Ronald Reagan Elementary Parent Newsletter May/June 2019 Office Hours: 7:45am-4:00pm Dear Reagan Families, What a fantastic year it has been! It has been a privilege to work with your child (ren) throughout the year. May and June are extremely busy months with special events and programs. We ask that you take a few minutes to look at the calendar of events which are taking place throughout the remainder of the month. We are always looking for volunteers. If you are interested in helping out at one of the events, please call Ronald Reagan (559) 665- 8080 to sign up to help. During the month of April, our school began state testing. The students have done a tremendous job staying focused and working hard. I’m extremely proud of their efforts to do their best. Again, thank you for sharing your child (ren) with us throughout this school year. What a wonderful year it has been. Have a fantastic summer and we look forward to seeing many of you next year! Sincerely, Mrs. Melissa Esquivel Principal, Ronald Reagan Elementary Calendar Events Thursday, May 2 nd College Day, Bus Driver Appreciation Day Friday, May 3 rd March & April Attendance Picnic, Block R Lock-In Monday, May 6 th – Friday, May 10 th Teacher Appreciation Week Monday, May 6 th – Board Meeting – 6:00 pm Wednesday, May 8 th – DELAC Meeting (District Office) – 9:30 am Tuesday, May 14 th – Thursday, May 16 th – Talent Show Try- outs – Lunch Recess Tuesday, May 14 th –Student of the Month Pictures Wednesday, May 15 th – 4 th Grade Visit to Fairmead School- 9:00 am Thursday, May 16 th – CAASPP Attendance Outdoor Picnic & Fudge Bars Friday, May 17 th *NO SCHOOL* Chowchilla Fair Day Monday, May 20 th Computer Lab Closed, Board Meeting – 6:00 pm Wednesday, May 22 nd & Thursday, May 23 rd – Big Smiles Thursday, May 23 rd – Block R Banquet – 5:30 pm Friday, May 24 th – Color Fun Run - 3 rd Grade - 1:00 pm, 4 th Grade – 1:45 pm (Volunteers Needed) Monday, May 27 th -* NO SCHOOL* Memorial Day Wednesday, May 29 th Talent Show – 1:30 pm Thursday, May 30 th Ducks in a Row Sprinkler Run - 1:00 pm Friday, May 31 st - Field Day (Volunteers Needed) Monday, June 3 rd Minimum Day – 2:10 Dismissal Tuesday, June 4 th Minimum Day - 2:10 Dismissal Awards Assembly 4 th Grade – 9:10 am 3 rd Grade – 10:30 am Wednesday, June 5 th - Minimum Day - 2:10 Dismissal, Student Store (Parent Volunteers Needed), Perfect Attendance & 4.0 Bounce House Party Thursday, June 6 th Minimum Day - 2:10 Dismissal, Last Day of School, College Day, Report Cards Sent Home

Ronald Reagan Elementary

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Page 1: Ronald Reagan Elementary

Ronald Reagan Elementary Parent Newsletter

May/June 2019

Office Hours: 7:45am-4:00pm

Dear Reagan Families,

What a fantastic year it has been! It has been a privilege to work with your child (ren) throughout the year. May and June are extremely busy months with special events and programs. We ask that you take a few minutes to look at the calendar of events which are taking place throughout the remainder of the month. We are always looking for volunteers. If you are interested in helping out at one of the events, please call Ronald Reagan (559) 665-8080 to sign up to help. During the month of April, our school began state testing. The students have done a tremendous job staying focused and working hard. I’m extremely proud of their efforts to do their best. Again, thank you for sharing your child (ren) with us throughout this school year. What a wonderful year it has been. Have a fantastic summer and we look forward to seeing many of you next year! Sincerely,

Mrs. Melissa Esquivel

Principal, Ronald Reagan Elementary

CCaalleennddaarr EEvveennttss TThhuurrssddaayy,, MMaayy 22nndd –– CCoolllleeggee DDaayy,, BBuuss DDrriivveerr AApppprreecciiaattiioonn DDaayy FFrriiddaayy,, MMaayy 33rrdd –– MMaarrcchh && AApprriill AAtttteennddaannccee PPiiccnniicc,, BBlloocckk RR LLoocckk--IInn MMoonnddaayy,, MMaayy 66tthh –– FFrriiddaayy,, MMaayy 1100tthh –– TTeeaacchheerr AApppprreecciiaattiioonn WWeeeekk MMoonnddaayy,, MMaayy 66tthh –– BBooaarrdd MMeeeettiinngg –– 66::0000 ppmm WWeeddnneessddaayy,, MMaayy 88tthh –– DDEELLAACC MMeeeettiinngg ((DDiissttrriicctt OOffffiiccee)) –– 99::3300 aamm TTuueessddaayy,, MMaayy 1144tthh –– TThhuurrssddaayy,, MMaayy 1166tthh –– TTaalleenntt SShhooww TTrryy--oouuttss –– LLuunncchh RReecceessss TTuueessddaayy,, MMaayy 1144tthh ––SSttuuddeenntt ooff tthhee MMoonntthh PPiiccttuurreess WWeeddnneessddaayy,, MMaayy 1155tthh –– 44tthh GGrraaddee VViissiitt ttoo FFaaiirrmmeeaadd SScchhooooll-- 99::0000 aamm TThhuurrssddaayy,, MMaayy 1166tthh –– CCAAAASSPPPP AAtttteennddaannccee OOuuttddoooorr PPiiccnniicc && FFuuddggee BBaarrss FFrriiddaayy,, MMaayy 1177tthh –– **NNOO SSCCHHOOOOLL** CChhoowwcchhiillllaa FFaaiirr DDaayy MMoonnddaayy,, MMaayy 2200tthh ––CCoommppuutteerr LLaabb CClloosseedd,, BBooaarrdd MMeeeettiinngg –– 66::0000 ppmm WWeeddnneessddaayy,, MMaayy 2222nndd && TThhuurrssddaayy,, MMaayy 2233rrdd –– BBiigg SSmmiilleess TThhuurrssddaayy,, MMaayy 2233rrdd –– BBlloocckk RR BBaannqquueett –– 55::3300 ppmm FFrriiddaayy,, MMaayy 2244tthh –– CCoolloorr FFuunn RRuunn -- 33rrdd GGrraaddee -- 11::0000 ppmm,, 44tthh GGrraaddee –– 11::4455 ppmm ((VVoolluunntteeeerrss NNeeeeddeedd)) MMoonnddaayy,, MMaayy 2277tthh --** NNOO SSCCHHOOOOLL** MMeemmoorriiaall DDaayy WWeeddnneessddaayy,, MMaayy 2299tthh –– TTaalleenntt SShhooww –– 11::3300 ppmm TThhuurrssddaayy,, MMaayy 3300tthh –– DDuucckkss iinn aa RRooww SSpprriinnkklleerr RRuunn -- 11::0000 ppmm FFrriiddaayy,, MMaayy 3311sstt -- FFiieelldd DDaayy ((VVoolluunntteeeerrss NNeeeeddeedd)) MMoonnddaayy,, JJuunnee 33rrdd –– MMiinniimmuumm DDaayy –– 22::1100 DDiissmmiissssaall TTuueessddaayy,, JJuunnee 44tthh –– MMiinniimmuumm DDaayy -- 22::1100 DDiissmmiissssaall

AAwwaarrddss AAsssseemmbbllyy

44tthh GGrraaddee –– 99::1100 aamm

33rrdd GGrraaddee –– 1100::3300 aamm WWeeddnneessddaayy,, JJuunnee 55tthh -- MMiinniimmuumm DDaayy -- 22::1100 DDiissmmiissssaall,, SSttuuddeenntt SSttoorree ((PPaarreenntt VVoolluunntteeeerrss NNeeeeddeedd)),, PPeerrffeecctt AAtttteennddaannccee && 44..00 BBoouunnccee HHoouussee PPaarrttyy TThhuurrssddaayy,, JJuunnee 66tthh –– MMiinniimmuumm DDaayy -- 22::1100 DDiissmmiissssaall,, LLaasstt DDaayy ooff SScchhooooll,, CCoolllleeggee DDaayy,, RReeppoorrtt CCaarrddss SSeenntt HHoommee

Page 2: Ronald Reagan Elementary

Estimadas Familias Reagan,

¡Qué año tan fantástico hemos tenido! Ha sido un privilegio trabajar con sus hijos durante todo el año. Mayo y junio son meses muy ocupados con eventos y programas especiales. Le pedimos que se tome unos minutos para mirar los eventos del calendario que estarán tomando lugar durante el resto del mes. Siempre estamos buscando voluntarios. Si usted está interesado en ayudar en uno de los eventos, por favor llame a Ronald Reagan al (559) 665-8080 para registrarse. Durante el mes de abril nuestra escuela comenzó los exámenes estatales. Los estudiantes han hecho un trabajo tremendo manteniendo enfocados y trabajando duro. Estoy extremadamente orgullosa de sus esfuerzos. Una vez más, gracias por compartir sus niños con nosotros a lo largo de este año escolar. Ha sido un maravilloso año. ¡Que tengan un verano fantástico y esperamos ver a muchos de ustedes el próximo año! Sinceramente,

Sra. Melissa Esquivel

Directora, Escuela Primaria Ronald Reagan

Escuela Primaria Ronald Reagan Boletín Para los Padres

Mayo/Junio 2019

Horas de Oficina: 7:45 a.m.- 4:00 p.m.

CCaalleennddaarriioo ddee EEvveennttooss

JJuueevveess 22 ddee mmaayyoo--DDííaa ddee CCoolleeggiioo,, DDííaa ddee AApprreecciioo ppoorr CChhooffeerreess ddee AAuuttoobbúúss VViieerrnneess 33 ddee mmaayyoo-- DDííaa ddee CCaammppoo ppoorr aassiisstteenncciiaa ddee MMaarrzzoo yy AAbbrriill,, LLoocckk IInn ppaarraa BBllooqquuee RR LLuunneess 66 ddee mmaayyoo–– VViieerrnneess 1100 ddee mmaayyoo SSeemmaannaa ddee mmoossttrraarr aapprreecciioo ppoorr llaass mmaaeessttrraass LLuunneess 66 ddee mmaayyoo-- JJuunnttaa ddee llaa MMeessaa DDiirreeccttiivvaa-- 66::0000 pp..mm.. MMiiéérrccoolleess 88 ddee mmaayyoo-- JJuunnttaa ddee DDEELLAACC ((OOffiicciinnaa ddeell DDiissttrriittoo))-- 99::3300 aa..mm.. MMaarrtteess 1144 ddee mmaayyoo-- JJuueevveess 1166 ddee mmaayyoo-- EEnnssaayyooss ddee SShhooww ddee TTaalleennttoo –– RReeccrreeoo ddeell aallmmuueerrzzoo MMaarrtteess 1144 ddee mmaayyoo-- FFoottooggrraaffííaass ddee EEssttuuddiiaannttee ddeell MMeess MMiiéérrccoolleess 1155 ddee mmaayyoo-- EEssttuuddiiaanntteess ddee 44ttoo GGrraaddoo vviissiittaann llaa eessccuueellaa FFaaiirrmmeeaadd 99::0000 aa..mm.. JJuueevveess 1166 ddee mmaayyoo-- DDííaa ddee CCaammppooss yy ppaalleettaass ppoorr aassiisstteenncciiaa aa eexxáámmeenneess eessttaalleess CCAAAASSPPPP VViieerrnneess 1177 ddee mmaayyoo ––**NNOO HHAABBRRÁÁ EESSCCUUEELLAA** DDííaa ddee llaa FFeerriiaa LLuunneess 2200 ddee mmaayyoo-- CCeerrrraammooss eell LLaabboorraattoorriioo ddee CCoommppuuttaaddoorraass,, JJuunnttaa ddee llaa MMeessaa DDiirreeccttiivvaa-- 66::0000 pp..mm.. MMiiéérrccoolleess 2222 ddee mmaayyoo yy JJuueevveess 2233 ddee mmaayyoo-- DDeennttiissttaa BBiigg SSmmiilleess JJuueevveess 2233 ddee mmaayyoo –– BBaannqquueettee ddee BBllooqquuee RR 55::3300 pp..mm.. VViieerrnneess 2244 ddee mmaayyoo–– DDiivveerrttiiddaa CCaarrrreerraa ddee CCoolloorr-- GGrraaddoo 33rroo 11::0000 pp..mm.. GGrraaddoo 44ttoo 11::4455 pp..mm.. ((NNeecceessiittaammooss vvoolluunnttaarriiooss)) MMiiéérrccoolleess 2277 ddee mmaayyoo--**NNOO HHAABBRRÁÁ CCLLAASSEESS** -- DDÍÍAA DDEE LLOOSS CCAAÍÍDDOOSS ((MMEEMMOORRIIAALL DDAAYY)) MMiiéérrccoolleess 2299 mmaayyoo-- SShhooww ddee TTaalleennttoo-- 11::3300 pp..mm.. JJuueevveess 3300 ddee mmaayyoo-- TTooddooss llooss ppaattooss eenn uunnaa ffiillaa//DDííaa ddee AAssppeerrssoorreess 11::0000 pp..mm.. VViieerrnneess 3311 ddee mmaayyoo-- DDííaa ddee CCaammppoo ((SSee NNeecceessiittaann PPaaddrreess VVoolluunnttaarriiooss)) LLuunneess 33 ddee jjuunniioo-- DDííaa mmíínniimmoo-- DDeessppeeddiiddaa 22::1100 pp..mm.. MMaarrtteess 44 ddee jjuunniioo-- DDííaa MMíínniimmoo-- DDeessppeeddiiddaa 22::1100 AAssaammbblleeaa ddee RReeccoonnoocciimmiieennttooss **44ttoo GGrraaddoo --99::1100 aamm **33eerr GGrraaddoo --1100::3300aamm MMiiéérrccoolleess 55 ddee jjuunniioo-- DDííaa MMíínniimmoo ––DDeessppeeddiiddaa 22::1100,, TTiieennddaa ppaarraa llooss EEssttuuddiiaanntteess ((SSee NNeecceessiittaann PPaaddrreess VVoolluunnttaarriiooss)),, AAssiisstteenncciiaa ppeerrffeeccttaa yy HHoonnoorreess ddee llaa DDiirreeccttoorraa,, FFiieessttaa ddee bbrriinnccoolliinneess JJuueevveess 66 ddee jjuunniioo –– DDííaa MMíínniimmoo--DDeessppeeddiiddaa 22::1100ppmm,, ÚÚllttiimmoo DDííaa ddee EEssccuueellaa,, DDííaa ddee CCoolleeggiioo,, SSee EEnnvviiaarraann llaass ccaarrttiillllaass ddee CCaalliiffiiccaacciioonneess aa CCaassaa,,