•'7l"~ -• Wedneeday, November 9, 1955 MICHIGAN MIRKOR History of livingston 76 FOOTBALL F. & A M. Pinckney The third annual Michigan Wesk will be next May 2Q~26.It wiU start with Spiritual Foundation Day M«iy 20 and end with Frontier Days May 26 With the temple building the lodge began to consider acquiring tioaatf Winjrer, Reporter The Pinckney Pirates were victor- ious att StockBridge Friday ,wianiag ing 25 toO and dominated the sec- ond half of tthe game. They started There will be the usual exchange ' the drug store building. Azel Gai- t of mavors and chairmen will be ap~ | penter when master conducted a I 8l°w and did not score until the last VI UlmJ) t *i_*_ I h a l f tninnta nit 4ka «La*»An«t nll**ta* pointed for each county Dry groups are finding much sup port from public officials in their efforts to outlaw the sale of near beer to children- The content of the beer is one half of one percent oi alcohol contentRev. McLennan of the Michigagn Temperance Found- ation said a bill will be introduced in the legislature to ban its sale ' o children, iho liquor control commiss and the Michigan Board of A1-- poll by mail but it was gnutwfac- I half minute of the second quarter, ballots not frf'pg return-) Starting on the Stockbridgc 47 Chris id estate offered it to the [Campbell took the ball to *the 15, Masons for $5,000 but at a meethig Then Dick Higgs went around end $l» Mary's CatboQc cuwca sWv. Ft. Albert Schmiu, Pastor 8:00 and Kinder garte/t We have made 2 pay:ea of safety at Ix-slie Merritt in the County No^i ^^ZiZ^7^Z\ T T\ %?** ^ elten . has n a ne *. two | had * n «"torial on poor handwriV 7^j * cvenjn 4> wheel bike, Marjone Duesenberry ing and wondered why the 0T y f about as many were against the pur chase as for it. In 1931 the Read es- tate sold it to Elihue Wiggle. Wind sor realtor who put it up for sale. to the 1. yd. line 2 line plays failed and then'Campbell went over for a touchdown. Packer converted and the score at the half was Pinckney Friday evening after Dgyptioi* and Saturday from 9g0 £• », and Sunday be- The Masons held another meeting 1 <>» Stockbridge 0. but affer a debate no decision was In the second half Pinckney began reached. Russell Livermore W. M. to cl *ck- Campbell went 45 yds. to headed a delegation to Windsor to score but the ball was called back Mr Wigg]e It wafl made u p {> j and Pinckney drew 15 yards for hold S h f R R d F d R d ingDon Packer passd io Hi h ion and tne micmgan D u«»« * ! *«e Mr. Wiggle. It was made up of an <* «ncJtney drew 15 yards for fcold coholism say they will support it. fieg Schafer> Rosg Reftd> F r e d Re&d ing.Don Packer passed io Higgs who i the beer is distributed by wholesal- Walter G j rard and j H Hooker. w *nt 30 yds. to score backer's con.-I 7:3? . . g foxe the 8:00 M NemeaHe Wwrch CaW*xy Mennonite Church Ezra Bettchj, Pastor Elementary School ) CURRENT COMMENT S. S. gupt, Morning Worship Sunday Scbr oi Young Peoples Meeting .. Cottage Fellowship Service Wd nal Walter Each 10:00 11:00 7:30 8:00 era and supermarkets jyi r a and superm jyi r- Wiggle set a Michigan physicians, dentists and ^ take Canadian - Wiggle set a price and offered version kick'was'wide. In the last take Canadian moey nich quarter Wayne" Stone" went 3o'yds wnich quarter Wayne" Stone" went 3o'yds. veterinarics will meet in Detroit on , flt t h e rate of exchange brought the o n a n end «»n score. The - Nov. 1« to discuss training auxiliary * " ---" •• medical aid in times of national dis- aster. The state new Fair Employment con/er price to about $350C. They bought sion ki <* was^blocReu \ it although the Masonic Building Then the'second team went in a d Ass'n only had $1000. The balance «a*ned 81 yards to score, Bobby was borrowed of Mrs. Barbara Keil y scoring from the 18 yd. line. Commission calls on the public to Tessmer, aunt of Walter Girard Dick Kennedy's conversion kick was co-operate with them and end dis- p emem ^ r tn j s w a s i n depression blocked. In this gam« a preview was crimination in employment. It says no person whatever should be fetfs- < J employment on account of race, color, creed, religion or ancestory. It further asks employers to hi come familiar with the law and /to adopt policies consist* Skidding around the use of-'pen- allie3 it said it will endeavor to avoid the use of enforcement powers in the law in hopes the people will will copoperate. MORE STATE POLICE NEEDED \ The legislature has authorized the j addition of 200 more men to the Michigan State Police and a drive is on to obtain them. Application fists will be closed Nov. 30, 1955... On November 10 at 10:00 a. m a state police officer will.be at the town ha'l in Pinckney to recruit men. They will be Troopers Ronald Colton and Ber nard Schrader of Brighton. The p%y is $ 116 during- the tram- ing period every 2 weeks and $192 in the trooper rank . The maximum is reached in 4 years. The troopers are atoofurnished uniform, $75 a months subsistance and travelling ways. Values were low and money * iven of next ?**** prospects as 5 scarce When 1937 rolled around they sophmores were used in the sta.tiig still owed $1000 on the drug store, lineup. Speculation has it that Tom store having been vacant a year. Wylie will be next years' quarter- Ford Lamb, then master, made a **& as he saw some action in this vow to pay it off. A two day show Position. The second team appears and dance raised $600 and the next to have man y £<><** prospects for year the balance of $400 was paid ( next year. The next game is Friday off. A dinner was given to celebrate j at Haslett which is near Lake Lan- the event at which part of this his-' & **g- I* win , start a 7:30 p. m. The tory was read. Mrs. Mae Dallar O.E. 7 seniors will play their last game. S. worthy matron lighted the match Campbell, Higgs, Packer, Stone, which burned the mortgage. A year ; Heath, Dyer and Henry, before the lodge borrowed $400 of Roy Dillingham to pay off M*«. Tessmer. Since then the lodge has had 2 more fires. One in 1946 did Stone Stockhriduree L.E. Rjsner slight damage. Another in 1949 did over $6000 in damage and the dining room had to he rebuilt. A RoyalArch Chapter was estab- lished here in 1872. Dr. Haze was high priest, Wm. Ball,, king;Wm. Martin, scribe. Other .members. ImU8 L/T, L.G Jacobs Potts Ramdell Rev. J. W. Wingtr, faster Sunday School 9:30 a. m. Morning Worship 10:45 a. nu Thurs. nighi prayer meeting at the church at 8:00 Wed. choir practice 7:80 p. m. The People's Ohurch M-36 Weet between Main and Unadflla Streett Re?. Keith Suegsegger, Pastor Sunday School 9:45 a. ra. Morning Worship 10:50 A.M. Youth Group 7:00 p. m. Evening Service 3:00 p. m. Thurs. Prayer Meednc . . 8:00 p. m. ^r. CKoir Practice Wed. 4:00 p. ra. Sr. f>oir Practice Wed. 7i0p. m has a new bride doll. Dean Gardner is going Lo hav»' a pon> Jerry lieufh went hunting with his dad..We have learned 3 Thanksgiving songs,DoLg. Kaiser' dad is going- deer hunting. Deane Anderson hu<- new flotiie.s, and shoes. Bub Twitchell g^t a whistle from a box of cereal. ( har- lene Kinsey'.s gold lish died. We made a pumpkin from a paper strip painted it orange: Second Graft* Nancy Seaman visited in Yji. . u:ti and Dennis Reynolds ha.-> a . i,p truck. Linda Shirey lias new 's. Linda Wylie a Shetland p< ny, :uda VanDlaricum went for a ride v.iih her grandfather, Alan Bur. "s i mth- er put snow pants on his do M uud j pO rtatio7. EmpTov he followed his big brother hu Cng, Linda Curts brother is home lorn the hospital. Ruth Beachy ha : * om pany Sunday. Christine Diakel to Lansing. Sharon Blades has clothes. \ eit new Third Grade Florence Utley has new do oi bear down harder on the 3 & Reading, Riting and Rithmetic.When we .sent to school penmanship woe taiiy ht. Maybe it is yet but we dozrt hea:- much about it. Each pupil had a copy book and he was supposed to copy the line at the top of the page TLex - v were several styles of handwrLi.-ig-, Spencerian, Verticp^ and a slanting style. Typewriters changed all this and now all they have to do is sign their name. How- ever the c have become so inelgible that it now customary to type the signature and have the written one below it There is an old story, that a fanner got a letter from a rail- road back in the days when .he rail- road was the chief means o trans- rail— rail- road got free parses, tat,-.s eage books for i '•» m t i r e s and legislators free passes. The farmer figured the railroad hud s nt him a pass although the <'i.l not kn •«• why. So the next time he had oc> asion to use the railroad he handed the letter -hoes ' ^ e ^'-"'ductor when he cpine to ce Utley has new shoes , Mary Wylie has a Shetland |,ony, | collect_ iures. That gentleman squint Ccn U *y, Francis Reason went to the ed at . lt ' turncd * owr ' u ^ e down Masonic Centennial pancake brunch Sunday and ate 13.. Joan Eichman visited her and the!) handed it back to the farm er who for 3 months rode fre.- on' t b t Joan, Sunday. Cherie Schmidt visited r . aih ' (>ad - Then he t'ot another letter v,^.. ~,.,,*A *i :_ TT ii ,. i from the railroad, this time tvnmA her grandmother in Howell kundu.', Larry Baughn visited relatives the railroad, this time typed which read .-Some time ai?o WP wrote 200 ntenn „ „ the Masonic ' Milford Sunday. Rose Marie Ve Icier y ° u a f sklnp yo , u t o . remove Donald grand chaplain was speak -Japanese wife. Ro, er Bonne: hn, ;i er His text was the 133rd Psalm, new cocker spaniel, Fritzi, Co mie Afterward the lodge officers atvl Kaiser had company from L- entertained at lunch Ann Marie Young went to once. Athur Godfrey made the Itortt last week by his usual method' Kitchen Gerycz Henry backer Huhman Heath, < R.G. hzeS riGvee o f M Air Air n vis R.T. B. E. QB L.h. ETH. F.B. Bumpu3 Fredenburg Cambuvr Lee Mills Schuette were Wm. Sprout, Reuben Finch, Substitutions-Heath, Higgs, Sim Warren Hoff, M. H. Twitchell, O. onson, Dyer, Kelly. W. Teeple Thompson Grimes, Jra } Pinckney brought home the banquet is a Camp at 7 p. m. The program is: El C Sunday Puckcts t d Organ Music pg ^ Eloyse Campbell , uncle fiom Indiana are visitinp h,r. Chaplain, -• Weleoire and introduction of Toaat- F. L Camburn J Pinckney brought home the t~ Reeves, Gershom Swarthout. It p hy which Stockbridge. has won the j Sin / inf? -. Toastrnastev, Howard Taylor, R.W.P. . G. M. Craftsmens Quartette day, Fourth Grade Donna" HoIHs^eYI a.1 "(•b'mp'iiriy Sun liorowski's birthday Baxter has a his worked for the Woodwards.. Mrs. shot her husband. The police the Woodwards quar had only worked for God frey a week. This bring3 the number of persons whom Godfrey has fired ^ / od to 21, mTUrtty-entertafnert »nfife" lWi ' program. It is a habit with Godfrey and never fails to get him front npw Donna Ilollister's ki ten l )ixp:e n °tJce. gave up its charter in 1885. expense. They can retire on a pen- sion in 25 years.They must be be- between 21 find 29 years of age, 5. , 9 in in heighth nnd have the equival I ^legation to the first grand dun- ent of a hiph school education. I held »« Adrian that year. It was Pinckney ^ furnished a number Mr. and Mrs. West Hinchey, Dr. & past $ years Stockluidge also crown Introduction of Grand Lodge In 1868 an O.E.S. chapter was or- e d a queen and their band playeJ ganized here with Mrs. Delia Hinch- sy as worthy matron. They sent a Offi- fnl!owf>d her to school. Rollene Si ig re's mother went to Ann Arbor NEIGHBORING NOTE* Ray Mrs. Dale Messner of group Lucy Mann A. C; Grace Young, *' UUF " """"„• wl W l i ii of Wn T s~ . T..I fl^i.. T—.^.pioyd J'ack- a car dnvCn by RlC . hard W . 1 . lde ' 16 ' Of last week i-i- of men for ihe "siote" police: Larry ; Mrs. Haze.They gave up their cnarter »'" ^ ^ " ' " j ^ t t v ""rlalWe" r 8 r^ y J rLrs G M^ nkel> •=" - ^™rv"™: z t ^«?z%* JSS.~ HANDY HAMMER —H CLUB The Handy Hammer 4-H Club mot. at the'town hall Thursday nite with 30 present. Their officers are Pres., Tommie Singer; Vice Pres., Judy Root; Sec, Mary Morris, Treas, Kar en Tessmer. Leader,M«rshall Meabo-.i. Meet every Thursday at 6:45 p .m. HANDY ANDYTS CLUB The Handy Andy 4-H Club met on Nov. 3 Their leader is Joe Basydlo. Their officers are Pres., Donald Sing- er, Vice Pres,, John Pietras, Sec, ! TV *< ™,< o fc«w4 vUitnr* ^" '"""< c * vveni, v 0 A nn Aroor i A f e w y enrs a t r ° a " a P e d recluse f ccrs Distinguished visitors. , | R t A U ^ History of the Lod^re ^\ C f^ | Fifth Grade Garba who he hadn - t s e e n e x c e p t in Remarks Henry Russi. M. W. G. M. ^ e welcome Sharon Justjce of Red the ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ £ ^ ford township to our class. We ha e Now an oil well has been struck on it which is flov It is in the oil >^, in spelling were Ronnie Haines^Toann Donne, the recluse, was offered $50, Bloxom, Becky Morris, Mary Lee I 000 for it which he refused, in the Benediction Julius Savler and wife an<l Wm. on Mis. t Edna Aschebrenner.Nanoy Read. Last week was chewing gum week. We enjoy- SP ea1 " 9 j ed, Ruth Guida and are oil boom days. Wallv Pietrns; Reporter, Basydlo, There are 7 in it. Victor FOOTBALL SCORES Leslie 26, Dexter 12; Rowe41 39, Durand 0; Saline 39, Milan 0; Dun dee 7; Lincoln 7; Chelsea 20, Flat Rock, 7; Boysville 21, Addison^S; Ann Arbor 32, Jackson 6; Fowlerville 26, Okemus 13; Holt 15, Haslett 0; Linden 39, Goodrich 0;Sand Lake 26, Kent City 6; Waterford 32, Milford 66; Ypsilanti 37, Berkley. 9; St Addie Turner, warder; Julia Sigler, ver ^ ^ and ^ ^ ^ _ seatinel. The points were Adah, w&& mi]e& nQrth of Munitth> Nettie Vayhn; Ruth, Flora Gnmes; T h e c a r ^ said to be doing 60 Martha, Martha Whitcomb; Llecta , bour The tractor h a d n o Laura Sigrler; Esther Emma Crane rear ^ ht ^ ^ usbg a flash An assembly of Rainbow Girls } . h t T h e . , ured wefe teken ^ was organized here 4 years ago. FoQte h ital> Jackgon< Mary Jean Hewlett was the fust ^ Q fire d t w a S „„. Stockbridge. 6 other children were Gerald Henry of Detroit, hurt.including both the driver of the ' ^hitehead and wife and Beatrice church last week j partitions. j Vandals broke windows worthy advisor. Mother advisors have been Mrs.Helen Miller,Leota Reason ^"^j r "J and Mrs. Emma Boyd. and did The Pinckney King's Daughters Hal i oween were entertained Thursday by Mra. ; Brl hton ha8 de dicatcd a Ground Wm Brash sr. with 23 present, Qtaerrer Post . . Mrs. Lulu Darrow led the devot I Coach Nick M h of ions and read the 17th chapter of w gchool hft8 regi ^ He St. Luke Members were asked to maM ^ t 0 p ykceIlt of p,^. bnng gifts and jelly at the next; ^ ^ wMk ^ inducted Jn meeting for sanitarium patients aad candy and mints for convalescent Lamborn og Gre-ory and Florence Tupper of Flint called on the Jesse Henrys Sunday. The Clarence Pratts and the Frank Bowers of Ann Arbor spent Sunday with the John Boyers. Lloyd Hendee and Bob Kourt r tended the Michigan Milk Producers Prof. Carl Walter of Harvard Un- both ill, We read the news on the ' iversity recently completed a survey bulletin board, We had a meeting, of the nations hospitals and in A to discuss plans for an assembly/ speech before f the American College program. Art Segura had a birthday "f Surgeons said he found many of and spanking he was lO.Mary Lee them in a deplorable condition es— Aschenbrenner brought Junior Natur! pecially in the cities and are infest- al History Magazines for sccience. \ ed with ants and cockroaches. Little attempt is made to keep them clean. He said Detroit has several such.For Sixtb We have started a new unit about Egypt, Mrs. James came to our r;om ! years there has been a hospital . T , , and tol d us about Africa and show-! .shortage and although new hospitals at Lansing. A «««№>• ! ed souvenirs «he brought from there | have been built most of the old ones Inn at Chubbs Corners has , , t w a g interesdf]? W e have gtafte , , a r e s t m | n ^ ^ d m a n y Qf ^ ^ been sold to a Mr. Boos of Dearborn who has taken possession. Jug is working at Willow Run. Mark Abney returned from a haulaway trip to Virginia last week. John Bover and wife with Mrs. of Dexter called on the ? g e j and many of these dafries. Butch Nosker and Bobby date back to civil war days. We have Beck are in charge of records. 4 H SEWING CLUB The Weaving Needles met Tues been in some of them and know they are ; ,ot in the best of condition j . / We think the legislature missed Stanley Tomczyk succeeds him at Dexter. Normal »«St n homes Refreshments were served Herb gneed of Howftll hag with Mrs " Herb Thoma7~22, South' LyoVe Roosevelt ' De * meeting is with Viola Read. 22, University 14. assisting.The; «&-£££. to Hale, Texas.by of his father. illness ; ciav niprht with Mrs. Easydlo with the boat lasl week in their effors to '11 present. The following officer:- ' decroa.se highway fatalities by de- were elected. Pres.,Mary Mcnlce: Roc voting; so much time to establishing Karen Eichman; Tre'as. Raphael , a st - lte ^ced limit and not enough Nash, Reporter, llarbara Singer. Mrr,. fo kt-eping drivers licenses out of Basydlo and Mra. ./im Singer are t' r thfl h:i "** of incompetent and reck home. George VanNorman^and wife,Al- , ^ ^^ ^ T ]CSS ^.^ Sheriff , ice ^ jud bert Dinkel and wife, Mrs Mae Dall, wjth Mrg>M|ffk N ^ - ,, PS havo the power ^ fcftke er Dinkel and wife, Mrs Mae Dall , wjth Mrs Mark Nash . and Blanch Martin attended the j Brighton O E. Installation last, Saturday night and were entertained away drivers licenses but as a rule the 4 H NOTICE ^Sr^^LJI?^S, N"" 1 "" 1 ***•.° a ' tatl0 ». -°!?* r -' tt the Rev. McLucas home follow- Miss Eva Kellenberger, daughter Church Saturday at 4 p. m. m a cer- of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kellenberger emon y attended only by members of was married Friday evening at the * « families, Miss Barbara Miller ator at Howell has purchased tthe Kohsmaa who will return to Chelsea. lag it RO8S HINCHEY Frank Gould has been elected, j^g Hinchey, son of Chester and The Pinckney Area 4-H Clubs will j harci to P flt ^em ones deprived of them don't find it holdftCpot luck supppr at the eie.m- entary school at 7 p. m. Saturday. There will be an election of officers and talent show.All members, parents keep right on . Then many « Whlt€ ***** Cong-1. Churrh to Stanley Lobdell ?* u * h * er °^ Mrs - Helen Miller^ »ad cllalrman of the Livinjr»ten Conaty ABIU R,,,, H iichey was born in Put ReT - d 1 W ^ n T °-f Cilting - ° nIy ' » -' »-".^l tO -^ l «22? ! C »«". .«?*^- - I »Ttown.hip July 6, 1876 and Hied members of the family were pres- ent! The couple were attendede by Mildred Kellenbersrer, sister of the; bride and J^arry Lobdell, brother of; the groom. The' reception was at the elementary school. 1 Marjrar( . t Holfingsworth, Sec. . brfdee's djew was light blue Jer8 *y ^^ «n»«»tone trim "** ^ •ccessories. She carried INTRAMURAL BASE BALL The two sections of the 7th and Sne 918t « r » nlmtownship Juy , £ i The Livingston County sheriffs ^ h T p o n t i c c state hospital, Nov. 3 w « Winger, dept j aiIed 23 oveT the Halloweeen 1 9 5 6 H e marr ied Kate Webb, dausrh week end. ! o f t h e late R. G . Webb. She died '>0 Mr8> Emmctt Harri8 of Howell j " ^ g returned home from St Joe hoe pltalt ^ Arbor . Claude L, Taylor, former Green y Oak npeTviaor , member of the Ve ^ e funeral waa a t t h e Swarthout R ... .. wa » bridesmaid. deC eased was farmer Surviving are 2 sons, Harold and a daughter, br€ ther, Guy. Oak npeTviaor , member f ^ e funeral waa a t t h e Swarthout a j 0 " wo ° l 8uit » •»- , county road commission and county Puiiepal Home Sunday 2:30 p.m. f Rev *"* *Z t im "«» white i did t H l l l t k ^ l The two sections of the 7th and j , county road commission and couty Puiiepal Home Sunday 2:30 p.m. f Rev 8th grades have finished their base ra tri *"* *Z t im "«» white engineer, died at Howell last week, ^hertson of the Howell Epis opil bll ri M Ldid H C "f 68 A n oId Cluckey was his bro F c belonging to G. J. chSJchofflctahit. Burial in the hfiM t h i Whit ball series. Mr. Ledwidges Hept Car burators defeated Mrs. Morriss' I Fow Cluckey was his b r o - thers best ma*. .... , Millch of NorthfieM townahlp Whit w^"» Cemeterv Bobby Sox Sockers 18 to 19 for the ; A ***№& wa* held at the brdet | morB i^i were poisoned laat week. rmei J BCjr ^ ^ _ 7" •th grade. Then they defeated Mrs. : h o after the ceremony for 32 j Aa empty ParU green and arsenic ANNOUNCEMENT ~ . e L ** * **** aat * of | box were found in the bam but the The 9Xi g M g emtax t of Mias high achoot and is employ j owner tayi they were not hi*, of Michigan.The Anderson's 7th grade 33 to 9. In fin al game with Mrs. Sharpens 8th grade girl Mr. Ledwidres team won 16 to 12 making them Junior High school champions. These frirls showed promise as ath ktiea. Margaret Higgs aad Jean ' groom graduated from South Lyoa high school and works at the Mfch gan Seamless Tube Co. there Jkfter LIBRARY NEWS Madore Jack, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.. OPtvi, Lakeland Kellar. New books at the Library are The £frs' Prophet by Asch, Trailinjr Trouble aad Kickoff by Moe- Robert Jack of Pinckney and Gulf port, Mist, to Edwin Rowe, son of ld Rowe of Portland was «t a f am ii y dinner at the *oa» Saaday. No wedding <Ute IX APPRECIATION We wish to express appreciation for the many ways in whioh we were remembered during the week of our golden wedding anniversary, the shower of cards, the flowers, the gifts and the visits of friends added much to the enjoyment of the occas ion. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Henry CARD OFF THANKS The art classes of tthe school We-- svire to thank Lloyd VanBiaricum of Van's Motor Sales for making it possible for us to paint the store windows for buying the paint so th* 5 project could be a success. Mrs. Swarthoufs Art Classes. TOR SALE—Dtio-Therm large oil space heater with blower. Paul Singer Phone 0P 8 ft?5* lose their licenses. Many of those) arrested involving traffic accidents are found to have no licenses. loi attended the benefit dinner for John McDonnell at the Lester Me Afee home Saturday night Jhe ipon sorts were Mrs Hollis White, Mra. Cliff rd VanHom, Mrs. Robert Strops, Mrs Howard Green aud Mrs. Lester McAfee They wish to thank all those who aided in making it a success. t Born to Mr. and Mrs. James Young (Joyce Clark) at StJoe hospital. Ann Arbor Mondays son, George William Mrs. Cacia Chamberlain is home from New York state Mrs .Merwin Campbell compliment^ ed > . Barbara Miller at a Uses er last Tuesday night with 28 sent. Games and group singing enjoyed aad Mrs Campbell preeidti at the organ. The guest of honor ceived many nice was served Mha MIHar w«t Ctrl Crackey S A w v \ '•• ' ".-. ••''?

rLrs M^ •= ™ - ^™rv™: ^«?z%* JSS.~pinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1955-11-09.pdf · It was made up of an

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Page 1: rLrs M^ •= ™ - ^™rv™: ^«?z%* JSS.~pinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1955-11-09.pdf · It was made up of an

•'7l"~ -•

Wedneeday, November 9, 1955

MICHIGAN MIRKOR History of livingston 76 FOOTBALLF. & A M. PinckneyThe third annual Michigan Wesk

will be next May 2Q~26.It wiU startwith Spiritual Foundation Day M«iy20 and end with Frontier Days May26

With the temple buildingthe lodge began to consider acquiring

tioaatf Winjrer, ReporterThe Pinckney Pirates were victor-

ious att StockBridg e Friday ,wianiaging 25 toO and dominated the sec-ond half of tthe game. They startedThere will be the usual exchange ' the drug store building. Azel Gai- t

of mavors and chairmen will be ap~ | penter when master conducted a I 8l°w and did not score until the lastVI UlmJ) t *i_*_ I h a l f t n i n n t a nit 4ka «La*»An«t n l l ** ta*pointed for each county

Dry groups are finding much support from public officials in theirefforts to outlaw the sale of nearbeer to children- The content of thebeer is one half of one percent oialcohol contentRev. McLennan ofthe Michigagn Temperance Found-ation said a bill will be introducedin the legislature to ban its sale ' ochildren, iho liquor control commiss

and the Michigan Board of A1--

poll by mail but it was gnutwfac- I half minute of the second quarter,ballots not frf'pg return-) Starting on the Stockbridgc 47 Chrisid estate offered it to the [Campbell took the ball to *the 15,

Masons for $5,000 but at a meethig • Then Dick Higgs went around end

$l» Mary's CatboQc cuwcasWv. Ft. Albert Schmiu, Pastor

8:00 and

Kinder garte/tWe have made 2 pay:ea of safety


Ix-slie Merritt in the CountyN o ^ i ^ ^ Z i Z ^ 7 ^ Z \ TT\ %?** ^ e l t e n . h a s

na ne*. t w o | had *n «"torial on poor handwriV

7 j * cvenjn4> wheel bike, Marjone Duesenberry ing and wondered why the


about as many were against the purchase as for it. In 1931 the Read es-tate sold it to Elihue Wiggle. Windsor realtor who put it up for sale.

to the 1. yd. line 2 line plays failedand then'Campbell went over for atouchdown. Packer converted andthe score at the half was Pinckney

Friday evening afterDgyptioi* and Saturday from9g0 £• » , and Sunday be-

The Masons held another meeting 1 <>» Stockbridge 0.but affer a debate no decision was In the second half Pinckney beganreached. Russell Livermore W. M. to cl*ck- Campbell went 45 yds. toheaded a delegation to Windsor to score but the ball was called back

M r W i g g ] e I t w a f l made u p {>j and Pinckney drew 15 yards for holdS h f R R d F d R d ingDon Packer passd io Hi h

ion and tne micmgan Du«»« * ! *«e Mr. Wiggle. It was made up of an<* «ncJtney drew 15 yards for fcoldcoholism say they will support it. fieg S c h a f e r > R o s g Reftd> F r e d R e & d ing.Don Packer passed io Higgs who ithe beer is distributed by wholesal- W a l t e r G j r a r d a n d j H Hooker. w*nt 30 yds. to score backer's con.-I

7 : 3 ? . . gfoxe the 8:00 M

NemeaHe WwrchCaW*xy Mennonite Church

Ezra Bettchj, Pastor

Elementary School ) CURRENT COMMENT

S. S. gupt,Morning WorshipSunday Scbr oiYoung Peoples Meeting ..Cottage Fellowship Service


Walter Each10:0011:007:30


era and supermarkets jyira and superm jyir- Wiggle set aMichigan physicians, dentists and ^ t a k e C a n a d i a n

- Wiggle set a price and offered version kick'was'wide. In the lastt a k e C a n a d i a n m o e y n i c h quarter Wayne" Stone" went 3o'ydsw n i c h quarter Wayne" Stone" went 3o'yds.

veterinarics will meet in Detroit on , flt t h e r a t e o f e x c h a n g e brought the o n a n e n d «»n t° score. The- Nov. 1« to discuss training auxiliary * " ---" ••

medical aid in times of national dis-

aster.The state new Fair Employment

con/erprice to about $350C. They bought s i o n ki<* was blocReu \it although the Masonic Building Then the'second team went in a dAss'n only had $1000. The balance «a*ned 81 yards to score, Bobbywas borrowed of Mrs. Barbara K e i ly scoring from the 18 yd. line.

Commission calls on the public to Tessmer, a u n t o f Walter Girard D i c k Kennedy's conversion kick wasco-operate with them and end dis- p e m e m ^ r t n j s w a s i n depression blocked. In this gam« a preview wascrimination in employment. It saysno person whatever should be fetfs-< J employment on account of race,color, creed, religion or ancestory.

It further asks employers to hicome familiar with the law and /toadopt policies consist*

Skidding around the use of-'pen-allie3 it said it will endeavor to

avoid the use of enforcement powersin the law in hopes the people willwill copoperate.

MORE STATE POLICE NEEDED \The legislature has authorized the j

addition of 200 more men to theMichigan State Police and a drive ison to obtain them. Application fistswill be closed Nov. 30, 1955... OnNovember 10 at 10:00 a. m a statepolice officer will.be at the town ha'lin Pinckney to recruit men. They willbe Troopers Ronald Colton and Bernard Schrader of Brighton.

The p%y is $ 116 during- the tram-ing period every 2 weeks and $192in the trooper rank . The maximumis reached in 4 years. The troopersare a too furnished uniform, $75 amonths subsistance and travelling

ways. Values were low and money * i v e n o f n e x t ?**** prospects as 5scarce When 1937 rolled around they sophmores were used in the sta.tiigstill owed $1000 on the drug store, lineup. Speculation has it that Tomstore having been vacant a year. Wylie will be next years' quarter-Ford Lamb, then master, made a **& as he saw some action in thisvow to pay it off. A two day show Position. The second team appearsand dance raised $600 and the next to h a v e m a n y £<><** prospects foryear the balance of $400 was paid (

n e x t year. The next game is Fridayoff. A dinner was given to celebrate j a t Haslett which is near Lake Lan-the event at which part of this his-' &**g- I* w i n , start a 7:30 p. m. Thetory was read. Mrs. Mae Dallar O.E. 7 seniors will play their last game.S. worthy matron lighted the match Campbell, Higgs, Packer, Stone,which burned the mortgage. A year ; Heath, Dyer and Henry,before the lodge borrowed $400 ofRoy Dillingham to pay off M*«.

Tessmer. Since then the lodge hashad 2 more fires. One in 1946 did


L.E. Rjsner

slight damage. Another in 1949 didover $6000 in damage and the dining

room had to he rebuilt.

A RoyalArch Chapter was estab-lished here in 1872. Dr. Haze washigh priest, Wm. Ball,, king;Wm.Martin, scribe. Other .members.

I m U 8L/T,L.G



Rev. J. W. Wingtr, fasterSunday School 9:30 a. m.Morning Worship 10:45 a. nuThurs. nighi prayer meeting

at the church at 8:00Wed. choir practice 7:80 p. m.

The People's OhurchM-36 Weet between Main and

Unadflla StreettRe?. Keith Suegsegger, Pastor

Sunday School 9:45 a. ra.Morning Worship 10:50 A.M.Youth Group 7:00 p. m.Evening Service 3:00 p. m.Thurs. Prayer Meednc . . 8:00 p. m.

r. CKoir Practice Wed. 4:00 p. ra.Sr. f>oir Practice Wed. 7 i 0 p . m

has a new bride doll. Dean Gardneris going Lo hav»' a pon> Jer ry lieufhwent hunting with his dad..We havelearned 3 Thanksgiving songs,DoLg.Kaiser' dad is going- deer hunting.Deane Anderson hu<- new flotiie.s,and shoes. Bub Twitchell g^t awhistle from a box of cereal. ( har-lene Kinsey'.s gold lish died. Wemade a pumpkin from a paper strippainted it orange:

Second Graft*Nancy Seaman visited in Yji. . u:ti

and Dennis Reynolds ha.-> a . i,ptruck. Linda Shirey lias new 's.Linda Wylie a Shetland p< ny, „ :udaVanDlaricum went for a ride v.iihher grandfather, Alan Bur. "s i mth-er put snow pants on his doM uud j pOrtatio7. EmpTovhe followed his big brother hu Cng,Linda Curts brother is home lo rnthe hospital. Ruth Beachy ha : * ompany Sunday. Christine Diakelto Lansing. Sharon Blades hasclothes.

\ e i tnew

Third GradeFlorence Utley has new

do oi bear down harder on the 3 &Reading, Riting and Rithmetic.Whenwe .sent to school penmanship woetaiiy ht. Maybe it is yet but we dozrthea:- much about it. Each pupil hada copy book and he was supposed tocopy the line at the top of the pageTLex-v were several styles ofhandwrLi.-ig-, Spencerian, Verticp^and a slanting style. Typewriterschanged all this and now all theyhave to do is sign their name. How-ever the c have become so inelgiblethat it now customary to type thesignature and have the written onebelow it There is an old story, thata fanner got a letter from a rail-road back in the days when .he rail-road was the chief means o trans-

rail—rail-road got free parses, t a t , - . s

eage books for i '•» mtires andlegislators free passes. The farmerfigured the railroad hud s nt him apass although the <'i.l not kn •«• why.So the next time he had oc> asion touse the railroad he handed the letter

-hoes ' ^° ^ e ^'-"'ductor when he cpine toce Utley has new s h o e s ,Mary Wylie has a Shetland |,ony, | collect_ iures. That gentleman squintCcnU*y, Francis Reason went to the e d a t . l t ' t u r n c d * o w r ' u ^ e d o w n

Masonic Centennial

pancake brunch Sunday and ate 13..Joan Eichman visited her

and the!) handed it back to the farmer who for 3 months rode fre.- on' t b t

Joan, Sunday. Cherie Schmidt visited r.aih ' (>ad- T h e n h e t'ot another letterv,^.. ~,.,,*A *i :_ TT ii ,. i from the railroad, this time tvnmAher grandmother in Howell kundu.',Larry Baughn visited relatives

the railroad, this time typedwhich read .-Some time ai?o WP wrote


ntenn „ „the Masonic ' Milford Sunday. Rose Marie Ve Icier y ° u a

fs k l n p y o ,u t o . r e m o v e

Donald grand chaplain was speak -Japanese wife. Ro, er Bonne: hn, ;i

er His text was the 133rd Psalm, new cocker spaniel, Fritzi, Co mieAfterward the lodge officers atvl Kaiser had company from L-

entertained at lunch A n n Marie Young went to


Athur Godfrey made the Itorttlast week by his usual method'


backerHuhmanHeath, <

R.G. hzeS riGvee o f M AirAir n vis

R.T.B. E.






were Wm. Sprout, Reuben Finch, Substitutions-Heath, Higgs, SimWarren Hoff, M. H. Twitchell, O. onson, Dyer, Kelly.W. Teeple Thompson Grimes, Jra} Pinckney brought home the

banquet is aCamp at 7 p. m. The program is:

El CSunday P u c k c t s t d

Organ Musicpg ^Eloyse Campbell , uncle fiom Indiana are visitinp h,r.

Chaplain,-• Weleoire and introduction of Toaat-

F. L Camburn

J Pinckney brought home the t~Reeves, Gershom Swarthout. It phy which Stockbridge. has won the j S i n / i n f ?

-. Toastrnastev, Howard Taylor, R.W.P.. G. M.

Craftsmens Quartette


Fourth GradeDonna" HoIHs^eYI a.1 "(•b'mp'iiriy Sun

liorowski's birthdayBaxter has a

hisworked for the Woodwards.. Mrs.

shot her husband. Thepolice the Woodwards quarhad only worked for God

frey a week. This bring3 the numberof persons whom Godfrey has fired ^ /od to 21, mTUrtty-entertafnert »n fife "lWi'program. It is a habit with Godfreyand never fails to get him front

n p w Donna Ilollister's ki ten l)ixp:e n°tJce.

gave up its charter in 1885.

expense. They can retire on a pen-sion in 25 years.They must be be-between 21 find 29 years of age, 5. f« ,9 in in heighth nnd have the equival I legation to the first grand dun-ent of a hiph school education. I h e l d »« Adrian that year. It was

Pinckney ^ furnished a number Mr. and Mrs. West Hinchey, Dr. &

past $ years Stockluidge also crownIntroduction of Grand Lodge

In 1868 an O.E.S. chapter was or- ed a queen and their band playeJganized here with Mrs. Delia Hinch-sy as worthy matron. They sent a

Offi- f n l ! o w f > d her to school. Rollene Si igre's mother went to Ann Arbor


Mrs. Dale Messner of

groupLucy Mann A. C; Grace Young, *'UUF " """"„• w l W l i i i of W n Ts ~ . T..I fl^i.. T—.^.pioyd J'ack- a c a r d n v C n b y R l C . h a r d W.1. lde ' 1 6 ' Of last week

i - i -

of men for ihe "siote" police: Larry ; Mrs. Haze.They gave up their cnarter » ' " ^ ^ " ' " j ^ t t v ""rlalWe"

r8r^yJrLrsGM^nkel> •=" ™ - ^™rv"™: z t ^«?z%* JSS.~

HANDY HAMMER —H CLUBThe Handy Hammer 4-H Club mot.

at the'town hall Thursday nite with30 present. Their officers are Pres.,Tommie Singer; Vice Pres., JudyRoot; Sec, Mary Morris, Treas, Karen Tessmer. Leader,M«rshall Meabo-.i.Meet every Thursday at 6:45 p .m.

HANDY A N D Y T S CLUBThe Handy Andy 4-H Club met on

Nov. 3 Their leader is Joe Basydlo.Their officers are Pres., Donald Sing-er, Vice Pres,, John Pietras, Sec,

! TV *< ™,<ofc«w4 vUitnr* ^ " '"""< c* vveni, v0 A n n Aroor i A f e w y e n r s a t r ° a " a P e d reclusef ccrs Distinguished visitors. , | R t A U ^

History of the Lod re ^\Cf^ | Fifth Grade G a r b a w h o h e h a d n - t s e e n e x c e p t i n

Remarks Henry Russi. M. W. G. M. ^ e w e l c o m e S h a r o n J u s t j c e o f R e d t h e ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ £ ^ford township to our class. We ha e Now an oil well has been struck on

it which is flovIt is in the oil >^,

in spelling were Ronnie Haines^Toann Donne, the recluse, was offered $50,Bloxom, Becky Morris, Mary Lee I 000 for it which he refused, in the


Julius Savler and wife an<l Wm.

on Mis.t


Aschebrenner.Nanoy Read. Last weekwas chewing gum week. We enjoy-

SPea1"9 j ed, Ruth Guida anda r e

oil boom days.

Wallv Pietrns; Reporter,Basydlo, There are 7 in it.


FOOTBALL SCORESLeslie 26, Dexter 12; Rowe41 39,

Durand 0; Saline 39, Milan 0; Dundee 7; Lincoln 7; Chelsea 20, FlatRock, 7; Boysville 21, Addison^S;Ann Arbor 32, Jackson 6; Fowlerville26, Okemus 13; Holt 15, Haslett 0;Linden 39, Goodrich 0;Sand Lake 26,Kent City 6; Waterford 32, Milford66; Ypsilanti 37, Berkley. 9; St

Addie Turner, warder; Julia Sigler, v e r ^ ^ a n d ^ ^ ^ _seatinel. The points were Adah, w&& mi]e& n Q r t h o f M u n i t t h >

Nettie Vayhn; Ruth, Flora Gnmes; T h e c a r ^ s a i d t o be doing 60Martha, Martha Whitcomb; Llecta , b o u r T h e t r a c t o r h a d n oLaura Sigrler; Esther Emma Crane r e a r ^ h t ^ ^ u s b g a flash

An assembly of Rainbow Girls }. h t T h e . , u r e d w e f e teken ^was organized here 4 years ago. F o Q t e h ital> J a c k g o n <Mary Jean Hewlett was the fust ^ Q f i r e d t w a S „ „ .

Stockbridge. 6 other children were Gerald Henry of Detroit,hurt.including both the driver of the ' ^hitehead and wife and Beatrice

church last week

j partitions.j Vandals broke windows

worthy advisor. Mother advisors havebeen Mrs.Helen Miller,Leota Reason " jr"J

and Mrs. Emma Boyd.and did

The Pinckney King's Daughters H a l i o w e e n

were entertained Thursday by Mra.; B r l h t o n h a 8 dedicatcd a GroundWm Brash sr. with 23 present, Qtaerrer Post .. Mrs. Lulu Darrow led the devot I C o a c h N i c k M h o fions and read the 17th chapter of w g c h o o l hft8 r e g i ^ H eSt. Luke Members were asked to maM^ t 0 p y k c e I l t o f p , ^ .bnng gifts and jelly at the next; ^ ^ w M k ^ i n d u c t e d Jnmeeting for sanitarium patients aadcandy and mints for convalescent

Lamborn og Gre-ory and FlorenceTupper of Flint called on theJesse Henrys Sunday.

The Clarence Pratts and theFrank Bowers of Ann Arbor spentSunday with the John Boyers.

Lloyd Hendee and Bob Kourt rtended the Michigan Milk Producers

Prof. Carl Walter of Harvard Un-both ill, We read the news on the ' iversity recently completed a surveybulletin board, We had a meeting, of the nations hospitals and in Ato discuss plans for an assembly/ speech before f the American Collegeprogram. Art Segura had a birthday "f Surgeons said he found many ofand spanking he was lO.Mary Lee them in a deplorable condition es—Aschenbrenner brought Junior Natur! pecially in the cities and are infest-al History Magazines for sccience. \ ed with ants and cockroaches. Little

attempt is made to keep them clean.He said Detroit has several such.For

SixtbWe have started a new unit about

Egypt, Mrs. James came to our r;om ! years there has been a hospital. T , , a n d to ld us about Africa and show-! .shortage and although new hospitals

at Lansing.A«««№>• ! ed souvenirs «he brought from there | have been built most of the old onesInn at Chubbs Corners has , , t w a g i n t e r e s d f ] ? W e h a v e g t a f t e , , a r e s t m | n ^ ^ d m a n y Q f ^ ^

been sold to a Mr. Boos of Dearbornwho has taken possession. Jug isworking at Willow Run.

Mark Abney returned from ahaulaway trip to Virginia last week.

John Bover and wife with Mrs.of Dexter called on the


g e j and many of thesedafries. Butch Nosker and Bobby date back to civil war days. We haveBeck are in charge of records.

4-H SEWING CLUBThe Weaving Needles met Tues-

been in some of them and know theyare ;-,ot in the best of condition

j . / •

We think the legislature missed

Stanley Tomczyksucceeds him at Dexter.



homes Refreshments were served H e r b g n e e d o f H o w f t l l h a g

w i t h M r s " H e r b

Thoma7~22, South' LyoVe- Roosevelt ' D e *- meeting is with Viola Read.22, University 14.

assisting.The; «&-£££.to Hale, Texas.by

of his father.illness

; ciav niprht with Mrs. Easydlo with the boat lasl week in their effors to'11 present. The following officer:- ' decroa.se highway fatalities by de-

were elected. Pres.,Mary Mcnlce: Roc voting; so much time to establishingKaren Eichman; Tre'as. Raphael , a s t- l t e ^ced limit and not enoughNash, Reporter, llarbara Singer. Mrr,. fo kt-eping drivers licenses out ofBasydlo and Mra. ./im Singer are t' r thf l h:i"** o f incompetent and reckhome.

George VanNorman^and wife,Al- , ^ ^^ ^ T ]CSS ^ . ^ S h e r i f f , i c e ^ j u d

bert Dinkel and wife, Mrs Mae Dall, w j t h M r g > M | f f k N ^ - ,,PS h a v o t h e p o w e r ^ fcftke


Dinkel and wife, Mrs Mae Dall , w j t h M r s M a r k N a s h .and Blanch Martin attended the j

Brighton O E. Installation last,Saturday night and were entertained

awaydrivers licenses but as a rule the


^Sr^^LJI?^S, N""1""1 ***•.°a ' t a t l 0 ». -°!?*r-' tt the Rev. McLucas home follow-Miss Eva Kellenberger, daughter C h u r c h Saturday at 4 p. m. m a cer-

of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kellenberger e m o n y attended only by members ofwas married Friday evening at the * « families, Miss Barbara Miller

ator at Howell has purchased ttheKohsmaa who will return to Chelsea.

lag i t

RO8S HINCHEYFrank Gould has been elected, j ^ g Hinchey, son of Chester and

T h e P i n c k n e y Area 4-H Clubs will j h a r c i t o P f l t ^ e mones deprived of them don't find it

hold ftC pot luck supppr at the eie.m-entary school at 7 p. m. Saturday.There will be an election of officersand talent show.All members, parents

keep right on. Then many

« W h l t € *****

Cong-1. Churrh to Stanley Lobdell ?*u*h*e r°^ M r s- Helen Miller^ »ad c l l a l r m a n o f t h e Livinjr»ten Conaty A B I U R , , , , Hiichey was born in PutReT- d1 W ^ n T °-fCilting- °n I y ' » ™ - ' » - " . ^ l t O - ^ l « 2 2 ? ! C » « " . .«?*^- - I »Ttown.hip July 6, 1876 and Hiedmembers of the family were pres-ent! The couple were attendede by

Mildred Kellenbersrer, sister of the;bride and J arry Lobdell, brother of;the groom. The' reception was at theelementary school. 1

M a r j r a r ( . t Holfingsworth, Sec.

. brfdee's djew was light blueJ e r 8*y ^ ^ «n»«»tone trim

"** ^ •ccessories. She carried

INTRAMURAL BASE BALLThe two sections of the 7th andSne


nlmtownship Juy ,£ i The Livingston County sheriffs ^ h T p o n t i c c state hospital, Nov. 3

w « Winger, d e p t j a i I e d 2 3 o v e T t h e Halloweeen 1 9 5 6 H e m a r r i ed Kate Webb, dausrhweek end. ! o f t h e l a t e R. G . Webb. She died '>0

M r 8 > E m m c t t H a r r i 8 o f Howell j "^ g returned home from S t Joe hoep l t a l t ^ A r b o r .

Claude L, Taylor, former Green y

O a k npeTviaor, member of the V e ^ e f u n e r a l w a a a t t h e SwarthoutR

. . . . .w a» bridesmaid.

deCeased was farmerSurviving are 2 sons,

Harold and a daughter,br€ther, Guy.

O a k npeTviaor, member f ^ e f u n e r a l w a a a t t h e Swarthouta j 0 " " « wo°l 8uit» • » - , county road commission and county P u i i e p a l H o m e Sunday 2:30 p.m.fRev*"* *Zt*»im "«» w h i t e i d i d t H l l l t k ^ l

The two sections of the 7th and j , county road commission and c o u t y P u i i e p a l H o m e Sunday 2:30 p.m.fRev8th grades have finished their base &°ra tri™ *"* *Zt*»im "«» w h i t e engineer, died at Howell last week, ^hertson of the Howell Epis opilb l l ri M L d i d H C "f68 A n o Id Cluckey was his bro F c belonging to G. J. chSJchofflctahit. Burial in the

hfiM t h i Whitball series. Mr. Ledwidges Hept Carburators defeated Mrs. Morriss' I

F o wCluckey was his b r o -

thers best ma*. .... , M i l l c h o f NorthfieM townahlp Whit w ^ " » CemetervBobby Sox Sockers 18 to 19 for the ; A ***№& wa* held at the brdet | morB i^i w e r e poisoned laat week. r m e i J B C j r ^ ^ _ 7"•th grade. Then they defeated Mrs. : h o ™ a f t e r t h e ceremony for 32 j Aa empty ParU green and arsenic ANNOUNCEMENT

~ . e

L ** * ****aat* o f | box were found in the bam but the T h e 9XigMgemtaxt of Miashigh achoot and is employ j owner tayi they were not hi*,

of Michigan.The

Anderson's 7th grade 33 to 9. In final game with Mrs. Sharpens 8thgrade girl Mr. Ledwidres team won16 to 12 making them Junior Highschool champions.

These frirls showed promise as athktiea. Margaret Higgs aad Jean

' groom graduated from South Lyoahigh school and works at the Mfch-gan Seamless Tube Co. there Jkfter


MadoreJack, daughter of Mr. and Mrs..

OPtvi, Lakeland Kellar.

New books at the Library are The £frs'Prophet by Asch, Trailinjr Trouble

aad Kickoff by Moe-

Robert Jack of Pinckney and Gulfport, Mist, to Edwin Rowe, son of

l dRowe of Portland was«t a fa m i iy dinner at the

*oa» Saaday. No wedding <Ute

IX APPRECIATIONWe wish to express appreciation

for the many ways in whioh we wereremembered during the week of ourgolden wedding anniversary, theshower of cards, the flowers, thegifts and the visits of friends addedmuch to the enjoyment of the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Henry

CARD OFF THANKSThe art classes of tthe school We--

svire to thank Lloyd VanBiaricum ofVan's Motor Sales for making itpossible for us to paint the storewindows for buying the paint so th*5

project could be a success.Mrs. Swarthoufs Art Classes.

TOR SALE—Dtio-Therm large oilspace heater with blower.Paul Singer Phone 0P 8 ft?5*

lose their licenses. Many of those)arrested involving traffic accidentsare found to have no licenses.

loi attended the benefit dinnerfor John McDonnell at the Lester MeAfee home Saturday night Jhe iponsorts were Mrs Hollis White, Mra.Cliff rd VanHom, Mrs. RobertStrops, Mrs Howard Green audMrs. Lester McAfee They wish tothank all those who aided in makingit a success. t

Born to Mr. and Mrs. James Young(Joyce Clark) at StJoe hospital. AnnArbor Mondays son, George William

Mrs. Cacia Chamberlain is homefrom New York state

Mrs .Merwin Campbell compliment^ed >. Barbara Miller at a Useser last Tuesday night with 28sent. Games and group singingenjoyed aad Mrs Campbell preeidtiat the organ. The guest of honorceived many nicewas served Mha MIHar w«t

Ctrl Crackey S Awv

\ '•• ' • •

".-.• • • • ' '?

Page 2: rLrs M^ •= ™ - ^™rv™: ^«?z%* JSS.~pinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1955-11-09.pdf · It was made up of an

; * ! » •

: ! * >

• • j n r ' - ' " ' . A -

i '.'

DKPATCB Wednesday, November 9, 1986

G L AUTOMATIC and DRYERS S U-J& AC i n goas of North Lake and been sent to

Pindkney high 'school played ^ a state~hoM>ital-ct Ionia.6 to 6 tie (same with Hartland there j t h c s t a t e aoapwai. •« wu« .Friday. M*Devitt scored in the first 1 A marriage license ha» been iss—quarter for Hartland and Murray 'u e t l t 0 Mark Swarhout 57 and MaudeKennedy in th« second suarter for ? Harris, 44, both of Pinckney.



Stacy Hall and Nina- Brown ofPinckney were married by Rev. May•croft at Lakeview Nov. 6

Fred Slayton and Gene Dinkel at-tended the Chevrolet banquet at Detroit Friday night.



rue*.;, Wed-, Th»rM Nov. 3, 9, 10Jose Ferrer and June Ally sec



1Wed., Thor., FrL, Sat, Nor. 9,10,11,14Gary Gr»*t l n d Grace Kelly


isMarried at Howell Saturday by ' Lynn Hendee and Walter Clark

Rev. Noble, Stephen VanHorn of 'have purchased a lot of Bert HarrisHamburg to Addie Kice of Howell. jOn I'utnara St. and will build a house

Will J.Black has been elected city ^ w a r d S m i t h i 92, uncle of Char- •

Eichard Coati and Mala Powersis


justice at St. Johns.

The Livingson county board ofsupervisors defeated u resolutionlast weekand nurse by

les Smith died at Fowlerville lastweek.

While playing in the barn at the

Dennis O'Keefe and Abbe Losein



Viraiher and Drytr, W A - 5 5 0 * 0A<2'/»"*<* 4* *>•

..... Eisele of Pinckney was !married to Leora Devine of Handy «


their !'» . r J ^ - ^ L ' S r W" retULn Tu-., Wed^hu^ Nov/.S, 1 M 7Jack Webb and Janet Leigh

Herman Eisele of Pinckney wa» 1 7 ^ ^ ^ t a p p e r * * O.»W •< M ^ a .married to Leora Devine of Handy ' . ., v . ..11 ufliir»wnpn Next l n

at St.AgneS church, Fowlervilie last < 1 ^ ^ ' ; * " J ^ ^ £ « • « « * " ON THE BEACH"t h e

ed by mail 2 days later.

Iron the labor-saving, modern




Let us shew you how Ironritecan end hand-ironing drudg>

C r, tave you hours each week,IB iafegaard your health

ana appearance.Try an ironrite AutomaticIroner in your borne for 10days—without charge. Dis-cover how Ironrite*s two com'pletely usable open ends letyon iron anything in the washbaiket . . . quickly, simply,beautifully.

week.A shower was given at

home Sunday by Mary Ellen and . «-Alice O'Brien for Elizabeth Kelly, ! iMntedaughter of Mr.and Mrs.M.T.Kelly J wM i a i n Laverock of Uaddnila hasof Dexter who will be married to a d d e d a flour dept. to his feed mill.Stanley Meisenburg of Milwaukee., j A b o u t 30 friends of Miss Edna

The Pinckney Independens lost tto • W e b b g a v e h e r a p a r t y Friday onthe Ann Arbor Indepedents team ' h e r 1 6 t h birthday,here Sunday 20 to 6. Ann Arbor hadBill Pegan, Doug- Knoit, Bill Brownand Percy Fryee, Ann Arbor higrhschool stars in the lineup (Pej?<inand Knott later played with TJniver- ,Wright(Mable Meach)of New York

.City last week a son.* James Smith and Fred Leland have

.. J. Henry, R. Reason, tackles; M. c:u r n ed from northern

"PETE KELLY'S BLUES"In CineraaScope and Color

Harold Porter and wife calledn the Martin Phillips family in

The Congi. ladies hold their tea' 'P^iIanti Saturday.v,t the Maccabee hall Wesdnasday ' M f- VarneI lf Bowen and daug-..ftemoon. . f l Z 1 0 8 8 1 * ' "f H o w d l c a l l ed on the

Bom to Mr. . and Mrs. Bruce ^ndfewJ? ^sbetts ft'lday, Mrs. Zoe

Vlsts. VisionTech. FeaturettewWJtlte Tailed B*tk"Novelty Late News Color Carooa

Sunday, Monday, November 13, 14Randolph Scott, riding for revenge



in Warner ColorNovelty News CartoonPlus Featurette

Tues., Wed, Thur., Nov. 15, 16,17Daring Film


WithOlivi. De Havin*nd,Robert MitehoLFrank Sinatra,Glori« Grahame3roderick Crawford, Charlea BickferdColor Cartoon and News


sitv of Detroit.)The Pinckney lineupwas G. Reason r.nd C.

Saturday.Harlow Shehan of Jacksonon the William Shehans

THE BETTER WAYTo Finance a New Automobile Is

S An effort is being made to reor- R . T H E B ; ^ WAY'ffn>,v.o ty,p.Vflnr,ff M^n's Tlnh bv I ruy.ms a C a r **& a loan from this

tfives you these clear-cut ad

Only Ironrite hat 2 eomplettifusable open end$



_ MichiganL. Hinrhey and Norm Millerjrmvd-;. ' here "they hunted and trapped forWayne Carr. center, Don Swarlhout 0 weeks. It got too cold to sleep inWeddi^e, Mike Blades, Andy Camp- *,, tenttbdl, backs.

Lee Lavey has a plr.nlie of the •?aTl i : .e t h e -Young Men's Club by J " ^Goodyear Zepplein hanffm* in his R e v . M y l n e o f Laingsburg. He still : D ^ K

window BS the result of winning the j w s a i*oom here. !Goodyecr tire sales conttest. I Thc , Cong>i church holds a social I' LoweJ" dealer price because we ad-

C. C. Lewis of Hamburg had his 5 a t 1 ^ h o n i e of Rev. Gates Tuesday. , ?Ce a U , C M h a b o v e dewn paymenU

pocket picked by a band of gypsies The program is-Singing, America; * ; r > w e r m t e ^ s t rate than you mightwho came through here Monday.Al- ' Reading,'Rev. GatesjSolo, Lola Mor ° t h ; n v i s e Pay.so another Pinckr.ey man. j c n ; P i a : i 0 S o l o < M r s . G a u l ; R ecita» "' Zn

P&?ed-Out r e P » ^ e a U for yourPinckney high school lost tfcheir tion. Jokn Doe; Male Quartette;

first debate at Fowlerville Friday Solo, K-.-.tY-r Barton; Duet, Gracenight. Michigan Center comes here an (] Harold Grieve; Piano Solo, MaeNovember 21. 'Teeple; Solo, Master Johnson; Re-

The Gordon Creamery has cut citation. 1hir milk market here and notified The Plainfield school made $9.60 '^ j c k drivers. Wm. Brown, Roy o n their nightcap social. BeatricePlaceway and Harry Beatham,their Lambom is teacher. xloa ds will^nojonffor be revived hero. \ F r e ( , F i s h is clerking for the Hoi- luce Corporatioo:

has set up a den Clothing Company here Joe Bresley, , AH rVnnj;«» {nji,:r^ rTp at Portage the mgr. has retumded to his home' for ~

in Belding.

, S*turdav\November n"THE KENTUCKTAlf

withBurt Lancaster, Diana Lynn,

and Una MerkelCartoon and

Monday, November 13, 14**ONE DESIRE"

your car the better way>th a cash loan here.

First National Banku •

office at his home

Your choice of 29 all-new Plymouth models, including an allnew line of Suburban static w.>t--is in 3 low

icoorA Drama Starring

Ana Baxter.Rock Hadson,JuIe AdamsSunday Shows 8, 5,7, 9Cartoon and Sport

Tues., Wed., Thnr.. x o v . 15, 16 17"FRANCIS IN THE NAVY"

A Comedy' StarringDonald ^O'Connor, Martha Myerr

Shows 7:15 and 9:00Tartoon

Mrs. Floi-crrce AtLee entertain- •her card club Tuesday.

The Laidies Aid of' the West Mar-ion church entertained the children ofthe Green school at dinner Thurs-day.



PFIRCF'Su r n *%• *+ ,Hr* f*n ' W»crh?^

W- G>"« G M Stamns'wM An- rVdnse


THE IIMWith all-new Push-Button Driving, Aerodynamic Styling,and 90-90 Turbo-Torque Power, Plymouth has again cap-tured the spirit of our day in gleaming metal. Outside, it'sbold new Aerodynamic Styling... longer... bigger... onelong sweep of beauty up to the distinctive new rear fins.Inside, it's roomier... with sparkling new "miracle" fab-rics! On the road, it's breath-taking . . . as Plymouth's new90-90 Turbo-Torque gives you Top Thrust at Take-Off!

PUSH-BUTTON DRIVINGWith a finger-tip touch on a buttonyr ••"•. .1 your drivins range. As easyas Hie kin?; a light switch! Then Plym-outh's fully automatic PowerPiite—the world's smoothest, most advancedtransmission—takes over.

All-new Aerodynamic

Prive it at your Plymouth dealer's today 1 POO

Vans Motor Sales

Any time is a good time to start saving for yourworthwhile goals in life. But — there's no timelike now.' Open your account NOW in ourfriendly bank. You'll appreciate our services andstaff, which is trained to help you with yourproblems. Open your account today and start onthe right way co reach your goal in life.

4.0 deposit* dp to $10,0M t>y our memMnbip in tW

Deposit fcunraoo* Corporation

THE McPHERSON STATE BANKOver Eighty-Niw Y M K of 8tfo

THE ROUSH PLUMBINGWafer Systems Plumbing Rep?310 Webster Phont UP866Q7 Pmcknev

145 EAST MAIN ST, PINCKNEY, MICH. A*her WyJie and wife «alkd an JUbett

PHONE UP 8 3341 21 G^or^s^yU^ ******* &****"**- • ? • . . ,

. —^ .< _ . 1 * .


• ^

Page 3: rLrs M^ •= ™ - ^™rv™: ^«?z%* JSS.~pinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1955-11-09.pdf · It was made up of an

^ <;> /•-• T^w^^ r ',TJ'.:V-~.. fipi, if?..vrf^vji^lf-1'.•y-"S8^

-A 1 -^-

IM0PA7G8 Wtdnttdty, November 9, 1*55








Uittfl an. E'£CTRIC


YowTl uever have to worry about cloudy skieewhen you dry your clothes electrically. Just putyour wet wash in the electric dryer. Minute*later, you'll have dry laundry—brighter thanminshiiie and kitten soft.

Why not Ho something about (fee weather? Dry, your clothes the modern way—electrically!

DEALER or Oefroit Edison


Be vrf«e! l ive Electrically!



j ^ M K ^ ^ ^ £ ^ « ^ j f \ PROMPT DEL1VBRY

PgSU«&iNml».«nl W E WIIdL| B B m rag p u j ^ Q^ BUSINESS AFTBB MPT. 11.

, D. & HOEY & SON*

L C K H A N N E T T _gacfcatt and wift oi PttroH

tht lJtwitSNr Canbonii


Tht Ksbfeotr QMt made -$7$ Ona OnapbtfT ttd ^tfc W N »-1.

Matter s* PoaltttktAct of JUreftj t . MTT

lli"ao. Howell 11 TtaekMy. KfcfcRufascripttoa Prtoo 01J* a T«ur

Mary Jane Baran and Jack Teet-eers of Detroit were Sunday guestsof the George Roushes.

Francis Shehan attended a district farm bureau meeting at Howell last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Clifford VanHomleft last Thursday for Los Angel-es. Calif, to visit the Glenn Van-Horns.

The Fred Reads attended thebenefit dinner fyr the John McDuiaels at the Lester McAfee home.,

Miss Viola Pettys of Howell andthe C. W. Hooker family of AnnArbor called on J. H. Hooker andwife Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Francis Sliehan en*tertained at dinner Sunday in ho.*or of Mrs. Louise Shehans' birth-

• * ! day. Mrs. Edna Spears, Jack Shel-! don. The Gene Shehan family ofI Ann Arbor and Mrs. Marie Bauerj and daughter of Brighton.i Glen Alt of Ann Arbor urder-I went an operation at University! hospHal, Ann Arbor lost v eu*,

Rec. J, M. Me Lucas was installed as worthy patron of the Brigh-ton 0. E. S. Saturday night

Garth Meyer of Bal Axe whobroke his ankle is now able to dodesk work at, the stute poiic post

The Kenneth Zills of Ann Arborwere Sunday guejts ut the MarkNash home.

Winston Bau.-h.• and wife at-tended the Tool and Die Makersdi nor at Hotel Statler, Detroit,Saunlay night.

Jcx Hendec and wife visited theGuie Hendees in Owosso Sunday.

Clare, Ronnie and Harold Swarthout all got deer at Lovells lastweek.

Mesdames Edna Sjpears, JanettShehan and Marie Bauer v. ere atthe Northland last week.

Mesdames Virginia Scott andMary Baughn were in Lansing onThursday.

The James Whitley family ar.dMrs. Claudia Peters were Sundayguests of the William Whitley family in Ann Arbor.

Com. Don Rogers jr.of PoraggrLake has been put in command oJ.of the LST boat Walworth Count}ou of Norfolk, Va., and left foithe Anarctic Saturday. ,

Edward Parker and wife left foiFlorida Tuesday.

Walter Reason has eclosed hishome at Hi-land Lake and will vYsit relatives in Detroit and Cleve-land before going to Louisana tovisit his son, Robert.

Mesdames Sadie Read and MaryRead were in Ann Arbor Saturday

Fred Read and wife and • J>eSchosser and wife were in GrandHaven Sunday.

Clarence Gretz and daughter ofDetroit were Sunday guests of tthClare Millers.

The Robert Tasch family culledon Mrs. Ann a Tasch in Ann ArboiArbor Sunday.

The Merwin Campbell familyand Arnold Berquist were in GrandRapids Sunday at the Floyd May-crofts observing their 22nd annivurscrry. The Maycrofts stood up with

. when they were married,j The Andrew Campbell familyI were Sunday guests of Llo.\d and

Clifford Bnnett a Hillsdale. |Albert Shirley and wife spent,

Sunday with the Doyle Temple-!tons of Keego Ha. bor. J

The Bo Jacks leave for Gulfport,,'Gulfport, Miss, today,

Wm. Brink and wife of Grantspent the week end with the AlbertShirley's.

The Bo Jacks leave for Gulfportoday. The Ronnie Hoskins familyand Madge Jack of Detroit spentSunday with them. ,

Mrs. Bess Fishbeck of Lasing isvisiting: her sister, Mrs. GladysClinton. * * t)

Mrs. Thomas Bonner attended tthcconference of Presidents of Repub

Women's Clnh« h«*lH at HotelPorter, Lansing Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ackley enter-tained Saturday, at dinner, the DoJacks, Miss Madge Jack, the JackRoberts of Sidney and Mylo Kettlersof Jackson, and Edwin Rowe atPortland.

The C. J Clintons and WLees attended the 500 cclub at theJohn Hagman home in Howell San-day.

Wesley Palmer and wife of Detro-it were Sunday guestts of the HerbPalmers.

Stanley Dinkel is working in theI offlct at flit Chrysler provingT grounds near Chelsea.I Ray Burns anJ wife and the Jack

Young family were Sunday guectcof te D. ConkJin family i Grand Railids.

Miss Dtt Stamm of Denver, Colorado has been hired as ttoeher a*Pinekney high school to repioet Mr.Evans.

. Hail stones the size of golf ballswtrt picked up south of Holland last

After tht rtofm 124pkktd up.


Complete Line Plumbing F xtares ?

and Supplies '

Electric, 0!! w* Gss Not Water Heaters

Complete tine of Pomps "

t We Sell - W* Install - We Service

T " '

t -MTJF u i1-«-«i« • 7 1 EABT M- -M•

agonars urocen366 Plnekney Rood

Quality Mechandise

LOWSeer and Wine to Take Out

Mowcii J




TOE HOLLISTER MARKET103 East Main St. Pinekney $5.50



This is a message from the Michigan STATE POLICE for men betweenthe ages of 21 and 29, inclusive, married or singled We have a eareerfor You u a Trooper —-~—


New Higher pay scale starting- as soon as you enter training. .Substantial subsistence allowance each month travel expenses. Uniforms

* " - PLUS

paid vacations and sick leaves.Exce Ilent pension that protects you andyour family Other benefits Inter esting work.


Don't miss this golden opportunity 200 new positions now open. Go toyour nearest State Police P o t at once for all tho complete information ortalk to a state trooper. One wi I be at Pinckney town hall Thursday,November 10 at 10 a. m. or write the Michigan State Police, Lansing.



Look ahead now for the future of yourself and your family. I t coata *nothing to inquire It's important to you! .._ '___

This advertisement published as A public service by*


Arthur BullU and wife-of Gjreie- George Meribon and «jl§-ory wtrt Sunday gutsti oi tht Rob-«n tht JUM Taylor* *t

«'• : •

' • • i


• • " • ' * . ' . ' • • ' - f

• "M

'V x.

Page 4: rLrs M^ •= ™ - ^™rv™: ^«?z%* JSS.~pinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1955-11-09.pdf · It was made up of an



Your TfaiK Announces NewDeluxe "All Feature" Auto Insurance


Now You Con Got More Protection Than Ever Before^The new Citizen*1 Deluxe "All Feature" policy Mode*Medicol Payment* and Drive-Other Car Coverage withNO additional premiums!PIUS Merit Discounts for


If you qualify, it U possible to cut your total automobHoinsurance premiums 12 to 15%.See your "Citizens' Man" for a full explanation of thisamazing new poticyl


Ray JL Bitty* I t B.Pincksey HivrMiiRn

Call 11:00* A. M. to 2:00 P. M.Except Wednesday!

Toes., Fri, Sat7;00 to b;00 P. M. •

insurancePBOKS t r*



.*ho«e:MV, Last Graud ftifera.-»7 Howell. Oticfelgaa

W. MunscJL Associate

f \


112 tt North Michigan AveTelephone Office 935

Residence 814Evenings by Appointment

AuctioiieerFaro? Sales A Specialty

Sert WyiieCell Fowlervilfe 228F6



Arnold berquist233 UnadOla St Pindkney, Mlcr

/ Watch Repairing Gold Stomps\ Watcher, Wa«h Bcmdsjewele

Handmade F«crth»y. JMlUokL


Prompt and CourteousPhone UP 8-5lUi 125 Wetwter

Pinckney, Michigan


DirectorModem EquipmentAmbulance Service


Fred & RtteUwff, Sr.OPTOMETKIST

120 West Grand RiverHoweil, Michigan

Phone 358 i**sidence 61]

Uoyd HeideeLivestock Hauling

Weekly Trip? Made to Detrw*Ueneraj Tracking




Edith K, Carr1 4 2 MILL ST.

Pincknej, Mich. Phone UP M1SI

Homes, Lake Propertyi ' Opportunities

List Your Property Hith Ml

Oeralil JtatMBroker — 209 North Pea*


OPTOMETRISTEye Examitutioiu

Wednesday tad Saturdayby Appointment

Ro«d> Wrai. N. of M iBrighton AC 7


LEE LAVEY, Local Representative







$2.98 NOW $2.38, $3.98 Now $3.18 10 % OFF DURING SALE ONLY




LO&T-Vicinity of Chambers & Far-ley Road,, a white terrier with a

FOR SALE— Duo-Therm eil bura- Black ear and eye, Person findinging Heater, smock pipe, 55 fa. bbL n o t i f y C. E. Wortley, 8951 Earhartfaucet in standard and 22 ft. of Road, South Lyon., Phone Genevacopper tuWng N. J. Buazard 8-4090. 1>*WA'U 8 3139 S26 East Moin.Pinckuey

FOR SALE-Wooden antique bejw;-h mattress ami springs.

LOST—-Springer Spaniel. female, Call UP 8-8-167 335 Peart Sttliver and white color, children's petakai been elipped,wedrs chain collar "~ —

, with identification. Lost on Dexter F 0 R SALE—First cubing of Alfalfa- Town Hall Road, south SUver Lake a n d brome. Henry Krahn

Name ig Schatze. Good rewardfor return. Ray Kitteridge, DetroitPhone Vermont 61784




fhoM 281 *


Day But Monday

i Fred Stoll, 77, was found dead Mr». Edith Carr and son,at his home in Dexter Thursday spent the week end in Portwhere he lived alone. He was a mem- with Mrs. Noreen Carr and MoJly.ber of the Masonie order and cham-1 Sergt, Phillip McDonnell ia hom«pion euchre player in the tournam-1 from Casper, Wyoming.

-*- u^,,.ol%n n^vter aad Pinck- The Stanley Dinkel family

Anyone shooting- a deer near Pinckney is asked to phone the conserva-ion dept. Brighton AC 9 90Ma man will come to your n.nufood locker weigh the deer andure the antlers ' and calculate itsage.

35 lakes and marshes will be creat} ed by dams at Holly, Ortonville

Wayne ' and Bald Mountain.Huron I

5833 Spears Rd., Pinckney

FOR RENT -Good modern faro?house. Phone UP 8-568*

FOR SALE-Cold Spot Refri*srater,6 cubic it. 24 ft. exteasion ladder.

Herb Palmer Phone Up 8

naments between Dexter andney some yeara ago.


| in Lansing Sunday.


WANTED — New Corn. We are iathe marker for new corn and are paying- the tof market price.

Gregory Farmer's ElevatorGregory, Mich.

CountyWANTED—-tVashiiig* andcalled for and delivered.Phone Howeil 1364 or 11


Register of Ptotefl*.







ney< Mlcn;M f c%

THE STATE OKThe Probate Court for the

of LivingstonIr the Matter of the Estate el

Margaret Stackable, Deceased.At a session of said Court* held on

October 31, 1955.Present. Honorable Hiram Jt. Smith

Judge of ProbateNotice is Hereby Given, That all

persons interested in said estate are -directed to appear before said Pro- L t > s T -- Black Labrador Retrieverbate court November 30,1955 at ten Winston Baughn, Phone UP 9 66S8A. M.to show cause why a license REWARDshould not be granted to K. Leola -Larey, Administratrix of said estate FOR SALE-COCKER PUPS $3.00to sell or raoitgage the interest of each- Phone UP 8 6647said estate in certain real estate de-described in her petition for the pur-pose of paying debts aid expenses.

It is Ordered, that notice thereof "If It Js Made of Wood, I Will Makebe given by publication of a copy Ithereof for three weeks consecutively Alterations, Cabinets, Interiorprevious to said day of bearing, in- ing.

t the Pinckney Dispatch, and that the ri ii f|ajf f t r c T i s i r *petitioner cause a copy of this notice \Ml Jim J u O l l C Eto be served upon each known part?S» Interest at hie last known sjddrevby registered mail, return receiptdemanded, at least fourteen (14)

prior to sack hearfof, ,or .feypeijonal service at least five (5) daysprior to such hearing tHiram R. Smith, Judge of Probate


Phone UP 8-3327, 8655 RushviewRush

R. L SORRELLWater WeFt* and Pomps

411 Makes of Pumps Serviced9835 Dexter-.-

Phone HA 694*4


Howtnfcird Pfcoac

1 8 1 1 HOWMi




