Hindawi Publishing Corporation Scienti�ca Volume 2012, Article ID 867562, 22 pages http://dx.doi.org/10.6064/2012/867562 Review Article �e �ole o�rotein� in �io�ilici�cation Daniel Otzen Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center (iNANO), Center for Insoluble Protein Structures (inSPIN), and Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Aarhus University, Gustav Wieds Vej 14, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark Correspondence should be addressed to Daniel Otzen; [email protected] Received 29 August 2012; Accepted 24 September 2012 Academic Editors: S. A. Newman and T. Wess Copyright © 2012 Daniel Otzen. is is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Although the use of silicon dioxide (silica) as a constituent of living organisms is mainly restricted to diatoms and sponges, the ways in which this process is controlled by nature continue to inspire and fascinate. Both diatoms and sponges carry out biosili�ciation using an organic matrix but they adopt very different strategies. Diatoms use small and heavily modi�ed peptides called silaffins, where the most characteristic feature is a modulation of charge by attaching long chain polyamines (LCPAs) to lysine groups. Free LCPAs can also cooperate with silaffins. Sponges use the enzyme silicatein which is homologous to the cysteine protease cathepsin. Both classes of proteins form higher-order structures which act both as structural templates and mechanistic catalysts for the polycondensation reaction. In both cases, additional proteins are continuously being discovered which modulate the process further. is paper concentrates on the role of these proteins in the biosili�cation process as well as in various applications, highlighting areas where focus on speci�c protein properties may provide further insight. e �eld of biosili�cation is a crossroads of different disciplines, where insight into the energetics and mechanisms of molecular self-assembly combine with fundamental biology, complex multicomponent colloidal systems, and an impressive array of potential technological applications. 1. Introduction Biomineralization is the formation of complexes containing inorganic materials by living organisms. is occurs in organs as diverse as bone, teeth, egg shells, and invertebrate exoskeletons [1]. Calcium is a very “popular” biomineral, occurring for example, as phosphates in vertebrate skeletons and carbonates in mollusk shells. However, another impor- tant player is silicon. Silicon is the second most common element in the Earth’s crust aer oxygen, and silica (silicon dioxide) is the most abundant compound in the earth’s crust. Biosilici�cation is the process by which inorganic silicon is incorporated into living organisms as silica, which occurs on the scale of gigatons [2]. In practice this involves the condensation of orthosilicate Si(OH) 4 into long polymers with the elimination of water (Figure 1). e process mainly occurs in the unicellular diatoms and the multicellular sponges, but silica also deposits in plants [3] and even in higher mammals, having been reported in the electric organs of the �sh Psammobatis extenta [4]. e deposition of silica is fascinating in many ways. At the purely visual level, silici�cation leads to an ex�uisitely beautiful outcome. Right from their �rst descriptions, uni- and multicellular silicifying organisms drew admiring com- ments; they were considered to be without “rival [s] in beauty” [5, 6] (Figure 2). High magni�cation images of the cell walls of diatoms continue to amaze with their intricate and seemingly delicate structures and in�nite variety of nanostructures [7] (Figure 3). What is particularly amazing is that this process occurs under physiological conditions at temperatures between 0 and 37 C, neutral pH, and ambient pressure, and biosilici�cation is around 10 6 times faster than the corresponding abiotic process [8]. In contrast, chemical synthesis of materials containing silica (typically used as semiconductors, chromatographic resins, ceramics, plastics, and insulators) proceeds at extreme values of pressure, pH, and temperature. Yet the biosilica formed by humble diatoms and sponges is no less robust than synthetic glass; it only melts at temperatures above 2000 C [9] and shows high material toughness, strength, and elasticity [10] as well as impressive light-transmitting properties [11]. e secret behind these marvels lies in the integration of the silica material into an organic matrix consisting of proteins and in some cases organic molecules such as long chain polyamines

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Hindawi Publishing CorporationScienti�caVolume 2012, Article ID 867562, 22 pageshttp://dx.doi.org/10.6064/2012/867562

Review Article��e �ole o� �rotein� in �io�ilici�cation

Daniel Otzen

Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center (iNANO), Center for Insoluble Protein Structures (inSPIN), and Department ofMolecular Biology and Genetics, Aarhus University, Gustav Wieds Vej 14, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark

Correspondence should be addressed to Daniel Otzen; [email protected]

Received 29 August 2012; Accepted 24 September 2012

Academic Editors: S. A. Newman and T. Wess

Copyright © 2012 Daniel Otzen.is is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, whichpermits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Although the use of silicon dioxide (silica) as a constituent of living organisms is mainly restricted to diatoms and sponges, the waysin which this process is controlled by nature continue to inspire and fascinate. Both diatoms and sponges carry out biosili�ciationusing an organic matrix but they adopt very different strategies. Diatoms use small and heavily modi�ed peptides called silaffins,where the most characteristic feature is a modulation of charge by attaching long chain polyamines (LCPAs) to lysine groups.Free LCPAs can also cooperate with silaffins. Sponges use the enzyme silicatein which is homologous to the cysteine proteasecathepsin. Both classes of proteins form higher-order structures which act both as structural templates and mechanistic catalystsfor the polycondensation reaction. In both cases, additional proteins are continuously being discovered whichmodulate the processfurther. is paper concentrates on the role of these proteins in the biosili�cation process as well as in various applications,highlighting areas where focus on speci�c protein properties may provide further insight. e �eld of biosili�cation is a crossroadsof different disciplines, where insight into the energetics and mechanisms of molecular self-assembly combine with fundamentalbiology, complex multicomponent colloidal systems, and an impressive array of potential technological applications.

1. Introduction

Biomineralization is the formation of complexes containinginorganic materials by living organisms. is occurs inorgans as diverse as bone, teeth, egg shells, and invertebrateexoskeletons [1]. Calcium is a very “popular” biomineral,occurring for example, as phosphates in vertebrate skeletonsand carbonates in mollusk shells. However, another impor-tant player is silicon. Silicon is the second most commonelement in the Earth’s crust aer oxygen, and silica (silicondioxide) is the most abundant compound in the earth’s crust.Biosilici�cation is the process by which inorganic silicon isincorporated into living organisms as silica, which occurson the scale of gigatons [2]. In practice this involves thecondensation of orthosilicate Si(OH)4 into long polymerswith the elimination of water (Figure 1). e process mainlyoccurs in the unicellular diatoms and the multicellularsponges, but silica also deposits in plants [3] and even inhigher mammals, having been reported in the electric organsof the �sh Psammobatis extenta [4].

e deposition of silica is fascinating in many ways. Atthe purely visual level, silici�cation leads to an ex�uisitely

beautiful outcome. Right from their �rst descriptions, uni-and multicellular silicifying organisms drew admiring com-ments; they were considered to be without “rival [s] inbeauty” [5, 6] (Figure 2). High magni�cation images of thecell walls of diatoms continue to amaze with their intricateand seemingly delicate structures and in�nite variety ofnanostructures [7] (Figure 3). What is particularly amazingis that this process occurs under physiological conditions attemperatures between 0 and 37∘C, neutral pH, and ambientpressure, and biosilici�cation is around 106 times faster thanthe corresponding abiotic process [8]. In contrast, chemicalsynthesis of materials containing silica (typically used assemiconductors, chromatographic resins, ceramics, plastics,and insulators) proceeds at extreme values of pressure,pH, and temperature. Yet the biosilica formed by humblediatoms and sponges is no less robust than synthetic glass;it only melts at temperatures above 2000∘C [9] and showshigh material toughness, strength, and elasticity [10] as wellas impressive light-transmitting properties [11]. e secretbehind these marvels lies in the integration of the silicamaterial into an organic matrix consisting of proteins and insome cases organic molecules such as long chain polyamines

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Si ++ O H2O

F 1: Condensation of two orthosilicate molecules with the elimination of water. is process can be continued ad in�nitum to lead tolong insoluble biosilica molecules.

(a) (b)

F 2: Siliceous sponges. (a) Venus’ Flower Basket (Euplectella aspergillum), greatest dimension 25 cm (hexactinellid). Copyright HeidiReed. (b) Barrel sponge (Xestospongia testudinaria), demosponge.

(LCPAs). is matrix sculpts the silica to form nanoscalecomposites under exquisite morphological control. Since the�rst identi�cation of silica-forming proteins around 1998-1999 there has been immense progress in the understandingof the role which proteins and LCPAs play in the process ofbiosilici�cation, yetmany questions remain unanswered bothat the level of overall architecture and the molecular detailsof the outcome.e key issue is how the organic componentssculpt an inorganic process into a biological structure with awell-de�ned function.

is paper will try to address the process of biosili�cationfrom the perspective of the proteins involved.ere aremanytruly excellent reviews on the topic of biosilici�cation, thoughthey tend to concentrate either on diatoms [12, 13] or sponges[14–22], with only a few treating both [23]. Here I willcompare the two ma�or classes of biosili�cation, trying tohighlight common principles, and the ways in which proteinscience may contribute to further advance this �eld.

2. The Two Classes of Silicifying Organisms

e unicellular algae termed diatoms contain a silica cellwall (frustule) which consists of two overlapping valves withinterconnecting segments or girdle bands. Valves are formedduring cell division within a few minutes by controlledprecipitation of silica. Silica is concentrated within the silicadeposition vesicle which is encased by the silicalemmamembrane. When the siliceous wall in diatoms has matured,it is expelled and a new plasmalemma is formed underneathit [24]. e valve structure is a hierarchy of self-similaror fractal patterns. Within each valve, each hexagonallyarranged chamber (areolae) contains a set of hexagonallyarranged pores (cribrum) which in turn embodies a set ofeven smaller hexagonally arranged pores (cribellum). Cell

wall maturation occurs in a centripetal or top-down fashion,in which �rst the areolae form, followed by cribrum, and thencribellum [25].

e diatoms’ cell walls, within which the silica is inte-grated, are no bigger than a few 𝜇𝜇m. In contrast, spongesform cylindrical siliceous structures known as spicules whichcan be up to 3m long and several cm wide as in the caseof Monorhaphis chuni. ere are two classes of spongeswithin the phylum Porifera which produce siliceous spicules,namely, the Demosponges and theHexactinellids.ey differin the structures of the spicules, which tend to only haveone or four axes in the Demosponges (Figure 4) and six axesfor the Hexactinellids. Spicules are formed within sclerocytecells [26]. Within the Demosponges, the spicules tend to fallinto different size classes. Megascleres, with lengths beyond300 𝜇𝜇m, constitute the bulk of the sponge skeleton whilemicroscleres are much smaller and more variable in sizeand shape and have ancillary function [27] (Figure 4). Inboth sponge classes, the spicules contain a core proteinstructure, the axial �lament [28], and silica deposits aroundthis �lament in an intricate periodic arrangement, leading toconcentric layers or lamellae.ese lamellae fuse or biosinterin demosponges uponmaturation but remainmore distinctlylamellar in hexactinellids. Silica is stored within intracellulargranules called silicasomes [29] which release their contentextracellularly by exocytosis [30], transferring silica to thelamellae.

3. Uptake of Silica: Membrane-Bound SiliconTransporters with Silicate-BindingMotifs

Proteins have to come to the rescue already at the very�rst stage of silici�cation, namely, the accumulation ofsilicate within cells to concentrations high enough for

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F 3: Images of various diatoms. Reproduced courtesy of Mark Hildebrand and New Scientist, 2004.

F 4: Spicules of (A, D–F) S. domuncula and (B, C) G. cydonium. (A)e skeletal tissue of S. domuncula only forms long spicules calledmegascleres which are either tylostyles (spicules with swelling at one end) or styles (pointed at both ends); the axial canal <(ac) visible whereone spicule is broken. (B)Microscleres (mis) are composed both ofmegascleres (mes) andmicroscleres, consisting ofmany thin rays radiatingfrom a globular center and with the axial canal clearly visible in cross sections (C), sometimes with the axial �lament (af) visible. (D) etylostyle (sp) swelling has a terminal knob (k) atop a collar. (�) e axial �lament may be seen more clearly in a spicular cross section. (F)e underlying axial �lament is more clearly seen when the spicule is partially dissolved in hydrogen �uoride. Reproduced with permissionfrom [38].

subsequent deposition. e concentration of silicic acid isaround 3–70 𝜇𝜇M in seawater, depending on the biologicalconsumption of silica in the local environment [2]. isis actively transported into the cell by silicon transporters,leading to intracellular concentrations above 100mM. isconcentration is so high that silicate is effectively supersat-urated, providing a clear indication that other componentssuch as proteins have to be present to maintain the silica ina soluble state. Because of the low concentration of silicicacid outside the cell, silicon uptake requires a specialized

active transport system. Only one transporter has so far beenidenti�ed in sponges, namely, a protein in S. domunculaassigned to the NBC transporter family, whose expression isupregulated by increasing the silicic acid concentration andwhose activity is localized to areas close to spicules [31]. istransporter is predicted to contain 10 transmembrane helicesin the C-terminal region and to cotransport sodium ions withsilicate ions, but no silicate binding motifs have been iden-ti�ed. In contrast, numerous transporters are known fromdiatoms, starting from the �rst description in Cylindrotheca

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Intracellular X

F 5: Proposed model of silicon transport through the 10-transmembrane diatom transporter. e outward-facing conformation bindsextracelllar silicate through hydrogen bonding to 2 conserved Gln in the transmembrane helices 7 and 8. A conformational change to aninward-facing conformation allows silicate to bind to other conserved Gln in the loop between helices 2 and 3, releasing silicate into the cellto be bound by as yet unknown components. Reproduced with permission from [36].

fusiformis using the Si analogue 68Ge as tracer [32]. eseare also integral plasma membrane proteins [33] also with10 predicted and highly conserved transmembrane helices[34], which work as silicate/sodium symporters in 1 : 1 trans-port stoichiometry [32] and with apparent protein-siliconinteraction constants ofmoderate affinity (0.5–10 𝜇𝜇M).eseaffinities lie in a concentration range slightly below that ofsilicate concentration in sea water [35].e less conserved C-terminal domain of the transporters may interact with otherproteins. e sodium binding sites are similar to those ofother sodium transporters, while silicate is proposed to betaken up and transported over the membrane via hydrogenbonding to Gln residues in GXQ motifs [36] (Figure 5).Transporter expression is induced prior to maximal siliconuptake and before cell wall silici�cation starts [37].

3.1. Challenging Issues: Structure and Protein Engineeringof Silicate Transporters. Obviously the transporters’ silicatebinding motifs are likely to be different from the motifspromoting binding to proteins for condensation reactions,since the silicate only has to be bound transiently without(presumably) undergoing any chemical changes (it has tobe said that we still do not know what chemical species isthe precursor to the �nal silica structure, see below). Never-theless, it will be very interesting to obtain more structuralinformation about this class of proteins and contrast theirsilicate binding/release strategy with that of silicate con-densation proteins. Although no high resolution structureis available of silicate transporters, it has recently becomepossible to express the transporter SIT3 from the diatom T.pseudonana in S. cerevisiae [39], based on GFP fusions tooptimize expression and puri�cation. e protein is active inreconstituted proteoliposomes and forms a homotetrameric𝛼𝛼-helical membrane protein. Its low affinity (K0.5 ∼ 20 𝜇𝜇M)suggests that it may be a member of an “early warningsystem”; at low silica concentrations, the binding sites willnot be �lled to the same extent, possibly leading to theupregulation of high-affinity transporters. ere are also

silicon transporters in rice [40] and other plants [41], butthey are not homologous to the diatom transporters andmay use a different transport strategy altogether. Muchinformation may be obtained by further analysis of silicontransporters, particularly in terms of atomic level structure.Silicate transporters constitute well-de�ned protein entities�rmly embedded in the plasma membrane and there shouldnot be any methodological barriers to their crystallization,apart from the usual experimental challenges for crystalliza-tion of membrane proteins such as obtaining mg amountsof pure, monodisperse, and active transporters which cancrystallize in an appropriate detergent/lipidicmatrix (see e.g.,[42] and related articles in that issue). Additional informationmay be obtained by selection for transporter mutants withincreased uptake of silicate.

4. Identifying ProteinsIn�o��ed in �iosi�i�i���tion

ere are twomajor strategies to identify proteins involved inbiosilici�cation: the direct and the indirect approach. In thedirect approach, proteins are directly isolated from the silicaof biological specimens, that is, either the mature cell wallof the diatom or sponge spicules. eir biosilicifying activitymay be determined by their ability to form precipitates ofsilica from solutions of either silicic acid (diatom proteins)or organic precursors such as tetraethoxysilane (spongeproteins); the pelleted silica may then be hydrolysed inalkali and its concentration measured using the colorimetricmolybdic blue assay [43, 44]. Indirect approaches are typicallyglobal analyses such as whole genome expression pro�lingwhich may compare the levels of different RNA transcriptsproduced under conditions where silicate is limited versus inexcess [45] and correlate whose genes’ transcription corre-lates with that of known silicifying proteins [46]. Candidategenes may in both cases subsequently be corroborated byimmunostaining or coexpression with reporter genes suchas GFP. e two approaches may also be combined in yeast

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two hybrid screens [38, 47] or pull-down assays [38] whereproteins linked to biosilici�cation are used as bait.

Given that biosilica structures are usually very robustand resistant to most chemical and physical insults, itis challenging to extract proteins from these compositeswithout degrading or chemically modifying them. Since the�rst reports of silicifying proteins in the late 1990�s, moreproteins have been discovered—and the understanding of thechemical nature of the proteins involved has advanced—asextraction methods have become more exhaustive and alsoless chemically aggressive, and it is likely that additionalproteins will be added to the list in the coming years. iswill be aided by the steady increase in the number of genomesfrom different silicifying organism [49]. Nevertheless, thechemical modi�cations of different silicifying proteins andthe role of nonproteinaceous components such as long chainpolyamines continue to make elucidation of biosilici�cationstrategies challenging at both the chemical, biological, andbiophysical level.

4.1. Diatoms: Silaffins and Friends. Sumper and coworkerswere the �rst to identify proteins directly involved in diatomsilici�cation. In a landmark paper in Science in 1999 [50],they �rst removed relatively loosely bound proteins fromthe isolated cell wall of the diatom Cylindrotheca fusiformisusing chemical procedures such as EDTA. ey then usedanhydrous hydrogen �uoride (HF) to dissolve the silicastructure and leave adhering proteins behind which wereseparated by cation exchange chromatography, exploitingthe highly cationic nature of some of these proteins (seebelow). is process identi�ed two classes of proteins: the�rst class is a class of proteins around 200 kDa calledHEP200 (HF-extractable proteins) or pleuralins [51], whichare tightly bound to the silica via silica strips which braidthe cell and are shielded by more peripherally bound Ca2+-binding proteins (frustulins) [52]; none of these proteins areactively involved in biosilici�cation. e second and moreabundant class involved a band of proteins around 4–17 kDa,called silaffins. Of these, silaffin-1A (in itself a mixture ofpeptides) migrated around 4 kDa, silaffin-1B around 8 kDa,and silaffin-2 around 17 kDa. All these proteins were indi-vidually able to precipitate silica as nm-sized spheres froma metastable solution of silicic acid within seconds. A keyto the polycondensation properties of these proteins lies intheir chemical structure. e silaffin-1 peptides derive froma 265-residue sil1p polypeptide, of which residues 20–107contain many acidic residues while residues 108–265 aremore basic, containing Lys-Lys and Arg-Arg motifs in arepetitive structure (repeats R1–R7 of sizes 19, 22, or 33residues). e peptides identi�ed in the silaffin-1A1 band arearound 2.5–3 kDa and represents individual repeats R3–R7,cleaved at sequence motifs RIL or RNL, while repeats R1and R2 give rise to silaffin-1B and silaffin-1A2, respectively.In the diatom alassiosira pseudonana, another intenselystudied diatom, the identi�ed silaffins tpsil1-3 [53] show nosequence homology with C. fusiformis silaffins but have thesame general amino acid composition and post-translationalmodi�cation (see below). ese silaffins are derived from

three precursor polypeptides which are cleaved in differentways; only the low-molecular forms form porous silica invitro.

e 19-residue peptide repeat R5 (SSKKSGSYSG SKGSKRRIL) has subsequently been used in numerous attempts toharness silici�cation in vitro. Its C-terminal RRIL motif iscritical for activity [55]. Synthetically prepared R5 is unableto precipitate silica below pH7, whereas native silaffin-1Ahasmaximal activity at pH 5 and persists down to pH 4 [50].is low-pH activity nicely re�ects the acidic environmentof the silicon deposition vesicle in which silica formationtakes place [56], and derives from an unusual property of thesilaffins, namely, covalent modi�cation. �odi�cation occursin two different ways:

(a) �ys modi�cation �ith polyamines and methyl �roups:silaffins contain numerous Lys-Lys pairs, in which the�rst Lys is typically linked to 6–11 repeats of N-methyl-propylamine or another long-chain polyamine, while thesecond Lys is modi�ed to either 𝜀𝜀-N,N-dimethyl lysine or𝜀𝜀-N,N,N-trimethyl-𝛿𝛿-hydroxylysine [48] (Figure 6). Sucha modi�cation allows for a combination of cationic andhydrogen-bonding interactions to bind tightly to the surfacesof silica particles. In C. fusiformis, the polyamines are allattached to the silaffin backbone, but in other diatoms theyalso exist as free long chain polyamines (LCPAs) and areintimately involved in biosilici�cation [57]. Each LCPA istypically 0.6–1.5 kDa long and is based on a (usually N-methylated) propylamine, usually attached to ornithine orits decarboxylated product putrescine with different degreesof N-methylation. A more detailed empirical rule has beenformulated based on the modi�ed lysines of silaffin-3 fromthe diatom alassiosira pseudonana, where 30 of the 33Lys are found in a K-A�S��-K tetrapeptide. Here the �rstLys has two aminopropyl units (4,8-diazaoctanyl-residue)while the second lysine (if separated by at least 5 aa fromother tetrapeptide clusters) is an 𝜀𝜀-N,N-dimethyllysine; withshorter separations, both subsequent K are modi�ed by twoaminopropyl units [58]. Clearly there has to be a sophisticatedmultistep enzymatic machinery for these modi�cations butthe details are only beginning to be elucidated [59].

(b) Ser phosphorylation: if hydrogen �uoride extractionis replaced by gentler ammonium �uoride treatment at pH5, protein-phosphate ester bonds will not be hydrolyzed.is allowed Sumper and coworkers to identify 8 phos-phate groups linked to silaffin-1A [60], of which 7 bindSer and 1 binds a trimethyl-hydroxyl-Lys (Figure 6). esephosphate groups affect SDS-PAGE signi�cantly, increasingthe apparent molecular weight from ∼4 to 6.5 kDa epresence of phosphate groups makes silaffin 1A able toprecipitate silica in the absence of phosphate buffer. If thephosphate group is not present on the protein, it has to besupplied in buffer form and is used up stoichiometricallyin the process. Silaffin-2 and silaffin-1B in C. fusiformis arealso phosphorylated to signi�cant extents [61]. In additionto LCPAs and phosphate groups, silaffin-2 is modi�ed byhydroxyproline, sulfates, and complex carbohydrates, and allin all possesses an exceptionally high negative charge density.is high anionic density means that native silaffin-2 cannot(but deglycosylated and disulfated silaffin-2 can) precipitate

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F 6: Chemical structure of silaffin-1A1. e lysine modi�cations include oligo-N-methyl-propylamine, 𝜀𝜀-N,N-dimethyl-lysine, and 𝜀𝜀-N,N,N-trimethyl-𝛿𝛿-phospholysine. ere are 7 serine phosphorylations. Reproduced with permission from [23], adapted in turn from [48].

silica in vitro unless helped by LCPAs, and that native silaffin-2 actually inhibits native silaffin-1A’s silici�cation activity athigh silaffin-2 concentrations, probably by shielding silaffin-1A’s positive charge [61]. Glycosylation also plays a role inother silaffins; for example, the high molecular weight formsof silaffins from T. pseudonana are highly glycosylated aswell as containing dihydroxyproline, and they are unableto precipitate silica in vitro [53]. Another phosphorylatedprotein from T. pseudonana is silacidin, a highly acidiclow-molecular weight peptide which mainly consist of Ser(more than 60% of which is phosphorylated), Asp and Glu[62] and is thus likely to be mainly unstructured. Silacidinpromotes silica precipitation in the presence of LCPA, per-haps by forming large-scale structures due to electrostaticinteractions, and thus possibly working as a ��rst-aid agent�ensuring effective silica processing in silicic acid depletedhabitats [63]. A membrane-associated Ser-speci�c silaffinkinase has recently been identi�ed in T. pseudonana based onits similar expression pattern as tpsil3 [64]. However, it onlyphosphorylates a fraction of all silaffins and accounts for only∼25% of all silaffin kinase activity, indicating that many otherkinases are active.

4.1.1. How Is Silica Precipitation Regulated by the Active Com-ponents? Silaffins have no monopoly on silici�cation. �vensimple lysine oligomers can stimulate silica precipitation invitro in a way that increases strongly with peptide length[65], and the very basic enzyme hen egg white lysozyme alsostimulates silica precipitation in an act of self-encapsulation[66]. Dendrimers terminated with polyprolyeneimine also

form silica nanospheres with diameters of 170–400 nm, prob-ably because positive patches on the dendrimer surface bindsilanoate or silica species [67]. In fact, LCPAs inCoscinodiscus(which has no silaffins) have been proposed to be intrinsicallyable to drive silica precipitation and pattern formation inan ingenious model proposed by Sumper [54], in whichthe amphiphilic nature of the LCPAs leads to repeatedphase separation within the silicon deposition vesicles ina hierarchical fashion, ultimately fashioning the areolae-cribrum-cribellum arrangement in a top-down approachuntil all the LCPA is used up (Figure 7). Microemulsionformation will be stabilized by increased methylation [68]while charged and uncharged amino groups may providea pH-switch; partial protonation of LCPAs at neutral pHenables them to act as Brønsted acids to promote silicacondensation [69]. Further modulation is provided by vari-ations in the intramolecular amine-amine spacing and thecarbon:nitrogen ratio [70]. However, phosphates are alsorequired for LCPA silica precipitation through microscopicphase separation via the formation of a hydrogen-bondingnetwork stabilized by electrostatic interactions [71], and thisillustrates how phosphorylated silaffins can profoundly mod-ulate this process. Similarly, phosphate groups are requiredfor nonsilaffin peptides to induce silica condensation [72, 73]by nucleating peptides around the phosphate group.

Fundamentally, the activation barriers to silica condensa-tion include the diffusion-limited collision of silicate particlesand the accumulation of negative charge in the consequentoligomers. Peptides and LCPAs can reduce this barrier byincreasing the local concentration of silicate particles (asnucleation points or scaffolds, as suggested by simulation

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(a) (b) (c) (d)

(e) (f) (g) (h)

300 nm

F 7: Templating of diatom cell wall structure by the physical-chemical properties of long-chain polyamines within the silica-depositionvesicle in the phase separation model. (a)–(d) are models and (e)–(h) are scanning electron micrographs of the silaffin-free diatom C. wailesiivalves at different stages of growth. (a) A monolayer of LCPA droplets in a hexagonal arrangement. (b) and (c): Stepwise segregation intosmaller droplets provides new locations for silica precipitation to the �nal dispersion into 50-nm droplets. Silica precipitation takes placewithin the water phase (white areas). Reproduced with permission from [54].

studies [74]) and complementing the charge accumulation,both through electrostatic interactions. LCPAs and silaffinsin C. fusiformis can precipitate silica alone and togetherbut with different outcomes. In T. pseudonana at acidicpH (5.5), different silaffins only precipitate silica togetherwith LCPA and with different concentration dependenciesand morphologies (ranging from spheres of different sizesto porous sheets and plates) [53]. Simple inhibition of theornithine decarboxylase in T. pseudonana, which reduces theability to form LCPAs, leads to a drastic alteration of thesilica structure [46]. e obvious corollary is that differentcombinations of silaffins and LCPAs can govern the differentmorphologies of diatoms.

4.1.2. Challenging Issues: e Interplay between Silaffins and�C�� in Self��ssembly and Silici�cation� Small �ngle Scatter�ing Techniques with Reconstituted Complexes. ere is likelyto be a very complex interplay between the different com-ponents of silaffins, their post-translational modi�cationsand LCPAs in their self-assembly and organization of thediatom cell wall. Given that there are so many differentways of precipitating silica with different combinations ofsilaffins and LCPAs where the modi�cations on the silaffinsalso will affect the outcome, it is probably going to bedifficult to establish a single unambiguous pathway in vivo.A major goal of biophysical studies is to establish rules orprinciples for how this may occur. Despite the enormousvariety of silaffins and LCPAs, there may be simple guidelinesat play. ere are already tantalizing hints. Native silaffin-1Aself-assembles to large aggregates at low ionic strength (asmeasured by 31P-NMR line broadening) [60], just as it is able

to form spherical clusters, strand networks and bicontinuousstructures in coarse-grained simulations [74]. Furthermore,the LCPA modi�cations of native silaffin-2 may mediateits self-assembly [61]. Native silaffin-1A and native silaffin-2A coaggregate at low ionic strength and can be pelleted,unlike the individual peptides [61]; different ratios of thetwo peptides lead to different morphologies. Silaffin-2 can beseen as a polyanionic regulator of silica formation, much assurfactants can modulate the effect of block copolymers onthe synthesis of mesoporous silica [61]. Similarly, hydroxyl-containing molecules such as alcohols and carbohydratesdramatically decrease the sizes of silica particles formed byR5 peptides, probably by reducing the nucleation barrierby providing additional hydrogen-bonding partners [75].Clearly it will be necessary to work out in greater detailhow these aggregation steps occur, while taking into accountthe constraints provided by the biological environment, forexample, the dynamics of microtubules and actin whichmay control the micro- and mesoscale positioning of silicastructures [76].

Detailed information about the molecular interactionsbetween silicate and peptides/LCPAs leading to silica con-densation will be a great help. Atomic-level structures byX-ray crystallography are not going to be easy to obtainhere because the diffuse and colloidal nature of the differentsilaffin-LCPA complexes are an obstacle to the precise latticecontacts required for crystallization; they are also likely tobe too large and polydisperse for solution NMR structures.However, in situ Si-NMR studies of the chemical changesto silicate ions and their local environment may provide acertain level of insight, either in vitro or in vivo. Anotherpromising approach would be to carry out a systematic

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T 1

Diatoms Sponges

Silica structure Cell wall Body skeleton (multilamellar spicules of varyingsizes)

Silica storage organelle Silicon deposition vesicle with silicalemma Silicasomes

Major silicifying protein Small silaffin peptides (mainly 2.5–3 kDa) Large silicatein protein (36 kDa in S. domuncula),homologous to cathepsin.

Precursor in vitro Silicic acid (occurs naturally thoughorthosilicate has never been isolated in vivo)

Silicon alkoxides such as tetraethoxysilane (notidenti�ed in vivo)

Mechanism of silici�cation General stimulation of polycondensation byelectrostatic interactions

Catalysis of condensation with well-de�nedcatalytic residues


Lys hydroxylation, methylation, long chainaminesSer phosphorylation (kinase identi�ed)Hydroxy(phospho)prolinesAlso glycosylation and sulfation

Phosphorylation is required for silicateinoligomerization.

Long chain polyaminesCovalently attached to silaffins and in somecases free in solution. Play a major role insilici�cation.

No LCPAs (except for Axinyssa aculeate wherethey can deposit silica and are associated withspicules [77])

Additional proteincomponents Cingulins, silacidins Collagen, galectin, and silintaphins

Protein scaffold assembly Unclear how the silaffins assemble in vivoSilicatein forms an axial �lament at the core of thespicules and coats the spicule surface to promotegrowth by apposition

analysis of the assembly behavior of different silaffins aloneand together with LCPAs using low-resolution techniquessuch as small angle X-ray scattering which can follow thestructural evolution of complex assemblies of for example,proteins alone and in combination with other self-organizingmolecules such as surfactants in real time [78, 79]. It will be achallenge to obtain sufficient amounts of authentic protein,though reconstruction of the enzymatic machinery, whichhas recently started to be dissected [59], may help. Perhapstransfer and whole-sale recombinant coexpression of theinvolved enzymes (bacterially derived polyamine synthesiz-ing S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase (AdoMetDC) andan aminopropyltransferase, sometimes fused to a eukaryotichistoneN-methyltransferase domain, that potentially synthe-size and N-methylate LCPAs) may allow us to reconstitute ahigh-yielding modi�cation system.

We can also expect other proteins to be discovered whichwill further nuance the overall picture. A very recent exampleincludes the cingulins, obtained from a bioinformatics min-ing of theT. pseudonana genome for silaffin-like proteins (i.e.,proteins with domains of at least 100 residues with at least18% Ser and 10% Lys as well as an ER signal peptide). Ofthe 89 peptides found, 6 contained highly repetitive domains,where silaffin-like regions (KXXK) alternative with Trp- orTyr-rich domains [80]. ese proteins at located at girdlebands and bound so strongly that they are not even releasedby anhydrous hydrogen �uoride, hence precluding theiridenti�cation by conventional means. Perhaps they representthe inner core of the scaffold that aggregate via hydrophobicor aromatic interactions of the Trp/Tyr rich domains? It is

intriguing that these proteins may be just as vital as silaffinsin the silici�cation process.

4.2. Sponges: Silicatein, the Glassy Version of Cathepsin. Giventhat biosilici�cation by all accounts has arisen independentlyin diatoms and sponges, it must come as no surprise thatthere are signi�cant differences between the silica depositionstrategies—and the outcomes of the process—in these twogroups. e major differences can be encapsulated in Table1.

As was the case for the diatom silaffins, the majorsilicifying component of sponges was identi�ed by directprotein analysis of sponge material [81]. e sponge Tethyaaurantia was bleached and soaked in acid, leaving mainlythe needle-like skeletal elements called spicules (diameter∼30 𝜇𝜇m, constituting 75% of total sponge dry weight) fromwhich the silica was removed by anhydrous hydrogen �uo-ride. e remaining material are �bril-shaped axial �laments(diameter ∼2 𝜇𝜇m, only 0.1% of total spicule weight) gave 3SDS-PAGE bands, identi�ed as silicateins (silica proteins)𝛼𝛼, 𝛽𝛽, and 𝛾𝛾; these are present in the ratio 12 : 6 : 1 in T.aurantia which may re�ect a speci�c structural arrange-ment involving these three peptides. Cloning of the major330-residue protein silicatein 𝛼𝛼 showed the protein to be45% identical to the lysosomal cysteine protease cathepsin(including full conservation of 3 disul�de bonds), but withthe major difference that cathepsin’s catalytic Cys is replacedby a Ser in silicatein, while the other two members of thecatalytic triad are in both cases His and Asn. (there may be

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silicateins with catalytic Cys instead of Ser [82]). e axial�laments survive the harsh extraction procedure (thoughthey can be denatured by boiling [83]) and are able tocatalyze formation of insoluble silica from organosilanes liketetraethoxysilane (which is otherwise stable inwater), leadingto precipitation along the �laments’ long axis and 29Si-NMRevidence for an incompletely polymerized silica network [83].Silicatein-like proteins have also been discovered in manyother sponges [84] including proteins in the ratio 4 silicatein𝛼𝛼 : 1 silicatein 𝛽𝛽 in Suberitus domuncula [85], a dimerizingsilicatein in �etrosia �ciformis corresponding to silicatein 𝛽𝛽[86], and even silicateins from nonspicule forming sponges[87]. Many of these silicatein-producing sponges come fromLake Baikal which continues to be a rich source of diversityamongst the siliceous sponges [88, 89].

Silicatein is a many-faceted enzyme with multiple activ-ities and self-association patterns. e precursor protein is35 kDa large (including a 15-residue signal peptide), but inaddition to the signal peptide, there is a 87-residue propep-tide which is removed autocatalytically by an as yet unidenti-�ed mechanism [90], leaving a 23 kDa mature protein (thisproperty likely explains its reported proteolytic activity insome contexts [91, 92]). Silicatein’s silica-related enzymaticactivity has prompted many investigations. No cofactors areinvolved and the process can proceed in simple buffer systemsalthough Fe3+ has been reported to promote the reaction [93],while Mg2+ and EDTA have no effect. Mutation of the twomajor catalytic residues Ser 26 and His165 in T. aurantiareduces activity 10-fold to a level which is still twice thatof the denatured protein [94]. While it is generally agreedthat the mechanism requires a nucleophilic Ser group whoseH-bond to His’ imidazole group enhances the efficiencyof the S𝑁𝑁2 attack, the details of the enzymatic mechanismremains controversial. Silicon ethoxide condensation hasbeen proposed to occur via a Ser-Si covalent intermediate[83], but this has not been demonstrated directly though avery thorough model has recently been proposed [95]. It hasnot been possible to crystallize silicatein due to its tendencyto aggregate to higher-order structures, but it is possibleto crystallize and determine the structures of mutants ofcathepsin with the ability to condense silica from silicic acid[96]. In these mutants, mutation of cathepsin’s active site Cysand the two adjoining residues to the corresponding silicateinmutants was sufficient to induce this activity. e authorspropose a simple deprotonation reaction in which His163deprotonates Si(OH)4 to form a template for subsequentcondensation without a covalent intermediate. Confusingly,these constructs show no activity against silicatein’s “normal”substrate TEOS, and this makes it more doubtful whether thecathepsin chimeras are appropriate model systems.

Silicatein mimetics exploit small molecule compoundsto mimic the nucleophile-hydrogen bond acceptor Ser-His arrangement separated by a suitable carbon spacer,for example cysteamine (SH nucleophile and NH2acceptor) and ethanolamine. is can lead to particlesof size 40–100 nm based on organosilane precursors[97]. Analogously, block copolymers of Cys/Ser and Lys

also make silica deposits from TEOS, leading to SiO2spheres (with reduced Cys) or blocks (with oxidized Cys)[98]. More spatially controlled deposits can be formed outby mixing two populations of gold particles modi�ed withimidazole and hydroxyl groups, respectively [99].

Interestingly, in addition to its condensing or anabolicactivity as a silica polymerase, silicatein may also havecatabolic activity, given that it is able to cleave bis-p-aminophenoxy-dimethylsilane as a silica esterase [30], andit is even speculated that the switch from one activity tothe other is controlled by low molecular weight compounds[30]. Perhaps such compounds could be present in sili-casomes, where monomeric silicic acid may self-condenseand could be hydrolysed back by silicatein. Alternatively,depolymerization activitymay be taken care of by the 43-kDasilicase [101] discovered in S. domuncula, which is relatedto carbonic anhydrases. Just as the anhydrases control thehydration of carbon dioxide, silicase can dissolve biosilicaand is upregulated at higher orthosilicate concentrations,perhaps to allow for a more dynamic equilibrium betweenmineralized and soluble silica.

4.2.1. Silicatein: An Enzyme for All Elements? Silicatein is notspeci�c for silica precursors. T. aurantia silicatein it also actson related metal oxides such as gallium nitrate [102], leadingto deposition of gallium oxyhydroxide [103]. Alkoxides oftitanium can be transformed to titanium oxide nanocrystalscalled anatase [104] and the barium salt BaTiF6 formsnanocrystalline BaTiOF4 with crystalline �oret microstruc-tures [105]. Layered nanoparticles of zirconia (ZrO2) canalso form with appropriate Zr-containing precursors [106].is is remarkable given the large variation in coordinationnumbers for these metals, varying from 4 for Si over 6for Ti to 6–8 for Zr. In all cases, silicatein produces thesepolycondensations on stable and water-soluble precursorsunder mild temperature and pH conditions. Silicatein alsoreduces the gold salt HAuCl4 to anisotropic gold nanocrys-tals when the enzyme is immobilized on modi�ed TiO2nanowires [107]. Even more spectacularly, silicatein can cat-alyze the polymerization of a completely unrelated precursor,L-lactide, to poly(L-lactide) through a ring-opening step[108], though the mechanism behind this and its possiblelink to its autoprocessing proteolytic activities [90] remainunclear.ese activities are not limited to in vitro conditions.When primmorphs (aggregates of proliferating cells formedfrom dissociated sponge cells, in this case S. domuncula)are grown in the presence of a TiO2 precursor, the TiO2ends up integrated with SiO2 into the spicules [109]. Allthese observations make it paramount to obtain detailedatomic-level structures of silicatein in complex with silicaprecursors, but this is hampered by its built-in tendency toaggregate (see below). Perhaps clever strategies to reduce thisself-aggregation property (by judicious mutation of selected“sticky” residues on the protein surface to polar or chargedresidues) may lead to stably monomeric silicatein that can becrystallized.

e activity of silicatein may not be con�ned to the activesite alone, however. Compared to cathepsin, silicatein has

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fewer charged amino acids and more hydroxylated aminoacids [81], including various Ser clusters [111]. A very recentstudy elegantly shuffled genes for silicatein 𝛼𝛼 and 𝛽𝛽 in T.aurantia in combination with random mutations in single-bead microcompartments, using bead sorting to select forvariants with increased silica depositioning activity [112].e mutants with increased activity had an increase inhydroxylated amino acids or mutations close to hydroxylatedamino acids, highlighting the role of this class of residues,perhaps via hydrogen bonding interactionswith silica precur-sors and/or the resulting silica structures. Silanol OH groupsare known to be closely involved in hydrogen bonding withproteins [113].

4.2.2. Self-Assembly of Silicatein InVitro. Whatever themech-anism of silica deposition in sponges, there is no doubt thatsilicatein plays a central role in the process. Accordingly, itsspatial distribution as well as its conformation in the spiculestructure has been under intense scrutiny. e secondarystructure of silicatein in spicules is dominated by 𝛽𝛽-sheets[113], in contrast to cathepsin, which consists of 31% 𝛼𝛼-helixand only 20% 𝛽𝛽-sheets [114]. Assuming that monomeric sil-icatein has the same overall structure as cathepsin, silicateinmust undergo amajor conformational rearrangementwhen itassociates. Furthermore, this rearrangement and subsequentpacking of the silicatein units may vary from one silicateinto another according to �ber diffraction studies on spiculesfrom different species [113]. A model has been proposedfor such a rearrangement at the monomeric level based onclassical denaturation studies of a cathepsin-silicatein hybridpreviously used for crystallization studies [96]. is proteinundergoes two transitions in chemical denaturants, leadingto the loss of tertiary and secondary structure, respectively;of more interest is the fact that the thermally denaturedspecies is rich in 𝛽𝛽-sheet and may resemble the species thataccording to neutron re�ectivity adsorbs to silica beads toform a stable partially unfoldedmonolayer [115]. In this formthe positively charged residues may mediate binding to thesilica while the active site as well as the Ser cluster are exposedfor further catalysis.

e conformational transitions of proper silicatein maybe more complicated than this, however. For one thing,the extraction method determines the level of associationof silicatein and careful attention should be paid to thisin any thorough study of silicatein self-association. econventional but harsh hydrogen �uoride extraction—whichstill yields silicatein able to condense organosilane precur-sors—leads to formation of bands of 25, 50, 75, and ca.96 kDa for axial �laments from S. domuncula, correspondingto silicatein monomers-tetramers, while extraction with Trisand glycerol only leads to monomer bands and a betterseparation of the 𝛼𝛼 and 𝛽𝛽 forms [91]; furthermore, themonomer from this preparation migrates as an 18 kDa bandin the absence of reducing agent, only forming the (dena-tured) 25 kDa band when reduced. Remarkably, the glycerol-extracted silicatein, but not its HF-extracted counterpart,showed proteolytic activity in a simple casein assay (thoughthe silici�cation activity was unfortunately not reported).













log (box size)

F 8: TEM images of the fractal structures formed by T.aurantia silicatein, initially depolymerized from spicules at pH 9and then allowed to reassemble at low temperature. e fractaldimension of 1.7, obtained by counting the number of �lled squareswithin boxes of increasing size, indicates formation of an elaborateself-assembly network by simple Brownian motion. Reproducedwith permission from [100].

If allowed to reassemble, Tris-extracted native silicateinforms long (100–150 𝜇𝜇m) �laments with regular branchingpatterns, while hydrogen �uoride-extracted silicatein leads toirregular clumps [91].

A key to the mode of association was provided byhomology modeling of T. aurantia silicatein to cathepsin,which identi�es �ve hydrophobic patches on the silicatein(but not cathepsin) surface [100], immediately suggesting asimple “sticky-patch” association. Native T. aurantia spiculesmay simply be dissociated by relatively mild alkali (pH 9) orchemical denaturants [90], leading to oligomeric structureswhich dissociate to even smaller oligomers in the pres-ence of reducing agents, suggesting that the oligomers arestabilized intermolecularly by disul�de bonds [100]. Givena chance to reassemble at low temperature (but still atpH 9 to reduce unspeci�c association), the oligomers formcomplicated networks which nevertheless are an order ofmagnitude smaller than the native �laments and follow afractal dimension of 1.7 [100]. is is interpreted to meanthat they associate by Brownian motion in a random walk,

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Silicatein: intracellular

MW: 36.3 34.7 23 kDa






Release of spicule

MW: 34.7 kDa

Silicatein: extracellular

Growth of spicule



F 9: Model of spicule formation in S. domunculais starts intracellularly by processing of silicatein to a mature and phosphorylated23-kDa form, which assembles to axial �laments and starts to template silica deposition around itself.e spicules are extruded from the cellsand mature in size in the extracellular stage with the help of the 34.7 kDa prosilicatein (lacking the signal peptide). No mature silicatein hasso far been identi�ed outside the cell. �eproduced with permission from [110].

and is most likely promoted by the anisotropic sticky surface(Figure 8). Interestingly, silicatein from the giant hexactinel-lid sponge M. chuni associate readily via dimers and trimersto higher �lamentous structures but without evidence forintermolecular disul�de bond stabilization; they only showa fractal stage at the very beginning of their self-association[116] before they form long linear structures, and very rapidlybecome coveredwith cube-shaped silica particles which seemto grow by piling up.

4.2.3. Silicatein Assembly In Vivo. Such studies reveal thefascinating complexity of aggregate structures even in simplein vitro systems. e question is whether these intriguing invitro observations have in vivo relevance. e overarchingpurpose of silicatein is to build up spicule structures (Figure9), and this occurs both by elongation at the tip of the �lamentas well as by apposition of silica concentrically around the�lament [27]. In vivo the process is biologically constrainedby a number of additional components, primarily galectinand collagen, which coexpress with silicatein 𝛼𝛼 upon treat-ment with silicate [117]. Galectin aggregates in the presenceof Ca2+ [117] and immune-gold electron microscopy studiesindicate that it forms strings or nets that orient silicateinconcentrically around the growing spicules, while collagen�bers are arranged in a highly ordered pattern around thesespicules in the so-called extraspicular space [118] (Figure 10).is appears to be a universal pattern; similar conclusionshave been reached for the Hexactinellid spongeMonorhaphischuni, which synthesizes the largest biosilica structures onearth, forming giant basal spicules of length 3 meter and

diameter 1.1 cm [119]! e concentric layers or lamellae inthe spicules are generally more distinct in the Hexactinel-lids, making them excellent model systems to analyze howsilicateins and other proteins organize silica. ese spiculesshow 3 biosilica regions, namely, a central axial canal withthe proteinaceous axial �lament, surrounded by a bulky axialcylinder and up to several hundred lamellae, which graduallybecome thinner at the periphery [120, 121].e axial �lamentitself is suggested to be linked to the inner surface of thegrowing spicule by membranous structures at the early stageof growth, but this connection is lost at a later stage as theaxial �lament contracts inside the canal, decreasing waterconcentration and promoting silica condensation [110]. espicules are covered by a perforated collagen net [10] indynamic equilibrium with the growing spicules: at earlystages the collagen forms a tight corset around the innerlayers but subsequently melts away as the spicule grows[116]. Serrations at the specular tips �t exquisitely into theperforated holes of the collagen net (Figure 10).

Silicatein is found both in the axial �lament and thelamella of Monorhaphis [10, 92, 122] and C. meyeri accord-ing to immunochemical analyses [111]; elegant nanoSIMS(secondary ion mass spectrometry) analyses of the lamellaehighlight 3 sublamellae/2–6 𝜇𝜇m in width, each of which con-tains three cylindrical slats which aremost likely delimited bysilicatein or other proteins [120]. SAXS studies have shownthat the basic unit of silica in spicules are nanospheres ofdiameter 2.8 nm [123]. ese silica particles need to fuseor biosinter, and this probably happens in a hierarchicalfashion from slats to sublamellae to lamellae and �nally theaxial cylinder.is process most likely requires silicatein and

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F 10: Scanning electron microscope analysis of M. chuni giant basal spicule. (A) Cross section of spicule shows concentric lamellararrangement of silica layers (la) around the central axial cylinder (cy). (B) Longitudinal section shows highly folded arrangement of thelamellae (la). (C) Immature spicules are encased within a collagen (col) net with a regular pattern of holes (h) where silica material is visible.(D) Lamellae in the spicule form protrusions which neatly �t into these holes. �eproduced with permission from [111, 116].

explains why the protein is integrated into the silica lamellae(where it also shows proteolytic activity [92]) as well as withinthe axial �lament [120].

4.2.4. Challenging Issues: Comparing e Self-Assembly ofDifferent Silicateins with and without Helper Proteins. Clearlythere is a very large diversity in the way that differentsilicateins organize themselves and this will likely impacthow they interact with silica. e most accessible structureto mimic under simple in vitro conditions is probably theaxial cylinder which is essentially made up of associatedsilicatein. It will no doubt be highly informative to carry outsystematic comparisons of a diversity of different silicateins(in combination with galectins from different sponges) fromthe two classes of sponges to systematize different levels ofstructure, following the process by SAXS (particularly usefulfor the early stages of aggregation) and electron microscopyor Atomic Force Microscopy (for the complex architectureformed at later stages).

Additional clues may come from the inclusion inthese simple model systems of other proteins shown

to be connected to silicatein, namely, the silintaphins.e 42.5 kDa silintaphin-1 (silicatein-𝛼𝛼 interactor with PHdomain-1), identi�ed from yeast two-hybrid screens with anS. domuncula library [47], colocalizes with silicatein in theaxial �lament as well as in the layers around it and appearsto form a scaffold that can organize silicatein into �laments(rather than randomly organized aggregates) at ratios of 4silicatein: 1 silintaphin-1. In this complex, silicatein alsoshows increased silicifying activity [124]. As a technologicalexample, it helps silicatein form rod-like structures on Fe2O3nanocrystallites [47]. Intriguingly, Silintaphin-1 contains so-called PEST stretches, which are hydrophilic regions enrichedin disorder-promoting residues; these may promote limitedproteolysis. Together with a highly repetitive C-terminalstructure, a large number of hydroxyl-rich amino acids andlysine pairs (which could become modi�ed by LCPAs, cfr.[77]), this gives silintaphin-1 many features in commonwith the silaffin proproteins from diatoms. Silintaphin-2, asmaller 15-kDa protein, was identi�ed in a similar fashionand also colocalizes with silicatein inside and on the surfaceof spicules [38].is protein has a large number of acidic andbasic residues forming alternately positively and negatively

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charged clusters. It remains to be seen whether its abilityto bind Ca2+ ions allows it also to bind silicate and thentransport silicates to silicatein or whether its role is moreindirect.

5. Biotechnological Applications ofSilicifying Proteins and Peptides

e ability to control deposition of insoluble silica by silicate-binding proteins andpeptides has been a technological dreamin the biosilica community ever since the �rst identi�cationof silicifying proteins. For a start, the spicules formed by thisprocess have remarkably light-propagating properties whichmay be a substitute for a nervous system [125]: the spiculardimensions (core diameter and cladding layer thickness) aregood for photonic band gaps in the infra-red, visible, andultraviolet regions, leading to efficient single-mode waveg-uide and Bragg light propagation regimes [11]. In principlethis can be used to develop new integrated optical elementswith speci�c waveguide properties. Furthermore, spiculescombine strength and �exibility through the combination oforganic (protein) and inorganic (silica) material; a 3-pointbending assay shows that the spicule’s axial cylinder has highelasticity [10]. However, it still remains to be seen how theseremarkable material properties can be translated industrially.Many interesting applications have been made of silaffinsand silicateins, though we have yet to see their practicalimpact. Focused silica deposition has potential impact pre-dominantly in the areas of bioencapsulation, nanopatterningand cell growth. We will deal with these in turn.

5.1. Bioencapsulation with Silaffin Peptides or BacteriallyDisplayed Silicatein. Bioencapsulation involves the encasingof biocatalysts, mainly enzymes, within a silica layer that willprotect and stabilize the enzyme under adverse operatingconditions while still allowing substrate access. Silica offersclear advantages compared to conventional polymer-basedsol-gel encapsulation, which is limited by relatively harshconditions to make the polymer medium [127], relativelylong curing or hardening times (hours-days), limited poros-ity of the resulting gel and super�cial binding/trapping ofproteins. In contrast, silica remains mesoporous (2–50 nmpore size), forms rapidly (withinminutes), showsmuch betterweight protein binding capacity [128], and can bemodi�ed tocoat surfaces with �lms of enzymes.e peptide of choice hasbeen the 19-residue R5 peptide fromC. fusiformis silaffin-1A.In vitro, the parent peptide silaffin-1A makes silica spheresin the size range 0.5–0.7 𝜇𝜇m with silica at for example, 12silica: 1 silaffin molar ratios [50], particles of the same sizeare formed by the R5 peptide, though the process is pHdependent and does not work at low pH because of thelack of post-translational modi�cation for the syntheticallyproduced peptide as described above [50]. is is obviouslynot a problem for most technological applications.

ere have been several successful reports of the encapsu-lation of the enzyme butyrylcholinesterase simply by mixingit with the R5 peptide and silicic acid (formed by thehydrolysis of tetramethyl orthosilicate) [66, 129]. e in

situ deposition is so thorough (despite its rapidity [66])that it leads to a loading capacity of up to 220mg enzymeper g silica and proper trapping of the enzyme withinsilica rather than simple adsorption [129]. Importantly, theencapsulated enzyme is completely stable over 30 days atroom temperature and survives freeze drying and elevatedtemperatures vastly better than the free enzyme, remainingactive over 1000 column volumes [129]. e drawback is thevery high concentration of R5 peptide required (10mg/mL,corresponding to a molar ratio of 1 protein : 9000 R5). eobvious alternative is to fuse R5 directly to the protein.Whenthis is done using GFP as a testing ground with N-terminalfusions of R5 and other silaffin-1A peptides, it turns outthat the GFP fusion proteins are much more efficient atsilici�cation at pH 7.0, requiring ∼15 fold less protein forsilici�cation compared to pure R5, and incorporating ∼20-fold more silica per protein (molar ratio) than R5 [130].Up to 85% of the protein can be immobilized [130]. Evenhigher efficiency of encapsulation (up to 99%) is obtained ina more recent report with R5 N-terminally fused to differentenzymes produced recombinantly in E. coli [131], though theincrease in stability is relatively modest [131]. It is not clearwhether the proteins are all encased to the same extent andwhether harsh conditions may “weed out” the least deeplyencased proteins �rst: this would probably be revealed bymultiexponential declines in enzyme activity over time. R5peptide has also been fused to glucose oxidase to make animmobilized glucose sensor, though it remains unclear howwell it works compared to other sensor constructs [132].Surprisingly, the possible contributions of LCPAs to moreefficient immobilization have not been explored.

A completely different approach has been taken withT. aurantia silicatein-𝛼𝛼, namely, the encapsulation of livingcells. Although it has been difficult to purify large amountsof active and folded silicatein from recombinant expressionin E. coli, there is evidence that the protein is active whenproduced. Silicatein expression in E. coli is actually upreg-ulated by silicic acid (even though it is under the controlof the IPTG-responsive lac promoter), and this leads to aviscous cover of silica around the cells [134]. e silicadeposition leads to cellular clumps up to 5mm in size andwith apparent fusion of the bacterial cell surfaces, thoughno adverse effect on growth kinetics. It is unclear whethersilicatein is actually targeted to the surface of the cell orwhether the silica diffuses in, so themechanism of depositionremains to be elucidated. However, a more direct targetingof silicatein to the cell surface was carried out by insertingthe gene for silicatein-𝛼𝛼 into the �rst extracellular loop of theE. coli outer membrane protein OmpA, the most commonprotein in the bacterial outer membrane. Silicatein showsa very general ability to condense many other oxides inaddition to silicates, and this construct was able to formextracellular layered and nanocrystalline sheets of titaniumphosphates from a water-soluble precursor [135], thoughthere was also some evidence for nonspeci�c hydrolysis anddeposition of titanium phosphate even in the absence ofsilicatein.e same cells could also promote the ring-openingcondensation of L-lactide to form amorphous poly(L-lactide)[108]. Nevertheless it should be noticed in both cellular and

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Silica sphere

Peptide/waterenriched domain

Highly crosslinkedpolymer





F 11: (a) Scheme of the cross-section of the hologram, indicating that the silaffin peptide R5 accumulates in in the polymer troughs. (b)AF� images of the polymer (i) before and (ii) a�er sili�cation. �e peaks in (i) correspond to the troughs in (ii), where the most prominentfeatures are the silica deposits. Reproduced with permission from [126].

in vitro contexts that the systems are limited by the smallquantities of enzyme available, the passivation of the catalyticsurface due to the deposition process and the competitionfrom water in many of these reactions [108]. As of now, thecellular display of silicatein remains a good illustration of theprinciple of cell-based silica deposits. It is unclear whetherthis approach can be used to improve cellular performancein for example, metabolic bioreactors by coating cells in aprotective “armour” to an extent that does not impede thedesired metabolic processes, and whether there truly is goingto be a protective effect; there is a great difference between

encasing individual molecules in a silica phase as opposed toentire cells.

5.2. Nanopatterning. Nanopatterning with silica holds obvi-ous advantages due to the refractive properties of silica. Animpressive early example is the use of the R5 peptide to makenanopatterns in acrylate structures; when the R5 peptidewas mixed with monomeric light-sensitive precursors andexposed to laser light in a holographic arrangement, the R5phase-separated with the 1.33 𝜇𝜇m periodicity of the laserbeam [126]. Subsequent addition of tetrahydroxysilane led to

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Cross section Cross section Cross section

t = 0 t = 12 hs t = 120 hs

(a) µCP silicatein in

TEOS solution

(b) Formation of biosilica


(c) Formation of

a biosilica film

F 12: Formation of biosilica layers by controlling imprinting of silicatein. (a) Silicatein is microcontact printed onto the surface and thesilica precursor TEOS is added. (b) Initially silica only covers the silicatein strips. (c) Over time the strips fuse to form a continuous layer or�lm. �eproduced with permission from [133].

formation of silica spheres in the troughswith a highly regularhologram periodicity and a ∼50x increase in diffractionefficiency (Figure 11). Dimensionality was increased evenfurther by using silaffin-1A to biosculpt silica nanoparticlesfrom tetramethylorthosilicate under linear shear �ow (giventhat variations in shear �ow can lead to highly layeredstructures [136]), leading to 3D interwoven micro�lamen-tary silica structures [137]. If these structures are exposedto gaseous magnesium, Si is replaced by Mg leading tonanocrystalline MgO micro�laments with the original shaperetained. However, it remains to be seen how much betterthese work than simple (and much less expensive) polypep-tides; for example poly-L-lysine forms hexagons or spheres ofsilica if le� undisturbed, but linear �ow or electric �elds ledto complex three dimensional structures including petals and�brils, all made of fused spherical particles but with periodicvoids [138]. e same effect of external in�uences has beenseen in the structures of silica deposits with silicateinmutantsfrom directed evolution, where agitation leads to dispersednanoparticles while stagnant incubation leads to more sheet-like structures [112]. is phenomenon is also known fromthe �eld of protein aggregation, where for example vigorousshaking can lead to �brils with a very different structure fromthat of �brils formed under quiescent conditions [139, 140].e difference likely re�ects how shear forces in solutionaffect the pathways of nucleus formation and coalescence.

ere are even more reports with silicatein than silaffinfor nanotechnological applications, not least because ofsilicatein’s versatility as a general promoter of oxide conden-sation. A particular advantage with immobilized silicatein isthat clustering of silicateinmay lead to “composite nucleationsites” which can lower the activation barrier to heterogeneous

(solid-solution) nucleation [106]. At the same time, therelatively low catalytic efficiency of silicatein means thatthe material produced at the surface has sufficient time torearrange structurally to states which are the most stable (butnot necessarily kinetically the most accessible) at the nano-or microscale [108]. S. domuncula His-tagged silicatein canbe immobilized on gold surfaces modi�ed with alkanethiol[141] or cysteamine/reactive ester polymers [106] coupledto a nitrilo-triacetate group and the reaction followed bysurface plasmon resonance. Using the conventional TEOSprecursor, silica nanospheres form on the surface [141]while layered nanoparticles of titania (TiO2) and zirconia(ZrO2) form with other precursors. e drawback with thisapproach is the relatively large number of steps requiredto generate appropriately bound NTA molecules and thelack of control over the thickness and roughness of thesilica �lms. ese two problems have been reduced in arecent report in which cystamine or cysteamine or linked tothe gold surface, then functionalized with glutaraldehyde toallow silicatein to be subsequently immobilized before TMOS(tetramethylorthosilicate) is added [142]. Layer thickness,roughness, and water contact angle can be controlled byvarying the amount of silicatein adsorbed on the layerand the time of exposure. e importance of the timedimension is also highlighted in a study where silicatein ismicrocontact printed in strips on the surface by conventionaloptical lithography (physisorption), followed by addition ofTEOS [133]. At early stages, silica only forms at the stripswhere silicatein is present and only gradually merges to acontinuous layer (Figure 12). It is very likely that the sub-𝜇𝜇m particles aggregate to form the layers, just as is seen inthe biosintering processes in vivo [120]. Nevertheless, we are

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still missing a systematic comparison of different silicifyingbiomolecules—from silaffins with and without LCPAs tosilicateins and Cys-Lys block copolymers—to establish whichof these holds the greatest potential for efficient and spatiallycontrolled silica depositioning.

In the �eld of organic Si-based synthesis, silicatein hasshown some interesting properties. Puri�ed �laments ofsilicatein can be converted to catalysts for processes as diverseas Heck reactions or binding of SO2 gas; this occurs byincubating them with alkoxy silanes with metallated pincercomplexes, integrating the pincer into silica [143]. In the�rst description of an enzymatically enhanced organometal-lic condensation, recombinant silicatein (modestly—only 2-fold) catalyzes the condensation of alkoxy silanes at neutralpH and ambient temperature to yield silicones like straight-chained dimethylsiloxane [144]. It seems that we are onlylimited by our imagination (and feasible scaling-up) in termsof �nding appropriate applications.

5.3. Silicatein, Silaffins, and Cell growth. Both silaffins andsilicatein show promise in stimulating growth of bone cells(osteocytes). eir precursor mesenchymal stem cells adherebetter to roughened mineral surfaces [145]. Exposure ofhuman osteosarcoma SaOS-2 cells to biosilica increasesexpression of structural molecules of the enamel matrixas well as the level of production of hydroxyapatite, theinorganic calcium-phosphate component of bone [146] andenhances cell proliferation more than growth on inorganiccalcium phosphate surfaces [147]. Silica is already used asthe main constituent of many biocompatible porous scaffoldmaterials [148]. Since silica can be seen as a mimic ofhydroxyapatite, controlled deposition of silica can be of greatpotential use in modulating the rate and extent of tissueregeneration for use in bone regeneration and tooth recon-struction in vivo. is has been exploited in several contexts.Focused deposition of silica via controlled immobilization ofsilicifying proteins is obviously critical.

5.3.1. Deposition with Silicatein. Silicatein has beendeposited onto culture plates by simple physisorption[149] followed by the addition of TEOS to deposit biosilica,leading to a marked increase in the formation of calciumphosphate nodules by human osteosarcoma SaOS-2 cells.However, an even more ingenious approach has been to addan 8-Glu tag to the N-terminus of the protein which confersbinding to hydroxyapatite, promoting the formation ofbiosilica on synthetic hydroxyapatite nano�brils and dentalhydroxyapatite upon addition of biosilica precursor [150].Such a “smart glue” can potentially seal surface defects anddentinal tubules to reduce risk of tooth decay and dentalhypersensitivity. It would be interesting to explore whetherlimited expression of silicatein on these cells and subsequentdepositioning of biosilica directly on the cell surface (cfr.the bacterial display system in E. coli [134]) could stimulateosteoblast mineralization even further, though there isan obvious disadvantage in the continuous expression ofsilicatein and potential for unwanted biosilica formationunless the precursor supply is removed.

5.3.2. Deposition with Silaffin. For silaffin this has involvedfusing (genetically) the R5 peptide with peptides thatcan self-assemble into 𝛽𝛽-sheet-rich (and biologicallydegradable) structures, either the consensus repeat of themajor ampullate spidroin protein 1 (MaSp1) from spiderdragline [151] or a hydrophobic-polar EAK1 polymer(AEAEAKAKAEAEAKAK) [152]. e R5-EAK1 constructdoes not appear to have any obvious advantages other thanaltering the morphology of the deposits (which in itself canbe useful if tailored). However, the R5-MaSp1 constructdeposits silica with around 20-fold greater efficiency (per R5molecule) than free R5 [151]. Exploiting the self-assemblingproperties of MaSp1, it is possible to assemble silica onelectrospun fusion protein �bers or even carry out spinningand silici�cation concomitantly to get more nonuniformcoating [151]. e R5-MaSp1 fusion has subsequently beendemonstrated to form three different types of silk-silicasurfaces [153]. ese surfaces can be controlled by alteringthe concentration of the silk �lms, since an increase of theprotein concentration leads to much denser silica networksand silici�cation is enhanced by inclusion of an N-terminalHis-tag; furthermore, the use of glycerol aids dispersionof the silica deposits. Particularly the high-concentrationsilk-�lm with a dense porous silica network enhancesosteogenesis of human mesenchymal stem cells, as can beseen from the upregulation of osteogenic gene markers[153].

5.4. Challenging Issues: Silaffins versus Silicateins? What islacking at the moment is a direct comparison of howwell silaffin- and silicatein-mediated silica deposits performin all these contexts. For example, could silicatein bene�tfrom being coupled to the MaSp1 or EAK1 sequences interms of efficiency and usefulness of silica deposition? eseapplications are fascinating and compelling but they haveyet to provide more insight into the underlying mechanismsof silici�cation and an understanding of how this may becoupled to applications.

6. Conclusion

In the present paper, I have attempted to juxtapose twodifferent systems for biosilici�cation, those of the diatomsand the sponges. While the outcome is spectacularly dif-ferent—comparing the unicellular 𝜇𝜇m-sized diatoms withthe macroscopic features of the sponges—both strategiesinvolve proteins which combine self-assembling propertieswith the ability to interact with silica precursors through bothhydrogen bonding and electrostatic interactions. e diatomsystem provides the potential for an almost in�nite varietythrough the use of small silaffin peptides with different levelsof post-translational modi�cation (primarily of lysines andserines) combined with either free or covalently attachedlong-chain polyamines. For sponges, the far less heavilymodi�ed silicateins vary in their self-assembling propertiesand the coexistence of closely related isoforms. Both systemsinvolve ancillary proteins which can promote or inhibit

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various types of assembly.e challenge now is to apply tech-niques used to analyze formation of complex systems suchas SAXS together with atomic-level structural informationfrom, for example, solid state NMR and combine this insightwith the systems-level information from genomic analysesto include appropriate components in representative modelsystems. Biosilicifying organisms will continue to serve asinspiring examples of nature’s ingenious way of solving bio-logical problems with nanotechnological tools—using diluteprecursor molecules and carrying out the “manufacturing” atambient temperatures and pressure and neutral pH.


e author is grateful for continued support from the DanishResearch Foundation (inSPIN) and the Lundbeck Founda-tion (BioNET 2).


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[153] A. J. Mieszawska, L. D. Nadkarni, C. C. Perry, and D. L. Kaplan,“Nanoscale control of silica particle formation via silk-silicafusion proteins for bone regeneration,” Chemistry of Materials,vol. 22, no. 20, pp. 5780–5785, 2010.

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