Central Office in Holdingford Hours: Mon.-Wed. 10 to 3, Thurs. 1 to 5 Website: tworiverscatholic.com Office: (320) 228-0105 Father: (320)228-0110 In case of emergency or a death, call Father at the Rectory 746-2231. Parish Pastoral Team Father Gregory Mastey, Pastor Kristin Molitor, New Evangelization Coordinator [email protected] Shirley Willoughby, Business Manager Office hours: Wed. 10 to 3 p.m. [email protected] Jessie Johnson, Secretary [email protected] Confession Times: Before weekday Masses at 7:30 a.m. Saturday: 7:30 p.m. St. Anna Marriage: Couples are to begin preparation 6-12 months in advance and must call the Central Office to meet with Father Gregory before setting a date. Diocesan Marriage Preparation Classes are required. Baptism: Call to schedule Baptism. A baptism class is offered quarterly. Shut-Ins: Please call us. New Parishioners: Please introduce yourself to Father after Mass and call the Central Office. If you are leaving our parishes please call the central office so we can update our census. Thank you. P.O. Box 308, Holdingford, MN 56340 The Catholic Communities of Bowlus, Holdingford and St. Anna St. Stanislaus Kostka, Bowlus All Saints, Holdingford Immaculate Conception, St. Anna The Third Sunday in Ordinary Time January 27, 2019 Miscarriage Ministry Saint Thomas A Q U I N A S Miscarriage occurs in between 15-20% of all pregnancies. It is a traumatic loss the needs to be grieved, but is often overlooked by many. In addition, parents who have miscarried are often met with hurtful comments from others that can leave them feeling alone. The loss of a child, whether born or unborn leaves lingering pain and grief. The Church offers a variety of healing ministries to help parents going through the process of grief. Fr. Gregory provides ministries for couples facing the pain of miscarriage, whether the loss of the child was recently, or even, many years ago. Many couples still carry the pain of the loss after many years, and find that certain things can help to grieve and deal with the loss. We’re sorry for your loss. It’s a real loss. As soon as couples conceive, they invest their dreams in their child. As a Church, we believe that a new human being is created at conception, and therefore e we need to do something when that child is lost. It’s a real baby. Man people in our parishes have losses. Know that the church is here for you. What should you do if you’ve suffered a miscarriage? *Call the priest. The priest would be happy to pray with you, to bless you, and bless your future fertility. Know that we can also offer a funeral and burial no matter how young or small the child is. *If you have the remains, the priest would be happy to provide a Funeral Mass or service, and a place within the local cemetery where you can bury and memorialize you child, a place where you can visit and pray. *Many parents say that naming their child is helpful in the mourning process. Each child has a unique identity. A name allows you to remember your child in a tangible way to promote healing. It’s never too late to name your child. *The St. Cloud Hospital also offers a prayer service and burial every May and October. Call 251-2700, ext. 54621 for more information. Keep all these couples in prayer and recognize that it’s not always easy for couples to conceive and have children.

Saint The Catholic Communities of Bowlus, Holdingford and ...Jan 01, 2019  · In case of emergency or a death, call Father at the Rectory 746-2231. ... *Call the priest. The priest

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Page 1: Saint The Catholic Communities of Bowlus, Holdingford and ...Jan 01, 2019  · In case of emergency or a death, call Father at the Rectory 746-2231. ... *Call the priest. The priest

Central Office in Holdingford Hours: Mon.-Wed. 10 to 3, Thurs. 1 to 5 Website: tworiverscatholic.com Office: (320) 228-0105 Father: (320)228-0110 In case of emergency or a death, call Father at the Rectory 746-2231. Parish Pastoral Team Father Gregory Mastey, Pastor Kristin Molitor, New Evangelization Coordinator [email protected] Shirley Willoughby, Business Manager Office hours: Wed. 10 to 3 p.m. [email protected] Jessie Johnson, Secretary [email protected] Confession Times: Before weekday Masses at 7:30 a.m. Saturday: 7:30 p.m. St. Anna Marriage: Couples are to begin preparation 6-12 months in advance and must call the Central Office to meet with Father Gregory before setting a date. Diocesan Marriage Preparation Classes are required. Baptism: Call to schedule Baptism. A baptism class is offered quarterly. Shut-Ins: Please call us. New Parishioners: Please introduce yourself to Father after Mass and call the Central Office. If you are leaving our parishes please call the central office so we can update our census. Thank you.

P.O. Box 308, Holdingford, MN 56340

The Catholic Communities of Bowlus, Holdingford and St. Anna

St. Stanislaus Kostka, Bowlus All Saints, Holdingford

Immaculate Conception, St. Anna The Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

January 27, 2019

Miscarriage Ministry

Saint Thomas


Miscarriage occurs in between 15-20% of all pregnancies. It is a traumatic loss the needs to be grieved, but is often overlooked by many. In addition, parents who have miscarried are often met with hurtful comments from others that can leave them feeling alone. The loss of a child, whether born or unborn leaves lingering pain and grief. The Church offers a variety of healing ministries to help parents going through the process of grief. Fr. Gregory provides ministries for couples facing the pain of miscarriage, whether the loss of the child was recently, or even, many years ago. Many couples still carry the pain of the loss after many years, and find that certain things can help to grieve and deal with the loss. We’re sorry for your loss. It’s a real loss. As soon as couples conceive, they invest their dreams in their child. As a Church, we believe that a new human being is created at conception, and therefore e we need to do something when that child is lost. It’s a real baby. Man people in our parishes have losses. Know that the church is here for you. What should you do if you’ve suffered a miscarriage? *Call the priest. The priest would be happy to pray with you, to bless you, and bless your future fertility. Know that we can also offer a funeral and burial no matter how young or small the child is.

*If you have the remains, the priest would be happy to provide a Funeral Mass or service, and a place within the local cemetery where you can bury and memorialize you child, a place where you can visit and pray.

*Many parents say that naming their child is helpful in the mourning process. Each child has a unique identity. A name allows you to remember your child in a tangible way to promote healing. It’s never too late to name your child.

*The St. Cloud Hospital also offers a prayer service and burial every May and October. Call 251-2700, ext. 54621 for more information. Keep all these couples in prayer and recognize that it’s not always easy for couples to conceive and have children.

Page 2: Saint The Catholic Communities of Bowlus, Holdingford and ...Jan 01, 2019  · In case of emergency or a death, call Father at the Rectory 746-2231. ... *Call the priest. The priest

Prayer Lines: All Saints: Ramona Fedor 746-2395 Kathleen Ebnet 746-2227 St. Anna: Shirley Schwalbe 356-7209 Christine Maleska 356-7246 St. Stanislaus: Arlene Beniek 584-5235

The Healing Power of God

Eucaristic Adoration Every Monday All Saints-St. Mary’s 8:00 a.m.– 10:00 p.m. Every Saturday St. Stanislaus Kostka 6:00 a.m.– 6:00 p.m. Daily Mass Eucharistic Adoration is also held for one hour following daily Mass on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. No Adoration if there is a funeral on that day. Confession and the Rosary begin 1/2 hour before Mass.

New Evangelization Corner Upcoming prayer opportunities for women: Lenten Book Study This Lent, all women are invited to join our Women’s Group as we prayerfully read the book “Walk in Her Sandals: Experiencing Christ’s Passion through the Eyes of Women.” This book, edited by Kelly Wahlquist, will take us on a prayerful journey through the days of Holy Week, Easter, and Pentecost. Women’s Group will continue to meet at 7 p.m. on the first and third Monday’s of the month, but we will be relocating to Holdingford since it is a more central location (the exact site in Holdingford still needs to be determined). Our book study will begin on March 4th. If you are interested in joining us, please contact Kristin by February 21 to ensure you get your copy of the book.

Women’s Worship Night This Eucharistic Holy Hour will be held at St. Mary’s Church in Upsala on February 10th at 7:00 p.m. The evening will include praise and worship music as well as scripture meditations to help you grow closer to Jesus. Snacks and fellowship will follow the Holy Hour. ~Kristin Molitor

This Week’s Events

Teckla Scegura Donald Wenderski Connie Young

Lee Bieniek Marcie Selinski Kieran Kloss

Jim Czech Katie Yurczyk Judy Schehr

Tyson Myers Matt Myers Reagan Zierdan

LeRoy Johannes Nancy Bieniek Evelyn Trettel

Cayden Van Norman Jerome Ebnet Brenda Dobis

Arnold Voss Florence Voss Louise Bieniek

Melissa Scepurek

Remember in prayer all who are in need of the Lord’s Healing and Strength

Watch on formed.org

Elements of the Catholic Mass This series was just added and it serves as a great follow-up from our GIFT night on the signs and symbols of the Mass. Elements of the Catholic Mass consists of thirty-one beautifully produced short videos. As a FORMED subscriber, you can access all of the episodes in season one. Each episode comes with a discussion guide with references so it is ideal for personal faith formation or group discussion.

Sun. January 27 All Saints-St. Mary’s After Mass– 10 minutes of prayer for unity 6:30 p.m. Living Rosary All Saints-St. Hedwig’s 1:00 p.m. Pinewood Derby Immaculate Conception 7:00 p.m. Parish Bazaar Meeting

Mon. January 28 Adoration

Tues. January 29

Wed. January 30 St. Stanislaus Faith Formation 7:00 p.m. make Valentine’s with our Youth Immaculate Conception Faith Formation 6:45 p.m. reenactment of St. Simon’s Story All are welcome to attend!

Thur. January 31

Sat. February 2 St. Stanislaus Adoration All Saints-St. Mary’s 8:00 a.m. Men’s Prayer Group

Sun. February 3

Fri. February 1

Page 3: Saint The Catholic Communities of Bowlus, Holdingford and ...Jan 01, 2019  · In case of emergency or a death, call Father at the Rectory 746-2231. ... *Call the priest. The priest

Knights of Columbus

News & Events

Seek Jesus in all things

Weekly Readings Monday: Heb 9:15. 24-28/ Mk 3:22-30 Tuesday:Heb 10:1-10/Mk 3:31-35 Wednesday: Heb 10:11-18/ Mk 4:1-20 Thursday: Heb 10:19-25/ Mk 4:21-25 Friday: Heb 10:32-39/Mk 4:26-34 Saturday: Mal 3:1-4/Heb 2:14-18/ Lk 2:22-40 or 2:22-32 Sunday: Jer 1:4-5, 17-19/1 Cor

12:31-13—13:4-13/Lk 4:21-30


Financial Contributions PARISH INCOME January 20, 2019 _______________ AS $ 3,685.50 IC $ 986.00 SS $ 3,646.31

Thank you for your generosity! For where your treasure is, there also will

your heart be.” —Luke 12: 34

St. Isidore Council January 27th, Living Rosary at 6:30 p.m. All Saints-St. Mary’s February 7th Monthly Meeting at 8:00 p.m. All Saints-St. Mary’s Annual Game Feed after the meeting! Grand Knight, Jayme Panek 290-7752 St. Gregory Council January 25th-31st Movie: Gosnell The story of a Dr. Kermit Gosnell, who was convicted of murder due to unethical practices in his abortion clinic. Movie will be showing at the Falls Theater, Little Falls MN. The Knights encourage everyone to attend. Feb. 5th Monthly Meeting at 8 p.m. St. Stanislaus, Bowlus

Newly Baptized Kylee Marie Fussy Daughter of Chris and Kelsie January 20th, 2019 St. Stanislaus Kostka

All Saints Funeral Luncheon Group

Our parishes have been trying to become united in all aspects of our community life, and Father Mastey has encouraged our funeral lunch groups to also become united. This project has been on-going for a good part 2018. Our goal is to have it com-pleted this March. At this time ALL parish-ioners are members of the funeral lunch program. If you were not a member in the past, but are a parishioner of All Saint's parish, you will now be called to serve. When you are contacted, you will be asked to work the day before or the day of the funeral, or bring baked goods or pickles. If you are unable to help in any of these ways, a $20.00 donation will be suggested.

At this time, what we need are group lead-ers to come forward. The responsibility of a leader is as follows: call workers to either work, bring food items, or monetary dona-tion; and to be in the kitchen the day of the funeral to oversee the preparation and serving of the lunch, and also the cleanup. Please note, leaders will not be responsible for purchasing groceries. As of now, leaders have come forward to have 7 groups. It would be ideal to have enough leaders to have 14 groups so each group would only have to serve about once a year. If you would be interested in only calling workers or overseeing the prepara-tion, that would be great also. We are also looking to create a sub list to call on, if needed. If you are willing to be on this list, please let us know.

If the Holy Spirit is inspiring you to step forward please answer the call. This is an opportunity right here in your own parish to perform a corporal work of mercy and to be part of community. Let us go forward with a positive attitude as if Jesus was in our group and we couldn't wait to work beside Him. Please call Judy Heitzman at 746-2361 or Joan Frie at 746-2392 to step forward and answer the call.

May Eternal Rest Be Granted to Alfred Molus Funeral was

January 24, 2019 Immaculate Conception

Blessing of our new statue Pope Saint John Paul ll Sunday, January 27th after Mass at St. Stanislaus, Bowlus

Watch St. John Paul ll and the Joy of Living Children’s Video Pope John Paul ll, Movie by Ignatius Press John Paul ll, A Documentary by Ignatius Press John Paul the Great, A Documentary by Rome Reports Listen Saint John Paul the Great by Jason Evert The Second Greatest Story Ever Told by Fr. Michael Gaitley Study Divine Mercy, Episode 5: Proclaim This Message 33 Days to Morning Glory: Week 4: Pope St. John Paul ll Register for FORMED at: http://tworiverscatholic.formed.org

Saint John Paul ll

Learn more on FORMED

Page 4: Saint The Catholic Communities of Bowlus, Holdingford and ...Jan 01, 2019  · In case of emergency or a death, call Father at the Rectory 746-2231. ... *Call the priest. The priest

Parish News & Events

Pray the Rosary

Catholic United Financial M I N I S T R E E Community service rooted in faith

Look here for suggestions for our MinisTree Program. When completing a task fill out one of the MinisTree cards found in the back of church and turn it into the Central Office or collection basket. If more than one person is helping with the task, each should fill out a card.

All Saints All Saints Building Committee update: Parishioner responses regarding the future of our churches: This is the last week for responses. If you are going to respond, you must include your name and phone number. We will be praying 10 minutes after Masses for Unity. If we build-is there anyone interested in donating 5 acres in the City of Holdingford limits or interested in selling it to us? Please contact Bob Pueringer 746-2492 by January 31st, 2019. Thank you. No future planning and unity will happen correctly without Prayer! All Saints Christian Women/Rosary Sodality Next meeting is on February 4th at All Saints-St. Hedwig’s at 7 p.m. starting with the Rosary. We are looking for quilters. Come learn a new skill ! All are welcome. Call Teresa Ripplinger 573-2265 if interested. Immaculate Conception There will be a Parish Bazaar planning meeting on January 27th At 7:00 p.m. in the church basement, St. Anna. All those who are chairpersons of a stand are expected to attend. Thank you to Tina VanHeel who has done so much work volunteering for the Bazaar. She is stepping down as Chair of the Silent Auction. Please prayerfully consider if this is a position for you. Anyone interested in learning about how they can help with this popular event is welcome to attend the meeting. Christian Mothers next meeting will be Monday, February 11th at 7:00 p.m. in the church basement starting with the Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Members and non members are invited. Dues can be paid after the meeting or put in the collection in an Envelope marked “St. Anna Christian Mothers.” All Cluster Divine Mercy: The Second Greatest Story Ever Told All are welcome to participate in our cluster-wide study on Divine Mercy. This ten-week study, which includes some history of Poland and how Divine Mercy began, will be an excellent opportunity to both deepen your faith during the Lenten season and prepare you for the Feast of Divine Mercy on April 28th. We will meet on Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. at the All Saints - St. Hedwig’s Faith Formation Building. Our sessions will begin on February 27 and conclude on May 9th. Contact the central office to register. .

Baptism Classes 2019 This class is required with the Baptism of your first child and will be held four times a year on the second Sunday of the months of : January 13th, April 7th, July 14th and October 13th at 11:30 a.m. in the Central Office. Please contact the Central Office to sign up.

Women’s Night of Worship Feb. 10, 2019 at St. Mary’s Church in Upsala

Mass at 6:30 p.m. Worship hour 7-8:00 p.m.

refreshments to follow. All women welcome to attend!

Honoring Marriage Day, Saturday, May 4 at the Cathedral of Saint Mary in Saint Cloud at 1:30 p.m. for couples celebrating their 5th, 25th, 40th,50th, 60th or 60-plus anniversaries in 2019. Please contact Jan at the Office of Marriage & Family, 305 7th Avenue North, Suite 100, Saint Cloud, MN 56303 email [email protected] or(320) 252-4721 if you would like to attend.

Valentine’s Day Mass and Dinner

February 14th at St. Stanislaus Mass: 5:30 p.m. with dinner to follow. To buy tickets: Contact Tom Fussy 232-5703, visit Psych’s Grocery, or purchase either after Sunday Mass in Bowlus or at the Central Office. Tickets: $15 Everyone welcome to attend!

Catholic Men’s Conference Saturday, February 23, 2019

Sacred Heart Church in Sauk Rapids.

8:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.

This year’s theme is :"Men of Integrity, Mentoring Disciples," with an emphasis on evangelizing youth and young adults. Our keynote speaker will be Deacon Ralph Poyo. For more information visit: http://omf.stcdio.org/th_event/catholic-mens-conference-2019/. Lunch 11:30 a.m. Confessions from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. As a volunteer, you are invited to attend at no cost. Register by February [email protected]

Page 5: Saint The Catholic Communities of Bowlus, Holdingford and ...Jan 01, 2019  · In case of emergency or a death, call Father at the Rectory 746-2231. ... *Call the priest. The priest

Faith Formation & GIFT (Generations In Faith Together)

Mass Schedule Mon. Jan. 28

Saint Thomas Aquinas, Priest & Doctor of the Church 8:00 a.m. St. Stanislaus

Tues. Jan. 29

Weekday 7:00 p.m. Immaculate Conception

Wed. Jan. 30

Weekday 8:00 a.m. All Saints-St. Hedwig’s

Thurs. Jan. 31

Saint John Basco, Priest 8:00 a.m. Immaculate Conception

Fri. Feb. 1

Weekday No Mass

Sat. Feb. 2

The Presentation of the Lord 8:00 p.m. Immaculate Conception

Sun. Feb. 3

The Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 a.m. All Saints-St. Mary’s 10:00 a.m. St. Stanislaus

+Dennis Barton

In Thanksgiving for kindness given to Deacon Jerome Roth

+Dave Litchy

In Thanksgiving for Alisha Bergraff No Adoration after Mass 9:00 a.m Mass at Seven Dolors in Albany For Catholic Schools Week

First Friday

First Saturday +Eugene Symanietz

World Day for Consecrated Life +Ervin Platz For the people

St. Simon Stock and the gift of the Holy Scapular.

All are welcome to join the Immaculate Conception Faith

Formation students for a Reenactment of St. Simon’s story where St. Simon receives the gift

of the scapular from the Blessed Mother Mary.

January 30th at 6:45 p.m. at the Faith Formation Building.

Support our youth to grow in their Faith! For questions Contact Kim Roth-Koning


Valentine’s Cards

Please contact Cindy Fussy 584-5982 if you would like to join the St. Stanislaus Faith Formation students in making Valentine’s Cards for the St. Otto’s Nursing Home residents on January 30th at 7:00 p.m.

Save the Date: Totus Tuus: June 8th –14th Diocesan Vocation Pilgrimage Bus: June 18th-20th Avon Vocation Camp: June 24th–26th Youth Pilgrimage: To be announced

Grow in your Faith this summer!

Keep in your prayers students attending


summer 2019 We are not offering it this summer but

they will be traveling with a parish in St. Cloud.

Matthew Mead Andrew Mead Therese Mead Marissa Throener Grace Throener Jessica Vouk Katelyn Vouk

Continue to pray for those attending World Youth Day in Panama City January 22-29th.

Page 6: Saint The Catholic Communities of Bowlus, Holdingford and ...Jan 01, 2019  · In case of emergency or a death, call Father at the Rectory 746-2231. ... *Call the priest. The priest

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