resurrection-lcms.org See All the People Matthew 9:35-10:8 - June 14, 2020 -

See All the PeopleJun 14, 2020  · P: Out of deep need, we enter Your holy temple, O Lord, seeking Your presence and Your guidance. As Jesus charged His waiting disciples, deliver

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  • resurrection-lcms.org

    See All the People Matthew 9:35-10:8

    - June 14, 2020 -

  • Holy Communion: If you would like to commune with us this

    morning, please read the Holy Communion statement in the

    friendship booklet. We encourage not only our members to

    celebrate together this gift from God, but also those visiting from

    sister congregations and those who share our confession

    regarding Holy Communion. If you have any questions, please

    speak with an elder or pastor.

    This morning we’re looking beyond the walls. What do you see next door to the church? Next door to the parsonage? Next door to all of you as members? Who are the people around us? Do they all look like us? Do they all live like us? With all the events going on around us, how are we seeing people? As Christians we need to ask, “How does Jesus see people in Matthew 9:35-10:8 and how can that inform our eyes and actions today?” So thanks for joining us and having our Lord

    open our eyes!


    Sunday Morning Worship Schedule 10:00 am– Streaming Service

  • June 14, 2020 10:00 am Service

    Fantasia on “Austrian Hymn” – arr. David Paxton

    “We Are All One In Mission” Tune: Aurelia

    “O Day of Rest and Gladness” LSB 906

    O day of rest and gladness, O day of joy and light,

    O balm of care and sadness, Most beautiful, most bright; This day the high and lowly,

    Through ages joined to bless, Sing, “Holy, holy, holy,” The triune God confess.

    This day at earth’s creation The light first had its birth; This day for our salvation

    Christ rose from depths of earth; This day our Lord victorious The Spirit sent from heav’n,

    And thus this day most glorious A three-fold light was giv’n.

    This day, God’s people meeting,

    His Holy Scripture hear; His living presence greeting,

    Through bread and wine made near. We journey on, believing,

    Renewed with heav’nly might, From grace more grace receiving,

    On this blest day of light.

    That light our hope sustaining, We walk the pilgrim way,

    At length our rest attaining, Our endless Sabbath day.

    We sing to Thee our praises, O Father, Spirit, Son;

    The Church her voice upraises To Thee, blest Three in One.




  • P: We worship in the name of the Father, Son, + and Holy Spirit. C: Amen. P: Out of deep need, we enter Your holy temple, O Lord, seeking Your presence and Your guidance. As Jesus charged His waiting disciples, deliver now Your charge to us. And lead us, as He led them, into the fields white unto harvest, that we may become faithful laborers in Your vineyard to open our eyes and see all people as You do. C: Amen. First Reading: Psalm 116:1-2, 12-19 L: This is the Word of the Lord. C: Thanks be to God. I believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth. And in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary; suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended into hell. The third day He rose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty. From thence He will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Christian Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen. Second Reading: Romans 5:1-8 L: This is the Word of the Lord. C: Thanks be to God.

    “We Are Called to Be God’s People” TCH 415

    We are called to be God’s people, Showing by our lives His grace, One in heart and one in spirit, Sign of hope for all the race.

    Let us show how He has changed us And remade us as His own; Let us share our life together

    As we shall around His throne.




  • We are called to be God’s servants, Working in His world today;

    Taking His own task upon us, All His sacred words obey.

    Let us rise, then, to His summons, Dedicate to Him our all,

    That we may be faithful servants, Quick to answer now His call.

    We are called to be God’s prophets,

    Speaking for the truth and right; Standing firm for godly justice,

    Bringing evil into light. Let us seek the courage needed,

    Our high calling to fulfill, That we all may know the blessing

    Of the doing of God’s will.

    Gospel Reading: Matthew 9:35-10:8 L: This is the Gospel of our Lord. C: Praise to You, O Christ.

    P: Triune God, C: We praise You as the God of love and life. Though Jesus prayed that we would be one, we confess that we fail to live in unity with each other and with You. We break our communion through hostile words and unkind actions. We long for Your Spirit to heal us and to correct us. We long for You to help us experience communion with You and with each other. Please forgive us when our sin has caused disunity between us and You and disunity with others. Even now, dependent on Your grace, we commit ourselves to live more fully in the unity You desire that we may see all people as You do.

    (Silence for Confession and Self-Examination) P: The Good News this morning is that God still sees us as His beloved children. He sees our failure, but He has also heard our confession and chooses mercy. You are forgiven all your sins in the name of the Father, Son + and Holy Spirit! C: Amen.



  • “We Are All One In Mission” Tune: Aurelia (The Church’s One Foundation -LSB 644 )

    We all are one in mission

    We all are one in call Our varied gifts united

    By Christ the Lord of all A single great commission

    Compels us from above To plan and work together

    That all may know Christ's love

    We all are called for service To witness in God's name Our ministries are different Our purpose is the same

    To touch the lives of others By God's surprising grace So ev'ry folk and nation

    May feel God's warm embrace

    We all behold one vision A stark reality

    The author of salvation Was nailed upon a tree Yet resurrected Justice

    Gives rise that we may share Free reconciliation

    And hope amid despair

    Now let us be united And let our song be heard

    Now let us be a vessel For God's redeeming Word We all are one in mission

    We all are one in call Our varied gifts united

    By Christ the Lord of all

    See All the People Matthew 9:35-10:8 Pastor Matt Mantey

    You can mail an offering or donate via the "Give to RLC" button at resurrection-lcms.org




  • “Compassion Hymn”

    There is an everlasting kindness You lavished on us

    When the Radiance of heaven Came to rescue the lost;

    You called the sheep without a shepherd To leave their distress

    For your streams of forgiveness And the shade of Your rest.

    And with compassion for the hurting,

    You reached out Your hand As the lame ran to meet You And the dead breathed again;

    You saw behind the eyes of sorrow And shared in our tears,

    Heard the sigh of the weary, Let the children draw near.


    What boundless love, What fathomless grace You have shown us, O God of compassion!

    Each day we live an offering of praise As we show to the world Your compassion.

    We stood beneath the cross of Calvary

    And gazed on Your face At the thorns of oppression And the wounds of disgrace,

    For surely You have borne our suffering And carried our grief

    As You pardoned the scoffer And showed grace to the thief.


    How beautiful the feet that carry

    This gospel of peace To the fields of injustice

    And the valleys of need— To be a voice of hope and healing,

    To answer the cries Of the hungry and helpless With the mercy of Christ.


    “Follow You”

    You live among the least of these

    The weary and the weak And it would be a tragedy for me to turn away

    All my needs you have supplied. When I was dead you gave me life.

    How could I not give it away so freely? Continued on next page


  • Chorus And I’ll

    Follow you into the homes of are broken Follow you into the world

    Meet the needs for the poor and the needy, God Follow you into the world

    Use my hands, use my feet

    To make your kingdom come To the corners of the earth

    Until your work is done ‘Cause faith without works is dead

    And on the cross your blood was shed So how could we not give it away so freely?

    Chorus 2x


    I give all myself I give all myself

    I give all myself to you And I give all myself And I give all myself

    And I give all myself to you

    Chorus 2x

    P: Let us pray for the whole people of God in Christ Jesus and for all people according to their needs.

    (After each portion of the prayers)

    P: Lord, in Your mercy, C: hear our prayer.

    (The prayers conclude) P: Into Your hands, O Lord, we commend all for whom we pray, trusting in Your mercy; through Your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord….

    Our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; And forgive us our trespasses

    As we forgive those who trespass against us; And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory

    forever and ever. Amen.



  • P: The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious to you. The Lord look upon you with favor and + give you peace. C: Amen!

    “Go Forth in His Name”

    We are His children the fruit of His suff'ring

    Saved and redeemed by His blood Called to be Holy

    a light to the nations Clothed with His pow'r

    Filled with His love

    Chorus Go forth in His name

    proclaiming Jesus Reigns Now is the time for the church to arise

    and proclaim Him Jesus Savior Redeemer and Lord

    Countless the souls

    that are stumbling in darkness Why do we sleep in the light

    Jesus commands us to go make disciples This is our cause

    this is the fight


    Listen the wind of the Spirit is blowing The end of the age is so near

    Pow'rs in the earth and the Heavens are shaking

    Jesus our Lord soon shall appear

    Chorus 2x




    Pastor: Matthew Mantey

    A/V Tech: Gerard Scheeler, Alex Lindeke

    Organist: Karen Tiffany Burgess

    Worship Team Dale & Suzy Lindeke, Barb Cropp, Martin Lindeke


  • See All The People—Matthew 9:35-10:8











    Praise God: • For being a God with open eyes and when seeing crowds had compassion

    on them. Thank you for being a shepherd who seeks out the lost in the crowds. Thank you for showing your compassion to us and seeking us out this day with your love, care, and shepherding heart!

    • We lift up the marriages in our church and pray your love and joy would continue to sustain them. We especially lift up the marriages of Larry and Sharon Wright, and our friends in Christ the Greens and Nicholsons as they celebrate anniversaries this week! Keep them strong in you!

    • We give you thanks for our neighbors, neighborhoods, and the relationships we can grow in them! Bless us with eyes to see our neighbors as people created in your image. Give us eyes of love and compassion. Allow us opportunities to grow in relationship in life together and bless us with moments to share your love in deeds and words.

    • We praise you for all the missionaries who are out in the harvest fields keep them strong and steadfast in their mission to show your love!



  • In Our Prayers: • We pray for our fractured nation that there would be unity. We pray that

    protests would be peaceful and that bridges would be built, instead of destroyed in our community. We also pray Lord Jesus, that your eyes of compassion would fall upon everyone hurting and that your healing would transform our nation. Furthermore, we pray that your peace would quell the violence and that in your power of your love the evils of hatred and racism would be eradicated.

    • We lift up the family of our brother-in-Christ Michael Denis as the mourn his passing into the arms of his Savior Jesus late Tuesday night. We ask that your hands of comfort, care, love and Resurrection hope of Jesus surround the Denis family through their loss. May we surround them with love and hold hands with them in this time.

    • We continue to lift up all essential and health care workers. As things open up and there are more people working and gathering we pray you would keep them safe and that we would show appreciation for their service.

    • We pray that we would not only lift up missionaries in prayer, but see ourselves as people of mission right in our neighborhoods. Help us grow in confidence and compassion to grow in relationships with our neighbors.

    • We ask your healing over all in our midst who are ill and in need of your healing. Bring them restoration, wholeness, comfort, and your joy in all they do. We also ask for wisdom for doctors as they treat our loved ones.

    Matthew 9:35-10:8 When Jesus saw the crowds, in v. 36, what did he see? What is the difference between seeing with our eyes and seeing with our hearts when it comes to truly seeing others? Share a ministry opportunity you've had that opened your eyes to the great spiritual needs around you. How might you pursue such opportunities in the near future? After Jesus notes the size of the harvest and the lack of laborers, what does he do next? Do you think they were ready? How might that relate to how ready we feel to be sent in ministry? Do the massive spiritual needs of the world compel you to action or make you feel helpless? How might Jesus's call to pray in 9:38 impact your reaction? How would you describe your attitude toward unbelieving coworkers and neighbors? What factors keep you from feeling compassion for them?

    The budget report will return. There has been some issues with the

    spreadsheet. Sorry for the delay.



  • Office Hours: Closed

    Email: Monday-Thursday 9 am—2 pm ([email protected])

    SUNDAY, June 21st 10:00 a.m. Combined Worship Service

    live stream @ facebook.com/rlcdesmoineswa

    Meeting to Regather Both the Elders and Council are working on guidelines on what it will look like when we safely reopen in Phase 2. There is a good amount of planning and procedural work that needs to be done so pray for wisdom and insight for us working through it. Zoom Bible Study—Going Through a BSF Study on James Join us this Wednesday at 7 PM as we continue to work through the book of James. It has been a very good and timely study with everything going on in the world. If you want to learn Zoom please let us know if you need a zoom mentor, who can help you. Also once we reach phase 2 it should be easier to help get peo-ple on zoom because we might be able to meet in person to help with computer issues. Reopening the Office in Phase 2 Talking with Rachel we will be working on having her back in the office when Phase 2 starts. We still want to encourage everyone to make phone calls and emails your primary way of interacting with the office during this time. If you do need to come in we would also ask that you observe social distancing in the office. Thank you! What’s Coming Up-We Continue Our Series Open Our Eyes Join us streaming next week as we continue our series Open Our Eyes with the theme of Hear All The People from Matthew 10:24-39. Furthermore, we are excit-ed because our brother in Christ Ron Mallory, will be leading worship again! We also celebrate all the Fathers in our lives with Father’s Day! What an encouraging reminder that through it all we have a Good Good Father who hears us. How can he and his Son be an example of how we are to truly hear people in a world that seems to have so much white noise and chaos? We look forward to you joining us as we explore this critical issue next Sunday.



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