Restoring Calm in Times of Crisis Bearing Bad Tidings: Death Notification with Competence and Compassion

Restoring Calm in Times of Crisis Bearing Bad Tidings: Death Notification with Competence and Compassion

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Restoring Calm in Times of Crisis

Bearing Bad Tidings: Death Notification with Competence and Compassion

Page 2: Restoring Calm in Times of Crisis Bearing Bad Tidings: Death Notification with Competence and Compassion

Restoring Calm in Times of Crisis


• It’s the right thing to do.

• Do the right thing and it’s good for business.

• Litigation• Ongoing coordination with the family• Message sent to staff • Reputational risk within the community and

marketplace• Return to productivity

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Restoring Calm in Times of Crisis

An Unforgettable Experience

For You

For Them

Page 4: Restoring Calm in Times of Crisis Bearing Bad Tidings: Death Notification with Competence and Compassion

Restoring Calm in Times of Crisis

Preparation - Emotionally

• Should you be the person to deliver the news?

• Evaluate your vulnerabilities:• Recent losses• Similar events• Current emotional and health status• Kids?• Likelihood of ongoing contact

• Evaluate the impact upon the family if you do/don’t do it.

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Restoring Calm in Times of Crisis

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Restoring Calm in Times of Crisis

Compassionate Strength

I care.I am strong enough to handle this/you.

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Restoring Calm in Times of Crisis

Strategic Objectives





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Restoring Calm in Times of Crisis

Tactical Preparation

• Make absolutely sure you know the full identity of the victim and the family!

• Know the nature, time, and place of the incident.• Notification should be in person rather than

phone whenever possible.• Go as a team. Never make notification alone.

Team should include company leadership, close colleague, clergy/mental health.

• The team should discuss what is known about the family and be able to address logistical, cultural, spiritual, medical, and mental health issues.

• If possible, determine if the survivor(s) have a medical condition. Be prepared to provide emergency care.

• Bring your cell phone.

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Restoring Calm in Times of Crisis

Control the Setting

• If a close friend or family member already knows, include them.

• Make certain the setting is confidential.• Have a team plan if children or neighbors are

present. Do not inform children or neighbors before survivors. Remember that children will be watching and listening for their parent’s reactions.

• Identify the next-of-kin/family spokesperson.• Arrange for safe travel for additional family

members.• Sit down!

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Restoring Calm in Times of Crisis


• Identify yourselves by name and the company you represent.

• Seated close, establish eye contact, speak with a lower, warm voice.

• Inform simply and directly.1. General – “Your _____ has been involved in a serious

accident.”2. Details – “His car was struck by a large truck.”3. Notify – “Richard died as a result of his injuries.”

• Be aware of individual and cultural differences. Go with what is comfortable for them.

• Don’t fill the air with words. Compassionate silence.

• “I’m so sorry” means condolences, not self-blame.

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Restoring Calm in Times of Crisis

When They Know

• Support adults as they inform children. • Be supportive but allow natural supports of

family, friends, clergy, etc. to kick in.• Answer questions truthfully but sensitively.

State only what you know for sure. Do not make promises that can/will not be kept.

• Be practical! Childcare? Food? Tissues? Work? Monitor the phone and door. Offer to make calls to clergy/family/friends. Document these calls because they will forget.

• Make certain natural/professional supports are in place before you leave.

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Restoring Calm in Times of Crisis

Worst-Case Scenarios

• You lose it.• They lose it.• Medical crisis.• Anger at self, each other, the company,

…you.• Risk of self-harm.• No support for a solitary survivor.• Extreme attachment/dependency on


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Restoring Calm in Times of Crisis

Co-Worker Notification

• Draw circles of impact.

• Position leadership as competent and compassionate.

• Triage – expect resiliency but prepare for additional supports.


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Restoring Calm in Times of Crisis


Acknowledge• Acknowledge what has happened • Deliver information with sensitivity• Acknowledge the event’s impact upon people• Acknowledge the event’s impact upon you• Grant permission for a wide range of reactions• Serves to: Demonstrate leadership strength,

align the leader with those led, establish a platform for cohesiveness

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Restoring Calm in Times of Crisis


Communicate• Communicate competence and compassion• Visible leadership communicates care and

concern for those involved• Summarize what has happened. This is what we

know at this time….• Present objective and credible information. OK

to read a script. Stick with it!• Serves to: control rumors, reduce anxiety, and

return a sense of control to impacted individuals

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Restoring Calm in Times of Crisis


Transition and Refer• ALWAYS triage to next steps and a future focus

• Give people permission to care for themselves. It’s not irreverent or dishonoring to the deceased.

• Provide information about Coping – Emphasize resiliency

• Focus first on Practical Assistance -- determine basic and practical needs

• As indicated, link with Collaborative Services - transition individuals to appropriate level of support and provide information. (EAP, counseling center, community resources, written communications and web resources, telephonic support via a 1-800 number, to continued personal assistance/ intervention)

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Restoring Calm in Times of Crisis

What About You?

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Restoring Calm in Times of Crisis

There is no greater honor and no greater responsibility than to be there on the worst day of someone’s life. We

must do it well.

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Restoring Calm in Times of Crisis

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Restoring Calm in Times of Crisis

Additional Resources

Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress• http://www.centerforthestudyoftraumaticstr


US Office of Personnel Management• http://www.opm.gov/employment_and_bene


CCN PracticePoints Archives• http://www.crisiscare.com/news/news_pp.ht


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Restoring Calm in Times of Crisis

Helping you manage the impact of workplace trauma

and violence