Towards Continuous, Remote Estimates of Flooded Area in the Sudd Wetland, South Sudan Daniel C. Wilusz 1 , Martha C. Anderson 2 , Christopher R. Hain 3 , M. Tugrul Yilmaz 4 , Benjamin Zaitchik 5 (1) Department of Geography and Environmental Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD; (2) Hydrology and Remote Sensing Laboratory, Agricultural Research Service, USDA, Beltsville, MD; (3) Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center, University of Maryland, College Park, MD; (4) Civil Engineering Department, Water Resources Laboratory, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey; (5) Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD. The Sudd Wetland in South Sudan is an important but poorly characterized water resource in the heart of the Nile River Basin. More regular monitoring of Sudd flooded extent could improve resource management [1]. Rebelo et. al. demonstrated the use of L-band synthetic aperture radar (SAR) to measure Sudd flooded area from 2007-2008, and found a strong correlation between area and satellite-derived estimates of ETa (R 2 =0.99) [2]. These results suggest that Sudd wetland area could be monitored with near-continuous ETa estimates, generated using data available from existing satellite platforms. Results Study Site We estimated 2007-2011 Sudd flooded area from 60 SAR images, using two different thresholding schemes derived from the literature and image analysis. The flooded area estimates exhibit large, consistent interannual variability with no significant year-to-year trend. Their magnitude and correlation with ETa depend on the choice of thresholding scheme. Efforts are ongoing to determine which scheme is most accurate by comparing with cloud-free MODIS classifications. Through this work we hope to demonstrate how frequently-updated ETa estimates could complement sporadic SAR measurements to remotely monitor flood extent in the Sudd and other wetlands. Acknowledgments: This work was supported by fellowships from the JHU Department of Geography and Environmental Engineering and the JHU-affiliated Water, Climate, and Health NSF-IGERT Program. SAR data provided by the European Space Agency. Special thanks to Iliana Mladenova for insights on the SAR analysis. Please address correspondences to Dano Wilusz at [email protected]. References: [1] Mohamed, Y. A., Savenije, H. H. G., Bastiaanssen, W. G. M., Basin, N., Africa, E., Region, S., & Ababa, A. (2006). New lessons on the Sudd hydrology learned from remote sensing and climate modeling, 507–518. [2] Rebelo, L.-M., Senay, G. B., & McCartney, M. P. (2012). Flood Pulsing in the Sudd Wetland: Analysis of Seasonal Variations in Inundation and Evaporation in South Sudan. Earth Interactions, 16(1), 1– 19. doi:10.1175/2011EI382.1 [3] Anderson, M. C., Norman, J. M., Mecikalski, J. R., Otkin, J. a., & Kustas, W. P. (2007). A climatological study of evapotranspiration and moisture stress across the continental United States based on thermal remote sensing: 1. Model formulation. Journal of Geophysical Research, 112(D10), D10117. doi:10.1029/2006JD007506 [4] Sutcliffe, J. V., & Parks, Y. P. (1987). Hydrofogical modelling of the Sudd and Jonglei Canal. Hydrological Sciences, 32(6), 143–160. [5] Mefit-Babtie Srl. (1980). Range Ecology Study, Livestock Investigations and Water Supply: First Interim Report. [6] Travaglia, C. K., Kapetsky, J. M., & Righini, G. (1995). A Methodology for Monitoring Wetlands for Fisheries Using NOAA AVHRR Thermal Data. [7] Mohamed, Y. a., Bastiaanssen, W. G. M., & Savenije, H. H. G. (2004). Spatial variability of evaporation and moisture storage in the swamps of the upper Nile studied by remote sensing techniques. Journal of Hydrology, 289(1-4), 145– 164. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2003.11.038 [8] Shamseddin, M. a. H., Hata, T., Tada, a., Bashir, M. a., & Tanakamaru, T. (2006). Estimation of flooded area in the Bahr El-Jebel basin using remote sensing techniques. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions, 3(4), 1851–1877. doi:10.5194/hessd-3-1851-2006 [9] Dumont, H. J. (Ed.). (2009). The Nile: Origins, Environments, Limnology, and Human Use. Springer. Motivation Figure 2 –SAR imagery. Shows 1 of 60 ENVISAT ASAR images covering the Sudd area, captured 12/05/2011 and overlayed in Google Earth (v7.1.2.2041). A. Preprocess SAR Imagery B. Estimate Flooded Area C. Compare with ETa estimates. Figure 1 - Site Map. Includes training sites for classifying the three land types considered in this study. The DL site contains pixels at elevations over 455m, the FV site was determined to be perennial swamp, and the OW is over Lake Victoria. Figure 5 – Determination of classification thresholds. Shows the relative frequency of σ o over each test site from 2007-2011. The σ o thresholds obtained from our classification differ from those reported in literature for L-Band SAR. Fig. 5 shows the location of the thresholds ‘TH-A’ at (-15,-9) given by [2], and ‘TH-B’ at (-14,-6) where the histograms intersect. We tested both. TH-A shows a strong seasonal pattern with high correlation to ETa (R 2 =.71). Fig. 6 (upper left) shows flooded area varying from 17 Gm 2 in the dry season (Feb-Apr) to 52 Gm 2 in the wet season (Aug-Oct). ETa is a predictor of flooded area even when controlling for month of year (p<.05). Figure 6 – Area and ETa Comparison. The left panels show estimated total flooded area (open water + flooded vegetation) using TH A (upper) and TH B (lower) along with ETa. Scatter plots between ETa and flooded area (right panels) demonstrate correlation strength. Figure 7 – Historic Estimates. Shows estimates of Sudd area found in the literature since 1964. Flooded area estimates from TH-A and TH-B are both consistent with the literature. Fig. 7 shows that estimates of Sudd wetland area have varied from 9 to 90 Gm 2 , depending on the method and site definition. Conclusions Figure 4 - ETa estimates. ALEXI estimated ETa for 3- 10-11. ALEXI calculates ETa using satellite-derived land-surface temperature [3]. Figure 3 – Area estimation. Fig. 3a and 3b compare the processed SAR images during the dry and wet season. The location of training sites is shown in red (DL) and green (FV). Darkest pixels are OW, which reflects C-band radar away. Brightest pixels are FV, which backscatters radiation. DL pixels have intermediate brightness. Pixel classification (shown in Fig. 3c) yields estimates of the watershed area covered by the three generalized land-types. Images dated 3-10-11 (a,c) and 10-6-11 (b). (b) Wet (a) Dry (c) Classified Open Water Dry Land Flooded Vegetation 1. Acquired 60 ENVISAT ASAR images (HH, C-band, 1km res) of the Sudd watershed, from 2007-2011, at roughly monthly intervals. 2. Performed radiometric correction (NEST v5.0.16) to obtain the spatially varying backscattering coefficient σ o . TH-B shows a weaker seasonal pattern, lower total area, and lower correlation to ETa (R 2 =.41). Fig. 6 (lower left) shows that area ranges from 10 to 33 Gm 2 . ETa no longer predicts flooded area when controlling for month of year (p>0.05). 3. Used training sites and literature to identify σ o thresholds for the classification of open water (OW), dry land (DL), and flooded vegetation (FV). 4. Classified watershed land types using thresholding analysis to obtain five year record of total flooded area (OW+FV). Methods 5. Estimated watershed ETa for 30-day window centered at each SAR capture date using USDA’s ALEXI (Atmosphere- Land Exchange Inverse) algorithm [3]. 6. Analyzed the trends in flooded area and ETa and the correlation between them. Compared with values from the literature. Research Goal: To reproduce and extend previous work showing that remotely-sensed estimates of Sudd flooded area and ETa are highly correlated [2] by (a) using more accessible data sources and (b) analyzing a longer time series.

Results Study Site Motivation Conclusions Methods

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Page 1: Results Study Site Motivation Conclusions Methods

Towards Continuous, Remote Estimates of Flooded Area

in the Sudd Wetland, South SudanDaniel C. Wilusz1, Martha C. Anderson2, Christopher R. Hain3, M. Tugrul Yilmaz4, Benjamin Zaitchik5

(1) Department of Geography and Environmental Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD; (2) Hydrology and Remote Sensing Laboratory, Agricultural Research

Service, USDA, Beltsville, MD; (3) Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center, University of Maryland, College Park, MD; (4) Civil Engineering Department, Water Resources

Laboratory, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey; (5) Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD.

• The Sudd Wetland in South Sudan is an important but poorly characterized water resource in the heart of the Nile River Basin. More regular monitoring of Suddflooded extent could improve resource management [1].

• Rebelo et. al. demonstrated the use of L-band synthetic aperture radar (SAR) to measure Sudd flooded area from 2007-2008, and found a strong correlation between area and satellite-derived estimates of ETa (R2=0.99) [2].

• These results suggest that Sudd wetland area could be monitored with near-continuous ETa estimates, generated using data available from existing satellite platforms.

ResultsStudy Site• We estimated 2007-2011 Sudd flooded area from 60 SAR

images, using two different thresholding schemes derived from the literature and image analysis.

• The flooded area estimates exhibit large, consistent interannual variability with no significant year-to-year trend. Their magnitude and correlation with ETa depend on the choice of thresholding scheme. Efforts are ongoing to determine which scheme is most accurate by comparing with cloud-free MODIS classifications.

• Through this work we hope to demonstrate how frequently-updated ETa estimates could complement sporadic SAR measurements to remotely monitor flood extent in the Sudd and other wetlands.

Acknowledgments: This work was supported by fellowships from the JHU Department of Geography and Environmental Engineering and the JHU-affiliated Water, Climate, and Health NSF-IGERT Program. SAR data provided by the European Space Agency. Special thanks to Iliana Mladenova for insights on the SAR analysis. Please address correspondences to Dano Wilusz at [email protected].

References: [1] Mohamed, Y. A., Savenije, H. H. G., Bastiaanssen, W. G. M., Basin, N., Africa, E., Region, S., & Ababa, A. (2006). New lessons on the Sudd hydrology learned from remote sensing and climate modeling, 507–518. [2] Rebelo, L.-M., Senay, G. B., & McCartney, M. P. (2012). Flood Pulsing in the Sudd Wetland: Analysis of Seasonal Variations in Inundation and Evaporation in South Sudan. Earth Interactions, 16(1), 1–19. doi:10.1175/2011EI382.1 [3] Anderson, M. C., Norman, J. M., Mecikalski, J. R., Otkin, J. a., & Kustas, W. P. (2007). A climatological study of evapotranspiration and moisture stress across the continental United States based on thermal remote sensing: 1. Model formulation. Journal of Geophysical Research, 112(D10), D10117. doi:10.1029/2006JD007506 [4] Sutcliffe, J. V., & Parks, Y. P. (1987). Hydrofogical modelling of the Sudd and Jonglei Canal. Hydrological Sciences, 32(6), 143–160. [5] Mefit-Babtie Srl. (1980). Range Ecology Study, Livestock Investigations and Water Supply: First Interim Report. [6] Travaglia, C. K., Kapetsky, J. M., & Righini, G. (1995). A Methodology for Monitoring Wetlands for Fisheries Using NOAA AVHRR Thermal Data. [7] Mohamed, Y. a., Bastiaanssen, W. G. M., & Savenije, H. H. G. (2004). Spatial variability of evaporation and moisture storage in the swamps of the upper Nile studied by remote sensing techniques. Journal of Hydrology, 289(1-4), 145–164. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2003.11.038 [8] Shamseddin, M. a. H., Hata, T., Tada, a., Bashir, M. a., & Tanakamaru, T. (2006). Estimation of flooded area in the Bahr El-Jebel basin using remote sensing techniques. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions, 3(4), 1851–1877. doi:10.5194/hessd-3-1851-2006 [9] Dumont, H. J. (Ed.). (2009). The Nile: Origins, Environments, Limnology, and Human Use. Springer.


Figure 2 –SAR imagery. Shows 1 of 60 ENVISAT ASAR images covering the Sudd area, captured 12/05/2011 and overlayed in Google Earth (v7.1.2.2041).

A. Preprocess SAR Imagery B. Estimate Flooded Area C. Compare with ETa estimates.

Figure 1 - Site Map. Includes training sites for classifying the three land types considered in this study. The DL site contains pixels at elevations over 455m, the FV site was determined to be perennial swamp, and the OW is over Lake Victoria.

Figure 5 – Determination of classification thresholds. Shows the relative frequency of σo over each test site from 2007-2011.

The σo thresholds obtained from our classification differ from those reported in literature for L-Band SAR. Fig. 5 shows the location of the thresholds ‘TH-A’ at (-15,-9) given by [2], and ‘TH-B’ at (-14,-6) where the histograms intersect. We tested both.

TH-A shows a strong seasonal pattern with high correlation to ETa (R2=.71). Fig. 6 (upper left) shows flooded area varying from 17 Gm2 in the dry season (Feb-Apr) to 52 Gm2 in the wet season (Aug-Oct). ETa is a predictor of flooded area even when controlling for month of year (p<.05).

Figure 6 – Area and ETa Comparison. The left panels show estimated total flooded area (open water + flooded vegetation) using TH A (upper) and TH B (lower) along with ETa. Scatter plots between ETa and flooded area (right panels) demonstrate correlation strength.

Figure 7 – Historic Estimates. Shows estimates of Sudd area found in the literature since 1964.

Flooded area estimates from TH-A and TH-B are both consistent with the literature. Fig. 7 shows that estimates of Sudd wetland area have varied from 9 to 90 Gm2, depending on the method and site definition.


Figure 4 - ETa estimates. ALEXI estimated ETa for 3-10-11. ALEXI calculates ETa using satellite-derived land-surface temperature [3].

Figure 3 – Area estimation. Fig. 3a and 3b compare the processed SAR images during the dry and wet season. The location of training sites is shown in red (DL) and green (FV). Darkest pixels are OW, which reflects C-band radar away. Brightest pixels are FV, which backscatters radiation. DL pixels have intermediate brightness. Pixel classification (shown in Fig. 3c) yields estimates of the watershed area covered by the three generalized land-types. Images dated 3-10-11 (a,c) and 10-6-11 (b).

(b) Wet(a) Dry (c) Classified

Open Water

Dry Land

Flooded Vegetation

1. Acquired 60 ENVISAT ASAR images (HH, C-band, 1km res) of the Sudd watershed, from 2007-2011, at roughly monthly intervals.

2. Performed radiometric correction (NEST v5.0.16) to obtain the spatially varying backscattering coefficient σo.

TH-B shows a weaker seasonal pattern, lower total area, and lower correlation to ETa (R2 =.41). Fig. 6 (lower left) shows that area ranges from 10 to 33 Gm2. ETa no longer predicts flooded area when controlling for month of year (p>0.05).

3. Used training sites and literature to identify σo

thresholds for the classification of open water (OW), dry land (DL), and flooded vegetation (FV).

4. Classified watershed land types using thresholding analysis to obtain five year record of total flooded area (OW+FV).


5. Estimated watershed ETa for 30-day window centered at each SAR capture date using USDA’s ALEXI (Atmosphere-Land Exchange Inverse) algorithm [3].

6. Analyzed the trends in flooded area and ETa and the correlation between them. Compared with values from the literature.

Research Goal: To reproduce and extend previous work

showing that remotely-sensed estimates of Suddflooded area and ETa are highly correlated [2] by

(a) using more accessible data sources and(b) analyzing a longer time series.