ORAL HISTORY PROJECT Robert H. Bartlett, MD Interviewed by Jay L. Grosfeld, MD October 31, 2003 New Orleans, Louisiana This interview was supported by a donation from the American Academy of Pediatrics Section on Surgery

Robert H. Bartlett, MD - AAP.org · PDF fileORAL HISTORY PROJECT Robert H. Bartlett, MD Interviewed by Jay L. Grosfeld, MD October 31, 2003 New Orleans, Louisiana This interview was

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Page 1: Robert H. Bartlett, MD - AAP.org · PDF fileORAL HISTORY PROJECT Robert H. Bartlett, MD Interviewed by Jay L. Grosfeld, MD October 31, 2003 New Orleans, Louisiana This interview was


Robert H. Bartlett, MD

Interviewed by Jay L. Grosfeld, MD

October 31, 2003 New Orleans, Louisiana

This interview was supported by a donation from the American Academy of Pediatrics

Section on Surgery

Page 2: Robert H. Bartlett, MD - AAP.org · PDF fileORAL HISTORY PROJECT Robert H. Bartlett, MD Interviewed by Jay L. Grosfeld, MD October 31, 2003 New Orleans, Louisiana This interview was

©2005 American Academy of Pediatrics Elk Grove Village, IL

Page 3: Robert H. Bartlett, MD - AAP.org · PDF fileORAL HISTORY PROJECT Robert H. Bartlett, MD Interviewed by Jay L. Grosfeld, MD October 31, 2003 New Orleans, Louisiana This interview was

Robert H. Bartlett, MD Interviewed by Jay L. Grosfeld, MD

Preface i About the Interviewer ii Interview of Robert H. Bartlett, MD 1 Index of Interview 19 Curriculum Vitae, H. Bartlett, MD 21

Page 4: Robert H. Bartlett, MD - AAP.org · PDF fileORAL HISTORY PROJECT Robert H. Bartlett, MD Interviewed by Jay L. Grosfeld, MD October 31, 2003 New Orleans, Louisiana This interview was
Page 5: Robert H. Bartlett, MD - AAP.org · PDF fileORAL HISTORY PROJECT Robert H. Bartlett, MD Interviewed by Jay L. Grosfeld, MD October 31, 2003 New Orleans, Louisiana This interview was

PREFACE Oral history has its roots in the sharing of stories which has occurred throughout the centuries. It is a primary source of historical data, gathering information from living individuals via recorded interviews. Outstanding pediatricians and other leaders in child health care are being interviewed as part of the Oral History Project at the Pediatric History Center of the American Academy of Pediatrics. Under the direction of the Historical Archives Advisory Committee, its purpose is to record and preserve the recollections of those who have made important contributions to the advancement of the health care of children through the collection of spoken memories and personal narrations. This volume is the written record of one oral history interview. The reader is reminded that this is a verbatim transcript of spoken rather than written prose. It is intended to supplement other available sources of information about the individuals, organizations, institutions, and events that are discussed. The use of face-to-face interviews provides a unique opportunity to capture a firsthand, eyewitness account of events in an interactive session. Its importance lies less in the recitation of facts, names, and dates than in the interpretation of these by the speaker. Historical Archives Advisory Committee, 2003/2004 Howard A. Pearson, MD, FAAP, Chair David Annunziato, MD, FAAP Jeffrey P. Baker, MD, FAAP Lawrence M. Gartner, MD, FAAP Doris A. Howell, MD, FAAP James E. Strain, MD, FAAP


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Jay L. Grosfeld, MD, FACS, FAAP Dr. Jay L. Grosfeld is the Lafayette Page Professor of Pediatric Surgery at the Indiana University School of Medicine in Indianapolis, Indiana. He attended both undergraduate school and medical school at New York University [NYU], graduating from the latter in 1961. He trained in general surgery at NYU under Dr. Frank C. Spencer from 1961-1966. After two years as a captain in the US Army Medical Corps (1966-1968), he obtained postgraduate training in pediatric surgery at the Columbus Children’s Hospital, Ohio State University (1968-1970) under the direction of Dr. H. William Clatworthy, Jr. At the conclusion of training, Dr. Grosfeld’s first full-time academic position was assistant professor of surgery at NYU School of Medicine from 1970-1972. In 1972 Dr. Grosfeld was appointed professor of pediatric surgery at Indiana University School of Medicine and the first surgeon-in-chief of the Riley Children’s Hospital in Indianapolis. He has remained at Indiana in that position for the past 32 years. From 1985-2003, Dr. Grosfeld served as chairman of the Department of Surgery at Indiana University School of Medicine and training program director of the general and pediatric surgical residencies. He was chairman of the American Board of Surgery in 1997 and also served as vice-chair of the ACGME-Residency Review Committee for Surgery. In 1995 Dr. Grosfeld was elected president of the American Pediatric Surgical Association and was secretary and then chairman of the Section on Surgery of the American Academy of Pediatrics [AAP]. He has been a member of the AAP for 30 years and is a previous William E. Ladd Medical recipient.

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DR. GROSFELD: This is Dr. Jay Grosfeld from Indianapolis, Indiana. It is October 31, 2003, and we are interviewing Dr. Robert Bartlett who is the 2003 recipient of the William E. Ladd Medal from the Section on Surgery of the American Academy of Pediatrics. This interview is taking place in New Orleans, the site of the annual meeting of the Academy. Dr. Bartlett, I am delighted that you could be here today and share with us some of your background. I am going to ask you a series of questions regarding some things about you personally and will ask you to respond. Tell me about where you were born, and about your parents and your siblings, give us a little background about your family life. Were there any specific events in your childhood that had an influence on your career choice? DR. BARTLETT: My dad was a surgical resident at University of Michigan. He was, in fact, chief resident the year I was born. So I was born in May in University Hospital in Ann Arbor, Michigan, where I practice now. And in July, my family moved from there to Akron, Ohio, where I grew up. My dad was a surgeon, and Akron was a typical midwest medium-sized town. A great place to grow up, in retrospect. I was the oldest child in the family. My mother was a teacher. I have three younger siblings, none of whom have gone on into medicine. They’re into various scientific and semi-scientific fields; political science and things like that. DR. GROSFELD: So, it’s basically your dad’s career and his love of what he was doing that influenced you to pursue a surgical career? DR. BARTLETT: I suppose so, subconsciously. My career plans changed from wanting to be a cowboy to a forester to a musician to a professional hockey player. Years ago, I found an essay I wrote in high school on, “What do you want to do?” I’d written an essay about surgery, which is what my dad did. But he never pushed me into it. His advice (which I’ve given to my kids, and I will tell you it’s bad advice) was, “Do anything you want, just do it really well.” Sounds like good advice, but one of my kids wanted to be a musician. So with the advice should go, “Do anything you want that you can earn a living at, and do it really well.” [Laughter]. DR. GROSFELD: So, when was it that you really first became interested in medicine? Was it as an undergraduate?


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DR. BARTLETT: It’s clearly as a high school student, because by the time I was halfway through high school, I knew that I wanted a scientific career. I knew I wanted to teach; I enjoyed teaching. What I really wanted to do is be a musician, but I was aware that it would be hard to make a living as a musician. Plus it’s non-science. I haven’t thought much about it until recent years when people ask me questions like this, but my choice of an undergraduate college (Albion College, a small, small college in Michigan) was based on the fact that I was looking for a college which was a small school. I knew I was going to go to medical school eventually and wanted the small school experience. It had to be a place that had a really good music program and a hockey team, and a good pre-med program. So I looked at the small colleges in the Midwest and looked in the back of the University of Michigan Medical School book to see where their students came from. More came from Albion than any other place. So I wound up at Albion. DR. GROSFELD: What instrument did you play? DR. BARTLETT: Well, in those days, I was playing euphonium, which is a baritone horn, sort of a small tuba, and also the double bass. My major instrument is really the bass. DR. GROSFELD: Did you and your siblings have a band of some type? DR. BARTLETT: Not my siblings, they were too young. But I had a dance band all through high school and all through college. We had a very good dance band in college. It was called “Charlie Brown and His Orchestra,” named after the Peanuts® character. All the fronts had pictures of Charlie Brown and Linus and Lucy and so on. It didn’t mean anything except that it was kind of a pop icon of the day. But we had a big band, a seventeen-piece band. We played all around the Midwest, actually. Now we know it was the end of the big band era, but at the time, it was pretty hot stuff. DR. GROSFELD: And what did your dad think when you chose to enter medical school. Was he excited about that? DR. BARTLETT: Yes, I think he was very pleased. I only applied to Michigan because that was clearly where I wanted to go for a whole variety of reasons. I got in, actually, after my junior year. In those days Albion and Michigan had a program that involved three years of undergrad, with a lot of science in it, and then they gave you an undergraduate degree after your first year of medical school, which is what I did. So I went through college and medical school in seven years.


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DR. GROSFELD: When you were in Ann Arbor, what made you pursue a career as a surgeon? DR. BARTLETT: Well, the usual things, great role models: Bill [William] Fry, Dick [Richard O.] Kraft. Another good role model was a man named Dick [Richard] Judge, who was a cardiologist, who was the bright young guy in the medical school in those days, and still is a very good friend and mentor now. I’m going to operate on him next week, as a matter of fact. [Laughter]. But it was a choice of exclusion. What I really wanted to do was general practice. Having gone through med school, I loved everything. I liked delivering babies; I liked operating; I liked taking care of medical problems. And I realized that the general surgeon at the time, in the sixties, was the one specialty where you didn’t have to give anything up or give up as much as you did in the other specialties. So, I went into general surgery with an idea of being the total general physician; that was my goal. DR. GROSFELD: Why did you pick the residency program that you trained in? DR. BARTLETT: Well, I trained at a now defunct hospital, the Peter Bent Brigham Hospital with Francis Moore, and, of course, that turned out to be a wonderful place. In the match process I traveled around and I was quite sure that I would wind up at Columbia [Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center]. I wanted to leave Ann Arbor, just get a broader experience somewhere. I didn’t have any grand academic aspirations, and at the time I was just looking for a good residency. I interviewed several places, [Johns] Hopkins [Hospital] and the New York hospitals, and the Brigham, and a few other places. Brigham was my first choice and, somewhat to my surprise, I wound up matching there. DR. GROSFELD: Well, did you like living in Boston having grown up in the Midwest? DR. BARTLETT: I loved Boston. Boston was great. And as it turns out, the people that were there, my co-interns and residents and the staff and everyone that I worked with in Boston at the Brigham and at the Children’s [Children’s Hospital Boston], were just spectacular people. At the time it was just working hard, “No one appreciates us; we take good care of patients,” and a lot of camaraderie among the residents slogging through a residency. Looking back on it, of course, it was absolutely wonderful. But you don’t remember the tough times; you just remember the good times. The Brigham residency and the Mass General [Massachusetts General Hospital] residency at the time, maybe Hopkins also, were the last of the


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combined thoracic and general surgery residencies. So you went through the program and finished with board eligibility in general and thoracic surgery. We did a lot of thoracic surgery. It was the early days of cardiac surgery, and literally half of my residency years were spent doing thoracic and cardiac surgery. About midway through the residency, which would have been 1967 or 1968, the [American] Board of Thoracic Surgery decreed that there would be no more mixed programs, so that now you had to take at least one year of cardio-thoracic residency after general surgery. So, one of my resident buddies, Arnie [Arnold] Coran and I wrote to the board saying, “We’re going to finish in 1969, and we started this program expecting to be able to take thoracic boards. We’d like to do that. What do you think?” They wrote back letters saying, “Well, okay, you still qualify since you’re in the program.” So when we finished and then passed our general surgery boards, we took the thoracic boards. Arnie and I were the last residents from mixed programs to be allowed to take the thoracic boards. The other guys that applied in our year were told they had to take an extra year of training, but we could produce this letter from the board saying we were allowed to do it. DR. GROSFELD: Now, things have changed quite a bit over the years, both for medical students and for residents. How do you view the current medical education and the changes that occurred since the time when you were a student? Do you think it’s better? DR. BARTLETT: [Laughter] It’s probably better. It’s probably better in many ways. We grew up with the idea that you lived in the hospital and you went home on occasion. If you were on every other night, you missed half the good stuff, and I believe that to this day, I must say. So that the current idea of sending residents home just because certain amount of time has elapsed and the like is not wise for training in surgery. Certainly when you’re practicing, if you’re real tired and you have a sick patient to take care of, you don’t just go home, you take care of the patient. So we are going to train habits into our residents that are not good habits for surgeons. Nowadays, of course, there’s all sorts of ancillary help for the residents which they don’t appreciate, but, again, when I was a resident (as when you were), if a patient needed a white count you did it; if a patient needed a gram stain you did it; if the patient needed an EKG [electrocardiogram] you got a machine out and did it. If the patient needed to go to x-ray, you took him to x-ray. If a patient needed a chest x-ray and you knew where the portable chest x-ray unit was, you were a high-powered resident. You could go find it in a closet, hook it up and take a chest x-ray. I was popular among my resident group, because I knew how to take apart and fix the blood gas machine. So I could do blood gases on anybody in the


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middle of the night when the membranes broke on the machine and things like that. I think the modern residents don’t do that. In our hospital today, there isn’t any hematocrit centrifuge, there isn’t any gram stain laboratory that the surgery resident could get to. There’s no microscope to look at a gram stain for gonococcus, even in our own ER [emergency room]. So there’s a lot to medicine that was directly hands-on when we trained that the residents today don’t have. I think they have the same dedication to take care of patients. But, the idea, “if you want to know what’s in the chest just put a needle in it and find out,” is shocking to the modern day resident. DR. GROSFELD: Certainly the explosion of new information and the advances in technology that affect the way we treat patients today has made a huge difference in what the students learn and then how they go about making a diagnosis and even treating the patient. Now you were a pioneer, in your day, in the development of some of this technology. You are a general surgeon, and yet you have had a significant experience caring for children, and your contributions have been superb. The initiation of the extracorporeal life support concept and ECMO [extracorporeal membrane oxygenation], has been a major contribution and obviously that is one of the factors that resulted in your receiving the Ladd Medal. Tell us a little about how you got interested in children, and what the problems were at the time that made you pursue the use of extracorporeal life support for babies? DR. BARTLETT: My research interest in medical school was atherosclerosis. My plan was always to solve the problem of atherosclerosis. I was a lipid chemist. But, when I was on rotation at the Children’s Hospital [Boston], Dr. [Robert E.] Gross, of course, was the chief and is deity as far as I am concerned, a wonderful man, a wonderful surgeon. A whole string of unusual events led to my getting interested in, and actually trying to do, prolonged cardiopulmonary bypass. The quick story is that these were the early days of cardiac surgery, and most of the complicated cases, tetralogy, transposition of the great vessels, even VSD [ventricular septal defects] and AV [arterioventricular] canal, were done on children that were six to twelve years old, usually after palliative shunts of one type or another. The mortality rate for those kids was about 50%. They died in the first two or three days following operation because of low cardiac output, acidosis, poor tissue perfusion, and renal failure. Myself and my resident buddies sat at many bedsides, many nights ventilating babies by hand with a bag. There was no intensive care unit as such. There was no kind of organized system for critical care. If you took care of a kid with a hernia or a tetralogy, it was all about the same; they went to the same place in the hospital. Because of that I proposed to Dr. Gross that we just put these kids on a heart lung machine for a day or so. We knew that if they could make it through


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the first couple of days, they all survived and they all did very well. He thought it was reasonable, but the problems were that the conventional heart lung machine in those days was lethal after about two hours on bypass. It caused all kinds of problems and killed patients. So he said, “Why don’t you explore it?” It was clear that the cause of the problems was mostly the oxygenator, which is a device that permits a direct exposure of blood to oxygen. A senior resident named Lou Plazik was at the Children’s Hospital, and Lou got interested in using silicone rubber to make various things because it was very inert. It’s not really rubber; it’s a plastic. And he knew that silicone rubber would transfer respiratory gases, so he could make a solid membrane out of it and make a membrane lung. We built a membrane lung. It didn’t work very well. Phil [Philip A.] Drinker, was an engineer from MIT [Massachusetts Institute of Technology], who Dr. Moore had hired to come to the Brigham to spend a year to see what engineers could do in the hospital. He was really the first of the bioengineers, if you will. Between Phil and I, we built a very good membrane oxygenator. That led us to doing prolonged bypass procedures. We could put dogs on bypass for four days at a time and that was pretty hot stuff in 1967 and 1968. So, with that, we went on to explore what it would take to use cardiopulmonary bypass for a long time. In 1970, I left the Brigham and took my first outside-of-Boston academic job at UC [University of California] Irvine. It was a brand new medical school, where there was no one to say, “You can’t do this, you can’t do that.” The chairman, Jack [John E.] Connolly, recruited general surgeons who were also boarded in thoracic surgery and trained to do pediatric surgery and vascular surgery. So another resident buddy, Al [Alan] Gazzaniga, and I joined this very small faculty of a brand new medical school, set up a research lab in a old Quonset hut and went to work on this problem. We first hooked the oxygenator up to a patient in 1972, and then sort of went on from there. DR. GROSFELD: What were some of the clinical conditions that were relatively lethal at the time that this new technique seemed to help the most? DR. BARTLETT: Our initial interest was in children. Because we were surgeons and we were doing all the pediatric and cardiac surgery at that time in Orange County Medical Center, we first applied the oxygenator to our own patients, who were children failing after major thoracic operations. It worked quite well, because we were the designated pediatric surgeons for the hospital. As you said earlier, I am not a “pediatric surgeon,” but this was prior to the time when there was such a thing as a board certified pediatric surgeon, which came along in 1975. So we did all of the neonatal cases in the hospital and got asked to see babies who had infant respiratory distress syndrome, hyaline membrane disease, diaphragmatic hernia, meconium aspiration, and neonatal sepsis. We worked with the neonatologists all the


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time and they were aware of what we were doing in the lab, helping us out in fact. So we started testing using the oxygenator in newborn infants with severe respiratory failure. We had the first successful case in 1975, and that led to more and more cases. [M.] Judah Folkman always said that if you stand now and look back on his surgical career, it looks like brilliant, well planned, sequential research; but, in fact, it was just a series of starts and stops trying to address a problem. For me, it was exactly the same. We were doing a lot of other things at the same time. I was running a big burn unit; we were running an intensive care unit; we ran a huge surgical practice, doing everything from hemorrhoids to aortas and everything in between; and had a great time. So this was just kind of a side hobby for a while, although we got NIH [National Institutes of Health] funding. It was proof of the principle that if you could keep a really sick person alive long enough through mechanical means, their native organs might recover. That led to all the subsequent clinical research we’ve done on that topic. DR. GROSFELD: This started out with little babies, but have you then taken this to another level and used the concept of ECLS [extracorporeal life support] in older children and perhaps even in adults? DR. BARTLETT: Yes, in fact, the first major application of this technology was in adults. At the same time we were working on this, we were treating adult patients as well (unfortunately mostly unsuccessfully) with the brand new diagnosis of ARDS [acute respiratory distress syndrome]. It had gone by other names in the past, congestive atelectasis and post-operative respiratory failure and the like, but in 1972, this condition of respiratory failure following shock, trauma, sepsis and the like, became recognized as ARDS. It was sort of epidemic around the country. Looking back, it was an epidemic because ventilators were being used clinically for the first time but were used poorly, and fluid management was also used relatively poorly; but, nonetheless, it was a common problem. There were a few other centers in addition to ours and a few other laboratories that were studying prolonged extracorporeal circulation. About five of them, including one in San Francisco, one in Boston, and one at the NIH (Ted [Theodore] Kolobow’s program). In order to address the ARDS problem, the NIH sponsored a multi-center trial of what became known as ECMO, a name which I don’t like very much, but it stuck with this technology. There was a nine-center trial that went on from 1975 to 1979, the intent of which was to cure ARDS. Well, it didn’t, of course; the mortality was 90% in the treated group and in the control group, which really set back the use of this technology in adults for decades. But we continued to work on the children and had good results there.


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We collaborated with the one other center in the world that was working on adult respiratory failure, which was in Milan, Italy, run by [Luciano] Gattinoni. He and I, through the 1980s and early 1990s were sort of the only people still working on this technique. In the 1990s, we started applying it again to adults and older children, and it now is a fairly standard therapy in every neonatal ICU [intensive care unit], most pediatric ICUs and it’s just growing into the adult ICU world. DR. GROSFELD: Have you used this at all on children that had drowning episodes? DR. BARTLETT: Yes, we’ve looked at this in all types of cardiac and respiratory failure in which there is reason to think that the patient might ultimately recover. So, we have used it for drowning and every type of pneumonia, aspiration, and trauma—virtually anything that can cause severe respiratory failure. In the last five years, most of the application has been in cardiac failure. It’s sort of cycling back to the way we started, patients failing after major cardiac operations, or nowadays patients who are awaiting heart transplant or who’ve had a major myocardial infarction, awaiting some other type of treatment, post cardiac arrest, pulmonary embolism, patients like that. DR. GROSFELD: Some of the patients have poor cardiac output, or have arrhythmias and don’t pump the blood very well? DR. BARTLETT: Yes, that’s right. Probably half of our clinical practice now, which is more than a hundred cases a year, is more for cardiac support than pulmonary support. DR. GROSFELD: Now that ECMO has caught on pretty much all over the world and children are placed in both the national and international registries, how many children have been treated with this technology? DR. BARTLETT: There are now about thirty thousand patients in the registry, about half of which are newborn infants, and the other half are children. About a thousand of those patients are adults, so the adult experience is growing rather slowly. Every major children’s hospital in the first world countries either has an ECMO program, or has a way to transfer patients who might need it. One of the best things about ECMO is that it acts as a parachute. It’s there when everything else fails and has known results when everything else fails. So, it gives everyone the opportunity to try other things, and this led to development of other treatments, which are simpler and therefore better, like inhaled nitric oxide and avoiding hyperventilation and things like that, that have really decreased the mortality for respiratory failure in children.


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DR. GROSFELD: Did you take this technology overseas? DR. BARTLETT: We did. When we first started doing this, other neonatologists and surgeons were interested in it, so we’d run annual courses for many years and still do on occasion. People would come, at first to Irvine, then to Michigan to learn what we were doing and how to do it. We would give them a shopping list and show them how to set up a laboratory to test this in the lab, and in that process several centers came from Europe that learned how to do it, and Japan set up their programs at home. DR. GROSFELD: Dr. Bartlett, one of the other major contributions that you are somewhat famous for, is the use of hemofiltration as a technique to help both children and adults that have problems with their kidney output. Tell us a little bit about that. DR. BARTLETT: Well, hemofiltration, yes, we’re very proud of that actually, because it’s now established as standard treatment in intensive care units around the world. We did not invent this, but we were very interested in nutrition related to recovery from acute illness and had studied patients who had acute renal failure and realized that the standard treatment throughout the 1970s was essentially starvation. In those days, the more you fed patients, the more their BUN [blood urea nitrogen] went up, and the more they needed dialysis. Every time they went on dialysis, they got worse rather than better for reasons that we now understand. So it was standard practice not to feed critically ill patients in renal failure, or if you fed them at all, you fed them a very small amount of essential amino acids to minimize protein catabolism. We did a series of studies showing that starvation was one of the factors accounting for the high mortality in acute renal failure, which at the time was 90%. We presented these papers at the ASAIO [American Society for Artificial Internal Organs], and on the same program was a man named Peter Kramer from Gottingen, Germany. He had simply hooked up a hemofilter to an artery and a vein and used it to treat acute renal failure. He showed that you could filter off huge volumes of fluid without being deleterious to the patient as long as you replaced the volume with some extracellular fluid substitute. We saw this as the solution to the nutrition problem, so we went home and attempted to corroborate Kramer’s work, which we did. We started hemofiltration to provide appropriate nutrition, lots of calories, lots of protein, to patients in acute renal failure. Over the next few years, we showed that, indeed, those patients treated with hemofiltration had a lot better survival rate than the patients that were treated in the standard fashion of the time. By the mid- to late-1980s, hemofiltration for acute renal failure started to be practiced in many ICUs. Nowadays it’s the standard


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practice for patients who are critically ill with multiple organ failure, including renal failure. DR. GROSFELD: When did you move to the University of Michigan after you left California? DR. BARTLETT: I planned to be in California for about two years, but I actually stayed there for ten years. As I said, my partner and I had a wonderful time. We had a great practice. For various reasons, I decided to move to a larger academic center. Our grants were successful. Our research was quite successful. It was clear that Irvine was never going to be a major research institution, so in 1980 I decided to leave Irvine. I had good offers in other major centers and, decided to return to the University of Michigan, where I had gone to medical school. DR. GROSFELD: You became the director of the surgical critical care program there? DR. BARTLETT: Yes, although there was no such thing at the time when I went there. I just joined the faculty in general surgery to do general surgery practice and to run the ICU. The ICU was kind of an appendage on the recovery room and really wasn’t what you’d call a modern ICU as we know it in current times. It was, but nothing like we would appreciate today. Shortly after being there, the chairman, Jerry [Jeremiah G.] Turcotte, asked me to be the chief of general surgery, which I did for about seven years. During that time, we built a new hospital, which had all the sort of modern versions of intensive care, and I became director of the program in intensive care for the department of surgery. DR. GROSFELD: You have remained in that position for how many years? DR. BARTLETT: Well, I’ve been there 23 years now, so I’ve been running the critical care program which has included the ECMO program and all the other things that go along with critical care. When Jerry Turcotte stepped down and Lazar Greenfield came as chairman in 1986, I encouraged him to take over the general surgery job as well, which he did. Looking back at various stages of my career, I was asked to be the departmental chairman at various places around the country or at least looked at chairmanship positions. I decided along the line not to become a chairman or the director of any particular program. For me, this was a good decision, allowing me to keep research and my own practice in line. DR. GROSFELD: You have had a very illustrious career. You’ve been the recipient of quite a number of awards and becoming a Ladd Medal winner and not


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actually being a pediatric surgical physician is very special. I’m sure that must be very meaningful to you. DR. BARTLETT: It is indeed. The Ladd Award is particularly meaningful because I trained with Dr. Gross, who, of course, trained with Dr. Ladd; so, it’s a very special relationship back to my own roots. Of course, as you say, I’m not a, a card-carrying pediatric surgeon; but, I have been taking care of children from neonates up to adolescents essentially all of my career so I stay active in the pediatric field. DR. GROSFELD: Are you currently training pediatric surgeons to do these special things with the techniques that you have developed and refined? DR. BARTLETT: We are. We have surgeons that come to spend a year or two with us in the laboratory and that always involves clinical research and also clinical application of these techniques. Many of those surgeons are people who are heading for careers in pediatric surgery or who are already trained pediatric surgeons. When I say we, I’m referring to Arnie Coran, Ron [Ronald B.] Hirschl, and the seven or eight other surgeons who restrict their practice to pediatric surgery at Michigan. DR. GROSFELD: What have been the biggest changes in the care of the children in your environment over the time of your career? DR. BARTLETT: I think the major factor has been the development of critical care, which didn’t exist as a separate discipline when I started. Now it is, in my view, too specialized. There are separate specialists for neonatology and pediatric intensive care at least in United States, for example. With the specialization of the physicians has come the specialization of nurses and respiratory therapists and other people who devote their entire career to nothing but management of critically ill patients, and with that has come a lot of technology and devices that make it possible to do that. DR. GROSFELD: Has operating on the children changed much as far as their heart surgery is concerned? DR. BARTLETT: The major change in cardiac surgery for children has been the move to earlier and earlier repair of complex defects. Nowadays, we almost never do a palliative operation for cyanotic heart disease, but rather do an operation to repair the primary defect even in babies as young as a few days old, but usually within the first six months of life. All cardiac problems are addressed and repaired in the neonatal period. DR. GROSFELD: You mentioned a number of names of individuals that were chairmen of the departments that you were in. When you look back at your


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career, who were the people that were most helpful to you in establishing yourself as a young surgeon? DR. BARTLETT: The biggest influence by far was Francis Moore, who was my chief at the Brigham and who stayed in touch and was always available throughout my career. From my point of view, he was probably the most important surgeon of the last century. Another person that was a major influence was Dr. Gross, even though I only spent a year there, and that as a junior resident. I stayed close to him over the years, until the time of his passing. DR. GROSFELD: You’re referring to the Children’s Hospital? DR. BARTLETT: Children’s Hospital Boston, yes, that’s right. In terms of other people helping my career, the chairmen that I’ve worked with, Jack Connolly at Irvine, Jerry Turcotte and Lazar Greenfield at Michigan, have all been exceptionally helpful and supportive, mostly by creating an environment where it was possible to do the kind of clinical practice and research that I was doing. Whenever I needed help they were always there to write to the appropriate committee or various other people. DR. GROSFELD: You have recently received a couple of other prestigious awards. Tell us a little bit about that. DR. BARTLETT: I have and it’s a little embarrassing in a way, because I don’t view what I’ve done as a grand research career. I’ve just been plugging away. The extracorporeal life support research has been sort of a scientific hobby, but an important one, I suppose. This has now been recognized by other groups of my peers and colleagues, which is quite humbling actually. A few years ago, I was invited to give the [Robert E.] Gross Lecture at APSA [American Pediatric Surgical Association], which was an exciting event particularly because the President, Arvin Philippart was a resident buddy of mine, and also because the lecture is named after Gross, who was, as I said, one of my great influences in surgery. A couple of years ago, I was given the Medallion for Scientific Achievement by the American Surgical Association. This is an award that isn’t given terribly often and some of the names of others on the list included Francis Moore, Robert E. Gross and Judah Folkman and other people that I have great respect for, so that was a marvelous honor. DR. GROSFELD: Dr. Bartlett, there is always a time when experienced and accomplished people reflect on the past. Some of the great minds in medicine have been asked about the future. We have just come through a period of time where the human genome has been elucidated and nanotechnology has become a


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part of everyday life. Where do you see the care of children going in the next ten years? DR. BARTLETT: The major advances will be in prevention and in early identification of genetic disorders. I expect we’ll see the elimination of diabetes, for example, in children through biology and genetic research. In my particular area of interest, there will always be children who are critically ill, whether they’re newborn children or older children. I believe hospitals, in general, will become large intensive care units. In regard to my particular little corner of interest in mechanical support systems, I believe we are just at the beginning of that. Fifty years from now, it will be routine practice to take any child who is even moderately ill enough to be in an intensive care unit and to go promptly to mechanical support systems, blood processing for heart failure, liver failure, lung failure, and sepsis. I believe those problems will all be treated by mechanical devices, usually for a short time with the expectation of recovery. Some of them will recover using organ transplantation and, rarely, by implantation of mechanical devices, but mechanical replacement of the heart, for example, or the lung or the kidney will not be necessary. These mechanical supports will be simply bridges to transplantation. DR. GROSFELD: Do you think we’ll ever see a time when we will achieve immune tolerance, and organ transplantation will be a much more simple and safe procedure than today? DR. BARTLETT: Yes, definitely so. That won’t be far away. My futuristic project, which I’m embarking on now (my career winding-up project), relates to organ banking. As you know a person who is brain dead has normal organ function for about a day, and then all the organs fail, for reasons that no one understands. The same thing happens with a normal organ placed on a perfusion machine. With an ECMO machine, we can keep really sick people alive for six weeks at a time, but we can’t keep a normal kidney, heart, lung, and liver alive for more than 24 hours. The physiology has to be the same. It’s the lack of a live brain, and that leads us to believe that the brain makes a hormone that we have never identified that maintains capillary integrity. When we discover that, we will be able to maintain organs on perfusion machines for literally years at a time. When we do that, we can modify their immune status, whether they are animal organs that are modified to look like human organs or human organs that are perfectly matched. It will be possible to transplant organs as frequently as we do very simple operations today. DR. GROSFELD: Do you think there will be a time that you can just sort of take an organ off the shelf and plug it in?


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DR. BARTLETT: Exactly. That’s right. DR. GROSFELD: That sounds very futuristic. [Laughter] When you look at where you have been and where you have come from, in retrospect, do you think the children of today are far better off than the children of 50 years ago? DR. BARTLETT: Medically yes, definitely so. Fifty years ago polio was still around, children died of sepsis, and children died of congenital disorders all the time. Nowadays that doesn’t happen. So medically, clearly children are a lot better off. Socially and intellectually, it all depends on where they are, how they grew up, who their parents are. DR. GROSFELD: I think those probably still remain very important factors in childhood development. DR. BARTLETT: Right. DR. GROSFELD: Childhood education certainly has taken a new step forward with all the information that’s currently available. When you started out in the laboratory how did you keep all your data and has data collection and evaluation changed? DR. BARTLETT: A month ago I wrote my competing renewal grant for my big lab grant, which I’ve had since 1971. Five years ago I told my secretary we’re never going to have to do this again because it’s hard work, but things in the lab were going so well we decided to go back for renewal one more time. In the process of doing that I’ve thought a lot about the days when we not only collected data, but also wrote grants and wrote papers and did research in the beginning of my career. Nowadays we can write a fifty-page grant application, and if one sentence isn’t quite right, we can change it immediately with a computer and it regenerates the entire application; it looks perfect. I was telling the people that were working with me how we used to do this with white-out and type it on carbon paper and all that sort of thing, and most of the people didn’t even know what I was talking about. They didn’t have any idea. So the information technology age actually makes it much easier to keep track of data and conduct laboratory research or clinical research and present the data immediately, in a totally analyzed fashion. So that’s been a big help. DR. GROSFELD: That’s progress, I guess. [Laughter] Tell us a little bit about what you think of the changes in the educational programs, the development of competencies, and now the development of specific work hours for young people in training.


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DR. BARTLETT: As you say, there’s a current emphasis first of all on the amount of time residents spend in the hospital and, secondly, on teaching and measuring competence and professionalism. The latter, I think is nonsense. I’m not sure quite where it came from because the personality, dedication, motivation, competency, and professionalism of physicians relate to habits that are set in kindergarten. These are determined by the admissions committees of medical schools; there’s not much you can do in a residency to change the basic personality of a physician. As far as the work hours, this, in my opinion, is only an issue in surgery. The other disciplines have never had much of a problem with work hours. If they did, it was simply because they were disorganized, because they have so many residents in medicine, pediatrics, emergency medicine, and the like that it simply wasn’t necessary for residents to be spending more than 60 hours in the hospital. However, the application of the 80-hour workweek to surgical residencies, although it can be done, misses the point entirely. Surgical residents need to have experience taking care of their patients and need to take care of them from the time they get sick till the time they’re well. And if that involves spending 30 hours a week in the hospital or 120 hours, it shouldn’t really matter. The time spent taking care of patients is whatever it is, and I don’t know if you could put a cap on it. DR. GROSFELD: If you had all this to do over again, would you still become a doctor and a surgeon? DR. BARTLETT: Sure. This has been great fun for me. In the last 20 years or so, I’ve gone back to music; so, I’m a kind of a regular amateur musician. I’m not very good at it, which is really good for a surgeon. You ought to do something that you’re not very good at so that it’ll bring you back to reality instead of being the king of the hill in the hospital. For me it’s been a wonderful time. I wouldn’t do anything differently. DR. GROSFELD: Would you recommend the same type of future career for young graduates of medical schools? DR. BARTLETT: I would. I hear doctors of my age saying that they would not encourage their own children or other children to go into medicine any more because of all the social and political changes that have occurred and regulations made within the medical practice. But my dad told me exactly the same thing and I’m sure this has been going on for centuries, so that the field is as rewarding as it ever was and always will be. DR. GROSFELD: You mentioned certain kinds of children who have special needs. For instance we know that the leading cause of death in the childhood age group are children who are in accidents; and trauma is the major cause of death. How has your specific development of technology helped those patients that come


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into the intensive care unit with severe trauma, where they have multiple organs injured and things just do not work right? DR. BARTLETT: The research we’ve been working on is very intensive and kind of “one patient at a time” care. Very expensive as well. We ask ourselves all the time, “Is this worth it? Is it worth spending $50,000, $100,000, $200,000 worth of resources on a single newborn, or a single child after severe trauma or any other disease?” And in this country we’re fortunate to be able to do that. It certainly doesn’t happen everywhere, but in some small part, because of efforts at the very extremes of life support and the very extremes of critical illness in showing that some patients will recover. Even with expensive, invasive procedure it leads us to say, “Well, this is worth it,” because normal healthy people, normal healthy children, result from it down the road and it affects the rest of our practice in many ways. Part of it is to say, “If we can do that, then we can surely do things that are less invasive and expensive, that are still intense treatment for children and their injuries.” For example, through that research we’ve learned that the heart, the lungs, the kidney will recover and be perfectly normal a year later under circumstances that 10, 20, 30 years ago were considered to be permanently irreversible situations. So that our management of trauma patients with heart problems, lung problems, kidney problems and the like, has changed across the board, based in some part on the fact that we know that under very extreme conditions, those organs can still recover. DR. GROSFELD: Are there any adverse quality of life issues associated with the success that you’ve achieved in some of these patients? DR. BARTLETT: There certainly are. The major one, of course, is that any critically ill person, child or otherwise, who survives a severe multiple organ failure may have sustained brain damage in the process of the shock and other things that went on. Or they have sustained brain damage related to what we’ve done, ligating vessels, putting catheters in, causing embolism, things like that. And of course, every case like that makes us worry and wonder, “Have we done this patient any favors; have we done the family any favors?” In the early days of the neonatal ECMO research, we were worried a lot about that because we were ligating major vessels in the neck. We knew from laboratory experience and clinical experience that there was adequate collateral most of the time, but, we spent a lot more time in those days assessing collateral circulation and brain function than we do now. We ultimately learned it was usually safe. The incidence of some type of brain injury or neurodevelopmental injury, in the neonates on ECMO, for example, now is about 10 percent. Through controlled studies, we know that


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that is lower than incidence in similarly ill infants who were not placed on ECMO, so we think it’s caused by the illness rather than the procedure itself. DR. GROSFELD: Now that many of these children have survived a number of years, have there been studies to evaluate whether they have things like attention deficits and what kind of school performance might you expect from someone surviving an ECMO run? DR. BARTLETT: The first patient was treated in 1975, so she’s now almost thirty years old. We followed her and all these other children as we go along. We’ve done a lot of neurological follow-up studies, both in our institution and elsewhere. These children have a higher incidence of school problems. Particularly if you study them in first grade, which is kind of the typical first testing period, and then again, maybe about the fifth grade. They do have a higher incidence of behavioral problems, learning problems, and so on than children who’ve never been sick. However, the incidence is the same in other children who’ve been in intensive care units. So that doesn’t relate to the ECMO procedure, per se, it just relates to really sick children. About 20 or 30 percent of them may have learning problems or behavioral problems when they get into school. DR. GROSFELD: Now what about the nutrition of these children? You mentioned a little bit about how hemofiltration improved the nutrition of youngsters who were in renal failure. What about the children with the respiratory problems, who were on ECMO, did they need any special kind of feeding program? Did they need intravenous nutrition or were they able to tolerate feedings accordingly if their GI [gastrointestinal] tracts were working while they were on this therapy? DR. BARTLETT: Partly through the ECMO-related research and the hemofiltration research, we’ve been studying the effects of nutrition and critical illness both in adults and in children and in babies. We find that sick people need to be fed. They need to be fed an appropriate energy source equivalent to their metabolic needs and an appropriate protein source to maintain growth, development and host defenses. That is all relatively new in the last forty years or so. First of all, the ability to do it and, secondly, the realization of how important it is. But, yes, we measure caloric requirements and protein balance frequently in these patients, and then feed them appropriately into their GI tract, if that’s possible. If it’s not, for any reason, then clearly parenterally. DR. GROSFELD: If you had a choice, you’d probably want to use the GI tract, is that what you’re saying? DR. BARTLETT: Yes, we always use the GI tract even if there’s a problem with a patient with ileus or peritonitis for example. We can still put


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a small amount of tube feeding in to maintain the integrity of the intestinal mucosa. It has always been an issue. It still is an issue in the newborn infant, particularly the premature newborn, whether they’re on ECMO or not, whether enteric feeding predisposes in some way to necrotizing enterocolitis. Our practice still is to treat those children mostly with parenteral feeding rather than relying on full enteric feeding until they’re off the ventilator and healthy. DR. GROSFELD: Dr. Bartlett, again, I want to congratulate you on your being awarded the Ladd Medal. It’s certainly one of the highlights in someone’s career to be recognized as someone in the surgical field who has contributed something very special. And indeed you have, and we certainly appreciate the opportunity of having a chance to ask you these questions and thank you for your taking time from your very busy schedule to share your experience with us and give us some insight into how all this began and bring us up-to-date. DR. BARTLETT: Thank you, Jay. It’s been great fun. DR. GROSFELD: That concludes the interview with Dr. Robert Bartlett, the 2003 William E. Ladd Medal winner. END OF STATEMENT


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acute respiratory distress syndrome, 7

Akron, Ohio, 1 Albion College, 2 American Academy of Pediatrics,

Section on Surgery, 1 American Board of Thoracic

Surgery, 4 American Pediatric Surgical

Association, 12 American Society for Artificial

Internal Organs, 9 American Surgical Association, 12 Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1, 3 atherosclerosis, 5

B Boston, Massachusetts, 3, 6


Charlie Brown and His Orchestra, 2

Children’s Hospital Boston, 3, 5, 6, 12

Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center, 3

Connolly, John E., 6, 12 Coran, Arnold, 4, 11

D Drinker, Philip A., 6

E extracorporeal life support, 7 extracorporeal membrane

oxygenation, 5, 7, 8, 10, 13, 16, 17, 18

F Folkman, M. Judah, 7, 12

G Gattinoni. Luciano, 8 Gazzaniga, Alan, 6 Greenfield, Lazar, 10, 12 Gross, Robert E., 5, 11, 12

H hemofiltration, 9, 17 Hirschl, Ronald B., 11

J Judge, Richard, 3

K Kolobow, Theodore, 7 Kraft, Richard O., 3 Kramer, Peter, 9

L Ladd, William E., 11


Medallion for Scientific Achievement [American Surgical Association], 12

Michigan Medical School, 1, 2, 9, 11, 12

Moore, Francis, 3, 6, 12

N National Institutes of Health, 7

O organ banking, 13 organ failure, 10, 16 oxygenator, 6

P Peter Bent Brigham Hospital, 3, 6,

12 Philippart, Arvin, 12


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Plazik, Lou, 6

R Robert E. Gross Lecture, 12

T transplantation, 13 Turcotte, Jeremiah G., 10, 12


University Hospital [University of Michigan], 1

University of California, Irvine, 6, 9, 10, 12

University of Michigan, 1, 2, 10 University of Michigan Medical

School, 2

W William E. Ladd Medal, 1, 5, 10,

18 workweek [residents], 15

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CURRICULUM VITAE NAME Robert Hawes Bartlett BORN May 8, 1939, Ann Arbor, Michigan ADDRESS University of Michigan Medical Center General Surgery 1500 E. Medical Center Dr., TC2920 Ann Arbor, MI 48109-0331 (734) 936-5822 (office) (734) 936-5830 (office fax) [email protected] PRESENT POSITIONS Professor of Surgery, Sections of General and Thoracic Surgery, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Director, Critical Care, Section of General Surgery Director, Surgical Intensive Care Unit Program Director, Surgical Critical Care Fellowship Program Director, Extracorporeal Life Support Program MAJOR FIELD OF INTEREST Applied Physiology in Surgery ACADEMIC DEGREES B.A. Albion College, Albion, Michigan, June l960 M.D. University of Michigan Medical School, cum laude, June l963 RESIDENCY July l963 – June 1967 Intern—Senior Resident in Surgery, Peter Bent Brigham and Children’s Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts July l967 – June 1968 Chief Resident in Thoracic Surgery, Peter Bent Brigham Hospital July 1968 – June l969 Chief Resident Surgeon, Peter Bent Brigham Hospital FELLOWSHIP July l966 – June 1970 NIH Trainee in Academic Surgery, Harvard Medical School TEACHING AND RESEARCH APPOINTMENTS July l968 – June 1969 Research Fellow in Surgery, Harvard Medical School July l969 – June 1969 Arthur Tracy Cabot Teaching Fellow in Surgery, Harvard Medical School July 1969 – June 1970 Harvey Cushing Fellow, Peter Bent Brigham Hospital


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Research Fellow in Surgery, Harvard Medical School July l970 – June 1973 Assistant Professor of Surgery, University of California, Irvine July l973 – June 1977 Associate Professor of Surgery, University of California, Irvine July l977 – June 1980 Professor of Surgery, University of California, Irvine July l980 – Present Professor of Surgery, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor LICENSURE Diplomate, National Board of Medical Examiners State Licensure: Michigan, l963-66; l980- (# 4301026234) Massachusetts & California licenses expired BOARD CERTIFICATION American Board of Surgery, October 20, l969

American Board of Thoracic Surgery, April 4, l970

American Board of Surgery, Critical Care, April 9, 1987

American Board of Surgery, Critical Care Re-certification, October, 1996

HOSPITAL APPOINTMENTS l969-70 Peter Bent Brigham Hospital, Assistant in Surgery l970-80 University of California, Irvine (Orange County Medical Center) Attending Staff Assistant Director of Surgical Services, l970-80 Director, Burn Center, l97l-80 l970-80 St. Joseph Hospital (Orange, California), Attending Staff Children's Hospital of Orange County, Attending Staff Veterans' Hospital, Long Beach, Attending Staff l980-85 Wayne County General Hospital and Westland Medical Center,

Attending Staff 1980 - Veterans Hospital, Ann Arbor, Attending Staff 1980 - University of Michigan Medical Center Attending Staff 1980- Director, Surgical Intensive Care Unit 1980- General Surgery Section Head 1981-87 Director, Graduate Education 1980-91 Trauma/Critical Care Division Chief 1980-91 Critical Care Division Chief 1991- 2002 Program Director, Surgical Critical Care Fellowship 1991- Director, Extracorporeal Life Support Program 1980- Critical Care Committee Co-Chair 1995- Executive Committee on Clinical Affairs 1981-85, 2003-2005 SOCIETIES


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Beta Beta Beta, Biology Honor Society Galens Honorary Medical Society, University of Michigan Alpha Omega Alpha, Medical Honor Society Surgical Societies American Association for Surgery of Trauma American Association for Thoracic Surgery American College of Surgeons American Pediatric Surgical Association American Surgical Association Central Surgical Society Coller Surgical Society General Thoracic Surgery Club Michigan Chapter of American College of Surgeons Michigan Society of Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgeons Society of Brigham Surgical Alumni Society of University Surgeons Surgical Biology Club II Surgical Infection Society Western Thoracic Surgical Association Other Societies American Association for the History of Medicine American Burn Association American College of Chest Physicians American Medical Association American Physiological Society American Society for Artificial Internal Organs American Thoracic Society American Trauma Society European Intensive Care Society Extracorporeal Life Support Organization International Society for Artificial Organs Society of Critical Care Medicine American Institute for Medical & Biological Engineering (Charter Member) PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES AND APPOINTMENTS Chairman, Program Committee, University Surgical Residents Meeting (l969) Chairman, NHLI Workshop on Hematology and Extracorporeal Circulation (l974) Chairman, Research Committee, Orange County Heart Association (l974-77) Council, Society of University Surgeons (l975-78) Education Committee, American Burn Association (l975-78) Research Committee, California Heart Association (l974-75) Chairman, Local Arrangements, American Burn Association (l977) Co-Chairman, Postgraduate Course on Fluids and Electrolytes, American College of

Surgeons (l977) Program Committee, Michigan Chapter, American College of Surgeons (l98l-1986) Central Surgical Society, Membership Advisory Committee (1985-88)


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American College of Chest Physicians, Council on Critical Care (l983) American College of Surgeons, Pre and Postoperative Care Committee (1985-95); CME Strategic Planning Committee 2001 American Board of Surgery, Examination Consultant, 1989-90 American Society for Artificial Internal Organs (ASAIO) Committee on Standards and Specifications for Gas Exchange Devices (l970-80) Program Committee (l974-78) Executive Council (l977, l978, l98l, l982) Councilman at Large (l979) Chairman, Program Committee (l98l, l982, l983) President Elect, l983 Publications Task Force, 1984 President, l984 Executive Committee, 1985 Board of Trustees, 1986-87 Regulatory Affairs Committee, 1985- Senior Advisory Committee, 1999 – Project Bionics Co-Chair, 1999 – International Society for Artificial Organs President Elect, 200 President 2002-2003 Extracorporeal Life Support Organization (ELSO), Chairman, Steering Committee 1989-94 The University of Michigan: The Faculty Senate Committee on the Future of the University, 1996-

Chairman, Planning Committee of the University of Michigan Medical School Sesquicentennial Celebration, 1997-2001

Medical School representative on the Senate Assembly, 1996-1999 Member, Center for Biomedical Engineering Research, 1997-2000 HONORS AND AWARDS University of California, Irvine, Student Teaching Award, l978, l979, l980 University of California, Irvine, AOA Faculty Advisor, l976-79 University of Michigan, AOA Faculty Advisor, l982-85, 92-95 University of Michigan, The Victor C. Vaughan Society Faculty Advisor, 1984- University of Michigan, Galens Medical Society Silver Shovel Award for Outstanding Clinical Teacher, 1989 Gibbon Award, American Society of Extra-Corporeal Technology, Inc., 1992 Dwight E. Harken Award, Temple University, Philadelphia, 1992 Medal of Special Recognition, Swedish Medical Society, 1993 University of Michigan Kaiser Permanente Excellence in Teaching Award, 1993 Luther Longino Lecturer, University of Alabama, March 1994 American College of Surgeons Sheen Award for Research, 1996 Robert E. Gross Lecturer, American Pediatric Surgical Association, May 1996 University of Michigan, Galens Medical Society Faculty Advisor, 1997-99 Barney Clark Award from ASAIO, 1997 Medal of Special Recognition from the National Academy of Surgery of France, 1999 McGraw Medal of the Detroit Surgical Association, 1999 Robert E. Gross Memorial Lecturer, Boston Children’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, 1999 Robert Zollinger Lecturer, Ohio State University, 1999


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Thomas Fogarty Lecturer, Stanford University, 2000 I.S. Ravdin Lecturer, American College of Surgeons, 2001 James “Red” Duke Lecturer, University of Texas, Houston, 2002 Hightower Lecture, Bowman Gray Surgical Society, 2002 Medallion for Scientific Achievement, American Surgical Association, April, 2002 Ladd Medal of American Academy of Pediatrics, 2003 NIH – Great Clinical Teachers Series, 2003 American College of Surgeons Jacobson Award, June 2003 Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Science, 2003 EDITORIAL Editorial Board: Perfusion, 1985- Critical Care, 1985- ASAIO Journal, 1986- Int. J. Biomaterials, Artificial Cells & Artificial Organs, 1987 Journal of Critical Care, 1988-1995 The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 1992-1998 SESATS, Surgical Critical Care Subcommittee, 1990-1995 Artificial Organs, 1998- Journal of Congestive Heart Failure & Circulatory Support, 2000- Journal of Artificial Organs, 2003 Reviewer for: Science, 1974; Chest, l974 - l979, l983- Journal of Applied Physiology, l977 - Heart and Lung, l977-79 ASAIO Journal, l978- New England Journal of Medicine, l98l - Annals of Thoracic Surgery, l98l - Surgery, 1984 - American Review of Respiratory Disease, 1985 - The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 1987 - Artificial Organs, 1987 - Intensive Care Medicine, 1987 - Pediatrics, 1987 - The Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, 1988 - Archives of Surgery, 1989 - The Journal of the American Medical Association, 1993 - American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 1993 - RESEARCH CONSULTANT/GRANT REVIEW Utah Biomedical Test Laboratory, l974, l975 University of Michigan: Burn Treatment Study Project, l979 Technical Consulting Panel, Relative Value Study, School of Public Health, Harvard University, 1986. NIH: National March of Dimes Foundation, l974 California Heart Association, l975 National Heart and Lung Institute, l974, l975 NHLI - Workshop on Mechanisms of Acute Lung Damage, l977 NIH/NIGMS - Consensus Program on Burn Care, l978, l980 NIH, Clinical Cancer Program, Site Visit, l980 NIH, Surgery Study Section Consultant, 1984, 1999, 2001 NIH, Medical College of Virginia, Site Visit, 1986


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Study Section on Cardiopulmonary Bypass, 1990 SBIR Study Section, 1995-98 Study Section of Muscle Diseases, 2001 Study Section on Treatment of Shock, 2003 Study Section on Pediatric Life Support, 2003 United States Army: Consultant in Emergency Care, 1996-97 INVITED LECTURESHIPS 1970-79 International Conference on Membrane Lung Technology, Invited Speaker, l975 Japanese Association for Thoracic Surgery, Honored Guest, l977 Midwest Surgical Society, Harridge Memorial Lecture, l978 1980-89 Oregon Thoracic Society, Conklin Lecturer, l982 McGill University, Visiting Professor, Royal Victoria Hospital, l982 Emory University, Atlanta, Visiting Professor, l983 German Heart Center, Munich, Germany, Invited Speaker, l984 Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio, Visiting Professor, 1984 Symposium on CAVH, New York, Invited Speaker, 1984 American College of Surgeons, San Francisco, California, Invited Speaker, 1984 Aachen, Germany, Symposium on CAVH and Renal Failure, Invited Speaker, 1984 Hammersmith Hospital, London, England, Visiting Professor, 1984 Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Visiting Professor, 1984 Long Island College Hospital and the National Kidney Foundation, Invited speaker, 1984 MIEMSS Clinical Center, Baltimore, Visiting Professor 1985 Washington DC Children's Hospital National Medical Center, Visiting Professor, 1985 Cleveland Clinic, Invited Speaker 1985 2nd World Congress of Pediatric, Invited Speaker 1985 University of Minnesota, Visiting Professor, 1985 Orange County Surgical Society, Invited Speaker, 1985 Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Visiting Professor, 1985 Columbia Presbyterian Hospital, Visiting Professor, 1985 International Biomedical Engineering Symposium, Invited Speaker, 1986 Brigham and Women's Hospital Postgraduate Course, Invited Speaker, 1986 International Symposium on Continuous AV Hemofiltration, Vicenza, Italy, Invited Speaker, 1986 American College of Surgeons Spring Postgraduate Course, Invited Speaker, 1986 Japanese Artificial Organs Symposium, Tokyo, Japan, Invited Speaker, 1986 Perinatal Research Society, Phoenix, Arizona, Invited Speaker, 1986 American Academy of Pediatrics, Washington, DC, Invited Speaker, 1986 American Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, New Orleans, Invited Speaker, 1987 Third International Symposium on Acute Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy, Ft. Lauderdale, Invited Speaker, 1987 Episcopal Hospital & Temple University Medical School, Philadelphia, Visiting Professor, 1987 International Symposium on Cardiac Surgery, Rome Italy, Invited Speaker, 1987 International Congress on Intra-abdominal Infections, Hamburg, Germany, Invited Speaker, 1987


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International Symposium on Extracorporeal CO2 Removal in Patients with Severe ARDS, Invited Speaker, 1987 March of Dimes Medical Symposium, New York, Invited Speaker, 1987 California Thoracic Society, Yosemite, California, Invited Speaker, 1988 University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, NY, Visiting Professor, 1988 Cardiothoracic Surgery Symposium, San Diego, Invited Speaker, 1988 Scandinavian Association for Neonatal ECMO, Stockholm, Robert H. Bartlett Lectureship, 1988 4th European Congress on Intensive Care Medicine, Milan Italy, Invited Speaker, 1988 Japanese College of Surgeons, Tokyo, Invited Speaker, 1988 Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, Visiting Professor, July 1988 University of Colorado, Visiting Professor, July 1988 Orange County Parent Care Conference, California, Invited Speaker, September 1988 Akron City Hospital, Visiting Professor, October 1988 American College of Surgeons Annual Meeting, Invited Speaker, 1988 McGill University, Visiting Professor, January 1989 Keesler Air Force Base, Visiting Professor, March 1989 Michigan State University, Visiting Professor, May, 1989 Detroit Medical Center, Visiting Professor, June 1989 American College of Surgeons Annual Meeting, Invited Speaker, 1989 Third International Steglitz Symposium, Berlin, Invited Speaker, October 1989 Orange County Surgical Congress, Invited Speaker, November 1989 University of Minnesota, Visiting Professor, November 1989 Ohio State University, Visiting Professor, December 1989 American Association for Respiratory Care, Invited Speaker, December 1989 1990-1999 Rush Presbyterian-St. Lukes Hospital, Regnery Visiting Professor, February 1990 Creighton University, Visiting Professor, March 1990 Japanese Society of Artificial Organs, Invited Speaker, September 1990 University of California, San Diego, Visiting Professor, March 1991 Dartmouth Medical School, Curts Visiting Professor, March 1991 Duke University, Visiting Professor, April 1991 European Extracorporeal Life Support Meeting, Paris, France, Invited Speaker, May 1991 Fourth European Congress on Extracorporeal Circulation, Amsterdam, Invited Speaker, June 1991 Hershey Medical Center, Visiting Professor, October 1991 San Francisco Trauma Conference, Invited Speaker, January 1992 University of Pittsburgh, Visiting Professor, January 1992 Pan Pacific Surgical Association, Hawaii, January 1992 European Intensive Care Meeting, Milan Italy, Invited Speaker, May 1992 CECEC Meeting, Paris, France Invited Speaker, June 1992 Scandinavian Association of Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery, Oslo Norway, Invited Speaker, August 1992 Swedish Medical Society, Stockholm, Invited Speaker, 1992 Royal London Hospital, Mechanical Circulatory Support Meeting, Invited Speaker, March 1993 Pediatric Intensive Care Meeting, Padua, Italy, Invited Speaker, June 1993 International Society of Artificial Organs, Amsterdam, Invited Participant, July 1993 Intensive Care Society, London, Invited Participant, October 1993 University of Alabama, Visiting Professor, 1994


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Italian Intensive Care Society, Milan, Italy, Invited Speaker, June 1994 European Intensive Care Congress, Brussels, Invited Speaker, March 1995 Mexican Society of Cardiopulmonary Bypass, Mexico City, Invited Speaker, July 1995 Ehrenhaft Lecturer, University of Iowa, October 1995 Italian Intensive Care Symposium, Ancona, Italy, Invited Speaker, March 1996 European Society of Anesthesiologists, London, Invited Speaker, June 1996 Far-Forward, Resuscitative Surgery Meeting, Washington, DC, Invited Participant by the Joint Staff, January 1997 University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Visiting Professor, March 1997 University of Texas, San Antonio, Visiting Professor, January 1998 Los Angeles Children’s Hospital, Los Angeles, Visiting Professor, January 1998 Annual Scientific Meeting of the Scottish Intensive Care Society, Sterling, Scotland, Invited Speaker, January 1998 Pontificia Universita Urbaniana ECMO Symposium, Rome, Invited Speaker, February 1998 General Thoracic Surgery Club, Invited Speaker, San Diego, 1998 Southeastern ECMO Meeting (SEECMO) Keynote Speaker, Charleston, SC 1998 International Congress on Pediatric Pulmonology, Invited Speaker, June 1998 University of Pittsburgh, Invited Speaker, October 1998 Tiny Baby Conference, Orlando, Florida, February 1999 Society for Neonatology and Pediatric Intensive Medicine, Munich, Invited Speaker, May 1999 Ohio State University, Visiting Professor, September 1999 University of Toronto, Critical Care Medicine Symposium, Invited Speaker, October 1999 University of Florida, Invited Speaker, November 1999 2000-Present UCLA, Visiting Professor, 2000 University of Maryland, Shock Trauma Institute, Visiting Professor, 2000 Oregon Trauma Symposium, 2000 Leicester Conference on Extracorporeal Life Support, 2000 Denver Surgical Association, 2000 Brooke Army Hospital Trauma Symposium, 2000 Rostock University, Artificial Liver Symposium, 2000 American College of Surgeons Young Surgeons Program, 2000 University of Pennsylvania, Visiting Professor, 2000 Stanford University, Visiting Professor, 2000 Boston University, Visiting Professor, 2001 Orange County Surgical Symposium, Keynote Speaker, 2001 Jersey City Medical Center, Visiting Professor, 2001 Leicester Conference on Extracorporeal Life Support, 2001 American Academy of Pediatrics, Surgical Section, Residents’ Conference Speaker, 2001 University of Texas, Houston, Visiting Professor, 2002 American College of Surgeons, Young Investigators Conference, Keynote Speaker, 2002 Pennsylvania State University, Ballantine Centre, 2002 Bowman Gray Surgical Society, Hightower Lecture, 2002 Southeast ECMO Symposium, Keynote Lecture, 2002 SMART Italian Intensive Care Symposium, 2002 University of Calgary Surgeon’s Day Lecturer, 2002 International College of Surgeons, Guest Lecturer, Taipei, Taiwan, 2002


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British Pediatric Cardiology Conference, Guest Lecturer, Leicester, England, 2002 University of Wisconsin, Visiting Professor, 2002 Academy of Cardiovascular Perfusion, Guest Lecturer, 2003 Dialysis Association of Argentina, Guest Lecturer, Mendoza, Argentina, 2003 Japanese ECMO Symposium, Keynote Speaker, Tokyo and Okayama, Japan, 2003 University of Florida, Visiting Professor, 2004 University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill, Visiting Professor, 2004 PhD GRADUATE STUDENTS University of Michigan: Kenneth Drake, Bioengineering, 1987 Arthur Oram, Bioengineering, 1988 Michael Morykwas, Bioengineering, 1988 J. Patrick Montoya, Mechanical Engineering, 1990 Scott Merz, Bioengineering, 1993 Nitin Kulkarni, Physiology, 1994 Sean Chambers, Bioengineering, 1998 University of Groningen, Franz Platz, 1992 University of Gothenberg, Karen Mellgren, 1998 Chiba University, Kenichi Matsuda, Medical Science, 2003 UNITED STATES PATENT Autotransfusion System, Patent #4,547,186, October 15, 1985 Self Regulating Blood Pump, #5,222,880, June 29, 1993 Self Regulating Blood Pump Controlled Suction, #5,281,112, January 25, 1994 Self Regulating Blood Pump Controlled Suction, #5,342,182, August 30, 1994 Photo bioreactors and Closed Ecological Life Support Systems and Artificial Lungs Containing the Same, #08/412,598, March 25, 1997 RESEARCH GRANTS Principal Investigator Prolonged Extracorporeal Cardiopulmonary

Support Orange County Heart Association, l97l ($2,433) Principal Investigator Membrane Oxygenator Development Project Donald E. Baxter Foundation, l970-7l ($37,000) Principal Investigator Prolonged Extracorporeal Respiratory Support. California TB and Respiratory Disease

Association, l97l-72 ($7,500) Principal Investigator Prolonged Extracorporeal Circulation. National Institutes of Health, NHLI, l972-75

($286,868) Principal Investigator Clinical Prolonged Extracorporeal Circulation (contract)


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National Institutes of Health, NHLBI, l974-77 ($4l7,3l0) Principal Investigator Burns: Surface Management. Donald E. Baxter Foundation, l974-75 ($24,350) Principal Investigator Prolonged Extracorporeal Cardiopulmonary

Support National Institutes of Health, NHLBI, l976-79

($24l,724) Principal Investigator Burns: Surface Management. Hearst Foundation, l976-78 ($29,000) Principal Investigator Extracorporeal Circulation for Neonatal

Respiratory Failure National Institutes of Health, NICHD, l978-80 ($345,000) Principal Investigator Burns: Surface Management Hearst Foundation, l979-80 ($20,000) Principal Investigator Extracorporeal Circulation for Neonatal

Respiratory Failure National Institutes of Health, NICHD, l98l-84

($559,295) Principal Investigator Autotransfusion System Evaluation Thoratec,

Inc., l983 ($20,000) Principal Investigator Nutrition in Trauma Mead-Johnson, l983

($l5,000) Consultant Postdoctoral Training: Emergency and General

Trauma Surgery, General Motors Corporation, 1984-85 ($55,000)

Participant NIRA: Accelerated Synthes and Testing Living

Skin Equivalent National Institutes of Health, 1984-85 ($36,650) Principal Investigator Extracorporeal Circulation for Neonatal

Respiratory Failure National Institutes of Health, NICHD, l984-85 ($23l,980) Principal Investigator Extracorporeal Circulation for Newborn

Respiratory Failure National Institutes of Health, NICHD, 1985-90



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Principal Investigator Extracorporeal Circulation in Pediatric Respiratory Failure

National Institutes of Health, NICHD, 1990-92 ($1,094,115)

Principal Investigator A Registry of Extracorporeal Life Support William Randolph Hearst Foundation, 1989-93 ($120,000) Principal Investigator Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation in

Respiratory Failure, National Institute of Health, 1993-1997 ($1,165,839)

Co-Investigator Clinical Centers for a Clinical Network for the

Treatment of Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) National

Institute of Health, 1994-2006 ($1,166,665) Principal Investigator Extracorporeal Life Support in Military

Casualties, Department of Defense, 12/1/96-12/30/99 ($1,470,195)

Principal Investigator Extracorporeal Life Support in Multiple Organ

Failure, National Institutes of Health, 1998-2003 ($1,919,988)

Principal Investigator A Phase II Study to Determine the Efficacy and

Safety of LY315920 in Patients with Severe Sepsis

PPD Pharmaco 12/15/98-12/15/00 ($321,933) Co-Investigator Total Liquid Ventilation: A Bioengineering

Partnership National Institutes of Health, 12/1/99-11/30/04

(approx. $4,000,000) Principal Investigator Development of a Total Artifical Lung, National

Institutes of Health, 1RO1 HL69420-01 2/1/2002-12/31/2006

($4,964,682) Principal Investigator Extracorporeal Circulation without

Anticoagulation, National Institutes of Health, RO1 HD015434-22 7/1/2004-6/30/2007 (approx. $1,600,000)

BUSINESS/CONSULTING Active (2003): Michigan Critical Care Consultants, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan Co-founder A bioengineering/critical care R&D company


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Accumed Systems, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan Scientific Advisory Board Invasive cardiology devices Sensors for Medicine and Science, Germantown, Maryland Scientific Advisory Board Implantable chemical sensors Therox, Inc., Costa Mesa, California Scientific Advisory Board Supersaturated oxygen Teraklin, Inc., Rostock, Germany Scientific Advisory Board Alliance Pharmaceutical Inc., San Diego, California Ad Hoc Consulting Food and Drug Administration, Washington, DC Ad Hoc Consulting Inactive: Abbott Critical Care Systems, Mountain View, California Critical Care Advisory Board Management of critically ill patients Baxter (Bentley Labs), Irvine, California Consulting Agreement Mallinckrodt, St. Louis, Missouri Ad Hoc Consulting Avecor Cardiovascular, Minneapolis, Minnesota Ad Hoc Consulting Medical Device Consultants, Inc., North Attleboro, Massachusetts Ad Hoc Consulting ICOR, Stockholm, Sweden Ad Hoc Consulting Ortho Biotech, Inc., Raritan, New Jersey Consulting Agreement Instrumentation Labs, Lexington, Massachusetts Scientific Advisory Board RHB/cim University of Michigan Medical Center General Surgery 2/04


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Books and Monographs l. Bartlett RH, Drinker PA, Galletti PM (editors): Mechanical Devices for

Cardiopulmonary Assistance. Advances in Cardiology. Vol. 6, S. Karger and Company, Basel, l97l.

2. Bartlett RH (chairman): Hematological Analysis of Extracorporeal

Membrane Oxygenation. Report of NHLI Workshop, Sept. l974. NIH, DHEW Pub. No. 75-865.

3. Bartlett RH, and Gazzaniga AB: Extracorporeal Circulation for

Cardiopulmonary Failure. Current Problems in Surgery. Vol. l5, No. 5. Year Book Medical Publishers, Chicago, l978.

4. Bartlett RH (editor): Respiratory Care of the Surgical Patient. Vol. 62,

No. 6. Surgical Clinics of North America, WB Saunders Co., Philadelphia, Dec. l980.

5. Stanley JC, Burkel WE, Lindenauer SM, Bartlett RH, Turcotte JG

(editors): Biologic and Synthetic Vascular Protheses. Grune & Stratton, New York, l982.

6. Bartlett RH, Whitehouse WM Jr, Turcotte JG (editors): Life Support

Systems in Intensive Care. YearBook Medical Publishers, Inc., Chicago, l984.

7. Bartlett RH, Strodel WE, Zelenock GB, Harper ML, Turcotte JG,

(editors): Medical Education: A Surgical Perspective. Lewis Publishers, Inc. Chelsea, 1986.

8. Bartlett RH: Extracorporeal Life Support for Cardiopulmonary Failure.

Current Problems in Surgery. Vol. 27, No. 10. Mosby-Year Book, Inc., St. Louis, October 1990.

9. Bartlett RH: Critical Care Physiology. Little, Brown and Company.

Boston, 1995. 10. Bartlett RH: The Michigan Critical Care Handbook. Little, Brown and

Company. Boston, 1995. 11. Zwischenberger JB and Bartlett RH: ECMO: Extracorporeal

Cardiopulmonary Support in Critical Care. Extracorporeal Life Support Organization. Ann Arbor, Michigan 1995.


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12. Zwischenberger JB, Stanborn RH, Bartlett RH: ECMO Extracorporeal Cardiopulmonary Support in Critical Care. 2nd Edition. Extracorporeal Life Support Organization. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 2000.


1. O'Connor NE, Sheh JM, Bartlett RH, Bass H: The relation of

extravascular water to gas exchange and pressures in pulmonary edema. IN: Central Hemodynamics and Gas Exchange, Giuntini C (editor), 207-222, Minerva Medica, Torino, Italy, l97l.

2. Bartlett RH: "Post Traumatic Pulmonary Insufficiency." IN: Surgery

Annual, l97l, Cooper P and Nyhus L (editors), Appleton Century Crofts, New York, l97l.

3. Bartlett RH: "Mechanical Cardiopulmonary Substitution During Open

Heart Surgery." IN: Cardiac Surgery, Harken DE (editor), Vol. 3, No. 3 of Cardiovascular Clinics, FA Davis Co., Philadelphia, 1971.

4. Furnas DW, Bartlett RH, Achauer BM: "Burns, Management of the

Respiratory Tract." IN: Symposium in the Treatment of Burns. Lynch JB and Lewis SD (editors), CV Mosby Co., St. Louis, l973.

5. Drinker PA, and Bartlett RH: "Practical Application of Secondary

Flows in Membrane Oxygenators." First International Conference on Membrane Lung Technology, Copenhagen, l975. IN: Artificial Lungs for Acute Respiratory Failure, Zapol WM and Qvist J (editors), Academic Press, l976.

6. Bartlett RH, Drinker PA, Hill JD, Hill RN, Wetmore N: "Indications for

Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Support: Quantitating Pulmonary Insufficiency." First International Conference on Membrane Lung Technology, Copenhagen, l975. IN: Artificial Lungs for Acute Respiratory Failure, Zapol WM and Qvist J (editors), Academic Press, l976.

7. Bartlett RH, and Gazzaniga AB: "The Physiology and Pathophysiology

of Extracorporeal Circulation." IN: Current Techniques in Extracorporeal Circulation, Ionescu M and Wooler C (editors), Butterworth's, London, l976. (Second Edition, l980)

8. Allyn PA, and Bartlett RH: "Management of the Critically Ill Burn

Patient." IN: Comprehensive Review of Critical Care, Zschoche DA (editor), CV Mosby Company, St. Louis, l976. (Second Edition, l980).

9. Bartlett RH: "Pulmonary Physiology and the Surgical Patient." IN:

Respiratory Care: A Guide to Clinical Practice, Burton G and Gee N


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(editors), JB Lippincott Company, Philadelphia, l976. (Second Edition, l982).

10. Gazzaniga AB, and Bartlett RH: "Blunt and Penetrating Injuries to the

Abdomen." IN: Laparoscopy, Phillips JM (editor), Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, l977.

11. Bartlett RH: "IPPB Should Not Be Routine Pulmonary Prophylaxis."

IN: Controversy in Anesthesiology, Eckenhoff JE (editor), Saunders, Philadelphia, l979.

12. Bartlett RH: "Basic Biochemistry and Physiology." IN: Emergency

Care: Principles and Practice for the EMT Paramedic, Gazzaniga AB, Iseri LT, Baren M (editors), Reston, Reston, VA, l979.

l3. Bartlett RH, Gazzaniga AB, Rucker RW: "Therman, Environmental and

Recreational Injuries." IN: Emergency Care: Principles and Practice for the EMT-Paramedic. Gazzaniga AB, Iseri LT, Baren M (editors), Reston, Reston, VA, l979.

l4. Bartlett RH: "Pulmonary Pathophysiology in Surgical Patients." IN:

Respiratory Care of the Surgical Patient, Bartlett RH (editor), Surgical Clinics of North America, 60:l323-l338, WB Saunders, Philadelphia, PA, l980.

l5. Bartlett RH: "Cardiopulmonary Complications of Pancreatitis." IN:

Pancreatic Disease, Dent TL, Eckhauser FG, Vinik AI, Turcotte JG (editors), Grune & Stratton, New York, l98l.

16. Bartlett RH: "When Doctor and Nurse Disagree." IN: Troubling

Problems in Medical Ethics, Basson M, et al. (editors), Alan R. Liss, New York, l98l.

l7. Bartlett RH and Anderson JC: "Blood-Surface Interactions: An

Overview." IN: Biologic and Synthetic Vascular Prostheses, Stanley JC, Burkel WE, Lindenauer SM, Bartlett RH, Turcotte JG (editors), Grune & Stratton, New York, l982.

l8. Bartlett RH: "Basic Biochemistry and Physiology." IN: Emergency

Care: Principles and Practices for the EMT-Paramedic, Gazzaniga, AB, Iseri LT and Baren M (editors), Reston, VA: Reston Publishing Company, Inc., 2nd edition, l982.

l9. Gazzaniga AB, Bartlett RH, Furnas DW, Mosier MA, Kohnut RI, and

Thompson JN: "Soft Tissue Injuries." IN: Emergency Care: Principles and Practices for the EMT-Paramedic, Gazzaniga AB, Iseri LT, and Baren M, (editors). Reston, VA: Reston Publishing Company, Inc., 2nd edition, l982.


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20. Bartlett, RT, Rucker RW, and Salness K: "Environmental Exposure and

Recreational Injuries." IN: Emergency Care: Principles and Practices for the EMT-Paramedic, Gazzaniga AB, Iseri LT, and Baren M, (editors). Reston, VA: Reston Publishing Company, Inc., 2nd edition, l982.

21. Bartlett, RH: "Assessment and Management of Nutrition in Critical

Illness." IN: Critical Care Medicine, Bone, RC, (editor), American College of Chest Physicians, Chicago, IL, l983.

22. Thornton JW, Morykwas MJ, Bartlett RH: "Adherence of Skin

Prosthesis: Collagen, Elastin, Fibrin, and Net Surface Charge." IN: Burn Wound Coverings, Wise, DL (editor), CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, l983.

23. Wesley JR, Bartlett RH: "Energy, Metabolism, and Nutrition: Basic

Physiology and Management." IN: Life Support Systems in Intensive Care, Bartlett RH, Whitehouse WM Jr, and Turcotte JG (editors). Year Book Medical Publishers, Chicago, 117, l984.

24. Bartlett RH: "Respiratory Failure: Life Support Systems." IN: Life

Support Systems in Intensive Care, Bartlett RH, Whitehouse WM Jr, and Turcotte JG (editors). Year Book Medical Publishers, Chicago, 363, l984.

25. Bartlett RH: "Respiratory Care of the Surgical Patient." IN:

Respiratory Care, Burton GC and Hodgkin JE (editors). JB Lippincott Company, Philadelphia. 2nd Edition, l984.

26. Bartlett RH: "Hemodynamics and Extracorporeal Circulation," IN:

Proceedings of the Symposium Thirty Years of Extracorporeal Circulation. Hagl S, Klovekorn WP, Mayr N, Sebening F (editors). Deutsches Hergzentrum Munchen, 1984.

27. Bartlett RH: "Bronchoscopy in Surgical Patients," IN: Surgical

Endoscopy, Dent TL, Strodel WE, Turcotte JG (editors). YearBook Medical Publishers, Chicago 1985.

28. Klein MD, Andrews AF, Bartlett RH: "Extracorporeal Membrane

Oxygenation for Newborn Respiratory Failure", IN: Clinical Aspects of Perinatal Medicine. Rathi M. (editor). MacMillan Publishing Co., New York 1985.

29. Bartlett RH: "Energy Metabolism in Acute Renal Failure," IN:

International Conference on Continuous Arteriovenous Hemofiltration (CAVH), Sieberth H-G, Mann H (editors). Karger, Aachen 1985, 194-203.


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30. Bartlett RH: "Nutritional Support" IN: Cardiopulmonary Critical Care.

Dantzker DR (editor). Grune & Stratton, Orlando, l986, 263-282. 31. Koorejian K, London JB, Bartlett RH: "Activated Clotting Time for

Heparin Dosage Monitoring in Continuous Arteriovenous hemofiltration (CAVH)." IN: Arterio-venous Hemofiltration. A Kidney Replacement Therapy for the Intensive Care Unit. Kramer P, editor. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg-New York, l986, 84-87.

32. Mault JR, Bartlett RH: "Energy Balance and Survival in Patients With

Acute Renal Failure." IN: Arterio-venous Hemofiltration. A Kidney Replacement Therapy for the Intensive Care Unit. Kramer P (editor). Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg-New York, l986, 154-160.

33. Mault J, Bartlett RH: "Nutritional Aspects of Hemofiltration,"

Hemofiltration. Henderson L, Quellhorst EA, Lysacht M, and Baldamas T (editors). Karger, New York, 1986.

34. Bartlett RH: "Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation in Newborn

Respiratory Failure." IN: Pediatric Surgery. Ravitch M (editor). YearBook Medical Publishers, Chicago. 4th Edition, l986, 74-77.

35. Bartlett RH: "Metabolism and Nutrition in Acute Renal Failure," IN:

CAVH, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Continuous Arteriovenous Hemofiltration, LaGreca G, Fabris A, Ronco C (editors). Wichtig Editore, Milano, 1986, 119-128.

36. Bartlett RH: "Nutrition in Acute Renal Failure: Treatment Made Possible

by Continuous Arteriovenous Hemofiltration (CAVH)," IN: Acute Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy, Paganini EP, (editor). Martinus Nijhoff Publishing, Boston, 1986, 173-183.

37. Bartlett RH: "Teaching from Patients," IN: Medical Education: A

Surgical Perspective, Bartlett, Strodel, Zelenock, Harper, Turcotte, (editors). Lewis Publishers, Inc., Chelsea, October, 1986, 7-22.

38. Bartlett RH and Judge RD: "Into the Fire: Basic to Clinical Transition,"

IN: Medical Education: A Surgical Perspective, Bartlett, Strodel, Zelenock, Harper, Turcotte, (editors). Lewis Publishers, Inc. Chelsea, October, 1986, 133-147.

39. Bartlett RH: "Membrane Versus Bubble Oxygenators," IN: Progress in

Artificial Organs-1985, Kjellstrand C and Nose Y, (editors) ISAO Press, Cleveland, 1986. 549-550.


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40. Bartlett RH: "Respiratory Therapy to Prevent Postoperative Pulmonary Complications," IN: Respiratory Intensive Care, Pierson DJ (editor), Daedalus Enterprises, Dallas, 1986, 369-379.

41. Ortiz RM, Cilley RE, Bartlett RH: "Extracorporeal Membrane

Oxygenation in Pediatric Respiratory Failure." IN: The Pediatric Clinics of North America, Orlowski (editor), Saunders, Philadelphia, Vol. 34, February 1987, 39-46.

42. Hirschl RB, Bartlett RH: "Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation

(ECMO) Support in Cardiorespiratory Failure," IN: Advances in Surgery, Tompkins R (editor) YearBook Medical Publishers, Chicago, 1987, 189-211.

43. Bartlett RH: "Metabolism and Nutrition in Acute Renal Failure," IN:

Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Acute Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy, Geronemus R (editor), 1987, 154-160.

44. Bartlett RH: "Physiology of Extracorporeal Circulation," IN:

Proceedings of 2nd International Symposium on Heart Surgery, D'Alessandro (editor) 1988, 55-62.

45. Redmond C, Loe W, Bartlett R, Arensman R: "Extracorporeal

Membrane Oxygenation," IN: Assisted Ventilation of the Newborn, Goldsmith J and Karotkin E (editors) Saunders Press, 2nd Edition, 1988, 200-212.

46. Zwischenberger JB and Bartlett RH: "Extracorporeal Circulation for

Respiratory or Cardiac Failure," IN: Critical Care, Civetta, Taylor and Kirby (editors) JB Lippincott, Philadelphia, 1988, 1629-1637.

47. Bartlett RH: "Physiology of Aging: The Respiratory System in the

Elderly," IN: Surgical Care of the Elderly, Meakins & McClaran (editors), 1988, 121-128.

48. Bartlett RH: "Incentive Spirometry," IN: Current Respiratory Care

Techniques and Therapy, Kacmarek R and Stoller J (editors), 1988, 38-40.

49. Bartlett RH: "Use of Mechanical Ventilation," IN: Care of the Surgical

Patient 1 Critical Care, Holcroft J (editor), Scientific American Medicine, New York, Section II, Chapter 5, 1993.

50. Bartlett RH: "Pulmonary Insufficiency," IN: Care of the Surgical Patient

2 Elective Care, Holcroft J (editor), Scientific American Medicine, New York, Section VII, Chapter 6, 1989.


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51. Hirschl RB and Bartlett RH: "Extracorporeal Life Support in Newborn Respiratory Failure," IN: Current Concepts and New Techniques in Pediatric Surgery, Lamesch (editor), Luxembourg, 1989, 199-211.

52. Heiss KF and Bartlett RH: "Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation: An

Experimental Protocol Becomes a Clinical Service," IN: Advances in Pediatrics, Barness L (editor), 1989, 117-135.

53. Mault JR, Bartlett RH: "Acute Renal Failure," IN: Complications in

Surgery and Trauma, Greenfield LJ (ed), J B Lippincott, Philadelphia, 1989, 149-162.

54. Bartlett RH and Anderson HL: "Multiorgan Failure," IN: Clinical

Ischemic Syndromes: Mechanisms and Consequences of Tissue Injury, Zelenock et al. (editors) C.V. Mosby, 1989, 565-572.

55. Bartlett RH: "Extracorporeal Oxygen Delivery and Life Support in

Neonatal Respiratory Failure," IN: Clinical Aspects of O2 Transport and Tissue Oxygenation, Proceedings of the 4rd International Steglitz Symposium. Eyrich K and Reinhart K (editors), Springer-Verlag, Berlin 1989, 283-294.

56. Bartlett RH: "Extracorporeal Life Support in Neonatal Respiratory

Failure," IN: Neonatal and Adult Respiratory Failure. Gille (editor), Elsevier, Paris, 1989, 107-115.

57. Bartlett RH and Anderson HL: "Extracorporeal Life Support in Pediatric

Trauma," IN: Pediatric Trauma, Proceedings of the Third National Conference. Coran and Harris (editors), J.B. Lippincott, Philadelphia, 1990, 142-150.

58. Mault JR and Bartlett RH: "The Metabolic Response to Trauma," IN:

Oral and Maxillofacial Trauma, WB Saunders, Orlando, 1990. 59. Anderson HL and Bartlett RH: "Respiratory Care of the Surgical

Patient," IN: Respiratory Care, 3rd Edition, JB Lippincott, Philadelphia 1991, 821-843.

60. Bartlett RH: "Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation" IN: Textbook of

Surgery, 14th Edition. Sabiston (ed). W.B. Saunders, 1991, 1765-1770. 61. Anderson HL and Bartlett RH: “Elective Tracheostomy for Mechanical

Ventilation by the Percutaneous Technique,” IN: Clinics in Chest Medicine. Heffner (ed). W.B. Saunders. Vol. 12, No. 3, September 1991, 555-560.


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62. Attorri RJ and Bartlett RH: "Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation in the Pediatric Thoracic Surgical Patient," IN: Pediatric Thoracic Surgery, Elsevier. 1991, 46-53.

63. Attorri RJ and Bartlett RH: "Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation,"

IN: Care of the Critically Ill Patient, Tinker and Zapol (editors) Springer-Verlag 1992, 1347-1358.

64. Zwischenberger JB and Bartlett RH: "Extracorporeal Circulation for

Respiratory or Cardiac Failure," IN: Critical Care, 2nd Edition Civetta, Taylor and Kirby (eds), J.B. Lippincott, Philadelphia, 1992, 1629-1637.

65. Shanley CJ and Bartlett RH: “Extracorporeal Life Support: Techniques,

Indications, and Results,” IN: Current Surgical Therapy, 4th Edition, Cameron (ed), Mosby-Year Book, Inc. 1992, 1062-1066.

66. Bartlett RH: “Critical Care” IN: Surgery: Scientific Principles and

Practice Greenfield (ed), Lippincott, New York, 1992, 195-222. 67. Bartlett RH and Delius RE: "Physiology and Pathophysiology of

Extracorporeal Circulation," IN: 3rd Edition of Techniques in Extracorporeal Circulation, Kay (editor), Butterworths, London, 1992, 8-32.

68. Bartlett RH: “The Development of Prolonged Extracorporeal

Circulation,” IN: Extracorporeal Life Support, Arensman, Cornish (eds), Blackwell, 1993, 31-41.

69. Bartlett RH and Cilley RE: “Physiology of Extracorporeal Life Support,”

IN: Extracorporeal Life Support, Arensman, Cornish (eds), Blackwell, 1993, 89-104.

70. Bartlett RH: “Prospects for the Future,” IN: Extracorporeal Life Support.

Arensman, Cornish (eds), Blackwell, 1993, 337-341. 71. Bartlett RH: “Venovenous Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation in

Neonates Using the Double Lumen Catheter,” IN Extracorporeal Life Support. Arensman, Cornish (eds), Blackwell, 1993, 351-353.

72. Bartlett RH: "Prevention and Treatment of Atelectasis," IN: Vol. VIII of

International Trends in General Thoracic Surgery, Peters and Toledo (editors), Mosby, 1993, 329-341.

73. Cilley RE and Bartlett RH: “Extracorporeal Life Support for Respiratory

Failure,” IN: Principles and Practice of Cardiopulmonary Bypass, Gravley (ed.) William & Wilkins, 1993, 655-681.


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74. Bartlett, RH and Stolar, C: “Extracorporeal Life Support: State of the Art 1990,” IN: Report of the Workshop on Diffusion of ECMO Technology, Wright, L (ed.) NIH Publication 1993, 93-3399.

75. Shanley CJ and Bartlett RH: "The Management of Acute Respiratory

Failure," IN: Current Opinion in General Surgery. Current Science, 1994, 7-16.

76. Anderson HL and Bartlett RH: "Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation

and Carbon Dioxide Elimination," IN: Procedures and Techniques in Intensive Care Medicine. Rippe, et al.(eds.). Little, Brown, 1994, 183-191.

77. Bartlett RH: "Current Status of Extracorporeal Life Support in Neonatal

Respiratory Failure". IN: 1995 Yearbook of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine. J.L. Vincent (ed.) Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1995, 209-217.

78. Anderson HL III, and Bartlett RH: "Extracorporeal and Intravascular

Gas Exchange Devices", IN: Textbook of Critical Care 3rd Edition. Shoemaker, Ayers, Grenvik, Holbrook (eds.). Saunders, Philadelphia, 1995, 943-952.

79. Shanley CJ, Bartlett RH: "Extracorporeal Life Support for Acute

Respiratory Failure", IN: Current Surgical Therapy, Cameron (ed), Mosby, Philadelphia, 1995, 1016-1021.

80. Mault JR, Bartlett RH: "Kidneys", IN: Surgical Critical Care. Weigelts

and Lewis (eds.), Saunders, Philadelphia, 1995, 381-396. 81. Zwischenberger JB and Bartlett RH: "An Introduction to Extracorporeal

Life Support", IN: ECMO: Extracorporeal Cardiopulmonary Support in Critical Care. Zwischenberger and Bartlett (eds), Extracorporeal Life Support Organization, 1995, 11-13.

82. Bartlett RH: "Physiology of Extracorporeal Life Support," IN: ECMO:

Extracorporeal Cardiopulmonary Support in Critical Care. Zwischenberger and Bartlett (eds), Extracorporeal Life Support Organization, 1995, 27-52.

83. Bartlett RH: "Management of Extracorporeal Life Support in Adult

Respiratory Failure," IN: ECMO: Extracorporeal Cardiopulmonary Support in Critical Care. Zwischenberger and Bartlett (eds), Extracorporeal Life Support Organization, 1995, 401-414.

84. Bartlett RH, Schumacher RE, and Chapman RA: "Economics of

Extracorporeal Life Support," IN: ECMO: Extracorporeal


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Cardiopulmonary Support in Critical Care. Zwischenberger and Bartlett (eds), Extracorporeal Life Support Organization, 1995, 533-550.

85. Bartlett RH: "Future of Extracorporeal Life Support," IN: ECMO:

Extracorporeal Cardiopulmonary Support in Critical Care. Zwischenberger and Bartlett (eds), Extracorporeal Life Support Organization, 1995, 677-685.

86. Mault J, Bartlett RH: “Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation”, IN:

Textbook of Surgery, David Sabiston (ed.), W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia 1996, 1898-1905.

87. Zwischenberger JB, Sankar AB, Bartlett RH: “Extracorporeal

Circulation for Respiratory or Cardiac Failure,” IN: Critical Care. 3rd edition. Civetta, Taylor, and Kirby (eds), Lippincott-Raven, Philadelphia. 1997, 669-681.

88. Bartlett RH: “Critical Care,” IN: Surgery: Scientific Principles and

Practice, 2nd Edition, Greenfield, Mulholland, Oldham, Zelenock, Lillemoe (eds), Lippincott-Raven Philadelphia, 1997, 67-76.

89. Shanley CJ, Awad SA, Bartlett RH: “Multiple Organ Dysfunction

Syndrome: Pathogenesis, Prevention, and Management.” IN: Mastery of Surgery, 3rd Edition. Nyhus, Baker and Fischer (eds). Little Brown, Boston, 1997, 153-169.

90. Hirschl RB, Bartlett RH: “Extracorporeal Life Support in

Cardiopulmonary Failure”, IN: Pediatric Surgery, 6th Edition, O’Neill, Rowe, Grosfeld, et al (eds), Mosby, St. Louis, 1997, 89-102.

91. Gauger PG, Bartlett RH: “Indirect Calorimetry” IN Oxford Textbook of

Critical Care, A. Webb et al eds, Oxford Medical Publications, Oxford, England,

1999. 92. Anderson HL, Bartlett RH: “Extracorporeal Life Support for Cardiac

and Respiratory Failure”, IN: Intensive Care Medicine, 4th Edition, RS Irwin et al (eds.), Lippincott, Philadelphia, 1999.

93. Shapiro, MB, Anderson III, HL, Bartlett, RH: “Respiratory Failure – Conventional and High-Tech Support.” IN: The Surgical Clinics of North America, Critical Care of the Trauma Patient, C. William Schwab and Patrick M. Reilly (guest eds.), W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia, 2000, 871-883.


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94. Bartlett RH: “Extracorporeal Life Support in the Management of Severe Respiratory Failure.” IN: Clinics in Chest Medicine, Vol. 21, No. 3, Wiedemann and Matthay, (eds), W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, 2000, 555-561.

95. Bartlett RH: “Project Bionics” IN: ASAIO Journal, Vol. 47, No. 1,

Friedman, Beyer, and Erler (eds), Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Brooklyn, NY, 2001, 1-2.

96. Bartlett RH: “Extracorporeal Life Support for Severe Respiratory

Failure”, IN: Current Surgical Therapy, 7th Edition, J. Cameron (ed.), Mosby, St. Louis, 2000, 1350-1354.

97. Bartlett RH: “Use of the Mechanical Ventilator”, IN: American College of Surgeons Care of the Surgical Patient, D. Wilmore et al (eds.), Scientific American, New York, 2000.

98. Bartlett RH: “Pulmonary Insufficiency”, IN: American College of

Surgeons Care of the Surgical Patient, D. Wilmore et al (eds.), Scientific American, New York, 2000.

99. Bartlett, RH: “Physiology of Extracorporeal Life Support”, IN: ECMO:

Extracorporeal Cardiopulmonary Support in Critical Care, JB Zwischenberger et al, Extracorporeal Life Support Organization, 2000, 41-66.

100. Bartlett RH: “Critical Care”, IN: Surgery: Scientific Principles and

Practice, 3rd Edition, L. Greenfield et al (eds.), Lippincott, Philadelphia, PA, 2001.

101. Awad S, Bartlett RH: “Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome:

Pathogenesis, Prevention, and Management”, IN: Mastery of Surgery, 4th Edition, J. Fischer et al (eds.), Lippincott, Philadelphia, 2001.

102. Lynch WR, Bartlett RH: “Rationale for an Implantable Artificial Lung”,

IN: The Artificial Lung, SN Vaslef, et al, (eds.), Eurekah.com/Landes Bioscience, Georgetown, TX, 2002.

Book Reviews 1. Bartlett, RH: King of Hearts: The True Story of the Maverick Who

Pioneered Open Heart Surgery. The New England Journal of Medicine 342:2004, 2000.

Scientific Publications


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l. Falor WH, Bartlett RH, Zarafonetis CJD, Dettling JJ, LeVernois E: Bilaterial thoracic duct cannulation: Bilateral scalene node excision. Surg Forum l4:242, l963.

2. Bartlett RH, Falor WH, Zarafonetis CJD: Lipid studies on human lymph

and chyle. JAMA l87:l66, l964. 3. Bartlett RH, and Zarafonetis CJD: Effect of paraffin on cholesterol

extraction. J Lab Clin Med 63:l58, l964. 4. Abowd TV, and Bartlett RH (editors): Peptic Ulcer: Theory and

Therapy. University of Michigan Medical Center, J 30:9l, l964. 5. Zarafonetis CJD, Bartlett RH, Brody GL: Lipid mobilizer hormone in

cobalt chloride hyperlipemia. JAMA l9l:236, l965. 6. Bartlett RH, and Munster AM: An improved technique for prolonged

arterial cannulation. N Engl J Med. l79:92-93, l968. 7. Bartlett RH, and Yahia C: Management of septic chemical abortion with

renal failure: Five cases with five survivors. N Engl J Med. 28l:747-753, l969.

8. Bartlett RH, Wilkinson R, Eraklis A: Appendicitis in infancy. Surg

Gynecol Obstet l30:99-l04, l969. 9. Wilkinson R, Bartlett RH, Eraklis A: Diagnosis of appendicitis in

infancy: The value of abdominal radiographs. Am J Dis Child ll8:687-690, l969.

10. Drinker PA, Bartlett RH, Bialer R, Noyes BS Jr: Augmentation of

membrane gas transfer by oscillation of a coiled tube. Surgery 66:775-78l, l969.

11. Bartlett RH, Isherwood J, Moss RA, Olszewski WL, Polet H, Drinker

PA: A toroidal flow membrane oxygenator: Four day partial bypass in dogs. Surg Forum 20:l52-l53, l969.

12. Bartlett RH, Kittredge D, Noyes BS Jr, Willard R, Drinker PA:

Development of a membrane oxygenator: Overcoming blood diffusion limitation. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 58:795, l969.

13. Bartlett RH, Noyes BS Jr, Drinker PA: A simple, reliable membrane

oxygenator for organ perfusion. J Appl Physiol l9:758-759, l970. 14. O'Connor NE, Sheh JM, Bartlett RH, Gazzaniga AB: Changes in

pulmonary extravascular water volume following mitral valve replacement. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 6l:342-347, l970.


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15. Bartlett RH, Krop P, Hanson L, Moore FD: The physiology of yawning

and its application to postoperative care. Surg Forum 2l:222, l970. 16. Hanson EL, Miller IL, Sheldon GF, Bartlett RH, Dmochowski I,

O'Connell R, Kagey KS: Pulmonary circulation: Effects of norepinephrine and hemorrhage in the human being. Surg Forum 2l:208, l970.

17. Benn JA, Drinker PA, Mikic B, Shults MC, Lacava EJ, Kopf GS,

Bartlett RH, Hanson EL: Predictive correlation of oxygen and carbon dioxide transfer in a blood oxygenator with induced secondary flows. Trans Am Soc Artif Intern Organs l7:3l7, l97l.

18. Bartlett RH, Gazzaniga AB, Geraghty TR: The yawn maneuver:

Prevention and treatment of postoperative pulmonary complications. Surg Forum 22:l96-l98, l97l.

19. Gazzaniga AB, Pacela AF, Bartlett RH, Geraghty TR: Bilateral

impedance rheography in the diagnosis of deep venous thrombosis of the legs. Arch Surg l04:5l5, l972.

20. German JC, Wooley TE, Achauer BM, Furnas DW, Bartlett RH: Porcine

xenograft burn dressings: A critical re-appraisal. Arch Surg l94:806-808, l972.

21. Bartlett RH, Drinker PA, Burns NE, Fong SW, Hyans T: The toroidal

membrane oxygenator: Design, performance and bypass testing of a clinical model. Trans Am Soc Artif Intern Organs l8:369-373, l972.

22. Kornberg J, Burns NE, Kafesjian R, Bartlett RH: Ultrathin silicone

polymer membrane: A new synthetic skin substitute. Trans Am Soc Artif Intern Organs l8:38, l972.

23. Bartlett RH, Burns NE, Fong SW, Gazzaniga AB, Achauer, BM, Fraille

J: Prolonged partial venoarterial bypass: Physiologic, biochemical, and hematologic responses. Surg Forum 23:l78-l80, l972.

24. Serres EJ, Gazzaniga AB, Bartlett RH, List J: Diagnosis and

management of blunt trauma to the abdomen: Experience with l65 cases. Rev Surg 29:294, l972.

25. Bartlett RH, Gazzaniga AB, Gerahgty TR: Respiratory maneuvers to

prevent pulmonary complications: A critical review. JAMA 4:l0l7-l02l, l973.


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26. Achauer BM, Allyn P, Furnas DW, Bartlett RH: Pulmonary complications of burns: The major threat to the burned patient. Ann Surg l77:3ll- 3l9, l973.

27. Hanson EL, Bartlett RH, Burns NE, Shults MC, LaCava EJ, Polette H,

Drinker PA: The use of a membrane oxygenator in air-breathing and hypoxic lambs. I. Venovenous bypass. Surgery 73:284-298, l973.

28. Bartlett RH, Brennan ML, Gazzaniga AB, Hanson EL: Studies on the

pathogenesis and prevention of postoperative pulmonary complications. Surg Gynecol Obstet l37:925-933, l973.

29. German JC, Allyn PA, Bartlett RH: Pulmonary artery pressure

monitoring in acute burn management. Arch Surg l06:788-79l, l973. 30. Allyn PA and Bartlett RH: Pulmonary management of the burn patient.

Heart Lung 2:7l4-7l9, l973. 31. Bartlett RH, Gentile DE, Allyn PA, Nitta DE, Quasha A: Hemodialysis

in the management of massive burns. Trans Am Soc Artif Intern Organs XIX:269-276, l973.

32. Yeo MT, Gazzaniga AB, Bartlett RH, Shobe JB: Total intravenous

nutrition: Experience with fat emulsions and hypertonic glucose. Arch Surg l06:792-796, l973.

33. Gazzaniga AB, Shobe JB, Bartlett RH: Bilateral impedance rheography

in deep venous thrombosis: Role of respiratory maneuvers and saphenous occlusion. Arch Surg l06:835-837, l973.

34. Gazzaniga AB, Will DE, Shobe JB, Bartlett RH, Eisenman JI, Morton

ME: I-l25 Fibrinogen uptake and bilateral impedance rheography. Arch Surg l08:66, l974.

35. Yeo MT, Domanskis EJ, Bartlett RH, Gazzaniga AB: Penetrating

injuries of the abdominal aorta. Arch Surg l08:839-842, l974. 36. Achauer BM, Bartlett RH, Furnas DW, Allyn PA, Wingerson E: Internal

fixation in the management of the burned hand. Arch Surg l08:8l4-820, l974.

37. Gazzaniga AB, James JM, Achauer BM, Bartlett RH: Changes in left

atrial and systemic arterial pressures and blood flow after graded aortopulmonary anastomosis. Ann Thorac Surg l8:372-378, l974.

38. Fong SW, Burns NE, Williams G, Woldanski C, Gazzaniga AB, Bartlett

RH: Changes in coagulation and platelet function during prolonged


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extracorporeal circulation (ECC) in sheep and man. Trans Am Soc Artif Intern Organs 20:239-246, l974.

39. Glauser FL and Bartlett RH: Pneumoperitoneum in association with

pneumothorax. Chest 66:536-540, l974. 40. Bartlett RH, Fong SW, Burns NE, Gazzaniga AB: Prolonged partial

venoarterial bypass: Physiologic, biochemical and hematologic responses. Ann Surg 180:850-856, l974.

41. Bartlett RH, Gazzaniga AB, Fong SW, Burns NE: Prolonged

extracorporeal cardiopulmonary support in man. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 68:9l8-932, l974.

42. Tavis MJ, Thornton JW, Harney JH, Woodroff EA, Bartlett RH:

Adherence to de-epithelialized surfaces: A comparative study. Surg Forum 25:39-4l, l974.

43. Bartlett RH, Gazzaniga AB, Wilson AF, Medley T, Wetmore N:

Mortality prediction in adult respiratory insufficiency. Chest 67:680-684, l975.

44. Gazzaniga AB, Bartlett RH, Shobe JB: Nitrogen balance in patients

receiving either fat or carbohydrate for total intravenous nutrition. Ann Surg l82:l63-l68, l975.

45. Tavis MJ, Harney JH, Thornton JW. Bartlett RH: Modified collagen

membrane as a skin substitute: Preliminary study. J Biomed Mater Res 9:285-30l, l975.

46. Bartlett RH, Fong SW, Woldanski C, Hung E, Styler D, McArthur C:

Hematologic responses to prolonged extracorporeal circulation (ECC) with microporous membrane devices. Trans Am Soc Artif Intern Organs 2l:250-257, l975.

47. Mir-Sepasi MH, Gazzaniga AB, Bartlett RH: Surgical treatment of

primary sternal osteomyelitis. Ann Thorac Surg l9:698-703, l975. 48. Gazzaniga AB, Khuri E, Mir-Sepasi HM, Bartlett RH: Rupture of the

thoracic aorta following blunt trauma. Arch Surg ll0:lll9-ll23, l975. 49. Bartlett RH: A procedure for repair of acquired tracheoesophageal fistula

in ventilator patients. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 7l:89-94, l976. 50. Bartlett RH, Niccole M, Tavis M, Allyn PA, Furnas DW: Acute

management of the upper airway in facial burns and smoke inhalation. Arch Surg lll:744-749, l976.


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51. Gazzaniga AB, Elliott MP, Sperling DR, Dietrick WR, Eisenman JI, McRae DM, Bartlett RH: Microporous expanded polytetrafluoroethylene arterial prosthesis for construction of aorta-pulmonary shunts: Experimental and clinical results. Ann Thorac Surg 2l:322, l976.

52. Gazzaniga AB, Stanton WW, Bartlett RH: Laparoscopy in the diagnosis

of blunt and penetrating injuries to the abdomen. Am J Surg l3l:375, l976.

53. Bartlett RH, Gazzaniga AB, Jefferies R, Huxtable RF, Haiduc N, Fong

SW: Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) cardiopulmonary support in infancy. Trans Am Soc Artif Intern Organs 22:80-88, l976.

54. Roohk, HV, Pick J, Hill R, Hung E, Bartlett RH: Kinetics of fibrinogen

and platelet adherence to biomaterials. Trans Am Soc Artif Intern Organs 22:l, l976.

55. Mullin PJ, Watanabe H, Wakabayashi A, Bartlett RH: A new system for

continuous in-line monitoring of the pH and pO2 of blood in extracorporeal perfusion circuits. San Diego BioMedical Symposium, Vol. l5, l976.

56. Bartlett RH, and Harken DE: Instrumentation for cardiopulmonary

bypass: Past, Present, and Future. J Assoc Adv Med Instrumentation l0:ll9-l24, l976.

57. Gazzaniga, AB, Day AT, Bartlett RH, Wilson AF: Endogenous caloric

sources and nitrogen balance regulation on postoperative patients. Arch Surg lll:l357, l976.

58. Tavis MJ, Thornton JW, Harney JH, Woodroff EA, Bartlett RH: Graft

adherence to de-epithialized surfaces: A comparative study. Ann Surg l84:594-600, l976.

59. Achauer BM, Bartlett RH, Wilson LF: Burns of the foot. J Foot Surg

l5:43-46, l976. 60. Roohk HV, Hill RL, Hung EK, Bartlett RH: Quantitative Evaluation of

Tubing Thrombogenicity Using Labeled Fibrinogen and Platelets. AmSECT Proceedings 64-71, 1976.

61. Bartlett RH, Gazzaniga AB, Fong SW, Jefferies MR, Roohk HB, Haiduc

N: Extracorporeal membrane oxygenator (ECMO) support for cardiopulmonary failure: Experience in 28 cases. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 73:375- 386, l977.


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62. Bartlett RH, Allyn PA, Medley T, Wetmore N: Nutritional therapy based on positive caloric balance in burn patients. Arch Surg ll2:974, l977.

63. Furnas DW, Achauer BM, Bartlett RH: Screws and acrylic connectors as

a substitute for plaster of paris immobilization in transfer of pedicles from shoulder to face. Br J Plast Surg 29:302, l977.

64. Niccole MW, Thornton JW, Danet RT, Bartlett RH, Tavis MJ:

Hyperbaric oxygen in burn management: A controlled study. Surgery 82:727-733, l977.

65. Bartlett RH, Gazzaniga AB, Huxtable RF, Schippers HC, O'Connor MJ,

Jefferies MR: Extracorporeal circulation (ECMO) in neonatal respiratory failure. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 74:826-833, l977.

66. Roohk HV, Nakamura M, Hill RL, Hung EK, Bartlett RH: A

thrombogenic index for blood contact materials. Trans Am Soc Artif Intern Organs 23:l52, l977.

67. Thornton JW, Tavis MJ, Harney JH, Woodroff EA, Pirkle H, Bartlett

RH: Graft adherence to wound surfaces: Collagen fibrin interactions. Burns 4:23-27, l977.

68. Jay KM, Bartlett RH, Danet R, Allyn PA: Burn epidemiology: A basis

for burn prevention. J Trauma l7:943-947, l977. 69. Tavis MJ, Thornton JW, Harney JH, Danet RT, Woodroff EA, Bartlett

RH: Mechanism of skin graft adherence: Collagen, elastin, and fibrin interactions. Surg Forum 28:522-524, l977.

70. Bernstein JB, Gazzaniga AB, Bartlett RH: Management of colon

ischemia following colon interposition for esophageal substitution. Am Surg 44:267, l978.

71. German JC, Gazzaniga AB, Amlie R, Huxtable RF, Bartlett RH:

Management of pulmonary insufficiency in diaphragmatic hernia using extracorporeal circulation with a membrane oxygenator (ECMO). J Pediatr Surg l2:905, l977.

72. German JC, Bartlett RH, Gazzaniga AB, Huxtable RF, Amlie R,

Sperling DR: Pulmonary artery pressure monitoring in persistent fetal circulation (PFC). J Pediatr Surg l2:9l3, l977.

73. Wetmore NE, Bartlett RH, Gazzaniga AB, Haiduc NJ: Extracorporeal

membrane oxygenator (ECMO): A team approach in critical care and life support research. Heart Lung 8:288, l979.


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74. Bartlett RH, Wingerson E, Simonton S, Allyn PA, Martinez S, Feinberg S: Rehabilitation following burn injury. Surg Clin North Am 58:l249-l262, l978.

75. Tavis MJ, Thornton J, Danet R, Bartlett RH: The current status of skin

substitutes. Surg Clin North Am 58:l233-l248, l978. 76. Roohk HV, Nakamura MK, Hung EK, Bartlett RH: Membrane

oxygenation and blood compatability. J Extracorp Technol l0:l4l, l978. 77. Hill JD, Rodvein R, Snider MT, Bartlett RH: Clinical extracorporeal

membrane oxygenation for acute respiratory insufficiency. Trans Am Soc Artif Intern Organs 24:753, l978.

78. Mullin PJ, Lee S, Burd S, Haiduc NJ, Bartlett RH: A new device for the

rapid automated determination of activated clotting time of whole blood. Am SECT Proc, l977.

79. Toomasian JM, Haiduc NJ, Wetmore NE, Roohk HV, Gazzaniga AB,

Bartlett RH: Refinements in prolonged extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in children and neonates. J Extracorp Technol ll:l09-ll8, l979.

80. Bartlett RH, Gazzaniga AB, Huxtable RH, Rucker R, Wetmore N,

Haiduc N: Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) in newborn respiratory failure: Technical considerations. Trans Am Soc Artif Intern Organs 25:473-475, l979.

81. Wetmore N, McEwen D, O'Connor M, Bartlett RH: Defining indications

for artificial organ support in respiratory failure. Trans Am Soc Artif Intern Organs 25:459-46l, l979.

82. Bartlett RH: Types of respiratory injury in burn patients. J Trauma

(supp) l9:9l8-9l9, l979. 83. Zapol WM, Snider MT, Hill JD, Fallat RJ, Bartlett RH, Edmunds LH,

Morris AH, Pierce EC II, Thomas AN, Proctor HJ, Drinker PA, Pratt PC, Bagniewski A, Miller RG: Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in severe acute respiratory failure: A randomized prospective study. JAMA 242:2l93-2l96, l979.

84. Furnas DW, Achauer BM, Bartlett RH: Reconstruction of the burned

nose. J Trauma 20:25-3l, l980. 85. NHLBI-NIH: Extracorporeal Support for Respiratory Insufficiency.

DHEW Publication, l980.


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86. Bartlett RH, McEwen D, Haiduc N, Roohk HV: Hypoxic hyperthermia induced by extracorporeal circulation: A preliminary report. Trans Am Soc Artif Intern Organs 26:530-532, l980.

87. Wynn M, Roohk HV, Salimbeni J, Bartlett RH: Platelet destruction as an

ex-vivo correlate of in vitro fibrinogen and platelet surface interaction. Artif Organs 3:222-225 (supp), l979.

88. Bartlett RH, Gazzaniga AB, Wetmore NE, Rucker R, Huxtable RF:

Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) in the treatment of cardiac and respiratory failure in children. Trans Am Soc Artif Intern Organs 26:578-579, l980.

89. Tavis MJ, Thornton JW, Bartlett RH, Roth JC, Woodroff EA: A new

composite skin prosthesis. Burns 7:l23-l30, l980. 90. German JD, Worcester C, Gazzaniga AB, Huxtable RF, Amlie RN,

Brahmbatt N, Bartlett RH: Technical aspects in the management of the meconium aspiration syndrome with extracorporeal circulation. J Pediatr Surg l5:378-383, l980.

91. Curreri PW, Desai MH, Bartlett RH, Heimbach DM, Parshley P,

Trunkey D: Safety and efficacy of a new synthetic burn dressing. Arch Surg ll5:925-927, l980.

92. Bartlett RH, Fong SW, Marrujo G, Hardeman J, Anderson W:

Coagulation and platelet changes after thermal injury in man. Burns 7:370-377, l980.

93. Bartlett RH: Skin substitutes. J Trauma 2l:73l-732 (supp), l98l. 94. Thornton JW, Hess CA, Cassingham V, Bartlett RH: Epidermal growth

factor in the healing of second-degree burns: A controlled animal study. Burns 8:l56-l60, l98l.

95. Bartlett RH: Postoperative pulmonary prophylaxis: Breath deeply and

read carefully. Chest 8l:l-3, l982. 96. Achauer BM, Allyn PA, Bartlett RH: Face flambe. JAMA 247:227l,

l982. 97. Erlandson EE, Barrack FM, Calhoun JG, Hull AL, Youmans LC, Davis

WK, Bartlett RH: Resident selection: applicant selection criteria compared to performance. Surgery 92:270-275, l982.

98. Bartlett RH, Andrews AF, Toomasian JM, Haiduc NJ, Gazzaniga AB:

Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) for newborn respiratory failure: 45 cases. Surgery 92:425-433, l982.


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99. Bartlett RH, Dechert RE, Mault J, Ferguson S, Kaiser AM, Erlandson

EE: Measurement of metabolism in multiple organ failure. Surgery 92:77l-778, l982.

100. Andrews AF, Toomasian JM, Oram A, Bartlett RH: Total respiratory

support with venovenous (VV) ECMO. Trans Am Soc Artif Intern Organs 28:350-352, l982.

101. Mault JR, Dechert RE, Bartlett RH, Swartz RD, Ferguson SK: Oxygen consumption during hemodialysis for acute renal failure. Trans Am Soc Artif Intern Organs 28:5l4-5l5, l982.

102. Arnow PM, Allyn PA, Nichols EM, Hill DL, Pezzlo M, and Bartlett RH:

Control of methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus in a burn unit: role of nurse staffing. J Trauma 22:954-959, l982.

103. Cottonaro CN, Roohk VV, Bartlett RH, Servas FM, Sperling DR: A new

nonthrombogenic surface. Trans ASAIO 28:478-481, 1982. 104. Andrews AF, Klein MD, Toomasian JM, Roloff DW, Bartlett RH:

Venovenous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (VV ECMO) for neonates. J Ped Surg l8:339-346, l983.

105. Mault JR, Bartlett RH, Dechert RE, Clark SF, Swartz RD: Starvation: A

major contributor to mortality in acute renal failure? Trans Am Soc Artif Intern Organs 29:390-394, l983.

106. Toomasian JM, Helmer GA, Zeme MI, Oltean JN, Oram AD, Bartlett

RH: Control of thrombosis in extracorporeal circulation: Variations of anticoagulation. Trans Am Soc Artif Intern Organs 29:206-209, l983.

107. Bartlett RH, Dechert RE, Mault JR, Clark SF: Metabolic studies in chest

trauma. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 87:503, l983. 108. Foster AH, Bartlett RH, Whitehouse WM Jr, Dechert RE, Clark SF:

Failure of elective and emergent operation to increase oxygen consumption in normo- and hypermetabolic patients. Surg Forum 34:43-45, l983.

109. Mault JR, Bartlett RH, Dechert RE, Clark SF: Central venous catheter

versus proximal port injection site for thermodilution cardiac outputs. Crit Care Med. 11:224, 1983.

110. Bartlett RH: A Critical Carol: Being an essay on anemia, suffocation,

starvation, and other forms of intensive care, after the manner of Dickens. Chest. 85:687-693, l984.


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111. Bartlett RH: Respiratory therapy to prevent pulmonary complications of surgery. Resp Care 29:667-679, l984.

112. Andrews AF, Roloff DW, Bartlett RH: Use of extracorporeal membrane

oxygenators in persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn. Clinics in Perinatology. 3:729-735, l984.

113. Toomasian JM, DeSmet G, Fazzalari FL, Armstead DM, Bongiorno P,

Bartlett RH: The use of platelet drugs in an experimental model of extracorporeal circulation. Proc Am Acad Cardiovasc Perf. 5:24-27, l984.

114. Toomasian JM, Bartlett RH: Logistical considerations for establishing an

ECMO program. Proc Am Acad Cardiovasc Perf. 5:135-137, l984. 115. Toomasian JM, Zwischenberger JB, Oram AD, DeSmet GM, Bartlett

RH: The use of bound heparin in prolonged extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. Trans Am Soc Artif Intern Organs 30:133-136, l984.

116. Mault JR, Kresowik TF, Dechert RE, Arnoldi DK, Swartz RD, Bartlett

RH: Continuous arteriovenous hemofiltration: The answer to starvation in acute renal failure? Trans Am Soc Artif Intern Organs 30:203-206, l984.

117. Kresowik TF, Dechert RE, Mault JR, Arnoldi DK, Whitehouse WM Jr,

Bartlett RH: Does nutritional support affect survival in critically ill patients? Surg Forum. 35:108, l984.

118. Waters DC, Kocan MJ, Dechert RE, Bartlett RH: Metabolic studies in

head injury patients. Surg Forum. 35:482, l984. 119. Worcester C, Huxtable RF, Rucker RW, Gazzaniga AB, Bartlett RH:

Meconium aspiration: Management with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO). ASAIO J Vol. 7 4:139-145, 1984.

120. Bowerman RA, Zwischenberger JB, Andrews AF, Bartlett RH: Cranial

sonography in the evaluation of the infant treated with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. AJNR. 6:377-382, l985.

121. Klein MD, Andrews AF, Wesley JR, Toomasian J, Nixon Cynthia,

Roloff D, Bartlett RH: Venovenous perfusion in ECMO for newborn respiratory insufficiency: A clinical comparison with venoarterial perfusion. Ann of Surg. 201:520-526, 1985.

122. Bollish SJ, Collins CL, Kirking DM, Bartlett RH: Comparison of patient

controlled analgesia versus conventional analgesia in abdominal surgery. Clin Pharm, Vol. 4 Jan-Feb 1985.


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123. Bartlett RH, Roloff DW, Cornell RG, Andrews AF, Dillon PW, Zwischenberger JB: Extracorporeal circulation in neonatal respiratory failure: A prospective randomized study. Ped 4:479-487, October 1985.

124. Dechert R, Wesley J, Schafer L, Lamond S, Beck T, Coran A, Bartlett

RH: Comparison of oxygen consumption (VO2), carbon dioxide production (VCO2) and resting energy expenditure (REE) in premature and full-term infants. J Ped Surg 6:792-798, 1985.

125. Bartlett RH: Esperanza (ASAIO Presidential Address) Trans ASAIO 31

723-725, 1985. 126. Brooks R, Bartlett RH, Gazzaniga AB: Management of acute and

chronic disorders of the trachea and subglottis. Am J Surg 150:24-31, 1985.

127. Toomasian JM, Schafer LE, Smith HG, Fazzalari FL, Bongorno PF and

Bartlett RH: Development of autotransfusion systems: Design considerations. Proc Am Acad Cardiovasc Perf 6:78-80, 1985.

128. Zwischenberger JB, Toomasian JM, Drake K, Andrews AF, Kolobow T

and Bartlett RH: Total respiratory support with single cannula venovenous ECMO; double lumen continuous flow vs single lumen tidal flow. Trans ASAIO 31, 610-615, 1985.

129. Zwischenberger JB, Dechert, RE, Kirsh MM, Bartlett, RH: Suppression

of shivering decreases oxygen consumption and improves hemodynamic stability during postoperative rewarming following cardiopulmonary bypass. Surg Forum 36:11-13, 1985.

130. Cilley, RE, Wesley JR, Zwischenberger JB, Toomasian, JM, Bartlett

RH; Pulmonary recovery predicted by measurement of pulmonary and membrane lung gas exchange during extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. Surg Forum 36:294-296, 1985.

131. Hubbard C, Rucker RW, Realyvasquez F, Sperling DR, Hicks DA,

Worcester CC, Amlie R, Huxtable RF, Bartlett RH, Gazzaniga AB: Ligation of the patent ductus arteriosus in newborn respiratory failure. J Ped Surg 21:3-5, 1986.

132. Cornell RG, Landenberger BD, Bartlett RH: Randomized play-the-

winner clinical trials. Comm. in Statistics: Theory and Methods, 15:159-178 1986.

133. Donn SM, Bandy KP, Nicks JJ, Dechert RE, Bartlett RH: An evaluation

of the Sechrist 990 high frequency jet ventilator in normal and lung-injured rabbits. Resp Care 2:101-105, 1986.


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134. Bartlett RH, Morris AH, Fairley HB et al.: A prospective study of acute

hypoxic respiratory failure. Chest 89 5:684-689, 1986. 135. Zwischenberger JB, Cilley RE, Andrews AF, Bartlett RH, Roloff DW:

The role of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in the management of respiratory failure in the newborn. Resp Care 6:491-497, 1986.

136. Bartlett RH, Mault JR, Dechert RE, Palmer J, Swartz RD, Port FK:

Continuous arteriovenous hemofiltration: Improved survival in surgical acute renal failure? Surgery 100:400-408, 1986.

137. Bartlett RH, Gazzaniga AB, Toomasian JM, Roloff DW, Rucker R,

Coran AG: Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) in neonatal respiratory failure: 100 cases. Ann of Surgery. 204:236-245, 1986.

138. Anderson HL, Cilley RE, Zwischenberger JB, Bartlett RH:

Thrombocytopenia in neonates after extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. Trans ASAIO 32, 534-537 1986.

139. Cilley RE, Wesley JR, Zwischenberger JB, Toomasian JM, Bartlett RH:

Method of pulmonary and membrane lung gas exchange during extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. Trans ASAIO 32, 525-529, 1986.

140. Zwischenberger JB, Cilley RE, Kirsh MM, Dechert RE, Bartlett RH:

Does continuous monitoring of mixed venous oxygen saturation (SvO2) accurately reflect oxygen delivery (DO2) and oxygen consumption (VO2) following coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG)? Surg Forum 37:66-68, 1986.

141. Toomasian JM, Schneiderman G, DeSmet GM, Bartlett RH: Evaluation

of a new blood autotransfusion device. J Thor Cardiovas Surg 92:936-943, 1986.

142. Andrews AF, Nixon CA, Roloff DW, Bartlett RH: One-to-three year

outcome of fourteen neonatal ECMO survivors. Pediatrics 78:692-698, 1986.

143. Cilley RE, Zwischenberger JB, Andrews AF, Bowerman RA, Roloff

DW, Bartlett RH: Intracranial hemorrhage during extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in neonates. Pediatrics 78:699-704, 1986.

144. Toomasian JM, Haiduc NJ, Zwischenberger JB, Cilley RE, Behrendt

DM, Gazzaniga AB, Bartlett RH: Techniques of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for cardiac failure. Proc Am Acad Cardiovasc Perf 7:105-109, 1986.


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145. Palmer JC, Koorejian K, London JB, Dechert RE, Bartlett RH: Nursing management of continuous arteriovenous hemofiltration for acute renal failure. Focus on Crit Care 13:21-30, 1986.

146. Mault JR, Dechert RE, Lees P, Swartz RD, Port FK, Bartlett RH:

Continuous arteriovenous filtration: an effective treatment for surgical acute renal failure. Surgery 101:478-484, 1987.

147. Zwischenberger JB, Dechert RE, Kirsh MM, Bartlett RH: Suppression of

shivering decreases oxygen consumption and improves hemodynamic stability during postoperative rewarming. Ann Thor Surg 43:428-431, 1987.

148. Morykwas MJ, Thornton JW, Bartlett RH: Zeta potential of synthetic

and biological skin substitutes: Effects on initial adherence. Plas and Reconst Surg 79:732-739, 1987.

149. Bartlett RH: Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) in

Neonatal Respiratory Failure, JINKOZOKU 4:1606-1613, 1987. 150. Heiss KF, Pettit B, Hirschl RB, Cilley RE, Chapman R, Bartlett RH:

Renal insufficiency and volume overload in neonatal ECMO managed by continuous ultrafiltration, Trans ASAIO 33:557-560, 1987.

151. Cilley RE, Wesley JR, Zwischenberger JB, Dechert RE, Bartlett RH:

Metabolic studies in neonates treated with ECMO. Current Surgery 44:48-51, 1987.

152. Langham MR, Krummel TM, Bartlett RH, Drucker DEM, Tracy TF,

Toomasian JM, Greenfield LJ, Salzberg AM: Mortality with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation following repair of congenital diaphragmatic hernia in 93 infants. J Ped Surg 22:1150-1154, 1987.

153. Harness JK, Bartlett RH, Saran PA, Bord MA, Noble WC: Developing a

comprehensive breast center. The American Surgeon. 53:419-423, 1987. 154. Toomasian JM, Kerby KA, Chapman RA, Heiss KF, Hirschl RB,

Bartlett RH: Performance of a rupture resistant polyvinyl chloride tubing. Proc Am Acad Cardiovasc Perf. 8:56-59, 1987.

155. Bartlett RH, Pesenti A, Klein MD, Kolobow T, Morris AH: Proceedings

of ECMO in Adults and Children Workshop presented at 33rd Annual ASAIO Meeting, New York, 1987. Trans ASAIO 34:29-53, 1988.

156. Bartlett RH, Bosch J, Geronemus R, Paganini E, Ronco C and Swartz R:

Continuous arteriovenous hemofiltration for acute renal failure: Workshop summary. Trans ASAIO 34:67-77, 1988.


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157. Cilley RE, Wesley JR, Zwischenberger JB, Bartlett RH: Gas exchange measurements in neonates treated with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. J Ped Surg 23:306-311, 1988.

158. Toomasian JM, Snedecor SM, Cornell R, Cilley RE, Bartlett RH:

National experience with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) for newborn respiratory failure: Data from 715 cases. Trans ASAIO 34:140-147, 1988.

159. Dechert RE, Wesley JR, Schafer LE, Lamond S, Nicks J, Coran AG,

Bartlett RH: A water-sealed indirect calorimeter for measurement of oxygen consumption (VO2), carbon dioxide production (VCO2), and energy expenditure in infants, JPEN 12:256-259, 1988.

160. Heiss K, Hirschl R, Cilley R, Wesley J, Hultquist K, Fazzalari F, Bartlett

RH: Measuring infant metabolism: Design and testing of a miniature gas exchange monitor. J Ped Surg 23:543-545, 1988.

161. Zwischenberger JB, Cilley RE, Hirschl RB, Heiss KF, Conti VR, Bartlett

RH: Life-threatening intrathoracic complications during treatment with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. J Ped Surg 23:599-604, 1988.

162. Schumacher RE, Barks JDE, Johnston MV, Donn SM, Scher MS, Roloff

DW, Bartlett RH: Right-sided brain lesions following ECMO. Pediatrics 82:155-161, 1988.

163. Bucci MN, Dechert RE, Arnoldi DK, Campbell J, McGillicuddy JE,

Bartlett RH: Elevated intracranial pressure associated with hypermetabolism in isolated head trauma. Acta Neurochirurgica 93:133-136, 1988.

164. Toomasian JM, Hsu L-C, Hirschl RB, Heiss KF, Hultquist KA, Bartlett

RH: Evaluation of Duraflo II heparin coating in prolonged extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. Trans ASAIO 34:410-414, 1988.

165. Bartlett RH: Critical care and metabolism. What's New in Surgery for

1989 in the Bulletin of the American College of Surgeons. 74:10-15, 1989.

166. Keppler T, Dechert RE, Arnoldi DK, Filius R, Bartlett RH: Evaluations

of the Waters MRM-6000 and Biergy VVR closed-circuit indirect calorimeters. Resp Care. 34: 28-35, 1989.

167. Heiss K, Manning PB, Oldham KT, Coran AG, Polley TZ, Wesley JR,

Bartlett RH: Reversal of mortality for congenital diaphragmatic hernia with ECMO. Ann Surg 209:225-230, 1989.


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168. Cilley RE, Polley TZ, Zwischenberger JB, Toomasian JM, Bartlett RH: Independent measurement of oxygen consumption and oxygen delivery. J Surg Res 47:242-247, 1989.

169. Bartlett RH: Extracorporeal life support in neonatal respiratory failure.

Surgical Rounds 41-50, August 1989. 170. Otsu T, Merz SI, Hultquist KA, Attorri RJ, Anderson HL, Scheffler DE,

Ahmad A and Bartlett RH: Laboratory evaluation of a double lumen catheter for venovenous neonatal ECMO. Trans ASAIO 35:647-650, 1989.

171. Anderson HL, Otsu T, Chapman RA, and Bartlett RH: Venovenous

extracorporeal life support in neonates using a double lumen catheter. Trans ASAIO 35:650-653, 1989.

172. Schumacher RE, Weinfeld IJ, Bartlett RH: Neonatal vocal cord paralysis

following extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. Ped 84:793-796, 1989. 173. Dudell G, Cornish JD, Bartlett RH: What constitutes adequate

oxygenation? Editorial Pediatrics. 85:39-40, 1990 174. Anderson HL, Attorri RJ, Custer JR, Chapman RA, and Bartlett RH:

Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) for pediatric cardiopulmonary failure. J of Thoracic and Cardiovasc Surg 99:1011-1019, 1990.

175. Bartlett RH, Dechert RE: Oxygen kinetics: Pitfalls in clinical research.

Editorial. J Crit Care. 5:77-80, 1990. 176. Schmidt S, Hultquist KA, Bindl L, Gorissen-Bosselmann S, Bartlett RH,

Krebs D: Hemodynamics adaptation during extracorporeal perfusion and arteriovenous ELLO2-R. Z. Geburtsh u Perinat. 194:81-84, 1990.

177. Delius RE, Zwischenberger JB, Cilley RE, Behrendt DM, Bove EL,

Deeb GM, Crowley D, Heidelberger KP, Bartlett RH: Prolonged extracorporeal life support of pediatric and adolescent cardiac transplant patients. Ann Thor Surg 50:791-795, 1990.

178. Sinard J, Bartlett RH, et al: Extracorporeal life support in critical care

medicine. J Crit Care. 5:265-278, 1990. 179. Sinard JM and Bartlett RH: Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation

(ECMO): Prolonged bedside cardiopulmonary bypass. Perfusion 5:239-249, 1990.


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180. Anderson HL, Coran AG, Schmeling DJ, Attorri RJ, Oldham KT, Chapman RA, Bartlett RH: Extracorporeal life support (ECLS) for pediatric trauma: Experience with five cases. Ped Surg 5:302-306, 1990.

181. Dechert RE, Cerny JC, Bartlett RH: Measurement of elemental nitrogen

by chemiluminescence: An evaluation of the Antek nitrogen analyzer system. JPEN. 14:195-197, 1990.

182. Montoya JP, Merz SI, Bartlett RH: A standardized system for describing

flow/pressure relationships in vascular access devices. Trans ASAIO 37:4-8, 1991.

183. Bui KC, Hammerman C, Hirschl RB, Snedecor SM, Cheng KJ, Chan L,

Short BL, Bartlett RH: Plasma prostanoids in neonatal extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO): Influence of meconium aspiration. J Thor & Cardiovasc Surg 101:612-617, 1991.

184. Schumacher RE, Palmer TW, Roloff DW, LaClair PA, Bartlett RH:

Follow-up of infants treated with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for newborn respiratory failure. Pediatrics 87:451-457, 1991.

185. Sinard JM, Merz SI, Hatcher MD, Montoya JP, Bartlett RH: Evaluation

of extracorporeal perfusion catheters using a standardized measurement technique: The M number. Trans ASAIO 37:60-64, 1991.

186. Bui KC, LaClair P, Vanderkerhove J, Bartlett RH: ECMO in premature

infants: Review of factors associated with mortality. Trans ASAIO 37:54-59, 1991.

187. Bui KC, Hammerman C, Hirschl RB, Hill V, Snedecor SM, Schumacher

RE, Bartlett RH: Plasma prostanoids in neonates with pulmonary hypertension of the newborn treated with conventional therapy and with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. J Thor & Cardiovasc Surg 101:973-983, 1991.

188. Cerny JC, Ketslakh M, Poulos, CL, Dechert RE, Bartlett RH: Evaluation

of the Velcom-100 pulse doppler cardiac output computer. Chest. 100:143-146, 1991.

189. Meliones JN, Moler FW, Custer JR, Synder SJ, DeKeon MK, Donn SM,

Chapman RA, Bartlett RH: Hemodynamic instability after the initiation of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation: Role of ionized calcium. Crit Care Med. 19:1247-1251, 1991.

190. Cilley RE, Scharenberg AM, Bongiorno PF, Bartlett RH: Low oxygen

delivery produced by anemia, hypoxia and low cardiac output. J Surg Res 51:425-433, 1991.


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191. Plotz FB, von Oeveren W, Aloe LS, Riley MK, Hultquist KA, Bartlett RH, Wildevuur CRH: Prophylactic administration of tranexamic acid preserves platelet numbers during extracorporeal circulation in rabbits. ASAIO Trans 1991; 37:M416-M417.

192. Stolar CJ, Snedecor SM and Bartlett RH: Extracorporeal membrane

oxygenation and neonatal respiratory failure: Experience from the extracorporeal life support organization. J Ped Surg 26:563-571, 1991.

193. Hirschl RB, Heiss KF, Bartlett RH: Severe myocardial dysfunction

during extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO). J Ped Surg 27:48-53, 1992.

194. Delius RE, Montoya JP, Merz SI, McKenzie J, Snedecor S, Bove EL,

Bartlett RH: A new method for describing the performance of cardiac surgery cannulas. Ann Thorac Surg 53:278-81, 1992.

195. Shapiro MB and Bartlett RH: Pulmonary compliance and mechanical

ventilation. Arch Surg 127:485-486, 1992. 196. Anderson HL, Delius R, Sinard JM, McCurry K, Shanley C, Chapman

RA, Shapiro MT, Rodriguez J, Bartlett RH: Early experience with adult ECMO in the modern era. Ann Thor Surg 53:553-563,1992.

197. Bartlett RH: Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation revisited, revisited.

(Editorial) Ann Thor Surg 53:738-42, 1992. 198. Plotz FB, Wildevuur WR, Delius RE, Wildevuur CRH, Bartlett RH:

Platelet consumption during neonatal extracorporeal life support (ECLS). Perfusion. 7:27-33, 1992

199. Sinard JM, Vyas D, Hultquist K, Harb J, Bartlett RH: Effects of

moderate hypothermia on oxygen consumption at various oxygen deliveries in a sheep model. J Appl Physiol 72:2428-2434, 1992.

200. Hirschl RB, Heiss KF, Cilley RE, Hultquist KA, Housner J, Bartlett RH:

Oxygen kinetics in experimental sepsis. Surgery (112:37-44, 1992. 201. Anderson HL, Coran, AG, Drongowski, RA, Ha HJ, Bartlett RH:

Extracellular fluid and total body water changes in neonates undergoing extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO). J Ped Surg 27:1003-1008, 1992.

202. Moler FW, Custer JR, Palmisano J, Meliones JN, Delius RE, Braden EI,

Snedecor S, Bartlett RH: Extracorporeal life support for pediatric respiratory failure: The University of Michigan experience. Crit Care Med 20:1112-1118, 1992.


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203. Plotz FB, VanOeveren W, Miller C, Hultquist KA, Bartlett RH, Wildevuur CRH: A heparin-coated circuit reduces complement activation and the release of leukocyte inflammatory mediators during extracorporeal circulation in a rabbit. Artificial Organs 16:366-370, 1992.

204. Hirschl RB, Bartlett RH: Extracorporeal life support in respiratory

failure in the neonate. Postgraduate General Surgery. 4:57-64, 1992. 205. Shanley CJ, Hultquist KA, Rosenberg DA, MacKenezie JM, Shah NL,

Bartlett RH: Prolonged extracorporeal circulation without heparin: Evaluation of the Medtronic Minimax Oxygenator. ASAIO 38:M311-316, 1992.

206. Montoya JP, Shanley CJ, Merz SI, Bartlett RH: Plasma leakage through

microporous membranes: Role of phospholipids. ASAIO 38:M399-405, 1992.

207. Montoya JP, Merz SI, Bartlett RH: Laboratory experience with a novel

non-occlusive, pressure-regulated, peristaltic blood pump. ASAIO 38:M406-411, 1992.

208. Delius RE, Bove EL, Meliones JN, Custer JR, Moler FW, Crowley D,

Amirikia A. Behrendt DM, Bartlett RH: The use of extracorporeal life support in patients with congenital heart disease. Crit Care Med 20:1216-1222, 1992.

209. Custer JR and Bartlett RH: Recent research in ECLS for respiratory

failure. Trans ASAIO 38:754-771, 1992. 210. Bartlett RH: Oxygen kinetics and the art of physiological monitoring.

Editorial. J Crit Care 8:77-79, 1993. 211. Anderson HL, Snedecor SM, Otsu T, Bartlett RH: Multicenter

comparison of conventional venoarterial access versus venovenous double lumen catheter access in newborn infants undergoing extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO). J Ped Surg. 28:530-535, 1993.

212. O’Rourke PP, Stolar CJH, Zwischenberger JB, Snedecor SM, Bartlett

RH: Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation: Support for overwhelming pulmonary failure in the pediatric population. Collective experience from the Extracorporeal Life Support Organization. J Ped Surg. 28:523-529, 1993.

213. Hirschl RB, Grover B, McCracken M, Wolfson MR, Shaffer TH, Bartlett

RH: Oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production during liquid ventilation. J Ped Surg. 28:513-519, 1993.


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214. Plotz FB, vanOeverem W, Bartlett RH, Wildevuur CRH: Blood

activation during neonatal extracorporeal life support (ECLS). J Thor Cardiovasc Surg 105:823-32, 1993.

215. Bartlett RH and Stolar C: Extracorporeal life support: State of the art.

(Prepared for NIH Workshop on Neonatal ECMO). NIH Publication No. 93-3399, January1993.

216. Shapiro MB, Kleaveland AC, Bartlett RH: Extracorporeal life support

for status asthmaticus. Chest 103:1651-54, 1993. 217. Hirschl RB, Palmer P, Heiss KF, Hultquist K, Fazzalari F, Bartlett RH:

Evaluation of the right atrial venous oxygen saturation as a physiologic monitor in a neonatal model. J Ped Surg 28:901-905, 1993.

218. Delius R, Anderson HL, Schumacher R, Shapiro MB, Otsu T, Toft K,

Hirsch J, Bartlett RH: Venovenous compares favorably to venoarterial access for extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in neonatal respiratory failure. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 106:329-338, 1993.

219. Anderson H, Steimle C, Shapiro M, Delius R, Chapman R, Hirschl R,

Bartlett RH: Extracorporeal life support (ECLS) for adult cardiorespiratory failure. Surgery. 114:161-173, 1993.

220. Hirschl RB, Schumacher RE, Snedecor SN, Bui KC, Bartlett RH: The

efficacy of extracorporeal life support in premature and low birth weight newborns. J Ped Surg 28:1336-1341, 1993.

221. Schumacher RE, Roloff DW, Chapman R, Snedecor S, Bartlett RH:

Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in term newborns. A prospective cost-benefit analysis. ASAIO J 39:873-79, 1993.

222. Stolar CJH, DeLosh T, Bartlett RH: Extracorporeal life support

organization 1993. ASAIO J 39:976-979, 1993. 223. Bartlett RH: Nonpulsatile flow - a noncontroversy. (Invited letter).

JTCVS 107:644-646, 1994. 224. Boorstein SM, Hirschl RB, Riley MK, Kahan BS, Hultquist KA, Bartlett

RH: The effect of norepinephrine infusion on oxygen delivery and consumption in the canine model. J Surg Research 56:251-255, 1994.

225. Moler FW, Palmisano JM, Custer JR, Meliones JN, Bartlett RH:

Alveolar-arterial oxygen gradients before ECLS for severe pediatric respiratory failure: Improved outcome for ECLS managed patients? J Crit Care Med 22:620-625, 1994.


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226. Hirschl RB, Butler M, Coburn CE, Bartlett RH, Baumgart S: Listeria monocytogenes and severe newborn respiratory failure supported with extracorporeal membrane oxygen. Arch Ped. Adolesc Med. 148, 1994.

227. Steimle CN, Meric F, Hirschl RB, Bozynski M, Coran AG, Bartlett RH:

Effect of extracorporeal life support on survival when applied to all patients with congenital diaphragmatic hernia. J Ped Surg 29:997-1001, 1994.

228. Anderson HL, Shapiro MB, Delius RE, Steimle CN, Chapman RA,

Bartlett RH: Extracorporeal life support (ECLS) for respiratory failure due to multiple trauma. J of Trauma 37:266-274, 1994.

229. Shapiro MB, Dechert RE, Colwell C, Bartlett RH, Rodriguez JL:

Geriatric trauma: Aggressive intensive care unit management is justified. The Am Surgeon 9:695-698, 1994.

230. Hirschl RB, Overbeck MC, Parent A, Hernandez R, Schwartz S, Dosanjh

A, Johnson K, Bartlett RH: Liquid ventilation provides uniform distribution of perfluorocarbon in the setting of respiratory failure. Surgery116:159-168, 1994.

231. Whyte RI, Deeb M, McCurry KR, Anderson HL, Bolling SF, Bartlett

RH: Extracorporeal life support after heart or lung transplantation. Ann Thorac Surg 58:754-759, 1994.

232. Pranikoff T, Hirschl RB, Steimle CN, Anderson HL, Bartlett RH:

Efficacy of extracorporeal life support in the setting of adult cardiorespiratory failure. ASAIO J 40:M339-M343, 1994.

233. Fazzalari F, Montoya JP, Bonnell M, Bliss D, Hirschl RB, Bartlett RH:

The development of an implantable artificial lung. ASAIO Journal 40:M728-M731, 1994.

234. Shanley CJ, Hirschl RB, Schumacher RE, Overbeck MC, Delosh T,

Chapman RA, Coran AG, Bartlett RH: Extracorporeal life support for neonatal respiratory failure: A 20-year experience. Ann Surg 220:269-282, 1994.

235. Fazzalari FL, Bartlett RH, Bonnell MR, Montoya JP: An intrapleural

lung prosthesis: Rationale, design, and testing. Art Orgs. 18:801-805, 1994.

236. Hirschl RB, Parent A, Tooley R, Shaffer T, Wolfson M, Bartlett RH:

Lung management with perfluorocarbon liquid ventilation improves pulmonary function and gas exchange during extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO). Biomaterials, Art Cells & Immo Biotech. 22:1389-1396, 1994.


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237. Warschausky S, MacKenzie J, Roth RS, Bartlett RH: Maternal distress

and perceptions of infant development following extracorporeal membrane oxygenation and conventional ventilation for persistent pulmonary hypertension. ChildCare, Health & Development 21:53-65, 1995.

238. Colton DM, Hirschl RB, Johnson KJ, Till GO, Dean SB, Bartlett RH:

Neutrophil infiltration is reduced during partial perfluorocarbon liquid ventilation in the setting of lung injury. Surgical Forum. 668, 1994.

239. Tracy TF, DeLosh T, Bartlett RH: Registry Report: Extracorporeal Life

Support Organization 1994. ASAIO J 40:1017-1019, 1994. 240. Moler FW, Custer JR, Bartlett RH, Palmisano JM, Akingbola O, Taylor

RP, Maxvold NJ: Extracorporeal life support for severe pediatric respiratory failure: An updated experience 1991-93. J Pediatr 124:875-80, 1994.

241. Hirschl RB, Merz SI, Montoya JP, Parent A, Wolfson MR, Shaffer TH

and Bartlett RH: Development and application of a simplified liquid ventilator. Crit Care Med. 23:157-163, 1995.

242. Hirschl RB, Parent A, Tooley K, McCracken M, Johnson K, Shaffer TH,

Wolfson MR, Bartlett RH: Liquid ventilation improves pulmonary function, gas exchange, and lung injury in a model of respiratory failure. Ann Surg. 221:79-88, 1995.

243. Hirschl RB, Tooley R, Parent AC, Johnson K, Bartlett RH: Improvement

of gas exchange, pulmonary function, and lung injury with partial liquid ventilation. Chest. 108:500-508, 1995.

244. Bartlett RH: Alice in Intensiveland: Being an essay on nonsense and

common sense in the ICU after the manner of Lewis Carroll, Chest 108:1129-39, 1995.

245. Gauger PG, Hirschl RB, Delosh TN, Dechert RE, Tracy T, Bartlett RH:

A matched pairs analysis of venoarterial and venovenous ECLS in neonatal respiratory failure. ASAIO J. M573-M579, 1995.

246. Meliones JN, Moler FW, Custer JR, Dekeon MK, Chapman RA, Bartlett

RH: Normalization of priming solution ionized calcium concentration improves hemodynamic stability of neonates receiving venovenous ECMO. ASAIO J. 41:884-888, 1995.

247. Bliss DW, Chambers S, Fazzalari F, Hirschl R, Bartlett RH:

Determination of native mixed venous saturation during venovenous extracorporeal circulation. ASAIO J 41:838-841, 1995.


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248. Bartlett RH, DeLosh T, Tracey T: Extracorporeal life support (ECLS)

for adult respiratory failure: The North American experience. Int J Art Org. 18:620-623, 1995.

249. Hirschl RB, Pranikoff T, Gauger P, Schreiner RJ, Dechert RE, Bartlett

RH: Liquid ventilation in adults, children, and full-term neonates. Lancet . 346:1201-1202, 1995.

250. Hirschl RB, Pranikoff T, Wise C, Overbeck MC, Gauger P, Schreiner

RJ, Dechert RE, Bartlett RH: Initial experience with partial liquid ventilation in adult patients with the acute respiratory distress syndrome. JAMA. 275:383-389, 1996.

251. Butch SH, Knafl P, Oberman HA and Bartlett RH: Blood utilization in

adult patients undergoing extracorporeal membrane oxygenation therapy. Transfusion. 36:61-63, 1996.

252. Tooley R, Hirschl RB, Parent A, Bartlett RH: Total liquid ventilation

with perfluorocarbons increases pulmonary end-expiratory volume and compliance in the setting of lung atelectasis. Crit Care Med. 24:268-273, 1996.

253. Jamadar DA, Kazerooni EA, Cascade PN, Fazzalari FL, Vydareny KH,

Bartlett RH: Adult extracorporeal membrane oxygenation: Radiographic findings and correlation of lung opacity with patient mortality. Radiology. 198:693-698, 1996.

254. Ichiba S and Bartlett RH: Current status of extracorporeal membrane

oxygenation for severe respiratory failure. Art Organs 20:120-123, 1996. 255. Montoya JP, Merz SI, Bartlett RH: Significant safety advantages gained

with an improved pressure-regulated blood pump. J Extra-Corporeal Tech. 28:71-78, 1996.\

256. Hirschl RB, Tooley R, Parent A, Johnson K, Bartlett RH: Evaluation of

gas exchange, pulmonary compliance, and lung injury during total and partial liquid ventilation in the acute respiratory distress syndrome. Crit Care Med. 24:1001-1008, 1996.

257. Moler FW, Palmisano JM, Custer JR, Bartlett RH: Mechanical

ventilation and arterial blood gas measurements 24 hours post extracorporeal life support for survivors of pediatric respiratory failure. Crit Care Med. 24:679-682, 1996.

258. Kolla S, Lee WA, Hirschl RB, Bartlett RH: Total respiratory support in

adult sheep with single cannula tidal flow extracorporeal circulation. Surg Forum. 67:261-63, 1996.


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259. Bartlett RH: Continuous renal replacement therapy in multiple organ

failure. Am J Kidney Diseases. 28:597-99, 1996. 260. Merz SI, Bartlett RH, Jenkins J, Kabamba PT: Controller design for

extracorporeal life support. 1996 IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology 18th Annual Int. Conf. Proceedings, p. 578, 1996.

261. Kulik TJ, Moler FW, Palmisano JM, Custer JR, Mosca RS, Bove EL,

Bartlett RH: Outcome-associated factors in pediatric patients treated with ECMO following cardiac surgery. Circulation. 94:II63-68, 1996.

262. Chambers SD, et al: Effects of static pressure on red blood cells upon

removal of the air interface. ASAIO J. 42:947-950, 1997. 263. Pranikoff T, Hirschl RB, Steimle CN, Anderson HL, Bartlett RH:

Mortality is directly related to the duration of mechanical ventilation before the initiation of extracorporeal life support for severe respiratory failure. Crit Care Med. 25:28-32, 1997.

264. Kolla S, Lee WA, Hirschl RB, Bartlett RH: Extracorporeal life support

for cardiovascular support in adults. ASAIO J. 42:M809-M819, 1997. 265. Bartlett RH: Extracorporeal life support registry report 1995. ASAIO J.

43:104-107, 1997. 266. Bartlett RH: Hemolysis caused by centrifugal pumps. Invited

Commentary. Ann Thor Surg. 63:1339, 1997. 267. Lee WA, Kolla S, Schreiner RJ, Hirschl RB, Bartlett RH: Prolonged

extracorporeal life support (ECLS) for varicella pneumonia. Crit Care Med. 25:977-982, 1997.

268. Shanley CJ, Shah NL, Overbeck MC, Kulkarni NB, Bartlett RH: Effect

of independent changes in mixed-venous PCO2 or PO2 on cardiac output in anesthetized sheep. J Surg Res 71:107-116, 1997 Aug.

269. Bartlett RH: Surgery, science and respiratory failure. J Ped Surg

32:1401-1407, 1997 Oct. 270. Merz SI, Montoya JP, Lee WA, Kolla S, Bartlett RH: Automatic control

of gas exchange during cardiopulmonary bypass. J Extra-Corporeal Tech. 29:139-144, 1997.

271. Atkinson JB, Gomperts ED, Kang R, Lee M, Arensman RM, Bartlett

RH, et al. Prospective, randomized evaluation of the efficacy of fibrin sealant as a topical hemostatic agent at the cannulation site in neonates


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undergoing extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO). Am J Surg 173:479-84, 1997.

272. Senuas LE, Goulet JA, Greenfield ML, Bartlett RH: Extracorporeal life

support for patients with significant orthopaedic trauma. Clin Ortho & Related Res. 339:32-40, 1997.

273. Kolla S, Awad SA, Rich PB, Schreiner RJ, Hirschl RB, Bartlett RH:

Extracorporeal life support for 100 adult patients with severe respiratory failure. Ann Surg 226:544-566, 1997 Oct.

274. Awad SS, Rich PB, Kolla S, Younger JG, Reickert CA, Downing VP,

Bartlett RH: Characteristics of an albumin dialysate hemofiltration system for the clearance of unconjugated bilirubin. ASAIO J. 43:M745-M749, 1997 Sep-Oct.

275. Kolla S, Crotti S, Lee A, Gargulinski MJ, Lewandowski T, Bach D,

Hirschl RH, Bartlett RH: Total respiratory support with tidal flow extracorporeal circulation in adult sheep. ASAIO J. 43:M811-M816, 1997 Sept-Oct.

276. Bartlett, RH, Hirschl, RB. Liquid ventilation in ARDS. Acta

Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica. Supplementum. 111:68-9. 1997. 277. Rich PB, Awad SS, Kolla S, Annich G, Schreiner RJ, Hirschl RB and

Bartlett RH: An approach to the treatment of severe adult respiratory failure. J Crit Care 13:26-36, 1998 Mar.

278. Bartlett RH, Nelson K, Wagner C: Inter-facility transport of patients.

Acute respiratory. Air Med. 25-27, June 1998. 279. Rich PB, Younger J, Soldes OS, Awad SS, Bartlett RH: The use of

extracorporeal life support for adult patients with respiratory failure and sepsis. ASAIO Journal. 44:263-266, 1998 Jul-Aug.

280. Rich PB, Awad SS, Crotti S, Hirschl RB, Bartlett RH, Schreiner RJ: A

prospective comparison of atria-femoral and femora-atrial flow in adult venovenous extracorporeal life support. Journal of Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery 116:628-32, 1998 Oct.

281. Reichert CA, Schreiner RJ, Bartlett RH, Hirschl RB: Percutaneous

access for venovenous extracorporeal life support in neonates. J Ped Surg 33:365-369, 1998 Feb.

282. Hirschl R, Conrad S, Kaiser R, Zwischenberger J, Bartlett RH, Booth F,

Cardenas V: Partial liquid ventilation in adult patients with ARDS: a multicenter phase I-II trial. Adult PLV study group. Annals of Surgery 228:692-700, 1998 Nov.


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283. Colton DM, Till GO, Johnson KJ, Dean SB, Bartlett RH, Hirschl R:

Neutrophil accumulation is reduced during partial liquid ventilation. Critical Care Medicine 26: 1716-24, 1998 Oct.

284. Chambers SD, Bartlett RH, Ceccio SL: Spherical bubble dynamics: A

model to predict red blood cell damage by hydrodynamic cavitation. Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Cavitation, Grenoble, France. 197-202, 1998 Apr.

285. Pranikoff T, Hirschl RB, Remenapp R, Swaniker F, Bartlett RH:

Venovenous extracorporeal life support via percutaneous cannulation in 94 patients. Chest 115(3):818-822, 1999 Mar.

286. Younger, JG, Schreiner, RJ, Swaniker, F, Hirschl, RB, Chapman, RA,

Bartlett, RH: Extracorporeal resuscitation of cardiac arrest. Academic Emergency Medicine. 6(7):700-707, 1999 Jul.

287. Awad SA, Sawada S, Soldes OS, Rich PB, Klein R, Alarcon WH, Wang

SC, Bartlett RH: Can the clearance of tumor necrosis factor alpha and interleukin 6 be enhanced using an albumin dialysate hemodiafiltration system? ASAIO J. 45:47-49, 1999 Jan-Feb.

288. Burket JS, Bartlett RH, VanderHyde K, Chenoweth CE: Nosocomial

Infections in Adult Patients Undergoing Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 28(4):828-33, 1999 Apr.

289. Michaels AJ, Schreiner RJ, Kolla S, Awad SS, Rich PB, Reickert C,

Younger J, Hirschl RB, Bartlett RH: Extracorporeal life support in pulmonary failure after trauma. The Journal of Trauma-Injury Infection & Critical Care, 46(4):638-45, 1999 Apr.

290. Chambers SD, Ceccio SL, Annich GA, Bartlett RH: Extreme negative

pressure does not cause erythrocyte damage in flowing blood. ASAIO J. 45(5):431-435, 1999 Sept-Oct.

291. Ricciardi, MJ, Moscucci M, Knight BP, Zivin A, Bartlett RH, Bates ER:

Emergency Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO)-Supported Percutaneous Coronary Interventions in the Fibrillating Heart. Catheterization and Cardiovascular Intentions 48(4):402-405, 1999 Dec.

292. Kawai T, Annich GM, Meinhardt JP, Ichiba S, Brant DO, Bartlett RH:

Effect of Blood Flow Rate on Thrombogenesis in a Rabbit Extracorporeal Circulation Model. ASAIO J. 45:478-481, 1999 Sept-Oct.

293. Annich GM, White T, Damm D, Zhao Y, Mahdi F, Meinhardt J, Rebello

S, Lucchesi B, Bartlett RH, Schmaier AH: Recombinant Kunitz


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Protease Inhibitory Domain of the Amyloid β-Protein Precursor as an Anticoagulant in Venovenous Extracorporeal Circulation in Rabbits. Thrombosis & Haemostasis, 82(5):1474-81, 1999 Nov.

294. Pagani FD, Lynch W, Swaniker F, Dyke DB, Bartlett R, Koelling T,

Moscucci M, Deeb GM, Bolling S, Monaghan H, Aaronson KD: Extracorporeal Life Support to Left Ventricular Assist Device Bridge to Heart Transplant. Circulation, 100(suppl II):II-206-II-210, 1999 Nov.

295. Chambers SD, Bartlett RH, Ceccio SL: Determination of the In Vivo

Cavitation Nuclei Characteristics of Blood. ASAIO J. 45(6):541-549, 1999 Nov-Dec.

296. Swaniker F, Kolla S, Moler F, Custer J, Grams R, Bartlett R, Hirschl R:

Extracorporeal Life Support Outcome for 128 Pediatric Patients with Respiratory Failure. Journal of Pediatric Surgery, 35(2):197-202, 2000.

297. Bartlett RH, Roloff DW, Custer JR, Younger JG, Hirschl RB:

Extracorporeal Life Support: The University of Michigan Experience. JAMA, 283(7):904-908, 2000 Feb.

298. Lynch WR, Montoya JP, Brant DO, Schreiner RJ, Iannettoni MD,

Bartlett RH: Hemodynamic Effect of a Low-Resistance Artificial Lung in Series with the Native Lungs of Sheep. Annals of Thoracic Surgery, 69:351-6, 2000 Feb.

299. ARDS-NIH Network: Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Network:

Ventilation with Lower Tidal Volumes as Compared with Traditional Tidal Volumes for Acute Lung Injury and the Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. The New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 342, No. 18, 2000.

300. Zahraa JN, Moler FW, Annich GM, Maxvold NJ, Bartlett RH, Custer

JR: Venovenous versus venoarterial extracorporeal life support for pediatric respiratory failure: are there differences in survival and acute complications? Critical Care Medicine. 28(2):521-5, 2000 Feb.

301. Annich GM, Meinhardt JP, Mowery KA, Ashton BA, Merz SI, Hirschl

RB, Meyerhoff ME, Bartlett RH: Reduced platelet activation and thrombosis in extracorporeal circuits coated with nitric oxide release polymers. Critical Care Medicine. 28(4):915-20, 2000 Apr.

302. ARDS-NIH Network: Ketoconazole for early treatment of acute lung

injury and acute respiratory distress syndrome: a randomized controlled trial. The ARDS Network. [Erratum appears in JAMA 2200 Nov 22-29;284(20)2597]. [Clinical Trial. Journal Article. Multicenter Studey. Randomized Controlled Trial] JAMA. 283(15):1995-2002, 2000 Apr 19.


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303. Sawada S, Reickert CA, Bartlett RH, Hirschl RB: Use of the placenta as

an artificial lung. ASAIO Journal. 46(3):257-260, 2000 May-Jun. 304. Foley DS, Swaniker FC, Pranikoff T, Bartlett RH, Hirschl RB:

Percutaneous Cannulation for Pediatric Venovenous Extracorporeal Life Support. Journal of Pediatric Surgery. 35(6):943-947, 2000 Jun.

305. Shapiro MB, Anderson HL III, Bartlett RH: Respiratory failure:

Conventional and high-tech support. Surgical Clinics of North America. 80(3):871-883, 2000 Jun.

306. Chambers SD, Bartlett RH, Ceccio SL: Hemolytic potential of

hydrodynamic cavitation. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering. 122(4):321-326, 2000 Aug.

307. Bartlett RH: Extracorporeal life support in the management of severe

respiratory failure. (Review) (27 refs) Clinics in Chest Medicine. 21(3):555-561, 2000 Sep.

308. Awad SS, Hemmila MR, Soldes OS, Sawada S, 4Rich PB, Mahler S,

Gargulinski M, Hirschl RB, Bartlett RH: A Novel Stable Reproducible Model of Hepatic Failure in Canines. Journal of Surgical Research. 94(2):167-171, 2000 Dec.

309. Pagani FD, Aaronson KD, Dyke DB, Wright S, Swaniker F, Bartlett RH:

Assessment of an extracorporeal life support LVAD bridge to heart transplant strategy. Annals of Thoracic Surgery, 70(6):1977-1984; discussion 1984-5, 2000 Dec.

310. Reickert CA, Pranikoff T, Overbeck MC, Kazerooni EA, Massey KD,

Bartlett RH, Hirschl RB: The Pulmonary and Systemic Distribution and Elimination of Perflubron From Adult Patients Treated With Partial Liquid Ventilation. Chest. 119(2):515-22, 2001 Feb.

311. Zwischenberger JB, Anderson CM, Cook KE, Lick SD, Mockros LF,

Bartlett RH: Development of an Implantable Artificial Lung: Challenges and Progress. ASAIO Journal, 47:316-320, Scholarly Review, 2001.

312. Pagani FD, Aaronson KD, Swaniker F, Bartlett RH: The use of

extracorporeal life support in adult patients with primary cardiac failure as a bridge to implantable left ventricular assist device. Annals of Thoracic Surgery. 71(3 Suppl):S77-81: discussion S82-5, 2001 Mar.

313. Zhang H, Annich GM, Miskulin J, Osterholzer K, Merz SI, Bartlett RH,

Meyerhoff ME: Nitric Oxide releasing silicone rubbers with improved


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blood compatibility: preparation, characterization, and in vivo evaluation. Biomaterials. 23:1485-1494, 2001 May.

314. Awad SS, Swaniker F, Magee J, Punch J, Bartlett RH: Results of a phase

I trial evaluating a liver support device utilizing albumin dialysis. Surgery. 130(2):354-362, 2001 Aug.

315. Haft JW, Montoya P, Alnajjar O, Posner SR, Bull JL, Iannettoni MD,

Bartlett RH, Hirschl RB: An artificial lung reduces pulmonary impedance and improves right ventricular efficiency in pulmonary hypertension. J Thoracic Cardiovascular Surg. 122:1094-100, 2001 December.

316. ARDS-NIH Network: Randomized, placebo-controlled trial of

lisofylline for early treatment of acute lung injury and acute respiratory distress syndrome. Critical Care Medicine. 30:1-6, 2002.

317. Haft JW, Griffith BP, Hirschl RB, Bartlett RH: Results of an artificial-

lung survey to lung transplant program directors. J Heart Lung Transplant 21:467-473, 2002.

318. Kolovos NS, Schuerer DJE, Moler FW, Bratton SL, Swaniker F, Bartlett

RH, Custer JR, Annich G: Extracorporeal life support for pulmonary hemorrhage in children: A case series. Critical Care Medicine. 30:577-580, 2002.

319. Stange J, Hassanein TI, Mehta R, Mitzner SR, Bartlett RH: The

Molecular Adsorbents Recylcling System as a Liver Support System Based on Albumin Dialysis: A Summary of Preclinical Investigations, Prospective Randomized, Controlled Clinical Trial, and Clinical Experience from 19 Centers. Artificial Organs. 26:103-110, 2002 February.

320. Sawada S, Matsuda K, Younger JG, Johnson KJ, Bartlett RH, Hirschl

RB: Effects of Patial Liquid Ventilation on Unilateral Lung Injury in Dogs. Chest. 121:566-572, 2002 February.

321. Hirschl RB, Croce M, Gore D, Wiedemann H, Davis K, Zwischenberger

J, Bartlett RH: Prospective, Randomized, Controlled Pilot Study of Partial Liquid Ventilation in Adult Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 165:781-787, 2002.

322. Casetti AV, Bartlett RH, Hirschl RB: Increasing Inspiratory Time

Exacerbates Ventilator-induced Lung Injury During High-Pressure/High-Volume Mechanical Ventilation. Critical Care Medicine. 30(10):2295-2299, 2002.


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323. Hemmila MR, Foley DS, Casetti AV, Soles OS, Hirschl RB, Bartlett RH: Perfusion induced hyperthermia for oncologic therapy with cardiac and cerebral protection. ASAIO Journal. 48(4):350-354, 2002 Jul-Aug.

324. Foley DS, Prianikoff T, Younger JG, Swaniker FC, Hemmila MR,

Remenapp RA, Copenhaver W, Landis D, Hirschl RB, Bartlett RH: A Review of 100 Patients Transported on Extracorporeal Life Support. ASAIO Journal. 48:612-619, 2002.

325. Zhang H, Annich GM, Miskulin J, Osterholzer K, Merz SI, Bartlett RH,

Meyerhoff ME: Nitric oxide releasing silicone rubbers with improved blood compatibility: preparation, characterization, and in vivo evaluation. Biomaterials. 23:1485-1494, 2002.

326. Haft JW, Bull JL, Rose R, Katsra J, Grotberg JB, Bartlett RH, Hirschl

RB: Design of an artificial lung compliance chamber for pulmonary replacement. ASAIO Journal. 49(1):35-40, 2003 Jan.- Feb.

327. Bartlett, RH: 2002 Ravdin lecture in basic science. Artificial Organs:

Basic Science Meets Critical Care. Journal of American College of Surgeons. 196(2):171-179, 2003 February.

328. Humes HD, Weitzel WF, Bartlett RH, Swaniker FC, Paganini EP: Renal

Cell Therapy is Associated with Dynamic and Individualized Responses in Patients with Acute Renal Failure. Blood Purification. 21:64-71, 2003.

329. Campbell BT, Braun TM, Schumacher RE, Bartlett RH, Hirschl RB:

Impact of ECMO on Neonatal Mortality in Michigan (1980-1999). Journal of Pediatric Surgery. 38(3):290-295, 2003 March.

330. Haefner SM, Bratton SL, Annich GM, Bartlett RH, Custer JR:

Complications of Intermittent Prone Positioning in Pediatric Patients Receiving Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation for Respiratory Failure. Chest. 123:1589-1594, 2003 May.

331. Matsuda K, Sawada S, Bartlett RH, Hirschl RB: Effect of ventilatory

variables on gas exchange and hemodynamics during total liquid ventilation in a rat model. Critical Care Medicine. 31(7):2034-2040, 2003.

332. Zhang H, Annich GM, Miskulin J, Stankiewicz K, Osterholzer K, Merz

SI, Bartlett RH, Meyerhoff ME: Nitric Oxide-Releasing Fumed Silica Particles: Synthesis, Characterization, and Biomedical Application. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 125(17):5015-5024, 2003.

333. Meinhardt JP, Annich GM, Miskulin J, Kawai T, Ashton BA, Bartlett

RH: Thrombogenicity is Not Reduced When Heparin and Phospholipid


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Bonded Circuits are Used in a Rabbit Model of Extracorporeal Circulation. ASAIO Journal. 49:1-6, 2003.

334. Funakubo A, Taga I, McGillicuddy JW, Fukui Y, Hirschl RB, Bartlett

RH: Flow Vectorial Analysis in an Artificial Implantable Lung. ASAIO Journal. 49(4):383-387, 2003.

335. Bartlett RH. Extracorporeal circulation in 2050: a speculation. Perfusion.

18:207-209, 2003. 336. Bartlett RH. Invited Editorial: From Society to Federation: International

Collaboration in Artificial Organs Research. Artificial Organs. 27(12):1060-1061, 2003.

337. Baba Y, Brant D, Brah SS, Grotberg J, Bartlett RH, Hirschl RB.

Assessment of the development of choked flow during total liquid ventilation. Crit Care Med. 32(1): 201-208, 2004 January.

338. Rojas A, Chen L, Bartlett RH, Arenas JD. Assessment of Liver Function

During Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) in the Non-heart Beating Donor (NHBD) Swine. Transplantation Proceedings. 36(2): 1268-1270, June 2004.

339. Bartlett, RH. Vitalin: The Rationale for a Hypothetical Hormone. Journal

of the American College of Surgeons. 199(2): 286-292, August 2004. 340. Hemmila MR, Rowe SA, Boules TN, Miskulin J, McGillicuddy JW,

Schuerer DJ, Haft JW, Swaniker FC, Arbabi S, Hirschl RB, Bartlett RH: Extracorporeal Life Support for Severe Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome in Adults. Annals of Surgery. 240(4), October 2004.

341. Humes HD, Weitzel WF, Bartlett RH, Swaniker FC, Paganini EP,

Luderer JR, Sobota J: Initial clinical results of the bioartificial kidney containing human cells in ICU patients with acute renal failure. Kidney International. 66:1578-1588, May 2004.

Publications from Dr. Bartlett’s Research Teams 1. Gauger PG, Pranikoff T, Schreiner RJ, Moler FW, Hirschl RB: Initial

experience with partial liquid ventilation in pediatric patients with the acute respiratory syndrome. Critical Care Medicine. 24(1):16-22, 1996 Jan.

2. Kazerooni EA, Pranikoff T, Cascade PN, Hirschl RB: Partial liquid

ventilation with perflubron during extracorporeal life support in adults: radiographic appearance. Radiology. 198(1)137-142, 1996 Jan.


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3. Overbeck MC, Pranikoff T, Hirschl RB: Partial liquid ventilation provides effective gas exchange in a large animal model. Journal of Critical Care. 11(1):320-327, 1996 Mar.

4. Pranikoff T, Gauger PG, Hirschl RB: Partial liquid ventilation in

newborn patients with congential diaphragmatic hernia. Journal of Pediatric Surgery. 31(5):613-618, 1996 May.

5. Gauger PG, Overbeck MC, Chambers SD, Weber ED, Hirschl RB:

Measuring functional residual capacity in normal and oleic acid-injured lungs. Journal of Surgical Research. 63(1):205-208, 1996 Jun.

6. Overbeck MC, Pranikoff T, Yadao CM, Hirschl RB: Efficacy of

perfluorocarbon partial liquid ventilation in a large animal model of acute respiratory failure. Critical Care Medicine. 24(7):1208-1214, 1996 Jul.

7. Pranikoff T, Gauger PG, Hirschl RB: Partial liquid ventilation in a child

on extracorporeal life support. ASAIO Journal. 42(4):317-320, 1996 Jul-Aug.

8. Lewis DA, Gauger P, Delosh TN, Dechert RE, Hirschl RB: The effect of

pre-ECLS ventilation time on survival and respiratory morbidity in the neonatal population. Journal of Pediatric Surgery. 31(8):1110-1114, 1996 Aug.

9. Varani J, Hirschl RB, Dame M. Johnson K: Perfluorocarbon protects

lung epithelial cells from neutrophil-mediated injury in an in vitro model of liquid ventilation therapy. Shock. 6(5):339-344, 1996 Nov.

10. Parent AC, Overbeck MC, Hirschl RB: Oxygen dynamics during partial

liquid ventilation in a sheep model of severe respiratory failure. Surgery. 121(3):320-327, 1997 Mar.

11. Bruch LA, Flint A, Hirschl RB: Pulmonary pathology of patients treated

with partial liquid ventilation. Modern Pathology. 10(5)463-468, 1997 May.

12. Gauger PG, Overbeck MC, Koeppe RA, Shulkin BL, Hrycko JN, Weber

ED, Hirschl RB: Distribution of pulmonary blood flow and total lung water during partial liquid ventilation in acute lung injury. Surgery. 122(2):313-323, 1997 Aug.

13. Younger JG, Taqi AS, Till GO, Hirschl RB: Partial liquid ventilation

protects lung during resuscitation from shock. Journal of Applied Physiology. 83(5):1666-1670, 1997 Nov.


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14. Quintel M, Heine M, Hirschl RB, Tilmanns R, Wessendorf V: Effects of partial liquid ventilation on lung injury in a model of acute respiratory failure: a histologic and morphometric analysis. Critical Care Medicine. 26(5):833-843, 1998 May.

15. Quintel M, Hirschl RB, Roth H. Loose R, van Ackern K: Computer

tomographic assessment of perfluorocarbon and gas distribution during partial liquid ventilation for acute respiratory failure. American Journal of Respiratory & Critical Care Medicine. 158(1):249-255, 1998 Jul.

16. Younger JG, Taqi AS, Jost PF, Till GO, Johnson KJ, Stern SA, Hirschl

RB: The pattern of early lung parenchymal and air space injury following acute blood loss. Academic Emergency Medicine. 5(7):659-665, 1998 Jul.

17. Colton DM, Till GO, Johnson KJ, Gater JJ, Hirschl RB: Partial liquid

ventilation decreases albumin leak in the setting of acute lung injury. Journal of Critical Care. 13(3):136-139, 1998 Sep.

18. Rich PB, Reickert CA, Mahler SA, Sawada S, Awad S, Kazerooni EA,

Hirschl RB: Prolonged partial liquid ventilation in spontaneously breathing awake animals. Critical Care Medicine. 27(5):941-944, 1999 May.

19. Meinhardt JP, Quintel M, Hirschl RB: Development and application of a

double-piston configured, total-liquid ventilatory support device. Critical Care Medicine. 28:1483-1488, 2000.

20. Rich PB, Reickert CA, Sawada SS, Lynch WR, Johnson KJ, Hirschl RB:

Effect of rate and inspiratory flow on ventilator-induced lung injury. Journal of Trauma-Injury Infection & Critical Care. 49(5):903-911, 2000 Nov.

21. Xi G, Hua Y, Keep RF, Younger JG, Hoff JT: Systemic complement

depletion diminishes perihematomal brain edema in rats. Stroke. 32(1): 162-167, 2001 Jan.

22. Younger JG, Sasaki N, Waite MD, Murray HN, Saleh EF, Ravage ZA,

Hirschl RB, Ward PA, Till GO: Detrimental effects of complement activation in hemorrhagic shock. Journal of Applied Physiology. 90(2):441-446, 2001 Feb.

23. Younger JG, Sasaki N, Delgado J, Ko AC, Nghiem TX, Waite MD, Till

GO, Ward PA: Systemic and lung physiological changes in rats after intravascular activation of complement. Journal of Applied Physiology. 90(6):2289-2295, 2001 Jun.


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24. Reickert CA, Rich PB, Crotti S, Mahler SA, Awad SS, Lynch WR, Johnson KJ, Hirschl RB: Partial liquid ventilation and positive end-expiratory pressure reduce ventilator-induced lung injury in an ovine model of acute respiratory failure. Critical Care Medicine. 30(1): 182-189, 2002.

25. Meyer RJ, Moler FW, Maxvold NJ, Annich GM, Odetola FO, Sadowski

R, Custer JR: Pediatric Extracorporeal Life Support after high frequency ventilation: predictors of survival. ASAIO Journal. 48(5):472-475, 2002 Sept-Oct.

26. Hirschl RB, Fox W, Glick PL, Greenspan J, Smith K, Thompson A,

Wilson J, Adzick NS: A Prospective, Randomized Pilot Trial of Perfluorocarbon-Induced Lung Growth in Newborns with Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia. Journal of Pediatric Surgery. 38(3):283-289, 2003 March.

27. Meinhardt JP, Sawada S, Quintel M, Hirschl RB: Comparison of Static

Airway Pressures During Total Liquid Ventilation While Applying Different Expiratory Modes and Time Patterns. ASAIO Journal. 50(1):68-75, 2004 January-February.

Papers in Press 1. Judge LS, Brown RW, Schork MA, Wagner L, Park DH, Bartlett RH:

Long-term pulmonary outcomes of meconium aspiration syndrome. J Ped Surg (In Press)

2. Awad SS, Soldes OS, Sawada S, Rich PB, Hirschl RB, Bartlett RH:

Evaluation of a Non-Cell Based Extracorporeal Liver Support Device in an Animal Model of Hepatic Failure. ASAIO J. (In Press)

3. Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Network. Mortality and Other

Outcomes in Acute Ling Injury and Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. (In Press)

4. Swaniker F, Hemmila M, Lynch W, Kolla S, Hirsch J, Ahmed N,

Bartlett, R: Extracorporeal Life Support for Massive Pulmonary Embolism: Gibbon Fulfilled. Chest. (In Press)

5. Harper AE, Miskulin J, Younger JG, Rudich SM, Bartlett RH: An

Improved Model of Fulminant Hepatic Failure in Swine. ASAIO Journal. (In press)

6. Schuerer DJE, Awad SS, Gauger P, Swaniker F, Bartlett RH:

Extracorporeal Life Support for Adult Respiratory Failure: A Reference Series. ASAIO Journal. (In press)


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7. Griffith GW, Toomasian JM, Shcreiner RJ, Dusset CM, Cook KE,

Osterholzer KR, Merz SI, Bartlett RH: Hematological Changes During Short Term Tidal Flow Extracorporeal Life Support. Perfusion. (In press)