SELECTING YOUR VOWS - Vow Renewal Ideas, Etiquette, Sample … · 2019-08-01 · sample vows perfect for use as they are or to use as a source of inspiration for writing your own

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Page 1: SELECTING YOUR VOWS - Vow Renewal Ideas, Etiquette, Sample … · 2019-08-01 · sample vows perfect for use as they are or to use as a source of inspiration for writing your own




Page 3: SELECTING YOUR VOWS - Vow Renewal Ideas, Etiquette, Sample … · 2019-08-01 · sample vows perfect for use as they are or to use as a source of inspiration for writing your own

Renewing your wedding vows? Congratulations! Since you may have chosen a vow renewal for a variety of reasons, there are a wide variety of words you can say. Many people write their own vows, emphasizing the reasons that they have chosen to "do it all over again." Others prefer to select something prewritten that expresses how they feel. In this eBook, you will find a variety of sample vows perfect for use as they are or to use as a source of inspiration for writing your own. Feel free to mix and/or adapt until you have something that is perfect for you.

INTRODUCTIONSelecting Vows For Your Vow Renewal Ceremony


My bounty is as boundless as the sea,

My love as deep; the more I give to thee,

The more I have, for both are infinite.

-William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet -

Page 5: SELECTING YOUR VOWS - Vow Renewal Ideas, Etiquette, Sample … · 2019-08-01 · sample vows perfect for use as they are or to use as a source of inspiration for writing your own


Looking for ideas for simple, sweet, and to the point vows for your vow renewal? Look no further! Since a vow renewal is not a legally binding event, no specific wording is required and you. You can opt for lengthy or short vows, whichever suits your and your ceremony best. Here you will find some simple sample vows that you can personalize quickly, use them word for word, or select the lines that you like and create an original vow for your ceremony.

For Your Vow Renewal


There is only one happiness in life,

to love and be loved.

-George Sand-

Page 6: SELECTING YOUR VOWS - Vow Renewal Ideas, Etiquette, Sample … · 2019-08-01 · sample vows perfect for use as they are or to use as a source of inspiration for writing your own

Sweet and Simple

Once before I have stood with you before our family and friends;

Once again I take your hand as my partner for life.

Promising all the promises that I made before.

(Name), I take you this day and for all of my days as my (husband/wife).


-E.E. Cummings-

Love is the voice under all silences,

the hope which has no opposite in fear;

the strength so strong mere force is feebleness:

the truth more first than sun, more last than star…

Page 7: SELECTING YOUR VOWS - Vow Renewal Ideas, Etiquette, Sample … · 2019-08-01 · sample vows perfect for use as they are or to use as a source of inspiration for writing your own


Perhaps the only thing truer than one's greatest love,

Is to recommit to that love before family and friends.

(Name), you were and are the love of my life;

And our marriage is my greatest accomplishment and joy.

I take you from this and for all of my days as my (husband/wife).


-Leo Tolstoy -

He felt now that he was not simply close to her,

but that he did not know where he ended

and she began.

Page 8: SELECTING YOUR VOWS - Vow Renewal Ideas, Etiquette, Sample … · 2019-08-01 · sample vows perfect for use as they are or to use as a source of inspiration for writing your own

The Gift

I (Name), give to you, (Spouse’s name),

a new promise and yet not so new;

a new commitment and yet not so new;

and a new affirmation of love

from the heart

that has loved you for X years

and will love you for many more.


Page 9: SELECTING YOUR VOWS - Vow Renewal Ideas, Etiquette, Sample … · 2019-08-01 · sample vows perfect for use as they are or to use as a source of inspiration for writing your own

Great Joy

Because of you, I laugh, I smile, I dare to dream.

Your loving support and encouragement make me a better (man/woman).

I look forward with great joy to spending the rest of my life with you,

caring for you,

encouraging you to achieve all of your dreams,

being there for you in all life has for us.

I commit myself once again to be your (husband/wife) until death do us part.


-Antoine de Saint Exupery-

I still fall for your everyday.

Page 10: SELECTING YOUR VOWS - Vow Renewal Ideas, Etiquette, Sample … · 2019-08-01 · sample vows perfect for use as they are or to use as a source of inspiration for writing your own

For All Days

Once before I have stood with you before our family and friends; once again I take your as my partner in life and love.

To walk by my side as we travel this journey that is uniquely ours.

(Name), I take you this day and for all days as my (husband/wife).


-Gloria Gaither-

We've grown to be one soul - two parts;

our lives so intertwined that when some passion

stirs your heart, I feel the quake in mine.

Page 11: SELECTING YOUR VOWS - Vow Renewal Ideas, Etiquette, Sample … · 2019-08-01 · sample vows perfect for use as they are or to use as a source of inspiration for writing your own


(Spouse’s name), I believe in this marriage more strongly then ever.

Today, I renew the promises I made to you X years ago,

A promise of my hand and my heart,

A promise to you of my love and devotion,

A promise to provide for and protect you,

A promise to support and encourage you in pursuing your dreams.

It is with these promises that I recommit my love for you.

I will continue to love you and be faithful to you for as long as I shall live.


Page 12: SELECTING YOUR VOWS - Vow Renewal Ideas, Etiquette, Sample … · 2019-08-01 · sample vows perfect for use as they are or to use as a source of inspiration for writing your own

Everlasting Vows

(Spouse’s name), I renew my everlasting vows to you,

As we cherish all the moments we have shared thus far in our journey together

And as we continue to share all that is to come,

Encompassing all joys and sorrows,

All successes and hardships,

And all the experiences of life.

It is everlasting commitment

made in love,

kept in faith,

living in hope,

and eternally made new.


Page 13: SELECTING YOUR VOWS - Vow Renewal Ideas, Etiquette, Sample … · 2019-08-01 · sample vows perfect for use as they are or to use as a source of inspiration for writing your own

A Nod to Tradition

I, (Name), promise to you, (Spouse’s Name),

my undivided loyalty and everlasting love.

I will continue to love you

for better or for worse,

for richer or for poorer,

in sickness or in health,

as long as we both shall live.


Page 14: SELECTING YOUR VOWS - Vow Renewal Ideas, Etiquette, Sample … · 2019-08-01 · sample vows perfect for use as they are or to use as a source of inspiration for writing your own

Acknowledging the Past and Future

(name),I stand before you todayTo renew our vows of marriage.

I promise to remain strong in my love,Gentle in my care,And unwavering in my trust.

In the name of all we have created together,

All that will have yet to create,

All we are,

And all we are yet to become,

I offer you my hand

And my heart

As your partner,

your lover,

and your lifetime companion.


Page 15: SELECTING YOUR VOWS - Vow Renewal Ideas, Etiquette, Sample … · 2019-08-01 · sample vows perfect for use as they are or to use as a source of inspiration for writing your own

After a Short Time Being Married

With great joy I pledged my love and commitment to you on our wedding day only (X days/weeks) ago.

But a loving relationship does not exist in a vacuum. And so here we stand in front of our family and friends today to share our commitment with them.

Our family and friends first showed us how to love, helped us grow, and supported us when we found each other.

I hope they will continue to love and support us as we love and support them.

Therefore, I am delighted today, in the presence of these witnesses, to reaffirm my commitment to you, and once again, to promise to love you, honor you, and comfort you, in sickness and in health, in times of want, and times of plenty, as long as we both shall live.


Page 17: SELECTING YOUR VOWS - Vow Renewal Ideas, Etiquette, Sample … · 2019-08-01 · sample vows perfect for use as they are or to use as a source of inspiration for writing your own

Typically for a religious ceremony in a house of worship, the words you will say at your vow renewal will be largely dictated by the officiant and are similar to, if not the same, words you would say at a wedding. In addition, the officiant may make remarks about renewal and include songs or readings that speak specially of lasting love or rebirth. However, some houses of worship will allow you to write your own vows. Be sure to speak with your officiant about what is appropriate in your religion.

-Mother Teresa-

RELIGIOUS VOWSFor Your Vow Renewal

I have found the paradox,

that if you love until it hurts,

there can be no more hurt,

only more love.


Page 18: SELECTING YOUR VOWS - Vow Renewal Ideas, Etiquette, Sample … · 2019-08-01 · sample vows perfect for use as they are or to use as a source of inspiration for writing your own

Modern Celebration of Love

Wife: We are here for a celebration.

Husband: We are here to celebrate love.

Wife: We are here to celebrate marriage -- our own marriage which has endured for X years.

Husband: Today we celebrate those X years. We rejoice that the world/God brought us together and we had the good fortune to marry one other X years ago.

Wife: We have celebrated each other's successes. We have comforted each other's sorrow. For X years, we have lived and loved.

Husband: Today we celebrate the memory of all those years. We celebrate, as well, the hopes and dreams we hold for the years ahead. Most of all, we celebrate now, today, this special occasion which our love has earned for us.

Wife: It is a day of days, a time of times, a dream come true. Like all the other days of our lives, we celebrate it together.

Husband: I celebrate my love for you.

Wife: I celebrate my love for you.


Page 19: SELECTING YOUR VOWS - Vow Renewal Ideas, Etiquette, Sample … · 2019-08-01 · sample vows perfect for use as they are or to use as a source of inspiration for writing your own

Traditional Religious Vow Renewal

X years ago, I pledged my loyalty to you, (name), as your wedded husband/wife, to live together after God's ordinance, in the holy estate of matrimony.

I promised to love you, comfort you, honor and keep you, in sickness and in health.

I further pledged that, forsaking all others, I would keep myself only unto you, so long as we both shall live.

During these X years, I have been faithful to those pledges.

Now, again, at the beginning of the X year of our life together, in the presence of God, in the presence of our family, and in the presence of friends who have gathered for this happy occasion, I renew these vows, pledging myself to continue my devotion to you as long as we both shall live.


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