Senator Truman in the Senate in the Late 1930’s, Truman

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  • 8/14/2019 Senator Truman in the Senate in the Late 1930s, Truman


    Senator Truman

    In the Senate in the late 1930s, Truman consistently supported legislation to

    abolish the poll tax and stop lynching. In his 1940 re-election he told his

    predominantly white audience blacks should have equality before the law, civil

    rights and beeter housing.

    However, as a Missouri Senator, he still used the word nigger privately and

    made racist jokes, even as he favoured legislation to help blacks. There were

    fewer black voters than white in Missouri but Truman, like any astute politician

    had to be aware that race relations were increasingly important in politics. In

    1944, President Roosevelt chose Truman as his vice-president partly because he

    had never made any racist remarks at least not in public.

    President Truman and the Committee on Fair Employment Practices (FEPC) 1945

    When Roosevelt died, Truman became president. At first he did little to helpblacks. In 1945, the FEPC tried to end discriminatory hiring policies by a

    Washington DC transportation company. Truman gave them no real help in

    Washington. He did try to get Congress to continue funding the FEPC but they

    refused. Was this a reflection upon his personal attitude toward race relations?

    More probably he felt that as the voters had not elected him he needed to be

    careful over controversial issues.

    Truman & Adam Clayton Powell 1945

    The sensitive race issue was demonstrated in 1945. The Daughters of the

    American Revolution (Middle Class society whose members claimed USancestory back to the revolutionary war, distinguishing them from newer

    immigrants) refused to alow black representative Adam Clayton Powells black

    musician wife to perform in their hall. Powell asked Mrs Bess Truman to boycott a

    DAR tea. Bess said she deplored the treatment of Mrs Powell but would attend

    the tea. Powell described the First Lady as the last lady of the land. This

    infuriated ultra-loyal Truman who privately called Powell a smart alek and a

    rabble rouser saying he would not receive that damned nigger preacher at the

    White House. The whoe affair showed how racial discrimination regularly made

    the headlines, what a struggle it was to reject racist traditions and how difficult it

    was to keep everyone happy.

    Post War attacks on black servicemen 1945-6

    Truman was a racist, but tried to be fair. He said legal equality for blacks was the

    black mans basic right because he is a human being and a natural born

    American. Like many contemporaries he was horrified by attacks on black

    servicemen returning from WWII. The worst attacks were in the Deep South. In

    1946 Truman described how his stomach

    turned over when I learned Negro soldiers just back from overseas, were being

    dumped out of army trucks in Missouri and beaten..I shall fight to end evils likethis..I am not asking for social equality because no such thing exists, but I am

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    asking for equality of opportunity for all human beingsWhen a mayor and a

    City Marshall can take a Negro sergant off a bus, beat him up and put out one of

    his eyes and nothing is done about it by the State authorities, something is

    radically wrong with the system.

    Truman recognised that regardless of race, the general principle of respect forthe law was at stake. Privately he stil spoke of niggers and his sister said Harry

    is no more for nigger equality than any of us. Publicly he told Southern friends

    they were living 80 years behind the time and for the good of the USA they had

    better change.

    To Secure These Rights

    In Sept 1946, President Truman established a liberal civil rights committee to

    investigate increasing violence against blacks. He deliberately chose liberals onthe committee, ensuring their support would draw national attention to

    unacceptable situations. Although Walter White and Trumans advisers felt the

    committee was nothing short of political suicide Truman told his aide to push

    for it with all his might.

    In October 1947 the committee gave Truman their report, entitled To Secure

    These Rights. It said the USA could not claim to lead the free world while balcks

    were not equal. The report advocated eliminating segregation from US life by

    using federal power. It called for:

    Anti-lynching legislation

    Abolition of the poll tax

    Voting rights law

    A permanent FEPC

    An end to discrimination in interstate travel

    An end to discrimination in the armed forces

    A civil rights division in the Justic Department

    Adminsitration support fo civil rights suits in the federal courts

    The establishment of the United States Commission on Civil Rights.

    These were revolutionary recommendations in a country where relations

    between blacks and whites was so tense segregation was still legally enforced in

    all the former states of the Confederacy and was a social fact in the North and

    West. Nevertheless, Truaman went ahead, implementing the changes that were

    within his power and calling for the changes the report recommended in hisState of the Union addresses in 1947-48.

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    Ending discrimination among federal employees 1948

    In 1948, his election year, despite dissent within his own party and Republican

    antagonism, Truman suddenly issued executive orders to end discrimination in

    the armed forces and guarnatee fair employment in the civil service. The army

    top brass resisted for over 2 years. There were few black officers until ashortageof manpower in the Korean War sped up desegregation. However, the National

    Guard and reserves remained segregated.

    His Fair Employment Board was designed to give minorites equal treatment in

    federal hiring was handicapped by limited funding and conservative employees.

    However, its existence showed federal commitment to the principle of equality

    and set an example to other employers.

    Truman probably calculated as he had already lost the extremist white vote, he

    might as well ensure the liberal and black vote.

    Pressure on the Supreme Court 1948

    The Truman administration supported the NAACP in SHELLEY v KRAEMER, where

    the Supreme Court ruled against restrictive covenants that were used to stop

    blacks purchasing homes in white areas. The ruling proved ineffective despite

    Trumans efforts.

    Advantage & disadvantage of liberalism on civil rights

    There was an advantage to Trumans liberalism on civil rights. Some Democrats

    wanted the black vote. Trumans advisers told him many believed the NorthernNegro vote today holds the balance of power in presidential elections because

    the blacks voted as a block and were geographically concentrated in pivotal

    large and closely contested electoral states such as New York, Illinois and


    There were also political disadvantages in seeking the civil rights legislation.

    Although Truman stated he sympathised with Southern Democrats, they were

    furious. Polls showed only 6% of voters supported a civil rights programme. Not

    surprisingly, Truman made only one civil rights speech during the 48 presidential

    campaign in Harlem, New York!

    Symbolic actions, appointments and expenditure

    Truman wanted to give greater federal aid to impoverished blacks. He tried to

    open more public housing to blacks after 1948. However, the administrations

    urban renewal programme often left blacks homeless. There were usually less

    homes available in the improved areas than the slums they replaced. Truman

    appointed a black judge to the federal courts and a black governor of the Virgin


    Perhaps the most important thing Truman had done was to awaken the USAs

    conscience to civil rights issues, through his speeches and symbolic actions.

    Small steps, such as integrated inauguration celebrations in January 1949 and

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    the desegregation of Washington DC airport, served collectively to make an

    important point.

    Trumans motivation conclusions

    Truamn appeared to modify his views on non-whites during his life and career.

    Were his motives purely political? Or, did events, age and responsibility make

    him more sympathetic to ethnic minorities? Possibly, Truman remained a racist

    at heart, he knew racism was wrong and should be combatted by those in power.

    He could be seen as cynical when votes were at risk but was also very patriotic.

    He wanted to do what was best for the USA and wanted respect for the law. He

    felt that equality was vital to maintain Americas moral standing in the Cold War

    world. He told balck Democrats that better education for blacks would benefit

    the economy and help all Americans. It as a combination of the black vote,

    respect for the law, humane revulsion at racist attacks, personal integrity and his

    perception of what was best for his country that served to turn Truamn towards

    advocacy of greater equality for blacks.