Describe your holiday to your friend. Last school holidays. I visited my grandparents in Kampung Bahagia. It is a quiet village. My family and I went there by bus. During our journey, we took many pictures of beautiful views along the way. Meanwhile, my brother watched some videos from Youtube. After two hours, we arrived at the village. Our grandparents felt excited to welcome us. Next, we went to the fruit orchard. It is a big orchard. The main type of fruit is durians while the other fruits are mangosteens, langsats, mangoes and rambutans. We helped grandfather to collect the fruits. Then, we sat down in a hut and enjoyed eating the fruits. The fruits are sweet and juicy. I love to eat the durians the most. After that, we went to the nearby river. There is a waterfall. This is my favourite place. The water is cool and we loved to have picnic at here. We swam and jumped into the waterfall. We also played some games. We have a lot of fun at here. In the evening, my grandmother brought us to the vegetables farm. It is called Green Farm. My grandmother planted some vegetables such as tomatoes, cabbages, carrots, chillies and pumpkins. I helped grandmother to collect some vegetables for our dinner later. At night, my grandmother and mother cooked delicious food for our dinner. We ate fresh vegetables, steamed fish, fried chicken and chicken soup. After dinner, we talked and shared our stories. We had a wonderful time being together. Finally, it is the time to return home. We said goodbye to our grandparents. They gave us some fruits to bring back home. It is a wonderful holiday for me.

school holiday writing sample

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Describe your holiday to your friend.

Last school holidays. I visited my grandparents in Kampung Bahagia. It is a quiet village. My family and I went there by bus. During our journey, we took many pictures of beautiful views along the way. Meanwhile, my brother watched some videos from Youtube. After two hours, we arrived at the village. Our grandparents felt excited to welcome us.Next, we went to the fruit orchard. It is a big orchard. The main type of fruit is durians while the other fruits are mangosteens, langsats, mangoes and rambutans. We helped grandfather to collect the fruits. Then, we sat down in a hut and enjoyed eating the fruits. The fruits are sweet and juicy. I love to eat the durians the most.After that, we went to the nearby river. There is a waterfall. This is my favourite place. The water is cool and we loved to have picnic at here. We swam and jumped into the waterfall. We also played some games. We have a lot of fun at here.In the evening, my grandmother brought us to the vegetables farm. It is called Green Farm. My grandmother planted some vegetables such as tomatoes, cabbages, carrots, chillies and pumpkins. I helped grandmother to collect some vegetables for our dinner later. At night, my grandmother and mother cooked delicious food for our dinner. We ate fresh vegetables, steamed fish, fried chicken and chicken soup. After dinner, we talked and shared our stories. We had a wonderful time being together.Finally, it is the time to return home. We said goodbye to our grandparents. They gave us some fruits to bring back home. It is a wonderful holiday for me.