Sun, Moon -and Tide. . -[¦-.¦¦ '^ United States Coast and Geodetic ' Survey Times and Heights of High and , Low . Waters at Fort Point, entrance to San Francisco Bay. Published by official: aU- \ tliority of, the Superintendent .-¦¦-•¦ ', NOTE The With and low waters occur at the city- front . (Mission-street wharf) about twenty-five minutes later than at Fort Point; the height of tide Is the same'at both places. THURSDAY. MAY 29. VESSEL WHICH ARRIVED TUESDAY AFTER EXCITING EXPERIENCE INA GALE. Movements of Steamers. OCEAN STEAMERS. - \ NEW YORK— Sailed May 2S—Stmr Meno- mlnee, for London; stmr Oceanic, for Liver- pool; stmr Philadelphia, for Southampton; stmr Kensington, for Antwerp; .stmr Mongolian, for Glasgow. LIVERPOOL—Arrived M"ay 27— Stmr Dom- inion and Pretrrlan, for Montreal. : QUEENSTOWN Arrived May 28 Stmr Commonwealth, from Boston, for Liverpool. bence Mar 6. ""* FOREIGN PORTS. ANTWERP— Sailed* May 25—Fr bark Bour- bakl, for San Francisco. DUBLIN Arrived May .,26 Br ship ¦ Cam- brian" Chieftain, from Tacoma. ¦ . . ¦ LONDON Arrived May 27 Br-shlp Red Rock, from Fraser River. , QUEENSTOWN Arrived May 27 Br Bhio Boadlcea, from Seattle, and galled for Car- diff; Br ship Scottish Lochs, from Tacoma, and sailed for Antwerp. •' LUNDY ISLAND Passed May 28 Supposed Fr bark Cassard. hence Feb 13, for Bristol. KINSALE Pafs?d May 28 Br ship ElKin- Ehire. from Tacoma. v for Queenstown. S.' YOKOHAMA Sailed May 27—Br stmr Gae- lic, for San Francisco. | Arrived May 27 Jap stmr Nippon Mam, hence May 9. VALPARAISO-^Sailed May 28—Ger stmr. Abydos, for San Francisco.-, KEAH BAT i'assea out Aiay m o».m "= trlever and ship Spartan, for San Francisco ; ship Charmer, for Dutch Harbor. Parsed In May 2S— Schr Frank W. Howe: Br ship Ellen A Reed, from" Newcastle. Ays ; U S stmr "Wisconsin, hence May 24; stmr City of Puebla, hence May.26; schr Samar, for Val- paraiso. ASTORIA— Sailed May 2S— Stmr Columbia, for Pan Francisco. fl SAN PEDRO— Arrived May 28— Stmr Noyo. from Fort Bragg; stmr Lakme. from Redondo; stmr Bonlta, hence May'26; stmr Santa Mon- ica, from Eureka. ¦ ' _ . Sailed 3Iay 2S—Schr R W Bartlett, for Port Blakeley; schr Salvator. for Tacoma; stmr Sa- moa, with schr C A Klcse in tow, for San Francisco: pchr Bangor, for Tacoma; stmrs Melville Dollar. Lakme and " Bonita. for San Francisco; achr Gem, for Coquille River. SAN DIEGO—Sailed May 23 Schr Bertha Dolbeer, for Eureka; schr Louise, :for Ump- qua. ... >, -i - - EUREKA,— Arrived May 28—Stmrs Pomona and Chas Nelson, hence May 7. Sailed May 2S— Schr Serena Thayer, for San Francisco. T PORT HADLOCK—Sailed May 28—Schr Loul*e S, for Chlcnlk Bay. EVERETT Arrived May 28 Ger stmr Sera- plsT fr-om Tacoma. IPORT KENYON- Arrived May 28, 1 p m— Stmr Argo. hence May 26. FORT BRAGO Arrived May 28—Stmr Na- tional City, hence May 27. ~ ¦ : - . ' SEATTLE Arrived May 27 Stmr Dolphin, from Ska,srway: stmr Ohio, hence May 24. Sailed May 27 Stmr Dlrieo. for Skagway. POINT REYES Passed May 28, 10 a , m Ftmr Robert Dollar, from Falrhaven, for San Pedro. ¦ .. .- . ' . ' ¦ COOS BAY Arrived May 28 Stmr Alliance, from A«torla. PORT LOS ANGELES—Arrived May 28— Stmr Alcatraz. from Greenwood. ISLAND PORTS. ".. ' HONOLULU— To sail May 21 Schr Otelia Pedersen, for Port Townsend. - May 30 Bark Andrew Welch, - for San Francisco; ship Dlii- KO. for New York. - KAHULUI— Sailed May 16—Bark Antlope, for Fan Francisco. . HILO— Arrived May 16 Stmr Enterprise, DOMESTIC PORTS. TO ARRIVE. C. T. Janson filed a suit for mainten- ance" yesterday against "his son, Charles Jansen, -a member of the firm of Harp- ham & Jansen of 524 -Washington street. He alleges that he is more than 80 -years of age and unable to work for a living. Sues Son for Support. If you do, .buy your chips of us.. We have aVpomplete stock of. chips, playing cards, dice, chessmen, checkers and a large variety of tally- cards. Sanborn, Vail & Co., 741 Market st. * Do You Play Poker P Julia Campion, who lives at 1126 Howard street, visited Secretary White of the California -Society for the Prevention, of Cruelty to .Children yesterday and. stated that her father was very abusive of her- self and two younger children. She showed a dangerous looking bludgeon, which she said her father had made for the purpose of- beating the members of his family when they proved unruly. Says Her % Father Is Cruel. Because a Judge of the Superior Court erred in admitting certain evidence, there is a possibility that John Nichols may lose $12,000 ' which was awarded him in a suit ¦ brought against A. W. Randall-. Nichols loaned Randall $35,000 in 18S3. In 1897 there was a difference of. a trifle more than $58,000 in the. accounts kept by the litigants of this transaction. Nichols secured a judgment for a portion of what he claimed was due him in the lower court, but the Supreme Court .orders a new trial. Much enthusiasm prevails among the friends of the enterprise. The stock of the company after June 1 will be sold at $2 50 per share. The model can be seen at 37 Suiter street^San Francisco. - . - ¦ ~, » . ¦ j. Their Accounts Differ. A large crew of workmen have been at work on the buildings for some weeks past and the main building is rapidly tak- ing shape. The Southern Pacific Com- pany has constructed a switch for the accommodation of the company, and lum- ber^ by the carloads is going out every week. . : . -Among the contributors to the enter- prise Is Mrs. Hearst, who, in her broad- mindedness, has donated to the company a site for buildings on her premises near Pleasanton, Alameda County. : California' will be^heard £r,om through the Toliver Aerial Navigation Company, ;a combination of California men who have made a most auspicious beginning. They have interested many prominent people who are glad to be known among the pro- moters of science. They have patents which experts are taking great interest in. The great problem of the day and of the air is engaging the sober thought of some of the best people of the world. Them. X The Toliver Airship..Will Soon Chase AMONG THE CLOUDS. The Time Ball on the tower of the Ferry building was dropped exactly at noon to-day, 1. e., at noon of the 120th meridian, or at 8 p. m., Greenwich time. ¦ W. H. STANDLET, ..-¦¦¦', Lieutenant, U. S. N., In charge. .. Time Ball. Branch Hydrographies Of flee, U. ' S.'. N., Mer- chants' Exchange, < San Francisco, " ,CaI.. . May 28. -1902. . , - NOTE In ! tho ' above exposition of ¦ the tides ths early morning tides 'are given in the left hand .column and j this - sncccsslve tides of .the day In the order of occurrence as to time; the fourth time column gives tho last tide of. the day, except when there are but three! tides, as sometimes occurs. The heights (given, are in addition to the soundings. of the United States Cpnet Survey charts, except when a minus (— ) sign precedes the height . and then the number given is subtracted .from the depth given. by the charts. :.' The plane of reference is the mean of tho lower low waters. [ '¦"..¦¦'•.:' TO SAIL. POINT LOBOS. May 28. 10 pm— Weather bftzy; wind NW, velocity 24 miles per hour- " TELEGRAPHIC. Wednesday, May' 28. Stmr Olympic, Han«en,.-Xew Whatcom. ; - Stmr Indiana, Morle. Seattle. ¦ Stmr Geo ;W Elder. Randall, Astoria. Ktmr Homer. Donaldson, Tlllamook. . Btrnr City of Para, Zeeder, Panama and way ports. ¦ Stmr. Rainier,, Ha risen, Seattle; '<¦ •>'./ ', Htmr Phoenix. Odland. Mendoclno. ' - Stmr Gualala. Weber, Bowens Landing. ¦ Stmr ' Coronado. Johnson, Grays Harbor-^ ' Stmr Redwood City, - Hansen, , c ' Br shlD Lydgate, Jones, Queenetown. '.." I ¦ . Br ; ship Montgomeryshire, Edwards, Liver- pool. ¦ : - Vjr«j»»Ja3w««) ' ¦ ' -*,>'¦; Bktn. Quickstep, . Mellln, Columbia River. ,' Schr Robert Seaxles," Plltse. Port Blakeley. ¦ Schr. Western. Home, Lembke, Coos Bay,' >*i Bchr Eliza Miller. Bremmer, La Pax. - ¦ SAILED. Wednesday, May 28.' ' Stmr City of Para, Zeeder, -Panama and. way ports; Pacific Mail SS Co. » f. Stmr Rainier. Hansen; Pollard SS Co. Stmr State of California," Thomas, San -Diego; Goo^all. Perkins & Co. Stmr Aberdeen, Hlggins, Portland;- Beadle Bros. Bark S C Allen. Johnson, Honolulu; -Wil- liams. Dimond & Co. -'";;.» CLEARED, . . . . Wednesday, May 28. Strar Crescent City.' Tayn*.:33 hours from Crescent City. „_":- Stmr Coos Eay, Glelow, 61 hours from New- Stinr Sequoia, Wlnkel, C7 hours from Wlllapa StmrPel Norte. Jacobsen, 31$ days from Co- Q Stmr North Fork. Nelson, 2ft hours from Eu- Nor stmr Titanla, Esrenes, 80 ' hours from Nanalmo. ' *: ¦ 6hlp Geo Curtis. Calhoun. 30 days from Honolulu. - A Shipping Intelligence. ARRIVED The steamer fouad the log soon after leav- ing her slip at the ferry- depot. She had straightened out on her course and was goltwr full K>eed ahead. The log, which had been partly submerged, was picked up by the wheel and taken into the paddle- box, where it stuck The ferry-boat Tamalpais picked up a 'oe yesterday morning on her 9:30 trip, from .this city, completely wrecked her starboard wheel and scared half to death a large number of Mixes With a Log. J. C. Luna, C. Dietrich'. Mrs. H. S. Jerome MIs» J. Culien. D. N. Richardson, Miss M. McEntee, A. Martinez, C. E. Cortez, H. H. Evans. J. Johnson, F. J. Rushton A ' and W Coppel. Miss L. Morenn, F. -N. Kimball. C J. Hutnan, E. Wood, Otto Hamreel. Mrs. M Muruin. E. H. Davison, F. J. Bradley and wife, A. L. Dieguez, A. Neuman. E. D - Par- eons. E. Logan. F. McMillan, W. E. Shoppe <\ J. IX fipreckels. James Garry. D. Howells H, E. E.v8 ns. P. N. Kelleher. Miss Jennl* Perez, A. Pu«ra. The Pacific Mall Company's steamer City of Para sailed yesterday for Panama and way ports with a large cargo and. a passenger list much larger than the vessels of this line have been carrying of late.' Among the passengers were : City of Para Sails. To Central America 2917 bbls flour, 4550 gaU coal oil, 21 cs cartridges. 57 cs canned goods. 431 lbs bread. 250 lbs dried fruit. :WH lbs ham and bacon. 219 pkgs groceries and provisions, IB* bales dry goods. 20 bales bags, 14 ca add. 554 lbs millstuffs.' 2 bales leather, 30.994 feet lumber. It5 bales cotton domestics. 10,030 lbs corn. 130 lbs- cheese. 25 pkgs drugs and sun- dries. 19 bales cotton, r.tj eks coke,' 223 sks coal. JS4 pkgs bottled beer. '4 cs hats, 114 pkgs hardware. 5 friegs electrical supplies. 292 bdls iron 17,245 lbs lead. 00 pkgs machinery. 4100 lbs lard. 242.980 lbs cement. 20 gals brandy, 42 bxs candles, 500 lbs bone fish.. 2 flasks quick- silver. 175 pkgs paints and oils, 8 kegs nails, {Xfif. lbs rosin. 41,433 lbs tallow,^81 cs station- ery 80 cts onions, 13 bxs paste. 10C pkgs rail- road material.- 1108 gals and 12 cb wine. 6 cs salmon.- 507 lbs tea, 3143 lbs spices. 28.5C0 lbs rice, 4 pkgs boots and shoes, 118 cs and (Jl gals whisky. 1000 lbs zinc. 22 pkgs wJre, 43 pkgs an.1 102 pes pipe. 12 bales papcr^rY pkgs rope, 4061 lbs poda. 25 pes steel. . . To Panama 140 bbls flour. 20.0C0 feet lum- ber 181 pkgs machinery, J8C0 lbs dried fruit, 1 bale dry goods,- 1bale bag?, 8 pkgs building material. 76.8C0 lbs rice. 659« lbs bran, 3C81 lbs beans, 2 cs oil. 1 flask quicksilver. To Peru— 1859 lbs shrimps. To Mexico 14,351 feet lumber, 90 pkgs ma- chineiy. 8 pkgs plows. SO bales bap?, 2780 lbs bread. &9<i lbs butter. 8 ctls barley, 29 cs canned goods, ft pkgs drugs and^sundries, 27 pkgs dry gooes. 150 lbs dried fruit, 4 bbls flour, 7 pkgs electrical supplies. 31 pkgs groceries' and pro- vision?. S8 pkgs hardware. :?2 bdls iron, 5 cs liquors. 300 lbs millstufTs. 1S.042' lbs tallow. IS pkgs nails. 29 pkgs paints and oils, 10 bdls pipe and fittings, 10 cs stationery, 2 cs soap, :u.-> bdls Phookr.. 40,557 1b? soda, 15 bdls steel, 7000 shingles, 10 cs and 258 gals wine, 20 cs vhleky. 400 reels barbed wiro. ' The steamer City of Para sailed yesterday for Panama and way ports with a general mer- chandise cargo valued at $79,11*9, manifested as follows: For Mexico. *I4,706; Central Ameri- ca, J59.7SS; Panama, $3725;. Peru, $380. The leading shipments were as follows: Cargo by the Panama Steamer. Matters of Interest to Mariners and Shipping Merchant^. The ship S. D. Carleton will load coal at Ta- coma for Honolulu. The Brit'sh steamer Quito load* Government supplies at Portland for Ma- nila, and not as- before reported. ' NEWS OF THE OCEAN. ,The French bark Charlemagne, out 1C7 days from Noumen, New Caledonia, to Havre, and the British ship Crown of Scotland, out 125 days from Calcutta for this port, were yester- day placed. on the overdue list at 40 per cent and 10 per cent respectively. . Two New Overdues. The California Dry Dock Company* -was awarded the contract for erecting a dry dock in the central basin and granted . the right to lease the name far fl\ - e years .on Its completion. The sum paid will be $79,206. The Associated Oil Company complained that raind barges blocked the channel below Sixth •street to that It could not move its boats. Chief Wharfinger Henderson was directed to keep the channel clear. Charles L. Patlon and Chief Electrician Hewitt appeared in behalf of the committee tit the Knights of Pythias. Patton aeked the board to illuminate the Ferry building, during the conclave, in Honor of the visitors. The Commissioners discussed the expense and sug- Beited that the Knights and Shrincrs. who will come later, might divide the expense and by contributing fTOO assist- the Commissioners In carrying out the plan of illumination. Th» board opened bids for the permanent wiring of the building, but no action was taken, ae the bios were too high. ..... Major Duvol. general superintendent of the general army transport wharf, asked permis- eioii to build a warehouse on Folsom-street wharf. The request was taken under consid- eration. Permission was granted the Pacific Horticul- tural Society to hold a flower show in the nave of the Ferry building on August 14. 15 and 16. Lot D. Norton, chief engineer of the Har- bor Commission, appealed to the members of the board yesterday for more time In which to file his report of the work done by certain contractor*. A week ago The Call exposed the methods employed by the contractors, and the Harbor Commissioners directed it{ chief engi- neer to investigate. When the matter came up during the meeting. Norton asked for more time. This was granted. After the cession Norton stated it would take him two weeks to examine the work done by the contractors. He said other wharves are to be built and he intends paying particular attention to the work dene. Norton Asks for More Time. The British ships Lydgate and Montgomery- shire which sailed yesterday for England are going to race home; Captain Edwards of the Montgomeryshire and ! Captain Jones of the Lycgate are "townies;" and their meeting here was their first In many yeare. Both ships have reputations for speed, neither skipper Is afraid to crack on sail and each expects to J>e the first to drop anchor in British mud. Will Race Home. securely. Before the engines could be stopped the log had stripped the wheel clear of blades. The rattling and rasping- that accompanied the work of destruction caused a panic among the passengers, and for a while pandemonium reigned on the forry-boat. The disabled wheel wao disconnected and the TamalpalB proceeded on her Journey with only ope wing working. It will take several days to repair the damage. - CABLEGRAM received yester- J\ day at the Merchants' Exchange Zj\ from London sets at rest all ru- Aj\ mors of a job by unscrupulous speculators in the matter of the British ship Red Rock, which arrived the other day at Falmouth. The Red Rock did actually jettison part of her cargo. According to the dispatch received yester- day she threw overboard 100 tons of sal- m Th'e- Red Rock left the Fraser River in thf storm that wreckefi the Matteawan and sent' to the bottom the British gun- boat Condor. A few weeks after her de- parture a life buoy bearing the name Ren Rock and several cases of salmon marked similarly to that vrith which the Britisher was loaded were picked up on a northern beach. The - Red Rock was promptly placed on the reinsurance list, where she figured at varying rates until she was spoken well on toward her journey's end. The British ship Ardnamurchan, which left Fraser River a year or so before the Red Rock sailed, lost overboard some of her salmon. This salmon was found and th" ATdnamrrchan was placed on the re- insured list. This coincidence of the un- usual gave rise to a suspicion that the Red Rock salmon migrht have been found or planted by unscrupulous speculators who took their cue from the Ardnamur- chan incident. The existence of this sus- picion tended to keep down the Red Rock rate. Now that the report of the Red Rock's voyage establishes the authen- ticity of the salmon's find the legitimate speculators in reinsurance breathe easier and the cloud of suspicion has been com- pletely dissipated. BRITISH SHIPREDROCK REPORTS HAVING THROWN OVERBOARD ONE HUNDRED TONS OF CASESALMON 8 THE SA2 I^ANCISCO CALL, THURSDAY, MAY 29; 1902. FROM SEATTLE. Sun rises Sun sets Moon 1 rls< :3 * I !M I M". :-! I ". v* ; M 11 ; IM16:66" .4:49 .7:2* i. m. O Time « H W 20 3:16 30 4:40 L W 31 0:30 1 1 :20 2 2:08 3 2:39 4 3:50 5 4:35 : Time •¦'-. Time Time Ft. Ft. -- Ft. &. I* W ' H W ;. Ii "W 3.9 10:11 . 1.1 0:35 4.9 11:20 3.7 11:08 1.4 6:15 : 5.0 ..... H W -r: L AV . H W 2.3 6 US -3.7 12:03 1.8 6:61 7.7 7:33 - 3.9 12:54 . 2.1 7:31 1.0 8:50 4.0 1:45 2.3 8:11 0.1 0:55 4.2 2:36 2.5 8:52 |—0.5U0:53 §4.4.3:25 '2.6 9:38 I— O.9|ll:45| 4.6 4:15 2.7 10:21 Ft. m 5.1 6.3 5.fi 5.8 -«.O 6.0 Steamer. From. Due. Albion River. Albion ..'.;...¦. May 23 llathor. ...... Hamburg & Way Ports. May 20 S. Barbara. .. Seattle '. May 29 M. Collar Redondo May 23 Lakme San Pedro May 2U I'oint Arena. . Point Arena May Z* K&nta Ro«sa.. Pan Diego & Way Ports May 29 Aillance.. Portland & Way Ports. May^ 30 Pomona : Humboldt .........../.. May HO City Sydney.. Panama & Way Ports. May 30 Amer. Maru.. China & Japan ..'...... May 30 Columbia Portland^ Astoria .... May :io Arfto Eel River Ports. May SO Phcenlx Mendoclno City . May 31 Pleladw*..... Seattle ... May 31 Che halls Grays Harbor . » May 31 Hontta. Newport &^Way Ports. May 31 San Pedro jGrays' Harbor ..."....... May 31 Kureka Humboldt June 1 Jlpoklnaw... Tacoma June 1 American.... Xew York June 1 Acm«. Fluslaw River ..-. June 1 AuBtralla.... Tahiti June 1 Uit atllla Pwret Sound Pcrts .... June 1 Rcrapls R»attle ....-...». June I Brooklyn ..... Point Arena .. ......... June 1 S. Mcnlca Ban Pedro ............. June 2 Nevyburs San Pedro June 2 Sierra....... Sydney tk "Way Ports.. June 2 State of Cal. . San Diego & Way Ports. June 2 Palera Valparaiso & Way Port3l.Tune' 3 RlvAl.; Wlllapa Harbor ........ June 4 Coom Bay San Pedro & Way Ports June 1 PehlnK China & Japan June 4 G. W. Elder.. Portland & Astoria .... June 4 CltyPuebla.. Puget Sound Ports. .... June 0 Acapulco Panama & Way Ports.. June 7 Fork. . iHumboldt ...: : June 7 Argyll /. . I New York via Panama. June S Steamer. Destination. Sails. Pier. Mnndalay.. Arctic G. Llndauet O. Dollar. . Arcsta Kureknr.. i . State Cal.. Lakme.... Coos Bay.. Argo SeciuM*.... pt. Arena.-. Alamedr. .. Queen...... Alliance... North Foric Pomona.... Sar-tft Roea ¦ May 20. '/ Coqullle Klver 6 pm Humboldt :..... ;. . 10 am Grays Harbor 5 pm Grays . Harbor ..... 4 pm Coos Bay & Pt.' Orfd 3 pm Hurnboldt 0 am San Diego & Way., 0 am May 30. / Astoria & Portland. 12 m Oan Pedro &.Way.. 0 am May 81. - : Eel River Ports.... 4'pm Grays Harbor...... 4 pm Point Arena........ 2 pm Honolulu' .......... 2 pm Puget Bound Ports. 11 am . June. 1.. v- >< i^- Portland & Way. .-. 3 pmj Humboldt ......... 9 am Humboldt 1 :30 p San Diego & Way.. 9 am Jtine 2. Grays Harbor -'.'. ... 6'pm Astoria &? Portland 11 am ? ¦•¦ Jane 3. - , •. .. . Humboldt .......:. 10 am Newport ' & Way. .. 9 tm Grays Harbor ~.. . .. i 4. pm Nome & St. Mlcfcaelj...... Jane 5. •-".?; Puget ' Sound Port».. 11 am •- -¦•> June 6. - f. ;• China &:japan.V.". : l'pmj Hambg & Way Pu. ,....., ¦: - v- Jnne'7.;-.;:.:. :- \A rlllapa« Harbor ... 14 pm N; Y; via Panama. ... i ... Astoria 'A Portland. 11 am Valparaiso \ & Way. 12 t' m Mexican Ports -¦: .... 10 am "./¦• June 0. . Tahiti direct:.:...: 10 am Panama' &' Way Pts.|12"- m] Pier 2 Pier 2 PJer Pier 2 Pier 13 Pier 13 Pier 11 Pier 2 Pier 11 Pier 2 Pier 2 Pier a Pier T Pier 9 |Pler 16 Pier 2 I Pier- U Pier 11 Newburg . .. Columbia. . ' . - ¦ i I Pier, 2 Pier 24 8. Monica:. Bonita..... Cheballs... St. Paul... Pier 2 Pier ' 11 i±*ler 2 Pier U ma till a... Pier 0 Amer. Maru Serapis. . .'. [PMSS . Pier Klval | Pleiades... G .Elder... Paleria Curacao. Pier 2 Pier Pier. 2* Pier; 10 Pier- 11 Australia.'. Cltv Sydney Pier T PMSS . t Centennial... Dolphin. ..... Cottage City. Senator Garrone...... Roanoke.. ... Humboldt . Ohio......... C. of Seattle. C. of Topeka. Farallon. .. .. Oregon Chico. .'...,'. . Lvra f... Chas. Nelson. Valencia Bertha:. Indiana. ..... Nome "direct ........... Skagway & Way Ports. Skaicway & Way Ports. Nome Nome & St. Michael.... Nome & St. Michael. ... .Skagway & "Way Ports. Nome & St. : Michael..*.. Skagway'. & Way Ports. Skagway & Way Ports. Skagway & Way Ports. Nome Hope City & Way Pts.. Nome & St. Michael.... Golofnln -Bay direct. ... Nome .¦./". Cooks Inlet & Way Ports Nome &.St. Michael... | May 29 May 29 May 30 June 1 June 1 June 1 June * 3 June 3 June 4 June 4 June 3 June S June 5 June 5 June 5 June '7 June 7 I June -7 Sun rises Sun sets Moon 1 rls< :3 * I !M I M". :-! I ". v* ; M 11 ; IM16:66" .4:49 .7:2* i. m. O Time « H W 20 3:16 30 4:40 L W 31 0:30 1 1 :20 2 2:08 3 2:39 4 3:50 5 4:35 : Time •¦'-. Time Time Ft. Ft. -- Ft. &. I* W ' H W ;. Ii "W 3.9 10:11 . 1.1 0:35 4.9 11:20 3.7 11:08 1.4 6:15 : 5.0 ..... H W -r: L AV . H W 2.3 6 US -3.7 12:03 1.8 6:61 7.7 7:33 - 3.9 12:54 . 2.1 7:31 1.0 8:50 4.0 1:45 2.3 8:11 0.1 0:55 4.2 2:36 2.5 8:52 |—0.5U0:53 §4.4.3:25 '2.6 9:38 I— O.9|ll:45| 4.6 4:15 2.7 10:21 Ft. m 5.1 6.3 5.fi 5.8 -«.O 6.0 Steamer. Destination. Sails. Pier. Mnndalay.. Arctic G. Llndauet O. Dollar. . Arcsta Kureknr.. i . State Cal.. Lakme.... Coos Bay.. Argo SeciuM*.... pt. Arena.-. Alamedr. .. Queen...... Alliance... North Foric Pomona.... Sar-tft Roea ¦ May 20. '/ Coqullle Klver 6 pm Humboldt :..... ;. . 10 am Grays Harbor 5 pm Grays . Harbor ..... 4 pm Coos Bay & Pt.' Orfd 3 pm Hurnboldt 0 am San Diego & Way., 0 am May 30. / Astoria & Portland. 12 m Oan Pedro &.Way.. 0 am May 81. - : Eel River Ports.... 4'pm Grays Harbor...... 4 pm Point Arena........ 2 pm Honolulu' .......... 2 pm Puget Bound Ports. 11 am . June. 1.. v- >< i^- Portland & Way. .-. 3 pmj Humboldt ......... 9 am Humboldt 1 :30 p San Diego & Way.. 9 am Jtine 2. Grays Harbor -'.'. ... 6'pm Astoria &? Portland 11 am ? ¦•¦ Jane 3. - , •. .. . Humboldt .......:. 10 am Newport ' & Way. .. 9 tm Grays Harbor ~.. . .. i 4. pm Nome & St. Mlcfcaelj...... Jane 5. •-".?; Puget ' Sound Port».. 11 am •- -¦•> June 6. - f. ;• China &:japan.V.". : l'pmj Hambg & Way Pu. ,....., ¦: - v- Jnne'7.;-.;:.:. :- \A rlllapa« Harbor ... 14 pm N; Y; via Panama. ... i ... Astoria 'A Portland. 11 am Valparaiso \ & Way. 12 t' m Mexican Ports -¦: .... 10 am "./¦• June 0. . Tahiti direct:.:...: 10 am Panama' &' Way Pts.|12"- m] Pier 2 Pier 2 PJer Pier 2 Pier 13 Pier 13 Pier 11 Pier 2 Pier 11 Pier 2 Pier 2 Pier a Pier T Pier 9 |Pler 16 Pier 2 I Pier- U Pier 11 Newburg . .. Columbia. . ' . - ¦ i I Pier, 2 Pier 24 8. Monica:. Bonita..... Cheballs... St. Paul... Pier 2 Pier ' 11 i±*ler 2 Pier U ma till a... Pier 0 Amer. Maru Serapis. . .'. [PMSS . Pier Klval | Pleiades... G .Elder... Paleria Curacao. Pier 2 Pier Pier. 2* Pier; 10 Pier- 11 Australia.'. Cltv Sydney Pier T PMSS . t Steamer. From. Due. Albion River. Albion ..'.;...¦. May 23 llathor. ...... Hamburg & Way Ports. May 20 S. Barbara. .. Seattle '. May 29 M. Collar Redondo May 23 Lakme San Pedro May 2U I'oint Arena. . Point Arena May Z* K&nta Ro«sa.. Pan Diego & Way Ports May 29 Aillance.. Portland & Way Ports. May^ 30 Pomona : Humboldt .........../.. May HO City Sydney.. Panama & Way Ports. May 30 Amer. Maru.. China & Japan ..'...... May 30 Columbia Portland^ Astoria .... May :io Arfto Eel River Ports. May SO Phcenlx Mendoclno City . May 31 Pleladw*..... Seattle ... May 31 Che halls Grays Harbor . » May 31 Hontta. Newport &^Way Ports. May 31 San Pedro jGrays' Harbor ..."....... May 31 Kureka Humboldt June 1 Jlpoklnaw... Tacoma June 1 American.... Xew York June 1 Acm«. Fluslaw River ..-. June 1 AuBtralla.... Tahiti June 1 Uit atllla Pwret Sound Pcrts .... June 1 Rcrapls R»attle ....-...». June I Brooklyn ..... Point Arena .. ......... June 1 S. Mcnlca Ban Pedro ............. June 2 Nevyburs San Pedro June 2 Sierra....... Sydney tk "Way Ports.. June 2 State of Cal. . San Diego & Way Ports. June 2 Palera Valparaiso & Way Port3l.Tune' 3 RlvAl.; Wlllapa Harbor ........ June 4 Coom Bay San Pedro & Way Ports June 1 PehlnK China & Japan June 4 G. W. Elder.. Portland & Astoria .... June 4 CltyPuebla.. Puget Sound Ports. .... June 0 Acapulco Panama & Way Ports.. June 7 Fork. . iHumboldt ...: : June 7 Argyll /. . I New York via Panama. June S Centennial... Dolphin. ..... Cottage City. Senator Garrone...... Roanoke.. ... Humboldt . Ohio......... C. of Seattle. C. of Topeka. Farallon. .. .. Oregon Chico. .'...,'. . Lvra f... Chas. Nelson. Valencia Bertha:. Indiana. ..... Nome "direct ........... Skagway & Way Ports. Skaicway & Way Ports. Nome Nome & St. Michael.... Nome & St. Michael. ... .Skagway & "Way Ports. Nome & St. : Michael..*.. Skagway'. & Way Ports. Skagway & Way Ports. Skagway & Way Ports. Nome Hope City & Way Pts.. Nome & St. Michael.... Golofnln -Bay direct. ... Nome .¦./". Cooks Inlet & Way Ports Nome &.St. Michael... | May 29 May 29 May 30 June 1 June 1 June 1 June * 3 June 3 June 4 June 4 June 3 June S June 5 June 5 June 5 June '7 June 7 I June -7 CALIfOJINIA NORTHWESTERN SI. CO LESSEES SAN FRANCISCO AND N0RT.4 PACIFI'3 RAILWAY COMPAKY. Tlboron Wcrry, Foot of Slarlcet St. SAN FRAXCISCO TO SAN RAFABIo WEEK DATS—7:30. 9:00. 11:00 a. m.; 12:35. 3:30, o:10, «:30 p. m. Thursdays— Extra trip •af 11:30 d. m. Saturdays Extra trips at 1:50 and 11:30 d. m. SUNDAYS—8:00. 9:30, 11:00 a.m.: 1:30. 3:30, 5:00 and «:20 p. m. - . . SAN UAFAEL TO SAN FRAXCISCO. WEEK DAYS— 6:05, 7:55, 7:50, 9:20. 11:15 a. m.; 12:50, 3:10, 5:©0. 5:20 p.m. Satur- days Extra trips at 2:05 aftd ti:33 p. m. SUNDAYS— 8:00. 9:40, 11:15 a. m.; 1:40, 3:40, 4-;t>5, 5:05, 6:25 p. m. ¦ Leave I In Effect 1 Arrive San Francisco! May 4. 1902. ISan Francisco Week I Sun- I Deatlna- I Sun- I Week Days. I days. 1 tion. I days. [Pays. 7:30 a 8:00 a Ijtnacio I 9:10 a 8:40 a 3:30 p 9:30 a and 10:40 a 8:40a 5:10 p 5:00 p \ Novato 6:05 p ti:20p ¦ j ¦ 7 :35 p 7:30 aj 8:00 al Petaluma 10:40 al 8:40 a 3:30 p 9:30 a and 6:05 pi10:20 a 5:10 PI 5:00 p[ SantaRosa 7:35 pj 6:20 p , Fulton 7-30 a W Windsor 10:20 a 5:00 p Healdsburg 10:40 a . Lytton ' : - Geyserville 3:30 p 8:00 a Cloverdale 7;35 p 6:20 p 7-30 al 8:00 al Hopland 110140 a|ia:20 a. 3J30PI 6:00 p| Uklah [7:35plB:20p 7:30 a| 8:00 a| Willlts |7:35 p| .0:20 p 7 -30 a] 8:00 a I Guernevllle I 7:35 p 10:20 a 3:30 p| 5:00 p| ¦ |10:40a 6:20 p 7-30 al 8:00 al . Sonoma I 9:10 al 8:40 a 5:10p| 5:00 pr Glen Ellen- | 6:05 p| 6:2Op '7:.t0at 8:00 at Sebastopol 110:40 a[10:20 a 3:30 p| 5-,00pr •- ""*" " "I 7:3gp|^«:20p Stages connect at Santa Rosa for Mark West Springs and White Sulphur Springs: at Fulton for Altrurla; at Lytton for Lytton Springs; at- Geyserville for Skaggs Springs; at Cloverdale for the Geysers and Booneville: at Hopland for Duncan Springs, Highland Springs, Kelseyville. Carlsbad Springs, Soda Bay. Lakeport and Bartlett Springs; at Ukiah for Vichy Springs, Saratoga Springs, Blue Lakes, Laurel Dell Lake. Witter Springs. Upper Lake. Porno, Pot- ter Valley., John . Day's. Riverside. Llerley's, Buckncll's. Sanhedrln Heights, Hullville, Orr'a Hot Springs, Half-way House, Comptche, Camp Stevens, Hopkins. Mendoclno City. Fort Bragg, Westport, Ueal; at Wlljitsfor Sherwood, Cahto, Covelo, Laytonvllle. Cummlngs, Bell's Springs^ . Harris, Olsen's, Dyer, Pepperwood, Scotia ana Eureka. V ¦ •' Saturday to Monday round-trip tickets at re- duced rates. On Sundays Round -trip tickets to all points beyond San Rafael at half rates. Ticket office, C50 Market st. Chronicle buy d- n fi. C. WHITING, R. X. RYAN, - .- ' Gen.- Manager.' Qytx. Pass. Agt. KORTrf SHORE RAILROAD. Via 'Saasallto Ferry, ' . Commencing April 27, 1902. FROM SAN FRANCISCO TO MILL. VALLEY . AND SAN RAFAEL. - WEEK DAYS— «:45, '7:45, 8:45. 9:30. 11:00 a. m.. 12:20. '*1:45. .3:15, .4:15, 6:15. »6:15, 6:45, 9:45. 11:45 p. m. 7:45 a. yn. does not run to Mill Valley. , SUNDAYS— 7:00. 8:00, »9:00. •10:00. 11:00, 11:30 a. m., 12:30, •ltfO, 2:30, *3:45, 5:00, 6:00, 7:30, »:45, 11:45 p. m. I Trains marked (*) run to San Quentln. ¦ FROM SAN RAFAEL TO SAN FRANCISCO. WEEK DAYS— S:20, »e:2O. 7:40, 8:15, •9:80, ll:C0 a. m/. 12:25, 2:15, »3:30, 4:40, 5:30, 6:45, •10:15 r>. m. ' :¦ ¦'¦¦¦' ¦'; SUNDAYS— 6:00, ¦•8:00.- 0:30, ••11:00 a. m.. •12:00 m., 1:00. 2:15, *3:30, .4:15, *5:45, 6:45, 7:30, 10:15 d. m. . < . Trains marked (*) start from San Quentln. -- FROM MILL VALLEY TO SAN FRANCISCO. WEEK DAYS— 5:40. 6:40. 7:45, 8:25, 9:45, 11:10 a. m.. 12:35, 2:45, 3:50,' 5:10, 5:20,7:10, 10:15 i>. m. . SUNDAYS— 0:30. 7:55, 10:05. 11:10 a. m.. 12:15, 1:20, 2:30,^3:45, 6:00,. 6:05. 7:15, 10:40 P ', m- . Z THROUGH TRAINS. i7:45 a. m. week-days Cazadero and way stations, . ¦ •• 3:15. p. m. Saturdays Cazadero and way stations. : . : •¦•'¦_ - " ¦ '. ¦ 5:15 p. m. week days (Saturdays excepted) Tomales and way stations. - - . . 8 :00 . a. m. a Sundays 7— Cazadero ] and , way 1 stations. ' ¦ ¦' ¦ . * 10:00 a.' m. Sundays Point Reyes and way stations.-.- ¦¦• - -.->¦:-¦ ' Legal Holiday boats and trains . will run on Sunday, time. ¦ '¦' ¦ " - •/¦ ¦ - j . nOUNT TAMALPAIS RAILWAY r-- Leave Via Sausahto Ferry"! Arrive San Fran. Foot of Market St.- San Fran. Week Sun- „,*„,.„„.,„,*„._ Sun- Week DggL davs ' .km.,-,* «i.«™ .TLtj. da y»- 5552: 9:30a. 8:00 a. Trta™jD C i-t«.»!*> 12:15 P. 9:15a. ; *:15p. 10:00 a. .' w-fc I- .,' 3:30 P. 5:55 p. 1:30 p. "T1K8I OF TIllUM" . 5;5o P ; 2:30 p. ¦¦¦ Of* *ito*y* **«>*• . 8:15 P „.. SATVJBDATS 111!— um»™s-.so •. .rrir. su rn»iM> n js». Tloktloae««.\n MART1T 8TRM» *mi gACSJUTTO rmi. DR. tiALL'SfiEINYiGORATOfii»M Stops all losses in 24 hours. Five lI^wWjTjJ hundred reward for any case we 3SB( Qeki . cannot cure. This " secret - rem- 3 , edy cures Emissions, ' Impo tency am ra S Varlcocele, Gonorrhoea, Gleet W w3 Strictures,^ Drains, ¦- .Loat Man- til ¦" *G hood and all other was^ng ef- *$J fects of self-abuse cr excesses KgffiWfJ»Jg Sent sealed; $2 botfle; 3 bottles. $5; guaranteed to cure any case. Call or address order* HALL'S .MEDICAL ! INSTITUTE? 8^ Br^a" way; Oakland. Cal. Also for sale at 1073H Market St.. S. F. Send for free book. AD VEBTISEMSNTS. 1 . . - ..-.-. ¦<¦¦ > ¦ soap .brings h e al t h and the color of health to rn^ny a saHow skin; i (Quickly Cured at Home— Any Lady Caa I ' Do it— Costs Nothing to Try. , I r A new tasteless discovery irhlch c«n be'glien In tea. •off ee or food. Heartily endorsed by W. C.T. U. and all trroperan<-e wor'terr It do«« lt» -work ** silently and *urely that while tho V.eroted. wife, sister or daughter ' looks on, the drunkard Is reclalmed.evpn atrslnst hi* will I and without hi*knowledge. SeiM*. cur name unitaddress ! to Dr.J. W. H&lneg, mm Glenn Bid*., ('ln<*lnnatl, O., and ] he willmall a trial package of Golden Sreclfio free to •how how easily it is tocure drunkards with this remedy. :,.. rull-sized -boxen of -Golden Specific are Cue rale In Kan Francisco by J. R. GATES & CO.; 417 Sansome et; ¦ ,. j ,-¦ _ ¦ ¦ - tWENTIETtiCENTUHY COOKBOOKS A car-load of Cook Booki : hern ja«t arrived from Clutcajfo . and they are rend j-; f or dlstri- . button nt the bnnlnrna olD.<e of tlila. paper. \ All Call ; unb- acrlbcrs are entitled to a cop'jr^ of this great ;Cook Book «J ;^ ? theprnnlnm price of' fifty ¦¦- cents. . .. ,....".\..' -. .: ¦ '',"' An. additional charge of 20 , . ., cents to . pay feipressnife *«rlll . be required from ont of torrn subscribers ordering by mail. STATEMENT CONDITION AND AFFAIRS OF THE . FIRE ASSOCIATION ,fkF PHILADELPHIA. LV THE STATB OP VF Pennsylvania^ on the 31st day of Decem- ber. A^ D. 1801. and for the year ending pa that day. rs made to the Insurance Commis- sioner of the State of CaUfornla. pursuant to the provisions of sections 810 and 611 of th* Political Code, condensed aa per blank fur- . nlshcl by the Commissioner: CAPITAL. Amount of Capital Stock, paid up in caih t 800,000 00 ASSETS. . Real Estate owned by Company.. 512.1C0 00 Loans on- Bonds and Mortgages.. 1,371,510 43 Cash Market Value of all Stocks and Bonds owned by Company.. 3,132.919 23 Amount of Loans secured by pledge of Eon da. Stocks, and other marketable securities aa collateral 68.830 00 Cash in Company's Office 28,973 Cash in Banks 2*4,353 M Interest due and accrued on all Stocks and Loans 23,838 43 Interest due and accrued on Bonds and Mortgages 30,141 99 Premiums in due course of collec- tion 88S.240 93 Due for Salvage on losses paid...'. * 1,013 41 Rents due and accrued 2.680 S3 Due from other Companies for Re- insurance on losses already paid. 7.550 93 Total Assets .$8.315.219 03 LIABILITIES* Losres adjusted and unpaid '. $ 190.S6S 09 Losses In process of Adjustment or in Suspense 173 «?J? £* Losses resisted. Including expenses 49.004 9*J Gross premiums on Fire Risks run- ning one year or less, $2,371,- 329 24; re-insurance 50 per cent 1.1S3.664 S3 Gross premiums on Fire Risks run- ning more than one year. $2,566,- 455 07; re-insurance pro rata... 1.397.177 51 Amount reclalmable by the insured ; on perpetual fire insurance pol- icies 1.906,027 47 All other liabilities ..i 360.643 10 Total Liabilities' .$3.265.083 3B INCOME. Net cash actually received for Fire premiums $3,246,972 It Received for interest oa Bonds and . Mortgages 85,972 07 Received for interest and dividends on Bonds. Stocks. Loans, and ' from all other sources 157,76« 84 Received for Rents 23.752 20 Total Income. *>»-. .$3.616.463 28 EXPENDITURES. Net amount paid for Fire Losses (Including $246.183 37. losses of- previous years) $2,084.034 30 Dividends to Stockholders 200.000 00 Paid or allowed for Commission or Brokerage ... ;..... 798,142 19 Paid for Salaries. Fees, and other ' charges for officers, clerks, etc, 236.440 09 Paid for State. National and Local taxes 95,448 29 All other payments and expendi- tures 155,910 93 Total Expenditures .$3.569.975 79 Fire. Losses Incurred dnrlng the year.. $2.223, 716 90 Risks and Premiums. |Flre Risks. Premiums. Net amounV of Risks] written during: ,the| year I$340.732.32S $4,359,881 83 Net amount of Rlsksl expired during the year '. 311.57J.332 3. SI 3. 63" 01 Net amount In force December 31. 1001. 403.113.644! 4.937.734 31 " E. C. IRVIN. President. M. G. GARRIGUES. Secretary. Scbtcribed and nwor.3 to before me, this 22d da7 of Jamjary. 1902. » EDWIN S. GATJLT. Notary Public SAN FRANCISCO DEPARTMENT: J. M. BECK........... . . . Manager 219; Sanspme Street, -.- :. - S«n Franclwo, Cnl. ' - " ¦ \ TELEPHONE MAIN 5024. Vl STATEMENT OF. THE CONDITION AND AFFAIRS —OF THE— Hartford Fire INSURANCE COMPANY OF HARTFORD. INTHE STATE OF CON- nectlcut. on the 31st day of December. A. D. 1901. and for the year ending on that day. as made to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of California, pursuant to the pro- visions of sections 610 and 611 of the Political Code, condensed as per blank furnished by the Commissioner: ---,:- CAPITAL. Amount of Capital Stock, paid up in Cash t $1,250.000 00 i ' ASSETS. ~ Real Estate owned by Company.. $942,500 00 Loan* on Bonds and Mortgages.... 793.200 00 Cash Market Value of all Stocks and Bonds owned by Company.. 8,132,555 91 Amount of Loans secured by pledge of Bonds. Stocks and other mar- ketable securities as collateral.. 4.800.00 Cash in Company's Office...' 47.160 57 Cash In Banks ....:....... 677,999 63 Interest due - and accrued on all ¦' ¦: . Stocks and Loans 47 73 Interest due and accrued on Bonds and Mortgages 11,305 85 Premiums in due Course of Collec- tion 1.631.BS0 00 Due from other Companies for re- insurance on losses already paid. 17,926 71 Total Assets $12,259,076 43 LIABILITIES. ~~ Losses > adjusted and unpaid $309,182 28 ' Losses in process of Adjustment or in Suspense 723.618 06 Losses- resisted, including expenses. 63 091 01 Gross premiums on Fire Risks run- ning one year or - less, $5,795,- 134. 72; reinsurance 50 per cent.. 2,897,567 M Gross premiums on Fire Risks run- ning more than one year, $7,743,- ?36 40; reinsurance pro rata.... 3,900 937 32 Commissions and Brokerage due \ ¦ and to beeome due ...." 113,325 00 Total liabilities ( .$8,008.221 01 INCOME. _ - "* Net cash actually received for Fire premiums ••$9,653,783 03 Received for interest on Bonds and Mortgages 39,807 38 Received for interest and dividends on Bonds. Stocks. Loans and from all other sources..... 320.025 83 Received for Rents 17,899 92 Received from all other sources.. 179 73 Total Income $10,031,195 93 J EXPENDITURES. ~ ~- Net amount paid for Fire Losses (Including $581,241 46. losses of previous years) $3,242,822 91 Dividend.*- ta Stockholders 40O.CCO Co Paid or allowed for Commission or Brokerage 1,707 772 30 Paid for Salaries. Fees and other charges for officers. clerks.\ etc. 567 851 83 Paid for State. National and'Lo- •• cal Taxe« 19S 2SS S2 All other payments and expend- Uures 1.096,635 K TotalVExpendlture. 4MU11 39 : I - •" Fire. Losses incurred during the year $6,075.881 13 Risks and Premiums j Fire Risks. Premiums. Net amount ofl ~~ Risks writ t enl during the yea>.l$1.019.0CS,207 $11,614,027 12 Net amount of ' Risks - exp i r e d .... Net^fmount^in T "' 100 - 591 8-S56.697 23 . force December! .Si; 1901 ¦-....-..¦.. I 1,221.902.701 13.538*771 12 GEO. L. CHASE. President. _ 1; 1% >;>- P- C ROTCE. Secretary. Subscribed and sworn to' before me this 3d day of January. hi. B. SCOTT. HENRY K, BELDENTianagar. •WHiTHEY "PALACHE, Asst. Manager. 313 California St., S. F. 1111/ n Ji/JL/l\l/i vttlvly, v)l UGI Jl Gul SOUTHERN PACIFIC Trains leave and are due to arrive at ..hAN KKANOI8CO. (Main Line, Foot of Market- Street.) Uatk . '- Fbom Atkil 20. 1902. abbitm . 7.00a Bealcla, Sulsun, Elmlra »nd Sacra- " .-' ¦' . -'¦'- ment-> ...A.... r..:.. 6.55i" ', 7.00a Vac»vllle, "Wlntert. Kumsey 7.55r ¦' 7.30a Martinez, San Ramon, Vallejo, X»pa. Callstoga. Santa Kosa G-25i" 8.00a Davis, Woodland, KnightsLanding, -'..--Maryivllle* OrovlUe 7.55F 8.00a Atlantic Express— Ogden and East. 8.26a 8.00a Xllea, J,»throp. Stockton 7.25P 8.00a Nlles, Mendota, Hanford, Vlaalla, I'Qrtervllle 4.55r 8.30a Shasta Express— Davis, Williams (for Bsrtlett Springs), "Willows, Red Bluff, Portland... 7.56* 8.30a San Jose, Llrermore, Stockton, lone, Sacramento, Placervllle, Marysvllli". Chlco, Red Bluff 4-25P C.30a Oakdale,Chlnese,SuDora,Tuolumne 4.26r. - 9.00a Vallejo 12.2S* N 9.00a Lor Angeles Express Martinez. Tracy, La throp.Stockton, Merced. Itaymond, Fresno and Los Angeles 8-25 A 930 a Vallf Jo. Martinez and Way Stations 7.55 p t1 0.00a Hayward. Nlles and Way Stations. t12-55r 10.00a The Overland Limited Oeden, Denver, Omaha, Chicago... 5.25r ti.OOt* Sacramento River Steamer* tii-OCjF 300F Benlcla. Winters, Sacramento, - Woodland, Knights Landing, Marysrllle. Orovllle 10.56a ,-3.30r Hayward,Nile* and Way Stations.. 7.65r 4X)0p Martlnez.San Ramon, Vallejo,Kapa, Callctota, SantaRosa.. 9.25a 4 OOp Xllps. Llrermore, Stockton, Lodl.. 12.25*» 4.30p Havward,Nlles,SanJose,LlTermore t8-55A 4-30f The Owl Limited— Fresno, Tulare, Bakersfield, Saurui for Santa Barbara, Los Angeles..... 8.55a B.OOf Port Co«t»,Tracy,L»throp.Stockton 10.25a 5.00f Martinez. Antloch, Stockton, Mer- . ced, Raymond, Fresno 12.2SF t5.S0F Klles Local 7.25a 6-OOp IUyward.Xlles and San Jose....... 7.56a te.OOP Vallejo 11.25a 6.00p Oriental Mall—Ogden, Denver, - Omaha. St. Louis. Chicago 4-2Sf 7 .00p Sun Pablo, Port Costa, Martinez *:-.*¦.. and Way Stations 11.25a J7.00F .Vallejo ......v 7.55f 805p Oregon &California Express— Sac- ' --? - ¦ ¦-'. ramento, Marysvllle, Redding, -Portland, Pnget Sound and East. 855 a t9.10F Hayward and Klles t11.65A COAST LINE (»»rroir Gauge). (Foot of Market Street.) $7.46a Santa Cruz Excursion.... 18.05F 8.15a Kewark, Centerville. San Jose, ¦ i Felton, Boulder Creek, x Santa Cruz and Way Stations 5.50F 12.15P Newark. ¦ Centervllle, San Jose,/ Kew Almedcn,. Felton, Boulder Creek. Santa Cruz and Principal Way Stations '1050* 4.1 5f Newark, San Joso, Los Gatos........ +8-60a ">4.16p San Jogti. LosGacos. SantaCrnz... cB.SQa OAKLAND HARBOR FERRY. From SAN FRANCISCO, Foot of Market St. (Slip 8) —t":15 9:00 11:00a.M. 1.00 3.00 6.16p.m." From OAKLAND, Foot of Broadway 16:00 t8:00 t8:05 10:00a.m. 12 00 200 4.00p.m. COAST LINE (Bro«d «au S eJ. (Third and Townsend Streets.) \ 6.10a San Jose and Way Stations 6.40a 17.00a San Jose and Way Stations -(8.00a 7.00a New Alrhaden.. .....*.. /4.10F 17.15a Monterey Excursion c i8.30r 8.00a Coast Line Limited San Jose, GHroy, Salinas, San Luis Oblspo, n-' v':> Santa Barbara. Los Angeles and l-rlacipal Intermediate Stations. 10.45*- 8-OOa San Jose. Tres Finns, Spnta Crnz. radfic Grove, Salinas, S»n Luis Oblspo and~FrlncJpal Intermedi- ate Stations 4.10p 10.30a San Jose and Way Stations 8.36a 11.30a San.Jose and ~«7ay Stations 9.48a o1 .30p* Saiiijoac and Way Station* a7.00r t2.45p San Mateo, Redwood, Palo Alto. Santa Clara, San Joee, Tres ¦ •" Plnos, Santa Cruz, Salinas, Pel Monte, Monterey and Pacific - - Grove :. .t10.45A 5.30p Saa Jose. Del Monte, Pacific Grove, ' Santa Cruz and Way Stations. ... 7.30P 14.1 5p San Jorc and PrlnclpalWay Stations 6.30p te.OOP Sun .lose, Los Gatos and Principal Way Stations -fSOOA 6.30P San Jose sad PrlnclpalWay Stations §.30f ' *6.30p San Jose and Way Stations... 7-30r 7.00p Kew Orleans Express San. Luis Oblspo, £anta Barbara, Lot An- '; peles, Demtnir. Kr Paso, New Orleans and East ... ..... 10.30a •11.45T*iSan Jo**and Way Stations... ...... A for MornlDif. ' P f or Af tern«X>u. . t Sunday excopted. ¦ t Sunday only. \ a Saturday only. c Monday only, j Saturday and , . /Tuesday and Frldajr. r ' Sunday only. .' . ¦ . . ' " t Santa Fe Trains-Daiiy. Leave Market-street Ferry Depot. ¦ '- . Local J^und Ovrl'dlLocal ' Dally Dally Dally 1 Dally luv. San Fran 7:20a 9:00a 8:00p 4:20 p Ar. Stockton. 10:18 a 11:45 a 11:10 p 7:18 p " Merced... 12:25 p 1:17 p 1:30a 9:11 p : " Kresno... 2n)5p 2:.15 p .1:15 a 10:60 p ¦• Hanfbrd.. 3:12 p 3:27 p 8:05 a ...;.; '" VUalia... 8:3*.»p . Y^.. R:00a ...... " Bakersfld 6:15pT>:20p 7:45a ...... " -Kan. City ......) 2:40 a -7:30 a ...... Chlcayo.. ......( 2:15 p 0:00 p ...... ¦ a Jor morning., p for afternoon. ! 0:00 a: m. train Is the California Limited.' carrying Palace Sleeping Cars 'and Dining Cars > through to Chicago. . Chair Car run* to Bakert field for ' accommodation of local first-clays passenger*.-- No second-class tick- ets are honored on this train. Correspond- ing train arrives at-7:03 a. m. dally. . 4:20 p. m. Is Stockton, Merced and Fresno local. Corresponding train arrives at 12:30 ' p. m. dally. ¦•' - ¦',- ¦':¦ , -•¦ 8 p.' m. Is the Overland Express, with •through 1 Palace and Tourist Sleepers v and i Free Jrtecllnlng Chair Cars to Chicago: also Palace Sleeper, which cuts out at Fresno, j ¦ Corresponding train arrives at 6:00 p. .ra. dally. ¦. / ¦ - ¦¦.-¦¦- ¦ •' .;-,-: 7:20 a.'m. Is Bakersfleld Local, stopplnz at all points In San Joaquln Valley. Cor- 'responding'tratn arrives at 8:40 a. m.' dally - . Offices 641 Market street and In Ferry ¦J}epot. !¦' San ¦ Francisco; . 1112 . Broadway, Oakland."' .^- . \ TH^VVHITE PAS§ ANlT" I YUKON ROUTE v ." •' Shortest and quickest route to At- i Itn,; Biff Salmon, White Horse,- , '"', , Hootalinqnn, •:. Ste-rvnrt > River, , ':<<: .Klondike, Koynkuk nnd.Va- H-. kon Mining. lllntrlctn. ¦ . ' »». ' i ONLY DIRECT I.WE TO nAWS°N ( TEN DAYS SAN FRANCISCO TO ,,¦•-.« -.-;;• - ;-.: r. . :¦. DAWSONi ' ¦ . ' :- ' ' ' ;T For 'fullInformation apply to - \ ' J.- FRANCIS LEE. . S. P. BROWN. ' :'• Traffic ,Mgr., Seat- Gen. ; Agent, 536 1 . tle. v Wash. : Skag- Market- gt., San ¦ ' f- uay, Alaska. ..- .Franqlsco. . : _'_•¦__-_ _-,;;' " travel. \ the Rockies J l^^^l I if you go east via Denver and the Burlington M\ Route. Their snow-capped peaks visible almost all the way from Salt Lake City to Den- - / ver.^ For 700 miles the grand panorama of the M - *;».'¦¦ Rockies is, unrolled before your eyes. .,..¦¦.¦'•'.¦..,¦'¦'•'. . *• •-¦ •' - v- '; .- .. >• Through sleepers, San Francisco to Chicago daily. Through tourist sleepers, three times a week. Omaha, v. . .: . //.;-. " Chicago, Kansas City. St. Louis—EVERYWHERE east. ¦ W. D. SANBORN, GeneraliCgenf. 631 Market Street, San Francisco, California. BEAR IN MIND J "ZT| tJ \ at in the campaign of raiV^ education we are mak- •SS* in % in the interest of jjjjjl. WEIGHT Whiskey, »oth American and Scotch, the results of X^a which, while benefiting N8^\ «s, will benefit the XV^^VS. P ub1ic more- They will /y fe^)S\ l m P rov c their health *SSHtf»_ drinking only fM CROW iBjark&Co, ~~ JX 1 Hi. %\ WHIIUM W 1 i tss^^J) GOLD MEDAL 'warded itr Quality at Paris Exposition. H. B. KIRK SCO,, New York CATTON; BELL & C&, 6C4.E DISTRIBUTORS. rraacisco, CaJL = ' ¦

SHIPREDROCK HAVING THROWN · Sun, Moon -and Tide..-[¦-.¦¦ '^ United States Coast and Geodetic ' Survey —. • Times and Heights of High and,Low Waters at Fort Point, entrance

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Page 1: SHIPREDROCK HAVING THROWN · Sun, Moon -and Tide..-[¦-.¦¦ '^ United States Coast and Geodetic ' Survey —. • Times and Heights of High and,Low Waters at Fort Point, entrance

Sun, Moon -and Tide. . -[¦-.¦¦ '^United States Coast and Geodetic


—• Times and Heights of High and,Low. Waters at Fort Point, entrance to San

Francisco Bay. Published by official:aU-\ tliority of, the Superintendent .-¦¦-•¦ ',


The With and low waters occur atthe city- front . (Mission-street wharf) abouttwenty-five minutes later than at Fort Point;the height of tide Is the same'at both places.



Movements of Steamers.


\NEW YORK—Sailed May 2S—Stmr Meno-

mlnee, for London; stmr Oceanic, for Liver-pool; stmr Philadelphia, for Southampton; stmrKensington, for Antwerp; .stmr Mongolian, forGlasgow.

LIVERPOOL—Arrived M"ay 27—Stmr Dom-inion and Pretrrlan, for Montreal. :


Arrived May 28—

StmrCommonwealth, from Boston, for Liverpool.

bence Mar 6.""*

FOREIGN PORTS.ANTWERP— Sailed*May 25—Fr bark Bour-

bakl, for San Francisco.DUBLIN

—Arrived May .,26

—Br ship ¦ Cam-

brian" Chieftain, from Tacoma. ¦ . . ¦


Arrived May 27—

Br-shlp RedRock, from Fraser River. ,


Arrived May 27—

Br BhioBoadlcea, from Seattle, and galled for Car-diff; Br ship Scottish Lochs, from Tacoma, andsailed for Antwerp. •'


Passed May 28—

SupposedFr bark Cassard. hence Feb 13, for Bristol.


Pafs?d May 28—

Br ship ElKin-Ehire. from Tacoma. v for Queenstown. S.'


Sailed May 27—Br stmr Gae-lic, for San Francisco. |

Arrived May 27—

Jap stmr Nippon Mam,hence May 9.

VALPARAISO-^Sailed May 28—Ger stmr.Abydos, for San Francisco.-,


i'assea out Aiay m—

o».m "=

trlever and ship Spartan, for San Francisco ;ship Charmer, for Dutch Harbor. •

Parsed In May 2S— Schr Frank W. Howe:Br ship Ellen A Reed, from" Newcastle. Ays;U S stmr "Wisconsin, hence May 24; stmr City

of Puebla, hence May.26; schr Samar, for Val-paraiso.

ASTORIA— Sailed May 2S— Stmr Columbia,for Pan Francisco. fl

SAN PEDRO— Arrived May 28—Stmr Noyo.from Fort Bragg; stmr Lakme. from Redondo;stmr Bonlta, hence May'26; stmr Santa Mon-ica, from Eureka. ¦ ' _ .

Sailed 3Iay 2S— Schr R W Bartlett, for PortBlakeley; schr Salvator. for Tacoma; stmr Sa-moa, with schr C A Klcse in tow, for SanFrancisco: pchr Bangor, for Tacoma; stmrsMelville Dollar. Lakme and

"Bonita. for San

Francisco; achr Gem, for Coquille River.SAN DIEGO—Sailed May 23

—Schr Bertha

Dolbeer, for Eureka; schr Louise, :for Ump-qua. . . . >, -i

- -EUREKA,—Arrived May 28—Stmrs Pomona

and Chas Nelson, hence May 7.Sailed May 2S— Schr Serena Thayer, for San

Francisco. TPORT HADLOCK—Sailed May 28—Schr

Loul*e S, for Chlcnlk Bay.EVERETT

—Arrived May 28

—Ger stmr Sera-

plsT fr-om Tacoma.IPORT KENYON-Arrived May 28, 1 p m—Stmr Argo. hence May 26.


Arrived May 28—Stmr Na-tional City, hence May 27.

~¦ : - . '


Arrived May 27—

Stmr Dolphin,from Ska,srway: stmr Ohio, hence May 24.

Sailed May 27—

Stmr Dlrieo. for Skagway.POINT REYES

—Passed May 28, 10 a,m

—Ftmr Robert Dollar, from Falrhaven, for SanPedro. ¦ .. .-. ' . ' ¦


Arrived May 28—

Stmr Alliance,from A«torla.

PORT LOS ANGELES—Arrived May 28—Stmr Alcatraz. from Greenwood.


HONOLULU—To sail May 21—

Schr OteliaPedersen, for Port Townsend.

-May 30


Andrew Welch,-for San Francisco; ship Dlii-

KO. for New York. -KAHULUI—Sailed May 16—Bark Antlope,

for Fan Francisco. .HILO—Arrived May 16

—Stmr Enterprise,


TO ARRIVE.C. T. Janson filed a suit for mainten-

ance" yesterday against "his son, CharlesJansen, -a member of the firm of Harp-ham & Jansen of 524 -Washington street.He alleges that he is more than 80 -yearsof age and unable to work for a living.

Sues Son for Support.

Ifyou do, .buy your chips of us.. Wehave aVpomplete stock of. chips, playingcards, dice, chessmen, checkers and alarge variety of tally- cards. Sanborn,Vail &Co., 741 Market st. *

Do You Play Poker P

Julia Campion, who lives at 1126 Howardstreet, visited Secretary White of theCalifornia -Society for the Prevention, ofCruelty to .Children yesterday and. statedthat her father was very abusive of her-self and two younger children. Sheshowed a dangerous looking bludgeon,which she said her father had made forthe purpose of-beating the members of hisfamily when they proved unruly.

Says Her%Father Is Cruel.

Because a Judge of the Superior Courterred in admitting certain evidence, thereis a possibility that John Nichols maylose $12,000

'which was awarded him in a

suit ¦ brought against A. W. Randall-.Nichols loaned Randall $35,000 in 18S3. In1897 there was a difference of.a triflemore than $58,000 in the. accounts kept bythe litigants of this transaction. Nicholssecured a judgment for a portion of whathe claimed was due him in the lowercourt, but the Supreme Court .orders anew trial.

Much enthusiasm prevails among thefriends of the enterprise. The stock ofthe company after June 1 will be sold at$2 50 per share. The model can be seen at37 Suiter street^San Francisco. -.-


—~, » . ¦


Their Accounts Differ.

A large crew of workmen have been atwork on the buildings for some weekspast and the main building is rapidly tak-ing shape. The Southern Pacific Com-pany has constructed a switch for theaccommodation of the company, and lum-ber^ by the carloads is going out everyweek. .:.

-Among the contributors to the enter-prise Is Mrs. Hearst, who, in her broad-mindedness, has donated to the companya site for buildings on her premises nearPleasanton, Alameda County.

:California' will be^heard £r,om throughthe Toliver Aerial Navigation Company, ;acombination of California men who havemade a most auspicious beginning. Theyhave interested many prominent peoplewho are glad to be known among the pro-moters of science. They have patentswhich experts are taking great interest in.

The great problem of the day and of theair is engaging the sober thought of someof the best people of the world.



The Toliver Airship..Will Soon Chase


The Time Ball on the tower of the Ferrybuilding was dropped exactly at noon to-day,1. e., at noon of the 120th meridian, or at 8p. m., Greenwich time.•

¦ W. H. STANDLET,..-¦¦¦',Lieutenant, U. S. N., In charge. ..

Time Ball.Branch Hydrographies Offlee, U.

'S.'. N., Mer-

chants' Exchange, < San Francisco, " ,CaI... May 28. -1902. . , -


In!tho'above exposition of ¦ the tides

ths early morning tides 'are given in the lefthand .column and jthis

-sncccsslve tides of.theday In the order of occurrence as to time; the

fourth time column gives tho last tide of. theday, except when there are but three! tides, assometimes occurs. The heights (given, are inaddition to the soundings. of the United StatesCpnet Survey charts, except when a minus (—)sign precedes the height .and then the numbergiven is subtracted .from the depth given.bythe charts. :.'The plane of reference is the meanof tho lower low waters. [ '¦"..¦¦'•.:'


POINT LOBOS. May 28. 10 pm—Weatherbftzy; wind NW, •velocity 24 miles per hour-


Wednesday, May' 28.Stmr Olympic, Han«en,.-Xew Whatcom. ;

-Stmr Indiana, Morle. Seattle.

¦ Stmr Geo ;W Elder. Randall, Astoria.Ktmr Homer. Donaldson, Tlllamook.. Btrnr City of Para, Zeeder, Panama and way

ports.¦ Stmr. Rainier,, Ha risen, Seattle; '<¦ •>'./',Htmr Phoenix. Odland. Mendoclno.

' -Stmr Gualala. Weber, Bowens Landing. • ¦

Stmr 'Coronado. Johnson, Grays Harbor-^'Stmr Redwood City,-Hansen,

—,—c 'Br shlD Lydgate, Jones, Queenetown. '.."I

¦.Br ;ship •Montgomeryshire, Edwards, Liver-pool. ¦:

-Vjr«j»»Ja3w««) '



Bktn. Quickstep, . Mellln, Columbia River. ,'Schr Robert Seaxles," Plltse. Port Blakeley. •

¦ Schr. Western. Home, Lembke, Coos Bay,' >*iBchr Eliza Miller. Bremmer, La Pax.


• Wednesday, May 28.''

Stmr City of Para, Zeeder, -Panama and. wayports; Pacific Mail SS Co. » f.

Stmr Rainier. Hansen; Pollard SS Co.Stmr State of California," Thomas, San -Diego;

Goo^all. Perkins & Co.Stmr Aberdeen, Hlggins, Portland;- Beadle

Bros.Bark S C Allen. Johnson, Honolulu; -Wil-

liams. Dimond & Co. "» -'";;.»


.. . . Wednesday, May 28.

Strar Crescent City.' Tayn*.:33 hours fromCrescent City. „_":- „

Stmr Coos Eay, Glelow, 61 hours from New-

Stinr Sequoia, Wlnkel, C7 hours from Wlllapa

StmrPel Norte. Jacobsen, 31$ days from Co-Q

Stmr North Fork. Nelson, 2ft hours from Eu-

Nor stmr Titanla, Esrenes, 80'hours from


*: ¦

6hlp Geo Curtis. Calhoun. 30 days fromHonolulu. - A

Shipping Intelligence.ARRIVED

The steamer fouad the log soon after leav-ing her slip at the ferry- depot. She hadstraightened out on her course and was goltwrfull K>eed ahead. The log, which had beenpartly submerged, was picked up by the wheeland taken into the paddle- box, where it stuck

The ferry-boat Tamalpais picked up a 'oeyesterday morning on her 9:30 trip,from .thiscity, completely wrecked her starboard wheeland scared half to death a large number of

Mixes With a Log.

J. C. Luna, C. Dietrich'. Mrs. H. S. JeromeMIs» J. Culien. D. N. Richardson, Miss M.McEntee, A. Martinez, C. E. Cortez, H. H.Evans. J. Johnson, F. J. Rushton A

'and WCoppel. Miss L. Morenn, F. -N. Kimball. C J.Hutnan, E. Wood, Otto Hamreel. Mrs. M

Muruin. E. H. Davison, F. J. Bradley andwife, A. L. Dieguez, A. Neuman. E. D-Par-eons. E. Logan. F. McMillan, W. E. Shoppe

<\ J. IX fipreckels. James Garry. D. HowellsH, E. E.v8ns. P. N. Kelleher. Miss Jennl*Perez, A. Pu«ra.

The Pacific Mall Company's steamer City ofPara sailed yesterday for Panama and wayports with a large cargo and. a passenger listmuch larger than the vessels of this line havebeen carrying of late.' Among the passengerswere:

City ofPara Sails.

To Central America—

2917 bbls flour, 4550 gaUcoal oil, 21 cs cartridges. 57 cs canned goods.431 lbs bread. 250 lbs dried fruit. :WH lbs hamand bacon. 219 pkgs groceries and provisions,IB*bales dry goods. 20 bales bags, 14 ca add.554 lbs millstuffs.' 2 bales leather, 30.994 feetlumber. It5 bales cotton domestics. 10,030 lbscorn. 130 lbs- cheese. 25 pkgs drugs and sun-dries. 19 bales cotton, r.tj eks coke,' 223 skscoal. JS4 pkgs bottled beer. '4 cs hats, 114 pkgshardware. 5 friegs electrical supplies. 292 bdlsiron 17,245 lbs lead. 00 pkgs machinery. 4100lbs lard. 242.980 lbs cement. 20 gals brandy,42 bxs candles, 500 lbs bone fish.. 2 flasks quick-silver. 175 pkgs paints and oils, 8 kegs nails,{Xfif.lbs rosin. 41,433 lbs tallow,^81 cs station-ery 80 cts onions, 13 bxs paste. 10C pkgs rail-road material.- 1108 gals and 12 cb wine. 6 cssalmon.- 507 lbs tea, 3143 lbs spices. 28.5C0 lbsrice, 4 pkgs boots and shoes, 118 cs and (Jl galswhisky. 1000 lbs zinc. 22 pkgs wJre, 43 pkgsan.1 102 pes pipe. 12 bales papcr^rY pkgs rope,4061 lbs poda. 25 pes steel. . . •

To Panama—

140 bbls flour. 20.0C0 feet lum-ber 181 pkgs machinery, J8C0 lbs dried fruit,1bale dry goods,- 1bale bag?, 8 pkgs buildingmaterial. 76.8C0 lbs rice. 659« lbs bran, 3C81lbs beans, 2 cs oil. 1flask quicksilver.

To Peru— 1859 lbs shrimps. •

To Mexico—

14,351 feet lumber, 90 pkgs ma-chineiy. 8 pkgs plows. SO bales bap?, 2780 lbsbread. &9<i lbs butter. 8 ctls barley, 29 cs cannedgoods, ft pkgs drugs and^sundries, 27 pkgs drygooes. 150 lbs dried fruit, 4 bbls flour, 7 pkgselectrical supplies. 31 pkgs groceries' and pro-vision?. S8 pkgs hardware. :?2 bdls iron, 5 csliquors. 300 lbs millstufTs. 1S.042' lbs tallow.IS pkgs nails. 29 pkgs paints and oils, 10 bdlspipe and fittings, 10 cs stationery, 2 cs soap,:u.-> bdls Phookr.. 40,557 1b? soda, 15 bdls steel,7000 shingles, 10 cs and 258 gals wine, 20 csvhleky. 400 reels barbed wiro.


The steamer City of Para sailed yesterdayfor Panama and way ports with a general mer-chandise cargo valued at $79,11*9, manifested asfollows: For Mexico. *I4,706; Central Ameri-ca, J59.7SS; Panama, $3725;. Peru, $380. Theleading shipments were as follows:

Cargo by the Panama Steamer.

Matters of Interest to Mariners andShipping Merchant^.

The ship S. D. Carleton will load coal at Ta-coma for Honolulu. The Brit'sh steamer Quitoload* Government supplies at Portland for Ma-nila, and not as- before reported.



,The French bark Charlemagne, out 1C7 daysfrom Noumen, New Caledonia, to Havre, andthe British ship Crown of Scotland, out 125days from Calcutta for this port, were yester-day placed. on the overdue list at 40 per centand 10 per cent respectively. .

Two New Overdues.

The California Dry Dock Company* -wasawarded the contract for erecting a dry dockin the central basin and granted .the •right tolease the name far fl\

-e years .on Its completion.

The sum paid will be $79,206.

The Associated Oil Company complained thatraind barges blocked the channel below Sixth•street to that It could not move its boats.Chief Wharfinger Henderson was directed tokeep the channel clear.

Charles L. Patlon and Chief ElectricianHewitt appeared in behalf of the committeetit the Knights of Pythias. Patton aeked theboard to illuminate the Ferry building,duringthe conclave, in Honor of the visitors. TheCommissioners discussed the expense and sug-Beited that the Knights and Shrincrs. who willcome later, might divide the expense and bycontributing fTOO assist- the Commissioners Incarrying out the plan of illumination. Th»board opened bids for the permanent wiringofthe building, but no action was taken, ae thebios were too high. .....

Major Duvol. general superintendent of thegeneral army transport wharf, asked permis-eioii to build a warehouse on Folsom-streetwharf. The request was taken under consid-eration.

Permission was granted the Pacific Horticul-tural Society to hold a flower show in the naveof the Ferry building on August 14. 15 and 16.

Lot D. Norton, chief engineer of the Har-bor Commission, appealed to the members ofthe board yesterday for more time In whichto file his report of the work done by certaincontractor*. A week ago The Call exposed themethods employed by the contractors, and theHarbor Commissioners directed it{chief engi-neer to investigate. When the matter cameup during the meeting. Norton asked for moretime. This was granted. After the cessionNorton stated it would take him two weeksto examine the work done by the contractors.He said other wharves are to be built and heintends paying particular attention to the workdene.

Norton Asks for More Time.The British ships Lydgate and Montgomery-

shire which sailed yesterday for England aregoing to race home; Captain Edwards of theMontgomeryshire and !Captain Jones of theLycgate are "townies;" and their meeting herewas their first In many yeare. Both ships havereputations for speed, neither skipper Is afraidto crack on sail and each expects to J>e thefirst to drop anchor in British mud.

Will Race Home.

securely. Before the engines could be stoppedthe loghad stripped the wheel clear of blades.The rattling and rasping- that accompanied thework of destruction caused a panic among thepassengers, and for a while pandemoniumreigned on the forry-boat. The disabled wheelwao disconnected and the TamalpalB proceededon her Journey with only ope wing working.It will take several days to repair the damage.

-CABLEGRAM received yester-

J\ day at the Merchants' ExchangeZj\ from London sets at rest all ru-Aj\mors of a job by unscrupulous

speculators in the matter of theBritish ship Red Rock, which arrived the

other day at Falmouth. The Red Rockdid actually jettison part of her cargo.According to the dispatch received yester-day she threw overboard 100 tons of sal-mTh'e- Red Rock left the Fraser River inthf storm that wreckefi the Matteawanand sent' to the bottom the British gun-boat Condor. A few weeks after her de-parture a lifebuoy bearing the name RenRock and several cases of salmon markedsimilarly to that vrith which the Britisherwas loaded were picked up on a northernbeach. The - Red Rock was promptlyplaced on the reinsurance list, where shefigured at varying rates until she wasspoken well on toward her journey's end.The British ship Ardnamurchan, whichleft Fraser River a year or so before theRed Rock sailed, lost overboard some ofher salmon. This salmon was found andth" ATdnamrrchan was placed on the re-insured list. This coincidence of the un-usual gave rise to a suspicion that the

Red Rock salmon migrht have been foundor planted by unscrupulous speculatorswho took their cue from the Ardnamur-chan incident. The existence of this sus-picion tended to keep down the Red Rockrate. Now that the report of the RedRock's voyage establishes the authen-ticity of the salmon's find the legitimatespeculators in reinsurance breathe easierand the cloud of suspicion has been com-pletely dissipated.





Sun risesSun setsMoon1 rls< :3

*I!MIM ".:-!I".v*;M11;IM16:66"


.7:2*i. m.

O Time

« HW

20 3:1630 4:40

L W31 0:301 1:202 2:083 2:394 3:505 4:35

: Time •¦'-. Time TimeFt. Ft.

--—Ft. &.

—I* W

'HW ;. Ii"W

3.9 10:11 . 1.1 0:35 4.9 11:203.7 11:08 1.4 6:15 :5.0 .....

HW -r:L AV . H W2.3 6US -3.7 12:03 1.8 6:617.7 7:33 - 3.9 12:54 . 2.1 7:311.0 8:50 4.0 1:45 2.3 8:110.1 0:55 4.2 2:36 2.5 8:52

|—0.5U0:53 §4.4.3:25 '2.6 9:38I—O.9|ll:45| 4.6 4:15 2.7 10:21




Steamer. From. Due.

Albion River. Albion ..'.;...¦. May 23llathor....... Hamburg & Way Ports. May 20S. Barbara... Seattle '. May 29M.Collar Redondo May 23Lakme San Pedro May 2UI'oint Arena..Point Arena May Z*K&ntaRo«sa.. Pan Diego & Way Ports May 29Aillance.. Portland & Way Ports. May^ 30Pomona :Humboldt .........../.. May HOCity Sydney.. Panama & Way Ports. May 30Amer. Maru.. China & Japan ..'...... May 30Columbia Portland^ Astoria .... May :ioArfto Eel River Ports. May SOPhcenlx Mendoclno City .May 31Pleladw*..... Seattle ... May 31Che halls Grays Harbor . » May 31Hontta. Newport &^Way Ports. May 31San Pedro jGrays' Harbor ..."....... May 31Kureka Humboldt June 1Jlpoklnaw... Tacoma June 1American.... Xew York June 1Acm«. Fluslaw River ..-. June 1AuBtralla.... Tahiti June 1Uitatllla Pwret Sound Pcrts .... June 1Rcrapls R»attle ....-...». June IBrooklyn..... Point Arena ........... June 1S. Mcnlca Ban Pedro ............. June 2Nevyburs San Pedro June 2Sierra....... Sydney tk "Way Ports.. June 2State of Cal.. San Diego & Way Ports. June 2Palera Valparaiso & Way Port3l.Tune' 3RlvAl.; Wlllapa Harbor ........ June 4Coom Bay San Pedro & Way Ports June 1PehlnK China & Japan June 4G. W. Elder.. Portland & Astoria .... June 4CltyPuebla.. Puget Sound Ports..... June 0Acapulco Panama & Way Ports.. June 7Fork.. iHumboldt ...:: June 7Argyll /..INew York via Panama. June S

Steamer. Destination. Sails. Pier.

Mnndalay..ArcticG. LlndauetO.Dollar..ArcstaKureknr..i.State Cal..

Lakme....Coos Bay..

ArgoSeciuM*....pt. Arena.-.Alamedr...Queen......

Alliance...North ForicPomona....Sar-tft Roea

¦ May 20. '/Coqullle Klver 6 pmHumboldt :.....;.. 10 amGrays Harbor 5 pmGrays .Harbor ..... 4 pmCoos Bay &Pt.' Orfd 3 pmHurnboldt 0 amSan Diego & Way., 0 am

May 30. /Astoria & Portland. 12 mOan Pedro &.Way.. 0 am

May 81.-:

Eel River Ports.... 4'pmGrays Harbor...... 4 pmPoint Arena........ 2 pmHonolulu' .......... 2 pmPuget Bound Ports. 11 am. June. 1.. v- >< i^-Portland & Way. .-. 3 pmjHumboldt ......... 9 amHumboldt 1:30 pSan Diego & Way.. 9 am

Jtine 2.Grays Harbor -'.'.... 6'pmAstoria &? Portland 11 am? ¦•¦ Jane 3.

- , •....Humboldt .......:. 10 amNewport

'& Way... 9 tm

Grays Harbor ~.....i 4.pmNome &St. Mlcfcaelj......

Jane 5. •-".?;Puget

'Sound Port».. 11 am•--¦•> June 6.

-f. • ;•

China &:japan.V.". :l'pmjHambg & Way Pu. ,.....,¦:

-v- Jnne'7.;-.;:.:. '¦ :-

\Arlllapa« Harbor ... 14 pmN; Y; via Panama. ...i...Astoria 'A Portland. 11 amValparaiso \& Way. 12 t'mMexican Ports -¦:.... 10 am

"./¦• June 0. .Tahiti direct:.:...: 10 amPanama' &'Way Pts.|12"- m]

Pier 2Pier 2PJer

—Pier 2Pier 13Pier 13Pier 11

Pier 2Pier 11

Pier 2Pier 2Pier aPier TPier 9

|Pler 16Pier 2IPier- UPier 11

Newburg...Columbia..'.• - ¦ i

IPier, 2Pier 24

8. Monica:.Bonita.....Cheballs...St. Paul...

Pier 2Pier


i±*ler 2Pier

—Uma tilla... Pier 0

Amer. MaruSerapis. ..'.

[PMSS .Pier

—Klval |Pleiades...G .Elder...PaleriaCuracao.

Pier 2Pier

—Pier.2*Pier;10Pier- 11

Australia.'.Cltv Sydney

Pier TPMSS. t

Centennial...Dolphin......Cottage City.SenatorGarrone......Roanoke.. ...Humboldt .Ohio.........C. of Seattle.C. of Topeka.Farallon.....OregonChico. .'...,'..Lvra f...Chas. Nelson.ValenciaBertha:.Indiana......

Nome "direct ...........Skagway & Way Ports.Skaicway & Way Ports.NomeNome & St. Michael....Nome & St. Michael.....Skagway & "Way Ports.Nome & St.:Michael..*..Skagway'. & Way Ports.Skagway & Way Ports.Skagway & Way Ports.Nome •Hope City & Way Pts..Nome & St. Michael....Golofnln -Bay direct....Nome .¦./".Cooks Inlet & Way PortsNome &.St. Michael... |

May 29May 29May 30June 1June 1June 1June


June 3June 4June 4June 3June SJune 5June 5June 5June '7June 7IJune -7

Sun risesSun setsMoon1 rls< :3

*I!MIM ".:-!I".v*;M11;IM16:66"


.7:2*i. m.

O Time

« HW

20 3:1630 4:40

L W31 0:301 1:202 2:083 2:394 3:505 4:35

: Time •¦'-. Time TimeFt. Ft.

--—Ft. &.

—I* W

'HW ;. Ii"W

3.9 10:11 . 1.1 0:35 4.9 11:203.7 11:08 1.4 6:15 :5.0 .....

HW -r:L AV . H W2.3 6US -3.7 12:03 1.8 6:617.7 7:33 - 3.9 12:54 . 2.1 7:311.0 8:50 4.0 1:45 2.3 8:110.1 0:55 4.2 2:36 2.5 8:52

|—0.5U0:53 §4.4.3:25 '2.6 9:38I—O.9|ll:45| 4.6 4:15 2.7 10:21




Steamer. Destination. Sails. Pier.

Mnndalay..ArcticG. LlndauetO.Dollar..ArcstaKureknr..i.State Cal..

Lakme....Coos Bay..

ArgoSeciuM*....pt. Arena.-.Alamedr...Queen......

Alliance...North ForicPomona....Sar-tft Roea

¦ May 20. '/Coqullle Klver 6 pmHumboldt :.....;.. 10 amGrays Harbor 5 pmGrays .Harbor ..... 4 pmCoos Bay &Pt.' Orfd 3 pmHurnboldt 0 amSan Diego & Way., 0 am

May 30. /Astoria & Portland. 12 mOan Pedro &.Way.. 0 am

May 81.-:

Eel River Ports.... 4'pmGrays Harbor...... 4 pmPoint Arena........ 2 pmHonolulu' .......... 2 pmPuget Bound Ports. 11 am. June. 1.. v- >< i^-Portland & Way. .-. 3 pmjHumboldt ......... 9 amHumboldt 1:30 pSan Diego & Way.. 9 am

Jtine 2.Grays Harbor -'.'.... 6'pmAstoria &? Portland 11 am? ¦•¦ Jane 3.

- , •....Humboldt .......:. 10 amNewport

'& Way... 9 tm

Grays Harbor ~.....i 4.pmNome &St. Mlcfcaelj......

Jane 5. •-".?;Puget

'Sound Port».. 11 am•--¦•> June 6.

-f. • ;•

China &:japan.V.". :l'pmjHambg & Way Pu. ,.....,¦:

-v- Jnne'7.;-.;:.:. '¦ :-

\Arlllapa« Harbor ... 14 pmN; Y; via Panama. ...i...Astoria 'A Portland. 11 amValparaiso \& Way. 12 t'mMexican Ports -¦:.... 10 am

"./¦• June 0. .Tahiti direct:.:...: 10 amPanama' &'Way Pts.|12"- m]

Pier 2Pier 2PJer

—Pier 2Pier 13Pier 13Pier 11

Pier 2Pier 11

Pier 2Pier 2Pier aPier TPier 9

|Pler 16Pier 2IPier- UPier 11

Newburg...Columbia..'.• - ¦ i

IPier, 2Pier 24

8. Monica:.Bonita.....Cheballs...St. Paul...

Pier 2Pier


i±*ler 2Pier

—Uma tilla... Pier 0

Amer. MaruSerapis. ..'.

[PMSS .Pier

—Klval |Pleiades...G .Elder...PaleriaCuracao.

Pier 2Pier

—Pier.2*Pier;10Pier- 11

Australia.'.Cltv Sydney

Pier TPMSS. t

Steamer. From. Due.

Albion River. Albion ..'.;...¦. May 23llathor....... Hamburg & Way Ports. May 20S. Barbara... Seattle '. May 29M.Collar Redondo May 23Lakme San Pedro May 2UI'oint Arena..Point Arena May Z*K&ntaRo«sa.. Pan Diego & Way Ports May 29Aillance.. Portland & Way Ports. May^ 30Pomona :Humboldt .........../.. May HOCity Sydney.. Panama & Way Ports. May 30Amer. Maru.. China & Japan ..'...... May 30Columbia Portland^ Astoria .... May :ioArfto Eel River Ports. May SOPhcenlx Mendoclno City .May 31Pleladw*..... Seattle ... May 31Che halls Grays Harbor . » May 31Hontta. Newport &^Way Ports. May 31San Pedro jGrays' Harbor ..."....... May 31Kureka Humboldt June 1Jlpoklnaw... Tacoma June 1American.... Xew York June 1Acm«. Fluslaw River ..-. June 1AuBtralla.... Tahiti June 1Uitatllla Pwret Sound Pcrts .... June 1Rcrapls R»attle ....-...». June IBrooklyn..... Point Arena ........... June 1S. Mcnlca Ban Pedro ............. June 2Nevyburs San Pedro June 2Sierra....... Sydney tk "Way Ports.. June 2State of Cal.. San Diego & Way Ports. June 2Palera Valparaiso & Way Port3l.Tune' 3RlvAl.; Wlllapa Harbor ........ June 4Coom Bay San Pedro & Way Ports June 1PehlnK China & Japan June 4G. W. Elder.. Portland & Astoria .... June 4CltyPuebla.. Puget Sound Ports..... June 0Acapulco Panama & Way Ports.. June 7Fork.. iHumboldt ...:: June 7Argyll /..INew York via Panama. June S

Centennial...Dolphin......Cottage City.SenatorGarrone......Roanoke.. ...Humboldt .Ohio.........C. of Seattle.C. of Topeka.Farallon.....OregonChico. .'...,'..Lvra f...Chas. Nelson.ValenciaBertha:.Indiana......

Nome "direct ...........Skagway & Way Ports.Skaicway & Way Ports.NomeNome & St. Michael....Nome & St. Michael.....Skagway & "Way Ports.Nome & St.:Michael..*..Skagway'. & Way Ports.Skagway & Way Ports.Skagway & Way Ports.Nome •Hope City & Way Pts..Nome & St. Michael....Golofnln -Bay direct....Nome .¦./".Cooks Inlet & Way PortsNome &.St. Michael... |

May 29May 29May 30June 1June 1June 1June


June 3June 4June 4June 3June SJune 5June 5June 5June '7June 7IJune -7



Tlboron Wcrry, Foot of Slarlcet St.

SAN FRAXCISCO TO SAN RAFABIoWEEK DATS—7:30. 9:00. 11:00 a. m.; 12:35.

3:30, o:10, «:30 p. m. Thursdays— Extra trip•af 11:30 d. m. Saturdays

—Extra trips at

1:50 and 11:30 d. m.SUNDAYS—8:00. 9:30, 11:00 a.m.: 1:30. 3:30,

5:00 and «:20 p. m.-..

SAN UAFAEL TO SAN FRAXCISCO.WEEK DAYS—6:05, 7:55, 7:50, 9:20. 11:15

a. m.; 12:50, 3:10, 5:©0. 5:20 p.m. Satur-days

—Extra trips at 2:05 aftd ti:33 p. m.

SUNDAYS—8:00. 9:40, 11:15 a. m.; 1:40, 3:40,4-;t>5, 5:05, 6:25 p. m. ¦

Leave I In Effect 1 ArriveSan Francisco! May 4. 1902. ISan FranciscoWeek I Sun- I Deatlna- ISun- IWeekDays. Idays. 1 tion. Idays. [Pays.

7:30 a 8:00 a Ijtnacio I9:10 a 8:40 a

3:30 p 9:30 a and 10:40 a 8:40a5:10 p 5:00 p \ Novato 6:05 p ti:20p


j¦ 7:35 p

7:30 aj 8:00 al Petaluma 10:40 al 8:40 a3:30 p 9:30 a and 6:05 pi10:20 a5:10 PI 5:00 p[ SantaRosa 7:35 pj 6:20 p

, Fulton7-30 a W Windsor 10:20 a

5:00 p Healdsburg 10:40 a. • Lytton

': - Geyserville3:30 p 8:00 a Cloverdale 7;35 p 6:20 p

7-30 al 8:00 al Hopland 110140 a|ia:20 a.3J30PI 6:00 p| Uklah [7:35plB:20p7:30 a| 8:00 a| Willlts |7:35 p| .0:20 p

7-30 a] 8:00 aI Guernevllle I7:35 p 10:20 a3:30 p| 5:00 p| ¦ |10:40a 6:20 p

7-30 al 8:00 al . Sonoma I9:10 al 8:40 a5:10p| 5:00 pr Glen Ellen- | 6:05 p| 6:2Op

'7:.t0at 8:00 at Sebastopol 110:40 a[10:20 a3:30 p| 5-,00pr •-

""*" ""I7:3gp|^«:20p

• Stages connect at Santa Rosa for Mark West

Springs and White Sulphur Springs: at Fultonfor Altrurla; at Lytton for Lytton Springs; at-Geyserville for Skaggs Springs; at Cloverdalefor the Geysers and Booneville: at Hopland forDuncan Springs, Highland Springs, Kelseyville.Carlsbad Springs, Soda Bay. Lakeport andBartlett Springs; at Ukiah for Vichy Springs,Saratoga Springs, Blue Lakes, Laurel DellLake. Witter Springs. Upper Lake. Porno, Pot-ter Valley., John .Day's. Riverside. Llerley's,Buckncll's. Sanhedrln Heights, Hullville, Orr'aHot Springs, Half-way House, Comptche, CampStevens, Hopkins. Mendoclno City. Fort Bragg,Westport, Ueal; at Wlljitsfor Sherwood, Cahto,Covelo, Laytonvllle. Cummlngs, Bell's Springs^. Harris, Olsen's, Dyer, Pepperwood, Scotia anaEureka. V ¦

•' •

Saturday to Monday round-trip tickets at re-duced rates.

On Sundays—

Round -trip tickets to all pointsbeyond San Rafael at half rates.

Ticket office, C50 Market st. Chronicle buyd-nfi.C. WHITING, R. X. RYAN,-

.- ' Gen.- Manager.' Qytx. Pass. Agt.

KORTrf SHORE RAILROAD.Via 'Saasallto Ferry,

' .Commencing April 27, 1902. >¦


a. m.. 12:20. '*1:45. .3:15, .4:15, 6:15. »6:15,6:45, 9:45. 11:45 p. m. 7:45 a. yn. does notrun to Mill Valley. ,

SUNDAYS—7:00. 8:00, »9:00. •10:00. 11:00,11:30 a. m., 12:30, •ltfO, 2:30, *3:45, 5:00, 6:00,7:30, »:45, 11:45 p. m. I

Trains marked (*) run to San Quentln. ¦

FROM SAN RAFAEL TO SAN FRANCISCO.WEEK DAYS—S:20, »e:2O. 7:40, 8:15, •9:80,

ll:C0 a. m/. 12:25, 2:15, »3:30, 4:40, 5:30, 6:45,•10:15 r>. m.

':¦ ¦'¦¦¦' ¦';

SUNDAYS—6:00, ¦•8:00.- 0:30, ••11:00 a. m..•12:00 m., 1:00. 2:15, *3:30, .4:15, *5:45, 6:45,7:30, 10:15 d. m. .< .

Trains marked (*) start from San Quentln.--

FROM MILLVALLEY TO SAN FRANCISCO.WEEK DAYS—5:40. 6:40. 7:45, 8:25, 9:45,

11:10 a. m.. 12:35, 2:45, 3:50,' 5:10, 5:20,7:10,10:15 i>. m. .

SUNDAYS—0:30. 7:55, 10:05. 11:10 a. m..12:15, 1:20, 2:30,^3:45, 6:00,. 6:05. 7:15, 10:40P', m-. Z THROUGH TRAINS.i7:45 a. m. week-days

—Cazadero and way

stations, . •¦

••3:15. p. m. Saturdays

—Cazadero and way

stations. : .:•¦•'¦_ - "¦ '. ¦

5:15 p. m. week days • (Saturdays excepted)—

Tomales and way stations.- - ..

8:00.a. m.a Sundays 7— Cazadero ] and , way1


¦ ¦'¦ . *

10:00 a.' m. Sundays—

Point Reyes and waystations.-.- ¦¦•

--.->¦:-¦' Legal Holiday boats and trains .will run on

Sunday, time. ¦ '¦' ¦

" -•/¦ ¦

-j .

nOUNT TAMALPAIS RAILWAYr-- Leave • Via Sausahto Ferry"! Arrive

San Fran. Foot ofMarket St.- San Fran.Week Sun- „,*„,.„„.,„,*„._Sun- WeekDggL davs'.km.,-,* «i.«™.TLtj. day»- 5552:9:30a. 8:00 a. Trta™jDCi-t«.»!*>12:15 P. 9:15a.;*:15p. 10:00 a..'w-fcI- .,' 3:30 P. 5:55p.

1:30 p. "T1K8IOF TIllUM". 5;5o P; 2:30 p. ¦¦¦ Of**ito*y***«>*•. 8:15 P „..

SATVJBDATS 111!—um»™s-.so •..rrir.su rn»iM>njs».Tloktloae««.\n MART1T 8TRM» *migACSJUTTO rmi.

DR. tiALL'SfiEINYiGORATOfii»MStops all losses in 24 hours. Five lI^wWjTjJhundred reward for any case we 3SB( Qeki.cannot cure. This "

secret - rem- 3,edy cures Emissions, 'Impo tency am ra SVarlcocele, Gonorrhoea, Gleet W w3Strictures,^ Drains, ¦-.Loat Man- til ¦" *Ghood and all other was^ng ef- *$J

fects of self-abuse cr excesses KgffiWfJ»JgSent sealed; $2 botfle; 3 bottles. $5; guaranteedto cure any case. Call or address order*HALL'S .MEDICAL!INSTITUTE? 8^ Br^a"way; Oakland. Cal. Also for sale at 1073HMarket St.. S. F. Send for free book.

ADVEBTISEMSNTS.1—.—.- ..-.-. ¦<¦¦


¦ •

soap .brings h e al thand the color ofhealth to rn^ny a

saHow skin;

i (Quickly Cured at Home— Any Lady CaaI 'Do it—Costs Nothing to Try. ,

Ir A new tasteless discovery irhlch c«n be'glien In tea.•offee orfood. Heartily endorsed by W. C.T. U. and alltrroperan<-e wor'terr Itdo«« lt» -work **silently and*urely that while tho V.eroted. wife,sister or daughter'looks on, the drunkard Is reclalmed.evpn atrslnst hi*will

Iand withouthi*knowledge. SeiM*.cur name unitaddress! to Dr.J. W.H&lneg,mmGlenn Bid*.,('ln<*lnnatl,O., and] he willmall a trialpackage of Golden Sreclfio free to

•howhow easily itis tocure drunkards withthisremedy.:,.. rull-sized -boxen of -Golden Specific are Cuerale In Kan Francisco by J. R. GATES & CO.;417 Sansome et; ¦ ,. j ,-¦



tWENTIETtiCENTUHY COOKBOOKSA car-load of Cook Booki :

hern ja«t arrived from Clutcajfo. and they are rend j-;for dlstri-.button nt the bnnlnrna olD.<eof tlila.paper. \All Call;unb-acrlbcrs are entitled to a cop'jr^of this great ;Cook Book «J ;^ ?theprnnlnm price of' fifty

¦¦- cents. . .. • ,....".\..' -..: ¦'',"'An.additional charge of 20 , .

., cents to.pay feipressnife *«rlll.be required from ont of torrnsubscribers ordering by mail.



FIRE ASSOCIATION,fkF PHILADELPHIA. LV THE STATB OPVF Pennsylvania^ on the 31st day of Decem-ber. A^ D. 1801. and for the year ending pathat day. rs made to the Insurance Commis-sioner of the State of CaUfornla. pursuant tothe provisions of sections 810 and 611 of th*Political Code, condensed aa per blank fur- .nlshcl by the Commissioner:

CAPITAL.Amount of Capital Stock, paid up

in caih t 800,000 00ASSETS. .

Real Estate owned by Company.. 512.1C0 00Loans on- Bonds and Mortgages.. 1,371,510 43Cash Market Value of all Stocks

and Bonds owned by Company.. 3,132.919 23Amount of Loans secured by

pledge of Eonda. Stocks, andother marketable securities aacollateral 68.830 00

Cash in Company's Office 28,973 7«Cash in Banks 2*4,353 MInterest due and accrued on all

Stocks and Loans 23,838 43Interest due and accrued on Bonds

and Mortgages 30,141 99Premiums in due course of collec-

tion 88S.240 93Due for Salvage on losses paid...'. * 1,013 41Rents due and accrued 2.680 S3Due from other Companies for Re-

insurance on losses already paid. 7.550 93

Total Assets .$8.315.219 03

LIABILITIES*Losres adjusted and unpaid '. $ 190.S6S 09Losses In process of Adjustment

or in Suspense 173«?J? £*Losses resisted. Including expenses 49.004 9*JGross premiums on Fire Risks run-

ning one year or less, $2,371,-329 24; re-insurance 50 per cent 1.1S3.664 S3

Gross premiums on Fire Risks run-ning more than one year. $2,566,-455 07; re-insurance pro rata... 1.397.177 51

Amount reclalmable by the insured;on perpetual fire insurance pol-

icies 1.906,027 47Allother liabilities ..i 360.643 10

Total Liabilities' .$3.265.083 3B

INCOME.Net cash actually received for Fire

premiums $3,246,972 ItReceived for interest oa Bonds and .• Mortgages 85,972 07Received for interest and dividends

on Bonds. Stocks. Loans, and'from all other sources 157,76« 84

Received for Rents 23.752 20

Total Income. *>»-. .$3.616.463 28

EXPENDITURES.Net amount paid for Fire Losses

(Including $246.183 37. losses of-previous years) $2,084.034 30

Dividends to Stockholders 200.000 00Paid or allowed for Commission

or Brokerage ... ;..... 798,142 19Paid for Salaries. Fees, and other ' •

charges for officers, clerks, etc, 236.440 09Paid for State. National and Local

taxes 95,448 29All other payments and expendi-

tures 155,910 93

Total Expenditures .$3.569.975 79

Fire.Losses Incurred dnrlng the year.. $2.223, 716 90

Risks and Premiums. |Flre Risks. Premiums.

Net amounV of Risks]written during: ,the|year I$340.732.32S $4,359,881 83

Net amount of Rlskslexpired during theyear '. 311.57J.332 3.SI3.63" 01

Net amount In forceDecember 31. 1001. 403.113.644! 4.937.734 31"

E. C. IRVIN.President.M. G. GARRIGUES. Secretary.

Scbtcribed and nwor.3 to before me, this 22dda7 of Jamjary. 1902.

» EDWIN S. GATJLT. Notary Public

SAN FRANCISCO DEPARTMENT:J. M. BECK........... ... Manager219; Sanspme Street,-.- :.

- S«n Franclwo, Cnl. ' -" ¦





OF HARTFORD. INTHE STATE OF CON-nectlcut. on the 31st day of December. A.

D. 1901. and for the year ending on that day.as made to the Insurance Commissioner of theState of California, pursuant to the pro-visions of sections 610 and 611 of the PoliticalCode, condensed as per blank furnished by theCommissioner: -¦ ---,:-

CAPITAL.Amount of Capital Stock, paid

up in Cash t $1,250.000 00



Real Estate owned by Company.. $942,500 00Loan* on Bonds and Mortgages.... 793.200 00Cash Market Value of all Stocks

and Bonds owned by Company.. 8,132,555 91Amount of Loans secured by pledge

of Bonds. Stocks and other mar-ketable securities as collateral.. 4.800.00Cash in Company's Office...' 47.160 57

Cash In Banks ....:....... 677,999 63Interest due

-and accrued on all ¦'¦:.

Stocks and Loans 47 73Interest due and accrued on Bonds

and Mortgages 11,305 85Premiums in due Course of Collec-

tion 1.631.BS0 00Due from other Companies for re-insurance on losses already paid. 17,926 71

Total Assets $12,259,076 43


Losses >adjusted and unpaid $309,182 28'

Losses in process of Adjustment orin Suspense 723.618 06

Losses- resisted, including expenses. 63 091 01Gross premiums on Fire Risks run-

ning one year or-less, $5,795,-

134. 72; reinsurance 50 per cent.. 2,897,567 MGross premiums on Fire Risks run-

ning more than one year, $7,743,-?36 40; reinsurance pro rata.... 3,900 937 32

Commissions and Brokerage due \ ¦

and to beeome due ...." 113,325 00Total liabilities ( .$8,008.221 01

INCOME. _ - "*Net cash actually received for Fire

premiums ••$9,653,783 03Received for interest on Bonds

and Mortgages 39,807 38Received for interest and dividends

on Bonds. Stocks. Loans andfrom all other sources..... 320.025 83

Received for Rents 17,899 92Received from all other sources.. 179 73

Total Income $10,031,195 93 J


Net amount paid for Fire Losses(Including $581,241 46. losses ofprevious years) $3,242,822 91

Dividend.*- ta Stockholders 40O.CCO CoPaid or allowed for Commission or

Brokerage 1,707 772 30Paid for Salaries. Fees and other

charges for officers. clerks.\ etc. 567 851 83Paid for State. National and'Lo- ••

cal Taxe« 19S 2SS S2All other payments and expend- •

Uures 1.096,635 KTotalVExpendlture. 4MU11 39

:I- •" Fire.Losses incurred during the year $6,075.881 13Risks and Premiums j Fire Risks. Premiums.Net amount ofl

~~Risks writ t enlduring the yea>.l$1.019.0CS,207 $11,614,027 12Net amount of'Risks

-expir e d ....

Net^fmount^in T"'

100-591 8-S56.697 23

. force December!.Si; 1901 ¦-....-..¦..I1,221.902.701 13.538*771 12

GEO. L. CHASE. President._ 1;1%>;>- P- C ROTCE. Secretary.

Subscribed and sworn to' before me this 3dday of January. hi. B. SCOTT.

HENRY K, BELDENTianagar.•WHiTHEY"PALACHE, Asst. Manager.

313 California St., S. F.1111/ n Ji/JL/l\l/i vttlvly, v)l UGI Jl Gul

SOUTHERN PACIFICTrains leave and are due to arrive at

..hAN KKANOI8CO.(Main Line, Foot of Market-Street.)

Uatk .—'- Fbom Atkil20.1902.

—abbitm. 7.00a Bealcla, Sulsun, Elmlra »nd Sacra-


.-' ¦'. -'¦'- ment-> ...A.... r..:.. 6.55i"', 7.00a Vac»vllle, "Wlntert. Kumsey 7.55r¦' 7.30a Martinez, San Ramon, Vallejo,

X»pa. Callstoga. Santa Kosa G-25i"8.00a Davis,Woodland, KnightsLanding,

-'..--Maryivllle*OrovlUe 7.55F8.00a Atlantic Express— Ogden and East. 8.26a8.00a Xllea, J,»throp. Stockton 7.25P8.00a Nlles, Mendota, Hanford, Vlaalla,

I'Qrtervllle 4.55r8.30a Shasta Express— Davis, Williams

(for Bsrtlett Springs), "Willows,Red Bluff,Portland... 7.56*

8.30a San Jose, Llrermore, Stockton,lone, Sacramento, Placervllle,Marysvllli".Chlco,Red Bluff 4-25P

C.30a Oakdale,Chlnese,SuDora,Tuolumne 4.26r.- 9.00a Vallejo 12.2S* N9.00a Lor Angeles Express


Tracy,La throp.Stockton, Merced.Itaymond,Fresno and Los Angeles 8-25 A

930a VallfJo. Martinez and Way Stations 7.55 p

t10.00a Hayward. Nlles and Way Stations. t12-55r10.00a The Overland Limited

—Oeden,• Denver, Omaha, Chicago... 5.25r

ti.OOt* Sacramento River Steamer* tii-OCjF300F Benlcla. Winters, Sacramento,

-Woodland, Knights Landing,Marysrllle. Orovllle 10.56a

,-3.30r Hayward,Nile*and Way Stations.. 7.65r4X)0p Martlnez.San Ramon, Vallejo,Kapa,

Callctota, SantaRosa.. 9.25a4 OOp Xllps. Llrermore, Stockton, Lodl.. 12.25*»4.30p Havward,Nlles,SanJose,LlTermore t8-55A4-30f The Owl Limited—Fresno, Tulare,

Bakersfield, Saurui for SantaBarbara, Los Angeles..... 8.55a

B.OOf Port Co«t»,Tracy,L»throp.Stockton 10.25a5.00f Martinez. Antloch, Stockton, Mer-. ced, Raymond, Fresno 12.2SF

t5.S0F Klles Local 7.25a6-OOp IUyward.Xlles and San Jose....... 7.56a

te.OOP Vallejo 11.25a6.00p Oriental Mall—Ogden, Denver,- Omaha. St. Louis. Chicago 4-2Sf7.00p Sun Pablo, Port Costa, Martinez *:-.*¦..

and Way Stations 11.25aJ7.00F .Vallejo ......v 7.55f805p Oregon &California Express— Sac-

' • --?-

¦ ¦-'. ramento, Marysvllle, Redding,-Portland, Pnget Sound and East. 855 a

t9.10F Hayward and Klles t11.65A

COAST LINE (»»rroir Gauge).• (Foot of Market Street.)

$7.46a Santa Cruz Excursion.... 18.05F8.15a Kewark, Centerville. San Jose,


i Felton, Boulder Creek, xSantaCruz and Way Stations 5.50F

12.15P Newark. ¦ Centervllle, San Jose,/Kew Almedcn,. Felton, BoulderCreek. Santa Cruz and PrincipalWay Stations '1050*

4.15f Newark, San Joso, Los Gatos........ +8-60a">4.16p San Jogti. LosGacos. SantaCrnz... cB.SQa


—t":15 9:00 11:00a.M. 1.00 3.00 6.16p.m."From OAKLAND,Foot of Broadway

—16:00 t8:00

t8:05 10:00a.m. 12 00 200 4.00p.m.

COAST LINE (Bro«d «auSeJ.(Third and Townsend Streets.) \

6.10a San Jose and Way Stations 6.40a17.00a San Jose and Way Stations -(8.00a7.00a New Alrhaden.. .....*.. /4.10F

17.15a Monterey Excursion c i8.30r8.00a Coast Line Limited

—San Jose,

GHroy, Salinas, San Luis Oblspo, n-' v':>Santa Barbara. Los Angeles andl-rlacipal Intermediate Stations. 10.45*-

8-OOa San Jose. Tres Finns, Spnta Crnz.radfic Grove, Salinas, S»n LuisOblspo and~FrlncJpal Intermedi-ate Stations 4.10p

10.30a San Jose and Way Stations 8.36a11.30a San.Jose and ~«7ay Stations 9.48ao1 .30p* Saiiijoac and Way Station* a7.00rt2.45p San Mateo, Redwood, Palo Alto.

Santa Clara, San Joee, Tres ¦•"

Plnos, Santa Cruz, Salinas, PelMonte, Monterey and Pacific - -Grove :. .t10.45A

5.30p Saa Jose. Del Monte, Pacific Grove, • 'Santa Cruz and Way Stations. ... 7.30P

14.15p San Jorc and PrlnclpalWay Stations 6.30pte.OOP Sun .lose, Los Gatos and Principal

Way Stations -fSOOA6.30P San Jose sad PrlnclpalWay Stations §.30f


*6.30p San Jose and Way Stations... 7-30r7.00p Kew Orleans Express

—San. Luis

Oblspo, £anta Barbara, Lot An-'; peles, Demtnir. KrPaso, New

Orleans and East ... ..... 10.30a•11.45T*iSan Jo**and WayStations... ......

A for MornlDif.'

P for Aftern«X>u. .tSunday excopted. ¦ t Sunday only.\• a Saturday only. c Monday only, j•Saturday and , . /Tuesday and Frldajr.r'

Sunday only. • .' . ¦ . .'"t

Santa FeTrains-Daiiy.

Leave Market-street Ferry Depot.¦'- . Local J^und Ovrl'dlLocal'

Dally Dally Dally1 Dally

luv. San Fran 7:20a 9:00a 8:00p 4:20 pAr. Stockton. 10:18 a 11:45 a 11:10 p 7:18 p"

Merced... 12:25 p 1:17 p 1:30a 9:11 p:" Kresno... 2n)5p 2:.15 p .1:15 a 10:60 p¦• Hanfbrd.. 3:12 p 3:27 p 8:05 a ...;.;'"

VUalia... 8:3*.»p .Y^.. R:00a ......"Bakersfld 6:15pT>:20p 7:45a ......"-Kan. City ......) 2:40 a -7:30 a ......

"¦ Chlcayo.. ......( 2:15 p 0:00 p ......¦ a Jor morning., p for afternoon.

! 0:00 a: m. train Is the California Limited.'carrying Palace Sleeping Cars 'and DiningCars > through to Chicago. . Chair Car run*to Bakert field for

'accommodation of local

first-clays passenger*.-- No second-class tick-ets are honored on this train. Correspond-ing train arrives at-7:03 a. m. dally.. 4:20 p. m. Is Stockton, Merced and Fresnolocal. Corresponding train arrives at 12:30'p. m. dally. ¦•' - ¦',- ¦':¦ ,-•¦ 8 p.' m. Is the Overland Express, with•through 1Palace and Tourist Sleepers v and•iFree Jrtecllnlng Chair Cars to Chicago: also• Palace Sleeper, which cuts out at Fresno,

j ¦ Corresponding train arrives at 6:00 p. .ra.dally. ¦. / ¦

- ¦¦.-¦¦- ¦ •' .;-,-:7:20 a.'m. Is Bakersfleld Local, stopplnz

at all points In San Joaquln Valley. Cor-'responding'tratn arrives at 8:40 a. m.' dally-. Offices—

641 Market street and In Ferry¦J}epot. !¦' San ¦ Francisco; . 1112 .Broadway,Oakland."' • • • •

.^- .



Shortest and quickest route to At- i• Itn,;BiffSalmon, White Horse,- ,'"',,Hootalinqnn, •:. Ste-rvnrt > River, ,':<<: .Klondike, Koynkuk nnd.Va-H-. kon Mining.lllntrlctn. ¦ . '



-;-.: r..:¦. DAWSONi

'¦ . ' • • :-

' ' ';T For 'fullInformation apply to



:'• Traffic ,Mgr., Seat- Gen.;Agent, 5361 . tle.v Wash. :Skag- Market- gt., San ¦

'f- uay, Alaska. ..- .Franqlsco. . :

_'_•¦__-_ _-,;;'"

travel. \

the Rockies J l^^^lIifyou go east viaDenver and the Burlington

M\ Route. Their snow-capped peaks visiblealmost all the way from Salt Lake City to Den--

/ ver.^ For 700 miles the grand panorama of the M- *;».'¦¦Rockies is,unrolled before your eyes.

.,..¦¦.¦'•'.¦..,¦'¦'•'. . *••-¦ •' -

v- '; .- .. >• Through sleepers, San Francisco to Chicago daily.Through tourist sleepers, three times a week. Omaha, v.

. .: . //.;-."Chicago, Kansas City.St. Louis—EVERYWHERE east.

¦ W. D. SANBORN, GeneraliCgenf. 631 Market Street, San Francisco, California.

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