I iTT T1I71TIY T I T Pk IL x w i SO nn CJJ 1 J L I L 1 ji rsMrJ3 Ed Mitchell will entertain the i Club Saturday II 1JfoJ s t 51 5 Literary and Social v Miss l3ara Goodloe Benton will in teret the Literary and so i I Thursday with a most alCIUIonj gram om = Longfellow J t s Euchre Club > Mrs John Clelland will tie hostess for the Euchre Club on Thursday r afternoon at the home of Mrs Fiank P Pendletou pn College street v Fortnightly Club the Fortnightly Literary Clubwill meet with Mrs Rezin M Scobee on next Monday afternoon r 4 I Auditorium a Everybody be sure and come to the Auditorium There are large do- t ipgs The broom ball game last j i night wasgreat r t r r r rA Scatter Sunshine The Christmas holidays are over c and the beginning of another chapter ia slur lives has begun What will 1 we make out of it 1 Already many o its have made new resolutions and let us put forth every effort to im prove ourselves and be a help to tiv ery1 i6ne we can We little realize what a sunshine we mi wer will only smile and always have a pleasant word for those aroundus Many ofus have had grievous dis- appointments t but these should only mellow our dispositions andmake us piQr lhoughtful of others Possibly before the close of the r year ogle of us will have passed to the other shore of the River so let iis itfake the remaining chapters ourlives as sappy and pleasant as possible 4 i i PERSONALS x Mrs William M Robb and son William left Saturday for Barton NiFla tospend the winter 1 Mrs W A Hieatt and children left Tuesday afternoon for California to v make their home there Mr Hieatt yill follow later f Mrs John Clelland has returned home after a most delightful visit in Louisville Mr W D Rashof Lexington spent Tuesday in town I r Miss Anna C Goff of Lexington spent Tuesday iatown ffiss Julia Graves and Mrs Ella t Rounsavall left today for Texas hud r Mexico to spend the winter t Mr Hugh Meguiar of St Peters- burg Fla is ill Mr and Airs Clarance Boswell f1ae come to town to spend the win ¬ ter and willoccupy the home of Mr and Mrs J Ed Gaitskill in their ab t isenee in Florida f Mr Tom Ogden Jr of West Bend PoWell county is visiting relatives here lIrJ Ed Gaitskill is inat the hpme of his brother Mr S H Gait skill in Mclntosh Fla His many friends mope for a speedy recovery x Mrs W A Beatty spent Tuesday r in Lexington the guest of her sister v Mrs Henry Higgins Miss Amelia Lowe of Lexington 3 istthe attiactiye guest of Miss Dixie Quisenberry Jliss Douglass is the guest of Mrs EdJouettRoger > Smith of Lexington has been the guest of Mrs J W 01 VM Mss Jeannette Tracy will go to Liexington tonight to be the guest of TracyThe will J bet of great interest to many of our < people here Mr Frank Thomson of New Orleans has announced the k engHgement of his Miss f Gay to Mr Ira PoullenClarkor Co ¬ lumbus Ga Miss Thomson is an i unusually attractive and beautiful r girl and is quite wellknown here where she has spent many summers l NEGRO GETS 19 YEARS IN THE PENITENTIARY Robert Stovallj Colored Convicted i On Three Charges at Barboursville ti l BARBOURSVILLE Ky Jan 6 l Robert Stovall a negro was con- victed on three charges in the Knox Circuit Court here and sentenced to the penitentiary for a total of 119 t years He received two sentences of ten years each on the charges of rob > > bery and a sentence jot Jears for murder ninetynineI t A peculiar feature of case 1 that Stovall was placed on trial three threei daysd ¬ ceived a life sentence was committed ttwo weeks at Artemus At that point r officers anda crowdof negroes J fought a battle following efforts of i the posse to serve warrants Of- ficers < Brooks and Smith were killed negrot y + t k 1l OPERA HOUSE Manager Dinelli of the opera house announces that on January 12 he will offer at his popular playhouse A Merry New York Maidwith Miss Elsie Edna Garnella and a company df firstclass players with a fine singing chbrus Unilke many of the farcialcome ¬ dies of the last few years A Merry New York Maid is a serious com ¬ 1is abilityThe gestion of vulgarity and the situa ¬ tion come so quickly one after an ¬ other that due hardly gets a chance to draw his breath for the laugh ts The musical numbers are numerous and are sprinkled all through the piece Every number that is intro ¬ duced is new many of them hay ¬ ing been expressly written for this production The company is a ca- pable ¬ one and embraces several of the best farcical comedy people on the stake today ASODSH w Manager Dinelli received the fol- lowing ¬ letter from Manager Lowther at Mt Pleasant Pa Sil Dinelli manager opera house Winchester Ky Dear SirDont be afraid to boost the Merry New York Maid conipanv They were here last night all fine people and gave a dandy show Wishing you a Happy New Year WW LOWTHER POWDER EXPLOSION KILLS Titf PERSONS Powder AcciilentallyThrown in Grate Wipes Out Nearly Entire Family INEZ Ky Jan 6Three lives were lost in an explosion at the home of Allen Cassel a wealthy planter and Deputy Sheriff of Martin county Monday C s sers wife and son were step1daughter ly afterward son left the house to gather the winters supply of coal at a nearby mine As he was getting ready to blast for the coal Casel found that he had left the powder at home and sent the boy to get it The boy set the now der can near the grate fire He noticed a small white lump in the can and not thinking it to be pow¬ leI threw it into the flames The lump exploded setting the can on Lire and it exploded with great force Mrs Cassel and the boy were in- stantly ¬ killed Cassel hearing the explosion rush ¬ ed back and found the entire house in flames and his wife lying dead in the yard Rushing into the house he pulled the bodies of his boy and step- daughter ¬ from the debris The en- tire ¬ town is in mourning over the catastrophe as Cassel and liiwife were loved and respected by all wlio knew them The house was burned to the ground 4 APPOINTED AS JUDGES OF PANAMA CANAL ZONE Hon Wesley M I Owen is a Member of the Owen Family of This County Hon Wesley M Owen of Leroy Ilk will leave this week for Panama to take his place as one of the Judges for the Canal Zone The appointment came from Pres- ident ¬ Roosevelt and carries a salary of 6500 a year Judge Owen is a member of the Owen family in this county His father Martin J Owen was born here and is a brother of Mr H S Owen TWO KILLED IN WRECK ON C 0 RAILROAD Engineer and Fireman Are Scalded To Death and Two Others Injured Dashing along at a high rate of speed at 430 oclock yesterday morning train No1 known as the Clicsab ¬ peake Ohio railroad ran into an open switch seven miles west of Sew ell West Va and engineer Tom Ed ¬ wards of Barbourville West Va and fireman P Trent of Ashland Ky were instantly lolled and W C Crenshaw express mesesnger Vas Se- riously ¬ hurt Mr W M Miller of Kemper Ind a passenger was also internally in- jured ¬ v J > r- r f HORSE SHO FASHIONS The Sheath Stocking Shocks a Few Fortunate Beholders DU MAURIER HAT EFFECTS New York Belles Wear Beauty Spots Revived From Marie Antoinettes Day Scmiempiredirectoire Modes Reign Supreme at the Garden My Dear ElsaSo you thought the horse show wasnt worth coming on for this year Dick wrote you thered be another social frost did he Well there were many such Rich monds in the field with like dolorous prognostications but I counted upon your sporting blood making you risk a fighting chance As usual all signs failed for Society i spelled with a big S took the bit in its mouth and bolted for Madison Square Garden in fine form Horsy Yes dear but then you know Ive been inhaling tanbark dreaming hackneys cobs roadsters and jumpers for five blissful days and theyve got on my vocabulary But It was great to see the old enthusiasm displayed once more not only in the ring but among the crowds arouud the oval in the boxes and the seats One met during the week at the show every one one knew and a few hun ¬ dreds one didut Now Calamity Janes a character 1 loath to personate but my dear there are rumors that the lust bugle has been blown for en- tries ¬ in the ringthe old Gardens for saleand the swan song of the na ¬ tional horse show in its present quar ¬ ters sung Arent you sorry you miss ¬ ed the mule The decorations were charming this year American flags draped the walls near the ceiling and below these pa ¬ triotic emblems were festoons of white cloth caught up with rosettes of hunt Ing pink alternating with branches of autumn leaves I never liked the old trimmings of yellow and black cad you They made me feel like a spec ¬ tator at a Princeton football game with the gridiron and the yells left out And speaking of lifting up ones voice there was deafening applause when Mrs Watson Thursday after ¬ noon drove her celebrated team Lady Baltimore and Maryland in the mail phaeton class to victory and another blue ribbon The band played Dixie and Maryland My Maryland and as this you know is my native state the compliment seemed partly mine- I was convinced that things were as they should be for my spine shiv ¬ ered and this Is a psychological fact that ones artistic temperament Is all right If you dont the shivers when you listen to beautiful or In ¬ poemlor Did I get the shivers over the clothes you ask I did my dear I did Indeed I might enlarge upon the statement and isay I got a shock when gazing at a stunning creature artistically holding up her trailing sheath skirt and dis ¬ playing thereby Ya sheath stocking No Its not a joke Sheath hosierys the latest from Paris and this girl was a pioneer I have learned since that these unique foot coverings are slit up In front as well as at the side The open space is two Inches wide at the top and graduated to a quarter of an Inch at the foot laced with a half inch black ribbon This ribbon Is finished with a large flat bow at the top Shocking positively shocking eh Should you ask me to make a sum ¬ mary of the dress situation at the show I would say leading color dull amethyst fur white fox flower gar Ir I d I THE SHEATH STOCKING ilenla Unsatisfactory Well to be more explicit the gowns for the most part were in dark colors both In the afternoon and evening Of course you know that in the morning nothing but the strictly tailored oloth suit is ever permissible But the dark frocks had nothing of gloom about them for num ¬ berless rows of buttons embroidered jeweled and bedizened in various ways gave a festive touch But these same buttons contributed a comedy part to some very remarkable costumes worn by women with right modistlc Ideas gone horribly wrong Yes in ¬ deed the horse show proved conclu ¬ sively tp my mind that the semi empire dlreetoire period has arrived Hipless coats and gowns ere numer- ous on the promenade and although Z z J y1r J i the gowns were ay elaborate cre ¬ atlons few of them could be called beautiful Still all represented an enor ¬ mous lot of money > There were grotesque attempts of the picturesque and classic gown to filledwith God I am not one of them and a feeling of gratitude for directoire styles and the biggest of hats stole over one Arid that is saying a yrhoU lot for the hats Despite the latest in formation Prom over the water pre- dicting the small chapeau one saw nothing of this chic thing at the Gar den last week Hats so hug were the rule that they sat all over the head and nestled confidingly on the shoul- ders ¬ of the wearers The Russian turban was very much in evidence and Mrs Reggie Vanderbilt one after ¬ noon appeared in a Persian lamb tur- ban ¬ so large that it almost hid her piquant face These Du Maurier hat effects shadowing the face as they do dayshe dark fur over a white broadcloth frock one of the few light costumes seen in the boxes But the funniest things of all were the beauty spots I some of the women were wearing on their faces These spots have come in I with the other French fashions and I are as you know revived from Marie j- cenItur A STUDY IN BUTTONS ithe face and they are placed to em phasize a good pointmouth forehead Qimple or what you Are fortunate ehbubhtopossess in the way of facial Idveliness You know Mrs Van S always goes a style one better She has a mole on her face that has always beets the pride of her life so when the patch became the thing this lady simply en ¬ larged upon her mole and left the court plaster or velvet beauty spot se- verely alone- Saturday after the show our bunch were having tea at Sherrys with Mrs Van S as chaperon While sitting at table a drop of water from some flow ¬ ers that were handed to her fell upon her cheek She took out her handker ¬ chief and daintily wiped the spot But alas forgetting the enlarged mole she wiped it off too and gave away the secret of its origin A few minutes later she excused herself and returned with the mole once more in its original shape and sizethat is to say the original size it had been paint ¬ ed MoralStick to the old time meth ¬ odEver most sincerely yours c MABEL New York rTChartreuse of Chicken N Chop enough chicken to fill a cup twice add half a cupof lean ham chopped and half o c of bread ¬ crumbs taken from t4ecjnter Of a stale loaf a tablespoonful chopped parsley juice of half a lemon two ta blespoonfuls of capers and a cucum ¬ ber pickle chopped fine salt and pa¬ prika to taste two eggs beaten until well mixed and about a cup of well seasoned and flavored soup stock When well mixed press the mixture into a well buttered melon mold leav ¬ ing an open space at the top as the mixture will rise in cooking Cook nearly one hour setting in a pan of hot water in the oven or steam ¬ ing in a kettle When done turn from the mold and surround with hot string beans or peas cooked and dressed with salt pepper and butter To serve cold cut in thin slices Why the Kettle Sings Do you know why a kettle sings when the water is boiling Its like this When the water be ¬ gins to get hot little bubbles form at the bottom of the kettle and rise to- ward the top until they burst At first they burst only a little way from the bottom but as the water gets hotter and hotter they rise higher and higher At last when the water is boiling they burst right on the surfacehun dreds of them one right after another and it Is the noise of their continu ¬ ous bursting which makes the sound we call singing Butter Scotch Melt together two tablespoonfuls of sugar three tablespoonfuls of mo ¬ lasses and one of water and two of butter Pour in a buttered dish and aet away to cool J t I r1 > y L- tJ iAjcst Ithin cknC 1W have lJ YYJeweler and Gpt n5f1 L 11ll ANNOUNCEMENT i Our lines of Furniture Inspectionrt j Bigger Better Cheaper i THAN EVER Mr Come and look over the stock you wish to buy or not b The Furniture moo- N BRugs of All Sizastreatly Reduood MRS BYRD MGUIRE WASHINGTON SOCIAL LEADER Mrs Byrd McGuire wife of the well known Oklahoma congressman one of the most popular women at the national capital She noted for her graceful hospitality and the beauty of her She week at the New Willard hotel and her receptions are attended by the leading people in diplomatic and congressional circles SHIES AT HOODOO DAYS Arkansas New Governor Will Not Be Inaugurated Friday Or the Thirteenth CONWAY Ark Jan 6If Gov elect Donaghe3r can avoid will not be inaugurated chief executive of the State on either Friday the 13th day of the month He declared that he has no desire to take the oath ofoffice on any hoodoo day When asked he thought the inauguration would occur Mr Don aghey said- Probably Thursday the 14th Monday the 18th Wednesday the 13th would of course be bad day and hardly think the General As would be ready to fix day early any way Friday would never doA HORRIBLE HOLDUPI About ten years ago my brother washeld up his health and happiness by was believed to be hopeless Consumption writes W R Lipscomb Washington N He took all k qsoflemedies and treatment from several doctor but found no help till he used Dr Kings New Discovery and was wholly cure by six bottles He isa well man to- day Its quick to relieve and the surest cure for sore lungs Hemorrages Coughs and Colds Bron ¬ chitis La Grippe Asthma and all Bronchial affections 50c and 100 Trial bottle free Guaranteed by Phillips Drug Store r fJ r E c t < jf h ll et olleg11 f f I l Lici t line humgr t t It t e to H Hl i < I 1 iJ f f i 1 < = > > whether v Winn L A1IIII w I A is is gowns entertains every on it he as or when or a I ¬ sembly a so I in work what of C weak or j i c KENTUCKY ELECTORS t r TO MEET MONDAY- Two Democrats Want to Carry Tid =1 ings That Bryan Carrilit Kentucky l Kentuckys electors for President and Vice President will meet at Frankfort next Monday to Certify toI the returns cast in the last ejeatiori and to name a messenger to carry tile vote to Washington Two Democrats want the honor of notifying the Vice President offieially hat W J Bryan carried Kentucky They arc Robert L Offut of Shelbyville aWGeprge H Peters of Louisville The electors are as follows i StateatLarge Ward Hadley and W B Smith Vii p First DjstdetJS Ross > Second District Lavega Cldrhejtts Third District Floyd Sariders7tr Fourth District Charles Williams Fifth District Clem W Huggint Sixth District C A Belt Seventh District 3VL H< Bourne EiglmthDistrictR L Ebrnlinson Ninth Wycoffr Tenth DistrictA R Friend ie 1 DLstrM WV RL CresS if DONT GET A DIVORCE > A western judge granted a divorce on account of illtemper and bad breath Dr Kings New Life PiUs I would liave prevented it They cure Constipation causing bad Breath a i Liver Trouble tho illtemper d pll cudSjj banish headaches I I chills 25c at Phillips JDrugSforiA ifI jsr M > h i j 4 i tf l Y 7 0

rsMrJ3 f i Ithin 1JfoJ s t It t II to Hl v iJ f L lJ Gptnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7nzs2k7m1f/data/0037.pdfrA Scatter Sunshine The Christmas holidays are over c and the beginning of another

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i SOnn




L 1

ji rsMrJ3 Ed Mitchell will entertain the

i Club SaturdayII 1JfoJ s t

51 5 Literary and Socialv Miss l3ara Goodloe Benton will interet the Literary and so i

I Thursday with a most alCIUIonjgram om = Longfellow

J t

s Euchre Club >

Mrs John Clelland will tie hostessfor the Euchre Club on Thursday

r afternoon at the home of Mrs FiankP Pendletou pn College street

v Fortnightly Club

the Fortnightly Literary Clubwillmeet with Mrs Rezin M Scobee onnext Monday afternoon

r 4I Auditorium

a Everybody be sure and come to theAuditorium There are large do-

t ipgs The broom ball game lastji night wasgreat r

t r r rrA Scatter Sunshine

The Christmas holidays are overc and the beginning of another chapteria slur lives has begun What will

1we make out of it 1 Already manyo its have made new resolutions andlet us put forth every effort to improve ourselves and be a help to tivery1i6ne we can We little realizewhat a sunshine we miwerwill only smile and always have apleasant word for those aroundusMany ofus have had grievous dis-appointmentst but these should onlymellow our dispositions andmake uspiQr lhoughtful of others

Possibly before the close of ther year ogle of us will have passed

to the other shore of the River solet iis itfake the remaining chaptersourlives as sappy and pleasant as

possible4 i


Mrs William M Robb and sonWilliam left Saturday for Barton

NiFla tospend the winter1 Mrs W A Hieatt and children leftTuesday afternoon for California to

v make their home there Mr Hieattyill follow later

f Mrs John Clelland has returnedhome after a most delightful visit inLouisville

Mr W D Rashof Lexingtonspent Tuesday in town

I r Miss Anna C Goff of Lexingtonspent Tuesday iatown

ffiss Julia Graves and Mrs Ella

t Rounsavall left today for Texas hudr Mexico to spend the winter

t Mr Hugh Meguiar of St Peters-burg Fla is ill

Mr and Airs Clarance Boswell

f1ae come to town to spend the win ¬ter and willoccupy the home of Mrand Mrs J Ed Gaitskill in their ab

t isenee in Florida f

Mr Tom Ogden Jr of West BendPoWell county is visiting relativeshere

lIrJ Ed Gaitskill is inat thehpme of his brother Mr S H Gaitskill in Mclntosh Fla His manyfriends mope for a speedy recovery

x Mrs W A Beatty spent Tuesdayr in Lexington the guest of her sisterv Mrs Henry Higgins

Miss Amelia Lowe of Lexington3 istthe attiactiye guest of Miss Dixie

QuisenberryJliss Douglass is the guest of Mrs

EdJouettRoger> Smith of Lexington

has been the guest of Mrs J W 01

VMMss Jeannette Tracy will go toLiexington tonight to be the guest of

TracyThe willJbet of great interest to many of our

< people here Mr Frank Thomsonof New Orleans has announced the

k engHgement of his Missf Gay to Mr Ira PoullenClarkor Co ¬

lumbus Ga Miss Thomson is ani unusually attractive and beautifulr girl and is quite wellknown here

where she has spent many summers


Robert Stovallj Colored Convictedi On Three Charges at



l Robert Stovall a negro was con-victed on three charges in the KnoxCircuit Court here and sentenced tothe penitentiary for a total of 119

t years He received two sentences often years each on the charges of rob

>> bery and a sentence jotJears for murder ninetynineI

t A peculiar feature of case1 that Stovall was placed on trial threethreeidaysd¬

ceived a life sentence was committedttwo weeks at Artemus At that point

r officers anda crowdof negroesJ fought a battle following efforts of

i the posse to serve warrants Of-

ficers< Brooks and Smith were killednegroty





Manager Dinelli of the opera houseannounces that on January 12 he willoffer at his popular playhouse AMerry New York Maidwith MissElsie Edna Garnella and a companydf firstclass players with a finesinging chbrus

Unilke many of the farcialcome ¬

dies of the last few years A MerryNew York Maid is a serious com ¬1isabilityThegestion of vulgarity and the situa ¬

tion come so quickly one after an ¬

other that due hardly gets a chanceto draw his breath for the laugh tsThe musical numbers are numerousand are sprinkled all through thepiece Every number that is intro ¬

duced is new many of them hay ¬

ing been expressly written for thisproduction The company is a ca-


one and embraces several of thebest farcical comedy people on thestake today

ASODSH wManager Dinelli received the fol-


letter from Manager Lowtherat Mt Pleasant PaSil Dinelli manager opera house

Winchester KyDear SirDont be afraid to

boost the Merry New York Maidconipanv They were here last nightall fine people and gave a dandyshow Wishing you a Happy NewYear WW LOWTHER



Powder AcciilentallyThrown in GrateWipes Out Nearly Entire


INEZ Ky Jan 6Three lives werelost in an explosion at the home ofAllen Cassel a wealthy planter andDeputy Sheriff of Martin countyMonday C ssers wife and son were

step1daughterly afterward sonleft the house to gather the winterssupply of coal at a nearby mine

As he was getting ready to blastfor the coal Casel found that he hadleft the powder at home and sent theboy to get it The boy set the nowder can near the grate fire Henoticed a small white lump in thecan and not thinking it to be pow¬

leI threw it into the flames Thelump exploded setting the can on Lire

and it exploded with great forceMrs Cassel and the boy were in-


killedCassel hearing the explosion rush ¬

ed back and found the entire housein flames and his wife lying dead inthe yard Rushing into the house hepulled the bodies of his boy and step-daughter


from the debris The en-


town is in mourning over thecatastrophe as Cassel and liiwifewere loved and respected by all wlioknew them The house was burnedto the ground




Hon Wesley M I Owen is a Memberof the Owen Family of

This County

Hon Wesley M Owen of Leroy Ilkwill leave this week for Panama totake his place as one of the Judgesfor the Canal Zone

The appointment came from Pres-ident


Roosevelt and carries a salaryof 6500 a year Judge Owen isa member of the Owen family in thiscounty His father Martin J Owenwas born here and is a brother ofMr H S Owen


Engineer and Fireman Are ScaldedTo Death and Two Others


Dashing along at a high rate ofspeed at 430 oclock yesterdaymorning train No1 known as theClicsab ¬

peake Ohio railroad ran into anopen switch seven miles west of Sewell West Va and engineer Tom Ed ¬

wards of Barbourville West Vaand fireman P Trent of AshlandKy were instantly lolled and W C

Crenshaw express mesesnger Vas Se-


hurtMr W M Miller of Kemper Ind

a passenger was also internally in-


v J >




The Sheath Stocking Shocks aFew Fortunate Beholders


New York Belles Wear Beauty SpotsRevived From Marie AntoinettesDay Scmiempiredirectoire ModesReign Supreme at the Garden

My Dear ElsaSo you thought thehorse show wasnt worth coming onfor this year Dick wrote you theredbe another social frost did heWell there were many such Richmonds in the field with like dolorousprognostications but I counted uponyour sporting blood making you riska fighting chance As usual all signsfailed for Society i spelled with a bigS took the bit in its mouth and boltedfor Madison Square Garden in fineform Horsy Yes dear but thenyou know Ive been inhaling tanbarkdreaming hackneys cobs roadstersand jumpers for five blissful days andtheyve got on my vocabulary ButIt was great to see the old enthusiasmdisplayed once more not only in thering but among the crowds arouud theoval in the boxes and the seats Onemet during the week at the showevery one one knew and a few hun¬

dreds one didut Now CalamityJanes a character 1 loath to personatebut my dear there are rumors thatthe lust bugle has been blown for en-


in the ringthe old Gardens forsaleand the swan song of the na ¬

tional horse show in its present quar ¬

ters sung Arent you sorry you miss ¬

ed the muleThe decorations were charming this

year American flags draped the wallsnear the ceiling and below these pa ¬

triotic emblems were festoons of whitecloth caught up with rosettes of huntIng pink alternating with branches ofautumn leaves I never liked the oldtrimmings of yellow and black cadyou They made me feel like a spec ¬

tator at a Princeton football gamewith the gridiron and the yells leftout And speaking of lifting up onesvoice there was deafening applausewhen Mrs Watson Thursday after¬

noon drove her celebrated team LadyBaltimore and Maryland in the mailphaeton class to victory and anotherblue ribbon The band played Dixieand Maryland My Maryland and asthis you know is my native state thecompliment seemed partly mine-

I was convinced that things wereas they should be for my spine shiv¬

ered and this Is a psychological factthat ones artistic temperament Is allright If you dont the shiverswhen you listen to beautiful or In ¬

poemlorDid I get the shivers over the

clothes you askI did my dear I did Indeed I

might enlarge upon the statement andisay I got a shock when gazing at astunning creature artistically holdingup her trailing sheath skirt and dis ¬

playing thereby Ya sheath stockingNo Its not a joke Sheath hosierysthe latest from Paris and this girl wasa pioneer I have learned since thatthese unique foot coverings are slitup In front as well as at the sideThe open space is two Inches wide atthe top and graduated to a quarter ofan Inch at the foot laced with a halfinch black ribbon This ribbon Isfinished with a large flat bow at thetop Shocking positively shocking eh

Should you ask me to make a sum ¬

mary of the dress situation at theshow I would say leading color dullamethyst fur white fox flower garIr I

d I


ilenla Unsatisfactory Well to bemore explicit the gowns for the mostpart were in dark colors both In theafternoon and evening Of course youknow that in the morning nothing butthe strictly tailored oloth suit is everpermissible But the dark frocks hadnothing of gloom about them for num ¬

berless rows of buttons embroideredjeweled and bedizened in various waysgave a festive touch But these samebuttons contributed a comedy partto some very remarkable costumesworn by women with right modistlcIdeas gone horribly wrong Yes in¬

deed the horse show proved conclu ¬

sively tp my mind that the semiempire dlreetoire period has arrivedHipless coats and gowns ere numer-ous on the promenade and although

Z z J y1r


i the gowns wereay elaborate cre¬

atlons few of them could be calledbeautiful Still all represented an enor¬

mous lot of money >

There were grotesque attempts ofthe picturesque and classic gown to

filledwithGod I am not one of them and afeeling of gratitude for directoirestyles and the biggest of hats stoleover one Arid that is saying a yrhoUlot for the hats Despite the latest information Prom over the water pre-dicting the small chapeau one sawnothing of this chic thing at the Garden last week Hats so hug were therule that they sat all over the headand nestled confidingly on the shoul-ders


of the wearers The Russianturban was very much in evidenceand Mrs Reggie Vanderbilt one after¬

noon appeared in a Persian lamb tur-ban


so large that it almost hid herpiquant face These Du Maurier hateffects shadowing the face as they dodayshedark fur over a white broadclothfrock one of the few light costumesseen in the boxes But the funniestthings of all were the beauty spots I

some of the women were wearing ontheir faces These spots have come in I

with the other French fashions and I

are as you know revived from Marie j-



ithe face and they are placed to emphasize a good pointmouth foreheadQimple or what you Are fortunateehbubhtopossess in the way of facialIdveliness

You know Mrs Van S always goesa style one better She has a mole onher face that has always beets thepride of her life so when the patchbecame the thing this lady simply en ¬

larged upon her mole and left thecourt plaster or velvet beauty spot se-

verely alone-Saturday after the show our bunch

were having tea at Sherrys with MrsVan S as chaperon While sitting attable a drop of water from some flow¬

ers that were handed to her fell uponher cheek She took out her handker ¬

chief and daintily wiped the spotBut alas forgetting the enlargedmole she wiped it off too and gaveaway the secret of its origin A fewminutes later she excused herself andreturned with the mole once more inits original shape and sizethat is tosay the original size it had been paint ¬

ed MoralStick to the old time meth ¬

odEver most sincerely yoursc MABEL

New York

rTChartreuse of ChickenN Chop enough chicken to fill a cuptwice add half a cupof lean hamchopped and half o c of bread¬

crumbs taken from t4ecjnter Of astale loaf a tablespoonful choppedparsley juice of half a lemon two tablespoonfuls of capers and a cucum ¬

ber pickle chopped fine salt and pa¬

prika to taste two eggs beaten untilwell mixed and about a cup of wellseasoned and flavored soup stockWhen well mixed press the mixtureinto a well buttered melon mold leav ¬

ing an open space at the top as themixture will rise in cooking

Cook nearly one hour setting in apan of hot water in the oven or steam ¬

ing in a kettle When done turn from themold and surround with hot stringbeans or peas cooked and dressed withsalt pepper and butter To serve coldcut in thin slices

Why the Kettle SingsDo you know why a kettle sings

when the water is boilingIts like this When the water be ¬

gins to get hot little bubbles form atthe bottom of the kettle and rise to-ward the top until they burst

At first they burst only a little wayfrom the bottom but as the watergets hotter and hotter they rise higherand higher

At last when the water is boilingthey burst right on the surfacehundreds of them one right after another

and it Is the noise of their continu ¬

ous bursting which makes the soundwe call singing

Butter ScotchMelt together two tablespoonfuls of

sugar three tablespoonfuls of mo¬

lasses and one of water and two ofbutter Pour in a buttered dish andaet away to cool



r1 >





cknC 1Whave

lJ YYJeweler and Gpt n5f1L 11ll


Our lines of FurnitureInspectionrtj

Bigger Better Cheaper iTHAN EVER


Come and look over the stockyou wish to buy or not

bThe Furniture moo-

N BRugs of All Sizastreatly Reduood


Mrs Byrd McGuire wife of the well known Oklahoma congressman oneof the most popular women at the national capital She noted for hergraceful hospitality and the beauty of her She weekat the New Willard hotel and her receptions are attended by the leadingpeople in diplomatic and congressional circles


Arkansas New Governor Will Not BeInaugurated Friday Or

the Thirteenth

CONWAY Ark Jan 6If Govelect Donaghe3r can avoid will

not be inaugurated chief executiveof the State on either Friday the13th day of the month He declaredthat he has no desire to take the oathofoffice on any hoodoo day

When asked he thought theinauguration would occur Mr Donaghey said-

Probably Thursday the 14thMonday the 18th Wednesday the13th would of course be bad dayand hardly think the General As

would be ready to fix dayearly any way Friday would


HORRIBLE HOLDUPIAbout ten years ago my brother

washeld up his health andhappiness by was believed tobe hopeless Consumption writes WR Lipscomb Washington N

He took all kqsoflemedies andtreatment from several doctor butfound no help till he used Dr KingsNew Discovery and was wholly cureby six bottles He isa well man to-

day Its quick to relieve and thesurest cure for sore lungsHemorrages Coughs and Colds Bron ¬

chitis La Grippe Asthma and allBronchial affections 50c and 100Trial bottle free Guaranteed byPhillips Drug Store r




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Two Democrats Want to Carry Tid =1ings That Bryan Carrilit


lKentuckys electors for President

and Vice President will meet atFrankfort next Monday to Certify toIthe returns cast in the last ejeatiori

and to name a messenger to carry tilevote to Washington Two Democratswant the honor of notifying the VicePresident offieially hat W J Bryancarried Kentucky They arc RobertL Offut of Shelbyville aWGeprgeH Peters of Louisville

The electors are as follows i

StateatLarge Ward Hadleyand W B Smith Vii p

First DjstdetJS Ross >

Second District Lavega CldrhejttsThird District Floyd Sariders7trFourth District Charles WilliamsFifth District Clem W HuggintSixth District C A BeltSeventh District 3VL H< BourneEiglmthDistrictR L EbrnlinsonNinth WycoffrTenth DistrictA R Friend

ie 1DLstrM WV RL CresS



A western judge granted a divorceon account of illtemper and badbreath Dr Kings New Life PiUs

I would liave prevented it They cureConstipation causing bad Breath a iLiver Trouble tho illtemper dpllcudSjj banish headaches I

I chills 25c at Phillips JDrugSforiAifIjsr M >

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