Rise in Fascism in Europe

Rise in Fascism in Europe...Rise in Fascism in Europe Fascism a political movement that promotes an extreme form of nationalism, militarism, denial of individual rights, and one party

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Page 1: Rise in Fascism in Europe...Rise in Fascism in Europe Fascism a political movement that promotes an extreme form of nationalism, militarism, denial of individual rights, and one party

Rise in Fascism in Europe

Page 2: Rise in Fascism in Europe...Rise in Fascism in Europe Fascism a political movement that promotes an extreme form of nationalism, militarism, denial of individual rights, and one party


a political movement that promotes an extreme form of nationalism, militarism, denial of individual rights, and one party


Page 3: Rise in Fascism in Europe...Rise in Fascism in Europe Fascism a political movement that promotes an extreme form of nationalism, militarism, denial of individual rights, and one party

Which European countries adopted fascism in the 1920s

and 30s

Spain, Italy and Germany

Page 4: Rise in Fascism in Europe...Rise in Fascism in Europe Fascism a political movement that promotes an extreme form of nationalism, militarism, denial of individual rights, and one party

Fascism rises in Germany due to problems in the Weimar


What is the Weimar republic?

Page 5: Rise in Fascism in Europe...Rise in Fascism in Europe Fascism a political movement that promotes an extreme form of nationalism, militarism, denial of individual rights, and one party

An Unstable Democratic Government

People in Germany had no history of democratic government

Multi-party system

35 fighting political parties trying to run it by 1928

The gov’t has so many problems to deal with, and they can’t get anything done!

Too much opposition, attempted coups, and assassinations

Page 6: Rise in Fascism in Europe...Rise in Fascism in Europe Fascism a political movement that promotes an extreme form of nationalism, militarism, denial of individual rights, and one party

President Paul von Hindenburg

Page 7: Rise in Fascism in Europe...Rise in Fascism in Europe Fascism a political movement that promotes an extreme form of nationalism, militarism, denial of individual rights, and one party

Treaty of Versailles

Germans considered it a stab in the back.

Massive war reparations

War guilt clause

French occupation of the Ruhr valley

Page 8: Rise in Fascism in Europe...Rise in Fascism in Europe Fascism a political movement that promotes an extreme form of nationalism, militarism, denial of individual rights, and one party


To deal with their failing economy and war reparations, the German gov’t prints money

Loaf of bread cost….

1 mark in 1918

160 marks in 1922

2 billion marks in 1923

Carried money in wheel barrows

People paid 3x a day

Page 9: Rise in Fascism in Europe...Rise in Fascism in Europe Fascism a political movement that promotes an extreme form of nationalism, militarism, denial of individual rights, and one party

What would you do?

Please open books to page 896

Page 10: Rise in Fascism in Europe...Rise in Fascism in Europe Fascism a political movement that promotes an extreme form of nationalism, militarism, denial of individual rights, and one party

Quiz Yourself

What are three major changes in European society after WWI?

What are important differences between totalitarianism and fascism?

What problems in Weimar Germany led to the rise of the Nazi party?

Page 11: Rise in Fascism in Europe...Rise in Fascism in Europe Fascism a political movement that promotes an extreme form of nationalism, militarism, denial of individual rights, and one party

The Rise of Nazi Germany

Page 12: Rise in Fascism in Europe...Rise in Fascism in Europe Fascism a political movement that promotes an extreme form of nationalism, militarism, denial of individual rights, and one party

Adolf Hitler

Born in 1889, son of Austrian custom official

Was he part Jewish?

Alois Schichlgruber and clan

Bad student, drop out

October 1907 Rejected from Vienna Academy of Fine Arts

– Good street scenes, trouble drawing people

Page 13: Rise in Fascism in Europe...Rise in Fascism in Europe Fascism a political movement that promotes an extreme form of nationalism, militarism, denial of individual rights, and one party

World War I

Hitler moves to Munich in Germany

Is there for the outbreak of war


Dispatch runner between the trenches

Awarded Iron Cross, first class


Page 14: Rise in Fascism in Europe...Rise in Fascism in Europe Fascism a political movement that promotes an extreme form of nationalism, militarism, denial of individual rights, and one party

End of War

Gas injury

In hospital


Page 15: Rise in Fascism in Europe...Rise in Fascism in Europe Fascism a political movement that promotes an extreme form of nationalism, militarism, denial of individual rights, and one party

What about his early life do you think is significant?

Page 16: Rise in Fascism in Europe...Rise in Fascism in Europe Fascism a political movement that promotes an extreme form of nationalism, militarism, denial of individual rights, and one party

Entry into politics

Job as political observer

Joins German Workers party after observing them

Skills that help him rise to predominance

– Trained as lecturer for gov’t

– Speaking skills

– Organizational skills

Page 17: Rise in Fascism in Europe...Rise in Fascism in Europe Fascism a political movement that promotes an extreme form of nationalism, militarism, denial of individual rights, and one party

Skills continued…

Party control by 1921

Renames it the National Socialist German Workers Party

Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei

NSDAP or Nazi

Turns party into a mass movement

Flags, uniforms, badges, newspaper

Page 18: Rise in Fascism in Europe...Rise in Fascism in Europe Fascism a political movement that promotes an extreme form of nationalism, militarism, denial of individual rights, and one party

Nazi flag; don’t write, just listen

– Red - social idea

– White - national idea

– Swastika - struggle of the Aryan man

3000 yrs old, used in Greece, china, England, Germany, India

Sanskrit “good being”

Common decoration (Finnish air force, American 45th division)

Denoting German nationalism

Page 19: Rise in Fascism in Europe...Rise in Fascism in Europe Fascism a political movement that promotes an extreme form of nationalism, militarism, denial of individual rights, and one party

Joseph Goebbels; in charge of Propaganda

Focus on small towns, rather than big cities

Huge network of people gathering information

– What makes people unhappy?

Direct mailings

Rallies included music, a dance, then speakers

They become largest party in Germany

Page 20: Rise in Fascism in Europe...Rise in Fascism in Europe Fascism a political movement that promotes an extreme form of nationalism, militarism, denial of individual rights, and one party

Beerhall Putsch, Nov 8, 1923

The plan:

In the midst of massive inflation and near collapse of Weimar, Nazis will make alliances with other right-wing parties, march on the gov’t and take over.

Page 21: Rise in Fascism in Europe...Rise in Fascism in Europe Fascism a political movement that promotes an extreme form of nationalism, militarism, denial of individual rights, and one party

The Event

Met in a beerhall in Munich


Most groups drop out

Nazis and a few others march towards the capital

Government blockades the streets, shots are fired

Nazis scatter, Hitler is arrested

Page 22: Rise in Fascism in Europe...Rise in Fascism in Europe Fascism a political movement that promotes an extreme form of nationalism, militarism, denial of individual rights, and one party


Hitler comes off as patriotic, thoughtful, and a real leader.

Judge sentences him to 5 years

He serves less than 1

Page 23: Rise in Fascism in Europe...Rise in Fascism in Europe Fascism a political movement that promotes an extreme form of nationalism, militarism, denial of individual rights, and one party

Prison and Mein Kampf

Hitler’s manifesto; it contains….

German nationalism



The right of the fittest to lebensraum (living space) and secure control over the inferior races

Hitler lays out his plan to attack Russia, Poland and Czechoslovakia and eliminated the Jews from Europe

German “Aryans” will then resettle land in the east and use the slavs for slaves

Page 24: Rise in Fascism in Europe...Rise in Fascism in Europe Fascism a political movement that promotes an extreme form of nationalism, militarism, denial of individual rights, and one party

Hitler becomes Chancellor

Chancellor - Head of state

I thought the Weimar Republic had a president?

Page 25: Rise in Fascism in Europe...Rise in Fascism in Europe Fascism a political movement that promotes an extreme form of nationalism, militarism, denial of individual rights, and one party

Becoming chancellor

Nazi party was doing well in elections

A protest vote

Other political parties thought they could use Hitler to gain popularity, and control him

He insists on being chancellor, not vice-chancellor

They agree, he is made chancellor

Page 26: Rise in Fascism in Europe...Rise in Fascism in Europe Fascism a political movement that promotes an extreme form of nationalism, militarism, denial of individual rights, and one party

Reichstag fire

Reichstag - the government offices, like the American Senate building

Page 27: Rise in Fascism in Europe...Rise in Fascism in Europe Fascism a political movement that promotes an extreme form of nationalism, militarism, denial of individual rights, and one party

Reichstag fire, February 27

Fire breaks out

Who did it? Communists?

President Hindenburg is convinced to issue an emergency decree

Reichstag fire decrees – Suspends civil rights

– Anyone can be arrested and held

Page 28: Rise in Fascism in Europe...Rise in Fascism in Europe Fascism a political movement that promotes an extreme form of nationalism, militarism, denial of individual rights, and one party

Germany becomes a fascist state

Page 29: Rise in Fascism in Europe...Rise in Fascism in Europe Fascism a political movement that promotes an extreme form of nationalism, militarism, denial of individual rights, and one party

March elections

Nazi campaign techniques

44% of the votes

Pass the Enabling act

The gov’t can override the constitution for 4 years while issuing laws to deal with the country’s problems

Hitler is dictator, and through legal means

Page 30: Rise in Fascism in Europe...Rise in Fascism in Europe Fascism a political movement that promotes an extreme form of nationalism, militarism, denial of individual rights, and one party

Just listen!

Creating the Nazi state

Page 31: Rise in Fascism in Europe...Rise in Fascism in Europe Fascism a political movement that promotes an extreme form of nationalism, militarism, denial of individual rights, and one party

Hitler’s plan

Develop and Aryan state that will dominate Europe, possibly the world and exist for thousands of years

Germans must actively participate

How to do it?

Page 32: Rise in Fascism in Europe...Rise in Fascism in Europe Fascism a political movement that promotes an extreme form of nationalism, militarism, denial of individual rights, and one party



Get people working (Grants, public works, rearmament)

Page 33: Rise in Fascism in Europe...Rise in Fascism in Europe Fascism a political movement that promotes an extreme form of nationalism, militarism, denial of individual rights, and one party

Terror and Repression

Terror: murder, thugery, concentration camps, death camps, execution squads

Arrests made in the middle of the night

Arresting families and friends of dissenters as well

Page 34: Rise in Fascism in Europe...Rise in Fascism in Europe Fascism a political movement that promotes an extreme form of nationalism, militarism, denial of individual rights, and one party

Racial Policy

Creating a master race

Page 35: Rise in Fascism in Europe...Rise in Fascism in Europe Fascism a political movement that promotes an extreme form of nationalism, militarism, denial of individual rights, and one party


Attempts to separate Jews from people of German descent politically, socially, legally and economically

Exclude people from certain professions

– Legal, press, cultural, entertainment, teaching, civil service

– Jewish doctors can only treat Jewish patients

Page 36: Rise in Fascism in Europe...Rise in Fascism in Europe Fascism a political movement that promotes an extreme form of nationalism, militarism, denial of individual rights, and one party

Non-Aryan Laws

Raises Bureaucratic question - who is Jewish?

Page 37: Rise in Fascism in Europe...Rise in Fascism in Europe Fascism a political movement that promotes an extreme form of nationalism, militarism, denial of individual rights, and one party

Nuremburg laws

Last minute, Nuremburg rally of 1935

Excludes all Jews from German citizenship

Forbade marriage and extra-marital relationships between Jews and German citizens

Forbids Jewish housekeepers under the age of 40 from working in German homes and vice versa

All laws are retroactive

Page 38: Rise in Fascism in Europe...Rise in Fascism in Europe Fascism a political movement that promotes an extreme form of nationalism, militarism, denial of individual rights, and one party

Kristallnacht, Nov. 9 1938

Secretary in German embassy assassinated by Polish Jew

Sparks Nazi rampage

Synagogues burned

7,000 Jewish businesses destroyed

100 killed

30,000 sent to concentration camps

Page 39: Rise in Fascism in Europe...Rise in Fascism in Europe Fascism a political movement that promotes an extreme form of nationalism, militarism, denial of individual rights, and one party
Page 40: Rise in Fascism in Europe...Rise in Fascism in Europe Fascism a political movement that promotes an extreme form of nationalism, militarism, denial of individual rights, and one party

In the aftermath…

Jews bared from public buildings

Prohibited from owning, managing or working in any retail store

Encouraged to emigrate from Germany

Page 41: Rise in Fascism in Europe...Rise in Fascism in Europe Fascism a political movement that promotes an extreme form of nationalism, militarism, denial of individual rights, and one party

Quiz Yourself

What are some important details about Hitler’s life before he moved into politics?

What was Joseph Goebbels in charge of?

Why was Hitler sentenced to five years in prison?

What is Mein Kampf about?

Why was Hitler made chancellor?

What are the Reichstag fire decrees?

What was Kristallnacht?