THE SALT LAIvE HKKALD FRIDAY DECEMBER 2 1904 FTi DIAZ REMAINS CWIEFOF STATE Seventh inauguration of Maxi cos Grand Old Man IS EN FETE HERRY MAKING BT DAY AND BTiI AT NIGHT City of Mexico Dec 1 The inaugu- ration of General Porforio Diaz a president the republic of Mexico for the seventh time and of Senor Ramon Corral as first vice president mimstancesv Preparation for the inauguration have been going on ever since the elec tion June 7 last but have extended a lively over a period of about a with the graM ball given in hbnor of Prealdent and Ma dame Diaz Nov 20 which was attend- ed by the Mexican anti Spanish arts tocracy of the capital Flags Were Plying At sunrise today all the artillery sta tioned in the federal district and also the here and at barracks throughout the republic tired a pros dential salute and flag hoisted all public buildings The principal streets and edifices and were decorated profusely With arches and national flags freely interspersed with the of foreign nations Qne of the features of the street decorations with two allegorical arches over tb Paso de Refonna the principal street of the capital rep resenting Peace and Glory There was a hugo procession at the head of which rode many members of the local police force Brilliant Pageant The pageant was made up of thou- sands of federal troops the reserves bands societies political rganlzationa 3111 many prominent personages in- cluding the ov rno of the states comprised In theunion The proceaeton proceeded tp the hull of congress Adhere ainld great enthusiasm the prudent And presfient were for of their election and t A the oath allegiance After an exchange of felicitations between the 9rettdetit ami the feorernor5 the for- eign diplomatic representatives and the eitizena who had received invitations went to ft reviewing stand wherjs the witnessed the passing of the- ft onesslon on route to the castle of i n ttay was devoted 1ofi ld sports and Tonight there music on the va- rious military bands and aninaugural ball to wfclch over 1000 received invitations WELLSFARGO COMPANY OUT OF POCKET 15000 San Fmnciseo Dee 1 The bag con taming ISOCO in god consigned to San the London San Francisco bank through Yells Fargo C m express offices Which mysteri- ously Sppeared after it had ba pre liarPtl shipment on Monday hi not yet been found The office of the company say they believe that it was improperly waybllled and will b round sonic point to which aeajed sates Vere sent The amount has made gOiMl lit Sxn Jpae and no charges have Ween preferred against any of the clerks who handled the coin Auburn Cal Dec 1 There are no new developments in the Weber case today The grand jury in in session is investigating oife of the murder eatsa but it maybe several days before ft rfiaftfe a rejtOrt The officials in the sJlferilTs office say that Adolph well us usual and makes no complain CAP I JA l CITY r J Don bt ot Wt tnbQr- CiI cIr fort- night ere eVer flap b f it was as plazas by ml 8ca o by pnys for at been GS GRAND JURY NOT READY TO MAKE FiNAL REPORT and a 1ok place theljaij deputies tauji1e1ous S la t vice Chapiiltepeewbre 1 Sc ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ + + HEAfrON COLLISION THREE MEN KILLED Kan Dec 1 Tim men were killed by a headon collision of two Rock Island freight train near here this afternoon The dead Bn- Sineer Walter Ortfllth Herington Ko H A Warren Blue Mound Charles Kincaid Dresden O THe lust two were stealing a ride FOUND DEAD IN BED New York Lawyer Hakes His Exit by Gas Boute New York Dcfc 1 Franfilin Pad at Ids home today having been as- phyxiated by escaping illuminating gag and it IB believed that he com- mitted suicide The circumstances leading up to the tragedy were un usual The dead man went to his home l t night and found that his wife had gnup ou He waited for a time but- s he did not return he went to his room leaving his dinner untouched on Hit fable This w the l 5t seen of until his body was frund today A vaut in the house said that Pad 4 k haA had eomfc serious business trmble aflfd that perhaps that was the ciufle of his selfdestruction Mr Pad doyk was the son of a well known law j r of this city He graduated from PrInceton In the cl s of 1S 0 IDAHOS OFFICIAL VOTE Bale Ida Dec 1 The state board today canvassed the returns of the eleetdttn The figures are ma follows Roosevelt 477S3 1S480 Debs 4140 Swallow Watson 35- 1Rowavelts plurality 203W For con- gress JTrench Rep 4481J Clay Dam S0446 Frenchs plurality 34 77 Dem 24192 Goodlngs plurality 17685 Gooding ran about 4000 behind the remainder of the state ticket tfhen- b Tree Tea Selected Wisdom The Pure Good Tea sold in packages only i J BRUHOEHSTEIH GO lopjlfa health but has very to tJ I Peabody K ttcWu Wu dead In bed I bin o CI Par r letll bGi governor Goodtng J1 S r his k any 4 1 dvelc a fothd 4 I I I Pr Itep 4L 4r a FrancIscu- ¬ ¬ < ¬ PERKINS GETS THE PAY Receives Judgment for Salary While Acting as Clerk of Board of Public Works Judge Lewis yesterday rendered a judgment against the city amounting to JS in P O Perkins Suit was brought in the civil division of the city court by Perkins to compel the olty to allow a claim presented to the council Jan 20 1903 lie was employed en clerk of the board of public works from Nov 15 1902 until the end of that year John M WhHaker before that had of the board and the day after council passed- a resolution instructing the city to issue no warrants for the sal- ary of any other clerk as Whitaker was the appointee of the council Perkins did alt th clerical work of the board during the last half of Nd vember The salary was 100 a month and he sued for a half months pay which he recovered yesterday with in SUES ABSTRACT COMPANY R H Smiths Assignee Brings Por Pay- J T Stringer has tiled a compalnt the Deserct Abstract company demanding judgment for 41050 with S per cent interest from June 12 1304 The complaint alleges that between Nov 18 1303 and June 1 1904 R Smith at the request of the company performed services for It during seven months as manager It is alleged the work was worth 1030 no part of which has been paid Smith assigned his claim to Stringer who brings the suit FEDERAL CBIMINAL CASES Docket Will BeTaken Up Next The criminal docket will up in the United Stat court Jlondfly morning till t e petl t jurors were excused by Judge Mar- shall At present there aye but five defendants awaiting trial but It is ex- pected that the grand jury which will make its report today or tomorrow will return indictments against several others The eases now set are Dec 5 Joseph Hicks Selling liquor- to Indians John A Gardner and R Reynolds same charge Dec 6 Jad Grant passing counter- feit money Dec S Rue Smith same charge Court Notes Judgment by default was entered in Judge Stewarts court yesterday In fa- vor of James Inyebretsen against J Dbnnan ReavIs and wife Aug 29 1903 Alexander Beveridge and wife gave george K Hyde a 5750 note payable in a the office of Evans Ingebret sen Evans and drawing 6 per cent interest The note was given for the purchase price of an automobile As security a mortgage was given on 2500 worth of real estate Hyde transferred the note to IngebreUen after 350 had been paid on the note Oct 22 Jan 2 of this year Beverldge conveyed his title to the property to Reavis who made the payments on the notes Ingebretgen sued for the 450 still owing on the note At the request of the attorney for Thomas Perkins J SQ Hall yesterday dismiss without prejudice the suit brought by him against tile Oregon1 Short Line Railway company The lawyer the ourt would non suit the case so moved for a dismis- sal in order that a new complaint might be entered Perkins had his leg cut- off while working as a brakeman for the Xompany near Pocatelto He wa hanging onto the side of a ear and a fence near the track brushed him off throwing him under the wheels and crushing a limb TRACK MEN MEET TO BEGIN TRAINING A general meeting cf all prospective traccnen was held yesterday at the university Coach Maddock called the meeting and it was well attended more than fifty men reporting tut candidates for the positions on years are riew1niBrr done worli else- where Thin meeting certainly show that the Varsity Is out for track hon A been clerk I tetst Action Dick nst r Non it 0 at ROIl is t I I au- ditor taken whieh time 0 several post Ir c thecenc thaihal wb ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ors as well as honors In football Coaca Maddock as wall pleated and said that the university has a lot of men because thel fame reached me at yea I understand that only one good man Val Ride qjjt has been lost However with all new material somebody will be found to take his plae If the will get out and work we will also win the sstate championship on the track Maddock urged that a cross country club be organized an1 that active work be begun immediately The suggestion was considered and carried out J C Brown one of the Varsltys last year longdistance men was chosen as pres- ident A special meeting was called and more than forty men handed in their names as desiring to become ac- tive members of the club Coach Maddock explained the advan- tages of cross country running and said that an effort would be made to make the cross country run one of the regu ter events in the dUll track meets here after He urged that the first run bt taken within a week and that there be runs at frequent intervals all winter He Inughted at the idea of cold weath- er longdistance running and said that nothing except a foot of snow should be a hindrance It i probable that the first run will on next Monday Special work IK also being arranged- in the gymnasium for the spinsters and weight men A starting board has been obtained and the men will put in two afternoons each week in ind or practice The shortdistance squad- Is much larger this year than ever be fore and prospects are that the uni- versity have a faster relay team this year than ever before NEW RABBI ARRIVES J Freund Welcomed to Salt Lake by Prominent Jews Rev Charles J Freund formerly of Toledo 0 the newly pointed rabbi of Temple Bnai Israel arrived in this city yesterday and is now at the New With M family Rabbi Freund was met at tad depot upon his arrival yesterday morning by Senator Simon Bamberger Samuel r Weit and Jacob th r committo of Iecep tl m chosen by the board of directors of the congregation- His initial sermon in Salt Luk will j delivered this on the occa Hanaknh the feast of lights Rabbi Freund graduated four years ord in 1S94 from the college yf tire City f New York Ha diploma the of Cincinnati was personally recommuided to Oifc Suit Luke crngwgaton b Simon Wolf on the occasion of the latters visit here six weeks rabbi of the Toledo temple Rabbi Freund cleared a debt of several thou sand dollars which had been hanging over Its congregation twentyyaars The new Jewish divine ft 21 BarB old v feminine Charity Chicago News JJGtm Singleton stays she celebrated anniversary of rb aafesfiSfe Mlwt Slnfelotpn is certainly a Him A bArgahtt HIT Yes raarkftl down from 37 r know laM oys be- taken bt Ion or ago from the HPbre UnltI from H a b- As 41111 IIIS t bfs J fast tutu pevcnt ip c oiiege also holds a reeuut ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ FINNISH BRIDES AND GROOMS 1 MAKE UNIU t c gRU lnC DISPLAY < Tsh gartoral publfir was treated to a 8nowestorday afternoon when Hannah WoEterunv and Matt Lund Annie Skrifvears and Eric Holm qUIst four FInnS rom out to Have a double bow knot tied men m a- habardashars and came out arrayed in new suits and fine linen and having se- cured bridal bouquets of a few carna tions each the entire made for a dry goods shop where the blushing brides were t9 be arrayed in all the glory the occasion required When the men had bargained with the department heads a brief time and hal settled on the amount of the bill that should be allowed and fo whlch the cheerful grooms were and able to pay the brideselect were led to a fit- ting room and by dint of much pinning and fitting were Clothed In shining robes One of the fair ones chose a pale blue crepe rind a white and both of then desired the flowing veil fastened with prange blossoms De- spite the fact that one of them had already seen many years o married life having recently laid the former partner to rest she felt that her happi- ness would pot be complete without the veil and the emblems o maidenhood orange blossoms When the quartette was ready and P1TTSBURG BROKERS CLOSE THEIR DOORS Pittsburg Pa Dec 1 Richmond Co incorporated brokerr closed tnair doors today and issued the following notice On account of financial embarrass- ment no further business will be trans acted by this company until fur hep no- tice x RICHMOND CO Incorporated R Faulkner manager was not at the office today and no statement could be obtained It is stated that the firm probabl did the largest trade of its kind between New York and GRAND JURY SUMMONED Object is to Investigate Denver Elec tion Prauds Denver Colo Dec 1 District Judge John I Mullins in the criminal court today issued an order summoning a grand jury to investigate alleged elec- tion frauds in this county This is taken at the behest of Democratic leaders who charge that money was wrongfully used by corporations to I elect certain candidates at the recent election and that voters were coerced by their employ The sheriff was instructed tQ return the venire next Saturday PUBLIC DEBT STATEMENT Increase For the Month of November Was 2453265 Washington Dee 1 The morthly statement of the public debt issued to- day shows that at the close of busi- ness 3Tov 30 1904 the debt less cash in the treasury amounted to 9S9245917 an increase for the month of 2463265 is recapitulated as follows Interestbearing debt 815167470 Debt on which Interest has ooascd 14W400 Debt bearing rfo interest SSo932705 Total 12S25S557o This amount howcrer does not in clude 1030431989 In certificates and treasury notes outstanding which art offset by an equal amount of cash on hand held for their redemption as follows Gold reserve I 150OWeo- oTrostfunds l J19 l6l 6 General fund llS4se3 1 In national depos- itaries Uf04148S In Philippine treasury 9 j ToWl v 51i0651993l Against which there are d ijiafid fia outstanding amountIng i 113175273 which leaves a I on band of 293344658 r root ti s First the the Visited both willing the Other I ChI- cago e tep f 0 I The debt The cash the treasury is classified bAn I r hutton 1 cash balance I I party 5 La > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = TEMPORARY INSANITY Result of the Inquest Upon the mains of Chapman London Dec 1 Suicide during temporary insanity was the verdict- of the coroners inquest on Elverton R Chapman of New York City who committed suicide on the evening of Nov 2S at the Carlton hotel by throw ing himself from the third floor land- ing to the vestibule The evidence of friends showed that Chapman while in Paris exhibited signs of derangement j He therefore was closely watched at the hotel but eluded the vigilance and succeeded in throw ing himself into the vestibule never recovered conscious ms Prior to committing suicide his last net was to hand his banker letters to his father and sjster ex- pressing regret if thqy had any dis- agreements in the past and wishing i them long and happy lives NAVAL PROGRAMME- Three Battleships Among the Vessels Recommended Washington Dec ll With the ex- ception of the six tOrpedo boats the board of construction has approved the recommendations of the general board for newships to ba authorized by con- gress at its next sassfon The programme as amended pro- vides for three battleships five scout cruisers six torpedo boat destroyers i two squadron colliers a the Helena ejass two river gunboats not exceeding seventy feet In length and- a steam launch use on Chinese rivers The construction board be lieves that torpedo boats are not us badly needed boat des troyers at this time Secretary Morton has before him the reports of the two boards and from will make up his recommenda- tions to congress for new ships METEOROLOGICAL REPORT Yesterdays Record at the Local Of- fice of the Weather Bureau Maximum temperature 46 degrees min tem- perature 41 decrees which is 3 degrees above the normal nccumulntud excess of temperature sineo the first ofithc month ri srco n ecu ran la ted csce s e tern since run 1 143 decrees Total precipitation from G p m to 6 p m none accumulated precipi- tation since the first of the inch accumulated excess of precipitation- since Jan 1 70 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Bu Sell I Tracy n d wife to Her- bert piece of land IftLx WxT97xl4x223x3a rods In tho north- west corner of qua- rter of section 11 towpship south of range 1 west 517 0 M Qblad to 3 Oblad port block22 300 fflrimm and to Proderlakson and twlfe part of lot lot block 21 plat B L TW MARRIAGE llCENSEsI i vw May Williams cmguan a Re- t r I of I I I II caS I gunboatof or s rpedo I them I 6 rle retl I I o moo a L h1ifl JY Clays his attendant ait ow e incheD the southwest phaLli nest Ii ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > r oMJrerj tingrfoom at the shop the clerks vrhb bad so kindly aided Hymen I In the master marched the proud and happy bush thrOugh the aisles of admiring grid giggling salespeople to the brent door utfiere a street hack with the two sides let down and a coachman wearing a silk hat in honor of the occasion waited thent They were driven through streets in the open conveyance without a suspicion of a wrap or anything that might hide their magnificence to the place Vhere the Later they drove back sUlMlrthesaine blissful openness and allj5hteatbrldaliluer and all at street herfeIh groups also of four they poSed regulaticfn bridal i lcturos- Descenflmg the stairs they again sought the af the cabAaijdware driven through tnagstreets to the shop where outer garments were donned While the lightning change act was in progress the men repaired to a place across the street and regaled themselves and it Is sup- posed their friends in honor of the oc- t asion while the trusting brides each bearing the burden of her wedding now done up in a package strode out and up the street to await the coming of the grooms CLOSED SHOP ILLEGAL Question Decided by Section of New York Supreme Court New York Dec 1 That the closed shop is Illegal was depided today by the justices of the appellate division of the supreme court Brook lyii entered into between the firm of Morris Cohn Sons and Protective Coat Tailors and Pressers local No 55 of the Garment Workers of America whereby the firm was prohbited from employing la- bor not belonging to the local and also from employing even a member of the union unless such member held a card digried by the business agent of the local was deerared by the court to be contrary to public policy Presiding Justice Hirschberg wrote x the courts opinion Justice Bartlett dissented CONTEMPT CASES Colorado Supreme Court Issues More Warrants K Denver Dec Arguments were made in five of the contempt cases be fore the supreme court today and at the conclusion the court announced that decision would be rendered on Monday morning next Twelve more supreme court war rants for Democratic election officials who served in Denvey were to- day Two arrests were made this aft- ernoon persons arreated Max Schradsky and Max Sissock being in 1000 bonds men are charged with contempt in refusing to accord court watchers the rights conferred upon the supreme court at the time of their appointment Attorneys representing the Demo cratic state organization also secured the issuance of a batch of warrants for Republicans in Huerfano county Just how many and the specific charge against them cannot be learned Hearing in cotitempt cases will be resumed In the supreme court tomor row There are about fifty cases slill pending s I All Broken Lines j of SHOES at Slash- ing Bargains S hi In a l j I th knot i South o two nd the A United I Q I I i both Th them I I o- II TUROWINfi 1 OUT i I I old 1Qthie5SL stoed cor vfiStied rsn East Second 1nxur contract the re- leased by > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + > < 110 Main St Have Cold Feet- If you take advantage Hot Water Bottle sale this week All guaranteed to last and wearS 2 quarts 50c 3 quartz 60e 4 quarts 70c THIS WEEK A Druggist 142 Main Street VincentNott i Shoe Co 1 1aI You ONLY c Smitb The ont of our + <> > FOR BOYS AND GIRLS ALL SIZES UP TO 2 1OO Pavis Prest Aaron Levitt Secy Treas 238 and 240 Main Street Both PhontS 63 Sixty Years of an Old Nurse ilrsv Winslows Soothing Swap the prescription x r one ot tho and nurses railed states and has been us d vor sixty years with neverfailing succosa of children During the process of teething its value m child CUte- 3diarrhop griping in the colic By lftiff fS It rests the mviluT Price a bottle i Remarkable i i Shoe Values i A PAIR Ben JUJ i- Plii 1 fi lM O Exp henC st n l bo Ati 1J liotlt 0 1 I G 0 1 e th y from pain cents <> + = STARVED TO DEATH Our text is the story of tie miser who taught lila dSs to live on straw of save him a smaller portion every they as him so trained- as to oat one straw a poor ass dlod He Is an ass starves himself to death as thousands are doiJWr misled fpolislv their stomachs have become too weak through neglect or to do thft work which nature has provided tor their stomachs to do Because the engine Is out of gear wquld you consign it to junk heap no Mend It Commit sro suicide because your di leak Certainly not Take Stuarts Dyspepsia One Is sure as YOU can never set a new stomach a miserable existence The way to mend it is to take Stuarts Dyspepsia Tablots I Ti l been and scientific I ally demonstrated by the many thousands Dyspepsia Tablets have positively cured after other of medicine mineral waters and slow suicidal starvation had failed These methods are all unscientific j therefore false Stuarts Dyspepsia Tablets are scientific true and successful Having cured so thousands many of whom doubtless have suffered more than you do do we claim too much when we say that Stuarts Dyspepsia Tab lets will surely do good to YQu Surely not especially when we make it plain that no promise Is madd to cure more than one disease DysweDsIa Stuarts Dyspepsia Tablets are a posi- tive cure just this one disease are a scientific combination of in- gredients which search out the weak spots- in all the digestive organs and make strong and well They have an immediate dteestivc ac on undigested food and thus while curing weak organs they at the same help to do their work They thus stand for all that is good the medical treatment of Dyspepsia and for nothing that is bad They are not a fad but a fact are safe pleasant certain and permanent and can be taken by the most delicate Invalids without fear of ful results RIGHTLY I HEALTHFUL that can make METEOR COFFEE STYLE PERCOLATOR Can be used SirunTe instructions always insure uniform quality of coffee jusl STOVE CO J Phone 748 168 Main j 145 laIn Street Progress Bldg COMPLETE LINE OF Mens Clothing and Hats J Furnishing Goods Boys and Childrens Suits GREAT RETDUCTIONS IN ALL t DEPARTMENTS- We carry only the Stfoi Satis I Date and Lasting Goody I whl 1 daythe h b 1 ersJ u8 I r ng I 4 I or it lead I onl om treat- ment I i or harm t MADE COFFEE- IS Ild s nothing I 1 nearer the I t it POT I i 00 tl 5tO0 0 I q KIN UARDWARf II I O Ii f 1 fRJfDMAN CO- t 1 t I t I factory Upto 0 fc d thing You rntt mend It will you G 4 thec right than I 4 4 4 No5693raagc 4 WellFinished 4 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + + + + + <> + + + + ++ + The way people coming Bath- Robes and the like I I H I Remfaids us that k 1 I 1 Xmas wflll t C i r be here v j Just 20 shopping days in which to do your buying Anti the earlier you attend to it the better it will be for youAt least como and make your selection now and what you i will buy will be r laid away till you are it Rouse Coats 500 to S1800 Bath Robes S4jOO to 1209 Gloves Ties Mufflers and scores of other appropriate gifts for men in lavish variety THE QUALITY STORE uARDNrR DAILY STORt tWS- are for- e useconts soon I f ready for f ON r IARDNR 136w 138 PRitt Main J AT I TODAY BARTONS AND STORE TOMORROW u I I S i I 1 s44 I 5 e It L1 I MiI I r T Jut St1 I > = Boys 850 to 450 kinds alt sizes in the lot To day hind Tomorrow at 7sGiH Boys Sweaters 5175 and 5200 kinds all sizes fn the lot Today and TO J N morrow at 3 Jr Sufl > Mens Underwear Lit kind alt day and Tomorrow at Mens Sweaters 1250 and 27 kinds all sizes in the lot Today S2 00 In lot n83 UU 5 a d Tomorrow at sizes the To fi > THEN WE ARE SELLING THE BEST IN SUITS OVERCOATS SHIRTS HATS COLLARS GLOVES ETC One Price 4547 Main St There arc a lot of little thing s in conneCtion with a trip to the WorMs Fair at St Louie that you will wish to how long tickets are good time of trains whether or not a change of cars is necessary what one has to pay dr board and I am in shape to answer these and similar qucs tions Call or write if you want information The Rock Island System operates through sleeping Cars daily Colorado to St way of Kansas City rates In effect daily Coach excursions at fee duent SntervaJs Full Information on request E DRAXE Dist Pass Agent Cr A BIBLE Trav Pass Agt 100 W 2nd So Salt Lake City C B SLOAT Genl Agt Passenger Dept Barton COm 1 vf J s J r F 7 r- so II I Questions About the Fair I knowrates l du e1 iIdII b 4 Worlds T I PT1ji k IJ < Food Facts the o X the I f the nut oil of the L I r LllP- Si 1IB- ccatie slow I Quaker panroasting- biings out oats I 4 ¼ OATS is brown and pale and pasty- You can get your table silver chinaware and many other articles at much less than the usual cost through our Cercta money saving Plan Send for our beautifully illustrated A Cereta Check in package of Quaker p Oats jj others r COUNTS S AS ON B- jS PREMIUM C 0 U I 0 N Trliea returned With taken from cfrflMS as called for in ta mat Send to THE AMUR1CAK CESEA1 CO Dept S CHICAGO ILL richnot THB Y eve t If I I I 5 I t Catalogue 1 I C 1 I Azv- Address I r rs Sf =

Salt Lake Herald. (Salt Lake City) 1904-12-02 [p ].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058130/1904-12-02/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · by Gas Boute New York Dcfc 1 Franfilin Pad at Ids home today

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Page 1: Salt Lake Herald. (Salt Lake City) 1904-12-02 [p ].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058130/1904-12-02/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · by Gas Boute New York Dcfc 1 Franfilin Pad at Ids home today




Seventh inauguration of Maxicos Grand Old Man



City of Mexico Dec 1 The inaugu-ration of General Porforio Diaz apresident the republic of Mexico forthe seventh time and of SenorRamon Corral as first vice president

mimstancesvPreparation for the inauguration

have been going on ever since the election June 7 last but have extendeda lively over a period of about awith the graM ballgiven in hbnor of Prealdent and Ma

dame Diaz Nov 20 which was attend-ed by the Mexican anti Spanish artstocracy of the capital

Flags Were PlyingAt sunrise today all the artillery sta

tioned in the federal district and alsothe here and at barracksthroughout the republic tired a prosdential salute and flag hoisted

all public buildingsThe principal streets and edifices and

were decorated profuselyWith arches and national flags freelyinterspersed with the of foreignnations Qne of the features of thestreet decorations with two allegoricalarches over tb Paso de Refonnathe principal street of the capital representing Peace and Glory Therewas a hugo procession at the head ofwhich rode many members of the localpolice force

Brilliant PageantThe pageant was made up of thou-

sands of federal troops the reservesbands societies political rganlzationa3111 many prominent personages in-cluding the ov rno of the statescomprised In theunion The proceaetonproceeded tp the hull of congressAdhere ainld great enthusiasm theprudent And presfient were for

of their election andt A the oath allegiance After anexchange of felicitations between the9rettdetit ami the feorernor5 the for-eign diplomatic representatives and the

eitizena who had receivedinvitations went to ft reviewing standwherjs the witnessed the passing of the-ft onesslon on route to the castle of

i n ttay was devoted 1ofi ld sportsand

Tonight there music on the va-rious military bands andaninaugural ball to wfclch over 1000

received invitations


San Fmnciseo Dee 1 The bag contaming ISOCO in god consigned to San

the London San Franciscobank through Yells Fargo C m

express offices Which mysteri-ously Sppeared after it had ba preliarPtl shipment on Monday hi notyet been found The office of thecompany say they believe that it wasimproperly waybllled and will b round

sonic point to which aeajed satesVere sent The amount has made

gOiMl lit Sxn Jpae and no charges haveWeen preferred against any of the clerkswho handled the coin

Auburn Cal Dec 1 There are nonew developments in the Weber casetoday The grand jury in in session

is investigating oife of the murdereatsa but it maybe several days beforeft rfiaftfe a rejtOrt The officials in thesJlferilTs office say that Adolphwell us usual and makes no complain




bt ot Wt tnbQr-CiI cIr






it was

asplazas by

ml8ca o








1ok place theljaijdeputies tauji1e1ous



























Kan Dec 1 Tim menwere killed by a headon collision oftwo Rock Island freight train nearhere this afternoon The dead Bn-Sineer Walter Ortfllth HeringtonKo H A Warren Blue Mound

Charles Kincaid Dresden OTHe lust two were stealing a ride


New York Lawyer Hakes His Exitby Gas Boute

New York Dcfc 1 Franfilin Pad

at Ids home today having been as-phyxiated by escaping illuminatinggag and it IB believed that he com-mitted suicide The circumstancesleading up to the tragedy were unusual The dead man went to his homel t night and found that his wife hadgnup ou He waited for a time but-

s he did not return he went to hisroom leaving his dinner untouched onHit fable This w the l 5t seen of

until his body was frund today Avaut in the house said that Pad

4 k haA had eomfc serious businesstrmble aflfd that perhaps that was theciufle of his selfdestruction Mr Paddoyk was the son of a well known lawj r of this city He graduated fromPrInceton In the cl s of 1S 0

IDAHOS OFFICIAL VOTEBale Ida Dec 1 The state board

today canvassed the returns of theeleetdttn The figures are ma followsRoosevelt 477S3 1S480 Debs4140 Swallow Watson 35-1Rowavelts plurality 203W For con-gress JTrench Rep 4481J Clay

Dam S0446 Frenchs plurality 34

77 Dem 24192 Goodlngsplurality 17685 Gooding ran about4000 behind the remainder of the stateticket


bTree Tea Selected Wisdom

The Pure Good Teasold in packages only


health but has very to




ttcWu Wu dead In bed I


o CI

Par rletll

bGi governor Goodtng


S r





dvelc a fothd





Pr Itep 4L









Receives Judgment for SalaryWhile Acting as Clerk of

Board of Public Works

Judge Lewis yesterday rendered ajudgment against the city amountingto JS in P O Perkins Suitwas brought in the civil division of thecity court by Perkins to compel theolty to allow a claim presented to thecouncil Jan 20 1903 lie was employeden clerk of the board of public worksfrom Nov 15 1902 until the end ofthat year John M WhHaker beforethat had of the board andthe day after council passed-a resolution instructing the city

to issue no warrants for the sal-ary of any other clerk as Whitakerwas the appointee of the councilPerkins did alt th clerical work ofthe board during the last half of Ndvember The salary was 100 a monthand he sued for a half months paywhich he recovered yesterday with in


R H Smiths Assignee BringsPor Pay-

J T Stringer has tiled a compalntthe Deserct Abstract company

demanding judgment for 41050 with Sper cent interest from June 12 1304The complaint alleges that betweenNov 18 1303 and June 1 1904 RSmith at the request of the companyperformed services for It during sevenmonths as manager It is alleged thework was worth 1030 no part ofwhich has been paid Smith assignedhis claim to Stringer who brings thesuit


Docket Will BeTaken Up Next

The criminal docket willup in the United Stat court Jlondflymorning till t e petl tjurors were excused by Judge Mar-shall At present there aye but fivedefendants awaiting trial but It is ex-pected that the grand jury which willmake its report today or tomorrow willreturn indictments against severalothers The eases now set are

Dec 5 Joseph Hicks Selling liquor-to Indians John A Gardner and RReynolds same charge

Dec 6 Jad Grant passing counter-feit money

Dec S Rue Smith same charge

Court NotesJudgment by default was entered in

Judge Stewarts court yesterday In fa-vor of James Inyebretsen against JDbnnan ReavIs and wife Aug 29 1903Alexander Beveridge and wife gavegeorge K Hyde a 5750 note payable ina the office of Evans Ingebretsen Evans and drawing 6 per centinterest The note was given for thepurchase price of an automobile Assecurity a mortgage was given on 2500worth of real estate Hyde transferredthe note to IngebreUen after 350 hadbeen paid on the note Oct 22 Jan 2of this year Beverldge conveyed histitle to the property to Reavis whomade the payments on the notesIngebretgen sued for the 450still owing on the note

At the request of the attorney forThomas Perkins J SQ Hall yesterdaydismiss without prejudice the suitbrought by him against tile Oregon1Short Line Railway company Thelawyer the ourt would nonsuit the case so moved for a dismis-sal in order that a new complaint mightbe entered Perkins had his leg cut-off while working as a brakeman forthe Xompany near Pocatelto He wahanging onto the side of a ear anda fence near the track brushed him offthrowing him under the wheels andcrushing a limb


A general meeting cf all prospectivetraccnen was held yesterday at theuniversity Coach Maddock called themeeting and it was well attended morethan fifty men reporting tut candidatesfor the positions on years

are riew1niBrr done worli else-where Thin meeting certainly showthat the Varsity Is out for track hon


been clerk







Nonit 0


ROIl is





whieh time


several postIrc thecenc thaihal












ors as well as honors In football CoacaMaddock as wall pleated and said

that the university has a lotof men because thel fame reachedme at yea I understandthat only one good man Val Rideqjjt has been lost However with all

new material somebody will befound to take his plae If thewill get out and work we will also winthe sstate championship on the track

Maddock urged that a cross countryclub be organized an1 that active workbe begun immediately The suggestionwas considered and carried out J CBrown one of the Varsltys last yearlongdistance men was chosen as pres-ident A special meeting was calledand more than forty men handed intheir names as desiring to become ac-tive members of the club

Coach Maddock explained the advan-tages of cross country running and saidthat an effort would be made to makethe cross country run one of the reguter events in the dUll track meets hereafter He urged that the first run bttaken within a week and that there beruns at frequent intervals all winterHe Inughted at the idea of cold weath-er longdistance runningand said that nothing except a foot ofsnow should be a hindrance It iprobable that the first run will

on next MondaySpecial work IK also being arranged-

in the gymnasium for the spinstersand weight men A starting board hasbeen obtained and the men will put intwo afternoons each week in ind orpractice The shortdistance squad-Is much larger this year than ever before and prospects are that the uni-versity have a faster relay teamthis year than ever before


J Freund Welcomed to Salt Lakeby Prominent Jews

Rev Charles J Freund formerly ofToledo 0 the newly pointed rabbiof Temple Bnai Israel arrived in thiscity yesterday and is now at the New

With M family RabbiFreund was met at tad depot upon hisarrival yesterday morning by SenatorSimon Bamberger Samuel r Weit andJacob th r committo of Ieceptl m chosen by the board of directorsof the congregation-

His initial sermon in Salt Luk willj delivered this on the occa

Hanaknh the feast of lightsRabbi Freund graduated four years

ord in 1S94 from the college yf tire Cityf New York Ha diploma

the of Cincinnatiwas personally recommuided to OifcSuit Luke crngwgaton b Simon Wolfon the occasion of the latters visit heresix weeks

rabbi of the Toledo temple RabbiFreund cleared a debt of several thousand dollars which had been hangingover Its congregation twentyyaars Thenew Jewish divine ft 21 BarB old

v feminine CharityChicago News

JJGtm Singleton stays shecelebrated anniversaryof rb

aafesfiSfe Mlwt Slnfelotpn is certainly aHim A bArgahttHIT Yes raarkftl down from 37

r know




btIon or

ago from the HPbre UnltI

from H

a b-




t bfsJ



pevcnt ip



also holds a















Tsh gartoral publfir was treated to a8nowestorday afternoon

when Hannah WoEterunv and MattLund Annie Skrifvears and Eric HolmqUIst four FInnS romout to Have a double bow knot tied

men m a-

habardashars and came out arrayed innew suits and fine linen and having se-cured bridal bouquets of a few carnations each the entire made for adry goods shop where the blushingbrides were t9 be arrayed in all theglory the occasion required When themen had bargained with the departmentheads a brief time and hal settledon the amount of the bill that shouldbe allowed and fo whlch the cheerfulgrooms were and able topay the brideselect were led to a fit-ting room and by dint of much pinningand fitting were Clothed In shiningrobes

One of the fair ones chose a paleblue crepe rind a white andboth of then desired the flowing veilfastened with prange blossoms De-spite the fact that one of them hadalready seen many years o marriedlife having recently laid the formerpartner to rest she felt that her happi-ness would pot be complete without theveil and the emblems o maidenhoodorange blossoms

When the quartette was ready and



Pittsburg Pa Dec 1 RichmondCo incorporated brokerr closed tnairdoors today and issued the followingnotice

On account of financial embarrass-ment no further business will be transacted by this company until fur hep no-tice x

RICHMOND CO IncorporatedR Faulkner manager was not

at the office today and no statementcould be obtained It is stated that thefirm probabl did the largest trade ofits kind between New York and


Object is to Investigate Denver Election Prauds

Denver Colo Dec 1 District JudgeJohn I Mullins in the criminal courttoday issued an order summoning agrand jury to investigate alleged elec-tion frauds in this county Thisis taken at the behest of Democraticleaders who charge that money waswrongfully used by corporations to

I elect certain candidates at the recentelection and that voters were coercedby their employ The sheriff wasinstructed tQ return the venire nextSaturday


Increase For the Month of NovemberWas 2453265

Washington Dee 1 The morthlystatement of the public debt issued to-day shows that at the close of busi-ness 3Tov 30 1904 the debt less cashin the treasury amounted to 9S9245917an increase for the month of 2463265

is recapitulated as followsInterestbearing debt 815167470Debt on which Interest has

ooascd 14W400Debt bearing rfo interest SSo932705

Total 12S25S557oThis amount howcrer does not in

clude 1030431989 In certificates andtreasury notes outstanding which artoffset by an equal amount of cash onhand held for their redemption

as followsGold reserve I 150OWeo-oTrostfunds l J19 l6l 6

General fund llS4se31

In national depos-itaries Uf04148S

In Philippine treasury 9

j ToWl v 51i0651993lAgainst which there are d ijiafid fia

outstanding amountIngi 113175273 which leaves aI on band of 293344658


root ti


First the the Visited

both willing

the Other







I The debt

The cash the treasury is classified



r hutton 1

cash balance





















Result of the Inquest Upon themains of Chapman

London Dec 1 Suicide duringtemporary insanity was the verdict-of the coroners inquest on ElvertonR Chapman of New York City whocommitted suicide on the evening ofNov 2S at the Carlton hotel by throwing himself from the third floor land-ing to the vestibule The evidence offriends showed that Chapman while inParis exhibited signs of derangement j

He therefore was closely watched atthe hotel but eluded the vigilance

and succeeded in throwing himself into the vestibule

never recovered consciousms Prior to committing suicide hislast net was to hand his banker letters

to his father and sjster ex-

pressing regret if thqy had any dis-

agreements in the past and wishing i

them long and happy lives


Three Battleships Among the VesselsRecommended

Washington Dec ll With the ex-

ception of the six tOrpedo boats theboard of construction has approved therecommendations of the general boardfor newships to ba authorized by con-gress at its next sassfon

The programme as amended pro-vides for three battleships five scoutcruisers six torpedo boat destroyers i

two squadron colliers a theHelena ejass two river gunboats notexceeding seventy feet In length and-a steam launch use on Chineserivers The construction board believes that torpedo boats are not usbadly needed boat destroyers at this time

Secretary Morton has before him thereports of the two boards and from

will make up his recommenda-tions to congress for new ships


Yesterdays Record at the Local Of-

fice of the Weather BureauMaximum temperature 46 degrees min

tem-perature 41 decrees which is 3 degreesabove the normal nccumulntud excess oftemperature sineo the first ofithc month

ri srco n ecu ran la ted csce s e ternsince run 1 143 decrees Totalprecipitation from G p m to 6 p m

none accumulated precipi-tation since the first of theinch accumulated excess of precipitation-since Jan 1 70

REAL ESTATE TRANSFERSBu Sell I Tracy n d wife to Her-

bert piece of land IftLxWxT97xl4x223x3a rods In tho north-west corner of qua-rter of section 11 towpship southof range 1 west 517 0

M Qblad to 3 Obladport block22 300

fflrimm and toProderlakson and twlfe part of lotlot block 21 plat B L TW


May Williams cmguan a













s rpedo




6 rle retl I




L h1ifl


his attendant


ow e


the southwest






















r oMJrerj tingrfoom at the shop theclerks vrhb bad so kindly aided Hymen I

In the master marched the proud andhappy bush thrOugh the aisles ofadmiring grid giggling salespeople tothe brent door utfiere a street hackwith the two sides let down and acoachman wearing a silk hat in honorof the occasion waited thent Theywere driven through streets in theopen conveyance without a suspicionof a wrap or anything that might hidetheir magnificence to the place Vherethe Later they droveback sUlMlrthesaine blissful opennessand allj5hteatbrldaliluer and all at

street herfeIh groups alsoof four they poSed regulaticfnbridal i lcturos-

Descenflmg the stairs they againsought the af the cabAaijdwaredriven through tnagstreets to the shopwhere outer garmentswere donned While the lightningchange act was in progress the menrepaired to a place across the streetand regaled themselves and it Is sup-posed their friends in honor of the oc-t asion while the trusting brides eachbearing the burden of her wedding

now done up in a packagestrode out and up the street to awaitthe coming of the grooms


Question Decided by Section of NewYork Supreme Court

New York Dec 1 That the closedshop is Illegal was depided today bythe justices of the appellate divisionof the supreme court Brooklyii entered into betweenthe firm of Morris Cohn Sons andProtective Coat Tailors and Presserslocal No 55 of the GarmentWorkers of America whereby thefirm was prohbited from employing la-

bor not belonging to the local and alsofrom employing even a member of theunion unless such member held a carddigried by the business agent of thelocal was deerared by the court to becontrary to public policy PresidingJustice Hirschberg wrote x the courtsopinion Justice Bartlett dissented


Colorado Supreme Court Issues MoreWarrants K

Denver Dec Arguments weremade in five of the contempt cases before the supreme court today and atthe conclusion the court announcedthat decision would be rendered onMonday morning next

Twelve more supreme court warrants for Democratic election officialswho served in Denvey were to-day Two arrests were made this aft-ernoon persons arreated MaxSchradsky and Max Sissock being

in 1000 bonds men arecharged with contempt in refusing toaccord court watchersthe rights conferred upon thesupreme court at the time of theirappointment

Attorneys representing the Democratic state organization also securedthe issuance of a batch of warrantsfor Republicans in Huerfano countyJust how many and the specific chargeagainst them cannot be learned

Hearing in cotitempt cases will beresumed In the supreme court tomorrow There are about fifty cases slillpending

sI All Broken Lines j

of SHOES at Slash-ing Bargains S

hi In al





Southo two nd



















old 1Qthie5SL stoed cor


rsn East Second
















> <

110 Main St

Have Cold Feet-

If you take advantageHot Water Bottle sale thisweek All guaranteed to lastand wearS

2 quarts 50c3 quartz 60e4 quarts 70c


A Druggist142 Main Street

VincentNott iShoe Co 1




c Smitb The


of our





1OOPavis Prest

Aaron Levitt Secy Treas

238 and 240 Main StreetBoth PhontS 63

Sixty Years of an OldNurse

ilrsv Winslows Soothing Swap theprescription x r one ot tho

and nurses railedstates and has been us d vor sixty yearswith neverfailing succosa of

children During theprocess of teething its valuem child CUte-3diarrhop griping in thecolic By lftiff fS Itrests the mviluT Price a bottle

i Remarkable ii Shoe Values i



JUJ i-

Plii 1 fi lM


Exp henC



bo Ati 1J



1 IG





from pain






Our text is the story of tie miserwho taught lila dSs to live on straw of

save him a smaller portionevery they

as him so trained-as to oat one straw a poor assdlod

He Is an ass starves himself todeath as thousands are doiJWr misledfpolislv their stomachshave become too weak through neglect or

to do thft work which nature hasprovided tor their stomachs to do

Because the engine Is out of gear wquldyou consign it to junk heap

no Mend ItCommit sro suicide because your di

leakCertainly not Take Stuarts Dyspepsia

One Is sure asYOU can never set a new stomach

a miserable existenceThe way to mend it is to take

Stuarts Dyspepsia Tablots I

Ti l been and scientific I

ally demonstrated by the many thousandsDyspepsia Tablets have

positively cured after otherof medicine mineral waters

and slow suicidal starvation had failedThese methods are all unscientific j

therefore falseStuarts Dyspepsia Tablets are scientific

true and successfulHaving cured so thousands

many of whom doubtless have sufferedmore than you do do we claim too muchwhen we say that Stuarts Dyspepsia Tablets will surely do good to YQu

Surely notespecially when we make it plain that

no promise Is madd to cure more thanone disease DysweDsIa

Stuarts Dyspepsia Tablets are a posi-tive cure just this one disease

are a scientific combination of in-gredients which search out the weak spots-in all the digestive organs and makestrong and well

They have an immediate dteestivc acon undigested food and thus while

curing weak organs they at the samehelp to do their work

They thus stand for all that is goodthe medical treatment of Dyspepsia

and for nothing that is badThey are not a fad but a fact

are safe pleasant certain andpermanent and can be taken by the mostdelicate Invalids without fear offul results


HEALTHFULthat can make





Can beused

SirunTe instructions always insureuniform quality of coffee jusl


J Phone 748 168 Main j

145 laIn Street Progress BldgCOMPLETE LINE OF

Mens Clothing and Hats JFurnishing Goods

Boys and Childrens SuitsGREAT RETDUCTIONS IN ALL t

DEPARTMENTS-We carry only the Stfoi Satis

I Date and Lasting Goody


whl 1




ersJ u8


r ng



or it lead I



ment I



harm t


ISIld s nothing I

1 nearer theI

t itPOT









Ii f 1 fRJfDMAN CO-t

1 tI



factory Upto 0fc


thingYou rntt mend It will you

G 4

thecright than


















+ ++ +

The way peoplecoming

Bath-Robes and the like

I I H I Remfaids us thatk 1 I 1 Xmas wflllt C

i r be herev

j Just 20 shoppingdays in which to doyour buying

Anti the earlieryou attend to it thebetter it will be foryouAt

least como andmake your selectionnow and what you

i will buy will ber laid away till youare itRouse Coats 500 to S1800 Bath Robes S4jOO to 1209

Gloves Ties Mufflers and scores of other appropriate gifts formen in lavish variety



are for-e useconts




ready for


ON r IARDNR 136w 138PRitt Main




uI I S

i I





ItL1 I


r T

Jut St1




Boys 850 to 450 kinds altsizes in the lot Today hind Tomorrow at 7sGiH

Boys Sweaters 5175 and 5200kinds all sizes fn the lot Todayand TO JN morrow at 3 Jr



Mens Underwear Lit kind altday and Tomorrow at

Mens Sweaters 1250 and 27kinds all sizes in the lot Today

S2 00

In lot n83UU5

a d Tomorrowat

sizes the To fi>


One Price 4547 Main St

There arc a lot of little thing s in conneCtionwith a trip to the WorMs Fair at St Louie thatyou will wish to how long tickets aregood time of trains whether or not a change ofcars is necessary what one has to pay dr boardand

I am in shape to answer these and similar qucstions Call or write if you want information

The Rock Island System operates through sleepingCars daily Colorado to St way of Kansas City

rates In effect daily Coach excursions at feeduent SntervaJs Full Information on request

E DRAXE Dist Pass AgentCr A BIBLE Trav Pass Agt

100 W 2nd So Salt Lake City

C B SLOAT Genl AgtPassenger Dept

Barton COm1 vf J s J r F 7


so II I

Questions Aboutthe Fair



l du e1




I PT1ji

k IJ


Food Factsthe


theI f

the nut oilof the


I r LllP-

Si 1IB-

ccatie slowI

Quaker panroasting-biings out

oats I



OATSis brown andpale and pasty-

You can get your table silver chinawareand many other articles at much lessthan the usual cost through ourCercta money saving PlanSend for our beautifullyillustratedA Cereta Check in

packageof Quaker pOats jj others



Trliea returned Withtaken from

cfrflMS as called for inta mat




Yeve t




I t








