RHODE ISLAND ::r · Smith. was born in Bristol, Rhode Island, in a house built hy 0 1\1' of hisa ncestors, on June IJ, 1794. Ill'was t hr-child nf parents descended from a long lin!

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VO L . 1 8, No . 3

J UL Y , 19 5 9

ISLAND ::r:-


f.""'A~" WI"" ". , 1', ,,ill, ~ 1 ."n,uN"'. ).I . Vu .... J ~ . , 1'"~,~ ,,,

h'NK I. . II ' Nc." ,.• ", J. " S""'~'Y CLl f.""" J' . ).I" N''' ''N , Vi" " " ,(:'-''''' ' '' NA. 1:,)1 ' 'NO. 3.". L"b ,~, i~"

1'~, R ~ n i. /.,1""11 H i.,/m ;'<d S",i." ""~m,, . n """,""b,f,,),

/0' /~, , /~"m'"" '" / ~, "P'.'''.' 0/ ,o.'"bw ,,,,,.


PUllU SH f:D llr THE RH ODE ISL Ai'lD HI ST OR I CA !.52 I' OW ER S T R E E r , I-'R O Vlnf.." C E 6, RII O" .:


vot. I II J l ' L \' , I ' I,')'1 :"< 0, :3

ISSUED gUARTER L r AT PR OI'IDENCE, RHODE ISL AX D(Suo lld-c1llsS poslllgt paid 0/ Proliidt " u , R hod.. 1,/mld )


BENJ;\ ~II;\' Ho."i\\"( >RT Il S:\I IT II

( 179 4 - l flB4)

l:.'arly X ew 1~ l1 l.; lll n d Clrrl.;l'1II11 11

T ilE FR A ~ K LT ;'; P Rf. s s •

Bn" J AM' ~ BoS W OR TH S MIT H ( 1794- 1884)hy W. Rebert I nsko

'1',.... B. OKER F A M IL Y O F R E H OB OT H , ~lA S SACH U SETTS

hy Wah n M . Baker



C"'T A Lon O F T H f; RH o m : I SL-' ''O H l s T O RIC ,'L SOCll'.TY

FU R "" TuRf: CO L LE CT IO ";

I n. id.. F ront C o v t r






B"ek Cove r

by W . R OIl EKT 1." ~ K O

BF." ,I," lI:" B O ";W O RTIJ S ~l lTH . t he first Ep i, ('opa l lJiNho p of Ken ­till kv a nd the ni mh presid ing bishop of th (' Lpiscopa l Ch ur ch. waso rdained priest in 18 1B. I Dr. William Xlanro....' wriu-s, " T he 111 0 ."1

convenient d a te to mark the hegi nn in !!; of the period of ac tive expa n­sron of the hist ory of th e Episn lpa l ChIl ITh .. . i .~ 18 11. fo r t ha t cla lesaw t he ronsct-rat inn (If tlu- tw o bisho ps who wer e to he t he first andprohabl y th e m ost im por tant leaders of th e Ile\\ epoch. J o hn H enryHoba n of i'\ ew York , and Alexander Vir-ts ( ; ri."wo ld of the EasternJ> ioc (' s{'. " ~ :\11'. Smi th , therefo re, r-nt r-n-d rhr- priesthood 011 thethr eshold o f the new epoch a nd . as wr - sha ll 'CT, wa, \Try dn~e too ne of its two most importa nt leaders. T hese two bi-hops \HTe the"uut-aandine rcprc-cntnr ivcs of th e two I Y I){'~ of rhurchman-h ipwhic h \\T IT to do min at e th e era: H igh Churchmunship and E\'a ngd i­ca lism,'-:T Altho ugh Bishop ( ;r i ,~wold did not like 10 think of him selfas a part~ m a n, IW\Trthe!es., it was gellera lly re( ognil.nl by his ron­tcmporn ric that he would an wit h the Eva nuclica l pa rt ~ , a nd under

I' ront eovn : T il E FRANK L!:-; PRE SS


N ow 0" EXHIBITIO:-; in the Soc iety 's m useum roo m is a n ancien tprin t ing p res." whi ch played a role of th e utmost importa nce in th eh istory of prin ting in Rhode Isla nd. Sai d to ha w been made a ro undthe year 1650, it was bro ugh t to Boston ill 17 17 by J am es Fran klin .

con' i nu~d 0" p . HI

'S,-,' llIy arti" I,- " B"njamin Bosworth Smith" ill tIll' !f ;, IOI;w l Jf fl/'. ,,,i ,,r of Ih,'J' , o l ~j / a ,, 1 Epiu " p,,1 Ch",rh, Ju,H', l~j5:1.

~Wi ll i"lII Wilson M auros s, A Hi' /or )' of Ihr A m n ic a" f :p" ' '' I",1 C/",,,h(:"",,,.. Yurk: ~l u"' ho ll S " P "bl i , h in ~ (:0, 1'(\." I, p. 21 :1, .'\S O r. ~ I " nru> s po ints ""tthi." divisi"" i' lik,' a ll I d " o r i (' ~1 d i" i, ion, . an ind" hni l" on", hUI it i, 1--'l'0I,a],1\· til<'mo, t ,'ou""ni"nt OtH ', T hi, Ill''''' "I>O"h "" " 1I1",t i'"pOrloHlt Iwram" III IROR th ....,·w('Ie hu t two hi,hups in th,' Il u ll>l' uf Bi, ho p" \ Vhil" and C Ia!,: !,:"! L

;lIbid., p. 21:3.


6t) FJt'71 )!JnUI1 ltosuorth S m it h Jlily Un ljl/m in IIrHlI'orth S mith 67

his leader-hip the Easte rn DiOlTse acq uired all E\"tngdical r harac­ler} This diocese cove red thr- sta tes of ~ lailH" (\I'W Hampshire,Vermont, ;\las.s.;lthuse!ts, and Rh ode Islan d ,

"lhr-nlogu-allv, the E\',lIIgd icals, following the leadin ,t::' Protestan tdenominations. taught that men were saved only hy an an in'. pn­sona l fa ith in j C1'lJ 1' Christ, a nd tha t gt )(Id artinns wr-rr- worthh-...s 1111 lrssth ey furnished evidence of such a fa it h. "lhev followed the Calvinistsill st res-sin g the nt'ces,si ty of conversion , bll ~ the)' reje cted the Cal­vinisric dortriuc of predest ination, Sincc thei r Iheo log\ was basicallva convt-rsion ist Iheology, they stn's,<;t'd t he i n tt'rn~I ' an d personalaspens of thc Ch ristian life ra ther than the inst itutiona l and cxtema 1.:'The fa rt that ~I r , Smit h was ordai ned by Bishop G risw old. afterha\'ing made a tht'ologi ca l preparat ion under him, is mos t importa nt.

Though there had ber-n some recuperation following" the A merica nRevolution , the church withi n t he Eas tern Dion 'sc was in a pfe­carious condition for the most pa rt . T he Boston churches had beenbroug ht bac k to a healthv con d it ion. Bristol ha d lx-cn revived bvHishoi J G riswold him self. l\'ew port was llour ish in,t:: , hUI the rhurcha t Portland w as in poor condit ion and at T a unlon was jus t beginningto show si,gns of life. The church at ~ la rh1l'head was \Tn w ea k atthe timr-." I t was in this parish , St . Mic hael's Churc h. tha t 'RenjaminBoswort h Smit h was ordained priest ." There were at thr- time justthirteen churc h buildin gs in ~ 1a....sachusetts and onlv three of t hesewere of much value. There were four in Rhode J...la;ld , five in NewH am pshire, two in Xlaim-, an d none in Vermont . There was a totalof about sixteen dergy to serve them. T his gin 's us some idea as tothe sla[1' of the church in Ihe area where ~ Ir. Smith hegan his work ,

Though there were few ('h urch hu i ldill ,~s and few r1('Tgy in Sill'll avast area, there was st ill llllfK' for the church in .r-,\ l'W En gland at thislime, T he h!"e<lkdown of Puritan ism was pwcl't'd ing a t all ar<Tleratt'dpa ce. and Ihe !"t" ligiolis opinions of man y were becom ing illrn'asin.1{lyIIIN~ II 1cd. The hittn prejud ices at:;ainst episcopacy were grad ll a ll ~

~Th {' I:'. \'a n~ rl i c a l pa ri,' ha d its o r ii'( in in l il.:- pr"ar hi n~ a nd I " "" il i n ~ or J o h nand C harl.:-! W",I ,.y, /lolh o f wh om r"1l\"in,.d d""~"''''' n of lilt" C h un-h of End and;,II II". i r Ii "".'.

:'M"nro", op. cil. p p. 21.'l.2Ifi." fbi,l .. p . 230.

;~bnro,.I , op. cit., p. 2:10,

' ~fanro", op, (il ., p. 2:,[ ,

dy ing out , no doubt hastened by the somewh at Purit anical churuc n-rof Hi-hop G riswo ld ." There was, ill gl'nna l. a remarkable growl h inthl' LI ~tl'rn Diocl'st' d ur ing h», epis ropau-. Hishop G riswold was ("1)11 .

sl'('rah'd in l llll and died in 184-3. ~ Ir. Smith studied under him andthen -a-rvr-d under him from 18 17 to 1B19.

Benjam in Bm wort h Smith, son of Stephen an d R uth ( Bosworth)Smit h. was born in Bristol, R hode Islan d , in a hou se built hy 0 1\1' ofhis a ncestors, on June IJ, 1794 . Il l' was t hr-chi ld nf paren ts descend edfrom a long lin!' of pious ancestors, of whom records exist sillel' theYI'ar I672 . .\1 r. Smit h's nep hew. the Rt. Rev. 7\ 1a rk Ant honv Dd\'olft'HO\H" .....a, to wri((~ of him that he "de-r ived both his blood and hisname [rom the Smi th and Bo.w..ort h stock repn-sen n-d in the origina l-entcmeru of Hrisml."!" H is father died when he was just five YI'a rsof agl', The most distinguished trails uf hi, mother w 1·1'1' her " depthof piety , warm nffrction , and the sweet influence she r-xrrtr-r], not on ly0 \ ( '1" he-r children, bUI over all w bo km-w her." I I At tilt' at.: t· o f eighthis mother started him on a course or reading ill English liu-ra rurr­and histor y, bor rowin g the hooks from the to ..... n librarv ..... lu-re hisunch- was librarian . Il l' became acquainted with Shak l'spl'are and:\ Iillon , and bcfnn- he w as e ighhTIl had lea rned C reek and Latin.!"H(' received part of his primary l'd w' a t ion in the private school tau.ghthy Xfa'am Bun . widow of Parson Hurt .!"

Although of {;on g-rq!;atioJla l purcntatn- ( :ung rq!;a tin na li:<m hadbeen th e established order in colonia l ~ la ....sarh u-ens. of which Bristolwas a part ulllill 74 7 ) . .\11'. Smith decided 10 stud y for the Episcopalptir-sthood.!" Befort, Ill' was eightn'n , he ('ntned Rh odl' Isbnd Col-lege, 11llW Bro n Uni\"l'l"sit~ . as a sophoillore Wht'IT Ill' \\011 Phi Bd aKappa and as ,grad Ualt'l1 with thl' :\.B. dc.c:n't' in l B1f;, W hile incn t1c.1{t· " a t odd hUllrs, during hi .~ l a~t IWo \ea rs. hi' had ,lth'a nced sofar, that , ..... ith ci,t..: h t mont hs ha rd stud y, after grad uatin g . . , lit' was

", \lf r",J LI''' , "l"h, I.i fl' (I"" Mi" i, lr)' of /J, n jomi" 1J ,,,," 'o. l h S",ilh I l.o"i,,'ill,' ):Jo h ll r . MUl tUli and Co" Lo u iw ilk . HI/H ), p . ·1.

IOMark .\Illla",) [kW" lf,' Ho"" " B,j , l ol. /l ho d, / , I" " d , .t 7'" ", ,, Iliul;raph )'IC allllllidl(p: lh ' \' ;nd Uniw'" ity Pro' s" I(UO), p. 22.

lISdf.~ladp Ma n : A o Al1wbiol(r"phica l '<; \.. '·I,h , " IS. ""i1\"11 h, Smit h. Bi, ho p],.'.. "I}' IH' ", rol ,. il in his ,·i l(hl\· -M·\'O' oth "'ar fll1 hi, " ..ph,.", lIi._ho p Ho", ,', :\1_0'Iu o t"d b} L,''' , up. eil., p. -to

J~fbid" .\ I- u L.·,., op, cit.• p. 5.1:ITh, R,i.,tot I'h ,,,.,,ix . Sal"rd;,)', J u n.. 7, I RR ·I .HS,·[f. .\ ....,j,- ,\ I.,n. ~ I<o I.,',' , "p , cit" p..J, and .1pplo ar,.," Cyc!up,difl of A"I o i_

«", Biog ,aph y ( ~ , ·w YOlk : D . ,\p]lk to n ,,,, d C Olllp ;IIl\", IRElBI, p. :'57.

fill July n f'/l j am i1/ HOJ /I"or lh Smilh

prr-pan-d for a n mer induleem examination" for th e di.u'unate . .'\~

soun a~ hr- enu-red rollcge. he assisted ine~lahlishin~ a Sunda y SdlC)(1!at St. John ..... Chunh, Providence. th e first in tha t conununit v. an done of tilt' first ill th is roun trv."

Dr, E, CI(Ow t'~ Chorky, in his hook .Ile1/ and .Hoc'/' me n ls i ll theA merican 1~ !)isr ()J!IIl Churrh , writes that "the ,golde ll age for theEvangelicals was in the thirt ies and forties."!" TIllis the Rev. :\ Ir.Smith r -amo alontr just in lim e to take hi ,'; place with other ."tmngnan,e:d i,als of th e time such as Richa rd Channing :\ Ioon', Philander(:has(', C harles 1', :\trlh-aine, William Meade , J ohn j ohns. andStephen Ell io tt , hilt most e."pl'(·ially w it h ..vlcxandcr Viets G risw old ,who. there is no do ubt , had quite an intlucncr- O il him from the wryI)('~inllill ,l:; , espe('ially ill the dOH' contact that took plan' br-tw r-rndeacon and bishop fro m April, 18 17, to june, llllll, as the formermade his prepara tion for ordination 10 t he priesthood .•\ 1r. Smithwas urdninr-d deacon. April 23 , 1B17, in St. Michael's Church, Br is­to l, R hode bland , by Bishup Grisw old, as we haw po int ed out above,an d w as advan ced to the priesth ood by him the followin ,e: yTar o nJ unc :Li , in St. .\1 h-hacl's C hurch, Marblehead. Massachusetts, w hen'he began his work as a priest . H e recalls that "it was the hottest dayof t he season" an d that no nn e had thought of obtainiru; the testi­mon ial of the sta nd ing commiuec. a majorit y of wh om resided inBoston, There were no railroads o r telegraphs in t hose da ys, but therewa s a Ilrr-t of horse - and several en erge tic youn g men , O ne was foundwh o was wi[]ifl~ to undertake the trip . Hr-Iorc leaving. the young- ma nwa s rharged to be sure 10 cha nge horses as often as nc('es,sary regard­k "s of 11ll" exp,l1se, Thi.s charge H'MI!tt'd from t he sad l"xpnil'IllT ofa n oruinand by Iht' name of Strong- who, not long bdore under theS:l llle ci]"r umsta IH'('s, had to pa y fo r the hor."l' of his nlt's .""' I1 .l:;er. H erOll1 ml'n ts thai, " Stra n.l:;e Iha l so few \\l'I'l' al all \"l' r."l'd in Ihe Canom,in t hose da ys. It is to 1)(' pn'slJllll"d that tlll'H' twn ('aM'S, forenT d osedthe d( ~ lr ag-aill."l surh blun dlT s." T he young m an ill thi s ('<Ise pnKllI eda majorit y of thr sil:;J1a t ur es, rt'turnl'd in good time. a nd h;1I1uedlilt' pa pt'fs to Bishop Griswold betweell ;\Iorn ing Pra yer a nd tht."Onlill:ll. t ,

1" //';,1 . . \ I, u I x ,", of!. rit" p.) ,

I';E. Clo wn Ch"t1"y. J/ ,·" ,,,,,I .\!uvemn't< ill the .-t",nie(J" f :I ' ;.«op,,1 Cll!Irch(r-.:,'w Yo , l : ( :har l,-, 'i n ih H<'r" SO"" I(Hh ), p, 1:l1.

I' r. ",,,~,·h,,,,·th Sk'·k h,',. ~I S , w!'i IJ"" by Smi lh_

Dr. J am es ' lha yr-r ..\dd ison has written . " To rm phasi ze the l'rotcs­rant [a rt or ill the Church is 10 ma,l:;n if ~ the im port ance of th oseclla ra(' ll' risti,'s wh it h thr- Chunh P(ls.'-t.'sse." ill UlIHlIIon \\ it h mlu-rKdornH'd Chlll"ch es-for exam ple. the hea viest sln':<-." upon thr- Bihll'as the ."l'\JHT of authurit v: devotion to the dn(( ri lll' of salvmion hyFaith in Christ abuu: a high value .set upo n prea ch ing, espe ciall yUpOIl prear hin g- to produc e con version: a nd in gen ITa l a n-ndr-ucv \(I

ex!,rt' :-.." the indiriduulistic side of Christian ity a n d th.. ."ub j('('lin'aspen of rdi gi"n :' J' In th e pages to follow , th e rea der will sec thatBenjamin Boswort h Smith lakes hi." piatT amon ~ t he E\ 'an,l:;eli(-ab ofth e church. Ill'fittin i:; one wh o learn ed his th eology a t th e feet (IfAlexander Viet s (;riswt lld.

.-\.";1 dr-ar-nn , xf r. Sm ith was ill (' ha r~{' (If St. ..\ lIIlrew·.' Church.Hanove r. ~ lassach uscns. I~' " .r- ha n ' sa id t ha l he \\a~ ordai ned dear-onO il ..\ pr il :tl, III I 7, The diotT."all ronvcnt ion. lTlt'rting at St . l'auls.J\ewhllryp0rl, that year. vot ed that he he ad mi tt ed to "thr- sitt ing."ofthe ( O ll \ e ll iioll."~" The dim est' nf :\ I ass: lthll~rtt s was \'t'r y small atthr- rinu- . There were hilt t\H I priests atlt'ndill.C: th is ronvent ion.

Thr follow ing vca r, I flI B, thr - fOIl\T l1 lioll met at St. l't'ter 'sChurch , Sah-m, on I\'on'mhn Ill, about lin' mouths after .\I f.Smi t h \ ord in.u ion to th e pri esth ood. T he co nven tion , '" 'Ill I'd, Thilltill' R(T. Mr. Smith he Seneta ry for tht- year ('lIs11ill g,.. ~t He wa.'rector a t St. Michael's Church . .:\ Iarhldwad . and his paroch ial repo rtshows tha t there were sixt y fa m ilies in t he parish and scvr-ntv nu-mber ­of the Sunday Sc h (loF~ W hile here one day 11(' was not ified that ak lltT a wa ite d him ill tilt' loca l post olficl'. In th ose days ll'ttns \\ITt'sOIllt' t im es expl"n"in' luxu rit'.", a nd th is one ca ll1'd for a dolla r. Il l'wai ted ."e\'lTal days, ea ger for thl' linn, but llll\\illillg to horrow a ndunahle to spa re the nH1III' y for it ~ P()~s(..:<-"i(JIl. Theil wh ile loo king (l\'t'rall (J ld pair of trouMT~ , he fou nd just the a llHlIUlt. whi ch he ha d leftand forgottell in 0111' o f Ill(' porkeTs. Jo~ftlll y he "t'nt for hi." ma il.which he found 10 he worth \Try little after all. H a rrit'll c . Big-dow,who rc("ords thi s sto ry, says t hat tht ' forcyttill,l:; of the dollar wa." as

I~J .tm," Th~"'r .\ddj,ou. The f:pi.<wp,,/ Ch",ch i " th., lJ"it"d Sill''"', 178'1-T'I:II I:\.' w Yot'~ : ( : h ~ rl, " S",ih,,,,r', So",. :\ " W York. 1'1,'11 l, p 8'1

n'j"",,,a/ of rh" (;""",,,/ (.'O ,",(",;O" , 18 18 , p, 53.~"j""nl{]/ "I 'h,' D ina '" "{.\fllS""h,, ....''', 18 17, p_ l:lh.~T Jbid., 1818.p, 13'01.~~ /b id.,p. H I.

70 Ul'nJf/lnm lIo:i ll'or lh Smith Jul y

cha r.H It'r I' th of lt-n j.uuin Bo~\\orlh Smith as the lark of it . for likr­ma uv auother ~i l i u l. businr-ss ill :-II far a~ it couc cm cd 1ll01ll' ~ . IMda lwa~ ~ to 1)(> loo kl,t1 after h~ hi~ mort' p ractica l \\ife . ~·1 "'hilc' rnlorat St : ~I il had '" ~ 1 r. Smit h W<l ' ma rr ied and had one c hild. H i, :-;IIanwas. :100 a \l'a r , H (' \\ il.' not p resen t at the d ux csan «mvcnrion of181 9 whic-h ;m 't at St. , \ lId ft'w'~ Chunh. H anover. in X ovcml x-r.

This w a~ rlu- vear tha t he moved 10 Vi rgi nia to hu nml' rect or ufSt , Geor.'::(' · ~ C h'urch , ;\("(OInark Count y, ~' h('fl' he wa s III remainuntil 1 8~1. ~ ( O n hi~ "a, bv bo at from Halrimorc to V irJ:inia tht' rc'was on hoMd a l"rg-(" milhlie -a ~ed man who, having influencr- \\ iththe captain. j,(ot him to land rhr- boat at the re..idcnre c,f hi, ~a t!U'r

" here th eft' wa.. nn wha rf. The yawl was launched, \\ rotr :\I r. Smith .and a." tht'\ dft,\\ il.' m-ar III the chore as the boat would .1::0, a broadsho ulderni :\"c'grn , oh~'T\'in g- his master . dashed int o th e litt le creck .nearly up 10 his w <l i ~ t and ca rried him . ur~ shod . to t he s t~ore. :\"m\it was ~I r. Smith's t ur n. T he :\e~r(l . hrarin.i; himself to rn e l\{" a IM~c'

burden, t.UJUO near to t ll~..inc: him into the wau-r he,au,....' Ill' "al< :-II

Ji~ht . :\I m,{ of h i ~ life hr wTi.t:: hed ahout II-t pnllnd~ . H e ~l ~~ th,1Ithis wa~ h i ~ fi r~t tlJll tiHt with Ihc' ~ntem (If s la ,'e r ~. "d \\l' lIinc: in th{'miu:;.! o f " hid l for fulh fort, \t·a~. to the j,('rid of m~ heart . l out­li'ed its n, i ~ lc' IItT : and '-in Kc:niu ch . ho re m\" hum blc' p.lfl in dc'\ "t­inR tht' FTI,t'c1men tn th r cond it ion ~f ,c:oocl ci tizen:' ~ ...

Arri\" in .~ a t St. (;l"ur~c 'l' he found Iha t it had sufT ereu ,c:r l' a l l ~ fr"lIIa '"t'no undt',ir" hk cia", of (·tllnnia l dcr~ . The first :-' lUHl il ~ IllOfnill.'::he W~lltto tlH' p;l ri~h t hurch. " <\ ' 't'n ('fable crucifo rm brick Imilclin .t:: .surrollndt'u h~ " c:rand prilTlc'\'a l ()a k - fof(,~t ," he found not Ollt' pc'r<il III

pr~nt.~·\ fl c' wrote il fric-nclt hat Ihe pt'ople "a rc ,"cr y II n.c:nd l~ andcan ha rd" bl' , a iled dlllrrhnH'n•.',0 litt le ha" e the~ klUl\\ n of ti ll'rites ,lilt! ~;'f\'il"t,~ of t ht· ( :l llIrc h: ' ~ '

" 'hilt' at St. (:t'or c:c " ~ " hrotht'f of Go\ eTllor "' i~ ' din!, and ~ I r.

Smith hurit'd him . F" l h \t'ilr~ ;d t c' rwa rd~, durinc: Ihc' 'i('~, i(l n " f tht'Gellna l Cc01\ \ t'nl illll ill it i;' hmund . in 18:19, GmlTliOr "'i ~c ' I11 t't himat Ih t' thn '~h,,[d of thl' l'xec ut i\t, ma n..ion and upon llt'illiM intro -

~ : ' lI a rri ,, 1t C. lI i ~d ()w , "",,,,,,, ,.If"",,,i,. of n" ,ja"lin ll", ,,'oTlh "" /pi/h. Fi" lBiJhop of /';"'Hu, h , l llll' " h!i, l" d ~I S . I', 2.

~ t \' iq; i n i il Shhhr l, ~I S .... r ill ' n hy Smi lh,~ "'l h ,d ,

~ "lhid .

~' '-' kfl.-r ,,, till" I{n '. LII'" ( :. Sira tton, Rt·hoOOlh Par;,h, ~la " l.lII d , fr01 1iSI, G,-orgr ·, . no d,. lr ',(;"n,·,.,.1 r hr o l"""ir a l S ~m i n'H J · Lihrar ~ · , :-.: ~W yo,. l Cil\ I,

", 1I~FI~ 1 UOl j llmm UOl/l 'cnth Sm ith

d ur cd exc laimed. "Ah ! m y dr-ar Hi-hop, ~ o ll r nann- has been a house­hold word in our fum ilv t llt"~· foft ~ ~ c'aJ~, I Pll~'f':"''' the ma nu scriptsermon ~ ou preached on thr- IJtTa~ ion of t ln- burial of m y brother(:l,( lr~t' ! " ~ '

In IR:!O, t he co nvent ion of t hr- dilJu ' ''C'lJf \ ' i r~ in i a met a t St. Pa ul'sChurch. Alexand ria . and :\I r , :">mith .... ;I~ reported as, having lx-enn-cror ,.inl'e .:\'mt'm hc.'T 1:1. Ther e \\l're' lih y-~ix com m unic an ts, in hi-,c hurc-h and four hu ndred nu-mlx-rc of th e- SlIIuLJy Sc'hooV" wh ichwa.. q uite- a number. In IS:!:!. III' moved on lO ~1. .-\ ntl re·\\'~ Church,J dJI' P.ooC JII Count y. Vin.: inia .:'" fl i ~ parc ll hial rq>lJrt for I H '!~ !'o."l~ ~ Ih~ 1

he- had ba pt ized l\\I'lll y a nd that three of the-m were- "black t'~ll­

dren ." : " , , 'h ill' in f ha r.gt'" of St. .\ nu n· \\".,; !It" .... ;1.. in a r on voc auon

made up of three mr-n hC"l'iidl"l'i h imself \\ho we-rr- tCI pl.o leadill ~ r~k~

ill the wllrk uf thc' chun h ill l ilt' tlt'X I ljllilrtl'f cc m urv : \\ illiam:\l e;" II'. later to ~un t'"l'd 8 i'hop ~ll ll ln' ; Dr. Rob ert-on . later a rui c­~ iol1a f\ to Gre' t'"l e ; and Dr. Lippitt , lan-r prufc·~..o r ill Virain ia ' Fhro­loai ca l Sf'mil1 ar\ . :\~

III 1 8~3 . :\ Ir. 'Sm it h ret ur ned til :'\c·.... En gland to hc', o!lle renor ofSI. S lt'plll' Il', C lm rdl . ~l icl tlldlllr ~ . \ 'nJIIlln t . " t ht' hl·, r \ I'a f". fo r"lIIl'" he 1' \'l'r t'nju \ ed:' t1 u r i ll~ "l,ieh tinl!' ht' ohia illl'd a "~'an ly

knlJ~ lt'd gc' c,f HI'hr~'w : ' hu t . for thl' lIl o~t pa rt . c·n .t::agt·d in Ihc' ~Iud~(If ( hun' h hi'lol\',"·l Thc' d i"CT""1Il n m\l,nt ion Ilf 1 8~J ....;t.. helu inhi~ par i~h . In th c··a ftc'nlt ltJll I,f t ilt' lir~1 Itt ~. alon e;wi~h allo lher ~' If'n~ ~ ­ma n ilnu a I;l\ man . hI' \\ ;]' appoillll'd 10 a fo mn lllle c' tu rf'n ">t' Ihl'('anon' of th~ t" hurc'h ill till' ' ta lt· of Vc'nnont. In hi~ pa TOrh ia lreport hI' ~liJ th at hil< pa ril<h h'lIl " 111'('11 I'a lln l 10 n lllll'u d \~ ith IlUIlI{'r­OUl< dillin l h if'~ anu ui~·ollrae;t'llwlll~ ." t hat il hild hC'1'1l quill' ~11lI 1'

t ime' ~ i lH c' t he~ bad had a full-t in H' pa~tll r. Iha t llIany reg ular rnm­mun il-ant,. had d inl and ~ll1lt· had ju~t ,£:,i n' n up . hu t that theN' ofthe p:l. r i~h 1I0W fclt :I. " III'W impllbc'." · T hl' ~ lII ;tl l hu ildi n.c: IN'd forw()f~hi p wa" ht·ill.C: rqMirnl, a llt! a horn. ' for ltlt' r('ctor ha d hl'l'lI

~~V i rl;i "i:l Sh·Il·h.'"~i 'j" ''' '''11 ol thr Dio((u 01 I · i ' ,~ i" i" . 1822. y. 1 ~I , . ,:H'App/~ I "'u ' " 1'. , ir. Sill' h,' WOl ' ill Ch:" I" , 1 "", ,, III 11". sa li lt' . 101 1,· (nnw \\ " ' 1

\' ir,,,,, in i<J ) 'IS n 'n"r of Zion (: hurd, . fru lll 182 1 10 IllZ:I. wi,,, d",, ~ , ' of 110.. ,on­~""~"I;HJ) in Slll"l' lll"rd"" .... n. 1",. ,lU"n' i, Un ,'.. id ,·m... lu Ihi , .-If... I in lh,. d i"CTsanjOlln ];, I"

:'l joUT lJ a / of I h~ D ioa ' ~ ol l"'c,,,i,,, ll1n, p. I ';:'~ \'irlllll;a Shl,h,., .;]:l llill"lo"" 01', ( iI., p. :l.

72 Ur" jmnm Jlm/l'orlh SmiJh J uh n. " jlll/llll lloHJ:mlh Smith 7.1

pr ovided . There wer t" ()Ill~ h\l'lll~-"C'\Tn communicants hUI ho peswere hi~h . 3 ~ The same d;l\ ~l r . Smit h \\a~ elected 10 the Stalldilll.::Cornrnitt re . The next da~ h.' pre;!t hcd OIl 'turn ing Prnver and the("un.~cJ.!alion must han' hl:TTl plt·;I~nl . for during the lJlornilll!: ......,.,.jonof th ai da~ he \\ 3 " appoinn-d tn preach .u the Op t: ll i lll:: of thr- III'XI

co nve nt ion.The con vention of 1ff.!.J nu-t ;\1 ( :hr i,.t Church. BeliwJ. Vermont,

0 11 J IIII(, 23. At this conve nrion ' Ir. Smith reponed that "the r-xtvrnnlcircumstances" of St. Sll'pht"u\. ' I iddkbury, had not ch.u un-d , thatthere had been four ba pt isms a nd two fun erals . but th at ttu- IlII111hn

of communicants had inut'ascd to fort y h t Tall."t' of the n-urm ofseveral pn-SOIlS to th e \'illagl·. II c' said thnt the S Il1l{ Ia~ Sr hoo[ andBible das.'it·.... prorni-cd to hI' helpful. andthat thrre was a IWh inn-n-etin thr- Episcopal Chun h. t·\id,·lIu· that, as Dr. ~ I<lnrms "lI.ggI·"h .hitt er prejudices againsl tlu- "pisn ,pacy wc'r(' grad ua lly dy in.g «ut atIhis time. ~I r . Smith ~lid, "Tlu- Ill-man ti for tracts. an d for nuue­r-lnbo rnte works, in relation 10 its di~ t in (' tin' principle- is \ n~ grc·a t.and has t'\ 'id("ntly inc H'aSl'd: a nd in Ihl' mos t um'xpc·tlnl CJll art ('f"!' .an aU,lchmt'nl to its Lilurgy h,ls htT II d i.",'o\'ned." "·' ,\ ~a i ll Ill' W;ISappo intt'd 10 Ihe "'alH ling fo mmilln'. If e prc'afh..d al !:\I 'llingPra yC'r a lld was appointed a tholl'galt' (0 'he Gennal COll\ t·nti,,".

Thf' cunn"ntion of 1ft!:, \,a ." Iwld al Union Ch urdl, St , "\lhans,on June:- 2:l. Concerning .... 1. .... lI·pl1C'lI ·~. \I iddkhLl r ~ , \Ir.....mith ~lid,

"'Cuuld we:- only ha , .. tht' happiJws...of pos."t~..ing a br,gt ' alld 01111111 0 ­

diou... edifice' for public ''''' 'rship. it t,1Il "t-arn'ly ho:' qun'liorwd Ihatthe:- IJari...h would ,gr("alh int n·a."t"." :'" During the pa~' ~t·<tr t lwn' h;ltlht' l"l1 nine baptisms and ei~hl fUIlt'Tals \,it h a IOlal uf thirt\-fin' HII11­

mUllk anL.. in th e p;lrish OI t Iht" linw of Ill(" COII\l·l1 lio ll . ~i , \~a i ll , ill1826 . the cOII\'("Jllioll mt"t in ~ I r. ....milh\ pa rish. St , SIt'J)lwII ' ~, O il

June 2H. 'Ilwrt' wen: It'll dt' rg ~ prc·..t·n l. and il is inlt'l"t"sling thai flJl('of tlwm was Ihl" R('\,. S, h ,·... ln :\"a...h. rc·tWr of C nioll Chunh , .... 1.

Alhans, ""hn IaltT sel"\('11 \,it h .\ 11', Smi th ill t he Olt! \\"t· ~1. "'1'Sl't'hy his IMfO('hial report Ih ~ll \Ir. Smith h~ld high hopl' t hai a IIt'Wr hurdl t'difin' m;1\ be n 11 1...t rWl nl in ~ I idd k hlln. Ahout ... i, hUlllh'l'ltdo llars had Iwell · ra i~ed fol' Ihi... Jlllrpo st· and ; ~tn ll l' buildin g wasMJo ~'Qal 01 tlt r Di on u tlf l' i l ~ , ,, i{I , lH:n, p. ~(J 7 _3:'Jo ~ . " o l of tltr Diocru ol 1' " ", ,-, ,, , . 11l ~ 'I ,p , ~:l q,~ " I b id_ , 18 25 , PI'_ 7-8.3:'bid., p. 8 .

;dn'ad~ under 1I-n... lnit rion." H ow ever, ln- "1"lt' ;t Iru-ud that "not h­in L:: seem ... to pr ospt'r hut thr- t'difyin,g uf hrit l anti mort ar. .\ Ia ~ theL...rd and c;iH'f ...f Lifr- build n-, up with Ii, inc; ..tOI1l·... , . ,""" ~ II' . Sm ilh";IS e-lected a tlt'lt'g,lh' In the Genera! CUIl\t'lll iOll , which mel inPhiladelphia ill 18:.!li. \\ hilt, alll 'llllinc; the t·...nvcmi...1I be " ,I '" a c;uf"slof the R ev. Benjamin .\ 111'11, rcc tor of SI. Paul's . who had "civ cn"ill.g~" 10 it <mal l rdiJ.:'i"' lI ~ p;lptT which hat! ~fO" n inlo the f .'p;Jf0f!11lRU fI1dn , trlll' ..f rfu- fil't. if not the ,t'f~ fi r-, t . of it.. particular cia.....in rhc Epi"t'opal Church. T oward the end uf the vi..it ~ Ir . Allen w id.\ Ir , Smith Ih;11 Ill' km-w nl a .good man ~ \" i r~ in i <l families " ho ha demigrated tn the G reen River ruunt rv in Kent uck v ami t hat he hat!no do ubt th ai if an t·lIl'rgl·tir pioneer hi...ho p r'nuk ] lx- ......-nt out t here',th.u a nrw d iOlTM' could ,,,oon he orgalli/l'l l with l'\ITY pro~p t'n ofsurer ....... .\11'. Allell fr-lt that Bishop \\hit e an d olhel'.'" would ht' glad10 send him if oll l~ to lx- "relieved of his I'olk...... a (\ i \- it ~ in t he Ea~ I. "

So reufidem "as lit' that he urced .\11'. Smit h to sl;ty uvr-r Sunday IIIprea ch in his pa rish. plTpar alor y 10 hl'n lln in,g hi ~llltt'......or. T he nex t

moruim; wlu-n Xlr. Smilh. hdort· dayhrea k " a attt'rn ptin,g 10 ~lip

qu i ("l l ~ a"a~. lit' IllIt'" lip hi... "indo" ami a...knl him again nut 10

ka\'e. In a \Try ft'" Yt'MS he " ,I'" 10 h,I\t' Ill(' opportunily of It'~li n t::'

"hal "a ~mntl in ~I r..\I k n·s grand mi......ioIMr~ r onn' pt iolll' forh:enlur b ..

..\ 1 Iht" wnHnlifln of l fl:.! 7 al Chris! Chunh, Bt'lht'!, ht, reportl'dIh;11 h~ nt"w r hurd l edifi,(' "a~ almo... t ('omplt'lt'd and Ih;11 he hopnlit might h(" clll1~'Haleti in ( )c tolx-r. <1 ,\Ild S(l it "a.... 011 .\I ay '2f1. Ifl~R.

ht· pl'e;lchc'd ;II .\I um ing Pra~eT and reporled to lilt' rOil\Tnt ion thatthe new chuTl' h had htTIl n lnS<Trat..d on OtlolH'r H . H I' addl'd Ihatt ht" ronC;TI'ga li"n h;.d nt';tr l~ doubled in IIII' b _"1 lin' YI'a l"s. during­hi~ T(·ttorship. ,,.,

\\'hilt: f(Ttor ()f St. .... It·plwn ·l'. \ l iddkhllT ~ , in 1H:.!I I, ;tt Ih t~ aJ.:'e ofl h irt~ -~i x. Iht, ~ou ng- tkrgyman a prwa l's in t ilt' 1,,1t- lIf .'ditor, f" r intha t ~ t'ar tlw f: /I;J/o/1Il1 R n :';j /a . il month l, pt'ri"di ,'al of Si "ItTIl()(ta\o pa~t'''' at 1I 1lC' dlllbr a yea r , " a... born. Its a im ";l~. "to pla((~ a

:; - Jo ~ "' Q I 01 Ihr OJ'' fr Jf ,-,1 I ' ~ """ " r , 1821i, 1-'1'. 40 ·7 .:1" :\ kiln 10 ell<" Ih , . T Il<" odo . " Ed ' on Low ,'" on J uh 21), 11127, 1""11 ~I j ddk -

bur ~ IG" un ,,1 ' l' h"ol o ~ ir :l J ~"mina n' l. ibrar y ).''' r ...", .~h'au i a Shld, r•. ~I S wrill"u h,' Smilh .'*Jou'"al of Iltr /); ou " of I'r ..",'''t. 18 27 , 1-' . 7.l ~/ b id_ , t 8 28. ". 'I .

U"ll jamm UOIU 'orlh S mith July Unl jam ;,r Um U' orth S mi th isll10111h l ~ sullec tiou of Id i J.:io ll ~ m.utcr. r un -ec ra ted lu 1111' N-'n itt, IIIepi~, opat'~. and the J.:o~pd. wit h in the reac h uf ('\(' r ~ U Ul', \\ho ft",I,a n y inn-r e-st in th e' proJ.: II·~,i n' im provement . a nd d i.'-.(· lIli n ~l t i llT1 . ofho th . ur either of thl'~ 1 ;IlI :--1'~ : ' The edi tor felt . ~ he in for m ed lilt'puhlie , rhnt Vermont wa~ •..uncw hat re mote Irum Iht· main currentsof r hurch life a nti W 3 ' in nee-d o f e h urt h intonn arion . It i-, Illt ll hto his t redit that he ma int ained thi-, high sta ndard a nd di d not ~ ieldto thr- tt'm plawn Ilf fillill J:: hi-, columns with pcu v local a lfa in... CliftonII. Brl'wI'Thas wr itt en t ha t :

0 1\" i~,U1 · . rh.....·n ,·lll in ·h' ;1( rando m [ Fcbruarv. 1828 ). n>nt;lin,Ih.· follo\\i n~ ma n-rial : a'rn'in,' of a v-rmon h\ 'tht' Rev. (i . (i ri, ."old ou · I' r'· <l ch i ll.~ thr- Croo-" ; an~w,'n; to nhj;'nio n, I(> f" nll' o rpray,'r; 'Socinian Gonft ·~,iOIls' ; .l ~hort Ixw'T11 ( 16 lim...) Oil ' 1101"" ;<111 ,trlid,' abou t till' Mo ravia n C hu rch : a n ·!-" ,rt of a quart",h lIIi,·~ionar~ 1Il("(·till~ in I\,"' ton : under tilt" to pic of XC" Ch urche-, n-f­,Tt'I1(1' 10 ~i, Ii<' ''' dmrdw, in di ITl"I','1H plarr-s : an ;trtid .· ,ig lll'd' Palla diu m.' ~i\i llt! an are-ourrt "f rhe- conv-crarion of thr- El'i .... ·o p;t1Church in San •. ~Ll i l1O ' : .m .utid.· about the co urt d'Ti,i••n wilhrd" n 'II,,,, In laud- in lit-d in . Vermont. r-lainu-d hv thr- S...-ie-t v fortlw P"'IJ;t j.:ot l iHfI of til<' 1.....1" ,1 in FIl I1 ' i ~n Pa rts : a ,:Iippinc frll t;1 ti ll'FI' /,co! ,,,f Il 'at , hm" tl aholll th.· (;"nl'lal Pw lt"I ;1Il1 l:".lJi ,n 'pal Su n­day .... ho...l l · nio ll : and. fillin g I h" l a ~1 pOlg'·. an aTlir),- ahoUllalld,ill Cana da dl'H'll'd to Iht· , upp...rt of Ihl" Prot ('~t a11l ( kr~~ . ··l

TIll' J::p;j( II/Itlf UI'.~ ;JI'" i~'I H't1 "extra<' whir h en ahled il to r irc ul;lIt'tra t't ~ pr in led in i t ~ rolum m. Som e of Iht'm we r(" pri (,t'd a l fift ~ n 'nba d ult·n . 'll fom dolbn- iI hu nd red . O n J a n uary R. IR:!R. lli' \\folt·a 1I0tt' to Itl(' rl f ,'n Ih ilt IhlT,' wa~ .. new i nterr~1 in t he papl.'r 011 tht·pOifI o f till' b i~h tlp ;tIld () l l lt' r~ ··orca,io nnl. pahap!'. h y a ftxnl Pil i­

post' (0 fOIll!' out frankl~ . f red ~. frarl ('~"ly o n evan,g"dir ;d a nd 1101part y ('\ ';m gdi('a l .grllu llll" a nti " to f () rt'l~(l . a~ po~"i h l (' . suc h nlft"n, in '~t ulf. and just n 't ('in'. a rra n L::t' . poi nt a nd r Off t'('1 Ih e a h und a n t andm't' r-l1owin.L:: I'O l l lT i h ll t ion~ w hi,'h ("; tIl 1)1' ea,il y m ade to po ur in frolJla ll pa rt .' Ilf Ihl' diOlt':--I' ," I II thi .. wa ~. he wrol C. he (·(Hild .L:: in ' Ih e pOl piT" the , ·arit' ly . /.I'al. ;t!"dnr ;lnd i nlerr~t wh idl will mak.· il ll,d lll a ndanqHahk." and h(' felt t hai th r paper ~hoil id Ill' gin'n to ~()lItld

d nrl r ine a m I c' xlwrinwllial p iel y : to a m ild a nd ca tho lic d l'fe l1.',t· o fthe ('mlt-M ed .,x.l"lkn ci..... o f Ih t, Chu rdl : til the d isS('lTlina tioll of Ih t'news : a nd n ot It·a,t . tll t'nk ind k and ~ tl , t a i n tht' m i~~ i() ll a ry ~p i r i t . a nd

''''Chlton II. Bn·.."r, .1 /fi,1(1) of f( rli ~ i o ,,, l:. d" , ation ,n lIu f.·p ,,,op,,1 Ch,,,,h/0 1835 (:-;..w Haw' n : Yal.. U niw·,si" Pr..", (924 ) , pp. 285 ·286.

nus....onar ~ r-ausr-." H

\'r-rmont ha d been o rg-anind as a d ion N-' in I 7~ 11l. hUI since IRIOit ha d bo-n a pa rt of t ill' EOI ~lt'rn Diou ':--I' ;l1ll1f X" w Engla nd exceptConnerricut . .-\ lt hough rhr- f."1';f( 0IWI U(,~H('" ( I'a"'t'd p ublicat ion inl H :!~ I , the ~t'a r fo llo\\ in g: ~l r . Smit h' , depart ure to Ph ila delph ia . itu ndoubtedl y pla ~ t't1 a pa rt in helpin u the di'MI':-i' 10 rega in it., inde­p -ndence wit h its II\\ n hi-hop in IH3 :!.

~l e'lIIwhile. the Ph/illd t'lph;/l U U O TtJt'T . th e on l~ cen tral chu rc hpaper a t rhe t ime. wa~ ,...eki llg";1II ('di tor to ,unerd t he Rev. GelJr~e

T . Bedell. H e ha d writt en ~l r. Bedell that he could not t hin k o f"supe rintending the Pres-, without certai n regula r, definiu-. fixed .ministeria l :--I'T\in~. lip to the full measure o f m~ ~t n'n~ h:' This wavarranged, as \\1' <hall ......e-. and ill 1111" i""lIr "f Ortohn -l, IH:!H. Xl r .Smith's nann- a ppeared nil it-, ma.... he-ad ii,' the new edi tor. Thisperiodical wa s t hr- II'a d in g- orga n " f ti lt" E\· "Il L::e1 i~ ;t1 p;t rt ~ and " a '-ponsored d uring ~I r . Smil h ' ~ t'ditul'~hi p h~ Ihe Epi... opal Educn ­l io n Su(iet \."·

H e a rrived in Ph ilad e-lp hia ~hflrtl~ a f ter t he \Tr~ ho tly con n-su-dt'1"ninn of Bi~hop H t'nr~ Ondnd o nk. Thr t'xcitt'nwlIl wa~ kt'pt a li\"(,h y Ihe o rwnly a ,"owed inten lion of Iht' ~ 1I( 'f(~, f ll l pal't~ 10 1I N..~ th(' irpOWt' r h~ o;.lIfh a 1'1' \ 'i,i UIl of Iht· fon' tit ut ion a nd r a non, a'" tht'~

~lI pp0:--l'd wou ld fo n ify a nd P"q~'tll ;lt l' Ih,'i r a:--l'l'nd(·IJ( 'y. ~ I r. Smithwas un fr it'nd ly tnlll~ \\ il h 1l1l"m IK·r.< o f hot h p;ut it·:-. Ht~ wa~ in \'iledb y a n a~"'- K" i att' n ', tor Ilf ( :hri~1 C h nn h to eXth;lIIL::e pulp ib . Thi~

t'xr han g-e arro~'" th t' lin t' \\ a, a t h in g: un ht'ard o f. Aft er hi~ N..'nnOIl twlJ\ tThea nl o ne lad y ~l ~ til allo l lll"r, "T ha t Jll U ~1 ha \ e hl' t'll a LtlwCI Hln hma ll Ihat prt'ad wd to,Ia~ . " "'O ll! ;'\o !" 1111' ot hl'l' repl it'd ,.o r I't'( kon nOI. they an' 1101 ill\"il t'll her r . St ill I Ih ink it m m t h;a, '("twell a Lo w Churd lln an fo r IH' ht·lit·\T:- in a t'ha n.L:: c· Ilf ht'a rt !'" .\ I r.,' 'lIn i, h ,a~ , Ih i, \\ ;\, n'na ill l ~ allll\ 't·f'ila l<' lJlt'lIt. for hllth Dr. K.t' IlI !-,, 'f

a nd Il r. Ikl .a ncy 11I' Ii"\Td in a ,ha ngt' " f hl' art , l"

11 .\ "Ol! ' (no . a k iln ) ,b t" J;" , ,, ,,, ~ 8. 111211. ~l i Jd 1r- h " q' . \,."ttlolll\:' In 18:11 .h,· I'n ;odi" ,,1d", ,, ~ ...J iI, ""lit<" '0 ,I,.. l, pj" " p,,t lIu (> ' olo . C . II ,

Rr' ·' ....r . 01'. 0"1 .. 1'1'- :lfll·:lH2 : I....., "I'. ,.;/., 1', to : A p p/~tOlt.l ' e rr/ upo n" of A m n i·"n, l/i" .~ "'IJh.I ' . p. 557 : Clillo rd I' . ~ l",,.[,,. ,, ,, · . " ( lt il(i ", ul ,I ... F.l' i,<;opal t :h"rrhI' n '" . , .:. JI ;, t o , i( a l .\I" ,c ,, : j ,, ~ . I X 11"'121. 1'1" 2:17·2:'H. C . Rankin It""" , ." T h,' ( ;" " ,.,.a l CO"' ·'·U';Oll. Oll i..... ,.",1 t l lti ...·... 178',· 1'II" : ' /f i ,t ", i, ,,1 .\l a ~ a : i ,, ~ ,

X \ ·I ( 1" 4" 1, 1" l Ib.''' P,'o owh·" "i" ShldlO" ' . ~ t S ""i ll"" h,· Smi th.

i fi Jlll ~ 1I"" l'JIT1 I11 HO" Il 'or l ll Smit h 77

~ I r. Smi th wa s our- of rlu- foun ders a nd thv first sec-n-t arv o ( t heGI'I1l'r;t1 .\ Iis.siolla ry Board. · ; l- h- uv-d th e chu rch prl's.~ to as.~ist themis..iona r y work o f t hr- r-hurrh . At th is time both domestic a nd foreignmissinns we n ' ill the hands of mu- committ ee. wh cN' st'at was Ph ila­delphia . Those on till ' romm iuec were "ntirel y e ll,c: rlJ......cd in rhr­d omest ic work o f th e Society, .\11', Sm it h said. a nd he, with o thns.s.oon found plan' ~ on the commitn-c in order to d o ,~lI ll1 t't h ing aboutthe situation." In September, lIU n, t he Rev. and Mrs . john II . H illand Solomon Bingham , a printer. ;;a iled for GITt '«(', I" Mt. Smithwrit es that he gan' thr- H ills their instruction as d ra\\ n up hy BishopG riswcld. :'"

~ Ir , Sm ith wa s ed itor o f the /') li/add jlhia R u ordl'r for t\l O yearsd uring which time he a lso served Graft' Church ~ Iissioll , I' h ila d d ­phia. H is paruc hial report o f I B:!9 ,..a ~ ,", "This srnnll r-difio-, nftrrunt!tT/.:oing- thorouuh [t' pairs. a nd hein g prepared \Try com mod iouslyand nea tly for divim- st' I'\'in', was co nsec rated to the sIT" ir (" of,-\ l tlI i g-h t ~ C od , hy th l' Rt. Rev. Hi-hop Wh ite , on Suudav , November:lO, I H:!H ." :.r Sinn' that time .\11'. Smith ha d held Sl'l'\in,,~ 11 g- 1l1ar1~

on Sunda y lIIorn illg~ and n t·n ill!-.'S. and O il TlllI l"'da y t'\ l' lIitl t.,"i for"expo-i tinn of <cript un." .lhere W('I'I' twr-ntv-uru- conununic.un-,

whe-n Ill' arrived and lu- had added two. Hr had hapt ill'd fi\T infa nt s,prrsenu-d 0 111' for con firm a tion, and reported that , "The S \llIda~

SI'h( ml is f1011l ish ill,c:, and I'l l\ls i.~t..., a t present of rH"arl ~ I :!(Isel l!dars," .,~

Th e nex l Yt':.r, IH:!O, thl' ("1l1l\'(" lltio li wa ;; held in St. \' et l'l' \ Ch 1ll"ch ,~ Ir. Smith wa s pre'sellt 0 11 Tun,da y, ~ I ay 18, to rl'port that thl' mi s­sion had 1101 r ha ll,c:ed much, but continul'd , "Thr:: exposition andmin ist ry of thl' word ha s b("ell a tlC' ll(led wi th m udl apparen t ~t· rio ll s­

Ill'SS, an d thl' rel igious pro~pl'((s of thi;; sma ll par i ~h Illa ~ ' he ((In ­sid n cd a~ 1'IIt'olira gin c:. ..\dd itio]1al efforts in t ht' Sund;n Scho ol,part icu b rly all illfa lJl S Ullday school, an ' very dl'.~irable"' ·-' '' · Tlti ;; \\ <l.'

0 11 ~ la y IB, III:Hl. <l lId 0 11 . \ lI gll ~ t I II o r thl' sa me ~ I' a r ht ' \\Toh" .\ IOllt o!'f 'tln. " YO Il ha n ' plUh,lhl ~ hl'a rd that thl' ('ye~ uf th e LcxinC:!f 'Il.

~; L", ', " /', cit. , p. 3.

" I' l' ll " ' ~ Iv,w i" S\;"1<'1,.. ,I ~ ',\ dd i ,o n , op. ( ;1., p, 1:11:''' I''' lI l" ylv""ia :-o. k"I,·h,'s.~" J'''' ''lrl l of I h~ D ;" a u at l' <' '' '' ' Jh'" " i" , II1~4 , 1'1'. 711-7<'1.~'~ / b ;d, PI' , 7 1l ·j~ ,.

~, :l fI,i" . , 111 :lO, p. '1 "

Keunu kv, propk- han: turn ed to IIlI' , , , What o ught I d o if tht'Ycall m e? .\ ly wir-h i~ not III let ,1.;0 o f the Recorder a nd ~I i s...iona rySocit,t y." :"

It wa x not 101l t.; unt il Chri~t Chu rch . Lex ington . Ke n tuck y. i ~..Ilt'da call. and Xlr. Sm it h wa s fared with thl' problem of d ec ision , InO,toh"l", HUll , he accepted the «x torship, hut it wa s difficult . "llu-rcis evidcucv tha t he wanted " cry m ur-h to "tay in Philad-tphiu. hu tknew, a t the same tinu-, that God r-alh-d him to a new field. At fir.-the drdinrd , Friends in Ph iladelph ia u rge d him to ~tay and as evi­dt'lln' of their "in rcrit y proposed to raise his sa la ry. by suhscriptiun .,~ :l ()(] ahmT his pl'l'..cnt sa lary of ,~ l .n On. II I' decith-d that he cou ld nota\'cept t his if tlw y ra ised it hl'Call~e of fcd inc:~ he had aboutthe SOlilTesfrO I11 whic-h the 11100U'y wa s to rnnn-. I n the meant im e he \\ Iotlerlwith th e problem auni n. for Chri~t Church ITIH' \Il'd the call withtln- add itional off er nf $:2nO toward till' remova l o f h is fam ily fromPhilade-lphia to Lcxiu utuu in add ition tn th e $1.Ollfl ~a lar~ I h t' ~

o tTen· d. He l'Xprl's~ed in his 0 \ \ 11 words the dillirultv o f uprootin ghimself a nd movi ng on to a new field :

;";1 ' \" ("1' t',111 I l'xp rc 'ss thr- IT,I.;f( 't I k it at ,l.;i villg; up a work pc'rfpct ly('ongcnial to nn-. in whic h I w", ( 011' ilion' de(" ply inn-rested tha n a nyoth'T, to whir-h [ kit Inv-self. and IIlV numv fr iends thouuht till' ,

sl)(Tially fitu-d: and tll<' l :c pll~n ' l1ln ' r fel t at ' plItc'ring UJ!OI; a workI did not likr-, involving the ,undt ,tillC: of thr- mee-t prr-rious ties inlift, ; going w llt'(( , my "xllt'rit'TlC t, ill Iltt' tttini,t ry fo r fiftecn vcars.would 1)(" of lill lt· U , ( ' 1(\ Illl" , and 10 t"tabl ish a charal'l l'r and win;1I1 iTlfJw,l1t'l'. in a n',I.; ion tlWTl so fa r nil". that I {oul d rarTy litt l,'\\ith nl(" whi('h I ha d al readv won : a ll thne considerat ions aW<lk ·"lw d S \I,.]I a n lllll i('1 in IItV 1~l'-(11I1 as I TIl ' \'(' 1' had felt hefore, andrwv n sinn'. :\l y llt'iltg dn ' Ea-.tl'ITl ma ll, an d Ihndort' profoundlydisapproving; tho ugh hy no rtlt'a m fa natical ly oppfN'd 10 slav!'ry:and hold ing u p a standard o f E\"alt!!: t'1 ica l "rpach illg. and 01 anI lol} I.if(', in a ll lwt ,on s ('Ollllll.!!: to COTlfirrtla lioTi ,ltId tl tt' I.o ld'.,Supp er, \lot tnll"'l knm, n in t ilt' Ch ul d l ill t!los!' tbys, itllpITss( 'dItl('. Bot ollh' th clI. hut for mo nth, a ltn I It'ld " I H(' rr 'd u pon 111V lIt'Wfield . with Ilt0Sl c: lnOIll\ fnn-hn d ings, n ol ' ''\ ;KtlV (If \dlat d id tak ep];UT , hil t nl l OI;ling u:ials p,"Cu lia'rIy ha rd tp h~' hOr! H'.:"-'

lI a \'ing anTptl'd, thl' lIext stl'P wa ;; thl' j Ollll\e ~ from Ph ilad l'lphia

:,IA k ,v' r to th" R",'. "" 10 11/0 I'" tt , '. , ." ""u,t 10, lB:lO IT h,. t ;",wr"l T h,'u­lugical S"\ll;"ary Lihrary, .... ,,"" York ( :it,·"

;;;,p,·"",ylva"i.. Sk..ll:h.."

is n"ll jmll in UOH1"ur l h Sm ilh J ul~ 79

to Lexingloll. whic h. in tho.....· d ay~ . wa .... q uite an un dertaking . O n...o f h is t!;lIIg h lc'n- (;1I" 'r wrote. .. \ "t' r~ t'a rl ~ in o u r lift" ( the re \ \('1(' fouro f u~ ) . 111." 1Jt" l::"illl lll c'd u riltc' our 1.1SI..'1'> a~ wr-ll a~ o ur minds a nti 111'01 1t~."lhr- jO ll n\t" ~ fro m :":..'\ \ York III Kcnt uckv. in the d a ~ s w hen IIlIlt h .r)(" rha p~. ;t ll o f it "OI~ tu kr-n h y sl<lL:-t· roach o r stea m boa t 011 t ilt" OhioR iver, ";I~ enliv ened h y tale a nd ~lIIg, and the wonderful -kill withwhich he fah rit'a tt'd ;UIlU"'('n WIII fi lii o f the pa s.... illg Men ..·.....·.. L il!Jn...he me-ant 10 ~ty Philadelphia in-read of :'\C\\ York Ill. for vum­n- ason. .\ I r. x mir h I()(lk hi!'> famil ~ to :'\1'\\ Yo rk fo r '",.nnw pll rpll~ ·

befo re makin g th e trip 10 Kcntuckv.The r-arlire-t ItTurti fOllterni ng hi!' work a t Chri~1 Chun h i~ found

in the r uinutes uf the pt.\\ holders a nd \f'SI~, r t"\ ealin g tha t t h i~ h"tl~

had rr-.. 'r-iv r-d a 1,,'II..-r Irorn him derlininu their invitation, hili t ha t the\e~' ry n ...... .lvr-d ltJ n-invitc him. under ;1 ...tatr-rru-n t of th r- IX't uliarcondition flf t ilt" c hu rc h ill Lexington a nd in the \\" (....te rn uHlIl lry atIar.gc·. If lit" !>Iill rnu ld not ;U" ('p l t he~ a...ked him to It'" umnu-nd -orncMlitahlt' lx·r.-o. JlI.:·;

It i.~ n-ronlcd in th,,'M' min utes that on October 8. unu, lII111 h tolilt' pl t''' ~lIr ..· flf Ihe \ ("..;Iry, "" k lt n from Ihe Re\'. B. It .'\rni t h a.. '( c'pl­in .go lilt" n· n.. ·\\t·t! ill\ itatioll o f the \ f'Str~' wa ." co nlllHlll it"alnl h~ Dr.Coo kt'o fl'at! a nti IIIt1ned III ht· a("fep lrd a m i fikd : · ..·.. ,\ t a I.llnnH't" l in g t h..· \nlry d tTidnl lhat dll(~ to t h... ~affifice." of ~ Ir . ."imi lh in1ll 1l\' i Jl ~ to I "'x i ll~rton t llt"~ would "lfTef h im a .t:Ta luit y o f S:!IlO tod efray t'Xpt' IN'!> Iheft'o f. Ttlt" ;IIItOlint ha d to be ra iM-·J h~ sllh~ri ptio ll

an lOll ,c: t ilt" f o ng n·.gat iolt. '\1 Ihe' lIl t' etin~ o f Ih.. pcw hold e'l !> a mIH':o.lr~ o n J)t'cc'm ht'T 3, UUO. ~ Ir. Smilh's ...ala ry was <;('1 ;\t $ U HHIpc'r annu m , In ht'~ i n :'\owm hn I I , IKW, a nd in Ihe llliIlUIt·~ o f;\ p ri l H. 11131, WI ' n '"d that " T ht" Rn·. ~Ir . Smith , Rect or" ispre~"'I1I .'·· " T t\f" fo llowi ng lIIo nth he WlOle a fr iend, " I ra n coIl\' ''' ~ In

..,,;:\ k iln frum Eli, ., lwlh -",,,ilh tu Bi, h,,1' .\Hn· d Ln ·, "mil"" ' . IRR-I , T h.· (""r..hildn·n "' n " : I..",i,,, Il ow,' I( k luhn Iii, 1 1I1!l- ~l.lrd, . l 'l IU ) , \ ' i' -'l" in i" ( .\ 1', ;12.'1, Itl22· J "r ", :111. IH" h ), S"rllllO' l JI" ""' orth ( ,""on mlw l I'i, 11I2'1-:'\"""IIII"'r,Itlh!i ) , ;lIltl El i, ab,·t h (" Lia i,''" ) ( Apl il 17. IR2-l·F,·h,,,,orfl . 1'120 I. IJ!n ... " .Ionc'hil r1r<' n 11I,·nja lll in U"'",o,t li. 11" d11' r l ~f .l r~h"ll , <I " cl :\Illl Ik rl". r t'" ,Ii,·d illinr" nC\'. Tll i, kiln i, n"w in ti l!" JK",,·,,;on nf ~Ir , . E "' ; tl ~ I.lo )'d lIar r1 y. ,I K"",'l '1(r"lIdtbu d lt l'r . I t i~ " lin l drolfl Or a n>1'~' of Ih ,· " ,·t",,1 k ttt'l ,,.,,1 (li.hop I .," '. " fJ)d " ", ;u .·, "'ho ",..0.1 il in tl,.. .tud~ IIW llliur".u !J,,·"; uu,h in ,hi, ;u li..!,·.

.Y; ~ tinUl~.o f fIll' 1',.", lI" ld.." 'Hld V"'1r )', MS in lh .. r.....or d , uf Ch ri'l Chu nh ,L...~i n8 ton, " ..nturkl', I"''l"'' I .

~~Jbid.. p. (18.

~PJbid. , PI" 98-~j~! ,

you no adequate idea of tl u- am ou nt and \ 'ari t'l ~ of sar-rificr- to wh it ha nort hern dtT~~man IllU~ 1 !'>Uhllli t a t till' '\I·~ t an d so ut h." h u t heg(J('~ un tn talk of thc' ~ n·;tt opport ll lli l~ fur t ilt' r hurr-h in the Old\ f ('!'ol. ' · '

:\tTording In ~Ir. J an w:- T odd . ullin. ' living nu-mber of ChrisrChurch. a t the' tin u- the' wr iter ~po"r \\ ith him . ;"1 r, Smit h was a \'t'~

small man . :\Ir. T od d [ ('Ilu"mlx 'n'd , ;1:'< a hoy, lu-aring :\Ir. Smithpreach from t he- pulpit 11£ Chri-r Chun h and spea k o n ot her UlT;t ­

... ions. He also n-m rm bcrcd how well he .1.[0 1 a long' with child ren andhow much th r y liked him."' Olher.- han' rommentcd 0 11 how ...mallhe h as. He i... said t il have looknl \tTYd ry ami ...hr ivcled ,II t he age offorty . It i-, t r ue, I..-vond d o ubt , that lit" \\ a" \ lTY !'In;11l and \H' i~ht'd

on l~ 114 pounds Illt r.-I (If hi-, lift' . ~l t r.-I -":I~ that Ill" h;IJ ;1 \ t" r\ s-heer­fill di-poeiron.

The first diocesan convention til" aucnded in Kcn tuckv wa s inJ une, lIBl. at C hri:-I Churc h. Loui-cille. hq .,'; n n ing on J IIIW U.';~

.\ Ir. S mi t h W3!'> appointc'lI M'rrc'I,l r~ ,II th i:- conv r-nrion . Hi:-tw p \\" il­linm .\le;uk, ;a...•..i...taut bi...hop o f Ih t' Ilion ......· o f \" irg- in i;I, p n ·... idcdfor pan of thr-mc"r t in g. ~I r. Smit h nu-t him at ~I ay!'>\"illc' a nJ an'om­pa n it"d h im lu Stlt"lh~\ ' ill c' ant! 0 11 10 J.,o ui:-\"ilk for t hi..; ("(>IIn'ntinn,\\hic·h " a" thc' lhi rd an n ual t UIl\ c'n t i"n o f Ihl' di u..·..·""~.';,l Ei~hl derg~

\ \t' rt' prn<1l1. In h i!'> panx h i;lI rq>" rl ~ lr . Smilh ";; Iid t h;lt he 11iIt!....·u ITu ll t" Il(" t"d hi :- dllti t"HIIl t lJ(" fi~t S muby of :":m 'ell1lK'f la1->l . a l '" h ichtimt" he fou nd the na mes of c'ighl y-fi\T n lllllIlUllit-'HlI!'> u pon Ih..·rn 'ofd : " H Si nc e Ihal timc' 1-> ix had hC"l"n ad ded. There had h n'lJ M'n'nmarriag...s and fi\ ·e funtTal... a nd 1\1.' rq>" rtc'd : " Ve ry "'omn\(~ndahle'

l ea l has he·..·n mani f"'1'>h'd in th..· or.goOlni/a lio li of m i~... io na ry a~-.olia ­

l ions. ;I"; \\1·11 a mon g..;1 tt lt" bdk..; a nd g,,·nt l,,·me!1. a .... ;lInon~1 li lt'~otJn.c:l.'f nlt"m he'rs uf the fongft'c:ati lJn, a nd in Iht' Sunda y Sch")(ll."';:'.\l r. Smit h read ~l lJrn ill C: P ra yt"f and wa ..; appointed to p rt'a rh th esn lllO[l a t tht' IWXI COIl\T lll illn."" This S;lI lIC' lJtoltli ng , " .-\ ftn .... il... nlpla ~ t· l . It\t" ( :tII1 H nt il lll p n ltTt'd t'(1 tCI t ill' t·lt·.. til!ll f>f a Bi~h c )p . ' I·' lt'

"" .\ k l1l'T to l h ~ R,,\·. (; l"U r,{ ,. !lU)U, 1'lIil;"l dpli i." ~t.' Y :lO, IR:I I {C hur l" hI l isl" ric·,,1 SOl" i'·\J I. ih t"r)· ) .

"I. \n int t"r..i..w will. M r. J anu" T odd, L, ' x i ll ~ l"n . " '·" Iud , )'. NU\T lIlllt'1 4, 14S0,';~J"''''''II CJ//h, lJi au ,., "/ " ·..,, / ,nA )'. 1/1:11. p.:1."'l l"'un,d"ania Sk,·lc,lw5.O:'/o",nllio/ !h, D iM , ,., 0/ " '''I/IUA )' , IR 'II .]> R.":'Ibid.. p. ' I.O:' :JI,id" p . ].I.

811 Jul ~ 8 1

dt·rl.(Y prT:-.l ·nt havinu vou-d h y hallut , thr- I'n ·~ id l' l1I an nouru n l th a itlu- RI·\'. B. n. Silli lil w.. ~ , h' N· n. anti I'ommllnira ll'd ti lt' s.m u- to

Ihl ' lay ddt·l.(atc·s, wht, then plot,'nlnl (01);(1101 , and tilt' dll ,i,"!' wa.~

a pproved hy a m ;ljllrity o f their \1 111':' .. · ·': T hen . "Tbr- Re-v. Benj .uninB" Smilh n-mrtu-d with the r'ommitter-, and Sigllifi(·t1 h is a Ut·pt:lIlfl"in a fn"lin~ addn-e, to lilt' Cnlln·nt iIJu: ·· ;- Lat er . howeve-r, qW 'sli otl sht'n" r;!i!'>C·d .. I)lllIt the "alitlit y o f the elect ion . H e Id ls us, rh,u lilt"question was o ft('n di!'>C·Il,.....-d, in hi s pn",·nIT. a~ to whether. undethe ranun-, Ih IN ' t.! ;ll lw n· d wert- entitled 10 t.!0 in to the d ed iull o f ;1

hi-hop 01 1 thai nlll \('mi"n: a nd if t hey were. whether it wou ld II('ad \"i1'<..ahle. "Vrry soon:' hi · \\filrs. " I pe-rce ived that ;1 11 Ji'o,(u"iotl!­as 10 a p" l,~ihl(' r a ndidan- \\lTt· t-arr ied o n in m y alr.-t.·1Jt I'" Iktnmi,wdnot to he approar hcd upon lilt"suhjn l. ill advance. I ""ul.(h l to pn llt'cl11I\!'>C.1f In hrin~lIc; Iorward 1111" name I)f tilt' !{I"\ ' . \ I r. ~ lclkaiTH' ,

wht"l('n'~ I nll;ld." 11,' l.(1"'':' nn to s....y th at it was finally tk fi lk d th.uthe n l1l \("nt inll W;I' a ut horisr-d b\ thr- ca non- to go on with the- ,,11"1"­tion. .uul '0,(1 hi' \\ ;IS dl·.-I'·tl. ,"~,ut this l ime \lr. Ivo, was ch-ru-dbi-hop of Xorth ( :;lft ,liJM. which c;a \'l· ocr-a-ion to a toa-t pmpo-e-dhy Bisho JI O lltk rt lo llk : " T ht" H i\'l "S o f :'\ .<:. anti 11ll' BI·(·s of "'-I'n ­till Ii.y." ~I r. Sm ilh :<;, ys Ih;11 ;11 Ih is l inw Ih, · o p in ion o r Bishop OlJtkr­lIon1.: 0 11 lallt lnil ·;tI qllt ':'ti() l1 ~ was lon~itkrt"d law , and Ih.1t a:- !'<tlonas hi' hea rd Ihal Bishop ( )l1tknlonk did 1I0t n 'nsidtT Iht' d lT t i" n, ·a lit! . lit' " Inst no tilllt" ill n ·I'all in g hi s ant"plalH'(' a nd rdtTrill~ t ht"tllH'sti,on In t hl' lIt'xl ( :" II\I·lll i,lIl .···',.

\,'h il,' Ill, ' matler wa!- undl'lt 'rm innl. ~I r. Smilh addrn.......·d t hl"f" lIo\\ ing It'lln 10 tlw Siandi n g ( :o m m itt l·e:

Bn ·tlm 'n I t n in!! ll 'ad 11." k tter in whid) tilt' Stalldillg (~11 11 ­

IlIitt "" of ti ll' I>ill" ·" · o f ;\,·w YOlk d,·dim ,i!!llillg' t ilt" ,,·,t il l1ol1i ;ll ~

\\h ich \ 011 tr ;uNll itlnl to d ll'm h\ " n l" ,'of ti ll' COI1\Tlltiotl of ","" 11­

tud,\ . i han ' h... oll w ,; ,ti, tin l th'at \\"ight\' llTbni\"al obj,·nioll ' toIt... \:"Iit!ity of tilt' !;LI"l'lnlioli of Bi, hop ill' til!' I>ion·,, '. will ah",~ "t"., ·"t ..rtailll·t! 11\ ;1 n ·'I" .,.tahlt , l1lillority of tllt 'I";rdi"g lll"111h,", oftilt' C hIli ' It. Tlt i ~ d illi, ult y ,';lll not rollll'!\\i,, ' ]ll" n ·'llll\TtI. t1 ll!1\ h\'a rll'w "I.·, ·tion . [ tl1l'ldon' n'qU"~1 that at tilt' Ilt'''t Ilw" ting (If tilt'COtl\'t"lltiOll of tilt' I l ion '" , ((f K' ·II IIl<' k\'. "((II will ha\'( ' th, ' .I!Ootl lll'''to ;llllw lln...· tklt I n'll,id... tI ... pr(l,,·, :tli;,g, of tilt' Ia, t ( :OI I\!' I,l i(llln 'bliH' to tilt' d ,·.ti"l1 of;l lIi, hop . 'I' far i l rq.~ ll ia l. lhal <l' far :l' I

0:,/ 1,''/', 1'. 110." ' I bid .. 1', I tl ."" I" 'n' ''' h ,m i" shu·I.....



am I'OlltTIIWd. till' ComTn!ion i ~ ;11 pnfn t lil)l'rt~ In proceed a s iflIothing h a d 111'1'11 dum-.

I'ra \ iut.: and !llI'lilll: . rhat tI u- (;1'0 "011 I h-ad <If the Church ma vpn"-. id;· i f; all vou r f O ll l\t' ih, I u-ruaiu yuur' til.", al f,·," t iona tl'[y.

B n, SmithI.c·" int.: to ll. 0.'101")0'1 :\(1. 18:\ P OI

Immediau-lv after tju- n >l1H'll l iu lI of 1831 the ,t ;lIldill l: committeeha d p rol e't'd e'li tH 1;1 L. ,' till" m', n ,,"',ary ~tqY.- fur the con-ccnuion. Fivert" fll~-d o r dedilH'd th. ' ,"oIN'uali"n h('I ;llI~' they doubted the rightof the dion~' of }\." I1t\U l y to ek'r t a hi..hop " ti ll ; I ITOlIll I uf a loUp­

p e-ed ddirit'Il('y in the- numbe r of I'n~hy u-rs required b~ canon :!dof 180W' and fin' ulhn,; requested information r~JX"1 tint.: the ri"blof the dion~' to ek-r t a bishop at thi .. lime or rhe-e-. four declinedIII sign till" It"'otimoni;d.~ ,; 1 Thcrrf.ue- it is under-aandabh- rhat ~I r.

Smith should write the ahon" let te-r.In 1 8J~. the di Ot""'lll n JII \T lIlioll n u-t ;\1 Hopkin-o-ilk-, h,' gillning"

nn JUlU' 11. ~I r. Smith pn-aclu-d the- ,tlll\('JlIi un v-rrnun and on tIlt'samr- da' the dt"r~\ unaninu .u-lv e-k-r n-d him hi-hup, aftrT h hi, hthr- lay llt-kg;!!t':' P~IM,t'("IIt"d It> 11:11101. and li1.:n\i'o,(·. h~ unanimou sn,tt·~ dt·'Il·d h im hi~hop. ; ! ~Ir" Smilh rrlurJwl! to Iht" n mn·mio na n d ··b rid h hut fn·lilll.:h · ' d(·, IM(·t! his .u,rptam,· o f Ihl' ullin' .

The ( ;(·I~ (" ra l COIl\(" I;tioll n lllllui ll "(' Ull t'tllI",-·nalion, n ·portt"d.in IfU:1. t hai

()n till' dUt'UIlWIII , frolll K" llt \ll ky. t ill' (:oll1l11i1l'·'· n·port T ha iIlw n ' i ~ ....ti,(;u·wn 1·\"id' ·ntT Ih ;1I t ilt' ....id IJi'M·' ·...· had ~ i x "tfit"iatin~

f'1t'~h \ itT" rt '~idill~ 111('ll'in ;11 t ill" tillW uf tI ... t·lt'C1ioll. whu Wl"rt"

qlla lifll·d to "Olt' f,',r a Bi ~l lOp : til"t .. IIMjoril y of all t ilt" f'rl'shy t t"f~in thl' I )iO<.T"t· n lluurn·d ill til<' d'Ttion a~ t1wil" H i ~hop of tht' Rev.Ik nja min It Smith. D.D.: th'lI Iw ha~ IIn ·11 d uly d'TIt 'd by th,'COIl\""l\ion of tl\l' ' ;Iid I >ion·'I'. alld Ihat tilt" Tt·~tiTllollia i ill hi,fanlr n'I[uin 'd hy Ih t, 2d C ;II\OI1 . ,it.:llt·d by tht' Cit ·lira] alld LayIlwllIht'l'i of tilt' COlln·llt ioli. i ~ rq:~IILII ;ll1d ill dill' (onll ; tl wy thert'­fnn' It"t'ornml'nd Ih;lt l ilt' ' I' lIl:<o ' lit' "' pn "" ""d t., ~ign thl" Tt'~li­

Illonial in Llvor of till' R,·\". B" llj;lIllill n, Sl1lith, 11 ,11 , Ui, hnp ,.]'·"1of tilt' ! >iO' TW of K"l llu ("ky,7:t

\11". Sm ilh had htTn hOlIl,rr t! w ilh Ihl' t1 t'.l.(ft'l' (,f I ), lf !rlr o f Il ivin itvhy ( ; ,' tH' \ 'a <:olkg:l' . now I ln));1l1 ( :"llq.':I·. In h i ~ p:lfll rh ial rl' po rt for

'''Jo,,, .",1of rlu Di" cPlPof h' PI" U( ~ I'. 1fU l. p, l~.

~' I b i rl., p . 11. 1~ ,

;~/bid . , 11;1:12, PI' . S-ii.''' Jo u. ~ a l "I lIu ( ;n,n ,,1 t." "' ~"" li"" , 1,n~. PI'. ~·,.~ Ii.

.J ulv X"W.I- .\'0(('1 B3

~kmlwr, h"n' '''lilrih"lr-d '" 1("''''1''''1'1\' In thr- ,-an' .. f lIu' r-hu, on tilt'I,l\\" "f johu IIn ''' n I I"",,· th"l "" k.-l it ;"illlw ,,/ iJl1n,.Q 10 ,h"'l1 III he-ar'''T"~i',,,all) «f their n llld ili" n . T hi, 'l'ri"l( lhn h,1I'''' had tl...ir ",,,,d 'pray.'appl"'d, ;",11 r-amlan-. a 'Uf,'t'llK'" iuj",-l", 1 i"l" Iht' l("r"",,<1 around II", 1'",,1"n'", h", "l("i" lw"" "'I'd. T" t/;'I>- non r- "f IIw In',,, hu- ,11<>\\1] auv ink'-li,,""f 1111' di""Ir<>u' !lUI' h dill divr-av-. -

\ \IWll thinn hl" I' open IIw safr- "f thr- Wi,H"rd ;-':alional Bank in lfl71l,th« 1'"",11""1 ti,-,- hadly dam.un-d t il>' :-';"rll, K i" p t, ''' n ...·'·"rd, "hi"h ""1'"'I"red in II... ,,,lj,"T"1 ,,/Ii...· ilf 1I11' I""n rlr-rk.

In llw 1I,Il"s C"IIr-t'!i"n iii ""1' libr.uv an' «H' \"I""",, "f ;'\"rlh Ki11I('I,,"n1,;",<1 E\"ilku, ," fnun !filll; 1" IR:! I. T he'" an- ""pi,., "f llli" "ril(i"al n ..... rd­,,"~d,' afln the di,a'lT<>ll' fire hy a l1l'ill nauu-d I"'irn' po"ihll' T hom,!' J.I"· ' r' .... "1""" " Clerk "f :\'''r1h K ing ' I" " " , for mauv \'(·;\rs ). Their '-al",' i'cn"~I, ,illiT ,h,' "ril(i""I, contiru ...d to ,li,i"I"f(Wll' :l!l~1 "fllinl,1c afl"r I"'i"l(.slJhj"'·led 10 illt,·" .... heal duriuu (hi' fire.

~ Ir. johu I I. \\' ,·11, h,l' illlk'ed tlw (W" \"lll''',", 11,,"n·hl· makinl( II,,''''rcoml- '.'a,il\" ;lvai!;'I,I,· I " llll" U'U' [If our hbr.uv. ,\ g" in lh;' S,,,,i,.t\ " ill­

,khwr.l t" Xlr. \\'l'Il, fnr " p,'ilH,'kinl.\ tack. «hirh rl'll',irr'rl "'.,," h',u,r, of,·"n" i'·',li"u' work.

Christ C h urch fo r 1B3:.! he tt' J1 ~ of his Su nd ay night Bible Cla-e. , hiswt"d.ly lect u re on \ \'nlr ll' ~day evcning-, aud his ItTtun's O il rhr­" EvideIJ(T~ of Rrvcah-d R(' li,C; ioll," fur medic a l and law da~~( ' ~ "fTra n~yh'a ll i a C:olkge, l .exin aron." The Ladies' ~ Ii~~innary ~m'ie t~

had ("olh-ned three h undred dnlar-, an d rlu- C el1 tklTH'll\ Sociel\ fnurhund red and fifty dollars . He repor ted that, ":\ pla n fu r rai~ing afund for a idin,C; in the educatio n of youn.g men who han' the minivtrvin view. wh ich is yt't in it- infan('y, ha-, ~o fa r been enc ouraged , tha t~ I 00 han been paid by one individ ual, and $:l()() ha n ' beell sub­-crilx-d by other persons." ,',

Thus. an {'Oldy l'\ (' W Enuland r!ngyma n m ade the transition 10

th e Ol d \\'e~t. The minu-r rv of Ben jamin Boswurt h Sm ith in ;\n\En,c;"1and had been fruitf ul for the Epi~copal Church and was to hima work for which he felt (~~pt' c i alt y suited. He c-ut tics that wereprr , illlls \(I him in orde r 10 make h i ~ mi-sion to the Old \\ '("'.\.

' lJou.nl11 "f Ih~ J) i",- ~ \ ~ of /0.'~nl lick)', 18:1~, 1'1'. 6-7. S,·" also I.~ w i s W , lIull u,,' s.C"luhis", "'I Ih~ !J ioePU of l .n i" gl"" ( L,. s i n ~ l on : Ri" h" nh o" ,In<\ COI"Vauy,1<)11 J, p. 8.

':'11,;'/, p. 7.


I II I'll' j th,. R. R. ll,,,,k"r t:"mp"'l\" p"hli, lU"d for T Il<" lI il,l iQtl, ra phi... ,,1S",i.·t\ "f .\nwri,·;r /O",d,' 100<llId 11II!"i ,,/I, 17!7-fHIIII, ,'d it,-d 1" .l"h"Elli"l ;\ ld..n. T hi, ""rk 11",110'("" ,,/ I.:n·;rl in'p"nann' Il' I,ihliocr"phn, ""d'I ",kills .. / H.h"d,' Is Lu,d hj'l"ry. Si"n ' !Ill" p"I,liralion "f rI... h""k, 11""""'r,'1 ,·"n,i,kr"t,k lIuml".r "f iml'ri'll' "nln"\," If> ..\ I, k n Ita",· .."m,' Ii> lil:lrl.Bradf"nl !' ull n S,,·,U1 i, ,,1 1''''''''111 ell1l"l:'"d ill li"illl.: "nd d.--nil,i'l!! 111i 'ill 1'",puhlic' li"" ill "'/r,' I'II!" 'II "/'1., I l i /tl i " ~ "' I, h i,.,d ~'''''id\' ,,/ .11/1"""'1. !{ "I lT' i' lh"ill 1... '1,·" iL,1>1,- "fl''T lHilrli""li"ll,

• • •

i\ E\\'S - ;\,OT ESJ) llrin g 11ll' -ummt-r tlWfI' will lx- "" "shihili"n R hod e Ivl.md 1"·,,ln Irom

II... ,·"II'·'li"n, of Dr. :-' 1."kLrin,· R. Br" " n 'lil t! M r. 1- K , OIl. ltall"krl "illIJ<' 'olll<" r" n ' .md ,"T" ""lli' lillilill" piC'T' ;1' ,,,,11 as unusual ;md hitlWrlouukuowu murhm.rrke. R hnd ,' I , Luu l lw" I' Tn , ",'n- alllolll.: II... ,'adi,'" ill th,'nd"nin. II i, i"I"T!·qin ,l!, Ihnd"r,. , not " Illy In ,.nlkd"r, hil t ai,,, I " thr­l("" l"l";l1 public 10 I... "hk III ".,. cx.unplr-s "f till' WilTk "f T h" ma' 11, 1,·.' ,:\,." port, 1711.1712; Br-njamiu n ,l y, :-.;"" port, 117 -1 -17 .;7; nnd Law n' '' 'TLanuwonhv, :-'; r-wport. 17:\{)·17J9. ( )d", r, "hll'l' "01'ks a n · ,," displav an' :" ' i ll i,, " , Billi"g,_ ( ; '"r, I" ,rn jo 'm' " T h" " I'" ~I dv i l k , Saunn-l Hamfiu. Sam'lI'lE. 1larufin. J " " 'I' I, lh-hlu-r, Ih, i,1 ~kh- i l k. ( ;"o rl(" R i, h" n h " n, WilliamCaltln, S. SlI' d,,,,,,,, J " I,n I' r) t'r , _ S;ru,ul'l a"d ThOlna, ~lch- i l k , J " , i" h K' Tn,..,,,,d C"hill &. C,. .\hOlll lift~ pi,",," "i ll I", <li'pla",d, in,lutting h"th IL'I ,,, ,, II" ,11"" ""n·.

., bill !!r,ml illl: rI... S""i"II. ,~li,1 H'111"" '" r1min"lilmin'" ,I,,· "." ,..~ . , """"l"'I"'l"ill "urn"l"dy "'I' ,i~I"'d illl" la" h~ (;""'1'1"11' 1' I l ,·1 S"'l" in :-'1 " , . T h.. S,,<'i"l\i, l!r" tdlll to till' varin", llu "tlh,'T' "f lh .. LI'l:'i' !;11tll'" " I", illln"\;I'r1I1Il''' ''''h-,:,ill ""'in!: II... bill lhrolll(h ....""l11illn·' ,lIld lht, L' pp,'r ,m il L" ' '' ' r HOll' '' ' . "l"h i,;rppropri,llinll i, Ih .. .,ecolld in a prnjC<"l ...d 1""-\"'011' plan tlMI will ~a\'t~ furpu~terit~ lhi, imponalll 'l"lrtt' of R hod e Island H i, w ry,

:-' Ir'. willi.uu '1'0" 1',.1 has I"kl'" "",.1' t hr- d ut i.., "f k""pi"g lh, ' S""i"tv\I"",h. "orli,,1.: in thr- morulnu. In tl ... ,,[lnno,,n ,\Ii ." Ek arw r Sl'i",'[ i, ;'1 Ii...,an,,' , I", k in ,-h"rgl' "f memlwr,hip. ' ,",. "n' p!{',I,,'d 10 "" !""nll' lh,'''' IW"p'll'l-ti" 'I' ""rk,·r.' t" ""1' 'I'llf. :-' I n , \ 'irgi "ia ( :a tt"ll, our /"II·,i",,· ""'Ti""nOil t il<' "·""llIlll".. r, "h" i, "I", ill' harg" "f Iihr" ... Ikl'li l, h'l' fI'('l'll1h " ,ld;,,lPn 10 II... Sa/lui/Ill' !-,'r" IIi",!: I 'm l ,",dn 1I11' lIa111<' \ 'in:illi" ( :o llr,,\ . ~ i"llllw, ',"I' Ih .. S",·; ..I) "ill I", 1'],o,1,,'d t " kll" " of thi, a..hi"\'t·lllt'lli. .



\\'"rk i, pn,!!n'"i"c ral'idll "" IIn- john Hr'"," ( :h""i"t . ( ~ " I " " ,,] l',lIdI ), ,,, n illl(, "lio 1,,1' rln- ", ·h id ,· ill hi, 'hnp "n SL'tt'n hL"'d. ha' e-m u­m""lhl)' ""1""-1' ,I' W"lI ;1' ph"l"grapl". ,h"wi",1.: thr- ...-vtoration ill it> ";rri",,,pha"". T h,. ",,,",,,iUn' ill l'harg,· "f r,"I"r;'li"n "f till' vr-hirl .. h"d " nT"ill,tT""ti"g al Spring (;n'c,,_ h"illl' "I thr- r hairman, j " Ii " Fruu.i-, IIrr''' 11 . ,\1 lh"lIi"", " h-ur-r W'l' r... ad fmm C"loIll'1 ll"wning ill " hid, I". 'I ,lli'll th.u 111<",I",ri"l ""uld hl' Il'ady f"r ddi,'l'r~ in J u ly.


Til.: FRA SK I .I :" l ' Il: •.ss "'''' ''''ud f""" ,.. ",J~ /."" , Oll'"

()11 it . pan of t he time .... ith the a""j"lan ff' nf h i.. ~'l\ l l1~n brotherIk n j;un in, he printed rhe X ,'1l" En gJ,m d COUHlTI t during" hi.....t llnn~

waf' i ll the ~ I a" adl ll'o("tt.. ra pita l.j;une'" Franklin hmuuht ti lt" (In·...... \\ ith him .... hen he m ll 'l 't! 10

='=n\ port. Rh ode l d.md . in 17:.!7 a nd c,...tahli-hed hi.. ...hop "011

Tillinq ha..!''' Wharf. ncar Cnioll-r:I".g: ' I'averu ." From it i ll tha i ~ t' a r

r nmr- t he two t-arljest kno.... n examples of Rhod e b land prin tinc.. 1 letter Im1ll John l l ammctt to j ohll W right a nd J ohn Ham nu-u's" iTll!irl/t;l/Tl lind Relation, Unique cupit'" {If these pa mp hlet.. WIT('

a. qui n-d by lilt' Soddy ill 1!l:"d . Rhnd t' I ..land '... fu-- t llC'\\ "p;ql('r.'lh r N. h(J(h lsland (;r/:d/l ' wa~ I' ll hl i~hed hy Fr ank lin in 1732-:U ,a nd a larl.:l· p ro po rtion of t ill" Sorkly\ ollt~la ndin,L:: co llntion ofc 'i ~ htcTl l1 h ll"n t ur ~ im prin ts was produrr-d on Ih is press h~ Fra nklin.unl his SIHTe.'i.SOrs.

In 1 7 :~ :J james Frank lin died ' .HU! thr Imsim'''s W;\S ron tinur-d byhis widow '\ 11 11 until her son j;IIlWS Franklin. J r. , who had "(·I""\ I·dhis appr-ut ice-hi p wit h his 1I11t I" lk-njamin in Philadelphia. wa s oldenouuh III take OH r t hr- manaqcme ut in 174 R. J anw~ Fra nklin. J r. .him-e-lf d ied in 1762 a nd his molher was agai n obligod 10 ta k,' owr1111" bu-ine«. S he "'C)(Jn look a young p r in ter named Samuel H a ll intopart ners hip. Th e W idow Fra nkl in. however, survived her "( lit h~

k", tJMIl il vr -a r, a nd H all succeeded to th e pri nt ing -hop. whic h he11IniinuI."d un t il 1768 \\ he n ht, sold it 10 So lomon Sout hwil k.

How long t he pres, cont inued in IN" j, nut know n. hut it remainedin t he office of The .'"I·u·port J / n o u r unt il 1859 , when it wa" ,,( lidto J oh n B. \ Iurr a y of Xew York C ily" \I r. \ Iurra y presented it tot ill' \l a, .;arh u'I·IL"- C ha ritabh- \1 ,·,'h ;tIIi,' .\ ....soc ia t jon in B e-ton . W ht'nit lx-ramr- know n t ha i t he \1t'f h ,lIlic,,' Build ing in whit'h it wasIImN 'd was to h(' dnnoli,lwd. a rra ngr nH'nl.s we re madt' 10 hornmlilt" pn·....s fo r exhihition in Rhotk Isla nd. It ha ' pr('\ 'io ll,l y IM"'l1shO\\ II al T hl" Rl"dwood 1.ibra ry ;lnd TIlt" Provide nct" j' uhlk I.ihra r~ .

84 T hf' F,md lm Press JIll ~ 'n u; 8,'KER FA\IILY OFREI IOnOTIf. ~1.-\ss;\CH l "SE'IT S

Thi-, ..hort article i" a n " Xn"rpl frum a m'HIU...-ript gin'n to \ frs.Gt'ort::t· C. S COll hy Waltn \1. Bak er of St . I't· l t· l'hu r~ . Flor ida . It..ho w- t he alH t'''lry of Ih,' loth' Albe rt .-\ li,,(lIl Hakr-r. ' j'he'" co m pletemanuscript i.. in IIJ(" Collrn ioll" of T he RhclI!l' I ..la nd H i"w rictlStM· il'ty.

J oh n Baker was ho m pro bably in Englan d ill 16:13. d ied inWoburn , \Lt..s. in 1 1i~l;'J , marri ed in Wllhurn . ~b ..s. \ 101 \ :W. 1654.Susa nna \ la rl in . \\ h,N ' .IIKl·stry is unknown. SIll' was ho;n prubablvin En gland lx-twe-en IliH and 164 0 and din ! ( as his widow ) i;lWohur n. Ik e. 3 . 17 H .

( ' I I ILOR E:\" ( \ ' ila l I{,·c" rd. "r "'" burn , \ 1.1" . ) :

j uu " . b. \l.,r. :!c' . H;'I'! ; Ill . 0 , 1. IH, ]lin:!, IbIUl'.I, \' " lh .

\ 1' 1( \ . h. Feb. :.! :.!, 11.:,1, no Iurtbr- r n-"ml l.

J OSH 'II . h. J UIU" I:•. Il' .'> i ; , I, D,·,·. 22. 140'17.

j o ... I' ll . h. 1'..1.. I. IlJt ~ l ; m. ( J, I . ~ . IlJlcj, Ibllnah Ib llk.

~n, .\ " " " t. h. \ tu. 1'1. lloI':.!; d ..\ pr . I. H",:.!,

S I' .. ,,,., \ 11, IJ.•\pr. I.!. lI " d ; m. \l ..~ !..!, IIJl .!. j " hn ( :nl k r.

l · ." .' \\u u ..,,·,>, h. \ l.ar . !I. l til >-t ; d . .\I.u . Fl, II"i!.

"'.\\11 H. h..\ pr. n, Ito/i.'>; m. :\"", . ! I;. lli<Jl. ll.um,.11 \\' illll,

1\1 "J \\11 ... h. \ 1... :!-I. Ui.lii 11" funh.... r...-nrdj \\u -, 1,. J UI1<' 10, Ib ill n" further ,n..rd .

j " ' H II.\' . h. ' \ I' r. 'L 1Ii/ ·I; m. j an. .1. lti'll. E1i,al"'11l I ~ i lr , .

\\·11 .11.\\1 , h. ,\ ur.!. R, IIii9 n" furt her n ·.·" ,d .

J ohn Bak er, "(lIt llf John a nd S usa nnah ( \ Ia n in) Baker, w as bornin Wob urn . ~fa...... . ~Ltn h :!:J . 16:J-1-: m . in Wobu rn . 0,1. IR. lfiR2.Il<tnna h I\ llly. h. J UlW :!6. IfiliJ . daughla of (;, 'orgl' and El i/ a ht'lh( " 'inn) PollY . S Ill' dinl " \\ id ll\\ in Rehol lt'lh . \ 1..", \ 1'lr . :!B. 17:11 .H.. d in l in Ba rr ington. R . I. or Rehoho t h afta .\ tty :1. l 7'!. 2.

I Fu, no" ,,· dl"!;,ilrd informa lion nn lIlt' h 'Hlll ill\ a mi ..",II' Rh ud,' "to ml l" ·i" Ii" ... ." '1' ; II" lw Fra,,,,r , Ka ,n-, " j aml" F ,a l1 ~li n , S..,, ;o , . I'r i"It·, of 1k" 1" " "nd t\',·w.

pOll," T h, ,t IJ/" ;UI7l C olI, erM . \'. :1. t\'n. I. p. 17 ; Howa rd ~I Chapi" " j a"'..'Fr,,,,U;n. Jr., !'O rwporr I' rin...r." '1'1" .t"''';OIll Collnll", j un,·. 1" 21>. p. :12 ,, ;and th ad ford F. S..'a n, ' 'Two Rhod ,' " l.l lld Impr i" t, of 172 7," Uh" dr 1, landlI i' /M )'. " . 12. :'\0. 2, p . 33, :\ pril, 1'l~i:I, a nd ·'Th.. I b ",mr ll l' ,u llp hk t_ " ndT h" ;r :\ut hor." R hod.. I , fa" d lI iIlM )', \' . 12. :\u. 4, p . 105. 0 " 101>.., . IQ.lJ.

j " Il ' , IJ. W"I '" I'lI, j, "1<' '.!.7 , HiB7; 1l1 . S Walh'';\ . J Ulli ' 17. 1711. :-iU_:lllll :,Wo.. <I ; d . R,.J" ,IJ" , h. m. l Ull<' lilii .

j " q i' ll . b. I' lo t,;o t.h ;01 S" 'UlW'I. (a. IliB!I.!l j'll l; 111. R,·II" IJ" Ih. \LIT. III.I i :!" , .\ 1" rl(.lI"1 ( :1 ,.11,"', d ,lU. of Th"rn,,_ ;lIlt l \ 1.UI(,I1 '·1 <:"q" 'll1o'r


C J,;, f.·,......Ilt' ,I, R,·h" h" lh. .\lIg. !/. 171li '" W i.I" " '\"'rl.! "ro·1 Itlkn ;I". d . Rdlt ,I.. 'II, ill l i :! l .

j \" 'II. h. 1'....I"'hh "''' '' I1 . ,.;t. ("i' . le;'IlI ; m . R eh••l...,h . I).·,' . 1'1. 171:".... ar uh "lill,-"l. da u. " f :\,l1h" ni..1 ;or ,,1 SlI' "'' \ lill"H I,

J ohn Hak er m uf John and Hanna h J )oll~ ) Haker \\ ;1" bornin Woh urn . \Ia J Ulie ·D . lfiHi" : Ill. Swan....-a, JUlie 17. 171 -\.S U..:U \II ;I \ \ ·ood . da u. of T huma.. and Reb•.'rcl \\'ood ( S \\ ;II N .'a

rerurd} . He du-d ill Rehoboth, 176 7.

CH Il .IlR t::\ :\\"'II I.HI , h. S" an-..a .. \ ' u:;. IR. 171',; Ill. ( I) 1',·1. , I I, l i J i , S"'.m""

K r-ntc rn. !. r.·t.. H, 171'1 ·w. "I"nh;l S.'Mn...... Ill . J So·pl. ! ~,

1"i-1. T;lloilha Le wi•.S, ' ''' \ '<'<\ , h. S" '1Il-"". F..h. l. Iii i Ill; m. :,\", . 2i, 1i 10. l ..rael t :.. rne-ll.

jllll'< , b. Rrh"I .. .th . .\ lIe, 21i, I,:!II; m . r.li,;,I ..-lh _

I I \'< '<,\ 11, h. Rdl"I .. .lh . I I.·• . IK, I i :!! ; m .......pl. I J. I i .",II, Eli.h., ( :nrnd l.

:\nll .\,<III , h. RdH,h"rh, J ll l ~ 9. l i 5 ; rtI . Sq.1. I I. 17:,11.1,: ' pn i,·I1...· Hix.

Bn'I""I!I\. h . Rd " .I.. uh, r ..b. Ifi. l i :!I1' :!!l; 111. j ,,11I 1 SlaIn,

1'1 .". 1.'Wt , h . Rd " .h..lk Srpl. 9. I r.u. d . ~"'\ u. I i .\1•.

j o". 1'11 . h. Reh ..both. o . 1. H . 1i.H, d . J1Ih I I. 17.li.

1I'''J\\lI''. h. R,·h" h",11. F..Io. J. li,I,i H; Ill. J ail . :!i. 1759."la n h.1 R,],.rr .

R I IIH ;o :,\ . h. R.·I" .b••rh. "I.,r. 12. 1, 111; III..\lIe. Ill. 1; ' ;8.E1" 'lu' /n ·Loll ....t .

William Hnkr-r, ..on of J ohn and SIl-ar1l1a ( \\ 'ood) Baker \\ a" hornin Swa IN·iI. \ 1a""' . Aug. I ll, 17 1."1: Ill. Ta bitha I,e·wi...

C1I1U>R[:'\" :j\'lt ~ . h. Rrh" !>" lh ; Il l . j ull Ii. 1,&1. R,oIJ\ ( :"111.·11 .

RIIIIH \ . Ill. f) .m id Fi-h.

j ll ' Il 'l\ tl. h. R..Iw l.. .th : Ill. ......-pt. :!'I. l iiH, ChI,,,. P i,·n.·.

j",<"[1,,, , h. RduJI"'lh , li riK; Ill. 1-'0-10 . n. l i'lIl , :\,lIln Sniflh ,

:"!" MRII.I.. Ill, SI" m ... " . leh. IH. l i i ·l, R"I", S'·,tlll"n.,

J I IIl <llh:m B"k n . .... )11 of \\ ' illi;Ull anti Tabirha {Lewi..) Baker. w a..

horn in Rehoboth, \I a""'., liliR : m. I) i~htoll . \ l a"... . Feb. ~I, 1 7~IO,

:'\ ;llIf y Smith: tl u- marriae- intentjon.. of j onathan Rlkl'r and Xant~

Smit h wen- filed ;11 Rl'h" hot h, .\ ug. .Ill. 17H'I.


( ·I II I. D IU;:\ :

j " " n lt \ ;>; . h. ......pl. III. li!.Hl; Ill. ....,lI l. I" " ln . h. " Ll\ IIi. l i !HJ ;tII t! d.1"..1•. Ii. IRR'I; Ill' d . ......pl. 8. IIGi.· H.,lh hllri"d II; ~ I illrr;ll .... fllill ~C""lf" r, ·r~ . 1',"' !lId.r l. R . I

H" M\ . I I .. b. "I ,n It•. IRII; d . Sq,1. :!,I. III1H.

S II I'I U "


:\' .\"" .,

11\ " " .\ 111'''1.1 \

S,\! IS

EI. \1 flU

J onath an and Sall~ ( FeN n) n.ll.n had .\ .... in Alhn t O "I)('fllUal.n .

Albe rt (hhorn Baker , h. :\0" . 7, I RJ~ : d . \l a~ ~ I. IRiB : m . JlIl ~ ~,

IIG i . ..\ nna \!aria SWIW, b. J u l ~ lJ, I R:U : d . April ~O. l~llfi. Their~lll \\ as .\lhnl ..\ l i~ H1 Haker, b . Scpr, ~h, IHli'.!.: Ill. ( 1) Fvh, I, IH!l7,Emma Ill'iknap Dt'R w,..~ of ;\1'\1 Orlean<, d. 1 ~ 13 ! 1 : Ill. ( ~) JUlIt' !l.I!HJ . \I ,.... J O\( (, ( Ballard) Bcatv ; he- d . 'lar. '2.1. I ~:l ~ l .

1.E( ~ ll ·RE:')

O \lohn '.!'.!.. I !l .-I~I, Thur-d.o H; 15 p,m .

Ih s T"OR...no.... OF T In. J OIl -: BROW ;o.; C Il ...e urt

( ilhn l ra //'d It'ith slidrs}t:1l1,"'~ 1. I'H 11. 11 . D OW" I" I :

( :"u,,,ltalll, Hor. ..·Drawn \" 'hid," and Ih" ir ;.ppo iUlnwnt'

;'\O\nllhc-r '.!~, 1959, Sll nda~ :I ; 30 pm-ROLE OF R HOn.: I ~ LA :-': I"l t-c 1" •. \1 ",,,1;0.; ..

U F -r u r. ( :0 .... ....1'11'1·1'11 1'

FOII.'.~r M.·l) o ... . u •. '\'"xiJ t.. p.of .D.·pa rt m..nlof H i , to r ~ . Brown L·ni nil ~

88 J uly 89

80 01' RfX I [\"RboJ e Id<l"J Pol it ics <l"J the A ml'ri(.nl R~I 'o lu t io" . '''''/1·1-'(,(, .

II. 1);,\ iel S, J.""'j,,~ . I'rm'iel..,w..: IIw" 11 t -nin'r,il\ 1''' '' '. l·r,R. 2'11; PI' .;"-"1"'_ hihli"u,.phi. 'al ..'''I' , il(d,", . $1.511.

It i, " trlli'lI\ ,, '••rth "rnpha,i,inl( Ihal "a"h ...,1,,11\ "',I' uni 'llIt· t.mh in thr­nntun- "f it, rd"li"n,hip III Elll(lalld ,u1I1 ill i1- '~"It"lH "f inn-mal 1'"lit;'-,. TIlt'I"" uli.rr di'li rlt'li\C·t>t·" "f Khod, ' ls lund is tIl,u l.· ;'pp;m'uI ill thi, ;ohio- m"",,­gra ph . ;"-0 ....I"n~'. cur..ly. "-,os more drl"rmil1l'd lu m;I1];l~, · iI' ".\11 d... tinv"·I(anll,·" "r Kill~ and l'arlia nwllI. Kh"d.. l eland had h.-,'u ,'nd,,\\, '.1 h., i,sn,r;"", ..h;uln "ilh ,I d" l(ro:-o:- "f illfl"j)("lI<ktll"t· Iha' bred a f'-"lil1l( " f "'1"'<;' _tivrn . In th, ' lru"hlrd ,r,'PI aft .:- r l i till ,-\C'n ,-unuMhn1<'m " n 11ll" " ,uk i"I>1liI ni..-," "r rh......I"n~ "'a' T.:-a lulI'h. nm;lillllh , all" all (,,,t un.tI,im" u,1\r i-red. ;"-"1 unnlrh.. I<:n..... peri••d ahr'r 1..-" iuIlI" Il' d id KI""k I,I ,md..., ....;hihi 'l,,11\ .Ii"id..d " 'ulim"Ill', hili the t ....atme-nt ,u't'''rded Gon'rn"r jo-e-ph ' \" 11 11 " ",tI ..1 hi, r,," .I,,, ,,'i..h·~ 'Iui"kly d..mnn'tral' ·" Ih,1I Ih, · . ..1,,", " ," "\" 'r~

" hr lmifll( h ill f.l.or "r indr,><'nd.:-nco:.

TIL.. m" j"r •" nnilmli"n of Ihi, ,tu,ly Ii.., in Ihr [a....' ;n,lIil1l( d,-" ripli"l1 Ih ,,1il pW\ ide " f p"lili" ,11 practices in lilt' e ra ..f the \\",ud-lI"pl.:i" , , ,,,,Iii, I. ;..-"",I"n~. h' 111\ 1.:11••",I.."I:'~ , had sur-h a hili!hl~ ' d..n ' I" lwd ,. ,«·rn .,f p"pularpulili"'. T lwr.. ;U'-, it "o" ld ..... ·111, fr", " ,·, 'i, ,., 1m"" n I" till' tn."lt-m p"lili";."1,h" t "IT" ,,,,t (1,,·.1 h~' Ill,. l lopk in...·' and th.. " 'an I.. I·r,., i,,·I\ what all llll'.'1,"'1im""Ti"g "' ,I' "IH'1ll n' mai n, ·,,,rru·th illJ,: "r ,I "I~ 'l<'f). II "'" n.. t. main\;,in,I "'\ " ' j " ~, , a ,'"nll"1 Iwl"" -.·U "'as,,·s, or ,....·up;ll i" Il" ] I(t"l"tp" «r t'\''"'' "ttlir<']~

1"·I" ..en "·.Ii,,tr,. It "'I'. h,' "' mclu d,'., ",I IH,litkal d i'l llll.· 1,..,\,,·.·]) t",,, L,r ­Ii" " , f..r ",'lIIr,,] "II I... I("\'t·rnm..nt" ( 1" Iii ) . Wilh surh ""llIr,,1 ",HI'" pn·sli!.:.· ,. .. trlllr...r:' l i \'l· I" l l r"Il .I ~ '" la" advam..\:,.,, .md 1;I\'(,ra hl,· judi, 'i'll ln·aIIlWnl. T Il<'\ \·'l rd -I I"l'ki" . f"u,lrmkd in l iiO.. . . . no,1 b...·,IIl......f ;1 "'Mlili '''1 "r '.pP'"il"lJ;trti, '~ .. hut h," '''''''' the ,-nlarl{nl and 'lu·n2'lh..ned 1I" " ki'" LU'li"" "",'r­"1 ,..lm..d it- "PI" ,m'Ill' "ho "ne "nahl.. lu IIlU,I.:-r rh.. 1",lil i",,1 I>...-k;,, 1:' !to

"'Illinu.. Ih,' "UI \:I(!o:-" ' I'. ]52- 3 ) .

I...n·ju~ " r\:I1 '" elf li,'<'"1~ th"l much ..I Kh,,,I .. Island-, '1111.]" ,m " pP'"jli"lIIH n .....n,,1 ....nl1'"I , r "It..d (r" ... the lI:..n..ral d..,i,,· ..r I,~ .•1 I".lili.'i.rn, 10".trt ;mw « . pb. 11,,·ir ,HJd \.lam.. ,,{ IHllili" and In " 'I" in Ih" ir 1"'''IUi, il'' ' ," "'hr n I',HIi'lIn..m . mini'lf) , :fIld Kill2' .'lIn..,,, I...d upon ,,, If-I:'''' ("[ I1 11U''' I. 11.,',,·tr,rtM,'h ..d up.. n ,I '~ ,I.-m "I p,un' ""Iiti, '~ "hid, "' ,I' n..l ",,1\ m,I' "n' hUII'r" lil.,bk ·· I I', I ~jl .

Rh".k l-L,",kr' ,]",,,rd hail II,i, ,,'h.. l..rl ~ 1r<'''l llletrl "f a Los, in' llitrl: ('fa illIllI' hi,t"n "f t1 ...ir "" II", n , i, t· mim kd" ,I.",'.. \ 11 'llld,·tlh "f tl", f{" \,,,I,,Ii,,n ann.' \\>11 pmlil fl'''"1 ll r. l ."", ' j" y' , ill "tllill"lin\: ,,,,,,h', i, .. f tl... t"lf ... l "f 1"";1],il n ll"'I,I1H"" ",,;t ttt",','m,· ,,1 th" l h,l' I.", f ro " I ((l 'nl l ~ I" ·,,tt 1'1't·"·tl],,,1 ii, ,O\,, ·rI•1: '·I,,·r.,l lo'(m' .

(f," I;",ua / ..."" "a cl COl'n )

~I r-. . R obert Frr~ lI ''''' ln

:\"r"I'0f!, R . 1

~I ~ . Gerald Foga r! ~

The Honorable J ohn E. Foga rtylI a , " ), , " ~ , R, I.

~I rv. Chester B. Frost

Prof. jamcv I.. (;idd in.L."Rri' lol. R , r.

~I f'i . Rol<lIld w. ( ;ofTChq.... h..l. R . I

~ Ii" C harlntlr ~1. ( :[I't 'II('War n·n. R, 1

~I r . & M r- . Jf"'r-ph I ). (: uilknwtt cPa"tu.'krl, R I.

~I f'i . John A , ( ;"' Ylll w

~ f r . & _\ 1rs. Joh n ( ; , I 'Llr.~ rra\ r-sS""di :\ r"hL.

.\11"'. J a mt·" .\1. Harr isonR"rr inl{lnn, R. 1.

Mr. & ~1 f". lbmald S. Har twell

T he lI un. Ravmond H . Hawk ..ky

.\I r. Ro,," v. B eN 'y

.\I r. Roher! E. llill

,\ Ir . Ma rk S <\ \ lt" HoughWoonloOC'l r t , R, '-

~I rs . .\I yra .\ . lI oult-

.\I r. R icha rd .\ . H urk~ , J r.

Dr. and .\11"'. .\ lf rt'd Jaffe

.\I r. B enr y "- un ' ra

.\I r.;. Elmer S. Lalu 'a"tt'r

.\li ss E l izaht'lh W. La w

.\I r. and .\ If". Lloyd .-\. Lon g

.\I i....~ Edith An~r11 .\ t.-dm , tead

.\l i" Hek-n J. .\bllll,u,.tJ

.\ Ir.•\ .\I rs. .\ Ifm l t :. .\IanglnWarwick. R , 1.

~ I i " H elen e O . .\ I il kleWar ren, R , I

.\ IT. &. ;"I rs . )'\rl 'f>tl Hlion .\li llnCla,,·i lk . R. I.

.\1i,' .\Iarg-aret S. .\I orri"

.\ Ir. ;" Iaur in ' J. .\1" lIIl1 ,lin

T I1l' Hon. J ohn .-\. )'\011I', j r.

;"I r..\ rt h Uf Pa lmer. J r.B"rriruuon. R. I.

.\ Ir. Roht.,rt .\ 1. 1'.l rkn

.\11'. J ohn B. l' rire-

.\11'. Rube rt \\' . Radwa v

\ Ir~ . Nrlson R. Record

\ I rs . Frr-dr- rir k x. R it t h it'Block Island. R. I.

R"ar .-\dmifal.'\;, ;\ Ir-. .

J .,hn B. Rooncv, CS:\ ( Ret .)

\I r . & .\I r<. G.--O f.l~t' L. SawverWano,;.' l . R , I.

.\ I r-.. E . Od.-- Y ;ullan

.\Ir. I' h in .--a s S p r;I,l::w'

.\I T. & ;\I rs. Byron J.Slaprlloll

\ Ir. Henry A . S trl't' t. J r .

.\l rs. Louis J. I. S ~Jl\"t1d,

\I i, ,, G relchen T onk"

.\ I r-.. Loui s J. V a ll O n k n, J r.O..rrin l{ IOn, R, 1

K"I Il: ' ·I' . The S' ,ll" t ' tt;, ""il' 1<..- 1I\l<t'I· , ' 1' ' ''I<\l to ''

5 ~L II EI'I'LEWHITE sow FROZ\'T BUR EAUJ/rlh O,l~(/Il )'

(secc ndarv wood - pill t: )

n ew England c. 17!1()-! B( Jl J

T his rhuic c bureau , with a well-sha ped aprllll , suppo rted by Fre nchfer'! of !-:ood proportions is rep rescntativr of the ru-w trr-nd in furni­turc desi.L:11 1\ hu-h carne in d uring" t he la st dtTadc' (If th e In th r vn t urv .

.\ Ia Il y in Irrior exam ples of I Iepplew hite st ~ le r-an h..· f, .uml i Ilrilld illgth o",- with "tr<light fronts and cr uddy shaped aprnll " with out ti ll'flare of the 1I11 1t' f edge of the fout. T he ('xlwrtly n l11slrllrted frui t­I\ood inl.rv a bove the skir t an d along the top .....T \TS to bn-ak lip til!'

plain boxlike qu al ity of this rhcst of drawers . T his pie! r- is sa id tohan' Iwlo ng-ed to a daugh ter of Ben jamin Franklin. from wh om itdescended \0 a Ood or Charles F. vtnn chcacr of Pawtucket. II w a-,

known lorall y as III(' "Be njamin Franklin bureau." a lt hflllgh it i..doubtful that that Amerk-an p hilosopher lived to St't' th i.. "new »tv lr­or furnit u re. "

Ex -collcr-tjnn Ell iot F1\11\


5 ·1 . S I D E C II A I RO N 1-: OF A S E T O F S iX

J/ l/ h (}}~ fUl .l'

Nt'\\" England 1790- 1BIll IT h is "'l l-( alh-d " Country Chippendale' "ilk ( hai r !'lIIh" d it·.. lin i-n [>or­

tam Irnr ure- , hu t rather exemplifies a ...t urd v...illll'k ~r;ln' that j ..

(, llorrnolJsl~ aJJj-X·a lin.\:'. T Il(' well-developed rut <pl.u i.. of a iomlllon

X, ,\\ England palin " u';crd hoth in Rho..k l -Lrud and in \b.....krhu-e-t t-,..Ahhouuh the' heart in the center " f t i lt, d t·..ien is "hellclaimed a..a Rh()(h' Ivland feature, \\ (' find it, IN' i.. f a i rl ~ \\ idevprr-ad.The dm\ nturned cre-, rail with a -lie ht n ·\I ·...... · ear j .. rert.rinlvunu-ual. The '(, lid pm p ortjnn.. of the "oumtrv" 11,.-..:, lit admirablewit h thr - ce llna l ( '"n IOll f Ilf the' (hair.



55 . C H I P P E N D A L E T E A TA HL E."ah o.~ /l 71Y

Newport 17t-iO· j 7B( )

T hl' gl' lll'l ,d ,t.: ra n' and s~ lJl lllc t ry o f (h is ta bk .rdek-d to thl' unm b­tnka hh- ;'\ ewp"rt fea tu re o f t he cut -a wav " C" M rull "bIT it a lllOl lg

the hest of , Il(' work of the Rh ode b land I"a h il\l' l rna kr rs. Thepnk"tal is well pro portioned : its rela tion til till' to p and l);l~' is ( o r­n-rt ; and the dd irar y uf the acanthus can"jug hl·",M'ab the uvua]RhotIe- 1...land re-t-ai m in ornamentat ion. .\ 11 dt'lIlI' ll ! of 'tr{'n~ l h

j... added h\ thl' well-turned thigh of the 19 : while- lilt" t u l·;I\\ay " C "..noll.. hdm. al ....) "(' r H- to ~iH' ....r ight a" .... el l ;(" omameut 10 th e ha-c..\ p ropn flowi ng line i~ kept alon~ the kg, t ill' ;U1glr of '" h ich di e­1;1(, '" the elongated a ppe"arancr of t he hall a nd t 1.1w • The cri-pne-.." f thr- knuckle ca n , inK i... another indication of :'\ ("\\I'0 n o rigin, whilethe ddtl~ executed hu t restrained carvi ng" Il f the dish top deno te th efiue ha nd llf a Goddard or '1'0 \ \ n-end .

Ex-colle crion H e nrv .\ . H o lTlIMIl


M ahogany

Ne w England 1790·1800

T hese slender well-p ropo rt ioned "co untry Chippendale" side chairssho w a va riation of a common New England cut splat , whic h in thisinstance exhi bits trul y deft w orkmanship . The pattern for this typeof splat may well have been inspired by the ribbon-looped-b ackedchairs desig ned in mid-eighteenth century Engla nd by Robert Main ­waring. The interrupted crest rai l gives add itional style to th is chairwhile tilt' pla in ca r is in keepi ng w ith the over -all feelin g of gent ilityand cha rm. Modern gros point scat cove rs show the successfu l u'-C.~

of a t rue eig htee nth ce nt ury tex tile design.

G ift of ~t r. and M rs. ~I ch'i n E. Sawin


l"EW ~Iu.IBER s

J/arch 15,1959 - Jun e 1,1959

Dr. Archie A. Albertr awt ut' k,·t , ft . I

:\ff"!';. David Aldrich

Mr. W inslow AmesSaund..rstown, R. I.

Prof. George K, Anderson

\ Irs. Samuel T. Arn old

\ Iiss Madeline H, Barlow

\tr. George ~r. Ba ron" " wt ud ,·t, R. I.

.\I rs. Benjamin D. Berkman, jr.G ree-nwich. Conn,

\I r. Roger A. Brassard

'\ [ r. Oe orgc B. Bullock\..."I,,,n, Ma" .

.\[r. & M rs. Kip 1. Chacejbrmony, R. J.

:\Iis.s :\[abel le Haile Chappell

.\l r. Ralph Winslow C hildsPascoag, R. I.

\ 1r. Stephen 1'. C raryW l"S[ Ib rr in gto n , R . I.

\1 iss Clara R . Crosby

\ Ir, Howard S, Curtis

Mrs. Ada Del Vecc hio

Prof. William Dinneen

Mrs. Elizabeth Harr iet DrewNt'w York , N. Y.

\ [r. :\1. Bradford Eddy

'\ [r. & Mrs. C harles G. Edwards

Prof. C . Ow en Ethie r

.\1r. Charles Greene EverettP" wlllc k.. t. ft. I

('onrin ~(' d on p. 88

OPE :\' TO TilE I'l;BI. I C

~ 1 ()llday th roug h Fr ida y

Sund ay "ftt'nl"oll (,·x,·c'pt h"lid;,y week ends )

Tuesday ('"\"C uing ( Libra ry oolv]

Clou d Sun dap and T UCJdll)' n'nlin':;J,

June, Jul )' and .·I U.\,lHf

lIine 10 five

'('V"ll tu nine


VO L . 1 8, No . 3

J UL Y , 19 5 9

ISLAND ::r:-


f.""'A~" WI"" ". , 1', ,,ill, ~ 1 ."n,uN"'. ).I . Vu .... J ~ . , 1'"~,~ ,,,

h'NK I. . II ' Nc." ,.• ", J. " S""'~'Y CLl f.""" J' . ).I" N''' ''N , Vi" " " ,(:'-''''' ' '' NA. 1:,)1 ' 'NO. 3.". L"b ,~, i~"

1'~, R ~ n i. /.,1""11 H i.,/m ;'<d S",i." ""~m,, . n """,""b,f,,),

/0' /~, , /~"m'"" '" / ~, "P'.'''.' 0/ ,o.'"bw ,,,,,.


PUllU SH f:D llr THE RH ODE ISL Ai'lD HI ST OR I CA !.52 I' OW ER S T R E E r , I-'R O Vlnf.." C E 6, RII O" .:


vot. I II J l ' L \' , I ' I,')'1 :"< 0, :3

ISSUED gUARTER L r AT PR OI'IDENCE, RHODE ISL AX D(Suo lld-c1llsS poslllgt paid 0/ Proliidt " u , R hod.. 1,/mld )


BENJ;\ ~II;\' Ho."i\\"( >RT Il S:\I IT II

( 179 4 - l flB4)

l:.'arly X ew 1~ l1 l.; lll n d Clrrl.;l'1II11 11

T ilE FR A ~ K LT ;'; P Rf. s s •

Bn" J AM' ~ BoS W OR TH S MIT H ( 1794- 1884)hy W. Rebert I nsko

'1',.... B. OKER F A M IL Y O F R E H OB OT H , ~lA S SACH U SETTS

hy Wah n M . Baker



C"'T A Lon O F T H f; RH o m : I SL-' ''O H l s T O RIC ,'L SOCll'.TY

FU R "" TuRf: CO L LE CT IO ";

I n. id.. F ront C o v t r






B"ek Cove r

by W . R OIl EKT 1." ~ K O

BF." ,I," lI:" B O ";W O RTIJ S ~l lTH . t he first Ep i, ('opa l lJiNho p of Ken ­till kv a nd the ni mh presid ing bishop of th (' Lpiscopa l Ch ur ch. waso rdained priest in 18 1B. I Dr. William Xlanro....' wriu-s, " T he 111 0 ."1

convenient d a te to mark the hegi nn in !!; of the period of ac tive expa n­sron of the hist ory of th e Episn lpa l ChIl ITh .. . i .~ 18 11. fo r t ha t cla lesaw t he ronsct-rat inn (If tlu- tw o bisho ps who wer e to he t he first andprohabl y th e m ost im por tant leaders of th e Ile\\ epoch. J o hn H enryHoba n of i'\ ew York , and Alexander Vir-ts ( ; ri."wo ld of the EasternJ> ioc (' s{'. " ~ :\11'. Smi th , therefo re, r-nt r-n-d rhr- priesthood 011 thethr eshold o f the new epoch a nd . as wr - sha ll 'CT, wa, \Try dn~e too ne of its two most importa nt leaders. T hese two bi-hops \HTe the"uut-aandine rcprc-cntnr ivcs of th e two I Y I){'~ of rhurchman-h ipwhic h \\T IT to do min at e th e era: H igh Churchmunship and E\'a ngd i­ca lism,'-:T Altho ugh Bishop ( ;r i ,~wold did not like 10 think of him selfas a part~ m a n, IW\Trthe!es., it was gellera lly re( ognil.nl by his ron­tcmporn ric that he would an wit h the Eva nuclica l pa rt ~ , a nd under

I' ront eovn : T il E FRANK L!:-; PRE SS


N ow 0" EXHIBITIO:-; in the Soc iety 's m useum roo m is a n ancien tprin t ing p res." whi ch played a role of th e utmost importa nce in th eh istory of prin ting in Rhode Isla nd. Sai d to ha w been made a ro undthe year 1650, it was bro ugh t to Boston ill 17 17 by J am es Fran klin .

con' i nu~d 0" p . HI

'S,-,' llIy arti" I,- " B"njamin Bosworth Smith" ill tIll' !f ;, IOI;w l Jf fl/'. ,,,i ,,r of Ih,'J' , o l ~j / a ,, 1 Epiu " p,,1 Ch",rh, Ju,H', l~j5:1.

~Wi ll i"lII Wilson M auros s, A Hi' /or )' of Ihr A m n ic a" f :p" ' '' I",1 C/",,,h(:"",,,.. Yurk: ~l u"' ho ll S " P "bl i , h in ~ (:0, 1'(\." I, p. 21 :1, .'\S O r. ~ I " nru> s po ints ""tthi." divisi"" i' lik,' a ll I d " o r i (' ~1 d i" i, ion, . an ind" hni l" on", hUI it i, 1--'l'0I,a],1\· til<'mo, t ,'ou""ni"nt OtH ', T hi, Ill''''' "I>O"h "" " 1I1",t i'"pOrloHlt Iwram" III IROR th ....,·w('Ie hu t two hi,hups in th,' Il u ll>l' uf Bi, ho p" \ Vhil" and C Ia!,: !,:"! L

;lIbid., p. 21:3.


6t) FJt'71 )!JnUI1 ltosuorth S m it h Jlily Un ljl/m in IIrHlI'orth S mith 67

his leader-hip the Easte rn DiOlTse acq uired all E\"tngdical r harac­ler} This diocese cove red thr- sta tes of ~ lailH" (\I'W Hampshire,Vermont, ;\las.s.;lthuse!ts, and Rh ode Islan d ,

"lhr-nlogu-allv, the E\"lIIgd icals, following the leadin ,t::' Protestan tdenominations. taught that men were saved only hy an an in'. pn­sona l fa ith in j C1'lJ 1' Christ, a nd tha t gt )(Id artinns wr-rr- worthh-...s 1111 lrssth ey furnished evidence of such a fa it h. "lhev followed the Calvinistsill st res-sin g the nt'ces,si ty of conversion , bll ~ the)' reje cted the Cal­vinisric dortriuc of predest ination, Sincc thei r Iheo log\ was basicallva convt-rsion ist Iheology, they stn's,<;t'd t he i n tt'rn~I ' an d personalaspens of thc Ch ristian life ra ther than the inst itutiona l and cxtema 1.:'The fa rt that ~I r , Smit h was ordai ned by Bishop G risw old. afterha\'ing made a tht'ologi ca l preparat ion under him, is mos t importa nt.

Though there had ber-n some recuperation following" the A merica nRevolution , the church withi n t he Eas tern Dion 'sc was in a pfe­carious condition for the most pa rt . T he Boston churches had beenbroug ht bac k to a healthv con d it ion. Bristol ha d lx-cn revived bvHishoi J G riswold him self. l\'ew port was llour ish in,t:: , hUI the rhurcha t Portland w as in poor condit ion and at T a unlon was jus t beginningto show si,gns of life. The church at ~ la rh1l'head was \Tn w ea k atthe timr-." I t was in this parish , St . Mic hael's Churc h. tha t 'RenjaminBoswort h Smit h was ordained priest ." There were at thr- time justthirteen churc h buildin gs in ~ 1a....sachusetts and onlv three of t hesewere of much value. There were four in Rhode J...la;ld , five in NewH am pshire, two in Xlaim-, an d none in Vermont . There was a totalof about sixteen dergy to serve them. T his gin 's us some idea as tothe sla[1' of the church in Ihe area where ~ Ir. Smith hegan his work ,

Though there were few ('h urch hu i ldill ,~s and few r1('Tgy in Sill'll avast area, there was st ill llllfK' for the church in .r-,\ l'W En gland at thislime, T he h!"e<lkdown of Puritan ism was pwcl't'd ing a t all ar<Tleratt'dpa ce. and Ihe !"t" ligiolis opinions of man y were becom ing illrn'asin.1{lyIIIN~ II 1cd. The hittn prejud ices at:;ainst episcopacy were grad ll a ll ~

~Th {' I:'. \'a n~ rl i c a l pa ri,' ha d its o r ii'( in in l il.:- pr"ar hi n~ a nd I " "<' il i n ~ or J o h nand C harl.:-! W",I ,.y, /lolh o f wh om r"1l\"in,.d d""~"''''' n of lilt" C h un-h of End and;,II II". i r Ii "".'.

:'M"nro", op. cil. p p. 21.'l.2Ifi." fbi,l .. p . 230.

;~bnro,.I , op. cir., p. 2:10,

' ~fanro", op, (il ., p. 2:,[ ,

dy ing out , no doubt hastened by the somewh at Purit anical churuc n-rof Hi-hop G riswo ld ." There was, ill gl'nna l. a remarkable growl h inthl' LI ~tl'rn Diocl'st' d ur ing h», epis ropau-. Hishop G riswold was ("1)11 .

sl'('rah'd in l llll and died in 184-3. ~ Ir. Smith studied under him andthen -a-rvr-d under him from 18 17 to 1B19.

Benjam in Bm wort h Smith, son of Stephen an d R uth ( Bosworth)Smit h. was born in Bristol, R hode Islan d , in a hou se built hy 0 1\1' ofhis a ncestors, on June IJ, 1794 . Il l' was t hr-chi ld nf paren ts descend edfrom a long lin!' of pious ancestors, of whom records exist sillel' theYI'ar I672 . .\1 r. Smit h's nep hew. the Rt. Rev. 7\ 1a rk Ant honv Dd\'olft'HO\H" .....a, to wri((~ of him that he "de-r ived both his blood and hisname [rom the Smi th and Bo.w..ort h stock repn-sen n-d in the origina l-entcmeru of Hrisml."!" H is father died when he was just five YI'a rsof agl', The most distinguished trails uf hi, mother w 1·1'1' her " depthof piety , warm nffrction , and the sweet influence she r-xrrtr-r], not on ly0 \ ( '1" he-r children, bUI over all w bo km-w her." I I At tilt' at.: t· o f eighthis mother started him on a course or reading ill English liu-ra rurr­and histor y, bor rowin g the hooks from the to ..... n librarv ..... lu-re hisunch- was librarian . Il l' became acquainted with Shak l'spl'are and:\ Iillon , and bcfnn- he w as e ighhTIl had lea rned C reek and Latin.!"H(' received part of his primary l'd w' a t ion in the private school tau.ghthy Xfa'am Bun . widow of Parson Hurt .!"

Although of {;on g-rq!;atioJla l purcntatn- ( :ung rq!;a tin na li:<m hadbeen th e established order in colonia l ~ la ....sarh u-ens. of which Bristolwas a part ulllill 74 7 ) . .\11'. Smith decided 10 stud y for the Episcopalptir-sthood.!" Befort, Ill' was eightn'n , he ('ntned Rh odl' Isbnd Col-lege, 11llW Bro n Uni\"l'l"sit~ . as a sophoillore Wht'IT Ill' \\011 Phi Bd aKappa and as ,grad Ualt'l1 with thl' :\.B. dc.c:n't' in l B1f;, W hile incn t1c.1{t· " a t odd hUllrs, during hi .~ l a~t IWo \ea rs. hi' had ,lth'a nced sofar, that , ..... ith ci,t..: h t mont hs ha rd stud y, after grad uatin g . . , lit' was

", \lf r",J LI''' , "l"h, I.i fl' (I"" Mi" i, lr)' of /J, n jomi" 1J ,,,," 'o. l h S",ilh I l.o"i,,'ill,' ):Jo h ll r . MUl tUli and Co" Lo u iw ilk . HI/H ), p . ·1.

IOMark .\IlII11"') [kW" lf,' Ho"" " B,j, l ol . /l ho d, / , I" " d , .t 7'" ", ,, Iliul;raph )'IC allllllidl(p: lh ' \' ;nd Uniw'" ity Pro' s" I(UO), p. 22.

lISdf.~ladp Ma n : A o Al1wbiol(r"phica l .';\.. '·I<h , " IS. ""i1\"11 h, Smit h. Bi, ho p],.'.. "I}' IH' ", rol ,. il in his ,·i l(hl\· -M·\'O' oth "'ar fll1 hi, " ..ph,.", lIi.<ho p Ho", ,', :\1<0<Iuo t"d b} L,''' , up. eil., p. -to

J~fbid" .\ I- u L.·,., op, cit.• p. 5.1:ITh, fl , i.,rot I'h ,,,.,,ix . Sal"rd;,)', J u n.. 7, I RR ·I .HS,·[f. .\ ....,j,- ,\ I.,n. ~ I<o I.,',' , "p , cit" p..J, and .1pplo ar,.," Cyc!up,difl of A"I o i_

«", Biog ,aph y ( ~ , ·w YOlk : D . ,\p]lk to n ,,,, d C Olllp ;IIl\", IRElBI, p. :'57.

fill July n f'/l j am i1/ HOJ /I"or lh Smilh

prr-pan-d for a n mer induleem examination" for th e di.u'unate . .'\~

soun a~ hr- enu-red rollcge. he assisted ine~lahlishin~ a Sunda y SdlC)(1!at St. John ..... Chunh, Providence. th e first in tha t conununit v. an done of tilt' first ill th is roun trv."

Dr, E, CI(Ow t'~ Chorky, in his hook .Ile1/ and .Hoc'/' me n ls i ll theA merican 1~ !)isr ()J!IIl Churrh , writes that "the ,golde ll age for theEvangelicals was in the thirt ies and forties."!" TIllis the Rev. :\ Ir.Smith r -amo alontr just in lim e to take hi ,'; place with other ."tmngnan,e:d irals of th e time such as Richa rd Channing :\ Ioon', Philander(:has(', C harles 1', :\trlh-aine, William Meade , J ohn j ohns. andStephen Ell io tt , hilt most e."pl'(·ially w it h ..vlcxandcr Viets G risw old ,who. there is no do ubt , had quite an intlucncr- O il him from the wryI)('~inllill ,l:; , espe('ially ill the dOH' contact that took plan' br-tw r-rndeacon and bishop fro m April, 18 17, to june, llllll, as the formermade his prepara tion for ordination 10 t he priesthood .•\ 1r. Smithwas urdninr-d deacon. April 23 , 1B17, in St. Michael's Church, Br is­to l, R hode bland , by Bishup Grisw old, as we haw po int ed out above,an d w as advan ced to the priesth ood by him the followin ,e: yTar o nJ unc :Li , in St. .\1 h-hacl's C hurch, Marblehead. Massachusetts, w hen'he began his work as a priest . H e recalls that "it was the hottest dayof t he season" an d that no nn e had thought of obtainiru; the testi­mon ial of the sta nd ing commiuec. a majorit y of wh om resided inBoston, There were no railroads o r telegraphs in t hose da ys, but therewa s a Ilrr-t of horse - and several en erge tic youn g men , O ne was foundwh o was wi[]ifl~ to undertake the trip . Before leaving. the young- ma nwa s rharged to be sure 10 cha nge horses as often as nc('es,sary regard­k <:,s of 11ll" exp,l1se, Thi.s charge H'MI!tt'd from t he sad l"xpnil'IllT ofa n oruinand by Iht' name of Strong- who, not long bdore under theS:l llle ci]"r umsta IH'('s, had to pa y fo r the hor."l' of his nlt's .""' I1 .l:;er. H erOll1 ml'n ts thai, " Stra n.l:;e Iha l so few \\l'I'l' al all Vl' r."l'd in Ihe Canom,in t hose da ys. It is to 1)(' pn'slJllll"d that tlll'H' twn ('aM'S, forenT d osedthe d( ~ lr ag-aill."l surh blun dlT s." T he young m an ill thi s ('<Ise pnKllI eda majorit y of thr sil:;J1a t ur es, rt'turnl'd in good time. a nd h;1I1uedtilt' pa pt'fs to Bishop Griswold betweell i\lorn ing Pra yer a nd tht."Onlill:ll. t ,

1" //';,1 . . \ I, u I x ,", of!. rit" p.) ,

I'; E. Clown Chotl,,\. J/ ,·" ,,,,,I .\!uvemn,t< ill the .-t",nie(J" f :I ' ;.«op,,1 Cll!Irch(r-.:,'w Yo , l : ( :har l,-, 'i n ih H<'r" SO"" I(Hh ), p, 1:l1.

I' r. ",,,~,·h,,,,·th Sk'·k h,',. ~I S , w!'i IJ"" by Smi lh_

Dr. J am es ' lha yr-r ..\dd ison has written . " To rm phasi ze the l'rotcs­rant [a rt or ill the Church is 10 ma,l:;n if ~ the im port ance of th oseclla ra(' ll' risti,'s wh it h thr- Chunh P(ls.'-t.'sse." ill UlIHlIIon \\ it h mlu-rKdornH'd Chlll"ch es-for exam ple. the hea viest sln':<-." upon thr- Bihll'as the ."l'\JHT of authurit v: devotion to the dn(( ri lll' of salvmion hyFaith in Christ abuu: a high value .set upo n prea ch ing, espe ciall yUPOIl prear hin g- to produc e con version: a nd in gen ITa l a n-ndr-ucv \(I

ex!'rt' :-.." the indiriduulistic side of Christian ity a n d th.. ."ub j('('lin'aspen of rdi gi"n :' J' In th e pages to follow , th e rea der will sec thatBenjamin Boswort h Smith lakes hi." piatT amon ~ t he E\ 'an,l:;eli(-ab ofth e church. Ill'fittin i:; one wh o learn ed his th eology a t th e feet ofAlexander Viet s (;ris\\'t lld.

.-\.";1 dr-ar-nn , xf r. Sm ith was ill (' ha r~{' of St. ..\ lIIlrew·.' Church.Hanove r. ~ lassach uscns. I~' " .r- ha n ' sa id t ha l he \\a~ ordai ned dear-onO il ..\ pr il :tl, III I 7, The diotT."all ronvcnt ion. lTlt'rting at St . l'auls.J\ewhllryp0rl, that year. vot ed that he he ad mi tt ed to "thr- sitt ing."ofthe ( O ll \ e ll iioll."~" The dim est' nf :\ I ass: lthll~rtt s was \'t'r y small atthr- rinu- . There were hilt t\H I priests atlt'ndill.C: th is ronvent ion.

Thr follow ing vca r, I flI B, thr - fOIl\T l1 lioll met at St. l't'ter 'sChurch , Sah-m, on I\'on'mhn Ill, about lin' mouths after .\I f.Smi t h \ ord in.u ion to th e pri esth ood. T he co nven tion , '" 'Ill I'd, Thilltill' R(T. Mr. Smith he Seneta ry for tht- year ('lIs11ill g,.. ~t He wa.'rector a t St. Michael's Church . .:\ Iarhldwad . and his paroch ial repo rtshows tha t there were sixt y fa m ilies in t he parish and scvr-ntv nu-mber ­of the Sunday Sc h (loF~ W hile here one day 11(' was not ified that ak lltT a wa ite d him ill tilt' loca l post olficl'. In th ose days ll'ttns \\ITt'sOIllt' t im es expl"n"in' luxu rit'.", a nd th is one ca ll1'd for a dolla r. Il l'wai ted ."e\'lTal days, ea ger for thl' linn, but llll\\illillg to horrow a ndunahle to spa re tht' nH1III' y for it ~ P()~s(..:<-"i(JIl. Theil wh ile loo king (l\'t'rall (J ld pair of trouMT~ , he fou nd just the a llHlIUlt. whi ch he ha d leftand forgottell in 0111' o f Ill(' porkeTs. Jo~ftlll y he "t'nt for hi." ma il.which he found 10 ht' worth \Try little after all. H a rrit'll c . Big-dow,who rc("ords thi s sto ry, says t hat tht ' forcyttill,l:; of the dollar wa." as

I~J .tm," Th~"'r .\ddj,ou. The f:pi.<wp,,/ Ch",ch i " th., U"it"d Sill''"', 178'1-T'I:II I:\.' w Yot'~ : ( : h ~ rl, " S",ih,,,,r', So",. :\ ,'w York. 1'1,'11 l, p 8'1

T! '}"",,,a/ of rh" (;""",,,/ (.'O ,",(",;O" , 18 18 , p, 53.~"}""nl{]/ <>1 'h,' D ina ", "{.\fllS""h,, ....''', 18 17, p_ l:lh.~T Jbid., 1818.p, 13'01.~~ /b id.,p. H I.

70 Ul'nJf/lnm lIo:i ll'or lh Smith Jul y

cha r.H It'r I' th of lt-n j.uuin Bo~\\orlh Smith as the lark of it . for likr­ma uv auother ~i l i u l. businr-ss ill :-II far a~ it couc cm cd 1ll01ll' ~ . IMda lwa~ ~ to 1)(> loo kl,t1 after h~ hi~ mort' p ractica l \\ife . ~·1 "'hilc' rnlorat St : ~I il had '" ~ 1 r. Smit h W<l ' ma rr ied and had one c hild. H i, :-;IIanwas. :100 a \l'a r , H (' \\ il.' not p resen t at the d ux csan «mvcnrion of181 9 whic-h ;m 't at St. , \ lId ft'w'~ Chunh. H anover. in X ovcml x-r.

This w a~ rlu- vear tha t he moved 10 Vi rgi nia to hu nml' rect or ufSt , Geor.'::(' · ~ C h'urch , ;\("(OInark Count y, ~' h('fl' he wa s III remainuntil 1 8~1. ~ ( O n hi~ "a, bv bo at from Halrimorc to V irJ:inia tht' rc'was on hoMd a l"rg-(" milhlie -a ~ed man who, having influencr- \\ iththe captain. j,(ot him to land rhr- boat at the re..idcnre c,f hi, ~a t!U'r

" here th eft' wa.. nn wha rf. The yawl was launched, \\ rotr :\I r. Smith .and a." tht'\ dft,\\ il.' m-ar III the chore as the boat would .1::0, a broadsho ulderni :\"c'grn , oh~'T\'in g- his master . dashed int o th e litt le creck .nearly up 10 his w <l i ~ t and ca rried him . ur~ shod . to t he s t~ore. :\"m\it was ~I r. Smith's t ur n. T he :\e~r(l . hrarin.i; himself to rn e l\{" a IM~c'

burden, t.UJUO near to t ll~..inc: him into the wau-r he,au,....' Ill' "al< :-II

Ji~ht . :\I m,{ of h i ~ life hr wTi.t:: hed ahout II-t pnllnd~ . H e ~l ~~ th,1Ithis wa~ h i ~ fi r~t tlJll tiHt with Ihc' ~ntem (If s la ,'e r ~. "d \\l' lIinc: in th{'miu:;.! o f " hid l for fulh fort, \t·a~. to the j,('rid of m~ heart . l out­li'ed its n, i ~ lc' IItT : and '-in Kc:niu ch . ho re m\" hum blc' p.lfl in dc'\ "t­inR tht' FTI,t'c1men tn th r cond it ion ~f ,c:oocl ci tizen:' ~ ...

Arri\" in .~ a t St. (;l"ur~c 'l' he found Iha t it had sufT ereu ,c:r l' a l l ~ fr"lIIa '"t'no undt',ir" hk cia", of (·tllnnia l dcr~ . The first :-' lUHl il ~ IllOfnill.'::he W~lltto tlH' p;l ri~h t hurch. " <\ ' 't'n ('fable crucifo rm brick Imilclin .t:: .surrollndt'u h~ " c:rand prilTlc'\'a l ()a k - fof(,~t ," he found not Ollt' pc'r<il III

pr~nt.~·\ fl c' wrote il fric-nclt hat Ihe pt'ople "a rc ,"cr y II n.c:nd l~ andcan ha rd" bl' , a iled dlllrrhnH'n•.',0 litt le ha" e the~ klUl\\ n of ti ll'rites ,lilt! ~;'f\'il"t,~ of t ht· ( :l llIrc h: ' ~ '

" 'hilt' at St. (:t'or c:c " ~ " hrotht'f of Go\ eTllor "' i~ ' din!, and ~ I r.

Smith hurit'd him . F" l h \t'ilr~ ;d t c' rwa rd~, durinc: Ihc' 'i('~, i(l n " f tht'Gellna l Cc01\ \ t'nl illll ill it i;' hmund . in 18:19, GmlTliOr "'i ~c ' I11 t't himat Ih t' thn '~h,,[d of thl' l'xec ut i\t, ma n..ion and upon llt'illiM intro -

~ : ' lI a rri ,, 1t C. lI i ~d ()w , "",,,,,,, ,.If"",,,i,. of n" ,ja"lin ll", ,,'oTlh "" /pi/h. Fi" lBiJhop of /';"'Hu, h , l llll' " h!i, l" d ~I S . I', 2.

~ t \' iq; i n i il Shhhr l, ~I S .... r ill ' n hy Smi lh,~ "'l h ,d ,

~ "lhid .

~' '-' kfl.-r ,,, till" I{n '. LII'" ( :. Sira tton, Rt·hoOOlh Par;,h, ~la " l.lII d , fr01 1iSI, G,-orgr ·, . no d,. lr ',(;"n,·,.,.1 r hr o l"""ir a l S ~m i n'H J · Lihrar ~ · , :-.: ~W yo,. l Cil\ I,

", 1I~FI~ 1 UOl j llmm UOl/l 'cnth Sm ith

d ur cd exc laimed. "Ah ! m y dr-ar Hi-hop, ~ o ll r nann- has been a house­hold word in our fum ilv t llt"~· foft ~ ~ c'aJ~, I Pll~'f':"''' the ma nu scriptsermon ~ ou preached on thr- IJtTa~ ion of t ln- burial of m y brother(:l,( lr~t' ! " ~ '

In IR:!O, t he co nvent ion of t hr- dilJu ' ''C'lJf \ ' i r~ in i a met a t St. Pa ul'sChurch. Alexand ria . and :\I r , :">mith .... ;I~ reported as, having lx-enn-cror ,.inl'e .:\'mt'm hc.'T 1:1. Ther e \\l're' lih y-~ix com m unic an ts, in hi-,c hurc-h and four hu ndred nu-mlx-rc of th e- SlIIuLJy Sc'hooV" wh ichwa.. q uite- a number. In IS:!:!. III' moved on lO ~1. .-\ ntl re·\\'~ Church,J dJI' P.ooC JII Count y. Vin.: inia .:'" fl i ~ parc ll hial rq>lJrt for I H '!~ !'o."l~ ~ Ih~ 1

he- had ba pt ized l\\I'lll y a nd that three of the-m were- "black t'~ll­

dren ." : " , , 'h ill' in f ha r.gt'" of St. .\ nu n· \\".,; !It" .... ;1.. in a r on voc auon

made up of three mr-n hC"l'iidl"l'i h imself \\ho we-rr- tCI pl.o leadill ~ r~k~

ill the wllrk uf thc' chun h ill l ilt' tlt'X I ljllilrtl'f cc m urv : \\ illiam:\l e;" II'. later to ~un t'"l'd 8 i'hop ~ll ll ln' ; Dr. Rob ert-on . later a rui c­~ iol1a f\ to Gre' t'"l e ; and Dr. Lippitt , lan-r prufc·~..o r ill Virain ia ' Fhro­loai ca l Sf'mil1 ar\ . :\~

III 1 8~3 . :\ Ir. 'Sm it h ret ur ned til :'\c·.... En gland to hc', o!lle renor ofSI. S lt'plll' Il', C lm rdl . ~l icl tlldlllr ~ . \ 'nJIIlln t . " t ht' hl·, r \ I'a f". fo r"lIIl'" he 1' \'l'r t'nju \ ed:' t1 u r i ll~ "l,ieh tinl!' ht' ohia illl'd a "~'an ly

knlJ~ lt'd gc' c,f HI'hr~'w : ' hu t . for thl' lIl o~t pa rt . c·n .t::agt·d in Ihc' ~Iud~(If ( hun' h hi'lol\',"·l Thc' d i"CT""1Il n m\l,nt ion Ilf 1 8~J ....;t.. helu inhi~ par i~h . In th c··a ftc'nlt ltJll I,f t ilt' lir~1 Itt ~. alon e;wi~h allo lher ~' If'n~ ~ ­ma n ilnu a I;l\ man . hI' \\ ;]' appoillll'd 10 a fo mn lllle c' tu rf'n ">t' Ihl'('anon' of th~ t" hurc'h ill till' ' ta lt· of Vc'nnont. In hi~ pa TOrh ia lreport hI' ~liJ th at hil< pa ril<h h'lIl " 111'('11 I'a lln l 10 n lllll'u d \~ ith IlUIlI{'r­OUl< dillin l h if'~ anu ui~·ollrae;t'llwlll~ ." t hat il hild hC'1'1l quill' ~11lI 1'

t ime' ~ i lH c' t he~ bad had a full-t in H' pa~tll r. Iha t llIany reg ular rnm­mun il-ant,. had d inl and ~ll1lt· had ju~t ,£:,i n' n up . hu t that theN' ofthe p:l. r i~h 1I0W fclt :I. " III'W impllbc'." · T hl' ~ lII ;tl l hu ildi n.c: IN'd forw()f~hi p wa" ht·ill.C: rqMirnl, a llt! a horn. ' for ltlt' r('ctor ha d hl'l'lI

~~V i rl;i "i:l Sh·Il·h.'"~i 'j" ''' '''11 ol thr Dio((u 01 I · i ' ,~ i" i" . 1822. y. 1 ~I , . ,:H'App/~ I "'u ' " 1'. , ir. Sill' h,' WOl ' ill Ch:" I" , 1 "", ,, III 11". sa li lt' . 101 1,· (nnw \\ " ' 1

\' ir,,,,, in i<J ) 'IS n 'n"r of Zion (: hurd, . fru lll 182 1 10 IllZ:I. wi,,, d",, ~ , ' of 110.. ,on­~""~"I;HJ) in Slll"l' lll"rd"" .... n. 1",. ,lU"n' i, Un ,'.. id ,·m... lu Ihi , .-If... I in lh,. d i"CTsanjOlln ];, I"

:'l joUT lJ a / of I h~ D ioa ' ~ ol l"'c,,,i,,, ll1n, p. I ';:'~ \'irlllll;a Shl,h,., .;]:l llill"lo"" 01', ( iI., p. :l.

72 Ur" jmnm Jlm/l'orlh SmiJh J uh n. " jlll/llll lloHJ:mlh Smith 7.1

pr ovided . There wer t" ()Ill~ h\l'lll~-"C'\Tn communicants hUI ho peswere hi~h . 3 ~ The same d;l\ ~l r . Smit h \\a~ elected 10 the Stalldilll.::Cornrnitt re . The next da~ h.' pre;!t hcd OIl 'fum ing Prnver and the("un.~cJ.!alion must han' hl:TTl plt·;I~nl . for during the lJlornilll!: ......,.,.jonof th ai da~ he \\ 3 " appoinn-d tn preach .u the Op t: ll i lll:: of thr- III'XI

co nve nt ion.The con vention of 1ff.!.J nu-t ;\1 ( :hr i,.t Church. BeliwJ. Vermont,

0 11 J IIII(, 23. At this conve nrion ' Ir. Smith reponed tha t "the r-xtvrnnlcircumstances" of St. Sll'pht"u\. ' I iddkbury. had not ch.u un-d , thatthere had been four ba pt isms a nd two fun erals . but th at ttu- IlII111hn

of communicants had inut'ascd to fort y h t Tall."t' of the n-urm ofseveral pn-SOIlS to th e \'illagl·. II c' said thnt t he S Il1l{ Ia~ Sr hoo[ andBible das.'it·.'" prorni-cd to hI' helpful. andthat thrre was a IWh inn-n-etin thr- Episcopal Chun h. t·\id,·lIu· that, as D r. ~ I<lnrms "lI.ggI·"h .hitt er prejudices againsl tlu- "pisn ,pacy wc'r(' grad ua lly dy in.g «ut atIhis time. ~I r . Smith ~lid, "Tlu- Ill-man ti for tracts. an d for nuue­r-lnbo rnte works, in relation 10 its di~ t in (' tin' principle- is \ n~ grc·a t.and has t'\ 'id("ntly inc H'aSl'd: a nd in Ihl' mos t um'x pc·tlnl CJll art('f"!' .an aU,lchmt'nl to its Lilurgy h,ls htT II d i.",'o\'ned." "·' ,\ ~a i ll Ill' W;ISappo intt'd 10 Ihe "'alH ling fo mmilln'. If e prc'afh..d al !:\I 'llingPra yC'r a lld was appointed a tholl'ga lt' (0 ,he Gennal COll\ t·nti,,".

Thf' cunn"ntion of 1ft!:, \,a ." Iwld al Union Churdl, St , "\lhans,on June:- 2:l. Concerning .... 1. .... lI·pl1C'lI ·~. \I iddkhLl r ~ , \Ir.....mith ~lid,

"'Cuuld we:- only ha , .. tht' happiJws...of pos."t~..ing a br,gt ' alld 01111111 0 ­

diou... edifi ce' for public ·"",rship. it t,1Il "t-arn'ly ho:' qun'liorwd Ihatthe:- IJari...h would ,gr("alh int fl·a."t"." :'" During the pa~' ~t·<tr t lwfl' h;ltlht' l"l1 nine baptisms and ei~hl fUIlt'Tals \,it h a IOlal uf thirt\-fin' HII11­

mUllk anL.. in th e p;lrish OI t Iht" linw of Ill(" COII\l·l1 lio ll . ~i , \~a i ll , ill1826. the cOII\'("Jllioll mt"t in ~ I r. ....milh\ pa rish. St , SIt'J)lwII ' ~, O il

June 2H. 'Ilwrt' wen: It'll dt' rg ~ prc·..t·n l. and il is inlt'l"t"sling thai flJl('of tlwm was Ihl" R('\,. S, h ,·... ln :\"a...h. rc·tWr of C nioll Chunh , .... 1.

Alhans, ""hn IaltT sel"\('11 \,it h .\ 11', Smi th ill t he Olt! \\"t· ~1. "'1'Sl't'hy his IMfO('hial report Ih ~ll \Ir. Smith h~ld high hopl' t ha i a IIt'Wr hurdl t'difin' m;1\ be n 11 1...t rWl nl in ~ I idd k hlln. Ahout ... i, hUlllh'l'ltdo llars had Iwell · ra i~ed fol' Ihi... Jlllrpost· and ; ~tn ll l' buildin g was

MJo ~'Qal of Ilt r Dion u tlf l' i l ~ , ,, i{I , lH:n, p. ~(J 7 _3:'Jo ~ . " o l of Iltr Diocru ol 1' " ", ,-, ,, , . 11l ~ 'I .p , ~:l q,~ " I b id_ , 18 25 , PI'_ 7-8.3:'bid., p. 8.

;dn'ad~ under 1I-n... lflit rion." H ow ever, ln- "1"lt' ;t Iru-ud that "not h­in L:: seem... to pr ospt'r hut thr- t'difyin,g uf hrit l anti mortar. .\ Ia ~ theL...rd and c;iH'f ...f Lifr- build n-, up with Ii, inc; ..tOI1l·... , . ,""" ~ II' . Sm ilh";IS e-lected a tlt'lt'g,lh' In the Genera! CUIl\t'lll iOll, which mel inPhiladelphia ill 18:.!li. \\ hilt, alll 'llllinc; the t·...nvcmi...1I be " ,I '" a c;uf"slof the R ev. Benjamin .\ 111'11, rcc tor of SI. Paul's . who had "civ cn"ill.g~" 10 it <mal l rdiJ.:'i"' lI ~ p;lptT which ha t! ~fO" n inlo the f .'p;Jf0f!11lRU fI1dn , trlll' ..f rfu- fil't. if not the ,t'f~ fi r-, t . of it.. particular cia.....in rhc Epi"t'opal Church. T oward the end uf the vi..it ~ Ir . Allen w id.\ Ir , Smith Ih;11 Ill' km-w nl a .good man ~ \" i r~ in i <l families " ho ha demigrated tn the G reen River ruunt rv in Kent uck v ami t hat he ha t!no doubt th ai if an t·lIl'rgl·tir pioneer hi...ho p r'nuk ] lx- ......-nt out t here',th.u a nrw d iOlTM' could ,,,oon he orgall i/l'l l with l'\ITY pro~p t'n ofsurer ....... .\11'. Allell fr-lt that Bishop \\hit e an d olhel'.'" would ht' glad10 send him if oll l~ to lx- "relieved of his I'olk...... a (\ i \- it ~ in t he Ea~ I. "

So reufidem "as lit' that he urced .\11'. Smit h to sl;ty uvr-r Sunday IIIprea ch in his pa rish. plTpar al or y 10 hl'n lln in,g hi ~llltt'......or. T he nex t

moruim; wlu-n Xlr. Smilh. hdort· dayhrea k " a attt'rn ptin,g 10 ~lip

qu i ("l l ~ a"a~. lit' IllIt '" lip hi... "indo" ami a...knl him again nut 10

ka\'e. In a \Try ft'" yt'MS he " ,I'" 10 h,IH' Ill(' opportunily of It'~li n t::'

"hal "a ~mntl in ~I r..\I k n·s grand mi......ioIMr~ r onn' pt iolll' forh:enlur b ..

..\ 1 Iht" wnHnlifln of l fl:.! 7 al Chris! Chunh, Bt'lht'!, ht, reportl'dIh;11 h~ nt"w r hurd l edifi,(' "a~ almo... t ('omplt'lt'd and Ih;11 he hopnlit might h(" clll1~'Haleti in ( )ctolx-r. <1 ,\Ild S(l it "a.... 011 .\I ay '2f1. Ifl~R.

ht· pl'e;lchc'd ;II .\I um ing Pra~eT and reporled to lilt' rOil\Tnt ion thatthe new chuTl' h had htTIl n lnS<Trat..d on OtlolH'r H . H I' addl'd Ihatt ht" ronC;TI'ga li"n h;.d nt';tr l~ doubled in IIII' b _..1 lin' YI'a l"s. during­hi~ T(·ttorship. ,,.,

\\'hilt: f(Ttor uf St. .... It·plwn ·l'. \ l iddkhllT ~ , in 1H:.!11. ;tt Ih t~ aJ.:'e ofl h irt~ -~i x. Iht, ~ou ng- tkrgyman a prwa l's in t ilt' 1,, 1t- lIf .'ditor, f" r intha t ~ t'ar tlw f: /I;J/ o / lIlf R n :';j /a . il month l, pt'ri"di ,'al of Si "ItTIl()(ta\o pa~t'''' at 1I 1lC' dlllbr a yea r , " a... born. Its a im ";l~. "to pla((~ a

:; - Jo ~ "' Q I 01 Ihr OJ'' fr Jf ,-,1 I ' ~ """ " r , 1821i, 1-'1'. 40 ·7 .:1" :\ kiln 10 ell<" Ih , . T Il<" odo . " Ed, on Low ,'" on J uh 21), 11127, r""l1 ~I j ddk -

bur ~ IG" un ,,1 ' l' h"ol o ~ ir :l J ~"mina n' l. ibrar y ).''' r ...", .~h'au i a Shld, r•. ~I S wrill"u h,' Smilh.'*Jou'"al of Iltr /); ou " of l'r ..",'''I. 18 27 , 1-' . 7.l ~/ b id_ , t 8 28. ". 'I .

U"ll jamm UOIU 'orlh S mith July Unl jam ;,r Um U' orth S mi th isll10111h l ~ sullec tiou of Id i J.:io ll ~ m.utcr. r un -ec ra ted lu 1111' N-'n itt, IIIepi~, opat'~. and the J.:o~pd. wit h in the reac h uf ('\(' r ~ U Ul', \\ho ft",I,a n y inn-r e-st in th e' proJ.: II·~,i n' im provement . a nd d i.'-.(· lIli n ~l t i llT1 . ofho th . ur either of thl'~ 1 ;IlI :--1'~ : ' The edi tor felt . ~ he in for m ed lilt'puhlie , rhnt Vermont wa~ •..uncw hat re mote Irum Iht· main currentsof r hurch life a nti W 3 ' in nee-d o f e h urt h intonn arion . It i-, Illt ll hto his t redit that he ma int ained thi-, high sta ndard a nd di d not ~ ieldto thr- tt'm plawn Ilf fillill J:: hi-, columns with pcu v local a lfa in... CliftonII. Brl'wI'Thas wr itt en t ha t :

0 1\" i~,U1 · . rh.....·n ,·lll in ·h' ;1( rando m [ Fcbruarv. 1828 ). n>nt;lin,Ih.· follo\\i n~ ma n-rial : a'rn'in,' of a v-rmon h\ 'tht' Rev. (i . (i ri, ."old ou · I' r'· <l ch i ll.~ thr- Croo-" ; an~w,'n; to nhj;'nio n, I(> f" nll' o rpray,'r; 'Socinian Gonft ·~,iOIls' ; .l ~hort Ixw'T11 ( 16 lim...) Oil ' 1101"" ;<111 ,trlid,' abou t till' Mo ravia n C hu rch : a n ·!-" ,rt of a quart",h lIIi,·~ionar~ 1Il("(·till~ in I\,"' ton : under tilt" to pic of XC" Ch urche-, n-f­,Tt'I1(1' 10 ~i, Ii<' ''' dmrdw, in di ITl"I','1H plarr-s : an ;trtid .· ,ig lll'd' Palla diu m.' ~i\i llt! an are-ourrt "f rhe- conv-crarion of thr- El'i .... ·o p;t1Church in San •. ~Ll i l1O ' : .m .utid.· about the co urt d'Ti,i••n wilhrd" n 'II,,,, In laud- in lit-d in . Vermont. r-lainu-d hv thr- S...-ie-t v fortlw P"'IJ;t j.:ot l iHfI of til<' 1.....1" ,1 in FIl I1 ' i ~n Pa rts : a ,:Iippinc frll t;1 ti ll'FI' /,co! ,,,f Il 'at , hm" tl aholll th.· (;"nl'lal Pw lt"I ;1Il1 l:".lJi ,n 'pal Su n­day .... ho...l l · nio ll : and. fillin g I h" l a ~1 pOlg'·. an aTlir),- ahoUllalld,ill Cana da dl'H'll'd to Iht· , upp...rt of Ihl" Prot ('~t a11l ( kr~~ . ··l

TIll' J::p;j( II/Itlf UI'.~ ;JI'" i~'I H't1 "extra<' whir h en ahled il to r irc ul;lIt'tra t't ~ pr in led in i t ~ rolum m. Som e of Iht'm we r(" pri (,t'd a l fift ~ n 'nba d ult·n . 'll fom dolbn- iI hu nd red . O n J a n uary R. IR:!R. lli' \\folt·a 1I0tt' to Itl(' rl f ,'n Ih ilt IhlT,' wa~ .. new i nterr~1 in t he papl.'r 011 tht·pOifI o f till' b i~h tlp ;tIld () l l lt' r~ ··orca,io nnl. pahap!'. h y a ftxnl Pil i­

post' (0 fOIll!' out frankl~ . f red ~. frarl ('~"ly o n evan,g"dir ;d a nd 1101part y ('\ ';m gdi('a l .grllu llll" a nti " to f () rt'l~(l . a~ po~"i h l (' . suc h nlft"n, in '~t ulf. and just n 't ('in'. a rra n L::t' . poi nt a nd r Off t'('1 Ih e a h und a n t andm't' r-l1owin.L:: I'O l l lT i h ll t ion~ w hi,'h ("; tIl 1)1' ea,il y m ade to po ur in frolJla ll pa rt .' Ilf Ihl' diOlt':--I' ," I II thi .. wa ~. he wrol C. he (·(Hild .L:: in ' Ih e pOl piT" the , ·arit' ly . /.I'al. ;t!"dnr ;lnd i nlerr~t wh idl will mak.· il ll,d lll a ndanqHahk." and h(' felt t hai th r paper ~hoil id Ill' gin'n to ~()lItld

d nrl r ine a m I c' xlwrinwllial p iel y : to a m ild a nd ca tho lic d l'fe l1.',t· o fthe ('mlt-M ed .,x.l"lkn ci..... o f Ih t, Chu rdl : til the d isS('lTlina tioll of Ih t'news : a nd n ot It·a,t . tll t'nk ind k and ~ tl , t a i n tht' m i~~ i() ll a ry ~p i r i t . a nd

''''Chlton II. Bn·.."r, .1 /fi,1(1) of f( rli ~ i o ,,, l:. d" , ation ,n lIu f.·p ,,,op,,1 Ch,,,,h/0 1835 (:-;..w Haw' n : Yal.. U niw·,si" Pr..", (924 ) , pp. 285 ·286.

nus....onar ~ r-ausr-." H

\'r-rmont ha d been o rg-anind as a d ion N-' in I 7~ 11l. hUI since IRIOit ha d bo-n a pa rt of t ill' EOI ~lt'rn Diou ':--I' ;l1ll1f X" w Engla nd exceptConnerricut . .-\ lt hough rhr- f."1';f( 0IWI U(,~H('" ( I'a"'t'd p ublicat ion inl H :!~ I , the ~t'a r fo llo\\ in g: ~l r . Smit h' , depart ure to Ph ila delph ia . itu ndoubtedl y pla ~ t't1 a pa rt in helpin u the di'MI':-i' 10 rega in it., inde­p -ndence wit h its II\\ n hi-hop in IH3 :!.

~l e'lIIwhile. the Ph/illd t'lph;/l U U O TtJt'T . th e on l~ cen tral chu rc hpaper a t rhe t ime. wa~ ,...eki llg";1II ('di tor to ,unerd t he Rev. GelJr~e

T . Bedell. H e ha d writt en ~l r. Bedell that he could not t hin k o f"supe rintending the Pres-, without certai n regula r, definiu-. fixed .ministeria l :--I'T\in~. lip to the full measure o f m~ ~t n'n~ h:' This wavarranged, as \\1' <hall ......e-. and ill 1111" i""lIr "f Ortohn -l, IH:!H. Xl r .Smith's nann- a ppeared nil it-, ma.... he-ad ii,' the new edi tor. Thisperiodical wa s t hr- II'a d in g- orga n " f ti lt" E\· "Il L::e1 i~ ;t1 p;t rt ~ and " a '-ponsored d uring ~I r . Smil h ' ~ t'ditul'~hi p h~ Ihe Epi... opal Educn ­l io n Su(iet \."·

H e a rrived in Ph ilad e-lp hia ~hflrtl~ a f ter t he \Tr~ ho tly con n-su-dt'1"ninn of Bi~hop H t'nr~ Ondnd o nk. Thr t'xcitt'nwlIl wa~ kt'pt a li\"(,h y Ihe o rwnly a ,"owed inten lion of Iht' ~ 1I( 'f(~, f ll l pal't~ 10 1I N..~ th(' irpOWt' r h~ o;.lIfh a 1'1' \ 'i,i UIl of Iht· fon' tit ut ion a nd r a non, a'" tht'~

~lI pp0:--l'd wou ld fo n ify a nd P"q~'tll ;lt l' Ih,'i r a:--l'l'nd(·IJ( 'y. ~ I r. Smithwas un fr it'nd ly tnlll~ \\ il h 1l1l"m IK·r.< o f hot h p;ut it·:-. Ht~ wa~ in \'iledb y a n a~"'- K" i att' n ', tor Ilf ( :hri~1 C h nn h to eXth;lIIL::e pulp ib . Thi~

t'xr han g-e arro~'" th t' lin t' \\ a, a t h in g: un ht'ard o f. Aft er hi~ N..'nnOIl twlJ\ tThea nl o ne lad y ~l ~ til allo l lll"r, "T ha t Jll U ~1 ha \ e hl' t'll a LtlwCI Hln hma ll Ihat prt'ad wd to,Ia~ . " "'O ll! ;'\o !" 1111' ot hl'l' repl it'd ,.o r I't'( kon nOI. they an' 1101 ill\"il t'll her r . St ill I Ih ink it m m t h;a, '("twell a Lo w Churd lln an fo r IH' ht·lit·\T:- in a t'ha n.L:: c· Ilf ht'a rt !'" .\ I r.,' 'lIn i, h ,a~ , Ih i, \\ ;\, n'na ill l ~ allll\ 't·f'ila l<' lJlt'lIt. for hllth Dr. K.t' IlI !-,, 'f

a nd Il r. Ikl .a ncy 11I' Ii"\Td in a ,ha ngt' " f hl' art , l"

11 .\ "Ol! ' (no . a k iln ) ,b t" J;" , ,, ,,, ~ 8. 111211. ~l i Jd 1r- h " q' . \,."ttlolll\:' In 18:11 .h,· I'n ;odi" ,,1d", ,, ~ ...J iI, ""lit<" '0 ,I,.. l, pj" " p,,t lIu (> ' olo . C . II ,

Rr' ·' ....r . 01'. 0"1 .. 1'1'- :lfll·:lH2 : I....., "I'. ,.;/., 1', to : A p p/~tOlt.l ' e rr/ upo n" of A m n i·"n, l/i" .~ "'IJh.I ' . p. 557 : Clillo rd I' . ~ l",,.[,,. ,, ,, · . " ( lt il(i ", ul ,I ... F.l' i,<;opal t :h"rrhI' n '" . , .:. JI ;, t o , i( a l .\I" ,c ,, : j ,, ~ . I X 11"'121. 1'1" 2:17·2:'H. C . Rankin It""" , ." T h,' ( ;" " ,.,.a l CO"' ·'·U';Oll. Oll i..... ,.",1 t l lti ...·... 178',· 1'II" : ' /f i ,t ", i, ,,1 .\l a ~ a : i ,, ~ ,

X \ ·I ( 1" 4" 1, 1" l Ib.''' P,'o owh·" "i" ShldlO" ' . ~ t S ""i ll"" h,· Smi th.

i fi Jlll ~ 1I"" l' JIT1 I11 HO,' Il'orlll S mit h 77

~ I r. Smi th wa s our- of rlu- foun ders a nd thv first sec-n-t arv o ( t heGI'I1l'r;t1 .\ Iis.siolla ry Board. · ; l- h- uv-d th e chu rch prl's.~ to as.~ist themis..iona ry work o f t hr- r-hurrh . At th is time both domestic a nd foreignmissinns we n ' ill the hands of mu- committ ee. wh cN' st'at was Ph ila­delphia . Those on till ' romm iuec were "ntirel y e ll,c: rlJ......cd in rhr­d omest ic work o f th e Society, .\11', Sm it h said. a nd he, with o thns.s.oon found plan' ~ on the commitn-c in order to d o ,~lI ll1t't hing aboutthe situation." In September, lIU n, t he Rev. and Mrs . john II . H illand Solomon Bingham , a printer. ;;a iled for GITt '«(', I" Mt. Smithwrit es that he gan' thr- H ills their instruction as d ra\\ n up hy BishopG riswcld. :'"

~ Ir , Sm ith wa s ed itor o f the /') li/add jlhia R u ordl'r for t\l O yearsd uring which time he a lso served Gran' Church ~ Iissioll , I' h ila d d ­phia. H is paruc hial report o f I B:!9 ,..a ~ ,", "This srnnll r-difio-, nftrruntltT/.:oing- thorouuh [t' pairs. a nd hein g prepared \Try com mod iouslyand nea tly for divim- st' I'\'in', was co nsec rated to the sIT" ir (" of,-\ l tlI ig-ht~ C od , hy th l' Rt. Rev. Hi-hop Wh ite , on Suudav , November:lO, I H:!H ." :.r Sinn' that time .\11'. Smith ha d held Sl'l'\in,,~ 11 g- 1l1ar1~

on Sunda y lIIorn illg~ and n t·n in !-.'S. and O il TlllI l"'da y t'\ l' lIitl t.,"i for"expo-i tinn of <cript un." .lhere W('I'I' twr-ntv-uru- conununic.un-,

whe-n Ill' arrived and lu- had added two. Hr had hapt ill'd fi\T infa nt s,prrsenu-d 0 111' for con firm a tion, and reported that , "The S \llIda~

SI'h( '01 is f1011l ish ill,C:, and I'l l\ls i.~t..., a t present of rH"arl ~ I :!(Isel l!dars,".,~Th e nex l yt':.r, IH:!O, thl' ("1l1l\'(" lltio li wa ;; held in St. \' et l'l' \ Ch 1ll"ch ,

~ Ir. Smith wa s pre'sellt o n Tun,da y, ~ I ay 18, to rl'port that thl' mi s­sioll had 1101 r ha n,c:ed much, but continul'd , "Thr:: exposition andmin ist ry of thl' word ha s b("en a tlC' ll(led wi th m udl apparen t ~t· rio ll s­

Ill'SS, an d thl' rel igious pro~pl'((s of thi;; sma ll par i ~h Illa ~ ' he ((In­sid n cd a~ 1'IIt'olira gin c:. ;\ d di t io]1 a l efforts in t ht' Sund;n Scho ol,part icu b rly all illfa lJl S Ullday school, an' very dl'.~irable"' ·-' '' · Tlti ;; \\ <l.'

0 11 ~ la y IB, III:Hl. <l lId 0 11 . \ lIgll ~ t I II o f thl' sa me ~ I' a r ht ' \\Toh" .\ Ionto!'f ,tln. " YO Il ha n ' plUh,lhl ~ hl'a rd that thl' ('ye~ uf th e LcxinC:!f 'Il.

~; L", '. "/', cit., p. 3.

" I' l' ll " ' ~ Iv,wi" S\;"1<'1,..,I ~ ',\ dd i ,o n , op. (;1., p, 1:11:'''I'''lIl"ylv""ia :-o. k"I,·h,'s.~"J'''' ''lrl l of Ih~ D ;" a u at l' <' '' '' ' Jh,,,,,i,,, II1~4 , 1'1'. 711-7<'1.~'~ /b;d, PI', 71l·j~,.

~,:l fI,i"., 111:lO, p. '1"

Keunu kv, propk- han: turn ed to IIlI' , , , What ought I d o if tht'ycall m e? .\ ly wir-h i~ not III let ,1.;0 o f the Recorder a nd ~I i s...iona rySocit,t y." :"

It wa x not 101l t.; unt il Chri~t Chu rch . Lex ington . Ke n tuck y. i ~..Ilt'da call. and Xlr. Sm it h was fared with thl' problem of d ec ision , InO,toh"l", HUll , he accepted the «x torship, hut it wa s difficult . "llu-rcis evidcucv tha t he wanted " cry m ur-h to "tay in Philad-tphiu. hu tknew, a t the same tinu-, that God r-alh-d him to a new field. At fir.-the drdinrd , Friends in Ph iladelph ia u rge d him to ~tay and as evi­dt'lln' of their "in rcrit y proposed to raise his sa la ry. by suhscriptiun.,~:l ()(] ahmT his pl'l'..cnt sa lary of ,~ l .n On. II I' decith-d that he cou ld nota\'c!'pt t his if tlw y ra is!'d it hI'Call ~!' of fcd inc:~ he had aboutthe SOlilTesfrO I11 whic-h the 11100U'y wa s to rnnn-. I n the meant im e he \\ Iotlerlwith th e problem auni n. for Chri~t Church ITIH' \Il'd the call withtln- add itional off er nf $:2nO toward till' remova l o f h is fam ily fromPhilade-lphia to Lcxiu utuu in add ition tn th e $1.Ollfl ~a lar~ I h t' ~

o tTen· d. He l'Xprl's~ed in his 0 \ \ 11 words the dillirultv o f uprootin ghimself a nd movi ng on to a new field :

;";1 ' \" ("1' t',111 I l'xp rc 'ss thr- IT,I.;f( 't I k it at ,l.;i villg; up a work pc 'rfpct ly('ongcnial to nn-. in whic h I w", ( 011' ilion' de(" ply inn-rested tha n a nyoth'T, to whir-h [ kit Inv-self. and IIlV numv fr iends thouuht till',

sl)(Tially fitu-d: and tll<' l :c pll~n ' l1ln ' r felt at' plItc'ring UJ!OI; a workI did not likr-, involving the ,undt, tillC: of thr- mee-t prr-rious ties inlift, ; going w llt'((, my "xllt'rit'TlCt, ill Iltt' tttini,t ry fo r fiftec n vcars .would 1)(" of lill lt· U , ( ' 1(\ Illl", and 10 t"tablish a charal'l l'r and win;1I1 iTlfJw,l1t'l'. in a n',I.; ion tlWTl so fa r nil". that I {oul d rarTy litt l,'\\ith nl(" whi('h I ha d al readv won: all thne considerations aW<lk·"lw d S \I,.]I a n lllll i('1 in IItV 1~l'-(11I1 as I TIl ' \'(' 1' had felt hefore, andrwv n sinn'. :\l y llt'iltg dn' Ea-.tl'ITl ma ll, an d Ihndort' profoundlydisapproving; tho ugh hy no rtlt'a m fa natical ly opp'N'd 10 slav!'ry:and hold ing u p a standard o f E\"alt!!: t'1 ica l "rpach illg. and 01 anI lol} I.if(', in a ll lwt ,on s ('Ollll ll.!!: to COTlfirrtla lioTi ,md tl tt' I.o ld'.,Supp er, \lot tnll"'l knm, n in t ilt' Ch uldl ill t!los!' tbys, itllpITss('dItl('. Bot ollh' th clI. hut for mo nth, altn I tt'ld " I H(' rr'd u pon 111V lIt'Wfield . with Ilt0Sl c: lnOIll\ fnn-hn d ings, n ol '''\;KtlV (If \dlat d id takep];UT , hil t nl l OI;ling u:ials p,"Culia'rIy ha rd tp h~' hOr! H'.:"-'

lI a \'ing anTptl'd, thl' lIext stl'P wa ;; thl' j Ollll\e ~ from Ph ilad l'lphia

:.IA k Jv'r to th" R",'. "" 10 11/0 I'" tt , '. , ."""",t 10, lB:lO ITh,. t ;",wr"l T h,'u­lugical S"\ll;"ary Lihrary, .... ,,"" York ( :it,·"

;;;, p,·"",ylva"i .. Sk..ll:h.."

is n"ll jml/ in UOH1"ur l h Sm ilh J ul~ 79

to Lexingloll. whic h. in tho.....· d ay~ . wa .... q uite an un dertaking . O n...o f h is t!;lIIg h lc'n- (;1I" 'r wrote. .. \ "t' r~ t'a rl ~ in o u r lift" ( the re \ \('1(' fouro f u~ ) . 111." 1Jt" l::"illl lll c'd u riltc' our 1.1SI..'1'> a~ wr-ll a~ o ur minds a nti 111'01 1t~."lhr- jO ll n\t" ~ fro m :":..'\ \ York III Kcnt uckv. in the d a ~ s w hen IIlIlt h .r)(" rha p~. ;t ll o f it "OI~ tu kr-n h y sl<lL:-t· roach o r stea m boa t 011 t ilt" OhioR iver, ";I~ enliv ened h y tale a nd ~lIIg, and the wonderful -kill withwhich he fah rk a tt'd ;UIlU"'('n WIII fi lii o f the pa s.... illg Men ..·.....·.. L il!Jn...he me-ant 10 ~ty Philadelphia in-read of :'\C\\ York Ill. for vum­n- ason. .\ I r. x mir h I()(lk hi!'> famil ~ to :'\1'\\ Yo rk fo r '",.nnw pll rpll~ ·

befo re makin g th e trip 10 Kcntuckv.The r-arlire-t ItTurti fOllterni ng hi!' work a t Chri~1 Chun h i~ found

in the r uinutes uf the pt.\\ holders a nd \f'SI~, r t"\ t'alin g tha t t h i~ h"tl~

had rr-.. 'r-iv r-d a 1,,'II..-r Irorn him derlininu their invitation, hili t ha t the\e~' ry n ...... .lvr-d ltJ n-invitc him. under ;1 ...tatr-rru-n t of th r- IX't uliarcondition flf t ilt" c hu rc h ill Lexington a nd in the \\" (....te rn uHlIl lry atIar.gc·. If lit" !>Iill rnu ld not ;U" ('p l t he~ a...ked him to It'" umnu-nd -orncMlitahlt' lx·r.-o. JlI.:·;

It i.~ n-ronlcd in th,,'M' min utes that on October 8. unu, lII111 h tolilt' pl t''' ~lIr ..· flf Ihe \ ("..;Iry, "" k lt n from Ihe Re\'. B. It .'\rni t h a.. '( c'pl­in .go lilt" n· n.. ·\\t·t! ill\ itatioll o f tht' \ f'Str~' wa ." co nlllHlll it"alnl h~ Dr.Coo kt'o fl'at! a nti IIIt1ned III ht· a("fep lrd a m i fikd : · ..·.. ,\ t a I.llnnH't" l in g t h..· \nlry d tTidnl lhat dll(~ to t h... ~affifice." of ~ Ir . ."imi lh in1ll 1l\' i Jl ~ to I "'x i ll~rton t llt"~ would "lfTef h im a .t:Ta luit y o f S:!IlO tod efray t'Xpt' IN'!> Iheft'o f. Ttlt" ;IIItOlint ha d to be ra iM-·J h~ sllh~ri ptio ll

an lOll ,c: t ilt" f o ng n·.gat iolt. '\1 Ihe' lIl t' etin~ o f Ih.. pcw hold e'l !> a mIH':o.lr~ o n J)t'cc'm ht'T 3, UUO. ~ Ir. Smilh's ...ala ry was <;('1 ;\t $ U HHIpc'r annu m , III ht'~ i n :'\owm hn I I , IKW, a nd in Ihe llliIlUIt·~ o f;\ p ri l H. 11131, WI ' n '"d that " T ht" Rn·. ~Ir . Smith , Rect or" ispre~"'I1I .'·· " T t\f" fo llowi ng lIIo nth he WlOle a fr iend, " I ra n coIl\' ''' ~ In

..,,;:\ k iln frum Eli, ., lwlh -",,,ilh tu Bi, h,,1' .\Hn·d Ln ·, "11111"" ' . IRR-I , T h.· (""r..hildn·n "' n " : I..",i,,, Il ow,' i( k luhn Iii, 1 1I1!l- ~l.lrd, . l 'l IU ) , \ ' i' -'l" in i" ( .\ 1'. ;12.'1, Itl22· J "r ", :111. IH" h ), S"rllllO' l JI" ..",o rt h ( ,""on mlw l I,i, 11I2'1-:'\"""IIII"'r,Itlh!i ) , ;lIltl El i, ab,·t h (" Lia i,''" ) ( Apl il 17. IR2-l·F,·h." ,orfl . 1'120 I. IJ!n ... " .Ionc'hil r1r<' n 11I,·nja lll in U.,.",o.t li. 11,' d11' r l ~f .l r~h"ll , <I " cl :\Illl Ik rl". r t'" ,Ii,·d illinr,, "C\'. Tll i. kiln i, n"w in ti l!" JK",,·,,;on nf ~Ir , . E "' ; tl ~ I.lo )'d lIar r1 y. ,I K"",'l '1(r"lIdtbu d lt l'r . I t i~ " lin l drolfl Or a n>1'~' of Ih ,· " ,·t",,1 k ttt'l ,,",,I (li.hop I .," '. " fJ)d " ", ;u .·, ",ho ",..0.1 il in tl,.. .tud~ IIW llliur".u !J,,·"; uu,h in ,hi, ;u li..!,·.

.Y; ~ tinUl~.o f fIll' 1',.", lI" ld.." 'Hld V,.,tr)', MS in lh .. r.....or d , uf Ch ri'l Chu nh ,L...~i n8 ton, " ..nturkl', I"''l"'' I .

~~Jbid.. p. (18.

~PJbid. , PI" 98-~j~! ,

you no adequate idea of tl u- am ou nt and \ 'ari t'l ~ of sar-rificr- to wh it ha nort hern dtT~~man IllU~ 1 !'>Uhllli t a t till' '\I·~ t an d so ut h." h u t heg(J('~ un tn talk of thc' ~ n·;tt opport ll lli l~ fur t ilt' r hurr-h in the Old\ f ('!'ol. ' · '

:\tTording In ~Ir. J an w:- T odd . ullin. ' living nu-mber of ChrisrChurch. a t the' tin u- the' wr iter ~po"r \\ ith him . ;"1 r, Smit h was a \'t'~

small man . :\Ir. T od d [ ('Ilu"mlx 'n'd , ;1:'< a hoy. lu-aring :\Ir. Smithpreach from t he- pulpit 11£ Chri-r Chun h and spea k o n ot her UlT;t ­

... ions. He also n-m rm bcrcd how well he .1.[0 1 a long' with child ren andhow much th r y liked him."' Olher.- han' rommentcd 0 11 how ...mallhe h as. He i... said t il have looknl \tTYd ry ami ...hr ivcled ,II t he age offorty . It i-, t r ue, I..-vond d o ubt , that lit" \\ a" \ lTY !'In;11l and \H' i~ht'd

on l~ 114 pounds Illt r.-I (If hi-, lift' . ~l t r.-I -":I~ that Ill" h;IJ ;1 \ t" r\ s-heer­fill di-poeiron.

The first diocesan convention til" aucnded in Kcn tuckv wa s inJ une, lIBl. at C hri:-I Churc h. Loui-cille. hq .,'; n n ing on J IIIW U.';~

.\ Ir. S mi t h W3!'> appointc'lI M'rrc'I,l r~ ,II th i:- conv r-nrion . Hi:-tw p \\" il­linm .\le;uk, ;a...•..i...taut bi...hop o f Ih t' Ilion ......· o f \" irg- in i;I, p n ·... idcdfor pan of thr-mc"r t in g. ~I r. Smit h nu-t him at ~I ay!'>\"illc' a nJ an'om­pa n it"d h im lu Stlt"lh~\ ' ill c' ant! 0 11 10 J.,o ui:-\"ilk for t hi..; ("(>IIn'ntinn,\\hic·h " a" thc' lhi rd an n ual t UIl\ c'n t i"n o f Ihl' di u..·..·""~.';,l Ei~hl derg~

\ \t' rt' prn<1l1. In h i!'> panx h i;lI rq>" rl ~ lr . Smilh ";; Iid t h;lt he 11iIt!....·u ITu ll t" Il(" t"d hi :- dllti t"HIIl t lJ(" fi~t S muby of :":m 'ell1lK'f la1->l . a l '" h ichtimt" he fou nd tht' na mes of c'ighl y-fi\T n lllllIlUllit-'HlI!'> u pon Ih..·rn 'ofd : " H Si nc e Ihal timc' 1-> ix had hC"l"n ad ded. There had h n'lJ M'n'nmarriag...s and fi\ ·e funtTal... a nd 1\1.' rq>" rtc'd : " Ve ry "'omn\(~ndahle'

l ea l has he·..·n mani f"'1'>h'd in th..· or.goOlni/a lio li of m i~... io na ry a~-.olia ­

l ions. ;I"; \\1·11 a mon g..;1 tt lt" bdk..; a nd g,,·nt l,,·me!1. a .... ;lInon~1 li lt'~otJn.c:l.'f nlt"m he'rs uf the fongft'c:ati lJn, a nd in Iht' Sunda y Sch")(ll."';:'.\l r. Smit h read ~l lJrn ill C: P ra yt"f and wa ..; appointed to p rt'a rh th esn lllO[l a t tht' IWXI COIl\T lll illn."" This S;lI lIC' lJtoltli ng , " .-\ ftn .... il... nlpla ~ t· l . It\t" ( :tII1 H nt il lll p n ltTt'd t'(1 tCI t ill' t·lt·.. til!ll f>f a Bi~h c )p . ' I·' lt'

"" .\ k l1l'T to l h ~ R,,\·. (; l"U r,{ ,. !lU)U, ]'lI il;llldpli i.. , ~t.' Y :lO, ]R:I I {C hur l" hI l isl" ric·,,1 SOl" i'·\J I. ih t"r)· ) .

"I. \n int t"r..i..w will. M r. J anu" T odd, L, ' x i ll ~ l"n . " '·" Iud , )'. NU\T lIlllt'1 4, 14S0,';~J"''''''II CJI/ h, lJi au ,., "I " ·..,, / ,nA )'. 1/1:11. p.:1."'l l"'un,d"ania Sk,·lc,lw5.O:'lo",nlllol !h, D iM , ,., 01 " '''I/IUA )' , IR 'II .]> R.":'Ibid.. p. ' I.O:' :JI,id" p . ].I.

811 Jul ~ 8 1

dt·rl.(Y prT:-.l ·nt havinu vou-d h y hallut , thr- I'n ·~ id l' l1I an nouru n l th a itlu- RI·\'. B. n. Silli lil w.. ~ , h' N· n. anti I'ommllnira ll'd ti lt' s.m u- to

Ihl ' lay ddt·l.(atc·s, wht. then plot,'nlnl (01);(1101 , and tilt' dll ,i,"!' wa.~

a pproved hy a m ;ljllrity o f their \1 111':' .. · ·': T hen . "Tbr- Re-v. Benj .uninB" Smilh n-mrtu-d with the r'ommitter-, and Sigllifi(·t1 h is a Ut·pt:lIlfl"in a fn"lin~ addn-e, to lilt' Cnlln·nt iIJu: ·· ;- Lat er . howeve-r, qW 'sli otl sht'n" r;!i!'>C·d .. I)lllIt the \ 'alitli t y o f the elect ion . H e Id ls us, rh,u lilt"question was o ft('n di!'>C·Il,.....-d, in hi s pn",·nIT. a~ to whether. undethe ranun-, Ih IN ' t.! ;ll lw n· d wert- entitled 10 t.!0 in to the d ed iull o f ;1

hi-hop 01 1 thai nlll \('mi"n: a nd if t hey were. whether it wou ld II('ad \"i1'<..ahle. "Vrry soon:' hi · \\filrs. " I pe-rce ived that ;1 11 Ji'o,(u"iotl!­as 10 a p" l,~ihl(' r a ndidan- \\lTt· t-arr ied o n in m y alr.-t.·1Jt I'" Iktnmi,wdnot to he approar hcd upon lilt"suhjn l. ill advance. I ""ul.(h l to pn llt'cl11I\!'>C.1f In hrin~lIc; Iorward 1111" name I)f tilt' !{I"\ ' . \ I r. ~ lclkaiTH' ,

wht"l('n'~ I nll;ld." 11,' l.(1"'':' nn to s....y th at it was finally tk fi lk d th.uthe n l1l \("nt inll W;I' a ut horisr-d b\ thr- ca non- to go on with the- ,,11"1"­tion. .uul '0,(1 hi' \\ ;IS dl·.-I'·tl. ,"~,ut this l ime \lr. Ivo, was ch-ru-dbi-hop of Xorth ( :;lft ,liJM. which c;a \'l· ocr-a-ion to a toa-t pmpo-e-dhy Bisho l) O lltkrtlo llk : " T ht" H i\'l "S o f :'\ .<:. anti 11ll' BI·(·S or "'-I'n ­till Ii.y." ~I r. Sm ilh :<;, ys Ih;11 ;11 Ih is l inw Ih, · o p in ion o r Bishop OlJtkr­lIon1.: 0 11 lallt lnil ·;tI qllt ':'ti() l1 ~ was lon~itkrt"d law , and Ih.1t a:- !'<tlonas hi' hea rd Ihal Bishop ( )l1tknlonk did 1I0t n .nsidtT Iht' d lT t io n, ·a lit! . lit' " Inst no tilllt" ill n ·I'all in g hi s ant"plalH'(' a nd rdtTrill~ t ht"tllH'sti,on In t hl' lIt'xl ( :" II\I·lll i,lIl .···',.

\,'h il,' Ill, ' matler wa!- undl'lt 'rm innl. ~I r. Smilh addrn.......·d t hl"fo llo\\ ing It'lln 10 tlw Siandi n g ( :o m m itt l·e:

Bn ·tlm 'n I t n in!! ll 'ad 11." k tter in whid) tilt' Stalldillg (~11 11 ­

IlIitt "" of ti ll' I>ill" ·" · o f ;\,·w YOlk d,·dim ,i!!llillg' t ilt" ,,·,t il l1ol1i ;ll ~

\\h ich \ 011 tr ;uNll itlnl to d ll'm h\ " n l" ,'of ti ll' COI1\Tlltiotl of ","" 11­

tud\\ . i han ' h... oll w ,; ,ti, tin l th'at \\"ight\' llTbni\"al obj,·nioll ' toIt... \:"Iit!ity of tilt' !;LI"l'lnlioli of Bi, hop ill' til!' I>ion·,, '. will ah",~ "t"., ·"t ..rtailll·t! 11\ ;1 n ·'I" .,.tahlt , l1lillority of tllt 'I";rdi"g lll"111h,", oftilt' C hIli ' It. Tlt i ~ d illi, ult y ,';lll !lot rollll'!\\i,, ' ]ll" n ·'llll\TtI. t1 ll!1\ h\'a rll'w "I.·, ·tion . [ tl1l'ldon' n'qU"~1 that at tilt' Ilt'''t Ilw" ting pf tilt'COtl\'t"lltiOll of tilt' I l ion '" , " f K' ·II IIl<' k\'. ""II will ha\'( ' th, ' .I!Ootl lll'''to ;llllw lln...· tklt I n'll,id... tI ... prp,,·, :tli;,g, of tilt' Ia, t ( :OI I\!' I,l iplln 'bliH' to tilt' d ,·.ti"l1 of;l lIi, hop . 'I' far i l rq.~ ll ia l. lhal <l' far :l' I

0:,/ 1,''/', 1'. 110." ' I bid .. 1', I tl ."" I','n, ,,, h ,m i" s hu·I.....



am I'OlltTIIWd. till' ComTn!ion i ~ ;11 pnfn t lil)l'rt~ In proceed a s iflIothing h a d 111'1'11 dum-.

I'ra \ iut.: and !llI'lilll: . rhat tI u- (;1'0 "011 I h-ad <lr the Church ma vpn"-. id;· i f; all vou r f O ll l\t' ih, I u-ruaiu yuur' til.", al f,·," t iona tl'[y.

B n. SmithI.c·" int.: to ll. 0.'101")0'1 :\(1. 18:\ P OI

Immediau-lv after tju- n >l1H'll l iu lI of 1831 the ,t ;lIldill l: committeeha d p rol e't'd e'li tH 1;1 L. ,' till" m', n ,,"',ary ~tqY.- fur the con-ccnuion. Fivert" fll~-d o r dedilH'd th. ' ,"oIN'uali"n h('I ;llI~' they doubted the rightof the dion~' of }\." I1t\U l y to ek'r t a hi..hop " ti ll ; I ITOlIll I uf a loUp­

p e-ed ddirit'Il('y in the- numbe r of I'n~hy u-rs required b~ canon :!dof 180W' and fin' ulhn,; requested information r~JX"1 tint.: the ri"btof the dion~' to ek-r t a bishop at thi .. lime or rhe-e-. four declinedIII sign till" It"'otimoni;d.~ ,; 1 Thcrrf.ue- it is under-aandabh- rhat ~I r.

Smith should write the ahon" let te-r.In 1 8J~. the di Ot""'lll n JII \T lIlioll n u-t ;\1 Hopkin-o-ilk-, h,' gillning"

nn JUlU' 11. ~I r. Smith pn-aclu-d the- ,tlll\('JlIi un v-rrnun and on tIlt'samr- da\ the dt"r~\ unaninu .u-lv e-k-r n-d him hi-hup, aftrT h hi, hthr- lay llt-kg;!!t':' P~IM,t'("IIt"d It> 11:11101. and li1.:n\i'o,(·. h~ unanimou sn,tt·~ dt·'Il·d h im hi~hop. ; ! ~Ir" Smilh rrlurJwl! to Iht" n mn·mio na n d ··b rid h hut fn·lilll.:h · ' d(·, IM(·t! his .u,rptam,· o f Ihl' ullin' .

The ( ;(·I~ (" ra l COIl\(" I;tioll n lllllui ll "(' Ull t'tllI",-·nalion, n ·portt"d.in IfU:1. t hai

()n till' dUt'UIlWIII , frolll K" llt \ll ky. t ill' (:oll1l11i1l'·'· n·port T ha iIlw n ' i ~ ....ti,(;u·wn 1·\"id' ·ntT Ih ;1I t ilt' ....id IJi'M·' ·...· had ~ i x "tfit"iatin~

f'1t'~h \ itT" rt '~idill~ 111('ll'in ;11 t ill" tillW uf tI ... t·lt'C1ioll. whu Wl"rt"

qlla lifll·d to "Olt' f,'.r a Bi ~l lOp : til"t .. IIMjoril y of all t ilt" f'rl'shy t t"f~in thl' I )iO<.T"t· n lluurn·d ill til<' d'Ttion a~ t1wil" H i ~hop of tht' Rev.Ik nja min It Smith. D.D.: th.1I Iw ha~ IIn ·11 d uly d'TIt 'd by th,'COIl\""l\ion of tl\l' ' ;Iid I >ion·'I'. alld Ihat tilt" Tt·~tiTllollia i ill hi,fanlr n'I[uin 'd hy Ih t, 2d C ;II\OI1 . ,it.:llt·d by tht' Cit ·lira] alld LayIlwllIht'l'i of tilt' COlln·llt ioli. i ~ rq:~IILII ;ll1d ill dill' (onll ; tl wy thert'­fnn' It"t'ornml'nd Ih;lt l ilt' ' I' lIl:<o ' lit.", pn "" ""d t., ~ign thl" Tt'~li­

Illonial in Llvor of till' R,·\". B" llj;lIllill n, Sl1lith, 11 ,11 , Ui, hnp ,.]'·"1of tilt' ! >iO' TW of K"l llu ("ky,7:t

\11". Sm ilh had htTn hOlIl.rr d wilh Ihl' t1 t'.l.(ft'l' (,f I ), lf !rlr o f Il ivin itvhy ( ; ,' tH' \ 'a <:olkg:l' . now I ln));1l1 ( :"llq.':I·. In h i ~ p:lfll rh ial rl' po rt for

'''Jo,,, .",1of rlu Di" cPlPof h' PI" U( ~ I'. 1fU l. p, l~.

~' I b i rl., p . 11. 1~ ,

;~/bid . , 11;1:12, PI' . S-ii.''' Jo u. ~ a l ,,{ lIu ( ;n,n ,,1 t." "' ~"" li"" , 1,n~. PI'. ~·,.~ Ii.

.J ulv X"W.I- .\'0(('1 B3

~kmlwr, h"n' '''lilrih"lr-d '" 1("''''1''''1'1\' In thr- ,-an' .. f lIu' r-hu, on tilt'I,l\\" "f johu IIn ''' n I I"",,' th"l "" k.-l it ;"illlw ,,/ iJl1n,.Q 10 ,h"'l1 III he-ar'''T"~i',,,all) «f their n llld ili" n . T hi, 'l'ri"l( lhn h,1I'''' had tl...ir ",,,,d 'pray.'appl"'d, ;",11 r-amlan-. a 'Uf,'t'llK'" iuj",-l", 1 i"l" Iht' l("r"",,<1 around II", 1'",,1"n'", h", "l("i" lw"" "'I'd. T" t/;'I>- non r- "f IIw In',,, hu- ,11<>\\1] auv ink'-li,,""f 1111' di""Ir<>u' !lUI' h dill divr-av-. -

\ \IWll thinn hl" I' open IIw safr- "f thr- Wi,H"rd ;-':alional Bank in lfl71l,th« 1'"",11""1 ti,-,- hadly dam.un-d t il>' :-';"rll, K i" p t, ''' n ...·'·"rd, "hi"h ""1'"'I"red in II... ,,,lj,"T"1 ,,/Ii...· ilf 1I11' I""n rlr-rk.

In llw 1I,Il"s C"IIr-t'!i"n iii ""1' libr.uv an' «H' \"I""",, "f ;'\"rlh Ki11I('I,,"n1,;",<1 E\"ilku, ," fnun !filll; 1" IR:! I. T he'" an- ""pi,., "f llli" "ril(i"al n ..... rd­,,"~d,' afln the di,a'lT<>ll' fire hy a l1l'ill nauu-d I"'irn' po"ihll' T hom,!' J.I"· ' r' .... "1""" " Clerk "f :\'''r1h K ing ' I" " " , for mauv \'(·;\rs ). Their '-al",' i'cn"~I, ,illiT ,h,' "ril(i""I, contiru ...d to ,li,i"I"f(Wll' :l!l~1 "fllinl,1c afl"r I"'i"l(.slJhj"'·led 10 illt,·" .... heal duriuu (hi' fire.

~ Ir. johu I I. \\' ,·11, h,l' illlk'ed tlw (W" \"lll''',", 11,,"n·hl· makinl( II,,''''rcoml- '.'a,il\" ;lvai!;'I,I,· I " llll" U'U' [If our hbr.uv. ,\ g" in lh;' S,,,,i,.t\ " ill­

,khwr.l t" Xlr. \\'l'Il, fnr " p,'ilH,'kinl.\ tack. «hirh rl'll',irr'rl "'.,," h',u,r, of,·"n" i'·',li"u' work.

Christ C h urch fo r 1B3:.! he tt' J1 ~ of his Su nd ay night Bible Cla-e. , hiswt"d.ly lect u re on \ \'nlr ll' ~day evcning-, aud his ItTtun's O il rhr­" EvideIJ(T~ of Rrvcah-d R(' li,C; ioll," fur medic a l and law da~~( ' ~ "fTra n~yh'a ll i a C:olkge, l .exin aron." The Ladies' ~ Ii~~innary ~m'ie t~

had ("olh-ned three h undred dnlar-, an d rlu- C el1 tklTH'll\ Sociel\ fnurhund red and fifty dollars . He repor ted that, ":\ pla n fu r rai~ing afund for a idin,C; in the educatio n of youn.g men who han' the minivtrvin view. wh ich is yt't in it- infan('y, ha-, ~o fa r been enc ouraged , tha t~ I 00 han been paid by one individ ual, and $:l()() ha n ' beell sub­-crilx-d by other persons." ,',

Thus. an {'Oldy l'\ (' W Enuland r!ngyma n m ade the transition 10

th e Ol d \\'e~t. The minu-r rv of Ben jamin Boswurt h Sm ith in ;\n\En,c;"1and had been fruitf ul for the Epi~copal Church and was to hima work for which he felt (~~pt' c i alt y suited. He c-ut tics that wereprr , illlls \(I him in orde r 10 make h i ~ mi-sion to the Old \\ '("'.\.

' lJou.nl11 "f Ih~ J) i",- ~ \ ~ of /0.'~nl lick)', 18:1~, 1'1'. 6-7. S,·" also I.~ w i s W , lIull u,,' s.C"luhis", "'I Ih~ !J ioePU of l .n i" gl"" ( L,. s i n ~ l on : Ri" h" nh o" ,In<\ COI"Vauy,1<)11 J, p. 8.

':'11,;'/, p. 7.


I II I'll' j th,. R. R. ll,,,,k"r t:"mp"'l\" p"hli, lU"d for T Il<" lI il,l iQtl, ra phi... ,,1S",i.·t\ "f .\nwri,·;r /O",d,' 100<llId 11II!"i ,,/I, 17!7-fHIIII, ,'d it,-d 1" .l"h"Elli"l ;\ ld..n. T hi, ""rk 11",110'("" ,,/ I.:n·;rl in'p"nann' Il' I,ihliocr"phn, ""d'I ",kills .. / H.h"d,' Is Lu,d hj'l"ry. Si"n ' !Ill" p"I,liralion "f rI... h""k, 11""""'r,'1 ,·"n,i,kr"t,k lIuml".r "f iml'ri'll' "nln"\," If> ..\ I, k n Ita",· .."m,' Ii> lil:lrl.Bradf"nl !' ull n S,,·,U1 i, ,,1 1''''''''111 ell1l"l:'"d ill li"illl.: "nd d.--nil,i'l!! 111i 'ill 1'",puhlic' li"" ill "'/r,' I'II!" 'II "/'1., I l i /tl i " ~ "' I, h i,.,d ~'''''id\' ,,/ .11/1"""'1. !{ "I lT' i' lh"ill 1... '1,·" iL,1>1,- "fl''T lHilrli""li"ll,

• • •

i\ E\\'S - ;\,OT ESJ) llrin g 11ll' -ummt-r tlWfI' will lx- "" "shihili"n R hod e Ivl.md 1"·,,ln Irom

II... ,·"II'·'li"n, of Dr. :-' 1."kLrin,· R. Br" " n 'lil t! M r. 1- K , OIl. ltall"krl "illIJ<' 'olll<" r" n ' .md ,"T" ""lli' lillilill" piC'T' ;1' ,,,,11 as unusual ;md hitlWrlouukuowu murhm.rrke. R hnd ,' I , Luu l lw" I' Tn , ",'n- alllolll.: II... ,'adi,'" ill th,'nd"nin. II i, i"I"T!·qin ,l!, Ihnd"r,. , not " Illy In ,.nlkd"r, hil t ai,,, I " thr­l("" l"l";l1 public 10 I... "hk III ".,. cx.unplr-s "f till' WilTk "f T h" ma' 11, 1,'.":\,." port, 1711.1712; Br-njamiu n ,l y, :-.;"" port, 117 -1 -17 .;7; nnd Law n' '' 'TLanuwonhv, :-'; r-wport. 17:\{)·17J9. ( )d", r, "hll'l' "01'ks a n · ,," displav an' :" ' i ll i,, " , Billi"g,_ ( ; '"r, I" ,rn jo 'm' " T h" " I'" ~I dv i l k , Saunn-l Hamfiu. Sam'lI'lE. 1larufin. J " " 'I' I, lh-hlu-r, Ih, i,1 ~kh- i l k. ( ;"o rl(" R i, h" n h " n, WilliamCaltln, S. SlI' d,,,,,,,, J " I,n I' r) t'r , _ S;ru,ul'l a"d ThOlna, ~lch- i l k , J " , i" h K' Tn,..,,,,d C"hill &. C,. .\hOlll lift~ pi,",," "i ll I", <li'pla",d, in,lutting h"th IL'I ,,, ,, II" ,11"" ""n·.

., bill !!r,ml illl: rI... S""i"II. ,~li,1 H'111"" '" r1min"lilmin'" ,I,,· "." ,..~ . , """"l"'I"'l"ill "urn"l"dy "'I' ,i~I"'d illl" la" h~ (;""'1'1"11' 1' I l ,·1 S"'l" in :-'1 " , . T h.. S,,<'i"l\i, l!r" tdlll to till' varin", llu "tlh,'T' "f lh .. LI'l:'i' !;11tll'" " I", illln"\;I'r1I1Il''' ''''h-,:,ill ""'in!: II... bill lhrolll(h ....""l11illn·' ,lIld lht, L' pp,'r ,m il L" ' '' ' r HOll' '' ' . "l"h i,;rppropri,llinll i, Ih .. .,ecolld in a prnjC<"l ...d 1""-\"'011' plan tlMI will ~a\'t~ furpu~terit~ lhi, imponalll 'l"lrtt' of R hod e Island H i, w ry,

:-' Ir'. willi.uu '1'0" 1',.1 has I"kl'" "",.1' t hr- d ut i.., "f k""pi"g lh, ' S""i"tv\I"",h. "orli,,1.: in thr- morulnu. In tl ... ,,[lnno,,n ,\Ii ." Ek arw r Sl'i",'[ i, ;'1 Ii...,an,,' , I", k in ,-h"rgl' "f memlwr,hip. ' ,",. "n' p!{',I,,'d 10 "" !""nll' lh,'''' IW"p'll'l-ti" 'I' ""rk,·r.' t" ""1' 'I'llf. :-' I n , \ 'irgi "ia ( :a tt"ll, our /"II·,i",,· ""'Ti""nOil t il<' "·""llIlll".. r, "h" i, "I", ill' harg" "f Iihr" ... Ikl'li l, h'l' fI'('l'll1h " ,ld;,,lPn 10 II... Sa/lui/Ill' !-,'r" IIi",!: I 'm l ,",dn 1I11' lIa111<' \ 'in:illi" ( :o llr,,\ . ~ i"llllw, ',"I' Ih .. S",·; ..I) "ill I", 1'],o,1,,'d t " kll" " of thi, a..hi"\'t·lllt'lli. .



\\'"rk i, pn,!!n'"i"c ral'idll "" IIn- john Hr'"," ( :h""i"t . ( ~ " I " " ,,] l',lIdI ), ,,, n illl(, "lio 1,,1' rln- ", ·h id ,· ill hi, 'hnp "n SL'tt'n hL"'d. ha' e-m u­m""lhl)' ""1""-1' ,I' W"lI ;1' ph"l"grapl". ,h"wi",1.: thr- ...-vtoration ill it> ";rri",,,pha"". T h,. ",,,",,,iUn' ill l'harg,· "f r,"I"r;'li"n "f till' vr-hirl .. h"d " nT"ill,tT""ti"g al Spring (;n'c,,_ h"illl' "I thr- r hairman, j " Ii " Fruu.i-, IIrr''' 11 . ,\1 lh"lIi"", " h-ur-r W'l' r... ad fmm C"loIll'1 ll"wning ill " hid, I". 'I ,lli'll th.u 111<",I",ri"l ""uld hl' Il'ady f"r ddi,'l'r~ in J u ly.


Til.: FRA SK I .I :" l ' Il: •.ss "'''' ''''ud f""" ,.. ",J~ /."" , Oll'"

()11 it . pan of t he time .... ith the a""j"lan ff' nf h i.. ~'l\ l l1~n brotherIk n j;un in, he printed rhe X ,'1l" En gJ,m d COUHlTI t during" hi.....t llnn~

waf' i ll the ~ I a" adl ll'o("tt.. ra pita l.j;une'" Franklin hmuuht ti lt" (In·...... \\ ith him .... hen he m ll 'l 't! 10

='=n\ port. Rh ode l d.md . in 17:.!7 a nd c,...tahli-hed hi.. ...hop "011

Tillinq ha..!''' Wharf. ncar Cnioll-r:I".g: ' I'averu ." From it i ll tha i ~ t' a r

r nmr- t he two t-arljest kno.... n examples of Rhod e b land prin tinc.. 1 letter Im1ll John l l ammctt to j ohll W right a nd J ohn Ham nu-u's" iTll!irl/t;l/Tl lind Relation, Unique cupit'" {If these pa mp hlet.. WIT('

a. qui n-d by lilt' Soddy ill 1!l:"d . Rhnd t' I ..land '... fu-- t llC'\\ "p;ql('r.'lh r N. h(J(h lsland (;r/:d/l ' wa~ I' ll hl i~hed hy Fr ank lin in 1732-:U ,a nd a larl.:l· p ro po rtion of t ill" Sorkly\ ollt~la ndin,L:: co llntion ofc 'i ~ htcTl l1 h ll"n t ur ~ im prin ts was produrr-d on Ih is press h~ Fra nklin.unl his SIHTe.'i.SOrs.

In 1 7 :~ :J james Frank lin died ' .HU! thr Imsim'''s W;\S ron tinur-d byhis widow '\ 11 11 until her son j;IIlWS Franklin. J r. , who had "(·I""\ I·dhis appr-ut ice-hi p wit h his 1I11t I" lk-njamin in Philadelphia. wa s oldenouuh III take OH r t hr- manaqcme ut in 174 R. J anw~ Fra nklin. J r. .him-e-lf d ied in 1762 a nd his molher was agai n obligod 10 ta k,' owr1111" bu-ine«. S he "'C)(Jn look a young p r in ter named Samuel H a ll intopart ners hip. Th e W idow Fra nkl in. however, survived her "( lit h~

k", tJMIl il vr -a r, a nd H all succeeded to th e pri nt ing -hop. whic h he11IniinuI."d un t il 1768 \\ he n ht, sold it 10 So lomon Sout hwil k.

How long t he pres, cont inued in IN" j, nut know n. hut it remainedin t he office of The .'"I·u·port J / n o u r unt il 1859 , when it wa" ,,( lidto J oh n B. \ Iurr a y of Xew York C ily" \I r. \ Iurra y presented it tot ill' \l a' 'itrh u'I'IL''- C ha ritabh- \1 ,·,'h ;tIIi,' .\ ....soc ia t jo n in B e-ton . W ht'nit lx-ramr- know n t ha i t he \1t'f h ,lIlic,,' Build ing in which it wasIImN 'd was to h(' dnnoli,lwd. a rra ngr nH'nl.s we re madt' 10 hornmlilt" pn·....s fo r exhihition in Rhotk Isla nd. It ha ' pr('\ 'io ll,l y IM"'l1shO\\ II al T hl" Rl"dwood 1.ibra ry ;lnd TIlt" Provide nct" j' uhlk I.ihra r~ .

84 T hf' F,md lm Press JIll ~ 'n u; 8,'KER FA\IILY OFREI IOnOTIf. ~1.-\ss;\CH l "SE'IT S

Thi-, ..hort article i" a n " Xn"rpl frum a m'HIU...-ript gin'n to \ frs.Gt'ort::t· C. S COll hy Waltn \1. Bak er of St . I't· l t· l'hu r~ . Flor ida . It..ho w- t he alH t'''lry of Ih,' loth' Albe rt .-\ li,,(lIl Hakr-r. ' j'he'" co m pletemanuscript i.. in IIJ(" Collrn ioll" of T he RhclI!l' I ..la nd H i"w rictlStM· il'ty.

J oh n Baker was ho m pro bably in Englan d ill 16:13. d ied inWoburn , \Lt..s. in 1 1i~l;'J , marri ed in Wllhurn . ~b ..s. \ 101 \ :W. 1654.Susa nna \ la rl in . \\ h,N ' .IIKl·stry is unknown. SIll' was ho;n prubablvin En gland lx-twe-en IliH and 164 0 and d in! ( as his widow ) i;lWohur n. Ik e. 3 . 17 H .

( ' I I ILOR E:\" ( \ ' ila l I{,·c" rd. "r "'" burn , " 1.1" . ) :

J UIl " . b. "l.,r. :!c' . H;'I'! ; Ill. 0 , 1. IH, ]lin:!, IbIUl'.I, \' " lh .

\ 1' 1( \ . h. Feb. :.! :.!, 11.:,1, no Iurtbr- r n-"ml l .

J OSH 'II . h . J UIU" I:•. Il' .'> i ; , I, D, ·,·. 22. 140'17.

j o ... I' ll . h. 1'..1.. I. IlJt ~ l ; m. ( J, I . ~ . IlJlcj, Ibllnah Ib llk.

~n, .\ " " " t. h. \ tu. 1'1. lloI':.!; d ..\ pr . I. H",:.!.

S I' .. ,,,., \ 11. IJ.•\pr. I.!. lI " d ; m. \l ..~ !..!, IIJl .!. j " hn ( :nl k r.

l · ." .' \\u u ..,,·,>, h. \ l.ar. !I. l til >-t ; d . .\I.u . Fl, II"i!.

"'.\\11 H. h..\ pr. n, Ito/i.'>; m. :\"" , . ! I;. lli<Jl. ll.um.•11 \\' illll,

1\1 "J \\11". h. \ 1.. . :!-I. Ui.lii 11" fu nh.... r...-nr d

j \\u -, 1,. J UI1<' 10. Ib ill n" further ,n"rd .

j " ' H II.\' . h. ' \ I' r. 'L 1Ii/ ·I; m. j an. .1. lti'll. E1i,al"'11l I ~ i lr \ .

\\·11 .11.\\1 , h. ,\ ur.!. R. IIii9 n" furt her n ·.·" ,d .

J ohn Bak er, "(lIt llf John a nd S usa nnah ( \ Ia n in) Baker, w as bornin Wob urn . ~fa...... . ~Ltn h :!:J . 16:J-1-: m . in Wobu rn . 0,1. IR. lfiR2.Hannah I\ llly. h. J UlW :!6. IfiliJ . daughla of (;, 'orgl' and El i/ a ht'lh( " 'inn) PollY . S Ill' dinl " \\ idll\\ in Rehol lt'lh . \ 1..", \ 1'lr . :!B. 17:11 .H.. d in l in Ba rr ington. R . I. o r Rehoho t h afta .\ tty :1. l 7'!. 2.

I Fu, no" ,,· dl"!;,ilrd informa lion nn lIlt' h 'Hlll ill\ a mi ..",II' Rh ud,' "to ml l" ·i" Ii" ... ." '1' ; II" lw Fra,,,,r , Ka ,n-, " j aml" F ,a l1 ~li n , S..,, ;o, . I'r i"It·, of 1k" 1" " "nd t\',·w.

pOll, " T h, .t IJ/" ;UI7l C olI, erM . \'. :1. t\'n. I. p. 17 ; Howa rd ~I Chapi" " j a"'..'Fr,,,,U ;n. Jr., !'O rwporr I' rin...r." '1'1" .t"''';OIll Collnll", j un,·. 1" 21>. p. :12 ,, ;and th ad ford F. S..'a n, ' 'Two Rhod ,' " l.l lld Impr i" t\ of 172 7," Uh <> dr 1, landlI i' /M )'. \ '. 12. :'\0. 2, p. 33, :\ pril, 1'l~i:I, a nd ·'Th.. I b ",m r ll l' ,u llp hk t_ " ndT h" ;r :\ut hor." R hod.. I , fa" d lI iIlM )', \' . 12. :\u. 4, p. 105. 0 " 101>.., . IQ.lJ.

j " Il ' , IJ. W"I '" I'lI. j, "1<' '.!.7 , HiB7; 1l1 . S Walh'';\ . J UllI' 17. 1711 . :-iU_:lllll :,Wo,,<I; d. R,.J " ,IJ" ,h. m. l Ull< ' lilii .

j " q i' ll . b. I' lo t,;o t.h ;01 S" 'UlW'I. (a. I l iB!I.!l j'll l; 111. 1{,·II" IJ" Ih. \LIT. III.I i :!" . .\ 1" rl(.lI"1 ( :1 ,.11 ," ', d ,lU. of Th"rn,,_ ;lIlt l \ 1.UI(,I1 '·1 <:"q" 'll1o'r


C J,;, f.·,......Ilt' ,I, R,·h" h" lh. .\lIg. !/. 17l ci '" W i.I" " '\"'rl.! "ro·1 Itlkn ;I". d . Rdlt ,I.. 'II, ill l i :! l .

j \" 'II. h. 1'....I"'hh "''' '' I1 . ,.;t. ("i' . le;'IlI ; m . R eh••l...,h . I).·,' . 1'1. 171:".... ar uh "lill,'lOl. da u. " f :\,l1h" ni ..1 ;or ,,1 SlI'"'' \ lill"H I,

J ohn Haker m uf John and Hanna h J )oll~ ) Haker \\ ;1" bornin Woh urn . \Ia J Ulie ·D . lfiH i": Ill. Swan....-a, JUlie 17. 171 -\.S U..:U \II ;I \ \ ·ood . da u. of T huma.. and Reb•.'rcl \\'ood ( S \\ ;II N .'a

rerurd} . He du-d ill Rehoboth, 176 7.

CH Il .IlR t::\ :\\"'II I.HI , h. S" an-..a ..\ ' n:; . IR. 171',; Ill. ( I) 1',·1. , I I, l i J i , S"'.m""

K r-ntc rn. !. r.·t.. H, 171'1 ·w. "I"nh;l S.'Mn...... Ill . J So·pl. ! ~,

1"i-1. T;lloilha Le wi•.S, ' ''' \ '<'<\ , h. S" '1Il-"". F..h. l. Iii i Ill; m. :,\", . 2i, 1i 10. l ..rael t :.. rne-ll.jllll'< , U. Rrh"I .. .th . .\ lIe, 21i, I,:!II; m . r .li,;,I ..-lh _

I I \'< '<,\ 11, h. Rdl"I .. .lh . I I.·• . IK, I i :!! ; m .......pl. I J. I i .",II, Eli.h., ( :nrnd l.

:\nll .\,<III , h. RdH,h"rh, J ll l ~ 9. l i 5 ; rtI . Sq.1. II. 17:,11.1,: ' pn i,·I1...· Hix.

Bn'I""I!I\. h . Rd " .I.. uh, r ..b. Ifi. l i :!I1' :!!l; 111. j ,,11I 1 SlaIn,

1'1 .". 1.'Wt , h . Rd " .h..lk Srpl. 9. I r.u. d . ~"'\ u. I i .\1•.

j o". 1'11 . h. Reh ..both. o . 1. H . 1i.H, d . J1Ih I I. 17.li.

1I'''J\\lI''. h. R,·h" h",11. F..Io. J. li,I,i H; Ill. J ail . :!i. 1759."la n h.1 R,],.rr .

R I IIH ;o :,\ . h. R.·I" .b••rh. "I.,r. 12. 1, 111; III..\lIe. Ill. 1; ' ;8.E1" 'lu' /n ·Loll ....t .

William Hnkr-r, ..on of J ohn and SIl-ar1l1a ( \\ 'ood) Baker \\ a" hornin Swa IN·iI. \ 1a""' . Aug. I ll, 17 1."1: Ill. Ta bitha I,e·wi...

C1I1U>R[:'\" :j\'lt ~ . h. Rrh" !>" lh ; Il l . j ull Ii. 1,&1. R,oIJ\ ( :"111.·11 .

RIIIIH \ . Ill. f) .m id Fi-h.

j ll ' Il 'l\ tl . h. R..Iw l.. .th : Ill. ......-p t. :!'I. l iiH, ChI,,,. P i,·n.·.

j",<"[1,,, , h. RduJI"'lh , li riK; Ill. 1-'0-10 . n. l i'lIl , :\,lIln Sniflh ,

:"!" MRII.I.. Ill, SI" m... " . leh. IH. l i i ·l, R"II<" S'·,tlll"n.,

J I IIl <llh:m B"k n . .... )11 of \\ ' illi;Ull anti Tabirha {Lewi..) Baker. w a..

horn in Rehoboth, \I a""'., liliR : m. I) i~htoll . \ l a"... . Feb. ~I, 1 7~IO,

:'\ ;llIf y Smith: tl u- marriae- intentjon.. of j onathan Rlkl'r and Xant~

Smit h wen- filed ;11 Rl'hohot h, .\ ug. .Ill. 17H'I.


( ·I II I. D IU;:\ :

j " " n lt \ ;>; . h. ......pl. III. li!.Hl; Ill. ....,lI l. I" " ln . h. " Ll\ IIi. l i !HJ ;tII t! d.1"..1•. Ii. IRR'I; Ill' d . ......pl. 8. IIGi.· H.,ch hllri"d II; ~ I illrr;ll .... fllill ~C""lf" r, ·r~ . 1',"' !lId.r l. R . I

H" M\ . I I .. b. "I ,n It•. IRII; d . Sq,1. :!,I. III1H.

S II I'I U "


:\' .\"" .,

11\ " " .\ 111'''1.1 \

S,\! IS

EI. \1 flU

J onath an and Sall~ ( FeN n) n.ll.n had .\ .... in Alhn t O "I)('fllUal.n .

Albe rt (J.,horn Baker , h. :\0" . 7, I RJ~ : d . \l a~ ~ I. IRiB : m . JlIl ~ ~,

IIG i . ..\ nna \!aria SWIW, b. J u l ~ lJ, I R:U : d . Apri l ~O. l~llfi. Their~lll \\ as .\lhnl ..\ l i~ H1 Haker, b . Scpr, ~h, IHli'.!.: Ill. ( 1) Fvh, I, IH!l7,Emma Ill'iknap Dt'R w,..~ of ;\1'\1 Orlean<, d. 1 ~ 13 ! 1 : Ill. ( ~) JUlIt' !l.I!HJ . \I ,.... J O\( (, ( Ballard) Bcatv ; he- d . 'lar. '2.1. I ~:l ~ l .

1.E( ~ ll ·RE:')

O \lohn '.!'.!.. I !l .-I~I, Thur-d.o H; 15 p,m .

Ih s T"OR...no.... OF T In. J OIl -: BROW ;o.; C Il ...e urt

( ilhn l ra //'d It'ith slidrs}t:1l1,"'~ 1. I'H 11. 11 . D OW" I" I :

( :"u,,,ltalll, Hor. ..· D ra wn \" 'hid," and Ih,'ir ;.ppo iUlnwnt'

;'\O\nllhc-r '.!~, 1959, Sll nda~ :I ; 30 pm-ROLE OF R HOn.: I ~ LA :-': I"l t-c 1" •. \1 ",,,1;0.; ..

U F -r u r. ( :0 .... ....1'11'1·1'11 1'

FOII.'.~r M.·l) o ... . u •. .\ '"x iJt .. p.of .D.·pa rt m..nlof H i , to r ~ . Brown L·ni nil ~

88 J uly 89

80 01' RfX I [\"RboJ e Id<lllJ Pol it ics <lllJ the A ml'ri(.nl R~I 'o lu t io" . '''''/1·1-'(,(, .

II. 1);, \ iel S , J.""'j,,~ . I'rm'iel..,w..: IIw" 11 t -nin'r,il\ 1''' '' '. l·r,R. 2'11; PI' .;"-"1"'_ hihli"u,.phi. 'al ..'''I' , il(d,", . $1.511.

It i, " trlli'lI\ ,, '••rth "rnpha,i,inl( Ihal "a, 'h ...,1,,11\ "',I' uni 'llIt· t.mh in thr­nntun- "r it, rd"li"n,hip III Elll(lalld ,u1I1 ill i1- '~"It"lH "r inn-mal 1'"lit;'-,. TIlt'I"" uli.rr di'li rlt'li\C·t>t·" "r Khod, ' ls lund is tIl,u l.· ;'pp;m'uI ill thi, ;ohio- m"",,­gra ph . ;"-0 ....I"n~'. cur ..ly. ..-,,, more drl"rmil1l'd lu m;I1];l~, · iI' "'\II d... tinv"·I(anll,·" "r Kill~ and l'arlia nwllI. Kh"d.. l eland had h.-,'u ,'nd,,\\, '.1 h, ' i,sn,r;"", ..h;uln "ilh ,I d" l(ro:-o:- "r illfl"j)("lI<ktll"t· Iha, bred a f'-"lil1l( "r "'1"'<;' _tivrn . In th, ' lru"hlrd ,r,'PI aft .:- r l i till ,-\C'n ,·unuMhn1<'m " n 11ll" " ,uk i"I>1liI ni..-," "r rh......I"n~ "'a' T.:-a lulI,h. nm;lillllh , all" all (,,,t un.tI,im" u,1\r i-red. ;"-"1 unnlrh.. I<:n..... peri••d ahr'r 1..-" iuIlI" Il' d id Ki""k I,I ,md..., ....;hihi 'l,,11\ .Ii"id..d " 'ulim"Ill', hili the t ....atme-nt ,u't'''rded Gon'TIl"T jo-e-ph ' \" UlI " ",tI ..1 hi, r,," .I,,, ,,'i..h·~ 'Iui"kly d..mnn'tral' ·" Ih,1I Ih, · . ,,1,,", " ," "\" 'T~

" hr lmifll( h ill f.I,,,r "r indr,><'nd.:-nco:.

TIL.. m" j"r •" nnilmli"n of Ihi, ,tu,ly Ii.., in Ihr [a....' ;n,lIil1l( d, ·" ripli"l1 thatil pW\ iel,', \O r p"lili" ,11 practices in lilt' e ra ..f the \\",nd-lI"pl.:i" , , ,,,,Iii, I. ;..-"",I"n~. h' 111\ 1.:11••",I.."I:'~ , had sur-h a hili!hl~ ' d..n ' I" lwd " ,«'rn .,r p••pul arpulili",. T lwr.. ;U'-, it """ Id ..... ·111, r..w " ,·, 'i, ,., 1m"" n I" till' tn."lt-m p"lili";."1,h" t "IT" I",t (1,,·.1 h~' Ill,. l lopk in...·' and th.. " 'an I.. I·r,., i,,·I\ what all llll'.'1,"'1im""Ti"g "' ,I' "IH'1ll n' mai n, ·,,,rru·th illJ,: "r ,I "I~ 'l<'f). II "'" ""t . main\;lin,I "'\ " ' j " ~, , a ,'"nll"1 Iwl"" -.·U d as,,·s, or ,....·up;ll i" Il" ] I(t"l"tp" «r t'\''"'' "ttlir<']~

1"·I" ..en "·.Ii,,u,. It "'I'. h,' "' mclu d,'., ",I IH,litkal d i'l llll.· 1,..,\,,·.·]) t",,, L,r ­Ii" " , f..r ",'lIIr,,] "II I... I("\'t·rnm..nt" ( 1" Iii ) . Wilh surh ""llIr,,1 ,',HI'" pn·sli!.:.· ,. .. trlur...r:' l i \'l· I" l l r"Il .I ~ '" la" advam..!.:,.,, .md 1;I\'(,ra hl,· judi, 'i'll ln·;LIllll"lIl. T Il<'\ \·'l rd .I I"l'ki" . f"u,lrmkd in l iiO.. . . . no,1 b...·,IIl......f ;1 "'Mlili '''1 "r '.pP'"il"lJ;trti, '~ .. hut h," '''''''' the ,-nlarl{nl and 'lu·n2'lh..ned 1I" " ki" , LU'li"" "",'r­wl,..lm..d it- "PI" ,m'Ill' who "ne "nahl.. lu IIlU,I.:-r rh.. 1",lil i",,1 I>...-k;,,1:' !to

"'Illinu.. Ih,' "UI !,: I(!o:-" ' I'. ]52- 3 ) .

I...n·ju~ " r!.: I1 '·' elf li,'<'"1~ th"l much "I Kh,,,I .. Island·, 'Iuh]" ,m " pP'"jli"lIIH n .....n,,1 ....nl1'"I , r "It..d (r" ... the lI:..n..ral d..,i,,· ..r I,~ .•1 I".lili.'i.rn, 10".trt ;mw « . pb, 11,,·ir ,HJd \.lam.. ,,{ IHllili" and In " 'I" in Ih" ir 1"'''IUi, il'' ' ," "'hr n I',HIi'lIn..m . mini'lf) , :fIld Kill2' .'lIn",,, I...d UPOII ,,, If·I:'' '' ("[ I1 11U''' I. 11.,',,·tr,rtM,'h ..d up"n ,I '~ ,I.·m "I p,un' ""Iiti, '~ "hid, "' ,I' 11"1 "u l\ m,I' "n' hUII'r" lil.,bk ·· I I', I ~jl .

Rh".k l-L,n,kr, ,]",,,rd hail II,i, "'h,,l ..rl ~ 1r<'''l llletrl "r a r,,,, in,lliu l: ('fa iuIllI' hi,t"n "r t1 ...ir "" II", n , i, t· mim kd" ,I.",'.. \ 11 'llld,·tlh "r tl", f{" \,,,I,,Ii,,n ann.' \\>11 pmlil fl'''"1 ll r. l ."", ' j" y' , ill "tllill"lin!.: ,,,,,,h', i, or tl... t"lf ... l "r 1"";1],ir n UU'I,I1H"" ",,;t ttt",','m,· ,,1 th" l h,l' I.", r ro " I ((l 'nl l ~ I" ·,,tt 1'1't·"·tl],,,1 ii, ,O\,, ·rI,1: ,·r,,·r.,l lo'(m' .

(f," I;",ua / ..."" "a cl COl'n )

~I r-. . R obert Frr~ lI ''''' ln

:\"r"I'0f!, R . 1

~I ~ . Gerald Foga r! ~

The Honorable J ohn E. Foga rtylI a , " ), , " ~ , R, I.

~I rv. Chester B. Frost

Prof. jamcv I.. (;idd in.L."Rri' lol. R , r.

~I f'i . Rol<lIld w. ( ;ofTChq.... h..l. R . I

~ Ii" C harlntlr ~1. ( :[I't 'II('War n·n. R, 1

~I r . & M r- . Jf"'r-ph I ). (: uilknwtt cPa"tu.'krl, R I.

~I f'i . John A , ( ;"' Ylll w

~ f r . & _\ 1rs. Joh n ( ; , I 'Llr.~ rra\ r-sS""di :\ rahL.

.\11"' . J a m t·" .\ 1. Harr isonR"rr inl{lntl, R. 1.

Mr. & ~1 f". lbmald S. Har twell

T he lI un. Ravmond H . Hawk ..ky

.\I r. Ro,"" v. B eN 'y

.\I r. Roher! E. llill

,\ Ir . Ma rk S <\ \ lt" HoughWoonloOC'l r t , R, '-

~I rs . .\I yra .\ . lI oult-

.\I r. R icha rd .\ . H urk~ , J r.

Dr. a n d .\1 1"'. •\ lf rt'd Jaffe

.\I r. B enr y "- un ' ra

.\I r.;. Elmer S . Lal u 'a "t t' r

.\li ss E l izaht'lh W. La w

.\I r. and .\ If". Lloyd .-\. Lon g

.\I i....~ Ldith An~r11 .\ t.-dm , tead

.\l i" Hek-n J. .\bllll,u,.tJ

.\ Ir.•\ .\I rs. .\ Ifm l t :. .\IanglnWarwick. R , 1.

~ I i " H elen e O . .\ I il kleWar ren, R , I

.\ IT. &. ;"I rs . )'\rl 'f>tl Hlion .\li llnCla,,·i lk . R. I.

.\1i" .\ Iarg-a ret S. .\I o r ri"

.\ Ir. ;" Iaur in ' J. .\1" lIIl1 ,lin

T I1l' Hon. J ohn .-\. )'\011I', j r.

;"I r..\ rt h Uf Palmer . J r.B"rriruuon. R. I.

.\ I r. Roht.,rt .\ 1. 1'.l rkn

.\11'. J ohn B. l' rire-

.\11'. Rube rt \\' . Radwa v

\ Ir~ . Nrlson R. Record

\ I rs . Frr-dr- rir k x. R it t h it'Block Island. R. I.

R" a r .-\dmifal.'\;, ;\ Ir-. .

J .,hn B. Rooncv, CS:\ ( Ret .)

\I r . & .\I r<. G.--O f.l~t' L. SawverWano,;.' l . R , I.

.\ I r-.. E . Od.-- Y ;ullan

.\Ir. I' h in .--a s S p r;I,l::w'

.\I r. & ;\I rs. Byron J.Slaprlloll

\ I r . Henry A . S trl't' t. J r .

.\l rs. Louis J. I. S ~Jl\"t1d,

\I i, ,, G relchen T onk"

.\ I r-.. Loui s J. V a ll O n k n, J r.O..rrin l{ IOn, R, 1

K"I Il: ' ·I' . The S' ,ll" t ' tt;, ""il' 1<..-1I\l<t'I· , ' I ' ' ' '1<\1 10 ''

5 ~L II EI'I'LEWHITE sow FROZ\'T BUR EAUJ/rlh O,l~(/Il )'

(secc ndarv wood - pill t: )

n ew England c. 17!1()-! B( Jl J

T his rhuic c bureau , with a well-sha ped aprllll , suppo rted by Fre nchfer'! of !-:ood proportions is rep rescntativr of the ru-w trr-nd in furni­turc desi.L:11 1\ hu-h carne in d uring" t he la st dtTadc' (If th e In th r vn t urv .

.\ Ia Il y in Irrior exam ples of I Iepplew hite st ~ le r-an h..· f, .uml i Ilrilld illgth o",- with "tr<light fronts and cr uddy shaped aprnll " with out ti ll'flare of the 1I11 1t' f edge of the fout. T he ('xlwrtly n l11slrllrted frui t­I\ood inl.rv a bove the skir t an d along the top .....T \TS to bn-ak lip til!'

plain boxlike qu al ity of this rhcst of drawers . T his pie! r- is sa id tohan' Iwlo ng-ed to a daugh ter of Ben jamin Franklin. from wh om itdescended \0 a Ood or Charles F. vtnn chcacr of Pawtucket. II w a-,

known lorall y as III(' "Be njamin Franklin bureau." a lt hflllgh it i..doubtful that that Amerk-an p hilosopher lived to St't' th i.. "new »tv lr­or furnit u re. "

Ex -collcr-tjnn Ell iot F1\11\


5 ·1 . S I D E C II A I RO N 1-: OF A S E T O F S iX

J/ l/ h (}}~ fUl .l'

Nt'\\" England 1790- 1BIll IT h is "'l l-( alh-d " Country Chippendale' ..ilk ( hai r !'lIIh" d it·.. lin i-n [>or­

tam Irnr ure- , hu t rather exemplifies a ...tu rdv ...illll'k ~r;ln' that j ..

(, llorrnolJsl~ aJJj-X·a lin.\:'. T Il(' well-developed rut <pl.u i.. of a iomlllon

X, ,\\ England palin " u';crd hoth in Rho..k l -Lrud and in \b.....krhu-e-t t-,..Ahhouuh the' heart in the center o f t i lt, d t·..ien is "hellclaimed a..a Rh()(h' Ivland feature, \\ (' find it.. IN' i.. f a i rl ~ \\ idevprr-ad."lhc dm\ nturned cre-, rail with a ..light n ·\I ·...... · ear j .. rert.rinlvunu-ual. The '(, lid pm p ortjnn.. of the "oumtrv" 11,.-..:, lit admirablewit h thr - ce llna l ('"n IOll f o r the' (hair.



55 . C H I P P E N D A L E T E A TA HL E."ah o.~ /l 71Y

Newport 17t-iO· j 7B( )

T hl' gl' lll'l ,d ,t.: ra n' and s~ lJl lllc t ry o f (h is ta bk .rdek-d to thl' unm b­tnka hh- ;'\ ewp"rt fea tu re o f t he cut -a wav " C" M rull "bIT it a lllOl lg

the hest of , Il(' work of the Rh ode b land I"a h il\l' l rna kr rs. Thepnk"tal is well pro portioned : its rela tion til till' to p and l);l~' is ( o r­n-rt ; and the dd irar y uf the acanthus can"jug hl·",M'ab the uvua]RhotIe- 1...land re-t-ai m in ornamentat ion. .\ 11 dt'lIlI' ll ! of 'tr{'n~ l h

j... added h\ thl' well-turned thigh of the 19 : while- lilt" t u l·;I\\ay " C "..noll.. hdm. al ....) "(' r H- to ~iH' ....r ight a" .... el l ;(" omameut 10 th e ha-c..\ p ropn flowi ng line i~ kept alon~ the kg, t ill' ;U1glr of '" h ich di e­1;1(, '" the elongated a ppe"arancr of t he hall a nd t 1.1w • The cri-pne-.." f thr- knuckle ca n , inK i... another indication of :'\ ("\\I'0 n o rigin, whilethe ddtl~ executed hu t restrained carvi ng" Il f the dish top deno te th efiue ha nd llf a Goddard or '1'0 \ \ n-end .

Ex-colle crion H e nrv .\ . H o lTlIMIl


M ahogany

Ne w England 1790·1800

T hese slender well-p ropo rt ioned "co untry Chippendale" side chairssho w a va riation of a common New England cut splat , whic h in thisinstance exhi bits trul y deft w orkmanship . The pattern for this typeof splat may well have been inspired by the ribbon-looped-b ackedchairs desig ned in mid-eighteenth century Engla nd by Robert Main ­waring. The interrupted crest rai l gives add itional style to th is chairwhile tilt' pla in ca r is in keepi ng w ith the over -all feelin g of gent ilityand cha rm. Modern gros point scat cove rs show the successfu l u'-C.~

of a t rue eig htee nth ce nt ury tex tile design.

G ift of ~t r. and M rs. ~I ch'i n E. Sawin


l"EW ~Iu.IBER s

J/arch 15,1959 - Jun e 1,1959

Dr. Archie A. Albertr awt ut' k,·t , ft . I

:\ff"!';. David Aldrich

Mr. W inslow Am esSaund..rstown, R. I.

Prof. G eor ge K , Anderso n

\ Irs. Samuel T. Arn old

\ Iiss Madeline H, Barlow

\tr. Ge or ge ~r. Ba ron" " wt ud ,·t, R. I.

.\I rs. Benjamin D. Berkman, jr.G ree-nwich. Conn,

\I r. Roger A. Brassard

'\ [ r. Oe orgc B. Bullock\..."I,,,n, Ma" .

.\[r. & M rs. K ip 1. Chacejbrmony, R. J.

:\Iis.s :\ [abel le H aile Chappell

.\l r. R a lph Winslow C hild sPascoag, R. I.

\ 1r. Stephen 1'. C raryW l"S[ Ib rr in gto n , R . I.

\1 iss Clara R . Crosby

\ Ir, Howard S, Curtis

Mrs. Ada Del Vecc hio

Prof. William Dinneen

M rs. Elizabeth Harr iet DrewNt'w York , N. Y.

\ [r. :\1. Bradfor d Eddy

'\ [r. & Mrs. C harles G. Edwards

Prof. C . OWCIl Et hie r

.\1r. Charles Greene EverettP" wlllc k.. t. ft. I

('onrin ~(' d on p. 88

OPE :\' TO TilE I'l;BI. I C

~ 1 ()llday th roug h Fr ida y

Sund ay "ftt'nl"oll (,·x,·c'pt h"lid;,y week ends )

Tuesday ('"\"C uing ( Libra ry oolv]

Clou d Sun dap and T UCJdll)' n'nlin':;J,

June, Jul )' and .·I U.\,lHf

lIine 10 five

'('V"ll tu nine