Research Essay Example 1

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  • 8/17/2019 Research Essay Example 1



    Professor Manley

    EN 102

    27 March 2015

    The Unleveled Playing Field: Females in Collegiae !"ors

    #magine $eing one of hiry eigh females% No& of hose hiry eigh females' imagine yo(

    are only one of en ha "arici"ae in s"ors% )elcome o my realiy% To $e a female a *alley

    Forge mean +oining a minisc(le' (nder,recogni-ed gro(" of "eo"le% .( here &asn/ really any

    sense of ho& (nderre"resened &e &o(ld $e as s(den ahlees% U"on my arrival' as # &aled o

    mee and +oin he remainder of my classmaes' # noiced somehing &as eremely "ec(liar% The

    amo(n of male collegiae ahlees &as over&helming he dis"ro"orion minding,$lo&ing% To

    mae maers even &orse' o( of he a""roimae one h(ndred en males "laced in 3 4 Com"any

    he ahleic com"any for he residenial s(dens a *FMC6' a$o( 58 of hem if no more6

    financed heir ed(caion hro(gh ahleic scholarshi"s afer $eing recr(ied% #n com"lee conras'

    o( of he en females a *FMC for ahleics' only si of hem financed heir ed(caion hro(gh

    ahleic scholarshi" ("on recr(imen% Noing hese ma+or differences' # decided o com"are he

    ahleics offered a *FMC side $y side%

    9 he concl(sion of volley$all season' &hich iniiaes he $eginning of female and male

     $ase$all season' several large differences sen (" immediae red flags% For one' he men/s

     $ench $arely had any room% The $ench' a any given ime' held fifeen mem$ers' &hich mean

    here &ere a""roimaely &eny mem$ers on he men/s eam% 3o&ever' in grea conras' he

    &omen/s eam sr(ggled &ih five mem$ers% The "layers &o(ld have o ae on fory min(es of

     "laying ime and &ere e"eced o "lay hro(gh eha(sion and in+(ry% This also $ecame a

  • 8/17/2019 Research Essay Example 1



     "ro$lem &hen &o females my roommae and #6 &ere re(esed o "lay $ase$all or a leas si

    on and fill he $ench $y $oh o(r 3ead Coach of )omen/s *olley$all and he 3ead Coach of

    )omen/s .ase$all% 9long &ih $eing &ell a&are ha # had a serio(s in+(ry a he ime and &as

    no cleared and ha &e didn/ "ossess he (alificaions o "lay his s"or' my roommae and #

    &ere (nineresed in "laying as &e had come o "lay sof$all and volley$all' res"ecively%

    9noher large iss(e is ha he s"ors offered are (neven for he men and &omen% The men/s

    eams incl(de foo$all' $ase$all' lacrosse and $ase$all' &hile &omen/s eams incl(de only

    volley$all and $ase$all% )hile he *FMC &e$sie adverises he school offers ha here are

    soccer and sof$all "rograms' neiher "rogram eiss% vfmac%ed(6

    Unfor(naely' incidens s(ch as his are no +(s ecl(sive o *alley Forge Miliary

    College hey ha""en in colleges and (niversiies all across he Unied !aes% The acs

    inrod(ced a$ove are all illegal (nder he Tile #; la&% Enaced in

  • 8/17/2019 Research Essay Example 1



    !enaor .irch .ayh of #ndiana' &ho &as he chief !enae s"onsor and he a(hor

    of Tile #;' firs inrod(ced he la& o Congress% .ayh &as also aem"ing o re&or vario(s

    consi(ional iss(es in regards o &omen/s righs a he ime of Tile #;/s inrod(cion% >ne

    ma+or amendmen he incor"oraed &as he E(al ?ighs 9mendmen' $(il o a$olish

    discriminaory differenial reamen $ased on se% The 3igher Ed(caion 9c of 1=@5' re&ored

    and even(ally rea(hori-ed' &as finally inrod(ced as an amendmen on Fe$r(ary 2' 1=72%

    )hen maing some remars on he !enae floor' .ayh saed' A)e are all familiar &ih

    he sereoy"e of &omen as "rey hings &ho go o college o find a h(s$and' go on o grad(ae

    school $eca(se hey &an a more ineresing h(s$and' and finally marry' have children' and never 

    &or again% .( he facs a$sol(ely conradic hese myhs a$o( he B&eaer seB and i is ime

    o change o(r o"eraing ass(m"ions% )hile he im"ac of his amendmen &o(ld $e far,

    reachingA' .ayh concl(ded' Ai is no a "anacea% # is' ho&ever' an im"oran firs se" in he

    effor o "rovide for he &omen of 9merica somehing ha is righf(lly heirsan e(al chance

    o aend he schools of heir choice' o develo" he sills hey &an' and o a""ly hose sills

    &ih he no&ledge ha hey &ill have a fair chance o sec(re he +o$s of heir choice &ih e(al

     "ay for e(al &orA% Tile #; $ecame la& on

  • 8/17/2019 Research Essay Example 1



    and here &ere several noions looing for &ays o limi Tile #;/s overall infl(ence% !enaor

    .ayh s"en he follo&ing hree years &aching he 3E) form(lae reg(laions ha &o(ld end

    discriminaion' $ased on se' in higher ed(caion% )hen he reg(laions &ere iss(ed in he

    s(mmer of 1=75' hey &ere conesed% The 3o(se !($commiee on E(al >""or(niies held

    hearings a$o( he discre"ancies $e&een he reg(laions and he ac(al la&% 9lso o $e

    moniored &ere colleges and (niversiies' o ens(re ha im"lemenaion of he la& oo "lace%

    3o&ever' here &ere cases in &hich some did no &an o com"ly &ih he la&% !enaor

  • 8/17/2019 Research Essay Example 1



    Female 9hleics Under Tile #;

    )hen he final cla(se of Tile #; &as signed ino la&' in 1=75' i &as discovered ha

     "rovisions &ere made ha "rohi$ied se discriminaion in high school and collegiae ahleic

     "rograms% The reg(laions re(ired ha he insi(ion &hich s"onsored any of he fo(r iered

    s"ors inerscholasic' inercollegiae' cl($ or inram(ral6 m(s "rovide an e(al o""or(niy for

    ahleics for mem$ers of $oh se% # is no (ncommon o find ha since he "assing of Tile #;'

    many insi(ions $elonging o he NC99 have had several com"liance iss(es% The >ffice of

    Civil ?ighs >C?6 is one of he governing $odies is one of he gro("s ha ries o ens(re ha

    he differen as"ecs of Tile #; are enforced% They &ere delegaed he "o&er o ae a&ay

    federal f(nding from schools and organi-aions &ho aren/ a$iding &ih Tile #;% Tho(gh hey

    have he "o&er' >C? has never eercised i% ?aher han ae a&ay he federal f(nding' >C?

    &ors &ih he schoolG organi-aion o $ecome more com"lian $y seing (" a sched(le or an

    acion "lan ha sho(ld $e follo&ed% ncaa%org6

    Tile #; has had a large im"ac on collegiae ahleics since is "assing% #n high school

    ahleics "rograms' female "arici"aion has increased $y nearly enfold and mos do($le in

    collegiae s"ors% .efore he la& &as "assed in 1=72' i &as esimaes ha less han D0'000 girls

    in high school and less han D0'000 &omen in college "arici"aed in ahleics% No&' more han D

    million high school girls and 00'000 college &omen "arici"ae in ahleics% Tile #; is +(s D7

    &ords in lengh' ye i has $een $oh credied &ih and $lamed for a lo of hings ha have

    ha""ened in college ahleics in he "as fo(r decades% !(dies on he gender e(iy of s"ors

    fo(nd on college cam"(ses have "rovided an eaminaion of ho& Tile #; is "erceived%

    H(esions have $een raised over he e(iy $e&een male and female s(den ahlees% Females'

    regardless of &heher an adminisraor' coach' or ahlee' ho(gh here o $e less e(iy han

  • 8/17/2019 Research Essay Example 1



    males &hen i comes o hese five facors: "rogram s(""or' financial s(""or' s"ors offerings'

    sched(ling' and changes in he "as &o o hree years% aa(&%org6

    Pro$lems Under Tile #;

    9s "revio(sly saed' Tile #; is a "aric(larly $rief la& and as s(ch' is o"en o a lo of

    misiner"reaions ha re(ire (ie a $i of e"laining% Many schools have fo(nd heir &ay

    aro(nd Tile #; or seemingly ignore he la& com"leely%

    9 he Universiy of !o(h Florida' more han half of he 71 &omen on he cross,co(nry

    roser didn/ r(n a race in 200=% )hen confroned a$o( i' several of he &omen made i $e

    no&n ha hey &eren/ a&are ha hey &ere on he eam% 9 Marshall Universiy' he &omen/s

    ennis recr(ied hree mem$ers ho(gh hey didn/ have he sill level o "lay' or even "racice'

    &ih is senior mem$ers% #nvied $y he coach' he made i no&n o hem ha hey co(ld come o

     "racice &henever hey lied and &o(ld no have o ravel &ih he eam% 9 Cornell' 15 of he D

    mem$ers of he &omen/s fencing eam are ac(ally men' +(s re"ored as females% There is even a

    federal loo"hole ha allo&s hem o re"or male "racice "layers as female "arici"ans' &hich

    Teas 9IM and (e ae f(ll advanage of% nyimes%com6

    )hy is i ha cerain schools feel ha i is acce"a$le o do his o is female eamsJ 9

    ma+or as"ec of all of his has o do &ih he foo$all eam% The men/s foo$all eam is $elieved o

     $e one of he $igges reven(e maing ameniies a ma+or colleges and (niversiies% The games'

    he evens and he eams in general are $elieved o $ring in he mos money for he school' &hich

    e"lains he salary of foo$all coaches% .( &ha does his mean eaclyJ This means ha in

  • 8/17/2019 Research Essay Example 1



    order o $e a$le o e"and he eam' according o Tile #;' here m(s $e an e(al amo(n of

    female ahlees and ahleic "rograms availa$le a he school% )iho( he aforemenioned

    re(iremens $eing f(lfilled' foo$all coaches &o(ld have o c( do&n heir eam si-es% >n

    average' a eam in his day and age is a$o( 111 men srong as o""osed o "revio(s years' &ere

    he eam &as made (" of a""roimaely =@ men%

    !ol(ions o he Pro$lem

    )ha can colleges do a$o( his Tile #; iss(eJ )ell' here are several &ays o go a$o(

    his% # is "ar of he Tile #; la& ha every federal assised insi(ion m(s s($mi a Tile #;

    re"or' sho&ing and deailing he saisics for he differen areas and he gro&h ha i may have%

    3o&ever' his re"or is no made "($lic and may no "orray he correc informaion% >ne school'

    Chadron !ae College' had made his re"or "($lic%

    >n he re"or' each of he s"ors is lised' se side $y side according o &ha gender i is

     $ased off of% Then' here are saisics &hich incl(de he amo(n of recr(is and he amo(n of

    scholarshi" money "rovided for each of he eams and have he oals so ha vie&ers can

    com"are he res(ls% They also sho& he amo(n ha he coaches ge "aid $ased on gender and

    &heher hey hold "osiions as head coach or assisan coach% #n doing his' he school is sho&ing

    ho& hey ry o $e as e(al as "ossi$le and don/ inend o hide anyhing or leave he s(dens no


  • 8/17/2019 Research Essay Example 1



    The total unduplicated number of student athletes at Chadron State College in 2013-2014 was

    348. There were 22 men and !" women who participated in intercollegiate athletics. "!.2# of

    the participants were men and 30.8# were women. The brea$down b% indi&idual sport is below'

    (ist all sports and number of participants b% gender as below.

    )ens' *omen'

    +as$etball 1" +as$etball 12

    Cross Countr% 1 Cross Countr% 1

    ,ootball 1" olf

    /ndoor Trac$ ! Softball 21

    utdoor Trac$ "0 /ndoor Trac$ 38

    *restling 2! utdoor Trac$ 3!

      olle%ball 1

    Total 33 14!

    articipant totals ma% be duplicated due to athlete participation in more than one

    2. Athletic Financial Assistance

    Athletic Student Aid

    The total athletic student financial aid ependitures for athletics in 2013-2014 were 588628.

    The men7s program was awarded 5"86001 and the women7s program recei&ed 52!062.

    "".2# of athletic student financial aid was granted to men and 33.8# was granted to women.

    brea$down b% indi&idual sport is below'

  • 8/17/2019 Research Essay Example 1



    (ist all sports and dollar amount of financial aid b% gender as below

    )ens' *omen'

    +as$etball 588630 +as$etball 5"640!

    ,ootball 5236!8 olf 5136844

    Trac$ Combined 51316118 Softball 56"33

    *restling 5468! Trac$6 Combined 58""0

      olle%ball 5"86181

    Total 5"86001 52!062

    3. Other Program Benefits

    Operating Expenditures

    The total operating ependitures for athletics in 2013-2014 were 5286418. The men7s program

    spent 54640! and the women7s program spent 523600!. "2.# of operating ependitures

    were spent b% men and 3.# spent on the women7s program. brea$down b% indi&idual sport

    is below'

    (ist all sports and dollars spent b% gender as below.

    )ens' *omen'

    +as$etball 56"" +as$etball 5684

    ,ootball 52164! olf 51!602!

    Trac$ Combined 5104628 Softball 568!3

    *restling 563 Trac$6 Combined 52642

      olle%ball 54641

    Total 54640! 523600!

  • 8/17/2019 Research Essay Example 1



    Recruiting Expenses

    The total recruiting ependitures for athletics in 2013-2014 were 5386"16 with the men7s

    program spending 52"616 the women7s program spending 511684". "!.3# of the recruiting

    dollars were for men and 30.# for women. brea$down b% indi&idual sport is below'

    (ist all sports and dollars spent b% gender as below.

    )ens' *omen'

    +as$etball 5"604" +as$etball 5463

    ,ootball 51860!! olf 5!8

    Trac$ Combined 51628 Softball 536810

    *restling 516042 Trac$6 Combined 5160

      olle%ball 526128

    Total 52"61 511684"

    Head oaches! Salaries " #en!s and $omen!s %eams

     Average Annual Institution Salary per Head Coach

    • )en7s Teams 586!

    • *omen7s Teams 5"06418

    Assistant oaches! Salaries " #en!s and $omen!s %eams

     Average Annual Institution Salary per Assistant Coach

    • )en7s Teams 53"6812

    • *omen7s Teams 5236"8

  • 8/17/2019 Research Essay Example 1



     No&' imagine yo(r moher' siser' &ife' da(gher% #magine hem having o deal &ih &ha

    ho(sands of &omen have o face on a yearly $asis% The amo(n of ho(rs hey "( ino he s"or

    of heir choice' "erfecing heir sill +(s o find o( ha hey aren/ $eing "ro"erly re"resened or 

    are $eing "(shed o do hings ha hey aren/ ineresed in o mae heir school loo $eer%

    Everyhing ha hey had &aned is "( on he line for hings ha seem o $e $eyond heir conrol%

    .eing a$le o (ndersand and "ossi$ly solve he iss(es &o(ld $e he $es &ay o fi his "ro$lem

    of Tile #; infracions and he ine(iy seen in collegiae s"ors' .y $(dgeing money fairly

     $e&een he scholarshi" f(nds and he ac(al eam f(nds for each s"or' he e(iy iss(e co(ld $e

    more easily avoided% # &o(ld also mae sense o $e s(re ha if here aren/ many female eams

    &ih an a$(ndance of male eams' several of he male eams ha aren/ as "o"(lar &o(ld ideally

     $e c( o $eer accommodae $oh men and &omen% There are hings ha everyone can do o

    ens(re ha hese hings are more fairly r(n%

    Thro(gh Tile #;' &omen have $een given righs ha hey sho(ld have al&ays had% )hile

    his la& &as enaced a""roimaely 50 years ago' he a$iliy o rea females as ho(gh hey are

    e(al o men remains a challenge% Everyone as"ires o $e grea% !o o limi he greaness of

    females is a definie in+(sice% To live his realiy firshand and o have e"erience several ahleic

    Tile #; offenses in my firs year of college' # &o(ld hae for oher &omen &ih goals' ho"es and

    dreams o have o e"erience his as &ell%