* i . httarjttQi meant ^ b ? personal i?t &!% allu^opa to the Carnegie Peace Foun* diitian, "Senator John Sharp XVilliams, a trustee .h. the^paoiesi^^outidaiiojt, poured wl on, the troubled^ wa?te*s by suggesting that Senator feoet outhT«at t& t^Jte his 5Tew ^ r i t _o,i--Teaga. aeriottS^*,ihecauie Mr. O' ipjr* man was a lo^ai Inshmau "and that when he discussed any matter* relat-ing- to British affairs _ceN was lifeely to exaggerate,, Senator WUhams ad­mitted that he had Irish blood in 1». ifVtn ve^cs apd he could readilv undei-stan'd: T&h\ s&aator OMSprmsii ta_ked as Its dM Mr Wiihams is in favor of the ifctifiV-ation of the treaties


Instructor in Sfc I(ilft_#nc«Tpfvjers»^« So. a We Are Pa<$frtfc ""li^ngira

^cfemio l5_t;1t» Ruling No One Knows Whero

_ - * _ S V , _


•quotes»Wte'ds-^" „? |srf "Corttjig- %o, be­lieve that Northern' N e w York w ih do me just a s well. After a little we waHr take an earthquake regtiJarly befure each meal and think nothing of it—Just a s they do in J$ •>__ There was a t ime when our pionee. geolo­gists ,suct a s H u g h itfiller and Wer­ner and Baron Cuvler, believed tb>tt each geologic period was ushered in and ushered out by a vozcaaic cat­aclysm. Today, we take a milder view, but it -is. st i l l evident that geolo­gic t ime runs thVSasl . g^eat cycles of comparative q n i i ? andj. contoarative unrest . And -with1 __«!•» periods j f un­rest, in which soaae t imes great tnoua-

from the storm of indignation, which Was presaged by the int-rest manifest *d in the disappearance ot Benton.

Talk of a mess meeting of protest by refugees of various nationalities was indulged in.

Bryan Orders Investigation Washington, Feb. 20 •—Secretary

Bryan, after a cabinet conference, or­dered an immediate investigation oi the killing of W. S.-feenton, the Eng­lish ranch owner, at Juarez.

tain systems have their slow birth come far-reaching climatic chanire.*. forcing the former proline inhafett-

staff £his morning is regarded-as flight 4 ants of the.earth to the wall and mak­ing way for the rise imto place an-J power Of newer more vt_oroas group_ Thus the trilobites have had their day and gone: the labyrinthodems an3 the (5oai forest* in xvnich the.* wandered h.'rv? followed the trilobites into o-l ivion: and after them the hug-e reptiles,"^Pleeiosaur and Ichihysaur and Pterodactyl, with the Ammonites and later the hairy mammoth a n . mastodt.i , have played out thear briel act and vanished behind the drop. At

I the height of their glory, sometime | they went outlike a smiff.d can _(t

CIRCLE dame. When man's turn comes, will ,. — | he do any better?The internal forces

The annual meeting of . .ezpah Cir- ; of the earth are very nicely balanced. thirty-five/! ele of the First M. E. church was held , The exceedingly plow radiai ;on of in-




Our New Machinery is in operation. We would A like to show you the kind of goods our new rolls

turn out.



per cent of this is due to automo­biles accompanied by owners. The other freight is largely local or port to port business.

The application ^ f l | s ^ n l t further that the Delaware fmd Hudson pro­cured the erection of a large summer hotel at Plattsburgh on Lake Cham- \ Secretary plain and' one at Lake George at | Assistant Caldwell, at thel ower end of Lake Stllwell. George. The hotels and boat lines — are operated in conjunction with pas­senger service of the Delaware & Hudson railroad for the purpose of developing the two lakes a s pleasure resorts. The boats only operate in summer.

at the home, of Mrs. T. G. Thompson last evening when the fol lowing of­ficers were Selected:

President—Mrs. Earl Wheeler. Vice President—Mrs. H. J. Hart-

well .

ternal heat, causiner contraction wi.'i-in the rigid outer she!!, n.cumu'.utc* ;!ow but relentless strains, upst:: ri" the balance Presently the weakest point snaps. That completely des­troys equilibrium throughout .th"

Te torgofc to say n put adv that we hare, not all our - s

B_B_BB_B_ n -_B_I -A

fruit Jams


l*oceries a _ U r < m Margaret Street


Pleases Large AutJieace i t Street Theatre


I^?T__a_Il__S^N_. IS _*>_*'

ins OF scoHoaaoit SCHOOL—SOME OF*

l?__A!tlOR_23 J O F T 3 ^


Che <Joui'/_!Beet theatre to the doors lasfev.nin|r yg&ti «eotant orowd to -witness ^

« $ * forma,nce of t h e Soc ie ty Cfr<

promptly 3 oTjowck, ^the g r a n d ,

a n a assembly took p lace in the

I n th i s Bp'ecta.culaf" opeii&t|r fe*i

^C_"pleli$o3^eW,";^_^Aihea a n h si_*iS_*-i_a2_Ii_S&_' **• ft*!**,*^' • * -Ji- •

**=i____r^________t WS^B^J^SJtia*^ •

' . \_^S-S(.vt-_..iS_.: . ^ . T - r T A . - . _i J . * a S _ • •

Treasurer—Mrs. Charles E. Rileigh ! whole system, and little by little, on*

trained ape, the matfieniaticat M€ der, apd was the source ,o3E much ^^rtainmentr on the parfe of-t^»Ki ence. "then followed one "ot-the1 Pa* pleasing numb. ra' -on' 'the" .'iilf^ equestrian apt in _wlrie_. ^MiBa^JUbSr?!^ garet S w e e t was "the _ tra l l taf - - ___»*' trained bear was an amusin^ntanSfeiL: and i ts ant ics were warmly".tpplaud-^ ed. Two clever clowns -|cept^*h*C crowd in good humor and^toutfbn laughter wi th their funny stahtsl

The parallel bar act unaer f the dl*vS

rections of acrobat Gailey w a s a. nutp» ber deserving of special praise; Prof . Gailey was assisted by five i a i m b . i / athletes, Victor Brown, Harry^ifor* rls, Myron Caplan, Charles H a m i l t s n and Victor Lefebvre. Thetr .,|nanjr feats of skill were warmly applawle l -" by the audience. j v-s\-r. '

In the concert which followed the• , main performance, Claude 0*Conhe|ir '-as the strong man furnished a n act." oi astonishing features. The higlfc-^ dive made by Charles Stuart into *-'' tank of water was a sensational thril l- * er and was watched with b r e a t h l e s s ^ interest. Miss Catherine O'Connell pleased her audience with the inter­pretation of a Scotch folk dance foe

which she received a hearty encore* Alons with the regular performers-

and the trained animals were t h e usual following of the typical c ircus , , the attendants, venders, barkers, also"* . y p s y girls, Spanish, Dutch, Indian, .'upanese girls and colored m a r a a v -jinnies were present sel l ing wares , l^mcuiade and candy.

The Circus will give Its second per-formance at the Court street t h e a t r e ' this afternoon at 2 o'clock.

-Mrs. Edward Stilwell. Secretary—Mrs. E m m a

fl. H. MOLFR GOES TO DJEXVER Denver, Feb 2.0:—Henry H. Moler

has been appointed inspector in change of the Federal Immigration Bureau in Denver to take the plac* of Louise Adams deceased. Mr. Moler is a resident of Brooklyn. He is the I may not spell the end of man.

at a time, regions far and near in turn nlso snap, until the whole system is broken down and readjusted to a new balance. This is a seismic c. cl-?. We are just passing -nroush one, be winning with Fe'.ee and ending who knows where? It. may be small and short, nearly oxer. It tray be just beginning, wikh it? climax con- i furies in the future . It may, or it

Rut T H E "LITTLE LOST SISTER" I father of Mrs. Sherman Williama

A small but appreciative audience J of Denver, and of Mrs. Rotoert W. wdtn*ssed the performance of Vir- j Chambers, of New York. ginia Brooks' white B»ave play, "The Little Lost Sister" at the Plattsburgh theatre last night, and at the c!cse of the performance all left the house feel ing that the play told a story of the snares and pitfalls of the great cities which maJ<es.(for the ru.na_.on of countless numibeirs of unsuspecting young girls from all walks of life, Mof. of the characters were well port rayed by the comnpany which heJ«l the boards at the theatre last night and a_ a whole the entertainment w a s all that could be expected of a production dealing with a topic which is anything but pleasing to the aver­

age cittetB.

Commissioner of Immigration Cam-inetti is reported to be in bad with the members of the Wilson official family. He got that way by taking too freely about the exclusion of the Asiatics whom, he thinks, ought to be kept out of the country for the country's good. He may be right in this conclusion, but owing to the dis­pute with Japan over the California aliens land laws, the situation is just the least bit delicate now, and it the commissioner were a s diplomatic as he should be he would have refrain­ed from airing his views at the pres­ent t ime.

we can be pretty safe in believing that this particular generation will •not be the one to decide t h a t Even •while we contemplate with a pleas tu t little shudder what may be in store for our remote descendants, w e can sit in oomfortaWe a&?t_pai_?e that Northern N'_w Tork is a prettj sa:".-p'm-e to live in. a n d win be far _ few centuries to come,"

JfmSHTP.TM.-X IS DTSMTSSET-V. ashington, Feb. 2_:—Dismissal of

Midshipman V. I. McOlure. of Ioia, Kan., from the Naval Academy, on charges of irregudarities in an exam­ination, w a s approved yesterday by President Wilson. The cases of two midshipmen fcmpUcatefd with him were and

A BUTTERFLY ON T H E W H E E L Perhaps England and America

were never in better accord theatri­cally than when they enthused over

^ the production of the English di-j vorce play entitled "A Butterfly on i the Wheel" which will appear at the

Plattsburgh theatre next Friday even­ing.

Imm. dluti-'.y following its pronouno ed hit in London it was produced at the 39th St. Theatre, New York, with the same gratifying results and both countries enthusiastically endorsed it as one of the fe\s great plays of the season. This proves that human truths are sounded in its story for that always has a universal appeal and human its characters are and hu­man their motives and actions. It holds and interests and follows It up with a grip that makes one "sit up and take notice." So when a play posessses these qualifications It can­not fail.

The main scene is the divorce trial —treated in a convincing I manner that has a cl imax of great strength-

power. It is a masterpiece ot


not acted upon. realism.—Adv.

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