Risk Assessment for the Prevention of Heat Stroke at Work Risk Assessment for the Prevention of Heat Stroke at Work

Risk Assessment for the Prevention of Heat Stroke at Work Risk

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Page 1: Risk Assessment for the Prevention of Heat Stroke at Work Risk

Risk Assessment forthe Prevention of Heat Stroke at Work

Risk Assessment forthe Prevention of Heat Stroke at Work

Page 2: Risk Assessment for the Prevention of Heat Stroke at Work Risk


This booklet is prepared bythe Occupational Safety and Health BranchLabour Department

This edition March 2009



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Page 3: Risk Assessment for the Prevention of Heat Stroke at Work Risk


Risk Assessment forRisk Assessment forRisk Assessment forRisk Assessment forRisk Assessment for

the Prevention ofthe Prevention ofthe Prevention ofthe Prevention ofthe Prevention of

Heat Stroke at WorkHeat Stroke at WorkHeat Stroke at WorkHeat Stroke at WorkHeat Stroke at Work

Risk Assessment forRisk Assessment forRisk Assessment forRisk Assessment forRisk Assessment for

the Prevention ofthe Prevention ofthe Prevention ofthe Prevention ofthe Prevention of

Heat Stroke at WorkHeat Stroke at WorkHeat Stroke at WorkHeat Stroke at WorkHeat Stroke at Work

Page 4: Risk Assessment for the Prevention of Heat Stroke at Work Risk



Introduction 3

How to Use the Checklist 4

Heat Stress Assessment Checklist 5

Heat Stress Assessment Checklist

(Example for Reference) 10

Other Publications 13

Enquiries 13

Complaints 13


Page 5: Risk Assessment for the Prevention of Heat Stroke at Work Risk


Risk Assessment for the Preventionof Heat Stroke at Work


Workers engaged in manual work are at risk of suffering heat stroke in a

hot indoor or outdoor environment, especially in the summer days when

the temperature and humidity are high. To prevent heat stroke, employers

should arrange for a suitable assessment of the risk of heat stress at the

workplace and, based on the assessment results, take out effective

preventive measures. In most cases, such risk assessments are simple

and can be conducted with the help of a checklist. This booklet provides

a sample checklist for reference.

Employers may appoint a person who is familiar with the working

conditions of the workplace and has basic occupational safety and health

knowledge about heat stress to conduct a risk assessment with the


Page 6: Risk Assessment for the Prevention of Heat Stroke at Work Risk


How to Use the Checklist

• Complete Section=f=on workplace information. Give a brief description

of the work process.

• Section=ff=gives a list of questions covering seven risk factors, namely,

temperature, humidity, heat radiation, air movement, workload, clothing

and acclimatization. Go through the questions carefully and tick the

answer in the box as appropriate.

A "Yes" answer for any question indicates that there may be potential

risk of heat stress. The more questions having a "Yes" answer, the

higher is the potential risk.

• Summarise the results of the assessment and recommend suitable

control measures and their implementation time, as appropriate, in

Section=fff. In drawing up specific control measures for any risk factors

identified, you may make reference to the examples given in the

corresponding part of Section ff.

• For reader's reference, this booklet also gives an example of a

completed checklist for a selected outdoor work activity.

• Where there is doubt about whether the recommended measures can

effectively control the risk, e.g. some measures or similar measures

are already in place, workers have to wear personal protective

equipment (such as respirators and non-breathing protective clothing)

at work etc, you should consider the need for engaging a person with

knowledge, experience and competence in heat stress risk assessment

(including the use of suitable equipment to measure heat stress

parameters and interpret the results) to conduct a detailed and

comprehensive risk assessment.

Page 7: Risk Assessment for the Prevention of Heat Stroke at Work Risk


Heat Stress Assessment Checklist

Name of organization / Department: ___________________________

Work location: ____________________________________________

No. of workers and work description: __________________________

Section II

Section I

- Take heed of weather report.When the "Very Hot WeatherWarning" is in force, enhancecontrol measures, e.g. wherepracticable, reschedule the work tocooler periods in the daytime (e.g.before 10:00 am or after 4:00 pm)and arrange the work at a coolerplace; arrange more frequent restbreaks (e.g. appropriate breakafter 20-40 minutes of work);provide sheltered resting areasnear the work location; provideworkers with drinking water andremind them to take plenty of waterand stay alert of their physicalconditions, etc.

- Eliminate or relocate the sourcesof hot air.

- Exhaust hot a i r out o f theworkplace.

- Provide air conditioning to theworkplace.


Is the workplacelocated outdoor?

Is the workplacedirectly affected bythe temperature ofthe outdoorenvironment? (e.g.workplaceventilated byopening windows)

Does thetemperature of theworkplace generallyexceed 320C?

Does the air in theworkplace feel hot?


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Risk factor Examples of specific controlmeasures for risk factor

Yes No

Page 8: Risk Assessment for the Prevention of Heat Stroke at Work Risk


- Set up sunshade/shelter over thew o r k i n g p o s i t i o n s w h e r epracticable.

- Wear light-coloured, loose-fittingclothing made of natural materials,where it does not pose safetyconcern.

- Wear l ight-coloured safetyhelmets in construction sites. Inother workplaces, wear wide-brimmed hat to block awaysunlight on the face and neck.

- Take heed of weather report.When the UV index is at a highlevel, enhance sunshade facilitiesand reduce outdoor work asappropriate.


Is the workplacedirectly affected bythe humidity of theoutdoorenvironment?

Does the relativehumidity of theworkplace generallyexceed 85% ?

Is there any source/equipment thatproduces steam?

Is the skin of theworkers completelywet?

Heat Radiation

Do the workers workunder directsunlight?

- Take heed of weather report.When the weather is humid,enhance control measures asmentioned above.

- Remove steam or moisture byexhausting it out of the workplace,particularly workplaces in aconfined area.

- Increase air flow with appropriateventi lation system, e.g. air-conditioning and/or portable fans.

- Wear thin and vapour permeableclothing.


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Page 9: Risk Assessment for the Prevention of Heat Stroke at Work Risk


Are there any heatsources / heatgenerating facilities(e.g. fire, welding,hot surfaces andmachinery) in closeproximity toworkers?

- Isolate heat generating facilities.

- Use suitable materials to cover theradiant surfaces (especially blackor dark-coloured surfaces) of thefacilities or use facilities with non-radiant surfaces.

- Set up suitable screens to reflectradiant heat away from theworkers.

- Provide reflective protectiveclothing for the workers.

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- Provide mechanical aids forworkers to minimize physicaldemand on them.

- Reorganize the work to reduceintensity and pace of bodilymovement of the workers.


Is the workloadheavy? (e.g. carryinga heavy object overa long distance)

Do the workersperform intensivemanual work at afast pace?

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Air Movement

Is the air stagnant inthe workplace wherethe environment ishot?

Is any warm or hotair blowing onto theworkers?

- Increase air flow with appropriateventilation system, e.g. air-conditioning and/or portable fans.

- Keep hot air draughts away fromthe workers.

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Page 10: Risk Assessment for the Prevention of Heat Stroke at Work Risk



- W e a r t h i n a n d v a p o u rpermeable clothing.

- Reschedule tasks requiring thewear ing of th ick or vapourimpermeable clothing to coolerperiods of the day.


Do the workerswear thick orvapourimpermeableclothing?

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- Allow time for acclimatizationstarting with a lower workload orshorter working duration, andgradually increasing the workloador duration over a number ofdays.


Are the workers notyet acclimatized tothe hot workenvironment?

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Page 11: Risk Assessment for the Prevention of Heat Stroke at Work Risk


Section III

a) Summary of risk assessment results:




b) Recommendations for control measures and their implementationtime:




Assessor: ______________________ Signature:_______________

Date and time of assessment: ________________________

Page 12: Risk Assessment for the Prevention of Heat Stroke at Work Risk


Risk factor

( Example for Reference )

Heat Stress Assessment Checklist

Section I

Name of organization / Department:


Work location:


No. of workers and work description:


Section II

ABC Construction Company

123 XXX Street

2 workers manually excavating a trench for pipe-laying in Jun 2009


Is the workplace located outdoor?

Is the workplace directly affected by the temperature ofthe outdoor environment? (e.g. workplace ventilated byopening windows)

Does the temperature of the workplace generally exceed320C?

Does the air in the workplace feel hot?


Is the workplace directly affected by the humidity of theoutdoor environment?

Does the relative humidity of the workplace generallyexceed 85% ?

Is there any source/equipment that produces steam?

Is the skin of the workers completely wet?

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Yes No


Page 13: Risk Assessment for the Prevention of Heat Stroke at Work Risk






3 Heat Radiation

Do the workers work under direct sunlight?

Are there any heat sources/ heat generating facilities (e.g.fire, welding, hot surfaces and machinery) in closeproximity to workers?

Air Movement

Is the air stagnant in the workplace where the environmentis hot?

Is any warm or hot air blowing onto the workers?


Is the workload heavy? (e.g. carrying a heavy object overa long distance)

Do the workers perform intensive manual work at a fastpace?


Do the workers wear thick or vapour impermeableclothing?


Are the workers not yet acclimatized to the hot workenvironment?

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a) Summary of risk assessment results:

There are risk factors of high temperature, high humidity, intense solarradiation and heavy workload. The risk of heat stroke is high if suitablecontrol measures are not adopted in the workplace.

Section III

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Page 14: Risk Assessment for the Prevention of Heat Stroke at Work Risk


• Take heed of weather report. In case of "Very Hot Weather Warning",high UV index or humid weather, reschedule excavation work toperiods before 10:00 am or after 4:00 pm, and arrange an appropriatebreak after 20-40 minutes of excavation work.

• Set up temporary sunshade over the working positions of the workers.

• Ensure that the workers wear light-coloured safety helmets and light-coloured, loose-fitting clothing made of natural materials.

• Arrange regular breaks for the workers.

• Remind workers to take plenty of water and stay alert of their physicalconditions.

Assessor: CHAN Tai-man

Date and time of assessment: 26 May 2009 11:00 am

Signature: XX

b) Recommendations for control measures and their implementation time:

f) Implement the following before work commences

• Set up a sheltered resting area near the work location.

• Arrange for the provision of adequate supply of cool potable waterduring work at all times.

• Provide portable fans to enhance ventilation to the workers at thework location and resting area.

• Provide lighter shovels to reduce the effort of shoveling.

• Ensure that the workers are adequately trained on the symptoms ofheat stroke, the precautionary measures and the emergencyresponse actions.

ff) Implement the following precautions on every workday after workcommences

Page 15: Risk Assessment for the Prevention of Heat Stroke at Work Risk


Other Publications

Readers may refer to the leaflet, producedby the Labour Department, ent i t led"Prevention of Heat Stroke at Work in a HotEnvironment" for general information aboutprevention of heat stroke at work.


For enquiries about this booklet on occupational health and hygienematters, please contact the Labour Department's OccupationalSafety and Health Branch through:

Telephone : 2852 4041

Fax : 2581 2049

Email : [email protected]

Information on the services offered by the Labour Department andon major labour legislation can also be found on our website athttp://www.labour.gov.hk.

Information on the services provided by the Occupational Safetyand Health Council can be obtained through its hotline 2739 9000.


If you have any complaint about unsafe workplaces and practices,please call the Labour Department’s Occupational Safety and Healthcomplaint hotline on 2542 2172. All complaints will be treated inthe strictest confidence.

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