Strategy and Teams FZ LLC |[email protected] | +971 (0) 50 4505317| Page 1 of 6 STRATEGY AND TEAMS FZ LLC - PROFILE We are a graphic facilitation company and we facilitate strategy workshops, conferences, run team building events and training courses for corporate groups. We bring a unique blend of creativity, innovation, efficiency and professionalism to Strategy and Teams. Alongside facilitating Strategy and Teams we also have professional training workshops such as Emotional Intelligence, Business Ethics, Change management, Leadership & Influence and Train- The-Trainer. For the list of courses please visit Workshop on www.strategyandteams.com We use technology to enhance the experience which is also available for rent. A voting system that works live and in real time allowing participants to provide immediate, accurate responses to questions, quizzes and surveys using their individual voting keypads. The results are displayed instantaneously in graphical format, providing a truly interactive meeting! Please visit our voting website www.votingsystemforrent.com to know more. Price for renting: 50 per keypad + Design & Setup + Event Specialist.

S T FZ LLC P - Voting · Strategy and Teams FZ LLC |[email protected] | +971 (0) 50 4505317| Page 2 of 6 Team Building Here is a quick team building activity for you and your

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Strategy and Teams FZ LLC |[email protected] | +971 (0) 50 4505317| Page 1 of 6


We are a graphic facilitation company and we facilitate strategy workshops, conferences, run team

building events and training courses for corporate groups. We bring a unique blend of creativity,

innovation, efficiency and professionalism to Strategy and Teams.

Alongside facilitating Strategy and Teams we also have professional training workshops such as

Emotional Intelligence, Business Ethics, Change management, Leadership & Influence and Train -

The-Trainer. For the list of courses please visit Workshop on www.strategyandteams.com

We use technology to enhance the experience which is also available for rent. A voting system that

works live and in real time allowing participants to provide immediate, accurate responses to

questions, quizzes and surveys using their individual voting keypads. The results are displayed

instantaneously in graphical format, providing a truly interactive meeting! Please visit our voting

website www.votingsystemforrent.com to know more. Price for renting: 50 per keypad + Design &

Setup + Event Specialist.

Strategy and Teams FZ LLC |[email protected] | +971 (0) 50 4505317| Page 2 of 6

Team Building

Here is a quick team building activity for you and your team. Do this first on your own and then

invite your team to do it as small groups of 2-5 people.

Task: Place these 7 team building stages in sequential order. A tip- 4 is input (creating) stages and

3 are output (sustaining) stages.

• Renewal - why continue?

• Orientation-why am I a member of the team?

• High Performance- Wow

• Implementation-who does what, when and where?

• Goal Role Clarity- what are we doing?

• Trust Building - who are you?

• Commitment-how will we do it?

Task: Now get your teams to see if they can put these team building stages in a sequence.

What was their result and was it different from yours?

Which stages are neglected in your team and why?

What stage are your teams spending most of their time in?

"Strategy and Teams" will facilitate Team Building Workshops and Retreats to address these issues.

We will provide a complete range of services, from facilitation through capacity building,

communication design and high end graphic tools (Team Performance System of Drexler/Sibbet)

Task: If you were to draw a picture of your team-what would it look like now? What do you want

the team image, reputation and brand to look like in a year from now?

We have both indoor and outdoor activities.

Strategy and Teams FZ LLC |[email protected] | +971 (0) 50 4505317| Page 3 of 6

Strategy Facilitation

Can each member of your senior team tell you the top 5 bold steps that your strategy will be

focusing on in the next year, three(3) years and five (5) years. Can they also tell you their

departmental steps to help achieve the company’s 5 bold steps?

We can help facilitate Strategic Workshops, so you can ensure that the "story" you are all telling is

aligned and practical with a plan.

At "Strategy and Teams" we use internationally recognised, highly customisable tools and

processes to generate dialogue, create alignment, articulate a vision, and catalyse action.

We will help your team to see the big picture and move toward its desired future using our skills,

creativity and high-impact graphic tools.

The majority of our facilitation work has its roots in Strategic Visioning and we use tools from “The

Grove Consultants International"

We specialise in senior leadership gatherings, as well as rolling these messages out to the rest of

the organisation - Top down. We do this "with you" and not "to you".

Leadership Workshops – "Strategy and Teams" offers a high-level facilitation team who develop

customized leadership interventions that align senior teams and inspire break-through thinking.

Strategy and Teams FZ LLC |[email protected] | +971 (0) 50 4505317| Page 4 of 6

Conference Facilitation

Your conference is an extremely important communication platform that is a fantastic opportunity

to align and renew.

Wouldn’t it be great if everyone who walked away from the conference was blown away, not by

the expensive gifts or food but by the messages and engagement around these key business


We will help you to create the platforms for participation that enable your teams to meet your

brand and facilitate understanding of your vision.

Strategy and Teams will bring your teams together and create a "serious but fun" atmosphere.

Business Simulations

Simulations are among the most powerful and beneficial of

leadership development techniques because they are based in

action and practical application. Participants are stimulated to

think creatively and work in teams, and most importantly apply

the knowledge and skills they have learned in concrete and life-

like, but risk-free, situations. Through strategic management

simulations, skills are developed in executives that equip them to

devise and execute market-focused strategies better, and to utilize a range of variables and

methods that will drive growth in the real world.

- We have over 50 Business Simulation Activities

- Risk free learning

- You could compress a year of business into a two (2) hour session

- Massive learning curve

Strategy and Teams FZ LLC |[email protected] | +971 (0) 50 4505317| Page 5 of 6

Motivational Speaker

We run motivational speeches for 30 minutes to 2 hours. Topics as follows:

- Leadership MBA

- Coaching MBA

- Crafting Strategy MBA

We use practical tool the audience can take away and use immediately to improve themselves.

Each person will identify the needs of the team, the individual, the task and come up with a high

level action plan. All of these sessions have excellent feedback and are a great use of time.

Watch your thoughts; they become words.

Watch your words; they become actions.

Watch your actions; they become habits.

Watch your habits; they become character.

Watch your character; it becomes your destiny


About the Speaker:

Mark Allan is Managing Director, Founder and Senior Facilitator. He is a degree holder and has more than 16

years’ experience with Consulting, Training & Development and Facilitation having key expertise in designing and

delivering comprehensive projects related to:

Leadership Development

Culture Creation and Implementation

Strategic Visioning

Coaching Courses

Team Success Strategies

Customer Service

Mark has gained key expertise in the area of visual facilitation and understands how to get the best from Teams

and permeate this to a living strategy and Culture throughout the organization.

As a Senior Performance Consultant in the Middle East since 1998 Mark has diagnosed, designed, delivered and

developed organisation’s in KSA, South Africa, UK, France, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, Morocco, Central Africa, and


Strategy and Teams FZ LLC |[email protected] | +971 (0) 50 4505317| Page 6 of 6

Training Workshops

Administrative Support Anger Management Assertiveness And Self-Confidence

Attention Management Body Language Basics Business Ethics*

Business Succession Planning Business Writing Call Center Training

Change Management * Civility In The Workplace Coaching And Mentoring *

Communication Strategies * Conflict Resolution Creative Problem Solving

Critical Thinking Customer Service * Delivering Constructive Criticism

Emotional Intelligence * Employee Motivation * Employee Onboarding

Facilitation Skills Generation Gaps Human Resource Management

Interpersonal Skills Knowledge Management Leadership And Influence *

Measuring Results From Training Media And Public Relations Meeting Management

Middle Manager Negotiation Skills Office Politics for Managers

Overcoming Sales Objections Performance Management Personal Productivity

Presentation Skills Project Management Proposal Writing

Public Speaking Safety In The Workplace Sales Fundamentals *

Stress Management Strategy Workshop * Supervising Others

Supply Chain Management Talent Management Teamwork And Team Building *

Time Management * Train-The-Trainer * Work-Life Balance

Workplace Diversity * Workplace Harassment

Our most popular workshops. Duration per workshop: 8 hours per day x 2 days = 16 hours. *

Workshops can be combined accordingly.

Some of Our Clients