Self Survey Area 8 Final Walang Sagot

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  • 8/10/2019 Self Survey Area 8 Final Walang Sagot




    A. Site

    B. Campus

    C. Buildings

    D. Classrooms

    E. Offices, Staff and Function Rooms

    F. Assembly and Athletic Facilities

    . !edical and Dental Clinic

    ". Student Center

    #. Food Ser$ices%Canteen

    &. Accreditation Center

    '. "ousing

    (. Documents, Additional #nformation and E)hibits


  • 8/10/2019 Self Survey Area 8 Final Walang Sagot



    *he +uality and ade+uacy of the physical plant and facilities of a learning institutiondetermine to a large measure the successful implementation of its curricular programs. #n a

    broad sense, physical plant and facilities include school site, campus, buildings and otherphysical infrastructures, e+uipment and ser$ices that complement institutional and programeffecti$eness.

    A. Site

    *he site should be located in a holesome en$ironment, safe from traffic andtransportation ha-ards, sufficiently free from noise, dust, smo e, and other undesirable elements.#t should be pro$ided ith ade+uate facilities for drainage and se age disposal. #t should beade+uate to meet the needs of the present school population and its future e)pansion. *heschool should be accessible to present and anticipated school population by means of publictransportation or school bus. #t should ha$e satisfactory road net or and side al s.

    B. Campus

    *he campus should be so planned that it ould be ade+uate for the intellectual, social,physical and cultural interests of the #nstitution. #t should be ept in good condition and physicalappearance.

    C. Buildings

    *he buildings should be functionally designed and constructed of strong and durablematerials to ithstand earth+ua es, typhoons, and fire. *heir design should be pleasing to theeye and in conformity ith the surroundings, and at the same time, imbued ith the properatmosphere conduci$e to learning.

    *hey should be satisfactorily planned so as to meet future e)pansion needs. *hereshould be ell/planned entrance and e)it points to insure safe and con$enient mobility of theschool population.

    Stair ays and fire e)its should be ade+uate and standard in si-e and number, andcon$eniently located. *here should be no obstruction in corridors that ould impede the free floof mo$ement.

    D. Classrooms

    *he si-e and number of classrooms should be sufficient to accommodate the studentpopulation. Classrooms should be ade+uately e+uipped ith the re+uired furniture, blac boards,and should ha$e a pleasant atmosphere. (ighting, $entilation, general appearance, andacoustics should be satisfactory.


  • 8/10/2019 Self Survey Area 8 Final Walang Sagot


    E. Offices, Staff and Function Rooms

    Ade+uate pro$isions should be made for administrati$e offices, staff rooms, andreception areas, here needed.

    F. Assembly and Athletic Facilities

    roup assembly facilities should ha$e a seating capacity ade+uate to meet the needs ofthe #nstitution. *hese facilities should be designed ith good acoustics and proper $entilation.0ecessary facilities and e+uipment should be ade+uate and ept in good condition. Athleticfacilities should be accessible to the students, and must be sufficient in number and $ariety,depending on the re+uirements of the school population. *here should be suitable arrangementsfor athletic acti$ities during the rainy season.

    . !edical and Dental Clinic

    A medical and dental clinic should be properly set up, strategically located, ell/$entilated and lighted, screened, and pro$ided ith clean ater supply. #t should be spaciousenough to accommodate the fi$e 123 distinct sections4 53 reception area6 73 e)amination room6 83treatment room6 93 dental section6 and 23 rest%reco$ery room, separate for male and female. #tshould be pro$ided ith basic e+uipment, medical supplies, beds, cabinets, and linens.

    ". Student Center

    A Student Center is a$ailable here students can ma e holesome interaction and listento good music, play table games, atch *: programs, etc.

    #. Food Ser$ices%Canteen

    Clean and sanitary food ser$ices unit%canteen must be setup and managed effecti$ely. #tshould ser$e balanced yet affordable meals and snac s to the school community.

    &. Accreditation Center

    *here should be a properly maintained and e+uipped Accreditation Center ithnecessary facilities.

    '. "ousing 1Optional3

    "ousing should be maintained and pro$ided ith electricity and ater. *his should ha$eproper drainage and aste disposal system.

    (. Documents, Additional #nformation and E)hibits

    Documents or printed materials, hich ser$e as data or pro$ide information for the;rogram ;erformance ;rofile, and others identified to belong to this area, should be a$ailable atthe Accreditation Center.

    During the actual sur$ey $isit, additional information and e)hibits may beadded%presented to clarify issues and concerns about the program, as re+uired by the $isitingteam to support the claims in the ritten report.


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    E>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>

    A.7. *he site can accommodate its presentschool population, and can handle e)pectedfuture e)pansion.

    >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>

    A.8. *he school is accessible by publictransportation and has satisfactory roadsand path ays.

    >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>

    A.9. *here is a site plan displayed prominently inthe campus indicating the location of thedifferent buildings ith their properidentification, dri$e ays, par ing areas, etc.

    >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>

    SEC*#O0 !EA04 >>>>>>>>>>>


    B. Campus

    B.5. *he campus is ell/planned, attracti$e,landscaped, and ept clean

    >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>

  • 8/10/2019 Self Survey Area 8 Final Walang Sagot


    B.7. ?here needed, co$ered al s are pro$idedto protect the students from inclement eather.



    E>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>

    B.9. *here is a campus de$elopment program. >>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>

    >>> B.2. *here is a system%mechanism to ensure all

    of the follo ing4 >>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>>

    m na erB.2.5. traffic safety in and

    outside the campus >> >> >>

    >> B.2.7. the implementation of

    a aste managementprogram. >> >> >>


    B.2.8. proper utili-ation,


  • 8/10/2019 Self Survey Area 8 Final Walang Sagot


    repair and up eep ofschool facilities ande+uipment. >> >> >>


    B.@. *here is a system%mechanism to ensure thecleanliness and orderliness of the schoolcampus.

    >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

    SEC*#O0 !EA04 >>>>>>>>>>


    E>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

    >>>>>>>> C.7. ?ell/planned entrance and e)it points permit

    the use of the buildings for public and otherfunctions ith minimum interference ithschool acti$ities.

    >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>


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    C.8. *he buildings are constructed in relation totheir respecti$e use. *he buildings meet allre+uirements of the current Building Code. Acertificate of occupancy is conspicuouslydisplayed.

    >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

    C.9. *he buildings are so planned and located topro$ide for future e)pansion.

    >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

    C.2. Emergency e)its are pro$ided and properlymar ed.

    >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

    C.@. *he corridors, door ays, and alleys are ellconstructed to facilitate mo$ement.

    >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

    C. . *he buildings are ell $entilated. >>>>>>>>

    >>>>> >>> >>>>>>>> C. . *here are ell/maintained toilets and

    la$atories ith facilities separate for menand omen.

    >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

    C. . *he buildings are clean and ell/maintained.0o e$idence of $andalism is obser$ed.

    >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

    C.5 . Electrical lines are safely installed andperiodically chec ed.

    >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

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    C.55. *he buildings pro$ide facilities for disabledpersons as pro$ided by la .

    >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

    C.57. *here is a central signal and fire alarmsystem.

    >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

    C.58. ?ater facilities are ell distributed in allbuildings.

    >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

    E>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

    C.52. *here are readily accessible and functionalfire e)tinguishers and other fire/fightinge+uipment.

    >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

    C.5@. Floor plans indicating fire e)its and locationof fire/fighting e+uipment, stand pipes, andother ater sources are prominentlydisplayed in each building.

    >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>


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    C.5 . *here is a periodic pest control inspection ofall school facilities.

    >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

    C.5 . Buildings are cleaned and maintained by a anitorial staff ith proper ashroom ande+uipment for cleaning, repairs, andmaintenance.

    >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

    C.5 . Bulletin boards, display boards, astedisposal containers and other facilities arestrategically located inside the building.

    >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

    C.7 . *here are pro$isions for facultyrooms%offices.

    >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

    SEC*#O0 !EA04 >>>>>>>>>



  • 8/10/2019 Self Survey Area 8 Final Walang Sagot


    D.5. Classroom si-e meets standardspecifications for specific acti$ities.

    >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>


    D.7. Classrooms are sufficient. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

    D.8. *he classrooms are clearly mar ed andarranged in relation to their relati$efunctions.


    >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

    D.9. *he classrooms are ell/lighted and$entilated, and ith good acoustic.

    >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

    D.2. Classrooms are pro$ided ith chairs,chal boards% hiteboards and other neededfurniture, and supplies.

    >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

    D.@. Classrooms are maintained and ept clean. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

    D. . Students cooperate in maintaining thecleanliness of the classroom and itse+uipment.

    >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

    SEC*#O0 !EA04 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


  • 8/10/2019 Self Survey Area 8 Final Walang Sagot


    E>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

    E.7. All offices are accessible and con$enientlylocated ith respect to their functions.

    >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

    >>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>

    E.8. *here are offices and or spaces for all

    officials, faculty and administrati$estaff%personnel. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

    E.9. Administration and faculty offices and staffrooms are clean, ell/lighted and $entilated.


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    >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

    E.2. All offices are furnished ith the necessaryfacilities, e+uipment and supplies.

    >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

    E.@. Function rooms, reception rooms and aiting areas are a$ailable and easilyaccessible.

    >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

    E. . A lounge is a$ailable for faculty, staff and$isitors.

    >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

    E. . A storeroom is strategically located. Andaccessible to officials concerned.

    >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

    E. . *here is a pro$ision for inter/officecommunication systems as ell as e)ternalcommunication 1landline telephone3.

    >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

    E.5 . Clean rest rooms for administrators, faculty,staff, and students are a$ailable.

    >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

    SEC*#O0 !EA04 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


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    E>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

    F.7. *here are ade+uate and ell/mar edentrances and e)its to these facilities.

    >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

    F.8. Re+uired seating capacity adheres tostandards.

    >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

    >>>>>>>> F.9. Facilities for athletic and military training

    acti$ities are pro$ided. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

    F.2. *here are storage facilities for athletice+uipment.


    >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

    F.@. #ndoor facilities ha$e4 >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>


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    [email protected]. appropriate flooring6 >> >> >> >>

    [email protected]. proper lighting and$entilation6 >> >> >>


    [email protected]. safety measures6 >> >> >> >>

    [email protected]. restrooms andla$atory6 and >> >> >>


    [email protected]. proper drin ingfacilities. >> >> >>


    F. . Outdoor facilities are4 >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

    F. .5. free from ha-ards, >> >> >> >>

    F. .7. suitably surfaced, guardedand ith drainage system,>> >> >>


    F. .8. appropriately laid out for a

    $ariety of acti$ities, >> >> >> >>

    F. .9. properly maintained. >> >> >> >>

    E>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>


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    SEC*#O0 !EA04 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    CO!!E0*S4 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>








    . !edical and Dental Clinic ! 0A E A E AE

    .5. *he institution has a medical and dentalclinic.

    >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

    .7. *he medical%dental clinic has basic facilitiessuch as reception area, filing%data section,e)amination%treatment room.

    >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>


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    ! 0A EA E AE

    .8. *he !edical%Dental Clinic%Office is elllighted and $entilated.

    >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

    .9. Safe and clean ater is al ays a$ailable. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

    .2. !edical and dental e+uipment are pro$ided. >>>>>>>>

    >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

    .@. *here are medical and dental supplies. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

    . . Storage facilities 1refrigerator, steel cabinets,trays, etc.3 are a$ailable.


    >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

    . . !edical%Dental supplies are a$ailable andproperly labeled.

    >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

    . . Distinct rooms and storage areas areproperly labeled.

    >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

    .5 . *he follo ing basic medical e+uipment andmedicines are all a$ailable.


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    >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

    m na er

    .5 .5. emergency medicines, >> >> >> >>

    .5 .7. ambobag, >> >> >> >>

    .5 .8. o)ygen tan , >> >> >> >>

    .5 .9. intra$enous fluid, >> >> >> >>

    .5 .2. sphygmomanometer1at least 7 sets3 >> >> >>

    >> .5 .@. thermometers 1at least

    5 pcs.3 >> >> >> >>

    .5 . . diagnostic sets, >> >> >> >>

    .5 . . stethoscope 1at least7 units3, >> >> >>

    >> .5 . . treatment cart, and >> >> >>

    >> .5 .5 . nebuli-er >> >> >>


    .55. *he dental section is e+uipped and properlymaintained ith all the follo ing4

    >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

    .55.5. dental unit, >> >> >> >>

    .55.7. autocla$e 1sterili-er3, >> >> >> >>

    .55.8. medical supplies, >> >> >> >>

    .55.9. filling instruments >> >> >> >>

    .55.2. basic instrument 1forceps,


  • 8/10/2019 Self Survey Area 8 Final Walang Sagot


    mouth mirror, cottonfliers, e)plorer, etc.3 >> >> >>


    SEC*#O0 !EA04 >>>>>>>>>>>


    ". Student Center

    ".5. *he institution pro$ides for a Student Center

    for student acti$ities. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

    ".7. *he Center is ell/lighted and $entilated. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

    ".8. A conference%meeting room is a$ailable for

    students use. . >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

    ".9. *here are furnished offices for studentleaders, editorial staff for student publicationand officers of other student organi-ations.

    >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

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    E>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

    SEC*#O0 !EA04 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    CO!!E0*S4 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>






    #. Food Ser$ices%Canteen

    #.5. *he institution has a distinct FoodCenter%Cafeteria%Canteen operated ith apermit.



  • 8/10/2019 Self Survey Area 8 Final Walang Sagot


    >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

    #.7. *he cafeteria is ell lighted, $entilated,screened and ith satisfactory ater supply.

    >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

    #.8. #t is ell/super$ised. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

    #.9. *here are enough dining tables and chairs. >>>>>>>>

    >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

    #.2. Cleanliness and orderliness are enforced. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

    #.@. ;rompt ser$ices are pro$ided. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

    SEC*#O0 !EA04 >>>>>>>>>>>



  • 8/10/2019 Self Survey Area 8 Final Walang Sagot


    E>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

    &.7. *he AC is accessible and con$enientlylocated relati$e to its functions.

    >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

    &.8. *he AC is e+uipped and properly maintained ith the follo ing facilities4

    >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

    n na er

    &.8.5. or ing tables and chairs,>> >> >> >>


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    ;RO:#S#O0 1Chec 3 RA*#0 S OF1 3 ;RO:#S#O0

    ! 0A E

    A E AE

    &.8.7. cabinets for display andfiling needs, >> >> >>

    >> &.8.8. good $entilation and

    lighting facilities >> >> >> >>

    &.8.9. computer unit, herefeasible. >> >> >>


    &.9. Rele$ant documents, information ande)hibits are updated, properly arrange,labeled, and readily a$ailable.

    >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

    SEC*#O0 !EA04 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


    '. "ousing 1Optional3

    '.5. *here are a$ailable dormitories for students,and houses or apartments, etc. forpersonnel..

    >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

    '.7. *he structures are comfortably designed. >>>>>>>>

  • 8/10/2019 Self Survey Area 8 Final Walang Sagot


    >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

    '.8. Entrances and e)its are ade+uate andproperly situated to ensure safety and

    con$enience.. >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

    '.9. *he buildings and surroundings are properlymaintained and periodically chec ed for pestcontrol.

    >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

    '.2. *he buildings conform to Building Codestandards

    >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

    SEC*#O0 !EA04 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


    (. Documents 0eeded for "ousing

    5. Appro$ed building plan for the dormitory%housing facilities indicating the function rooms.

    7. Appro$ed building plan indicating the e)istence of function rooms used for groupassemblies by the program under sur$ey.

    8. Appro$ed building plans sho ing the floor areas of classrooms and shops used by theCollege under sur$ey.


  • 8/10/2019 Self Survey Area 8 Final Walang Sagot


    9. Building plans and appro$ed permits.

    2. Campus de$elopment plan.

    @. Certificate of O nership

    . Copies of procedural guidelines in the proper use of function rooms.

    . File copies of appro$ed re+uests of students and personnel for the use of the functionrooms.

    . "ousing rules%admission re+uirements.

    5 . (ist of dormitory staff.

    55. (ist of function rooms 1such as audio/$isual room, student hall, conference hall,

    cafeteria, music room, office for the college organi-ations, college paper, faculty loungeand comfort rooms3

    57. (ist of physical facilities.

    58. (ist of students and personnel presently accommodated.

    59. ;hotocopies of offices directly or indirectly used by the program under sur$ey 1indoorand outdoor3

    52. ;hysical plant map sho ing location of classrooms and laboratory rooms%shops used bythe program under sur$ey.

    5@. ;hysical ;lant map sho ing the location of administrati$e offices, faculty rooms,conference rooms, classrooms, laboratory rooms and reception areas.

    5 . Sets of materials%documents by program

    5 . Site de$elopment plan.

    5 . :icinity plan.


  • 8/10/2019 Self Survey Area 8 Final Walang Sagot






    A Site

    B Campus

    C Buildings

    D Classrooms

    E Offices, Staff and Function Rooms

    F Assembly and Athletic Facilities

    !edical and Dental Clinic

    " Student Center

    # Food Ser$ices%Canteen

    &. Accreditation Center

    ' "ousing


  • 8/10/2019 Self Survey Area 8 Final Walang Sagot


    *otal >>>>>>>>>>

    !ean >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>


    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
