Sample Fin Analysis

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  • 8/6/2019 Sample Fin Analysis


  • 8/6/2019 Sample Fin Analysis


    Trend Percentages ExampleWheeler, Inc. provides you with the following

    operating data and asks that you prepare atrend analysis.

    Wheeler, Inc.Operating Data

    1999 1998 1997 1996 1995Revenues 2,405$ 2,244$ 2,112$ 1,991$ 1,820$

    Expenses 2,033 1,966 1,870 1,803 1,701 Net income 372$ 278$ 242$ 188$ 119$

    $1,991$1,991 -- $1,820 = $171$1,820 = $171

  • 8/6/2019 Sample Fin Analysis


    Trend Percentages ExampleUsing 1995 as the base year, we develop the

    following percentage relationships.

    Wheeler, Inc.Operating Data1999 1998 1997 1996 1995

    Revenues 132% 123% 116% 109% 100%Expenses 120% 116% 110% 106% 100%Net income 313% 234% 203% 158% 100%

    $1,991$1,991 -- $1,820 = $171$1,820 = $171$171$171 $1,820 = 9% rounded$1,820 = 9% rounded

  • 8/6/2019 Sample Fin Analysis




  • 8/6/2019 Sample Fin Analysis


    CLOVER CORPORATIONComparative Balance SheetsDecember 31, 1999 and 1998

    Increa se (Decrease)1999 1998 Amount %

    Liabilities and Stockholders' EquityCurrent liabilities:

    Accounts payable 67,000$ 44,000$ 23,000$ 52.3Notes payable 3,000 6,000 (3,000) (50.0)

    Total current liabilities 70,000 50,000 20,000 40.0Long-term liabilities:

    Bonds payable, 8% 75,000 80,000 (5,000) (6.3)Total liabilities 145,000 130,000 15,000 11.5

    Stockholders' equity:Preferred stock 20,000 20,000 - 0.0

    Common stock 60,000 60,000 - 0.0Additional paid-in capital 10,000 10,000 - 0.0

    Total paid-in capital 90,000 90,000 - 0.0Retained earnings 80,000 69,700 10,300 14.8

    Total stockholders' equity 170,000 159,700 10,300 6.4Total liabilities and stockholders' equity 315,000$ 289,700$ 25,300$ 8.7

  • 8/6/2019 Sample Fin Analysis


    Now, lets apply theproce d res to theincome statement.

    H orizontal A nalysis Example

  • 8/6/2019 Sample Fin Analysis


    CLOVER CORPORA T ONComparative Income Statem ents

    For the Years Ended December 31, 1999 and 1998Increase (Decrease)

    1999 1998 Amount %Net sales 520,000$ 480,000$ 40,000$ 8.3

    Cost of goods sold 360,000 315,000 45,000 14.3Gross margin 160,000 165,000 (5,000) (3.0)Operating expenses 128,600 126,000 2,600 2.1Net operating income 31,400 39,000 (7,600) (19.5)Interest expense 6,400 7,000 (600) (8.6)Net income before taxes 25,000 32,000 (7,000) (21.9)Less income taxes (30%) 7,500 9,600 (2,100) (21.9)Net income 17,500$ 22,400$ (4,900)$ (21.9)

  • 8/6/2019 Sample Fin Analysis


    CLOVER CORPORA TIONComparative Income Statem ents

    For the Years Ended December 31, 1999 and 1998Increase (Decrease)

    1999 1998 Amount %Net sales 520,000$ 480,000$ 40,000$ 8.3

    Cost of goods sold 360,000 315,000 45,000 14.3Gross margin 160,000 165,000 (5,000) (3.0)Operating expenses 128,600 126,000 2,600 2.1Net operating income 31,400 39,000 (7,600) (19.5)Interest expense 6,400 7,000 (600) (8.6)Net income before taxes 25,000 32,000 (7,000) (21.9)Less income taxes (30%) 7,500 9,600 (2,100) (21.9)Net income 17,500$ 22,400$ (4,900)$ (21.9)

    Sales increased b y 8.3% while net

    income decreased b y 21.9%.

  • 8/6/2019 Sample Fin Analysis


    CLOVER CORPORA TIONComparative Income Statem ents

    For the Years Ended December 31, 1999 and 1998Increase (Decrease)

    1999 1998 Amount %Net sales 520,000$ 480,000$ 40,000$ 8.3

    Cost of goods sold 360,000 315,000 45,000 14.3Gross margin 160,000 165,000 (5,000) (3.0)Operating expenses 128,600 126,000 2,600 2.1Net operating income 31,400 39,000 (7,600) (19.5)Interest expense 6,400 7,000 (600) (8.6)Net income before taxes 25,000 32,000 (7,000) (21.9)Less income taxes (30%) 7,500 9,600 (2,100) (21.9)Net income 17,500$ 22,400$ (4,900)$ (21.9)

    There w ere increases in both cost of goodssold (14.3%) and operating expenses (2.1%).These increased costs more than offset the

    increase in sales, yielding an overalldecrease in net income.

  • 8/6/2019 Sample Fin Analysis


    Vertical A nalysis ExampleThe management of Sample C ompany asks

    you to prepare a vertical analysisvertical analysis for thecomparative balance sheets of the company.

  • 8/6/2019 Sample Fin Analysis


    Samp l mpanyBa lance Shee t ( e t )

    t ecember , and f ta l e t

    ash 82 , , 8%Acc ts . ec . 20 ,000 00 ,000 25% 26%Inven t ry 87 ,000 82 ,000 8% 21%

    Land 101 ,000 0,000 21% 23%Equ ipmen t 110 ,000 100 ,000 23% 26%Accum . epr . (17 ,000 ) (15 ,000 ) - % - %

    ta l 83 ,000$ 387 ,000$ 100% 100%

    Vertical A nalysis Example

  • 8/6/2019 Sample Fin Analysis


    Vertical A nalysis ExampleSamp le mpany

    Ba lance Shee t (Asse ts )At ecember 31 , 1999 and 1998

    % f ta l Asse ts1999 1998 1999 1998

    Cash 82 ,000$ 30 ,000$ 17% 8%Acc ts . ec . 120 ,000 100 ,000 25% 26%Inven t ry 87 ,000 82 ,000 18% 21%

    Land 101 ,000 90 ,000 21% 23%Equ ipmen t 110 ,000 100 ,000 23% 26%Accum . epr . (17 ,000 ) (15 ,000 ) - % - %

    ta l 83 ,000$ 387 ,000$ 100% 100%

    $82 ,000 $483 ,000 = 17% rounded$30 ,000 $387 ,000 = 8% rounded

  • 8/6/2019 Sample Fin Analysis


    Sample CompanyBalance Sheet (Liabilities & Stockholders' Equity)

    At December 31, 1999 and 1998% of Total Assets

    1999 1998 1999 1998Acts. Payable 76,000$ 60,000$ 16% 16%Wages Payable 33,000 17,000 7% 4%Notes Payable 50,000 50,000 10% 13%

    Common Stock 170,000 160,000 35% 41%Retained Earnings 154,000 100,000 32% 26%Total 483,000$ 387,000$ 100% 100%

    Vertical A nalysis Example

    $76,000 $483,000 = 16% rounded

  • 8/6/2019 Sample Fin Analysis


    Trend Percentages ExampleWheeler, Inc. provides you with the following

    operating data and asks that you prepare atrend analysis.

    Wheeler, Inc.Operating Data

    1999 1998 1997 1996 1995Revenues 2,405$ 2,244$ 2,112$ 1,991$ 1,820$

    Expenses 2,033 1,966 1,870 1,803 1,701 Net income 372$ 278$ 242$ 188$ 119$

  • 8/6/2019 Sample Fin Analysis


    Trend Percentages ExampleWheeler, Inc. provides you with the following

    operating data and asks that you prepare atrend analysis.

    Wheeler, Inc.Operating Data

    1999 1998 1997 1996 1995Revenues 2,405$ 2,244$ 2,112$ 1,991$ 1,820$

    Expenses 2,033 1,966 1,870 1,803 1,701 Net income 372$ 278$ 242$ 188$ 119$

    $1,991$1,991 -- $1,820 = $171$1,820 = $171

  • 8/6/2019 Sample Fin Analysis


    Trend Percentages ExampleUsing 1995 as the base year, we develop the

    following percentage relationships.Wheeler, Inc.

    Operating Data1999 1998 1997 1996 1995

    Revenues 132% 123% 116% 109% 100%Expenses 120% 116% 110% 106% 100%Net income 313% 234% 203% 158% 100%

    $1,991$1,991 -- $1,820 = $171$1,820 = $171$171$171 $1,820 = 9% rounded$1,820 = 9% rounded

  • 8/6/2019 Sample Fin Analysis








    1995 1996 1997 1998 1999


    % o

    f 1 0 0 B a s e



    Tre n d lin efor Sa les

  • 8/6/2019 Sample Fin Analysis


    Ratios can be expressed in three differentways:

    1. Ratio (e.g., current ratio of 2:1)2. % (e.g., profit margin of 2%)3. $ (e.g., EPS of $2.25)

    CAUTION!Using ratios and percentages without

    considering the underlying causes may behazardous to your health!

    lead to incorrect conclusions.


  • 8/6/2019 Sample Fin Analysis


    C ategories of Ratios

    Liquidity RatiosIndicate a companys short-termdebt-paying ability

    Equity (Long-Term Solvency) RatiosShow relationship between debt and equityfinancing in a company

    Profitability TestsRelate income to other variables

    Market TestsH elp assess relative merits of stocks in the


  • 8/6/2019 Sample Fin Analysis


    Liquidity RatiosC urrent (working capital) ratioA

    cid-test (quick) ratio C ash flow liquidity ratioA ccounts receivable turnover Number of days sales in accountsreceivable

    Inventory turnover Total assets turnover


    10 Ratios You Must Know

  • 8/6/2019 Sample Fin Analysis


    Equity (Long-Term Solvency) RatiosEquity (stockholders equity) ratio

    Equity to debt

    10 Ratios You Must Know

  • 8/6/2019 Sample Fin Analysis


    Profitability Tests Return on operating assets

    Net income to net sales (return onsales or profit marginprofit margin)Return on average commonstockholders equity (ROEROE)

    C ash flow marginEarnings per share

    Times interest earned

    Times preferred dividends earned


    10 Ratios You Must Know

  • 8/6/2019 Sample Fin Analysis


    Market Tests Earnings yield on common stock

    Price-earnings ratio Payout ratio on common stock Dividend yield on common stock Dividend yield on preferred stock C ash flow per share of common


    10 Ratios You Must Know

  • 8/6/2019 Sample Fin Analysis


    Now, lets look atNorton

    Corporations 1999 an d 1998 financial


  • 8/6/2019 Sample Fin Analysis


    NOR TON CORPORA TIONBalance Shee ts

    December 31, 1999 and 1998

    1999 1998Assets

    Current assets:Cash 30,000$ 20,000$Accounts receivable, net 20,000 17,000 Inventory 12,000 10,000

    Prepaid expenses 3,000 2,000

    Total current assets 65,000 49,000 Property and e quipment:

    Land 165,000 123,000

    Buildings and equipment, net 116,390 128,000

    Total property and equipment 281,390 251,000

    Total assets 346,390$ 300,000$

  • 8/6/2019 Sample Fin Analysis


    NOR T ON CORPORA TI ONBalance S heets

    December 3 1 , 1999 an d 19981999 1998

    L iabilities an d S tockhol d ers ' EquityCurrent liabilities:

    Accounts payable 3 9 ,000$ 40,000$

    Notes payable , short -term 3,000 2,000 T otal current liabilities 42,000 42,000

    L ong -term lia bilities:Notes payable, long -term 70,000 78 ,000

    T otal liabilities 11 2,000 1 20,000 S tockhol d ers ' equity:

    Common stock, $1 par value 27,400 1 7,000

    Add itional pa i d -in capital 158 ,1 00 11 3,000 T otal pa i d -in capital 185 ,5 00 1 30,000

    Retaine d earnings 4 8 ,89 0 5 0,000 T otal stockhol d ers ' equity 234,3 9 0 18 0,000

    T otal liabilities an d stockhol d ers ' equity 34 6 ,3 9 0$ 300,000$

  • 8/6/2019 Sample Fin Analysis


  • 8/6/2019 Sample Fin Analysis


    Now, lets calculatethe 1 0 ratios base d

    on Nortons financialstatements.

  • 8/6/2019 Sample Fin Analysis




    Cash 30 ,000$ Accoun ts r ece ivab le , ne t

    Beg inn ing o f yea r 17 ,000

    End o f yea r 20 ,000 In ven to r y

    Beg inn ing o f yea r 10 ,000

    End o f yea r 12 ,000

    To ta l cu rr en t asse ts 65 ,000 To ta l cu rr en t liab ilities 42 ,000

    Sa les on accoun t 494 ,000

    Cos t o f goods so ld 140 ,000

    We willuse this

    informationto calculate

    the liquidityratios for Norton.

  • 8/6/2019 Sample Fin Analysis


    Working C apital*

    12/31/99Curren t asse ts 65 ,000$

    Curren t li ab ilities (42 ,000 ) Work ing cap ita l 23 ,000$

    The excess of current assets over currentliabilities.

    * While this is not a ratio, it does give an

    indication of a companys liquidity.

  • 8/6/2019 Sample Fin Analysis


    C urrent (Working C apital)Ratio


    $65 ,000$42,000

    = = 1 .55 : 1

    M easures the abilityof the company to pay current

    d ebts as they become due.



    Current Assets

    Current L iabilities=


  • 8/6/2019 Sample Fin Analysis


    A cid-Test (Quick) Ratio

    Quick Assets

    Current L iabilities=Aci d -


    RatioQuick assets are Cash,M arketable S ecurities,

    Accounts Receivable (net) an d

    current Notes Receivable.


  • 8/6/2019 Sample Fin Analysis


    Quick Assets

    Current L iabilities=Aci d -


    RatioNorton Corporations quick

    assets consist of cash of $30,000 an d accounts

    receivable of $20,000.

    A cid-Test (Quick) Ratio#2#2

  • 8/6/2019 Sample Fin Analysis


    Quick Assets

    Current L iabilities=Aci d -


    Ratio$5 0,000$42,000 =

    1 .19 : 1=Aci d -Test


    A cid-Test (Quick) Ratio#2#2

  • 8/6/2019 Sample Fin Analysis


    S ales on Account

    Average Accounts Receivable


    Turnover =

    A ccounts ReceivableTurnover

    = 26 .70 times$49 4,000

    ($1 7,000 + $20,000) 2


    Turnover =

    T his ratio measures how manytimes a company converts its

    receivables into cash each year.

    #3#3 Average, net accountsreceivable

    Net, cre d it sales

  • 8/6/2019 Sample Fin Analysis


    Number of Days Salesin A ccounts Receivable

    M easures, on average, how manydays it takes to collect an

    account receivable.

    Days S alesin Accounts


    = 365 Days

    Accounts Receivable Turnover

    = 1 3. 6 7 days=365 Days

    26 .70 T imes

    Days S alesin AccountsReceivables


  • 8/6/2019 Sample Fin Analysis


    Number of Days Salesin A ccounts Receivable

    In practice, woul d 45 d ays be adesirable number of days in


    #4#4Days S alesin Accounts


    = 365 Days

    Accounts Receivable Turnover

    = 1 3. 6 7 days=365 Days

    26 .70 T imes

    Days S alesin AccountsReceivables

  • 8/6/2019 Sample Fin Analysis


  • 8/6/2019 Sample Fin Analysis


    Inventory Turnover

    Cost of Goo d s S ol d Average Inventory



    oul d 5 be adesirable number of timesfor inventory to turnover?

    = 1 2.73 times$1 40,000

    ($1 0,000 + $1 2,000) 2InventoryTurnover



  • 8/6/2019 Sample Fin Analysis


    Equity, or LongTermSolvency Ratios

    This is part of the information to calculatethe equity, or long-term solvency ratios of

    Norton C orporation.



    Net operating income 84,000$Net sales 494,000 Interest expense 7,300 Total stockholders' equity 234,390

  • 8/6/2019 Sample Fin Analysis



    Co mm o n sh s o u sta nd ng

    Begi nn in g of year 17,000 End of year 27,400

    Net i n o m e 53,690$

    Stock h ol d ers' eq u ity

    Begi nn in g of year 180,000 End of year 234,390

    Divid e nd s per s h are 2

    Dec. 31 m arket price/s h are 20

    In terest expe n se 7,300

    Total assets

    Begi nn in g of year 300,000

    End of year 346,390

    Here is t h erest of t h e

    in for m atio nw e w ill

    u se.

  • 8/6/2019 Sample Fin Analysis


  • 8/6/2019 Sample Fin Analysis


    A/ K/A Return on Sales or Profit


    Net Incometo

    Net S ales= Net


    Net S ales

    Net Incometo

    Net S ales= $

    5 3, 69 0$49 4,000 =

    1 0. 9 %

    M easures the proportion of the sales d ollar which is retaine d as profit.


  • 8/6/2019 Sample Fin Analysis


    A/ K/A Return on Sales or Profit


    Net Incometo

    Net S ales= Net


    Net S ales

    Net Incometo

    Net S ales= $

    5 3, 69 0$49 4,000 =

    1 0. 9 %

    Woul d a 1 % return on sales be goo d ?


  • 8/6/2019 Sample Fin Analysis


    Return on A verage C ommonStockholders Equity (ROE)

    Return onS tockhol d ersEquity

    = NetIncomeAverage Common

    S tockhol d ers Equity

    =$5 3, 69 0

    ($18 0,000 + $234,3 9 0) 2 = 25 .9 %

    Return on

    S tockhol dersEquityImportant measure of theincome -pro d ucing ability

    of a company.


  • 8/6/2019 Sample Fin Analysis


    Earningsper S hare

    Earnings Available to Common S tockhol ders

    Weighte d -Average Number of CommonS hares Outstan d ing=

    Earningsper S hare

    $5 3, 69 0(1 7,000 + 27,400) 2= = $2.42

    T he financial press regularly publishesactual an d forecaste d EP S amounts.


    Earnings Per Share

  • 8/6/2019 Sample Fin Analysis


    Whats new from C hap. 15?Weighted-average calculation

    EP S of common stock = _______________________Earnings available tocommon stockhol d ers

    Weighte d -average number of common shares outstan d ing

    6 44

    T hree alternatives for calculatingweighte d -average number of shares

    Earnings Per Share

  • 8/6/2019 Sample Fin Analysis


    EP S of common stock = _______________________Earnings available tocommon stockhol d ers

    Weighte d -average number of common shares outstan d ing

    6 45

    Alternate # 1

    Earnings Per Share Whats new from C hap. 15?

    Weighted-average calculation

  • 8/6/2019 Sample Fin Analysis


    Alternate #3

    Alternate #2

    6 45

    Earnings Per Share

  • 8/6/2019 Sample Fin Analysis


    EPS and Stock Dividends or SplitsWhy restate all prior calculations of EPS?

    C omparability - i.e., no additional capital wasgenerated by the dividend or split

    6 46

    Earnings Per Share

    Primary EPS and Fully Diluted EPS APB Opinion No. 15 I mentioned this 17-page pronouncement that

    required a 100-page explanation in the lecture for

    chapter 13.

  • 8/6/2019 Sample Fin Analysis


    Price-Earnings Ratio A/ K/A P /E Multiple

    Price -EarningsRatio

    M arket Price Per S hareEP S=

    Price -EarningsRatio

    = $20.00$ 2.42 = 8 .3 : 1


    Provi des some measure of whether thestock is un d er or overprice d .

  • 8/6/2019 Sample Fin Analysis


    Important C onsiderations Need for comparable data

    Data is provided by Dun &Bradstreet, Standard & Poors etc.

    Must compare by industry Is EPS comparable?

    Influence of external factors General business conditions Seasonal nature of business operations

    Impact of inflation

  • 8/6/2019 Sample Fin Analysis


  • 8/6/2019 Sample Fin Analysis


    T he current ratio is a measure of liqui d ity that is compute d by d ivid ing

    total assets by total liabilities.a. T rueb. False


    T he current ratio is a measure of liqui d ity, but is compute d by

    d ivid ing currentcurrent assets bycurrentcurrent liabilities

  • 8/6/2019 Sample Fin Analysis


    Question Quick assets are defined as C ash,

    Marketable Securities and net receivables.

    a. Trueb.False

  • 8/6/2019 Sample Fin Analysis


    Quick assets are d efine d as Cash,M arketable S ecurities an d net

    receivables.a. T rueb. False


  • 8/6/2019 Sample Fin Analysis


    No more ratios, please!

  • 8/6/2019 Sample Fin Analysis


  • 8/6/2019 Sample Fin Analysis


    A bout Test #1 Best way to study

    Notes first Study guide and /or H ermanson tutorialsC alculators will be provided

    Must wait outside classroomH

    ave your questions ready for next actualclass See course home page for office hours