V pnrtmej'Bispattf) Volume 6& Items of micreit School INews ' Infla^oa is w to»t catching up witu cnigaa Public Utilities, I he high school classes have 19 at whicfc have applications organised wUn the following penaing oeiore the Mich. Public ( oucers: 1 Pinckney Ditoatch LOCAL KILWS Service Commission for. an. in rease in rates- They cite post.. war inilation addea to w a r m . uation and increased operating expenses as ihe cause- Five men make up the cemm- inion:Stuart White, Nilee:*: huy ley Marshall,. St. Johns and LWoUenden,Detroit. They have jurisdiction over 5 general class ee oi utilities:ElecWic power, telephone, gen aji'7iibufon,rcU. road and motor transportation such as busses and trucks- Utilities have a monopoly by State iranchaise and are only permitted to earn enough to pay a iair return to investors. They cannot set aside proiits to meet the cause oi expansion as pri vate industry do*s. They ars regulated by the legislature- The commissions duty is to see the public gets a square deal Invested capital oi the utili es is $2,000,000« The public pays over $600,000,000 in fees each year to them. Public utilities are forced by policy to expand their territory. The li^ch.Bell is spending about $120,000,000 this year, the Con Seniors , _ -j T> * •* i Jerty Clark, BiH - VanBlarcum. sumer's_ Power unct Detroit are4-_ n J*——r Heath «.__\. i t (tinnnrwmnn t^ Ina jerr Y "earn. each borrwing $1000,000,000 for expansion. The Detroit Edison has 44,000 stockholders. Pubic uilities are impor'antA breaL ..i the service oi one re contly ccose 100,000 workmen $8,700,006 in wtges. Ur.employ ment compensation cost $1,356, 800 and it cost the state $150, 000 to process the applications. Conservation Notes Upland game hunters will find 3,937 more acres available for public hunting this year.The or , lias (n^Tlarry county 534 acres, Gratiot 630, Saginaw 480, Port Huron 313 Lapeer 643, Ionia 240. Sanilac 300, Dansville 565, St- loseph 232. President *-•Ltanald Clark[ Vic*; Pres* ... Robert Amburgey Sesietary ....... rtosalee Nasu Treasurer Norma Stecker Jun^j* Pies : dent Jerry Heath Vice Pies. Joe Jeffreys Secretary Roland Atkinson Treasurer .... Richard Schneider Sophmore Present Sonny Fuhrman V'ce Pre*. John P. Ware Secretary.Mary Margaret Clark Treasurer -- .... Susan Campbell Freshmen President Dtdb Van^lambrook Vice Pres- • Fred Rebrr.an Secretary Paul pichotdg Treasurer. Judy Aschenbrenner The Pinckney football team starts their season here under lights Thursday night with East em Lansing Reserves. Pinckney beat hVs team last year. The letter men back from las- year are -Co. Capts. Bob Darr ow and Don Clark, Bob Ambur gey, Joe Jeffreys* John Sprout, Rich. Schneider, Jim Burroughs, BOYVLWG LEAGUE FOHMJED A meeting was held at the | Marathon Gas Station one n-ghi last week and a Pinckney b Wednesday, September 22, 1948 * No. 27 Church News lO.E.Si Convention ST,nMARYS CHURCH fie v. "rt«tnc^ Murphy, JWMO* Masses at 8:00 and 11:00 a.m. Novena Devotions Friday at 7:HO. followed by preparation for noly communion. bum. masses. Sunday, Sept. 26, 19th Sun. day after Pentecost 6*h week of 62nd Novena- Com. Sun. for the fcoys Junior Holy Name Society Conirmation Thur,, Sept, 23, at 7:30 p m.. by Rt. Kev Bshop Ai pers D,D, of Lansing, Caudidatee and sponsors be there at 7:15 }'p, m. Team Bowling League organiz ed for the winter- R. ], Fenner was elected pres. and Mar«u\ Ritter, sec, trcasv The team sponsors are: heac Lumber Co.. Howard Read; Die Set, Oscar Beck, L Saska; vvn. Front, John Rossi*er; Pinckney Fab- & S- M.4 .Win. Lennon-fe, . eis Service.W.Fennei;bob White Crandon White;Pinckney Tavern. K R™H™ M ?V t r> t * I Among the intentions are Sun Bowling s t , r s Sept. 2- at theJ , £ fi * QHalleran fiowl a-Doxue in Howoil,Baiiqufc Ll * «<****« w and prizes whl be given at the end oi the season. Tue8., Intention of Living; Wed., [.iow mass for dead; Thur., Con firmaUon; Fri, late Henry Kten Bch; Sa«,- late Albert Long. Prayers requested for sick and BUSINESS CHANGE ..Mr. and' Mrs. Victor Rokosf have sold their soda bar and* iecent ^P 0 *^- sandwich shop they have con; Novena devotions to St. ducted here the past year t9J ao1 s[art Sept * 29 Mr. and Robby Robinson of Col umbus, Ohio, who have taken possession. The newcomers art highly recommended and wei wish them success. The Rokoses are quitting bus. 1 Pinckney Chapter OX.S. was J hostess to a very large gather iny last week Monday when the Livingston County J\&sn. held Us annual convention here Over 200 guests were present Alice Sherwood,worthy cvand m and Alice Reidy, grand cha, and many visiting worthy ma trons. The meeting was caller ^ order by Winifred Aberdeen, \\ , M. and the chapter's off'cers es corded iho Ass'n officers in'o chapter room.The county presi dent, Mrs. Harter took charge and the honored guests were in traduced and presented with coi sages The Welcome was given by Mrs. Florence Baughn and t'io response by Mia. Alma Smith of Towlervihe D ; nner was served a' the Com 'imj Mich I Gd. Rep. Aha Meyer was hon ' if'd 1V a it-Cv", a ai '.vhkh COMMONiTY CHURCH (Congregational) Rev. D. O. Brady. pastor Choir Practise .... — Wed. Night Organist & Choir Director Mrs. Merwm _Campbeil Reserve players. Joe Clark, Sonny Fuhrman, Chas. Hewlett, Brandon Wh!te,Bob Lavey.Louis Marshall, Don Coyle are out. and Dick Sin^r.Also Tom Good had some ev * -ice in Pitts burq, Bill En ho was on + 1 all last year •• 1. a broken co]lj bone and We&iey Palmer who did not play are on the squad' FOO'l'BALL SCORES Quite a tew football teams, skated 'heir seasons las- week. Sio-KDridge" lost \p Dansvii'e 14 o 7; Dexter to Chelsea 13 to 7; Howell t° Fen ton "33 to 0; ana Saline dedicated their* new ligihed field by losing to Clinton iness on account of ill healtfti. S. S. Supt H. C. Veader Mr. Rokos being hospitalize '.' Choir Practise Wed- 7:30. for sometime this summer-Thei doming V\ or ship 10:30 hav# no- ptaM-for the fatrafei-"^ 1 Chti ^ RaU 7 ® a Y is Sspi- but expect to return to their for 1 2 6 - Sermon < H ^ Tea ^ h Reli mer home at Traverse City. Their departure will be deeply jgon in Your Home" Sunday School ......... 11:30 Sunday School Theme "The regretted by their many friends Ho ~ e as a CentQr of Chrigtian here « leaching." "*" " J A hymn sing will be held at 7:30 followed by illustrated MLNNNois HE CHURCH Because of rtujldhi£ opcrat:<.n:i we will tii, av Worth tl»mDW2 NORTH HAMBURG CHURCH Ezri B*cb«y,PMtor, 4060 &warthout Suyt. —~~.^ Wwu Lcidig Koad. 7 nnUt N. t . of ^»PiBckn«y Hev r*i» 0"«.cl'ey, pa«o» Sunday S^Aooi-.svar..:.... Moruin/ Worship Service VouiMt People's Meeting tventna Mtsss^e 1 1 J- TbTSata will sell at auction I 6 l © 0. Brighton beat Northville ,half million feet of stand ng Urn' ^ t0 6. ber in the Grand Sable forest Sept. 24- It is mostly hemlock and hardwoods. Another effort will be - made next week to >ylffat Hungaiian partridge when 3D& birds will be released in Menominee county, 12000 acres of state owned lands in Marquerette and Iron will be offered at auction for iron next week. A large deer concentration in the Mio district is reported In 1947 103,678 hunters bagged 31,215 deer By request of the board of supervisors any county can op. en their e o i u ^ to bexr nun tog Gladw'n r-.m'y leadi Li tc* bounties with 833, Chippewa was second with 829, Wexford 3rd with 744- Despite the fact that the farm ert are aroused over buckshot deer hunting in Southern Mich igan and will probably invoke the Hbfton Trespass Law to keep hunters off their farm,there are 125000 acres of state owned kmd in this, area which may be hunted on. Railroad compan^s have built 400 miles of plowed safety s*rips in the state the pas* year along their right of way to cut down forest fires. " , r lhe Onivers'ty of Toledo beat Bates in the first game 42 to 0. APPRECIATION ?o the Business Establishments of Pinckney: Who sponsored the ou l door shows again this year we say "THANK YOU' Signed f Your apprecative * patrons of Pinckney and vicinity and the Picture and Equipment Service Ana Arbor NOTICE TO TAAfAiL..iS I will be at my home un tiny evenings and i amrduy nooi'a to collect vihayo tux' further notice. Helen Reynolds, VuiUage Treas. 515 Dast Putnam St. ai cr by hymns and a film strip en l iUe^ * "Is Your Home Fun?" Monday U Family Night A pot luck supper at 6:30. Mr and Mis. Leroy Johnson of Jackson will show a him strip of vhe Ooerlin General Council and and give a dialogue skit of the denominations biennial meefnq. Nominating Com.Fri. 8:00 p.m- Trustee meeting Sat. 8:00 p,m, Pilgrim- Fellowship Meeting unday 7:00 p m- Council Proceeding Regular meeting Sept 14, 1948 Meeting called to order by Pres. Parker/ followed by zoH all oi officer* PieeenfcCtt&ton, Kennedy. La vey,ClcA,Swojthout and Palm er. Abeeot none. Mbmtee ei last meeting read ana uppiofed^ Motion by Clinton- supported by Clark* <o allow th# following bfllr EH AzoiivcUan street *t54» Ptnckney ttepatdvprtertrj 2.10 -Jrrm Keojiedv, c«t brueh 540 smps canieo* •. Melton br darkjntpported by wlwiOBi fo <snoufii>- Motion ocnr MARRIAGE LICENSES ~ , Donald Langley, 33 Howell, Armeda Stewart, 40, Lansing; ;VlerrilT Silver 13, Hov^l, Ki'ien Fockler, 21, Howell; Wendell Page, 33,Howell, Elizabeth Spen cer, 33, Ann Arbor;Gordon Bach man>22, Hov/ell, Laura Sharpe, 10, HoweUJames Lucas, 25 How ell, Doris Howe, 17, Brighton. WOMEN IN THE AIR FORCE Although applictions for enli3t ents in the Women's Army Corps and Women in the Air Force are being accepted at the present time, only a very limit number of applicants will be accepted for enlistment each month Sergt. 1C LeRoy Richard Aon said ^oday. The initial quota for this die- rict is 18 applicants per r^ n th which will remain ear ^m month month. This cl s not apply to former enlisted worn •en who may enlist any time they can guafify. CHE SEA 1« CHAMPION Chelsea woo the champion ship oi tbe Tri County League Sunday when they defeated Brighton 7 to 3. Bkm# McCkma. ban of Chelsea and Hank Green of Brighton hooked up in a duel for 6 innings, CbeJsea leading to 1 Chelsea knocked Gteen o*t ot me box in the 64i wftb a 6 m attack. Vagt replaced him. MrCfcmtthfln was ceplaced by by MfiOer in the a * wbem b* mVd tbe bases on a 2Ufe Kenneth Nicholson and wife who have justreturned from Flor ida were in town Monday. Bob Singer and Gene Hogan cue working at the Milford Ford factory. HOME EXTENSION GROUP Those who are interested in organizing a home extension group aze asked to attend a meeting at the home of Mrs. AI. bert Shirley Thursday nigh', Sept 22, at 8:00 p. m- ..J I NOTICE The Hi land Lake Residents will hold a pot luck picnic a' the Huron River Parkway, jus' outside of Dexter (Watch fcr the signs;on Sunday, Oct, 3rd a' 12:00 noon. Come and bring the whole family. Hi Land Lake Imp. Ass'n Cong'l. ."V.urrh ut -v i» 'i Gd. Rep. Aha Meyer was y a iuCt-",. a u'i her ton, Ec.isel, sa*icj a .olo. 'ih(» evening sess'on was op. ened by Belle Cook of Brighton past president who introduced the mstalling officers who were: J Install Officer, Emma Watson Marshall Nettie Adam;; Oracm'st Morb Hogn 1 The new officers are: Pres, E*he1> Brown, Howell 1st. Vjre Ka(herine Buckley fovvleville- • ""^'^|f 2nd, Winifred Graves, P'nckney 3rd Catherine Hartman Briqhton Sec. Trects Nettie Vandolrhoof., Howell. Organist Winifred Aberdeen Chop, Helen McMicha3l Brighton Mar, Irene Wilson, Fowlerville The mooting was closed by EhzVroth barter, pres, and fbn retji, 1 by Mao Daller, muishall The 1949 session will bo a' Fowlervil.V PERSONALS The Misses Denise Ledwidgc and Carol Stecker who took . special course at Jefferson Ban acks, Mo., are again back an< at St* Joe nRpital, Ann Art^ LH.Ewing and wife of Detroit were Saturday night guests o; Mr, and Mrs Joe Griffith- Mrs, Emma Dinkel and son Stanley were in Dexter Satur day. Here and There Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pink> were in Perry Sunday and hac dinner in Owosfio. Frank Hoilister of Dexter wl bought a lot in Bert Harrises subdivision on M-36 \\,mo'.t a house on it from .Dexter iat week- There are now 12 house there. The card club was entertain- ed Tuesday by Mrs-Lulu Lamb at East Lansing. Herb Sneed and wild/ How called at the Ross Read horn Sunday night. The Misses Muriel Read c Janet White started school c Mich- State College Monday. Mrs. Emma Vollmer, John Eis ele and Mrs. Mary Brana. ELECTION RESULTS Tb primary ejection as asual ^row a light vote, was true to form except in a f.3\v instances The landslide to Dewey tor pres J d?nt v/a.s w? f man'fe^ted and in Wavne county 'he Demo cia •• ' nst 30-000 more vot-s tha/ •IVJ Itopubl'cans. The same held ' - 1 in o'her cities where iabo he •; evidently not accept ed Dev/ey. In Grand Rapids, Cong. Jonkman, an archreact ionary and 'soiat'onist who hor 1 '• e Jn;.'ik McKay lab'l was de feated by a 35 year old war veteran and former U of M foot ball player. Judge W'l'is Lyons won 'he nomination f°r circuit judge handily, carrying bo'h Livings 1 on and Shiawassee counties. His opponent will be Mik' Carland, ayoung lawyer who campcjaiied ex"i>n.^ve/1 and is well liked. There were tew contests in county where the Democrat party has prac »c ally diseppear'd, have only candidates for sheriff and cpron er. In Detroit fast tijne was vot ed down by 3000 majority We hope this settles the question fsr all time as trying to operate on two d'fferent kinds of time is an aggravation. Cong Black n<y won renomination easily and Adrian deBocn was nonV tor the legislature L'kr '•"ackney he =s an old time schc ' teach Current tjaiiuuei^ fhe Franklin D. Roosevelt ex . ^oses are s^'U beuig published and w« have read mosi oi ihem. L'tiie >s told but wha^ is alreaay Known ana uistead ot pul'mg uie iate president oh his pedesiai, 4 y show the smailne^s ana uuuow inteUect ot the writers- President Roosevelt t, passion s secure in history and always viii b-. Two things will keep r,m there. 1. He established Uie pnuuple that the national gov.. euimeni should be instrument oi hurvice to the people. 2. He co-aolished ied«'ral responsebili*y tor relief. Previously it was a lo , cu pioblem. Although h's op« pent uis condem him and all his works, s>rahge to say there . 1.-, nothuifj m !.iv. l pi a t;urn ton dem'ng th*-se two principles, '! lie drive against th«-' so call. .a comic bfij.G ' ^ii'iauej Ro v.uiitly Detroit police got after iiLia una ixuiiJiu:! T large nu:n uvi iiom the ci>y news stana-.. We beii'-ve Ann Arboi took similar action. The m^ve seems ^ <>v Juiiioa WJUC In Savanah, Georgia,the schools have ban." shed them and announcd all bringing tluin 'o ^hool will be oxieiled. We do not know vJfevfror [hose books incite " 'i u'j'. ifiov -al-r^, 'he co me si rip characters and have 'hem perform impossible feats. Its a was'c of time reading them hut undoubtedly they enjoy a wide circulation among the agers. *• N<>body knows anything about if arriage until they get into it many are <he pitfalls due to ignorance. To correct this, Rev, Lmmc'tt, Detroit < ducator ha3 in troduced a maninge course at 'he Universty of Detroit, Tho classes will be held f wo ho^rs eacn Wedne^dc/ and r nly wo men will be taugh m the fall .••omester and men in 'he spring. The courses w:T deal with: 1. Marr'.age iVf para Ton;2. ^|ar^ ago Lc-gifi'alion;3. Causes ofSucc cess 4. Fa'lure of Marriage; 5. Problems of Married Life. Whle 'he organiza'ions jec'ives and much good, Mrs. George Meabon sr. is visiting her daughter. Mrs- Wa ( ele spent Sunday a 1 ihe Wilbar ren Snapp in Marion. I ^isele home, Fowlerville. Mr- and Mrs- Andrew Nesbittj Mrs- Patxick Dillon oi Howe** were goeete ot Mr. and Mrs. L| » spending some time with Schonline in Lima Ohio, las 4 - » - - * . Mrs. Emma DinkeL wm 4^ i Leo Bettes and family of Wai oi Dexter wene Sonday gu^ & WixB.]ame% Whitley and Mr. of Mr. and M r s - A n d ^ ^ , ^ UnTZb^t ^ad were GMold Swarthou*. Phiflip Gen *~~ *"*' rf ^. ^ ^ at Wch- SMUi <hto mmk. si***-** «:^K« ^ J K Z ! 1 £ + 2 ^wJ^Mecer and iamUy J l l J u ^ A M ' s eeee Brighton weee n«k eexi od0ers| I s»g « t ***** •nieejiirr. various veterans' have worthy ob . undoubtedly do their conduct at tho^r b'g conventions leaves a gi'-at deal 'o be desired. The American Legion seems to have qot'en a name for noisy uncon I ro'l^d conventions in whtoh - le *• ffor: is rv^dc to controll deLega 1 ' s who at s^ch times move m and take over the ci*y. After a recent convention,Chic ago, th<- ho'eN: of the city band ed together and addressed a communication to the legion hoads ask'ng them to t<ike s^epe to prevent a recurrence of such disorders in the future. One hot'-l, the Morrison susta^ed S500C wor^h of damage and others lesser amounts. Such a* tions are a blot on the fat name of the organization and it should be the efforts of the offi cos to curb such disorders. Sometimes truth is stranger han fiction. On a bitter* cold er- Mennen Williams, scion of a 1 mte back in Dec. ¢$46 a bum weattiy Grosse ' poir.'e iamhy \ cr.me in a New York beanery who made their fortune in soap \ is the Dc iocrct nominee for governor / means of CIO and AFL ^badencr. Li fl^ is known of h J m except he served on the lia uor control com mi -ion by Rep AUTOMOUlUi ACCU>liNl While enroute to Lansing on Sunday night a car driven by Fred Campbell of Ann Arboi containing Mr. and Mrs- Ona Campbell of Pincfeney, Uppe< over near WuMiamston. Mrc t ^ m _ ^ . ,i Campbell was only one injured of Dr. Sieve Brown in Detroit. ^ (md wafl taken ^ $^^ ho£ pitcd where she will be ior some time with a neck injury. and ordered an b2c dinner. Th.s v/u: before infla-ion >• When he had disposed of it he told the waitress he could no 1 pay for % and the big hearted girl dug down in her sock and paid it it. T'me marches on. The other day said waitress got a letter from a law * firm notifying her her she had been left $35,000 by the bum who was a millioe air in disguse out looking for worth-/ heirs.Moral:Bi»cuit Shoot ers should be courteous to aft patrons. P. T A BAKE SALE Bake soieJSa«uiday. Sept. flr r ood Locker. This is io Mrs. Irene Mikula of Phili: pkkL Pa, is visaing her sister, | money for pkiyqro«nd Mrs. Ckv» Mnler <mi famly. ; rnent. ' ' loy Carpenter and wile of A** Arbor and Mrs- Beatrice titter of feduaa* cefted on Mr. Sett Hocfcer Sundcqr. T 'Thank % - - > :% •f-^r- 'M£s * * * > * :X'. •4^ .A ,%^

V pnrtmej'Bispattf)pinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1948-09-22.pdf · V'ce Pre*. John P. Ware Secretary.Mary Margaret Clark Treasurer --.... Susan Campbell Freshmen President Dtdb

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Page 1: V pnrtmej'Bispattf)pinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1948-09-22.pdf · V'ce Pre*. John P. Ware Secretary.Mary Margaret Clark Treasurer --.... Susan Campbell Freshmen President Dtdb


pnrtmej'Bispattf) Volume 6&

Items of micreit School INews ' Infla^oa is wto»t catching up witu cnigaa Public Utilities, I he high school classes have 19 at whicfc have applications organised wUn the following penaing oeiore the Mich. Public ( oucers: 1

Pinckney Ditoatch


Service Commission for. an. in rease in rates- They cite post.. war inilation addea to w a r m . uation and increased operating expenses as ihe cause-

Five men make up the cemm-inion:Stuart White, Nilee:*: huy ley Marshall,. St. Johns and LWoUenden,Detroit. They have jurisdiction over 5 general class ee oi utilities:ElecWic power, telephone, gen aji'7iibufon,rcU. road and motor transportation such as busses and trucks-

Utilities have a monopoly by State iranchaise and are only permitted to earn enough to pay a iair return to investors. They cannot set aside proiits to meet the cause oi expansion as pri vate industry do*s. They ars regulated by the legislature-The commissions duty is to see the public gets a square deal

Invested capital oi the utili es is $2,000,000« The public pays over $600,000,000 in fees each year to them.

Public utilities are forced by policy to expand their territory. The li^ch.Bell is spending about $120,000,000 this year, the Con


, _ - j T> * •* i Jerty Clark, BiH - VanBlarcum. sumer's_ Power unct Detroit are4-_n J*——r Heath «.__\. i t (tinnnrwmnn t^ I n a jerrY "earn. each borrwing $1000,000,000 for expansion. The Detroit Edison

has 44,000 stockholders. Pubic uilities are impor'antA

breaL ..i the service oi one re contly ccose 100,000 workmen $8,700,006 in wtges. Ur.employ ment compensation cost $1,356, 800 and it cost the state $150, 000 to process the applications.

Conservation Notes Upland game hunters will find

3,937 more acres available for public hunting this year.The or , lias (n^Tlarry county 534 acres, Gratiot 630, Saginaw 480, Port Huron 313 Lapeer 643, Ionia 240. Sanilac 300, Dansville 565, St- loseph 232.

President *-•Ltanald Clark[ Vic*; Pres* ... Robert Amburgey Sesietary . . . . . . . rtosalee Nasu Treasurer Norma Stecker

Jun^j* Pies:dent Jerry Heath Vice Pies. Joe Jeffreys Secretary Roland Atkinson Treasurer .... Richard Schneider

Sophmore P r e s e n t Sonny Fuhrman

V'ce Pre*. John P. Ware Secretary.Mary Margaret Clark Treasurer --.... Susan Campbell

Freshmen President Dtdb Van^lambrook Vice Pres- • Fred Rebrr.an Secretary Paul pichotdg Treasurer. Judy Aschenbrenner

The Pinckney football team starts their season here under lights Thursday night with East em Lansing Reserves. Pinckney beat hVs team last year.

The letter men back from las-year are -Co. Capts. Bob Darr ow and Don Clark, Bob Ambur gey, Joe Jeffreys* John Sprout, Rich. Schneider, Jim Burroughs,

BOYVLWG LEAGUE FOHMJED A meeting was held at the

| Marathon Gas Station one n-ghi last week and a Pinckney b

Wednesday, September 22, 1948


No. 27

Church News lO.E.Si Convention

ST,nMARYS CHURCH fie v. "rt«tnc^ Murphy, JWMO*

Masses at 8:00 and 11:00 a.m. Novena Devotions Friday at

7:HO. followed by preparation for noly communion. b u m . masses.

Sunday, Sept. 26, 19th Sun. day after Pentecost 6*h week of 62nd Novena- Com. Sun. for the fcoys Junior Holy Name Society

Conirmation Thur,, Sept, 23, at 7:30 p m.. by Rt. Kev Bshop Ai pers D,D, of Lansing, Caudidatee and sponsors be there at 7:15

}'p, m.

Team Bowling League organiz ed for the winter-

R. ], Fenner was elected pres. and Mar«u\ Ritter, sec, trcasv

The team sponsors are: heac Lumber Co.. Howard Read; Die Set, Oscar Beck, L Saska; vvn. Front, John Rossi*er; Pinckney Fab- & S- M.4 .Win. Lennon-fe, . eis Service.W.Fennei;bob White Crandon White;Pinckney Tavern.

K R ™ H ™ M ? V t r> t * I Among the intentions are Sun Bowling s t , r s Sept. 2- at theJ , £ fi * QHalleran fiowl a-Doxue in Howoil,BaiiqufcLl * «<****« w and prizes whl be given at the end oi the season.

Tue8., Intention of Living; Wed., [.iow mass for dead; Thur., Con

firmaUon; Fri, late Henry Kten Bch; Sa«,- late Albert Long.

Prayers requested for sick and BUSINESS CHANGE

..Mr. and' Mrs. Victor Rokosf have sold their soda bar a n d * i e c e n t ^ P 0 * ^ -sandwich shop they have c o n ; Novena devotions to St. ducted here the past year t9J a o 1 s [ a r t S e p t * 2 9

Mr. and Robby Robinson of Col umbus, Ohio, who have taken possession. The newcomers art highly recommended and wei wish them success.

The Rokoses are quitting bus.1

Pinckney Chapter OX.S. was J hostess to a very large gather

iny last week Monday when the Livingston County J\&sn. held Us annual convention here Over 200 guests were present Alice Sherwood,worthy cvand m and Alice Reidy, grand cha, and many visiting worthy ma trons.

The meeting was caller ^ order by Winifred Aberdeen, \\ , M. and the chapter's off'cers es corded iho Ass'n officers in'o chapter room.The county presi dent, Mrs. Harter took charge and the honored guests were in traduced and presented with coi sages The Welcome was given by Mrs. Florence Baughn and t'io response by Mia. Alma Smith of Towlervihe

D;nner was served a' the Com ' i m j

Mich I Gd. Rep. Aha Meyer was hon ' if'd 1V a it-Cv", a ai '.vhkh

COMMONiTY CHURCH (Congregational)

Rev. D. O. Brady. pastor Choir Practise . . . .— Wed. Night Organist & Choir Director

Mrs. Merwm _Campbeil

Reserve players. Joe Clark, Sonny Fuhrman, Chas. Hewlett, Brandon Wh!te,Bob Lavey.Louis Marshall, Don Coyle are out. and Dick Sin^r.Also Tom Good had some ev * -ice in Pitts burq, Bill En ho was on+1 all last year •• 1. a broken co]lj bone and We&iey Palmer who did not play are on the squad'


Quite a tew football teams, skated 'heir seasons las- week. Sio-KDridge" lost \p Dansvii'e 14 o 7; Dexter to Chelsea 13 to 7; Howell t° Fen ton "33 to 0; ana Saline dedicated their* new ligihed field by losing to Clinton

iness on account of ill healtfti. S. S. Supt H. C. Veader Mr. Rokos being hospitalize '.' Choir Practise Wed- 7:30. for sometime this summer-Thei doming V\ or ship 10:30 hav# no- ptaM-for the fatrafei-"^1 C h t i ^ R a U 7 ®aY i s Sspi-but expect to return to their for1 2 6 - S e r m o n < H ™ ^ T e a ^h Reli mer home at Traverse City. Their departure will be deeply

jgon in Your Home" Sunday School . . . . . . . . . 11:30

Sunday School Theme "The regretted by their many friends H o ~ e a s a C e n t Q r o f C h r i g t i a n h e r e « leaching."

"*" " J A hymn sing will be held at 7:30 followed by illustrated MLNNNois HE CHURCH

Because of rtujldhi£ opcrat:<.n:i we will tii, av Worth tl»mDW2

NORTH HAMBURG CHURCH Ezri B*cb«y,PMtor, 4060 &warthout Suyt. —~~. Wwu Lcidig Koad. 7 nnUt N. t . of ^»PiBckn«y

Hev r*i» 0"«.cl'ey, pa«o» Sunday S^Aooi-.svar..:....

Moruin/ Worship Service VouiMt People's Meeting tventna Mtsss^e

1 1 J-

T b T S a t a will sell at auction I 6 l© 0. Brighton beat Northville ,half million feet of stand ng Urn' ^ t 0 6.

ber in the Grand Sable forest Sept. 24- It is mostly hemlock and hardwoods.

Another effort will be - made next week to >ylffat Hungaiian partridge when 3D& birds will be released in Menominee county,

12000 acres of state owned lands in Marquerette and Iron will be offered at auction for iron next week.

A large deer concentration in the Mio district is reported In 1947 103,678 hunters bagged 31,215 deer

By request of the board of supervisors any county can op. en their e o i u ^ to bexr nun tog

Gladw'n r-.m'y leadi Li tc* bounties with 833, Chippewa was second with 829, Wexford 3rd with 744-

Despite the fact that the farm ert are aroused over buckshot deer hunting in Southern Mich igan and will probably invoke the Hbfton Trespass Law to keep hunters off their farm,there are 125000 acres of state owned kmd in this, area which may be hunted on.

Railroad compan^s have built 400 miles of plowed safety s*rips in the state the pas* year along their right of w a y to cut down forest fires. " ,

rlhe Onivers'ty of Toledo beat Bates in the first game 42 to 0.


?o the Business Establishments of Pinckney: Who sponsored the ouldoor shows again this year we say

"THANK YOU' Signed f

Your apprecative * patrons of Pinckney and vicinity and the Picture and Equipment Service Ana Arbor

NOTICE TO TAAfAiL..iS I will be at my home un

tiny evenings and i amrduy nooi'a to collect vihayo tux' further notice.

Helen Reynolds, VuiUage Treas. 515 Dast Putnam St.

ai cr

by hymns and a film strip enliUe^

* "Is Your Home Fun?" Monday U Family Night A

pot luck supper at 6:30. Mr and Mis. Leroy Johnson of Jackson will show a him strip of vhe Ooerlin General Council and and give a dialogue skit of the denominations biennial meefnq.

Nominating Com.Fri. 8:00 p.m-Trustee meeting Sat. 8:00 p,m, Pilgrim- Fellowship Meeting

unday 7:00 p m-

Council Proceeding Regular meeting Sept 14, 1948 Meeting called to order by

Pres. Parker/ followed by zoH all oi officer*

PieeenfcCtt&ton, Kennedy. La vey,ClcA,Swojthout and Palm er. Abeeot none.

Mbmtee ei last meeting read ana uppiofed^

Motion by Clinton- supported by Clark* <o allow th# following bfllr EH AzoiivcUan s t r e e t * t54» Ptnckney ttepatdvprtertrj 2.10

-Jrrm Keojiedv, c«t brueh 5 4 0 s m p s canieo* •. Melton b r darkjntpported by

wlwiOBi fo <snoufii>- Motion ocnr

MARRIAGE LICENSES ~ , Donald Langley, 33 Howell,

Armeda Stewart, 40, Lansing; ;VlerrilT Silver 13, Hov^l, Ki'ien Fockler, 21, Howell; Wendell Page, 33,Howell, Elizabeth Spen cer, 33, Ann Arbor;Gordon Bach man>22, Hov/ell, Laura Sharpe, 10, HoweUJames Lucas, 25 How ell, Doris Howe, 17, Brighton.


Although applictions for enli3t ents in the Women's Army Corps and Women in the Air Force are being accepted at the present time, only a very limit number of applicants will be accepted for enlistment each month Sergt. 1C LeRoy Richard Aon said ^oday.

The initial quota for this die-rict is 18 applicants per r ^ n t h which will remain ear ^m month month. This cl s not apply to former enlisted worn •en who may enlist any time they can guafify.


Chelsea woo the champion ship oi tbe Tri County League Sunday when they defeated Brighton 7 to 3. Bkm# McCkma. ban of Chelsea and Hank Green of Brighton hooked up in a duel for 6 innings, CbeJsea leading to 1 Chelsea knocked Gteen o*t ot me box in the 64i wftb a 6 m attack. Vagt replaced him. MrCfcmtthfln w a s ceplaced by by MfiOer in the a * wbem b* mVd tbe bases on a 2Ufe

Kenneth Nicholson and wife who have justreturned from Flor ida were in town Monday.

Bob Singer and Gene Hogan cue working at the Milford Ford factory.

HOME EXTENSION GROUP Those who are interested in

organizing a home extension group aze asked to attend a meeting at the home of Mrs. AI. bert Shirley Thursday nigh', Sept 22, at 8:00 p. m-

. . J I

NOTICE The Hi land Lake Residents

will hold a pot luck picnic a' the Huron River Parkway, jus' outside of Dexter (Watch fcr the signs;on Sunday, Oct, 3rd a' 12:00 noon. Come and bring the whole family.

Hi Land Lake Imp. Ass'n

Cong'l. ."V.urrh ut -v i» 'i Gd. Rep. Aha Meyer was

y a iuCt-",. a u'i her ton, Ec.isel, sa*icj a .olo.

'ih(» evening sess'on was op. ened by Belle Cook of Brighton past president who introduced the mstalling officers who were: J Install Officer, Emma Watson Marshall Nettie Adam;; Oracm'st Morb Hogn1

The new officers are: Pres, E*he1> Brown, Howell 1st. Vjre Ka(herine Buckley fovvleville- • ""^'^|f 2nd, Winifred Graves, P'nckney 3rd Catherine Hartman Briqhton Sec. Trects Nettie Vandolrhoof., Howell. Organist Winifred Aberdeen Chop, Helen McMicha3l Brighton Mar, Irene Wilson, Fowlerville

The mooting was closed by EhzVroth barter, pres, and fbn retji, 1 by Mao Daller, muishall

The 1949 session will bo a' Fowlervil.V

PERSONALS The Misses Denise Ledwidgc

and Carol Stecker who took . special course at Jefferson Ban acks, Mo., are again back an< at St* Joe nRpital, Ann Art^

LH.Ewing and wife of Detroit were Saturday night guests o; Mr, and Mrs Joe Griffith-

Mrs, Emma Dinkel and son Stanley were in Dexter Satur day.

Here and There Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pink>

were in Perry Sunday and hac dinner in Owosfio.

Frank Hoilister of Dexter wl bought a lot in Bert Harrises subdivision on M-36 \ \ ,mo' . t a house on it from .Dexter iat week- There are now 12 house there.

The card club was entertain­ed Tuesday by Mrs-Lulu Lamb at East Lansing.

Herb Sneed and wild/ How called at the Ross Read horn Sunday night.

The Misses Muriel Read c Janet White started school c Mich- State College Monday.

Mrs. Emma Vollmer, John Eis ele and Mrs. Mary Brana.

ELECTION RESULTS Tb primary ejection as asual

^row a light vote, was true to form except in a f.3\v instances The landslide to Dewey tor presJd?nt v/a.s w?f man'fe^ted and in Wavne county 'he Demo cia •• ' nst 30-000 more vot-s t h a / •IVJ Itopubl'cans. The same held ' -1 in o'her cities where iabo he •; evidently not accept ed Dev/ey. In Grand Rapids, Cong. Jonkman, an archreact ionary and 'soiat'onist who hor1

'• e Jn;.'ik McKay lab'l was de feated by a 35 year old war veteran and former U of M foot ball player. Judge W'l'is Lyons won 'he nomination f°r circuit judge handily, carrying bo'h Livings1on and Shiawassee counties. His opponent will be Mik' Carland, ayoung lawyer who campcjaiied ex"i>n.^ve/1 and is well liked. There were tew contests in county where the Democrat party has prac »c ally diseppear'd, have only candidates for sheriff and cpron er. In Detroit fast tijne was vot ed down by 3000 majority We hope this settles the question fsr all time as trying to operate on two d'fferent kinds of time is an aggravation. Cong Black n<y won renomination easily and Adrian deBocn was nonV tor the legislature L'kr '•"ackney he =s an old time schc ' teach

Current tjaiiuuei^ fhe Franklin D. Roosevelt ex .

^oses are s 'U beuig published and w« have read mosi oi ihem. L'tiie >s told but wha^ is alreaay Known ana uistead ot pul'mg uie iate president oh his pedesiai,

4 y show the smailne^s ana uuuow inteUect ot the writers-President Roosevelt t, passion s secure in history and always viii b-. Two things will keep

r,m there. 1. He established Uie pnuuple that the national gov.. euimeni should be instrument oi hurvice to the people. 2. He co-aolished ied«'ral responsebili*y tor relief. Previously it was a lo , cu pioblem. Although h's op« pent uis condem him and all his works, s>rahge to say there . 1.-, nothuifj m !.iv. l pi a t;urn ton dem'ng th*-se two principles,

'! lie drive against th«-' so call. .a comic bfij.G ' ii'iauej Ro

v.uiitly Detroit police got after iiLia una ixuiiJiu:! T large nu:n

uvi iiom the ci>y news stana-.. We beii'-ve Ann Arboi took similar action. The m^ve seems ^ <>v Juiiioa WJUC In Savanah,

Georgia,the schools have ban." shed them and announcd all bringing tluin 'o ^hool will be oxieiled. We do not know vJfevfror [hose books incite

" 'i u'j'. ifiov -al-r , 'he co me si rip characters and have

'hem perform impossible feats. Its a was'c of time reading them hut undoubtedly they enjoy a wide circulation among the agers.

• *• •

N<>body knows anything about if arriage until they get into it many are <he pitfalls due to ignorance. To correct this, Rev, Lmmc'tt, Detroit < ducator ha3 in troduced a maninge course at 'he Universty of Detroit, Tho classes will be held fwo ho^rs eacn Wedne^dc/ and rnly wo men will be taugh m the fall .••omester and men in 'he spring.

The courses w:T deal with: 1. Marr'.age iVf para Ton;2. ^|ar^ ago Lc-gifi'alion;3. Causes ofSucc cess 4. Fa'lure of Marriage; 5. Problems of Married Life.

Whle 'he organiza'ions jec'ives and much good,

Mrs. George Meabon sr. is visiting her daughter. Mrs- Wa ( e l e spent Sunday a1 ihe Wilbar ren Snapp in Marion. I ^isele home, Fowlerville.

Mr- and Mrs- Andrew Nesbittj Mrs- Patxick Dillon oi Howe** were goeete ot Mr. and Mrs. L | » spending some time with Schonline in Lima Ohio, las 4

— - » - - • * .

Mrs. Emma DinkeL wm4^ i Leo Bettes and family of Wai

oi Dexter wene Sonday g u ^ & WixB.]ame% Whitley and Mr. of Mr. and M r s - A n d ^ ^ , ^ UnTZb^t ^ a d were

GMold Swarthou*. Phiflip Gen *~~ *"*' rf ^. ^ ^

at Wch- SMUi <hto mmk.

si***-** « : ^ K « ^ J K Z ! 1 £ + 2 ^ w J ^ M e c e r and iamUy

J l l J u ^ A M ' s eeee Brighton weee n«k eexi od0ers|

I s»g « t ***** •nieejiirr.

various veterans' have worthy ob . undoubtedly do

their conduct at tho r b'g conventions leaves a gi'-at deal 'o be desired. The American Legion seems to have qot'en a name for noisy uncon I ro'l^d conventions in whtoh - le *• ffor: is rv^dc to controll

deLega1' s who at s^ch times move m and take over the ci*y. After a recent convention,Chic ago, th<- ho'eN: of the city band ed together and addressed a communication to the legion hoads ask'ng them to t<ike s^epe to prevent a recurrence of such disorders in the future. One hot'-l, the Morrison susta^ed S500C wor^h of damage and others lesser amounts. Such a* tions are a blot on the fat name of the organization and it should be the efforts of the offi cos to curb such disorders.

Sometimes truth is stranger han fiction. On a bitter* cold

er- Mennen Williams, scion of a 1 mte back in Dec. ¢$46 a bum weattiy Grosse ' poir.'e iamhy \ cr.me in a New York beanery who made their fortune in soap \ is the Dc iocrct nominee for governor / means of CIO and AFL ^badencr. Li fl is known of hJm except he served on the lia uor control com mi -ion by Rep

AUTOMOUlUi ACCU>liNl While enroute to Lansing on

Sunday night a car driven by Fred Campbell of Ann Arboi containing Mr. and Mrs- Ona Campbell of Pincfeney, Uppe< over near WuMiamston. Mrc

t ^ m _ ^ . ,i Campbell was only one injured of Dr. Sieve Brown in Detroit. ^ ( m d w a f l t a k e n ^ $^^ h o £

pitcd where she will be ior some time with a neck injury.

and ordered an b2c dinner. Th.s v/u: before infla-ion >• When he had disposed of it he told the waitress he could no1 pay for % and the big hearted girl dug down in her sock and paid i t it. T'me marches on. The other day said waitress got a letter from a law * firm notifying her her she had been left $35,000 by the bum who was a millioe air in disguse out looking for worth-/ heirs.Moral:Bi»cuit Shoot ers should be courteous to aft patrons.


Bake soieJSa«uiday. Sept. flr

r ood Locker. This is io Mrs. Irene Mikula of Phil i : pkkL Pa, is visaing her sister, | money for pkiyqro«nd Mrs. Ckv» Mnler <mi famly. ; rnent. ' '

l o y Carpenter and wile of A** Arbor and Mrs- Beatrice titter of feduaa* cefted on Mr.

M » Sett Hocfcer Sundcqr.



% • - - >

:% •f-^r- 'M£s * * * > * :X'. •4^

.A ,%^

Page 2: V pnrtmej'Bispattf)pinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1948-09-22.pdf · V'ce Pre*. John P. Ware Secretary.Mary Margaret Clark Treasurer --.... Susan Campbell Freshmen President Dtdb


B ^ . *» . * .» « ^ n - « i W ^ B M w a H t l ^

P I N C K N E Y D I S P A T C H Wednesday, September 22, 1948



The White Front Marke This W t k Specials

Neighborly Note* I AVOFTTHEATER )


Magi* City ' SAIGON"

A Thiiliing Adventure ol the East

with Allen Ladd, Veronica Lake

Rhapsody in Wocd Musical Miiacle

Mieh.Pota&of s S>! .Nol Peck

Pflesaie Hams Choice Cuts

Sftea Round or Sirloin lb


si Roasts Fi'esh Lb

Meaty per Lfr Fresh. pcr Lb

eef lb Werners Bacokie, sliced

ire Ribs $ Hocks

Pork Livsr Ground

4«c lb S9C

59c 49c 39c

The hou3ing shortage h a s hU the. W a s m e n a w county jail in Ann Atoor last w e e * wnere SJ* ptibonei* wvii-' packed in space uvuuuea tor 70,

A nouding project a i Milan un der r HA n a s starred k> build 3 I no-ses LO b**ii a^ $4,500 each-

A marriage Ucense h a s b e e n i 'Mog^City' . is&ued in Ann Arbor to Alice Sun., Tues Sept. 26,"~28 vVulteit and Albert Head. "SECRET LIFE OF WALTER

Gary Posel, 1& o* Stockbridge MITTY" w a s iound dead on U, S. 16 la Technicolor near Brighton last Monday in A Rio flociing Comedy with his'car by scnool children wMi Danny Kaye, Virginia M a y o a rifle b e t w e e n his knees . He k Piu* &ew» had been despondent, Ctoonerj < ^ i l | — — j ^ j j g ^ Bordon pronounced it suicide. you«

Miss Barbart Brown- daughter^ of M r s v Grace Brown- former Lakeland telegraph operator

MO WELL 1 heater

"It Hod to Be

59e 49C 59c

married to Ernest Thompson of South -Lyon last week,

Stockbridge high school will inaugerate t n e u * n e w lighted athleuc iisld Sept .24 in a g a m e with Fowlerville-

The Stockbridge school enroll ment is 4G0, high school 180-Dex ter has 455, Howell 1013 and South Lyon consold*t e d 796The latter operates several shools.

Genesee county at the elect on turned down a proposition <o bond for a TB sanitarium.

The state h a s let cm $81,000 contract for additions for

CHELSEA. MICH, Fiiday, Saturday, Sept. 24, 25


rues w«4L, Tbur'. Sept iU. -*. -o THE MIRACLE OF THE BELLS"

Mrann«i Fred MaMurray, VcuU Frank

8inatrL Lee J. Cohb Cartoon No**Hf Friday. Saturday, Sept 24, 25 Penny Singleton, Arthur Lake

Larry Simms la



William Bishop, G p l Henry Cartoofc

Sunaay, Macauy, &eptea£*r 26, 27 Mat Sunday, 2;IS F, M, Continuous Mickey Rooney,Gloria DeHaven Walter Huston, Frank Morgan Butch Jenkins, Marilyn Maxwell


In Technicolor Cartoon New*

Starring Margaret O'Brien, George Mux

phy, A n g e l a Lansbury N e w s Cartoon

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Sept. £6,27,28 f

"EASTER PARADE" la Technicolor A Musical with

Judy Garland,Fred Astaire. Pe e Lawiord, Ann Miller

Tuesday, Wednesday, September 28, 2S "THE FUGITIVE"

StanS^g Henry Fonda, Dolores Del Rio

J- Carrol Ncti&h, Leo Carrillo Comtdv Cartoon . Nsws

ber vice

t h e C a r t 0 ° a "Kitty Failed"

sower system at the York state 3 " ^ Shows 3.5,7,8 h o s p i t a l . l W e d < Thurs. Sept, 29, 30

Mr. and Mrs. Jay Brigham of Grass Lake celebrated their gol 'BILLY,


Thunk you. my friends for the

splendid vol© given me on

Primary L.ocUon Day.


Cacuit Judge

thcieoi upon Stanley Dinkel.Acnuu^ HOI i/ rend f. .ale at lYwiaey, JV-.'.i . . n or Ltiore the 2ii.li ciay at Nuvomber i\. 1)., 1948, at Jen o'cioak ia the iorenoo.i, said time and place being hejeby un­pointed ror the examination and aaj...^. ineut of ail claims -and demands agau.-s auid diceased.

Il is Farther Orde.ed,That public notice thereof be given by publication of a copy of this order once pctch week for three successive we«ko pic \ . us to said day of hearing in the PincJcuey

\ Dispatch, a newspaper, printed and cir-' ct fixated in said C^i.:'/•. , A true copy Hiram R. Smith

Ce)fjstia ParshalK Judge of Piobcla Register of Probate

•*- +* A


- < • " < • <U<fj « C - ^ 4 % « t . < & >

. STATE OF MICHIGAN The Probata Court for the County

de wedding last Tuesday The W a y n e University football

team is training at Recreation Camp oo U S . 16 near Howell.

Hov/ell h a s an independent ;

football team which will p l a y . a league with Fen ton, Flint, De j in l eague with Fenton, Rich mond, Hamt grocery store

The Seamons have sold their W'ilJaxl Kourt of Pinckney had

15 stitches taken in his face Corky Moon had Internal injur i<?:; and a possible troctured arm and Miss Marie y.udkjan, Hamburg lacerated knees and el bows when their car crashed on Brighton Lake Rd. last week-

The attendance at the Fowler' - l ie Fair w a s light this y e a r ] nd they will be in *he red- ) \ t the election la3t week South

Lyon approved the purchass of a new $8000 fire truck.

The Michigan Seamless Tub* Co. at South Lyon .s buiidng a 70x100 ft. addition.


Roy Rogers, Mary Hart (Re released) ^




Bank b y Mail—Whether y o u h a v e a Savings or Checking Ac cont, y o u m a y deposit and with draw runds from a distance a s eas i ly a s you mail a letter. Safe and convenient. Protect youi cash by using our





Unaer Fe(feral Supervision Member Federal Beposft frumranc*

r a m a c k ^ a n d "rkry T e d 1 > o n a l d s o n ' I o h n L1t»l« A n n ' CoVpoTa'tfen.AU Deocliti l | m d Uf at Hamburg. I ,_ ^ 1 ^ , . __ J ^ j 5 > ° ^ * * " * ^ D e ^ f c r - _

Dead cr HORSES «6.00 C O W S $7.50


•CALVES AND SHEEP REMOVEP IREE*9 ] Asimalf Collected Promptly

Modern Equipment Capable Men t. L, PARKJBR. Axent ^ fhpne 88, Pinjlcnj

Service in Micaiffa Tbm FASTFST l>ad fito'k

Central DeadSt^ek Co




Rokos Sod* Bar and Sandwich Shop


We are prepared k> servo \l... General Public with High Class Fountain Service and Lull: i Pkg. Ice Cream to

Take Out Candy and Tobacco-

gandwlcbes Special Lunches Are Served At All Hours


Come in and Get, Acguainted

Mr- & Mrs.Robbie Rubin son




J 4 4 i


Xae * . ni'


At a eeaekm of floid Court hold ai j tite Probate Office ia the City oi How- j «H is Mid County on the iith cay oi fieptrwher A. D., 1348

i'xmmnt-Hmi Huaa H. Scuth Judge


pe«B», Deceased. C Smith having tiled in oend

IT y t t t i pp praying that the ca <(L JKXki esiate be gtasted tz.

f. 00f!le> or some other suuesi t


i At a seselon. oi said Court hela L.L I the Probate Olfice in the City oi now

ed in said Ccuuty on the 6th day o, oi /-.uijuai, A. D., 1943,

Prt j-ent.-Hon. Hiram R. Smith, Juugc oi Probat*.

iN IHE MATTER OF THE ESIATE O* Tneodore Lemire^ Decaoed,

It appearing to^toe court that the time lor presentation of claims against said estate should be limited, ana tnai a time and place be appointed to re­ceive, examine aiid adjust all claims ana ctemanas against said deceased b> and be;ore sai Court.

It is Ordered, That all of the credi­tors off said deceased are required *o present trieir claims' to said Court at said Probate Office and to serve a copy thcrdof oa June Lemixe, Administratrix oi -uid estate at Lakeland, Michigan on ox uefore the 29th day Oi Ndveinb;r A. I/.. 1949, at tea o'clock is the firoiK .>n said time and place being hereby ap-pjiiited tor tne examinution and adjust! ment of ail claim* u»u de;r.anf-s agcan-s said deceased.

It i» Furtlier O-'i; ..L^.rhat public notice thereof be given by publication oi a copy of this order once each week for three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing i* the Pinckney Dispatch, a newspaper, printed and dr-cuculated in said C;o?m.y. A .jTJf> copy xi\zcr\ K. Smith Cplestia PaishaH iarc* ~i ProLate

>.agister ci Probed


Ex Capt. Key Summersby,£is enhower's ex secretary chauff eurade tells you the dramatic story of what she saw a s Eis*»n hower went through the crucial 24 hours proceeding D D a y -

Pre,ent:Hon. Hiram E - ^ m i t h . Judge | M a k e it a p o i n t *o r e a d " A oi Probata _ __ I Wcic t y e View of Eisenhower





;r» said Coan'.v. i Hiram R. Smith J

:iaii judge of Proborfc i Register oi PioDate

^ a e ror.y :1,0 i - :

STATE OP MiCHIGAV The Piobale Court for th« Cottnty oi


At c session of said Court held at the Probate Office in the City of How­ell in said County on the 10th day of S'.poribdx A i*. . 194b,

H Is < M M § » V A a t the 4th day ol

MJ)~ 1M8 e t t«Q o'clock m \hf 4* mkk fsobate offfice , bo

Jor hear^ig


'd>3 %& -/*fip., + -

Osdeeedjhcrt public bf publioalion •Mte «ach week


IN THE MATTER CF THE ESTATE OF I ^ fte Amerian Weekly, a crea: John c. Dinkei, Decased. . magazine with this Sunday's is

ft appearing to the oourt that the ^ ( g o p t 26) of The Detroit tiin^ for presentation of Cairns against S u n d a y T i m e t . said estate should be i, ailed, and that •

a time and place be ^ P P ^ ^ * 0 ^ ! Dr. Betty Gruob of Flint w a s a ceive, examine and adjust all claims j t . i « « ci^^^, 1 + « d desKind. against said deceased by * » • * Of the Hoff Sisters last

Court. week. It to CMwftd* That d l of the aedi-

itecs of said at* s*quk»d to Court at

Mrs. Marjory S h e h a n and children spent tjb« w e e k end at the R07 Merrill h o m e in W e b

Notes of 17 Years Ago Bancroft Fair Oct. £,2,3,4-Fowlerville Fa.r O c t 8 to 10. Pinckney has within the vili

widows and 3 wdower». widows and 3widowers,

The Cong'l. church will hold^ a Harvest Home Festivtl at the J opera house Sept 25. 26-

R. H. Arucll h a s traded his farm north of town for one near Brighton-

Rob Russell is now pastor of the M E Church of Frankiin

Archie Durfee of Dan. store^Si-ockbridge is at Barnards store this week with a stock of ladies sits and coats.

Mrs. Charles Grimes h a s open ed dressmaking parlors over Campbells store .

ic:n and Will Cooper are building a basement barn-

i . . e M i s e s e Boyle 6 Halstead have returned from Grand Rap ids with their fall milinery stocp

Gilbert Hicks who h a s b e e n spending the summer with his graad parents h a s returned to Washington D. C.

This i s sue contains a n iilustra ted writeup of the editors trip to Frankfort.

Andy Roche has returned to his work at the U. of M.

\ \ iH Roctoe attended the state fair Monday.

41 numbers were sold Friday fowlerville- The squad is a s uight a t dance at I-J.Abbotts, follows. Capt. Hooker, A. Camp

George W e b b h a s a n e w top j be l l Morgan Harris, -Bowman,

Better Health er*













PLUMBING, HEATING, fcfcPAtR ING S71> Lakeside Drive. Raub Lake PHONE 157F11


McCseccr, VaxiBkria'curn.i Gerald and Harold Reason, Clare Hen dee , Dinsmore,) Bourbonncds, Stackable, Snyder, KeUy.Hcdl N. Campbell a n d Wal lace .

buggy Farnum's grocery w a g o n h a s

discontinued its. trips until the spring.

WE.Murphy took in the races • at NorthvUe Friday. Jim Roche I won in 3 straight heats with his W^* groxiing for <h*

hoise. Greeo Wileon. Purse $125 . p o r o n e n t o n Grand Rirer a s e c | t k » dt the aW plank rood w a s

Not** of %% Years A«o *>- * " * * « * ^ » » « * *

W. Z. Murphy and Recze att , tended t h s Dexter.. Northville

g a m e -Sunday- Roche Shehan

hit 2 home runs for Dexter. Harry Jackson l ias b e e n a d .

mtted to the state bar. C lyde Sibley, tormer, editor,

h a s bought Homer Index-

W y

JAMES T. JOHWTOICE The body of James T. John ^

„ . ..___ . ^.-. . s t o n e , a former Gregory : ^si&ent road w a s storted a t Detroit i n 1 will b e brought here to . JV for

T V Bkmken Bakery w a s e n f 1848 a n d completed to Lansing! buried in St- Mary's cemetery, ered Monday night a n d a small j in 18S3 b y a private concern i The funeral is at S t Mary Mag amount of money taken. j who g o t a charter a n d charged ! de iene church, B a s e l Park. He

Mrs. Thomas Richardson d i e d ! tolL f h e charter w a s fodeited • l e a v e s 8 rhftdresx tncludiag a at her home here last. Surviving' in court when . company failed eon. O a r e o c e oi Gregory-are her daughter. Mrs. Robert j to k e e p t h e road h i lepedr. 1 * * * Grainger a n d her husband. \ l -, V Tbm Herbert Pahner Jrs. r e t s m

Pinckner high school o p e m ] O y d e MaGUor h a t boyaht **> insm 4seh: «dp e s ^ e s » hvssg i n

her ***+ mm* TO** srt*l Utmm mom UOmm^^tmwm^ . ^^ ;fP# v

Page 3: V pnrtmej'Bispattf)pinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1948-09-22.pdf · V'ce Pre*. John P. Ware Secretary.Mary Margaret Clark Treasurer --.... Susan Campbell Freshmen President Dtdb


_ P1NCKNEY D I S P A T C H Wednesday, September^, 1948

ard Goods, Hosiery Gents Furnishings Fruit Vegetables


Kennedy's Geik. store

Plflt •; jv f c i DISPATCH Entered aa second vjaa*

Iter at PostoffiM at t'inckney, aiichiean ui.dc

_ ^ lhe ict • ! March 3 187 Published Every Wednesday l l o Main Si. ..1'incknjv, Y.chiran

j Subscription rata $1.50 a Year Paei W. JLurktt, Pubii»h«r

Arnold Berquist ol the Mich. Son. spent the w^ek end at lhe Merwin Campbell home and with Merwn went *o the ball i,ame in Detroit Saturday-

Fred Aseltine and family of White Lodge has moved to the Poulson apartment on East Main* St-

ivn.uad iviitf.lloyd Maycro^i oi iv»iana rtap'as spen^ iaai wee* Wi n LwiWin v^ampbeii ana lanuly.._,

ivas. Unas- Eddy of Rosco::)rn. en bpent iaai ww it wj n ini* ^,:nu r.w.-i^

iviis. Uncus. Laay. Mis. Edna *kw^owii u n a Loo-u Cautiu *,*. >**. una JMIS- ii*u rrea Uarp cinei ui .fuiwue vvea nite.

rwy iifcusuu una iumuy sp^n^ oui^ay ui une nuiiey viwon i i u t i i e u l Ol. KOU1S-

x«ju»- **wuia neuoun und Leoi-a » tfji- ouuauy ui -ne ouru©i

aiiu i«ub. j-enuy are en^i'-au'uug,




Perms-Stone Is * stone-likt \ nett that looks like stone, hit

7«l'l Its finer features and is perma* neat. Zt Js not a tacked-on siding. r.ch block is cast and applied in-d idualfy, like stone. Ask us to s' d yon a descriptive folder about t' is modern facing for all typ«t oi buildings.

CArtL PIERCE. 5416 Camerouvy Drive Brighton

e EDD STOLT, 664 Detroit JL M W. D. RICHARDS,.912 ~N. Mich. BRAYTON KIRK, 5 i 5 W. Gran 1 F V j v v r , i.

MRS. M. J. BEAUPRE, 601 Thomp Son Lak* Driv«, Howell



i i ich.. > ner :

^*liuo\nei, ivnb. /uuexi jacuuiiz otj

m»cn wipretsea o y tne beau ] m"! scenery and many Knees' lit i a

i.*cssrs Jack Hannett, Ross iteuu, jut vjriwtitn, mormon unu v iiiiora iviUiex ana F. W. ^uner/ weic cjueais oi unn rtoanson a me MI-U>I- masters night banquet oi veeaic i/oage in *-he JJeuoiL iv^asonic tempie 'ihursday nite- f

L.jin to hooert Vedder una wiiw at tAie ivit^n&rson nospi'aL

I iiuweii .iiept. la, a_son, noDeit Ui-ura-

rvuarew Kirtiand went to 'he /\ue^nauy Mis- iast week witn

• a uuy »vv4 lroop. Mrs. Pauline McLucas and son

wi n Mrs. uva heindu ccuioa at lhe Uuriett home Saturday ni e

Lmmet \\ iameyer is working on the new movie theatre at Lester .

^.,./1 oiiirley and iamily and ivui bnirley and iamily oi Deer-iield were Sunday guests at


Deomcrat Ticket

He became a candidate for sheriff at the November election only upon repeated urging of his friends- This. office calls for integrity, sound judgement and an effic ient organization. Irvin Kennedy has these qual cations and knows how to build his organization. If elected he plans moving vo Howell and making this a full time job. i Political Adv-


i From where I sit;!. £i/ Joe Marsh)

Nicest Compliment IVeHad

One of the nicest comments I've received about this column was from an editor in the Middle West I called on. And w hile I i\i>i\'t like to give myself orchids, I think It ii'lift rales a point.

"Joe," he said, "it so h ippens I don't £ij_ri*• e with ' vi'vf.intc you sr.y, but 1 a! .•••'' s 1 .c t:i run j'<;jr column. IiccMi.-'o it ^(''^ d./*vn to c.irth and t; )k- ah >nt the rifjlit to (Itnofjrcc. Ai. 1 it only nsl.s for tol­erance towai'l- the othef person's point of view."

He went on to explain, by way

of illustration, that h« never had happened to have a. taste for ale or beer. But that when I spok» of the riyht to enjoy a moderate bev-crajafe like beer, weft, he was right there with me!

And from where I sit, that'* the imporlun* thin«: not whether you share Brother person's taster or point of view—but whether you recognize hi* right to exerciM ft freo choice in a free land.

v*atfpr*?w* c<z '^U^l'lltL. y.-itnl Stales 11/i'ii.rrs. Fj^gfi^qtMia





HORSES $6.00 COWS $7.50





Plumbing Water Systems Etc

Stanley Dink el




Elmer Langley of Detroit spen j0hn Sprout broke a bone in the week «ad at the AiDer; hia cinkle while playing iootbali Dinkel.hame. , last week-

• . Just think! Over 2CCGG0 Edison customers—your neighbors—are serving appetizing meals these days . . rcooked by dependable Edison electricity OK wc'enZf automatic ranges.

Most of them enjoy the advantages of the auto­matic timer. They can be out all afternoon and return home to a delicious oven-cooked dinner ready to serve.

All of them like the speed and coolness of the Kuf.icc heating units on* these modern electric A r . ^ . T h e y ' r e happy,too, with pots and pans that are clean and smudge-free. There's no flame, no fumes, no soot in the' .J4 ens because it's all been removed at the power plant—many miles away.

Your Uvcrite appliance shop or ^er^rtment store

has the model in slock to meet your particular needs. Switch to electric cookery now!

- * t »



MJSS Alberta Dinkel, Levi LUG tke ana herald DJ xei and lam-Uy spent Sunday at tne Detroit

^.-2 *JHV£W£L IA SUin ru**M

J^s,** - LL\i • • W V > » C i l ^ A



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of -.*» ,»•** ' i l l , M X W K M . ^ V *

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D ET R P »w -t fmi-*!.

E D I S O '- CO.


The Dexter Masonic Pu^ ter» Night is Oct. 1. A tl

of local Masons will attenu Mrs. Paul Monks and baby Detroit weze out Sunday-

Jimmy Bidweli of Brian ton J„ visiting at the Ben White homt

lhe Younglove PTA will no. a social on homer Ab&ey s iav. Oct. 1* loe creamcctke and pie. free will offering.

Allen Dinkel and Francis She-hao saw Detroit beat Boston twice Sunday-

Wayne Wagoner and wife are on a trip in northern Michigan.

Mrs. Coco White attended a party in Ann Arbor Thursday at' the lames Footer home lor Mrs. I Ella Newman-

Mrs. Hctsel Dy oi Ann Arbor] a f i f i n j f e e t oi Mr4»d aew oaii bm a t**** .


— *-A

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Page 4: V pnrtmej'Bispattf)pinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1948-09-22.pdf · V'ce Pre*. John P. Ware Secretary.Mary Margaret Clark Treasurer --.... Susan Campbell Freshmen President Dtdb

I J lil.hHilli|fi»|^iliiifi m,' TM,» > « ^ * « i a « r M n a ^ i i i * u&" •+•*> *Wf$0.. •• ' "•' •i'v'j>n<iiiH^i'"i1|JiWliiit W'f l g = ^ 5 S S ww^p

Wednesday , September 22, 1948


,, M. 4- <*«lj» St* I A

Piaekney, Mich* ) Daily 11 «00 4 t M. to S IOO P. et%

£*Cept Wednesday Me** Tu#4V»f ri.. Sa l , 7 J 00***00 p .* .


. u s* it •14. Qtfiet U S

HERB SNEED Cbuw 1«* 41»? * *»

Howell, leal feu*,

City, Lake U 4 V

VajiWinkW * V*aWiaU» Cher!** K. >e*w*f*»

AttetBoys at Law F i t * Stele eeve1


Lie* Yew freserty WHs Ne

CEMRTEK* HEMORIALS •14 N. Mala S t Ana ArterJileft Harold Chejbb, Local Renreeaaftattee 516 P L i f e t N G ^ L HQWELL

rtowsMela^B* 4St or 97 Marlo*K*


MAHTtN J LA VAN Attorney At Lay

13 I K M » «*ais%> ReseiHia

d Chejbb, Local •L iHjNG.31 , . I t t o w ^ ^ f l l k


AflnWArllb State


BRILLIANT new beauty! StrlMng new style! Gleam­ing white enamel finish! Supplies plenty of hot

water for the a vera*? family el tout—automatically—

for less than H a day! Come in and pick on* new Duo-Therm Automatic Fuel Oil Water Heater now. Four alzes to choose from I L


f e e s * St-re Piackaay -, » Micklgaa

A U C T I O N * . ER FARM SALaS A ^ r t L l A i - m r


Attorney at Lew 807¾ Eurt Grand Hivar, Howe!





You* Black Dirt Now. Ifett lor Lawn i

Putnam S t P l a c a t e * P h o n o 106F3 —TXNrerTAscrf

TYPIST L*»tt«r» or Any Paoerl # Competed

or Copied at Your ConVonianco All Work Confidential

747 Main St.- Ptockney, PhenrSOFIl


Aarteii*a«* Sorviya IS PaWaey. Miakig





LIVE STOCK HAUL'ML AND W.tkly Trip* Mada To Dv**oft





7028 Torn* Road P. O...Fiuckne/ KFD No. 2 Tolopkono Dexter 1110

Lavey Hardware Linoleum RugaCombmation Ra.,"," M. H. Nile and family of Jack

and Mrs.Mae Metz of Hov spent Sunday with the Le<? J

Bedroom Suite Map! Suite, Living Room S^ite, Studio Couch, Duncan Phyf>' drop leaf able, 4 Lyre Chairs. China Cab Inet, 5 Piece Chrome Kitchen Set, Drop Leaf Utility Table, Ap artment Size Gas Stovei Electric

to be sold this week- Stop in any time. Phone Dexter 7760 Third St. Dexter

381 1

Mrs Dora Stackable spent last week with Mrs. Edna Spears-

and Mrs.Mae Metz of H o w j

Lavey family. m | Gerald Clinton and wife.Ralph i

Clinton and family and Mr, and Mrs. Harold Killian of Detroit spent the week end with Mr-and Mrs- C. J- Clinton.

Mfrerson State Bank

Walnut Desk, 9x12 Head Sewing

KefrigeratorGovvWinthrop- D ^ k i - J o t a S c W i - c r ^ family and ^ ^ J J ^ ^ T F j * " T r e | --- • - « .-1.1- I ' u l l u ^ 4 4 _' called to Gregory Sunday wher* -

i p . . .1 v ^ ? S i ™ 2 l 3 ~EdVeV Meyer and family of FurrAture, all k inds ,Occas ional \ , ~ , t „J l ljM- ^ ^ ^ WnH*r


Chaii, Tilt Back

Secvretary, Kneehole ] C l a r e M i l l e f ^ f a m i i y s p e n - • c™™ to Gregory a u n a a y wier^ , Reading, 'Ritina, 'Rltfi Oriental Rug, Drop ^ Z i a v ^ M t o i t h n r ^ ° 1 ^ , M r 8 , M c C o n n the o«der of 'he day ail

' - - r Satuiday in ue i ro i^ e l l s u t t e r e < i 6t r 0ke. ' m.wc^m^m v ™!*\ M e ^ ^ t h H v a l t e R" K" ^ 0 ^ a n d w i f e c a l l e d

Chcdr, Porch Ypsilduti cal led at the W f l W Qn w H c l a r k a t Unden S u n


i 80^4 Portage Laka Rd , Damtar » Photi * Daslar »461




Glider, Oil Eurner, Two 9x12 Clark home last week. day and found him very well-.

CASH SPECIALS Cofifee.De! Monte , b5ic Vinegar Gat Sic SoapFelN aptna8«.i9 c Grapefruit £/. 19c Beets^Clark's Spam

No. Z Cant

Ne.3 ( e n £ for

'Rithmetic is over the - 0 1 8 E M | C r f t I I < j R W t r #

counAy. { Pkono 151 Many youngsters are starting I

school for the first time. Of course,all parents aspire to have '• their children obtain a s much ( education a s 'hey must make - ineir own w a y In t]


FOR SALE: 6 i t pre wax g a l r a n . vanized horse water tanx, nerer sed. ^iO.uo, McD9nneU 8414 PettyivUle Rd. r u t i SAJUCIA^ Motor w »iHty^> and a circulating heater.

Wiliiamj Cooper bAui b l iThitS Dependable 35c a n hi. Call Loxna Shirley 146F3,

I ^ 1 Brady 6 a .. I * wit &ALL:Three Burner KeroT

s e n e &ove Near Bock Store 4972 Winston Road,r ,ortqgs Lake F U n bALE:5~ burner kerosene ^ o v e with oven. Price $3, Electric uatiron $2

* 9742 Winston Rd. near >Bocfe*.s ( Store, Portage Lake. FOR SALE OR RENf;5 rooai cou D iain a s mucn f wwry - 1 h \FOi

possible before , \M/ gUWhf /M f t kf \age with toilet at Pa terson Lako » their own w a y I WW l € l W / X f 4 c * , J^s oU neat.

C^orge VanSkiver, 11371 l a k e v i e w MVQ. WANTED.Man for part time jan­itor work. Evenings. Apply Board of Education, Pmckney

n e world

1 WANTEDtSCBAP IRON AND W a ^ l ^ L r v to f ? r ^ f J ^ ^ D METAL. W e Pick up. runes necessary to nnance each « o r r r m i * « / » 7

A Ssvisfs Aatfemn can t* oponeo *i£ s s UMaf e* s f 1 bilL

busheL L W. Umstead & Son roirgAiE:Toi^ATOE§: ! FOR SALE,Baby b u g g y ^ n cnau,

! jhr*. of _ draneio and desk. Dale Miller, Phone 78F13 J 8292 PettysvlM* Bosd

120¾ 4B-C B o l o g i i d

By ??©•


Baron 8anar«s

47e lb

FOR SALE—Hand Carved Itai- F&ft S A 1 E : I § 4 6 Dodge 2 ton ian Oak Dining Room Set also • truck, short wheel base , also a Bedroom S e t large Norge oil heater, 2 large

Mrs. John L Conners ' Round Oak heal ing stoves. SUver Lake Baud. Pinkney \ J«« Walsh , Webster Twp,

Mousy to loan At reaaouieto iU«s. - e i T r _ o ^ ^ w ^ ^ i , , rtM 6 5 3 6 Walsh RUPhone 3133,Dex

^urert peid s o Savings Beoss see F p S A L E - 8 s e v e n w e e k s old ^ ^ ^ Tisss CertlficsUf of Deposit. * Duroc Jersey Pia*. _ F Q R ^ / ^ ¾ ¾ ^ ¾ ¾ ¾ fc^ ^

McPhcrsoo State Bank ar»J Daparit l—ranto

All daeoaiu a* to ¢6,000,01 l*~ •vroa bjr oar aMmborabJp ia PeaL

Thomas Murphy, Phone 108F4 o i land $1800. total price. arm Morning coal c a n g i v e terms. 6 room bouse,

heater with crutomtic draft con. 9¼ oam of land,partly finished

- A lien - 4 Hi. family s , e m, £ * * ffiL^'ce v r, . ^'iS^'tt^*^ , ^ \u \ic Be*t" Phone 143F2 — 545 E. Putnam flWf %ntt* fiorman Heasop A'iut is finer tfcan to 8pc»d--tb# T O R ~ R E N T : O N E " " FURNISHED,F° R KENT: Cottage Furftlshed. at .uinn.er wi l l a use toostCwe have ROOM. L I. McKinley 5 S J ^ - ^ ¾ ^ F a S B t ^

^ ^ JJ ' j ^ n w k , M W / (McCKgor end Ifalvui Rd. Inquire at C A I l e o .

a huf •lllattSi Of bo*t«) a*4 305 y ^ g t j pjacfaj^y, puteoscA sseteis specially a Mar. \XTK%a^vr\ T A — B f l o e r * z -jtla 40 or ev.Americs't finest out. r * ™ 1 ? T O ^.1^1¾.. a u t e W S S H E :Potaioe«. »U g H « hno^ w , wtii ^ , . ^ . ^ ^ ^*. trailer house for fee winter. , Willftrd WfltM Parm^phone 181P4 board. We vfll damoastmte for you on tns laiv« Very flr.w A s a Patterson Lake J

I SJH stin eleantef l e f s sad r*» itery drop n e s oard.

L. Mclrrtyro. Fowlo^ritt*, Michigan


can do t e s t Also paints, Main* TOR SALE: 220 gal lon iuel oil Hardwsx% Oars Paddles, Fishing tank: Mrs. Skinner holstery drop mo s esH. tackle, bait W«L also sell or rent) Across the Mill Pond cement mixer*, trailers Come and' visit ua. ' George WHaaa JCeeAe* Wiale*


ZUi W. Gmo4 River, Cake Ghe-i-n-r.fr. Five sriUs vest of BrjcMer

j | ..ono 3A4W4

Lester McAfloo a n d foanil-spevt S u n d a y a t ftW Omar G a e s j

u lome — '

P/eal Ste^v BOMELRfS

i l %i% c

The P t 4 t f n « R C M e A s s a a t the school l a s t Maadcry nite.

The PettrvfiaW Hcena £**e* sioa O i s b saet « t * * **** **

\* i'j

J Rob

Mickce* 11 Mr. coed Mra. t o * Farridqrtao '

d We^barvffie d Mr*

We Want to Buy

Your Grain

Hank Yon Kindly

Farmer's Feed Ssppiy O

' f


/ - >

