Rpd Esthetic Part1

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  • 7/23/2019 Rpd Esthetic Part1


    Alaa Al-Otaibi Esthetic In Rem ovable Prosthodontics M arch. 2013

    prof. F Fahm i

    - Patients requiring rem ovable dentures have the sam e desires regarding esthetics as patients receiving xed prosthodontic therapy and they deserve the best possible treatm ent

    outcom e.

    Esthetic approaches in RPD : Illustration

    1. G ingival

    Approaching R etainer

    1- I bar clasp

    2. Palatal I-bar

    3. RLS-system

    4. Twin-flex clasp orspring-clasp

    - Occlusal approaching retainer to undercut area on the m esiobucal surface of canine will very bother


    - Esthetics of gingival approaching retainer will be better because the m etal is m ore hided.

    - In the other hand it can be enhanced an indirect retainer at incisive.

    - T e indirect retainer that can be selected in the form of cingulum rest beside m esial occlusal surface of

    canine, em brasure hook, term inal rest, incisal rest; secondary lingual bar, and so on.

    - T is way w ill be m ore aesthetic, m ore stabilize, and the free-end saddle are not easy to li up by sticky


    If canine and incisive has weakened, strengthen this teeth by splinting. Splinting can be conducted withorthodontic w ire, or w ith com posite in inter proxim al area.

    - Splinting w ire should place as low as possible in order to m ore aesthetic appearance.

    2. W rought W ire

    W rought w ire is m ore exible com pared to casting retainer. Because of this characteristic

    thetip of retentive arm can be placed m ore cervical to be m ore esthetic.

    - In the other hand for free-end RPD with retainer design rst class lever, a m ore exible retentive arm

    will decrease leverage to abutm ent teeth (act as shock absorber)

    A. Com bination cast and wrought w ire

    B. M eacock

    C. Rush A ngker

    Part2, Esthetic in Rem ovable partial denture

  • 7/23/2019 Rpd Esthetic Part1


    Alaa Al-Otaibi Esthetic In Rem ovable Prosthodontics M arch. 2013

    prof. F Fahm i

    3. Special D esign Labial

    Bow for Retainer

    T is retainer look like labial bow in orthodontic treatm ent, but there som e dierences that is

    Loop part is sm aller

    W ire that patch at anterior teeth should place as low as possible near gingival m argin, and for better

    esthetic the w ire close over by red acrylic base.

    - T e other advantage of Labial Bow like this will united anterior teeth in m astication when distal

    extension base lever up, so it is act as splint for anterior teeth.

    - T e disadvantage is in the early patient feels bothered its low er lip .

    4- Attachm ent - Attachm ents m ay be classied as precision or sem iprecision, intracoronal or extracoronal, and resilient

    or non resilient. Precision attachm ents are m achined by the m anufacturer, w hile sem iprecision

    attachm ents are custom fabricated by the laboratory technician.

    - disadvantage:

    - T e room m ust be m ade for the attachm ent within the crown. Box form s to accom m odate the

    attachm ent m ust be prepared w ithin the tooth at the tim e of tooth preparation. T is rem oves a

    considerable am ount of healthy tooth structure and oen exacts a biologic price later.

    5- Rotational path

    Rem ovable partial


    - T is concept originated in the 1930s.

    - T e partial denture requires two paths of insertion, with the fram ework being placed into the undercut

    first and then rotated to seat the posterior clasp assem blies.

    - W hen properly designed and fabricated, the rem ovable partial denture cannot be dislodged by a force

    perpendicular to the plane of occlusion. T e ultim ate result is a retentive rem ovable partial denture with

    no anterior clasp assem blies and the posterior assem blies in a position w here they are not visible.

    6- overdenture / overlay

    partial denture:

    a- natural tooth

    b- im plants

    Som e rem ain teeth that still healthy enough but over-eruption, tipping, degree one m obility, and

    considered not to extracted and conducted for root canal treatm ent.

    For this rem ain teeth its clinical crown is lessened, then m ade a dow el-core or dowel with layers that

    close over clinical crow n rem ains. Restoration will be functioned to give support, stability, and retention

    for overdenture that m ade on it. In the other hand it also give inform ational proprioceptive, and lessen

    resorption alveolar ridge.

    Part2, Esthetic in Rem ovable partial denture