Smart Sustainable and Inclusive Future Proof Business. 26th April 2017 | Catholic University of Eastern Africa, Karen Nairobi What is needed to GROW and SCALE. PROGRAM

SIB Program E-mail · 07.30 - 08.30 Yoga, Coffee and Tea 08.30 Opening – Start of the Conference with Inspirational Speakers, Leaders and Change-makers. 09.10-09.50 Morning session

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Page 1: SIB Program E-mail · 07.30 - 08.30 Yoga, Coffee and Tea 08.30 Opening – Start of the Conference with Inspirational Speakers, Leaders and Change-makers. 09.10-09.50 Morning session

Smart Sustainable and Inclusive Future Proof Business.

26th April 2017 | Catholic University of Eastern Africa, Karen NairobiWhat is needed to GROW and SCALE.


Page 2: SIB Program E-mail · 07.30 - 08.30 Yoga, Coffee and Tea 08.30 Opening – Start of the Conference with Inspirational Speakers, Leaders and Change-makers. 09.10-09.50 Morning session


SPEAKERS. Opening Speeches by Dr. James Mwangi (EQUITY) (tbc), Ambassador of The Netherlands Frans Makken, Carole Kariuki (KEPSA), Roelof Assies (CEO Philips EA), statement of Pope Francis, CS Ministry of Mining (tbc) and CS Ministry of ICT (tbc), Darshan Chandaria.

OPENING PERFORMANCE. Story told through Art. Ballet dancers from Kibera will bring the SIB story. Anno’s Africa and the onefineday.org.Plenary interactive session on Business Sense with Relevance to the SDGs.

NETWORK SPACE. Frontrunners, impactful initiatives, new companies and start-ups at the Network space. Come and meet them.

OFFER. Free subscriptions to OxfordBusinessGroup for 1 year – Sign up at their stand.

07.30 - 08.30

Yoga, Coffee and Tea


Opening – Start of the Conference

with Inspirational Speakers,

Leaders and Change-makers.


Morning session


Workshop rounds 1


Workshop round 2


Network Lunch


Afternoon session


Workshop round 3


Workshop round 4




Networking session - drinks

F&B Food & Beverages served are produced i n a responsible way, with high standards provided by Good practice companies/ or are being turned into a delicious meal out of excessive farm produce. Experience Tippy Taps before proceeding for Lunch.


Page 3: SIB Program E-mail · 07.30 - 08.30 Yoga, Coffee and Tea 08.30 Opening – Start of the Conference with Inspirational Speakers, Leaders and Change-makers. 09.10-09.50 Morning session




Interactive Panel on The business sense in SDGs and emerging markets. Panel with Unilever (tbc), UN Kenya Advisor on Strategic Partnerships, Airtel (tbc) among others and vibrant moderators.

Roundtable. Designing a new structure for the right Future Workforce Invitees Roundtable on the workforce empowered by state of the art curricula, meeting private sector needs. With KEPSA’s Business Membership Organizations (BMOs), Corporates, Linking Industry with Academia (LIWA), Academia, Government (Education) Curriculum development, Intellecap

Moderator: Willem Kevenaar – Kevenaar Consulting Kenya (KCK)

Workshop: How Employees Engagement will boost your business.

Boosting your business by positive impact on employees and insights to grow your business in a good way! A backstage tour of the impact of M-Tiba platform -> CarePay for Oserian’s business. Parade of tools, product and services that boost your Employee Engagement!

With, CarePay, Oserian, AfriPads, EcoZoom, FlorensisMODERATOR: Edward Houghs – Mammoth Hunters

Workshop: Equality, Leadership & Peace: Flashback back – flashforward WHAT DOES IT TAKE?

Hear the voice of the Youth, the new Leaders, the Private Sector and the Trendwatchers! To look at the role of the young people (men/women) as a force that drives businesses, equality to create a cohesive workforce and conducive working environment and the importance of peace to attaining business stability. Discuss new values and debate about the future.

With, Ezekiel Katato KEPSA MKenya Daima, MasterPeaceMODERATOR: Wahu Kagwe – MKENYA DAIMA

Page 4: SIB Program E-mail · 07.30 - 08.30 Yoga, Coffee and Tea 08.30 Opening – Start of the Conference with Inspirational Speakers, Leaders and Change-makers. 09.10-09.50 Morning session

“We must have the courage to strike out in new directions and embrace an economic model which is not only low-carbon and environmentally sustainable, but also turns poverty, inequality and lack of financial access into new market opportunities...These complex challenges need the full and combined attention of government, civil society and business.” Business and Sustainable Development Commission


Workshop: Kenya’s Tourism – The Way Forward

The future of Tourism in Kenya. The challenges, mitigating them and how to create a basic standard for all! Let’s debate about 2017 International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development.

EcoTourism Kenya, Uniglobe Lets go Travel, STTA, KTB, Serena hotels, Kenya Association of Tour Operators (KATO), Ministry of Tourism, Ezekiel Katato, MaMaSe. MODERATOR: Elfrieke van Galen (TheRockGroup)

Workshop: IT, Innovation, Solutions and Opportunities

How to turn gaps and challenges into business opportunities, need-based, smart innovations and IT developments? New insights on ‘How IT and Innovation are going to change the world’. Trends, Innovations and Business entrepreneurs brought together.

Discover the Solutions that meet needs.with Sankalp/ Intellecap, Philips, Nailab, iLab, iHub, MODERATOR: Intellecap

Workshop. From waste to business value and solving issues.

50% of global food produce is being wasted. Solving this (globally) would go a long way in addressing the food security issues, and it comes with great business opportunities to foster sustainable inclusive business practices as well as save money, make money by recycling, down-cycling or up-cycling. We need to change! An interactive and participatory session where we explore the potentials to create ‘circular economies’ in dynamic and volatile markets like Kenya. This session is about disruptive solutions to intractable problems across all sectors –domestic, industrial and food waste. If we throw it away its on our radar in this session! Let’s talk waste and innovative business solutions and look for linkages.

CJ Jones, GoodFoodCompany, ChandariaMODERATOR: CJ Jones, UTU

Page 5: SIB Program E-mail · 07.30 - 08.30 Yoga, Coffee and Tea 08.30 Opening – Start of the Conference with Inspirational Speakers, Leaders and Change-makers. 09.10-09.50 Morning session


Workshop: Gateway to fast knowledge and context on how to do

Responsible business in Kenya. Snapshots from well established companies and Speed-dates with companies, start-ups, entrepreneurs and experts (from IT & Innovation) on doing Business in Kenya in a Sustainable Inclusive Way.

KLM Cargo, Florensis, Equity Bank, SGA, Philips, The Netherlands Business HubMODERATOR: (Intellecap) MDF

Workshop: Tap into the success formulae in Agriculture

Highlighting the essence of improving food quality, and how to engage the whole ecosystem in your business model. Identifying the successes of connecting and working through the whole value chain!

Learned lessons with success from: Bio, MaraBeef, Equator Kenya Ltd, Equity Bank (Esther Muiruri) International Fertilizer Development Centre (IFDC), Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service (KEPHIS), AgriProFocus, SNVMODERATOR: AgriProFocus (Maureen Munjua)

Workshop: SIB in the Extractives Industry. What is key?

Kenya’s Extractive and Energy Sector is growing rapidly. Despite this growth, there still remains significant need to increase sustainable and inclusive business practice. Businesses in Extractives and Energy industries cannot go without involvement of multistakeholders and women in particular. Inclusion needs to be taken seriously!

AWEIK (Association for women in energy and extractives), High Commission of Canada to Kenya

Workshop: (Smart) Water in Business

Think tank discussion on the issues revolving around water use, re-use, and access are urgent globally and in Kenya. How can Private Sector optimize/minimize water use, re-use and promote access to this precious commodity? And what is the role of government and the importance of communities in this business ecosystem? Constructive wetlands made out of threatened waste water amd other solutions discussed.

Marabeef, SNV, Enonkishu Conservancy, Water Resource Management Authority (WRMA), Mamase, Deltares, AgriProFocus,MODERATOR: Elfrieke van Galen (TheRockGroup)

Page 6: SIB Program E-mail · 07.30 - 08.30 Yoga, Coffee and Tea 08.30 Opening – Start of the Conference with Inspirational Speakers, Leaders and Change-makers. 09.10-09.50 Morning session

Workshop: Hands-on – Future Proof Businesses!

Growing sustainable inclusive start-ups, SME’s and Corporates.How do you start, improve and make it happen?

SIB, MVO, Holland Branding, Egerton University,MODERATOR: Frans Tilstra – MVO Nederland

Workshop. Health. Partnerships in Business.

Will the Health sector take the lead? Primary healthcare is a key driver of a healthy nation. How do partnerships drive this change? B2B, Government – Business. Partnerships are Business.

Example from Philips, Amref, Kenya Healthcare Federation, data from Research Solutions AfricaMODERATOR: Faith Muigai (Jacaranda Health)

Workshop. Road map to transparency in Business.

Transparency becomes a business norm once quality and consistency are enhanced.

How can Transparency really work for business?

With SGA example and roadmap and partners like Transparency International Kenya, Security (SGA), Market and Social Research in Africa (MSRA), KEPSA, Lawyers, KenInvest.


Page 7: SIB Program E-mail · 07.30 - 08.30 Yoga, Coffee and Tea 08.30 Opening – Start of the Conference with Inspirational Speakers, Leaders and Change-makers. 09.10-09.50 Morning session

BIGGER IMPACT.Sustainable Inclusive Business improves financial performance both in the short and long term. SIB's impact on improving profit can be direct and indirect. At times, SIB is directly instrumental in reducing costs and increasing revenues, as is the case with energy saving and the saving of resources and materials.

However, other advantages that SIB offers are only indirectly manifested. For instance, companies with a high employees engagement have much lower rates of employees' absenteeism due to illness and a much more motivated staff.

Any business entity that works towards going green and minding the welfare of its stakeholders greatly reduces the costs incurred in running the business.


SIB-Kenya.SIB-Kenya was launched in December 2015 and is an initiative of MVO Nederland (CSR knowledge-network centre), hosted by KEPSA and supported by the Embassy of The Netherlands. It aims at creating awareness on the need for sustainability and inclusiveness in businesses in the Kenyan economy. This is because we see a need to support the Private Sector in Kenya with knowledge, tools, expertise about the importance and chances of SIB. We also stimulate and facilitate dialogue, train, create networks and connect business impact to the SDGs.

SIB-Kenya is here to support and speed up a sustainable inclusive business environment with a positive impact on People, Planet and Profit.

PRIVATE SECTOR POWER.The Private Sector has an enormous power to speed up processes, drive change and stay ahead with trends. Sustainable Inclusive improvements do make business sense and therefore challenges are converted into viable opportunities and boost the creation of partnerships. We would like to zoom in where there are various potential areas to tap and grow businesses in a responsible, sustainable and inclusive way.

BUSINESS MINDSET. Businesses in this day and age require a new mindset. We cannot ignore the impact of businesses and their required actions. Businesses have a role to play in addressing the global challenges of today. This responsibility might come with its own set of challenges; a need for fruitful partnerships, long-term vision, courage and trust. This would result in sustainability, control and business opportunities as well. On top of it is a huge necessity to be Future Proof and stay ahead. Problems and issues need a multi-stakeholder approach.


Page 8: SIB Program E-mail · 07.30 - 08.30 Yoga, Coffee and Tea 08.30 Opening – Start of the Conference with Inspirational Speakers, Leaders and Change-makers. 09.10-09.50 Morning session

BIGGER IMPACT.Sustainable Inclusive Business improves financial performance both in the short and long term. SIB's impact on improving profit can be direct and indirect. At times, SIB is directly instrumental in reducing costs and increasing revenues, as is the case with energy saving and the saving of resources and materials.

However, other advantages that SIB offers are only indirectly manifested. For instance, companies with a high employees engagement have much lower rates of employees' absenteeism due to illness and a much more motivated staff.

Any business entity that works towards going green and minding the welfare of its stakeholders greatly reduces the costs incurred in running the business.


SIB-Kenya.SIB-Kenya was launched in December 2015 and is an initiative of MVO Nederland (CSR knowledge-network centre), hosted by KEPSA and supported by the Embassy of The Netherlands. It aims at creating awareness on the need for sustainability and inclusiveness in businesses in the Kenyan economy. This is because we see a need to support the Private Sector in Kenya with knowledge, tools, expertise about the importance and chances of SIB. We also stimulate and facilitate dialogue, train, create networks and connect business impact to the SDGs.

SIB-Kenya is here to support and speed up a sustainable inclusive business environment with a positive impact on People, Planet and Profit.

PRIVATE SECTOR POWER.The Private Sector has an enormous power to speed up processes, drive change and stay ahead with trends. Sustainable Inclusive improvements do make business sense and therefore challenges are converted into viable opportunities and boost the creation of partnerships. We would like to zoom in where there are various potential areas to tap and grow businesses in a responsible, sustainable and inclusive way.

BUSINESS MINDSET. Businesses in this day and age require a new mindset. We cannot ignore the impact of businesses and their required actions. Businesses have a role to play in addressing the global challenges of today. This responsibility might come with its own set of challenges; a need for fruitful partnerships, long-term vision, courage and trust. This would result in sustainability, control and business opportunities as well. On top of it is a huge necessity to be Future Proof and stay ahead. Problems and issues need a multi-stakeholder approach.

“Think about it. We are building cities like never before, bringing people out of poverty like never before, and changing the climate like never before. Sustainability has gone from a ‘nice-to-do’ to a ‘must- do’” - IKEA Steve Howard


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Empowered by:

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Page 12: SIB Program E-mail · 07.30 - 08.30 Yoga, Coffee and Tea 08.30 Opening – Start of the Conference with Inspirational Speakers, Leaders and Change-makers. 09.10-09.50 Morning session

“If Businesses are responsible for their full business impact they contribute almost by default to the SDGs.” – Equity Bank Group

“We need a paradigm shift in how patients are diagnosed and how they are treated.”- Frans van Houten, CEO Royal Philips.

“People think paper is a nuisance... . We are recycling the country’s waste and transforming it into a source of national wealth, and providing employment to many thousands of people.”- Darshan Chandaria

“We develop the planet, consume more,. We have to make sure we consume better” -Eric Rondolat, CEO Philips Lighting

“We see that sustainability is an opportunity for the business sector. We need easy accessible information for both SMEs and bigger corporations, we need coordination in presenting the knowledge and a national campaign to promote sustainability and CSR.” –KEPSA