Salonprofile spa. NK In the heartof WestLondonlies Space NK's flagshipspa, with a brand as well knownas this,it wasalwaysguaranteedto be a hit. O n arrivingat SpaceNK in NottingHill, West Londonyou are greeted by the colourfuldelights of the store, the no nonsenseclear packagingrevealsgreen, yel- low, orange and white concoctionsdisplayed neatly on simple shelves, whilst the smells encapsulateallthatyouassociatewithpamper- ingthebodyanddelightingthesenses.Walking throughthe mainstoreyouarriveat yourdesti- nation - Spa.NK,which opened in 2000. The inspirationforthespawasNickyKinnaird'sown visionanddemandfor an environment thatwas relaxing,cocooningandgenuinelycomfortable. SheworkedcloselywithVirgile& Stoneon the executionof the final plans.The resultis very differentfrom the rainbowof indulgencethat youfirstencounteron yourwayintothebuilding - creams,whitesand brownstake preference and it immediately lullsyou intoa stateof calm. Thefirst port of call for a customerwould be the largechangingroomswhichoffershowers, towelsand such like.Once disrobedfromyour streetattireand enrobedin theSpa.NKuniform of a wafflecotton robe and plastic sandalsits time to take restin the spa'swaitingarea.The theme in this room is slightly oriental, with dark woodenchairs coveredin naturalcotton, and matching low slung tables with candles creatinga soothingatmosphere, perfectfor pre or post -treatmentthought - and sipping on complimentarilyherbaltea,or lemonand mint infusedwater.'ThethingthatsetsSpa.NKaside from its perceivedcompetitorsis its ability to make clientsfeel, once they have enteredthe spa,thattheyarenot in WestLondonbut rather in the middle of heaven,where they can be relaxedandtrulyforgettheirworries'.Onething a visitor may note is that the spa may seem strangelyunpopulated,howeverwith a place such as this,the impression is giventhatthisis a resultof strategicschedulingbythereception desk. The actual treatmentroomsare sparse, with exceptionof the heated treatmentbed - withspacesothetherapistcanmovefreely,and a preparationarea - but once the treatment beginsyou realisethatthe actualqualityof the productsand the skill of the therapistsis what reallysetsthis spa apartfromthe rest. It is precisely this selling point that sees Spa.NKcredited with a 93% occupancyat all times. As a company Space NK is renowned for itsvastselectionof productsand in addition to their own signaturelines, the storescarry more than 2,500 thousand different products from approximately50 different companies. In the spa itselfthey offer a selectionof treat- ments developed with the likes of Eve Lom, AromatherapyAssociatesandDarphin.Facials start at around£50 and can go up to almost £100. The more expensivefacials last for an

Salon Today - Spa Profile - SpaNK

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IntheheartofWestLondonliesSpaceNK's flagshipspa,withabrandaswellknownas this,itwasalwaysguaranteedtobeahit. times.AsacompanySpaceNKisrenowned foritsvastselectionofproductsandinaddition totheirownsignaturelines,thestorescarry morethan2,500thousanddifferentproducts fromapproximately50 differentcompanies. Inthespaitselftheyofferaselectionoftreat- mentsdevelopedwiththelikesofEveLom, AromatherapyAssociatesandDarphin.Facials startataround£50andcangouptoalmost £100.Themoreexpensivefacialslastforan

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spa. NK

In the heartof WestLondonliesSpace NK'sflagshipspa,witha brandas well knownasthis, it was alwaysguaranteedto be a hit.

On arrivingat SpaceNK in NottingHill,West Londonyou are greetedby thecolourfuldelightsof the store, the no

nonsenseclear packagingrevealsgreen, yel-low, orange and white concoctionsdisplayedneatly on simple shelves,whilst the smellsencapsulateall thatyouassociatewithpamper-ingthebodyanddelightingthesenses.Walkingthroughthe mainstoreyouarriveat yourdesti-nation- Spa.NK,which opened in 2000.Theinspirationforthe spawasNickyKinnaird'sownvisionanddemandfor anenvironmentthatwas

relaxing,cocooningandgenuinelycomfortable.SheworkedcloselywithVirgile& Stoneon theexecutionof the final plans.The resultis verydifferentfrom the rainbowof indulgencethatyoufirstencounteronyourwayintothebuilding- creams,whitesand brownstake preferenceand it immediatelylullsyou intoa stateof calm.

Thefirst port of call for a customerwouldbethe largechangingroomswhichoffershowers,towelsand such like.Oncedisrobedfromyourstreetattireand enrobedin theSpa.NKuniformof a wafflecotton robeand plastic sandalsitstime to take rest in the spa'swaitingarea.The

theme in this room is slightly oriental, withdark woodenchairscoveredin naturalcotton,

and matching low slung tables with candlescreatinga soothingatmosphere,perfectfor preor post -treatmentthought - and sipping oncomplimentarilyherbaltea, or lemonand mintinfusedwater.'ThethingthatsetsSpa.NKasidefrom its perceivedcompetitorsis its ability tomakeclientsfeel, once they haveenteredthespa,thattheyarenot inWestLondonbut ratherin the middle of heaven,where they can berelaxedandtrulyforgettheirworries'.Onethinga visitor may note is that the spa may seemstrangelyunpopulated,howeverwith a placesuchasthis,the impressionis giventhatthis isa resultofstrategicschedulingbythereceptiondesk. The actual treatmentroomsare sparse,with exceptionof the heated treatmentbed -withspacesothetherapistcanmovefreely,anda preparationarea - but once the treatmentbeginsyou realisethatthe actualqualityof theproductsand the skill of the therapistsis whatreallysetsthis spa apartfromtherest.

It is precisely this selling point that seesSpa.NKcreditedwith a 93%occupancyat all

times. As a companySpace NK is renownedfor itsvastselectionof productsand inadditionto their own signaturelines, the storescarrymore than 2,500 thousanddifferentproductsfrom approximately50 different companies.In the spa itselftheyoffer a selectionof treat-ments developedwith the likes of Eve Lom,AromatherapyAssociatesand Darphin.Facialsstart at around£50 and can go up to almost£100. The more expensivefacials last for an

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::ockwisefromtop: relax-=:00room,receptionarea,-"atment room. ,


hour and a half, on top of a consultationandrelaxation period. The body treatmentsandmassagesare around the same price so ifyou're doing your maths going for relaxationand treatmentper inch is practicallya bargain!

I am told the treatment that best reflects

Spa.NKis the Body BalancingTherapy,espe-cially developed for Spa.NK by MichelleRoquesO'Neil.It isacombinationofbodywork,

Creams, whitesand browns takepreference in therest area and it

immediately lulls youinto a state of calm

essentialoilsand chi massage,and evokesthebody's memoryof harmonyand balanceandrestoresa zest for life and a new sense of

understandingequilibrium.PersonallyI feel theEssentialRoseBodyCocoonis oneof the mostnourishingand revitalisingtreatmentsmy skinhaseverencounteredat any spa - andthe EveLomFacial - quoted by magazinebeautyedi-tors aroundtheworldas 'theKingof all Facials'is a must!

But its not just the treatmentsthat makeSpa.NKspecial- thetherapistsnotonlyhavetohavecompleteda comprehensive,recognisedbeautytherapyeducationcourse but are alsoexpected to have acquired extensiveexperi-enceworkingatsomeof theworld'sfinestspas.

Finally,afterthe pampering,visitorswillonceagain passback throughthe shop to exit. Thisis veryclevermarketingwhichseesavid shop-persexercisingseriousself-restraintwhenleav-ing thesanctuaryof the Spa,asone is immedi-ately inundatedwith the sites and sounds ofretail.

Thereare future plans to extend the brandand to open more spas, this fact surelyhigh-lights it's popularity- and reaffirmsthe statusthatthe brandSpaceNKhaswithinthe beautymarketplace.