IN THIS ISSUE From Dr. Weller 2 Music 3 Pastor Nominating 4 Finance 4 Evangelism 5 Presbyterian Women 6 Missions 6 Calendar 8 Preschool 9 Children and Youth 10 Staff Spotlight 12 News and Events 13 Serving FPC 15 The First Presbyterian Church of Naples September 2014 Mrs. Carmen Dunwiddie with her four year old students.

September outreach 2014

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News and events for First Presbyterian Church of Naples, FL

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Page 1: September outreach 2014


From Dr. Weller 2 Music 3 Pastor Nominating 4 Finance 4 Evangelism 5 Presbyterian Women 6 Missions 6 Calendar 8 Preschool 9 Children and Youth 10 Staff Spotlight 12 News and Events 13 Serving FPC 15

T h e F i r s t P r e s b y t e r i a n C h u r c h o f N a p l e s

September 2014

Mrs. Carmen Dunwiddie with her four year old students.

Page 2: September outreach 2014

2 Rev. Dr. Kathleen Weller, Temporary Head of Staff [email protected]

Susan Stafford, Worship and Music Committee Chair, [email protected] Dr. Brice Gerlach, Director of Music Ministries , [email protected] Worship & Music

“For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven.” In 1960 Pete Seeger penned the song “Turn, Turn, Turn” in which he extensively used Ecclesiastes Chapter 3! The Byrds came out of obscurity with the

song, moving up the record charts to #1.

As we in our own lives grow in grace and in wisdom, as we mature in the Christian life, we find this ancient saying to be unrelentingly true. That “for everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven” becomes palpable in our daily life and experience.

These words are especially poignant for First Presbyterian Church of Naples because should we not see this movement…that there are indeed times and seasons with purpose… then as change occurs, instead of being drawn closer to God—we begin to turn on one another. Or we look for someone to blame. Or maybe we try to take the ‘bull by the horns’ ourselves.

Serving congregations in the midst of transition the past several years, I could write a book about those folks who acted badly, ungodly, unethically and even with some degree of moral impoverish-ment during times of change—all in an effort to control the times. But I could also write a book about the women and men for whom change took them to new heights/or to their knees in prayer, who sought God more whole-heartedly, who kept the faith.

It is the people of God in whom God’s Spirit is most alive and vibrant who see the turning times of transition as simply a season, as a part of God’s design with purpose. These are the people particularly suited to point the way for First Presbyterian Church.

I have met this kind of man and woman here. They are the ones who’ve never cried “the sky is falling!” They’re the ones whose silent witness buoy’s the rest of us. They’re the ones whose only maneuvering behind the scenes is in prayer. They’re the ones who do their part and do it well in relative obscurity. Because they know for everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven, they have nothing to prove. Because of Christ’s Spirit in them, they know that in Christ, they have nothing to lose.

So let me ask you to reflect for a moment on your participation in this season of the life of First Presbyterian Church. A. Have you welcomed this season and accepted it as God-ordained? B. Or have you fought to preserve old patterns, old habits, old ways?

A. Have you approached this season with openness- expectant of the new thing God is doing? B. Or have you tried to ‘batten down the hatches’ until the storm of change is over?

A. Have you continued to love and support this community of faith to your fullest—honoring God in building up His church? B. Or are you withholding your love and support – waiting to see—honoring your own appetites?

In each congregation there are those who exist on such a spectrum. It is the mercy of God that there are often more folks practicing “A” than “B.” In spite of some, we trust that God’s purpose shall be done, for He is our only hope.

On Sunday, September 14 I bid “Go with God” to First Presbyterian Church—as the time for my purpose here has come to an end. I leave assured that I’ve done that which was my small task in this season of your life.

As I go let me assure you that I honor you for your courage. I encourage you to stand on tip-toes to watch for God’s purposes. I pray that this season may be shortened so that you do not become discouraged. And I pray you remember that for everything there is a season—and a time for every purpose under heaven!

In Christ- Rev. Dr. Kathleen Weller

Preaching in September

September 7— Dr. Kathleen Weller

September 14—Dr. Kathleen Weller

September 21—Rev. Jonathan Evans

September 28—Rev. Jonathan Evans

Page 3: September outreach 2014

3 Music Dr. Brice Gerlach, Director of Music Ministries, [email protected]

I have just returned from our trip to the Classical Music Festival in

Eisenstadt, Austria. This is the sixth time that my wife, Michele, has been the soprano soloist for the festival. My role is to accompany the chorus in piano rehearsals, to sing with the chorus for the gala concert and to play the organ for the church services.

Before the festival began, we took a few days to ourselves as a family vacation to visit Venice, Italy. This is a place of fond memories for us. Michele and I went to Venice on our way to Padua in 2002 where the Ruffatti organ for First Presbyterian

Church was under construction. We only had one day in Venice and I have wanted to return since that first visit. It was especially great to be able to go there with our son, Colin. I don’t think he’ll ever forget being there. On this trip we saw all the major sights, from St. Mark’s Cathedral to the Opera house and the Peggy Guggenheim Museum. We enjoyed the food immensely and even treated ourselves to gelato on St. Mark’s Square. We rode the vaporetto (the water bus) and also took a tour of a Murano Island glass blowing factory. It is so picturesque and truly looks like a postcard! It was wonderful to have a few days in this great city.

After our time in Venice, we traveled to Vienna and then Eisenstadt, where the festival is based. The

music for the festival this year was a huge challenge. The work we performed for the gala concert at the Esterhazy palace was the monumental Missa Solemnis by Ludwig van Beethoven. This was

a piece written at about the same time as his Symphony no. 9 and is a challenge for the orchestra, soloists and chorus. It is a work that was written when Beethoven was completely deaf, yet it contains some

of the most beautiful and personally introspective music Beethoven ever wrote. It took four years to complete the piece, and Beethoven only saw parts of the work performed publicly during his lifetime. He wrote of the piece, “My chief aim when I was composing this grand Mass was to awaken and instill enduring religious feelings not only into the singers but also to the listeners.” The music is ruled by the text of the mass and the repetition of certain sections of text is said to have reflected Beethoven’s own faith. As the final section of the work begins, there is an unusual marking in the score. It reads “Bitte um inner und äussern Frieden” (Prayer for inner and outer peace). It was an amazing experience to perform this great work and reminded me how much our world needs peace.

The festival chorus and orchestra also traveled to three churches to perform Joseph Haydn’s Schöpfungs Messe (Creation Mass) for high mass. It is called the Creation Mass because Haydn used some musical themes from his Oratorio The Creation in the mass. Two of the churches have quite important musical histories. In Vienna, we presented the mass at St. Stephen’s Cathedral, a church where Haydn was a choir boy, where Mozart was married and where Beethoven’s funeral was held. It is right in the heart of the old city and the church was full for the Sunday mass. In Eisenstadt, we provided the music for a high mass at the Bergkirche, the church where Haydn was the Kappellmeister and where this mass was first presented in 1801.

It’s always a great experience to travel and perform music but it’s even more meaningful to be in places of important musical history. Just knowing that we were in the same places as Haydn and Beethoven is a profound feeling. In Eisenstadt, I have for several years now been privileged to play the organ for the mass at the Bergkirche. While the organ is now powered by electricity and the console was rebuilt in the 1950’s, the pipes are the same that were playing when Haydn and Beethoven were there. I am grateful for the time away from Naples to attend this wonderful festival. It has been a meaningful experience for our family and I always find myself feeling renewed and ready for another year ahead.

The Grand Canal and La Salute Church Venice, Italy

Brice and Colin, St. Mark’s Cathedral

Todd Donovan, baritone soloist, Michele, and Richard Zielenski, conductor

Brice, Dr. David Heller, professor of Organ at Trinity University in San Antonio, Michele and Colin

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4 Libby Biehl, PNC Committee Chair, [email protected]

Finance Michele Martin, Director of Finance, [email protected]

Pastor Nominating Committee

Financial Report July 31, 2014

YTD YTD Budget YTD YTD Budget 2014 2014 2013 2013

Offerings 602,499 557,512 616,895 658,706 Other Income 222,049 210,958 242,962 234,322 Total Operating

Expenses 852,430 941,801 933,750 1,029,899


Gain/Loss -27,882 -173,331 -73,893 -136,871

First, we would like to send our condolences and prayers to the family of Jim and Cindy Craig. Jim was chair of the PNC committee for Vanderbilt Presbyterian Church. We understand he passed suddenly and a week later his wife, Cindy also passed unexpectedly. May we all pray for the family as they go through this difficult time.

As a committee we feel very blessed by the incredible support we have received from the congregation. Everyone who has spoken to

us has been encouraging and offered additional prayers and support. Thank you very much, it means a great deal to us.

God has been hard at work with our committee. We have received phone calls from several unexpected sources offering

references for candidates. We are excited to review these new individuals and are optimistic about our current search process. We continue to have weekly meetings as the process moves forward. We ask for continued prayers to bring our pastor to us and for guidance in selecting the pastor who will be the one God desires for us.

Blessings Libby Biehl PNC Chair

From Your PNC Committee

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5 Evangelism Joan Gust, Evangelism Committee Chair, [email protected]

Tuesday, September 16 9 a.m.—1 p.m. Spencer Hall

The carotid artery/stroke disease screening procedure is simple, painless, and non-invasive. You will be asked to lie on your back on an exam table. After applying gel to your neck, the technologist will move an instrument called a transducer on your neck to create images of the carotid arteries and assess the rate of blood flow within them.

(AAA) is a condition in which the lining of the blood vessel called the aorta is enlarged within the abdomen. Because abdominal aortic aneurysms are likely to tear if they reach 5 centimeters in diameter, monitoring is

important for preventing a rupture. A ruptured AAA can cause blood loss, shock, and death.

Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is more commonly known as hardening of the arteries. PAD screening is done by using the ankle-brachial index (ABI). This ABI screening is painless, quick, and non-invasive. It will identify most cases of peripheral arterial disease.

We use ultrasound to detect the risk of osteoporosis by measuring for the bone mineral density of your heel. The heel is measured because its bone is similar to that found in the hip, where fractures occur most often. Bone mineral density is a powerful predictor of skeletal strength and fracture risk, especially when considered along with other factors such as gender, age, and family history. When you receive an osteoporosis screening, you will simply place your foot in a painless ultrasound device called a bone densitometer and the bone mineral density of your heel will be measured. Special Packages available to us: Package 1 Stroke, Vascular Disease & Heart Rhythm Package—4 tests only $139 Package 2 Add an Osteoporosis Screening for only $10 more—5 tests only $149 Please call 888.653.6450 to register for your preventative health screening. No appointments can be made through the church office. Screening results are provided to you in 21 days. All participants with abnormal results are directed to take the report to their physician. Life Line Screening does not file insurance claims nor provide referrals to any physician’s group or hospital. Life Line Screening does not participate in the Medicare program and the cost of the screening services is not covered or reimbursable by Medicare.

Peripheral Arterial Disease/ABI Screening-$70

Osteoporosis Risk Assessment-$60

Heart Rhythm Screening Atrial Fibrillation-$70

Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Screening-$70

Carotid Artery Disease/Stroke Screening-$70

Atrial fibrillation, also known as irregular heartbeat, is a condition that can cause a stroke. A stroke results from the disruption of adequate blood flow to the brain. Atrial fibrillation is the most common type of heart arrhythmia (abnormal heartbeat) and can cause a clot that travels to the brain where it results in stroke.

Page 6: September outreach 2014


Feed the 5,000 Luke 9:10-17

During September, our food drive will be for St. Matthews House. St. Matthews House provides an opportunity for people to improve their lives in a caring, disciplined, spiritual

environment, houses the homeless, and feeds the hungry.

Suggested items: coffee sugar all purpose flour pasta sauce pasta canned fruit peanut butter jam or jelly canned tuna, chicken, or spam dried beans hot or cold cereal

Please take a Publix bag from an usher as you leave the Sanctuary on the first Sunday of the month, and return it with food to the Sixth Street church entrance on the second Sunday of the month. If you prefer, checks may be made payable to the "First Presbyterian Church," with the memo marked "Feed the 5,000."

Missions Betty Mangos, Mission Committee Chair, [email protected]

Presbyterian Women

Thank you to all the generous donors of school supplies for the

children at Grace Place. Our very large box was filled to the brim with items that were delivered by Rev. Jonathan Evans.

The new study for our Circles was announced by Jeanie Weigel at our Summer Salad Gathering; "Stepping Up" A Journey Through the Psalms of Ascent, by Beth Moore. The study guides will be available in October before the introduction at our October 15 Gathering, please watch for a notice in the October Outreach and Sunday bulletins. This study will include six lessons and supplemental videos. Please come join us.

Ann Goodnight, PW Moderator, [email protected]

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7 Missions Betty Mangos, Mission Committee Chair, [email protected]

I am the newbie on this committee, and already I feel right at home. We had a wonderful meeting on August 13 to organize and discuss our goals.

First Presbyterian Church has always prided itself on being a missions church, and it is very gratifying to be part of this effort.

I’d like to tell you about the agencies we support and the activities we take part in: Collier County Hunger and Homeless Coalition, St. Matthew’s House, Shelter for Abused Women and Children, Grace Place, Helps Outreach (an agency that collects clothing, furniture, cash, all sorts of needed items and distributes them accordingly), Immokalee Child Care Center, and The Guadalupe Center. Here at FPC we collect clothes for Mision Peniel, undies for school children, ring the bell for the Salvation Army in December, buy toys through our Angel Tree Project for kids at Christmas, and participate in Meals of Hope. In the spring of 2015, we want to have a presence at the Cancer Alliance Walk which takes place each year across the street at Gulf View Middle School. The Men’s Club, Presbyterian Women, and the Board Deacons also have their own mission activities that they support with much love and energy. I know that many of you support these agencies individually. It is important to know that we as a church--all of us together as a church--should be contributing to these very worthy causes. When pledges are down, it affects our mission giving tremendously. Please prayerfully consider your donations to FPC so that we may continue helping others who truly need it. We are happy to say that we use and enjoy the networks that are set up here in Collier County so that we know our dollars are well-spent.

In the Fall we will have Mission Trips to local agencies. I hope that you will open your hearts and let God work through you as we visit these agencies that we pray for and support. Friday, August 15 several members traveled to Immokalee to serve food to migrant farmworkers at Mision Peniel, a task that is coveted by the churches in our area that we were lucky to be put on the list to serve God in this way. I am excited to be part of this committee, members who have a long history of service in this church and community. And if you want to join us, please call me. Betty Mangos, Elder Missions Committee Chair

Last month, 10 volunteers served 450 meals at Mision Peniel in Immokalee. Mision Peniel is a “Christ-centered and compassionate bridge connecting migrant farmworkers in Immokalee, Florida to faith communities and the world.” At Mision Peniel, Pastor Miguel Estrada provides pastoral care, weekly bible studies, worship services in the work camps, and a weekly radio show. Mision Peniel relies on our gifts – our sweat and our financial support – and we are so proud to be a part of this ministry that is changing lives!

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Sandy Poore, Director of Facilities, [email protected] Calendar 8


1 LABOR DAY Church office and Preschool closed

2 7 a.m. Breakfast Bible Study (separate location) 11 a.m. Alzheimer’s Support Group

3 12 p.m. Preschool Committee 4 p.m. PNC meeting 7 p.m. Choir rehearsal

4 8:30 a.m. Preschool Portraits 4 p.m. Youth Group 7 p.m. Meditation/Prayer 7 p.m. Cumberland Church

5 8:30 a.m. Preschool Portraits 9:30 a.m. Cookie Baking 9:30 a.m. Communion Bread Cutters

6 FGCU retreat Youth Group Trip—Night of Joy 9:30 a.m. Communion Set up

7 8:30 & 10 a.m. Communion Worship 9:15 a.m. Fellowship 10:15 a.m. Sunday School 12 p.m. Cumberland Church


9 7 a.m. Breakfast Bible Study (separate location)

8 a.m. Facilities Committee 4 p.m. Missions Committee

10 4 p.m. PNC meeting 7 p.m. Choir rehearsal

11 10 a.m. Sew&Sews 4 p.m. Youth Group 7 p.m. Meditation/Prayer 7 p.m. Cumberland Church 7 p.m. Naples Orchestra and Chorus auditions

12 9:30 a.m. Cookie Baking 5 p.m. Beach Party Potluck


14 8:30 & 10 a.m. Worship 9:15 a.m. Fellowship 10:15 a.m. Sunday School 12 p.m. Cumberland Church


16 7 a.m. Breakfast Bible Study (separate location) 9 a.m. Lifeline Screening 4 p.m. Session

17 4 p.m. PNC meeting 7 p.m. Choir rehearsal

18 4 p.m. Youth Group 7 p.m. Meditation/Prayer 7 p.m. Cumberland Church

19 9:30 a.m. Cookie Baking


21 8:30 & 10 a.m. Worship 9:15 a.m. Fellowship 10:15 a.m. Sunday School 12 p.m. Cumberland Church


23 7 a.m. Breakfast Bible Study (separate location)

24 4 p.m. PNC meeting 7 p.m. Choir rehearsal

25 10 a.m. Sew&Sews 4 p.m. Youth Group 7 p.m. Meditation/Prayer 7 p.m. Cumberland Church

26 9:30 a.m. Cookie Baking 6 p.m. Dinner for All


28 8:30 & 10 a.m. Worship 9:15 a.m. Fellowship 10:15 a.m. Sunday School 11:30 a.m. Family Fun Day 12 p.m. Cumberland Church


30 7 a.m. Breakfast Bible Study (separate location)

This calendar does not necessarily include all events that are scheduled at the church. For additional information, call 239.262.1311 or visit the website www.fpcnaples.org. Contact Director of Facilities, Sandy Poore at 239.262.1311 ext. 228 or [email protected] to reserve a room for your meeting. Please do not assume that if a room is vacant that it is available for use. This will alleviate any awkward situations from occurring.


Page 9: September outreach 2014

9 Preschool Ashley Houk, Preschool Director, [email protected]

Yet, another school year is upon us, and we are anxiously awaiting the coming days when our halls and classrooms will be filled with cheerful voices and laughter from the children enrolled in the Preschool program. Forty nine

years ago, the Preschool opened its doors to serve the Naples community and to provide a safe environment of quality in which children can grow, learn, and develop. To this end, we continue year after year to provide the type of care that First Presbyterian Preschool and First Presbyterian Church can be proud of. Every year we hold a staff orientation during which we welcome back all of our Preschool staff and provide them with the initial support they need to start the year off on comfortable footing.

This year, we have 13 staff returning from last year and a couple of new staff members joining our team as well. We look forward to solidifying our new team.

I find myself in awe of our team daily. Each one of us has our own unique qualities that together form a great Preschool. I may be the Director, but could not do what I do without Liz, my office assistant; Mrs. Dunwiddie, Mrs. Kennedy and Mrs. Shields, our VPK instructors; Ms. Claudia, Ms. Erin, Ms. Leslie, and Ms. Christie, our two year old and three year old teachers. These teachers are responsible for the most important tasks of the day…to ensure that every child in their care is comfortable, safe,

and has every opportunity available to learn. And we can’t fail to mention the aides that step in whenever needed to assist with different responsibilities; Ms. Chrissy, Ms. Nicki, Ms. Dana, Ms. Angela, Ms. Marylee, and Ms. Isabella. We have staff members that are now teaching

second generations, while other staff members are just beginning their teaching careers.

I welcome you to join us at the Preschool if you have a free moment. We love to have volunteers to play with us, read with us, or paint with us. Do you have a special talent you would like to share? Sing, dance, play an instrument? Draw, paint?

If you can’t swing by to see us, please keep us in your prayers. We are constantly being pulled in many directions and can always use extra support from the Church.

Page 10: September outreach 2014

10 Children and Youth Shana Dublan, Director of Children and Family Ministries [email protected]

Youth Group

Thursdays 4 - 7 p.m.

In the Youth Room

Students in grades 6-12 are invited to join us for games, Dinner,

lessons & fellowship.

Feel free to be you!

Are you looking to connect to the church in a way that is fun and engaging?

Join us on Sunday, September 28

Following worship we’ll gather for a light meal

and then head over to Coral Cay Miniature Golf!

The cost for golf is $4.50 per person, payable at the door. Everyone is invited! All children under the age of 13 must be accompanied by an adult. Please reserve your spot in Spencer Hall at Sign Up Central, contacting Shana or register online.

Attention all

High School Students The third Sunday of each month will be Youth Sunday, and we will

be asking YOU to be liturgists and worship assistants

during the 10 a.m. worship service.

Following worship we’ll gather for

Connect a new high school ministry where we

can get together and share, talk, listen and connect to one another.

12-2 p.m. The third Sunday of each month.

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11 Youth Shana Dublan, Director of Children and Family Ministries [email protected]

On July 20, thirteen students and two chaperones headed to Cedarkirk Camp and Conference Center in Lithia, FL for a mission project. Although they thought they would be holding VBS for some underprivileged children, they ended up helping in a food pantry, tearing down an old structure and doing some much needed light construction work. Zip-lining and aerial rope walks were also part of the fun!

Page 12: September outreach 2014

12 News and Events Kathleen Law, Coordinator of Communications, [email protected]

Carmen Dunwiddie VPK Preschool Teacher

In an effort for you to get to know the church and preschool staff a little better, we will be spotlighting one staff member each month in the Outreach. We hope you enjoy this new monthly feature! Q: Where did you grow up? A: Matanzas, Cuba

Q: When did you move here and why? A: In 1974 because of my husband’s job relocation, and why not?

Q: How long have you worked at First Presbyterian Preschool? A: 25 years!

Q: Are you married? A: My husband, Stan, died a year ago. We were married for 35 years.

Q: Do you have any children? A: I have three children; Gray (35), Katie (30) and Ali (28).

Q: Do you have any grandchildren? A: I have three grandchildren; Evan is 7, Bella is 4 and Grayson is 16 months.

Q: Name some favorite Movies? A: Comedy—First Wives Club, Last Vegas Christmas— Home Alone; Romance—Hope Floats Drama—Sophie’s Choice

Q: What are some of your favorite TV shows? A: Resurrection, Person of Interest, Castle and Arrow

Q: Favorite Actor/Actress? A: Sandra Bullock and Harry Connick, Jr.

Q: Do you have a favorite book? A: Jane Eyre

Q: Who (dead or alive) would you like to meet? A: Mother Theresa

Q: What would be impossible for you to give up? A: My family

Q: What profession other than yours would you like to attempt? A: Professional Organizer (closets, storage, etc.)

Q: What profession would you not like to do? A: Clean up after messy adults.

Q: What sound or noise do you love? A: Music

Q: What sound or noise do you hate? A: Mean talk

Q: Name a few things on your bucket list. A: Return to Spain, finish college

Q: What would you like God to say to you when you arrive at the pearly gates? A: Welcome! Some of the above questions were taken from “Inside the Actors Studio”

Page 13: September outreach 2014

13 News and Events Kathleen Law, Coordinator of Communications, [email protected]

Choir Rehearsals return to Wednesday evenings beginning

September 3.

Please join us at 7 p.m.

For more information on joining the Chancel Choir, please contact

Dr. Brice Gerlach, Director of Music Ministries at

239.262.1311 ext. 239 or [email protected]

Dinner for All

Each month we gather in groups of usually 5-8 in the comfortable setting of someone's home for fellowship and a

meal. Church members, friends, couples and singles, are invited to Dinner for All on

Friday, September 26.

For more information or reservation, please contact Diane Stellema at

239.455.8796 or [email protected].

Florida Gulf Coast University Choir Trent Brown, Conductor

Performing in worship on Sunday, September 7 at 10 a.m.

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14 News and Events Kathleen Law, Coordinator of Communications, [email protected]

In Memoriam

Al Vande Voren July 31, 2014

Thank You On behalf of the Lemasters family, I would like to say thank you all for your continuing love and support given to Lee throughout these last nine months. He so appreciated all your phone calls, your cards and especially the prayer shawl given to him filled with all your love and concern. We will always remember his infectious smile and his beautiful white hair everybody commented on when he was singing in the Chancel Choir. We had a wonderful memorial service in West Virginia and hope you will join us in a Celebration of his Life, October 30 at 11 a.m. in our Sanctuary. Thanking you again, Mariellen Lemasters

I would like to thank the very special women of FPC for a delightful luncheon given for me in honor of what would have been my 50th Wedding Anniversary. It was wonderful hearing how Al had touched your lives. Thank you for your love and generosity. Mary Vande Voren

These photos were taken last month at the Pot-less Potluck Pizza Party! Everyone had a wonderful time of fellowship at the home of John and Joanne Slager. Won’t you join us for the next gathering on Friday, September 12 at Lowdermilk Park? Details on the back of the Outreach.

Page 15: September outreach 2014



Jeanie Weigel 1 & 2

Katie Geshay 3

Janet and Gary Root 4 & 5

Midge Murdock 6

Florence Calyore 7

Nancy and John Kay 8

Grant Wagner 9 & 13

Annabella Richardi 10

Kathy Grandi 11

Terri Storter 12

Suzanne Rose 14

Jane Long 15

Doris Frace 16

Richard Barkley & Susan Corryn 17

Linda Gadkowski 18

Barbara and Rick Blattner 19

Kim Shoellhorn Garnick 20

John Crider 21 & 30

Joanne and Jim Applegate 22

Pat Stevens 23

Chris Miller and Jackie Cusick 24

Barbara and Jack Marsh 25

Mary and Al Vande Voren 26

Program Staff Dr. Kathleen Weller Temporary Head of Staff Rev. Jonathan Evans Associate Pastor Dr. Brice Gerlach Director of Music Ministries Shana Dublan Director of Children and Family Ministries

Office Staff Sharman Pfaus Executive Office Manager Michele Martin Director of Finance Kathleen Law Coordinator of Communications

Facilities Staff Sandy Poore Director of Facilities Leticia Martinez Custodian of Facilities

Audio Visual Staff Mike Calyore Sound and Video Technician

Preschool Staff Ashley Houk Director of Preschool Liz Psota Preschool Administrative Assistant

Nursery Staff Kelsey Santalla Rosemarie Santalla Marianna Vargas

Session Libby Biehl Nominating Committee Ed Boot Facilities Norman Brown Evangelism Janie Brown Casassa Personnel, Nominating Franklin Ellis Stewardship, Finance Keith Gahagan Christian Education Richard Green Audit, Finance, Endowment Joan Gust Evangelism, Facilities Eric Holt Personnel, Endowment, Audit Hansen Long Clerk of Session, Transition Team, Personnel, Stewardship Betty Mangos Missions, Worship and Music Joe Patton Christian Education Patty Rutzler Nominating, Worship and Music Joanne Slager Evangelism Susan Stafford Worship and Music

Deacons Stephen Ministers Cynthia Anderson Janice Austerman JoAnn Beggs Carolyn Smith Bennett Janie Brown-Casassa Marilyn Currier, co-leader Barbara Gibson Shirley Hagerson Chris Jones Ron Lacy Laura McDonald Saralene Oldham, leader Suzanne Rose Pat Schubarth Sam and Karen Smith

Serving First Presbyterian Church of Naples

Page 16: September outreach 2014

Non-Profit Org. Postage PAID

Naples, FL 34102

Permit No. 8

First Presbyterian Church of Naples 250 Sixth Street South Naples, FL 34102 www.fpcnaples.org 239.262.1311

Lowdermilk Park, South Gazebo Friday, September 12 from 5-7 p.m.

Those whose last names begin with the following, please bring:

A-G, main course H-P, dessert Q-Z, salad/side

Tableware and soft drinks will be provided. To sign up please visit Sign Up Central in Spencer Hall,

call the church office or go online at www.fpcnaples.org.