Research Essay Example 3

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  • 8/17/2019 Research Essay Example 3



    Professor L. Manley

    EN 102

    18 January 2016

    Can Women Make the Cut?

    Women have art!"!ate# !n m!l!tar!es aroun# the $orl# throu%hout h!story. &hey have

     roven the!r a'!l!ty to f!%ht su""essfully an# serve the!r "ountr!es $!th honor an# #!st!n"t!on.

    Prev!ously $omen have 'een #en!e# the a'!l!ty to serve !n "om'at or!ente# un!ts. &hat #oes not

    mean( ho$ever( that $omen have not seen "om'at !n an !n#!re"t role. ) "ons!#era'le num'er of

    $omen have seen lenty "om'at !n the ast 1* years !n 'oth +ra, an# )f%han!stan. &hey $ere not

    !n #!re"t "om'at -o's( ho$ever they $ere all suort su"h as transortat!on( me#!"al( suly( an#

    m!l!tary ol!"e. Women are no$ 'e!n% %!ven the or#er to take the f!%ht to the enemy !n #!re"t

    "om'at s!tuat!ons. &here are those( ho$ever( $ho #o not suort th!s #e"!s!on an# ,uest!on the

    aror!ateness of th!s "all. + ersonally feel that allo$!n% $omen !n "om'at roles !s an

    a""eta'le lan ho$ever( ser!ous "ons!#erat!on must 'e ma#e to otent!al "onse,uen"es.

    &he erson $ho #e"!#e# that !t !s f!nally t!me to let $omen serve !n "om'at roles $as

    /efense e"retary Leon Panetta. !n"e "om'at roles have 'een oen e"lus!vely to males !n the

     ast as a result the m!l!tary "ommun!ty $as ,u!t stunne# an# unreare# for the sho"k!n%

    announ"ement. Even thou%h the #e"!s!on $as ma#e to allo$ $omen to art!"!ate !n these -o's

    that #oes not mean they $ere !mme#!ately ut !nto th!s -o's. &he #!fferent 'ran"hes !n the

    m!l!tary $ere %!ven the oortun!ty to "on#u"t test an# eer!ments on ho$ to roerly

    !mlement females( or !f they $ere even "aa'le of erform!n% these -o's. &he Penta%on3s

    #!re"tor of off!"er an# enl!ste# ersonnel mana%ement( Jul!et 4eyler sa!#( 5We3ve really tr!e# to

    %!ve them the t!me that they nee# to f!n!sh the!r stu#!es &!l%hman7. &h!s sho$s that even to

  • 8/17/2019 Research Essay Example 3


  • 8/17/2019 Research Essay Example 3



    !t "omes to the ushual!ty !s also another ro'lem that may ar!se $!th allo$!n% $omen !nto rest!%!ous

    un!ts su"h as eals( reen 4erets( an# @an%ers. &h!s has alrea#y 'een a ro'lem that has 'een

    #o"umente# re%ar#!n% the female sol#!ers $ho atten#e# @an%er s"hool !n the summer of 201A.

    &he @an%er s"hool at ;ort 4enn!n% !s one of the most #!ff!"ult tra!n!n% oortun!t!es !n any of

    the $orl#3s m!l!tary3s. &he art!"!at!n% female sol#!ers $ere %!ven "ons!#era'ly %reater

    oortun!t!es for su""ess than the!r male "ounterarts $ho $ere %o!n% throu%h the ea"t same

    tra!n!n%. &h!s has 'een the o!n!on of the !nstru"tors( other males "omet!n% the tra!n!n%( an#

    even the females that $ere %o!n% throu%h the tra!n!n%. +t has 'een su'stant!ate# that !nstru"tors

    $ere or#ere# to ease off an# allo$ female sol#!ers mult!le oortun!t!es to "omlete "erta!n

    tasks. +n the )rmy there !s a very stron% E,ual 9ortun!ty E97 ol!"y !n la"e to rote"t all

    %en#er( ra"e( an# ethn!"!ty to have the same oortun!t!es to "omete for the same os!t!ons. &h!s

    !s $here the E9 ol!"y has fault. + have seen f!rsthan# $here a un!t $as attemt!n% to remove a

    m!nor!ty from h!s un!t. :e $as %rossly un#er ,ual!f!e# for the #eman#s of the -o'. :o$ever(

     'e"ause of the over rul!n% E9 ol!"y a m!nor!ty sol#!ers $as rote"te# from removal over a

    stron%er non

  • 8/17/2019 Research Essay Example 3



    $as 'e"ause the )rmyBs ol!"y re,u!re# a er"enta%e of m!nor!ty ersonnel !n "erta!n os!t!ons

    re%ar#less of $hether a non

  • 8/17/2019 Research Essay Example 3



    the #ays 'efore a $oman3s "y"le( she loses half her stren%th( to say noth!n% of the emot!onal us

    an# #o$ns that affe"t -u#%ment. )n# ho$ $oul# you l!ke f!%ht!n% throu%h PM symtoms $h!le

    "lear!n% a to$n or %o!n% throu%h a f!ref!%ht? &hen there are the lo%!st!"s of mak!n% all the

    a""ommo#at!ons for $omen !n the f!el#( from sto!n% the "onvoy to ee or 'e"ause her "y"le

    starte# to str! #o$n to %et hose# off after hav!n% to %o !nto "om'at $!th full M9P %ear $hen

    there3s a '!olo%!"al threat E#en7. he "learly has a stron% o!n!on that th!s $!ll 'e a ro'lem

    that females $!ll fa"e !f they "hoose to -o!n "om'at un!ts. ;or most $omen sol#!ers th!s may not

     'e an !ssue( ho$ever( the )rmy nee#s to take eamles su"h as th!s !nto "ons!#erat!on $hen

    evaluat!n% $omen for "om'at roles.

    W!th su"h a lar%e num'er of $omen !n the m!l!tary !t seems l!ke !t $as only a matter of

    t!me 'efore the m!l!tary 'e"ame more a""et!n% of $omen( ese"!ally !n "om'at roles. Many

     eole #o not l!ke the !#ea of allo$!n% $omen to -o!n "om'at oerat!ons. &here are also those

     'oth !n an# out of the m!l!tary $ho are very suort!ve of "om'at a"t!ve $omen sol#!ers. W!th

    over 200(000 $omen !n the m!l!tary !t !s my 'el!ef that there are some $omen sol#!ers $ho

     otent!ally "an a## "ons!#era'le value an# "an hel "ontr!'ute !n many $ays to roel our

    m!l!tary for$ar#. )s $e 'e"ome a more "ere'ral m!l!tary $omen sol#!ers $!ll 'e os!t!one# to

    "ontr!'ute an# art!"!ate !n front l!ne oerat!ons. )lthou%h $omen sol#!ers an# our %overnment

    have re"e!ve# "r!t!"!sm an# a 'a"klash $!th!n the m!l!tary for"es( + 'el!eve that $omen have a

     oss!'!l!ty of hav!n% a very 'r!%ht future !n these "om'at or!ente# -o's. +t $oul# seem that there

    !s no f!%ht!n% th!s #rast!" "han%e that !s tak!n% la"e so everyone !s %o!n% to have to f!n# $ays to

    a#-ust to th!s ne$ "han%e very ,u!"kly. Lu"k!ly the n!te# tates m!l!tary !s very %oo# at mak!n%

    "han%e an# shoul# have l!ttle to no ro'lem $!th mana%!n% th!s s!%n!f!"ant "han%e to our

  • 8/17/2019 Research Essay Example 3



    m!l!tary. 9nly t!me $!ll tell $hether the #e"!s!on to allo$ $omen to f!%ht !n "om'at -o's !n the

    m!l!tary $!ll have 'een a "han%e for %oo# or $!ll have ne%at!ve an# oss!'ly #evastat!n% results.

    Work C!te#

  • 8/17/2019 Research Essay Example 3



    E#en( Ju#e. &he Pro'lems of Women !n Com'at < ;rom a ;emale Com'at Det. Western Journalism.

     N..( 26 Jan. 201. We'. 22 Jan. 2016.

    &hul( /ave. ;ore!%n an# /omest!". : Women in Combat . N..( 2F Jan. 201. We'. 22 Jan. 2016.

    &!l%hman( )n#re$. Women !n Com'at n!tsG ;!nal /e"!s!on /ue. Military Times. N..( 21 June

    201A. We'. 12 Jan. 2016.