St ie ing Sa. THE EVENLNG TAR. poU3UNED DAILY. Eieep Smday, AT THE bTAR RUILLINuS, 7101 1"syhania Ave., aemar 111 etree, by nke Eveing Sty lewpaper CS.npamy, b. a XArFrMANN. PrWt. Try 7vemi'tq 1r3 . ,rre o tr e ibe-rwne the St yarr-r on thiSr nwa nt'i'iU. at 10 cont* pw .r 44c. 1- :-.nl"4. 4,pies At the canter. : t. IBy wa,& -auywhw ier Inm het Utad ntal@so t.eel I.4re grevI~As t sat. se aunch. P.Trv -av Qt abatr 41M rY '1h5 %10 pm "&n; wat. -u rear.yetare W, is-. L 3. L0. i r..s a- tie. Poet 'i.,e a #mioem. D. a.. ?. i I La- n taster I "- eo k-brrtptints imt b pad in adem..e; eriet.1 .*i.or than pa;d for. 3 -..1T +r - -. ki*ttse fln aWmericarten. FINANCIAL. ESUS~. S. V. WHITE a CO., 31 NANKEES, 36 WALL ST.. NEW TOMg. AEE AUTEUVRIZD TO OFFE& SO& l SU8082& TION 10.OW 5MAR33 PaZFERID CUILATIVESPECENT @TOM. 5,000 SILASM COMMON (ORDINARY WrOoE MENTIONED BELOW. Z. A. WARKN & CO., COPOILATED UNDER TUE LAW op 6=&AT JBTAN G&AFIAI STOCEL....................ga PAR VALUE 910 PER smAaM CONSISTING OF 0.09D %haee Preredel CImUlative 8 pr cent stock . ............ . .. ,m 5.ks) .harm ('omrni (Oldinry sack)......:MOOD The FE. Hundred Thorsm Dollare Prefered P4 per cent stock. saw ofered in tb mar. hat. m-'ets of Tom Theaomad tg -paid d non- amse.s*e phare e the Psi value af £10 (eMy Wlb p-r share). repremed by Tram Cemanmy eartil- est.. of the C*etrl -uTMS Company of New Ta, gaga.a: e Leh 'ertilesai like aanaer of pegrn bares of th1 ]par val of £1O pm dae Mf th ERmosn . :npany have been deposited. Dmleads payaLe at Ceatrl Tr t Compamy.New York. as so after February I and Amgat 101 each year aw eeo ato can he audited. The fuseawnc of-rtag of Tom Thougmad hre Pe. Imai sock. for whw-h Trust Comapay ewtiermte mav beam issuel to comply with the equiremnts et thi =arSe. cm e.rtmee all the stock held bin.s coa. y for sale. In the enr*ptjio of Five Tousmand aerme Af ComMOn StoCk 4fC like pma Vain, of A1M ismy *A) low abam.) Tr- Cupany etisemat will ae be aMm fw the Ceomma. atock. Dbh .1MM. Of gack an eMed en the iooiwmr ternia: 30.0 'MARES PREMIRRD CEUrLATIVE S r ENr STOCK AT SOMS0 PER SMARL AlICE INCLIlDING ACCRUED DIlVDEND Fft-' FEhLUARtT 1. 1ML &SW MiARES COMMON STOCK AT &15 PEN SHAKE. l'RICE INCLUDING ACCRUED DIV. 1,EN D REm FL B&ICARY 3. IML.TO WICne DIVIDEND PIECIAL. REFERENCE IS MADE TalE StBSCRIPIIoN LISTS WILL RE OPENED At 1) vyCLa E A.M. ON THUESDAY, MAY 7. :t. AND WII.L BE CLOSED AT 12 O'CLOCE M. UN aAIlIRDAY. MAY9. 3L BT S-Ana S. V. WHITE & COMPANY. New York and chkiee. and by CEVTR %L TRUST COMPANY. 54 WALL ST.. 1.Y. BA5K U NF I)kTE AMERICA. 25 NAAU ST.. X.I. Frotn whom ProspectageM and blank form 01 AV. Vi ation ean be obtained. Ssacr4a*ne= will be pay- ab-e a owu TEN PEA CENT ON APPLICATION; .IMPL CEN I ON AiTrrMENT; 3PER CENT ON WFlN"nDAT. MAY 2.1k ; 30 ]PER CENT ON MONDAY, JUNE 1. nL Allotise will he made 4 an an practible. The right la 'emved Ie Reject any .smansiptirm orle erp t It n part. I ay mbariptis inwhonly e- Ji"red the ain-at desmaied as applatiea. wWl be a- turned. I the whole amouat appled fSW he not aI- letted the amon pail for on applAs, wall be appmed as the anma ftbhcrue due an the anne-a--- @MeR wilbe aen fS al prMAEnte mide isan.da umbed TrUft Cospmy emaosst" W' the Ce.- Hal Trut Company will te delivered as mn o pre. kalbe as- the smakin' of the 20na paynOes. Any bmetallenm may be paid in advamee under ec. at the nse 5pm et ra~ anMm. Fatlase I pay may in-tarkmn=a when due will -egt 1l p ou" pyment. A pe1oem'e In allotmeit will he gives to amployMe md casteenort 03. B. WarM & Co... Limite. UNION TRUST COMPANY. NEW YORE. TRANBFEN AGENTS. CENTRAL TRUST COMPANY. NEW ICaE. AMERICAN COMMITTL OF MANAGEMENT. .3. . WAEREE. PREkLIDENT. J. MOKEAU SMITE. ESQ.. VICE PRSiDENT. JoRN D. PALMER. EQ.. TREAMUREL J LN I. IVES. EMQ.. SECRET IRE. 3ATIE OF TUE USINiE.-..The buranaseo e ene nianultheft propurtary msihedae and .aurt known an It-arher'* ''Mafe" lle...ed~e.. Wanr w Cabia" Raelliee a:I Waa-ner-s ''afe" Yearn. .m es and laboratories a eetab~lithed in S ee. N. Y.. Toronto. Canada; Loandon. Ens- F Iran. '.rt. Uhermnany; Errizala. Itwitserlad; Ub.u...* *. tila,. and Dineia. New 7ealan. T.estahashn.ar of th te.e oEcresand laborater out- all Mof Eucese-r. N. T..* wan temetheed inaeratlvely Eeary owing to the enortnogeinceaee of baenne adi the wideepread popalgit 01 3. Wage & P-ul'E.!TY Ct'OVETED.--The price paidlby the comtazy for th.- entire busia-se an 'osa als July. 1smaa a ..di. tze srood w;1. tra.me naane and mar.a. se. 'r; :.eSial repus, freho4d and lieseold pm-p eaea. I . tner Ira America end esewhere, dned .- .' M.e pija' and niachinryat hochaeser, N. Y., andl it. ag..rat branc.hoine cah a han ana baar th t.a in trade (ceasnszmnr of whuiy ad or- i r .atnredl etok. law miaterial and ad., ..-*...-....- fnunimre ald all property used am coe- - i: .rat. ntee int by M. Wn l. -ri et . inrase .rt itn of bIsi.ss nd h ~ -A r Nto the sen or eaion ovaei to A . L.Vied. the ntap arninara in the Imaw h~aperd terewasno . a. rdar..r to the ants. whes the - e I a.t .. tat.e hon'ne were see than I ~ the ,- t wu yeare uere the laret In h. A tb.' ai-.-.'. wath the ezception of one. nry y. ea I t: e F-nab h Ce.a. endraar yl'. the iet ear: -ars were £l(f.01k v :.i ,z. ot of'inea were paid serni- ude is< npre. r l toc attherate of 3 9 1'? i , -. aa.i ... andt r. o nzzjn stock at the * - I a il . N a I-er a-.Mn. beamles carrying - . tani .f 4.e or t*:IM.Zl0. and a senrias to tue a.-n: year's an-count of - . r-an sow raty. twing to the t *C. '. .t of the- Lewer branchea. that - ' e otIiomaad calildnt. paid if * ''4':.a e! it, Nietnre Btond. 46>of cai a e-atur'.estill taut- - re let of etay. 1M1. a careful tr maenuf thie co.era withaa varioee t .ue,* with a view t'. the. declaration of at:rtt.e 1rat mu at ncte of thserond Ca. ,~n..r'.i wan e..-se gratit yiar. as Ite net Ii' ::. a .an:b w-re au S.S4.. bea h.> lare --ta tle anatory 0t the 6..m- a - a .at ebl- :he Coanyany to de-iare - .. um.a surdend at the rte. ofSper cent en tt 1- et... l~ e te; oa th. Coimoa s1trh. A orl-.o ts e.at carrted feorait to. the Sa- y ear. SLaee Febraary 1 the beasm. he . .: .rr..eatra.-~e.mt. thelatalen I .la ireawk larr danidesI tena ever c.o.-o eeeeleu beslde the ltth'ref.-rred uiisadead. Pra. a re- ent car..i~ eetmise it is believed tha th p. 5.e of the 'aomnern of the ompay fo th he '- . -nIIa.r Jilyh3but lfl. alddedto thenet prjUt U Swae ee the peeron 04Mm gmoatha, wail ag- d'.e abtot fe.-i000 for the emtiee pear. Tahing a.. en-iat -s a basme and dedlecting a --t on he14'sr Debstae.....gggg ~1e--ealaS ..wa~ fe Prte~t. . .h...,S ?er mamsia mdabha a M'videmnde the 'atm ASL 1 pem~ er the ag1. i m Tg~yANA R -PROFITB Of TEE AUSTRA- U I hUiN-tas AlAME FO TUE FAST FOUR TitiDE T E U tiLE OF TUE AMOrNT NE- MMTO PAY TgE INTEREbT ON ALL TE BE*rESAND THE DIVIDEND, 4O TE MtL.E OP -1gE PREFERENCE MA3.~ 'TEE J bJITOF TEEOTE.i,- RANCH Es. INCLE:D. lRaTEE UNITUD STATES. COM kQUENTLTe sa a A m abia ma..- FINANCIAL. T cECOXMON STUCE AND roR THE FURTHER EXTENSION Or THE BUSINES. The RoIL B. U. Waner hee contracted to art s Managrinr Dreter for Ave years from July. 18. e- ceivmg no ompsometnm In any ." therefor. until e earn1g for the yer amount to 9117.00 Or0417.4O UUCU COMPENSATION TO BE PAID ONLY OUT OF TEE NET PROFITS IN EXCESS OF TRAT SUM. UndSr an gremet with tbe Comapany Mr. Warner etlaas lot "ee tmad @harm. of the Commn= meek of the Oamany. ApPl"i"bor will be made to the New York Stock Machang for dealtsee In both clase of certifcates aeetimg the Preferred and Comnon Stock. It I. I. Warnsr. Press. W. I. Robison. See. lam joy Edom@. Vie PasS. V. B. Gurley. Tim. aWASrGTON LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY. CAPITAt, ONE MILLION DOLLARS. TEmoARY OFFICES. 1001 F ST. N.V. NEW BUILDING CORNER OF 09T AND F ST. Do you puose going abroad this eunmer or do you dee to be abadt from this city and be entirely free ha bualun cares, then latrIe your afairs to the WASHINGTON LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY. Ueh is fully premed to take charge of and collect miatng notes and interest, to collect dividends and to reinvest the sanse, if desired. securely, without care or trouble to the owner and for a unall compensation. Try t this suunsr and se wLat a relief it will be to yeQ. DIRECTORS. ~hn~ 3niRgd Ja. iT. I%".r Jobs. She, James L. Baxear. Th.e. Somerville. U. 8. Cammins. John A. Swope, J. J. Dari onf. J. S. bworut~stedt John Joy George Truedell. W a. L urle, B. U. Warner. John A. Hean.lie== A. A. Wilson. Albeit F. Fox. L D. Wine 0. C. Oreen. a. W. WooAward. John B. LArner. A. S. Wortliinton. It WO MORE WILD-CAT 'SICK-BENEFIT AND tasarzac schemes" have to the wall in Phila- delpila. hIowmucahmor.e aredo you want of the tal Lae of takil life insurance outaide of the cnant--h asth aeqUtableof New W D be ! Write me. CH . L. GURLEY. lam F mt. n. w.. _a1 With Equitable ife Assurance Society. THE CAPITAL Of THE AMERI- CAN SECUR- ITT AND TRUST COMPANY IS 1n 21t 9111- **l sp 04% 00% s Ci m S 68, eg gg g $81 ..ee Wo 0160S P WHICI IMLAI-S A LIABILITY FOR TWO MI.I-ONS AND-A-HALF. OFFICE 1419 0 ST. N.W. DEBENTURE BONDS-A GAUANTEED 5 PER CENT INVESTMENT.-The company offers sm sale Debnture bonds. secured by ars mortgagee, in Sume of e100. 00 and $1.000. payinr 5per cent, witch have many advantages over any other lWgiti- mese investmnta Some of the advantages are thee: They am secured by the entirecapital stock ad the cempany. There is no trable or annoyance about drawing up papeen, &c. Yu make a fied iavestmeent for a certain period of the and receive yom interet promptly at Axed Periods. You have the apervision of the Trust Company and yer ivestment iscaned for without charge to you. It it one Is the sifest and simplest possibie Methad f iLvesting either anall or large euma. Thee detbetures can be ragnetered. tha affording ran absoulte saecarny ageinft their lown or usinlao. OTHEM FEATURES. The Anierican Security and Trust Conpany pays interest Uon de- posite, acts s Trustee. Executor. Guardian. Administrator. An- signe*. hereiver. Financial Agent. Reiriatrar. Treasurer; keeps wills free; rents safe depolit boxes; a*ke inv-stmiente: loans money; afford* storage roornn flr Louselold efects and transacts a general loan and trust bonuIm--ad for which it a thAunyy1 equopped. AMERICAN SECrRITY AND TRUST CO. A. T. Brittua.................. Prsident. C. J. Bell........... First iUre Preamnt. A. A. Tiornas.... Second iice Premident. Perry B. Metzger.............. Treseurer. ierge E. En"ue, ........... becretary. W.dhtn~ton Directus: Philadelphia Directors: A. T. Bneo. %i-liarn M. cosaes 0'. J. Bell. Robert Dornan. V. w. Beveridge, Laniel Imnuvan. Henry F. Blount. John N. Hutchtas, It h C. )uncaneoN, John A. Jenks. Mjattew G. knmsey. Henry S. ImAucheimrn. Jae#s E Fitch. CaiebJ. Milne. Joa E. Herrell. Charles Porter. John I. McLan. Alan H. Reed. lanrtn F. 1Uerrit. a. b. Sharp. Ceft.y S. Noyes. Willian Verer. M. A. Parker arry F. Went Jame 0. W. S. Thompsorn. OCke: 1419 0 @. n.w. A. A. Thomas. oUare house: 1140 Benry A. Willard. 35th a.w.14 Beeafnian H. Warder. aP27 NEW LEN LOAN. BUILDING AND SAY- N'w0"IN~tS AtwoCIAT1ie>N. BRANCEOFlICE NU tm lA)Ul8IANAAVE.N.W.. WASHINmToN D C. ASSOCIATION FOR IN% EtoiRS end for all those who oessve to save uioney b3 aouthly installaents. AUTHURIZED CAPITAL-&4. 0JJ &ERFECrlN IN LIlk'VF. ITY L PLANS DEFINITE. A positive garante. for iatuiity of stock. Stock leased on WIVYE diS ent plan. Can with- Ihew at any time with ti per -ent Intereet (accrigto An -lasE CN l'es o .forteituree, no cavile.Nmj U Ittdrawinar nemberetorfeit no part of their inatall- mnents.nor are they reqmirud to pay any cancellatton Ine or extra aneeemnentn. No DISKS. tA.ss IMPOASIRLE. hecause seccurtiee ire on Siret mortaege.Real estate only taken br loanse. whach SECt '8E members Ab&0LL-TEL!. Iharee are non-forfeitable. All a oracte are deli mite. The inventor know, In ad- rance whet he paye and what he gains, i0 er. cent to 1010 per rat. I mm.+ borrower knows, to a cent whatr ie LOAN will reel himi. There ano 'd' for las buorrow 61.000J end get the 61.01* cash. Lok at our Wy-laWe. lined timuee fir samityof eM STOCES and LOANS IIEAEAN TEED econihngr to clamsor plan select.. Full intornaation crcae either at principal offiee. No. ;1t 8it. Charlee street New Oleaaun. La.. or bruich >Ace. Nu M 5LU L a IIaAl ME.. Waslagnion. D. C. T. D.ODMIJAN. apS@b ueneral Aasnt. JEH NATIONAL 5AFE DEPOSIT COMPANY OF WAZIUINL.TON. ijamteeed by uescaal art of Convrreee Jammry 22 17. TuNI'AN! adratof Comnarrems of tbAer 1. 111. Tis cozmyany begs to announce that it has receivedl from the controller of the crrency ie certacaec aer= = nn inde the act et Cenutsein of Otbr1 As heretofore. and for tweety-four yars pant, tie -empanhy Wab receive securitiqe. li verware an.i other raiunabeefor safe keepingr In it, Sre-pruul bumilding.snd eira rent salee or bomein itsenew Se and bhnrier- proof iault. which have time locks and all otherniod- min Itpliancee. t-nder andlby virtaut tfhest of Congreef COt.- Der I. mA). and the certiate of the CalreoIler of the Lcurrency thatt it lha ludy counplied with the. law in all appe.-t.e tie coonpany will. in addition to the buel.. s metotoretrannec ted by it. tt as ezecutor. adnminia- rator. receiver. ssignee end as connittee or armrdaan >f r statee. and wul receive end execute truete of every l.=-nrtpu coamnatted to at bly any court or byn. ru. a. AL. tramt funds and treet inv..hema -g kept ape rat.eaaler from., the eeta of the compan. e mienes ynchleoectem the he a eaw t f Dapoaite will he rereived hrum tem crato upind em m etereet will be allowed on euch depoeita. Wihm receipted lter eand snept without chre BENJAMtIl P. It% Dxi.a;. us CH ARLES C. 01.U' Mirst Yiie Predident. JAMtY~t M. JOHtNSTtO . Sec1ond Viel'idi E. Ft.ARUIS R1.. Tiweerneer. AsLaEEI L. WTURT EVAN I.* meeetary. Willeam E. Clarh. U. Rms Bar Lew C ~ane. GEo U. Pient. Cheea . ter. ~.. Thomae Myde. Joka I. Reohrers. Chariin A. Jasnm, benjmamin P. iharder, James U Johnetoe, AIbaet L. Sttartevanl Jabma I. baan er A. Witied. ap11-ta Adew siea. lmse Washingta Sed Eb LEWIS 0. TEWESBURT & CO.. RANERS AND SmEggS, 185 1 MT., WASEInaTO0N, D. C., Bay a ~ er en s~m~ Ust kmI petswires to New Tech m 6 s Interet alowed en depogsa b.AkJaameamea'm FINANCIAL RARE OPPOTUIiTY IS OFFERED SMAT. investor, who nay rerdv, (pro rats) the sme pusS as larse on"s in placinr their a in romaanted prermum notes aseured by Arxt 4?of trum on re eate. Notes of *30.00 subject to taken a Z lots are sohl pay 540 premud mad defn gment of nits at maturity will aive f M00 0 4.'O.Ulprulit. In order tlat all naysavail thmeVe1 of this desarable and safe securlty am i-monthly pay ments of 61U.0w la . be d4 the macma. THO AN A. MITCHE&h ONFSt.. Wasngton. city. D.(. N.B.-A separate lot .'0x150 feet mecurse each note Title Insurance Company's abstract with gusute a reeajonaible banktnr bous, of this city. of at resde.nteproe44y responde to. aP2l-W T. A. MITCHELL.9, 7e. Alt Lin PON HAVING CLAIMS vOl IN. dty ordesta loAs sea inlTHE PRE FkRIED MUTUAL ACCIDENT AUOCIA- TIO'N of New York. K. C. Atwood, Secretary or claims upon which paymet has been riu~e wholly or in part by said Assocaition. wll ad it to their advantage to commnicate at a8e with ap'Geod3a JUSTIE, Sur s4me. JXO . CORSON. JNO. W. MACARTN Member N.Y. SEkE CORSON & MACAXTNEY. GLOVER BUILDING. 1419 F ST. N.W hanker and Dealers in Government Bo"&. Deposits. Exchange. Lans. Co'lrlcm Railroad Mooka and l somdandall maurit Mated an .- exchangeea of New York. k-hiladePha. BMon and lialtimore. bought and sold. A apecialty nade of investment ecurties. DiStrici ]Bonnaa and all local llallroad, 0mm. Insurance 811d Tel.- Lu~ne S~tock dealt in. Amwer.a.aBnai Telepbone Stock bouahm.dsoldiy18 FIDELITY BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, 913 AND 915 ST. N. W. as the beat plan devised for secaring a Eases. NO AUCTION OF MONEY. Any amomt loan re yable 113 per month mew& $1.000 advancea."r Io Hbre5~monhma- a i n osths. for " 'U t. No BACK DMS REYVNE ON SIX PER CENT ITERE A W ON 6I'kCIAL PAYMENT&. OFFICSfts: uAn.Pr. Andrew WanU.M'c's. O.T. Thompsou.Tres. Gen'l J.E.hith.A TRUSTEES- AM ICAN SECURITY AND TRUST C. A. T. Britton.Pres't. - EOITORY. ap2-tr CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK. PERSONAL 'IL LADY WHO INQUIRED YESTERDAY for Mr. Foster at front room attorney's Otes please cad again or addrem ATTORNEY. ta eocel' 6100 REWARD WILL BE GIVEN TO ANY of letterof thelAhrequst. Addrss 0G. .. Ier ofB,e. it. CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATION QUEBTIONS and answers. mend 10 cents to A. W. FLYNN. A.M.. Ivy Inmittute, ap21-1m* southwest cor. Si and M Stm. nw. PERSONAL-SAVE TOITR MONEY BY BUYING Waateed pretiaum notes, each note of M s- cureon lot 0100 value. Title Insurance Comspany's as mtat guaranteed by well-known banking house Q this ety. A 4W note subject to ell pays $5,40 premium, or W1% to ar ree TROAS A. MICM W-9t* Willr at. PRIVATE DETECTIVE AGENCY. A"ilISam's A o. Commn~cte=iasa opty at- tended to and strict comaetyal. al- hour. .M. U L Man.ge. F * 'OW IS THE TIME. WEZ WILL PAY "BIG 11Money" for gents' trot..ess aseeo-mata. A orawar sall as JL b'l' OLDT ATTORNEYS. EoE W. KERN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. WABR NGTON. D. L. 4. M ST. N.W. CLAIM AND PATENT EXPERT. -21140 CAMELAL CARRINGO ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Webser D at. .w..Wa SPECIAL NOTICES. BIN THIS ANNOUNCEMENT WE Wish to call your attention toaCoat and '"t. style of Coat. &-button cutaway frack. Vest. nangle breasted, with notch collar. 5 lbut. ii. Materus!. Black Worated.Clayls weave, will not mcaraick edwinaushed with tat braid Price *lf, eoat and vest. Pant@ to go with tid" coat and veaw in all the latest shaes 9 to S-. P. S.-Don't formet to wear your ovee-oat to the race*; If you are Ia need CEORGE UIANSY. g64 7thet. njw -: . =0UEgEPER. MEE- CHANTS. ATE YOUR VALUABLE FURS. WOOLENS. be.. Promn the ravages of moth. bufailo buags, jg Enghem in COLD 16TORAGE atCN 9AI(IET. ~ The best modern method of "0a1aa mbject to Iaury in summer by amoths a o t ier1s t. epUw them *cold. dry teme rature !&b. niter tar, tobacco nor ay other vile amelling mabstan' 'a requned. Merchsants. hotuekeegam sad othere interested In ml responsible for the n of such goods will SAd It tla-r advantage to avail tha=mavee of the fauttm I rae rates are low. Goods wil be called for. [nquirv at the oW' of the Oster Market, th at. PRESTON S. SMITH. Clurk. P.5.-Houekeepers deanroub Of Placingf butter ganme. egs. &L. on cold etorage will be oferel "i a-aae weet sr-e roo- be- pro rided for t purpose.a "pri4 oWNERS OF REAL ESTATE NEAR THE PennsylvanIa ave. and 14th t. cable lama rantirg earth tillin are rueedto addreee CON- rRtAcTAOR. orner eth andl ae. nw. ap1-1m* SDIVIDEND NOTICE. WoASHINGON. D. .,ApuIE I vat haa been dse on the capital stock of''h Washingtua ta ReaEtate ComI " out of Its net armings since its oranliofl ill be at he once of tbe comapany 612 et. n.w..aIRIAY EKDN tDAY. 'APRIL 1an The b~o aks for the traser of stock will he closed cm IEDNESDAY. APRIL (3, to FRIDAY. MAY 1.bhoth ates incluilve- By order of the Board of Directors. apc74t W. MOSBY WILTIAMS. Secretary. n~D. BARE. IMPORTING TAfl.A3, 1111 Pa. ave, ap14 All Spring Noveltie reoeived. ~suPREME CO~*tT OF TEE DISTRICT Special Term of Orphans' CutBine=se n the matter of the Estat.. of CalebGardner~deceaede. In the came of William F. (Garduer, adeministrator . . a. of Caleb Gardner. deceased. the maaentrator .reeaid ham, with the a etri tinc theeourt afore aId. griven this a!jt ayof Ape, A.D. 1591. ap- eilnted May the ~Nh next for th nal settemnat ad distrIbution of the pesnlesmte of said ds- eased and of the eseets ,nbad we and where all lie creditors and heir ad distrabatees of maid de- eased are notlned to attend, with their claime prop. ite aron ine maid dee eestt. pro raded a copy of this order he pulshed oce a week or three weeks in the WeeiginLaw Rep rteu- ous to said day and Ia Th kvannlt for the am. time. A. B.Rm. Jusiee. A trneco y Teet: Registr'ef"Vile.fr Diddest ore~a. , apST-Iaw3w m FOR SALE-TWO FINEW'S 01 3 st. n. w.. neer Oat ;SiAIo ai. Alh se. n.w. nearkRel.; 1 to alley. ..ST LUN. AttorneyatLaw. 1tU n~w. a-s&t cans Teu me d ~ en -r ae JvaCas. kte pemd. Omr aDW.3T VsaR, 98645 U I Dsg. agw, ag4 M 4mtnasaW SPECIAL NOTIC!. Z YOU ARE TAKING CEANCES, Vd-an.vry greuat -hamosm, Slvr day you delay Taking out apoliy low of t h Conut THOMAS A THO OFIEROOM s FO and and thir 1""i te Dakblda, 14150 it. Appy at bea E EsPNOTCRAFEIC NOTIO3 -ALLBTE1- KY tiebatonm JUaNE 1 ah mit 7 whey will receive m aaannw . j~D 192 STtKANA NY.IT.42 Is '-~wt lesson. I mm eigato mcmom 60 " rmad 10 haia sw~.af ?at aj et Ql3 jj SPECIAL NOTC BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS 01 WA3MING- TON. I am imapored bi then buildlangbead.t d91M as IratPla" and Window (flaml 11maft -sder. He.there in no other bourn tha Com pogibly-do work any lower in price. I tmat the lretaivoics of both .W Gaw.a.nmy rmetgi e ..s you my enormous Ga0m tock and and which enabbles me to fll thoard alwayW Swl onard. Ia t h 1Awe, w bestrefeence prnomhineton yma OFOR THE RACESI! - WOODWARD A LOTZROP Ofer some etra values in HemeGeedand 1a Bob@&. Nor"e Sbest.................. os. to gg.0 Cloth Lap mobse....... 0 tos00 Linen lap Robes ................ . to 3.00 M11,0o Lap Nobes............. Ai0 to SLOG EXTRA. 50 dams Extra arse Da sima Iamo lp Rotes. faah"d both mide. $LO uu%s apVeMt ---41.25each.- ~SEIAL ASOINGS AND 3UDN amatar ANWCATI NEW 27TH 8E.S Bocka far 90cinkmiIon to its lah Are a&- open athe oce of the moew3ary and gone. 10wC building. 14161 7 8T. I.W. SHAIIEs-4EC. NO BACK DU TO PAY. SPX131 CENT INTEREI8J GUARANTEED. POUs PER CENT ADDITIONAL INTEREST ON DEPOSITS ZrqAltair or mmaflt ix oaJ Doams" as s1ockauaculbed 0- 17.000 basrv have been subscribed to the SERIAL m0'Inc onzallo. ahowlaits lepoul, both a monthl sa a andes a bai madium to persns wmatin maggy for Wobsftff bomsa or other purpose. The secratary. Jao. A. Pisot, wil be bspt~r ~ m*mal neaafatmia concersang the . oSERIAL the conaEiR - slowa may be obtaind of him at his coff, Where &W I flock may be subscribed for and duMa ai. ry vat day btes t hou of 9m. and 30 p.. ROBT. 0. CAMPBELL 17Ih ibt. aw. Visa Preidest, DAVID 0. DIXON, surgeon momra oeae, War WM. MATSNL1 GE.I RX A.P. nLLAN W O S. wIMIN. W. ST. CLAI. * JNO. A. O . ligg b , SPI1-209 1416 Fa t. M.w. SROCHIDALE CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY Maibar ate informed thh do now "Vd9 card. d" booka. runningf to April. I~a.no md So, 1@7. Pleam write your preemtia We losixlbs face the el wA e a -*f o,.nk card... exparig.r a~mmb~ ma'I~~a to may oilam. will not recoinzse the old ards after April 30. a A., N.OjhLKY 812 A st.a.. = =ID~t TOOms., 1 0 at. Z1A J. H. BAIWA. 9001H mt. Cash iloomirm. Dp. BAWN.tisats (PUDa Lt.-N.LA 0TLDRU&An. o 1t io 12 at. O Tr . A.MK BAMO iSL a1h. GAw. a By ord Aer usaeu co. . . BAEYOU 53EEN TE **WICONSIN P r s It is the bait Rmaftgater an ths inarhet. Made of solid oak, beautitally inlahed and trimmed; Slled with minaere4 Aber. and guarantmad parfeot. Mney ohmafully re- fanded i not as regeamamted. W. N. REE SVO Lat. p1.- Bhe oe ath. andI st. &ds.1 .WANE IT KO. T- E L=." *C AsleplaoreMO 7 SL CL0VD .MARo. W had at' nmw. TO~WINS P LiOL uOuw WAGONS at LOWEST PRICEMLUEI.P5 COUNT on tickets at o Hea. D eat L. ILING. At. . MO andfit m - DDRIVhCYOU SEEN T sUpliod Dnsli0 WOO. baitAlyfnism a T.am -NEW ISSUE 0 STOe oEN -OR SUanRTION AND WIBT PAT. UQUITABLE COERATIVE BUILDING MAaITION. EQUITABL aUILIeiN 10 S 9 WT. TManIbyasayOE W pT. P Kim a tck peem . e ae oee U" Al WINDOW SCREEN Raman 2b. RAgE. ADJUSTABLE WINDOW SCREENS. 56,7 D(OER WIRE SCREEN DOOas, COMIINTE, Wit Spring Elmseu. Reek and Erpemi Eneba S14e S ,T..GARDEN ROSE. COEmaTE, With Conpinga s.-dat. ask s. ARE m REE, s. EATg. A SULLY GUARNEP LAWN MOWEN. 56gg sQPA11? 0 IcEam IrEinl, WLs EAM POUL.TRT NETTINE. S3MoE M "40 3 s Mte . 20UZ2E! NETTING, LISST WM B arm sn aSM, IN coB. uTr AND 5Ef R.., g ev Geea Sm. aam, iren amaenIse age eWE1GWinssau~teOsas -a smsiraw Wsm~ss'ma.a1 SPECIAL NOTICES. %%LAWB. 1.AWS mowNs. sm.. m .a 0 Df DMINA SPNG WATER AFIXTUEB AND LaMPS AT COST. et the larwe m atini ot ibtwr. now n our o a.. .FIXT.... .ND aT m---0 AALTIMO:. A4LI, Psuobuba -owin a$7*N. A AL OFFjICE O1 M ARIJNGTO V=EEA PROP A O E DITRCT 0 0 ~5en v. ot fUnit. aba..Tiaw WO & 00.. EANKEUm. 32 M". ... BEMOVAL.. Having meovega. mo nw benk buinding. 12T2 I st.. where we have all the feitie for tr-mcm- aimn- eral eanking buma, we ideie a eall your attentin to our homekr the anmation of or beuim, AmeNTS. We olio the aiont, et rme e ntdividualo, both arse and aen. feeliur oure that owirmtheoe doing buine wil plea.. you. and tha if yo tn e open at ament with amie will ramat one. o w depogitoga. Call and emoa Mcede. We wil be pienced to abow pe earnew ge- TE.E.T I......r..a.ma.ef 9;.,es bear,., interest according to Oamuth ot te. JOLLECTIONU made on all peit' beset charge to our c 3utommae. IXORANGE draw in the peinoipal de.e the United State. kADIEU. Special attention gave. to ledies, =s tinm and comling them al all attersf busn. It ddSed. In tie comnectica We deire t a - tht we have on had at ellthes gill. edge notes, mecured by deed of tre . peringsgodiwtee7sta eanvemhav. Call and sems apiS-12im 1ST. aaD3. 5. 0. MGUIE AS RETUINE ITO the city ed may be foud hr bas ave O to 2. 2- ATTEREQUEST 01 ONE ThOUSAND n e f o r teaur-- avwe shimie ems for a lMch soom en theshth Soor et wr 3bth laest bui1i ad have pieme to Waes, Wgme bwpepaediteme theint .le mana. mhbSNim WOODWARD 3 LOTEROP. jjbOUSTOE-MADE BERiETS- WWi rooe m"es at of destoes we we bplttr p peredbe si to amente pe erdem he "Custom-saae" Sheenta.Ay style. for cedimy a, full.rems ---om md at abort nottee, ad mntie- etIosa gamaaa.ed it evey smaaane Now tsthe best ee to l pewr egdes an ayo will ed a hebb momt imeanable e aminer wear attr having bee. wen Leave pewr eider at Oewt Imieidg , ret Sogr. Es m me midi0-3 WOOD WAND & LOTNEOP. No. 419h 3m . nsw., IowaL spettea ned a.f momw cmi In de coutee s the fo rates: a" whtae of hts all0 pouna. .mc psee"'net ti:E.-eve ,e. m o "e ow pucees. Early re bdedoited. Taeteso temde thect ad a beud iede Bol iaeda of Its we and ear we he ude pae f to comoom en tei sow e wdtMb thatuidi a"~ ve, prpsed a...lte Wpp puits passodct wanotherult e A, p so he s me .a in te ear WOODW aAReDa eiah WAkeins INDPENENTICE 00.. haame wipath e the ity aadiMysat NDpNET..0m00. A LIENALar DI13OUNT MI damb"htpmdir erderedwm esanased crA m al.. Sticemmgete ELIERTY & 00.. imbaaIm ama and MS19e 15th and Pla. aee ENNEB0 I0&E. J: B'ETOMMAC10B OMPANT. gSo sait . ve., les~3ybweteetef thekreseglliMe..' aded f3a er alst edleete, bespemeift8 . The Midagetyidasa theksmaraitedgiedlae nempete, haybigen emgame.s eamer air Qum raf mi, War, O St l ardaer a smamtmLe kg a - T Weneannmet 2rs" aprs Inall the aenf he mes d o a teedt i atuncty. Nhe a ym e he d fes almamde of *wtmmmbeiStaoShamti. Ihebimem ah a --mn- In te --.---met of eemmay. I-m aml aM bvanwmsp saga9rbe jePe' maltemma anda edamamanm af as p. and P.ieeimwaI su epermouet aa"gm aas17 ai f haam mee e ihamsby A8 -wt-"uso-" icWil tea,~ le bpse~be e na elBin usuxb- 3.gaismMoa Mal w m Assomto~d~ ease en~ Usparmswiht bo Mmfta am venowdWems lil sees..e RS* I Ilma ut tOealysdNvl Pim= SPEC AL NOTICES * NOMANI la Au --vrt.w~ topm. l. it me." e~amer ee."""thecetaiu eh Ae EAL ME.MTI ib. T.UMI" --.-IDti- Na , AIL- , ,A.. a wmer. M pil . Al b. L OT M ..A .c. . Umear y. It The fnmn.&ber, Wt Rebu e nu 6a IL PEi r We rOE WAEm ET@BE t~~a "k tM 49 sur lat otoe.s --0. A.. apra ABBINTOtN Gar.raT MPAY.. Tee ATTEOTU O O. ETIOX FEU SINGLETr. anthe rit proert 401iTe P& Wal. betee 17h0n TGL. AY. D.C. 30N Ih them. W.t GSat ebem to a1t-ot ea .ec a Tr PRNIC.- E NESDEL LESPXlO- fuea Th. e s ebat erp opety a Thh sam iece fty. The :--t. reisc a A - Wo P. A44 . 5. Pm A . 19 186 Femlo a. ia at : t3;LN . D... an, ~~UUR1 TEEP ATTLEPI 103 AL1.I AMAUTH.IZE too. t ret mEataTweeds ow amb the ButungoiItam atrel. 00 clock oemL Ow g t I for e y a busne s s it u- A . W. wORDAN. 1417e t. . They3 oake Do snateytlyas a fot G'| COOKeeN. .TOV. W Teal he a BlheeTate. Caod co as d Ej!lace alu hlis areo red. eisA . AIEDPO agi a Noh nd "RNe sos atw. . O rh"11T DE'ar IN Eand "ZO-1 bumsi~pbsga*nTRb"JAM..R ti . bel hurut to ord er.e whtet le t. bet . D.t. ato a -as* diiona 1*0fo alley.r ll ;S emb~InS Jul W. M JaOPEETY IN._ Tve 1'0 8E 1O1 T eonANON 1. T is =.. . R.pe.. 17 . te b e..de rutabt for; pia w ert Bat ad r te st tule e hily as Bee- TEcT.. J.SER & 00Ea.r. D sct Ivet* a G..AB CrOIN.. 8T M. 3~aI31EN ST.AND NE OKAE M"SNI-A IL NIA n inmak - eSEVw. A.OATLEE, Au tem be to n te rnty. ap selemen WAHIGONGAIGHTCOMPANY. SaW U ATTNTION O HS Troery as e up btiehiymt17%mad The Navy |b. ""of**"g. ...ne ,,m,,,....e-....... a.... m ay. . *t WARELT 131s0sue.r Eh p ir eeh 9 sem ty ft dor. mitS e senat. nelcamtionisa raddent antift whe00 ofav Duponr irce sai 6:30 p d. atem.T Tienes Jnsl . sign=. esa, 0E m isamaa aL a. W4AkT PAESNSWO WI 2OET IN. cluet ithn te bmteIno the PRO- Asas3retPa g auoseet tobe p set to meet C Cam oae the Diatyst l at buid.g TeRD....Asr8.at4 .....t.th ammesme isfanuns sbas 2uz. !to.~Jhree 12M pratida en tha vlu .b.a~a1.. aTisin oes to be 3aee a ses ere vm en etwj o AtW ogtom-roeas a"suip Wewl ** Hell Not CmalluSetrWar 4 g inee wioe gie fand sleewaka be being.Tfin WDry. kieten Hint a M il leStwmaeag eEa lok-Thei Pyine. Teias primes 45PW CIS.le- TuLnerL.Y 9% aned Ism wiaiie.Rm A.I CLARK. AD IN YORE ANED %" itinUmiotyaie of~ te m raw 4J thekar AUO D&Adf gofemu A 30- t2 6 -Wt b is"eN ozzlm oire Tax CMMSSON we sabe" so"h elligul uanns 9ft. tOurb mmieat. 1W 0tDr. erle. "A~l bakm 304 OOARLhmMWvm t Rame at I& ur ssi lo d sea evs .U Unat. UhemTINISS beJR sun OTE ST AND N h ORAs MANONIC-4 hewsKZCA Waahingf New. Nand Gemi* AUCTION SAL ....-._... ElCC-EE ............... .. ..............raw 7 OARDIN... ..... ....g1400 g CITYITEMS ..A........... CITYUITER.............. ..... ............. S COUNTRY maRE TT.-L.- COUNT BOARD..... ........... DRAT..... ...... DENTIT........................gg y EDUVCATIONAL ........................Pms 7 EXCUSIONs. &a.......... ....................wS0 FAMILY SU1PIU .... gge 7 FINANCIAL.........ge FOR RENT (O1.o. . . .s EOE 3ENT (Otases ...h gs g FOR SE (Uosb................... 3.........pop F20t RET (Mean" i..............................9p*aag FOR RET (Lormb) ..... ram 2 FO SALE (3nem .. - Pm 3 M BALE (Loft) ........................Pma FOIL BALK (Mbdh" .............Pg I ROTELSA............................_. . ........Fe 2 LADIls* ODsL... ...........................pass 7 LOCAL MENTixON................... ....Pm LOS? AND UND ...... g... n MANICU . .......... PI MEDICAL .................................. PIG 7 MICELLM OUS - ........................0....es & MONEY TO LOAN. g* NOTARIES PUBLIC .... pms OCEAN ITEAME.................... Pee POTOMAC RIVER 2OATS................Pm 7 PIANOS AND Of*ANS ......a . ......... ..........p 7 PE8NA.....................Pm? P RINT0 -----...--....................---- RAIPOOALD ........ ..... ............. sg 7 SPECIAL OTALES... ......... 1 SUBURBAN PROPE3TY....................... 3 SUMMER RjcwT........ _ WANTED (Help) . ......... .............pm!2 WANTED(Boumno.........................mle WANTED (L). .................p WANTED (Roma).........P 2 WANTED (SAnttna).. ......... ......... S WANTED (Pane............... Goa xrnmemawm-seTpAr..--ne .,.e L 8. PLAc was Yesterday appointed, fem-w- eles pestaster at Green Bay, Va. Tan U. L I. Oxaa has arrived at Mimnt, Mexik. She will sail today for a prauise. SoR. A. C- Xrrawa, the irae ontrener of the reseury, he gone to u.ach.u. . an business conaet-d with the desparmeut. SCamrEAaR TaCr rterned to ah ity aS orig tresm Port MOMe On the U. .a. De. NAVaL Oamn.-Carpester Jamssbar" has bae ordered to dut# in ensetion wie me building of the practies ealat Ulahbeag..se N.J. hm &WkEinART Nrm w at toe Treasury Department left Wmakingts today for New York. While thee hewil l eamt wit the iamigration 6oci.s with reqpete to mates ming Ander the supervidem sf ha A GaSEN Gooe Ma Anrnn3a-43f Pest OMce Inpactor Rathbe. h eeeivd a tlw gram from Capt. 8 % inspector in charge at the Chi-ago division, to the o et tat tore Fleang and Fit, have araead one. Tyler, alineh Heood, alis Wa. Wgllmsn ger eoned. a **"goods "win". The w cused hbee e cemmife toj JAby doeUmftd State Comissioner in tebdhof .663 haLl BoXns 3inannm.-Tne Temmy Deparl. mment yesterday redeemed 4h per sent ben& aggregatiw 014,, making a teowa to dAs of *16,070m.9 The bans of this clam th ans now being redeemsed by the departmernt aru smaall ota that wero ..nal,.ies te te, issue of the circar or Ba y gave notie of the department's nuaete disem- limme the redseptioa ot the peg~ir elate. Tom Dr rAmummT.- gSetary yWter has intimmated that it wa uanlely that amy abmne would be smade in th seem of th montly debt statement before the beginning at Ve new eal year. The Becretary behoives at the old form used during the pree=n m- publicam adnlinivA.ati.. is pfra fe tar te present, for moame reason, the farm, which does o the ,mgreen- beck redemp among the amet of me A PowmaruL Guy.-Te ordamse, ase of the Navy Department have Just amlge.d at the proving ground at Iadia Hed te &a teat of the third te4nc& steel riad gm ir the double-turreted meeker Mimtenesmeh. With 289 pounds of Dat 6wown powder and iteen tons 1r0eretpVojMDUW attined a muzzl velocity of &jrllterecond, prob- ably the best result on r oe Of the binft----h's tem-imck game As eot Asiabed and will he tested nest week. To Pueracr Tm Gwusums.-Expeima, are being made by the Navy Department wit anew system at protection hi guamme in em- = Plaes On massai-wr =U eaema. a Pseomalanf meery hasee. cureda ulr - ofwr ob madeoftrlong steelpirals wbhi is e. amarbly GeyiaE adt besse se reabiao le, = - heim aner and is is proposed to mse eurtains of dis maesia to protect guamr behind ohields from fng aments of opdngsek. The stn qualit ot the n is believed to he egmitl a sldpi. see an toh 46.L IlmuamAsear. Peeth& Oe -t.he United States delegates to the inttenssimagt - edaengre, which wel eseene in Thema on the 36th of May, wille fn rom New York on bt.u.day on the steamer 1a Brtegne. the delegates who wee apine by the Pasm.- tar General mue (.M the euperintenset fet husmel syt and Mr. Wifumsm Potter of1lset hn h he. been lergsty interested in eb 4gte em -esses. The eengrees is epet~ o deeg term all the esmtries in th seed and teprincipal objest will be the auevi of the comesdmo et us nteesi -atlai whisk governs the eoehepe of ase beas el te i=-eent ems.... PmmaL=-N -i sashiese of Tmie, . Getting of New York and 5mm esere enth head, Ind., a- as Pratt of the Caris india U Ehemisu . Parker ot chiseoand A.Wht.e~ hn w . Ta., ... ut asmm - C. Eue . L r. w. A. Gs e nd aR. J.w er Pevieos ame at theta Johell. anm eag age the Ases.--esgm L. J5nan et e endS. a. UMeta ofae sa NweYok ammaek ass mmf. wanteaof ew T.k..m s sches am Na ansuef au Cs ams-0.3. U t E. Nete of Eme m . e bmsosesegaeofuto game to ~ ~ ~ em a sss asaslas.m -g A FOUR HOURS' FIGHT ~aau.san...s.mUiinan. AW B.ud Wek. -M NIm' RaILVAY M An U..sy Feeling in the Wheat Markt for Awhile. GOV. PENNOYER8 REGRET, AITAU A VENITE SW WAUM aftsks"pe Oer ges Ses Weak of vevw aUasessa, Tzu., Apra 2.-There - a tori"e eanisgratio bere thin mr. The lem is fMy a-quare of a Aime delism; inmees eve 010,00. Thesr. emumeesi atil amr. to amm"ball a Ce fersioee w- tey am King rves The An gt beyond eakel of the irse deprmmt ad spiy waft "..a t I the sig gerbee e S ,a:? am =e~ "h *am were Mader oem- adel, and am sld at destresm esee UeYerarLW loeds at eombedaims w burned, ameg othee a eer lead at ireweeto. cresm a aus" paste iash wrwd 1 , a and working &at th tr. he these ie as- glmes of the an deparmeet wn lbidi e, owing to the oest covered. Whie this lrewasraing is its grastet bsy mother broke t oA MEst Maueaigny SeeMsM near the Grand View noel ad brik sad elgft rame cottamm er ai am ab -e f istvolving a afbobet 6290w1, Kiay by insurace. Tbe re d-partment esmt a f"w sections of bowe to t" re ad Weieste Emased the bose lis and 1nsiy gO4the uder control.E Ths.rerty lawne - lse oW. Withitle. .w.a se. w...a Catme4A N. T., April a.-Tweeolybm rumis dwelisge in tis village of Leeds wse busred yeerday. TMe heauteat hoe i . Judge mtems of New York, ownerot e graner pr fthe vffi . is pro ebured is- eded the oe bwuidaag, or wees am and fourtees dwelnm~cip ___ eva toemae, nearly wfvcs~ste mil at lads owned by Judge Whm hve been shut down ginoe 11. LAn, partiay inssed. he ueige ham s an - masT Toscamm sociansemens Lowbex. April 29.-Am extessive sd BO- mast ire occurred here eaely ths -a at I. C. Dufy A Son' lumber yards a Ber- maadwey, a saatbesAern emberb of e aty. The lmber ya surrended by a nmer of tma =e.-t occupied by me af Poorest families of llermosissy nenl which Were utterl uninsured. aWha the ae broke ot thre wee wid co.t.es and die- May among =Jus w People, who saw tems- seves in I aIs losing their lttle E 6 o s= nd many me am e"Goin W391Ar PACEFC mNAuSM, ue.seat sm S-rls--- t6e -beanep Neeinsg of lohe n am 3sbme. Dostos, April 2L.-At the Unies paile ebokhoen.' omensing this Morning It was isted to appreve the company's aquisities of O13,.6 UNCsa PaciAe, Deaver end G raireadstoak, 9,10o -asl-ds mere bande of hs eampany, the K,,MM Oages Nhert Ine and Ufth Northsrn & per aes bons and eosatsm trat besie of the -m, ean- pamy for eL74kUS ad Minarsecai eekheiders thes vated to approve all Ahe- toers' acts and to annul and declare s when the lamons Boek lainad-it. Pad bridge es- ovae with the Union Paciic. which it Was do- heled bed never bseabmitted t oe iod ofdiretors athe myereths gern- agt drectos.. si.les mid Mr. Gould, tr. Amesa and bime would Ii as thee,-i *a sa rolls. limb ths I wS st it of. If there ae spers==ne=y or : VC On.es e E uthen es" sun qped the deicit for the hl beang Marpotis no eA Prelmie a e,. i.s i..tede.urseor. -".s the k"ge inerese in a Aeif expenses of the sysem. I the of epemang en. pe 6 tos erni bees the mae in 1 e isn 1 the system would have shows a SThre fer t year a O0479,9e steer we- mat of an tied of a deich, ATrae reAS ae Par mies f .m d meen .m a Yagu Oef heslanhd t n ernato syese on te pacdn year. Fe st~toe and Ne mork dhesesied eyam we 66e9AM again 7.478.h11 in 1pK, and oeed ase mt 1411. .ginst 2,n 1Unee Avenage rt Pa das g mle ma tin ainm 1..a0 avugean , per @ewe per mies Wa ee t2 oft geetas in Qe The s at Q- g M m Q bees reduced fomso 4,l 4 to 4 . asthe -mb, se b e r east of yeyt "reign " enQe ad New h bls Ieag harsme !romb 3w. Th om e~u i ste K~is e eas 3a3saaes~ ..s -'.. ".. t .o ---' and an ea Apo se.-The d mai beini asnd pia the eihi Ameryi ebeas in re4 ome eesbM vased y f ma e hesatdr s te ea.a heheads beam eme ml pie he mah - th med mseel ma a ler sf mped eni Uen e auebed bp ~e. Dbr ea ear mee beweer aels bee. m ere t asaM dea emS mb It ~Umiing ta be-maEn deq haser. flie oethers wth agma men leve. asnse et oe bem ess 3 e4ma s Thaeer mea- "sea terelrme sea, essn~snm.a...a...ed Mt enr di t 3im ia ee yyom oted wh~ sen ameses pier seb e s an & isimer tmeassasmetm a ssmi ass asse casenesm ad bes amato hasth easerreeBo mms of ms heM of d.oISssmae in.et heb~~

Stie ing Sa. FOUR HOURS'FIGHTchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1891-04-29/ed-1/seq-1.pdfTHE EVENLNG TAR. Stie ing Sa. poU3UNEDDAILY. EieepSmday, AT THE bTAR RUILLINuS, 7101

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Page 1: Stie ing Sa. FOUR HOURS'FIGHTchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1891-04-29/ed-1/seq-1.pdfTHE EVENLNG TAR. Stie ing Sa. poU3UNEDDAILY. EieepSmday, AT THE bTAR RUILLINuS, 7101



7101 1"syhania Ave., aemar 111 etree, by

nke Eveing Sty lewpaper CS.npamy,b. a XArFrMANN. PrWt.

Try 7vemi'tq 1r3 . ,rre o tr e ibe-rwne theSt yarr-r on thiSr nwa nt'i'iU. at 10 cont*pw.r44c. 1- :-.nl"4. 4,pies At the canter.:t. IBy wa,& -auywhw ier Inm het Utad ntal@so

t.eel I.4re grevI~As t sat. se aunch.P.Trv -av Qt abatr 41M rY '1h5 %10 pm "&n;

wat. -u rear.yetare W, is-. L 3.L0.

i r..s a- tie. Poet 'i.,e a #mioem. D. a..?. iI La-n taster I

"- eo k-brrtptints imt b pad inadem..e;eriet.1 .*i.or than pa;d for.

3 -..1T +r --. ki*ttse fln aWmericarten.








G&AFIAI STOCEL....................ga


0.09D %haee Preredel CImUlative 8 prcent stock . ............ . .. ,m

5.ks) .harm ('omrni (Oldinry sack)......:MOODThe FE. Hundred Thorsm Dollare Prefered

P4 per cent stock.saw ofered in tb mar.hat. m-'ets of Tom Theaomad tg -paid d non-

amse.s*e phare e the Psi value af £10 (eMyWlb p-r share). repremed by Tram Cemanmy eartil-est.. of the C*etrl -uTMS Company of New Ta,gaga.a: e Leh 'ertilesai like aanaer of pegrnbares of th1 ]par val of £1O pm dae Mf thERmosn . :npany have been deposited.Dmleads payaLe at Ceatrl Tr t Compamy.New

York. as s o after February I and Amgat 101 each

year aw eeo ato can he audited.The fuseawnc of-rtag of Tom Thougmad hre Pe.

Imai sock. for whw-h Trust Comapay ewtiermtemav beam issuel to comply with the equiremnts etthi =arSe. cm e.rtmee all the stock held bin.s coa.y for sale. In the enr*ptjio of Five TousmandaermeAf ComMOn StoCk 4fC like pma Vain, of A1M

ismy *A) low abam.)Tr- Cupany etisemat will ae be aMm fw

the Ceomma. atock. Dbh .1MM. Of gack an eMeden the iooiwmr ternia:30.0 'MARES PREMIRRD CEUrLATIVE S




S-Ana S. V. WHITE & COMPANY.New York and chkiee.


BA5K U NF I)kTE AMERICA. 25 NAAU ST..X.I.Frotn whom ProspectageM and blank form 01 AV.

Vi ation ean be obtained. Ssacr4a*ne= will be pay-ab-e a owu TEN PEA CENTON APPLICATION;

.IMPL CEN I ON AiTrrMENT;3PER CENT ONWFlN"nDAT. MAY 2.1k ; 30 ]PERCENT ONMONDAY, JUNE 1. nL Allotise will he made

4 an an practible.The right la 'emved Ie Reject any .smansiptirm orleerp t It n part. I ay mbariptis inwhonly e-

Ji"red the ain-at desmaied as applatiea. wWl be a-turned. I the whole amouat appled fSW he not aI-letted the amon pail for on applAs, wall beappmed as the anma ftbhcrue due an the anne-a---@MeRwilbe aen fS al prMAEnte mide isan.da

umbed TrUft Cospmy emaosst" W' the Ce.-Hal Trut Company will te delivered as mn o pre.kalbe as- the smakin' of the 20na paynOes. Anybmetallenm may be paid in advamee under ec. atthe nse 5pm et ra~ anMm.Fatlase I pay may in-tarkmn=a when due will -egt

1l p ou" pyment.A pe1oem'e In allotmeit will he gives to amployMe

md casteenort 03. B. WarM & Co... Limite.




JoRN D. PALMER. EQ.. TREAMURELJ LN I. IVES. EMQ.. SECRET IRE.3ATIE OF TUE USINiE.-..The buranaseoe ene nianultheft propurtary msihedae and

.aurt known an It-arher'* ''Mafe" lle...ed~e..Wanr w Cabia" Raelliee a:I Waa-ner-s ''afe"

Yearn. .m es and laboratories a eetab~lithed inS ee. N. Y.. Toronto. Canada; Loandon. Ens-

F Iran. '.rt. Uhermnany; Errizala. Itwitserlad;Ub.u...* *. tila,. and Dineia. New 7ealan.

T.estahashn.ar of th te.e oEcresand laborater out-all Mof Eucese-r. N. T..* wan temetheed inaeratlvelyEeary owing to the enortnogeinceaee of baenne

adi the wideepread popalgit 01 3. Wage &

P-ul'E.!TY Ct'OVETED.--The price paidlby thecomtazy for th.- entire busia-se an 'osa als July. 1smaaa ..di. tze srood w;1. tra.me naane and mar.a. se.'r; :.eSial repus, freho4d and lieseold pm-peaea. I . tner Ira America end esewhere,dned.- .' M.e pija' and niachinryat hochaeser, N. Y.,

andl it. ag..rat branc.hoine cah a han anabaar th t.a in trade (ceasnszmnr of whuiy ador- i r .atnredl etok. law miaterial and ad.,

..-*...-....- fnunimre ald all property used am coe-

- i: .rat. ntee int by M. Wn l.-ri et . inrase .rt itn of bIsi.ss nd

h ~ - A r Nto the sen or eaion ovaeito

A . L.Vied. the ntap arninara in theImaw h~aperd terewasno

. a. rdar..r to the ants. whes the- e I a.t .. tat.e hon'ne were see than

I ~ the ,- t wu yeare uere the laret Inh. A tb.' ai-.-.'. wath the ezception of one.

nry y. ea I t: e F-nab hCe.a. endraaryl'. the iet ear: -ars were £l(f.01k

v :.i ,z. ot of'inea were paid serni-ude is< npre. r l toc attherate of 3

9 1'? i , -. aa.i ... andt r. o nzzjn stock at the* - I a il . N a I-er a-.Mn. beamles carrying

- . tani .f 4.e or t*:IM.Zl0. anda senrias to tue a.-n: year's an-count of

- . r-an sow raty. twing to thet *C. '. .t of the- Lewer branchea. that

- ' e otIiomaad calildnt. paidif * ''4':.a e! it, Nietnre Btond.

46>of cai a e-atur'.estill taut-- re let of etay. 1M1. a careful

tr maenufthie co.era withaa varioeet .ue,* with a view t'. the. declarationof

at:rtt.e 1rat mu at ncte of thserondCa. ,~n..r'.i wan e..-se gratit yiar. as Ite net

Ii' ::. a .an:b w-re au S.S4.. beah.> lare --ta tle anatory 0t the 6..m-

a - a .at ebl- :he Coanyany to de-iare- .. um.a surdend at therte. ofSpercent entt 1- et... l~ e te; oa th. Coimoa s1trh.

A orl-.o ts e.at carrted feorait to. theSa- y ear. SLaee Febraary 1 the beasm.

he . .: .rr..eatra.-~e.mt. thelatalenI .la ireawk larr danidesI tena everc.o.-o eeeeleu beslde the

ltth'ref.-rred uiisadead.Pra. a re- ent car..i~ eetmise it is believed thathp. 5.e of the 'aomnern of the ompay fo th he

'- . -nIIa.r Jilyh3but lfl. alddedto thenet prjUtU Swae ee the peeron 04Mm gmoatha, wail ag-d'.e abtot fe.-i000 for the emtiee pear. Tahinga.. en-iat -s a basme and dedlecting

a --t on he14'sr Debstae.....gggg~1e--ealaS ..wa~ fe Prte~t. . .h...,S?er mamsia mdabha a M'videmnde the

'atm ASL 1 pem~ er the ag1. i m




FINANCIAL.T cECOXMON STUCE AND roR THE FURTHEREXTENSION Or THE BUSINES.The RoIL B. U. Waner hee contracted to art sManagrinr Dreter for Ave years from July. 18. e-

ceivmg no ompsometnm In any ." therefor. untile earn1g for the yer amount to 9117.00Or0417.4O UUCU COMPENSATION TO BE PAIDONLY OUT OF TEE NET PROFITS IN EXCESSOF TRAT SUM.UndSr an gremet with tbe Comapany Mr. Warneretlaas lot "ee tmad @harm. of the Commn=meek of the Oamany.ApPl"i"bor will be made to the New York StockMachang for dealtsee In both clase of certifcatesaeetimg the Preferred and Comnon Stock. It

I. I. Warnsr. Press. W. I. Robison. See.lam joy Edom@. Vie PasS. V. B. Gurley. Tim.





Do youpuose going abroad this eunmer or do youdee to be abadt from this city and be entirely freeha bualun cares, then latrIe your afairs to theWASHINGTON LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY.Ueh is fully premed to take charge of and collectmiatng notes and interest, to collect dividends andto reinvest the sanse, if desired. securely, without careor trouble to the owner and for a unall compensation.Try t this suunsr and se wLat a relief it will be to


DIRECTORS.~hn~3niRgdJa. iT. I%".r Jobs. She,

James L. Baxear. Th.e. Somerville.U. 8. Cammins. John A. Swope,J. J. Dari onf. J. S. bworut~stedtJohnJoy George Truedell.W a. L urle, B. U. Warner.John A. Hean.lie== A. A. Wilson.Albeit F. Fox. L D. Wine0. C. Oreen. a. W. WooAward.John B. LArner. A. S. Wortliinton. It

WO MORE WILD-CAT 'SICK-BENEFIT ANDtasarzac schemes" have to the wall in Phila-delpila. hIowmucahmor.e aredo you want of thetal Lae of takil life insurance outaide of thecnant--h asth aeqUtableof New WD be ! Write me. CH . L. GURLEY.

lam F mt. n. w.._a1With Equitable ife Assurance Society.


1n 21t 9111- **l sp 04% 00%s

Cim S68, eg gg g$81 ..eeWo 0160S P


PER CENT INVESTMENT.-The company offerssmsale Debnture bonds. secured by ars mortgagee,in Sume of e100. 00 and $1.000. payinr 5per cent,witch have many advantages over any other lWgiti-mese investmnta Some of the advantages are thee:They am secured by the entirecapital stock ad the

cempany.There is no trable or annoyance about drawing up

papeen, &c.Yu make a fied iavestmeent for a certain period of

the and receive yom interet promptly at AxedPeriods.You have the apervision of the Trust Company and

yer ivestment iscaned for without charge to you.It it one Is thesifest and simplest possibie Methadf iLvesting either anall or large euma.Thee detbetures can be ragnetered. tha affording

ran absoulte saecarny ageinft their lown or usinlao.

OTHEM FEATURES.The Anierican Security and Trust

Conpany pays interest Uon de-posite, acts s Trustee. Executor.Guardian. Administrator. An-signe*. hereiver. Financial Agent.Reiriatrar. Treasurer; keeps willsfree; rents safe depolit boxes;a*ke inv-stmiente: loans money;afford* storage roornn flr Louseloldefects and transacts a general loanand trust bonuIm--ad for whichit a thAunyy1 equopped.


A. T. Brittua..................Prsident.C. J. Bell........... First iUre Preamnt.A. A. Tiornas.... Second iice Premident.Perry B. Metzger.............. Treseurer.ierge E. En"ue, ........... becretary.

W.dhtn~ton Directus: Philadelphia Directors:A. T. Bneo. %i-liarn M. cosaes0'. J. Bell. Robert Dornan.V. w. Beveridge, Laniel Imnuvan.Henry F. Blount. John N. Hutchtas,Ith C. )uncaneoN, John A. Jenks.Mjattew G. knmsey. Henry S. ImAucheimrn.Jae#sE Fitch. CaiebJ. Milne.Joa E. Herrell. Charles Porter.John I. McLan. Alan H. Reed.lanrtn F. 1Uerrit. a. b. Sharp.Ceft.y S. Noyes. Willian Verer.M. A. Parker arry F. WentJame 0.W. S. Thompsorn. OCke: 1419 0 @. n.w.A. A. Thomas. oUare house: 1140Benry A. Willard. 35th a.w.14Beeafnian H. Warder. aP27


who oessve to save uioney b3 aouthly installaents.AUTHURIZED CAPITAL-&4. 0JJ&ERFECrlN IN LIlk'VF.ITY L

PLANS DEFINITE.A positivegarante. for iatuiity of stock.Stock leased on WIVYE diS ent plan. Can with-Ihew at any time with tiper -ent Intereet (accrigto

An-lasE CN l'es o .forteituree, no cavile.NmjU Ittdrawinar nemberetorfeit no part of their inatall-mnents.nor are they reqmirud to pay any cancellattonIne or extra aneeemnentn.No DISKS. tA.ss IMPOASIRLE. hecause seccurtieeire on Siret mortaege.Real estate only taken br

loanse. whach SECt '8E members Ab&0LL-TEL!.Iharee are non-forfeitable.All aoracte are deli mite. The inventor know, In ad-

rance whet he paye and what he gains, i0 er. cent to1010 per rat. I mm.+ borrower knows, to a cent whatr ieLOAN will reel himi. There ano 'd' for lasbuorrow 61.000J end get the 61.01* cash. Lok at ourWy-laWe.

lined timuee fir samityof eM STOCESand LOANSIIEAEAN TEED econihngr to clamsor plan select..Full intornaation crcae either at principal offiee. No.;1t 8it. Charlee street New Oleaaun. La.. or bruich>Ace. Nu M5LU L a IIaAlME.. Waslagnion. D. C.

T. D.ODMIJAN.apS@b ueneral Aasnt.


ijamteeed by uescaal art of Convrreee Jammry22 17.

TuNI'AN!adratof Comnarrems of tbAer 1. 111.

Tis cozmyany begs to announce that it has receivedlfrom the controller of the crrency ie certacaec

aer= = nninde the actet Cenutsein of Otbr1

As heretofore. and for tweety-four yars pant, tie-empanhy Wab receive securitiqe. liverware an.i other

raiunabeefor safe keepingr In it, Sre-pruul bumilding.sndeira rent salee or bomein itsenew Seand bhnrier-proof iault. which have time locks and all otherniod-min Itpliancee.t-nderandlby virtaut tfhest of Congreef COt.-

Der I. mA). and the certiateof the CalreoIler of theLcurrency thatt it lha ludy counplied with the. law in all

appe.-t.e tie coonpany will. in addition to the buel..s metotoretrannected by it. tt as ezecutor. adnminia-

rator. receiver. ssignee end as connittee or armrdaan>f

rstatee. and wul receive end execute truete of every

l.=-nrtpu coamnatted to at bly any court or byn.

ru. a.AL. tramt funds and treet inv..hema -g kept ape

rat.eaaler from., the eeta of the compan. e

mienes ynchleoectem the he a eawt f

Dapoaite will he rereived hrum tem crato upindemm

etereet will be allowed on euch depoeita.

Wihm receipted lter eand snept without chreBENJAMtIl P. It% Dxi.a;. usCHARLES C. 01.U' Mirst Yiie Predident.JAMtY~t M. JOHtNSTtO . Sec1ond Viel'idiE. Ft.ARUIS R1.. Tiweerneer.AsLaEEI L. WTURTEVAN I.* meeetary.Willeam E. Clarh. U. Rms Bar

Lew C ~ane. GEo U. Pient.Cheea . ter. ~..Thomae Myde. Joka I. Reohrers.Chariin A. Jasnm, benjmamin P. iharder,James U Johnetoe, AIbaet L. SttartevanlJabma I. baan er A. Witied.ap11-ta Adew siea.

lmse Washingta SedEbLEWIS 0. TEWESBURT & CO..RANERS AND SmEggS,

185 1 MT., WASEInaTO0N, D. C.,Bay a ~ er en s~m~ Ust kmI

petswires to New Techm 6 sInteret alowed en depogsa



investor, who nay rerdv, (pro rats) the sme pusSas larse on"s in placinr their a in romaantedprermum notes aseured by Arxt 4?of trum on reeate. Notes of *30.00 subject to taken a Zlots are sohl pay 540 premud mad defngment of nits at maturity will aivef M00 04.'O.Ulprulit. In order tlat all naysavail thmeVe1of this desarable and safe securlty am i-monthly payments of 61U.0w la .be d4 themacma. THO AN A. MITCHE&h

ONFSt.. Wasngton. city. D.(.N.B.-A separate lot .'0x150 feet mecurse each noteTitle Insurance Company's abstract with gusute areeajonaible banktnr bous, of this city. of atresde.nteproe44y responde to.aP2l-W T. A. MITCHELL.9, 7e.


dty ordesta loAs sea inlTHE PREFkRIED MUTUAL ACCIDENT AUOCIA-TIO'N of New York. K. C. Atwood, Secretaryor claims upon which paymet has been riu~ewholly or in part by said Assocaition. wll adit to their advantage to commnicate ata8ewith

ap'Geod3a JUSTIE, Surs4me.


CORSON & MACAXTNEY.GLOVER BUILDING. 1419 F ST. N.Whanker and Dealers in Government Bo"&.Deposits. Exchange. Lans. Co'lrlcmRailroad Mooka and l somdandall maurit Mated an.- exchangeea of New York. k-hiladePha. BMon andlialtimore. bought and sold.

A apecialty nade of investment ecurties. DiStrici]Bonnaa and all local llallroad, 0mm. Insurance 811d Tel.-Lu~ne S~tock dealt in.Amwer.a.aBnai Telepbone Stock bouahm.dsoldiy18


913 AND 915 ST. N. W.as the beat plan devised for secaring a Eases.

NO AUCTION OF MONEY.Anyamomt loan re yable 113 per month mew&$1.000 advancea."r IoHbre5~monhma-


OFFICSfts:uAn.Pr. Andrew WanU.M'c's.O.T. Thompsou.Tres. Gen'l J.E.hith.ATRUSTEES-AM ICAN SECURITY AND TRUST C.A. T. Britton.Pres't.


PERSONAL'IL LADY WHO INQUIRED YESTERDAYfor Mr. Foster at front room attorney's Otesplease cad again or addrem ATTORNEY. ta eocel'

6100 REWARD WILL BE GIVEN TO ANYof letterofthelAhrequst. Addrss 0G. .. IerofB,e. it.

CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATION QUEBTIONSand answers. mend 10 cents toA. W. FLYNN. A.M.. Ivy Inmittute,ap21-1m* southwest cor. Si andM Stm. nw.

PERSONAL-SAVE TOITR MONEY BY BUYINGWaateed pretiaum notes, each note of M s-cureon lot 0100 value. Title Insurance Comspany'sas mtat guaranteed by well-known bankinghouse Q this ety. A 4W note subject to ell pays$5,40 premium, or W1% to ar ree

TROAS A. MICMW-9t* Willr at.

PRIVATE DETECTIVE AGENCY.A"ilISam's A o. Commn~cte=iasa opty at-tended to and strict comaetyal. al-hour. .M. UL Man.ge. F


'OW IS THE TIME. WEZ WILL PAY "BIG11Money" for gents' trot..ess aseeo-mata.A orawar sall as JL b'l' OLDT






BIN THIS ANNOUNCEMENT WEWish to call your attention toaCoat and'"t.

style of Coat. &-button cutaway frack.Vest. nangle breasted, with notch collar. 5lbut. ii.Materus!. Black Worated.Clayls weave, will

not mcaraick edwinaushed with tat braidPrice *lf, eoat and vest. Pant@ to go withtid" coat and veaw in all the latest shaes 9to S-.

P. S.-Don't formet to wear yourovee-oat to the race*; If you are Ia needCEORGE UIANSY.

g64 7thet. njw

-: . =0UEgEPER. MEE-CHANTS.ATE YOUR VALUABLE FURS. WOOLENS. be..Promn the ravages of moth. bufailo buags, jgEnghem in COLD 16TORAGE atCN9AI(IET. ~The best modern method of "0a1aambject to Iaury in summer by amoths a o t

ier1s t. epUw them *cold. dry teme rature!&b.niter tar, tobacco nor ay other vile amellingmabstan' 'a requned.Merchsants. hotuekeegam sad othere interested Inml responsible for the n of such goods will SAd Ittla-radvantage to avail tha=mavee of the fauttm

I rae rates are low. Goods wil be called for.[nquirv at the oW' of the Oster Market, th at.PRESTON S. SMITH. Clurk.P.5.-Houekeepers deanroub Of Placingf butterganme. egs. &L. on cold etorage will be oferel"i a-aaeweet sr-eroo-be- proridedfort purpose.a "pri4

oWNERS OF REAL ESTATE NEAR THEPennsylvanIa ave. and 14th t. cable lamarantirg earth tillin are rueedto addreee CON-rRtAcTAOR.orner eth andl ae.nw. ap1-1m*SDIVIDEND NOTICE.WoASHINGON. D. .,ApuIE I

vat haa been dse on the capital stock of''h

Washingtua taReaEtate ComI " out of Its netarmings since its oranliofl ill be at

heonce of tbe comapany 612 et. n.w..aIRIAYEKDN tDAY. 'APRIL 1anThe b~o aks for the traser of stock will he closed cmIEDNESDAY. APRIL (3, to FRIDAY. MAY 1.bhothates incluilve-By order of the Board of Directors.apc74t W.MOSBYWILTIAMS. Secretary.


1111 Pa. ave,ap14 All SpringNoveltie reoeived.

~suPREME CO~*tT OF TEE DISTRICTSpecial Term of Orphans' CutBine=se

n the matter of the Estat.. of CalebGardner~deceaede.In the came of William F. (Garduer, adeministrator. . a. of Caleb Gardner. deceased. the maaentrator.reeaid ham, with the a etritinc theeourtaforeaId. griven this a!jt ayof Ape, A.D. 1591. ap-eilnted May the ~Nh next for th nal settemnat

ad distrIbution of the pesnlesmte of said ds-eased and of the eseets ,nbad we and where alllie creditors and heir ad distrabatees of maid de-

eased are notlned to attend, with their claime prop.ite aron ine maid dee eestt. proraded a copy of this order he pulshed oce a week

or three weeks in the WeeiginLaw Rep rteu-oustosaid day and Ia Th kvannlt for theam. time. A. B.Rm. Jusiee.Atrneco y Teet:

Registr'ef"Vile.fr Diddest ore~a. ,apST-Iaw3wmFOR SALE-TWO FINEW'S 01 3st. n.w.. neer Oat ;SiAIo ai.Alh se. n.w. nearkRel.; 1 to alley. ..ST

LUN.AttorneyatLaw.1tU n~w.a-s&t

cans Teu me d ~ en

-r aeJvaCas. kte pemd.


98645 U I Dsg. agw,ag4 M 4mtnasaW


Slvr day you delayTaking out apoliylow of t h


OFIEROOM sFOand and thir 1""i teDakblda, 14150 it.Appy at bea E


KY tiebatonm JUaNE 1 ahmit 7 whey will receive m aaannw.

j~D 192 STtKANA NY.IT.42 Is'-~wt lesson. I mm eigato mcmom 60

" rmad 10 haiasw~.af?at aj et Ql3jj SPECIAL NOTC


I am imapored bi then buildlangbead.t d91M asIratPla" and Window (flaml 11maft -sder.He.there in no other bourn tha Com pogibly-dowork any lower in price. I tmatthe lretaivoics of both .WGaw.a.nmy rmetgi e ..s

you my enormous Ga0m tock and

and which enabbles me to fll thoard alwayWSwl onard. Ia t

h 1Awe,wbestrefeence prnomhineton yma


WOODWARD A LOTZROPOfer some etra values in HemeGeedand 1aBob@&.Nor"e Sbest.................. os. to gg.0Cloth Lap mobse....... 0 tos00Linen lap Robes ................ . to 3.00

M11,0o Lap Nobes............. Ai0 to SLOG

EXTRA.50 dams Extra arse Da sima Iamo lpRotes. faah"d both mide. $LO uu%sapVeMt ---41.25each.-

~SEIAL ASOINGS AND 3UDNamatar ANWCATINEW 27TH 8E.SBocka far 90cinkmiIon to its lah

Are a&- open athe oce of the moew3ary and gone.10wC building.141617 8T. I.W.SHAIIEs-4EC.

NO BACK DU TO PAY.SPX131 CENT INTEREI8J GUARANTEED.POUs PER CENT ADDITIONALINTERESTONDEPOSITSZrqAltair or mmaflt ix oaJ Doams" ass1ockauaculbed0- 17.000 basrv have been subscribed to theSERIAL m0'Inc onzallo. ahowlaits lepoul,both a monthl sa a andes a baimadium to persns wmatin maggy for Wobsftffbomsa or other purpose.The secratary. Jao. A. Pisot, wilbe bspt~r ~ m*mal neaafatmia concersangthe . oSERIAL the conaEiR-slowa may be obtaind of him at his coff, Where &W I

flock may be subscribed for and duMa ai. ry vatdaybtes t hou of9m. and 30p..ROBT. 0. CAMPBELL 17Ih ibt. aw.Visa Preidest,DAVID 0. DIXON, surgeon momra oeae, War


W. ST. CLAI. *JNO. A. O . ligg b ,


Maibar ate informed thh do now "Vd9card. d" booka. runningf to April. I~a.no mdSo, 1@7. Pleam write your preemtia We losixlbsface the el wAea -*f o,.nk card... exparig.ra~mmb~ ma'I~~a to may oilam.

will not recoinzse the old ards after April 30. aA., N.OjhLKY 812 A st.a.. = =ID~t

TOOms.,10 at. Z1AJ. H. BAIWA. 9001H mt. Cash iloomirm. Dp.

BAWN.tisats (PUDa


o 1tio 12 at. O Tr.

A.MK BAMO iSL a1h. GAw. a

Byord Aer usaeu co. .



It is the bait Rmaftgater an ths inarhet.Made of solid oak, beautitally inlahed andtrimmed; Slled with minaere4 Aber. andguarantmad parfeot. Mney ohmafully re-fanded i not asregeamamted.

W. N. REE SVO Lat.

p1.- Bhe oe ath. andI st. &ds.1

.WANE IT KO. T- E L=."*CAsleplaoreMO 7 SLCL0VD

.MARo. W had at' nmw.TO~WINS P LiOL uOuw

WAGONS at LOWEST PRICEMLUEI.P5COUNT on tickets at o Hea. D eat L. ILING.At. . MO andfit m -DDRIVhCYOUSEEN T

sUpliod Dnsli0 WOO. baitAlyfnisma




atck peem .

e ae oee U" AlWINDOW SCREEN Raman 2b. RAgE.


Wit Spring Elmseu. Reek and Erpemi EnebaS14eS ,T..GARDEN ROSE. COEmaTE,

With Conpingas.-dat. ask s.ARE m REE, s. EATg.



"40 3 s Mte .


arm sn aSM, IN

coB. uTr AND 5EfR..,gev Geea Sm.

aam, iren amaenIse age






AFIXTUEB AND LaMPS AT COST.et the larwe m atini ot ibtwr.

now n our o a...FIXT.... .ND aT m---0





A O E DITRCT 0 0~5en v. ot fUnit. aba..Tiaw

WO & 00..EANKEUm.

32 M"....BEMOVAL.. Having meovega. mo nw benk

buinding. 12T2 I st.. where we haveall thefeitie for tr-mcm- aimn-eral eanking buma, we ideie a

eall your attentin to our homekrthe anmation of orbeuim,

AmeNTS. We olio the aiont, et rmee

ntdividualo, both arse and aen.feeliur oure that owirmtheoe doingbuine wil plea.. you. and tha ifyo tn e open at ament withamiewill ramat one.o w depogitoga.Call and emoa Mcede. We wilbe pienced to abow pe earnew ge-

TE.E.T I......r..a.ma.ef 9;.,es bear,.,interest according to Oamuth otte.JOLLECTIONU made on all peit'beset charge toour c 3utommae.

IXORANGE draw in the peinoipal de.e theUnited State.kADIEU. Special attention gave. to ledies, =s

tinm and comling them al allattersf busn. It ddSed.In tie comnectica We deire t a

- tht we have on had at ellthes gill.edge notes, mecured by deed of tre .peringsgodiwtee7sta eanvemhav.Call and sems

apiS-12im 1ST.


the city ed may be foud hr basave O to 2. 2-

ATTEREQUEST 01 ONE ThOUSANDn e f o r teaur-- avwe shimieems fora lMch soom en theshth Soor et wr 3bthlaest bui1i ad have pieme to Waes, Wgmebwpepaediteme theint .le mana.mhbSNim WOODWARD 3 LOTEROP.

jjbOUSTOE-MADE BERiETS-WWi rooe m"es at of destoes we

we bplttr p peredbe si to amente peerdemhe "Custom-saae" Sheenta.Ay style. for cedimya, full.rems ---om md at abort nottee, ad mntie-etIosa gamaaa.ed it evey smaaane Now tsthe best

ee to l pewr egdes an ayo will ed a hebb momtimeanable e aminer wear attr having bee. wen

Leave pewr eiderat Oewt Imieidg,ret Sogr. Es m memidi0-3 WOODWAND & LOTNEOP.

No. 419h3m . nsw.,

IowaL spettea ned a.f momw cmiIn de coutee s the fo

rates:a" whtae of hts all0 pouna.

.mc psee"'net ti:E.-eve ,e. m o "eow pucees. Earlyre bdedoited.Taeteso temde

thect ad a beud iede Bol

iaeda of Its we and ear we he ude

pae f to comoom en tei sow e wdtMbthatuidi a"~ ve,prpsed a...lte Wpp

puits passodct wanotherult e

A, p so he s me .a in te

ear WOODWaAReDaeiah WAkeins

INDPENENTICE 00..haame wipath e the ity aadiMysat


A LIENALar DI13OUNTMI damb"htpmdir erderedwm

esanased crA m al..

SticemmgeteELIERTY & 00..

imbaaImama andMS19e 15th and Pla. aee


gSo sait .ve.,les~3ybweteetef thekreseglliMe..'

adedf3a er alst edleete, bespemeift8 . The

Midagetyidasa theksmaraitedgiedlae

nempete, haybigen emgame.s eamer

air Qum rafmi, War,

O St l ardaer a smamtmLe kg a -

T Weneannmet 2rs" aprs Inalltheaenf he mes d o

a teedt i atuncty.

Nhe a ym e he d fes almamde of*wtmmmbeiStaoShamti. Ihebimemah

a --mn- In te --.---met of eemmay.I-m aml aM bvanwmsp saga9rbe

jePe' maltemma anda edamamanm af as p.

and P.ieeimwaI su epermouet aa"gm aas17

ai f haam mee e ihamsby

A8 -wt-"uso-" icWiltea,~

le bpse~be e na

elBinusuxb- 3.gaismMoa

Mal w m

Assomto~d~ ease en~Usparmswiht bo Mmftaam venowdWems lil sees..e


Ilma ut tOealysdNvl



la Au --vrt.w~topm. l.it

me."e~amer ee."""thecetaiu ehAe EAL ME.MTI ib.


Na , AIL- , ,A.. a wmer. M

pil . Al b.

L OT M ..A .c. . Umear y. It

The fnmn.&ber, Wt Rebu e nu 6aIL PEi rWe rOEWAEmET@BE

t~~a "k tM 49 sur lat otoe.s

--0. A..


SINGLETr.anthe rit

proert 401iTeP& Wal. betee 17h0n

TGL. AY. D.C. 30N

Ihthem.W.t GSat ebemtoa1t-ot ea .ec a


fuea Th. e s ebat erp opety a Thhsam iece fty. The :--t. reisc a A -

Wo P. A44. 5.PmA .

19 186Femloa.

ia at :t3;LN . D...an,


103 AL1.I AMAUTH.IZE too.

t ret mEataTweeds ow amb

the ButungoiItam atrel. 00

clock oemL

Owg t Ifor e ya busne s sit u- A . W. wORDAN. 1417e t. .

They3 oake Do snateytlyas a fot

G'| COOKeeN. .TOV.

W Tealhe a BlheeTate. Caod

co as d Ej!lace alu hlis areo red. eisA


agi a Noh nd "RNe sos atw.

. Orh"11T DE'ar IN Eand

"ZO-1 bumsi~pbsga*nTRb"JAM..R

ti . belhurutto order.e

whtet le t. bet . D.t. ato a -as*

diiona 1*0fo alley.r ll ;S

emb~InS Jul W. M JaOPEETY IN._

Tve 1'0 8E1O1 T eonANON1.T is =.. . R.pe.. 17 . te

b e..de rutabt for; pia w ertBat ad r te st tule e hily as Bee-

TEcT.. J.SER & 00Ea.r.

Dsct Ivet* a

G..AB CrOIN.. 8T M.



n inmak -


Au tembe to n te rnty.



Troery as e up btiehiymt17%mad

The Navy|b.""of**"g. ...ne

,,m,,,....e-....... a.... m ay. .

*t WARELT 131s0sue.r

Eh pireeh 9sem tyftdor.

mitS e senat. nelcamtionisa

raddent antift whe00

ofav Duponr irce sai 6:30 p d. atem.T

Tienes Jnsl . sign=. esa, 0E m

isamaaaL a.


cluet ithn te bmteIno the PRO-

Asas3retPa g auoseet tobe p set to

meet C Cam oae the Diatyst l at

buid.g TeRD....Asr8.at4 .....t.th

ammesme isfanuns sbas 2uz.

!to.~Jhree 12Mpratida en tha vlu

.b.a~a1.. aTisinoes to be 3aee

a ses ere vm en etwj

o AtW ogtom-roeas a"suip


Hell Not CmalluSetrWar

4 g inee wioe gie fand sleewakabe being.Tfin WDry. kietenHint a M il leStwmaeag eEalok-Thei Pyine. Teias primes

45PWCIS.le- TuLnerL.Y9% aned Ism wiaiie.Rm


%" itinUmiotyaie of~ te mraw 4J thekar AUO D&Adf gofemu

A 30- t2 6 -Wt b

is"eN ozzlm oire Tax CMMSSON

we sabe" so"h elligul uanns 9ft.

tOurb mmieat. 1W 0tDr. erle. "A~l

bakm 304 OOARLhmMWvm t

Rame at

I& ur ssi lo d sea evs .U

Unat. UhemTINISS beJRsun OTE ST AND N h ORAs


Waahingf New. Nand Gemi*

AUCTIONSAL ....-._...ElCC-EE ............... .. ..............raw 7

OARDIN... ..... ....g1400 g

CITYITEMS ..A...........CITYUITER.............. ..... ............. S

COUNTRY maRE TT.-L.-COUNT BOARD..... ...........DRAT..... ......

DENTIT........................gg yEDUVCATIONAL ........................Pms 7EXCUSIONs. &a.......... ....................wS0FAMILY SU1PIU .... gge 7FINANCIAL.........geFOR RENT (O1.o. . . .sEOE 3ENT (Otases ...h gs gFOR SE (Uosb................... 3.........pop

F20t RET (Mean" i..............................9p*aagFOR RET (Lormb) ..... ram 2FO SALE (3nem .. - Pm 3

M BALE (Loft) ........................PmaFOIL BALK (Mbdh" .............Pg I

ROTELSA............................_. . ........Fe 2

LADIls* ODsL... ...........................pass 7

LOCAL MENTixON................... ....PmLOS? AND UND ...... g...nMANICU . .......... PI

MEDICAL .................................. PIG7MICELLM OUS - ........................0....es &MONEY TO LOAN. g*NOTARIES PUBLIC .... pmsOCEAN ITEAME.................... Pee

POTOMAC RIVER 2OATS................Pm 7PIANOS AND Of*ANS ......a. ......... ..........p 7

PE8NA.....................Pm?P RINT0 -----...--....................----

RAIPOOALD ........ ..... ............. sg 7

SPECIAL OTALES... ......... 1SUBURBAN PROPE3TY....................... 3

SUMMER RjcwT........ _WANTED (Help) . ......... .............pm!2WANTED(Boumno.........................mleWANTED (L). .................pWANTED (Roma).........P 2

WANTED (SAnttna).. ......... .........SWANTED (Pane...............

Goa xrnmemawm-seTpAr..--ne .,.e

L 8. PLAc was Yesterday appointed, fem-w-eles pestaster at Green Bay, Va.Tan U. L I. Oxaa has arrived atMimnt,Mexik. She will sail today for a prauise.SoR. A. C- Xrrawa, the irae ontrener ofthe reseury, he gone to u.ach.u. . anbusiness conaet-d with the desparmeut.SCamrEAaR TaCr rterned to ah ity aSorig tresmPort MOMe On the U. .a.De.NAVaL Oamn.-Carpester Jamssbar" hasbae ordered to dut# in ensetion wie mebuilding of the practies ealat Ulahbeag..seN.J.

hm &WkEinART Nrm w at toeTreasury Department left Wmakingts todayfor New York. While thee hewil l eamt witthe iamigration 6oci.s with reqpete tomates ming Ander the supervidem sf ha

AGaSEN Gooe Ma Anrnn3a-43f PestOMce Inpactor Rathbe. h eeeivd a tlw

gram from Capt. 8 % inspector in charge atthe Chi-ago division, to the o et tattore Fleang and Fit, have araead one.Tyler, alineh Heood, alis Wa. Wgllmsn gereoned. a **"goods "win". The wcused hbee e cemmife toj JAby doeUmftdState Comissioner in tebdhof .663 haLlBoXns 3inannm.-Tne Temmy Deparl.mment yesterday redeemed 4h per sent ben&aggregatiw 014,, making a teowa to dAs of*16,070m.9 The bans of this clam th ansnow being redeemsed by the departmernt arusmaall ota that wero ..nal,.ies te te,issue of the circar or Ba y gavenotie of the department's nuaete disem-limme the redseptioa ot the peg~ir elate.Tom Dr rAmummT.- gSetary yWter has

intimmated that it wa uanlely that amy abmnewould be smade in th seem of th montlydebt statement before the beginning at Venew eal year. The Becretary behoives atthe old form used during the pree=n m-publicam adnlinivA.ati.. is pfra fe tar tepresent, for moame reason, the farm,which does o the ,mgreen-beck redemp among the amet of me

A PowmaruLGuy.-Te ordamse, ase ofthe Navy Department have Just amlge.d atthe proving ground at Iadia Hed te &ateat of the third te4nc& steel riad gm irthe double-turreted meeker Mimtenesmeh.With 289 pounds of Dat 6wown powder anditeen tons 1r0eretpVojMDUW attined amuzzl velocity of &jrllterecond, prob-ably the best result on roe

Of the binft----h's tem-imck game Aseot Asiabed and will he tested nest week.

To Pueracr Tm Gwusums.-Expeima,are being made by the Navy Department witanew system at protection hi guamme in em-= Plaes On massai-wr =U eaema.a Pseomalanf meery hasee.

cureda ulr - ofwr obmadeoftrlong steelpirals wbhi is e.

amarbly GeyiaE adt besse sereabiao le, = - heim aner andis is proposed to mse eurtains of dis maesia

to protect guamr behind ohields from fngaments of opdngsek. The stnqualit ot the n is believed to he egmitla sldpi. see an toh 46.L

IlmuamAsear. Peeth& Oe -t.heUnited States delegates to the inttenssimagt- edaengre, whichwel eseene in Thema

on the 36th ofMay, wille fn rom New York onbt.u.day on the steamer 1a Brtegne. thedelegates who wee apine by the Pasm.-tar General mue (.Mthe euperintenset fet husmel sytand Mr. Wifumsm Potter of1lset hn hhe. been lergsty interested in eb 4gteem -esses. The eengrees is epet~ odeeg term all the esmtries in th seedand teprincipal objest will be the auevi ofthe comesdmo et us nteesi -atlaiwhisk governs the eoehepe ofase beasel te i=-eent ems....

PmmaL=-N -i sashiese of Tmie, .

Getting of New York and 5mm esereenth head, Ind., a- as

Pratt of the Caris india U Ehemisu .

Parker otchiseoand A.Wht.e~

hn w . Ta., ... ut asmm -C. Eue . L r. w.A. Gs e nd aR. J.w er

Pevieos ame at thetaJohell. anm eag age

the Ases.--esgm L. J5nan et e

endS. a. UMeta ofae sa

NweYok ammaek ass mmf.

wanteaof ew T.k..m s sches am

Na ansuef au Csams-0.3. U tE. Nete of Eme m . e

bmsosesegaeofuto game to

~ ~ ~ ema sss


A FOUR HOURS' FIGHT~aau.san...s.mUiinan.

AW B.ud Wek.

-M NIm' RaILVAYMAn U..sy Feeling in the Wheat

Markt for Awhile.



aftsks"pe Oer gesSes Weak ofvevw

aUasessa, Tzu., Apra 2.-There -a tori"e eanisgratio bere thin mr.The lem is fMy a-quare of a Aime delism;

inmees eve 010,00. Thesr. emumeesiatil amr. to amm"ball a Ce fersioee w-tey am King rves The An gt beyondeakel of the irse deprmmt ad spiy waft

"..a t I the sig gerbee e S,a:?am =e~ "h *am were Mader oem-adel, and am sld at destresm esee

UeYerarLW loeds at eombedaims wburned, ameg othee a eer lead at ireweeto.cresm a aus" paste iash wrwd 1 , aand working&at th tr. he these ie as-glmes of the an deparmeet wn lbidi e,owing to the oest covered.

Whie this lrewasraing is its grastet bsymother broke t oA MEstMaueaigny SeeMsMnear the Grand View noel adbrik sad elgft rame cottamm er

ai am ab -e fistvolving a afbobet 6290w1, Kiayby insurace. Tbe re d-partment esmta f"wsections of bowe to t" re ad WeiesteEmased the bose lis and 1nsiy gO4theuder control.E Ths.rerty lawne - lseoW. Withitle.

.w.a se. w...aCatme4A N. T., April a.-Tweeolybm

rumis dwelisge in tis village of Leeds wsebusred yeerday. TMe heauteat hoe i .

Judge mtems of New York, ownerot e granerpr fthe vffi . is pro ebured is-

eded the oe bwuidaag, or weesam and fourtees dwelnm~cip ___eva toemae, nearly wfvcs~stemil at lads owned by Judge Whm hvebeen shut down ginoe 11. LAn,partiay inssed. he ueige ham s an -

masT Toscamm sociansemensLowbex. April29.-Am extessivesd BO-mast ire occurred here eaely ths -a

at I. C. Dufy A Son' lumber yards a Ber-maadwey, a saatbesAern emberb of e aty.The lmberya surrended by a nmerof tma =e.-t occupied by me afPoorest families of llermosissy nenlwhich Were utterl uninsured. aWha the aebroke ot thre wee wid co.t.es and die-May among =Jus w People, who saw tems-seves in I aIs losing their lttle E 6 os= nd many me am e"Goin

W391Ar PACEFC mNAuSM,ue.seat sm S-rls--- t6e -beanepNeeinsg of lohe n am 3sbme.Dostos, April 2L.-At the Unies paileebokhoen.' omensing this Morning It was

isted to appreve the company's aquisities ofO13,.6 UNCsa PaciAe, Deaver end G

raireadstoak, 9,10o -asl-ds merebande of hs eampany, the K,,MM OagesNhert Ine and Ufth Northsrn& per aes bonsand eosatsm trat besie of the -m, ean-pamy for eL74kUS ad Minarsecai

eekheiders thes vated to approveall Ahe-toers' acts and to annul and declare s whenthe lamons Boek lainad-it. Pad bridge es-ovae with the Union Paciic. which it Was do-

heled bed never bseabmitted t oe iodofdiretors athe myereths gern-

agt drectos.. si.lesmid Mr.Gould, tr. Amesa and bime would Ii as

thee,-i *a sa rolls. limb ths I wSst it of. If there ae spers==ne=y or :VC On.es e E uthen es"

sun qped the deicit for the hlbeang Marpotisno eAPrelmie ae,. i.s i..tede.urseor. -".sthe k"ge inerese in a Aeif expenses ofthe sysem. I the of epemang en.pe 6 tos erni bees the mae in1 e isn 1 the system would have shows aSThre fer t year a O0479,9e steer we-mat of an tied of a deich,ATrae reAS ae Par mies f .m dmeen

.m a Yagu Oefheslanhd t n ernato syese on

te pacdn year. Fe st~toe

and Ne mork dhesesied eyam we

66e9AM again 7.478.h11 in 1pK, and oeedasemt1411. .ginst 2,n 1UneeAvenage rt Pa das g mle ma tin Oesaainm 1..a0 avugean ,per@ewe per mies Wa ee t2 oft

geetas in Qe The s at Q- g M mQbees reduced fomso 4,l 4 to 4 . asthe -mb,

se b e r east of yeyt "reign "enQead New h bls Ieag harsme !romb 3w.

Th om e~u i ste K~is e eas


..s -'.. ".. t.o ---'andan ea Apo se.-The dmaibeini asndpia the eihi

Ameryi ebeas in re4 ome eesbMvased y f ma e hesatdr s teea.a heheads beam ememl piehemah - th med mseel ma aler sf mped eni Uen e auebed bp~e. Dbr ea ear mee beweer aels

bee.m ere tasaM deaemS mbIt ~Umiing ta be-maEn deqhaser. flie oethers wth agma men leve.

asnse et oe bem ess3 e4ma sThaeer mea- "sea terelrme sea,

essn~snm.a...a...edMt enr

dit 3im ia ee yyom oted

wh~senamesespierseb e s an& isimer tmeassasmetm a ssmi ass

asse casenesm adbes amato

hasth easerreeBo mms of msheM ofd.oISssmae

in.et heb~~