Advances in Stroke Prevention

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  • 8/4/2019 Advances in Stroke Prevention


    4/19/2012 1

    Advances in Stroke Prevention

    Dr. G. Devathasan

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    4/19/2012 2

    Stroke Subtypes by MRA/MRI/

    U-S/Blood screen

    A) Hemorrhagic --- small vessel rupture,AVMS, Aneurysms

    B) Occlusive or Ischemic. Ask where the

    source is (etiology)i) Carotids, arch, vertebrals

    ii) Circle of Willis, basilarNote thedifferences in the behavior of the

    endothelium at different sitesiii) Small vessel disease --- eventuallydiffuse leading to vascular dementia,Biswangers, amyloid, Cadasil

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    iv) Cardiac embolivalvular, AFparoxysmal

    v) Vasospasm TMA vs. TIAvi) Mixed leading to diffuseatherosclerosis

    vii) Systemic Disordersantibody

    syndromes. E.g. APA, abnormal clottingprofile, primary lipid disorders

    viii) Venous disorders --- venous relatedinfarcts

    ix) Trauma --- dissectionh) Inflammatory or unknown Takayasus,Moya-moya, etc

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    Proposed Etiology of Primary


    Chronic lack of fluid intake (not salt)Shrinkage of the blood volume

    Renin/ angiotensin & other vasopressors

    Arteriole spasmArteriole sclerosis

    Atherosclerosis, Small vessel disease

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    Systolic below 140 & diastole below 85. Take

    height & pulse rate into account. Avoidwatershed infarcts by hypotension

    Fluids to be taken in generous portion of 3 litersper day in divided portions

    Choice of antihypertensives from the ABCDgroupspersonal

    ALLHAT study biased towards diuretics from itsdesign & analysis

    All BP can be controlled with present range ofdrugs

    Treat the labile & the nocturnal rise, especially ifassociated with sleep apnoea

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    Powered vulgar word. More patientsimply dubious product. E.g. ALLHAT study

    (19,000) 10 % dropout, especially thediuretic group

    NNT or Number Needed to Treat --- Goodword & concept. 1/ARR

    Double blind study required when aproduct does not speak for itself.Streptomycin, penicillin did not requiresuch studies

    Meta-analyses; only successful studiespublished. Negative ones discarded bydrug companies

    Statisticians not blinded. E.g. Caprie study

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    Invariable influence of drug companies.

    Disclaimer statements are insufficient Fabrications of data in reputable journals

    not uncommon. Publish or perish pressureof Institutions. Classic example case of

    H.S. of Bells Institute published 14fraudulent peered review articles in 18months in Science & Nature

    There is still no substitute to astute clinical

    experience & observation your feel of adrug

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    Antiplatelets Trialist collaboration (73,000)

    27 % reduction risk composite outcome

    Algral & al (10 trials)

    16 % reduction composite outcome

    Johnson & colleagues (500)

    15 % reduction

    Aspirin loses its value after 5 years


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    Ticlopidine TASS after 1 year noadvantage over aspirin

    CATS Ticlopidine vs. Placebo RRR 23 %

    Cure trial end point not for strokes

    Caprie: Plavix vs. Aspirin; no advantage &

    Plavix appears to have no effect forstroke prophylaxis & more for PVD &coronary events

    MATCH for combination therapy for TIAs

    results pending But ACCP guidelines; Plavix is equal to


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    Aspirin & Dipyrimadole

    Earlier studies negative:

    ESPS2 (Combination vs. Placebo) favorable results

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    Warfarin (since 1924)


    Rodenticide Clotting factors II, VII, IX, X

    SPIRITS INR 3 - 4.5 negative study

    WARSS; no advantage over Aspirin Subtypes PFO, cardiac & APA

    WASID for intracranial stenosis subtypes

    Retrospective study favorable;

    prospective study pending ESPIRIT study pending

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    Other Preventive Measures

    Homocysteine lowering ?, HRA

    GP 11b/111a receptor antagonists

    trials abandoned

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    Lipid Lowering Agents

    Cholesterol is not a potent risk factor

    Cardiovascular events should not beequated to cerebrovascular events

    No substitute for leanness & diet

    Small risk of Rhabdomylosis/Polyneuropathy

    Higher risk of Hemorrhagic strokeswith cholesterol below 150 mg

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    Non statins cholesterol lowering agentshad no impact on stroke outcome

    Statins still dubious

    E.g. Care study with Pravastatin (4159)

    10.2 % vs. 13.2 % ARRR is 3 %

    What it means is we need to treat 33

    patients for a few years to prevent one

    stroke case

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    What then is the future?Carotid endarterectomy & stents

    are of very limited value

    Thrombolyticsrisk of Hemorrhage &Edema high

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    Look at Plaque regression & in theCircle of Willis systolic peak velocityreduction

    Manipulation of the autonomic(sympathetic) system. Nitric oxide

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