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  • 8/3/2019 Science - Kopya


    Maximization of the fundamental frequencies of laminated truncatedconical shells with respect to ber orientations

    H.-T. Hu *, S.-C. Ou

    Department of Civil Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, 70101 Taiwan, ROC


    The fundamental frequencies of laminated truncated conical shells with a given material system are maximized with respect to

    ber orientations by using a sequential linear programming method with a simple move-limit strategy. The signicant inuences of

    shell thickness, shell length, shell radius ratio and cutout on the maximum fundamental frequencies and the associated optimal berorientations are demonstrated. 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

    Keywords: Maximization; Fundamental frequency; Truncated conical shells; Sequential linear programming

    1. Introduction

    Due to light weight and high strength, the use of -

    ber-reinforced composite laminated materials in aero-

    space industry have increased rapidly in recent years.

    The truncated conical shell conguration is widely used

    in aircraft, spacecraft, rocket and missile, which are

    frequently subjected to dynamic loads in service. Hence,knowledge of dynamic characteristics of truncated

    conical shells constructed of ber-reinforced laminated

    materials, such as their fundamental frequencies, is es-

    sential [1].

    The fundamental frequencies of laminated truncated

    conical shells highly depend on ply orientations,

    boundary conditions, and geometric variables such as

    thickness, shell radius ratio, shell length and cutout [2

    10]. Therefore, for laminated truncated conical shells

    with a given material system, geometric shape, thickness

    and boundary condition, the proper selection of ap-

    propriate lamination to maximize the fundamental

    frequency of the shells becomes an interesting problem


    Research on the subject of structural optimization

    has been reported by many investigators [14]. Among

    various optimization schemes, the method of sequential

    linear programming has been successfully applied to

    many large scale structural problems [15,16]. In this

    investigation, optimization of ber-reinforced laminated

    truncated conical shells to maximize their fundamental

    frequencies with respect to ber orientations is per-

    formed by using a sequential linear programming

    method together with a simple move-limit strategy. The

    fundamental frequencies of laminated truncated conical

    shells are calculated by using the ABAQUS nite ele-

    ment program [17]. In the paper, the constitutive equa-tions for ber-composite laminate, vibration analysis

    and optimization method are briey reviewed. Then the

    inuence of shell thickness, shell length, shell radius

    ratio and cutout on the optimal fundamental frequency

    and the associated optimal ber orientation of lami-

    nated truncated conical shells is presented. Finally, im-

    portant conclusions obtained from the study are given.

    2. Constitutive matrix for ber-composite laminae

    In the nite element analysis, the laminated truncatedconical shells are modeled by eight-node isoparametric

    shell elements with six degrees of freedom per node

    (three displacements and three rotations). The doubly

    curved shell element has four edges (three nodes per

    edge) and can be used to model fairly complicated

    curved surface structures very accurately. The reduced

    integration rule together with hourglass stiness control

    is employed to formulate the element stiness matrix

    [17]. During the analysis, the constitutive matrices of

    composite materials at element integration points must

    be calculated before the stiness matrices are assembled

    Composite Structures 52 (2001) 265275

    * Corresponding author. Tel.: +886-6-2757-57 Ext. 63168; fax: +886-


    E-mail address: [email protected] (H.-T. Hu).

    0263-8223/01/$ - see front matter 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

    PII: S 0 2 6 3 - 8 2 2 3 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 0 1 9 - 8

  • 8/3/2019 Science - Kopya


    from element level to global level. For ber-composite

    laminated materials, each lamina can be considered as

    an orthotropic layer in a plane stress condition (Fig. 1).

    The stressstrain relations for a lamina in the material

    coordinates 1; 2; 3 at an element integration point canbe written as


    g QH1fe


    g; fsH

    g QH2fc


    g; 1



    1 m12m21


    1 m12m210


    1 m12m21


    1 m12m210

    0 0 G12



    QH2 a1G13 0

    0 a2G23

    " #;



    frHg fr1; r2; s12gT; fsHg fs13; r23gT;

    feHg fe1; e2; c12gT fcHg fc13; c23g


    The a1 and a2 are shear correction factors, which are

    calculated in ABAQUS by assuming that the transverse

    shear energy through the thickness of laminate is equal

    to that in unidirectional bending [17,18]. The constitu-

    tive equations for the lamina in the element coordinates

    x;y;z become

    frg Q1feg; Q1 T1T

    QH1T1; 3

    fsg Q2fcg; Q2 T2TQH2T2; 4


    cos2 h sin2 h sin h cos h

    sin2 h cos2 h sin h cos h

    2sin h cos h 2sin h cos h cos2 h sin2 h



    T2 cos h sin h

    sin h cos h

    ; 5


    frg frx; ry; sxygT; fsg fsxz; syzg


    feg fex; ey; cxygT; fcg fcxz; cyzg


    and h is measured counterclockwise about the z-axis

    from the element local x-axis to the material 1-axis. The

    element coordinate system x;y;z is a curvilinear localsystem (Fig. 1) that is dierent from the structural global

    coordinate X; Y;Z. While the element x-axis is in thelongitudinal direction of the truncated conical shell,

    element y- and z-axes are in the circumferential and the

    radial directions of the truncated conical shell. Let

    fe0g fex0; ey0; cxy0gT

    be the in-plane strains at the mid-

    surface of the laminate section, fjg fjx; jy; jxygT


    curvatures, and h the total thickness of the section. If

    there are n layers in the layup, the stress resultants,

    fNg fNx; Ny; NxygT

    , fMg fMx; My; MxygT


    fVg fVx; VygT

    , can be dened as



    8>: 9>=>; Zh=2




    8>: 9>=>;dz


    zjt zjbQ112

    z2jt z2jb

    Q1 0


    z2jt z2jb



    z3jt z3jb

    Q1 0

    0T 0T zjt zjbQ2







    9>=>;; 6

    where zjt and zjb are the distance from the mid-surface of

    the section to the top and the bottom of the jth layer,

    respectively. The [0] is a 3 by 2 matrix with all the co-

    ecients equal to zero.

    3. Vibration analysis

    For the nite-element analysis of an undamped

    structure, if there are no external forces, the equation of

    motion of the structure can be written in the following

    form [19]:

    Mf Dg KfDg f0g; 7Fig. 1. Material, element and structure coordinates of laminated

    truncated conical shells.

    266 H.-.T. Hu, S.-.C. Ou / Composite Structures 52 (2001) 265275

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    where fDg is a vector containing the unrestrained nodaldegrees of freedoms, M a structural mass matrix, K astructural stiness matrix, and {0} a zero vector. Since

    fDg undergoes harmonic motion, the vectors {D} andf Dg become

    fDg f Dg sin xt; f Dg x2f Dg sin xt; 8

    where f Dg vector contains the amplitudes of fDg vectorand x is the frequency. Then Eq. (7) can be written in an

    eigenvalue expression as

    K kMf Dg f0g; 9

    where k x2 is the eigenvalue and f Dg becomes theeigenvector. In ABAQUS, a subspace iteration proce-

    dure [20] is used to solve for the eigenvalues, the natural

    frequency, and the eigenvectors. The obtained smallest

    natural frequency (fundamental frequency) is then the

    objective function for maximization.

    4. Sequential linear programming

    A general optimization problem may be dened as

    the following:

    Maximize fx 10a

    subject to gix6 0; i 1; . . . ; r; 10b

    hjx 0; j r 1; . . . ;m; 10c

    pk6xk6 qk; k 1; . . . ; n; 10d

    where fx is an objective function, gix are inequalityconstraints, hjx are equality constraints, and x

    fx1;x2; . . . ;xngT

    is a vector of design variables.

    For the general optimization problem of Eqs. (10a)

    (10d), a linearized problem may be constructed by ap-

    proximating the nonlinear functions about a current

    solution point, x0 fx01;x02; . . . ;x0ngT

    , in a rst-order

    Taylor series expansion as follows:

    Maximize fx fx0 rfx0Tdx 11a

    subject to gix gix0 rgix0Tdx6 0;

    i 1; . . . ; r; 11b

    hjx hjx0 rhjx0T

    dx 0;j r 1; . . . ;m; 11c

    pk6xk6 qk; k 1; . . . ; n; 11d

    where dx fx1 x01;x2 x02; . . . ;xn x0ngT

    . It is clear

    that Eqs. (11a)(11d) represent a linear programming

    problem where variables are contained in the vector dx.

    A solution for Eqs. (11a)(11d) may be easily obtained

    by the simplex method [21]. After obtaining a solution

    of Eqs. (11a)(11d), say x1, we can linearize the original

    problem, Eqs. (10a)(10d), at x1 and solve the new linear

    programming problem. The process is repeated until a

    precise solution is achieved. This approach is referred to

    as sequential linear programming [15,16].

    Although the procedure for a sequential linear pro-

    gramming is simple, diculties may arise during the it-

    erations. First, the optimum solution for the

    approximate linear problem may violate the constraint

    conditions of the original optimization problem. Sec-

    ond, in a nonlinear problem, the true optimum solution

    may appear between two constraint intersections. A

    straightforward successive linearization may lead to an

    oscillation of the solution between the widely separated

    values. Diculties in dealing with such a problem may

    be avoided by imposing a ``move limit'' on the linear

    approximation [15,16]. The concept of a move limit is

    that a set of box-like admissible constraints are placed in

    the range ofdx and it should gradually approach zero as

    the iterative process continues. It is known that com-

    putational economy and accuracy of the approximate

    solution may depend greatly on the choice of the move

    limit. In general, the choice of a suitable move limitdepends on experience and also on the results of previ-

    ous steps.

    The algorithm of the sequential linear programming

    with selected move limits may be summarized as follows:

    (1) Linearize the nonlinear objective function and as-

    sociated constraints with respect to an initial guess x0.

    (2) Impose move limits in the form of

    S6 x x06R, where Sand R are properly chosenlower and upper bounds.

    (3) Solve the approximate linear programming prob-

    lem to obtain an optimum solution x1.

    (4) Repeat the procedures from (1) to (3) by reden-

    ing x1 with x0 until either the subsequent solutions do

    not change signicantly (i.e., true convergence) or the

    move limit approaches zero (i.e., forced convergence).

    If the solution obtained is due to forced convergence,

    the procedures from (1) to (4) should be repeated

    with another initial guess.

    5. Numerical analysis

    5.1. Laminated truncated conical shells with various

    lengths, radius ratios and boundary conditions

    In this section laminated truncated conical shells with

    four types of boundary conditions (Fig. 2(a)) are con-

    sidered, which are two ends xed (denoted by FF), left

    end simply supported and right end xed (denoted by

    SF), left end xed and right end simply supported (de-

    noted by FS), and two ends simply supported (denoted

    by SS). The radius of the truncated conical shell at the

    right edge, r1, is equal to 10 cm and the radius of the

    shell at the left edge, r2, is selected to be 6, 8, and 10 cm

    (radius ratio r2=r1 0.6, 0.8 and 1). The length of shellL varies between 10 and 40 cm. The laminate layups of

    H.-.T. Hu, S.-.C. Ou / Composite Structures 52 (2001) 265275 267

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    the shells are h=902=0ns and the thickness of each plyis 0.125 mm. In order to study the inuence of shell

    thickness on the results of optimization, n 2 (20-plythin shell) and 10 (100-ply thick shell) are selected for

    analysis. The lamina consists of Graphite/Epoxy and

    material constitutive properties are taken from Crawley

    [22], which are E11 128 GPa, E22 11 GPa,m12 0:25, G12 G13 4:48 GPa, G23 1:53 GPa,q 1:5 103 kg=m3. In the analysis, no symmetrysimplications are made for those shells. Based on the

    convergent studies of the laminated truncated conicalshells [23], it was decided to use 64 shell elements (16

    rows in circumferential direction and four rows in lon-

    gitudinal direction) to model the truncated conical shells

    with L=r1 1 and 208 shell elements (16 rows in cir-cumferential direction and 13 rows in longitudinal di-

    rection) to model the shells with L=r1 4. For shellswith 1 < L=r1 < 4, the numbers of elements are properlyscaled between 64 and 208.

    Based on the sequential linear programming method,

    in each iteration the current linearized optimization

    problem becomes:

    Fig. 3. Eect of boundary conditions and L=r1 ratio on optimal berangle and optimal fundamental frequency of h=902=02s laminatedtruncated conical shells (r1 10 cm, r2 6 cm).

    Fig. 4. Eect of boundary conditions and L=r1 ratio on optimal ber

    angle and optimal fundamental frequency of h=902=02s laminatedtruncated conical shells (r1 10 cm, r2 8 cm).

    Fig. 2. Boundary condition and geometry of laminated truncated

    conical shells.

    268 H.-.T. Hu, S.-.C. Ou / Composite Structures 52 (2001) 265275

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    Maximize xh xh0 h h0ox




    subject to 06 h6 90; 12b

    r q 0:5s6 h h06 r q 0:5s; 12c

    where x is the fundamental frequency. The h0 is a so-

    lution obtained in the previous iteration. The r and q in

    Eq. (12c) are the size and the reduction rate of the movelimit. Based on past experience [24,25], the values of r

    and q are selected to be 10 and 0:9N1 in the presentstudy, where Nis a current iteration number. In order to

    control the oscillation of the solution, a parameter 0:5s isintroduced in the move limit, where s is the number of

    oscillations of the derivative ox=oh that has taken placebefore the current iteration. The value of s increases by 1

    if the sign ofox=oh changes. Whenever oscillation of thesolution occurs, the range of the move limit is reduced to

    half of its current value. This expedites the solution

    convergence rate very rapidly.

    The ox=oh term in Eq. (12a) may be approximated byusing a forward nite-dierence method with the fol-

    lowing form:



    xh0 Dh xh0

    Dh: 13

    Hence, in order to determine the value of ox=oh nu-merically, two nite element analyses to compute xh0and xh0 Dh are needed in each iteration. In this

    study, the value ofDh is selected to be 1 in most iter-ations.

    Fig. 3 shows the optimal ber angle h and the asso-

    ciated optimal fundamental frequency x with respect to

    the L=r1 ratio for thin (h=902=02s) laminated trun-cated conical shells with various edge conditions and

    with r2=r1 0:6. From Fig. 3(a) we can see that theoptimal ber angles h of the laminated truncated conical

    shells seem not to be sensitive to the boundary condi-

    tions. In addition, the optimal ber angles h seem to be

    fourth-order polynomials ofL=r1 ratio. Under the sameL=r1 ratio, the SS shells usually have the largest values

    Fig. 5. Eect of boundary conditions and L=r1 ratio on optimal ber

    angle and optimal fundamental frequency of h=902=02s laminatedtruncated conical shells (r1 10 cm, r2 10 cm).

    Fig. 6. Eect of boundary conditions and L=r1 ratio on optimal berangle and optimal fundamental frequency ofh=902=010s laminatedtruncated conical shells (r1 10 cm, r2 6 cm).

    H.-.T. Hu, S.-.C. Ou / Composite Structures 52 (2001) 265275 269

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    for the optimal ber angles and the FF shells usually

    have the smallest values for the optimal ber angles.

    From Fig. 3(b), we can observe that the optimal fun-

    damental frequency x generally decreases with the in-

    creasing ofL=r1 ratio and that the optimal fundamentalfrequency x is also insensitive to the boundary condi-

    tions. Nevertheless, among these shells under the same

    geometric conguration, the FF shells have the highest

    optimal fundamental frequencies, and the SS panels

    have the lowest optimal fundamental frequencies. Al-though, the optimal fundamental frequencies x for the

    SF shells are slightly higher than those of the FS shells,

    their dierences are hard to distinguish. This is because

    the inuence of boundary conditions are small. Figs. 4

    and 5 show the optimal ber angle h and the associated

    optimal fundamental frequency x with respect to the

    L=r1 ratio for thin (h=902=02s) laminated truncatedconical shells with various edge conditions and with

    r2=r1 equal to 0.8 and 1, respectively. Comparing Fig.4(a) and 5(a) with Fig. 3(a), we can nd that the curves

    of the optimal ber angle h of the laminated truncated

    conical shells seem to ``shift'' toward the right direction.

    For example, the local maximum point at L=r1 1:5 inFig. 3(a) shifts to the local maximum point at L=r1 2in Fig. 4(a) and to the global maximum point at

    L=r1 2:5 in Fig. 5(a). The peak values of the optimalber angle at the aforementioned local maximum/global

    maximum points increase when the r2=r1 ratio increases.In addition, the range of the optimal ber angle de-

    creases with the increasing of the r2=r1 ratio. For ex-

    ample, 436 h6 66 when r2=r1 0:6; 426 h6 62when r2=r1 0:8, and, 416 h6 59 when r2=r1 1. Fig.4(b) and 5(b) show similar trend as Fig. 3(b) and it

    seems that the optimal fundamental frequency x is not

    inuenced by the r2=r1 ratio signicantly.Figs. 68 show the optimal ber angle h and the as-

    sociated optimal fundamental frequency x with respect

    to the L=r1 ratio for thick (h=902=010s) laminatedtruncated conical shells with various edge conditions

    and with r2=r1 equal to 0.6, 0.8 and 1, respectively. FromFig. 6(a) we can see that the optimal ber angles h of the

    laminated truncated conical shells seem to be second-

    Fig. 7. Eect of boundary conditions and L=r1 ratio on optimal berangle and optimal fundamental frequency ofh=902=010s laminatedtruncated conical shells (r1 10 cm, r2 8 cm).

    Fig. 8. Eect of boundary conditions and L=r1 ratio on optimal ber

    angle and optimal fundamental frequency ofh=902=010s laminatedtruncated conical shells (r1 10 cm, r2 10 cm).

    270 H.-.T. Hu, S.-.C. Ou / Composite Structures 52 (2001) 265275

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    order polynomials of L=r1 ratio. From Figs. 7(a) and8(a), we can observe that the curves of the optimal ber

    angle have maximum points at L=r1 1:5. Again, therange of the optimal ber angle h decreases with the

    increasing of the r2=r1 ratio. Comparing Figs. 68(a)with Figs. 35(a), it can be seen that the shell thickness

    has signicant inuence on the optimal ber angle h.

    Besides, the range of the optimal ber angles for

    h=902=010s thick laminated truncated conical shellsare narrower than those of h=902=02s thin laminatedtruncated conical shells. Figs. 68(b) show similar trend

    as Figs. 35(b) except that the optimal fundamental

    frequencies x for thick shells are higher than those of

    thin shells.

    Fig. 9 (r2=r1 0:6) and Fig. 10 (r2=r1 1) show thetypical fundamental vibration modes for both thin and

    thick (h=902=02s and h=902=010s) shells with twoxed ends and under the optimal ber orientation. We

    can nd that when the L=r1 ratio or the shell thicknessincrease, the vibration modes of these laminated trun-

    cated conical shells have less waves in the circumferen-

    tial direction. However, when the r2=r1 ratio increases(i.e., approach cylindrical shell conguration), the vi-

    bration modes of the shells may have more waves in the

    circumferential direction. Similar results are also ob-

    tained for shells with other boundary conditions [23].

    Fig. 9. Fundamental vibration modes of h=902=0ns laminatedtruncated conical shells with two xed ends and under optimal ber

    angles (r1 10 cm, r2 6 cm).

    Fig. 10. Fundamental vibration modes of h=902=0ns laminatedtruncated conical shells with two xed ends and under optimal ber

    angles (r1 10 cm, r2 10 cm).

    Fig. 11. Eect of boundary conditions and d=r1 ratio on optimal ber

    angle and optimal fundamental frequency of h=902=02s laminatedtruncated conical shells with central circular cutouts (r1 10 cm,r2 6 cm, L 30 cm).

    H.-.T. Hu, S.-.C. Ou / Composite Structures 52 (2001) 265275 271

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    5.2. Laminated truncated conical shells with various

    central circular cutouts and boundary conditions

    In this section, laminated truncated conical shells

    with r1 10 cm; r2 6 cm r2=r1 0:6 and L 30 cm(L=r1 3) are analyzed. These shells contain centralcircular cutouts with diameter d varying between 0 and

    12 cm (Fig. 2(b)). As before, two laminate layups,

    h=902=02s and h=902=010s, are chosen for analysis.

    In the previous section, it is shown that the results ofoptimization are not sensitive to the boundary condi-

    tions. Hence, in this section, only two types of boundary

    conditions, FF and SS, are selected for analysis.

    Fig. 11 shows the optimal ber angle h and the as-

    sociated optimal fundamental frequency x with respect

    to the ratio d=r for thin (h=902=02s) laminated trun-cated conical shells. From Fig. 11(a) we can see that the

    optimal ber angles h seem to be second-order polyno-

    mials of d=r1 ratio. Under the same d=r1 ratio, the op-timal ber angles of the SS shells are usually greater

    than those of the FF shells. Fig. 11(b) shows that under

    the same d=r1 ratio, the optimal fundamental frequen-cies of FF shell are higher than those of SS shells. When

    the d=r1 ratio is less than 0.4, the optimal fundamentalfrequencies of these shells decrease with the increase of

    the cutout size. However, when the d=r1 ratio is greaterthan 0.4, the optimal fundamental frequencies increase

    with the increasing of the cutout size. The phenomenon

    that the fundamental frequencies increase with the in-creasing of the cutout size might seem strange. However,

    previous research did show that introducing a hole into

    a composite structure does not always reduce the fun-

    damental natural frequency and, in some instances, may

    increase its fundamental natural frequency [2428]. This

    is because that the fundamental natural frequency of an

    ordinary composite structure is not only inuenced by

    cutout, but also inuenced by material orthotropy,

    boundary condition, structural geometry, and their in-

    teractions. Fig. 12 shows the optimal ber angle h and

    the associated optimal fundamental frequency x with

    respect to the ratio d=r1 for thick (h=902=010s) lami-

    nated truncated conical shells. Generally, Fig. 12(a)shows the similar trend as Fig. 11(a) except that the

    range of the optimal ber angles for h=902=010s thickshells are narrower than those of h=902=02s thinshells. Fig. 12(b) also shows similar trend as Fig. 11(b).

    However, the inuence of boundary condition is more

    prominent when the shell thickness becomes large.

    Typical fundamental vibration modes for both thin

    and thick (h=902=02s and h=902=010s) laminatedtruncated conical shells with central circular cutouts,

    with two xed ends and under the optimal ber orien-

    tation are given in Fig. 13. It shows that when the cutout

    Fig. 13. Fundamental vibration mode of h=902=0ns laminatedtruncated conical shells with central circular cutouts, with two xed

    ends and under optimal ber angles (r1 10 cm, r2 6 cm, L 30 cm).

    Fig. 12. Eect of boundary conditions and d=r1 ratio on optimal berangle and optimal fundamental frequency ofh=902=0



    truncated conical shells with central circular cutouts (r1 10 cm,r2 6 cm, L 30 cm).

    272 H.-.T. Hu, S.-.C. Ou / Composite Structures 52 (2001) 265275

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    sizes are large, the fundamental vibration modes of the

    shells tend to have more distortion around the hole.

    Similar results are also obtained for shells with other

    boundary conditions [23].

    5.3. Laminated truncated conical shells containing central

    circular cutouts with various lengths and boundary


    In this section, laminated truncated conical shells

    with r1 10 cm and r2 6 cm are analyzed. The lengthof the shell, L, varies between 15 and 40 cm. These shells

    contain central circular cutouts with diameter d 8 cm(Fig. 2(b)). As before, two types of boundary conditions,

    FF and SS, and two laminate layups, h=902=02s andh=902=010s, are selected for analysis.

    Figs. 14 and 15 show the optimal ber angle h and the

    associated optimal fundamental frequency x with re-

    spect to the L=r1 ratio for thin and thick (h=902=02sand h=902=010s) laminated truncated conical shells

    with central circular cutouts. For thin shells, it seems

    that the optimal ber angles h seem to be fourth-order

    polynomials ofL=r1 ratio (Fig. 14(a)). For thick shells,when L=r1 ratio is small (say L=r6 3), the optimal berangles seem to approach constant values (Fig. 15(a)).

    Comparing Figs. 14 and 15(a) with Figs. 3 and 6(a), we

    can see that the cutouts do have inuence on the optimal

    ber angles of laminated truncated conical shells. This

    inuence is more signicant for thin shells than that forthick shells. From Figs. 14 and 15(b) we can see that for

    both thin and thick shells containing central circular

    cutout, their optimal fundamental frequencies decrease

    with the increase ofL=r1 ratio. Again, the optimal fun-damental frequencies seem not to be sensitive to the

    boundary conditions, especially when the L=r1 ratiobecomes large.

    Typical fundamental vibration modes for both thin

    and thick (h=902=02s and h=902=010s) truncatedconical shells containing central circular cutouts with

    two xed ends and under optimal ber orientations are

    Fig. 14. Eect of boundary conditions andL=r1 ratio on optimal ber

    angle and optimal fundamental frequency of h=902=02s laminatedtruncated conical shells with a central circular cutout (r1 10 cm,r2 6 cm, d 8 cm).

    Fig. 15. Eect of boundary conditions andL=r1 ratio on optimal ber

    angle and optimal fundamental frequency ofh=902=010s laminatedtruncated conical shells with a central circular cutout (r1 10 cm,r2 6 cm, d 8 cm).

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    given in Fig. 16. Comparing Fig. 16 with Fig. 9, we can

    observe that the cutouts cause the fundamental vibra-

    tion modes of shells to have signicant distortion

    around the hole area. This distortion is more signicant

    for thick shells than that for thin shells. When the L=r1ratios are large, the fundamental vibration modes of

    shells seem to be less sensitive to the present of cutouts.

    Similar results are also obtained for laminated truncatedconical shells with other boundary conditions [23].

    6. Conclusions

    For the optimal free vibration analysis of

    h=902=02s and h=902=010s laminated truncatedconical shells with various shell lengths, radius ratios,

    circular cutouts and boundary conditions, the following

    conclusions may be drawn:

    1. The results of optimization of laminated truncated

    conical shells are not sensitive to the boundary condi-

    tions but are sensitive to the shell thickness and cen-tral circular cutout.

    2. The range of the optimal ber angles h decrease with

    the increasing of the r2=r1 ratio. In addition, the rangeof the optimal ber angles for thick laminated trun-

    cated conical shells are narrower than those of thin


    3. The optimal fundamental frequency x generally de-

    creases with the increasing of L=r1 ratio and the de-creasing of shell thickness. In addition, the optimal

    fundamental frequency x is not inuenced by the

    r2=r1 ratio signicantly.

    4. The optimal fundamental frequencies of laminated

    truncated conical shells may not decrease with the in-

    crease of the cutout size.

    5. When the L=r1 ratio or the shell thickness increase,the vibration modes of the laminated truncated coni-

    cal shells have less waves in the circumferential direc-

    tion. However, when the r2=r1 ratio increases, thevibration modes of the shells may have more waves

    in the circumferential direction.

    6. The cutouts cause the fundamental vibration modes

    of truncated conical shells to have signicant distor-

    tion around the hole area, specially when the cutout

    size is large. This distortion is more prominent for

    thick shells than that for thin shells. When the L=r1 ra-tio is large, the fundamental vibration modes of shells

    seem to be less sensitive to the present of cutouts.


    This work was nancially supported by the National

    Science Council of the Republic of China under grant



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