Sales Call Ride Along - Official.pdf

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  • 8/18/2019 Sales Call Ride Along - Official.pdf


    UCF Professional Selling Program

    “Sa l es Ca l l R i de A l on g”

    Steve McLean | M a r k et i n g M a n a g er - W o r l d w i d e Sa l es   Josh Weisman | A cco u n t M a n a g er - F l or i d a D i st r i c t

    L i o n e l G a l v ez

    P r o f ess i o n a l Se l l i n g P r o g r a m M em b er

    U n i v e r s i t y o f Cen t r a l F l o r i d a

    M a r ch 2 0 16

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    Mentor Project #2 - Sales Call Ride Along

    This project contains information of two UPS sales meetings that were conducted on

    Monday, March 7, 2016. Steve McLean helped to coordinate them and paired me with Joshua

    Weisman, UPS Account Manager and 2006 former UCF PSP member. Josh and I met at the

    Starbucks on Orange and Michigan at 8:45 am, went over the first four questions of this

    assignment, and discussed topics relative to sales and UPS opportunities.


    Give the name, job title and company of the person being called on. What product lines/

    services do they offer? Briefly outline the history with this client.

    Call 1:

    Our first appointment was at 10:00 am and it took place at the Greater Orlando Aviation

    Authority, located inside the Orlando International Airport. Officially, they are the

    governmental entity that operates the airport. At this meeting, we had the honor to meet with

    Alice Young, Records Management Specialist. GOAA is tasked with the operation,

    maintenance, and administration of all public airports in Orange County, Florida, including

    any public airports which may be built in Orange County in the future.

    Call 2:

    Our second appointment was at 11:30 am and it took place at UTC Overseas, located

    right off the airport, heading towards Tradeport Drive. UTC Overseas, Inc. is an international

    freight forwarder and logistics provider with offices around the globe. At this meeting, we

    had the honor to meet with Carlos Manresa, Vice President Air Freight.

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    2.  What is the goal of the sales call? Evaluate it in terms of the criteria for a good

    objective: specific, realistic and measurable. What is the probability of closing the

    business during this meeting and what led to this conclusion?

    Call 1:

    The goal for this sales meeting with Greater Orlando Aviation Authority was to follow up

    on Joshua’s last presentation, an introduction of a new agreement to Alice Young and gain

    commitment to transition to UPS. GOAA is operating most of their shipment through FedEx.

    The probability is good because they had worked on other business projects in the past. Their

    relationship is well-established and Alice trust him, but she cannot make all the decisions by

    herself. Besides, it was a good opportunity to introduce the benefits of UPS custom-made

    envelopes and packages. Joshua’s goal was to convince Alice that a collective meeting with

    the decision group is necessary.

    Call 2:

    UTC Overseas currently is doing business with FedEx. The goal for this sales call was to

    review the new agreement with Carlos Manresa and gain commitment to transition to UPS.

    The probability is good because Josh had met with Carlos before and had gained his trust.

    The occasion for this meeting was to review UTC’s capital budgeting settings and go over

    the terms and conditions. Besides, it was a good opportunity to introduce the benefits of UPS

    custom-made envelopes and packages, also, to touch based on the features and benefits they

    will get if they partner with UPS.

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    3.  What are the anticipated objections? What are the planned responses for these?

    Call 1:

    A few anticipated objections were that GOAA needs to test UPS shipments services

     before making a commitment to move their whole transportation subdivision into UPS. In

    2012, a group training session was done, which did not work. GOAA believes that UPS is

    unable to control all shippers. Joshua’s responses were to illustrate that splitting the volume

    within FedEx and UPS can hurt them on the long-run, costing them more money than if they

    only work with UPS.

    Call 2:

    A few anticipated objections were that UTC Overseas would have to exceed their

    spending limits if they wanted to implement their freight and logistics services with UPS.

    The responses that Josh stressed were the features, and benefits of UPS “smart pick-up”

    service, formulate a plan to use what the provider have available and break it down base on

    how much volume they move. Ultimately, winning their entire business.

    4.  Explain, with specifics, how your mentor planned for this sales call? What types of

    information did he need/research? What sources did he use? How much time was spent

    preparing? What materials did he make sure to bring for the call?

    Call 1:

    This meeting was planned through previous engagements and was secured via e-mail and

     phone. The purpose of this meeting was to introduce a new agreement, eventually

    transferring GOAA entire transportation subdivision into UPS. Josh has been working with

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    them for several years. He has met with everyone involved with shipping and gathered data

    from many sources. He went in knowing that the services that were discussed in the previous

    meetings were regarding similar topics. He did his research based on reviewing previous

    meetings with reference to GOAA’s needs. In this round, Josh spent about an hour preparing

    for this meeting. He brought in sell-sheet literatures and a copy of the new agreement.

    Call 2:

    Josh secured this appointment via e-mail and phone. The purpose of this meeting was to

    review some pricing concerns and introduce a new proposal based on UTC’s budget. Josh

    said he used the customer’s website and the information provided by Carlos to prepare for

    this meeting. He also looked at their competitor’s website. The preparation was to search for

    their competitor’s prices and services, addressing any oppositions regarding FedEx. Josh

    spent an hour preparing for this meeting. He brought in a revised pricing proposal.


    How, specifically, did the salesperson begin the presentation? (approach / rapport

    building/attention getting) What did he say? What did the buyer say?

    Call 1:

    In this sales meeting, Josh opened the sales call by using the question approach, asking

    how business is going. As Mrs. Young, Records Management Specialist, describes some

    changes/implementations that the airport is doing, Josh followed the opportunity to build

    rapport based on the changes, mutually enhancing a two-way communication. Mrs. Young

    illustrated that they are removing many of the moving walkways and replacing them and

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    adding tables and couches with plugs and USB dispensers for those who are traveling with

    flight connections.

    Call 2:

    Before entering the room, Josh was aware of bringing value, using the four A’s

    (acknowledge, acquire, advise, and assume) as it is described to be part of the selling

     process. He began the sales call by introducing me, and asking how business is going, which

    allowed him to find the opportunity to use both: the benefit and the product approach. The

    attention-getting was introducing a new delivery service called “smart pick-up.” At that

    moment, Josh engaged the buyer’s interest. Other rapport topics that were discussed were

    Carlos telling us that he recently got into a car accident and injured his shoulder at a point

    that needs surgery.

    6.  How, specifically, did the salesperson uncover needs? What did he say? What did the

    buyer say? Discuss how he probed for more information. What needs were identified?

    What did the seller do to confirm that needs were understood?

    Call 1:

    Josh uncovered the buyer’s needs by asking opened-ended and close-ended questions.

    Some questions that I can remember were: “What kind of value-added components are you

    looking for? How can we help improve your freight and logistics services?” The buyer

    responded to every question with sincerity and acknowledged that she needs to transit to

    UPS. All information was probed properly by offering the features and benefits of the “smart

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     pick-up” service. Mrs. Young asked questions, and Josh agreed on sending her additional

    information to address his point and for GOAA to review.

    Call 2:

    This meeting relied on a follow-up proposal for shipping services. Carlos and Josh

    worked together on understanding UTC needs, introducing what would benefit them as a

    freight forwarder and logistics provider, and initially breaking down the implementation cost.

    Although, the meeting was very complex, Josh uncovered the buyer’s need by using the spin

    method  very effectively. From all these selling methods that I have learned, I could say

    without reservation that spin is the most efficient method.

    7.  How did the seller present the product? What features did he present? How were

    those tied to one of the buyer’s needs? How were benefits presented? What visual aids

    did he used to support his presentation?

    Call 1:

    Josh presented the “smart pick-up” service by explaining the features and benefits

     between using ground and freight delivery. Routinely, ground is delivered before the end of

    the business day (3:00 pm); and freight is delivered by air arriving the next business day or if

    it’s Friday over the weekend. Since Josh knew GOAA has a high volume in shipments, he

    tied this by introducing the UPS custom-made envelopes. He described to Alice that they

    could customize and design their own envelopes and packages using their own logo or any

    other feature. Josh used the sell-sheet literatures and the new agreement to support his


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    Call 2:

    Josh presented the “smart pick-up” service by allocating a proposal that can be suitable to

    UTC’s budget. Features were presented by describing the pros that comes with the service:

    software to send bills electronically, BOL’s, printable return labels, etc., and of course, the

    custom-made envelopes and packages. He tied these together by addressing that UPS does

    one time pick-up daily, normally after business hours. In addition, Josh mentioned that the

     purchaser does not have to separate packages; “we will take care of organizing them for

     you!” The benefits addressed were that UPS would be saving them half of their cost and time

    sorting their packages, making their work more productively. Josh supported his presentation

     by using testimonials and samples to engage some source of excitement.

    8.  Discuss the objections raised by the customer, how the salesperson handled them and

    whether or not the buyer felt each was overcome to his satisfaction. What methods

    were used? How does the list of actual objections compare to the list of anticipated


    Call 1:

    Some objections raised by Mrs. Young from GOAA were related to the product. Clearly,

    she could not make all the decisions by herself, but she needed more information to review

    with the rest of the decision group. Josh agreed to send her some additional information and

    left with her a copy of the agreement along with a pricing sheet. Josh used the compensation

    method  to address her concerns, and explained to her that she’s spending more money and

    that it would affect them in the future. Josh did very well pointing out the perks of

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    transferring their entire shipment subdivision into UPS. The actual objections and the

    anticipated objections were roughly similar due to previous engagements.

    Call 2:

    Some objections raised by Carlos were related to price and product. Knowing that Carlos

    has a deadline, which is March 26, to make a decision, I noted he was very calm and did not

    want to go crazy before committing to transition to UPS. He honestly asked Josh to send him

    some shipping samples and that he would like to discuss further details with the other

    members that plays part of the decision. Josh agreed to send him an e-mail and left him a

    copy of the pricing proposal. During this part I noticed two methods used by Josh, the 

    compensation and the pass-up method . Josh pointed out the perks from using the “smart

     pick-up” service and explained to him that his competition (FedEx) does multiple pick-ups a

    day and that they do not separate their packages for them. He clarified the advantages of UPS

     by establishing value, telling Carlos that one of the things he always looks for is quality and

    service. Anticipated and actual objections were closely similar.

    9.  Did you hear any trial closes? What where they? Were they effective?

    Call 1:

    I think since the relationship between Alice and Josh is well-established, Alice told him

    that if she was the only one making all the decisions, she would said yes, but unfortunately

    she has to rely on other members. I did hear some trial closes from Josh and those were: “can

    we do a collective meeting for next Wednesday? Can you ensure every decision member

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    would be attending this meeting?” I believe this was an effective and smart move because he

    got Alice to agree.

    Call 2:

    Definitely in this meeting! Josh was very direct and upfront. He knew that Carlos is going

    to do something about it to meet UTC needs sooner rather than later, and he believes UPS

    services would fulfill them. So Josh asked Carlos what frame time do they want to work on,

    then listed and defined decision dates for all of the small decisions they need to make, like

    when they want a proposal, when they want the shipping samples. That is how they came out

    with the March 26 deadline. His technique was definitely very effective!

    10. What did your mentor do to close? What method(s) did he use? How did the buyer

    respond? If the buyer hesitated, how did your mentor handle it? Were the goals of the

    sales call met? Keep in mind that closing isn’t always asking for money or “the

    business” at the end of the sales call. It could be asking for any number of

    commitments from the buyer (next meeting, agreement to try out the product, etc.).

    Call 1: 

    Josh closed the meeting by gaining an upfront commitment to meet with Alice and the

    rest of the decision members by next Wednesday. The method used in this closing was the

    direct request . The next meeting would consist of an informational and collective session that

    would help clarify any concerns that may be faced regarding UPS’s inability to control all

    shippers. I believe the goal of this meeting was met because Josh got the next meeting with

    all of the decision members.

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    Call 2: 

    During the whole time in this meeting Josh was using closing trials to gain a commitment

    to a next meeting. The methods used by Josh were the benefit summary, and the balance

    sheet. As mentioned in the previous questions, Josh demonstrated interest in helping UTC by

    setting deadlines so that they don’t feel like he just wants to win their business but instead to

    keep their relationship. He also illustrated the implementation cost and worked together with

    Carlos to come up with a plan that best suits them. Although, I am not entirely sure if I

    completely understood the thematic closing part, both seemed to agree a next meeting is


    11. Explain the follow up that is required as a result of the sales call.

    Call 1:

    As a result of this meeting, Josh should follow-up with Alice Young at the end of the

    week to ensure the meeting with the decision group of Greater Orlando Aviation Authority is

    still on. Another requirement that Josh should consider is to send her the information that she

    requested to review, including samples of the UPS custom-made envelopes and issues

    strategies; additionally, prepare a little more and, bring more supportive documents to

    convince the executive board that UPS can handle and control all of their shipment sectors.

    Call 2:

    As a result of this meeting, Josh should follow-up with Carlos Manresa to coordinate a

    date and time to meet again. Right after the meeting, Josh should had sent an e-mail to Carlos

    touching base on everything that was discussed along with the shipping samples that Carlos

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    requested. He should also make sure everyone who plans to be part of the important process

    attends the next meeting. Additionally, he should prepare a non-disclosure agreement and get

    the signature if UPS can work with UTC’s budget.

    12. What was the buyer’s social style? What clues led you to this conclusion? What did the

    sales rep do to adapt?

    Call 1:

    Based on my own observations, Alice Young, Records Management Specialist at Greater

    Orlando Aviation Authority, is an analytical person. She appears to be concerned with the

     past as an indication of future events. Alice is approachable, friendly, and enthusiastic.

    Because she is strongly motivated to make the right decisions, she’s cautious in a deliberate

    and disciplined manner. Additionally, she wants to test services before committing to

    transition to UPS. Josh used solid, tangible evidence like the sell-sheet to adapt to the buyer’s

    social style.

    Call 2:

    Based on my observations, Carlos Manresa, Vice President Freight Air at UCT Overseas,

    is an expressive person. He is approachable, intuitive, and competitive. He seem interested in

     personal relationships. Although he wants to take risks and make a fast, quick decision, he

    knows that he needs to set deadlines and seek factual statements. Josh adapted to the buyer’s

    social style by demonstrating how UPS services will help UTC achieve their business status.

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    13. What nonverbal communication did you notice during the sales call on the part of the

    buyer and seller? What do you think was being communicated by these nonverbal?

    Call 1:

    In this case, both the buyer and the seller enable some source of active listening by

    demonstrating an interest in what was being communicated. They continually repeated

    important highlights, clarified them, and concentrated on the solution. Another nonverbal

    signal I noticed from Josh was that he tolerated silence in order to give Mrs. Young time to

    think whether the decision is right. On the other hand, Mrs. Young emphasized interest by

    sitting at a straight angle, putting her arms on the table, and facing Joshua’s tenacious

    approach, likewise, using interest signals, like an eager tone of voice.

    Call 2:

    From the seller side, Joshua’s professional appearance determines that he was positive,

    which gets the customer to trust him. Another nonverbal communication I observed was

    concentrating on the ideas being communicated , which means working together to

    accomplish the same objective. They both used hand movements, especially the open hands

    communication, indicating openness and receptivity. From the buyer side, I detected some

    self-touching gestures giving positive signals, indicating interest in what Josh was saying.

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    14. Who were the influencers of this decision, inside or outside of the sales call? Did the

    buyer make mention of any other individuals (inside his company, from a competitor of

    yours, etc.) and if so, in what context (need to check with them, heard they had a better

    deal, etc.)?

    Call 1:

    At our first meeting with GOAA, Alice Young was somewhat the decision-maker. Her

    responsibility is to provide access to accurate records for a range of operational and strategic

     purposes and ensure that legal obligations are met. On the contrary, when there is a complex

    situation like the implementation of a new shipping and logistics provider, then she needs to

    consult with the rest of the decision members and see if this is something they want to

     pursue. Josh knew Alice could not make a decision right away, and that is why he got Alice

    to agree that a collective meeting is required.

    Call 2: 

    At the meeting with UTC Overseas, the decision maker was Carlos Manresa, VP Air

    Freight. His role is to manage and administer the corporate supply chain, set up and grow

    new businesses, providing both domestic and international shipping solutions. The anxieties

    or concerns that Carlos needs to analyze with his team are price, the operational/functional

    expertise, and the provided system support.

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    15. What feedback did your mentor give you after the call was over? Was this indicative of

    a typical call? If not, how was it different?

    Call 1:

    As we were heading to the next meeting, Josh pointed out some UPS sales positions,

    indicating that each one is specialized in different shipping services and areas. For example,

    Josh is in charge of managing air freight deliveries in the Central Florida District. He

    suggested to sit with Steve and discuss further opportunities. The piece of advice I took from

    this call was to never give up, regardless of how complex the situation is, because we never

    know when they might need our services, even if it’s just stopping by their office and say hi.

    Call 2:

    The feedback that Josh offered me after this meeting was that wherever I go to do

     business, recognize that my prospect is already doing business with someone else- “be direct,

    don’t use tricks, and help them buy the way they want to.” And the only way to get my

    competition fired is to find the possibilities on price and product being unlikely upon service.

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