THE SALT LAKE HERALD WEDNESDAY MAY 18 1904 0 g J i 4- i i S r I i1 ROBBER SCARED OFF Attempts to Enter Home off Jtseph W Taylor o Main Street After iutting thrm stud removing a pa to entr Joseph William T shortly after n man T Taylor before lie purpos Mrs Taylor wa Mould intrude tninkii s it was h the ele lie lights i was fl ied with lit his window v down tft street i sidewalk several L the see of th Mr Tayiir The future a he pal latter could no- nt aim Detective are working on tl not report 1 until t of glasv M mi at litt to t home Of jr 103 N rtn Main Ii oclock ji night 0 siared ty Mrs julci accidpiish his awakenel bv the operate and nusband turned on ihf haiL Tti porch a and th stranger rk haatijy and was pasi on the rlred yarrt below united i ty- 1lniw COt tfd his Taylo rind the i Irate ription- riise ai i is Vas midi1 i LOCAL BRIEFS ARtUVI NEXT WEEK The five corn Twriea of the Twentyninth which ha been assigned to Fert Douglas will arri the latter part of next The arrived at San Francisco Monday nd will spend ten days there The con mies which are coming are E T O H nd Li with headquarters and l anO- BlRG RB STEAL SCHOOL BOOKS Bur da of an Intellectual sent entered the YVh ler school Monday night and stole be ies a number of books supplies H u A Uc the wee discovered by Mrs Kliaa V rritz principal of tne yes- terday r nlng was reported by to the p UKrA NS LO8T JEWEL A ar toying weral t below the ground encircling the root a catalpa th ro rty J R Valentine of wo a utl tate street was turned by ln T A stoddard of Pueblo while r waS ading up his lawn about ten ciav s age Mrs Valentines ring lost nvr trn ago She had given It to 1 r ye old son to play with aad he iors iv here be had left it For nearly xar Jin Valentine searched daily gold bind but to no avail of iis di9ccry the Pueblo physician who bou nt the Valentine howe about pars ag was conveyed means of a r Mrs Valentine wrote at onc nJ regained her Jewel ADOPT TEACHERS reg- ular teachers vacation rates will into fffrt this summer tbe same as usuaL uotw ist udirg the gloomy l made be anus of the fair rat s In t telegram received by District 2aseigtf Agent E Drake from the of the Rock Island any Chicago is contained the intel liRtnce tMt the Western Passenger as PV iation iHS adopted teachers rates from vtnh to all points te Western Juisenge4 territory east of and Including Colorado ommon points to and indudmg Chicago Memphis and Peoria The rate i to be one plus IS for the round trip Datts of sale May 30 31 June 8 anU 9 Rrturn limit Sept U EXAMINATION FOR GUNNERS- The annual examination for gunners is now in progress at Fort Douglas than 100 men been entered ex- amination this year and all but two of the examinations have been held The MjiUiers to be examined in sub alibre standing gun drill and OlDen fiature of the piece The examinations for setting pieces range finding and cutting fuses hay been held board of ex luainers for the Twentysecond battery is composed of Major Captain Stursris and Lieutenant Green tot the Twelfth buttery Major Califf and LIeutenant Clarke who pass the examiaation as ftrstdaas gun tern will receive aa additional salary 92 a month and the secondclass gunners 1 a month Music and Drama is an occasion for wonder where Maud will go for a next in rsi to nationalities The Little Min jHttr gave her a Scotch girl of a most ui tractivenature and then Romeo and Juliet sent her to Italy aa a Shakespear- ean heroine Next came was a youth of French blood but dwelling Ju Austria After that came Juality Street in which an English girl of the Cranford Miss Adams latest The Pretty Bister of Joee she impersonated as a Spajitah walden of the modern type a girl who is ignorant of the meaning of the ib tc love after he has Jilted a bellfighter In impersonating these different characters it appear as If WK Adams had pretty nearly covered the course of in her next IKW play an American heroine and It i she will if she can find a play- to suit litr The public however will i vr forxet Maud Adams as tho Scotch lisBh in The Little Minister It was in character that she first won the heart aol plaudits of the people and it H in this character that she be seen during her forthcoming engagement here J ht tale for it opens today Yesterdays Jtocord at the local Of- fice of the Weather Xoi sva Maximum temperature ft degrees tfOMterature 49 degrees mean tale ptrature tW degree which is 12 above the normal Accumulated of temperature since the tirat of the rionth 14 iegrece Accumulated excess mperature since Jan 1 S degrees Tota- lptcjpitaum from m to f m none excess of precipitation since th first f the month inch Accomu- lhiel exc 5 of precipitation since the 1st c 33T inches XABBIAffifi X2CXHWL- 3i rvfy L Netley Granite ll iwiK A Bills Salt Lake City 18- i t K l Pleasant Green 2- 8rh A M Betts Salt Lake City I- Aimi N iage Kamas 4r- lvdia M Harcourt Kamas 3s- I ivjd R Williams Winder ward m Hattie i J Robinson Winder wardJt Valter G Butterfjeid Union IS- f arl I liilmunds Crescent 18 right Salt Lake Cy ft- wne Taylor Salt Lake City I- Sttiiruld A Truman Salt lake City 31 Thru M Frandten Salt Lake CliriBtian M to Bertha Woodft rd lots 81 and 83 Ingle wood Pt Vary S florae to Thomas R Home lot 3 I i ck A A S- TCui J Anderson to Kels NeJson- ection o township I south rSJe Jli er J Uullock and wife to Nets Nelson ctton 6 towashlp 2 sooth 3 east Jhn Va and wife to C W Midgk tot 1 btoek J D Lfs- lanet Sli t l to Albert R Pratt ot block i plat A Jlarry 1 Harvey t at W Midgle lot 3 bl k 3 plat F C V Jlidsrley and f to B Fre man lot I1 bck 2 plat F M- Slary E Almey an tuband P Br TAt lot 2 W 10 pIe James V a iri s- W Martin and lot block flat 1 11 nry TA Brown r wife to t P t etlon 7 wnship 2 nth PEESONAL W l cclep t mirly of M uregor Short Lne and n x traffic o or o the American Bra ii f Ret h c m pany Is the citj nom New Yor way to visit his ra uh at St Antuou Ida Mr t ompanied by hi secretary H B 1 k r DIAMOND COAL Sold only by Clt ns Coal company S3 West Second South Tel 49 Modern Plumbing At prices George G Doyle A Co ti State street Phone 1C3 Dr teeth Is Keysors method of tilling s 162 Main reel Auer J 1 a wiDJ tnt i unll Jwn r J wry t A 1 intntTl reg nt bster inter nal 11rJ ht h aehcol a years b lwhjJ RATE TJ y y arrar Thc 1 1 I t et uL 1Idon hich was wn 4 ladie 1 zzcrr mini- mum deareea 49 January vary a I ort CIt BELL rein Lei i wit ci 1 i Flter 1 4iO S ill Ii hi l i a 1 rat ulldina 1Ut I v spreef- lI 1 i ceased give Cr 4 bush viaL Cob e was a for- th low tonI pot IC C 1 uteflsnt of- mar h ZTYZ1JOLOGCAL deft y of- t 6 I IO ZNfl TZ1hZUUp s tweet to- e 4IN to u I 1 4Tngeast 7 es J r lih Telfpbonc > < > > > > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < < > < > WOMAN ASKS FOR MARRIAGE LICENSE BEFORE DIVORCE DECREE 1 RANTED j iOo v Mr iron Neiisen 10 g l married sevorcl tim that she i not wait io g enough yesKrday morning for Judg William Hall to sign her decree for divorce before she askd for it marriage license from county Ck i r ur fr rr rtfi front Neil y w i with hipponu ment winai wd infonnrd tint she ji ifja a single woman uniii th hud sijTiuii ttjo de Tie of tii v until then she could not get agt ikence in Suit Lake county N divorce case occupied only w minutes oi Judge H trn It vsii karly a oase of d a iriUtiar ih complaint and tiimonv ot wnies s Thre oiit t on the of i ho defei d as fvi lenet- iuiit l waa r i for lit sruntiiK t i fvorcf n Mtf Mrs Xeilsen- vrtr loir that vvilfl granted a di She w th opposition that tridr wa all t a n ssary and that GOOD ROADS CONVENTION Prificipal Speaker Yesterday General Nelson A Miles St CcFuis Ali May 17 Iu iho inter B t on I good coiiv toddY the principal aker was Gcistral A Miles Kcbired himself to be thoroughly m sympathy with the movement for roads ami in his addreu recomntended t at 5606 men in the armybe used in tfmea of peace as engkieeHng corps to locate the best and nM t feasible rods and cooperate with toe surveyors of the various states He said that the government would be vastly benefited by such a plan when it became necessary to use such roads The preliminary work of surveying could be done by the army he said and then left to the state to be earned to completion and the general of the army to have con- trol General said he would have Introduced tn congress a resolution or bill to this effect A W Campbell director of public works of Ontario who has charge bf the construction of roads in the prov- ince of Ontario for which the provln cial government granted 1MOOM discussed The Science of Roa4 Build- ing Santiago Mendez representative of the Mexican government spoke on the highways of Mexico EMTtmiAL ASSOPIATION- rirf Address by Sir Xngh Oilaaaa- Uid of Load St Louis Mo May 1 Tbe second days session of the National Editorial association was marked by a largely increased attendance number- of delegates having arrived during the morning Before the session was called to or der a band composed of young women from Oklahoma played a humber of national airs ao thoroughly inspiring the assembled delegates that they burst into song accompaniment When the convention was called to order Colonel John yman of Louisiana read a paper by Mrs Joseph Pulltser of New York entitled Institute of Journalists This was followed by a brief address from Sir Hugh aUeeanReid of LoP parliament He paid a compliment to the exposition in saying it waa coming thousands of mites to set in- th center of America a sea of palace in which were gathered products of arts of the world He said tha what most impressed him however was the wonderful eltteenship of America and the genius of Americans FOR PEACE St Louis May 17 Sir Hugh GUffftfi Reid president of the Worlds Press parliament in an interview today said that King edward is seeking tq end hostilities in tbe far east He sal King Edward Is for peace He did not like to see the war between Russia and Japan begin and wishes to see it brought to an end as soon as possible When the new British ambassador went to St Petersburg he carried a message from the king to the czar aug- sjMiting that peace be brought about His was the flret suggestion of peace made This message hum the king baa greatly increased his popularity with the masses in England England at large sympathizes with Japan SOCALLED LEADERS AT ST LOUIS St Louis May 17 The hanging of the 400 photographs of distinguished so- ciety women in the house of the board of lady managers at the Worlds fair wan finished today There are of tile majority of the leading society women of country The names will not be made public until later- A sassier of ceremonies 4or President Francia who will decide all queattoo of rank and precedence at public func- tions during the fair is to be appointed by the eeeutlve committee- of the exposition Growing AciMf and TaJ a Mrs Josie Sumner Bremond Tei writes April lS tit X have u ad Snow Uniment in my faasily for thr year f would not be with out It in tbjr house I nave used im pn- mjr little girt for growing pains rand aches in her kpee It cured her right away I also used U for frost bitten feet witfe good suocess it is the liniment I used 2Sc Mr S1QI Sold by Z C M L drug department WASATCH SUMMER RESORT opens June 1 Particulars phone 1474k MS Atlas Block Phone 2485 TELEPHONES For residences Twenty outgoing call er month no charge for incoming e il 2 cents for excess chilL 200 TELEPHONES Unlimited sei viie for residences BELL TELE COlirAVY Front Hifes 4or rent ontitutiou feuitdirig John Cutler Jr 3 Main treet T1NT1C 2 ttvei the Famous Double Circle Sun day May 22 Special train leaves D R G depot- at Salt Lake am A op portuaty to view the double loop the greatest engineering tat in the Kooky mountain region Embroidery sale at Walkers Dont it You know what our embroidery o Untie by D X G 200 Ltave salt Lak S30 a in EXCURSIONS- May 20 and 21 Via Oregofi 4horf Lin Round trip runs lii JL ra h vav- iumn Street i L I I j r 1 f ii 1J r I th i ib j j I I I ids i H j bE tel i I i- an j don of the Worlds SHINE Bal Ia l heft ever AI X- II ill I c o t MINING I I DENVER 3 J f J l 7c lC i j the g sHt t ti Was rt ri Nel- son r 5 5 e great Presst the 8RITlSHMQMRCH WORKING 5 e has es QITOPATKIST ROCKS tOUil l AiN I ea AND RETURN mst iC1S Lt S EXCURSION 5 I r = > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = < ° as frci to many again if slir Mt iiiclincd Her second husband whose nan could lot be Uarned accompanied- he to Judge Halls court wee with her dui ng hearing with xpctany- vttton on feature accompanied wfman to frt unty a iictis Viifn it was d nifd bee judge had not yet signed th fJerf it Was hard to tEll by the expressions upon their faces wbioh was the most disap- pointed Mrs Neilsen or the unknown groom They were told that H waiUd an hour or two until the clerk of the court had time in whit to pr Micp end it Jn1ge Hall for rih sisia- turr tbty could RIM thrir llc ti t They wen so disaiipainifd however at not getting previous document that they left the and di4 not re- turn again during tbe day although the attaches of tilt office until S oclock the hour or closing PRAISES Police Judge Diehl pooua 9da X P- In fining J C Nelsona Pd er terday at rno jn for the weight and measure ordinance providing for unlforQiity of peck measures trok oteasion to compliment In- spector Richards for securing a con vie tierT am glad to see stated the court that at last we have srn who is going to see this law enforced Tha weight and measure ordinance is a just one and designed to aratect the from ieaters and peddlers On another charge of violating sec- tion requiring all peddler to have stampeu on their measures the official seal of the state inspector Nelson was found guilty but senter ce was suspended GARRISON LEAVES 134 HEIRS Will of Late Physician is PJled For Probate The will of the late Dr C M Garrison was offered for probate yesterday in the probate division of the court He died in this city March 3 He left an estate valued at will mentions 134 heirs between whom tbe property is to be divided The matter will b heard by Judge William C Hall op Friday FIRST IDAHO EXCOIS OH Via Orecon Ihort lane Saturday June 1L One fare for round- trip to principal northern Utah and Idaho See agents for fun par- ticulars regarding limits etc City gricket Offlc l Main street Salt Lake this city St Marks hos- pital of fer gall at 4- a m May 17 aged 44 Yen Funeral services wilt fee held from fam- ily residence 221 G street at 2 p m Thursday Tbe deceased was a member of the Lathers union of Salt Lak City OBBRGln this cttjr May M 18W Charles P Oberg aged years The funeral will be held today at 2 p m from the funeral parlors of S Bvans 233 South State street Interment Mt Olivet cemetery MEYER8In this city May If W i Lucy MeyeM agedJ yeam The funeral servicea will be held today- at 10 a m from S Ut SvaBaA funeral partan tt South street Interment Mt OW et cemetery RICHlNaAt 28 West Stxth South street this city 17 ef fever Bldora Ann L and daughter of Mieab F and Mary Jane NQV 35- 1S7K in Hennefer Utah The remains will be shipped today to Hennefer for burial Friends wishing to view the remains can do so from 430 to 6 p m at the family THE PULLING POWER Of a Herald waat i U wva- derful and a thins t vasful to know One ad fro laser tioa lies been known to pull lion try one If you want to Ur help try one YouU prore M dredc do every day that it a win ning way WAJfEBB PARTIES to contract for the malt at tile Utah Brewery for the ensuing year P THREE unfurnished rooms or House within 9 blocks 427 W 24 South AU dress P 9 Herald SMALL furnished house for the sum- mer or three or four desirable mg rooms centrally located reliable ty no children Address with complete information T 28 Herald UTAH JUNK CO scrap iron brass etc A TINSMITH with tOW te buy an interest in ai established general hardware business with in con- vection Address P O box JW Rexburg Ida UNCLE SAM loans the most money on diamonds watches suns ia at onehalf rate interest Lara leans at banking rates Phone List So Great bargains In unredeemed diamonds watches rings and musical Instruments xoirmmrn AIR Toiprroinsg UTAH Marble W optadate work t i Can en us for Sst WARNER fr POWELL rooms 16 and 17 over Walkers bank Pheoe 1635K LARGE buildings and cellar s spaeiaj tv 14 Richard St ftonc 17HT- RWATCSX WATCH and jewel mainspring tlW C E Bowers St Gold aiyl silver bought j F BOBS JewaM- n moT d to 2S Math SIOXXT XUQJEJUU- OTTINGKRS T1CK T OFFICE M J FrankUnl manager JS 24 So St Tel im- GJR08HEIIS TICKET OFFICE S a rilsh The bought sold and exchanged No JStt F H Groshfcll manager OPTICIANS COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO m Wholesale and retail opticians TYPXWBI7BX8R- EMINGTON n T n per month upvrard SUnosfapriers niaoed- TVtu i iiu f Phant lii V l H9 West Temple St City hl so prO peCt I 4 the oj i tie t take to the 1 h I tin crupuioIl8 i The I v Ji = A typhoid l HERAlD RS51FIE UtllMS ens of It CNi Qf poet bun f E V1IJ JMLIII rap Eo e1 ry Umenta tools clothing ate Jl1IY T- nl ar Miidf ii- j uI i ft 1ai Math K I 4 IlIAD p a t t c o 1 i decree then INSPECTORS i vl the heels r D State f residence- one ass answers a r cop- per Tel rk west WItITZWAZIXGS tin ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > > > > < > t JaAUt JffiJCfc ESTATE A WCHTER 19 West First South St Telephone fl good 4room brick en 7th mod brick cottage lot Oxl4S feet to alley fine lawn shade house has fine porcelain bath hot ater South 2d a bar gain at ASM SxlO rods and splendid 9ro m mod J story brick on Wfst 1st North 1000 Terms caa be made troom modern 2storv residence gooU barn facing south on 3d St UOu 8room mod 3tory brick residence has furnace laundry lot 2 x10 fpds with brick barn which is worth st l t t tw property goes at H3 if ukl tin When you can buy a 10room modern house heated hot water on a corner on 1st St south front tbe original over MW on this property very easy teran dont you think fs worth yow while to 750 will a splendid lot 2Vx u rods south front on 7th St near B St pnehatf aa acre a beautiful spot on on ear Use facing east Look at No M7 2d St 7room mod 2 story residence in firstolas repair will sell it for 2850 and make easy terms A Richter 1 W 1st South St Te 641 MODERN pressed brick 8room tot 9feOJ Vail U8 So 12th a 4x10 RODS on 4th South near city ana county building a genuine bargain lay Co 8 W zd South ABSTRACTING 25 years have a lifes study Save time by coming to our records instead of wasting it going to the city and county building they are absolutely correct and to We are always at your service Homer Abstract Co Inc First So underDeeeret Bank REAL loans insurance Hill jay Co Hit S W NEW 7roomed home close Set owner at Wagon Much Co vehicle department- J A BROWN Real Estate Loss Bests No II East First South PhaSe tn List It you want to sell REALTY ranches farms in all western states trades Geo M McConaugtoy Room S Eagle Biock REAL bargains U P R R j Wins Souta RANCHES ferns acreage list te apr reid estate PaPer free at office Bar 4ROOM pr brick T E bench lot 47 M6 feet L6- ssroou belch m Kta Bast StfE- OSroom brick new modern Oil finish cellar to t a Hubbard lav Co 7 W 2d South HOO8TOK THE Have b Tgiii M South Mala- SttHtltOOM modern brick tine Mte- tlon Easy terms Apply 154 So State Rektty ranches rooming stores O Co Math Tel 134T- K9re Tt Main street Red general housework and plate ust be competent small fain S 7th East CHAMBERMAIDS waltresMai to and gut of tie girls cooks family and boarding THE best places for girls at Mrs 01 as j SMALL with small bouse wants a general liou 214 N CAPABLE gtfT for genera no washing J A St- A sX girl to assist in general housework at 74 t let South GOOD for housework one who understands cooking CaP at 153 W Third a good cook 635 E A GIRL to assist housework Apply 256 B West Temple St for Keneral bousework ot to asr list 74C E 2d GIRL for general housework IS- Wetting n court rear SB E 3d South GIRL for housework OS M- St Apply mornings to work during spare time on salary work suitable for a widow or for a teacher during vacation but Mr capable person may do it Address U Cook Waitresses Chambermaids House Girls Pantry Girls Scrubwomen AH kinds of Hotel and Restaurant Work at Dixon Employment Co 57 E fti So St Tel 923 X GIRL for sewing ii7 South State street AN expert operator on shirts fond col- lars references and address Ameri- can Laundry Co Boise Ida A competent girl for general housework small family call Mrs Bert Davis 354 So 3d East assist in kitchen and wash dishes M Seventh East GIRL for housework must be good cook city references Call morn jugs Mrs S B Milner 585 Second St A GOOD competent girl for general housework one that can cook Apply Mrs w Powers Llngerlonger perton Place MALE TTKTJP WASTED WE make it our business to look for JL for you in your tine Can am- iIter WiLl us Intennountila Bureau 1st So Phcne InS ill barber work tree at Molers Barber college E let tWo PL VSTERJSR8 laborers wanted EraeryHoim building Eagle BOY wanted at Sorensen Larsen lIt W 2d South A NO 1 COOK for summer Call at 2S7 llth East GOOD BOYS to distribute advertising matter good wages Apply s a m 1 Barrett court rear of 44 N 2d West MOLERS Barber college of Salt Lake City Utah Denver Colo Dallas nr Los Angeles will pay raUroa tare for a limited number of students as the demand for our barbers is greater than the supply we teach the trade in Weeks guarantee positions write nearest branch for particulars HAJB DBBSSUfO MANICURINO FANNIE WILLIAMSON STOVE REPAIRS STOVES taken aowr next season Vi tr works 2 Stirtt jh n lO lG net Wft room lights Vest i I This week I for I r I house i sot Hub 25 e I u Ins Modem WITATS Jd rtDctcm 5 Courtney 15 W Zd So wen cub J ROUSERS to WE U nLPwIf flU lw ny 34 Irle D South street Tel JII t 1trl tor wHrIt i wO l un I TEL Y bit IeJUtb j Sout pral j GIRL to i U01I Ie nnocJCa Agency YedaIdr lid 1ILbor iI W fid it Street Phone KEN ill at hut 1 Cal I IJ hi 1101 t j lf21c electric fld build- er on Investi- gate use V TAT In- S estate iat l1 slgn- 8M5L bouse n ecod 444- SttE reet rilL West 414 Cute- Ten- building- SS Lae i > > > > < ¬ ¬ < < < > 9OAJUD AJTD BOOMS nOOSW and excellent table at i- f ith South Tel ISfciZ ROMS and board with private family 1 averue LARGE furnished room floor strictly modern hosed boautitul lawn Wl N W Temp i t 503 N1C15 cool rooms large lawn plenty of OB ENT- FLRNISHED rooms terms moat rate gentiemen preferred ii3 So stb Kast ru 2838 X ONE front room gentleman preferred m FSrfc St ROOM modern rowpetely furnished boijso for rent for iho summer refer oncc required 1015 street NICELY furnished room for one or two eotiemen business center Address U Heral TWO pi aiH rooms with or without board S Main Phone 1531K Two clean newly papered rooms tor housekeeping 29 So 4th East THREE clean housekeeping rooms no children cheap 770 E 4tb South NTLY furn modern rooms close Id So CHEAP furnished rooms tor house- keeping The Sydney 242 W 1st South ONE large room for one or two gentle- men close in private family 2S8 E 2d South St LARGE north room board It desired 4 So Ilk But LARGE front roost for housekeeping So Main St THREE clean housekeeping rooms ao 770 E 4th FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms single or ensuite also office rooms room 206 4 and 56 West 1st South S ACRES fine grass fenced Little Little No 4 W 2d South MODERN house partly ted of M rooms with lawn to private 4amiiy 3Sf West Fifth South temple The Home West 1st So ROOMS Center St 3d North laqutre Mt A NEW strictly me- at 328 L street Inquire THREE unfurnished floor no children 8room house So Beat 7ROOM modern bouse 828 So 3d East Inquire 5M 80 3d E DOUBLE 3room house ligbtr aad m 2d St No children OFFICE rooms Houston blocS suites of three or four rooms Houston Real Es tat Inv Co J l So Slain 8ROOM thoroughly modern No OO aft Jnd South street Inquire from I to- p m at bouse THOROUGHLY modern 7room cottage with furnace and all conveniences Splen- didly located at 275 E street inspected from 10 a m to I pm Take street car COTTAGE Z per month m State street t bID carriage W ar three head of utoct Ml W 4lh SsutH TWO large pleasant rooms for or studio to June to Septem IBeT MS Commercial Club Bide HOUSE of 6 rooms furnished or un- furnished with all conveniences 412 B 3d South i SEWING MACHINES 2X per month at White office 21 W lit 80 BI7X all caUoaa Maw street HOUSTON tirt Tel Xf TWO or fir unfurnished rooms over Butlers grocery store 210 So State St Uniaue Sekooi of Sfeart band and Typewriting Bjpoper Mg LOCUTION and dramatic art Stu- dents wanted for the stage John S Lindsay 25 8 West Temple DENTISTS DR JOS W BOISAL Dentist and S m Bo Main St Phone 1 CHAPMAF DENTIST tM Seottftreveil Phone MW T JUEM07AL- 8C S VARiAN has removed his law of Gee to Atlas building rooms 425429427 FRED T MGURRIN Attorney re- moved to 53B Atlas block A J WKBBB Attorney removed I 5 Atlas bloeluv AUCTION SALK ALMOST new furniture of 5 residences purchased this week of fine bed room suits iron and brass beds side chBfoniers drop head sew- ing machines ranges of standard make Jeather couches and price iinwr cash or or installments a complete line of new fupni MRS MARTHA ROYLE KINGS studio removed to 256 Commercial club building tested tree Saturday mornings CASH REGISTKKS Oscar Oroshell sales agent for Utah Expert No U 8t ters always In WOMAN specialist for women Brooks M D Constitution block JCUBW1VJBS MRS LIZZIE GEISLER OS W fctl- Nerth attends cases before during after confinement Will nurse patient at her home It desired Refereac ALL you want immediate delivery Brown Stone Co No 11 E 1st South St Phone 377 accordion pleating t First AUTOMOBILES UTAH AUTOMOBILE CO 57 Market St We have the finest automobile in t e west and sell and rent the finest automobiles Bee our bargains in auto- mobile and second nand ma- chines Phone 3220- YCJJfcPET CLEANING UTAH Carpet Wall Paper Ce Latest process feather renovating 24 St Phone CX BBOKEBS stock brokers Tel ltt X j Ice I 1 t1y w > hone hade 410 awte 1It NWIa MaIn u T Fin 23 4r In r i I 76 cheap Ap- ply roIt ZZXT modern c1la from Ie SaY 3 i ground lose in IS Z wa- ter in office su rent HI G om- I nd eVerything for complete sell theft tore Co Ii2 E ji South 7 CAL Voices I JtJIGI8T8U T stock- S DiCAL Lulu f an WWrLDING lMn PLEATING Jiniiefl l t ro lJ r 1 i rear- b briek1 Trust Sib a e ou date aO Tuttle bras dusters XlVCATI0XAL Idg r r housekeeping these at We crT Nebraska Secondhand 55- 5 a CeOZDON ww UNP5IJr Mrs ious wwww Wdi8l Liftch = ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > < = ssMiis Mintain Home Irrigraffii- gJisli v Power o btock S 2- ovrfr care Herald SECONDHAND store front M ards St TIORSKS bought sod Iowa stable 129 W South Temple HOUSE FURNITURE at 544 W 84 So Cheat for cash A VATIONAL cash register on easy Pvnut P O box No A FliKSH mil ow or wii trade for bora K34 East Sixth South 1330POUND team at B9 W South Temple NEW furniture of 4room house Apply 48 West Seventh South oTAXDARu upright piano ia mabog an l e sold at once or time Xo 37 S 1st West LITTLE cash grocery doing a good business close in low reason- S r ceIling 200 See Thomas 1112 Eagle block PICTURE FRAMES at oust pictures for framing Rivers to CIGAR store in good location must sell at once greatest snap m Salt Lake John Q hritchlow trustee 222 Com- mercial club building HALF interest in paying business U 30 Herald UPRIGHT piano nearly new cheap S3 E 5th South TYPEWRITER blank books Marietta Phone MIK AMULTJEKt- J W CURRIE H West Third South street Salt Lake City Samples by matt or express receive prompt attention UNION ASSAY OFFICE IB South West Temple street Hanauer manager Analytical work a specialty W A HODGES assayer and chemist Itt Second J MVICKER assay r Richards St W J TRBMAY JB ssayer over 140 Main street Salt City samples receive prompt R H OFFICER A CO assayers W South West Temple St Salt Lake City CRISMON rilCKJLa and chemists S1 4 W Tesaple Lake Cfty NAPOLEON bicycle maroon color i nickel No 1833M etura to TO E 3d South Reward ONE dark bay mart about 11M pounds bald face white hind Return to 738 8 3d East Liberal reward STRAYED or stolen bay mare weigh- ing 1006 Ibs white spot on back branded- O on left hip mane cut off reward 9M South Fourth West BANK book number Zions Say lags bank Finder please teturn to John M Walden 163 Main street SORREL MARE 3 old white hind foot had halter on barefooted Re ward A Dittman SB SV 7th East A DARK bay horse branded W with white spots on back U 27 ABSTHACTOB OP TITZJ5S THE Security Abstract Co Salt Lake and Tooele county abstracts Atlas M W 3d South Tel pt CHARLES WAHLBERQ gearrai Jobwork novelty and model aalu So State Phone 17 K OBTXOPAEHY BEATEN it MURKY Oelaopatlu S3- ch bld TeL M MCDOWELL ftIa Scott Strevell building Phones res 1499K office 17 K ZOT3KDS LINCOLN E First S 200 900 Rates 9c and S5c MITCHELL Van Storage Co a- 2d So Tel 1 2Y MOVING storing packing aad ship Rodman Van 4k Co ir Office and tt So W CAJtPIlrTBltS TAYLOR SON carpenters and lob- bers estimates given P O box 2U Ben 142 So 3d East H F WILLIAMS carpenter and Jobber 100 E 2d So TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN have sold my interest in the Grand Pacific hotel and all rents and are to Mrs Fannie Matthews W H CROFT WOULD MARRY lady with means Ad- dress U 26 Herald SUPERFLUOUS HAIR by or electric Brooks M D Constitution block K DARKER Lawyer Ontoea IBtt Commercial block Phone UKZ STEAM DYE WOSXS UTAH Dye Works and dyeing a specialty E 3d South fa COLLECTXOJfS JOHN J WALLACE A CO D Walker Bldg Salt Lake collect debts i where Walkers Rank WALL pun CI SANTKG 34 Richards St Phone nKJK HAY GRAIN JUTD COAL WE ARE headquarters fw hay grala Hour feed and coal wholesale and retail Orders promptly attended to m M Sao ODd South Phone UK Mantan A Cat MRS P FONTYM dao soc Trance Medium 7 South test TeMpie SPIRITUALIST meeting tonight You s c and talk with your spirit friends AH Tvleomf 159 Main tjxvt halt price this Week Everything told name given MME LYNN reliable palmist and 4 w 2d So upstairs PLTJPP WOB3T AK PET CLEANING Phon UO X- PUK made from y ur old carpets Prop 2 W South LANDSCAPE QABJSSirUrG WILLIAMS contractor for- m P lawns cutting i 4tnad Address T S ith W u Phone WSZ TOP I Add I I and dnibI 4 Sib a mil your n I etaee 44 I I W t Mali Salt LOST f I I 86 JOVJfD Her B I re- pairing I tug I f I w RAMER DO mi BIoeIt- Pbotle Phone ZlUIX I HOUSE XOVDfG W Temple at p A Phone uZ- I ZUONAL I etc re- moved needle lu J t 11 F I I t I Jtt jan ArnoldD ckaous I tUG I r Temple- f ALT R c l c SME- hell N n belly haiues Itcst sold lbs us us iuppllai Bros XM Ito 44 Lake attendee- lea XACTS- I 1S1Z Atlas 2486X Residence 44 TOE4GE AND pay- abLe moles ArG33tEtS c1gn1n verb I L SPIITUAIJ as- trologist B ClOy 0 v ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < = < < = Last chance before straw time our Fedora HatstM sold for 1350 306 250- W offer tlMim w ek ill lit colors at a Window Display 100 a Suit 61 63 65 MAIN ST YOU DONT HAVE TO GUESS how long ice will last in the Century or National it lest longer ball m other makes 2000 in vm Salt Lake City and every one a testimonial On months ice tree with every refrigerator taught hue vp to JCay 6 Ice fOO up Hefri eratora 950 = w t t 1 To F this 150 The A uadrC- I lt ig are A A AAAAA A IKAk i Over i boa t CUI tf West Third South Phone 1637 k- yyyy yyyyyyyyy yyyyyy V y yyyVyyYVyYVy L E close out i- 51 I r erbry Uattesds SPJI- SS I k k sit SS BrubakertaphII HiWw 2729 = > < = SITUATIOHB WAJRTXD- FIRSTCLA88 cook wants a situation Address Herald LADY wants plain sewing and mending to do at hone Address 2 7 W So SIrs Johnson wan experienced bookkeeper ami general man like to get to work for small con- sideration Can furnish recommendations Address Herald YOUNG man desires employment ef any kind from 6 to 12 p In all day Sunday Can drive take care of wait etc and Is willing to do anything Address U 28 Herald POSITION a housekeeper by a good responsible woman J A MIDDLBAGED lady from requires as housekeeper or of responsibility to widower B W 8t West South man wisbe a aitua house as has Janitor work can give person referencf Adqnsa HtPtarl ave Cito CURTAINS and washing also shirt waists n W South AS HOUSKKKPER or nurse by elder 1 woman Address No 10 Lake c W would like a place family at housework Phone HOUaaeCLEANING carpet beating paint and hardwood a prac man work guaranteed Ad dreas U Herald BYA TOUNG GIRL general housework where she can g at of IS 5th West ELDERLY lady wishes to wait an aged couple or as house- keeper and companion to aged lady or gentleman M YOUNG WOMAN would like work the day washing or ironing Id 8 Ilk WASHING by the day Address Mrs sore 153 4th Bast in rest BY YOUNG married man college clerical or other good position Phone 1M1Y WORK by the day by a honesC hard workag girl Address Miss B A 4 2 8 St HOUSE CLEANING paint and carpet beadttg SEWING or dressmaking at borne Address Mrs North Temple St WORK by day washing or Jronins cleaning So 2d East AS NIOHTWATCHMAN or janitor by- a thoroughly man city reference U 20 Herald STENOGRAPHIC work to do for part of day F m So W Temple A MIDDLEAGED lady wishes situation- to do bousecteanlhg Robertson 254 East 2d So EXPERIENCED woman wants any kind of work by the day U IK Herald GENERAL dry goods 11 experience can references locoMMttve engineer would like a position of some dent city U YOUNG MAN wants place aa teamstex well acquainted with city Andrea U M Herald WOMAN wants 1 or 2 children to care for U 11 Herald MIDDLEAGED like sition as companion to elderly lady or old couple oa or address First West room 3 YOUNG LADY stenographer Wishes a position at once can fumtsa heal of references Address U K n rald DRUGGIST years exp n nee wart A 1 reference A dress L j BY middleaged woman a cook for 6 cr 8 men in mining tamp u railroad cami T 11 Herald WANTED MAKE K daily selling th cheapest and most perfect water nit r ever retails at 12 bis prut exclusive territory SENECA FILTKK CO Seneca Mo THREE general agents for steady po wages per week and expenses Apply 1st nortk of Regal livery Murray Utah ACXJEDKBTT INSURANCE BEFORE you start to the Worlds fair eee Foster and get an accident policy ProgressBldg GRAND SALE of sewing machines New 7drawer drop head Singers S34oO new idrawer drop head New Huun- J3M second mavhit SO u Wheeler A Wilson Store 29 E lat SCAVXWGZBJI SALT LAKE SCAVENGER CO Office Atlas bill basement Tel 366 KEEN 8ANITAHT COMPA i iW South TeL 1411X Tem- ple ZIt Jo t1on moth- er re ith A AGED tIae lit drY goods experience or dO Tempts A Gnu jp small 1SThX nod 5 I o p by C edU- cation West wortc I bY tile or 1 Wt I or I I I Y H Herasu om AGENTS tecJ s sw JUvAJ r f lit > T Wit loji office- lferl- had yea would AN S eiDle end da 340 uid position s ire SS 5 ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ < OOTKTXBl- ARGENTA lodge No 3 F and A M Regular meetings bald at Masonic hell the first tuesday of each month Members of sister t lodges aDd sojourning brethren the second Mpnday of sack mouth Members of sister sad to good standing are cordially invIted to w CHRiSTOPHER DIEHL WASATCH LODGE N 1 F meetings heM at Ma- tt second Friday of of sister sod ao Secretary tioae held at r each mouth journing companions cordially invited HK KiT H P M C PHILLIP SeefMary Knights invited 0 F sMeu every Wednesday at 1 temple street VKdt- ing wejeusw 1 N WM Secretary A a D W No IS Beats every Wednesday evening at A X U W street C M 8ORKNSON ML H- M W DARKS Recorder SAW VALLEY LODE No ft Thursday evening at 0 U Ifi street H R 6ROO M W ZONE TO LOAN the day want It No rtU No delays Partial payments lowed time any amount without notice The Home A Savings Co- g W First qouth F G WOOD HO to CM furniture horses etc easy terms Mate R MO CHEAP MONEY CHEAP MONEY amount on furniture valu ables or any good security See us if you need mosey lowest rates tn city easy terms 1 KeithOBriea Dldg ON chattels any amount O F Peter M South DOtTT borrow trouble borow m oalaried men or women accommodated- on their note without mortgage or en- dorser payments CjByry Walker building UgND money to build We will advance the money as ttta progresses Lowest rate Put paymssit Urns interest reduced accordingly McGurrin A Co 3334 Main- I LOAN ONLY MY OWN MONEY oMMnisstoa No attorneyr f No Uiem company delAY third oarty Low raw OJ household goods pianos etc A SNAP D you aeed osMMjrT Crw- eant Ltm C it osi yaar saiarr- Mh Week IP YOU NEED mosey we win dtoeooac salary Star Loan Co 2f8 Atlas Block ON ANY You relate si n The Strtager Co W 2d- oa chattels or real es- t strictly private Eqult iiiiie Loan t i t Co 63j W 2d PIANOS b 750 N PIANO block for days or moa ell lt Co Km IS 49 Mate isehod irnitnre car vaoval part paymenta- er U W 2d room K- I 1MPROVF 10 Middej- Cornlck blocK CITY AND F rates J L Perk ON UTAH ca option N- ibuillrJ ARMS in Utah sad Sanklng Cfk 107 M- ePROPITT IftVa 8 iDAHO FA WS 4 Viele 3i A Corn PlUiiiJa AHD REAL IQ BOB ANDERSON the pra er 221 South State St T D CO p and Out watfr contra end Sutn ttret Phi RAT FACTORY to iri a Main I r to at teDIL- V P W J- C PHILLIPh See JIlT MORIAB No i F aM A N helt at Masonic ball l eUIr ell roWJr A r tile susie seen t month lem nIIIIr Jwetarb corcJialb t BJlWJf w LOW WAIl 4- c of NED W RiI ti y I eeJI 811 JENNINGS c- I L WILSON LQDGJi 0 0 F f LODGE W II V MONO a Tru 1 lIOn D F wa tIr H Jfo i aates WI D Jr Walker jJI floor Y AIIT la Imp lr riole B L C dtureet Room 1- 1J t low w reple I I JAMES t at b I j r J j mon Q 7 3 NAtIONS AL SHERWOOD odge H N sad N hail vtt ciiTPR NO 1 P K WasoadO- bill5 the rst Teled BARLP P P Psoisdr- EJeTPlUKil 4o s Ike- A 5 pianos as ko 5- Is to have the hoes built J bop and tanMany optITha- Ruae4J Tenoy 11 P lit South cheaa- st U your SSuth- A v es IRY IS rFt etc F g- W5rLariW plu- r VT J I street ar rr ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ° > = = = <

I S THE SALT LAKE HERALD - Library of Congress · THE SALT LAKE HERALD WEDNESDAY MAY 18 1904 0 g J i 4-i i S r I i1 ROBBER SCARED OFF Attempts to Enter Home off Jtseph W Taylor o

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Page 1: I S THE SALT LAKE HERALD - Library of Congress · THE SALT LAKE HERALD WEDNESDAY MAY 18 1904 0 g J i 4-i i S r I i1 ROBBER SCARED OFF Attempts to Enter Home off Jtseph W Taylor o


0 g J i 4-








Attempts to Enter Home off

Jtseph W Taylor oMain Street

After iutting thrmstud removing a pa

to entrJoseph William T

shortly aftern man T

Taylor before liepurposMrs Taylor wa

Mould intrudetninkii s it was hthe ele lie lights iwas fl ied with lit

his window vdown tft street isidewalk several Lthe see of thMr Tayiir Thefuture a he pallatter could no-nt aim Detectiveare working on tlnot report 1 until t

of glasv M mi atlitt to t home Ofjr 103 N rtn Main

Ii oclock ji night0 siared ty Mrsjulci accidpiish his

awakenel bv theoperate and

nusband turned onihf haiL Tti porcha and th stranger

rk haatijy andwas pasi on the

rlred yarrt belowunited i ty-

1lniw COt tfd hisTaylo rind the

i Irate ription-riise ai i

is Vasmidi1 i


Twriea of the Twentyninthwhich ha been assigned to Fert Douglaswill arri the latter part of nextThe arrived at San FranciscoMonday nd will spend ten days thereThe con mies which are coming are ET O H nd Li with headquarters andl anO-

BlRG RB STEAL SCHOOL BOOKSBur da of an Intellectual sent entered

the YVh ler school Monday night andstole be ies a number of books supplies

H u A

Uc the wee discovered by Mrs KliaaV rritz principal of tne yes-

terday r nlng was reported byto the p

UKrA NS LO8T JEWEL A ar toyingweral t below the ground encirclingthe root a catalpath ro rty J R Valentine ofwo a utl tate street was turned byl n T A stoddard of Pueblo whiler waS ading up his lawn about tenciav s age Mrs Valentines ring lostnvr trn ago She had given It to

1 r ye old son to play with aad heiors iv here be had left it For nearly

xar Jin Valentine searched dailygold bind but to no avail of

iis di9ccry the Pueblo physicianwho bou nt the Valentine howe about

pars ag was conveyed means of ar Mrs Valentine wrote

at onc nJ regained her JewelADOPT TEACHERS reg-

ular teachers vacation rates will intofffrt this summer tbe same as usuaL

uotw ist udirg the gloomy l

made be anus of the fairrat s In t telegram received by District2aseigtf Agent E Drakefrom the of the Rock Island

any Chicago is contained the intelliRtnce tMt the Western Passenger asPV iation iHS adopted teachers rates fromvtnh to all points te WesternJuisenge4 territory east of and IncludingColorado ommon points to and indudmgChicago Memphis and Peoria The ratei to be one plus IS for the roundtrip Datts of sale May 30 31 June 8anU 9 Rrturn limit Sept U

EXAMINATION FOR GUNNERS-The annual examination for gunners isnow in progress at Fort Douglasthan 100 men been entered ex-amination this year and all but two ofthe examinations have been held TheMjiUiers to be examined in subalibre standing gun drill and OlDenfiature of the piece The examinations forsetting pieces range finding and cuttingfuses hay been held board of exluainers for the Twentysecond batteryis composed of Major CaptainStursris and Lieutenant Green tot theTwelfth buttery Major Califf

and LIeutenant Clarke whopass the examiaation as ftrstdaas guntern will receive aa additional salary92 a month and the secondclass gunners

1 a month

Music and Drama

is an occasion for wonder whereMaud will go for a next inrsi to nationalities The Little MinjHttr gave her a Scotch girl of a mostui tractivenature and then Romeo andJuliet sent her to Italy aa a Shakespear-ean heroine Next came

was a youth of French blood butdwelling Ju Austria After that came

Juality Street in which an Englishgirl of the CranfordMiss Adams latest The PrettyBister of Joee she impersonated as aSpajitah walden of the modern type a girlwho is ignorant of the meaning of the

ib tc love after he has Jilteda bellfighter In impersonating thesedifferent characters it appear as IfWK Adams had pretty nearly covered thecourse of in her nextIKW play an American heroine and Iti she will if she can find a play-to suit litr The public however will

i vr forxet Maud Adams as tho ScotchlisBh in The Little Minister It was in

character that she first won theheart aol plaudits of the people and itH in this character that she be seenduring her forthcoming engagement hereJ ht tale for it opens today

Yesterdays Jtocord at the local Of-

fice of the Weather Xoi sva

Maximum temperature ft degreestfOMterature 49 degrees mean tale

ptrature tW degree which is 12

above the normal Accumulatedof temperature since the tirat of therionth 14 iegrece Accumulated excess

mperature since Jan 1 S degrees Tota-lptcjpitaum from m to f m none

excess of precipitation sinceth first f the month inch Accomu-lhiel exc 5 of precipitation since the 1stc 33T inches

XABBIAffifi X2CXHWL-3i rvfy L Netley Granite

ll iwiK A Bills Salt Lake City 18-

i t K l Pleasant Green 2-8rh A M Betts Salt Lake City I-

Aimi N iage Kamas 4r-lvdia M Harcourt Kamas 3s-

I ivjd R Williams Winder ward mHattie i J Robinson Winder wardJt

Valter G Butterfjeid Union IS-

f arl I liilmunds Crescent 18right Salt Lake Cy ft-

wne Taylor Salt Lake City I-Sttiiruld A Truman Salt lake City 31

Thru M Frandten Salt Lake

CliriBtian M to BerthaWoodft rd lots 81 and 83 Inglewood PtVary S florae to Thomas R Homelot 3 I i ck A A S-

TCui J Anderson to Kels NeJson-ection o township I south rSJe

Jli er J Uullock and wife to NetsNelson ctton 6 towashlp 2 sooth

3 eastJhn Va and wife to C W

Midgk tot 1 btoek J D Lfs-lanet Sli t l to Albert R Pratt ot

block i plat AJlarry 1 Harvey t at W

Midgle lot 3 bl k 3 plat FC V Jlidsrley and f to

B Fre man lot I1 bck 2 plat F M-Slary E Almey an tuband

P Br TAt lot 2 W 10 pIeJames V a iri s-

W Martin and lot blockflat 1

11 nry TA Brown r wife to t Pt

etlon 7 wnship 2 nth

PEESONALW l cclep t mirly of M uregor

Short Lne and n x traffic o or othe American Bra ii f Ret h c mpany Is the citj nom New Yorway to visit his ra uh at St AntuouIda Mr t ompanied by hisecretary H B 1 k r


Sold only by Clt ns Coal companyS3 West Second South Tel 49

Modern PlumbingAt prices George G Doyle ACo ti State street Phone 1C3

Drteeth Is

Keysors method of tillings 162 Main reel Auer



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j iOo v Mr iron Neiisen10 g l married sevorcl tim that she

i not wait io g enough yesKrdaymorning for Judg William Hall tosign her decree for divorce before sheaskd for it marriage license fromcounty Ck i r ur fr

rr rtfi frontNeil y w i with hipponument winai wd infonnrd tintshe ji ifja a single woman uniiith hud sijTiuii ttjo de Tie of tiiv until then she could not get

agt ikence in Suit Lake countyN divorce case occupied only

w minutes oi Judge H trn Itvsii karly a oase of d a iriUtiar

ih complaint and tiimonv otwnies s Thre oiit t on the

of i ho defei d as fvi lenet-iuiit l waa r i for lit sruntiiK

t i fvorcf n Mtf Mrs Xeilsen-vrtr loir that vvilfl granted a di

She w th opposition thattridr wa all t a n ssary and that


Prificipal Speaker YesterdayGeneral Nelson A Miles

St CcFuis Ali May 17 Iu iho interB t on I good coiiv toddYthe principal aker was Gcistral

A Miles Kcbired himself tobe thoroughly m sympathy with themovement for roads ami in hisaddreu recomntended t at 5606 men inthe armybe used in tfmea of peace as

engkieeHng corps to locate the bestand nM t feasible rods and cooperatewith toe surveyors of the variousstates He said that the governmentwould be vastly benefited by such aplan when it became necessary to usesuch roads The preliminary work ofsurveying could be done by the armyhe said and then left to thestate to be earned to completion andthe general of the army to have con-trol General said he would haveIntroduced tn congress a resolution orbill to this effect

A W Campbell director of publicworks of Ontario who has charge bfthe construction of roads in the prov-ince of Ontario for which the provlncial government granted 1MOOMdiscussed The Science of Roa4 Build-ing Santiago Mendez representativeof the Mexican government spoke onthe highways of Mexico


rirf Address by Sir Xngh Oilaaaa-Uid of Load

St Louis Mo May 1 Tbe seconddays session of the National Editorialassociation was marked by a largelyincreased attendance number-of delegates having arrived during themorning

Before the session was called to order a band composed of young womenfrom Oklahoma played a humber ofnational airs ao thoroughly inspiringthe assembled delegates that they burstinto song accompaniment

When the convention was called toorder Colonel John yman of Louisianaread a paper by Mrs Joseph Pulltserof New York entitled Institute ofJournalists

This was followed by a brief addressfrom Sir Hugh aUeeanReid of LoP

parliament He paid a compliment tothe exposition in saying it waacoming thousands of mites to set in-

th center of America a sea of palacein which were gathered products ofarts of the world He said tha whatmost impressed him however was thewonderful eltteenship of America andthe genius of Americans


St Louis May 17 Sir Hugh GUffftfiReid president of the Worlds Pressparliament in an interview today saidthat King edward is seeking tq endhostilities in tbe far east He sal

King Edward Is for peace He didnot like to see the war between Russiaand Japan begin and wishes to see itbrought to an end as soon as possibleWhen the new British ambassadorwent to St Petersburg he carried amessage from the king to the czar aug-sjMiting that peace be brought aboutHis was the flret suggestion of peacemade This message hum the kingbaa greatly increased his popularitywith the masses in England Englandat large sympathizes with Japan


St Louis May 17 The hanging ofthe 400 photographs of distinguished so-

ciety women in the house of the boardof lady managers at the Worlds fairwan finished today There areof tile majority of the leading societywomen of country The names willnot be made public until later-

A sassier of ceremonies 4or PresidentFrancia who will decide all queattooof rank and precedence at public func-tions during the fair is to beappointed by the eeeutlve committee-of the exposition

Growing AciMf and TaJ aMrs Josie Sumner Bremond Tei

writes April lS tit X have u adSnow Uniment in my faasily

for thr year f would not be without It in tbjr house I nave used im pn-mjr little girt for growing pains randaches in her kpee It cured her rightaway I also used U for frostbitten feet witfe good suocess it isthe liniment I used 2ScMr S1QI

Sold by Z C M L drug department

WASATCH SUMMER RESORTopens June 1 Particulars phone 1474k

MS Atlas Block Phone 2485

TELEPHONESFor residences Twenty outgoing caller month no charge for incoming

e il 2 cents for excess chilL

200 TELEPHONESUnlimited sei viie for residences


Front Hifes 4or rent ontitutioufeuitdirig John Cutler Jr 3 Maintreet

T1NT1C 2ttvei the Famous Double Circle Sun

day May 22Special train leaves D R G depot-

at Salt Lake am A opportuaty to view the double loopthe greatest engineering tat in theKooky mountain region

Embroidery sale at Walkers Dontit You know what our embroidery

o Untie by D X G 200Ltave salt Lak S30 a in


May 20 and 21Via Oregofi 4horf Lin Round trip

runs lii JL ra h vav-

iumn Street







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as frci to many again if slir Mtiiiclincd

Her second husband whosenan could lot be Uarned accompanied-he to Judge Halls court wee with herdui ng hearing with xpctany-vttton on feature accompaniedwfman to frt unty aiictis Viifn it was d nifd beejudge had not yet signed th fJerf itWas hard to tEll by the expressions upontheir faces wbioh was the most disap-pointed Mrs Neilsen or the unknowngroom

They were told that H waiUd anhour or two until the clerk of the courthad time in whit to pr Micpend it Jn1ge Hall for rih sisia-turr tbty could RIM thrir llc ti t Theywen so disaiipainifd however at notgetting previous document thatthey left the and di4 not re-

turn again during tbe day although theattaches of tilt officeuntil S oclock the hour or closing


Police Judge Diehl pooua 9da X P-

In fining J C Nelsona Pd erterday at rno jn for the weightand measure ordinance providing forunlforQiity of peck measures

trok oteasion to compliment In-spector Richards for securing a con vietierT am glad to see stated the court

that at last we have srn who isgoing to see this law enforced Thaweight and measure ordinance is a justone and designed to aratect thefrom ieaters and peddlers

On another charge of violating sec-tion requiring all peddler to have stampeuon their measures the official seal of thestate inspector Nelson was found guiltybut senter ce was suspended


Will of Late Physician is PJled ForProbate

The will of the late Dr C M Garrisonwas offered for probate yesterday in theprobate division of the court Hedied in this city March 3 He left anestate valued at will mentions134 heirs between whom tbe property isto be divided The matter will b heardby Judge William C Hall op Friday


Via Orecon Ihort laneSaturday June 1L One fare for round-trip to principal northern Utah andIdaho See agents for fun par-ticulars regarding limits etc

City gricket Offlc l Main streetSalt Lake

this city St Marks hos-pital of fer gall at 4-

a m May 17 aged44 YenFuneral services wilt fee held from fam-

ily residence 221 G street at 2 p mThursday Tbe deceased was a memberof the Lathers union of Salt Lak CityOBBRGln this cttjr May M 18W

Charles P Oberg aged yearsThe funeral will be held today at 2 p

m from the funeral parlors of SBvans 233 South State street IntermentMt Olivet cemeteryMEYER8In this city May If W i Lucy

MeyeM agedJ yeamThe funeral servicea will be held today-

at 10 a m from S Ut SvaBaA funeralpartan tt South street IntermentMt OW et cemeteryRICHlNaAt 28 West Stxth South

street this city 17 effever Bldora Ann

L and daughter of MieabF and Mary Jane NQV 35-1S7K in Hennefer UtahThe remains will be shipped today to

Hennefer for burial Friends wishing toview the remains can do so from 430 to 6p m at the family


Of a Herald waat i U wva-derful and a thins t vasful toknow One ad fro lasertioa lies been known to pull

lion try one If you want to Urhelp try one YouU prore Mdredc do every day that it a winning way

WAJfEBBPARTIES to contract for the malt at

tile Utah Brewery for the ensuing yearP

THREE unfurnished rooms or Housewithin 9 blocks 427 W 24 South AUdress P 9 Herald

SMALL furnished house for the sum-mer or three or four desirablemg rooms centrally located reliablety no children Address with completeinformation T 28 Herald

UTAH JUNK COscrap ironbrass etc

A TINSMITH with tOW tebuy an interest in ai established generalhardware business with in con-vection Address P O box JW RexburgIda

UNCLE SAM loans the most money ondiamonds watches suns iaat onehalf rate interest Lara leans atbanking rates Phone List SoGreat bargains In unredeemed diamondswatches rings and musical Instruments

xoirmmrn AIR ToiprroinsgUTAH Marble W

optadate work ti Can en us for


WARNER fr POWELL rooms 16 and17 over Walkers bank Pheoe 1635K

LARGE buildings and cellar s spaeiajtv 14 Richard St ftonc 17HT-


WATCH and jewelmainspring tlW C E BowersSt Gold aiyl silver bought

j F BOBS JewaM-n moT d to 2S Math


OTTINGKRS T1CK T OFFICE M JFrankUnl manager JS 24 So StTel im-

GJR08HEIIS TICKET OFFICE Sa rilsh The bought

sold and exchanged No JStt

F H Groshfcll manager


Wholesale and retail opticians


EMINGTON n T nper month upvrard SUnosfapriers niaoed-TVtu i iiu f Phant lii V l H9West Temple St City




oji tie

ttake to


1 h


tin crupuioIl8










ens of It CNi Qf poet




e1ryUmenta tools clothing ate



nl ar Miidfii-j

uI i ft1ai Math





p at t

co 1














answers a

r cop-per Tel



















> < >


19 West First South St

Telephone fl

good 4room brick en 7th

mod brick cottage lot Oxl4Sfeet to alley fine lawn shade house has

fine porcelain bath hotater South 2d a bargain at ASM

SxlO rods and splendid 9ro m mod Jstory brick on Wfst 1st North 1000Terms caa be made

troom modern 2storv residence gooUbarn facing south on 3d St UOu

8room mod 3tory brick residence hasfurnace laundry lot 2 x10 fpds withbrick barn which is worth st l t t twproperty goes at H3 if ukl tin

When you can buy a 10room modernhouse heated hot water on a corneron 1st St south front tbe original

over MW on this propertyvery easy teran dont you

think fs worth yow while to

750 will a splendid lot 2Vx u rodssouth front on 7th St near B St

pnehatf aa acre a beautiful spot onon ear Use facing east

Look at No M7 2d St 7room mod 2story residence in firstolas repair willsell it for 2850 and make easy terms

A Richter 1 W 1st South St Te 641

MODERN pressed brick 8roomtot 9feOJ Vail U8 So 12th a

4x10 RODS on 4th South near city anacounty building a genuine bargain

lay Co 8 W zd South

ABSTRACTING 25 yearshave a lifesstudy Save time by coming to our

records instead of wasting it going tothe city and county building they areabsolutely correct and to Weare always at your service

Homer Abstract Co IncFirst So underDeeeret Bank

REAL loans insuranceHill jay Co Hit S W

NEW 7roomed home closeSet owner at Wagon Much Covehicle department-

J A BROWN Real Estate LossBests No II East First South PhaSetn List It you want to sellREALTY ranches farms in all western

states trades Geo M McConaugtoyRoom S Eagle Biock

REAL bargains U P R Rj Wins Souta

RANCHES ferns acreage list teapr reid estate PaPer free at office Bar

4ROOM pr brick T E bench lot 47 M6feet L6-

ssroou belch m Kta Bast StfE-OSroom brick new modern Oil finish

cellar to t aHubbard lav Co 7 W 2d South

HOO8TOK THEHave b Tgiii M South Mala-

SttHtltOOM modern brick tine Mte-tlon Easy terms Apply 154 So State

Rektty ranches rooming storesO Co Math Tel 134T-

K9re Tt Main street Red

general housework and plateust be competent small fain

S 7th EastCHAMBERMAIDS waltresMai to and

gut of tie girlscooks family and boarding

THE best places for girls at Mrs 01as j

SMALL with small bouse wantsa general liou 214 N

CAPABLE gtfT for generano washing J A St-

A sX girlto assist in general housework at 74 tlet South

GOOD for housework onewho understands cooking CaP at 153 WThird

a good cook 635 E

A GIRL to assist houseworkApply 256 B West Temple St

for Keneral bousework ot to asrlist 74C E 2d

GIRL for general housework IS-

Wetting n court rear SB E 3d SouthGIRL for housework OS M-

St Apply mornings

to work during spare time onsalary work suitable for a widow orfor a teacher during vacation but Mrcapable person may do it Address U

Cook Waitresses ChambermaidsHouse Girls Pantry Girls ScrubwomenAH kinds of Hotel and Restaurant Work

at Dixon Employment Co57 E fti So St Tel 923 X

GIRL for sewing ii7 South State street

AN expert operator on shirts fond col-lars references and address Ameri-can Laundry Co Boise Ida

A competent girl for generalhousework small family callMrs Bert Davis 354 So 3d East

assist in kitchen and washdishes M Seventh East

GIRL for housework must begood cook city references Call mornjugs Mrs S B Milner 585 Second St

A GOOD competent girl for generalhousework one that can cook ApplyMrs w Powers Llngerlongerperton Place


WE make it our business to look forJL for you in your tine Can am-

iIter WiLl us Intennountila Bureau1st So Phcne InS

ill barber work tree at MolersBarber college E let tWo

PL VSTERJSR8 laborers wantedEraeryHoim building Eagle

BOY wanted at Sorensen Larsen lItW 2d South

A NO 1 COOK for summer Callat 2S7 llth East

GOOD BOYS to distribute advertisingmatter good wages Apply s a m 1

Barrett court rear of 44 N 2d West

MOLERS Barber college of Salt LakeCity Utah Denver Colo Dallasnr Los Angeles will pay raUroatare for a limited number of students asthe demand for our barbers is greaterthan the supply we teach the trade in

Weeks guarantee positionswrite nearest branch for particulars



STOVES taken aowrnext season Vi trworks 2 Stirtt jh n


lG netWft


















rtDctcm 5 Courtney 15 W Zd So






nLPwIfflU lw

ny 34


South street Tel


t1trl tor wHrIt


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nnocJCa AgencyYedaIdr lid 1ILboriI W fid it Street Phone



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estate iatl1 slgn-


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9OAJUD AJTD BOOMSnOOSW and excellent table at i-

f ith South Tel ISfciZ

ROMS and board with private family1 averue

LARGE furnished roomfloor strictly modern

hosed boautitul lawn Wl N W Tempi t 503

N1C15 cool rooms large lawn plenty of


FLRNISHED rooms terms moat rategentiemen preferred ii3 So stb Kast ru2838 X

ONE front room gentleman preferredm FSrfc St

ROOM modern rowpetely furnishedboijso for rent for iho summer referoncc required 1015 street

NICELY furnished room for one or twoeotiemen business center Address U

HeralTWO pi aiH rooms with or without

board S Main Phone 1531K

Two clean newly papered rooms torhousekeeping 29 So 4th East

THREE clean housekeeping rooms nochildren cheap 770 E 4tb South

NTLY furn modern rooms closeId So

CHEAP furnished rooms tor house-keeping The Sydney 242 W 1st South

ONE large room for one or two gentle-men close in private family 2S8 E 2dSouth St

LARGE north room board It desired4 So Ilk ButLARGE front roost for housekeeping

So Main StTHREE clean housekeeping rooms ao

770 E 4thFURNISHED or unfurnished rooms

single or ensuite also office roomsroom 206 4 and 56 West 1st South

S ACRES fine grass fenced LittleLittle No 4 W 2d South

MODERN house partly ted of Mrooms with lawn to private 4amiiy 3SfWest Fifth South

temple The HomeWest 1st So

ROOMSCenter St

3d North laqutre Mt

A NEW strictly me-at 328 L street Inquire

THREE unfurnishedfloor no children

8room houseSo Beat

7ROOM modern bouse 828 So 3d EastInquire 5M 80 3d EDOUBLE 3room house ligbtr aadm 2d St No childrenOFFICE rooms Houston blocS suites

of three or four rooms Houston Real Estat Inv Co J l So Slain

8ROOM thoroughly modern No OOaft Jnd South street Inquire from I to-p m at bouseTHOROUGHLY modern 7room cottage

with furnace and all conveniences Splen-didly located at 275 E street

inspected from 10 a m to I p m Takestreet car

COTTAGE Z per month m Statestreett bID carriage W ar

three head of utoct Ml W4lh SsutH

TWO large pleasant rooms for orstudio to June to SeptemIBeT MS Commercial Club Bide

HOUSE of 6 rooms furnished or un-furnished with all conveniences 412 B3d South i

SEWING MACHINES 2X per monthat White office 21 W lit 80BI7X

allcaUoaa Maw street

HOUSTON tirt Tel Xf

TWO or fir unfurnished rooms overButlers grocery store 210 So State St

Uniaue Sekooi of Sfeartband and Typewriting Bjpoper Mg

LOCUTION and dramatic art Stu-dents wanted for the stage John SLindsay 25 8 West Temple


DR JOS W BOISAL Dentistand S m Bo Main St Phone 1

CHAPMAF DENTISTtM Seottftreveil Phone MW T


8C S VARiAN has removed his law ofGee to Atlas building rooms 425429427

FRED T MGURRIN Attorney re-moved to 53B Atlas block

A J WKBBB Attorney removed I5 Atlas bloeluv

AUCTION SALKALMOST new furniture of 5 residences

purchased this week of finebed room suits iron and brass beds side

chBfoniers drop head sew-ing machines ranges of standard make

Jeather couches and

price iinwr cash or or installmentsa complete line of new fupni

MRS MARTHA ROYLE KINGSstudio removed to 256 Commercial clubbuilding tested tree Saturdaymornings

CASH REGISTKKS OscarOroshell sales agent for Utah Expert

No U 8tters always In

WOMAN specialist for womenBrooks M D Constitution block


MRS LIZZIE GEISLER OS W fctl-Nerth attends cases before duringafter confinement Will nurse patientat her home It desired Refereac

ALL you want immediate deliveryBrown Stone Co No 11 E 1st SouthSt Phone 377

accordion pleatingt First


UTAH AUTOMOBILE CO 57 MarketSt We have the finest automobilein t e west and sell and rent the finestautomobiles Bee our bargains in auto-mobile and second nand ma-chines Phone 3220-


UTAH Carpet Wall PaperCe Latest process feather renovating 24

St Phone


stock brokersTel ltt X






hade 410 awte1It NWIa MaIn



23 4r

In ri






modern c1la fromIe SaY

3 i

groundlose in IS Z



officesu rent





eVerythingfor complete sell


tore Co Ii2 E jiSouth










Jiniiefl l


rolJ r









ou date

aOTuttle bras






housekeepingthese at









Wdi8l Liftch















ssMiis Mintain Home Irrigraffii-gJisli v Power o btock S 2-

ovrfr care Herald

SECONDHAND store front Mards St

TIORSKS bought sod Iowastable 129 W South Temple

HOUSE FURNITURE at 544 W 84 SoCheat for cash

A VATIONAL cash register on easyPvnut P O box No

A FliKSH mil ow or wii trade forbora K34 East Sixth South

1330POUND team at B9 W SouthTemple

NEW furniture of 4room house Apply48 West Seventh South

oTAXDARu upright piano ia mabogan l e sold at once or timeXo 37 S 1st West

LITTLE cash grocery doing a goodbusiness close in low reason-S r ceIling 200 See Thomas 1112 Eagleblock

PICTURE FRAMES at oustpictures for framing Rivers


CIGAR store in good location mustsell at once greatest snap m Salt LakeJohn Q hritchlow trustee 222 Com-mercial club building

HALF interest in paying business U30 Herald

UPRIGHT piano nearly new cheapS3 E 5th South

TYPEWRITERblank books MariettaPhone MIK


J W CURRIE H West ThirdSouth street Salt Lake City Samples bymatt or express receive prompt attention

UNION ASSAY OFFICE IB SouthWest Temple street Hanauermanager Analytical work a specialty

W A HODGES assayer and chemistItt Second

J MVICKER assay r Richards St

W J TRBMAY JB ssayer over 140Main street Salt Citysamples receive prompt

R H OFFICER A CO assayers WSouth West Temple St Salt Lake City

CRISMON rilCKJLa andchemists S1 4 W Tesaple Lake Cfty

NAPOLEON bicycle maroon color i

nickel No 1833M etura to TO E3d South Reward

ONE dark bay mart about 11M poundsbald face white hind Return to 7388 3d East Liberal reward

STRAYED or stolen bay mare weigh-ing 1006 Ibs white spot on back branded-

O on left hip mane cut off reward9M South Fourth West

BANK book number Zions Saylags bank Finder please teturn to JohnM Walden 163 Main street

SORREL MARE 3 old whitehind foot had halter on barefooted Reward A Dittman SB SV 7th East

A DARK bay horse branded W withwhite spots on back U 27


THE Security Abstract Co Salt Lakeand Tooele county abstracts AtlasM W 3d South Tel pt

CHARLES WAHLBERQ gearraiJobwork novelty and model aaluSo State Phone 17 K


BEATEN it MURKY Oelaopatlu S3-ch bld TeL

M MCDOWELL ftIa ScottStrevell building Phones res 1499Koffice 17 K


LINCOLN E First S200 900

Rates 9c and S5c

MITCHELL Van Storage Co a-2d So Tel 1 2Y

MOVING storing packing aad shipRodman Van 4k Co

ir Office and tt So W

CAJtPIlrTBltSTAYLOR SON carpenters and lob-

bers estimates given P O box 2U Ben142 So 3d East

H F WILLIAMS carpenter and Jobber100 E 2d So

TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN havesold my interest in the Grand Pacifichotel and all rents and are

to Mrs Fannie MatthewsW H CROFT

WOULD MARRY lady with means Ad-dress U 26 Herald

SUPERFLUOUS HAIRby or electric

Brooks M D Constitution block

K DARKER Lawyer Ontoea IBttCommercial block Phone UKZ


UTAH Dye Works and dyeinga specialty E 3d South fa


JOHN J WALLACE A CO DWalker Bldg Salt Lake collect debtsi where Walkers Rank


34 Richards St Phone nKJK


WE ARE headquarters fw hay gralaHour feed and coal wholesale and retailOrders promptly attended to m M SaoODd South Phone UK Mantan A Cat

MRS P FONTYM dao socTrance Medium 7 South test TeMpie

SPIRITUALIST meeting tonight Yous c and talk with your spirit friends

AH Tvleomf 159 Maintjxvt halt price this Week

Everything told name given

MME LYNN reliable palmist and4 w 2d So upstairs


A K PET CLEANING Phon UO X-PUK made from y ur old carpets

Prop 2 W South


WILLIAMS contractor for-m P lawns cutting

i 4tnad Address T S ithW u Phone WSZ




I anddnibI 4 Sib








W t
















Iw RAMER DO mi BIoeIt-Pbotle Phone ZlUIX





Temple at





etc re-moved needle lu


t 11







janArnoldD ckaous


I r



c l




N n bellyhaiues Itcst

sold lbs


iuppllaiBros XM








Atlas2486X Residence






















Last chance beforestraw timeour Fedora HatstM soldfor

1350 306 250-W offer tlMim w ekill lit colors at

a Window Display

100 a Suit

61 63 65 MAIN ST

YOU DONTHAVE TO GUESShow long ice will last in the Century or National

it lest longer ball m other makes 2000 in vm SaltLake City and every one a testimonial

On months ice tree with every refrigerator taught hue vpto JCay 6 Ice fOO up Hefri eratora 950

= w tt






uadrC-I ltig are



i boat CUItf West Third South Phone 1637 k-

yyyy yyyyyyyyy yyyyyy V y yyyVyyYVyYVy

L Eclose out







SSIkk sit

SSBrubakertaphII HiWw2729






FIRSTCLA88 cook wants a situationAddress Herald

LADY wants plain sewing and mendingto do at hone Address 2 7 W So

SIrs Johnson

wan experienced bookkeeperami general man like to get

to work for small con-sideration Can furnish recommendationsAddress Herald

YOUNG man desires employment ef anykind from 6 to 12 p In allday Sunday Can drive take care of

wait etc and Is willing to doanything Address U 28 Herald

POSITION a housekeeper by a goodresponsible woman J

A MIDDLBAGED lady fromrequires as housekeeper or

of responsibility to widowerB W 8t West South

man wisbe a aituahouse as has

Janitor work can give person referencfAdqnsa HtPtarl ave Cito

CURTAINS and washing alsoshirt waists n W South

AS HOUSKKKPER or nurse by elder1 woman Address No 10 Lake c W

would like a placefamily at housework Phone

HOUaaeCLEANING carpet beatingpaint and hardwood a prac

man work guaranteed Addreas U Herald

BYA TOUNG GIRL general houseworkwhere she can g atof I S 5th West

ELDERLY lady wishes towait an aged couple or as house-keeper and companion to aged lady orgentleman M

YOUNG WOMAN would like workthe day washing or ironing Id 8 Ilk

WASHING by the day Address Mrssore 153 4th Bast in restBY YOUNG married man college

clerical or other good positionPhone 1M1Y

WORK by the day by a honesC hardworkag girl Address Miss B A 4 2 8


HOUSE CLEANING paintand carpet beadttg

SEWING or dressmakingat borne Address MrsNorth Temple St

WORK by day washing or Jroninscleaning So 2d East

AS NIOHTWATCHMAN or janitor by-a thoroughly mancity reference U 20 Herald

STENOGRAPHIC work to do for partof day F m So W Temple

A MIDDLEAGED lady wishes situation-to do bousecteanlhg Robertson 254

East 2d So

EXPERIENCED woman wants anykind of work by the day U IK Herald

GENERAL dry goods 11

experience can references

locoMMttve engineerwould like a position of somedent city U

YOUNG MAN wants place aa teamstexwell acquainted with city AndreaU M Herald

WOMAN wants 1 or 2 children to carefor U 11 Herald

MIDDLEAGED likesition as companion to elderly lady or oldcouple oa or address FirstWest room 3

YOUNG LADY stenographer Wishes aposition at once can fumtsa heal ofreferences Address U K n rald

DRUGGIST years exp n nee wartA 1 reference A dress L j

BY middleaged woman a cook for 6 cr8 men in mining tamp u railroad camiT 11 Herald


MAKE K daily selling thcheapest and most perfect water nit rever retails at 12 bis prutexclusive territory SENECA FILTKKCO Seneca Mo

THREE general agents for steady powages per week and expenses

Apply 1st nortk of Regal liveryMurray Utah


BEFORE you start to the Worlds faireee Foster and get an accidentpolicy ProgressBldg

GRAND SALE of sewing machinesNew 7drawer drop head Singers S34oOnew idrawer drop head New Huun-J3M second mavhit SO uWheeler A Wilson Store 29 E lat


SALT LAKE SCAVENGER CO OfficeAtlas bill basement Tel 366




Jot1on moth-erre ith

A AGEDtIae lit drY goods

experience or dO


A Gnu jp small1SThX








bY tile or1 Wt I

or I



Y H Herasu




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> T





had yea would









SS 5








ARGENTA lodge No 3 F andA M Regular meetings bald atMasonic hell the first tuesday ofeach month Members of sister

t lodges aDd sojourning brethren

the second Mpnday of sack mouthMembers of sister sad

to good standing are cordiallyinvIted to w


WASATCH LODGE N 1 Fmeetings heM at Ma-

tt second Friday ofof sister sod ao


tioae held atr each mouth

journing companions cordially invited


Knights invited

0 F sMeu every Wednesday at1 temple street VKdt-ing wejeusw

1 NWM Secretary

A a D WNo IS Beatsevery Wednesday evening at A X U W

streetC M 8ORKNSON ML H-

M W DARKS Recorder

SAW VALLEY LODE No ftThursday evening at0 U Ifi street



the day want It No rtUNo delays Partial payments

lowed time any amount withoutnotice The Home A Savings Co-g W First qouth

F G WOOD HO to CM furniturehorses etc easy terms Mate R MO

CHEAP MONEY CHEAP MONEYamount on furniture valu

ables or any good security See us if youneed mosey lowest rates tn city easyterms 1 KeithOBriea Dldg

ON chattels any amount O F PeterM South

DOtTT borrow trouble borow moalaried men or women accommodated-on their note without mortgage or en-dorser paymentsCjByry Walker building

UgND money to buildWe will advance the money as tttaprogresses Lowest rate Put

paymssit Urns interest reducedaccordingly McGurrin A Co 3334 Main-

I LOAN ONLY MY OWN MONEYoMMnisstoa No attorneyr f

No Uiem company delAYthird oarty Low raw

OJ household goods pianos etc

A SNAP D you aeed osMMjrT Crw-eant Ltm C it osi yaar saiarr-Mh Week

IP YOU NEED mosey we win dtoeooacsalary Star Loan Co 2f8 Atlas


ON ANY You relatesi n The Strtager Co W 2d-

oa chattels or real es-t strictly private Eqult

iiiiie Loan t i t Co 63j W 2d


N PIANOblock

for days or moa elllt Co Km IS 49 Mate

isehod irnitnre carvaoval part paymenta-er U W 2d room K-

I 1MPROVF10 Middej-

Cornlck blocK

CITY AND Frates J L Perk

ON UTAHca option N-ibuillrJ

ARMS in Utah sadSanklng Cfk 107 M-


iDAHO FA WS4 Viele 3i A Corn


BOB ANDERSON the praer 221 South State St T

D CO p

and Out watfr contraend Sutn ttret Phi


to iri a Main

I r

to at teDIL-V P W J-


JIlT MORIAB No i F aM A Nhelt at Masonic ball

leUIr ell


Ar tilesusie seen tmonth lemnIIIIr Jwetarb corcJialbt BJlWJf w


WAIl 4-c of


RiI ti y IeeJI 811



0 0 Ff








D Fwa


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ciiTPR NO 1 P KWasoadO-bill5 the rst


Psoisdr-EJeTPlUKil 4o s





ko 5-

Is to have the hoes built Jbopand

tanMany optITha-Ruae4J Tenoy 11 P lit South





A v









street ar rr








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