oast Beef Dinner, 6 to 8 P. M., Wed., April 29, Denville Undenominational Church ROCKAWAY RECORD uy proud of -our Town spupw; both If it's News, Ads. or Job Printing, phone Rocka- way 220; we are always clad to serve you ,i,X!.H,No.42 Romp <>f Vcal » lb - ^ s of Vcul, lb. ROCKAWAY, N. J., THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1931 $1.00 PER YEAR 29c BrwwMJ Shoulder of Veal, lb. Forcquartcr of Lamb, lb. 19c |,c(|s of Lumb, lb. 29c jjirloin Steak, lb. Kouiul Sleuk, lb. 38c Chuck Roast, lb. Sniola-cl lluins, lb Hush's Incsh Killed Chickens, lb. I'rcsh Shud, lb. - 19c 23c 37c 25c Hagaa's Cash Market MAIN ST. TEL. 62 ROCKAWAY, N. J . WARNING! - -O-- Owntrs of Dogs Must Nut Let Them Kun at Large o Notice it, hereby ulvt'ii thul the Muyor mid Borouj'.h Council will take liti'pii l,o enforce I lie do() ordinance. Nuinciou:, tioi-:- art niiiiilim aljoul the li<>rmi|;)> u> the ('lent uinm.vancp nl pioprrly own- ii 1 .'.; tlnwer i«d; mid IHWIK, art •'•iTiilrlii'il up. and liiucli other dwnai'c <iom . Iji'.'idc:; Hie dislurb- ;t«it-<• HI iiirhl by li>:,iiip- sleep ruiiMid by cloi.f. barl;iiii>. Iii view of (lie aliiir»> r ua<:if. na:n- Honed aliovc. uli iJciMniK lettiup Ibi'ir dui:.'i run lit l»ri'c, nri; liere- liy notilii'd that they iw\r,i not- H tliein run ,H liitpc at, any time durinc the day or i;jrbt. 11 cauiihl tliey will be Impounded and put to (Icalli by i!iis. TIIK MAYOR AND liOHOUGH COUNCIL w HERE customers have attention. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK ROCKAWAY, NEW JERSEY WAS WOO A LEAP YEAR? The year 1900 was not n leap yc&r. Neither were 1800 nnd 1700. Leap y«M It omitted every concluding yur of the centuries except when the number of the year Is divisible by 400. Thus 1200 and 1600 were leap years, and 2000 will be. • M I I I I I I H I I A f IIIIIIIIIIIgfBlllllllfflllliW nxxKXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxixxxnzxxxxxx] Local Boys on Big Dover Wrestling Card Kcicluiway's Slurs to He Kuril in Ac- tion at MIHIMC Hull Siitunlay Niirlit, Anill KStli Rockaway','; most outstanding wrestlers will be seen in action at Moose Hall .Saturday evening, April 25th on the great wrestling card be- ini! presented under the promotion I of Dr. J. M. Gehman. Wild Bill Dunn, Rockaway's whirl- wind wrestler, who has miiny vic- tories to his credit, and is one of the best middleweight* in these parts, meets Gus Hchulta, the German ace, a master wrestler. He Is u veteran matsman and will doubtless give Dunn plenty of trouble. Max Miller, (lie other Hockaway boy, a German lad, the German Ace of Rockaway, is his ring monicker, comes pretty highly recommended. Cyclone Ross, one of Germany's greatest wrestlers, is very much in- terested In Miller and it was at his behest that the promoter pave Max a chance on his first curd against Kid Porphy, the great little Italian wonder of Dover, when Porpliy's scheduled opponent wived his in- ability to appear. At the last show Miller while watchintf the Slmbcrn-Dunn match remarked to the promoter that he is a better match for Slmborn than Dunn. In fact. Miller feels he can beat Slmborn. He will have his chance on Saturday night, as he is matched with none other than the man who beat Dunn. The card is topped off by u fin- ished match catch-ns-catch-can style between the well known Holland heavyweight champion, Tom Draak, and Olaf Lundin, the Swedish heavy- weight champion. In the semi-final attraction Kid On the Roll of Honor of the Banks of America National Union Bank \ Dover, N. J. FIVE MINUTES •time enough (or a fire to get beyond control. ll wlil take leps time than thul to cover your prop- Crt y with sound fire insurance. JUST PHONIi 146 4ftl E.J. MATTHEWS & SONS 10 W. Main St.-Tel. 146-Rockawoy, JN.^ Porphy will meet one of his own countrymen, Neil Ettori, the best little wrestler Italy has ever pro- duced. He Riinrantccs to throw the clever Porphy twice in half an hour. General admission will be $1.00 and reserved seats arc $1.50. Doors will open at 7:45 p. m. Tickets can be had from either Max Wild BUI Dunn. COUNCILMAN ODIERNO LEAVES MEETING, THREATENS TORESIGN! Declares Tlial Thousands of Dollars of Taxpayers'; Money is Spent I 'selessly on licir<>ui>U Roads />! the siHciul meitini; i,f Ihc, Ernest Ih-.liuni appeared be;ore the, Mayor and Jjorouch Council held! Council and cnlerid objections to a; 'I'lUMlay t-vciiiim, Ihc inemlieiii were!. Ume wall R Dianalr, i;-, em-thm on I'-iV'-n a went. !jurpri:;c when Conn- > liis driveway between his ho.iie and clliiiuii Odienio walked from the Dubinin's. IK- Ihourlil ii dmiKerous- chamber!; in anner, dcclurint', he imi'lii his driveway. The (.'ouncl eould Uiurouidily discounted will) the miiii-j not sec liow I hey hud any IIRIII t.o- HIM hi which business way. beinr. I tnttrirre as loin; as Mr. Dlaitulo was (Ulrica on. J|. appears the Council I on hi:, own pioperty. They suiurslrd I haii about arrived at Ihc deti-nnina-1 that lie put a I'.uard mil on Hi! top | lion lo piircliusc a gasoline wader j (if tile wtdl. and tractor, nnd Ihc: mutter wus to : Keinielli Condil and Nicliulas Caui- be discussed at, this mcetiniv. 'piino, on recommendation ol Chid Hclui'e \he subject was iippronchcd. .'olm Isherwood, were confirmed a:; hovnor, Counciliniiii Harold Matt-members ot the ]''ire Department. Ji<:v,x moved that a scarifier nnd' Applications for a food anil drink Kcmiici 1 be hived in do the work on ;''censes weir nnmli-ii lo Mandi' Ihit- Hoaidiind avenue. The motion was i'<''',• 011 Wil| l street, and Ii, Na/aro. carried. Mr. Matthews contended i t ' " " Wl 'sl Main si reel, who will oper- woiild be cheaper for the Boroil|;)l to al1 ' ""' 1<l)!;(1 -Vliirie Tea mom in the hire a semper and scarifier to do the future. I work limn t,o purchase u new ma- Chief l.shcrwood re]iorled Hie fire- chine at the present lime. i men luul responded to fourteen Councilman Odierno said it wasi' 1 , ] ll!: '.. , 1)m '\ ? ( ' ;> ' IH()n 'li, lhey| time to Pill nn end to the useless: ex- ' w '!' ( ' ' "'!'';''' 1 ,, lf;i except one. pnulluire of money every year on 1 1 he specillcutloiis tor luMim the our streets. He said he had lived in i (; ", rblS " ml «"' ( '™1 |! « <»> the streets: PROCLAMATION Borouph of Kockawa.v. N. J. u WHEREAS, the ub:,i:lvance of daylight saving IN a .iiMom that meels witli I'ciicial approval; Thcii-foie, 1. I). Moni;; Nichols. Mayor of the Jioroui'.h of Koc.ka- \v;iy. itnisnan! to rcsiijution of the Mayor itnd Cdiiiied. do litreby is- sue \hir, pioclariiiitioti, iiiicj recom- ineml ihi-,1 dnylic.lit, saving be adopled: ihat. all clinks be ad- vanciil one hour al 2 o'clock Sun- day iiiiirmlii!, April. 2tj, 1931, and to .so niaaiu until 2 o'clock .Sun- day lniirnini!, Ueiitcniber 21, 1931, when ,'::ititndard Time will af*aln be restored. Given under my hand and the rol'iinralc .seal ul Uie Boniutdl of Hocliuway this (wenIy-second day of April, one thousand nine hun- dred and thirty-one. D. MORRIS NICHOLS, Mayor. At lest: JAK, Ii. MAY, Clerk. the Borouiih thirteen year;;, tind thousands of dollars spent on loads had been wasted. It, was not fair to the taxpayers, and some permanent work .should be done on the streets, which would save money in the fu- ture. With the heavy automobile tialllc these days it was impossible to build dirt roads and expect them to hold up. selected, were referred to tin- street] committee for consideration. A motion was made nnd udopted that bills be received for repairing Maple avenue with Alabama Ash- phallic lime stone. This is the same ' Drama At St. Cecilia's Hall "An Accusing FinRcr" in Three Acts. to Be Presented Monday livening, April 27th phallic lime stone. This is the same . . , , , . , material used on a portion of West . A " Accusing Finger, a mystery New street two years ago, and has comedy dl '? m ". , ln thrce acis - wl11 •»' made such a good road that thejPff 1 / 1 ^, *? «'? ^ " s D am 5 tic C i l h didd i i : Club in St Cec l las Hall on Monday Council have decided to use It in improving the streets. Old Age Pension Bill Now a Law Doth House of Assembly and Senate by Unanimous Vote Harding Chapter An old age pension measure, pro- viding for the relief of aged persons In need, amending the age limit from GB to 70 years, when such persons may receive aid, has passed in the House of Assembly and also the Scn- alo by unanimous vote. The old age bill, Introduced in the pouse Uy Assemblyman C. Bastle, of Essex, was recommended by the Old Age Survey Pension Commission of which the sponsor was a member. When presented for third reading and passage Assemblyman Baslle stated that it was an opportunity for the House to demonstrate its at- titude on this humane legislation so long deferred In New Jersey, and asked for a unanimous vote. OrcenberB, Democratic minority leader from Hudson, said the bill was a very good one but his personal feel- ing was that it did not go far enough and should be amended to reduce the age limit to 65, and eliminate a clause providing that a needly old person having relatives able to care for them would not be eligible for relief. He said there might be in- stances where the aged had relatives upon whom they should be depend- ent, but owing to the difficulty of ob- taining aid from the unwilling kin actual suffering might result. 1 It was further explained by Basile | that dependents under the act might be aided although owning property valued up to $3,000. o- Honors Mrs. Rocgner "Minstrel Chuckles" Begins Preparation to Stage Show at High School Auditorium According to Stephen Sofleld, the chairman for "Minstrel Chuckles," Selected as Grand Representative to New Mexico ! Ilookd( ,n Harding Chapter, No, 194, O. E. S., gave a reception in honor of Mrs. Mazie E. Bocgner, a past matron, on . . . . Friday evening April 17th, at the the newest addition of minstrelsy to Masonic Temple. The occasion cele- j be staged by Rockden Post, No. 175, brated Mrs. Roomer's receivlnR the j American Legion, at the High School appointment from the Grand Chap- i Auditorium in Rockaway, on May tor O E S of Grand Representative j 1 and 8, the professional director to the State of New Mexico. I from the John B. Rogers Producing A II ™- ..„,«! iw the indies or I Company will have arrived on the th M p rnirch precededthe\° 'scene by the time you rend this. All the M. E. Chmcn picccdcd tnc IC . selected to date ceptlon '">d proved to 1fe » ™y ev-; rcquestcl , to rcpo ,. t a t the Le B ion Joyable affair Intel spersed wth, h d J nrt b V:30 lolllBnt whcn community songs toiuts. i aU Aftti ' •> assigned and class- Iflcatlon made for the first part and dance offlcmTnd'disUnBUlshedguest,, the I . ' X ' " ^ ' Music "wcT ****»>., J!^ e "^ ,1. ^ m n 0 'Z i sct°dulefwllfalaoteoutCd. sketch followed with solos by Collins. for their many social activities, o- committee will appreciate prompt- ness on the part of the cast since Refreshments were served. Hard- lnnt wl u ii Rn tcn the committee's ing Chapter Is to be congratulated work materially. "Minstrel Chuckles" is an unusunl- _ ,., , ly elaborate and brilliant production, Joseph C. Holinko, of Franklin I and ns the mme i mp Hes. is one avenue, a student at Rider College, | con tinuous round of hilarity. The has been re-elected treasurer of Zetn, s ]j 0W has been staged in other cities Chapter, Phi Sigma Nu Fraternity, w i t j, cnO rmous success and reports for the coming year. Mr. Holinko are mos t enthusiastic. It is a real and Edward McGuire, grand presl- , n i ns trel, but the sequences arc in- dent of the fraternity, spent the week | troduceel In such a novel manner as end at Patomlc State College as i lo ft i mos t aiseulse the fact. There guests of Beta Chapter. RCA Radio McMANUS BROS. Furnishing Homes Complete Since 1880 36 Speedwell Avenue N. J. Crosley l are many tuneful musical numbers : especially arranged for this produc- S~\ I " on nr "^ elaborate costumhiK and scenic equipment are supplied by the producing company. The proposal to issue bonds for $235,000 to provide funds for con- St. Cecilia's Hall on Monday evening, April 27th, at B: 15 o'clock. If you wish to enjoy an evening: of good entertainment, followed by dancing, you don't want to miss this, drama. "An Accusing Finger" is onti' of those mystery dramas in which a feminine detective cleverly seeks the thief in her own unexpected, manner. ¥>.i i i r,..i "iMnn .... . i Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton, wealthy rrinoipal Cities Wil Be Targets Jn society people , are entertaining at Attack From Air-To I'ass ! dinner, prior to their sailinR to South. Over Rockaway | Amer i C a. Mr. Cooper and his daugh- ter are to go on a vacation at the: Air Force to Bomb County on May 27th A thousand wings, in mock enemy uttaclt. will fly over New Jersey's principal cities May 27th. All the planes the Army can mus- ter will congregate in the vicinity of New York City on May 23rd and continue the attack against the metropolis, New England and New Jersey is scheduled for May 27th. According to the latest, plans of the Army Air Corps, Trenton, the state capital, Atlantic City, Jersey City and Newark will be the objective of "enemy" planes. The air corps is all set for its spectacular combat demonstration. Flying at altitudes from 300 to 500 feet, army bombing planes, attack and observation planes will be targets for about 200 pursuit planes. The flying armada will extend in two g Hamilton home while they are in South America. At the dinner Mrs. Hamilton's jewelry very mysteriously disappears. There seem to be many suspects because the jewels disap- pear at a time which, involves the- entire list of guests, even Miss Coop- er's father, an executive in Mr. Hamilton's silverware firm. There is a vein of light, fast moving comedy throughout in which Tessie and Tod Hastings, who from outward appearances do not show their affections toward each other. The mystery Is further deepened when the mysterious Mrs. Neal, housekeeper of the Hamlltons, tries to poison Miss Peggy Cooper, who is attempting to solve the disappear- ance of the jewels. But come and see just how the tiers for nearly ten miles and is mystery packed drama is solved by scheduled to assemble over the Long! tWs young feminine detective. It Island and Connecticut shores After completing the demonstration over New York City, the attacking division will fly to Coney Island and RiSckaway, and pass over Floyd Ben- nett Field. New York Municipal air- port, which is to be dedicated that day. The attack over New Jersey will center on the industrial sections. Dover, Wharton, Mine Hill, Boonton, Rockaway, Paterson and Newark and other factory cities will be "laid" waste" by bombs" dropped by the air will keep you guessing till the end to see who the thief really is. The following are In the cast: Mrs. Edward Hamilton, Kathryn Bolster; Sally, Ella Ryan; Peggy Cooper, Bes- sie Hart; Tessie Hastings, Sieglinde Hart; Mrs. Neal, Julia Hutz; Lily Webster, Ellen V. Grant; Eleanor Young, a nurse, Ella Grant; Edward Hamilton. James Ryan; William Cooper, John Bumside; John J. Wayne, John Hutz; Mortimer Dun- can, Vincent Grant; Tod ^Hastings, Duncan MacDonald. armada. The air forces hope to; There will be dancing after the demonstrate the possibility of de- ! performance by a snappy orchestra molishing the chief manufacturing i from Paterson. Admission is only of the metropolitan area. While in j fifty cents. the New York area the army planes, • On Sunday afternoon at 2:30 a numbering more than 700 will be! performance will be given for chll- stationed at Long Island airports. o Dover Police Arrest idrcn. Admission will be twenty-five cents. Children are requested to come on Sunday afternoon rather than Monday evening. Robbery Suspect Lackawanna League Bowlers Attend Dinner Carl Johnson, Alias "Polly," lo Be Charged With Burglary [Nate Norman, of Roekaway, Wins. Following the recovery of a large \ Fourth Prize for Individual amount of stolen goods on Satur-; • m B h Average day, County detectives nnd Dover i police continued their Investigations I rjoc Mott, John Granda, Jacob and arrested one man on suspicion j z e h, Nate Norman and O. P. Dlck- and located a considerable quantity | c r s o n o t t h e Rockaway Team of the of additional articles which were I Lackawanna League, attended the taken from the store of Furstman I annual league banquet at Day's, in and Feinbei'K last week. , Morristown, last Thursday. Nate won Carl Johnson, alias "Polly," twen- i fourth prize for Individual high aver- ty-six, and single, is being held un- der suspicion and will likely be charged with burglary. In a furnished room, rented by Johnson, Lieut, Edward Gcbhardl, of the prosecutor's office, and Lieut. J. Hart of the Dover police, found a large number of suits, underwear, coats, ties, socks and other articles allegedly stolen from the Furstman and Feinberg store. Richard Eva. Dover taxi driver, is being held ns a material witness. He had nothlnr to do with the actual robbery, the police say, and is nn nee. One of the principal features ot the dinner was the presentation to Dr. Arthur T. McKevitt, of Morris- town, of the high-game trophy. Dr. McKevitt, bowling for the Knights of Columbus at Chatham, made the bowlers' holc-in-onc when he rolled twelve straight strikes for a perfect 300 tally. Dr. McKevitt has already received an honorary card from the Ameri- can Bowling Congress, certifying \a his perfect work on the alleys. The teams in the league are as fol- Innoccnt victim of circumstances, but. I lows: Chatham, Millburn. Royal for certain reasons is desired as an I Arcanums of Dover, Tapkaow Club, Important witness in the case. Momentarily another arrest is ex- struction of a municipal water sys- " " n "r'T h '"V sc „, , n ere is a j other tern in Parslppnny-Troy Hills Town- P eac « "' lt l e c(lsc ^ tneie Is tinotner Radio ship was carried Tuesday in a refer- endum. The vote was 431 in favor and 2CC opposed to the bond issue. | Tho water supply will be obtnined from driven wells, location of which has not been decided. The township commlttce, Herman Brugel. chair- man; Conrad J. Shnrkey and Henry M. Connelly, announced work would begin within a month. suspect under surveillance. ONE DELIVERY ON SATURDAY Prospect Gun Club of Chatham, Mor- ristown (A and B), Madison, Mor- ristown Knights of Columbus, Rock- away, Summit (A and B), Union. Dover, Boonton and Springfield. Rebekah Lodge will give the Odd On and after Saturday. April 25th, '. Fellows their annual supper in Three only morninij deliveries will be made i Links Temple on the evening of by letter carriers. Thursday, April 30th. This is ul- ways a big event for the members of Citizens Lodge, and they are urged lo have their wives accompany them. -o- The closer a man Is the more dis- tant his friends are.

ROCKAWAY RECORDtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/.../1931-04-23.pdf · Rockaway','; most outstanding wrestlers will be seen in action at Moose Hall .Saturday evening, April 25th

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Page 1: ROCKAWAY RECORDtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/.../1931-04-23.pdf · Rockaway','; most outstanding wrestlers will be seen in action at Moose Hall .Saturday evening, April 25th

oast Beef Dinner, 6 to 8 P. M., Wed., April 29, Denville Undenominational Church


-our Townspupw; both If it's News, Ads. or Job

Printing, phone Rocka-way 220; we are always

clad to serve you


Romp <>f V c a l » l b -^ s of Vcul, lb.


29cB r w w M JShoulder of Veal, lb.Forcquartcr of Lamb, lb. 19c|,c(|s of Lumb, lb. 29c

jjirloin Steak, lb.

Kouiul Sleuk, lb. 38cChuck Roast, lb.

Sniola-cl lluins, lb

Hush's Incsh Killed Chickens, lb.

I'rcsh Shud, lb. -





Hagaa's Cash MarketMAIN ST. TEL. 62 ROCKAWAY, N. J.


Owntrs of Dogs Must Nut LetThem Kun at Large

• o

Notice it, hereby ulvt'ii t h u l the

Muyor mid Borouj'.h Council will

take liti'pii l,o enforce I lie do()

ord inance . Nuinciou:, tioi-:- a r t

niiiiilim aljoul the li<>rmi|;)> u> the

('lent uinm.vancp nl p iop r r ly own-

ii1.'.; tlnwer i«d; mid IHWIK, a r t

•'•iTiilrlii'il up. and liiucli o ther

dwnai ' c <iom . Iji'.'idc:; Hie d i s lurb-

;t«it-<• HI i i irhl by li>:,iiip- sleep

ruiiMid by cloi.f. barl;iiii>.Iii view of (lie aliiir»>rua<:if. na:n-

Honed aliovc. uli iJciMniK lett iupIbi'ir dui:.'i run lit l»ri'c, nri; l iere-liy notilii 'd tha t they iw\r,i not- Htliein run ,H liitpc at, any t ime

dur inc the day or i ; j rbt . 11 caui ih ltliey will be Impounded and put to(Icalli by i!iis.


wHERE customershave attention.



The year 1900 was not n leap yc&r.Neither were 1800 nnd 1700. Leapy«M It omitted every concludingyur of the centuries except whenthe number of the year Is divisibleby 400. Thus 1200 and 1600 wereleap years, and 2000 will be.



Local Boys on BigDover Wrestling Card

Kcicluiway's Slurs to He Kuril in Ac-tion at MIHIMC Hull Siitunlay

Niirlit, Anill KStli

Rockaway','; most outstandingwrestlers will be seen in action atMoose Hall .Saturday evening, April25th on the great wrestling card be-ini! presented under the promotion

I of Dr. J. M. Gehman.Wild Bill Dunn, Rockaway's whirl-

wind wrestler, who has miiny vic-tories to his credit, and is one of thebest middleweight* in these parts,meets Gus Hchulta, the German ace,a master wrestler. He Is u veteranmatsman and will doubtless giveDunn plenty of trouble.

Max Miller, (lie other Hockawayboy, a German lad, the German Aceof Rockaway, is his ring monicker,comes pretty highly recommended.Cyclone Ross, one of Germany'sgreatest wrestlers, is very much in-terested In Miller and it was at hisbehest that the promoter pave Maxa chance on his first curd againstKid Porphy, the great little Italianwonder of Dover, when Porpliy'sscheduled opponent wived his in-ability to appear.

At the last show Miller whilewatchintf the Slmbcrn-Dunn matchremarked to the promoter that he isa better match for Slmborn thanDunn. In fact. Miller feels he canbeat Slmborn. He will have hischance on Saturday night, as he ismatched with none other than theman who beat Dunn.

The card is topped off by u fin-ished match catch-ns-catch-canstyle between the well known Hollandheavyweight champion, Tom Draak,and Olaf Lundin, the Swedish heavy-weight champion.

In the semi-final attraction Kid

On the Roll of Honorof the Banks of


National Union Bank \Dover, N. J.

FIVE MINUTES•time enough (or a fire to get beyond control.llwlil take leps time than thul to cover your prop-Crty with sound fire insurance.


4ftl E.J. MATTHEWS & SONS10 W. Main St.-Tel. 146-Rockawoy, JN.^

Porphy will meet one of his owncountrymen, Neil Ettori, the bestlittle wrestler Italy has ever pro-duced. He Riinrantccs to throw theclever Porphy twice in half an hour.

General admission will be $1.00and reserved seats arc $1.50. Doorswill open at 7:45 p. m. Tickets canbe had from either MaxWild BUI Dunn.


Declares Tlial Thousands of Dollars of Taxpayers';Money is Spent I 'selessly on licir<>ui>U Roads

/>! the siHciul meitini; i,f Ihc, Ernest Ih-.liuni appeared be;ore the,Mayor and Jjorouch Council held! Council and cnlerid objections to a;'I'lUMlay t-vciiiim, Ihc inemlieiii were!. Ume wall R Dianalr, i;-, em-thm onI'-iV'-n a went. !jurpri:;c when Conn- > liis driveway between his ho.iie andclliiiuii Odienio walked from the • Dubinin's. IK- Ihourlil ii dmiKerous-chamber!; in anner, dcclurint', he imi ' l i i his driveway. The (.'ouncl eouldUiurouidily discounted will) the miiii-j not sec liow I hey hud any IIRIII t.o-HIM hi which business way. beinr. I tnttrirre as loin; as Mr. Dlaitulo was(Ulrica on. J|. appears the Council I on hi:, own pioperty. They suiurslrd Ihaii about arrived at Ihc deti-nnina-1 that lie put a I'.uard mil on Hi! top |lion lo piircliusc a gasoline wader j (if tile wtdl.and tractor, nnd Ihc: mutter wus to : Keinielli Condil and Nicliulas Caui-be discussed at, this mcetiniv. 'piino, on recommendation ol Chid

Hclui'e \he subject was iippronchcd. .'olm Isherwood, were confirmed a:;hovnor, Counciliniiii Harold Matt-members ot the ]''ire Department.Ji<:v,x moved that a scarifier nnd' Applications for a food anil drinkKcmiici1 be hived in do the work on ;''censes weir nnmli-ii lo Mandi' Ihit-Hoaidiind avenue. The motion was i'<''',• 011 W i l | l street, and Ii, Na/aro.carried. Mr. Matthews contended i t ' " " Wl 'sl Main si reel, who will oper-woiild be cheaper for the Boroil|;)l to a l1 ' " " ' 1<l)!;(1 -Vliirie Tea mom in thehire a semper and scarifier to do the future. Iwork limn t,o purchase u new ma- Chief l.shcrwood re]iorled Hie fire-chine at the present lime. i men luul responded to fourteen

Councilman Odierno said it wasi'1, ] l l ! : ' . . ,1)m ' \ ?(' ;>' I H ( ) n ' l i , lhey |time to Pill nn end to the useless: ex-' w '! ' ( ' ' "'! ' ' ; ' ' '1,, l f ; i except one.pnulluire of money every year on1 1 he specillcutloiis tor luMim theour streets. He said he had lived in i (;",rblS " m l «"'('™1|!« <»> the streets:

PROCLAMATIONBorouph of Kockawa.v. N. J.

uWHEREAS, the ub:,i:lvance of

daylight saving IN a .iiMom thatmeels witli I'ciicial approval;

Thcii-foie, 1. I). Moni;; Nichols.Mayor of the Jioroui'.h of Koc.ka-\v;iy. itnisnan! to rcsiijution of theMayor itnd Cdiiiied. do litreby is-sue \hir, pioclariiiitioti, iiiicj recom-ineml ihi-,1 dnylic.lit, saving beadopled: ihat. all clinks be ad-vanciil one hour al 2 o'clock Sun-day iiiiirmlii!, April. 2tj, 1931, andto .so niaaiu until 2 o'clock .Sun-day lniirnini!, Ueiitcniber 21, 1931,when ,'::ititndard Time will af*alnbe restored.

Given under my hand and therol'iinralc .seal ul Uie Boniutdl ofHocliuway this (wenIy-second dayof April, one thousand nine hun-dred and thirty-one.


At lest:JAK, Ii. MAY,


the Borouiih thirteen year;;, tindthousands of dollars spent on loadshad been wasted. It, was not fair tothe taxpayers, and some permanentwork .should be done on the streets,which would save money in the fu-ture. With the heavy automobiletialllc these days it was impossibleto build dirt roads and expect themto hold up.

selected, were referred to tin- street]committee for consideration.

A motion was made nnd udoptedthat bills be received for repairingMaple avenue with Alabama Ash-phallic lime stone. This is the same

' DramaAt St. Cecilia's Hall

"An Accusing FinRcr" in Three Acts.to Be Presented Monday

livening, April 27th

phallic lime stone. This is the same „ . . , , , . „ ,material used on a portion of West . A " Accusing Finger, a mysteryNew street two years ago, and has c o m e d y d l ' ? m " . , l n t h r c e acis- wl11 •»'made such a good road that t h e j P f f 1 / 1 ^ , *? «'? ^ " s D ' » a m 5 t i c

C i l h d i d d i i : Club in St Cec l las Hall on MondayCouncil have decided to use It inimproving the streets.

Old Age PensionBill Now a Law

Doth House of Assembly andSenate by Unanimous


Harding Chapter

An old age pension measure, pro-viding for the relief of aged personsIn need, amending the age limit fromGB to 70 years, when such personsmay receive aid, has passed in theHouse of Assembly and also the Scn-alo by unanimous vote.

The old age bill, Introduced in thepouse Uy Assemblyman C. Bastle,of Essex, was recommended by theOld Age Survey Pension Commissionof which the sponsor was a member.

When presented for third readingand passage Assemblyman Basllestated that it was an opportunityfor the House to demonstrate its at-titude on this humane legislation solong deferred In New Jersey, andasked for a unanimous vote.

OrcenberB, Democratic minorityleader from Hudson, said the bill wasa very good one but his personal feel-ing was that it did not go far enoughand should be amended to reducethe age limit to 65, and eliminate aclause providing that a needly oldperson having relatives able to carefor them would not be eligible forrelief. He said there might be in-stances where the aged had relativesupon whom they should be depend-ent, but owing to the difficulty of ob-taining aid from the unwilling kinactual suffering might result.

1 It was further explained by Basile| that dependents under the act mightbe aided although owning propertyvalued up to $3,000.


Honors Mrs. Rocgner "Minstrel Chuckles"Begins Preparation

to Stage Show atHigh School Auditorium

According to Stephen Sofleld, thechairman for "Minstrel Chuckles,"

Selected as Grand Representative toNew Mexico ! I lookd(,n

Harding Chapter, No, 194, O. E. S.,gave a reception in honor of Mrs.Mazie E. Bocgner, a past matron, on . . . .Friday evening April 17th, at the the newest addition of minstrelsy toMasonic Temple. The occasion cele- j be staged by Rockden Post, No. 175,brated Mrs. Roomer's receivlnR the j American Legion, at the High Schoolappointment from the Grand Chap- i Auditorium in Rockaway, on Maytor O E S of Grand Representative j 1 and 8, the professional directorto the State of New Mexico. I from the John B. Rogers Producing

A II ™- ..„,«! iw the indies or I Company will have arrived on theth M p rnirch precededthe\° 'scene by the time you rend this. Allthe M. E. Chmcn picccdcd tnc IC . selected to dateceptlon '">d proved to 1fe » ™y ev-; r c q u e s t c l , to rcpo,. t a t the LeBionJoyable affair Intel spersed wth, h d J n r t b V:30 l o l l l B n t w h c ncommunity songs toiuts. iaU Aftti ' •> assigned and class-

Iflcatlon made for the first part anddanceofflcmTnd'disUnBUlshedguest,, the I . ' X ' " ^ ' Music " w c T

****»>., J ! ^ e "^ ,1. ^mn0 'Z i sct°dulefwllfalaoteoutCd.sketch followed with solos byCollins.

for their many social activities,o-

committee will appreciate prompt-ness on the part of the cast since

Refreshments were served. Hard- l n n t wlu iiRntcn the committee'sing Chapter Is to be congratulated w o r k materially.

"Minstrel Chuckles" is an unusunl-_ ,., , ly elaborate and brilliant production,

Joseph C. Holinko, of Franklin I a n d n s t h e mme impHes. is oneavenue, a student at Rider College, | continuous round of hilarity. Thehas been re-elected treasurer of Zetn, s]j0W has been staged in other citiesChapter, Phi Sigma Nu Fraternity, w i t j , cnOrmous success and reportsfor the coming year. Mr. Holinko a r e m o s t enthusiastic. It is a realand Edward McGuire, grand presl- ,ninstrel, but the sequences arc in-dent of the fraternity, spent the week | troduceel In such a novel manner asend at Patomlc State College as i l o ftimost aiseulse the fact. Thereguests of Beta Chapter.

RCA Radio

McMANUS BROS.Furnishing Homes

Complete Since 188036 Speedwell Avenue

N. J .


l are many tuneful musical numbers: especially arranged for this produc-

S~\ I " o n nr"^ elaborate costumhiK and™ scenic equipment are supplied by

the producing company.

The proposal to issue bonds for$235,000 to provide funds for con-

St. Cecilia's Hall on Mondayevening, April 27th, at B: 15 o'clock.

If you wish to enjoy an evening:of good entertainment, followed bydancing, you don't want to miss this,drama. "An Accusing Finger" is onti'of those mystery dramas in whicha feminine detective cleverly seeksthe thief in her own unexpected,manner.

¥>.i i i r,..i "iMnn . . . . . i Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton, wealthyrrinoipal Cities Wil Be Targets Jn s o c i e t y p e o p l e , a r e entertaining at

Attack From Air-To I'ass ! dinner, prior to their sailinR to South.Over Rockaway | AmeriCa. Mr. Cooper and his daugh-

ter are to go on a vacation at the:

Air Force to BombCounty on May 27th

A thousand wings, in mock enemyuttaclt. will fly over New Jersey'sprincipal cities May 27th.

All the planes the Army can mus-ter will congregate in the vicinityof New York City on May 23rd andcontinue the attack against themetropolis, New England and NewJersey is scheduled for May 27th.

According to the latest, plans ofthe Army Air Corps, Trenton, thestate capital, Atlantic City, JerseyCity and Newark will be the objectiveof "enemy" planes.

The air corps is all set for itsspectacular combat demonstration.Flying at altitudes from 300 to 500feet, army bombing planes, attackand observation planes will be targetsfor about 200 pursuit planes. Theflying armada will extend in two

gHamilton home while they are inSouth America. At the dinner Mrs.Hamilton's jewelry very mysteriouslydisappears. There seem to be manysuspects because the jewels disap-pear at a time which, involves the-entire list of guests, even Miss Coop-er's father, an executive in Mr.Hamilton's silverware firm.

There is a vein of light, fastmoving comedy throughout in whichTessie and Tod Hastings, who fromoutward appearances do not showtheir affections toward each other.

The mystery Is further deepenedwhen the mysterious Mrs. Neal,housekeeper of the Hamlltons, triesto poison Miss Peggy Cooper, who isattempting to solve the disappear-ance of the jewels.

But come and see just how thetiers for nearly ten miles and is m y s t e r y packed drama is solved byscheduled to assemble over the Long! t W s y o u n g feminine detective. ItIsland and Connecticut shores

After completing the demonstrationover New York City, the attackingdivision will fly to Coney Island andRiSckaway, and pass over Floyd Ben-nett Field. New York Municipal air-port, which is to be dedicated thatday.

The attack over New Jersey willcenter on the industrial sections.Dover, Wharton, Mine Hill, Boonton,Rockaway, Paterson and Newark andother factory cities will be "laid"waste" by bombs" dropped by the air

will keep you guessing till the endto see who the thief really is.

The following are In the cast: Mrs.Edward Hamilton, Kathryn Bolster;Sally, Ella Ryan; Peggy Cooper, Bes-sie Hart; Tessie Hastings, SieglindeHart; Mrs. Neal, Julia Hutz; LilyWebster, Ellen V. Grant; EleanorYoung, a nurse, Ella Grant; EdwardHamilton. James Ryan; WilliamCooper, John Bumside; John J.Wayne, John Hutz; Mortimer Dun-can, Vincent Grant; Tod Hastings,Duncan MacDonald.

armada. The air forces hope to; There will be dancing after thedemonstrate the possibility of de- ! performance by a snappy orchestramolishing the chief manufacturing i from Paterson. Admission is onlyof the metropolitan area. While in j fifty cents.the New York area the army planes, • O n S u n d a y afternoon at 2:30 anumbering more than 700 will be! performance will be given for chll-stationed at Long Island airports.


Dover Police Arrestidrcn. Admission will be twenty-fivecents. Children are requested tocome on Sunday afternoon ratherthan Monday evening.

Robbery Suspect Lackawanna LeagueBowlers Attend DinnerCarl Johnson, Alias "Polly,"

lo Be Charged WithBurglary

[Nate Norman, of Roekaway, Wins.Following the recovery of a large \ Fourth Prize for Individual

amount of stolen goods on Satur-; • mBh Averageday, County detectives nnd Dover ipolice continued their Investigations I rjoc Mott, John Granda, Jacoband arrested one man on suspicion j zeh, Nate Norman and O. P. Dlck-and located a considerable quantity | c r s o n o t t h e Rockaway Team of theof additional articles which were I Lackawanna League, attended thetaken from the store of Furstman I annual league banquet at Day's, inand Feinbei'K last week. , Morristown, last Thursday. Nate won

Carl Johnson, alias "Polly," twen- i fourth prize for Individual high aver-ty-six, and single, is being held un-der suspicion and will likely becharged with burglary.

In a furnished room, rented byJohnson, Lieut, Edward Gcbhardl, ofthe prosecutor's office, and Lieut. J.Hart of the Dover police, found alarge number of suits, underwear,coats, ties, socks and other articlesallegedly stolen from the Furstmanand Feinberg store.

Richard Eva. Dover taxi driver, isbeing held ns a material witness. Hehad nothlnr to do with the actualrobbery, the police say, and is nn

nee.One of the principal features ot

the dinner was the presentation toDr. Arthur T. McKevitt, of Morris-town, of the high-game trophy. Dr.McKevitt, bowling for the Knightsof Columbus at Chatham, made thebowlers' holc-in-onc when he rolledtwelve straight strikes for a perfect300 tally.

Dr. McKevitt has already receivedan honorary card from the Ameri-can Bowling Congress, certifying \ahis perfect work on the alleys.

The teams in the league are as fol-Innoccnt victim of circumstances, but. I lows: Chatham, Millburn. Royalfor certain reasons is desired as an I Arcanums of Dover, Tapkaow Club,Important witness in the case.

Momentarily another arrest is ex-struction of a municipal water sys- " " n"r 'Th ' "V s c „, , n ere is a j othertern in Parslppnny-Troy Hills Town- P e a c« " ' l t l e c ( l sc ^ tneie Is tinotner


ship was carried Tuesday in a refer-endum. The vote was 431 in favorand 2CC opposed to the bond issue.

| Tho water supply will be obtninedfrom driven wells, location of whichhas not been decided. The townshipcommlttce, Herman Brugel. chair-man; Conrad J. Shnrkey and HenryM. Connelly, announced work wouldbegin within a month.

suspect under surveillance.


Prospect Gun Club of Chatham, Mor-ristown (A and B), Madison, Mor-ristown Knights of Columbus, Rock-away, Summit (A and B), Union.Dover, Boonton and Springfield.

Rebekah Lodge will give the OddOn and after Saturday. April 25th,'. Fellows their annual supper in Three

only morninij deliveries will be made i Links Temple on the evening ofby letter carriers. Thursday, April 30th. This is ul-

ways a big event for the members ofCitizens Lodge, and they are urgedlo have their wives accompany them.

-o-The closer a man Is the more dis-

tant his friends are.

Page 2: ROCKAWAY RECORDtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/.../1931-04-23.pdf · Rockaway','; most outstanding wrestlers will be seen in action at Moose Hall .Saturday evening, April 25th

Ic-rraslng in size annually; see new: . i l , , ^ f,,r 1.1M Duriwse of pay-and alarms. Alre&dy the railor»Hs~

huvf spent more than 1100 000,000.lor track lisviitlou in one state alone1 but wttli 17,100 crossings still ini existence in the United States, andI because Die average cos! uf elUninat-' inn crossings is at least $50.QD0 umih,accidents will continue to occur un-

i less ttu' public too. dues its share| Uowiud preventing them.' tt is advisable never to cross a.rmlroad track in high gear, warns I number of years.the National Safety Council. ManyHci'idanta happen because curs be-come stalled while on the track. 1f

Promising a "wise and economical]administration of the •——""»»»l

money." Grey V>r the

„„„„, debts; seeshly and recklessly; but, see no

nomi- S

„ . . „ the people' and lo iancurb extravagance in state expendl-1 !«itures. Mr. Higbie said: "For a great | w


reduction oi trw; enormous over-it\ ot government; that no jobs

created unnecessarily and thateuch dollar spent the stale "'"hundred tents worth in return.

As a Kepublican candidate lorlor the Assembly, I en-


A(Edltor's Note: This series of articles j tentton. whether

Commissioner of Motor Ve- Crossing bells ard tc ui.en

i is safer to shift into lntermedittte orI low gear a reasonable distance be-fore crossing a track.

If your view is obstructed come toI a full stop before crossing; otherwiseI slow down to fifteen miles an hour.i All crossings require your careful at-

Kuai'ded or not.

ixmlousby the Commissioner oi muiui yc-i ,hides is being presented ay Rooka- order; watchmen oi ganway Record as 1U part in 'he cam- may be oil duly.palgn of education to familiarize mo-1 He especially careful ut aussingstorlste wiUi the laws which regulate , where there is more th..n one umiiOielr conduct on the roi 1). IIX) nut cross direct y behind it • >

that IH.S just f.oiw by. Another (nunAutomobiles and Railroads j may be routine in Uic opposite di-

'leeticm on the next track.A train runnint! forty mile.-, an

hom wes tilly-nine feel in one set- jcind the National 8-ifety Council |points out, ami H cannot be stopped I

less than one quarter ot a mile,automobile runninf! twenty-five ,

an hour ciui be stopped In I

Railroad iituncs show that 47 percent of iiutoinohllc accidents at rail-rood crossings HUT a period uf ;>ixmonths one one line usiiltcd fromautomobiles iiynn, to cross directlyin front of un uppiouchhif: train.Of the ivmiUmU'V. '2'r j>ev vtnl re-

of Its inhabitants: iwni, buiedand enacted on the theory ot government.


suited from automobiles ninniiu; m- tjity-eir.hl feet Which should stoj),to trains, nut hams rcnimif. into an- \vWt uiiii listen at railroad •••• '»•"••tomobilcs

One bi|- railroad ciiinpany showsthat m one year over Mid crossinccatfs lowered to protfet the public

(he train or the automobile? |

Acculi'ius invulvini; railroad trains:and autonioliiles rarely kill or injiue

one on I he I rain. Usually it isany •"11 with

sands of my fellow business menj iiut 1 do believe that as a business'man, 1 ain well prepared to ssrve myfellow citizens in the legislature byseeing that their money is wisely

i and etwuonlically administered and| that only sensible und necessary leg-islation is enacted.

"No political ties or promises bind [me, other than an unwavering feulty 'to (he felluw citizens of my countyanil stale, und if I am nominatedami elected, I shall hold myselfelri'led lu lepreseni all the pcupleu! Morris County,"


APTEH DEATH"the subject of the I,e«.';on-

frennoii in all Churches oi Christ,Scientist, on Sunday, April ^6, 1931.

'i'he Gulden Tejct is*. "The Iiorcihtiowcth the days of the upright:mid their inheritance shall be furever" (Psalms 37:llli.

Ainoni; the citations which com-piise the Lesson-Sermon it; the 1ol-lowmi: from the Bible: "Behold, Ishew you n mystery; We shall notall sleep, but we shall be changed,l'or this corruptible must put on in-corruption, und this mortal must put '

1 Corinthians 15:-

FAITHFUL CAE BURIEDattached i* he to

llomaWe th»t Dr.n-wi-oui . w - J . of LQB*» . End»ti4,decided to bury it with all hoiwre,rather than let it f»U Into unltind-ly hands. Until three yews ago Dr.,Pearse drove the car regularly. Nowjhe does not want to pay garage bills jfor It any longer. He said, "1 havebought a plot ot pound i>ta.r a ceme-tery to give it u decent burial. 1shiili drive It through the city to theburial ground, where it will be brokenup und interred."

o ~ •

Men who don't pay as they go havea hard time coining back.

Some people think every seasoncomes at the wrong time of the yew,

MOVINGCarting and Truckia



were run mto ami smashed by auto- U u , ,,„„„,, j , , Uie automobile who are S t n t e-K bndgH mming l l l to many Imobite. Another nnlroiMl company k i l l e d o r i n j u r t , d . : millions of dollars and taxes of the!,,,, jmmoilalily"

»n actual obs.-rv.it.Mi ol T l l l , , l l o u t , l u K h m l U l be poml.-r.ul; l n d l v l t i u i l l t l l x p i ly ( , . becommB well| si 's"-by inotorisls. niph oppressive, that 'theory' should ; The Lesson-Sermon also includes

— ;~.'°~7 ,, , „ . J be (Hscardi'd and sound economic) the following passanes from the IThe Literary Digest says that liuil.principles be adopted in its stead, Christian .Science textbook. "Science

oi3,689 automobile drivers at railroadcrossings: >\iKn 81 per cent* lookedneither way before crossinii: 6(12


BANKERand the

Wage EarnerTilt; bunker controlling millionslilici the Visa* earner ilivr»tilig militf jncomr, both find lljrir iuvml->iir:Ut r<-<|uircl)>FM[» in A&hfiriiHFilCan mid l!!lr(-trtr G>lU|mny lie-brntlirr Bonile duo IVIil).

Over |;1D.UUO,()I)0 ..f ilir. r l,,,,nl«liavcbrfin pint iisiird byvumt iv«-(ive ilivrHturMnrliiililiKltaukhUnili»ftlituli»n^. I'urnin^b 2.01 lirncHmlcrffll ir, iin-m-mt8 sfltr (k-Jtrrrialitm.

Nowseilingtu yield ul)i>iitt>'^%.

I !',# Htafil ,4.1* II

.17 per centi looked in only one di- i Kevete rode to Portsmouth. New , •Business today is conducted on alection: 80 i2 pel cent) looked both ' Hampshire, instead ofways. i Massachusetts. Probably

The railroads arc rtoiiiK their part (at the livery stableto prevent accidents at railroad; wrong road map.crossings. They have spent and will jcontinue to spend immense sums of There is one thing a family skele-

ton is good for. I t is good for about

Concord. [ scientific basis; business men aresomebody; trained scientifically to operate their

money for track elevation, gradeseperation, watchmen, crossing gates

ton is gooa K\vio columns on the front page.

gave him the; establishments in a manner so [is: to produce the maximum result with' a minimum of expenditure.

"On these same business lines thestate should be conducted. Citizensof this state see the state budget in-'

und Health with Key to the Scrip- itures" by Mnry Baker Eddy: "We:

know that all will be changed In the;twinkling of an eye, when the last!trump shall sound; but this last callof wisdom cannot come till mortalshave already yielded to each lessercall in the growth of Christian char-acter" (p. 291).

MMK'iuled ('•an ami Klnlrir Sr-cui

Company. Incornorutri)

New Jersty Power * Lljht Co. VJit!/Doter, N. 1.

Contest OpentoErerybody

Don't miss this opportunity to win,absolutely tree, one of these prizes. Testyour skill, send in your solution, and youmay find yourself among the winners*There is no cost for entering. Follow thedirections and send in your answerTODAY.

Solve the " 2 1 " WvoMemWIN A VALUABLE PRIZEFolio* the Eay Direction* Girta Bttm>

Place the figure "7" in the center square,then place figures in each of the othersquares so as to total 21 horizontally,perpendicularly and diagonally, usingnumbers from 1 to 12. Do not usethe same number twice. Successfulcontestants will be notified by maiL


Holes Governingthe Awardingoi Prliet

The first prue will be awatded tot the best lolation of tintho.it problem, taking into consideration correction, neitntn«od uniquentw. Solution c»n be mado out on the ntwipapcr orMpM»t« pape». or in any uaujut form eoateattat -dMitwir Tht•Kcoat). third, fourth and other prites to be awarded teemdioato <h«« re»p«tiv« rotriu. In the «»«nt of tiet, ptlsas &llke «sd ofO»« fame viluf will be swarded to each of the tying contcattnticompeting (at the p i ius detigntttdlntbe tdvertiiing. Solntloniwill be accepted up to and including 3 p. m. Tueidaj, April 28,19)1. S«id (olations to thii probltm maj either be mailed or d«-llveredinptrjontoouritore, 171 Uafket Street, Pittrion, N. J.,before the cloiins date, 3 p. m. Tuefdar, April 28, 1031. Prlieiwill be awarded TBe«d»y, April 28,1931, at S p. m., at our (tore,171 Market Street, Patenoo, N. J., and the lucceufnl conteit-aat* "ill be notified. It is not necessary to be preterit at our etoreat tbe time. Remember this contest clogei promptly at 3 p. m.Toeidav, April 28, 1831, and no talutioiu received after .hatboor will be accepted. Uieful tomenira will be preaented toevery ccnteatant sending in their talationa to thii problem.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ N o tmployee of thii firm may enter the contest

Only One Aniwet from a FamilyRU in and Maul Problem with Name and Addotu

Contest Closes April 28th, 1931



Doer 982

fevcihl, I,, |,,. M11|

sleep, I here mv I,OIIH- |I1INM ,, B|"ncan' t pal away. IS n-,,'.,,,,,,,!,,.,^in u little Cusloiiul

I 'or .liimliva, i.n.l ..Ilin-inlaiilfii,g v e tins pur,, v..,;..|:,),],. m m ^WlM-ncvcreoaKMlloiimiiuiifii,,!,, Vpillion; wlicncvt-i [|,,.,-,'s .,,ly (i (

liluRKisline.ss. Cast.in:, l.;,s ; i ( .M | ^children love to ti,|i,; i|. Klly ni(,'.('

j—vvitliC.lius.il. I'Vl.-liwV.jjiiiii,on wrapper.


Aches andPAINS!When you take Bayer Aspirin you litsure of .two, things, It's sure relief, aniit's harmless. TIMX* tubltiB with litBayer cross do not hurt die heart. Titothem whenever you sutler from:

Headaches NniritisColds , NeuralgiaSore Throat UimhjoRheumatism Tcxitlinclie

When your head aclios—(rom B>cause—when a cold lias sotiltil in your,joints, or you feel thos: deep-down pito'of rheumatism, sciatica, or Itirilup,take Bayer ABpirin ami Rtt real relitl.If the package Bays ll;iycr, it's Kcnuine.AiW genuine Bayer ABpirin is safe.

I Aspirin is the trade-mark ot Bajtfmanufacture of monoarelicicirlcstercJ



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75c to $1.25Surprise and please somedeai? friend of yours .sonwith n letter vvrltW1 »«Symphony L'1U"

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l>honc> 18

Page 3: ROCKAWAY RECORDtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/.../1931-04-23.pdf · Rockaway','; most outstanding wrestlers will be seen in action at Moose Hall .Saturday evening, April 25th


,. .,,., v»Hl I*1*1"4 * - —|i,»;i,» US f.it O't'lOOk

,„. ,n Ihuti & dusseh different

* "i,d ;rtlol* et>t*«a ror the1 ,,,mpl:tiUVi! eV«nU. lilt nil

'"%;", I to Uk* Pine* at K«ii-,-l Huiiduy. April 2tit.li. Under

'luitilH-s «1 i ! " ; r k m r l F * o W u f t h l 'T i n U-Kiwi, M0* Mt' to tur-

'if uui.tv of ii>tW*"l W'« (i»'lt«, » II tin Oii<BK«nfls of mn-MuUm,

B l t ' " . ,i.xiH:('l.iid to uttuiid.ir r" tjuiter, *IuH-»!> (Jyuiity's only

„.,. ii'temn muH Pilot Mid t.t"tflit" < « W b W r °* liWIWiKldfcl' nt Htuili-y k l i a H"""""'1 Air-

WHI \,t iu i:nar«e of all flying

,,,ii lrs Hlio M« f u n . ! ' " * W'll fiiivc

I Hid' i«« I'1*"1* • * " " ' r > ' i>l&'a,t be)ore, butwueri utia mini I hi-

miit*.WUllid tin

will irtKiu tt> itnlvitit act ion of uni- iiu-

' 1,,'mKiUiBi' flulli 10 O'UuuU 111,. mormon, thi! m i * t l »o | . i i will

i i.l I'30 o'clock witt* n ;-l*'tfit '• '.....* *i n vt, ^ft.- n, . j . . , , .

t " " u

r J U W U u n n-id.s ( i . in o d c i n i l u i i l i . U u

illit: i i " ' "ill muU' iu.,nlllf WllU

« im'i. »f hulr-rainliiK t i l * ; , if1 .('«• til nil tiinoe am! It is in

,]|)i,. ill fOtCUUSt jUtit WhiCh NtM'lltflll'iml"""'-' wl i tn the time conitH

"r him to do lits l l t l l t I ' Suffice It to» howtvur. that if there woio KUI:1I

orpuiilziiWon 'is "uorlul inmtui--LIKIS " tjnp.ui would lie tlio leadw.•rlie' Kenvll 'ioM I* louaUnt ubiiutill mill's went »f I)ov«r on Route «.

, ' I,,,,.' of the Wllllttm IlfclBciiiter i'i«t «' t ! ) 0 Amorlcitn LfHionIII lie In iJiui'Bt «f iwrfcliiB ami ml-mioiiu proceeds of which will BO«" post bulldliiB fund, wiildi will

, 0 ije Bwclltil by u Htei-ttl coimnlti-lon oil nil poasonBer (light tlckotHul bj iiiembcrs of tho pout.


•'Well. Bumbo," nuld tho Judge, "BOmi ami your wife huvu boon IIKIIUIIC.ualn Lltiuor, I suiipooo?"

"No, B»l>. •lutlgB, she licked me thlti

tmc."0 ;—

Tho two people able to muke it hot-ett for you nro ft woman who can'tlive her own way and a roformorilio can.

«:ONSI'',KV1N(; CIIILIIISKNT h e lii'iiinn lu'llrvrii t l l l i l tin: 111-

U\l't- i)l intr imtidi i tli'titiiidii uiKiJi tinc h i l d r e n of tixtnuV, iinil tlml noii-iiii'vuiu On1 Uvi'H ni our I'lillilren. Iftin iiupdl'lunt. Mirvli'C to :ilulr antnut loii. In 1IKI0, ^1 mill luiyii metU e u l h urrl i lc i i l t i l ly . No oni' knowiih o w n inny l ives were liiivi'd UIIOIII: ! ,liCltlol) I'lloi'L'i, but wi1 do know Unit3 ,000 p o s t s of thi! 1,1'CIIIII I'oiiductwiWlti'ly ciimi>iil|!iui, erw^lini1. ulii'rt. nnil'lHUi (ilium icikliin (lUtoitiiilille (Irlvi'i'ft o bi! d i r e f u l .


"My InctllXllm' lms liiitchcd dill tlii-:ii vrith twn lieuil.'i."

"You'd Ixitttr look into Unit themust lie out-of oriler.

The Ai'iionliiii! Koveriiment Is t',(i1HK Into thii Ki'tiln Iniiiliicss. We wouldbe Kind to sell It oiira.

E l 110 I" 0 1. IT AN H 1 0 II H

38-42 Wtst Blaokwell Street lihout Dover !!?.

Smart New Draperiesas modern as tomorrow

Now is the time to brighten your home forthe Summer months. Drapes made of thesecolorful cretonnes will do much U) giveyour home a cheerful aspect.


S . F R I E D 1. A N I) *

Brighten your homewith

Cretonne Pillows39c

UNO Y K A H " " ' H t : i . l / > ' " I ' I T


Slioiici' Days ttml Weeks,

(Jupunc («r I'rciidenlP

1-eut, Kigc, Diininisli Fat,

More Airplanei.

ll.iuii. l i iuuu, liuml ul the

l of Ltilior, ituJ/H tin? worktiK

uid lit luilui'lil to five <lny», ItlUK


Rockaway BowlingLeague Closes season

L»*t (ininei Wat Hulled Thurriay , Divorce comeii not when they areNlrht Between Butcher* tired of ?«ch other, but when they are



hiru In mi iliiubt t l u l inui'l

jiuuiH luntiT than i:itimiiiiit!i

RH IIII)(]IU'IHF uuili'i' our H I H U I rtyH-

. Tiiorii In an (Umlil llinl In oldl i iury

H nitt^liimii y, wtllt tiiiiti wurkliiK

linyo, p iodmim urn IIIIIDII, Ttiitkhi^

It'll;, Alul Uiori! in no diHlht illKt

s \uiyv KIU l o llvt?; hu niilfun rould

| luilr nlnrvi-il *ml lif'lf fmi,

was the cane liiBt year theproved iix.> good and won

the Umgue i'tto« handily, loitng only13 out ol 84 UBIIIKS. The Presbyter-,Knti iiiiinhwl in soioiui iiimjc andlo tent were slmitg out us thi> flnulKiidniiih show.

A IjMiiqiwt will be held tonight Rt' HtiH« Tuvi'in, wtiern the prliscn

be uwurdvd. Tl \e Becord willthe imincK of tho priise wln-xt k B l

ill Ii

I l l l l l l l l ,


lul, v

Vl l l l l u

tlii , illHIIUM

tikl i i r . I " l ' u i l i!•" li it (1 nil iKi i tn in i i l i t l

<K, Hl ' . l l hlMllll I"

t u h u t m i l nvi i i

Ilill! 1'(l!IHUll)|ltll,llHdllli, t i t i in HUH! I

'I'liniti ti 'il m i d , ' i n i t n


)' >'ni,ni.',h!. lowly In-' timviil Ul.Ml In II,|r

i n t l t t l i w l f i i l i l u u i " I n u U H H ' U u f t s v ^ v y -

I l l l l ^ . " I 'Xf tMi t , 111 lll l l l l . ' f , l t l t i ' l l l l ' , l : I U P .

'J'hup i i l ' l i u i





IllK I l l l l l l t i l t l .

il luly

liny, iilior

Ml Kuril

[ I I [ I ' l l W l l

will li

tululy, liiiiiiiin III'IIIKII wciulil li,'

t i l l ) W o r m ! f i l l ' li l l l ( t t< l n l l l t u r t o

Illci 1 'M' l l i m i i v h l . ' h I h o y l l v u .

,Vliil l i l l i d l l t n n i w h i c h l u u i M l l i v f v o i l thf<p .ht l l i i n i i l u y , t i l t l i u l l t t l i MiMiin u n l i t II

I l l i t h o t Im i l o i l f , c o u l d i i h i i i i i t l i v l y ^

t h e l l v p i h i y w c i ' l i .

l l l i i l l l l . 111 l l ' i ' l l l i l i l , I n u i I H M U I

IIIII|]IT[IIIK tlm f:lf,antlr tiowiii' plunl

ml liy 111" II-IHII Kiev Slnln , mill

liy tlm Irl.ili pnoiihv

Irliiliini'ii mli'.lit null Mr. IIIHIIII.'

"How l:i It l i . i In Aiiu'ilcii tin, pnopin

(Uk nut nwn mill I'mitiol tlii'lr o w n

liowiir? Why liuvi* tlicy l'otinil It IIIK'IMI-

Hitry U\ luok luy in i . u liif.lily inh'HlnoiU

IlrltlKliiir, to iMMilml IHIWI'I' (or tliimiT"

If Hint iiuonUun wi'i'c UKIUMI, Mr. Ill-

mill IIIIKIH reply : "'Hi,' Aiiiorlcau pon-

lllt* lUlll'l OlMI lUllllU' IIHIlllUlollcll, Ul'lU,

IXM'IIUIO) \vi> itim't let tlii'in, mill, iiiMi-

oml, liccuiitii' Ihi'lf i',uv»'nimimt llli'kB

cnpiiclty, or huni'.-ity, or Imlli."

Tlm NIIW York UMII dciilt'in puy on»

not of niclii'lticiH for prulni'iloii from

tlihiviiii nnd viirloim KIIIIKHIOI^ nml imy

I liny Illdi tin1 iiynliMii, They liny for

molii'tcni' iii'oliictloti nml lln'y nut it.

Tlii'V urn hctliir on' tliim Ilicy wi'rn !)('•

fiiro only pnyliiR tuxm for (lovci'iinii'iil.

Tliln o|itiiifi itiiuiy tioii^lhllllli*!!, ovou

n "('u|iom> for l'ii>nldmit" poH.iililllty.

W P mlKlit linvi1 our inoiliM'ii niekotor»r

ouniluttlni'ii, mi Vuimi' lu. i l licr Colhionl.

Inntniii] of imlilli! ot l lcUls tlmt n ( !on | i t *4^ > k u

ptBcoa on Mm niiiliolmirx' mill hnnt-

IOB«O:'»' piiynillx, why not hlrti tlie

rncketiior.i itlriM't, anil do tin1 hunt W6

run iiiulor mil' now kind of clvl l lxnll im?

IUIKI' null four unL u|i fat. Yule iictou.

tin to iiriirii it liy i<i|ierliiifiiln on nnl-

IIIIIIH. Kut lndliH of Ilia rutiii'i', WIHIIIIIR

In ri'ilucp, inny lie lookml ii|> In

nml lllltK) wltli Inry, liy ornoi ull

to tlml:' Hliupii, or loirllloil hy

llona, or mtt-o. coinlnR DIIIIIIKII Ilin iron

liiiru, DIN. IIIMWICII mill Knltnn, of

Ynln, Hiiy thnt wlmn wn urn IIICIIII'

III' llllKiy, <><»' '''"Oil tllld'H II|| flit fl'OIII

tho litnly. A Hmiill rin wnrt put In a c:iiu>

tilth n bin ilop In II run", uilJnliiliiK.

'Vim II«K l>nvkt>il, Kmwiml, niKnil !»•

I'ni'liitoil ivhi'ii In) roiinil he could not

ii^ii'h (hi\ fi l l . Tlu> 1'iit IIIHMIIHO muvo

initl morii UM'I'HIIHI an tln> (III^'H fury )n-

<:I'CHKIM1, Hulli Uim wolnlil runlitly.

'I'llJH Hrli'lHIIlii illHi'ovi'ry inny ox-

lUitln tlu' ^t'ont miiuluu' of thin luuvtioil

wiuuiMi, nlloi' imtoly tilRlili'tioil nml on-

I'liKwl liy Iliolr iiii«liiiml«' f

nlso the iitunlior of thill Ht

nlrukt Unit wciihunhiK will

inlulit Inuil In

it, M, .loiiflfl, uf 'I'IIIHII, Oklu,, III'IITH

nhnm n IlrltlHli i i i i l l -nlrmii t cnn Hint

"thrown a nhcll l lvo mill n hnlf nillns

'vpi'lli'dl MIIRO' Into tlm nlr." Mr.

Jniiosi IHIIIH: "li'ow |)lmii'H liy lilKlior."

mill lu> tlilnhii InilllinlilpH mi l ilcfy

illl'llllllll'H,Hut, HiipiniHU tho fiim (loumi't lilt tlio

p lum. It In liiiril tn iilioot lu'i'iiinti'ly

up Into tho nlr, nml i>imy, im pract ice

tins proved, to drop II limuli urcuratoly.

It In hurilnr to lilt u mniill iilrpliiiii'.

go ing ICO in Urn mi lioiii', than tit lilt >

j A8 LONO AS THATII Ned: "Have you known Phyllisilong?1 Ted: "Oh, yes. I've known her ever

and Horneti not I red of someone else.


tinnext. wnok. Below printed

Ilnul HtandlnjK


At water KetitH'yt'titnlds ,


... 3




B 11.78M'iSJ.



N, NornmnDemi Scorefi'iul .'icore

APl'll 13, 1031METHODISTS



Di'iulOi'iiil J)i:oreDi'iul KcoreUiuid Mi'ort.'1 >i'iul Mi'orc


nb rjti

I lift 12b126




035 C2[> 025

11. l l l l wl(l HCOI'I!

M IliilinutkaDoiid Hoiii'ii|l>i'iid Score .Demi Hcori' .

April 14, 1031JACKBONB


II. Conillth. Muble ,W, CluunplouA Kcnlmrdt

ini acore ..













702 (lie










708 800 786

i 15, 1031

PRE8BYTEUIANSIi. HiiniiiM'bulilcrR. Hiu'lmnunDond Score ...Duud ScoroDencl Bcoro





DPIICI ScoreDead ScoroDi-nd ScoreDctid Score







703 0DO












Trenton, New Jeriwy. April 10. ItrtiTtlv TQWtntlilli vl Denvllln. Murri« Coun

•y. NBW Jersey, tiuvtiiu inadi' i"1*1' '"'.I. the SUU W>UT Puhnyupprovtl ot l u *mum of one n-wtur dilly for,n attdUtun^i tw\uw ot wntfi mijii'iy ii"inHI* or mort wclin to IM- ie< itu a I'ltiu-i in

W«U Hin tiliuiu lui illvi>ttliiit

mi l l ion (l.tXKVUOU) l


oM' ol

Denvllle or Kaiidolpli Ttjwt...iii »bi



vMlfiitymwi l on n

n( l.nlu

Oannnlin UToWiiFihl t . <ifwiliCl iti>liili:ji(!t-mi ti t

t Vlilfli fail pivll aivlsiuii;.


of sin-

Wlitftiil Inn'l


J w i l l

t < ( l ( ; i i h Uniuy *»

; u! flu-

ii-ii >itu.riit.ltjii

c i v i lit

>[ t h e Uuiuiulh'iiUP tluy lUntvr i|)j('(:UtHlff !.(» til*!

)i f u l w r l y h | t i ) f

iimlit jrtfty )>v t'Mtiullht Cnivtliil'iiikm In 'i 1

Hy n t d w or tin- HUUl i


e ««nir*

nllry f



nml IIuHdor

1 . 1 . f>C4

, N . J .


^ l a l l o r

IVnll Sli'ii'l, lloctnwnr, N. J.

Cliiiinlng, 1'ruiinliig nnd Dyeing

n Specialty

Attention Qlvcn to Tailoring

arc iiitluiicti in fhem Webster,

h JS atrograpf),

uudtnil, treJit

mn, Habitant,

fiijtwgttttiii, etc.New fia rncs tnd

j u s t f e listed sucht s Qifbet, Sattdkttrf,, SraJinJ^tna, etc.

Couuumly inijiEuvtU smd kept up


DtCTIONAUrGet "Hit Beit

'!lw "Sutneme Aiilfiorify"

ill ojjuuh In,li., aod i

, 11 ,000 hiw.iphh.il>fitrif'J,Uli4ittMlmi,uiA tOOt-.il-

r iMn.

/f.imjiltl i

thiiml,iiini:,; ur,:p/f p.irrt f/fW h;Uiti.*IWi>il

G. &. C. Mrrrium Coinpany

GKOROK ». Will'l'UAM

limbalnwr nml I>'unitml

Careful mirvk.e mid iwumpt

Klviiu to nil Hill!., duy or iitHht,

T*l. llockawM 75

Puncrul I'nrlorB- -Muln Street



uiul I'np«rliaiiglnf;

114 East Main Street


Tel. 004

635 025 026

A, CheneyT. CarolynDd Supp8, OulaH. Qroen .

April 17, 1031BUTCHERS




gglillt tmttli'Hlilp, KHIIIH Uvontyllvo uitlonmi hour, An ulrpltinn 11)91 enn itrop

ltnioiiK TNT t» ilnlc li liattlitfUlp

»7ri,(ll)ti. A MR hntllntihlp cosln »r.O.-


It' iintl-nllvraft Runs l i l l im ilo'vn «

liomlilnR plaiw, that nvimnn tlireo in«n

killed. If n T N T nliell ptplnilra on tlte

doi l i of n l«iUU>»lilp, in' l» wnti-r imnr

It, anil alnlifi t tin a 111 p. It inny kill n


If we musi linvn liiitllonllllin, to pro-

vliU> tivuiiil ilookH tor old imvul ot l lcom,

anil iirolltH fur IIIIIIIIITH, WI'II mid Rood.

Hut, In mlilltlon li> fni'iilnliliii; tni'miMn

for nlrphiill's, wo <MIKIII In liuvo a i r

|it»ui>s nt our i>wii, In nlti'iid lo oiinmy

Hhlpc. Wo need iilrplaiioH,

Dr. Mott .8. OdlornoO. AmhntorJ. Zeh



BOO 8)7



785 950

Final Individual Averaie

J, ZehN, NormanH. QroonH. ConditA, ChowcyJ, D. ZumcyA, RelnhardtEd. Sap])S. OuluR, BuchananF, MuellerB, PlchtcrL, HunRorbuhlorDr. MottT. CnrolynD. PftlmovO, P. Dlckerson .Dr. MoElroyJ. Orundn8, OitliornoW. DyerJ. YounKP, DfcckerJ, SwontyH. CallalumP, Schoflold .K. ScliwindL, RudenskyC G

t'upl i i ln ltli'lii'iiliiiclii'i' , on i liivit

Inir l lyi 'r , w i l l to l l Mr, .linii'n Unit w l i o r

l io W H S llivlilliiK In l l i ' i ' in i iny , l irhi | ; l i i |r

d o w n i m i r o t lmi l t w o ( l i n e n O o n n n i i

pliiiK'^. hi> |»i ld n o n t t i ' i i t l o n to n n t l

nlrcri i f t luiiiii.

Coiici' i i l Ml l ch i ' l l . l ioiul o f o u r nlr

forci'M In I'Viinc", w i l l lo l l Mr. J n i i c n

t h u l , ivltli l inlf u ilo:'.i'n p i n i n g , l i o rtiii \ \ \ .

qlnl. n i iv h i i l t l c s h l p i i t lnut. T l i o s o tit- i G .

li'ri'.'ili'il Inl io Komi o n r o no t In Inl l i l m M . S m i t h

It, |O.

C. OreonH. OreonQ. YOUIIKJ. Jon«sJ. Ellsworth .O, ArmholcTEd. Bush

J. Botv,L, DockerS. BurnsR, HllcrL, MabicJ. Ishoword,1. Oalliii:hirS, ClllopplL. PeerW. ChiimpioiiC, HoplftvP. CrcnmorC. ZlerdlC. Dunn

n I A. KrnvlfkJ. AlkieIX lllcll,1. HriUM, Bunelkn15tl. llonunI., snookM. Wlllons

jirnvi'«!•• I ' H I , K t l ' I I ' M , UO.) A'

'P. Lofflor



.... 9884344

.50.... 3



... 6..1230.73.2430248900.2117







Average188.2181.8180.20170.34178.77178.111TJ.51177,2176.22174.73174.171173.38171,41170.58168.19169.10167.43167.4166.5165.49106.111C5.4164.54164.31)164.14104.9104.3164.1104.103.40103.30163.5163.5103.28101.10101.7150,20158.5158,24157.211157.2157.2157.2151.1156.1*1M.B153.10152.411S2.M!152.14152.13 i152.7152.4151.15.151.2148.25142.1140.1311.213I>.13




O H E is the Route Operator and partly

through her skilful work, your long dlttince

connexion that took eight minutes a few years

ago, is usually ready now in two minutes or


At her finger tips the has routing direc-

tions to every telephone central office in the

United States, Canada, Mexico, and Cuba. It

usually takes her less than twenty seconds to

give your long distance operator a routing for

your call.

Expert routingof calls over the mostdircA

lane, is one reason why your telephone service

is so fast and low in cost.

A 100-mile call coits only 60 cents.

M o v i n g Thii Spring ? it >•>, |>l«sc tell our

bun'intm office N OW m n c«n luvc your telephone

rctdy lor you at your new addrcn.



The MORRIS COUNTY SAVINGS BANK'il South Street, r r. Iifllfirt Street


A Jliitmil Sin Inns Hunk

Hie OM,V Suvliiffs Hunk in Morris County



Inlori'st I'niil S ince I1I'_\N

"ASSHTS OVKIt SU,400,000.00"

Niillolllil null Sliil<Ilii nits, nml Snvl i ir . i urHit' npoulul piot i ' i t l i i i iI

Iliinlis nnd Trust ('nmiiutiU'n aro NOT S(ivtnK»Tliilt'l l l ' ' |nnil i i i 1 In :iiicli l i iullli i l l iuiii luivo NOTul tin' H,nini:M Hunk I.IIWH nt thti Hinti' of N e w


Page 4: ROCKAWAY RECORDtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/.../1931-04-23.pdf · Rockaway','; most outstanding wrestlers will be seen in action at Moose Hall .Saturday evening, April 25th


Rockaway RecordEntered Pout Office, RocfcBway, N.J.

an Siwond Class M»tter


SIHCAIt PEER, PrestdeiU-Miumsit'iH1DNEY COLLINS, Editor

Telephone ConnectionsOffice ftlO-RockawayHouse 355

434-M Dover•Offiec: Mitln Street, Rooltitwuy. N. J.

"Of » tipoul*1, liy UJ<* iwoi>lt> ami tor», tUal'n till* »lm of U » Rwurdi I W i C

ipl», tUaln till » m oin plT«ntiu« It In you We aim Cu nunth I ' » I l i i l r r n u of Hook»w»y mill vl

t U fthr I«'»I l i i l r r n u of Hook»w»y milclutty w (inwut alt U.« UP*H ofwn'k lylUioul Lilm or iirejudlw In a rlnui.iwlip, t'uluprvitllv*' manupi'. rMpfiotlnathp Imilumnltlc i(«l\U «t mir I'IUMJIU:thprrln* tUMktttv Itnrlf worthy of tlv



31,002 Veterans! Get Bonus Claimsj State Service Officer l'r»e» Fraen t -| merit Before tVUy 6th—Over

(12,000,001) Paid

Oni' may travel up i»n<1 down avity ftiul find tin (wo houses rxarllynllkc unless they be members or HI'llW (If llW'OlllltRS.

Tin1 itlfli'ivnl nniki's imil mouVl'

I A total of 31.002 veterans havebeen paid bonus claims, ol the 14*,-156 veterans in New Jersey, to theamount of »l218fl2.61B, under the re-cent act of Congress allowing vet-erans to draw on their adjusted com-pensation certificates, uccordlng toAdjutant General Gilkyson, stateservice officer.

It is estimated that this representsbut approximately sixty per cent ofthe claims sin«; forty per cent ofthe men who Imd previously broughttheir certificates, made their claims |through the various hunks in tin*state or directly with Hie main oftiorof the burwm lit Washington, re- ;

iicctviiiK iipuroxinmlrlv $8,574,(i0O IonIn D.HVmb,-,. 1930, 603 boys and! " E d n U m m g U u ] | ( . h u i m d s |

ttlrls between the nut's of 14 and ' • ' , . ( J J J I'titiOO 'WIM-C Ilitiuifil working ptipn.s In New; , , , ' ' " , . , , ,, iJersey. These papers lire tlie only Vetemn.s me ivquvsl i-d to piewail jsiilkslltulf for tin- coveted diplomas


\ \ Connecticut Yankee"At Uaktr Theatre

Will Rogers Se«n »t His B« t in MarkTwain's Classic Story

If you would be a good foremanover a crew of Skilled mechanics, youmust first be a good mechanic your-selt for otherwise how can you ai-red' a man to do a job you cannot

^Such'is the opinion of David But-ler who directed Will Rogers' newPox comedy, "A Connecticut Yan-kee." based upon the classic story byMark Twain.

Ki b e

Vetemn.s lUall the i r ( la t ins lieturt: May li. Uu

iwelvei l by (heir more"foi'Tu- Cienrrul u.ideii as t he amiiUonnl |who romple l r thei r I ' " ' " - - enmloyeil in h w i d l t t he i m u t |

Inch M'IHKII c i iuisrs . UMiiilly with no •volume of IMIKIIIWS will not be ) i - j

»>f nitlnnuiblles number Into (lie h i m - j o l i l l l t.(suii>inc>ut tor cuplnr. with the l u l n n i a l t e r Unit lime. ,•tril ls. liMiiiil of imid rn i i iulusl iy iliese i-hll- '1'homu.s .1. Mi'Iivoy. MiuiiiRcr ol !

Women insist (Iml thei r •Itesses. ; ,! , , ,„ ( ; o ( ,„„ „ , , „ ( | u . Vv i>i lit seeKini' (he United Htate.-: Ve te rans ' B u r e a u !cunts nnrt hm> in- I-M-U>SUI\ but , t n , . thM uili [li:it OII.T.V For u lew. in Newark, has expressed KiaUflca-

will twn men lie loun.l M • (>,,., ,|,.,[ _t(>i> IH.HC-. in In- I he ri iMit ' ( ion wi th t he aiT-oiiipllsliments of l.he|Hue. iilliei.-. -iltei lalhiii1. nl several imiTi iu in fueilitutInn c la ims for pay-inlv. mn> i lnt t nilii the m i l l one ' m e n l . In u reporl (o the a d j u t a n tM-.iiiv. howevei. me ulwii\!. misitts.'iu*iu*val.l ; i up in \ i i •• NIY [hey never ilo 11 it• 111

; o -inlis «<•!! lu lime:, nl depies;.iunihe\ nre tii-t ID liiul then places in

, uulinnoliHe--.lit I l l e i l k l ; ! " !

i i l l i i v i r t u a l l y


neitherlilenlieul hiiluluneiil

Whiil is true of IIOHMillui elutlies i.s nl.sit t i nfoods, fin nit ui i', :.hall Ot 1111111;. l>ii\'.i-:.Mt>n:.

The U M « I i* iilnimis|«'ii|ile l w w ldeutlia! (aMellllkil line tiiuls utiviwtivu n u t h e r T h e I H - I M M I whn.-.em e n ! y o u i n i w i . i

1.111- M i U l l i l ' l i e ae n e e I n i t I i u H i t : .N V t l l i l H ' , l i i ' l e . 1 . h i v e t i t n t u i i n l l v \ V h ; iiwleiest \wmUi tlh' \s»*\ Ui hoht lo t ; ! .Immunity II e i e i \ Inui.-e was limit , j.alike, if the chniee nl tin' ten mil l ion! ,ftiis I'.niul ennui h liir the wnrlii. itHie ttanirnlie i>t the mnilern womanhad us little var ia t ion us K\e's. it

u h hink-.

:. i ' \ i - i -t u - . l e s .

t h e n l n r l u r a d lin' r u l i e i v i l l n . ' . l s i i . - . M p e l l i l l o l l . ' . I l l l n l l i ' l l -

nul New Jersey a le lor the tirst timerndt iivonn;*. ti» ioeib. etnnnmnilv a t -lentinn on (In;, prnblein. Their worl;-ei:- stiile thai the mit.loi'Uy of activetiilieieiiloM;, ea.M'.-, iliui'iinscd in (heliiuies m (he state and tivntod mMule and enmity .-.unaturia are re-

initiil Irnm tills class of younp, men

W.NVIM.r. <'«>MMI'N1TY CHUItt 'HMelhodisl Kpi.scup.il

Joseph Marx Messing, Pastor

spriric buds keep I'.rnuinn untilthi'.v [rixnv rii:ht out of their .shellsThat, lilerally, is wha! happened inthe .Sunday School last week, whenthe rooms became so crowded UnitMr. Morris' class of youni: men wen'

and women. "A" recent "stiaiy" of ' pa - ' forcer! to tnlu* up temporary quur-lients in Valley View. I'assaie rnunty l l '1 5 »' <>»' »™ uiiilclmi!, with theSaiiutovuim,rent had in

lomul that sixtychnnltni: beyoiul

sky for a ee-ilhi1'., Uurius; t.lu1

Kven u liiriier numberP«-. . ,the Pi'rioil.[ m i l had no sehoolinr beyond the P u a

whin one uanled everybody vvtiiiit-il'* :t->ii-litli "rriulf aunt her nine per cent expected this week at the SundayII all Immunity wns of the s:uiu- j su>i>pei.l --chool at the end of the sec- j moriiiiii: session, at !):30. You may

r a l l 1 | i h l Th b<* "inonc them

II all Innnaiuty wnopinion nn all thmi:s, the free-for-auvtuuiU'Ut wvMiUi be i\s VNtinct :vs theKue, but wliy live if you can't uiyaie'1

of the fr 1 1 1 K |


year in hic.h school. The re- ' 1 " ' "I110"!'- '••*'»••thirty per cent had some At 10:1.r>. the puKtor will pleach on

business. Icchnicul or collene train- "The Divine Alchemy." It will beins: an interestiiij!. and a helpful ser-

"Thcse workliifi boys uui Rirlsimon. touehini: the preat subject ofjinrold tile transformii'i: power of the

ynever hud » show." sivid Ur. Hnr,,., , , , , ,.. ., Dr. HnroW the transfttrmim: power of the

VUion iiierclmnts build new stores ; s H , l U . h .superintendent of Shonp-! Christian r.ospel in the lives of menadd uddllional sales space, install i l u i l u suniitorUim. "They come from laud in the life of the world. Has ilnew nxtures. impro\e their « » « ini|»vnislinl homes; frequently a transformed your experience? If not.windows, luinmenl their sales force,replenish their stocks with the bestand newest, it is fur the public. Ofcoiirsi' thi'.v are In business for thepurpose of makliii: a llvine., but tomake thai livtni: they must that i:iveservice, so their llrsl objective- is al-ways "to serve and please."

i''«lv exchange is no robbery" Isa business phrase which has beenImiuled down from penevation to(?eneriitlon and now seems In haveacquired Immortality. The laborerexchanges his labor for his waye.The enpltulist exchanges his moneylor his Interest. The inamifiu-turcrexchrtiiBes his priHiucts for his cost»t production plus pvolH, the pro-fessional man exchinines his servicesfor his fees or his salary, the store |kiH'pcr ' ' " "plusbusmi'Siinesspublic oflUial, the merchant is Inbusiness for society nnd thrreforcevery munber of that soclt-ty is hisemployer, his boss.

One of the compensations of busi-ness Is that public recognition andappreciation come to none soonerthan to the businessmiin who mill}

parent or close- relative is a victim come- and learn the way to workof tuberculosis. Infection received the miracle of the aces in you ownfrom this source anil latent in the soul. The newly organized auultchild diirini: the school years was| choir will sins at the morning ser-readily activated by bud workini: vice.comUtions ami low wnr.es. Tlu* tend-1, Eventide briims the desire for aency, natural to youth, to seek a .fitting close to the day. The EpworthRood time is accentuated by the League services and the Bible Forummonotony of unskilled work." l in, j u s t t h c p | a c e s w n e r e o n e m n y

Dr. Hatch decliuwl the problem i n i l d expression for the growing ex-to be of vital moment to tho com- (|,criences of any Sunday that hasmunity. He confessed that the Mor- been really Sunday to the Christian,rls County Fuberculosis Association < The meelinss nre held at 7 o'clock,hml no definite plan of ropint: with | n n d a r e followed by the eveningit. "We can make known the fuct church service, nt which time thethat clinic mid sanatorium facilities]pastor will preach the third in hisnre nvnllnble.' he said. "We can also | s e r i o s of seVmons on the Four Horso-ivarn our yomiR people of the danger!mcn of the Reformation. The sub-of loss of weight, frequent colds, j ject will be "Jolm Calvin "

Will Hofii. i.liuimi' m ''A Connecti-cut Y.'iilee " a Fox Movietone


"And Hit* sniuc rule uppllet tomillion iiicture director:.." eontiniiedIluller. "If it liaii not been for myniiiny years ol experience us an actor1 could never have oven hoped to <lired such a iialaxy of slurs us WillHoiicrs, Maureen O'Sulhvan. PrankAlbertson. Mynm I.uy and WilliamI'liriiimi. nil of whom have big rolesn our latest production. Not that I•lass myself with Will Rogers as auinieitlan. He stands alone, in alass by himself. Hut the number of

roles I have played both before thefoutliphls iintl under the kli-igs havep;iven me a keen insight into mostevery phase and problem which arisesin the film world.

"A Conin ut Yankee," his latestFox prodikiion. with Will Rogersstiirriin; ill the title role, opens itsengagement Monday at the BakerTheatre. It is said lo afford Rogers

best field for his comic geniusof any of his recent successes.

Fortune never smiles on a manbecause he is a joke.


DON'T you agree that your "bank"naturally has a personal interest

in you and your family?

Isn't this something to think of in de-riding on the "Executor-Trustee" thatyou want to advise with your familyin conserving your Estate?

Responsibility. Organization. Rx|itr-ience. All at your service at (his Bank,



Morriitowi «w Jtmy



You can also have a first prize permanent wavt \


serves. A flourishing trade Is syn-onymous with public trust and con-fidence. Service must ever precedesuccess in business.



til we can send everv bov and Rlrl: h a f o l l o I s ' l e J»isiness session.from our schools into Industry physi- L " f 'T ,\ ? !'S 1Our W a s " i 'cally and mentallv fit for jobs which f , t l t l l t e 1 ' t n e ' e a c l l e r s expressednt. and which pay better than a llv- themselves very favorably toward it.ing wage, under good working con- A n y ^°a™ interested in teachingdMons. our community stands j , , . • a™ "»vltcd to share these discussionsdieted and tuberculosis will remain xv i th t h c teachers,the Foe of Youth'." Dr. Hatch con- Tuesday: Unity Bible Class. Theeluded members of the class meet at the

-o church the last Tuesday of eachmonth, and prospective members arealways welcome at the meetings. This j

In most states, there is absolutely > a t pres.ent. ? u r onl>' , a d u l t m*>k'no excuse for further increases in : C l a s s - an,?. " 's o p c n t o m e n a n d

. . . , , ' tho unwilin^ tuv Ac n mat***- nt]women alike. \ o u are welcomeMnn>' conuminllies are planning , k88011"* tax As a matter of

programs for May Dav einpha.sir.ini! *acti t a x decreases would be more Children s Day comes every weekchild health and accident prevention. l l l " r d e r a t t h c Community Church. It is al-Thls Is mrt of tlv general vear-' r*"cnty-one states levy no general ways on Wednesday afternoon, whenround safety campaign conducted bv|ProPerty taxes and make no appro- your children and your neighborsschools and various cluM-protevUve P r i f t t |o»s from general funds for children find their ways to the pri--iirganl.-alions roi'ds. In the twenty-seven other mary and junior leagues, or else

At a time when accidents a n d l s t a t c s r0,ad ' ^ cou«t<^ i» this Brow up having missed the biggestdeaths to adults have const i intlv i n u u l n e r t o t a l le s s I h a " ten per cent thing in the week. Don't deprive themrisen child fivt'ilitles Ivwr been on I 0 ' t n o s t ; l t e highway funds. The of anythinc worth while. Let themtrie down grade This Is the direct i o * l l w s oI m o l o r vehicles pay almost come to these meetings, where, underresult of the ti-'U-hins of' fundamcn-ia11 ° ' t h 0 molw>" u s«i for roads. And the able leadership of Mrs. Kengeterta'ls of Accident prevention and rood 1[ m u s t bo >»'m«nboved that good and Mrs. Morris, and their staff, yourhealth In schools It is 'in Invalu- ' r o a d s O1V of P*'111'1"11' benefit to every- children receive the best that can beable work.'not only because of t h c ' o n £ wl"'!,'«'r or not they own a car. given them,lives now belm: saved, but Ixvause • . f:n''ry, Mm \h0 motorist pays a Prayer meeting is held at the

!l1"' '" r ••"'"' twenty chUrch on Wednesday night. HerehlRlnvaj's and homes in the future. :'!'"/* '""

The astom&hlnc total of accidents ; M ; 1 U


for casoline. abouton the average, goes to the the people wiio~areTntercsted'in c'on-in some instances, when low tinuins Bible study meet for an hour

are spir-will wantshare the


ao noivira ic-im a^" ni^rittaTtewlmw 'md m d M i i ^ s ' 1 ^ 1 * latr pas' tax. all oi which is used The Intermediate League wiU hold?,<• ehlW wm £ V w oi ivTchir - - 0 1 ' ™A*- * •• sood thins, but the «s week-day session on Friday, at

acui as nn aiuiu. ,,„,,,.,.„, f ___, fay diver- And—lost—you will be more thanpurposes, welcome at any o! the services that

more we have announced here. Thisrules and principles. Care, watch-;.•vont llla':.f a"-v .difference" may church, standing as a landmark infulness, courteousnesas tlim*. that can U- " " ^ j ^ i a w m rtiii-h. in ost «ay or a n o t e its doors to those who desire its'se^

,.j of all embraces a majority of the voting vices. It affords an opportunity forness aiid public—shows sisns that they are any who desire to serve their fel-cl'umini! I Krowini; tired of being made the lows. It opens a door to communion

- - • - - • • - - • • • desirable to with the Divine, that none can shutagainst those who will seek the pres-

nrtri- as an aJult r * 1 " «• " " " '» « » » i-jjnuij •Then- U nothinc eoteric ibout' unjustified increases and by

wSJ. U te CSmpl?«^( thS-.IJton «! «•« 'unds/or other P*depcnilim; on a few common sense T h c i f wl>? ^ v '"at "one cen

• * (,s c . , l v witch- l V o n t l l l a ' ; c an-v difference ..... _ie«—such fiiclo-^ have occasion to change their minds the center of the town, is the logicali be exercised b'v' in ( h e lu>ar future. The motorists— center of your religious life. It opens

Playhouse :Tel. Dover 312

Today and Friday—3 Shows4 DANCE IIALLOihl/ IA MIDNIGHT WHIRL/



«-,*rv one v rancor oldhoilv d ^ T « h °

incvimpetence are now claiming I •* V ; " i , , .,_ • 'lt>tMl*-^lTV*!^ I11 * M tl'ti^ll^Vliii's o f 1lV\*^ • " ^ " t - - ^ l i t * l t . \ t * XL IS

each" year--more than 30.000 in au- 'increase 'ax revenue.tonwbile accident-^




"Ladies in Love"


Finger Wave |No Extras





Lehigh Goal

Bituminous Coal

Tel. Roekawaj 408


Prompt DellT«rle«

V S T E D H a n d y man. wages moderatet Telephone Rockaway 24-W or write P. OBox 72. Denrllle. N. J. 42-11

Want ColumnMinimum charge lor ads In tais column40c lor 25 words or less- Cash should ac-company all ads, but where it U foundnecessary to make a charge. 10c will bradded to cover cost.

SEMI-LUSTRE — A Shemln-Wll l lam'Paint. Used on your walls or wood workijives a hard, durable, washable tinlsh—with an eggshell gloss. Easiest of allpaints to apply. Hartley's Paint Store.S3 K. Sussen S t - Doier. Mtl

FOB KENT—TVo five room flats, recent-ly renovated, all Improvements, rent mode-rate; also two turnlshed rooms lor lightr.O!i5et:eer)lng. first floor, with pr iva te :entrance. Inquire at 139 Morris street. •Oo-rr. or phone Dover « ) - \V. I

TO MINT FOR TREASl'REence of the Comforter. And you. anormal person, feel a need for justithc things that the Christian Church I

Only one thins: annoys a New Ydik stands ready—and able—to give.Talcs of rough diamonds selling: inventor about his cold-detecting • = = = = = = = = = = = = = — = ; — .

for $3 a carat and the tellers unable contraption. It detects copper as e_ f»|_ tunt „_,<.._.„ t vuto fir.d willing purchasers, even at' n-ell. Sailing on the Grace liner.; Se t t le UlOt a r g u m e n t WJtnthat price, are being told by pros-.'Santa Clara, he said this defect t h e Wi fe v«»r*pectors i\v<n!ly rrtununs from thc would be extremely bothersome in """ " ' " • J*-1*rich Majarum ami Cuyimi districts, the mountains of Peru, where cop- A nice boijnet or potted plant mieht'

The steamsliip Biisra arrived at' per is abundant. He wants to find help things a lot 'Georgetown. British Guiana, from • the gold buried by the Incas at the •,•> •»; \ I ilUitiv.i with 2«4 starving mmcxs SpanisJi contjucst. The Invention is >x> >> A L L .aboani. all of whoa\ had been evac- j a divining rod operated by dry bat- ' . I~L ., =«aU\1 from the aBecscd region bylteries, with a clock-Uie device upon T H I R S T Y ? H I 1TVPRV9the-comnment. Thc miners re- it which will indicate, the inventor u l m ' : ' l u n u i ^ V j l V I rrxMied that storekeepers in the mine claims, the direction of gold withinfleUs refuseil to pay for the dia- \ a radius of several miles.raoads, evtji in food, or If payment o

mad* in food, the diamond; A visiting British lecturer says thatminers «*n> unable to earn more | Americans have a bored look. Ifhe"dthan $2 or |3 a w*ek. b»rels sum- Just stay away from hU o«n lectures.Went to keep them «lire. 'perh»ps he wouMnt notice i«. •


Quslllj- Home Bakery PredactsCANDI


JOHN A. BIZUBFuneral Director

1699 Slain St., Boaatei. N. JPhone Boonton 145"

FOB RENT—7 rooms at 49 Wall St..SoctaTay, N. J . Gas. light, water, etc.

Roc&avray Real Estate Company,33"-f O. E. Fisher. Treasurer.

FOB ElENT—Two houses In Denvllle.t^jht and wawr. Interior newly palate*!.Inquire at Mre. E. Ivesllc Todd. 131 Maple^ e , Bocliway. Ttl. 1®.


|Voar Prite Pets, Fish and Animals

Mounted—Bides Tanned


Hillside and State HighwayOpposite llillsia- RfUunnt

HE happiness of the *vidual family and ft«»l

ifare of our nation revol>the institution called

!()uis Is the finest Plan.'

•vised, to h*lP « i w a r (

i ownership.

RockawayBuilding &.

Association(Jco. F. Fisher

Page 5: ROCKAWAY RECORDtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/.../1931-04-23.pdf · Rockaway','; most outstanding wrestlers will be seen in action at Moose Hall .Saturday evening, April 25th

HUK&W23, 18S1


~ — | keape will"' be hiHUKSU.

Epwortheld in the social

E C h hAPEIL23,1831_jParl^«.-|

'are request to ^pTe3em.Ueil8UerS

Local Briefs

Hull of Hoagland avenue,- ' Hospital„ „, Dover

j l t t S returned home.

, , Bred B. Schott, and her son," " - a r e spending this week at

D. C. They will beete spending next week•, M d .

Hi-Y has elected these^ident, Jack Bteele; vice-Fred Pichter; secretary,

flic Boys'presi

sklent,t i

Contrasting the Legislature's com-pliance with Senator Kean's requeststo grant the right of condemnationto private water companies, with therefusal to extend a similar right tothe State Water Policy Commission,the Atlantic City Press has this tosay: "But the public learns to ex-pect strange things from the Legis-lature. It should not be surprisedif, in the course of time, it will berequired to foot a large bill from theKean interests for water rights andlands the state will be compelled tobuy back—lands that were acquiredcheaply by exercising th i h


Contractors Urged toEmploy County Labor

Local Employes on New Court HouseBuilding and County Jail

Endorsed by Board


Rev. Eldred C. Kuizenga, Minister

IV rt ievi"treasurer, Harry Fer-,,^ I & a U a t l o n will take place at j "•™ next meeting. I01 U l e

qy y exercising the right to

condemn, but that will not be socheap when the people will hitve to1,1.v ii " Senator Keun is the owner

Longwood Luke water slu:d.


movie benefit for the Rockaway ( \ l l m , . , f\\ i , , . , ,,'Serves will be held at the l j 0 " " t > Older C i r l s ',,r Theatre, Dover, on April 27 j Conference IVI'IV I '> \% wltii Will Rogers ay the lend-1 v m d > J -••>

•^'".f^i",,;:* ^ S H " * 0 1 1 ^ r"|!»t.v>Wt« is,. ,,,|,i :,lscreen star in "A Connecticut

Tickets a r t fifty cunts.i.sc of the benefit, is to rui.se j

Iciieyto si-lid an

unity Meet to I-,,. H,.|,1 a(Mountain Lakes

an- fust| i i f lo ; imp for two week, uiis i UK. "w^ iHi /^H; ; ; , "^ . 1 1 *! - 1 ! . ^

j eren<:e in Morris County i« l)l: |1(.1(1

" " , , . , ., a l Mountain I,al;es May 1 -•> •< •nM.l l u i ) ! i c . s l l l ^ , . ^ " ! ! n , , ! " ! ™ t a " ' i ' ! l ! " : * i U l ' i l i ; ">,»'>«it.tee. with M, : ; C .

i . i i p l a n -Iill fc"iiel(i Saturday afternoon utjs. Murfailaiid'^s'Thainnan; hollle ul^the^ateMrs.^ Louise I,,!„,,_,,„ entertain 150 S i

, tlu, old pieces of furniture are A l l unusually ) in ( , m,n,nn ,l e t m ycurs old. Mrs Hal was the teen pUumed around h, •, ,,-,,\ m r Uf Mrs. Sarah A. Uodine ,o tlieiu.., "Learning („ c.,u ( c" •-M

.in avenue, Rockaway Ihe old conic, em-c will ope,, with l-cfNti-ilioiia yhomestead is located on the

oley's Mountain road.

tions on Wednesday awarding con-tracts for the above new construe,tion, he also moved that the success-ful contractors be given to under-

| Sunday School at 10 a. m.Sunday morning service at 11 [

ja. m. Subject: "He Must Increase."I The choir will sing.

Christian Endeavor Society at6:30.

chairman of the Court House and! Union service at 7:30 in the Pres-Jail Committee offered the resolu- j byterlan Church. The Methodist" """ "~ ' " ' ' "' Church has had the union service

for two successive Sunday nights onmonth-ends, so the service will be inthe Presbyterian Church again thismonth. Rev. Warren P. Sheen willpreach.

Prayer service at 7:30 Wednesdayevening.

Next Sunday evening, May 3rd, Dr.Francis Shunk Downs, one of thesecretaries of Foreign Missions willspeak. Dr. Downs it a very able manwho has traveled a great deal overthe mis ion fields and will have anitcHjtint ' sloiy to tell you

Annual election of elders .Sundaymoniinj; after the service. Elder•Sii,ut , , not subject to re-election

misi of tile system of rotationMill i 1 Miii'tt and l''oid lire eligibleloi H (kflion We also wish to re-mind the people that women unti nowhi (It d id t t Ihis oflice. Membersi an be nominated and names will be

lw'f'il on u blackboard and then theyMil bi \ol(ii upon by ballot. Klec-in o* d* a< on; will lake place id. u

1 tu dd iIhi i ho l of Union Chapel will

mi Siuidnv May 3rd, and themit d i hon will sing on Sunday.

May 10th. Mother's Day.

p th ref Kralionfrom :i:;!0 to 5:1)0 oi, Friday M "tt SI J h ' ljat SI. John's School

| will then go to theI operators of street cars and buses j hostesses for dinnerbtlie ~" '

T|u- ,|(-lc •alpsomes of their

A ret acquaint-ators o | o dinner. A ret acquaintMoms divisional Public Ser-jecl eveiimi: at St. John's will lollow,

uc Cu-ordinated Transport re-ived $1,407 In bonuses today forice

closing with a worship service. On•Saturday Ihe conference sessions will

last four-months period under j be held at the Community "church"'he no-accident bonus plan of the | The conference is open to all ('iris

minny. Approximately seventy-j in Morris County foil, teen years or[itee operators in this division got | over. The recistrutiim fee is SI 00(onuses. The Plainfleld Garage had I and blanks may be secured from

""" ' ' County "Y" headquarters. 4 W.Blackwell street, Dover.

o —Washington School Notes

•he best record among the carhouses\ i garages in Central and Morris

ivisions and every operator at thisarage reeived a bonus of $5.

j The dangerous corner on Wall and:hurch streets, in front of the Meth- Tlip last meet inn of the 7-A Ens-

;t Church property, lias becnjiish Clul) was held on Monday" Aprillinated and a much wider turn120th. The chairman called the class

m*i by removing the curbing backI number of feet. The old catch

to order and the club song was en-thusiastically rendered. After the

an has been filled in and a new) club SOUK the secretary read the„,( constructed. Electric light and minutes of our last meetingIilephone poles have also been rc-

ved. The work was done by theinty and at their expense. It not

inly improves both Wall and Churchllreets, but adds to the beauty of|lie church property.

[ William T. Leighton, of Mountrabor, is recovering from injuries re

The librarian reported 40 booksin the library and eleven cents hasbeen collected in fees. The books arccirculating among the members veryrapidly.

The decoration committee reportedthat a wild flower table was startedand we have twenty-seven specimensin our collection. The committee in•ived in "an automobile collision on1'1,1,"1" «"<?"""• ""-• ™,.,,iiiw >,.

imflelrl nvemip ParsiDDanv Wrd- c l l i"W ° r t h e flowers are Richardv Wrd-today evening of las[*ighk)ii was in company of Henryardet, a member of the Parsippany-roy Hills Board of Education, when

rie accident occurred. Their carplided with one operated by J. L. |oremus, of Paterson. Mr. Leigh-„ who is clerk of the Parsippany-

.roy Hills Board of Education, wasblocked unconscious and it requiredlight stitches to close the wound inshead. Bardet was only slighly in-

Frank Chapman, American bari-ne, former Princeton football star,jwboy, and U. S. Marine proved so

popular at his recent concert at the. of St. Elizabeth, Convent

|Station, N. J., that he has been en-S«ged for another concert on Fridayevening, May 15th. Mr. Chapman,who was born in Englewood, N. J.,Is the son of Dr. Frank M. Chapman,•noted curator of ornithology at theAmerican Museum of Natural His-tory, New York. He sang in .operas|ttroughout Europe, and is now' onjtour in this country. Alumnae and;iriends of the college are being in-'ited.

having brought the greatest numberof specimens before June 12 will bepresented with a wild flower bookby Miss Ossre.

The treasurer reported $6 in thetreasury, $2.10 from the boys and$3.90 from the girls. Come on, boys'catch up!

A book report was given in an in-teresting manner by Jack MacBrideand our next report will be given byMargaret Cromien.

A motion was made that we sendsome flowers to Margaret Reese, amember of the club, because she isill and will not be able to come toschool the rest of this year.

The meeting was adjourned aftersinging our other club song.



The death of Mrs. Cora CondiParliament, wife of Joseph Parlia-ment, occurred Sunday afternoon.April 19th, at her home on

Dr. George F. Sutherland, of Mad-™. N. J., assistant treasurer of the[oard of Foreign Missions of theiwhodist Episcopal Church, who« recently returned from a sixMonths' official visit to Korea, andoilier parts of the Orient, will broad-W a talk on "A Glimpse of Mod-tm Korea" from radio station WEVDjew York City, on Wednesday, MayJ P- m. Dr. Sutherland went to

e as a member of the commis-sion upon unification of the Metho-

churches North and South in

--,-.- . . . . EasiMain street. Mrs. Parliament was53 years of age. She had been illonly since the preceding Wednes-day, when she was taken down withparalysis. It was the third strokeshe had suffered. She had beenresident of Rockaway for nearlythirty years. Mrs. Parliament wasthe widow of the late Elipplet Condiwhen she married the husband whosurvives her. Eleven children sur-vive her. all born to her first hus-band. They are Herman. Asa. Theo-dore, Eliphalet, Jr., and KennethCondit, all residents of Rockaway,

l M F l e Mes

Edwin Svinhufvud has been chosen.president of Finland. Imagine shout-

stand (hid in every possible instance jinn, "Hurrah for Svlnhufvud.1'they would be oxiM-tted tu employMorris County labor.

Hi.'; stand was endorsed by all of(lie members of the board and it ishis intention Io follow this closely,"le is already in receipt of u coni-minieation from the General Con-•ructors Bontempo & D'Annimzio, inriiich they express their willingness'.,o comply with the board's request.


These lines are written in memoryof the kite Alex. Kepler, who de-jarted this life very suddenly onApril 24, 1930, As a husband andather he was all that could be de-

sired; kind, gentle and loving. HisJcath was a great loss to us, andas the days go by we miss him more:md more. Memories are nil wetiave left ol our dear one, but thesememories are beautiful because ofhis untiring and devoted attentionto us during his life. How blessedare we who have had such a hus-band and father.



During the past few weeks manyRepublican workers and personalfriends throughout the county haveurged me to become a candidate torState Senator, I have Riven verymuch and careful thought to thematter and have decided to becomea candidate. May, I, through yout,valuable columns, announce my can-didacy to the voters of the county.

With thanks for this courtesy andappreciation for past considerations,I am,

Yours very truly,HOWARD P. BARRETT.


We take this means of expressingour gratitude and thanks to ourneighbors and friends who extendedexpressions of sympathy because ofthe sudden death of our husbandand father, Lewis Shawger, whopassed away suddenly on Thursday,April 16th. We especially thankthose who donated beautiful floralpieces, those who donated the useof cars; the singer, Mrs. Fred Well-ington; the pallbearers, the Rev. E.C. Kuizenga and his associate, and.the undertakers, Whitham andStober.



We wish to thank our manyfriends and neighbors for expressionsof kindness extended to us at ourrecent fire. We especially wish tothank the Rockaway Fire Depart-ment for their prompt and efficientservice.


The six girls are Mrs. Florence Mes-singer, of Boonton; Mrs. Mildred

TOt country into an lndenendent' Spencer, of Netcong; Mrs. MyrtleMethodist Church' 'ot Korea IBlanchard. and Stella, Helen and

oi rvorea. i Catherine Condit. of Rockaway. Fu-neral services were conducted at herlate home Tuesday by members ofthe Eastern S,ar, and on Wednesdayafternoon by the Rev. E. C. Kuiz-enga. Burial was made in the familyplot. Rockaway Cemetery.

Jta annual convention of the New-B, Dl°cesan Federation of the Holyme Society will take place Sun-

April 26, 1931, at St. Joseph's? H n I 1 ' Warren and Hudson

wts Newark. The meeting will!

flu Si t o o r d e r a t 2 : 3 0 P- m - b>'1"«uiocesan president, Justin Mc-H 0 " Reports covering activities

l b d b th


**Wthe year will bo made by t h e ^ — - j - ^ - T y s o n h had, neverA back country Virginia negro

of the several County j>, and by the legislativeand the speakers bureau,

will be elected for the ensu-" , and an address will be

R rVR lfh tDioceSanOspirit1^Ueanier"starte^ai,d became an ob-

. . . " '_ v •„«• . uiocesan spun. ianl nr K v n l n n t h y nmons his buddies.* his

been ten miles from his home before,had been caught in the draft duringthe World War and was on his wayacross the Atlantic. He was dread-fully seasick from the moment the

rVl!Diocesanspirit1Following adfom-nment J<*t of symp

t ill b f d i O n t l l c s e cwill be served.i On the second day! friends, hoping to distract his atten-

funeral services ot Lewis«onn «'' , v e r e h e I d Sunday nfter-Ml«. April 19th, at his home on the,. •"ope road, Mlddletown, and

lareoiu attended. Mr. Shawgerthe late Abram Shawger

"ved in this vicinity all his™ Ivas 78 years of age. Of a

'."'position, a kind husbandT r . he had the highest re-'

all his neighbors and1

»s!?i vl}\ E . r e a t l y m l s s n i m ' |

tion from his misery, said to him:"Hey, Jonas, come over here to therail; here's a big boat coming."

Poor Jonas lifted his eyes weaklyto his friend's face, and said: "MyLnwdy. Nigger, I don't never want tosee no mo' boats, not nowhere. Butj ' oon as you see a tree, calljes' as soonme,"



We wish to thank all our neighborsand friends for their many acts ofkindness shown to us during theillness nnd death of our belovedmother, Mrs. Margaret Murner. Wealso thank Funeral Director JohnBermingham, Mrs. Murray, RevFather Mockin and all those who do-nated cars or sent flowers.



Our sincere thanks arc extended to'our neighbors and friends for theirexpressions of sympathy during theillness and death of our beloved wifeand mother, Mrs. Cora Condit Par-liament. We also thank those whosent flowers, those who donated theuse of cars, the pallbearers, the Rev.E. C, Kuizenga and the funeral di-rectors, Messrs. Whitham and Stober.




Residents of Rockaway and vi-cinity are urged to be on the aler'and apprehend If possible salesmenselling magazines, etc. under the

[ guise of being ex-service men ormy walch up-1 legionnaires. These salesmen should

1 ' ' - show

of Sparta.Hltchins, of Rock-

was made in the,, . Rockaway Cemetery. The

I UjTu'™?. clergyman at the service* ^ Rev. E. c . Kulzenga.

I run down.'"No!lit"w'on''t—there's a winding

staircase.". o —

Distance will lend quite a bit of;enchantment to winter. I

papers and legion card. If they fatto produce same, get in touch Im-mediately with the chief of police, orany ex-service man or legionnaire.


Let Usrestore the exquisite col-orings in your Rugs andCarpets right in the home.

Raymond NicholsP. O. Box 95

Rockaway, N. J.

Morris ( ouiitj'h I,«>u<iinfr >*Tulkiug I 'Mure" J'iuatrc

I*, verting l.*M-3"i<--Ulr






for the Moon


"Woman I lungry"LII.A LEE









[toNNEGTICpfj1 YA'NkTElf1






J O E I) O N O F R I OMoving and Trucking General Curling





Whether you are planning to build a HOME OF YOUR OWN,

or buying for INVESTMENT, the thing of

utmost importance is


For the BEST LOCATION you can have only one choice










Office on PropertyRockaway, N. J.

or Any Local Broker

Newark Office51 Ingraham PlaceTel. Waverly 2-8798

Page 6: ROCKAWAY RECORDtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/.../1931-04-23.pdf · Rockaway','; most outstanding wrestlers will be seen in action at Moose Hall .Saturday evening, April 25th


Greenberger's have

1931s Perfect Camel

Hair Coat:: with a slit up

the back:: raglan shoul-

ders:: man tailored and

hand finished :: it is a

triumph at these prices::

in sizes from 12 to 42 ::

and this coat is to be found

only at Greenberger'sMade of 100% Pure Wool

$22.50Made of 100% Pure Cameli Hair

$35^o $39*50


(woven felt)

H A T S . . . . $2.98Here is the swanky hut tu coniUinv with your Camelshair coat. They are suit and will crush into your poc-ket if necessary. They ire liiilit in weight with nstitched crown and tri-colorecl feather in a grojrrninribbon hand. All lleiul sizes,Sand Brown Skipper Blue Chunkkcr Green

Nile Orchid Mnize PinkLinen Blue White

DOVERRichard Ten Biwuk of Smt Mi-

the week-endEiurt Omnie,

Mr. and Mrs Hunsell King, otMontdiUi, ttpent Lhc week-end wltlithe former'* Jail out* Ml lUld MilJohn King, In Putrvlew avenue.

Mr und Mis Raymond F. Wood-bull, iiT North auiwix ktmat, iMtv* returrusd tioiu it visit with frltnd* itNow Rochollu.

Mr. mid Mrs Waller Oratory, ofuvtunie, und

Mini, ot

! Wi»t BiaeKwii Mt*A l » « reLumed i'from u vlml lu ANUUI.V PHTk.i MI «md Mr» RuU-rl Huch tmtJUwMiilBi, ot /WiwvllU-. N C, have•uiiieludiid » visit with fiiondfl and

'MU^Oertructi' Cnmule, OJ W«sti Hluokwell strain, is iteuunnd at nerI home with Illncnii _^' MUw Eteunor Olekerson, ThomasUlukernon. Jr.. and James L»mon, ofRockuwtty >o»d vigitud retaUvms ofMr. twnoti. in Wllkas-Bwif, Pa.,on Sunday _, . ,

Mr. und Mr«. DBVid M»ch», of; ttoulli Sussex street, are tmtetrirtntngthe tatter's tUter. Mi»» Sj-ivln J»do-

1 wiU, ol Brooklyn.| Uvimld R. LaualliK, of Mvuul Hope


Mr. w d Mr,. Hmry Ho^teUI. ofNew Birunuwlck, wei* Sunday d


Orftttvo. Ki»nt ll«> week-end withMr. mid Mrs, William (i liiimmol, InRlchiwi.'. itvenuit.

Mian Hun let Alimwli. i>t thin |>lnnIIM coiuiuitMi ii VIHM. withIn Loiiu Valley.

Mr. Ami Mis. Firtt ((liwHh. of 1kvenuu, I'littuiiiliuxl u iiunihii1

iWKJl, ut 111 tile.r on .'-iul.unluyMr. und Mis, J'rtitf Hwiklnis,

North fjiitwx (ilrrt't, ».|N'til the weekNld with llie rorini'i'ii linilliiT. InWrulilUKtunvlIli'. N, J.

Mlxu Iliili'ii UldKi'iid, of UukriaUt'Ct, und Ml»i Ncllin Wulera, oiWluirton, .•Npeiil the week-end InNewark,

Mr. nml Mr.v John AnOnnvu millfuinlly. of Norwulk, ('tmii., Biieut tlwwcok-i'iul with lili'iid:. line

Itogcr Ainnuni, of Wtlmlniilontpont the wpek-end wllli IIIH imrenls,Mr. and Mm, FIIIIII'IH H Annnoii, In

U1Mi.°L5 Ito. Stott^l rruati. of

" f " * • w i a M r " a m m v m f i m " - m

Mr. und Mrs. Ulchiml I'. Ward, ofNorth Hiimox nlreet, enti'italncd overth« wenk-onit, Uu>lr ehttilren, Ma-.Mid Mrs. P'red 0. Wuiti, of VVoetOrange, und Mr, und Mrs UcrtramWurd, ot Mine Hill.

Mr, and Mm. Floyd M, Dlehl, of


Milliter Miller, Whose [)»renU liveIn Mw.tKiliu, CUUUUR. cisiriB liuwuout of the sky »nd U posribW the

j Aral ijilli* borti u(ifxi)i.'iti'4ly In unaUvlune in lull fitebt. 'ttw pluuu

|;,lnrtcil tii The fan from Milt' 214 toni.'ili MIK. Aim Millur to a hospltul.l( wus plloteil Ijy Htiiht-ltoiteniuit

i A. )•;. Mil'lici', of tlio Itoyul CunndtanI Air Furre.

Fifteen minutes utter the take-offlicr MIII iniKle hl» appouritnct! In theI'uliln inunoiiliine ut u liclchl ot4,oow fi't't. The mother und childwi-re ri'iiorUtt doing well.

o - - — -.•Alili 111! N15EIJS 18 OAt.Ij MON1SYAn iirtlclo In the Juiinuil of Com-

merce snys Hint n «ood poker playerinn uueoi'iuifully run uuy huslueim.Hill whut does n good poker pluycrn«vd with it business?

Rubber hose as a correctional de-vice will never get the romilU achiev-IHI by the old hickory paddlo.


wllli or wltlioul linudlAll kluda of Kit* Tool) Mud

Muweri B b dUiiiun 8tr*r( Fliuue



RvcimsT, Sew im*j

Kverytblui ID H*rd**r«p*lnti, Otto. Vgrnlihei, BriUhu, M«.

FIRST NATIONAL BANKMorristown, New Jersey

CHARTKltlOJJ 1866ft«8«tt*M over tT^oo^wti.oo

2% INTERESTUn oiieokknr noeuuitii) i&OO to iHtU,iiOO

3% INTERESTOn anountH In ex CON* «t <iu,(io«

4% INTERESTOn HnvliiifN Accounts of *f..l»0 nnt) Uiiwwd

Complete Financial and Statistical Servicewncmn

m u N K n. AUIOUWARD CAMI'llKIJ eilSI)IKNHy «OKV Vleft.|'rtllJ211USNNKT11 W. TllOMl'HON Cuulilcr mid Trust o C lWIANK Q. Mil J.BN A«j|»UiitDAVID K W11J.IAMHON • - - — - A«Hiai.Bt

1*'UAN1C II. AHKI.I i>ItOItKKT *] . UUIIKU u , . , , |WAUU ( J A M I ' H K U J . .Vlcu-l'nii i ldcnl; Troufi. Mcirrln Co, H l l lHKNHV UQBYIUDNUV W. TO1U) UfA l t l i l U t t A. MAUBTKUB Amnrlciin Tul. & Til eim, OAVII) H. MDAIA'IN T,:I). M. MIDHOHANTJO8HUA It. BALMONTHOMAS W. 8TH19BTISHSMTH 10. THOMAB, Jr Hetti Thamu Ctotk 0«IIAROU) II VAN NATTA Morris Mains I.umbor and Coal C«HB0BN1 V •VBIJJH RH| I '

Soundly built to serve you

long and well

If you could sec the new Chevrolet

Six Iteing huilt, you would nn<lcr-

HIHIXI why it performs m> well, l»«t»

HO IIIDK und i>rl»KH no IIHKII nullnfar-

lian und pleuwuro to lt« OWIUTH. The

(|iiullty of ruw muleriulH 1H lu-lil to

Nlundurdx uiiHiirpiiHHeil uiiytvhrre In

Ilir uiiloniolhe iniliiHlry. In the

inuiiufuetur*- of lliv cii(tiin' ulone

there nre hiinilrvdN nf Mepiirule In-

h|ie('lloiih. IMHIOIIN nre mulrhed In

M'l» to within one-liulf IIIIIKC. 1'inlon

|>i»Hin\iHt hewitliin 1 VjtcntliHof one

OIK-IIIOIIHIIIKIIII of I heir npi'dlieil

Hizc. ConneetiiiK rods are nuileheil

In within <me-<|iinrter ounee uml lire

indhuhtnUy fitted by hand. The

H|>eci»l alloy-wleel cruiikKliafl in the

Hiihjeel nf truly uimi/Hi(! <«re und

precision in nlaiiiifarluro und ean-

not vary from perfection in hulunex

r limn Vk liK'h-ounen!

N*ie I.oir I

>.ui~. (.Ill, i161.1, Si.«a.rt

I..,»J pri<« >iul r... Innu, All prim f. o. I,. Mini.

Tlieso fi» cxiiinplcH of Chevrolet

tttunilnrdH iiulieutc ihn care used in

llie iiiiuiiifiictiiro of every part of the

ear. Soundly built to nerve you long

imd well! No compromUn with

quulily iiiraim no compromUe

with sBtiafaetion in ownerahip.

NEW CHEVROLET SIXTh* Krrmt Am«Hemm Vmlmm

>oar denier below

E. ARTHUR LYNCHChevrolet Sales and Service Phone 133-Rockavvay, N. J.

Page 7: ROCKAWAY RECORDtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/.../1931-04-23.pdf · Rockaway','; most outstanding wrestlers will be seen in action at Moose Hall .Saturday evening, April 25th

28, 1B31


Oh NKW JMUWYW attofcife. uomijltiiii'VisridwriioW ttiltf Edith

• I, i i kla, DufotKlMiU.

"j,,, , , /1th. A T>.sll.il.h-. W M I * .


d Writ of

ij])' VlIKll r ut tlii- Uuurt.J.. tu M

l.r»l, 1 !>., IMI,,HI;» ..I 12 M. M"d fi o'rlitlikI,, i,,,y lit 2 v'l-lnrb In tlir

,,i,l day, (l.ievuiilne Mmri.. , , | l i r IJItrl UI p u l l ^ l "t I.UIliIM H l n l i l t t l [>lullrui[U }y (ll •,. iyldf ILilt! til'llit; 111 theIIHA-IIH- 111 Hi 1 i.Milily (,l

HI,i luliti It'.d I.MI1.1M I- C!,ll, 1 V i - i . « t r i ' " i ' ">'<< Wll l l i iu i

In ! ii .ii .liit .id, " i -li ' lin Vi,ml l . l l l l iu . Vmi l lu i l ln r . ' - i i ,

([l id (ItiMll /lU^MUt 'i, ill^i,,n , 1 K Mi.it l», ( i m m l y <; i . - ihh

*• In Book o-M,County HMXird olVt*ua* Ills &c

The evprudmaw unount due nu ttil»mmcutlon IK >2 770.08 iienldon BborllT •tmiioutlon feu"

UuUid April 7th. 1)31.


Advurllmd inwiiy HeiordItlimr'n h ,

Tllfi Jflrwyi Him Idt R

NOTH.'JJ IH hwi.liHiK willmmre wiKli Hist rfiftUlliK


« »nuna«l In M,the num of 12000« »nuna«l In M, amount not tthe num of 1200,000. Said nut


t not to «x«,»did t h l


tor.! «"I)"r»,1 l«™1» »h« puipum tortbay tre IMUMI, iui<t .hull to luutxl' J " r o u n V l "u ' * "

cli t» . . f' J r u n V l »Ti i I'I " • •"•""MII

?•!* of InUmrt d d

till Cuuuly ot liorrIK Bute ol New Jer-My. tlmt the Chairman upon the adviceof thi Township Committee may and lie

authorized to grant UamiM>* un-

rtHilutlun of IheTin. liirm of

f t l-- uf 1'nUrt.Mt ant] date it maturity shalllino l» tlrUrnilnrd IW IBKIIILIUOII.

8. Tills ordinance «htill Ukt« effect at th«•oplriilliin uf tru lill) tl«y» from tin- diil*(if It* iiubllcAtHui, niter flnnl IJiiaitaKc. aHl>rovitli'tl hy law.<I-2t

i iii.uk l i

1 l lL-H'l" '


wild I ' " 1 " 1

it SK i (K, IIMU 1,1, 1()!||>WI,: HItUT THAI"!'


till i

hi i l l . (luii-tlI (In- M o n inxik I M I , (,Ir J.III I I r i ih i l -

2. And be tt urdmuLUiiu'cl In the

expire un the t\tbt tin'fcfifcr the H&mv Hhall

to the "provUtom of ' this ordl-• carry on the trade or business

or net- In the capacity of auctioneers,hitwkt'i.,, pttdtlters and Junkmi-n and pawn-

that all license*jilig section nhtkh

/ of January, next,— have been grunted

KDd sliull state t)it> i)Ul])une lur whichthey huvi> htitin granted, tht number

lerflur mjtl the ptirwm lltonwd3, Ami hi' H. oriiulued. UiiiL thon- (.hall• clutrjiuU UI tsiiCh jtoifcOH llcuiBed UKorondid ttiut paid to the Trenail rer uf

thfi Township of tturkuwav, for slid anpart of thr rrvdittif of Hwkf Towntthtp on

HUitii; (hi- tici'imf" iiuntUmucl In Vhtt;dltiiitur the following tuttm:Ft« isuc.lt Auctlonwr the num of Twcniy-

flvr J .; ji.3 • -*'w i.«i'h Hawker will Peddler with tin-

[iiiviltL'i' II! Ubluj.; one v<<hklr. the MilJljf twi.-ut y-ifvt- (iuihiw., fur vnv-h uudiUuiut!vi-liiilr thi' Mini uf live (ioHui'ft.

For 4-KI-II l'itwiib)t>K.-r tin- mini of Hftyiiullt.ii-


Ill Uu:

: V V i a .

[I. I " ' '

[Killk •"••pii:N II!|ird i' l l ( l '

?";;;; ; Nin,. Dmmilli •'•'

"linn I "ltd A|n



i i J H < i l i l .

i iw. i , "i wiitca! k lot. hri-fL'f

ulliM, o i 1.)iv i

W i l l lv


,,i tnut


(:( -t) fill i l

nty imi.,iuhiut.cn

! I-'ITK-

v l l l . .Illl-ll


IN UH.I. <ll M


1.1.1,1,1111I,I'll I

Hill., I'll

111.'I i'll

v IH

r ip , . !Ilihl],

| j , ol htinl !'iv ii lmuiiiloiif, (lit- w n . l f i l v


I •'l(lil)

.it 11,. ' I nI w l . l i , ! . .

i .p l . - . l M n v 'Mil.

i.mllhl- Im Hi..* i ' l " l H'l|.|ily.1 li inMtli mulI " nili,|,l..i| All

i i I I I , - M i l d I n

H H ' l i i r n u l l m

" U l ' . l l n u l I h i ' i

l i t l l l i i

A N (Hti'iiN/vNci', l i i t i v n i i N i i y(m 'nit;I.AVINd <HI'{', o l ' l :HJNII /.H!) I ; i!n'Ah-i . i i . i i iNu oi-' H H . ( ) / I | I i;-ri<iM':r I N -nil ' ;IOWNI.HII- dl ' ' Jli'iMVII.l.l1; IH 'I'HKli i l lU ' I ' y III'- MUHHIH AND I.-IA'JH O FN I - . W . iMKiiKy. I I K ' I - W K K N T I I K N O H T HI.I1JI ' (II- ' T i l l 1 ; MAEI.J H H I H W A Y K X ' I ' l ' l N I J -1 N U ' J I I R d l l d l l IH ' INVI I . I . I ' . 7 ' r ) I IOVl ' IH , ,A N I I i k o r . i p r i i / » ' i ' r d i N ' r N f H f n i w i - i i v r -I ' K I . V ' I ' l l L I N K (II-1 I . A N I l H I INl i t t r i l K K N l . A N I I ' ' ( I M I ' A N V (.IIIHMI'IV. ' J ' l l H A C Q I l l l i l ' I K l N I'll-1

A N I I I 'HI- :n11! :l-:f I N K C K H i i A R Y 'I 'HI'. 'H l l l ' H KA N I ) I ' l l lv l : ^ ' l ' A l l l , l i U l l N ( , O1- ' C U H l l H1111 l l l i l . l ' . A N I l I ' l K l V I I I I N I I H i l l ' I ' l I KI M I ' R O V I i M I ' : ^ ' ! ' H l l ' l i l ' i O l . 'A p j i H i v n l m i l l i i i l n i i l i ' l l ; \ | > , 1 ! ] . ' . . l l ^ i t

' r o W N i u i i i ' ( '<>^^Ml r i i ' i ' ; n l - 1 T I I K


HillV l i l r

n o w ' i ' i in i i i ' : i - - i> i i i - : in-: l'l ( i :j l l ic 'I'I.V.'IIIIIU, Ci.tiiiiiMI.-i- ill Inl Ili'livllli-, i.nlil niiiuiillli-i. I,,

Ihi ' Tnwiin()l|» (.'oiiiliil|.|i• • i:i• nl r ii IIvtlh>llflVII) M. llOiqi'!!,!!

Mll.l SAIL

<»!•• NKW JKIiliHYKdwnnl II. NulKliliuiir, Hull

ul Oil) EfiLfitci uf .lulu.'i, )Ibour, liw'l. roiniilulniinl mullinft


iliiH. Drf'd. roiiipluliiiilit h\u\ Allti'iluini Muhi'l U. Hautl, i i s v.'if.-,


'-I loiMi l ,in i' l n i i i . , 1 I I U I , I i.I Ii, n u n , "t


c i i i n U ' i l • ' / i n A r t Id.r t IM- l u i a i i t i x T o l li i i in i . i n i d t h e i n i ' i i i i

ttic .mm : , ,,»i il, li.ivi-uiKtrt, HuUcUur.vlrtufl of tlm ubovi ntiiti-d wilt of

l In niy lumdN, I nl mil i-xpntu- furIn Vi'iKliHi lit tl»i (,'uuit Ilouiii'

torrlfttowii, N. .)., mi Monduv, tlu-fthduy of Muy ix'xi, A. i),, i(i;ti, (K-b Ihe IiiHir* i>' U M. and I. i>'<lml<I Iliflt Is lu H;I\ lit 2 oVlurk In tin-inoon of HIIIII iliy, (pnviilllim time).

tin' following iriiutH ur |mn:iii ofd ' herthittl'tu i ti nidi l

follU)d prom'"""ibrd, Hltiiuti-, lying itnd

f D l I Dibrd, Hltiiuuhlp (if DdMini Htftt'i

i-, lyiniivlllo


|im,i ti< nidi lyl In tli t d i!

In DIP (bounty ofJHtitt'i uf Now Jersey

1' - JleKlmiUiK Kt It pulnt In[oiltll Hlile "I I^ttnilK UlKt) Ituiul rtitnll!-i i . tl» NiiitlHwnt oornm <if the vtliulc

And niiutliiif iilorig tho mild Houthol till' I HtllllK I«ftKl> lldbd (1) Hdul.llIjrai 08 inlnuteii Vtimt Fifty feet toElnl; tln-ncii t'M South olio diturt'i1 V>.lift Kant <>u<) hundnill flM't tu u point;go (3) North llfl cingl'oi'H (III iiiluutiMfifty foot to II ixilni; Uinnni) (41 Northimee M mlnutiiH wont Olio liuiiclri-itlo tho iili.ni of Iii-Blmiliii;

(IE I/it No. I In Illock A mi i.liuwii onp IIUV ln'iiiK irnulK by I'li'diuli-li, 0. K. to IHI known im llcurontllll Ilevi-lonliiimt.OKI) TK»(.'T -uoiilnnlnn nt ii (illi.-1(H] feot from the Nnrtli(iA,it cornerwhole trurl) which IN lUno it norunr

lot liorcloforo conveyed by Edithilioof nnd liunlmnil to Uiuln l lo-

jr >na I'Y.iln Hodroher, IIIH wife, mulluld bculiinliiK point ruiililnii (I)h 19 di'Broe» 08 inlniltm W.<Bt 1'lflylo « point: Uicnef (i) flouth olio

1412 nilntitriH lHutit onn hundred fn-tU Northerly Hide of nevcrly litrcot;» 1)1 nlontf tho Northerly Hide otif Biroflt North 611 dagronH Oil mln-tut Fifty font: thenoo (4) North nun

it 11 minutes W o t Ono liundnnl furl,tt place of talnnliwtt lot No. 31 an ehnwii on » mnphint nmdi- by nnld I'mdorlck HmltliI, ma to bo known m nnacon Moun>Dtvelopmunt.--"- — Hint wore con-

(ahull)) toThoudore QandilH, Rnnft und wife

irH (AlngUy dnra

Mivn-hof !hc

lull ' ul Ni-wuh m.'i' mm

ll. null ni l , , iuf i l i i lc l . l r i l -

c o u n t y , c i ty , I mid , , vlllui ' i .imy i in inl i ' l in t l l ty tn ivcnic t l liy

i.iniilil ruiniiilimliiM, "it | ipriu. | - i |un i i , i i i i i h tnu i i i i i i ciui|it , . . | ' '/:,:>Mllli't l.liWn ill IIIK) mu l | } M . u , : | , ,

t l icri ' i . t mu l i.ii |i | ili ' ini-»tiil

1! Mltl<l IKIIMIII ,,,tll lit. (lul.iiit tin- Int dayi.l AnK*li,t.. Miill, unit nliiill n u t t m i ' In l.lii-| ,rlnvlpi,l niiii'uul. ot ff.!>,lllm.0t> on Mi.- Iln.l,iluy of Au(tU''t el' cfic.ti nf thu yculM 1|I;I;IIn IUV;i. hnlll III. IIII.IMV Itnd i,hull In I,r In-tt-l'iiht ut nui'li lulu pin' ci<ui |tt-r uimii inmi iiliull lii< (li-tcnnluiiil by rcmilutloii ol tlmTiiwii'ililp <;onuiilltt'n luiyiiblii ,<iinl-iiiiiiuitl-ly un tin- Ir.t ihty ul Au|<uut unit thi> lt.t[ln\ of 1-cliiiiiiry o( diuih ytnti' u n t i l IIIH-I 111 IIV IIUKI lill l l ' l l. Bllllll 111. It, tllC (II)-iioiMlniitiou of onn 'rhuiifitiud IJulluni11)1,(111111 nu l l mill llullillii'nU 111 1,1 (lor uftiiiilurlty and tin, linnd. cuttiKiii HIU! formtliiiri'ul xhiill bi, dotrrinhutd by ii'Nolutlonof tin. Towntililp (,'oiniultt.it, uf tlm Town-',lil]i uf Driivllln,'A ' ihi ' IU'OCIIIKIII of 'mil, (if mild liunilii

ilmll lie ii)i)illi'U to llliiaiclin; i,[ tin- ciii'l,,f Mi*' iiiiliilKi'iuiuit mill (ixtiuiMliin uf tliiiwiitcr i,yi,limi ul tin' Towmihlp uf Ui'iivllliIncMuthiK tin' (-out of liimilim und null) uftin, bond,, hereby lUitliorlk'.iKl.

Il In licii'liy ilnti'imliii'il thut nil <if mildImprovement), iviiniminl iiiiiiltul I'Ntn'mll-lure itnd lire not eiiiTtuit I-KIIKIUII-I, withinthe int-itiiliiK of thu tiel. herelimbiive re-f|,nl'[l to, 1,11(1 Ihltt nulil lliipiin'(<nieut'', en-

ulid DXli'UMlonii, lire pur|ii»,i'ii fur


!;f-:AM':i i l , l l ) l > o r p n i p i H . i i l u w i l l In- ic r l v c i l liy H i e T I I W I I H 1 , I | , ( I n n . l u l l l e e (if IT o w m . M ] , (,I H i i i - l u i w i i y . I n H i e C i m n t yW i i i i l i . . l l t u l e (il N e w - l i ' l n e y , l i t II i i ' c l dI1. M. IDnyllulil. HuvliM! Tim,') nil 'I'liiuu-diiy, Hie ''(Hi dity (if Mny, IH3I, nl II,eTowiirlilp Hull in luickirwuy lluniui'.li

I'or ini|iiilyliii! it (liimilhio 'I'nictiii (irudcrmul tlenvllU'r to meet the iiKHilrementiiul (li'tlillnd f,),(i()lllciitliini, on Ille with theTi.'.l'mlilp Clerk.

Illiln limy be nilluulUi'd UH fullnwii.1, Will! iriillllrl'1. Wltllimt iiciirlfler

liliUli'Vii inu'd nuliniU bid lo fum!»li mildiiliiiuriLtuii ul. ii Hut iiiun price Un nunie.

Tlic iiuei'l'imful hlcUU-r will bo rc(|\i!rt'dtu deliver the iipiiuiiituii nt lhuicli tlli'ii Innulil Ti>witi,lilp

(lonilltliiiuil or (itudllled blit,, will not InlU'CI'lltMl,

Mitch 1,1(1 nilliit be lu'compunled by IeiTtllli'd elie,:l( fur 'l'wo Hundred Dullur.(MOO.mn piiyulil!. tu (lie order of the nildenillElieil, to Kiifininti'i, the execution ofproper ciintruct hy (he iiucenHful lililtlunit ti bmut. If reunknitl.

Illiln will IK- rceelved ut the hour munedmid m>l hcton- und not ufter.

Th,- ('(iniliiltlei, I'cM'l'Veii the rlltllt toH'el imy or all bid,,.


liy I-HANK .1. HOWKI.I,.•r.!.i; i!ie

which il l

, u p u r i n (ormay hii luwfuliy liumctl underthi ld IM

Hl hhi|{ Oidhmiu'p v,

H I,

eby ^Ivou tlmt tin- follow-Mulnntltccl hi writ IIM; at

T l l n Cominlttiv oflu th C...I Of IlucKltWIljf, til tile CnuMV

(if MurrlN, Htttle of Now .lemoy, hold Murcli:J(ltli. III:II, Intrndiicdl mul rend In full

provlnlonii or tile mild not, n mel'thw of Ihn4, Thu followlnii iiddltlomil mutterii me -• -

liureby delernilned und declared;II. The jmrlod of uitcfuhioiiM IM forty yeitniIi, Thu iivriiiJi iiniieniinil vuUint.iiii of thi' I nhi! iiiuuit'd un firm. H'IIIIIIH: nml thut lh,-

tiixitble real iironcrty (Inehidlntf Improve-I mild Towmihlp Coininlttuu will furtherinimt'O of the townulilii. coinpiitud uiion \ coiuilder (he HIUUC, for tlui fluid pimttnitelh« next preimdhiK three vuluutlomi thercol | thereof ut u re^ulur urntittliK to he heldIn the niiinnnr provldi'd In tleullon I:1 uf. Tliiirnilny, Mny 14th, 1031, nt II (iclui'liuild net IH s t r a i n . ! : p. m. at the Tuwnrililp llail in nocku-

('.. Tho not d«l)t of the Townahlp, com- wayputed In the manner provided In Hcetton Dated Mulch . _._ ,h, of >uld ant In liwu Uimi 1 inir uent. ' 1'KANK J. IIOWKl.L,

d. Tho tituteiiiont ri'iiuli'ed liy tlectlon VIhnon ii.iKl,' and Illed un llierelii re- . (IKI)INAN('K

(liilred.ft, In order to tuinptintrlly llnunee tlm

ubuvi! iiiidt'i'tdkln^, tt'inporury linprovn-nmnt iwtvn uro hornhy uuthorlwd underth l l f C h t e r m V 1 1D1H

„„«,„ , nmnt wtv nhy wd under»,"lM5( imd recordod fn tht Morris; the pwvltilonH of Chapter mt V, 1, 1D1H,

HAll ordiniini'o

l ll




C i i o n l n i f LICDIIBOR Ullawkorn, Peddlers, Junkmenkd l u w i i k r N .

I, Hi' It orctnlued by the Townnhlp Cmn-niUtoo of tho Town whip of Kook»w«yv In

Announcing Last Months


Tan etih pilm, Iron $10 to UMitch, ut «w»rdtd by m monthlylor tti« but w i n to fit tht pit-turd In eur foldtn. Try r«t monlli.

First Prize Won byJohn Koster, Avon-by-the-Soa

_ John Koiler,' Avon-by-tho-Sin

a . Mn. Lola S. Burrouqtii,^ Box 68, Woit Long Branch

, , Mn. Jonnio Campboll,' • 220 ElovoniV, Avonuo, North Wildwood

t Mn. Eitello S(ru(hcr«,1 139 Eait1 Androwi Avenu., Wildwood

•r Mrs. Clairo Cummingl," Aibury Gabloi, Nopiuna

tt Luthor A. Struthon" So» Ulo City

_ William P. Shorman' 703 Third Avonuo, Aibury Parl

Mn. E. K. Scribnsr,321 Wcit Magnolia Av«nu», Wildwood

Mn. C W.Box 144, LocuitMr». J. R. Hughai,Bon 403, Sooiido Pork

How woll do I romomber,T'wai in a bloak Novombor,And iho shivers played a tuno

along my spino;I'd hacked and whackod with gusto-Pardon mo, I custod to—

• For tho pump was froion half iho time.

Now I'vo bought a now Gas Heater,Automatic—You can't boat nor; (

It's a bit of Hoavon to 'avo it stoam.nright at hand,

L i b a bug in a rug I'm cozy,Baths to mo look mighty rosy,For I'vo wator hot, on tap, at my commandl

Jersey Cental Powcr& l i ^ " ' ^ T


y hhuud d

lp to nuoh perj; t th pr

gr mwiHthe Heel of the M

UH HI ay bo properm of thi rdl

Ji.1 fi (UKi l u i Imill Ml Klve U

4. Ami l» H

niuniin wi th Ui•illrli', l.hr HUN) iuvh i irhliitonui '•ilf-P-

lirlvlln;!'Ti 11 diil-

' l i l i ' l r Un


uuy tir-L I ' l l , ' ,iliUi III

tu-il t h u t II uuv p r i -ll j i l lMmii, flJiil(MI--tll>]l o r rill'IMHiitlom.,>uny in cuuijinithti'., hi in 11 I'SI^IMM It)v.tuv.f Hit- t,i ri i jHilloii (il i:i;)|llli', dituii 'c i . l iuwkiir . i iwliUen., i i i iwnbni l ic iu k i n n i i wiMtln Uic llmlMi or ( h r Towi i -

!•! iliiCkuWlty W'itllOllt iHlVlllf. tiiulu n i h l i d tiiiv fo r Uiul purpuKc h<< (n:ihtt)l \l\nm nUJVIr t lo i i l.hi>reni lu r lcKimv ' ( ' t h e H W of Die 'l'f>wnp:liip ulnwiiv, a MLIII n o t to f'X('i>(>(j I ' l l t slr. i$'»ti.OUt |(»f <w) i oftciiM' in tin->'lli>u of I h e MufEl^triiU; lni|><">l]ir. MICIJ" niiil u p o n Ju ihn* ' ii? pny nur t i l i ne

ItiiprlNDiii'd In t h e Cnut i fy .h\U (otnot P M T H I I I I ! ; ti-ii tiuyti o r u u i l )

n m l vunlii i tn ' jmUI.\i\ny, h i \\i\i. O K I I I I K I U ' I 1 i.linii lu-ll lu i tpply i o i.ulcH miu lc i)jidt TUl in- u l itliy c ^ t ' c u l l c n o r Iinulliiinird out. <>! tmy uf t h e O m r t i .' ' 1 tin1 ' I 'owii i ihln.

Houttc Hltu*Ud DD the Duver-Mt. Hop*Bond

Northern Election District nt Abrahamoflmtin> Sto In ^ l b l f t

n ElectioHoflmtin> Store In

nine P M.. i6tandartl Time) for registra-tion purposed on Tuesday, October 13, 1831,and ftflilly on T u d y N b 3 dl » 1

\y on Tuesday, November 3rd,. 1931, flifiteeii the hours of seven A. M.

FRANK J- HOWELU i und eight p. m. for th* purpose of con-Township Clerk.! ducting a Oeneral Election for the Elec-

I tion ofGovernor,Member of gtatc Semite-Two Members of the General AssemblyTwo Member** of the Board ai Chofwcr*«holdern (For Three Years).Mayor.Two Councilinen (For Thrte Yenrfii.One Councilman (For One Year)Collector,AssessorJustice of th*1 Peace.Voter* may ttlao register and vote on the

* ~" 3rd. 193L


Notice i« hereby Klvfiii Ibut the DistrictBoardB of Reg 1B try and El re tion in and ,fur the Borough of Kockttwuy will meet jon Tuesday, U»y 5th, 1931. for the pur-ptme of making a reKlHtmtkm of voter*by u house'to-house canvawi, which mustbe completed by May 8th, 1D31,

Notice li further given ihui theBoardh will sit In the pluc the sUd yote y e d

p huremaUrr dliy or tftf! Ocoernl Eiectlon, Nob«t«ecri tht liours or w»v«n \ p i i h Pl d


iboi of Hit- Htutc Ken»U>.Mtiijtit'ii, of ihe Gt-neiul Aiistnibly.MfiriiJi'tti of the liourtl nf Ciumcn

AiU'Vi- (For 'I'im-i- V'c»i"(.(.



ThrtM- YeiOne Ycur;


n o ai Juckwin AvStreet and Eo«t New Street.

K D i i to S t r e t .

District; Joseph Harris & Sons,HtirUwfiif Building, Mulii Street, between

: Central Rallrowl TrackB and the Rockftway1 Hivcr BrldRi' (All Eu.st of tho Center linesI of East Vtvw Sirut't. .lacksoh uvenue andlj Union Bircxl).I ' JAB. B. MAY,i Clerk uf Buroufcli of R<jckuway-

4 ^ t 4

iy ut.I'D. to

rllfi.lnr-d un Il i i ' l r turnih I n t o i.lir 'l'(-wii.sliij.i t r M>ltl (11 t() |)t|-,'.n,r. m-Ullll! Ullik(I. Ami l)t- 11. urdiiliuHl t h a t u n v HiTiiwru t i i n l u n d e r Uir |>rovlft)oiiK oi t h i n o r -li l ini i ' niitV hv i>llFip<<tuli'() o r i r v u k i n l t>yU' ( ' h u l l u m i l ol \\w 'l 't>\yiuiblp r . o i i i n i l t -'d upiMi uut lnfuciofy VHUKV KIIOWD a n d

aftiM I h r r rvor ikUot i u n d (hirllic, Hit- t.uii-iu-i(ni of uiK'h ili'ciuic t i n ' riiunc t-liull

> limpi'i-iLtlvi* m i d void.7. Ami lie It onliilncd that every Heonm-

which i.huU he unmti-u to un iwiciionwvnhull ilri.liuinlii the utori' ur place In whichthe pcifoiiii riMJi'lviiiK HIU'II IUTUHU Hhull

I to ruiiy on mii'h biiHtm*HHhilt i>)l HI H1!'Ill 1 UL'CUfllOllrl rUK'll UrCtlKPtlXT'SIMHI inuy (K'I im itn AiK'tloiieer ut unyitlni jiluco or iiUiet'ti where bin KI>IVW«Rmny \n- ii'<iuln-(l,

II. Atut hv I t ' oKliilnt-ii, Unit no UronseclUK-tldiii'cr or t)tht>r |H'r«onn uhitll well orittiMiij't to nvH ut p\iblk: auction anywmlH. chiitU'lii or lH-rHomil property inor upon uny muulcliiul unrfe street orHldowulk In th<< TownHhl]) under u pefieltyof lint more tlntu I-'irty Doll lire far oach

And no IUMUHC Krnntotl to anyprddlcr or luiiknian nluill convor

tho tltiht or authority to Htntut on nnyuf tlM' muiilolpnl pflirtH, public Htreetd oruldovviilUft for the pvuiioHc of crying nndtiolllntf tht'li wmcfi.

H, All (irdliuuiccii or partH ul Drdlnnncenin cDiifilct with tin- rtiivKoitiK lire hereliy

10. lhl» oruiiiuiityvHlcd liy law.

r uliiili take elicit un


Notice In huroby nlv«n tlmt- the DistrictIlourdK of U<<Kliitry nml [Election tn undfor thi' Tmvmihip of IMMIVUIC will meeton 'iiicmlny, Muy 5lh, 11)31, for the pur-pOHii of iimldii!! u ro |! i'<t rut ion of votersby n hoii(it>-to-houHO minviiftH. whltii muHtbo completed hy Muy tlth, IMI.

Notlcr In furtlirr pivt'ii thut the wildHtmiiln will nit In the pi NOUN here Inal tor(Iruliniutotl betwi'tMi the IIUUIH of HRVCIIA^rW. Hiid otnlit I1 M. (Htnndurd Time).yaiJ'iiDsdny. Muy. Will, 1U31, fur the pur-iiORP ul roiuHiothiK a rrlmnry Ejection fortht' noinlitiitlon of eundldnt.CH fur:

Oovernor.Member or the Hti to Bpiuite.Two Mcmlioi'H uf the Qonmiil Assembly.Two Hcnibcm of the Board of Choaon

Prpriio\rtci'H \V\IY 'njrtic YPHI'H).Oollootor- IThri'i* Ycnrs).ANHOBMOI"-- (Threp Yeurs),Two C()iimilLtoonH'n~-(Threo YCMB),Two JuNtlrpH of U»» Peace— (Pull Torm).Ono Male und one Fciimle Member of

t,ho ttpniib\ionn tJiiite Committee.Olio Male mul one Ponulo Member of

tho DomoornUr Btntv Oommlttcp.One MnlR nnd one lVmnle Member of

thft HepublH'dii County Committee for eachi:Action DlPlrlct,

Ono Mnln nnct One Vumnlc Member ottho Domuonitic County Committee for eachKlpoilon PlHtrlct,und At tho mmv time nnd place will res-Inter any legal votptB not theretofore reg-istered, who mny vote ut tnc PrimaryBl«oUon.

Sftld Bourds will ulno nit ut tho sameplaces between ihn hou™ of nne p. M., andnine P, M>. (Btamlnrd Time) for roglstm-tlon purpP»on on Tu<Mla>, <)rtohi-r 13, 1931,nnd finally on TucNdny, November 3rd,lftU( betveon \.\w lumvtt uf ncvvn A. M.Ana eight p. m. for the punioac of coti-duotUiK a Urn mil Election for the Elec-tion of

Oovernor.MJembir of State SennW.Two M«mt»r& ol the Ocuwftl A^MVibly.Two Mvinboi'B of the Board of Choneii

rrc«holdor« (For Threr Vrnrn).001lcctor—(Thrco Ypnra).AiMwoiv-tThrflo Yenrs).TWO Committee men— (Three Yearn),Two Justice * o! the PCKCC—iPvilt T«rm).Voters may nlno rofttutcr mid vote on the

day of tb« General Election, Nov. 3rd, 1031.PclllnH PI net-B nnd brief description of

Klcotlou Districts are m follown:Sohool HouHtt, noxt to new school Houaf,

on Uhln Rofttl from DcnvUlc to Mt, Ttbor.DAVID H. aOFIKLD,

TowiUhlp ClerK.



Notice In hereby given tlmt the DtatrlotHoards of ReKlittry und lilcctlon In Midf»r the1 Township of llocknwny will meeton TucaUny. May 5th, 1031, for the pur-IK'SO ot niaktiiK R rewlfttrnUan at votersliy A hoviHO-to-hau«r cnnvnnn, which mustbo compUitou by Mny 6th, itftl.

Motlct> Is further nlvrn thnt the snldIlnrrda will filt In the plucpn liereinnftor(leniRtiatod between tho hours of sevenA. M, and otRht V, M, (Sttuutnnt Time).on lucidftV. May lOlh, 1031, for the pvir-pose of conducting A Prlmnry Election forthe nomination of candldntCR for:

Oovothor.Member of the Btnto BenntoTwo MerabcrB of tho General Asnpmbly.Two Meinbnrn of tho Board of Chosen

FrfdhoUlorH (For Three Yenrs),Oh* Townnh in ConnrtUteeman \ For

Thnrtj Yeart),Four JiwtlceH of the Peace.Outi Mato and One Femulo Member of

the tlnmbllcMv State Committee.Ont> Mtil» mid One Fcmuie Member of

thcDcniocratlo Qtnto Cominlttcc.Onn Mi\ln and One Frpmlc Member of

tlko'mpubllcan County Committee for eachnioction District.

One Mnlo and One Frmnlo Member otthr Dcmocvatlo County Committee for eachr.iaction District.nd at tho nanir time und pliu'c will i...

htrr nny Icilftl voters not thrrctofore reR-iHtcrcU, who may vote at the PrimaryElection,

»Ul UonrdB will nlao Hit nt tho Hplactii botween the hovirs of one P. M., andnine P, M.i (BUuidiurd Time! for roKi«tra-lion piftpotte* oh Tucndfty, Ovtobrr 13, 15131,iintl finally on Tuesday, November 3rd,1911, between the hourn of sewn A, Mnnd oljitit p m. lur thi< purjionc of ron-(hiottnu a uenernl Election tor the Kicc-tlon of

Clover nor.Mpinhpr uf 8tutp tni'iuiln.l\m MombiTH of tlie th>inM»l AiiM'inlTwo Member^ of Un1 Hoard of Choi

Prrohuldiw (For I'hri'o YOUTH). ,Ono Towiifthip Commit! odium i:

Three Yearn).I'Hiur ihtfltlcrn of thr Pence.Voters may ult») re ft'"tor uiul votr on tho

duy of the Omu>rul Election. Nov. :ird, )!J3l.Polling Plni'ts nnd hrlt-f destTlptlon ol

Election DlntrlrtK are nw follows;WpNtrrn Klei'tion District In imdtlorliim

of New SCIHHII llmiKe sltuntrd on theiXtvcr-Mt. Hope llontl i\t Mt, llnpc.

Sou I her n Klpetltin District In School

\U,iU-i of I he Piuci)w Muk> uiid Oni• itvpubllLiiii Htulc)lir Midi: u\u\ Out• lJfinoi ' iisttr (jlitif>ln- Mis.!.- mul Om• I t t 'publ l r tu t (Jouiti•I'tloii l ) ) i , l i l r t .

he >,mtn: Ulllrli'l'.ul villein

who limy vot

-iianh, v.)l! n)tWiTii t h e hoi

!''• umic Member of ',

uli- Meinbciinlin-f for

nl thone 1'


Anulyml as the I'urent Siirhig Waterpi'oduoticl. Tali fin from a Boil ingHjniiig. More Btiinulutiiig and re-

viii ur.- j frenliiiiK limn ollit-r waiora

l^nmr? (jUOltUti \. TONKIN

'i«'U|ihiiiit' 275





YEARGUARANTEEThe Frigidaire guarantee means mote than freedom from er-poDsc. It means more than mere mechanical dependability. Fortoday's Frigidaire offers a new standard of Advanced Refriger-ation. It offers a combination of features not to be found in anyother electric refrigerator.

The 3-year Frigidaire guarantee is a guarantee of outstandingperformance—the faithful delivery of a finer and more completerefrigeration service.

AND, if you are considering the purchase of an electric refrig-erator with a small down payment and easy terms, there is noreason why you should accept a lesser value than Frigidaire,for we offer to arrange all payments to suit your convenience.

J. H. Jackson Lumber Co.Tel. 225 Rockaway,NJ.


F R I G I D A I REa l l w h i t e P o r c e l a i n o r t i t e e l

:\ v i t l i n 3 Y F A P f O.' .T'LF U G

Page 8: ROCKAWAY RECORDtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/.../1931-04-23.pdf · Rockaway','; most outstanding wrestlers will be seen in action at Moose Hall .Saturday evening, April 25th


Mrs. William Birch |Entertained 80 Qfrls I

'Ten Gents a Dance"Different From Others

Camp Morris Reunion Last Tuesday i Barbara Stanwyck's Latest Now atEvening ' Playhouse

Old campers and their friendsgathered at the home of Mr. andMrs. William Birch on Tuesday eve-

In the story we find a girl of ex-cellent background, compelled by cir-cumstances to seek a living in a

ning, April 21st, for the greatest re-j dance pavilion, where the dancingunion ever held in this vicinity. Some hostesses meet all comers for theold campers from Rockaway, Whar- munificent stipend of ten cents aton, Berkshire Valley. Brookside and j dance. Well, take it from Barbara,Mount Freedom joined with the' it's a tough way to make a living.Dover girls and their friends for an j Then there is a young man. hand-

i f l l h i I b t t f l dandevening of Camp Morris fellowship I some, but sort of uselessand fun. AH the old camp songs I there's a love affair, Impetuous andwere sung and the camp movieswere enthusiastically applauded.

"Tajor Tales" were told by Miss

interesting and very different. Notto forget i\ rich mun-about-town,who is fond of Barbara. There are

Marjorie E. Gower, associate girls'! complications, like inconvenient mur-secretary cf the County "¥" and a rianes un6 there- are strangespecial feature was the appearance i situations thai will challenge yourof Tajor himself. Helen Best, mi old mittcnmUun In equul. Best of allcamper, performed in Ihis rule. tijei <• is a su: prise endi.'H' To t'jvi'

Cheers greeted the news Iliat ninny mure of the- ,.tur.y hen would tukeold leaders were roturninn to cumji uwiiy from Hie enjo.vmint oi tho:.;'for this season. Mary Briant and Ed- who arc |!oim: to see (hi incline. It

Honor Dr. Baker forHis Bravery in 1926

Three Other Army Men Are AimAwarded for Heroism


The small son of Mr. and Mis. H

partment at Picatinny, were honoredTuesday morning at special cere-monies held at t le Second ArmyCorps Headquarteland, when medal

Governors Is-were awarded

them for bravery In connection withservices rendered when the Lake


Mr and Mrs. George Wiikins andfamily of Denville Park, who recent-ly sold their home ln the Park, willmove this week to Bloomfield.

Mr and Mrs. J. Alvin Hull andfiunily of Pleasantville. spent theservices rendered wnen we unit iiumu «• • * - — - , , ; - , h . ' n e s t s ofDenmark naval ammunition depot week-end in Denv He the guest* ol

D n mblew up on July 10, 1926.

I Mrs. Hull's parents, Mr. and Mrs. jDr. Baker, who is a major in the I Barton M. Hunt, of Morristown load.

Medical Reserve Corps and a prac- < j ^ e \at&\ A. & P. store has movedt.isins! Dover physician, rushed to the;, n U ) e Lysaght building to one oi• - *• • *• . . , , . , \ i unit vi*v- tJj""B"" *»«»

scent und save first aid to a littdlji . | l u , n ( ,w s l o r ) . s of the _ -••Injured woman, then removing her to , Company adjoining the Waysidehospital. The rescue was made j ^ ""'['i'lis koic" will 'handle meat*when the air was filled with i'lyinp , i t i , , ,„! , u n c t io i ] with their p io rc ry

less tills summer.shells mid debris and there was, dan-i<er »f further explosions.

The other men honored were Cap- j Mr. und Mrs. E, K. MacCmiley

winaWard, who w m present at the is the ma,,i>,r of trtlbur H.f stun Han Jo.-1 O. Holmes. Cuptui^ M m ;;„,.} J a m i * ^ e ^ v e areunion; Catherine Wise, rirU. and .which makes this oflennr refresh-crafts counselor: Gladys Jackie ami iiiRlj diHVieni.Mary Kaiser; Miriam .'Stokes and Qn BaUmiay a llirilliui! railroadLois Spreen as juniorMiss Dorothy H. Wilson, i-otiiity

(Ir.una heads the lull You'll !yoLtrsi'lt sitting in the engine cab,

secretary, will be the camp direcloi spwdini; along with the throttle widey,this year,

Diyou'll led yourself

fDelicious refreshments were .served , tense behind the wheel of a ronrinf!and at 10 o'clock the party broke up. •) auto you'll live everyIt was a happy crowd that expressed'sensation that comes to your eyesto Mrs. Birch their appreciation of and ears when you attend "Thesuch a fine evening. Lightning Flyer."

Camp Morris for girls is spoil- The funniest picture ever madesored by the Young Women s Division • (!01]le:. 0 I i M o U ( J a v l l m i T u e sdav, "Mr.of the Morns County V M. C. A. L c m o n o f oia.iKC," with El Brendel.

El, as a blundering toy salesman, be-i comes involved with a bunch of hi-jackers and his eilorts to escapeproduct' one of the most hilariouscomedies in which he lias ever ap-pealed.

Plant Tree SeedlingsAt Camp Morris

For the Past Five Years Tree .Seed-lings Have liven I'Uinlcd

4,000 forest tree seedlings wereplanted on Thursday and Friday ofthe Easter vacation by thirteen boysfrom Montville and Mountain Lakesunder the supervision of J. M. Heil-man, assistant forester of the StateDepartment of Conservation and De-velopment, and C. A. Baker, of theMorris County Y. M. C. A. staff.

The boys greatly enjoyed theirover-night camping experience withsongs and stories around a camp flrcin the big stone fireplace in thelodge. Although Mr. Heilman wasable to remain only until nbout 4o'clock of the first day, the fellowsappreciated their contact with him.

Thirteen tired but happy boys re-turned home about 4:30 o'clock onFriday afternoon. They were: Ed-ward Randall, Joseph Kapral, FloydJ t t F k P l h k F lward Randall, Joseph Kapral, Floyd --- . - - - - .Jnnetta, Frank Polarchek, Tony F a l - ! ™ territory.

Increasing DemandsIn Electricity Noted

Gain of 5,«00 Per Cent in Twenty-seven Years

The number of electric metersconnected to the lines of PublicService Electric and Gas Companyas shown in the 1030 annual reportof Public Service Corporation of NewJersey, has increased from 15,000 in1903, the year of organization, to912.3&7, u gain of 5,600 per cent intwenty-seven years,

Twenty-five years ago there wasbut one electric meter per everyforty-eight persons in the section ofNew Jersey now sewed by the com-pany. Today there is one electricmeter per every 3.5 inhabitants in

{ - L l l J l U l i W v * . H H / i l l l l k ' . * _ * L ^ | V l ' i - W A J f " i t l l l u l l ' * » n n - - . ^ . - - - .

p Hams und Mustel fjerf.eanl Clniii- ,'house oi the late Stephen Dlcluiiwinturn J, Void. These officers, three «t U.n Orchard street tu Grei.l Meadows,a party of eight men, entered Uirj where Mr. MacC'uuloy has seemedburnini! area to search for Lieut. G.'crndoyment.W. bolt. Jr., who was known to 1been in the powder factory lit the itime oi the first explosions. They!ft'ere exposed to fmiucait explosionsoi hiret caliber shells. They locatedthe body of Lieut. Bott and withureiil diflicully succeeded in removing ' Mortimer F. Hunt, of Orchardit from the wreckage to a point out-!street, Is enjoylni; a two week's vu-side the danifcr zone. 'cation away from his duties ut the

liome office of the Prudential In-suiiince Company of America, in

The Denville Co-Eds are spon.sor-iiie un informal dance to lit held intin P. O. a. of A. Hall, ThursdayevoniiiK, May 14. Tickets are 35cent-s.

-•- o — -

PUN Newark.

A necessary tool mighty und strong, Mr. and Mrs. Carl 15. Widens, ofEven though delicate it may seem,It wives us music, gives us song,Tells of the forest, mountain, stream' Cedar Luke.

Mr andEast Orantii". were guests recently ofMr. and Mrs. A. Suldon Walker, of

The Pen."

A grand instrument wielded by man,An Implement used by most allWho like to tell of nature's great spanTo tell of things almost beyond recall

"The Pen."

Mrs. G. L. Alucrs. of Indian Lake,is spending some time in Wilming-ton, Del.

Mr. and Mrs. Hurry Brooks arenow occupying their summer home

dutto, Walter Sedivec, Nicholas Dru-gac, Fred Keller and Everett Dore-mus from Montville, and WilliamBradbury, Tasker Witliam and RoyVolkman from Mountain Lakes.


Judge Watt: "Congratulate me,dear, I have been reappolnted."

Wife: "Honestly!'*Judge Watt: "Shh!"

oSome men never get old enough to

know better.

In addition to the phenomenalgrowth In the number of electricmeters in service, there has been acorrespondingly large increase in theamount of electricity consumed perinhabitant. Due to the constantlyincreasing demands for electricity inhome and industry, consumption perinhabitant in Public Service terri-tory has increased from thirty-twokilowatt-hours in 1905 to 533 wilo-watt-hours In 1930.

oA wise husband makes his wife do

what she wants to do.



-; The. offic.ia.iutf,i LL / c-°*>t:tite2> buttons

with bhirneJiuttiyi. buttons to button.pojnc col/ar::/;:)- ; :• v

out.What a feeting in sunshine and rainTo know one can talk and shoutWith his or her might and main

"With the Pen."

God of nature of every kindWhat a pleasure, a feeling divineTo know that even the blindCan write a simple, hopeful line

"By the Pen."

Yes, the pen, what a wonderful wordOf its use we will never ceaseOf a more powerful tool we never

heard,Mighty, strong, none better if you

please,"Than the Pen."

Words,, words, how can we do with-out them?

More precious than diamonds, silver,gold,

To all of us they are a perfect gem

°t,es v - :either pi'sun of-tuikh cont'r&stih


Style in men's clothes is so importantto you that we're going to bring youthese style flashes from time to time.They're authentic and the last word.You can depend on that at this store.

Men's Suits21.75 to 45.00

34 SPEEDWELL AVE.,Morristown, N. J..

at Diamond Sprinn Park. Mr. andMrs. Brooks spent the winter in

't tells of animals, birds, insects and j Clearwatcr, Fla.

It telifof life of everv kind I M r ' a n d Ml's- H a l T y Buchanan, ofIn fact tells of tarves; and trees >^^ c l t y ' a l e n o w "Spying theirRefrclln " and SucUng uSThu-l?^»er h o m c a t Ccdn1' Lftke fOr t h e

mand mind,"The Pen."

It is mightier than the swordBecause, it brightens life, eases fear,It gives Intellectual sight and rewardIt gives to us smiles, happiness, cheer,

"The Mighty Pen."

We go through life sometimes down-hearted,

With troubles that seem large andburdensome,

Thinking friends have forsaken andparted,

Then we are eased by sweet linesfrom

"The Pen."

season.The Denville Fire Department was

(called out early Sunday afternoon tofight a brush and grass fire ln therear of the Diamond Spring Inn.Many hundreds of gallons of waterwere pumped from the spring therebefore the blaze was finally stopped.

Mr. and Mrs. Barton M. Hunt, olthe Morristown road, are spendingthis week in Pleasantville, with theirson-in-law and daughter, Mr. andMrs. J. Alvin Hull,

Dr. Stahl, of Newark, spent theweek-end at his bungalow at CedarLake.

Mr. and Mrs. William Keeffe, Jr,When one is afflicted, down, almost h w e m o v e d i n t o t h e i r n e w h o l l s e l n

Denville Park.

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Jogger andMr. and Mrs. Harold Jagger wereguests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Na-than Jagger, of Orchard street.

Mother, father! sister,worthy to behold

"With the Pen.":—0



Warren P. Sheen, Minister

The Epworth League will hold itsbusiness meeting and social Fridayevening at the church at 8 o'clock.

Sunday—Church School at 10.Morning worship at 11.Epworth League at fl:45.Evening worship at 7:30.Union service ln the Presbyterian

Church.Wednesday—Second in our series

of church training nights. We madea fine start; now let's do better. Sup-per at 6:00; discussion groups at 7'Inspirational service and address at7:45. The speaker next week willbe Dr. William M. Gilbert. His sub-ject: "The Church and Our SocialSore Spots." This whole programis for everyone.


Contracts AwardedBy Freeholders

S1.000 for Further Grading of Mt.Lakes Cutoff

The contracts for the constructionof the two new county buildings asadditions to the present Court House,were awarded by the Board of Free-holders Wednesday afternoon andwork will start very shortly.

The total price of the work is to be$355,462, Including contracts and su-pervision. This will be taken care ofby a bond Issue and the FinanceCommittee reported that it would getthis prepared as soon as possible.

Bontempo & D'Annunzio, the Mor-ristown building contractors, were,awarded the general contract at aprice of $227,450. This includes themasonry, woodwork, plastering, exca-vation and similar general work.

The plumbing award goes to Jaeh-Ing & Peoples, of Newark, at a priceof $21,150, and Prillp S. Black, ofTrenton, gets the heating Job for$ n i 2 4


"Oh, Jaakl Listen to that marvc-loua Jazz I"

'"i nut's a classical number they'replaying.'

"Well, it sounds good enough to beJazz."

It is easy for skinny people to bemodest. a

The electrical work will be done byA. Nerl, of Hoboken, at a price of$10,795. The installation of specialJail equipment will be done by theVan Dorden Iron Works Companyof Cleveland, at a price of $34 643

Supervision and incidentals wasplaced at $20,000 and interest Is $8 -760, making the total of $355,462

Freeholder A. s. Kirkpatrlck ex-pressed the hope that all MorrisCounty people who can, will be em-ployed on the Job and the contrac-tor will be so notified. •

•- I There are two new buildings to beChurch school classes for all ages i erected. Adjoining the present Court

at 0:30 Sunday morning. The con- " " *""'test started oil in fine shape SundayMany are much interested in thesurprise awards to be given on Chil-dren's Day.

Sunday morning worship serviceat 10:45. with the Eev. F. s . Berg-Bren preaching. Rev. Berggren willalso preach at the evening worshinservice at 7:45. Ho will sing at bothservices. Miss Ida Doremus will alsosing a solo at tho Sunday eveningservice.

The Ladies' Auxiliary will havecharge of a roast beef dinner Wed-nesday evening, April 2Bth. Dinnerwill be served from 6 to 8 o'clockPrice 50 cents per plate. Mrs. Ste-phen E. Sofleld Is the chairman incharge. The dinners will be servedln the dining hall of the S. A. Rlghterproperty.

and facing on Court streetwl" fce the four-story Jail building.Thlif will contain 100 cells, kitchensoffices, recreation room and full Jailequipment.


Mrs. Lorena Wolfe, 103, went Intoa coma in Lima, Ohio, and therewas every evidence of death.

Death notices were run In thonewspapers, and her children weresummoned.,,According to one of her daughters, iMrs. Carrie Grau, of Toledo, Mrs.May Moore, another daughter, wentinto the room where the body laymothcrr"1 8 o b b l n B l " o h ' m5r d c a r

Just then Mrs. Wolfe's eyelids

M * shc sald' "Donlt cry'Of course a man who sees a little

dispatch from somewhere which saysS? "Ie °^y Elx women b k ^I ^ y Elx women bank P ^ -

in this country doesn't haveto BO and say that most of themwould make grand tellers, tho

« «


Round Steak or Sirloin, IhChuck Koast, 1b.Prime Kib Roast, 1b.

Cut Rib Roast, Ib.

XLegs of Veal, lb.Shoulder of Veal, lb.ICiiv Veal Chops, lb. .....Urt-iisi of Veal, Ib.Neck Veal, Ib.Legs of Spring Lamb, Ib.

Fancy Fresh Fowl, lb.Jfe

Corned Spare Ribs, lb.

Large Local Hggs, lb.15c

1 Ib. Roll Brookfield Butter .30cI lb. Tin Royal Scarlet Coffee1 lb. Tin Aster Coffee



Shampoo and Marcel or Finger Wave $1,Dalso Facial and Manicure $1.00

During Winter Months—PEUMANHNT WAVE $5.(1(1

ORCHID BEAUTY SHOPPEDenville Center Phone Roeltaway 120

DENVILLE, N. J.Hours: 9:30 A. M. to fi:00 1>. M.


Scranton-Lehigh, Old Company's LehtghJand Plymouth Red Ash Coal

Strait & Freeman Coal Co,I'bone 12 or 2-W Phone 210 or 1!)6 Ilockanaj

Dorothy DoddAND-

Douglas ShoesWidths Triple AtoE


LINOLEUMSSmall Charge for Layh'S