Search By Advertiser Video and Text Tutorial

Search by advertiser

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Page 1: Search by advertiser

Search By Advertiser

Video and Text Tutorial

Page 2: Search by advertiser

Using the Advertiser Search Feature

The first step to start using WhatRunsWhere is to locate the information you’re looking for within our database.

• WhatRunsWhere searches through data we have on advertisers by their landing page URLs. We can start our search by typing the domain of an advertiser into the search box, under the “By Advertisers” tab.

• An advertiser is anyone who is placing advertisements on another website that link back to their domain, and includes both companies and affiliates.

• Running a search for www.ford.com for example will bring up all relevant data about different aspects of their online marketing campaigns. The built-in auto complete feature can assist you in finding an advertiser’s domain if you are unsure of the complete URL. For example, typing ``Ford`` into the search bar will give you a list of possible domains containing the word ``Ford``.

• After a brief searching and compiling period, all pertinent data will be displayed under several specific categories.

• Overview: Displays relevant statistics in graphs to help consolidate and explain the data to you before you dig any deeper into the specifics.

• Demographic Reports: This page will display international traffic trends, as well as the representation of several key demographic categories. This information can help users further identify lucrative target audiences and international traffic sources. One use for this data is it provides users with contextual market research so they can produce and refine their ads so that are tailored to the highest represented demographics – while at the same time, reducing their spending targeted at lower represented demographics.

Page 3: Search by advertiser

Using the Advertiser Search Feature

• Traffic Sources: A list of domains where the advertiser you have searched has placed their ads on. – This table is further broken down into several headings – the first showing country the traffic source

was visited from, – The source category displays how the advertiser you have searched came about having their ad

placed on that site. Either the advertiser has worked through an ad network (Ex. Google adwords) to place their ad, or has made a direct media buy of ad space on the listed domain- which will be displayed as “Media buy”. • Prevalence is a score given to represent the number of times our crawlers have located this

advertisers ads on a specific site• duration- the number of days we have seen ads there, from the first day we saw it to the most

recent day we’ve seen it. • The Last field, labeled “View” , displays the exact advertisements we located on that placement

pertaining to this specific advertiser• Both Prevalence and duration can be sorted in an ascending or descending manner, allowing

you to locate the top placements for this particular advertiser. You can also search for a specific advertiser using the small search box provided.

• Ad Server/Relationships: Any Ad servers and relationships we have identified.• Related Domains: Displays any domains that we have found to be closely related to the advertiser you

have searched. This will cover domains that the advertiser may also own.

Page 4: Search by advertiser

Using the Advertiser Search Feature

• Text/Hybrid Ads: Displays all the ads we have found that lead to the advertisers domain (including subdomains, Ex. www.ford.com/mustang). The creatives can be sorted by ad network, country, how recently the ads were displayed and by AdStrength™, which will order the results by how well we have found the ads to be performing. If there is a large amount of results for your advertiser search, WhatRunsWhere will display more results the further you scroll down the page.

• Banner Ads: Will display all banner ads placed by the advertiser that we have found and functions much like the Text/Hybrid Ads section. Unlike the previous section, you can further refine your search by selecting the dimensions of the banner ads you wish to view.

• Placement Suggestions: Section gives you a list of domains that are similar to websites that the advertiser has chosen to place their ads on, but may have overlooked. This is a key tool for any competitor looking to find possible lucrative locations for their next ad campaign.

• Common Phrases: Lists the most used words or phrases from the advertiser’s text advertisements, and assigns a score relating to how often we’ve seen them used. This can be key to identifying top performing keywords when producing your own creatives.

• Landing Pages: Displays all landing pages and sub domains on the advertiser’s website that visitors were sent to upon clicking on their advertisements. This can be used to identify custom pages developed for a specific product or offer, as well as locate affiliate landing pages through URL analysis.