2224 Sacramento Drive West Lafayette, IN 47906 765-463-5733 www.blessedsacramentwl.org Weekend Mass Times Saturday: 5:30 PM (65+/existing medical conditions; masks required) Sunday: 8:00 AM (masks recommended) 11:00 AM (masks required) Stay Connected with us! September 2020 @CBS_WL @ChurchoftheBlessedSacrament @CBS_WL NEW OFFICE HOURS BEGINNING 9/8: TUESDAY-FRIDAY—9:00 AM—4:00 PM

September 2020...We can deduce from Our Lord’s teaching that the Fr. Mark Walter, Pastor meaning of life can be summed up in one word: love. The two greatest commandments we know

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Page 1: September 2020...We can deduce from Our Lord’s teaching that the Fr. Mark Walter, Pastor meaning of life can be summed up in one word: love. The two greatest commandments we know

2224 Sacramento Drive West Lafayette, IN 47906



Weekend Mass Times Saturday:

5:30 PM (65+/existing medical conditions; masks required)

Sunday: 8:00 AM (masks recommended)

11:00 AM (masks required)

Stay Connected with us!

September 2020





Page 2: September 2020...We can deduce from Our Lord’s teaching that the Fr. Mark Walter, Pastor meaning of life can be summed up in one word: love. The two greatest commandments we know

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This Week: What is Love?

What is love? Saint Paul answered that question in his well known 13th chapter of the First Letter to the Corinthians. He makes it clear what love is: love is kind and patient and what love is not: it is not irritable or rude, it does not rejoice at

wrong but rejoices in the r ight. Love bears all things, believes all things, and hopes all things. Love is able to endure and face all things whatever may threaten it. That is the power of love, deep waters cannot quench it, nor rivers sweep it away (Song of Songs 8:7). He reminds us that love is the greatest gift. He could have every other gift but if he does not have love, then he is nothing except a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. Ultimately, he will list fourteen great characteristics of what love really is. What is most striking about this description of love is how different it is from the idea of love that’s popular in today’s culture. For the world we live in, love is more of a passive thing, a feeling that sweeps you off your feet, takes control of your life, and may even make you blind. For Saint Paul, Christ and us, love is not passive at all and it is certainly not just a feeling. Love is active self-giving, patience, kindness, forgiveness, etc. In others words, love that is impatient is not real love, love that is rude is not real love, and love that is unwilling to forgive is not real love. At the same time true love does not blind us to who someone really is but rather binds forever to Jesus Christ, the true and living God. We can deduce from Our Lord’s teaching that the meaning of life can be summed up in one word: love. The two greatest commandments we know deal with love: Y ou shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment. The second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself (Matthew 22:37-39). One might ask the question how can we be commanded to love? One answer would be because love has been given by God. It is not that we have loved God first but that he loved us and sent His Son as expiation for our sins. We cannot give what we do not have, but the reality is that we have been loved and thus we can give love. God demonstrates His own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Another answer would be that love is more than sentiment, it is an act of the will. Sure sometimes nice feelings go along with this authentic love, but they are unessential accessories. We know this is the case because

the pinnacle of love – Christ giving His life out of love on the cross had nothing to do with nice feelings. Christ-like love, real love, the kind of love that lasts and gives meaning to life, is not a passive feeling; it is an active self- giving. This love is not self-centered but other centered. As Saint Thomas Aquinas defined love is “willing the good of the other.” For that reason, love can be commanded because it a choice. We cannot be ordered to like or to fall in love with someone but we can choose to love our enemies. Another command of our Lord is to not return evil with evil or insult with insult, never repay one wrong with another, or one abusive word with another; instead repay with a blessing. That is what you are called to do so that you inherit a blessing (1 Peter 3:9). Christ shows on the Cross that love above all else is self-donation. That is how Christ loves us! He gave everything over even to the last drop of blood and this is how we are called to love in return. Saint John Paul II said that “Man cannot fully find himself except through a sincere gift of self.” In loving and giving ourselves completely over to Christ, we discover not only who we were created to be but an abundance of meaning and satisfaction is found in our life too.

Let it all be accomplished in love,

Fr. Mark Walter, Pastor

Uniting in Heart

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Thank you, Bette!

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Bette Thompkins has been a member of our parish since 1972. Her time, talent and treasure was shared throughout the years! At the beginning of the month, Bette moved from her home to Arizona to be closer to family.

About Bette “Bette, her late husband, Larry and their 5 children lived on the corner of the parish. Bette helped the parish office when a large mailing was being made, when asked to help in the parish office she was always ready. Bette has been finance officer for the Ladies of Charity for many years and will be missed. Thank you, Bette, for all the years you have been a good and faithful member to the parish, we will miss you.” — Louise Benner “Bette, you have always been a good friend and we wish you the best in your move.” —Eileen and Ed Steiner. “Since meeting Bette almost nine years ago, I have admired her generosity, her kindness, and her friendship as a member of Ladies of Charity. She has been a faithful officer of our group and such a pleasant person to get to know. I will miss her guidance and knowledge of Church of the Blessed Sacrament, and our members will miss her dedication to the group. I wish her well and pray for her as she settles into her new lifestyle.” —Carolyn McDonald “Bette is a very, very dear friend. We have been friends for more than 40 years. She is always there when I need her. I will miss her greatly. It is wonderful for her that she will now be near family. For that, I am happy for her!” —Donna Callahan “Bette is a very friendly, loving person. I have known her for many years here at the parish, participating in parish dinners, adoration, daily Mass, bridge group, etc. When I pray at Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine, it has been comforting knowing that one of our valued parishioners is right next door! I admire her positivity. When she makes an

important decision, she trusts in the Lord and goes forward! We will greatly miss you Bette but happy that you will be close to family which is important to you! May the Lord always walk by your side, Bette, and grant you an abundance of blessings always.”—Teresa Noel “I have known Bette for a long time but didn't get to really know her until I joined Ladies of Charity. She is kind, warm and welcoming to everyone. She has been a devoted member of Ladies of Charity for many years who has given freely of her time to help the residents of Tippecanoe Villa during our monthly bingo visits, helping with funeral lunch food donations and service and offering her home to store Christmas gift bags for Villa residents. She has kept track of the Ladies of Charity treasury with an eagle eye and is meticulous with details. She is a wonderful, gracious lady who will leave a large void in our parish. May God bless her and bring her joy as she moves closer to her family.” —Fran Lape “You will be missed, Bette, especially on third Wednesdays, Ladies of Charity meetings, followed by bridge, lunch and more bridge. The LOC will remember you as a dedicated and efficient treasurer.” —Mary Nell

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Catholic Youth Award Update The 2020 Knights of Columbus State Catholic Youth Award has been awarded to Emma Lottes of West Lafayette. Ms. Lottes is a 2020 graduate of Harrison High School. She is the daughter of Aaron and Noelle Lottes and a sister to two younger brothers. The Lottes family are members of The Church of the Blessed Sacrament in West Lafayette. Candidates from throughout the state were evaluated in the areas of Spiritual and Corporal Works of mercy, as well as parish, civic, and community involvement, and academic achievement. Ms. Lottes was nominated for the State award by Blessed Sacrament KofC Council #8056 after also winning their Fr. David Douglas Merit Award for high school seniors within the parish. Emma Lottes said: “Serving my church is one of the things I love and this award was just a benefit of everything I have done”. Father Ted Dudzinski said, “Emma has a strong foundation of faith and family and her servant's heart shines as she volunteers her time and talent at our parish and in the community”. Co. 8056 Grand Knight Mark Gregory said, “Emma seems to have that proper order to her life at a young age, prioritizing in order of God, Others, Me. Our Council recognized early on we had a VERY strong candidate for this statewide award, and we are very proud of Emma”.

Thank you to the Knights of Columbus for your service! Men of the parish, are you interested in

joining? Be on the lookout for information for an upcoming K of C membership drive.

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Ministry of the Month Knights of Columbus

What have the Knights been up to?? The Knights have been very active in our parish since reopening! They have been active in Masses, helping us clear out brush around our facility and helping us to strip and clean the floor in Hardebeck Hall. See why the Knights do what they do! “The four pillars of the Knights are: Fraternity, Unity, Charity and Patriotism and volunteering is one way of paying back to my home parish.”—David Tate “The Knights of Columbus is all about Charity, Unity, and Fraternity. I personally signed up to help with the floor because Blessed Sacrament is an extension of my family. The KofC is all about family.”— Don Klinker “I volunteered to do the floor job to help to show the beauty of the church and to show others the fact it is great to love our Lord.”-Kevin Brost “Blessed Sacrament is my family’s spiritual home and we want to take care of it now and for future generations. Doing so along side my brother Knights makes it even more enjoyable and builds up our brotherhood.” —Mark Gregory “From my perspective, if Blessed Sacrament is our parish, the I must believe my family is part of Blessed Sacrament, and it is our responsibility to help in what we can and when we can. Working a few hours on a weekend to do a job that is needed is just part of what we ought to do, and if it can be done in camaraderie with a few other parishioners then the fun is just an extra perk. Another comment I would add: completing activities like these two, which were done as part of the mission of a parish group (in this case the K of C), are just examples of why is important to become active in groups as parishioners. I bet it was easier for the parish reaching out to the Knights for support than trying to recruit a few individuals to work together in a job that may have required some organization and leadership to complete it effectively.” —Jorge Martinez

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Welcome, Maryanne!

Maryanne will be working as our new full time parish secretary!

Get to know Maryanne below.

Who is your favorite Saint? My favorite Saint is St. Joseph because of his incredible humility, purity, and total surrender to God. What do you like to do after hours? After hours I enjoy spending time outside, visiting my family, and going running. What is your favorite drink? My favorite drink is definitely coffee. What book are you currently reading? I am currently reading a book about the Theology of the Body called These Beautiful Bones by Emily Stimpson . Where are some of your favorite places you have traveled? One of my favorite places I’ve traveled to is Belfast, Ireland to visit my family and another one of my favorites is The Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington D.C.

Why are you excited to work @ Church of the Blessed Sacrament? I’m really looking forward to getting to know and spending time with the people who make up the Church of the Blessed Sacrament. I can’t wait for the many conversations to come where I am blessed with the opportunity to learn and grow closer to Christ with you.

Here is a picture of Maryanne and her sisters!

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Hispanic Ministry


"Nuestro Salvador, en la última Cena, la noche en que fue entregado, instituyó el Sacrificio Eucarístico de su cuerpo y su sangre para perpetuar por los siglos, hasta su vuelta, el sacrificiode la cruz y confiar así a su Esposa amada, la Iglesia, el memorial de su muerte y resurrección,sacramento de piedad, signo de unidad, vínculo de amor, banquete pascual en el que se recibe a Cristo, el alma se llena de gracia y se nos da una prenda de la gloria futura" ( SC 47).

"La comunión de vida divina y la unidad del Pueblo de Dios, sobre los que la propia Iglesia subsiste, se significan adecuadamente y se realizan de manera admirable en la Eucaristía. En ella se encuentra a la vez la cumbre de la acción por la que, en Cristo, Dios santifica al mundo, y del culto que en el Espíritu Santo los hombres dan a Cristo y por él al Padre" (Instr. Eucharisticum mysterium , 6). Por la celebración eucarística nos unimos ya a la liturgia del cielo y anticipamos la vida eterna cuando Dios será todo en todos (cf 1 Co 15,28). La Eucaristía es el compendio y la suma de nuestra fe: "Nuestra manera de pensar armoniza con la Eucaristía, y a su vez la Eucaristía confirma nuestra manera de pensar" (San Ireneo de Lyon, Adversus haereses 4, 18, 5). Santa Misa porque la liturgia en la que se realiza el misterio de salvación se termina con el envío de los fieles ( "missio" ) a fin de que cumplan la voluntad de Dios en su vida cotidiana (CIC 1332). El Señor, habiendo amado a los suyos, los amó hasta el fin. Sabiendo que había llegado la hora de partir de este mundo para retornar a su Padre, en el transcurso de una cena, les lavó los pies y les dio el mandamiento del amor ( Jn 13,1-17). Para dejarles una prenda de este amor, para no alejarse nunca de los suyos y hacerles partícipes de su Pascua, instituyó la Eucaristía como memorial de su muerte y de su resurrección y ordenó a sus apóstoles celebrarlo hasta su retorno, "constituyéndoles entonces sacerdotes del Nuevo Testamento" (Concilio de Trento: DS 1740). Los tres evangelios sinópticos y san Pablo nos han transmitido el relato de la institución de la Eucaristía; por su parte, san Juan relata las palabras de Jesús en la sinagoga de Cafarnaúm, palabras que preparan la institución de la Eucaristía: Cristo se designa a sí mismo como el pan de vida, bajado del cielo (cf Jn 6)(CIC 1338). Al celebrar la última Cena con sus Apóstoles en el transcurso del banquete pascual, Jesús dio su sentido definitivo a la pascua judía. En efecto, el paso de Jesús a su Padre por su muerte y su resurrección, la Pascua nueva, es anticipada en la Cena y celebrada en la Eucaristía que dacumplimiento a la pascua judía y anticipa la pascua final de la Iglesia en la gloria del Reino (CIC 1340).

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All Faith Formation forms are due on September 7th.

Register online & check out the 2020-2021 plan at: blessedsacramentwl.org/faith-formation-k-12th

All parishioners are invited to register!

Contact Jocelyn with any questions

[email protected]

Sunday, Sept. 20th 7-9 PM

South Parking lot All High School Students are invited!

Questions? Contact Diana at [email protected]

Confirmation & Lifeteen Updates

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Learn, Love and Live.

Evangelization and Catechesis are not divorced. Both go hand in hand as we cannot have one without the other. One must know catechesis, and yet be catechized continually by learning new things about our faith.

Because the word of God is effective, when we are listening to the scripture at Mass, and/or praying with the scripture at home, the words are changing us, we are being continually converted. We are living differently with our conversion. We might remember the first time where we felt God’s presence in our life. Remember that moment of love. That moment that tells us “God loves me” without the use of words. Once we hear the Kerygma*, we must “Go out” and share that message to others. Did you know that the word “Go” appears in our bible over 5,000 times?? God might be on to something here… GO! Our programs at Church of the Blessed Sacrament all have the common goal to GO as we learn love and live Christ’s Mission. I invite you to find ways in which you are called to GO, and be a disciple. How are you learning, loving or living Christ’s Mission? *Kerygma- Greek word which means proclamation [of the good news of Jesus’s life, death, and resurrection.]

Some ways to be a disciple at Church of the Blessed Sacrament

Participate in Alpha, or help on Team.

Be a Catechist.

Invite other to the Perpetual Adoration chapel.

Invite someone to Mass.

Help out with LifeTeen, and the youth events.

At home, pray with your children.

Invite someone to RCIA.

Help out at Mass.

Share our content on Facebook.

Invite. Go. Make. Disciples.

Contact me ([email protected]) if you’re ready to GO!

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Dear Blessed Sacrament Family, It’s been so good to see so many of you back in person at Masses the past few months! For those of you I haven’t seen back yet, I miss you terribly, and I can’t wait until I get to see you again! Please know of my prayers for all of you!

Music Happenings The past few months, I’ve enjoyed exploring more of our Church’s rich history as regards to music and the Liturgy, especially with the Mass Propers. As we continue into September, I look forward to delving even further into new musical opportunities for our Masses! For more information into the type of music I’m looking at, I would highly encourage all to read Sacrosanctum Concilium (http://www.vatican.va/archive/hist_councils/ii_vatican_council/documents/vat-ii_const_19631204_sacrosanctum-concilium_en.html) & Musicam Sacram (http://www.vatican.va/archive/hist_councils/ii_vatican_council/documents/vat-ii_instr_19670305_musicam-sacram_en.html). I will also be bringing back some variety with the music selections between the Masses as September progresses:

Saturday 5:30pm: Mixture of Traditional/Contemporary Music Sunday 8:00am: Mass Propers and Traditional Selections Sunday 11:00am: Praise & Worship Hymns

Ministries A continued thank you to all who faithfully give of their time and talent to serve in some Minsitry/ies at our Parish! We can’t do it without you! We are always excited to welcome new people into Ministries, and so, if you are not already serving in a Ministry or would like to serve in a new role, I ask that you prayerfully consider contacting me ([email protected]) to serve in the following role(s):

Lector EMHC Sanitizer Usher Welcome Team Sacristan Thanks & God Bless You! Caleb

Page 10: September 2020...We can deduce from Our Lord’s teaching that the Fr. Mark Walter, Pastor meaning of life can be summed up in one word: love. The two greatest commandments we know

Father of goodness and love, hear our prayers for the sick members of our community and for all who are in need, may

they find consolation in your healing presence. May these special people find lasting health and deliverance, and so

join us in thanking you for all your gifts. We ask this through the Lord Jesus who healed those who believed. Amen.

This week, the Sanctuary Candle in the church will burn for the parish.

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Please pray an Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be for the following parishioners and their families, and always keep all

families in your prayers.

“Jesus, Eternal High Priest, live in (Name of Priest), act in him, speak in and through him. Think your thoughts in his mind, and love through his heart. Teach, lead, and guide

him always. Let him live in you, and keep him in this intimate union always. Amen.”

Please Pray for our Parish Families

Please Pray for our Priests

Prayer Board

Sunday, September 6 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00am Mass ♥ For the Parish 11:00am Mass † Kathy Stirm

Monday, September 7 Labor Day No scheduled events.

Tuesday, September 8 The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary 5:30pm Mass † Jim Callahan

Wednesday, September 9 St. Peter Claver, Priest 8:30am Mass † Noel Ann De Santis 6:30pm ALPHA; HH 8:30pm Schola Rehearsal; MC

Thursday, September 10 8:30am Mass † Janet Pherson 7:00pm ELM; HH

Friday, September 11 Patriot Day 8:30am Mass † Tony Benner 9:15am Divine Mercy Chaplet

Saturday, September 12 The Most Holy Name of Mary Rescheduled Pontifical Good Friday Collection at all Masses

4:00pm Reconciliation; HC/JB 5:30pm Mass †Chuck Smith

Sunday, September 13 24th Sunday of Ordinary Time Rescheduled Pontifical Good Friday Collection at all Masses 8:00am Mass ♥ The Parish 9:15am Confirmation Callout; HH 11:00am Mass † Frank Flannelly III

This Week at our Parish Masses and Mass Intentions in Bold ♥ = Special intention † = Deceased

Cindy & Greg Delanoy and Vera Mendonca Glenda Ringle Grace Canfield, cousin of Cathy & Rob Kastens Uniting in Heart Thomas and Marilyn Reutebuch

The Holajter Family Neil Wagner Protection for students, teachers & school personnel Healing for Jacky All who are sick and suffering

Sept. 6 Fr. Richard Weisenberger

Sept. 7 Fr. Joseph Westfall

Sept. 8 Fr. Paul Wicklum

Sept. 9 Fr. Robert Williams

Sept. 10 Fr. Dominic Young

Sept. 11 Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI

Sept. 12 Pope Francis

Sept. 6 Viola Fu

Mark Fuller

Sept. 7 William & Natalie Fultz

Rick & Ce-Ce Furtner

Sept. 8 Fernando Garcia & Noemi Calderon

Herminio & Blanca Garcia

Sept. 9 Alejandro Garcia

Silvia Garcia & Felipe Rodriguez

Sept. 10 Laura Gamer

Charlie & Melanie Gault

Sept. 11 Cliff & Tammy George

Cynthia & Shawn Gibson

Sept. 12 Dan & Janet Gick

Andy & Andrea Gilkison

The Catholic Ministries Appeal is replacing the Fruitful Harvest Appeal and will begin in our parish September 19-20. Prior to this weekend, you will receive an envelope in the mail from Bishop Doherty with a brochure, pledge card and return envelope for mailing.

The reason for the change is to focus on the many ministries that are supported through this appeal and to increase the transparency of how the funds raised from this appeal are utilized to support the works of Christ directly through the diocese, as well as through the ministries that support each of our local parishes.

This appeal will run from Sept. 1, 2020 through Dec. 31, 2021. After that, future Catholic Ministries Appeals will be annual appeals that follow the calendar year.

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Advisory to the Pastor

Pastoral Council Chair, Sam Newton

Finance Council Chair, Debbie Sicliano

Learn about all of our ministries and find ways to stay connected at www.blessedsacramentwl.org/ministries



For more information on Sacraments visit: www.blessedsacramentwl.org/liturgyandsacraments

Phone: 765.463.5733 Fax: 765.497.7866


Pastor Fr. Mark Walter In Residence Fr. Samuel Kalu

Deacon Mike Mescall, [email protected] Sacramental Records & Mass Intentions Disciple Wilma Brannan, [email protected]

Parish Counselor Liza Simental– Rudolph, Ph.D, 765-532-9084*

Licensed Online Therapist Dr. Timothy Heck, Ph.D, LMFT, 317-402-2139* www.drtimheck.com

*When calling, please indicate that you are a parishioner

Part-Time Staff Executive Director of Parish Life & Administration Missy Krockover, [email protected]

Hispanic Coordinator Epi Cabrera, [email protected]

Full-Time Staff

Director of Evangelization Jocelyn Alcala, [email protected]

Director of Operations Katie Sanders, [email protected]

ECHO Apprentice Diana Salgado, [email protected] Maintenance Technician Randy Harrington, [email protected] Pastoral Asst. for Music & Worship Caleb Schultz, [email protected] Secretary Maryanne Gillen, [email protected]