10,000 READERS TWENTYV1FTH YEAR •\r\. i \. BEST NEWS COVERAGE TIIRKK CKSTS l'l-.K Crow's Nest HV THK NAVHJATOlt Well Well, Well, here we, find (MiwlvMi at the top of the front , inK e Instead of the. bottom. Get tins up in the World you might _ay However, 'tis an old story, 'utart at the bottom and If you work hard enough some day you Me Elroy Proposes New Plan to tax Peddlers who Evade .Payment of Fee through World War Veterans Suggests a "tales tax" based on gross yearly sales be im- posed on peddlers. Duggan's lease trucks to World War veterans. Plan would depend on some extent to farmers and peddlers. MANY LOOPHOLES IN ORDINANCE will '«"• 9 o h ( i r " w e a r e ' Jert nrtwt Important mib- h, Town the lattt .few jVirl tnr ttttr nftt twt In fi*t, w'll •* t** P ri * election. In ttie pant jear* dohigs were rattnr liiill here w far an tin* pri- mary ww poncwiwil. Thing* l, H u- t-himgeA somewihat, not ,,,,1, iw.Jly but In Uw »lat* lt , well. In the tiAnl ward we ,.,,„.,! ,|ulte a battle lor the .•..ininlttwnian'H i y.dll.., t»* """clal choice WOODBRIDGE.—A new plan, to countoract the pol- icy of peddlers leasing their trucks to war veterans tc avoid paying the $75 license! fee as stated in the peddlers ordinance passed recently was suKtfested by Township At- MH t Many Attend Meeting Of Township Republican Club VVOnnilItmr.lv At a m.-etin;: of the WixMlhrWKt' Township lie- publican Club held In the Srhnul street parish house last nlRht, I lie j Organisation went on record ftn- . dorsing Herbert Rankln, of Se- waren, and Samuel Good, of ' JnmeahurK. candidates ll\r free ! holders. Merrill Moulin. Jho was ! recently re-eleeled prcaifleiit of . the club, presided at tin- session •which wag largely attended. In addition t 0 the many apeak ers who addressed the meeting Committee in an Hum M. C.ernH and Howard Madison gave a brief reitiime of the work that has been accomplished by the new adminis- tration at the municipal building since the first of the year. |KJ^M..... In tlie pertMin of Sniimcl K u r d . Su far a# the Thlnl Ward is concerned IIIIJIK-- will be taununlng timiiiid lv«wl. IHirt Reading tuiil S»»war«n on May Thru of course In the state the I:IL Shots" don't »enm to be sut- ii.ul with one another. Hoffman, in•> and Rlchurds are using ev- ,\ political muneuver they.know to win the nohilnatlori. The in In Woodbrldge Township ill probably settle down to Hurt m and Carey, with the Motor iiicle Commissioner coming out i top. We note Uie Vnator from tiling»local aew»- durtng t he pant week, K<) "Emmy" * hr It known in Soutih Jersey may out In print one of d»y«. And fai that con- nection we might say that our good friend Hoffman In lalxxi in (bat particular cir- cle. We would like to tell you why. Some day we will. Lorriey Leon E. McHroy-_...,. ' Mr McElroy's plan calls for n sales lax in which each peddler would have to report on forms once a month •it the treasurer's office the amount 01 sales in the Town- ship At the end of the year he would :> e taxed a small percentage on the gross amount of his sales. The proposed ordinance would make a violator subject to a fine uf not less than |100 and he would not be permitted t 0 resume. business In Woodbrldiie until h<> paid hiB tax. Speaking of tlx> plan, Elroy said: Of course, we would have depend upon the fairness nf tl peddlers, but the doubtful on- could easily be checked. IMSCTMIS DURgW <*«> Mr. McElroy's plnn conies as Mr. Mc- to Education Board Requests $57,000 to Pay Teachers Principal Ferry Denies Rumor Of Raise In Salary It has been learned, that the' •t;ourd of Education hal made an .implication t 0 the Township for } M.UOO to pay Teachers' salaries 1 -r the month of April. It 18 known that tho mouey is available u . Biion application is made to tiie St*m. bonds will be Issued (or | i euruary and March salaries wlta- r r \n the next lew dayf. when Mt " Ai ur^niiun, Twwanip Treaauhsr returns to his job. 0. J. M. baa b>*m coiiiiubd lo hit home the past week due to illness. Ami Imve you heani the Hlorj nUiut Uie two grangers being put out uf a local politi- cal meeting racen'tly? Of loune lite two writ's were not real!) itrangvrs, but tlien again you should bo around ul leant a lew uxmtiui before yuu lake it upon yournetf to talk about tiie ''Old Towno" or in fact mi) ol the people tn it. 1'robabl) will become a ware of this lact when Ihe going gets tougher. Tdieu again thire lit tae old say- Ing "1*1 ulm w1») nan not cant Uie Una stone." BUKKegtlOn flue tu the fftct that the DiiKKan bakery trucks have been leased to world war veter- _ who under the state law may peddle without a license. "Under the old ruling," Mr. Me Elroy continued, "DugKan's very willingly paid $35 per truck to the Township. With the new ordin- ance Increasing the price, as sup- by local merchants, to $75 they balked lit paying it, and •l<Bse»-thelr truekB to veterans, • Thus the Township is out consld- I erable money and the local mer- chants have their competition to meet just the Bame." Another loophole in the ordin- ance, jwinted out by Mr. McElroy, Is that there is one class listed as solicitor, who needs only u per- mit, If he takes orders one day and delivers the next. There is nothing to prevent peddlers from using that method of doinj; busi-1 ness. j Mr. McElroy has not yet pre-' sented hiB plan to the Township committe* but plans to do so an WOODIlUindK. The Board ol I'iducation. it became known to day, liiiH ufiked tin- Township fo OKHCKlt LKVI UIVK» PINT OK BliOOD TO All) KKLATtVH WOODUltlDOE.—Albert Levt, a patrolman ou the Wwd- flgft police force, gaYe a pint ol blood for a blood tranefu- aion at the MublMboTf hoB?l t»i, i'lalnflelil. Mon<tay motBlng ID aneffort »ave the life of Mrs. Clara llrimni, of '•!«• West Second avenue, Rouble, a rela tlve. Mrs. (;rlram had undergono a very serious operation and it was found that blood was need «& Immediately It Bhe were to live. Officer Levl offered his blood, and the test proving to be the type of Mood needed, h was accepted. Declares that any perion aaying he i« seeking « rai*e is untruthful. WOODBRIDGE.—"Any person saying that I am seeking a raise in salary Is making an untruthful statement," Bo declared Principal Arthur C. J:,7,00(l for payment of teachers Ferry in an Interview Turner Retires as Candidate in FarrelTs Favor Interesting Conte.t foreseen in third ward on G. O. K- ticket. WOODBRIDGE.—With William Turner, of rortReadlng retirtnR as third ward candidate tor Town- ship committee on the Independ- ent Republican ticket, in favor of Samuel rVrell, of BMgar Hill, al- Sechrist Rebukes Bartholomew For Calling Teachers 'Shylocks' i Last Week's Statement to Pr Pre>i('.«nt nf Teachers' association present! teachers' point at meeting Wednesday. Declare* the board employees have boen forced to borrow and have been charged high interest rates. ASK FOR "FAIR BREAK" tVeliBg WOODRRIIH'.K.—niaplaymir cousKlernWo "the unwarranted attark against \\w iiy the taxpayers' association," Harry I. Soehmt, prosi ;>f tht' VViMidbridKi 1 Township Teachers' nssneiation f I). W. Bartholomew, of th<> Taxpayera' group al a ing nf trip tftwhers wwofiation \w\i Wednesday afU'tTi', Speaking of Mr. Bartholomew, whom ho says intiln» ated that the teachers were "shylocks" for asking for itfr terest on past due salaries, Mr. Sechrist declared: -, I "Mr. llarlhnlomeu-, 1 I works fur an In - Hint live* off th fr py for the month of A;-ril. Ferry in an Interv reaentatlve of the LEADER i In According to TownshiD attorney, JOURNAL this morning. 1 eon E McElroy, it is believed | M r. Ferry was very much that the funds will be available; censed against the paper that Bta- as soon as the regular routine of i ted ttiat he was Beeking an in- making application to the state for a.loan is gone through. Business Group Hears Executive at Banquet Here crease of salary. A representative of that paper The bonds tor payment of F'eb-; "'w«-»-«-»- ----- - - ruary and* March 'salaries havei""* 10 a e e m e ' h k e f 8 ^ a n d l been held up dn« to the illnesB of I tol(1 , the , reporter that there waa - «.-^ i <**,_! absolutely no truth In the rumors Townahiit Treasurer Olaf J. Mor- ganson. Mr. Motnanson is now that he heard that f was ask- ing for an increase of salary convalescing and it felt he will be "'* "" "" '" -• - able tn have the b..nds 3lKne( i When that reporter, left my office . he said that lie knew that the ru wlthin the next few days. Two Hurt Today as Auto Crashes into Phone Pole commute* but p soon as the legal details a.re set- tl«4. Son to Slmonwns AVESEL. -••'LoslnE control of his car, Uoliert Shellow.- 24, of 4211 Orenslow Btreet, Chicago, crashed into a telephone pole op the sup- er-highway near ' " ' mors were unfounded. Yet he printed the article. Any person ; who says that I have of my own violition attempted to get or ex- 1 peeted an increase is maklag a i statement that is untruthful." | Continuing his denial Mr. Per- ry said: "1 am an home owner in Wood- iridge, purchasing my home a ear after 1 came to town. I cau herefure appreciate both the pos- tlon of the teacher and the tax- payer, being both. 1 know, there- fore that this is not the time to | Bentley P. Neff speaker of the evening. — Mayor Greiner and Rev. Mellberg among the sneakers. — Andrew Desmond toast master. W00DBRIDOE.—Over seventy five Woodbrldge Township mer chants attended the annual ban quet of the Woodbrtdge Township Businessmen's Association held Wednesday night at the Crafts- men's club on Green street. The hall was artistically dec- candidates are c n ated wlth i*W«» "* tens. runninB for reelection. They in- Andrew D. Desmond, local at- A l b t Larson Commit- m ^' « aa th e towtmaster of the h Introduced ttw so an independent, keen interest Is foreseen in the primary elec- tion to be held May 1*. Carmen Zullo, of Port Reading, the Republican organization can- didate, of course, has the upper edge as he practically has the support of his party. With Turner out ot the race there is one other independent Republican listed on the ballots, W AJ\ar at the other RepuWcan I ^'^;;™ candidates are concerned, all - to be Charles To Be a Reality For Isebn Group Encouraging reports made by Officers. Gov. Moor e and Compton praise plan 1SRUN.-- Officers of the Ixelin Community Association, which is conducting a campaign to provide a Community hall and aiwodutlon beaa,,ua.rters in Iselln, report en- .couraglng progress. Unexpected approval and praise of the project has come from <'in- Bource.a throughout the including a parti, nlurly from Oevern'T A. another tro' !ie y If Mr. Bar* ;iurMi«d tte haft. they elude: C. Albert Larson. Commit- «""«>. »«• tee-man Harry Gems, of the First evenIn 8 "»<1 >> e Introduced tlw Ward and Cominitteeman Howard ^ k e r B who Included Mayor Madison, of the Second Ward. Au B U9t *"• Gre'ner, Bentley P. Mr. Herns has made an envi-' **&, of Duller Brothers, New •—.!— York; Mr. Kouratt, ot the Btate, line tribute Harry Moore, and Frwholdsr Lewis That '.he organization constituted seems the are envi- 'record in the reorganization ».,.* recordIn the g Mr - FouratL ot n ^?% of the police department. He has ^oey Relief; and Rev. Carl C. E. l innovations Me»»erg, pastor of the Methodist the clovtrleaf Bon tO SU1HH1WI1B ,-, -„,„„.._, AKBNiV-Mr. a.ud Mrs. Au- i Karate at five o'clock this tnorniijs liiionseTl. M Holini:"«tfwt,! injuring nlmself and his fatner, nrond Bltrents of an eight ' Xatm, 54. a panseii^wr in the cftr. SreW 'Simons- are Hit- prond parent: pound son Andrew Jr.. born, yes- morning. Tin 1 falher IB a driver on the Woo<|l>ri<Wi- lorce. '4i\erinK I'dini O|H>ratlon el Itoiniiiiil, of AlljvMt t r e e l , is re- njverint; from A recent iippi'iidii'i- lis ii|ieralinn al ilir Penh A in hoy (ifliei'ill hospilill. Tni fort'B of the. crash snapped Hie pole and badly damaged the cur. The injured were rushed to tlte Perth Amtmy General hospital ulii-iv the youimeT man Is being treated lor a broken jaw. The falher sustained possible, fractur. ui several ribs and cuts on the leg. I'atrol Driver Andrew Simon sin invesii p-arlnient. tor the police de innovations, and baseball cnurcn - Introduced several inauRurating pistol ,_. the men in u»«. vu yi = . His friends feel that with his rec- vlglton , Tom out of town that urrt he has no need to fear the inauRurating pistol a urcn - teams to put the men in trim. Mayor Grein« reviewed the his- - •--> .K«» ,,,i,v, hi q rw ,_ tory of Woodbrldge and told the visitors from out of town that Woodhridge had an approximate outcome of. the general election in the fall. John Bergen, familiarly known Mr. GernB 1 . opponent indicated by Interest JJ 1 - Mr.. from Itx ilehtiir^, Ymi cant |i itTI fr.iin tin in witlwOt H interest. Ami the I MWl*- coinpanl'H in these times, have not In 1 , n ly "rieneriniH with ihe ptAicy who haven't liad the money to" meet their premiums, tholomew's coini'siny policy that Mr. llartholoniew IIH In pursue, Ihfy would ' hi-en bankrupt i'mt; before Hliirleil und he would have out of a job.' pUliililik the teachers' to u rep trier whose paper MB \ :iee|i evepliimalh untagonM|C toward Ih,' leiichers, Mr. Kechrtit n.ii<l: Hail Ki Hire Attorney '•In \'i\'," we requested U»e iioavd In niiike every eiTori lo We that mni:i-y ,i:ii<l lor ^i-iiuuli caMlfe M> tlii' school iren^ury. The liaaVd.. u-. s d. rellrt iu iieirormini; that : As u rtsult. the teacheis it iieceattHiy l«i empluf-UL Hltnrncy tn fhhl IIIHI i»BW.. Xhtu, justice (it our liiilit r.'comiliad by the present Towimhip ofllclals Who In pre-election ' r'act that other municipalities ^ ^ . I . IUIIIUII patterning similar organiza- ^^ 9WtlilUHIl , B h(lV( . 1>ru ,,,be(l ui. Com- „.,: patterning simil tlons after the local one. One in particular, is the Leonia Com- munity Association »P<" Carnegie Foundation and lh< , cul t by Dr. Lonmls of Columblu Unl- h , rs % lr . swhrlst ilo (iivislon oi lax«« re- ceivable. We Iwvti never n»tt«t more ll.an a iair percentage,'' UiscuBslns the "cut" takua by verslty. The local wodatlon is »eg»- , 0I , th f l '* U f t- ! ^ for similar sponsorship, madl ' " th ' a< ;'" ) ° 1 jUd « rt «f ii,, year, Uie teJiclursaccoiujtetl «8)Hllt At the Mate which, It secured, ansures wide upon ship." SONS OF ITALY PASS RESOLUTION ON DEATH ! a *««». OF HEROIC FIREMAN In tto Ward, having a host of friends. which should make the contest an interesting one. Resrardless ot unfounded proi Mdi f " , uw .. 26.00U and covered i area of 25 square miles" "Woodbrldge" he said, "like communities Uas been i and we are sirmng <«, make ends meet. We are in Ij&jies that In time ttiingB will pick up. It Ie-or- ganizationB like this that will help us to recovery. Organiza,tions like striving lo rVcognlii'on' of" 'lis principles :ind ", VM ««').mili. At the wun« 6 the Illimiciiuil litnlnel WtS 1, ed. W.' tuu-oiintwl Vur about lit sym ~ \mt cent ,,f the tinvlngs mudn. We theretiiKi hardly ' ——• "••• • ' I net "KhyliHik" ; activities. The Home-Trade Week, sored by the Aasoclation aft ai s tritiiitf the merchant, drew wide vouvijieitt and approval of a unlmu- o^hjie tlnn. Il offered -.1 rourrei« exam- ple of the New Service ' ' %• Mr.. US' Howard-Madison, of the I u ° '•" ' ;. . r u , . .._. ...Ithis are eBBentlal tu ihe civic Havoul heard anything . about t!ie Schwartz UOys down In Car- it ret lately. Am wondering what the latest developments are In the t'Me. Ur 1B. It possible lhat the > Curteret police in wltholdlng) uuy of the publicity! The man hunt seems- to have lagged. Per- ictps the Dillinger hunt is taking t-.'ry -available man In th country. Police Expect to Make Arrests in Hi-jacking and Kidnapping j Staged at Colonia Yesterday ilue of cargo stolen grossly exaggerated on first reports. —Merchandise carried by trucks believed to be worth i-.. n.» n MK.ooo.— Drivers hsld up at point of gun. 1'OltT IlBADING. — At a recetil meeting uf the Colombo Lodge, Sous uf Italy organization, the fol- lowing resolution was adopted in memory of Ihe late' Sylvester 1'alo I'erlh Aiuboy fimnun, wh^»died while ptr^urmiim his duty: "Whereas, it HUB pleased the Almighty Ood in his infinite wis- dom to call unto himself Sylvester I'alo, the son .of District Grand Deputy of the Sons of Italy, Pas- quale l'alo. | . ''Wherea-s, the hearts of all of: ' ()a, the Sons of Italy, are filled With deepest sympathy for our District Grand Deputy, Pasquale Palo In his great bereavement and "Whereas, the manner in which Second Ward has the support of the Republican organization aud has been indorsed by several uf the Republican elubg of his ward to dute. Mrs. W. L Raup Chosen new Head ot Woman's Club Succeeds Mrs. Asher Fitz Randolph. — Installation ut .. ., they are terusted in the welfare aud pro- of the wtlole ' The second speaker Mr. Kouratt ldeu in for the first tllv commercial pursuits; tin* drawing the attention of consumer to thu fact thai chandlzing should aud cuu '•> community Interest equal to edu - ...I .... tile llier- of a we i any oilier ciltlonal facilities or iiiuiiLcipul function. ,, ... ,. , ,, , An office for the diseminuirnn discussed he relief problems as. M nd h they pertain to the butcher andL m m h m hM ^ 0|)| . |1(l(1 , n " n .n e -. r ' » j i i» . , t n e K «- Uuildlng on Oak Tree 'The federal gift a# most of ro(u j you know," he declared "is a pro-, • — ,u_ ...I,,!,,,! Negotiutions are now und n , duct over and above the regular Negotluin relief, lu the past the federal gif1 11^ take poBBmion uud was handled through-.th» whole- ^ bull(lln v 5 lnto that there' Hal1 ' for the U9e of POLICE HAVE CLUES Arrests are expected shortly in the hi- There to alwayit a in every law. Thl» tact was (ttrclbly brought out tliln weefc wh«» it wits learned lhat toe reason the UugKNi Uukiim Company was nut imylng a "I'eddlerV 1 ton was due to the fact tlmt tlu?y have ltsaood Uielr injclui vpter- «JK and **ten»ut are exempt, 'rtielr attorney must Joive read up on Ills books to get that one out of ttie b*C' I'rububly had to shift driven around a bit. Uut then again « little strategy saved »75.1K» [MT truck, tain year. Whlcli only proves ta»at •'Ways IUKI Heantt" committees do and do •tot (uuctun. We've often heard of a country boy going w the city with flowern Ranp to be held May 24. * M j> w fj ele « ed P^slde ^Mfbrldge Womans club at an ffl hld ^ ^ 1 William iH ot the First reports .had the (KK) but the amount was _. tioH is now set at about one half of that figure The drivers of the trucks, O.ua- -•"•"" Sylvester Palo, ot happy rtemory.l " " " " " " " ^ " "'"""-,.- met his untimely end In the fear-1 e > ection ot offl , cer ? he , d - , , , les 9 performance of hia duty caus- X*"™"* »«• the Craftsmen s club w a feeling of untold pride in on , Gree " 8tree i' M "' R o aup ,'J"l: that one of our blood and race so Ba f\ M "' *»»er ftti Randolph nobly paid the supreme sacrlnce who has been president of the or- ln the discharge of . public trust. ^^\XJ^ut^l ed i(o that Mrs. Randolph could succeed herse-lt b.uf this year she insisted that someone else be giv- n the office. Mrs. ,lUup has been saler with the result that there was an enormous amount of but- ter and salt pork spoiled. """" government has stepped in has taken over the distributions Warehouses have boen leased in Jersey City and a fleet of trucks deliver the federal gifts to lU " grocer every a«ond week- federal girts will not be placed in stores that have but a "•••'••^ •- Now, therefore, a*.,,*... Vhlladelphia, and Francis H. Brown, of 307 Gillesple street, Philadelphia, were proceeding along the Lincoln Highway around three o'clock yesterday morning and when they neared the Colonia '— ' -—... iKo Union street. Be it resolved, that this aswd- .,.jn, tlio Sons »f Italy, hereby ex- •inrl thp tntil valua-i tend t0 lJa8 1 uale Pal °' ltle District ana ttie lotai vaiua i (lranil Dwuty( our deep ^ t eympa -1 very ^ ^ ln thy and sincere condolence in hla , fairs and Is a worthy successor Kreat 103s and further extend to him the assurance and consolation The and the The dents as al{er Civic ttffii-, ii recreational center and for the holding of social orpublic ^ m . ( . mi , s a m ^ functions. As soon as mass meeting of mem' easlble, t-iH and tereBted residents will be. held in this building, at which time, com- plete details as to the Association aims and principles will be ex- plained. the y Harry dinner. Country County line, road. Club near the Union sedan blocked the The drivers told the police that Tl armed with guw|. two men, armed with guw|. iu his 'jutton hole, but when a efcy b.iy coiues to the country with a Di.iisy iu ids lapel-Well boys. U; ure It out. Last week the Sena- t e irom New York City, "Segal by uam« vialted the Town in ; the pansy. Quite a hub-bub wan down at ws2: VWBD Htuto paW employ*** Iura 9" otUent wUI ••» ' et Belief p Us purwbttiMlW r (rded the tru to ttte sedan aud after being lieved ot their driver's licenses aud truck registration curds, they were placed iu the rear of the se- dan and covered with a heavy uRiii. )»„ l;y the gunmen. Uirseu and Brown said Ihej' were unable to distinfulsh their captors be- c.iuse they had caps pulled down over their eyes. They were then placed in one of the trucks and locked in. After several hours they finally managed to nry open the door and seek aid, | Patrolman John Croveltta rushed tu the scene and after a> search found the licenses and registra- tion card which were takeh from the drivers on the seat bt the truck. Lursen and Brown were taken to police headquarters whote they .that tiie meiufiry of his 'brave son V will.b<» ever grflfcn In the hearts OP his fellows aa one who valiantly mid fully saw his duty and met it regardless of consequences." DoniinCO Doclbus, Recording Secretary, Colombo Lodge No. 1214 Sons of Italy, 1 l J ort Reading, N. J. iv'iseare lacovlne, President. rs. Randolph. Other officers elected iffltJlCfi, president, Mr..'J. mers; d i e presid ANNUAL MKK11NG I£,to their' IUW. drivers said they waited a d thn drivers minutes aud then the the few ep.- truck.-tarted. The headed in the dV- to police Headqua gave their statements t 0 Detective lerseant George B. Keating. Ser- geant Keating also questioned the men and later in the day they question*! by Count* »«tec- Harry McDermott «nd Chief l'*olicti James A. Walsh. The iwlice are following up sev- were tlvn NEW BRUNSWICK. — The an- nual meeting of The Middlesex County Tuberculosis League will be on hand May 15, al the Wood row Wilson hotel, at 12:15 oclocl Speakers at the meeting will la elude 1 Mayor John i. Mowiwu whi will present a greeting, Dr.Ch.arlw 1. Silk of Perth Aeuboy, Dr. Mar- ter a while tney heard on< , U iu in the sedan «"*»", ia a cop there, eral clues ai ndTrre8Uare C exjlorted*'! shall Smith of tim Brunswick, 'Mrs John J Quinu presideul o: also started. Luhin u few hours. turn- right." sa The me p p the Mui.icl|-U old Caiidy Hit**** 1'rom now on rellri stieet, awl the ,iun»»l lumt tiai. be«n tolWfaf VB Old« 'Fowue HaU will by ttaalr l The Stork vUliad toe - jurtment tnU week, # » » £ * *f a hoy at the home ot Andy Simon- *wi, and • flrl at the *ome »• Sorgaant iwV. Bgai>. ,,.,_ ,y tor red Ugnta. TUtty Uelie.ve that they were driven to • Linde* or possibly EHmlitth, where they entered a garage but they won_- afraid to move t 0 make sure. Bounds of unloading were heard aud then finally, Uie two trucks and tlie sedau left the yluco After rtdiug agaia for a Vhiie the drWerB told how the sedan Bioppoe 1 and tlm blwiket was re- moved. They were ordered out of tliH machine aud found themselves iu the same »uof where they were I HARDIMAN'S "" P HARM AC * Seu man's Perth Amb«r PRESCRIPTIONS Callea For and D«Hvtt«l Cor. RaUway AT#BM and Qrwtt ItnMt M . MU8S, Weodbrldga, H. JL sa S Mrs. John J. Quinu, presideul, o: I'erth Amboy, Mr. Blrueat 1). t!as uu. aecttUye^Mretary of Th New Jersey TuDereulu»u Luagu* and Ur. Marian Lowe of the New York City Board of Health, were: Chal- limited amount of relief orders as they all come In case lots and there would be too much spoilage." Neff aueaker of Evening Mr. Neff, the speaker of evening, was introduced Lager, chairman of the He said in part. "These are seven 'fundamentals in business. They are one, spread your merchandise investment over the maximum number of fast turning wanted items; second, put out on display the greatest pos- sible proportion of the inerchan- Mens' Clubs Plan United Banquet Early Next Fall Plan submitted by J. Boyd Johnston accepted by lCfi, presiden, ers; Becond vice president, M«. rving J. Reiiiiers: third vice pres- lent, Mrs. George Disbrow; re- cording secretary, Mra. Noel Kit ,ell; corresponding secretary. Mrs Howard Stilwell, 1 Directors: Student Loan Fund, Mra Asher HU Randolph; Civic department. Mrs. 1. T. Spencer; egislation, Mrs", prank Barth; Pl4!fi& dfiEftrtnient, Mra. n . u. lark; American Home depart- ment, Mra. O. T. Fraser; the and • allowed .». .,.-, liiln I press our cause, if yrefc'" ereuofe, is --.ivvji to Uiuse charging itiii-re-t, (hen we fimi ii is our" iluty lu .iliiir.Li 1 also. Teacli'ix Koncil t*> rairrow ' "Tncileiicliers hn;illj' had. to •. \ borrdw money for their living fci-J liciinea. Nobody loimed us any- ^J] thimi wlihuut Inleri-sl. If we fyw- rowed I'roiu the insurance compan- ies mi our policies w<! had 10 pay . «i\ per eel)t. It we borrowed from the linuiice ruintuinlt'tt wu had to pay any where from IN lu 30 peT cent, floods !iou--ht »u credit we itiiind cost us more,. the l9$al._ coul dealers tor e\iun|ile, cliarg- fm. There in hardly any uornial ju:-!ilii-atloii for abkiiiK us iu bear the total burden ot the Tu-wnshiti's defanlt. "The 'l'ownslii|i iisdi charges interest m\ owrttiiv hills as does the county, and Ihe «(ate. Are We tu be .termed 'Bhylocks' tnr pur- suuiK ii similar course?" .Mr. St'chnsl ihen Uisousfied siime uf tlm jiwibli'nis lacing of the lower paid- teachers he Nuid receive an average of hits than fM vvr week aud some ' teachers rei-iiiving less than J20i "It hits heeu ri-niarked," Mr. |3e- : ehrisl concluded, "that with tilt* 'cut' some of- the teachers are making about a dollar ur twXl rtiore than a CWA worker. To <f»- . | decl those teachers lo carry le-rettl charges in addition is hard- 1 Club* of various Township ly laiw i llo board lias never Music departinent, Mrs. Nathan Duff; Social and Industrial department, Mrs. A. L. Huber; Literature and Library department, Mrs. Fred A. Brleggs; Young Woman's club, Mrs. John McCreery; Hospitality, Mrs. Howard Jernee; Internation- al Relations, Miss Huth Erb; Con- servation and Gardens, Mrs. Thom as Leahy. Year Book, Mrs. George Brewa- ter: Ways and Meana, Mrs. Roy Finn' transportation, Mrs. H. II. Ranklu; Doorkeeper, Mra. Derben diae you qwn; third, name prices tnVf custorhers Taror plainly price ticket everything; fourth, keep your store friendly, pleasant and Interesting; tit'th, Continued o u Page Ten COHENS ENTERTAIN LIONS CLUB LAST NIGHT AT PARTY WOODBRTDtJE—Mr. and Wt». Louis Cohen, of Barrun avenue en- tertained the Lions' club and the auxiliary at one of ihe series of card parties of that organization <u their home last night. There w-'tv nine tables uf players. The prize winners were as fol- lows: Contract Bridge, Mrs. A. J churches. ...W00DBKIDGE.—Initial for a banquet to~ be attended the various Mens' Clubs of the tioned our mural right lo the in- terest. Only the Taxpayers' asso- pl^ns elation askn us to Mid ihe Town- ship money without interest.". i In an lutervlew with u repre- Township were made at a meet- tte nlatlve uf this Payer, Mr. Se- ini! held at the home of J. Boyd dirist said that he,hoped lhat the Johnston president of the Metho- reporter, who misinterpreted- » ; dlst B3iscopal Meu'B club. Tuee- letter sent lu his paper by sayil day nlgnt. The meeting was the u e attacked the Bmird in a head- JJ first step toward a united Men's club representing all the church- 6B to plan *as Brat smuefltadJ Mr. Johnston and accordingly a| Lout, Mrs. Morris Klein. Pinochle, Mrs. Louis Cohen. Mrs. Morris Cnoper. Bridge, Mrs. i. H. Concannou, Mru. Mack and Mrs. Stdpnen Wyld Those present were: Mr. and resolution was passed by the Mi.thodist Men's club on April 18 to participate in a united banquet. The banquet h scheduled to !ie held In the early part of October, as an opening event of the season. Those present at Tuesday's meeting were Rev. W, V. D. .Strong; or the Congregational 1 church; Wayne T. Cox., I'ruf. John line lu take the limelight away from the course pursued by his paper, would sjive ihe. loachew a . 'lair *t>reak.'' , Car Uet'overed . WOOUBRirXlli. A Studebtieri , owned by Otto Velbinjer.J of 404 Allen atreeii, Lindee and!) stoleu from tba.1 place, was fo H.Love, Mr. T*ey, RBV.' Usrt Devanny, of the rresbyterlan church; John Short, Rev. Carl C. B. Mellberg, of the Methodist l church and Mr. John- I •4\ a g to W A. Harry Moore us the deserted in th« hedge Itahway Reformatory Tuesday! night. The car, which was at $200. was turned ow-r to owner by SecgBuin John WGODUHIDGE. Mra, J. Lester Ni-ury, or Elmwuod avenue, has been chosen to take the part., of Junet Gaynor at the Y. M. H. A., Thursday night Theatre, Perth |-May"i*'a\ the Old Mm In Mill linKton. The luncheon will wind Itunawaya I'lckt ^ WOODBHltHiE. (ijuoVge tiath ODBRlD 14. of William street, East ^ e a » d Walltir Uluer ' U ' ot O t atThe Matestit lMui runawayB were ptcUed BundQuist yesterday morning. Par ants of both, boys callod tor them Head ttie cannon Mrs. Mack, Mrs. Stephen arrangements Wvld Mr^ and Mrs. J. J| Uunqe, musical program will be provided. Mr and Mrs. Thomas Levt, and Tlw .pastors of the churches will •« 4t«uh«n HrUBka. «* I serve iut a reception committee. Mr S Henry Hanson,! Due to the hut that the ; liuuer Mr* Ouigley Mra. Martha Zeftle- was Mr. Jobustuns original Idea, Mr and Mrs. Kirk Gray,, Iw baa been wade chairman of { Klein Mr. and Mrs. Qeor-*'the affair. He is gratified with the Mrs. A. Wolfe,I response being showu thruughout " the towMblp. Mm, R. Wolfe, iin. Petec Greln^r. Sign 'IVtHKWj Hunilreds ] Hit- Omiipuny, of WoiidliridKe, fflfc \ thu J)ltl<" 'hnrn'-)4«l«4 lit Uuii Mcl.aod Hill the iiiiylilM ol cltwitd bauks which UHIOI (lie Vederdl Rtaervt All depositors uf ttte bunk^who have not i pettfuit lo date are urj do Ho al onco by thj of ili« movement.

Sechrist Rebukes Bartholomew For Crow's Calling Teachers ... · yuu lake it upon yournetf to talk about tiie ''Old Towno" or in fact mi) ol the people tn it. 1'robabl) will become

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Page 1: Sechrist Rebukes Bartholomew For Crow's Calling Teachers ... · yuu lake it upon yournetf to talk about tiie ''Old Towno" or in fact mi) ol the people tn it. 1'robabl) will become



•\r\. i \.





Well Well, Well, here we, find(MiwlvMi at the top of the front,inKe Instead of the. bottom. Gettins up in the World you might_ay However, 'tis an old story,'utart at the bottom and If youwork hard enough some day you

Me Elroy Proposes New Plan to taxPeddlers who Evade .Payment of

Fee through World War VeteransSuggests a "tales tax" based on gross yearly sales be im-

posed on peddlers. — Duggan's lease trucks to WorldWar veterans. — Plan would depend on some extentto farmers and peddlers.


will '«"• 9 o h ( i r " w e a r e '


nrtwt Important mib-h, Town the lattt .fewjVirl tnr ttttr nftt twtIn fi*t, w'll •* t** Pri*

election. In ttie pantjear* dohigs were rattnr

liiill here w far an tin* pri-mary ww poncwiwil. Thing*l,Hu- t-himgeA somewihat, not,,,,1, iw.Jly but In Uw »lat*l t , well. In the tiAnl ward we,.,,„.,! ,|ulte a battle lor the.•..ininlttwnian'H iy.dll.., t»* """clal choice

WOODBRIDGE.—A new plan, to countoract the pol-icy of peddlers leasing their trucks to war veterans tcavoid paying the $75 license! fee as stated in the peddlersordinance passed recently was suKtfested by Township At-

M H t

Many Attend Meeting OfTownship Republican Club

VVOnnilItmr.lv At a m.-etin;:of the WixMlhrWKt' Township lie-publican Club held In the Srhnulstreet parish house last nlRht, I lie

j Organisation went on record ftn-. dorsing Herbert Rankln, of Se-waren, and Samuel Good, of

' JnmeahurK. candidates ll\r free! holders. Merrill Moulin. Jho was! recently re-eleeled prcaifleiit of. the club, presided at tin- session•which wag largely attended.

In addition t0 the many apeakers who addressed the meetingCommittee in an Hum M. C.ernHand Howard Madison gave a briefreitiime of the work that has beenaccomplished by the new adminis-tration at the municipal buildingsince the first of the year.

|KJ^M..... In tlie pertMin ofSniimcl Kurd. Su far a# theThlnl Ward is concernedIIIIJIK-- will be taununlngtimiiiid lv«wl. IHirt Readingtuiil S»»war«n on May

Thru of course In the state theI:IL Shots" don't »enm to be sut-ii.ul with one another. Hoffman,in•> and Rlchurds are using ev-

,\ political muneuver they.knowto win the nohilnatlori. Thein In Woodbrldge Township

ill probably settle down to Hurtm and Carey, with the Motoriiicle Commissioner coming out

i top.

We note Uie Vnator fromtiling»local aew»-durtng t he pant

week, K<) "Emmy" * hr Itknown in Soutih Jersey may

out In print one ofd»y«. And fai that con-

nection we might say thatour good friend Hoffman Inlalxxi in (bat particular cir-cle. We would like to tell youwhy. Some day we will.

Lorriey Leon E. McHroy-_...,.' Mr McElroy's plan calls for n sales lax in which

each peddler would have to report on forms once a month•it the treasurer's office the amount 01 sales in the Town-ship At the end of the year he would :>e taxed a smallpercentage on the gross amount of his sales.

The proposed ordinance would •make a violator subject to a fineuf not less than |100 and hewould not be permitted t0 resume.business In Woodbrldiie until h<>paid hiB tax.

Speaking of tlx> plan,Elroy said:

Of course, we would havedepend upon the fairness nf tlpeddlers, but the doubtful on-could easily be checked.

IMSCTMIS DURgW <*«>Mr. McElroy's plnn conies as

Mr. Mc-


Education BoardRequests $57,000

to Pay Teachers

Principal FerryDenies Rumor Of

Raise In Salary

It has been learned, that the'•t;ourd of Education hal made an.implication t0 the Township for} M.UOO to pay Teachers' salaries1 -r the month of April. It 18known that tho mouey is availableu. Biion a» application is made totiie St*m. bonds will be Issued (or |i euruary and March salaries wlta-

r r\n the next lew dayf. when M t" Ai ur^niiun, Twwanip Treaauhsr

returns to his job. 0. J. M. baab>*m coiiiiubd lo hit home thepast week due to illness.

Ami Imve you heani theHlorj nUiut Uie two grangersbeing put out uf a local politi-cal meeting racen'tly? Ofloune lite two wr i t ' s werenot real!) itrangvrs, but tlienagain you should bo aroundul leant a lew uxmtiui beforeyuu lake it upon yournetf totalk about tiie ''Old Towno"or in fact mi) ol the people tnit. 1'robabl) will become aware of this lact when Ihegoing gets tougher. Tdieuagain thire lit tae old say-Ing "1*1 ulm w1») nan not

cant Uie Una stone."

BUKKegtlOn flue tu the fftct thatthe DiiKKan bakery trucks havebeen leased to world war veter-_ who under the state law maypeddle without a license.

"Under the old ruling," Mr. MeElroy continued, "DugKan's verywillingly paid $35 per truck to theTownship. With the new ordin-ance Increasing the price, as sup-

by local merchants, to $75they balked lit paying it, and

•l<Bse»-thelr truekB to veterans,• Thus the Township is out consld-I erable money and the local mer-chants have their competition tomeet just the Bame."

Another loophole in the ordin-ance, jwinted out by Mr. McElroy,Is that there is one class listed assolicitor, who needs only u per-mit, If he takes orders one dayand delivers the next. There isnothing to prevent peddlers fromusing that method of doinj; busi-1ness. j

Mr. McElroy has not yet pre-'sented hiB plan to the Townshipcommitte* but plans to do so an

WOODIlUindK. The Board olI'iducation. it became known today, liiiH ufiked tin- Township fo



WOODUltlDOE.—Albert Levt,a patrolman ou the Wwd-

flgft police force, gaYe a pintol blood for a blood tranefu-aion at the MublMboTf hoB?lt»i, i'lalnflelil. Mon<tay motBlngID aneffort t« »ave the life ofMrs. Clara llrimni, of '•!«• WestSecond avenue, Rouble, a relatlve.

Mrs. (;rlram had undergonoa very serious operation and itwas found that blood was need«& Immediately It Bhe were tolive. Officer Levl offered hisblood, and the test proving tobe the type of Mood needed, hwas accepted.

Declares that any perionaaying he i« seeking «rai*e is untruthful.

WOODBRIDGE.—"Any personsaying that I am seeking a raisein salary Is making an untruthfulstatement,"

Bo declared Principal Arthur C.

J:,7,00(l for payment of teachers Ferry in an Interview

Turner Retiresas Candidate inFarrelTs Favor

Interesting Conte.t foreseenin third ward on G. O. K-ticket.

WOODBRIDGE.—With WilliamTurner, of rortReadlng retirtnR asthird ward candidate tor Town-ship committee on the Independ-ent Republican ticket, in favor ofSamuel rVrell, of BMgar Hill, al-

Sechrist Rebukes Bartholomew ForCalling Teachers 'Shylocks' i

Last Week's Statement to PrPre>i('.«nt nf Teachers' association present! teachers'

point at meeting Wednesday. — Declare* theboard employees have boen forced to borrowand have been charged high interest rates.


tVeliBgWOODRRIIH'.K.—niaplaymir cousKlernWo"the unwarranted attark against \\w

iiy the taxpayers' association," Harry I. Soehmt, prosi;>f tht' VViMidbridKi1 Township Teachers' nssneiation fI). W. Bartholomew, of th<> Taxpayera' group al aing nf trip tftwhers wwofiation \w\i Wednesday afU'tTi',

Speaking of Mr. Bartholomew, whom ho says intiln»ated that the teachers were "shylocks" for asking for itfrterest on past due salaries, Mr. Sechrist declared: -,

I "Mr. llarlhnlomeu-, 1I works fur an In- Hint live* off th

f r p yfor the month of A;-ril.

Ferry in an Intervreaentatlve of the LEADER


According to TownshiD attorney, JOURNAL this morning.1 eon E McElroy, it is believed | Mr. Ferry was very muchthat the funds will be available; c e n s e d against the paper that Bta-as soon as the regular routine of i t e d t t i a t he was Beeking an in-making application to the statefor a.loan is gone through.

Business GroupHears Executiveat Banquet Here

crease of salary.A representative of that paper

The bonds tor payment of F'eb-; " ' w « - » - « - » - ----- - -ruary and* March 'salaries h a v e i " " * 1 0 a e e m e ' h

ke f

8 ^ a n d l

been held up dn« to the illnesB of I t o l ( 1 , t h e , reporter that there waa- «.-^ i <**,_! absolutely no truth In the rumors

Townahiit Treasurer Olaf J. Mor-ganson. Mr. Motnanson is now

that he heard that f was ask-ing for an increase of salary

convalescing and it felt he will be "'* " " "" ' " -• -able tn have the b..nds 3 lKne(i When that reporter, left my office

. he said that lie knew that the ruwlthin the next few days.

Two Hurt Todayas Auto Crashes

into Phone Polecommute* but psoon as the legal details a.re set-tl«4.

Son to Slmonwns

AVESEL. -••'LoslnE control of hiscar, Uoliert Shellow.- 24, of 4211Orenslow Btreet, Chicago, crashedinto a telephone pole op the sup-er-highway near ' " '

mors were unfounded. Yet heprinted the article. Any person

; who says that I have of my ownviolition attempted to get or ex-

1 peeted an increase is maklag ai statement that is untruthful."| Continuing his denial Mr. Per-

ry said:"1 am an home owner in Wood-

iridge, purchasing my home aear after 1 came to town. I cauherefure appreciate both the pos-tlon of the teacher and the tax-payer, being both. 1 know, there-fore that this is not the time to |

Bentley P. Neff speaker ofthe evening. — MayorGreiner and Rev. Mellbergamong the sneakers. —Andrew Desmond toastmaster.

W00DBRIDOE.—Over seventyfive Woodbrldge Township merchants attended the annual banquet of the Woodbrtdge TownshipBusinessmen's Association heldWednesday night at the Crafts-men's club on Green street. The

hall was artistically dec-candidates are c n a t e d w l t h i*W«» " * tens.runninB for reelection. They in- Andrew D. Desmond, local at-

A l b t Larson Commit- m ^ ' « a a t he towtmaster of theh Introduced ttw

so an independent, keen interestIs foreseen in the primary elec-tion to be held May 1*.

Carmen Zullo, of Port Reading,the Republican organization can-didate, of course, has the upperedge as he practically has thesupport of his party. With Turnerout ot the race there is one otherindependent Republicanlisted on the ballots,

W AJ\a r at the other RepuWcan I ^ ' ^ ; ; ™candidates are concerned, all -

to beCharles

To Be a RealityFor Isebn Group

Encouraging reports madeby Officers. — Gov. Moore

and Compton praise plan

1SRUN.-- Officers of the IxelinCommunity Association, which isconducting a campaign to providea Community hall and aiwodutlonbeaa,,ua.rters in Iselln, report en-.couraglng progress.

Unexpected approval and praiseof the project has come from <'in-

Bource.a throughout theincluding a parti, nlurly

from Oevern'T A.another tro'

!ie yIf Mr. Bar*;iurMi«d t te


elude: C. Albert Larson. Commit- «""«>. »«•tee-man Harry Gems, of the First e v e n I n 8 "»<1 >>e Introduced tlwWard and Cominitteeman Howard ^ k e r B who Included MayorMadison, of the Second Ward. A u B U 9 t *"• Gre'ner, Bentley P.

Mr. Herns has made an envi-' **&, of Duller Brothers, New•—.!— York; Mr. Kouratt, ot the

Btate,line tributeHarry Moore, andFrwholdsr Lewis

That '.he organizationconstituted seemstheare

envi-'record in the reorganization».,.* recordIn the g Mr- F o u r a t L o t n ^?%

of the police department. He has ^oey Relief; and Rev. Carl C. E.l innovations Me»»erg, pastor of the Methodist

the clovtrleafBon tO SU1HH1WI1B ,-, - „ , „ „ . . _ ,

AKBNiV-Mr. a.ud Mrs. Au- i Karate at five o'clock this tnorniijsliiionseTl. M Holini:"«tfwt,! injuring nlmself and his fatner,

nrond Bltrents of an eight ' Xatm, 54. a panseii^wr in the cftr.SreW 'Simons-are Hit- prond parent:pound son Andrew Jr.. born, yes-

morning. Tin1 falher IB adriver on the Woo<|l>ri<Wi-lorce.

'4i\erinK I'dini O|H>ratlon

el I toinii i i i l , of AlljvMt t r e e l , is re-n j v e r i n t ; f rom A r e c e n t i ippi ' i idii ' i -l i s i i | i e r a l inn al i l i r P e n h A in hoy

(ifliei ' i l l hospi l i l l .

Tni fort'B of the. crash snappedHie pole and badly damaged thecur. The injured were rushed totlte Perth Amtmy General hospitalulii-iv the youimeT man Is beingtreated lor a broken jaw. Thefalher sustained possible, fractur.ui several ribs and cuts on the

leg.I'atrol Driver Andrew Simon

s i n inves i i

p-ar lnient .

tor the police de

innovations,and baseball

c n u r c n -Introduced severalinauRurating pistol

,_ . the men in u»«. vu y i „ = .His friends feel that with his rec- v l g l t o n , T o m out of town thaturrt he has no need to fear the •

inauRurating pistol a u r c n -teams to put the men in trim. Mayor Grein« reviewed the his-

- •--> .K«» ,,,i,v, hiq rw,_ tory of Woodbrldge and told thevisitors from out of town thatWoodhridge had an approximate

outcome of. the general electionin the fall.

John Bergen, familiarly knownMr. GernB1. opponent

indicated by

Interest JJ1- Mr..from Itx ilehtiir^, Ymi c a n t

|i itTI fr.iin tin in witlwOtH interest. Ami the I MWl*-coinpanl'H in these

t imes, have not In1, nly "rieneriniH with i he ptAicy

who haven't liad the money to"meet their premiums,tholomew's coini'sinypolicy that Mr. l lartholoniewIIH In pursue, Ihfy would 'hi-en bankrupt i'mt; beforeHliirleil und he would haveout of a job.'

pUliililik the teachers 'to u rep trier whose paper MB \:iee|i e v e p l i i m a l h untagonM|Ctoward Ih,' leiichers, Mr. Kechrtit

n.ii<l:Hail Ki Hire Attorney

'•In \'i\'," we requested U»eiioavd In niiike every eiTori lo Wethat mni:i-y ,i:ii<l lor ^i-iiuuli caMlfeM> tlii' school iren^ury. The liaaVd..u-. s d. rellrt iu iieirormini; tha t :

As u r t su l t . the teacheisit iieceattHiy l«i empluf -UL

Hltnrncy tn fhhl IIIHI i»BW.. Xhtu,just ice (it our liiilit i« r.'comiliadby the present Towimhip ofllclalsWho In pre-election '

r'act that other municipalities ^ ^ .I.IUIIIUII „patterning similar organiza- ^ ^ 9WtlilUHIl,B h(lV(. 1>ru,,,be(l ui.


„.,: patterning similtlons after the local one. One inparticular, is the Leonia Com-munity Association »P<"Carnegie Foundation and lh<, c u l t

by Dr. Lonmls of Columblu Unl- h , r s % l r . swhrlst

ilo (iivislon oi lax«« re-ceivable. We Iwvti never n»tt«t

more ll.an a iair percentage,''UiscuBslns the "cut" takua by

verslty.The local wodatlon is »eg»- , 0 I , t h f l '* U f t - ! ^

for similar sponsorship, m a d l ' " t h ' a<;'")°1 j U d « r t «fii,, year, Uie teJiclursaccoiujtetl

«8)Hllt At the Matewhich, It secured, ansures wide




In ttoWard, having a host of friends.which should make the contest aninteresting one.

Resrardless ot unfounded proiMdi f "

, u w . . 26.00U and coveredi area of 25 square miles""Woodbrldge" he said, "like

communities Uas beeni and

we are sirmng <«, make endsmeet. We are in Ij&jies that Intime ttiingB will pick up. It Ie-or-ganizationB like this that will helpus to recovery. Organiza,tions like

striving lo

rVcognlii'on' of" 'lis principles :ind ",VM ««').mili. At the wun«6 the Illimiciiuil litnlnel WtS 1,ed. W.' tuu-oiintwl Vur about lit

sym~ \mt cent ,,f the tinvlngs mudn. WetheretiiKi hardly ' ——• "••• • 'I net "KhyliHik" ;

activities.The Home-Trade Week,

sored by the Aasoclation aft aistritiiitf the

merchant, drew wide vouvijieittand approval of a unlmu- o^hjietlnn. Il offered -.1 rourrei« exam-ple of the New Service ' '

%• M r . .


Howard-Madison, of the I u° '•" ' ;. . r u , .• .._. ...Ithis are eBBentlal tu ihe civic

Havoul heard anything . aboutt!ie Schwartz UOys down In Car-it ret lately. Am wondering whatthe latest developments are In thet'Me. Ur 1B. It possible lhat the >Curteret police in wltholdlng)uuy of the publicity! The manhunt seems- to have lagged. Per-ictps the Dillinger hunt is takingt-.'ry -available man In th country.

Police Expect to Make Arrestsin Hi-jacking and Kidnapping j

Staged at Colonia Yesterdayilue of cargo stolen grossly exaggerated on first reports.—Merchandise carried by trucks believed to be worthi- . . n.»n MK.ooo.— Drivers hsld up at point of gun.

1'OltT IlBADING. — At a recetilmeeting uf the Colombo Lodge,Sous uf Italy organization, the fol-lowing resolution was adopted inmemory of Ihe late' Sylvester 1'aloI'erlh Aiuboy fimnun, wh^»diedwhile ptr^urmiim his duty:

"Whereas, it HUB pleased theAlmighty Ood in his infinite wis-dom to call unto himself SylvesterI'alo, the son .of District GrandDeputy of the Sons of Italy, Pas-quale l'alo.

| . ''Wherea-s, the hearts of all of:' ()a, the Sons of Italy, are filledWith deepest sympathy for ourDistrict Grand Deputy, PasqualePalo In his great bereavement and

"Whereas, the manner in which

Second Ward has the support ofthe Republican organization audhas been indorsed by several ufthe Republican elubg of his wardto dute.

Mrs. W. L RaupChosen new Headot Woman's Club

Succeeds Mrs. Asher FitzRandolph. — Installation

ut .. . , they areterusted in the welfare aud pro-

of thewtlole'The second speaker Mr. Kouratt

ldeu infor the first

t l l v

commercial pursuits;tin* drawing the attention ofconsumer to thu fact thai •chandlzing should aud cuu '•>community Interest equal to edu

- . . . I . . . .

t i lellier-of a

we i

any oilierciltlonal facilities oriiiuiiLcipul function.

,, . . . ,. , ,, , An office for the diseminuirnndiscussed he relief problems as. M n d h

they pertain to the butcher a n d L m m h m h M ^ 0|)|.|1(l(1 ,n

"n.ne-.r' » j i i» . , t n e K « - Uuildlng on Oak Tree'The federal gift a# most of r o ( uj

you know," he declared "is a pro-,• • — ,u_ ...I,,!,,,! Negotiutions are now und

n ,duct over and above the regular Negotluinrelief, lu the past the federal g i f 1 1 1 ^ take poBBmion uudwas handled through-.th» whole- ^ bul l( l ln

v5 l n t o

that t h e r e ' H a l 1 ' f o r t h e U 9 e of


Arrests are expected shortly in the hi-

There to alwayit ain every law. Thl» tact was(ttrclbly brought out tlilnweefc wh«» it wits learnedlhat toe reason the UugKNiUukiim Company was nutimylng a "I'eddlerV1 ton wasdue to the fact tlmt tlu?y haveltsaood Uielr injclui U» vpter-«JK and **ten»ut are exempt,'rtielr attorney must Joiveread up on Ills books to getthat one out of ttie b*C'I'rububly had to shift drivenaround a bit. Uut then again« little strategy saved »75.1K»[MT truck, tain year. Whlclionly proves ta»at •'Ways IUKIHeantt" committees do and do•tot (uuctun.

We've often heard of a countryboy going w the city with flowern

R a n pto be held May 24.

*Mj>wfj e l e « e d P^slde^Mfbrldge Womans club at anffl hld ^ ^ 1

WilliamiH ot the

First reports .had the(KK) but the amount was _.tioH is now set at about one half of that figure

The drivers of the trucks, O.ua- -•"•""

Sylvester Palo, ot happy rtemory.l " " " " " " " ^ " " '"""-, .-met his untimely end In the fear-1 e > e c t i o n o t offl,cer? he, d - , , ,les9 performance of hia duty caus- X*"™"* »«• the Craftsmen s clubw a feeling of untold pride in o n , G r e e " 8 t r e e i ' M "' R


that one of our blood and race so Baf\ M "' *»»er ftti Randolphnobly paid the supreme sacrlnce who has been president of the or-ln the discharge of . public trust. ^ ^ \ X J ^ u t ^ l

ed i(o that Mrs. Randolph couldsucceed herse-lt b.uf this year sheinsisted that someone else be giv-n the office. Mrs. ,lUup has been

saler with the result that therewas an enormous amount of but-ter and salt pork spoiled. """"government has stepped inhas taken over the distributionsWarehouses have boen leased inJersey City and a fleet of trucksdeliver the federal gifts to l U"grocer every a«ond week-federal girts will not be placed instores that have but a "•••'••^

•- Now, therefore,

a*.,,*... Vhlladelphia, and FrancisH. Brown, of 307 Gillesple street,Philadelphia, were proceedingalong the Lincoln Highway aroundthree o'clock yesterday morningand when they neared the Colonia

'— ' -—... iKo Union


Be it resolved, that this aswd-., . jn, tlio Sons »f Italy, hereby ex-

•inrl thp tntil v a l u a - i t e n d t 0 l J a 8 1 u a l e P a l ° ' l t l e Districtana ttie lotai vaiua i ( l r a n i l D w u t y ( o u r d e e p ^ t e y m p a -1 v e r y ^ ^ l n

thy and sincere condolence in hla , fairs and Is a worthy successorKreat 103s and further extend tohim the assurance and consolation



dents as


ii recreational center andfor the holding of social orpublic ^ m . ( .mi , s a m ^functions. As soon asmass meeting of mem'

easlble,t-iH and

tereBted residents will be. held inthis building, at which time, com-plete details as to the Associationaims and principles will be ex-plained.

they Harrydinner.

CountryCounty line,road.

Club near the Unionsedan blocked the

The drivers told the police thatT l armed with guw|.

two men, armed with guw|.

iu his 'jutton hole, but when a efcyb.iy coiues to the country with aDi.iisy iu ids lapel-Well boys.U; ure It out. Last week the Sena-t e irom New York City, "Segalby uam« vialted the Townin ; the pansy.

Quite a hub-bub wandown at


Htuto paWemploy*** I u r a 9 "

otUent wUI ••» ' e t

Beliefp Us purwbttiMlW r

(rded the truto ttte sedan aud after beinglieved ot their driver's l icensesaud truck registration curds, theywere placed iu the rear of the se-dan and covered with a heavy

uRiii. )»„ l;y the gunmen. Uirseuand Brown said Ihej' were unableto distinfulsh their captors be-c.iuse they had caps pulled downover their eyes. They were thenplaced in one of the trucks andlocked in. After several hoursthey finally managed to nry openthe door and seek aid, |

Patrolman John Croveltta rushedtu the scene and after a> searchfound the licenses and registra-tion card which were takeh fromthe drivers on the seat bt thetruck.

Lursen and Brown were takento police headquarters whote they

.that tiie meiufiry of his 'brave son Vwill.b<» ever grflfcn In the hearts OPhis fellows aa one who valiantlymid fully saw his duty and metit regardless of consequences."

DoniinCO Doclbus,Recording Secretary,Colombo Lodge No. 1214Sons of Italy,

1 lJort Reading, N. J.iv'iseare lacovlne, President.

rs. Randolph.Other officers elected

iffltJlCfi, president, Mr..'J.mers; d i e presid


I £ , t o their' IUW.drivers said they waited a

d t h ndriversminutes aud then



truck.-tarted. Theheaded in the dV-

to police Headquagave their statements t0 Detectivelerseant George B. Keating. Ser-geant Keating also questioned themen and later in the day they

question*! by Count* »«tec-Harry McDermott «nd Chief

l'*olicti James A. Walsh.The iwlice are following up sev-


NEW BRUNSWICK. — The an-nual meeting of The MiddlesexCounty Tuberculosis League willbe on hand May 15, al the Woodrow Wilson hotel, at 12:15 ocloclSpeakers at the meeting will laelude1 Mayor John i. Mowiwu whiwill present a greeting, Dr.Ch.arlw1. Silk of Perth Aeuboy, Dr. Mar-

ter a while tney heard on<,Uiu in the sedan «"*»" ,ia a cop there,

eral clues aindTrre8UareCexjlorted*'! shall Smith of tim Brunswick,

'Mrs John J Quinu presideul o:also started. Luh in u few hours.

turn- right."sa


mep p

the Mui.icl|-Uold Caiidy Hit****1'rom now on rellri

stieet, awl the ,iun»»llumt tiai. be«n tolWfafVB Old« 'Fowue HaU will

by ttaalr l

The Stork vUliad toe -jurtment tnU week, # » » £ * *fa hoy at the home ot Andy Simon-*wi, and • flrl at the *ome »•Sorgaant iwV. Bgai>. ,,.,_

,y tor red Ugnta. TUtty Uelie.ve thatthey were driven to • Linde* orpossibly EHmlitth, where theyentered a garage but they won_-afraid to move t0 make sure.Bounds of unloading were heardaud then finally, Uie two trucksand tlie sedau left the yluco

After rtdiug agaia for a Vhiiethe drWerB told how the sedanBioppoe1 and tlm blwiket was re-moved. They were ordered out oftliH machine aud found themselvesiu the same »uof where they were I


Seu man's Perth Amb«r

PRESCRIPTIONSCallea For and D«Hvtt«l

Cor. RaUway AT#BM

and Qrwtt ItnMtM . MU8S, Weodbrldga, H. JL

s a SMrs. John J. Quinu, presideul, o:I'erth Amboy, Mr. Blrueat 1). t!asuu. aecttUye^Mretary of ThNew Jersey TuDereulu»u Luagu*and Ur. Marian Lowe of the NewYork City Board of Health,


limitedamount of relief orders as theyall come In case lots and therewould be too much spoilage."

Neff aueaker of EveningMr. Neff, the speaker of

evening, was introducedLager, chairman of theHe said in part.

"These are seven 'fundamentalsin business. They are one, spreadyour merchandise investment overthe maximum number of fastturning wanted items; second, putout on display the greatest pos-sible proportion of the inerchan-

Mens' Clubs PlanUnited BanquetEarly Next Fall

Plan submitted by J. BoydJohnston accepted by

lCfi, presiden,ers; Becond vice president, M«.

rving J. Reiiiiers: third vice pres-lent, Mrs. George Disbrow; re-cording secretary, Mra. Noel Kit,ell; corresponding secretary. MrsHoward Stilwell, 1

Directors: Student Loan Fund,Mra Asher HU Randolph; Civicdepartment. Mrs. 1. T. Spencer;

egislation, Mrs", prank Barth;Pl4!fi& dfiEftrtnient, Mra. n. u.

lark; American Home depart-ment, Mra. O. T. Fraser;


• allowed .». .,.-,liiln I press our cause, if yrefc'"

ereuofe, is --.ivvji to Uiuse chargingitiii-re-t, (hen we fimi ii is our"i l u t y l u .iliiir.Li1 a l s o .

Teacli'ix Koncil t*> rairrow '"Tncileiicliers hn;illj' had. to •.\

borrdw money for their living fci-Jliciinea. Nobody loimed us any- J]thimi wlihuut Inleri-sl. If we fyw-rowed I'roiu the insurance compan-ies mi our policies w<! had 10 pay .«i\ per eel)t. It we borrowed fromthe linuiice ruintuinlt'tt wu had topay any where from IN lu 30 peTcent, floods !iou--ht »u credit weitiiind cost us more,. the l9$al._coul dealers tor e\iun|ile, cliarg-

fm. Therein hardly any uornial ju:-!ilii-atloiifor abkiiiK us iu bear the totalburden ot the Tu-wnshiti's defanlt.

"The 'l'ownslii|i iisdi chargesinterest m\ owrttiiv hills as doesthe county, and Ihe «(ate. Are Wetu be .termed 'Bhylocks' tnr pur-suuiK ii similar course?"

.Mr. St'chnsl ihen Uisousfiedsiime uf tlm jiwibli'nis lacingof the lower paid- teachershe Nuid receive an average of hitsthan fM vvr week aud some

' teachers rei-iiiving less than J20i"It hits heeu ri-niarked," Mr. |3e- :

ehrisl concluded, "that with tilt*'cut' some of- the teachers aremaking about a dollar ur twXlrtiore than a CWA worker. To <f»- . |decl those teachers lo carryle-rettl charges in addition is hard- 1

Club* of various Township ly l a i w i l l o board lias never

Musicdepartinent, Mrs. Nathan Duff;Social and Industrial department,Mrs. A. L. Huber; Literature andLibrary department, Mrs. Fred A.Brleggs; Young Woman's club,Mrs. John McCreery; Hospitality,Mrs. Howard Jernee; Internation-al Relations, Miss Huth Erb; Con-servation and Gardens, Mrs. Thomas Leahy.

Year Book, Mrs. George Brewa-ter: Ways and Meana, Mrs. RoyFinn' transportation, Mrs. H. II.Ranklu; Doorkeeper, Mra. Derben

diae you qwn; third, nameprices tnVf custorhers Tarorplainly price ticket everything;fourth, keep your store friendly,pleasant and Interesting; tit'th,

Continued ou Page Ten



WOODBRTDtJE—Mr. and Wt».Louis Cohen, of Barrun avenue en-tertained the Lions' club and theauxiliary at one of ihe series ofcard parties of that organization<u their home last night. Therew-'tv nine tables uf players.

The prize winners were as fol-lows:

Contract Bridge, Mrs. A. J


...W00DBKIDGE.—Initialfor a banquet to~ be attendedthe various Mens' Clubs of the

tioned our mural right lo the in-terest. Only the Taxpayers' asso-

pl^ns elation askn us to Mid ihe Town-ship money without interest.". i

In an lutervlew with u repre-Township were made at a meet- ttenlatlve uf this Payer, Mr. Se-ini! held at the home of J. Boyd dirist said that he,hoped lhat theJohnston president of the Metho- reporter, who misinterpreted- » ;dlst B3iscopal Meu'B club. Tuee- letter sent lu his paper by sayilday nlgnt. The meeting was the ue attacked the Bmird in a head- JJfirst step toward a united Men'sclub representing all the church-6B

to plan *as Brat smuefltadJMr. Johnston and accordingly a |

Lout, Mrs. Morris Klein.Pinochle, Mrs. Louis Cohen.

Mrs. Morris Cnoper.Bridge, Mrs. i. H. Concannou,

Mru. Mack and Mrs. Stdpnen WyldThose present were: Mr. and

resolution was passed by theMi.thodist Men's club on April 18to participate in a united banquet.The banquet h scheduled to !ieheld In the early part of October,as an opening event of the season.

Those present at Tuesday'smeeting were Rev. W, V. D.

.Strong; or the Congregational1 church; Wayne T. Cox., I'ruf. John

line lu take the limelight awayfrom the course pursued by hispaper, would sjive ihe. loachew a .'lair *t>reak.'' ,

Car Uet'overed .WOOUBRirXlli. A Studebtieri

, owned by Otto Velbinjer.Jof 404 Allen atreeii, Lindee and!)stoleu from tba.1 place, was fo

H.Love, Mr. T*ey, RBV.' UsrtDevanny, of the rresbyterlanchurch; John Short, Rev. Carl C.B. Mellberg, of the Methodist

l church and Mr. John- I•4\

a g to WA. Harry Moore us the

deserted in th« hedgeItahway Reformatory Tuesday!night. The car, which wasat $200. was turned ow-r toowner by SecgBuin John

WGODUHIDGE. Mra, J. LesterNi-ury, or Elmwuod avenue, hasbeen chosen to take the part., ofJunet Gaynor at the Y. M. H. A.,

Thursday nightTheatre, Perth

|-May"i*'a\ the Old Mm In MilllinKton. The luncheon will wind

Itunawaya I'lckt ^WOODBHltHiE. (ijuoVge tiathODBRlD

14. of William street, East^e a » d W a l l t i r U l u e r ' U ' o t

O t

atThe MatestitlMui r u n a w a y B w e r e p t c U e d

BundQuist yesterday morning. Parants of both, boys callod tor them

Head ttie

cannon Mrs. Mack, Mrs. Stephen arrangementsWvld Mr and Mrs. J. J| Uunqe, musical program will be provided.Mr and Mrs. Thomas Levt, and Tlw .pastors of the churches will

•« 4t«uh«n HrUBka. «* I serve iut a reception committee.Mr S M« Henry Hanson,! Due to the hut that the ;liuuer

Mr* Ouigley Mra. Martha Zeftle- was Mr. Jobustuns original Idea,Mr and Mrs. Kirk Gray,, Iw baa been wade chairman of

{ Klein Mr. and Mrs. Qeor-*'the affair. He is gratified with theMrs. A. Wolfe,I response being showu thruughout

" the towMblp.Mm, R. Wolfe, iin. Petec Greln^r.

Sign 'IVtHKWj

Hunilreds ]Hit-

Omiipuny, of WoiidliridKe, fflfc \thu

J)ltl<" 'hnrn'-)4«l«4 lit Uuii

Mcl.aod Hillthe iiiiylilM olcltwitd bauks which UHIOI(lie Vederdl Rtaervt

All depositors uf tttebunk^who have not ipettfuit lo date are urjdo Ho al onco by thjof ili« movement.

Page 2: Sechrist Rebukes Bartholomew For Crow's Calling Teachers ... · yuu lake it upon yournetf to talk about tiie ''Old Towno" or in fact mi) ol the people tn it. 1'robabl) will become

Closer acquaintance withliterature in steadily

bridge Township are for you; the


hook on • KnrriB Uhrary. ^ednesdayn at 2question']1. M.; Sewaren Library, Thurs-interest.|days at 2 V. M.: Iselln Ubrary,nf qucs-1 FridayB at 2 I'. M.; and ColoniaIn (he| school,' Fridays, at 2 IV M.

'•Where can I find vpaintings?" Th

an awakenedOver and over this ty;>

1B heing answeredlibraries of America. Un-

employed «nrt shortened working! The Leisure Time' " Rchool Baseball


this week with the first game be-tween Hopelawn and Pords. Murh

numbers. The libraries In Wood- i interest lei batng shown In theleague and It 1B expected that the'

p book forrequest »nd four

listed tor theI'Re your local libra-

Thfi Leisure Time Committee isstill very desirous of obtaining alarge dictionary for one of theTownship Libraries which doesHot have a copy. Anyone hating adictionary around the home whlcbIt not being used and would liketo donate It to the Leisure TimeCommittee, kindly call WoodbridRe 8-1482, and someone of theatari will Btop for It.

urday to Sergeant andJack Egan, of King George'sroad.

New exhibits haw been placed * • • »In the Fords and Iselin Libraries THE PARISH HOUSE FOOD Salethin week, in fords there la a| will be held tomorrow from 11

A.M., to 3 P.M., at the home ofMrs. H. Thompson, of 627 New

gentire project will b« a huge suc-cess. Complete details of allgames played will appear on thesports page each week.


display of ;mstera and muuutedpictures of wild flowers, while InIselln Uie exhibit consists of Ital-ian and Mexican costume dolls.Both of these exhibits are worthBeelng. Stop at the libraries thisweek and se them.

' » * * ^The Leisure Time Handcraft

classes have been doing some veryinteresting work. Among_the ar-ticles that have been made arelampshades, hooked rugs, wallpanels, baskets, etc. Some veryodd materials have been used in

- t t l s work. Lampshades were madefrom hrown wrapping paper, col-lar and cuff sets from linings oftire patches and waste paper bas-kets, from ice cream containers.The designs, patterns anil colorschemes all have been chosen anddrawn by the members of (lie clas-ses An exhibition of work repre-senting all the classes is beingplanned for the near future. Mem-bership Is still open for any of thehandcraft classes. The schedulefor meetings follows: WoodhridgeLibrary, Mondays at 2 P. M.;Strawberry Hill School, Wood-bridge, Thursdays at It:45 I1. M,;



M.WOODBIHWK -Miss BCampion, of Albert street, was^given a surprUfi dhower TunfllavnlRht !>y MisR Susan Murphy, MlgaKthel Cnmplon, of Wrmflnrtllgeftnd M i s s i v e Fox.'of Kahway,a! Miss Murphy's hfome In Amboyavenue. Minn Camp-on Is to bemarried to Lloyd \ Bowman, ofPerth Amboy, on Saturday, June2.

The decorations were In pinkand green. Under an open umbrel-la sinpended from the chandelierstreamers extended to « hugebask«t filed with gifts.

Folowlng the presentation ofthe. gifts to the bride-to-be, gameswere played and prltt* were wonby the Misses Doris Blnhorn, Mar-garet Bergen, Marjory Fullerton,Marie Graumm. Ellen Mullen andVeronica VcLeod.

The refreshment table decora-tions wera tall pink and greendandles and spring flowers ofsimilar h i m

Those present were the MissesMargtrot and Helen BUton. Janeand Helen Gerlty, Adele and Flo-rence Kenna, Bllen Mullen, DorisBlnhorn, Veronica McLeod, Mar-jory Fullerton, Margaret Dergen,Ellen M. Campion, Loretta Camp-ion, Marie Campion, Ellen, Ethel,Helen, Mary and Catherine Camp-Ion, Marie Orausam and SusanMurphy of town; Irene Pox andMrs. Harold Farr, of Rahway.

Brunswick avenue.• • • •

MISS BETTE SULLIVAN, OFTOWN spent the past week endvisiting relatives In PrincessBay, L. I.

• * •Mil. & MRS. HARRY MAIEU, OF

town, entertained a group offriends and relatives at theirfifth wedding anniversary.Cards were played and refresh-ments were served. Those pres-ent were: Mr. and Mrs. A. Fed-denson. and children, Lorraineand Harry, and Harmon Fir-mer of Perth Amboy; Mrs. I.Horup, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Maler-Lorraine, Audrey, and Marjo-rie Maler, Harry Maler, Jr.,Donald Bruce Maler and Mr.and Mrs. Harry Maler of Tbrds;and Joseph P. Campion, and Mr.and Mrs. William Romlg anddaughter, Owynne, of Wood-bridge.


town has returned home after)spending the past week visitingin Washington, D. C.


was th'e dinner guest of Mrs. J.Calvin of Woodbrldge, Wed-nesday.


about ^igain after being con-lo her home suffering a

regular meeting held recentlyat the home of Miss HedwigBergmuller, of Fifth avenue.Other officers elected were sec-retary, Virginia Manaker, andtreasurer, Marian Barth.

• * » t

MRS. WILLIAM BARTH, of Mein-ler street, entertained her cardclub Friday afternoon at herhome. The guests were: Mrs.Harry Dletz, Mrs. George Mac-Intyre ,of Rahway; Mrs. Pat-rick J. Donate and Mrs. E.Glendennlng, of Avenel.

t • •

MRS. MARJORIE SOFIELD ANDchildren, of Woodbridge. havemoved to Mdnwr street, here.

• • • •

MRS. AL SCHMIDT, OF FIFTHavenue, entertained her cardclub recently. Mrs. WilliamISarth was hltrh scorer. Theguests were Miss Eleanor Wall,Miss Kay Christlsft and Mrs. E.Glendennlnn.


Government Moves to Halt DestructionOf Farm Lands by Erosion


ANNOUNCING...the removal of

Catherine Schuberts Beauty ParlorFormerly of Dunham Place


and will be known as

Catherine - M*rie Beauty Shoppe~ \ | I KINDS OF BEAUTY WORK DONE


EVGEM AND CROQVWOLE WAVESFinger Waves 35c - Friday and Saturday 50c

Catherine • Marie Beauty Shoppe70 MAIN STREET, WOODBRIDGE, N. j .

Telephone Wood. 8—0164

An Iowa fwm, terraced to prevent soil erosion by heavy rainfall, It ihown «bo»«. The mwblne»hown In action at left dig! basln-liko holes which bold and absorb rainwater. At bottom rightli a typical example of an eroded slope.

fractured ankle.

MM. OI-GAthe cast week visaingin Washington, D, C.


IWQ0DBR1DGE.—A regular,

meeting of the First Ward Repub-lican Club of .Woodbrldge washqld Tuesday night at the club |

SPENT roims In Amboy avenue. Vicefriends

THE RBOULAR MEETING OFthe Uis Cinco Muchachas Clubwas held at the home of MissKlsie Thompson. Plans werediscussed for a trip to NewYork City sometime In May.Dancing followedthe businesssession. Refreshments were ser-ved. A card party under the

MK. AND MRS. LYLF, REEB, OKDover road, are on a trip toBuffalo.


Highland road, attended theinter-frater,nity ball at RutgersSaturday.

ypresident William Mesalck presid-ed.

Preliminary plans for the com- \ing campaign were brought upand discussed and much enthuBl-i

asm manifested.

ANSWERING the n a t i o n/V "BOS"-In this case "Our Soil"—the government Is lac-ing squarely ttae menace of Milerosion.

Determined at last to check theevil which has destroyed u areaof farm land equivalent to th«combined acreage of Pennsyl-vania, Connecticut and Massa-chusetts, Uncle Sam's agriculturalexperts are testing anti-erosionprojects in many parts of thecountry.

1 Erosion, "the loosening and re-moval of toll from 1U last rest-ing place by the action, of water,")3 both a Good Samaritan and anevildoer. It benefits the farmerby crumbling mountain rock Intofertile soil for the lowlands. Onthe other hand, unless checked,it steals bis rich topsoil.

Mothgr Nature's bathing bill, ItIs estimated, costs Americanfarmers $200,000,000 a year.wise. It to-'calculated thatamount of rich super-soil lostevery year would create 1250farms of ISO acres each, with asoil depth of 12 Inches—the average depth of American uplandsoil being eli Inches.

Commltteeman Spencer, of thefirst ward, was present and spokeof matters relative to the club Inthe coming campaign.

The next regular meeting of theclub will ba Meld Tuesday, May 8,

icauspices of the Las Clnco Muc- at vhich all members who are in

ln the candidates for of-sed to attend.

hachas Club will be held Fri-day evening, April 27thbourn of Miss Margue1.k*r, Main street, FjarfTs. A pilIIW will be raffjifl off at the


His crocodile tears doing himno good, this husky ropttto iaforced to submit to glrlhandMBgby ^16-year-old Uleanor M-ink,who thus thrills spectators at-a.Los Augoles alligator farm. Thegators with which sh« wrestlea-.neanure from four to eight feetU Length.

WILLIAM ALLEN,Mrs. George Alten.


daughter, Theresa, of CedarGrove, visited Mr. and Mrs.John Wester, Sunday.


elected ptesldent of tha Mis-sionary Circle of the'First Pres-byterian church, of Avetjel at


VOUR future success and financial independ-

ence depend upon your ability to save.

And the way to develop your ability to save is

to include, in your routine of living, regular

weekly deposits in a savings bank account.


Institution"A HinUM. SAVINGS BANK"

U 9 Irving Street Rahway, N. J.



C. & B. Lines OperateOn Weekly Schedule

CLEVELAND, 0.—The greatsteamer "Seeandbeo" flagship ofthe C & B Lines will operate ona regular weekly schedule, during1934, between Cleveland and Buf-falo and Chicago. Seven-day roundtrip and all expense cruises at lewcost will be the special feature*of thlp service. However, one-waypassafe and port to port trips willbe available (or those whose ar-rangements do not permit of thecomplete cruise.

Every Indication Is that the sec-

Kiddie Camp toConduct County

Slogan ContestA county-wide slogan contest

conducted under the auspices ofthe Board of Directors of theKiddie Keep Well Cum;) ia now inprogress. A prizo of five dollars<?5.00) will be awarded tor thebest campaign slogan describingthe one thousand dollar ($1,000)drive whlc i the board is under-taking. This fund is to be used tocare for sixty (60) additionalchildren at the camp, this yearand will include beside the cost ofmaintenance the entire equipmentcost for this number.Through.the CWA the camp has

ond year of "A Century of Prog-j been increased in size by six Uor-reaac" Chicago's Great World's mitories, a laundry, garage, craftFair will be more interesting and shop,1 dispensary and a new plumb

ins and lighting system.The regular appropriation of

the Board of Freeholder <tid not

wonderful than the first year, andfor that reason traveters from theEast can combine the pleasures ofa wonderful lake cruise with avisit to the Exposition.

The operation of a regular sche-dule makes travel on the Steam-er "Seeandbee" Available to trav-ellers from Chicago and the Westwhose destination may be Cleve-land, liucalo, Nlagra Falls or•joints «wt.

General Manager, P. J. Swartzof the C. & U. LlneB is enthusi-astic about the prospects for the1934 sfaaon and in anticipation ofa large volume of passenger trafficboth eastbound and westbound ofhas jwne lengths In providing aprogram of entertainment on shi;>board that will be unique in lake*transportation.

The S. S. Seeandbee Is knownall the world's greatest showbo«t

of this erceptionally highquality will be a nightly featureon every cruise and throughoutthe day there will be arranged acontinuous program of social e.-Ve.uU, deck sporU and entertain-ments of a varied pharartpr. ANationally known orcUeutra willpcovide mimic .for dancing in thebeautiful n«w ballroom.

Tite first sailing 1B fromJuly «lh fwkW UtevoiWUl

fTHE first federal action In th«•*• campaign against erosion Isbeing taken by the Soil ErosionService, a new branch of the De-partment of Agriculture. Instates all over the country, ex-perts have begun to co-operatewith the farmer i t '."M** ulslauds.

Steep slopes will be taken outof cultivation and planted totrees, grass, and other thick-growing crops i which will pre-vent sheets of water from pour-ing down and washing away thetop soil. These timbered areasmay be restocked with game, thefarmers to be paid by sportsmen(ur hunting privileges.

Areas of cultivated land whichslope less 3teeply will be pro-tected with "strip cropping."Thia means that . clean-tilledcrups, such as cotton, corn andtobacco, will he srown betweenparallel bands of grass, sorghum,anil other dense crops plattedacross the slopes on the level.

These latter crops, catch andabsorb the rain water flowingdown the slopes, preventing Itfrom continuing Its damagingway downward.

superintendents, as well as thesupervising principals.

The slogan should give someid^a of the purpose for which themoney is desired, and should beshort enough to read at a glance.A committee of the board- of di-ructors will act as judgos.

Kntranta may submit as many

Fields are b t l n g terracedwherever practicable. Crop rota-tion, cover crops, and other con-trol mewurts art also being em-ployed. In awn* localities a ma-chine ia belat nsed that scooptout 10,000 bum-like holes to theacre, giving tot land a waffle-like appearance, Each of theseholee retains about five gallonsol water, causing It to sink Intothe ground where It frills.

• • •

A 8URVUK made In Wisconsin"• last year showed that land ofabout average slops lost 77 tonsof soil from t tingle acre, wherecorn w u grown. Where bluegr&ssgrew, the land lost only the Insignificant amount ot .0063 of ODOacre. Thus, grass cut down thesoil loss more than 10,000 times

Other eurveya have revealed.Similar benefits from strlp-croi'ping, terracing, reforestation, am.crop rotation.

The 35,000,000 acres of American farm land Which eroirton hat-destroyed, of Course, cannot be reclaimed. But It Utencouragiutto note that the nation is beatlrring Itself to keep its other bundreds ot millions ot acres from uiltnllar bte.

slogans as they wish, but «ichmust be written on the outside ofan envelope with the name andaddress on a paner sealed inside.This envelope should then bo-enclosed in a second enevope andmaild or delivered to Miss JanePackard, Haritan Building, PerthAmboy. on or before May 1.


164 SMITH STREET PERTH AMBOY, N. J.• •i;-";:-'-i-irri:ftriairfinitj[TftffHT;m;^i;


CoatsSwagger Suits



Don't Wait! . . . Now is your chance . . . Take advan-tage of our outstanding values . . . and extraordinaryprices



LINED 1 up


Tel. Perth Amboy 4—2027


Hours- Dally, 10-12, 2-5, 7-8Wednesday 10-12 Only



Xovct Order

allow sufficient fundsmaintenance of the

for theadditional

number which the new buildingswill accommodate. The stum of om>|thousand dollars will permit tbir-1ty boys and thirty furls to enjoyu full month at the camp. i

The slogan contest bus the <-u-donement of All the county scboo,!


14arl Hwmuiu IWvt.miy,(Daylight

Manday July !)th and arriving InChicago Wednesday morning Julylltli. A» the ublp does not leaveChicago until Wednesday eveningat 11:46 P. M. round trip cruiseiiaBBoiiKera have an entire day andnight to duvote to tha World'sFair. Stopu will be nude at Mack-inac Island on both eastbound andwestbound trips. Bault Stu, MariewJH be a port of call on ttfe «r*)t-boi nd tri|., which also includesthe attei, x>n cruise throughGeorgian Bay. This 8*me schedulefoiling. w(lh roped to days of theweek, will be followed through-out the seuon through the ftntweek of September.

Sunday. Church School ;it !i: 15-Moniins worship, 11:00, Sermontopic, "House Clranini; Time"Evening Worship, 7:45 Kermoutopk1, "Saving time" IntennediateC!. %. 3:00. Y(fUiiK |>m>i»}u«i choir4:15; Hi C. B. 7.00.

Tuesday May 1st. The. regularmonthly meeting uf tht; Sunday(i$|iQpV teachers will b« hold attht) home of JIM. Walter WRIT,14|i Crove avenue,, «t eight o'clock• • Wednesday, I'rayurK, 7" 4 S

The mtsk ci»mm(ti<># Miiumnn'i.uuntil Ihvi f f h

tiirtvltji(njie>( until I vvacation thj; miisfc Of chlr h i r nwill be uMbr the direction of MisaMarie l,«ldal, a member of thufamouB Westminster Choir ufPrluceton. Friday aftcrnuoim amievenings will be given over tu in-dividual VOice, ll'BHIHIK tu tllOHIjwho are faithful In thf()r attend-ance. Saturday morulug there Ina Junior Choir rehearsal for tin:children whose tk£Ba ttre from (ito 10, at 0:00 o'clock. Tim Intuiymediate chotf, ages 11 to 14 wll(meet at 1Q:00 o'etpek- The Adultchoir meets Saturday night from7 to 9. The young people* choir,ages from 14 through It will mtaetSuuday afternoon at 4:15,

Margie's 35c ShoppeSHAMPOO withfinger wave


Modernists Permanent, was $;i.!>0—NOWMarcelle Flat Wind, was $5.110—NOW



Don'tQuarrel..!NeverMind..!Don't KO off oh 3 tantrum

OY'IM1 (1)1 i M ' W l t m t . , . W , <-.



Clothes Dry Cleaned & Pressed 75cSATISFACTION GUAUANTEliL)



will mean an extra saving for you nextWinter on your coal bill. Old Com-pany's Lehigh, we have found, lastslonger and gives more heat with lessattention.


Order today—the pricewill advance soon


State Coal and SupplyorationCorp<


J ' KYMSHA, MgT.St. Perth Amboy, N. J.


•OO U.t loriK - 10O l . . t Kid. - 500 StatwooM MK Partm

IWU — g varied intervMihit v m u.- , ( ,. i , v u i

o c c h u i r . , d e c k . , , „ „ , , , m U [ V ; C 1 , , . . . j 1 , , ; ; , '

Un«li>w lure IncMci til , , „ , , „ . . . , „ „


• DAYji,_ CUiclu<l,«B





atoiaiAM IAY


Page 3: Sechrist Rebukes Bartholomew For Crow's Calling Teachers ... · yuu lake it upon yournetf to talk about tiie ''Old Towno" or in fact mi) ol the people tn it. 1'robabl) will become


Personals •:• Fashions N e \ V S O f l l l t erCSt T o A l l 1 Clubs :-: Churchesit. JanieV CastRehearsing ForNew Production

"Philip for Short" to bepresented May 4.

WOODHRIDOE. — Plans havepon completed for tbos farce,Thill]) for Short", which will be

jjlvfln by the St. Jame»r Players'S)rwnatlc club on Friday night,

tav 4 In St. fames' auditorium.Hie proceeds of the pity will b«given to St. James' school.

Rehearsala are being h«W reR-uliirly and the results obtained sojfnr Insure a perfect performancejuhn 0. Campion, who has directnl many successful plays spon-,,,,,.,1 liy this group, Is coaching

tin. comedy.I Throw Inking part are: Josephbtnth. I'lalr Blxel, Norman LewisFrance* Ry«n, Marie Kowalzswk\rtluir Delaney, Mary Finn, Ed-

nl Ruth. Ellen Campion, filea-«r Kowal7.ack-jnrk Janderup's orchestra wil

irni.-h the music for the dancingti will he held after the Bhow-

In St. Jmnet' Show


COI.ONlA. -The New Deal clubIf oicmlii met Wednesday after-loon sit the home of Mrs. C. C.Illlrlii'll, president, with Mrs. K.

beri: and Mrs. Aubrey Wood-Inn'- a"

The meetliiR wened with thetoil;il I'm of th» lord's prayer,il i he ;illeKlance to the flaS, fol-v,m\ hy the singing of the na-iiinl anthem.\(tiT the regular busings sw-

:,i, i\ noclal hour was held Mrs.Kleicfier recited two Bprlng

s IInd Mrs. Henry 8t, C. La-in sang '"Trees". Miss Arllne|ortn>rt of New Jersey College for

men, was the guest speaker ofafternoon. Her subject was

•.sent Day College Life." An'resting discussion was held onii;e life for young women. The

litirnoon closed with a tea.

Norman Lewis

Young Woman's ClubHolds Spring Dance

WOOnnniDOE. — Fifty four'ounlea attended the annual springdance held Saturday night at theColonla Country Club. Tha elim-ination dance was won by MissSpranue and Stuart Schoonover.The mimic waB furnished by theManhattan Berenaders.

The guests were:Misses Marjory Fullwton, Flor-

ence Ochlltree. Qretchen Mohn,Jane Dunne, Lorfalne Warter, Al-ire Wand, Helen Coon, Helen Sul-livan, Margaret Delaney, NancyDesmond, J. Rene Laly, DorothyFarr, Ruth Nelson, Loretta Kolb.

Elsie Agreen, Martha Sprague,Margaret Walker, Margaret Morg-anson, Jean Welden, MargaretI'rlbular, Alice Trainer, EleanorWalsh, Jane Dunlgan, La VerneHamilton, Emma Johftnsen.

Sareda Peterson, Bleubr Hur-ley, Katberine Slattery. Ruth Hen-ry, Cecelia Obropta,, Kathryn Ber-nard, May Paully, Leren* Dlcker-

[lungarian Club DanceTomorrow Night son, Beatrice Rellly, Nit* Whalen

Neola Tomllnson, Clare Donovan,WOODBRIDGE. — The first'Ruth Struve, Helen Klngberry,

ing dance sponsored by the Margaret Wand, H#>len Mullen andCatholic Club of Wood'Mildred Johnston,

will be held tomorrow j Messrs. Andrew Lockle, Whlt-klcrit. April 28, at Our Lady ofmin Boynton, Bertram Wheeler,lit. Carmel church auditorium on,Dr. J. C. James, Wllbert Wlder-iiihoy avenue. ' strom, Arthur Hurley, Albertl'pter Mllano's orchestra will Waters, John Reager, George

fcirnlsh the music for the dancing |Hoffman, Albert Jacobsen, BudVid musical entertainments. At F. stlllman, Chris Stock*l, Jr.,

rM o'clock dancing will begin. Chris Jorgensen.C. W. Hkwiey, Don Barrowntah,

Stuart Schoonover, Harper Sloan,nn- . . n n m w A i t m i i T ' D ° n « l d Weatcott, George Dalton,TO MEET TONIGHT | MlchHel Stofega, Thomas Brennan

Iwilllara Ford, Walter Wurr,lsi'lln.—An organization meet-] Leonard Plckl*, Charles J.

iK or all Republicans oil the Sixth iSchuoehla, Jr., Florenx Dooley,Iistrlct will be held tonight at I Hatland P. Brody, K. M. Chalker,light o'clock at the lire house on'Edward ]Jeeson, John Klsh,.Louis

ii weflt side of the track. |Walnwrlght, Harold Atcock, Dr.Commlttwmeo John A. Hassey, » ? £ • * • Ro«h .Matthew Cura-

-<id Howard Madison will be the m l n f ; . D r pu °- •H"lV,,Dr: Y" H l 6J

I n k e r s of the evening. The pur-1 Bmbothtn. Howard Clark. Prankme of the meeting Is to form a! Marmnclfc Elmer 0. Koyen Eu-epubllna club and elect officers. £"•« •<• £ • £ • Harold Fbrd and

New Trend, 'Name It and It's Yours9



BY HARRIETr pit AT mrythini matt hxn s

natnt swms to b« 1 rnU thtst<tnyt. No lonitr lo JOB walk ID-m « ttori u d ask for "that cnttpink drew that I saw in tb« win-•tuw reiterdaj." No, tndttd, youinn»lF« for "BoHtad,1* "Starlight," "Daydnun" or whathave you. Blouwt, drsstts, coats,nan, at w«ll as loniftni pajamas,negligees and th« Hit art idtotl-neci bj title.

Brliht yonni d*ilfi«ri,t par-iiinlarly our own Amsrlcati on«s,playfully matatehi tbat'tU «n»inmer must nans It befor* sb«ran hav« It

I'o go a st*p farthsr, tvtn fab-rics bars names this spring.I'here are perfum* prtnts for allorea«lorji tbat carry out th« As-signs and color schemes suggestedby the flower that |o Into the perfumes from which the materialslake their names.

And there's something Intrigu-ing about wearing a negligee Ina sweet pet print and using s bitof sweet pea perfame behind thelobe of etch pearly ear or touch-Ing your throat with • drop oflotus scent and donning pajamasIngeniously printed with lotueblossoms.

• • •C PEA KING of negligees, the;^ are made for comfort and toribeor beauty this spring. Theyhats wide, comfortable sleet**and, tor the most part, plainnecklines, with an absence otcumbersome bows or teatlMri.

Many neir pajamas are pat-terned sifter the Russian theme.These hare wide-bottomed trous-ers and hip-length blouses thatare to be worn outside the trous-ers,

The sleeves are full and billow-ing and wide sashes tie aroundthe waistlines.

Look for vivid prints—they'rethe latest news In lounging cos-tumes. « And, if you want to beultra-ultra smart, ask to see theprints that are named after perfumes, fruits, or Sowers.

Italians Honor Anthony A. ^quilaAt Dinner Held at Port Reading

Pnrly sponsored by Sons of Italy Saturday nightat Organization's headquarters.

I'lHtT HF. \ l>IN(i Anthony A t o w n s h i p us wel l an InI \ i i » l lu , t(( Itu-lln. f«n mt-r tnwn*hl;i c o u n t y .

<-<>Hi mil r»iiii!»n fi<iiu i In- wrr iwl M r . / f t i u l U la recogn i sed a s o n *m m ! wan li.m n i i l ;ti n surprise of t h e niitMandlnR Ital ians of t h eillniMi i v i n h> I ' l lnni l in U i u g e c o u n t y In pol i t ica l , fraternal a n dNn l;!l I, H"n •• nt I m l y . at lht> <ir- c iv ic work•-• i i i l / i itl i n H lii ii(|i |iiiirti'in Hainr- n i s i j i p s i e f forts in behal f ofd:i> n l K l t i . j hl« people was that of helplm ©r-

Tlils ii'Hilin. ny W M Riven to Mr. | Kanlie tli,» M l d d l w x County Ital-V'liiHii ••>• tin' IhilUii snelply as i lan Democratic Association, of

f uppr.^lRthm for his un-1 which h« was unanlmoiiiily plfrted•n*oitn In bchnlf of the I president. Although, the club i n

|ic)|ilf in Woodbrtdge I formed reffntly. It already b o u t s.— | of several hundred member* and

1R on« of the Strongeat politicalorganizations in (lie staUv

i u l , . - i ii If i n n11 ni t it ii


Grace Mesar BrideOf Victor Sapenk

woonnuiDOK. Miss OraceMcaar, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Alox Mesar, of Crainpton avenue,btcanie the bride of Victor Super-


Decker place, entertained herbridge club Monday night. Highscores were made by Mrs. R. H.Simpaon and Mrs. Runyon. Tltenext nu-ftiiiR will be held May7, at this home of Mrs. Robert

Photo Courtesy B Altman. New York

"Miracle" Is the appropriately named perfume which lends en-chantment to this exotic ens««bl<!—a Kussl«n-type Jacket withbouqaet design, worn with black sITk trousers thiil are Hide andfull.

,,.,•. TIT-.I oM n v i u [ur / 'UTrn Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lev!, Mr.of Mr andMre John F R y S i a n d M « H l » « W a n d - M r ' •»*

A BEAUTIFUL pale green negli-gee, printed with a lotus blos-

som motif In black and white,has a round neckline full, eHtsleeves ana is tied »t the waist-line with a wide sash of self ma-terial.

The pajamas are SB feminityand becoming as a new iprlrn;dress. "Miracle" is the name ofthe perfume which Inspires >li«bouquet design on a new Russiantype Jacket to wear with blacksilk trousers that are wide andfull.

Many Attend Honorary Members'Night Of County Press Club

John A- Turk, of Sewaren, honored at Dinner-Dance. —Well known speakers address writes.

;tk, of Bamford avenue at theHungarian Reform church onSchool street, Saturday. The pas-tor, Rev. frtank Knvach, poTfnrm-ed the ceremony.

The bride was attired In whitestain made In princess lines witha lone train. Her white lace T«I1was arranged In cap fashion. She.carried, bridal bouquet ot whtteroses and lilies. '

The matron of honor, Mrs. Ste-phen Sunerak, wore a blue organ-

rranklln, of Hah way avenue.


PORT READING, T- Miss F.v-Hyn flels, of town, entertaineda group of friends at a party heldIn honor of her birthday rictnlly.The rooms were attractively dec-orated with green and whitestream«cs to harmonlte with thecut flowers udomlng the room.

An exhibition dance was givenby Miss Agnes dels and JosephBrandon. A delicious mldnlte buf-fet supper was served.

Til* guests included: Miss La-Verne Martin, Marie Halpurn,Joan Regan, Anne Uiton of PerthAmboy, Annette Peterson, Kath-leen Somern; of Woodbrldge; Ag-

dy gown with Uifcta Jacket and1 turban to macth.

nes Crels, Ann Burnyok, Dot Gels,Rita Toner, Evelyn (lets and Mr.

,. _ and Mrs, Oeorga dels, of PortrfR. AND MRS. ALDEItT THER-; Miss Tesslc Dunrtnli. one of the Reading; Art Regan. Harry Sul-

!;t'son, of Pro8pect str.-et, were ] bfldesmaids, wore n pink silk uvan, Joseph Neder of l'ortn An-thp dinner RHCBIS of friends In frock, while the other, Miss Annaboy . Ai j>oris, Marmon Jensen.Nfsw York. Sunday, I Dvorak, wore a blue silk dress. 1 { a y H o r n o f Ra h W 8 y : Bill Mor-

• * * * | Stephen Superak w«s hlB hroth- rlson, Adolph Bauman of SouthMISS IiAVINA STEWART, OF | James Simon and Theodore Super Hlver; Joseph Brandon, Neil l.ar-

I'rlnceton, was the weekend er's best man. The ushers wer.': non, of Carteret and Peter Gels otKiiest of Miss Mnrlan I/ive. of ak, a brothw of the groom. Port Reading,dreei! street.

M1RS EU.A T. WHEELER, OFRidgedult1 avenue, 1R visitingri'lutlvps fii linioklyn.

RAYMOND DEMAREST, OK 3CUBO. spent the weekend withhis mother, at the family resi-

dence on <!rovo avenue.


RABITAN TOWNSHIP —Approxl- Campion of the Leader-Journal,mately 100 members and guests at Dancing was held until a late

and also the exerolse commem-{orating the 126th anniversary

of the founding of the collegeby Mother Seton.

• • • • •

| l3S MARIE LBIDAL AND MissMargaret Anderson, of Prlnce-t«n, were the weekend guestsof Mr. and Mrs. Aaher F1U-Randolph, of Rahway avenue.


1-1 rst Presbyterian chfurch willhollL a food sale tomorrow af-•.erndta at 2:30 o'clock, in theSuuda\ school basement, An-drew ETHs is chairman.

and Mre. Joseph Lettner, Mr. andMrs. J. J. Dowllng, Mr. and Mrs.T, Garrison, and Mr. and Mrs, P.Copeland.


KBASBBY.—Mr. aiul Mrs. JohnManarik, of 24 Aaron avene, Am-boy Heights, announce the engagement of their daughter, Kitty, toAlexander Mondics, nephew ofMre. Elliabe'th Fazekas, of Peter-son avenuo.

The wedding date has been setfor June 1.

tended the Honorary Members'Night of the Middlesex CountyPress Club held at Outside Inn,here Saturday night.

Following a roast beef dinnera short speaking program washeld. The speakers included: Pe-ter J. Urbap, president of the clubwho weloomed the guests; JudgeB. W. Vogel, the toastmaster;Prosecutor Douglas M. Hicks,John 8. Byrne and EH Ives Col-lins of the Jersey Journal.

The affair was In honor of thefollowing honorary members ofthe association:

Harold 0. Hoffman, commissioner ot motor vehicles; SenatorJohn E. Toolan, Eli Ives Collins,of the Jersey Journal; Judge B.W. Vogel, of Woodbrtdge; An-thony L Aqulla, John J. Qujnn,postmaster of Perth Amboy andChief of Police James A. Walsh.

Turk Honored

John A. Turk, of Sewaren, waspresented with a honorary mem-bership card during the*Bvening.President Urban called on GeorgeB. Keating, chairman of the in-vestigating committee, wh0 mad«a favorable report. The card wasnre»nted to Mr, Turk, on behalfof the organisation, by the secre-tary, Miss Ruth Wolk. Mr. Turkwas sponsored by Lawrence P.


Lov*meFac^ Powder

Enhance! Every Ski*

A million women every day prove w-imitable fcov'me deliately emphasixw

evwy oatufttl kwjty-^Mteals every de-fea. It gives petal-smooth perfection to every

type oL skifl, A fin«t dinging powder whichstays on all day. . '

. • • ' . . . . • . ,' X . s A *H»v. y M trisd dM n»» M ^ *CoU Cr**mf It Mil* M Wy 25<

D16LBALov'me Pomdtr

hour with music by the OutsideInn orchestra.

The committees In charge ofthe affair were:

Entertainment committee: MIBHRuth Wolk, chairman, Meyer Ros-e«blu!n, Elmer J. Vecsey.

Reception committee: Miss Hoben Solomon, chairman; RobertPrall, Windsor J. Lakis.

Among those present wereProsecutor Douglas M. Hicks, Mrand Mrs. John S. Byrne, HarryM. Gems, Judge B. W. Vogel. RoyE. Anderson, Helen Horkay, RayNelson, Mr. and Mrs. ArnoldNielsen, Mr. and Mra. J. J. Qulnn.Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Deianey, Ber-tha Ohlott, Edward F. Christian,Pied Halght, Florence Meroara,Anna French, Thomas Flynn, Wal-ter Eger, Marie Ohlott, ElizabethWilson, Maurline Cox, JaneSchannon, Joseph Mofflt, FrankMcLaughlin, Edward Peterson,Hazel Ludwlgsen, Mr. and Mrs.Alex Eger. .

Lawrence P, Campion, IrenePox, Lloyd Bauman, Ellen Camp-Ion, Robert H. Prall, Jane Cope-land, Sergeant George E. Keating,Mr. and Mrs. John Dykoski, JohnA. Turk, Josephine La Bash, Hel-en C. Charonko, Peter J. Urban,Windsor J. Lakis, Helen Ritchie,Andrew J. Hlla, Jr.. Helen Csuka,Charles Medvecsky, Marie GaydosMr. and MrB. Edwin J. Runyon(V. fireen.

Gil Hunter, Muriel Leach, JohnF, Ryan, Jr., Ruth Wolk. MoeWelner, A. J. Sabp, Jerry Kelly,Marlon Keel, Mr. and Mrs. Ell'IvesCollina, Mr. and Mrs. AadrewHealy. Mr. and Mra. J. LesterNeary, Helen Solomon, Jean DcYount;, Frank Llesen, WilliamIliordan, Eve Patrick. Philip Vu-za, Don Rkhtle, Florence Burke.

THE HARRISON CIRCLE HELD;Its regular meeting recently at'the home of Mrs. Harry Poke, jor Ronora avenue. Plans were |completed for tho curd party to |be held Wednesday evening,'May 2, at tlio library on OakTree road. Mrs. Frank Moscar-'.clll in chairman. Mrs. F.rtwardMcflrory was wi'lconii-dnew member.

THE LADIES' AU1LIARY ANDllii> Veturnna of Foruign Warswill hold a card parly at thepost homo on the Lincolnway .tunikht. Mra, Kan ford Lunaiind William Stafford are oo-chali'ini'n.


1M0AHSON JESSllP,' OF STATRNIsland, was the guedt Sutunlayof Janii'H Adams.

• * * •Ml!. AND MRS. JOHN nUKINlNC

of West avenue, spent the week-end with Mrs. Hrelnlng's sister,Miss Loulae Htzgerald, of


ThU is a series depicting ten new and interesting tablesettings for every possible occasion—from the mid-morning"snack" to the after-theatre supper. Here are presented, forthe delectation of the modern hostess, the latest table linens,accessories and decorations with which the art of entertainingmay be embellished.

Vivian Warren WedsArthur J

FORDS. — Miss Vivian May,Warren, daughter of Mr. and Mn*William Watren of Main street,nncarne the bride of Arthur J.Jardan, Friday night at Our Ladyof Peace church. Re^. John Larkinpastor of tho church, performedthe ceremeny.

Miss Catherine Gardner, ofjPerth"Amboy, cousin of the bride,was the brld«'»^only attendant.William Drnnlar, of Woodbrldge,was the best man.

The brtde was attired In a blue iensemble with white accessories..The bridesmaid also wore ;>luewith.tan accessories. I

After a, trip to Washington. D.C. Mr. and Mrs. Jardon will make]llieir home in WOodbrldge.

MISS EL1ZADETH TURNER, OKTientoi), was the weekend ^of Mrs. Lillian 'E. Morris,Went avenue.


Hast avenue, entertains] utbrldg* last week In lionor of herweekend Kuest, Mlsg Sally Hol-strom of White Plains, N. Y.Tho guests were: Elizabeth Ry-an, Helen Ryan, Margaret Mor-sensen, Eleanor Walsh, AliceTrainer, Elsie Agreen, JaneDunlgan, Marie Dunlgan,.AliceRobinson and Laura Magyar.

I I -THE INFORMAL DINNERCOR the Informal dinner for six, when chic and cheerfulness art

first considerations, this colorful setting will warm the cockles ot1 the heart. The cloth Is an Irish linen duuiusk In de«p Ivory whichforms a perfect background for the copper service plattw and Bacchusgoblets The copper candlesticks bold Ull Ivory lapori, and tho scbemtIs completed by yellow JOIIQUIIB.

eres your mother now

If four i*4*f («"<>*ttnd m Ms

"Sorry, Madam",—but

that's a ctyMi ^"P 0 1 1 " 1

A little mow light* in herhallway would have savedthlB lady a moment of em-banas8ment.

aatloD—no cott

Protection for Vour FursDURING THE SUMMER MONTHS

. • • •

YOU It lovely furs and cloth coals will require oiMisldenilik1

care after a IOIIK wiuti-r'a usHge. To pro|)«rly retain theirprlKtiml life and lustre, fum und cloth coats shuuld be uluciiIn a BeUntiao fur stor*g« vault durlnrtte wtrm sr»(»on.

BT-tmnrftrEMBs to * * P « ? B H " * ^ " * * 1 ^ rittlh-oaau fttr. iutir"Hummer Home11—you are' rpavSl&t all an.x*4ty due to Fire.Tb«tt *nd it^thB.. ,%* wist Is sffiill, TOftlWrThW lm*rif«We: «>utm<NMnis«r will call for them at'onctMPtrone i»; A. 4 \Ui.


A. Greenhouse, Inc.tyf Smith Stwfe wr, HeCWUn, Perth Amboy, N. J.

Rt-AL HAPPINESS and freedom from worrycome with frequent telephone visits to the folks backhome • Call 6 4 miles for 45 cents • 150 miles for 80 cents(50 ctQte after 8;30 p- m>) New Jersey Bell Telephone Co.

Page 4: Sechrist Rebukes Bartholomew For Crow's Calling Teachers ... · yuu lake it upon yournetf to talk about tiie ''Old Towno" or in fact mi) ol the people tn it. 1'robabl) will become







PoMtttwl e r r FTi4»y »i }M New J«ne>. t.y tk* Montrtptl

K N' J RntrrfS it UV Pt«CJ «• i»«riH) tli.'(> mm! mtt

WondtrtfgeOaapwn»t fc«

An Independent Paper



Elimtaatto* of ali gradeHOT* M M r i n

Athletic «u4ioB.N«w PentsyWaaia Railroad station.Sewage dtepoml system.T M. C A. Orguitatioa.Outdoor swimming pool.

White Way' street lightingPublic transportation to outlying dlstricu-WoodbrUfe Mueuu.

FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 1984


CRITICISM., w&nt to be careful of what we say in& critical nature." These words were

uttered Wednesday night by a speaker at j '^^ ~±gMn> ^ w a s noUung" thnl-the dinner given by the Woodbridge Town-

Many of the Washington correspondentsof late, have been commenting on a strangephtfrOmena whkh is furrowing the browsof senators and representatives. There is agrowing volume of public criticism of Ad-,ministration legislation-unaccompanied bycriticism of the man who is raponsble forit. Franklin D Roosevelt

All the Congressmen have been findingtheir mails flooded with letters reading, ineffect: "\ ou should vote and work againstthe stock exchange bill (or some otherWhite House backed bill which holds thelimelight at tire time), jeeause it will delayrecovery Support the President!" !

That isn't at all far-fetched. Thousands,perhaps tens of thousands of such lettersnave reached the capital, and the more'prominent fhe legislator Uie more he gets,in spile oT tfieif otrvtma meoaasteiiew*,such letters are important They showsomething that is of vital interest and willbe a vital influence in coming politicalcampaigns; That the voting public is be-ginning to fear that the New Deal is morerevolutionary, both in principle and prac-jUce, than it had bargained for—but that'*.its faith, its trust, and its affection for thePresident is as strong, perhaps stronger,,than ever. Mr. Roosevelt, in its view, can!make mistakes, but he can do no wrong.

The Wirth inquiry brought the criticismto a head. Mr. Witt's startling charge —that members of the brain trust were con-spiring to overthrow Uie government anaregarded Mr. Roosevelt as the Kerensky ofthe American revolution, eventually to bereplaced by its Lenin—wasn't taken very


thfiV Hhur* an' a body «n Hi* !H«h-w«y tnd dw.mld think an 01 win doin' K 'nlnn you could tee parent* ..„harm by ptjttln' ne« • * « • •» f " " «»«*"• d M r n '* »Wh

w 01 m' Ob, eo»e In, m* tmffliv Y> know, 01 b«t ylad 01 was J<*t trrilT to tho* build grandjtand Wats on tl,,this dlvll o' » home, but snure b* way and mak<i money.

't kaiM ntlll. Hoir are ye tbu' 01 waa readln In a traffic i,,:.Sn/mornln- .T I line that WgMbrldge Tow,, .

Wai how about eomln' ap her* ha* tb« hlflwrt rate of fatalay to »<teBd t h« oilld denU In tb» iUU. 01 think isine Ye C»D'1 because |'tl« time that somebody did „„,

oln <o tb« races at Un*- ; thin' about It all.Shur- phwat do ye want t-> *Arr*h, did y« so up to i

h ll e Hunday and watch thur ph yto racm for when all ye

watch the ther« un 1b*y be

raw track, and fori*re is one a

watrbin the Idiot drivers.u-arin in ao out. Me lad, (MilMl ic, tbat tbey have Bob Sail,md frteddy Ftame and all y«rancy driven llrk<«d a mile. JV

we*k 01 liad occasion to W

Hunday and watch th« newlln« train co througbWai, y« abur«dUI

V<! di l l :

i t . A I ;ny contraption It was Indade i<It fihurn t u afoln' fast, A IMfolics w«r« out to see It go by

Hegorrah, Ot torgot that Oi •to RO over Molke'i house. M,,has n«en all in' a bit. Walt tinHit mo hat an' Ol'll walk ii>aways with yu. All w<t. Let1,,me lad



association at theship Businessmen'sCraftsmen's club.

There is food for thought and perhapseven the text of a sermon in those words—"we want to be careful of what we say ina critical nature."

It is so easy to condemn and criticize. Itis very simple to censure the other fellowand at the same time overtook your ownfaults. It might be considered smart bysome people to look for the "dirt" in things,to poin the ugly finger of gossip at theirfellowman. But all too often the personwho "dishes the dirt" finds he has throwna boomerang.

instead of uttering wortis ot critical na-ture we should make it our duty toisee thebright side of things. We should not criti-cize our neighbor but give him"* word ofcheer and help him over the rough spots.

• — - « - • " V • -

ling in his statement that men such as Dr.fug-well want changes made m the Ameri-can government—Mr. Tugwell has writtenmany books, made many speeches, givenmany interviews, and his ideas are hardlya secret. But in the wake of Mr. Wirt cameother, more moderate and Metier knowncntacs who offered the opinion* that wewere'drifting toward facism, that the pub-;*0"1 to Bn«1»nd: *^* l

p^ ^, * . _, . ' year h a ebown a profit of fcHJO,he hadn t much idea oi what was going on, (^ooo- „,] -n,e atmosphere u


No Cash for Uade S uTbe Wirt MntcryThe Tiger't IntmortalirrPoor Old TrotikT

Mr. Oiamberlaia, in durpeBriUsi fioanrea, tells hapi.v fe'i'.

tiat cooditlont

Lau^iing Around dieWith IRVIN S. COBB


Pleasure Out of Pamj By 01VB4 & OQBB

JOBS GOUKN, the New York theatrical producer, Iflw to go toJ diBBere-puhlie dinners. BeUgHrasl; be sits throngh the speakOf, no matter bow Ud it may be—and jentnlly is; and emerges

allj with a smile of rare content on hit face.Mot k«g ago a friend qnestioMd him regarding his. peculiar

Tricksters can't !at« a steady ey».• • •

Harsh wards always hurt tb«speaker.

• • •Advene criticism often is merely


Mean people always eipect mostgenerosity.

Some folk find happineil la beininnbappy.

No mm ev«r realli^d fullypotentialities.




dittlncUy brigbter."It U not brighter for your Uncle

Sam. Mr. Chamberlain also tn-oouDcvd that "ae did DOI propoac

that the shoals weren't far ahead. Theywere backed up by a substantial volume ofnewspaper comment

And even- one of these critics, as well''to l M t e w »roTisl0D »»J** w-„ „,. * , , . , , . ment of war debts to America, arjd

as Dr. Wirt, was careful to avoid anything, g tement „ , iMdiy cheered.that might be construed as a knock at the It u to be hoped Oat Presides!Prftjydpnt Roosevelt wUl nafee a reply that

w l ] ] ^ -j^jjy cbeerH" on this sideAll of this indicates that Mr. Roosevelt is of u* water.

liable to find it tough getting some of his) ., ,_ \7^.^M .>_. . . . ,. , , j i Money can be collected Boss la^

more unusual legislation through future , ' 1 ^ m otber fou»titeajui tax

Apreel twenny-sewenditur:wui got taollote links tuyu on dis wirt. bighorse

ii got dot nsb guy to file

of Congress—but that his personal] *• an aWpping enterlnt;

hold on the Amencan electorate will con-! J £ ^ ™£« K T J S

•otksu of n evening's entertainment"You must lo\e bad orators','" said t i t friend."Not particularly, answered Mr. Golden. "I derirc my

pkaenre after the speakers finbV""Just what do you mean by -that!"

I "I can best explain," said Mr. Golden, "by teffiBg yon a littleI story: Ooce upon a time up in New Ikigliiul the Tillage idiot wasI «fcs«>TCred sitting on a fence and at intervals hitting Wmself in l i ehead witk a tokmbly heavy hummer. 'Why do yw} do that?' iaqnired* a**** 'Becanse,' answered tb« idiot, ft fed* BO r » d wbes I

H1 no

nit tui "no wiwit bot i wui wannet tole yu botdoi politician meetink on Am-boy awenue dot i wui go on noter

'nit*-.' Boy»'. wui i'tn her lots funseson dot lnwtinfc. forst tint i wuisit dan. de wice-prasident wuisay dot dis meetink no wui gon-out be soch a long, end mr. Pra«-id&nt wu* goBDil said coople

'wurrds befor he wui closing opdis

ThoughU on Economic!Recovery



Work In the natural rlglii ,well M a national obligation ,nlHiuld he provided a* a local •porlunlty M well M an pconmmrcnponaiMllty.

Every community ihoulil |.,.,a continuoua program for (hi'vrtlopnient of Itaelf tbat would a :•:lo the value of IU own ratal1.and thu» pay for lUelf. A prariw ,,iprogram, ever ready to absorb ;unemployed, this would Uke ,v«much of the "fear oT death .',,lOBing 0D4'i )ob at a wage n. ,iwould not keep one from getti .a belter job aa aooo at it coui.lprovided. Work should prod .values for the worker as WPIIfor the society ot which he i« .,part or tbelr to something VThiwith somebody's "brain trustmanagerial capacity.

Woodbridge Township has ;tential assets ready to be dev.ed. It needs but little cooctntr.ed thought and consecrated far

Dan mr. PraslcUnt TTUI got op• end he wui say dot he wui wunI sorry guy, fcUbam o«ink. one y«tt« noospiaper faller

(Aachoi X«n Ttusm, IacJ

A group of Iaeliivcitisena have been plan- » » « to * fi™. There are plenty of poten- j ^.; * „ Lmm.mZ r -n t l «M t«Hav - r e I tiahtMSB for .political excitement in- that, Tbe,•ning a community centre and today areable to report favorable progress. We wishto be among the first to congratulate thesepablic spirited citizens for they have real-ized that in order to keep the young athone you mtest have a place in which toentertain them with good, clean fun.

tialities for political excitementunique situation.

thatj Tbey could not we!! retaliateI since we own little shipping. The1 United States would Akt to hear

. t Prealdent Roosevea »y te tk*The federal government is spending] Brituh, the French aad tbe often,

i»y in a big way—but not in So big a ' "new are several ways of akl*-

v ay as was anticipated three months ago.On January 15, the President estimatedthat the government would spend $10,500,

For some time the various sections of the J ooO.OOO in fiscal 1934—?7,f 00,000,000 ofTownship have been faced with the nee- j l h a t w a s d a s s e < 1 M €niergefncy expense,esaky of providing some centre in which j N i n e m o n t h s oi t n e ^^ y e a r „<> g o n e

to hold their play, dances and other enter- . n o w a n d expenditures have only come totaijunents. They have used school auditor- {$4^00,000,0(^0—well under half. This isiums, but at the best they are only make-' j y rf>out o n e ^ j , ^ m o r e ^ l h e Hoovershift arrangements. i administration spent in the same period of

We suggest a community centre in every j its last fiseal year.part of the Township. Follow the example j princi^i r e a s o n f o r d r o p ^ f o u n d i n

of the lselin citizens wl|o are aboul to • t h e f g c t the emergency payments have to-make good a dream, by building a com-munity centre, and keeping their youngfrom wandering afar.

ladies attending rbe fate-ful \lrtinl* dinner at which DoctorWin thoothl he heard somebodycall Preside* Roosevelt "only tkcKeiWsky In lhe reTalntlou, soon t»

J e rtplaced with a genuine Statin,"tattlfy Uut nothing of the kind n i

An Hour of DaylightSunday morning we will once more ad-

vance the clocks one hour with the provis-ions of the daylight Saving TaW.Ohce morewe will be blessed with an extra hour ofsunshine in the afternoon.

Those of us who work indoors know theblessings of the law, for when we quit workat five or six o'clock as the case may bewe find that we have three or four good

thours of daylight which allows time for aswim at the beach, a ride into the country,a chance to see a baseball game or timefor a few sets of tennis.

Hie welcomed hour of daylight shouldbe used for relaxation, and every residentof Woodbridge Township should highly re-solve that the hour gained by "cheating"

e son will be used for the betterment of|& a welcome relief from busi-

' f

; nan its rewards. Every Tewseasons

-Dea Hoims tribune.

A Mew York town is advertised as hav-iof no needy penoii in i t Whkh is exactlythe kind oi adwrt^ing that will providethe town with M t d j ws^eate ia a m y

In fact, tbe young ladiesthat the dinner started with •olstw by Doctor Wirt wide* oat-lasted tbe dinner. Xc-body ejaecould say a word.

tbe circus kept a'bit stripedtlfer named "Boss" lacked la astronj cm, strong enough to keepthe tlfer in. not strong r&ough ttkacp death out.

Death entered, and ''within teaastute* the tijer was oo his »rayto s* Bade Into a rug.* That wlBbt for tbe tifer a sort of lmmoral-ltj. Fire and moths permittlaa U ibeaacj o»aj_tDrvlT« for 50 y^ara,sude perfect by artificial ejea.tccta aad tongoe, growing gradual-ly dimmer Man has no such cer-tainty of eternity, apart from fait*.ercept la his children. Thej dosnppty what mlgbt be senJ-ettrtsdrepresentation on earth.

Pareats of certain modera <*B-

The budget message likewise included dm. howem, micht wen saj,; iestimates for forthcoming revenue—and in! •*"* " " « te *** tal«-« **

9 m^l mat tmv AtAmlrr that « . * * •

o n | y y>,800,000,000. And that, inturn,' is largely due to the happy experi-ence of the RFC. The budget included al-most $4,00^000,000 .for that bureau —however, since January 1, a quarter of ajillion dollars, has been paid back on loansmade. Head man Jesse Jones believes thatrepayments will take care of all loans to. bemade until July.

Next to the RFC in "economy" is thepublic Works Administration. It was allot-ed $3,$00,000,000—has spent but |8uS,000,000,000.

aim a cat, and 1 propose toyou one or two of them.

ContemporaryOpinionThoughts of Other Editors


, Govt-rnor MOOR- of New Jerseyltb« legisla-

*• exuesiven t South ot As-

bury Part the proprietors of sea

rtiay »oon submitture a proposal foo»an t»»rt

Tront at many beatbestheir UM by.tbe public An auspi-cious beginning of a chain of sea-side parks in New Jireey could benude if the War Department con-


11 is pointed out by GovernorMoore that • Sandy Book park

, wui com on meetini «od he wurjesk mr. Prasidaot if she be ho-kay for him tu stay, end mr. Pras-idint wut say sure, oney. he no

i r u l p u t m n y U n k to

bout dot weetink, bighorte

Tbe first law of economics is t>Mel? is giv<« to those who 'themselves or need help.

Someone may ask what i?=.-And where and how can a cmunity begin?

Of course the writer would8wer begin by gathering the <lertiye problems to some ;miinity centre. No matter ismall or humble in understax

in the organlxatlon ofby seeing to it that each itepen, through public vote, for pbettettttint pays its own wapublic return. Such rommvaluation work would reachthe way from a cittient' wood;to the creation of a beau:town atmosphere in which ;,rperity could ssd would autom;rally kesp tbe "mare Roinp'

Imagine one spot in New Jer^when- moBquitos were never (.pp

would serre the people In the met-,dot wur private mwtink. end dis . _ _. ..vas mad* arailable bis pin to pro- i repor^r fallw wui gif him wurrt ^h«?re unfit dwellings were

'likt gantleman dot lie no wui s**n where every dtlcen wropoliun district, and that, one* itlikt gantleman. dot li«- noput on paaper. so dey wui

wui s**n. where every dtlcentol<"

this the President was much nearer righttlian in his giiesa at expenses. Collectionswere forecast at |3^00,000,000—and act-ual nine months collections came to $2,-300,000,000 which makes the estimate lookquite accurate. Tax collections for Marchw e r e - M20.000.000 higher than iu any»«* ' . l "* ' « * » « . j " 0 0 ™* 1 reve"sue was numing a third ahead of last year

afi TWiMiiry oftciiT^ ""Mqlt!*Pr'ly-.

aad f*t aay eternity that way."

Tker u rtttl a wide fulley between reve-

" • > #


X M f«(i sorry for pour aid Trotaky, AespHc the color of hit polttfcx.Fate pn fcia in the Busslaii re»oj«-ttea, reidac him in (tie hctchta.MaBa thr«p> hlo> out, into Turkey,Ha wandered to France and gidle-leaaty atarted organitiog i -fonrthtBteraatianaie" to "put an end toan trganiud gMwntueui" TbePrCACB RTWlHnrlil fuU hilL oet flfrAot, and tie ditt-Mi I ki-

nd roadviiys.-NEW YORK TIMES.

aented to lease tbe southern end xQ{. vit]l!> 1oT u.VelopiueBiof lhe Sandy Hook Reservation to j ^ n already drjwn.' Tht-y show inth» State. A commission named by ,h(? l n a of n o uti:S a i a s ( X ) n

the LegteUtnre. whicj) has studied , 0 ^o^^ t h e t f 0 fronts, a bath-

with maps, will make tbe'nee**-in a fe? days.

Moor« in a letter to lhecommission refers u> a risit toPresident R*oeer«lt in the interest1

of a Sandy Hook park, and quote*'him: ;

This tract of laud is located ao;«ear the «rext ewtxe of melnaKj-';itan population that it would be agodsend to the people. Many ofthese governraestal reservation*!should be used bj ibe people;whenever it is practieaM* and pos-sible to do so.

vide the peoitle ot Southern Jer-1 D i m he cud wui sit dan eofi l«-f-

sea as of rif ht would V- dimmed.Attout a third of the cost of de-veloping tbe Sa&4? Hook proper-ty couia be met out of th* Federal • ,,"„",'unemploy»ent fund, and ;he fei-'tink

luin*- ti*-i end i gone. way. Fonnylink be wui luk roun for him het-but he no cud find it I he dont wuih«v enyj. Yennyway he wui call•us (rand wh0 wui stend by wind-er, hr wut such a nerwotis dot h«»ui move round lik.r d m mashine

couraged u> develop to his '>•ability his own aad tbe

sey with seaside reserratlons \ tsn. | ' , good, where food for thought .-.:could be Ukeo up. Such resorts! W h e n d i 5 ^porter laller tiaaper;coll**Uve interest grew with >•.,.h-« holds, qnickly liquids* <**i,rUl rom/oiit wryiiBk wui i « : d a v Wd. where a depression vcoEt of eonstruciion. Should tbe i paaper dot wui 'happen on mm- j n e I e r »8iin knows.Sandy Hook land be wlibeld, the;fn k%D d h e s b o n d<3, h e W U I ! Such 8 state is not beyond <:bopd of getting the people to the! ' b k h i m ^ ^ capacity of any alert cop muni'

i . . -,^ ,, *.. J ; . ifr""" « " "u moTed to iu own need* Wh«-i!-the road is yet sufficiently <!;.and fearful enough to want to :gin is the only queation. It i?to us to choose. Th« ''mar

going through, deaire.would»tl! incurred for such & cause.1b< leased lied, not now m«l farUii'.itary curpOBe&, would be re-turnable in a national emergency

Wen de mr. Prasidanl wui fin-is say dis kim* true link, dis re-portrr faller vxii )oni\i op end

holler like yennytink. some-bout yu no wui wa&net me

wui took


der< was sow tek« on dotwoax di£ yetter. taller wuitip he wui nuch a nerwouswut move dem rand like

!be wui play chakers. y&ssir.

p g g gh a r .through dollars. Ultimately itup to each community to ecot>•ically recover itaelf.

coople moar moves end I t><-;<he wut her coople Kings, (>tlnk h« no wut play chaker?dey wui he» to move yenny*lout fruib de door, heh h h •

Wei, ypnrwer mr Hadiiutwuii enjoin mlnwetf' bollots

Goom-bi pleezStaolslaw Doleslaw problem

yean, la

W i t t er iuhat what with Hrofe»><ir Witt aad«s» ihiag «itd tuiUWif && W let Ui i>«v'WS'fii retttve aH m om!i.i«rlet,-

Jaet TroUky to avoid <•!!«.am; tke

I will lift up sine *>es unto the hills,

My «utp comet* from the Lord, whichmat* Isc^vea and eartiv

H« Will not aaffer thy foot to be mowd:be Art ke«|»0lai itm will • *

BeMd, he that keepetfa fend ihall net-Her iiomber not; sleep. —- ThtPsalm*, ptato U l .

QWaf «p. tf four timu* itOiade Sau dtacovm. hirim

I N ] « « • W awUciQal UleIkatfetiMa ae{*«ti«wk anda* DM it far jo*. Sum* «t it* htavM l i a t atfiiaaM win w u*,i «rrj

..u he will . « thegvarantee that dat

will be-paid.Itortcaced borne owners wttl aafc,

*Aa I dreaBalncrSkaae real eatatert will uj, 1<et

sac get my real estate akortctfedto s»y brottter-iD-Uw quickly, aad lathlsj get a govenuaent luataatML"

Una tar tfce p v a u M t t in its it-wvery eiytimfnt has apest «*•tlMiuaad BKUBOD dollars Cor reliefof rarioua klad*. It could apeaitea thousand mlllioni. B wonMaM cost a M M mnwt at w a m tf

are Brtltl aa, since bankeM doW*tty pi) W ( » « , th« tatM

|k§' .anuuj ruaLl ija*

Sew Tort dty tui «T,0W•eat bouaea In vUlch XWO.000 pw-fit Urt, tocmuie- th«* It mo etktrplan (or tfcea to n i t W tba£400,01X1, Kt per teat Ute la Or*mm, MOMttac to uttdal report.iktM la, howCTtr, a tUt er Uola« |»

«M polat at Tit*.twrm dew*,

•ft. tk«

:ir$t Aidtfoubii)-


Join our mvs I



Page 5: Sechrist Rebukes Bartholomew For Crow's Calling Teachers ... · yuu lake it upon yournetf to talk about tiie ''Old Towno" or in fact mi) ol the people tn it. 1'robabl) will become


BffyyjuyiiSQtttiiimij iicinnruiitiin] inm n anmiinfmnrar^minminimiTinii:;ffiffi3unWsminiSia™Sffi?imSS?Hi5

World Events As Seen By The Camera'sSue to Sue Lots of Scents

For Divorce To This Garb A RECORD

A parting of the wa>n Is inlight for Sue Carbl and NickBtuart of tbe movlea, MissCarol, shown above with herhuiband, has announced thatthe Is contemplating a divorce,and that she Intends Boon to re-tume ber film career.

Tills IR a Bermuda version oftlin Hawaiian hula. The cos-tumes worn by Marcllle Stroln,If ft. and Dorothy Ilotan ofIlrownnvlllfl, Tex., are made otonions, and their hula WBB per-formed at the Grand Onion Fes-tival In Itaymondvlllp, Tox.

Arizona's Unique CCC Project

Anything seems to ha grist for the CCC mill. Near Phoenix, Ariz.,they are carving from a desert hillside th!» huge natural amphi-theater, Beating 3500 to 401)0 persons, a project that would havemeant an expense of $30,000 to Phoenli or the state of Arizona.

It's a Capital Spring Day

Political celebrities and other capital attractions were temporarilyforgotten recently while 100,uoo visitors walked anil rode aboutWashington, enjoying the beuuly of spring anil cherry liws burslitigInto bloom. A vlaitliiK couple Is shown gazing at u swun bout cairy-lug tourists down the l'utoinuc, mid at tna Washington iiioiiunieut iuthe background.

P a y° f fStyle Decree

Hern IH a "youngster" with arecord, Harold (I. Hoffman, NewJersey's youngest candidate forGovernor, started to write fornewspapers at twelve; at twenty-one he was a captain command-Ing an infantry company fromthe Blue and Cray Division Inbattle In France. At twenty-sixhe was In the New Jersey Legis-lature; at twenty-^ight he-w&s aMayor; at thirty he was In Con-gress, and at thirty-four the na-tion's youngest motor vehicle ad-ministrator. In nine primaryand general election battles hehas never been defeated, and hasalways topped his party ticket.

Southwest'sBandit Team

It will be ','Bootn! Boots!A. Mitchell Palmer, leJt, J Marchlu' up and down agalu!"

former 0. B. attorney general, | thi» fall, shoe manufacturersand Rep. Clarence J. McLeod of I promise. H«l«n Clarke of NewMichigan are ahuwu ubovo after Ij yo r | { display* a black kid.bouta conference with • President V ^,4 a white kW evening bootAootevelt ou tbe MuLMd b*nk I which are tjjpWted

Clyde Barrow, southwest dea-piMiido, and his woman accom-plice, B onaie Parker, known, as"Sulcld'e Sal," sought In an In-tensive manhunt throughoutlive southwestern states, areshown here. For the snapshotabove, found In a Joplln, Mo.,outlaw hideout, the .girl posedas a typical "gun molU"

Charges 'BrainTrust5 Plot

Dr. William A. Wlrt, Gary.I ml oducator, ts shown withtelcurmus hu received, com-iiieiiiing on his charges that cer-

' tain members' of PresidentKooBuvelt's "Brain Trust" hadtold him they were seeking tooverthrow the government. Thechargeti were made In a Utterread by James H. Rand," Jr..before the Interstate CommerceCommittee of tb* House of

They Are Not Actress Sued Sea-Beast 'Stumps' ScientistsEaster Paraders )By Parents m

Thl» IIMRP. nnrtly decomposed carcass,fill". ChcrhotirR, France, has puiiledremotely reHpmlilinfr the monstnr, theyj••"''•11 In thnt part of the world. ThiI " i l l s imcier . an i l noMCKHi's no

.phed ashore at Querqt*-i n scldntlsts. Nothing

[med. tver before had been> In !S feet long, il l teat

i ' ,

Plan Transatlantic Flights

Anyone would love a paradeIf all the men taking part wouldwear colorful costumes likethese. The picturesque soldiersabove, with ballet-like costumes,are. Greek Evzones, marching ontheir Independence day Andthe men In gay regalia shownbelow are Yeomen Warden ofLondon, England.

Reveal Miracle ofBloody Crucifix

Mary Aator. above, movie•nctreas, has been ordered bythe courts to give her parentsJ100 a month to live on untilsuch time as their suit againsther for permanent support Isdecided. In the suit her father.Otto A. Langhanke, below, con-tended she earns more than(800 a week and should paymore than she has been forparental support.

There's a BlowComing Up!

According tothe O b l a t efathers ot St.Joaeith, b l o o dflowed f r o mt h i s crucltlxwhen an orphangirl knelt beforeIt in prayer.They announceHint the niaiil-featatkin t o o kplace in themother h o u s eof the OblateFathers at Antl,Italy. Permis-sion to an-nounce tbe mir-acle was givenby the canon ofthe diocese, aft-er a tribunalhad decided notrickery was in-volved.

The 1934 transuiUuLseason la here ngaln! flen]n-mln and Joseph Adamnwlcz,loft to right above, plan a non-stop flight to Warsaw, Poland,In their Bellanca monoplane.And Joe James, daring Ameri-can-Lithuanian flyer shown atright, will attempt a land andocean airplane Sight from Chi-cago to Lithuania soon. Hewill use a Lockheed-Vega planeIn his venture, which Is beingbacked by thousands of hiscompatriots In this country.

Pioneer of Thrifty Flying?

Americans HeldAs Spies

The Idea of tills device is thatIf a storm looms when you're Inswimming, blow like everything.Maxlne Rutherford of Seattle,Wash., Is shown displaying anew life belt, which la Inflatedby the wearer's own breath.


This midget plane, built by V. W. Payne, former army aviation In-structor, Is said to be the answer to economy flying. Payne claimsthis "Knight Twister" can attain a speed of 120 miles an hour, usingonly three gallons of gas an hour at that Bpeed. It weighs only 400pounds, is 11H feet long, with a 15-foot wing spread; and la poweredby a nine-cylinder French Salmson motor,

'Boost.U. S.,' Pleads D AR Head at Convention

Mlt. -

Mr. and Mrs. Robert GordonSwlti, Americana who have B6euImprisoned In Paris for allegedcomplicity In an Internationalspy plot, are showi above Iurecent pictures. Th« ftwluea

e natives ot 8«at Orange, N.d Naw York pit

What America needs In these erltioal dayi U mor* bowti and tawer knoaka, wa» th* tweiwa at aWMeb » • ? • by Mrs. William Russell Magna, taut, president general of the Daughter, ot th. Ami.rUZ tw l« i ia»*wl«B sh» opened th. orcu lwUint « d Contln.nt.l Congrew In Washington. Th*ccnvvbllu* it ibuwu abov* la I

Page 6: Sechrist Rebukes Bartholomew For Crow's Calling Teachers ... · yuu lake it upon yournetf to talk about tiie ''Old Towno" or in fact mi) ol the people tn it. 1'robabl) will become



—Brtwwn CONRAD OAUB. CompUlnwit and (5EORGF. BODNAR•nd GRACE BODNAR hl« wife. t *fMAants. FI F» for the iiale ofmortrseod premises i»t«\ Marrh 24.1M4By virtu* of the above stated writ

to me directed and delivered. 1 willM M K to sale t\ puplii- vemlu'' «nWltDNTODAY THE NINTH DAY OF


, «t two o'clock Daylight Savin* Timein U» afternoon or the said day. a' theSxrifTs Office in the City of N"1*1

Brunswick. N. JALL th»1 trart or parcel ot land amipremises. h*r*tnartet particularly desdbed. situate lying ivnd being In theTownship ol WondhrirtKT, In the I'minto of Middlesex, and State "t NewJersey, and mnt, particularly d*wrlh-

* ed as follows:BEING known and designated as part

of Lot No 2W and part of IxH No. 3Won a map entitled Map of propertyknown as Firds Park, situated InWoodhridjcc Township, M i d d l e ! «County New .leraey, belonging to JohnHarmon sun-evert hy Morgan F Larwin. November Brd. 18W. filed for rerord In the Clerk's Office ("' MlddlenexCounty, New Jersey, and more piutlmiu\y described as follows

BEGINNING at » point in tlw went1 erty Hi* nt Poplar Street distant and

KMthrrly lf> <eet from the southwesttorner lormed by the Intersection ofPoplar Street Mid Plnman Avwiur.running thenre westerly and parallel•with the southerly line of Plpman Ave-nue 100 (eet thenre southerly and par-allel with the westerly line of PoplarStreet 75 fe.'t thence easterly in a linenarallel with the first described course100 feet ti. the westerly line of Pop-lar Street, thence northerly along thewesterly Hnf ft Poplar Street 75 feetto the point or plsoe of beginning.

Belnc the premise? commonly Knownand deilgnatid a? N,. 100 Poplsr StreetFords. N. J

The approximate amount of the de-tree to he satisfied hy said sale U the»um of Twi. thousand six hundredtwenty-three dollars and ninety-sevenentii (JZ6Z397). together with thecoat* of this sale , .

Together with all and singular therights, privileged, hereditament! andappurtenances thereunto belonging orIn anywise appertaining, _

^ ^ Sheriff.HEUSER * HEUSERMi 06 SolicitorsApr 13. 20, T. May «•


In Comparison,Who's Gaynor?

Southerly line of Lot No 113 Inter?ect« therewith thenr* runnlni; North-erly along Kurd Avenue, Right (8) feetmore or IPM to lands heretofore con-veyed to Morten H, pefersen hy theparties of the first pan hereto: thenrerunning Westerly along the Southerlyline of land" of Morien H. Peterson, 30te*t mnr> or less tn til'1 Northerly line..( land* of Lot N" 111 thenre East••iiy slung thp Northerly line of L*itNo 114 twenty i » ) feot more <tr lessi • the point or plsce of beginning.

H(il!StiEI> Westerly hy ford Ave-nue Northerly Hy lands'nf Morten HI'-terwi, nntl Southerly hy Ijit No 114«i shnwn im said map.

Known us 157 Ford avenue.The approximate amount of the de-

".-.• t, i,e Mtljfled by said sale In theurn of Kiv Thousand Six HundredF.rty two Imllsrs and Seventy-three'>nti. ^'.MJlSI together with the• osts ..f this sale.

Together with all and singular the•ight*. privileges, hereditaments andiripurt»nanci>« thereumn belonging orm anywise appertaining.

ALAN H ELYSheriff.

ALEXANDER BALINT, Jr.,$36 M Solicitor.Apr. 30. 77, May 4. 11.




nl i«u ,.(l<»li l>ayligM Savingin th*' nfternooll nf thf raid drtvSheriffs (Wire In th" City ofrtruns^lrk. N J

All "f Hie following trsct or purr"! of! unt mid premises' hereinafter partlrn.hi: l\ iileflrnii'-tl, situate, lying anil hr-me'iA th- Township of WoodDridfce. inthe < Aunty of Middlesex and Stft"- ••(

RI'.ISi; known and designated a,"!,o' 'i. Block V.<i B. on > map of prop-• iv, -Miitl'il Mnji of Avenel (Mrdens,3iluule*| in Woo'lhrtdgf. Midillesex•'..un'v Ne» .l»i-sev. November, lf)2l.

RhX.INMNO nt i point In the smith-<>»st rorn»r of l^)t No 1. aa shown onssi'l map. Tunning Ihericie 0 ) eauterly,along Avnel Strwt, 38.12 feet; thence<2> northerly. In n line parallel ornenrlv so with romell Street, a dis-tance of 117 21 feet: thence (3) weat-T I > . si right angles to said laat men-

ned lin". 25 r»et tn & point: thence' southerly in n line parallel wltli

?|,. J.., on«l ilnsrrlhed rourse. 1O9.6B*". t i, \\w point or place of begtnntiuf*

liniNOEn werterly br lot No. 1,northerly hy lot No JO. easterly by lotNo 3 iml southerly by Avenel Street,nil n sliow<\ nn will map, in said

IMIIK ih» premises rommonly taowiiIsnd ilolgnated as No 60 Avrncl Street.vv».«ltu-idp\ N. J.

The approtlmate amount at the de-• <•<• >,' ho satlsfled hy said sale l i the

? in: of on,, thousand nine hundredthirty nine dollnr* and eighty- thr«*

.rents itl.KB.B), together with the<•..»'« of this sale.

Together with all and alngvftar therights, privileges, hereditaments andnpimrtenances thereunto belonging orin nnvwise uppertalnlng.

ALAH H. «LY,Sheriff.

(1EORC.E J. M1LLBR,J3» SS 8olldtor.April f,. 13, M. T.

SHERIFF'S SALEIn fhancpry of NV« ler'ey. B'twJuhn Parsitka nmi M»ry I»'-"

Complainant", find G»< riel llrago? iMarc DmR""1 hi* wlf. iM'fendant"F» for mh- of iw"'rdated March Jl. !!»S4

By virtue ft the nhi.nw directed «nd dellw

pose to t»\f >t puhlli ••WF.r>N'F,f<DAY. TI1K .

MAY A. I1'at two o'clock dayllRl'the afternrion of the -Sheriffs Offiif in tlvBruniwick. N .1

All the following tr;.and and premises hereinafter pur

turly dmcribed. ultuste lying snd•og In the Township nf W K ' H "In the County of Mldn>»ex and Sof New Jerney.

Designated hy the 11 numher«

, -, i«, CM lhr*e <3>. lour <•). and• . * , "„" Hli»-k number forty-flw' 'I - , ',. , mnp cntllled M»P of lots

n Oi'1 T'Wii of W-'odbridgr. N.•7 •.'.M.il'itv of Wllllnm Zlegler, Emi..

-'iteil pi"iil-

- . U 1 1 " ! * r l 'w l I » i l ' 'n d i m "n


ud 'lay. at 1 'City "f \ e »

or jmrre! ofticu-


- urwvoil Inntiary. 1891, by •]• H#IT, .wHridP' and filed In the offlw of,1., (-|.ik of MI'l-llesei County, oti the

HI, .Inv of svmember, 1R91. us map

i ^v 'U^n i ima tc anwimt of tb« de-i,,?, 1,. !»• wtlsfled by satd iml* is the, , „ ,,( tWi, thmitnnd eight hundred

!,,"v-Hight doltam and eighty-one.-eiii? '$".«« Ill together with the costs

:"(T!!getl""wlth oil and alnimlftr thei richt« prlf llegec. heredltamentn and1 appnrierwnVes thereunto belonging or; , pprtjlnlny

Alirll fi. n 20- *

NOTKTE TOIternarr! W. Vng»l and Wllll;

V. riflrer, Admltiliitratorti of v.irte Schamp, deceased hy dlroctlof thfl HurroRatp nf the CoimlvMliiill<"n«x, bftreliy KIVPR nntie,,the rreflltnni nf mid o a r rHchamp, to bring in th*lr dphi

miitidn and clatrat agiUnBt u,tatp of the said'd<M<4«ii«r}, uml.

oatli or ufflnnatlon, within Bjmonths frnm thU date or thpy «ibe forever barred of any arti,,against the said Administrators

Dated March 28th, 1934.Bernard W 'AH,I%WIUIam V. Hnr,

AtlmlnlBlr.it'March 30, April «, 13 20. 27

IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY- Between ANNA DIETRICH OAUB, jComplainant, and OBOROE PLAKAS \IX-nd.int Pi ra. for the »ale ofmortgtged prrmlsei dated March 13.

By virtue of th* above stated Writ. Ito me directed and delivered, t will expone u stir at public vendue onWEDNESDAY. THE SECOND DAY ]



. J.. anun. and L..^

•i iu K A T H E H I W C J •, *-- - - •'• -• -wife et als.. Defendants. Fi. Fa. forthe sate of mortgaged premises datedApril 2. 19MBy virtue ot the above stated Writ,

to me directed and delivered, I will ex-oose to sale at public vendue onWEDNESDAY. THE SIXTEENTHDAY OF MAY. A. D. NINETEEN

HUNDRED THIRTY-FOURat two o'clock Daylight Saving TimeIn the afternoon of the said liny at the

Though she resemble* FilmActress Janet Gaynor. BettyBryson. above, ot Lo» Angeles,oae of the 19J4 Wampas babyBtara. doet not Intend to rely onthis fact to bring her a •ucceas-tul moTle career . Miu OtynorU shown below.

OBIc« In the City of Ne*




„ hereinafter particu-larly described, situate, lying and be-ing in tht Townahip at WoodDridge. inthe County of Middlesex and State o(New Jersey.

BEGINNING at a point in the south-erly line of Woodbndge to Port Read-iruj Turnpike diatant two hundredninety and eighteen one hundretlu<2Su.l8]| feet irom U » corner formedby the intersection of the easterly lineHI Central Avenue with the souhcrlyline of Woodbridge to Port Readinglurnpilte; thence t l ) running easterly

.and along the southerly line ot saidI Woodbnoge to Port. Reading Turn-

pike seventy-three and three one-hund-reths uS.OJI feet; thence 12) running

i^iinnrrly ami at right angles with* 3tti(l last mentioned course one hundred! twelve and forty-seven ont-hundrelhs1(112.1;) lest; thence (3) running west-icrly and at right angles with Uic lasti mentioned course seventy-three andUirw ijiiflumdredths (73.QJ) feet;

J ihence (4) running northerly and at,ngtit angles with the last mentionedivurse one hundred five and aixty-sev-

^rii oii'-huridredth» (106.67) feet to the \t point or place o( beginning.

Tile abnvi' premises being luiown and'• di-aignatel as Lot^Nos. l i 13 and 14.MII oiitck "A" on aTMap of low owneduy Sewaren Realty and Invesuneot

! Lutnpany. lix*teil at aewaren, in the' lownalup ot Woodbridge. County ofi Micdlrsen and State of New Jersey,i surveyed March 23, 1910, by Mason *i Smith. C. E., ihf appruximtte amount of the de-Urtes to tie jaufliltc by said sale isI ilw sum v! Eight thousand nine hund-

red ntty-sii dollars wvl lorty-fiveirenw i»,i»56 « ) together with theI L-o.std ot this sale.

lugether with all and singular theriglus. privileges, hereditaments andapuumntuicea thereunto belonging orin anwiw appertaining.

ALAN H. KLT,Sherffl.


20 K. May 4, 1L •Apt.

This delicious ch««te food is




Between Modern Building t LoanAssociation, Complainant, and ClaraMurdoch and George Murdwlc, herhusband, et. ala., Defendants, Fi. Fa.for the sale of mortgaged premises

i dated April 6, ISM. f: Bv virtue of the abaw stated Writ,. in me directed and delivered, I willi esiwae tu sale at public TMdiK on! WEDNESDAY. f H I SIXTEENTH

DAY OF MAY A. D. 1934;at two o clock Daylight Saving Time; m the afternoon of the s*id day. atJ ihe Sheriff's office m ihe City oi New, Brunswick, N. J.i All the lolloping tract or parcel of1 land and premises hereinafter particu-larly described, situate, lying and be~

I ing in thf Township of Woodbridge in1 the County of Middle*! and Sute of] New Jersey.i TRACT I—Being known as Lot No.I 114 on a map entitled, "Green Hills'1 niap uf property situated at Fords, N.i j . . belonging to William, George and• Arthur Dunham, dated NOT. 30, U09.

B U t a io VeheeU'a richly mildCbeUar Qu**e Bavor are health.protective demtau of many food*.

It'a wonderful for children. SoreSraft VCIVMU—in uudwictic*, incooked diahee... often!


Westerly a t o nK ""' Nurllu'rl>' l l n * . s t

I « " Huilwtei' m* H5.24 leet to U i1'NO 115 thence Northerly at rightangles L. Holllswr lJlaw along the

'.Easterly line of Lot No. 116, 60 feetto Lot No. 113; thence Easterly alongtilt Southerly line of Lot No. 113. lfit-

iaa feet to the Westerly line of FordlAvmuf thence Southerly along UwI Westerly line yf Kurd Avenue. 63.40I feit to the point ur place of beginning1 BOUNDED Soulliertly by HolUsterPlate. Westerly by Lot No. US; Northrrly by l.ut No 113 and KaaUrljr byFurd Xvt-nue, as laid out and »|u>wnon •iairt map.

TRAIT 2--A13U. all that certain por-' ti'in of Lot No. 113 on the above saidmap hi said Tuwnshlp. County andSlit* described as follows:

BEGINNING at a point tn the We»t-ttrly Ime uf Kord Avehue, where the

Doraey Motors



That Explains It• /SAY. 00 voo wos



GOWrvA (2|M6





toll B S .











. TV* dB«c.





GONG- TUKiTY p &8rV3<rn««E

Page 7: Sechrist Rebukes Bartholomew For Crow's Calling Teachers ... · yuu lake it upon yournetf to talk about tiie ''Old Towno" or in fact mi) ol the people tn it. 1'robabl) will become


'Wonder Bar/* Smash Sensation at Rahway Theatre'Love Birds'Carolina 'Melody in Spring' 'Wonder V 'Riptide' 'Broadway to Rio'


!KGENT THEATRE,—Elizabeth.siiiiiin~ today and continuing thrmiuh next Tlnirsdly the

I;.• u• • i<t Theatre iiments Norma Khwiror and Robert Mont-,,,i,i(.ry In "Riptide"'. The new picture jresentB a hifchly (mi-ni i»n:i I I'litunBlement in which .\11BA Shearer finds herBelf trap-p,,,! between the conflletlnR tlde.R of two loven. Robert Mont-i.im-ry in "Riptide". The new picture presents a highly em-

she h«s to make her choloe. MISB Shearer lived In ''Thei Divorce",li.. |me<l In '.Strangers may KIHR", Hhn lied In "Strange Intw-I,I,)(." but in 'Riptide,' Bhe whm new triumphs of Romantic dar-ing. In Hie plot, althoUKh married, Mian Hhffluwr, who taken (he,,«.rt ui. War*, .belley.es herself In lnms with Tommy. Sh« Ducta,11:11 nfler all Hhe loves her hiiHhand, tint he grown to nilfitnmtIHT. Smarting under her liiiHhandH n«nlect and nuipiclon, she, ipiniliiit'H tn Tommy'fl love ntakins. When her htmband re-in rim lie finds her changed. Divorce action follows. Crushed,..(,,. SIKIIH away rights to the child that her husband might haveinis comfort. Before she sails to AmcTlra, the land of her birth,her hiiHliand meets her at tti-et Holicltor'n office where the papfiTHmi. hfieiK Hlgned.Therr IH a re-unlon mid they decide to start allin, 1 avaln, each wiser and more understanding of llfe'B pn>h-I, ni.v others In the caBt are: Mrs. Patrick Gallagher, Ralph1 i.riioM, lillyan Tasbman, and Arthur Jarrett.


<AHWAY THEATRE,—Rahway.Th.' All-time triumph Bhow of 10,000 wonders, "Wonder-

1 ir will be Rhown at the Rahway Theatre beginning Monday,,n,l ciintniiiing tlyoiiBh Tueaday, Warner Brothers smash sen-,,11111, is one thundering pageant of drama, song, girls (nd are-., .) etude. It 1H a blazing human passion in drama. There are• i i:rc:ii HtarB, BOO slrls dornlnE massive Busby Berkeley spec-,,.1,. ,M'fi>ttonn, five gniaah SOUL; hits by composers of '' 42 nd

.iiwt" and tht> 'Cold Diggers of 19311'. The cast included Kayi1.•iiM-is. Dii-k I'owell, Al Jolson, Dolores Del Rio, Ricardo Cor-!,,„ Hal l.fioy, Ouy Klbbee. Hush Herbert, Flfl D'Oraay, RuthiKiiinflly. The stars pile up thrill upon thrill, senwitlon upon. ns.iiion In the Brand climax of all their producing achieve-



NEW YORK.—"Love Kills" ftnew drama In three acts h>' Idal.ulili'iiskl Khrllch. will have tinwnrld iircinlere nl the l-'orrentTheiilre, West 4Hth street, NewYork. Tuesday evening, May 1st'I'lieiiuihnr, who In nlno the i»r>>

dueer. dPHcrllipps her play an theslnry nf II i,'ir\ whom' lid' has bfM'nruined hy the nelflsli love nf threemen. her 1'iilher. h»r lumliund. anilll'1!' l l lVI' l .

IMnymn'W of 11 dorftde uRO wnlln-iiiemher Mrs. Ehrllrh a« tti.-iiiitlmr of "Helena'* Hoys," Inuhteh Minnie l.uddern Flake piny-• 'il :ii the Henry Mlllur Thpatre,mill in whkh May Itolmmi marrednn tlie l'aclllr maul. She hnn alsowritten ;i nutnhor nf nne tiet plnys<iii'V-rirt «f= whfrh hnvr> *TrJoy«tlinn-, runs In vaudeville, mid havei' i'ii hi'iird mi the rndlo.

Hollywood Highlights

M 1)1 111 \ l . l . l . N ( i l V E N

V VltlKI) VUMInilitli A Hi ,I'M H n l l y w o n d d iary

Robert Montgomery. Norma Shearer, Herbert Marshall in "Riptide"

has lieeonie fully rounded out]siai'lliii1. her rareer ua leading wo-1

man in liie C-rll OeMille spectacle'"Tliin.YV»> anil A(ii'," she Iran ap-1peiireil In it screen musical, "Too 'Much Harmony", and a comedy jilriiina. "C.ip'n Jerlco." j

WltlTKS MIR HOI-KIMSI'iinimount has xlgtied Lynn

stiirling notud stags writer, whosefirst alignment was the screen)>hiy of "Ladder of Men." a star*rlnK vehicle for Miriam Hopkins.

mentH, Today and tomorrow the management presents ConstanceTlennett In ''Moulin lUnme", one of the moBt outstanding filmproductions in the history of motion pictures. On the same pro-gram ie the. "Sin of Nora Moran."

RITZ THEATRE,—Elizabeth.i S d A i l 28tStarting Saturday, April 28th the Rltz Theatre, Elizabeth

will present another of its highly entertaining muBlcal revue*.This qne Is titled "Broadway tn Rio" and covers that distancein song, dances and variety of scenery. Featured in the revueis VaneRBi, America's formost Cariuca Dancer and 12 AlbertlnaRanch Girls, Miss Vanessle and the chorus of celebrated heaut-k-u do the famous "White Peacock Dance" aB they did it in theZlegfeld Follies. The cast of 30 includes singers, comedians anddancers; every one of whom 1B a star by his own ability. Therevue is set In 10 gorgeous scenes and Is sure to pleas* themost critical audience.

An excellent mixture of comedy melody and beauty, "Mel-ixly in Spring" comes to the screen of the Rltz Theatre tomor-row for 4 days, to prosent to patrons that reliable team ofCliurlieKuggles and Mary Boland, a ndw romantic singing per-sonality, Lanny Rout*, and the beautiful Ann Sothern.

Paramount, impressed with the tremendous popularity oflsing Crosby, whom It plucked from the air waves, stepped outa few mouths ago to take Lanny Rose from the '•Showboat"hour, and stems to have hit upon mother great star. Ross is'^niiiig, handsome, and performs remarkably well (or hi ft firstscreen venture. He Is a splendid singer, with a full rich tenor


Huggles and Miss llolaud, teamed together for the fourthlime, provide more laughs than ever, while Miss Sothern Ispmiierly decorative. The story Involves Ruggles, a wealthy dog-

hlm'iiit iiiaiiuiactuivr. who sponsors the nation's biggest radiohour; Mins Boluml, his wife; Mia Sothom, his daughter; andHOKH, a hiipeful tenor, anxious to gut (*)n n1P radio program.

llnth men have hobbies, which yet them Into hilarious dif-ficultly. HiiEglea being a collector of antiques and souvenlrB,while IIoss climbs mountains. Director Norman McLeod keepsthe action moving at a swift pace throughout. "Ending with «.Kiss1, 'Melody In Spring' and 'The Open Road', the hit songsfrom the film, were written by Lewis flensler and Keene Thomp-son. '

STATE THEATRE,—Woodbridge,Lovable Janet Onynor and Invincible Lionel Barrymore are

starred together In 'Carolina', a. fox production which will beBhown tonight and Saturday at the State theatre., h«e. Includedin the hit show cast are: Robert Young, Richard Cromwell, Hen-riette Crosiuan, Mona Barrle and Stepin Fetch'it. The co-featureis James Dunn and Claire Trevor in 'Jimmy and Sally'. RamonNavarro and Jeanette McDonald are the stars of the "Cat am!the Fiddle" which will he shown Sunday and Monday. Amongthe son}; hits of the picture are 'Sho Didn't Say No', 'The Nipthtwae Made for Love1 and 'Try to Forget'. On the same bill will,be ihe 'Golden HarveBt' with Richard Arlim, Chester Morris, andGenevieve Tobin. A. separate program1 will be sliown on Tuesdaywhich will Include- "Woman Unafraid" with Liwillt; Gleatmn and

Skeets' Gallagher and 'F, P, T a fox Him. 'Eight GlrlaU t t l ' and Stan LaajjN' &PU 91i«»r.Har<|y in 'Sonn of Ihe Det;irt\ scheduled for Wednesday ana Thursday nights. Ih additionto the up-to-the-minute fwiturca the management pwwenls com-edies, news reels and cartuoiiH at each performance.

T h e liMiu-lr-u-r wriliiiK <'lKiro|>ltii)8!il|i ,,r Hnllyw«i(id f l l m d o m

l i n ^ l i i c i i iiv. ,nii'd IO Dornlht'ii WlerV. sin- » i t s d l w o v e r e d pn* | .

ii»K aiiolliei- i.i • -r fll'M pu:'c let turs Pi her hi l s lmnd l i i l iernittny.

T h e <'hhiiMiiiintihl|i hnil heen held for Ihf I.KSI f ew month* iiy t h e

ime nd 'i,il> <;.nlio. whn urt r urlicil the t w e l v e - p a g e n ia tk . At

I hat i iunl if ii'.i Wi nlil l i k e t o net a Iwe lve -paKe le t ter from t h e

1'iiirho, VJMI ii ll w n s in S w e d i s h A n o t h e r w e ' d l ike to net a

I Hi r fiuiii i i ( l ie ui> and c o m i n g Pert K e l l o n .

hernuse he sptwks Kni;ll8h tuo frequently, Suliel MaUul, Jap-uiiifie an or IIMK Htarted lo«»on» under Frank Wauwaba/Amerl-can radio dlith'otlllon to learn In speak Engllth with a Japaneseai'i'imi for his future role* With 1'anunount. Myrna Loy is alsotaking lenHonit In Chinese from a Dane BO that she may have atrue Culnese accent In her forthcoming pictures. Perhaps thepublic schooln should follow the sunitt principle and have Her-mans teaching the correi t French accent and Chinese teaclilugthe correct English accent.

S.'or« :uii)tiier for the Hudson Ithnr Day Line. Mildred Hol-!in, of N. V., ran on :\ visit to Alhany tu *ee her parents andwas "discovered" by a movie illnwtor taking the trip in searchof new talent. Sh* was awarded a feature role In the picture"Bight I'.IIIH in u llout" and ha* hevn niKntxi up fur a long termcontract for her future serviced. We always thought that theNight Boat tillered the best opportunities, but we were justwrong again.

Jack On*i' has a new i;ag that he thinks is a wow! He histaken to wearing an aviator'B outnt, helmet and all. and admttathat it la only a decoy. The trlrk Is that he puts on thd dutltand then hang* around the local airport and j-'flta plenty offree flying time from the fans that flock-there to see him. Afterreaching an altitude oi a few thousand feel he throws over adummy of himself which he Iws hidden In the plane. Out oitwelve trys, nine people hhve swooned.

No fuitlier lufnntuiH1)!! IIHH reached the East about theFairbanks sittiution. ltinnllted silleno relgna on thv English andthe American front, with no innnediute hope (or a reconcilia-tion. Information that I>DIH IH returning to thin country In Junemay have some hearing on th« cas«.


rus Del Rio and Ricardo Corlcz, diinciiiK team in"Wonder Bur"

EVERY NIGHT!Hobart Tavern and Rathskeller

278 Hobart St., Perth Amboy, N. J.

Ben Hano & HisHawaiiansRUTH SIMMONS


RITA LOPEZ—Hawaiian Dancer

MARIE MARTINI—Tiniett of Ballad Singers



Along Broadway"Late Wisflom." the play by

.>ut linn Sherman and under hladirection, opened Monday night atrfanslleld Theatre with a capableiiHt, including Jay Faasett, Franc

Hale, Horace Casselberry, EricKakkhurst and Carlton Young.

"Tin; House of Remsen" a newdrama current at the Henry MillerTheatre, holds the Interest of theentire audience with James Kirk-wood and the delightful Francea-ca Brunning In the leading roles

mpersonations Of popular figures.Roberta Beatty, seen mogt ro-

cgntly in New York in "Hoberta"and Broderick Crawford, son ofHelen Broderick. have Seen addedto the London Company of "SheLoves Me Not" now In rehearsalat the 4Rth Btreet Theatre, underthe direction of Howard Lindsay




RAHWAY 7-1250


: jut riwu


- • I T U -

YANESSIl i a l I . M ' « • •»•!• • • • • > • • •<••




"Picnic" the Gretchenrosch Hnletter play IB soheduledto open the week of April 30th,with Percy Waram, Jean Adalrand Esther Dale in the cast.

* * » - 'Margaret English has replaced

Gertrude Flyiui lri the. cast of Na-than Zatkln's revival of "TheLady Prow The Sea", which isscheduled to open the week ofMay 7th at th e Little Theatre.Clement Wllenehick has uu Im-Portant role In the play.

• • *"Broadway Interlude" a comedy i

drama by Achmed Abdullah Is flow'current at the Forrest Theatre—!with Robert Gmmett Keu^e, SallyStarr, Hans Hansen, Robert Lynn, |Clalr Whitney, Suzanne Caubayeand Ieil Moore. i

* » . ,. The Radio ,,Clty Music Hall ispresenting a very timely stageproduction tuUUlul "lmpresaarioBprlrig". in this show Spring1

assumes human form and directsthe tableaux and ensembles whichthe producer, Leonldolt, has sel-ected HB symbolical of Spring, 'lit;Fox film ''Stand Up ai}d Cheer",features Warner Baxter, MadgelivaiiH, KtBp|u Feti'hit and Nickl'uran, the young slower who hascaused something of a furore Intho public prluts in the past fewweekH.

» » »"Thg Couutry Ueutlenieu", nov-

elty instrumental and vocal trionit) Did stellar attraction withItvgglu Childs and MB orchestraIn the -Urtll of the Hotol Roow-vts.lL. Tlw»e feeatlamen were f«*t-urud In FT«d Stone's "KlpDtea"aud in "Oirl Ctaiy", uud they arc

wortbwhllo ---'-••

Sam Jafte, who made KrlngeW-inin the Broadway production <tf"Grand Hotel" an epic flgure ofthe stage, has been signed by' Par-amount to play the Emperor Pe-ter' in Marlene Dietrich's nering picture,







SUN. & MON. AI'R,1L 29-10

I.*on Uwiwcv w iiflttti prttneatr*has hrld forth «t •<»• w>M' « tMiiriu for iuui« than a year, hasUud lila contract renewed Belaa-CU'H aggregutlon, uuw playing Inthe Continental Urlll mores to theSky Salou utuu the hotel on April28th.

» ' • •Arthur Borau, pupular comedi-

an and mimic, has been engagedto star at the Cocoanut Orove Inthe park CaMnl Hotel, beginningApril 30tb. Boran, a protege ofMae West, will preeeut »tertes at

The Cat andThe Fiddle











"Eight Girl, in A Bo*t"


"Son. of the Dtoart"

Great M aa irterna-

tioiial staje aensatiw!

Ten timei greater

as Warner Bros.

bring i( in triumph

to the i c r c e n !

uiuuli>i>( tliniui al

,11 Warner liroi.' pr«.


rilFOtMIISI O H l i l


ll.uujiedi ot jlher

ilunpinl iMturei never

introduced on

HAIil lY MEYEIl, I'rop.

183 Smith St., Perth Amboy, N. J.

• SKfifcfTKT) WINKS AM) L l y l o l l H .", . fKOMMKU'S IlKUll

r ON T.U1 . . . OVS-TKKK . . . CLAIMS . . . SKA VOOD DAILY







Today Thru Thursday, May 3


"You (iont twed tendttfttti..;fortivcrfcti! You haveatrcng h to take from me everything in lift I want—

"Well... I have the rtrcngth tftell y<w now... TAKfi

The mort fMctoatinj romanceof a modern woman met the

Page 8: Sechrist Rebukes Bartholomew For Crow's Calling Teachers ... · yuu lake it upon yournetf to talk about tiie ''Old Towno" or in fact mi) ol the people tn it. 1'robabl) will become






Champions ByWmdatrJ, Lakit._

A STAR pitcher wlih a sore arm; one of the county's mowImpressive shonstopii. also Incapacitated with a troaainii

arm, who araldnt latch the bail and the nucleus ot an ont-tteid that saw its first high grhtoi game Is the analysis otwhat might be termed the Woodbrtdgs Hiib bateball line that?tayed its 1934 curtail, raiser against a much ballyhooed St.Benedict's prep school team Saturday at the Grove street dia-

jlyaa Dirmter btcvri« n u is »i'parted to draw a trnrd cr'nnl m•the Nutley Velodrome Sunday if"1 teraoon It will tw> hi.« Urst ap-| pearance at the Sutler track and ,jGeori;etti. the (dol of the Italian.bicycle fans, has always been thebt*jp«t ilrawtng card in th» world

• in cycling, Georgctti packs them ,I In when h* rides in Italy, Franceand Germany. Manager .Harry

,Mendel had to outbid all the.[European promoter! to get him[to rid* In the United States thin

J "-— '- »" doubt that

t h " •» "—Coach -'M

ck and his Aon all thos.

zeror, 3 P. M. this Son-

the pastHearts i injected Into the

Time LoopParts CttrtainWitli

Think of It, man frands, this kumWf-WBptr «*••* ahdcke& some two thousand baseball enthusiasts by deliberately np-Mtttag all the lawB of nature to beat these Newarts,bjj(C-«hou,4 ts I. Even though you may not have seen the same, don tId the score make you believe that Woodbrtdge won by luckIt was anything but that.

In tbe first place, "Percy' Wukoma, though he com-plained of having a wrenched inn, was able to strike out nineopposing batten and. secondly, he allowed the Newarkera >utSv« scattered bingles. And he did this with a wrenched armMy, what he could hate done to that sans if bis arm had been

la shape.I rankle Jost, another of the (ew seasoned veterans, prac-

tically threw hie arm ont the day before the fane, trying outhis pitching tactics. But. Jon tie was just as brilliant as «werHis gelding did not show any signs of being an the frits.

"Rabbit Balog Bopped around the centerfold area insueh great faahton and snared a number ot swmtngly impos-sible flys, that the opposing batten were reluctant to bitanywhere within Uia fie Win (? vicinity

And although, I m not overlooking Wukoretsability, I might casually mention that, In my opinion, it wasthe Jost-Balog combination that »<m the game for Wood it-it1 geHigh. I have never viewed more perfect teamwork. In face ofthe fact, that the local lad? were opposed by an all-state twirl •er, who held the nonored prestige of being a barter with isute-wide reputation. H * » against suen an able master t(>.atthe hitting team of lost-Bate? scored a commendable act.Three' limes, the "Rabbit" got to base and three times Joa<scored him. Twice, franks bat slashed out for two clean basehits, one a three 'iisger. tlte other play that brought Baloghome, was about the neatest example of ball playing exhibited

during the game.Balog was on third One down. One strike. Jost pivoted.

threw all chance to the winds and bunted down along tliethird base line, while Balog was already halt way home. Tluplay worked i.o such an extent that the. anposiag team wascaught flat-footed. Balog scoring and Jost going safely to

nrst.Karnas, first string catcher, and one erf the most depend-

able cogs in Kirk a .mu-hine was laid up with an infected leeSam Stutti was handed th* mask and told to go in and takehis piaeev while Scuui will prujaMy never be a Karnas, hecertainly handled th<: big mitt in great form.

Leroy Simouson. a rookie second sacker, is a kid, in myestimation, but has the makincs ai being a star player on thehigh school i«atn. Be fields like a lettow who knows the game.He to tttver raule^ apd ha4jh« baseball instinct that kwp*the inflelder in th#» territory' w,here he believe the ball is go-ing to be hit. Just keep your eye on this fellow end before th-eseason ts much older.youil see a top-notch fielder who willrank with the rest of the team.

And now, here comes the oil, that every shorts writer Itshound' to spread on once In awhile. It is this: your own sportscommentator picked Wodbrldge to beat St. Benedict's, 4 to 2,

So, man frands, ifVoure urorried about ' the ttum-cant to place your hard earned dough on, I'll be

1 to Up yon o#, but tome one at a time, -please

will be up against tough compeu- "Tlon for he will meet Victor Hop- f

Debaets, the Belgian n*ar betwwn l.W and - . » •• Pratt* **>»«»• * °*T'' witnessed the Clwer-Legiwi shin-j nTTino Eeboli. the ft£ ; g ~ l o e a l w d . This Sunday

'aa-Imeriean youngster from «« s n c h atte«ii|«« ta ex-Newark is a tweoty-Sve. mU m 0 - .™^^ w ^ the sentes men do

."tor p^ced event. , * £ £ . with .he 3«mth Ambo,

™MmXeaex county.."t

!holl(rn Coach Messlck

, n ¥ S £ durSi* the past couple c , f l o r t h»>be«-J*»ot month, and will come to these j^ ^ Hearts' Prob^i t n i» «P top ' t o p t , ^ but the manager. «should see a grew battlt for the j( w d fet to «motor-paced * « * « * » o f * £ « U I «United Stttes this «*™ "^iWhether

'•Georgetti la UMR W»ti»R »»' t b e —


againat the Cloversi of the pitcher. °*

h e m i T ^ Inthe daj of the £ • • •

» • h(> T U , «artTnwmy Martagh on the monnd.

« D a n h a m watchhIK third'"* a t s h o r t , and Lukasluk.

m ^ »«» Yak in th. outfield

' thTrice was half over *n dptas the r«e t h e

1933 Phillip* t >- Known as l 'Ph e

Rutgers student• college "on * e

founh In -he

iiicken„> hot tor

i t

or " k«t« for the initial appearance ol tb* Italian rtder and manyn U a a club, from all over thenorthern part of New Jersey willbe present at the Nutley saucerSunday afternoon.

AveneTTTDropCurtain Tussle ToPeerless Nine, 3-1

u o . . ^ ^ Smooth Saint BenedictsGray Bees Sting and Upset ViatorsBy 4 to 2 Score On Grove Street field

t* *hil* bi»e i g h t h place

i t w M l But thes h o e s remained hanging'J^of Danny s » ^ ™They may come

f o f ^ ^

r.»tb*rn he

^^•.mJJTTni that was wooDBRn«ft-TVh -leeregation. mf,ut for P*mm£r Kb"'wont to work ,()WnBhip under t««inpj-rp and rh«mrf the Leisure Time Co«ntr..;,n the fourth U u n rhed thil' ^ l o , fpoints were op^ins »«*« . I*™ *1 was repealed s r0,,ted Is*lIn school V

.nrf in the ,„ ;. Tort R«rmark- Vven-1, 3" I o 5>

eon.juered FordsIn the battle

t n e rubber. Igt,Un srhooli, the >"the hitting lint w W , l ,rs massacred pltrf.

miA a pair of N W »nd Lutta for a; » double. Th- t r # n hits. Edwards,

were mark-

in th.-.;-,) the tlrst ma.SPa»i\i. a pair oftvaiat^rfd. "Hi* df'in thf rtfth"iuhth division.»<i up thr final count.

h onlv tally cnie in the

t u . , „ . . . this Mitroka .has temporarily . f«r the soldiers

to . ,


WOODBIUDGE. - 'H'amazed. And, they• we«

ky relay teamrepeat last yew s

i n i . They saw. They - r e ' ^ b e ^ I -That is all the bray

1_JM_ >~*j • , » _ _

selves upon the tiny-nute ueu LIUBU „,. ..;it the Grove street ball park. Saturday, afternoon.

1 Altnoueh. it wag the seasonsfor Coach fc'ranft Kirkit-

^ ^ m i y AlbaBy.but * nether

hold HPrace Zak. in 98




wUh'Hrehowaik. as

VVENKL.-B111 Perna'a Wcnel|.V.A.st«rtHlofl » ^ * S c o

foct -iundav afternoon at the i*co! i^oad and as a result dropped

1. io * e Pe*riess A. A., of Bill

battle mi ....» _ .club very efficiently ...,

the big threat fromitiMm -v.—. way. In fact, it wasto the tune of t to I.

was a member oi me i . .r « „^rirtl team which aet Oxford-Cam- Kafton.


Only a mere handful of .bart fans braved the chill winds

I to witness Committeeman ErnestW Nter wing out the first ball


Thegrand slam

Totals .—— 3UwortT3 record for SOD meters- WoodbrMge l*&nTvaJjArothers, Harrison P Smith, abJr.,1 jind Morgan Day Smith, ilso "Dameicti, 2b . — 5ran lor old Eli, white tae latter,' > «rek. rf 2wearing the now famous shoes. Mitroska, rf — 3won the Sew Jersey scholastic :?ilai. M 2

imik title in 1925 and U2*. .VDelan«y, ct - -—3WCHJDBRIDGE.—-Followers of younger brother. Baylies, is still Lukasink, If —2' Hed Kni&hig of the Birron. attending Montclair High school Dunham. 3b — ..- 4

institution will have an but.may add to Rutgers tradition Jost. lb

Bats With ffiiisiaeToday atGrove St.

h e four and three hits rr?,0 , 'O'Sfl lM* r. Umhhaha1 tt.for the losers with one li1 0 The Port Readtnt-A»™1 j ' v,i, was a walkaway for0 1'players. Deleo. "0 0 ranqutahed, * w « - ~ ~ -1 0 ty-four .afties, while0 2 held the low™ w e l«b I

0 1 clouts.0 0 Vahaly md W. Postin0 0 heavy Slttkins «•* th*-2 0 with five heats apiece. »

n e r DeLeo and Kolomat1 6 7 be»t for the defeaUd, e(6) two hit*.

e10 Jenaen ss _1 Uastran«elo0 Edwardg P0 Reedy lb9 Tamaaso rf0 Kayten U

t imf l

statwd off with ain the initial inning,

three rung.

Ul,...,.-iuniiy to seein action for the IIseason when the u*.

up against the ren-'

, i „, attending thet h^ rhis graduation.

iip>m Bodnir, cBartoa, p

So. •

ed but three saf ti«sS»me. '

scored US lone ran-

notduring the I - *• "

i Uroy Simonsen. one of thel m s h« first high

oy Simonsen. one of1»3 rwk.es playms h« first highschool game, seoaed to oe the m l n y

the plate.

lie *«.«^^

himselfperwatts. Stern and o a m , . _.counted, for the four hita MUartedby the losers.

This Sunday afternoon, theiPernamea will stack ( M r ten L Slmou»en.[against the higaly-touted Arttng- P B a l { {ton RaiO^rs at the 3e*e pwiada.Game time is slated for 3 P. M

A. A. (1)

Woodbridge (ib

2 01

u. . . . 'EddieWhat he will or will

compliah will not be ki_lit-r the conflict. But. oneig certain, he will ~J-~with his style of t, Last year. Balog „strung Laiewood High nineheld Asbiiry Park to a few scat- >*.er«d and light hits. These- gameswere played away from home. El-boving^ tiffs at home were not

as successful for Balog. Itthat >>» defdloss monad

Jereey City BearsiNoseuOotbyFast!ForusF.C.Players

. Fundak c0 Gumps lb1 Helm rf _

— Rosstf _.

T o u h . 33 « 7 3 AqulU «IRun. hatted ia-^Bodnar, Dun-- Orek. Two base hitg, Sit-; Totals

l )ab


Uelia Ho. 15

12 20

— .v three-run rally inthe eight, ioaing with twoput the ?inie on '

|3ey City Bears ;i street grounds J W « . ,' Steve Anthony's Fords Field Clubwaui the suffering team. Losing 'to 7. •

Serratelli and Bennett, with

}erek. i«» " " ^ ""•>' — 'Dunham, KAtton; 3a"»*«'i ab


Keasbey fire Nine[Bird, cf

i P


_ _ ^

'*• " | serratem aau oc»»«» ••»» all Ciound-i a nju 4Mb, le4 the winners f l - I - j j * . A | | MafS

(TSTt ta'hia home tc^, How : l^ M i ^ u ^o r UctgotTwoUeieaiS Hit OIO19



atwiys , .Bent, I still claim that it's thecash can buy today.

There were in the neighborhood tA fifteen three-roundbants and all but a couple were packed with action Iron thetine the t*U rang natil the termination of (be ailoted aghting

titled a

Petraa, If —D. Gerity, 3b3eets, cf -~y. Wukorets, rt —Kfljewatt* 2b —Mullens, ib tStern, ssSmoyak, cJ Wukovets, p —Lotkie. If —

Totals ..—-

BcSkufei4 8 (

i. m Lug u^u.-ever, it is believed that he aaeovercame that) malady this yearand much Is expected ol him inthe line of winning games.

Should Balog experience trouble.e will probably be replaced bv

— ' — ui-tm- Kirk

apiece for the Sleld Club.Forda tried bald to even v „„

up in itfi half of the eighth, but.with tae basas loaded. Yaeger

15 .....Port


with the oasas H U M . . -^O-grounded oat to retire the side at••- L Field Ctob had posted a

. .(>hin nil..Irr |LU|? t ion w-w. »

run across to come within

«artTerio ^ All

,4 ID -. in

: Vahaly 2b _Fire! w. Postak c _...

„„,. -ft to ID. cijppoio. 3bdefeating I M tyAppolito, sa

o i « 4 : .» 1 0 9 1


. 7


;29 1

ten spot to witness a dull as

1 am not a nght judge sad. don't uver intend to he -oue.but the only regret I had of tfcftnighia enttnunmtnt wasthe fact that there was in my wstimatfaw o*e bad iecisian—mad thai hail to ite alaeed cm a Woodbri4te I'd- It was meheavyweight tussle between Vic Hall, of Sewaren, aa« a' col-ored lad from Perth Ambuy. The fighting wa* cbMe thtousu-ttut the ant two rounds, with the colored hoy atakiaf the

^ moat noia< by virtue of h» biitiag Vi£ with OPEN giovea, amiop«n Slove blnws aren't anyvhe^ near to beiag Uk* th« «*1.

*M blows.Ball belled his opponent practically into aubmuatoa dat-

ing the Anal round, but he himself, was almost out on hi* teettron eJQttwttoft. i a a it I'm wrong then you can count pracii-eaUy Uw entire audience as being with BW. for wtaa lheaotomt M toft the ring, the crowd baaed.' Bat, *k*» la* 3e-warM pofUtat made his exit, he was acewdtd a thoaderausiHtWH. TUs shows thai even the judge* can make ukiiakeg.Vte. you earfted a moral victory. K aothtatg •*»•

• — , „ th« i»ais aid w h « they «m«

Esbrandt,'as _W. Pursier, eKru«. rf —MUteman. pR. ^orster, 2hDarroy, If —Reed, 3b '•••--J, FarreU lb .Brooekler, ef

letata- —AvenelPeeriesB


Totals -Benedicts

2 5

1)1)0 uiO OOfl—I

imtbriilge 201 Oil) 09x—4Three base hius—Joat; two base

-Jost Hanui;i; struck out by0 wTukovets, »; Fouaer i; watted0 hf Wukovets 4; Fuuser 1; hit by

- pitched ball. SciUti; left oa bases.14 3 1 1 WopdbriBge -i; i1'900 180—1 empire—Baldwin;

380 00» OOfl— 3 ai

Lattanzio t Has,_ j y Tnne HaltingFords A. C. Gang

^be^lanc^ of the lineup will! Valantrio IfI r J a t a ^ s a m e as in yesterday * B*rratteUl cC t h R.ver melee. - ^

F\wtiman, lbStetlii, rfDeiui», -Bennett, cfCarolina, pHoyld. p —



WOODBH1DOE. - The Wood- FUlerwn, » \hndKe Field Club won its open- MaasagU, lb p 51" f»m^ of the sessoo Sunday. Orlick, p 11 4

herers of Perth Amboy.JJ. Zuiio, itabbreviated siven-iD'Apolito ef

Isinkoviteh lbWagnei werelBaiLher l h

/ i V opposing pitchers, with t h e ^ . Postak rf .S1 firmer allowing six hit.. UuHud-; Zuocart, p _ -„ in: a homer and a double by U s - ;i' lrr Ursen, while W^ner wgas; Totals ..0 tucked for seven- Including two!n doubles by Johnson and one each)

. . - _ __ J OM.aV 1


0' by Cyrus and Stark.(j; " K*. »bry F*» " "

McJraw. rf —


(4)r h0 i)

Oliiff" i b . fl« vJuha Parstor. XJoe Pirsler. cf -..


Peertem A. A. —«« »»• •— - -

Trojaas FaB Down Langborne Oval to2 to 1, in "34 Start Inaugurate SpeedWAKeaibeyUiiit Festival c-l""J"

[•ing ^— -by nosing out a 2 to -

•over the Perth Ainbov Cardinals

n yI victory

over me i nut .at the Woudbridge Oval. A abortwhile after taking over the Vm-

nint the Field Club went tobov

YAiak, 3DJago. 2h _ -Y&eger, « _Mesko, cfSwidorf, If

work on Lhe Pords A. A. and | Dudaah. rf9Uu<-k«l it tor a 10 to I la*.

- ' Notchey ^nii Totalsdoublet! for Bears

WELSH- Scoring all ot

u<kMerwin, ^ ^

Petras £n««id outi in t

it.H0 W20

i e0 o1 00 U1 6

I «

Cyru*. ItU .Joiiuson. l'JI) iKatransky, c„ Ur^rii '*h ' _

TotalsTerW AS

[H. AU- uaUne. 3b'Soneld. If •—

Pucct. !b ..._

Turner, s|Vand«lm „

e J PeoMlUk c -«! Alex De Leo p —0 i Rotella lb

Lapate !bKotei ci __

itiarretsen rf.


you seetha.

Philadelphia, -cjra of tne!

- „ ! « , Bugles defeiUed the Iae- sytvania^ Trojans, U to 1, Sunday at the angurallocal ball grounds.eal bau grounua.

Pirte Konowlci pitched for thewinners and allowed but six hit*while the Eagles clouted Wage-ntaa. the loser a elbower. for four-teen btntles.

" - - • •• 1— tt\

A. V . look !T « t»«ri 3b

festival at the 1934the annual AAA

In the second skinmnn,J Nagy worked beat in tn

Genoveie, Notehy. F.and Vansc© copped the


xane chauipiun^tup battle, willstaged aver the magnificent 1j>

home Speedway bowl, iocaiU. S. Highway No. 1. near

a.Front out of the *e»i come W h

tr-awHwial knights of - — ' »•Hajkri Ruat. of Terre

. Re i» to drive m • » r , .Miiler beauty reeefttUJP*l»«yl "

hy &s Perriaaan. af|ABderko.'s

tbe first game, i foruj p. c. 101 000 410—7Summary: Three-base bit. Or-

l ist Two baae niu. 3«mted4M t)Akamo, Bennett. Struck out byOrlick, i; Ma^asU, 3; HoyLd. 6;Hiu off Orliek, 12 In T and 2-3

m u w w u < — ~ - n - - .Innings; offSfaaafU, 1 in 1 andlight with the sttek. t j 2-3 innings; Carotin*, 1 in 1gh

Thte Sn|B» wilt


afteraoon, the lo-meet tae Norwood


Club of iTYiagtoa atat VP. M.


ing; Hoyld. 7 in * umagi. sacn-ftee hits, PuUetro. 2; Yaeger andBases oa balls, off Orliek. 3; Mas-sagil, 1; Carolina, 1; Hoyld, 4;^teele. Umpire, SI. Pansier, Scorerw F. MeGraw.

by ck«ta« «**

— ** 8 ^ J ^ a T l d wh« the U0m «f *o thi.

[Jacko, lb I -Kraalnakl, rt



OU Liacoln Highway



to to be driven

• usemiwa; ui» dirtThis gives to IVrnman th*

strsaeeai eambiuatioq that eaafrh Mil sft«d eveeta have ever known.

•—— — - • •»»r« from ikt



. J•J 2A 1


Totals - 4 1 1«T n haa* U U —*tou**.

• e ; Walk*— by alley, 1; V<=r-attft. 0; 3truck out—By fttlity, 1. 'V«oMK 1L Douhte jiays—Lund

!.. I . . . . . .1 »H,H,I. L, tA.^JUJJ.UJjJL^—._" "



1 " . i

Special Saturday Nif ht -n


Page 9: Sechrist Rebukes Bartholomew For Crow's Calling Teachers ... · yuu lake it upon yournetf to talk about tiie ''Old Towno" or in fact mi) ol the people tn it. 1'robabl) will become


RED :HERSBATM IUTH RIVER.JimKeatingMarksUp 16 Strikeouts InSewaren '9' Debut

IN THE WORLD OF SPORTS+ + + + + + + • +

Martin Puts the Finger on Cavalcade to Cop the Kentucky Derby, Based

His Performance in the Late Months of 1935

SKWAREN. Jimmr K,,,ar Woodbridne right-hander,i nalki'd up sixteen strlkeouti Sundav when hl» team, the SewarfnA \ noncd out a fast South RideA A . of EUxatmth. 3 to 2, at tta<loral field. T V content w«« a bit-,,.riy fought affair until tbe eightinning, in which frame all the!runs were scored.

In the flrit half of the eighth,the visitor! ieored a pair of runsor, u thre« bale hit by Mack. Thisr;i||y soon ended when Keatingtifgan hi» good work again. Se-warcn'n tarn at bat resulted In &sinelt- by Rankln followed by atinele by Dunne. Andprch ws«,,.-\t to eft a nrety.

Wiih two men on IHUWS. Joe

i. am [Hon blasted a hard double tos,-,irr both Dunne and Anderch tomake the count 3 to I.

This Sunday afternoon, the 9e-w irt-n'ites will travel to Somervllle •»h"n> they will meet the strong-4 .niprvllle A. A.

w-warrn A. A. (B)ab

-r . l brrh. cf

pion, c

i h i n ,s lack , rf


..', U U 0 j I

•niuin — 3 J 3

>(,nti> Side A. A. (2)ab r

,.v. s9 5 0• liund, cf ... - . - 5 0ih'umk, rf 6 0i-toIT. l b 4 1

i. k. D - - 4 1...4 0! ,rkii«. lib

I .Tk,T. It\\ m».-l. 2bV. .irtcll. C

..._ 44


7 21

h e1 00 0;

0 ( 0 '2 Oj1 0'{

0 00 o1 0

Carteret Aces Too Maurer A's Crash Zukowski Fans 18 Batters to SpearStrong For Braves Isetn A. C . J to 5 M Straight Tilt for Fitzpatrick

>But Hits Are Even Club; Wukovets Gets Super SupportW00DBR1DGB — The Woodbridge Braves' A. C , found ttvCart*r«t Aees a bit too tough thtirweek and dropped an 8 to 4 con- 1RE1.IN The Maurer A A Int«at to the visitors. vao>d into plaif and. without "in

8. Kocsl and B Kocal were the gldertuR the dH-llTinc ol tbe localonly tiro BratM abi« to soek the ball fans, Mapped th* lseHn A C teenth stmiirht (fame yesterday aftwnoori by blankiagCajrtem pitchers slanu for a hit diamond warrior*. : to 5. behind the Red ('.hosts of Woodbridjto high school, 1 to 6, in a

i. The winners, howerer, H. stutski's six-hit burling. Stut-' twelv«>-inninu piWhers' duel here.

* ^ t t a T l T * " °f d J5"?- 'h' IT"" 1 """' t*l*mtb ]"^*n Not finrp the final Rame of

SOITH RIVKR-Probably heading straight for IB-8. Kocrt and B. Kocal were the RI<WH>K .hi t ^ i w of the local other'fete championship. South River High won to nmt-


son each getting two.Cannot Act* (S)

abVan Deventer, rf 4Patrick, It 4Marcii. 2b SStajka, 2b -0Hagan, H 3Baxka, m 1Jackgon, lbBarcanciuk. 3b

Colog&n. rf .._Mlllk, rtagy, p

season h u theTb* winner, FOHMM ser» j patrick-conched club bren scored upon. And th*t wai in

' safeties off Blanco, with Urbanski the sixth innms of its battle with Kirkleskit B imm boys.h * tnd Biaikowski getting two aptK«, As a rewlt, the Bricktowners have now travelled ttoaf

" Tomawo ,«arr«i 'w^b* | o M n for • total of forty-one innings without a run beimf

^--w ' *p until ydrt^r^liy, Soutn Riv* ~ ij-1 —*~~ ——-~-——-**- ————• tr Han had a flrtd day rompingI away tnd shutting out Newark


» with0 »nd 1' lselln ball busters to hit,1 connecting ooet.

A. r. (5)

Toulg »* 2 S 01

Thrw base fails — Mack. Two,I, ir hits. Campion. Struck out by jK atme. 16; by Mack, 8. Ba*>s;

otf Keating. 3; Mack, 2;J. Zehrer. i


Appearing in classical playevi C; a slock company to bondonv. I, ukc up all the time of Char-l- Laughton for the next eight

j i. nlhs. He has just left Holljr-L v i«d havlns completed "WhiteI \V tjinau", hia current picture for|}\_niiuount. In which he Is feat-I t -d with Carole Lombard. L*u(hft 1 will be one of eifcht pUyeriI i o have bended iog«ther to do

vi^'hi claasici. UM pten beln^ to[IJUII each play for one nionlli at[ th.- "Old Vic1 Theatre in Lonuon

BY PHILIP MARTINM tailing you Dtforehand —il'int het on Philip Martin's se-

lection in the Kentucky Derby:rhuae who have In the past havebecome sadder but wiser custo-m»r* of the bookmakers.

So. with fear and trembling-Cavalcade Is the nag!

This hone of the BrookmeadeStable will be the jnaln relianceor i he east fa the 80th running oftbe historic clasalc of tbe turlTV bone has plenty of breeding,being the favored ion of Ltocc-Iiye-Haatily.

His early i-year-old perform-ance was not to itartltitg, bat bewound up last year with two Inprestfre wing, one oyer SlnjiniWood, a Derby taroritt.

Cavalcade hit baen respondingnobly to Derby training, andfives every Indication of contin-uing bis brilliant performanceduring tin tag and of 1933. Tbehon* promlMi to be a smart %•year-old. And it take* a smartanimal' to -cop the Derby—at all•mart horse followtn will tellyou.

We taiok he's smart uough towin on May a.

• • *'THE new rulern^f tk* realm of*• table unnii a n a *oung in-

Totals __ it iHnvM A. C. (4)

ab rS. Ziek, ss 2 0J. Walsh, lb 3 0A. Barcelona, If 1 1S. Kocni, o 3 1J. Fltzpmrlck, cf, ? —.1 0V. Dross. 2\> _ 3 0M. i'aitur, rf _...2 0I., [ionalaky. rf I 0K. WilliMw. lib -.2 IB. KncBi. :ib % 1


} 1

h e

J. Zick. p 0

U HultCDiin. rfLamVrt. II) .Costa. ?.b , -Boltiar. seHunaegar. rTomasco. 2bDube, IfBlanco. i>Raphael, cf . .




j p Holy Trinity of We*tO»We|and Keyport Hlith. But, when th#O.Wcodbrtde* l»d» breeted !atoI'clnip >HWf«iy. emeu rtni \ that his boys were- to b* In0 I plenty of twuble.' I And trouble It v u The two*: elubt settled down to work atl i 4:05 f. M. and it want until» |6:40 P. M, and twelve

down a iiialeT between flrrt mtnewl tor a rind*, then •d^uea!to neoBd «• u *nvr. Stcnkle«ki

2 | later, that tbe fracas, th* greateat0 0 0 pitcbers' warfare staged thai tar

Totals _.39 7this year, was fliuiUv

8 1! Woodbrldve loet, 1 tn 0.wttl«l

Cavalcade, sbott right, 1* Martin's choire to win the KentaekfDerby. I t left is Jimmy Mrl'lure of Indiannpolis, national tabls)tennif champ. Below, (row left to right, we Kuth Aaron* of Hewfork, qnecn of U.S. table tennis player*: Jack Medica, WaabiBf-Ma aqaadc marvel, and OUve McKean, who tied Lenore Kl«bt'lworld record for fhe lOO-j-nrd free style swim.

dianapolis department store clerk

who hopes tome day to make l ie

footlights u t l i p dancer, and a

New York girl who upset the ap-

plecart at the recent national

tournament In Cleveland, 0.

Tbe male crown wearer UJimmy McCiure. In winning OKnational title at Cleveland. Jimmyannexed nil 20th diadem so tarthis year. The rest ot his honorscame Is state and sectional tour-naments. The queen Is RuthAarons.

To gain the throne, these twoyoungsters unseated Jimmy Jacob-•on of fiew York, and June^ g m t , of*fim Ptaiaea. UU lastyear's chiw»l«»

rpHE Pacific coast Is producing

a new crop of swimmers who

threaten to wreck all exiiting

records. Among this group Is

Jack Medica, the University of

Wuhlngton pbenom, who splashed

through the recent intercollegiate

meet in Columbus, 0 , to be the

outstanding point scorer, and

Olive HcKean.

Him McKean U another Washtagtonlan, hailing from the Wath-

'incton A. a of Seattle, in therecent Women's National A. A. Cmeet at Chicago, she wan the 100yard free style event, beat InLenore Right, Homestead, rchampion, and tying Lenworld record of 1:M4.

21 4 2 2_006 110—8...000 022—4

Mrarer A. A. (7)ab r

J. Sparky, If '. 6 2S. Urbanski. gs 4 3L. Kerley, lh 5 0Hilakowskl. 3b 5 0L. Wtllck. ef — 4 0T. Slanky, 2b 4 0H. Stntskl. p . -4 0A. Stanley, rf 1 1E. Kocun., c — 4Cervony, rf 2 1


Maurcr ,

Early arrival at »he.asquan River will give train

*ra ample time to transfer tofishing boats. Returning, Iseltn

trains will Wave Point Pleaaant atconvenient houses thereby afford

! Oa three occasions, the visitorsh e ' had opportunities of sliovtns the1 0 game on ice. However, pof> flys2 0 and strikeouts wrote finis te thoee1 0 ideas tnd the Wood bridge run0 11 ners who W»TC parked on second

and third liasm died ttwre0 0 ZukowftM. brilliant eibowe-r forg o the FlUpatrlcK elan, P ha Iked up1 0 a total of eiuhtpen strlkwiuu On1 0 the oth«r hand. \\fukovet». Wood-1 o bridges ac<" hurler, funned five

batters, he was given 9up<»r-9«"r-

ng llahin:- enthusiasts practicallya full day's sport.

The round trip fare on eitherrailroad for fishing excursionists

be one dollar. Boat ownersWill malt & uniform charge of

..:%„.... 33 5 » 7

..J...200 102 062—7

030 001 100—5

reaching the popular fishinggrounds on the North Jerteyaeaeoast. arrangement! are ftVmade to increase the present!fleet of vessels, th i s new serviceto be provided by the two rail-

vlce fleldlnR by his mate*.Without contradiction, Zukow

ski was the star of the game. Hewas followed by WukovMs. FrankJost was nest in line for outstandlns 3<rforniance, with Leroy

rr for Kwlatkowtki. Buditn laye*

•core BudUn aad the winning nis.

L. SUnoBieti, 2b ..Balog, cfWukovets, pJoet, M ....Kluj. lbA Barcelona. IfKunicta, SbScntti, c _Oolden, rf


ab. E,

5. I... S


... 54

.. 4

4 1


Boo* Hirer • . ft. (1)

Knoblock, s» _.,Poignonaec, ctDedrick. 3b .Wojcie, cMaslello. lbBogdiio. rfi BndzinKwlatkowskl, 2bSlenklewici, ifZukowski, j .

ab. S. &. 5

&_ 5... E


_ 5_ 4

tw0 dollars a perron, which iB- Toa<ls is expected l 0 appeal notaccomodate thefishermen these

eludes bait. Totrainlo&ds ofrailroad excursions will probablyattract because they will affordthe quickest and cheapest way of

only to the lari;e numbers of per-sons who patronize SehlnR boats

and Barrellona u» leadITS In nt'ldlng performance

Each pitcher allowed buthits. Wuknveta was slappeda quintet of sinflfw, wlilleski was nipped for fourdnd a double hy JoBt.

Guinp into the last half of the

44 "T t S %Totalsx Rudstn

. ;»a plnfb bitter,fiveforiW 0 » 0 t 0 0 0 Q Q 0 « l

- S. R. .. <TU 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 9 I—1One out when "Inning rua was

Bcored.S. O—Zukowski. 18; Wuko-

even1 season, but should prove j hard to ser, tiucaust1 of the dark-equally attractive to the surf cast . ness, BopUio Iliwl out to golden,or, I Budiin was sent in as plnch-hit-

; ktwelfth (ranif, and with the ball*vets, 5. J B.H.—Jost. Bases on

balls—South River. 3; Wood-bridge. 1. Hit by pitcher—Wociie.

—Stang and Hatter.


SPLITS » i MISSESBowling Leagues in Windup

THK luil!M.nai H.'wlu.i; l..-a(!Ue V.'111'.M- to u -.-imclusioii tnia * e e k

with tl.f UHU.JIIK-U t n > vnrnini, HecuinJ liiilf lumorh. Tlie Civic

j u t i i s o teruanaird vtuli the H e i Club and Craftsmen's Club

' a. 7 fur first ;»lare. A roll-off *HI b*- irmnsed for some night next

»-'-k to decide tbr second half winner.V • ' * • •

Parkways in Tight Sqww»The Parkway pinner* managed to pull through \% »erve-raeking

| match affair by Ukine two out ol three games froin the Snell OU

....* The first gam* waswon hy 44 pins, the second was loet by 31,

[ a m the tttrd wa» w,on by a mere two pins. GUrane, of the SheU fire,

I w..j the only one hit high, making 207. ?

Cr»ftamen H*d To Have TkraeBy winning three straight Ulu from tbe Avenel A. A., th<

lcr l(tBmen bowlers tMD«ed.to tie the Fleas lor first pla« in the

w> wlndup Tbe winners experienced little trouble in coppin* tbe

Iflrst same by 115 M* 'the second by 102 and the last by 193.

I c . b l e eentury seo«s were r^i^tered by F. Soh*en.«. 22U and S.an

SV. lor 2UH and 256.• • • •

These fishermen's excursiontrains will run Wednesdays andSaturdays from the Jersey Cityterminal of the Central Railroadof New Jersey, and Thursdays andSundays trom the PennslTanlaRailroads Exchange Place Term-

sionTrains"foV'iheVpw"araecwn- Inal in Jersey City The Berylceodntion of fishermen, will be op-l-wt" begin Sunday Jun« 2 via the



erated this summer by the CentralRailroad of New Jersey and the

Central Railroad of New Jerseyand Sunday, June 3 via the Penn-sylvania Railroad. ,

The special trains wtll leavePennsylvania Railroad to NorthJersey Coast points, including, *^ ~r — r -Long Branch, Aabury Park, Bel-. from the respective terminals inmar. Manasquan River, and Point; Jersey City about 6:00 a. m., onPleasant according to an an- the' day mentioned. The Pennsyl-nouncemeot nude today follow-(vanWa excursion trains will make

ing a conference between pass-enger traffic official* of both rsil-

stops at Market Street, Newark,Elizabeth and Rahway. The Jersey

roads and David A. Mount, of Bay Central fishing trains will makeHead and Minasquan, ' stops at Newark, Elizabeth port

WHY PAY MORE?-All these features in theFORD V-8 for only

Sckwcocers Drop aWith the MeLeod all** ace« rolling along in conswleni

. SoBweo«r te*m lost two out of three tiBs. It lost the fkn

-7 pins won the second by 13 and Iwt the floal by 101 t

.w«usr!bU 2tt« and 217 for the losers, while Smithers *aS bent

loi the winners with 134.

Tkoae Ea*y-goiagKWB Club Pin*«n did exactly what wM rv

ieM«l They Krabbed a Ulo oi B»»« « « » l h « W o c l p e r F ' V e '"I ,?a half interest in first place honors of the second * , , . , * ,

Keep on theSafe Side.. .

Our customers reraamour friends because wegive little incidental ser-vices which take butlittle time — cost our

_ _ ^ _ ^ _ _ _ _ I'ustomers nothing . . . .but help to keep their care up to snuff, and in per-fVcl running order.


Corner Main A Pe»rl Sts. Woodbridge, N. J.

0)176 158188167 1S1

.„ 172147 144

l us »udy 164 161rner" « • 1 "

LorehC. SebweMerO. Lwl PICTURES

Tools 83» 8 5 7

McLeods (2)

tdl tteaury Thevc ikuri,'I'utils - • • 764 793

1T3 1**

Would you tike to keep parted an all thenew devtlopmoiU in this tmarkuhlr wurtduf uun? Tbe or* lnwcntiuu - - Uic

Ta thensolng feau»—lie ( ftion — Kadjo- Ekctrkity—Chemistry

? Tcuiciif JICHOC MuleMturt—ItnjltlDL Fiall

tion Kadj k i y C h e m i r yPhysics - Photography, etc.? These andDQH&y other fmanatini subjiscUtsvc brou^QtW yiiu each nunth WMlk UM pngssj ofTOKJLAR MBCHANIU UAGAZUOL

Mtt. V* d» hiw—ifc. Am n u n i akMiu U*ua ka uij M i . . . Ifi tteaM

i cntyumt >»»— SM% • »

Pord Dealers WantUsed Can-All MakesI b e n it • brisk demand for usedCan of all make*. Your car may

have a turn-In value that will

be of deddod help In buying a


Aad hen la something to re-

r. Then U a new deal in

can. The National Auto-

mobile Dealer's Association

Gode pnacrlbes th« maximum

trade-m raloe of jroor car. Un-

der thta code no dealer, reggrd-

lees el make of car handled,

can oflar yoa man than a Ford


Bef o n you buy any car at any

price take your car to a Ford

dealer—and take a new Ford

V-« out on the road I


The following special equipment(which cuts from I38.N to I4I.Mmore on other can) is furnished onFord De Luxe models—at no extracharge.



aw tadm —

.S2S4S. 2»S«. ins. 13T8. JJM

- Othtr featum tf tk$ Ford V4 for 1934 •


tJl IB 1 COMMISSION RATIO..(Suadard I i 4 t H U I








totay U M tbmiahaut Twin TMI-Htf>UTwo mstr>n<-t—hofi Twin cowl lampsM ^k«ifa^n» * J ^ ^ ^ ^ M * K ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ - _ J —,s- _ ,1 _

and Ash tanpttcks(hat match the body


Dorsey Motors, Inc.Maple <md Fayttte Streets, Perth Ami*}, H. / .


777 St. Gesrp'iRAHVAT, «. L

. »» • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •»» • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •»

Page 10: Sechrist Rebukes Bartholomew For Crow's Calling Teachers ... · yuu lake it upon yournetf to talk about tiie ''Old Towno" or in fact mi) ol the people tn it. 1'robabl) will become

TEN woonmnnnr I,F,AI)K.U - .mruvu.. FIUDAY, APRII, 27,

lore Than 2,Men to be HiredOn R.R. ProjectNEW YO!!K Mure than 1.i\ni

men will be

I'lin?'» . T V f"rr<' * i U t><- i n f r w i iand ih'1 work pv|riul<»il unt i l tinIH-aK "f iTiiploynK-nt snrt activityi« rvstipcl in mld-mwiirier.

Tli(- i-W-rtriftfatlon o( t h - l'>mi-s v H a n n Ituilrcmil'» ( r e t s l i t track-;\£< In tin' N i * YnrV; «r» »i is i>:ir<"f \h>- r o a d s tuice $7 7,<lflH,iliH>employment anil im.novpmf'nt prusr.im. financed t•>- I'ubhr WorksArinilnlKtratton, which include*

Business Group Villa's DauHears Executive

at Banquet Here

lib tor

In Movies


the enniplptf/electrification of its]turloagtrad railroadttren r«4tularj w r by the iv-nn.yhania Railroad l r l i n M r , 1 ( . U ( ) n n f , 0 1

la the electrisation nf It, Import, m o ^ f o r u ,an l fr*lKhi '••rmlnnl-i yards anrl ,IP , l U i M , °[)f

branch linen in the New \ ork I jn > |» | , l r a r B

•re*. Involving apprmimat-ly 12."!mile? of trark. li <a> announced i ™ e r o a ( l P V ^ 1 C " , ' °»odav hv f, l>!(outllll.>r. v t r o i " ? P n l l r " *l«;trincatton programpresident N..«r York 7nno. it"'1* >'*»r- " i a l l l n ! : POMIMC the in

T h e roiii | ir''hni!>lvc project al-r*ady i s * > | l u n d u w a y . Mr. 1,>>BoMtl l l l fr paid, HIM! TOO fiirVmii.li-ed m e n h a v e l>f n r a l M hark tos t e a d y e m p l o y m e n t on i t s var ious .


) n

elertrlc loco-'*'»}'• ''vt-ry minute of every day;lines ami1 »'*'h, »»e merchandl**- control

J1.00 Hil-siocl1 where ;oil want II to BO; «<-»en,figures and run your huslnms

j buy frtijuently and ir.fxlvMh to1 Kei fa»t turnover.i -Mr. Self also stnwsed the im-portanre of advertising in news-papers ami the llh'-ral use of lln-prict- tiie. Of ttse p r i c u i . n-said:

i "Ami now come price li'-kel".i'rrJV tickets -llfcy -ire «-<»unl»-r

throughiratlon ofi passeneer and freight train ser-vlre 1111 improved schedule* be

,twM-H Nftt York and Wa»liiiipt'>n'•arly in 193:..

Included in the l'euns>hania f 1.1,UackaKfc to he , l«tr l f ied in the '»»»« - 1 l u ' l r a I t * r 0 » 9 " f 1>lia'r


N.w York area during 1!-:U w i i r 8 1 " 1 * ™u n t* r»- T h e > k ^ p !"^r"clian<li«>- on the move. Tliey K<«-]'U flivAine. Thy give information.Tbry answer questions. They ^ervc

I IMlAMKNTAI-SThe pruen performance, and sails-faction of i;f>OI)HICH and ourreputation for Sijuare Dealingshould influence yon to buy tiresfor ymir rar here The specialGolden ply guards against blow-ouu to rough usape- -and they al-ways give more satisfaction at less

I..- portions of the Harsinum Coveyard and pler» at Jersey City andthe trackage serving them; th t ' Mi

, rh vards nwr Newark, the l ' M . > n » »» IM I M . ,™! l k l n 6 ' t l l t : , ' " t

sale freight line which detours , «**"*«»*. lltlI- «1 v m a"< .»ell!i)« dynamite of the I>IK MOHS.The ciilosfiil power nf departmentSIMII-S. As soon as » ciifloiner en-Ui> the store tin1)' Ftart lellili-

. ami si'llinu, unpelled, unaided,, In the HarnlnuiB Cove yard ! u,1>;ii:iri,-d', untaught, untrained1 where merchandiite and perighatiln , t l t .v [ e a | i j I U 0 action as soon a*

(r-ieht is liandlel for New Yi>rk ; , l l H ,.vt. c r 0 B g pj , ih? tluesi.old..t'lty pi<*r stations and market?.1

T ) l ( . . a n . |111|U, v ( . , ti,,,_v ^penkjfoundations for steel poles lo [ c u r i o u s l y , inKistenlly. e',: , isupport the electric wires are bo- \ (.|u,|UMitl)." Iin;; completed and the erection nf i ! (.v Mellherg, Hie third u;».-uV'-1steel will begin shortly. At Green- ,.r l l t , | l e evening, spoke 1111 ih-vllle, where cars are floated to IB* importance o( advertising.New Haven and I^ong Island Rail- ••^i)U ghould advertise lr>inroads (or interchange and h e a v y . t . ^ r v standpoint1, Dr. MWDrri:freight U lighted 10 local docks 6 a | , i j • a l l j you will Uius U-conu-and steamships foundation work [,,.tl(,r salesmen ot your produi't.for the electrification is well mi-, '.-j ,d'm intensely 'interested 111der way and about .May 1 steel t , v p l . y hU S |nWs task and (•omuuiii-

Ir.-iirht tr.ilns around thecer tracks at Manhattan Transfer'utid t!w- trackage from Haliway lo 1Snuiti Aivboy. I

com per mile.


i!>ui'lfiilM'.K "Sunnvan operetta, will


yafi'air and 1 believe in boost-

Wood bridge with all my

for wires will begin risini:alnni.' the yard tracks.

At Meadows and Waverly, huge • 'n-ng'tli^ so "thai people will beginclaasiflcatlon yards for the met-ropolitan area, foundations arebeing dug and the erection of steelis expected to start within theneM few wt'eks. Sle4l already hasheuun to rise along the Railway-South Amboy line and crews willbe.Kin stringing wires on the over-head supports early n*xt nionthThis line not only gerveK PerthAmboy and South Amboy where

1 jfii.-l for metropolitan New Yorki:|i|is transferred to liiihte.rs. but also

iiiiilllliiiiwi.'liloilili i s Itlf" r0!l t<J l 0 seashore pointe-

MICKEY AND HIS MA Drawn for Cttristeiuen Bros.

tu ask questions about our com-11.unity."

1,'uminuuity singing was heldduring the evening, and was Ivdby Carl Drourr, ot i'erth Auiliuy,Miss D».'itha Ohlott, ot town, wasthe 'uccotnplaniBt at the piano.Mr. Drourr also sang several solonumbers.

with connections to South Jersey.Work has begun on two new

.-ubstationp in the metropolitanone at Greenville and theut SuutlL Amboy. Additions

;il?o l>een started on substa-at Jnurmil Square, Kearney,

Th and Kahway.<' Priuceion branch, almost

milis long, connecting theof l'rinceton with the main

A hat rhfck Elrl In anieht club r.^.ntly, Celia Villa,above, 19-year-o|<! daugliter ofPanch'o Villa, the late Mexicanrebel general, has entered themovies. She Is raaklns personalappf-arnnces in the UnitedStat'"5 forntlte company lo whichshe is under contract.

BIG BROTHER SE»is nn p r

people's choice ofpartment Stm-" for all '•KNOW liccause thcy'\;tion and servire for yi ;

with: }.-tensen's Bi1-;• iheings.Thej;•uon satisfac-

SPECIAL BUY THIS WEEK!Boy's "Kayr.ee" WASH SUITS, all sizes

they are wonderful at .-._ $1.49

Children'. WASH DRESSES, great variety to selectfrom, sizes 2 to 14 79C anj Jl.rjO

Little ToU Snappy Coats, sizes 2 to 4, hats free at $3.98

Little Children's COATS, tweed and flannel, sizes 2 to4, HATS FREE! a t

GIRLS' COATS — up-to-date, HATS FREE!sizes 4 to 6, at


Milk FedBreast*,of Veal >ForSt

MfcrBe*f Pot

ROASTStewingMilk Fed



York division also will beelectrified under the program.Work is existed to start atPrinceton in the near future.

In addition to the program inNtw York area the Pennsyl-

vania Railroads electrificationproject includes the main line(.wks between Wilmington, Del.,and Washington, the freight yardsat Tienton, Wilmington and Bal-timore and improvements at Phil-adelphia. Tl'.e electrification workcombined with fju- car and loco-motive construction, all includedin ilie 1'. W. A. financing, is saidl>y Government and railroad offi-cials to be the larxe^t corporateconstruction job in the countryand the must comprehensive siug'

Ik- program (if railroad improve-ment undrnakt-n in recent years.More than -o.tjuo men will In-given t-m).loyiiiunt on the niilrou'land in industry this .war us a re-sult ot the improvement work.

Work will alsu uoj forward act-ively during 1!'"4 on the new sta-tion :it Newark. N. J. WliiH- theN e w a r k pruj'-i1! is i,ni in i - luded ih

• he pro.urtini liiiane.-il by 1'. W. A.

t h e s t a t i o n • i i . h ^ n l ' M . ' i , ;,nil r.--

tnnltht by th» pupils ofSi imiii's pchnol at St. James'auditorium. An ndde<| attractionwill be a short sketch entlttled

rinil'Ti-lla" i.renented by ther'.iiiircii of the first, second and1 bird urades.

Tl.. uiieretta is In two acts. The!:-i act is on the lawn Of thellf.'n.. HI Sunyslde and the time lau -ummer morning toward noon.i 1 ••• sirond art Is at Sunnjslde1».1 b-iiirs latrr. The principal1 1.•iractern are:

' Sunny," favorite of all theihlldrett, Klu Demler; "N»n" ai..•',,.(-r ut Sunnyslde, Mary Maher;

l i l . ,n ' niece of Mrs. Raleigh, apatroness, Itlta Krock; "Billy,"N-.ra Mcl'.ulrk; "Leila," prettiest.mil vainest among the Rroup,l;.-rnice Baumlln.

Amos." I-ella's brother, Vln-ent Minkk-r; "Phil," the fat boy11 a diet. Krancls Colden; "Paul-

in... very much ihe fine lady. Lu-i-lllp Connollr: "«««Wy,': «lw1. ;.d*T uf a ''^roup." John Gels,

Mi-inbi'rs of "Reddy's 'group'• -Herk" Henry Ijvin; "Howard'

liiis Jai ler ; "Tim, " Tomas Bird•I ' \nthony" John Sullivan;'.nil,'" a new boy as Sunnyslde,•Ilium I.eahy; "Hose" Dorothyin; "Hieodora," Tlorence Mc-rmey and '"Leonora, " Beatricelii an, the Quinn twins.Hnraoe." a book worm. Harry

\ier. Harriet, " a ven' livelyiiis.r. Mar> Pinion; "Jimmy,"

1 l.i- crippled boy, David 'Dei^gan;"Announrer," John Dunn.

"Jane." Margaret Dunn; "Ho-bffta," Roberta Sullivan; "Julia,'

Flo-Julia ^edlak; 'Florence,'r. nce Conlftn; "Loretta,1

P p ( , n P v. "Betty." Marlon DfJDancers. 6«h and 7th g

elrlK. airplane drill, hoys ofand 7th prade*; cirrus. 5th gKirls and hoys; l. ap frop chorusand drill, 4th grade Kir!* andboys Music will be furnlehcd n>Patrick F'enton. pianist and AllenMlnkler, violinist.

Attend DenUlWOODBRIDGE.--Dr. W. Z.

BarMt and Dr. Maurice Tralman.both of Main street, attended theDental Convention at AtlanticCity, yeaterdw.


B»twe«n Ellhu Z. ljmt»rl»un. 1 o«n-plalnant. and Ptter Colombttti »nd

Fa tor th* »fc of mortgapMl prfm-Iseo dated March 2V 19M.B>- virtue of thf abort «UtM » n | .

t,, n» directed and dflivered. 1 *»•fI[H>« to *»k »t public vendufWEDNESDAY. THE_J


(•urn KookkoppinK. Iiaiikinn, Siiortluuul ..•iting at hnmc in half thr timo. and at oiic-i:-•Utpnrlinjf a business COIICRC \ o u can compl,in bookkpepinK or banking, and receive v..-

•m two months. You can learn to wntc ov,T 1" minute in shorthand in legs than two months, , .J become an expert, rapid typist in six weok.s.

A small down-payment and ensy monthly terms will ,A ""^A immprtiRtelv. Complete satisfaction and a K...


d ,l

vou sta n>fum|((


o'clock D»yllght 3«vln| Timef th id « > • «


two oclock D»yllght 3the afternoon of the Mid

ff Offi I the Citythe Sheriff's Office In the City ot N«"Brunswick, N. J. , .

All the fo!lo*lng tract or partel Mland and prfralwa ber«ln»ltM I

18S0 Downing St., Denver Colo.

C o w t h EfiTlRE United StatesSHARES


in tiff County <>t Ml'ldlewx »nd SUteDf New Jersey

Being known and desirnated u lotUS •>!• map i-ntitM M»p o( Ideal Parkntuatetl In thf Toviuhlp o( Wood-brulB*. County "( Middlesex, and SUteof New Jersey, surveyed by Larson *Vi't i\ E July 15. 1916," and filed Inth- Clerk s Offlw (* Middlesex County.

The approximate amount ot the de-rre* to be satisfied by said sale Is thesum of one Thousand Four HundredEirhtv-three IX.IIars and Ninety-threeCent!" iSl.4ffl.93) together with tn#




S .uf this sale.

All h ( t e tract or pTogeher with all and singular tb«

iil h d t

All the (uMowtnTo l


tract or parcel oll tb


and singular tbprivileges, hereditaments anfl

s thereunlu blollfinf or

K L y




GEORGE J. MILLER.I1K.06 Solicitor.

Loretta Apr. 13. 20. 37, May 4.

I improvements will be car-rlf-it forward vigorously by tlierailroad this year and it is t\-Itw.ted the new facilities will heopened for service early In 1935.






MARKET .2-650fl •"•

THINK/qood tap

... stsrt asavings;* account


"The Food that MaVosthe Man"



We Accept Baby Bonds



PORK 12IbFresh


Pat u

Chickens 211bFre*hMadeChopped

MEAT 9 IbPiire

PRINTLARD 9c'Armour'sSugar Cured



5 lbs. 24c

irust (EoniftanyRAHWAY, N. J.



W0ODMUD0I, M. J.Member Federal Reserve System

Go To Church On SunkJ , _ji_M»jiniiuill"u4ll*^MII'imnilulMlluuHllUMlli^





large pkg. 35c* ^ V ^ * ^ • • ' ^ ^ ^ * ^ ^ " * *^ ^


8 cakes 29cKirkman's CHIPS



20 Mule Te


i m

1 Ib. pkg. 15cFavorite PINK SALMON

Caught in Alaakan Waters

2 cans 23cFORCE

2 pkgs. 23c



Bon, Meal Fertilizermo



Ideal tor Lawns, Gardens, Flowers

ShmblK'iy and Trees—100 LB. BAG $4LIME, large bag S(k


Joseph Klein Co.FEED AND COAL


: Woodbridge 8—0021

Sponsored By




Uaiittii) .lie. ami (in-en St.

Tel. »—iioy."> WotMlbrUge


TEL 1'. A. -1 -20G8550 Xew Ilninswict Aie., Furds

FRANK R. DUNHAM, Inc.Real Estate • Insurance

TEL. P. A. i—3288515 New Brunswick Ave., Ford*

Select One and Support ItWith Your Attendance

ST. JAMES •„WuodbridfC

Urt. Kraiici. X. ljagui, I 'uUrLuw Mai.1 7.UU A. 11.Lu* M w .' S.0U A. M.I A * Mum S:0u AMHigb Una 10.3U A. «Week Day Uiuu 7:00 AMBenedlctiun . . . , 4:00 P. M.Saturday Conleswutui.. 4 to 6 P.11.

7:JO to SiOO P MSunJay Baptism 11:14 A.M.


Bev. C u t C. K, lUUWifOmth SdioolMurning WorshipE|-vk- .ith U n g wEM-niiig Service

9:45 A. M11:00 A.M7:UO P. M7:45 P.M


Kci. WillUm J. BrtEDU, l'»«1orSuiiJay Miiisea .. 8:30 4. 10:3U A.M.

Bdpllsin ... . - , . 11 3D A. U.Ou»(*s*iuii, Satiirilay t lo 5:00 P.M.

7:»jlu 8.30 P. M.

TBISITY CHUBtUI I M U B: Kmlly K Grmyblll LwaKr, PMtor! Sunday wcrshly iind sermonI 11:00 A. U.'Sunday E»ungclistic serviceI 7:45 P. U.Sunday School 9:45 A. M.Tuesday, Bible Study ..7;tf P. M.Thursday, Prayer and- • 7:45 P. M.



T«l Wood. 8—1143

HY - WAY DINERTry Oar Houi« Cooking

toHKLMMS riSHComer Amboy Ave. tt Mulu S .

l Q CO.

Woodbrtdge'g l.tadlugJU RATE UKL'G gmPre*cri|itiuiiB Callefl thr

ind1'HO.NK WOOD.

t » MUln W- Woodbrklge


tm Mem BrvMwfck Afe^ PordtTW-, P, A. 4~«10


H*\. Kdvard B.Wellt»,A-B..8.T.BHuly EuditrfM and Sttorl Sermon

8:00 A. 11.

Service. 16:30 A. ITUul> £uch«riat and Sermon orM<,n,uig Prayer and Sermon 11A.U.Holy GucharlM, Huly Dayi 9 A. UHuly Gucuarlat. Friday) . . .9 A. M.


B*r. V/m. V. D. 8 t n u , Pa»lerUurning Worahlp 11:00 A. M.KvMiing Service 8:00 P. II.Christian Endeavor Service

3:00 P. U.


2:30 P. U,. I 00 P. M.

4:00 P. M.6;4i P. M..7:00 P.M.

F1BST FBtSIVTKBIAX1 A»e»«lI Ur. B«bcrl I. MeBiide, Pa»UrI Sunday Uuniiog Service 11:00 A. M'Sunday Evening Worship ..8 P II.' - - School 10:00 A. SI

uor ... 7;li P. JL


Rev. FrueU X. U a g u , ParftrSunday Mass 9:00 A. MSunday Schcx)! 10.00 A. M.

gKev. Karl U. Dctauy, PatUr

iiui,a»y Morumg Worship ..11 A.M.Buiiday Evening Service ..7:44 &,*.Sunday School 8:46 A, UJunior C. & '. %M P. M.imernuMlUU C. K. . . . . 2Ur. lnteruedlate C/* . .Young Peuple'i ChoirHi C. EYuung 1'ciik'B Society



A Brnnch of The Mother Church.Ttw Flrat Church of Chrlat. Sclent,

1st In Boston. Miss.Sunday Servloe 11:00 A. U.

'.Sunday School 9:30 A M.IWed. Teatlmony Meeting.1:00 P. K.IThura. Reading Room 3-0:00 P. M.


R«v. i. W. Faalci, PtaUlSunday Morning Burvlo* 11 A M.Sunday Hoboot W *, It.

Sponsored By'IfTITrrl IrTTTTfll rlTHlll ri'llHlHininlrnwHt rtT"^1





Tel. Wood. 8—0664

88 Main Street Woodbri;!



41 Maju street,




Mm. !IAIW Uaaa

High H w aBenedict H"

8:00 A. II8:00 A. M

10:» A.fcOO P.

ChlMnni's BuiMtay Htrvlos \ » P.M.C»tw*etlf»l tvmJkf O u t 7:40 P.It.

Ol B 1AUY « r PEACK K. C.


Morniag Sermon 11:00 A. II.Sunday School 1:10 P.M.Youuc Feoyki BwtiatUnion 7:00 P. M.

ouiiioa or IUUN«n«iTEiiAH

B«>. Juki E. LarUa, B*et«Sunday U&awf 8:00 and 10:00 A. IISunday School follows 8 o'clock MsBenediction alter 10 o'clock ""

9 W. «. *****Bunday Momlni farriS 11:00 A.U8uuday nrmhtf Wor*lt t:00 P. M.Sunday Scbud JM A. M.O l i n Rud«a»or . . . . 7:IS p. M

au#Qi( mttf Tburt. I P If


Sunday School a:30 A. USunday Worahlp 10;« A. M.You»g People'a Soqlety aBv«ry Tue»day 8:00 P. M. j


Sunday M M — . , 9 : 1 * 4 0:46 A. M. !



CompltoeDU ot




\ bevnouiy MI

(ireeu buect ,



J. «..'., iuiikstfi ..^e.