Sanghamitra School Practice paper -1 Class: VIII Subject: English Rearrange the following words/phrases to form meaningful sentences. Complete the given home work neatly in H.W Question 1. (i) work and play / things / different / parents see / as two (ii) is a / of time / they / waste / think / that playing (ii) important/games / studies / are as / as (iv) a student / to both / proper / should / attention / pay (v) Question 1. Choose the right/most appropriate word from the options given below and complete the following passage. 2. Rivers are considered holy (i) ____________India but they are hardly treated (ii) ____________respect. All kinds of dust and filth find (iii) ____________way into the rivers. If we have to treat and purify the water (iv) ____________drinking it, how can the fish survive in waters? Every year river Gomti becomes (vi) ____________death bed of thousands of fish because (vii) ____________water released in the reservoir upstream carries effluents (viii) ____________the neighbouring industries. of thousands of fish because (vii) ____________water released in the reservoir upstream carries effluents (viii) ____________the neighbouring industries. (i) (a) in (b) on (c) at (d) of (ii) (a) in (b) with (c) of (d) of (iii) (a) their (b) his (c) its (d) over (iv) (a) of (b) in (c) on (d) for (v) (a) these (b) this (c) that (d) their (vi) (a) the (b) a (c) their (d) those (vii) (a) in (b) the (c) with (d) of (viii) (a) for (b) on (d) from (c) at 3. Question The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each of the lines. Write the incorrect word and the correction in the space provided : (1/2 x 8 = 4 marks) Community service sensitise people to (a) [Error: ________; Correction: ________;] other’s needs and supports inclusive (b) [Error: ________; Correction: ________;] development to the underprivileged (c) [Error: ________; Correction: ________;] sections with society. Courses about social (d) [Error: ________; Correction: ________;] work prepares frontline workers to (e) [Error: ________; Correction: ________;] takes up assignments in social welfare (f) [Error: ________; Correction: ________;] organizations. Read the lesson The Land Lady and answer the following questions: Q1.Is the ending in the Land lady lesson apt? If yes /no give reasons.3M Q2.Explain foreshadowing and site examples from the lesson..2m Q3.Write five question tags and five collocations of your choice. 5m

Sanghamitra School Practice paper -1 Class: VIII Subject

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Page 1: Sanghamitra School Practice paper -1 Class: VIII Subject

Sanghamitra School Practice paper -1 Class: VIII Subject: English

Rearrange the following words/phrases to form meaningful sentences. Complete the given home work neatly in H.W Question 1. (i) work and play / things / different / parents see / as two (ii) is a / of time / they / waste / think / that playing (ii) important/games / studies / are as / as (iv) a student / to both / proper / should / attention / pay (v) Question 1. Choose the right/most appropriate word from the options given below and complete the following passage. 2. Rivers are considered holy (i) ____________India but they are hardly treated (ii) ____________respect. All kinds of dust and filth find (iii) ____________way into the rivers. If we have to treat and purify the water (iv) ____________drinking it, how can the fish survive in waters? Every year river Gomti becomes (vi) ____________death bed of thousands of fish because (vii) ____________water released in the reservoir upstream carries effluents (viii) ____________the neighbouring industries. of thousands of fish because (vii) ____________water released in the reservoir upstream carries effluents (viii) ____________the neighbouring industries.

(i) (a) in (b) on (c) at (d) of (ii) (a) in (b) with (c) of (d) of (iii) (a) their (b) his (c) its (d) over (iv) (a) of (b) in (c) on (d) for (v) (a) these (b) this (c) that (d) their (vi) (a) the (b) a (c) their (d) those (vii) (a) in (b) the (c) with (d) of (viii) (a) for (b) on (d) from (c) at

3. Question The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each of the lines. Write the incorrect word and the correction in the space provided : (1/2 x 8 = 4 marks) Community service sensitise people to (a) [Error: ________; Correction: ________;] other’s needs and supports inclusive (b) [Error: ________; Correction: ________;] development to the underprivileged (c) [Error: ________; Correction: ________;] sections with society. Courses about social (d) [Error: ________; Correction: ________;] work prepares frontline workers to (e) [Error: ________; Correction: ________;] takes up assignments in social welfare (f) [Error: ________; Correction: ________;] organizations. Read the lesson The Land Lady and answer the following questions: Q1.Is the ending in the Land lady lesson apt? If yes /no give reasons.3M Q2.Explain foreshadowing and site examples from the lesson..2m Q3.Write five question tags and five collocations of your choice. 5m

Page 2: Sanghamitra School Practice paper -1 Class: VIII Subject

संघमित्रा विद्यालय

हिन्दी अभ्यास कायय

कक्षा-आठि ं हद-06-11-2020

निम्िमलखित अपहठत गद्यांश पढ़कर पूछे गए प्रश्िों के मलए सिी विकल्प चुनिए।

संसार में शांति, व्यवस्था और सद्भावना के प्रसार के लिए बुद्ध, ईसा मसीह, मुहम्मद चैिन्य, नानक आदद महापुरुषों ने धमम के माध्यम से मनुष्य को परम कल्याण के पथ का तनदेश ककया, ककंिु बाद में यही धमम मनुष्य के हाथ में एक अस्र बन गया। धमम के नाम पर पथृ्वी पर जििना रक्िपाि हुआ उिना और ककसी कारण से नहीं। पर धीरे-धीरे मनुष्य अपनी शुभ बुधध से धमम के कारण होने वािे अनथम को समझने िग गया है। भौगोलिक सीमा और धालममक ववश्वासितनि भेदभाव अब धरिी से लमटिे िा रहे हैं। ववज्ञान की प्रगति िथा संचार के साधनों में वदृ्धध के कारण देशों की दरूरयााँ कम हो गई हैं। इसके कारण मानव-मानव में घणृा, ईष्र्या वैमनस्य कटुिा में कमी नहीं आई। मानवीय मूल्यों के महत्त्व के प्रति िागरूकिा उत्पन्न करने का एकमार साधन है लशक्षा का व्यापक प्रसार।


(क) ििुष्य अधिय के कारण िोिे िाले अिर्य को कैसे सिझिे लगा िै

(i) संिों के अनुभव स े

(ii) वणम भेद स े

(iii) घणृा, ईष्याम, वैमनस्य, कटुिा स े

(iv) अपनी शुभ बुधध स े

(ि) विज्ञाि की प्रगनत और संचार के साधिों की िदृ्धध का पररणाि क्या िुआ िै|

(i) देशों में लभन्निा बढी है। (ii) देशों में वैमनस्यिा बढी है। (iii) देशों की दरूरयााँ कम हुई है। (iv) देशों में ववदेशी व्यापार बढा है।

Page 3: Sanghamitra School Practice paper -1 Class: VIII Subject

(ग) देश िें आज भ कौि-स सिस्या िै

(i) नफ़रि की (ii) वणम-भेद की (iii) सांप्रदातयकिा की (iv) अमीरी-गरीबी की

(घ) ककस कारण से देश िें िािि के ब च, घणृा, ईष्र्या, िैििस्यता एिं कटुता िें कि ििीं आई िै?

(i) नफ़रि स े

(ii) सांप्रदातयकिा स े

(iii) अमीरी गरीबी के कारण

(iv) वणम-भेद के कारण

(ङ) िािि य िूल्यों के िित्त्ि के प्रनत जागरूकता उत्पन्ि करिे का एकिात्र साधि िै

(i) लशक्षा का व्यापक प्रसार (ii) धमम का व्यापक प्रसार (ii) प्रेम और सद्भावना का व्यापक प्रसार (iv) उपयुमक्ि सभी


Page 4: Sanghamitra School Practice paper -1 Class: VIII Subject

Revision for Half Yearly

Date: 06-11-2020

Subject: Mathematics

Answer the following Questions

1. A rope is tightly held between 4 poles forming the

vertices of a rectangle. The length of the rope is 360m.

The distance between 3 consecutive poles is 4:5. Find

the length and breadth of the rectangle so formed.

2. The sum of 3 consecutive odd natural no’s is 69. Find the

prime number among the numbers.

3. The age of A is 5 years more than that of B. 5 years ago,

the ratio of the ages was 3:2. Find the present ages.

4. Radha takes some flowers in a basket and visits 3

temples one after the other. At each temple, she offers

one half of the flowers from the basket. If she is left with

3 flowers at the end, find the number of flowers she had

in the beginning.

5. The perimeter of a rectangle is 240cm. If its length is

increased by 10% and its breadth is decreased by 20%,

we get the same perimeter. Find the length and breadth

of the rectangle.

Page 5: Sanghamitra School Practice paper -1 Class: VIII Subject

Sanghamitra school Class: VIII/Science. Topic:Cell (5/11/2020) Objective: To master the concepts and drawing skills.

Fill in the blanks: 1. The outer membrane found in an animal cell is-------- 2. Orgnanisms lacking a nucleus and membrane bound organelles are called--------- 3. Relatively large vacuoles are present in-------- 4. The growth of cells is regulated by------ 5. The centriole is associated with 6. Proteins are formed in the -------- 7. The name suicidal bag has been given to -------- 8. Genes are located in the -------- 9. The main difference between onion peel cells and human cheek cells-------- 10. Centrioles are found in------- 11. Cell wall is _______ 12. Variously coloured plastids are called------- 13. The colourless dense sap present inside the nuclear membrane is called------- 14. Cell wall is found only in --------- cells 15. Ribosomes are located on the surface of --------- 16. All the components of cell including the cell membrane is called-------- 17. The oxidation of food in a cell takes place in -------- 18. The cell wall is made up of -------- 19. Prokaryotic cells lack ---------- 20. Endoplasmic reticulum may be ------- or -------

Very short answer question 1. Why is plasma membrane called a selectively permeable membrane? 2. What is the protoplasm surrounding the nucleus called? 3.What are the functions of ribosomes? 4. What is the function of mitochondria? 5. Do the plant cells contain centrioles? 6. What is the role of the Golgi complex? 7. Why does the plant cell remain more rigid than the animal cell? 8. What are genes? 9. Where is nucleolus is located in a cell? 10. Name the components which consists ribosomes.

Short answer questions:

1. Point out the differences between plant and animal cells. 2. Differentiate between various types of plastids. 3. What are the differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic chromosomes? 4. What role does endoplasmic reticulum play in the synthesis of cell membrane? 5. Why are the pores necessary in the nuclear envelope?

Structures of cell organelles:

Page 6: Sanghamitra School Practice paper -1 Class: VIII Subject

Nucleus & Mitochondria:

Endoplasmic Reticulum & Golgi Complex:


Page 7: Sanghamitra School Practice paper -1 Class: VIII Subject

Plant cell:

Animal Cell:

Page 8: Sanghamitra School Practice paper -1 Class: VIII Subject

Revision for halfyearly

Date :5th nov Section _C


The people of Pathers and adjoining villages of Uttar Pradesh were very poor

and illiterate .A liquor shop was opened there in1989.The women of the area

tried to persuade the owners to shift the shop to some other place, but they

failed. They approached the district administration at Saharanpur to get it

closed ,but they did not succeed. On 31st March1993, they marched towards

the District Magistrate’s office to give him their memorandum to close the

shop. On the way, they also faced the lathis of the police, leaving about 50

women injured. Finally on 29th June, 1993 they succeeded in their protest .The

Governor ordered the district administration to close the shop which was

finally shut down on 2nd July,1993.

1The women of Saharanpur protested against the liquor shop as they are .

a)poor and illiterate b) women were hard working c) shop owner was strict

2.women approached the district magistrate and he ordered the shop owner to close the

liquor shop

a) shop was closed b) shop was shifted c) shop was not shifted d) none of the above

3.The women were lathi charged when they went to submit the memorandum to the ---------


4)The women finally succeeded in the protest to close the liquor shop on

a) 29 th july 1993 b)2nd July 1993 c)31st July d) 1st July 1993

II With help of graphic organisers revise Presidential system of democracy and

Parliamentary system of democracy , Loksabha and Rajya sabha and powers of president.

NOTE: Do the work neatly and sincerely in your home work book write date and revision for

half yearly exam.