REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Human Capital Management and Financial Information System ID: RFP-25-20-02 Issued October 17th, 2019 Responses due via email by 4:30 p.m. Central Time, Nov. 22, 2019 Please include RFP ID on all correspondence

REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Human Capital Management and ... Capital... · A statement that the proposal meets all requirements of this RFP, and that the offer tendered by the proposal will

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Page 1: REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Human Capital Management and ... Capital... · A statement that the proposal meets all requirements of this RFP, and that the offer tendered by the proposal will


Human Capital Management and Financial Information System

ID: RFP-25-20-02

Issued October 17th, 2019

Responses due via email

by 4:30 p.m. Central Time, Nov. 22, 2019

Please include RFP ID on all correspondence

Page 2: REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Human Capital Management and ... Capital... · A statement that the proposal meets all requirements of this RFP, and that the offer tendered by the proposal will


Table of Contents I. Introduction ...............................................................................................................................4

II. Description of SURS ....................................................................................................................4 Background Specific to This RFP ............................................................................................................. 4

III. Services Required .......................................................................................................................6

IV. Minimum Qualifications .............................................................................................................6

V. Proposal Content ........................................................................................................................6 Cover Letter ............................................................................................................................................ 6 Statement of Minimum Qualifications ................................................................................................... 6 Reference Checks ................................................................................................................................... 6 Company Organization and Diversity Questionnaire ............................................................................. 6 Fee Proposal ........................................................................................................................................... 7 Candidate Information ........................................................................................................................... 7 Contract .................................................................................................................................................. 7 Software/Services Information .............................................................................................................. 7 Current System Interfaces ...................................................................................................................... 7 HCM Requirements ................................................................................................................................ 8 FIS Requirements ................................................................................................................................... 8

VI. Submission of Proposals .............................................................................................................8

VII. Evaluation Process......................................................................................................................8 Pre-Evaluation Review ............................................................................................................................ 8 Proposal Evaluation ................................................................................................................................ 8

VIII. Anticipated Timeline and Contact Information ............................................................................9 SURS RFP Contact Information ............................................................................................................. 10

IX. Submission Process .................................................................................................................. 10 Deadline ............................................................................................................................................... 10 Withdrawal ........................................................................................................................................... 10 Questions ............................................................................................................................................. 10

X. General Conditions ................................................................................................................... 10 Freedom of Information Act Disclosure ............................................................................................... 10 Redacted Version of RFP Response ...................................................................................................... 11 Ordinary Course of Business Communications Allowed ...................................................................... 11 SURS Quiet Period Policy ...................................................................................................................... 11 Rights Reserved .................................................................................................................................... 12 Equal Opportunity ................................................................................................................................ 12 Terms and Conditions ........................................................................................................................... 12

Appendix A: Statement of Minimum Qualifications........................................................................... 13

Appendix B: Company Organization & Diversity Questionnaire ......................................................... 14 Contact and Company Information: ..................................................................................................... 14 Organization Background: .................................................................................................................... 14

Appendix C: Fee Proposal ................................................................................................................. 16

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Appendix D: Addendum to Contract ................................................................................................. 18

Appendix E: SURS’ Travel Policy ........................................................................................................ 20

Appendix F: Vendor Software/Services Information .......................................................................... 21

Appendix G: Current System Interfaces............................................................................................. 22

Appendix H: Human Capital Management System Requirements ...................................................... 24 System Requirements. ......................................................................................................................... 24 Human Resources ................................................................................................................................. 25 Payroll ................................................................................................................................................... 25 Benefits................................................................................................................................................. 26 Talent Management ............................................................................................................................. 26 Workforce Management ...................................................................................................................... 28

Appendix I: Financial Information System Requirements ................................................................... 31 System Requirements. ......................................................................................................................... 31 Accounts Payable ................................................................................................................................. 32 Budgeting ............................................................................................................................................. 33 Asset Tracking ....................................................................................................................................... 34 General Ledger ..................................................................................................................................... 34 Purchase Orders ................................................................................................................................... 35 Payroll and Benefits .............................................................................................................................. 37 System .................................................................................................................................................. 37

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I. Introduction The State Universities Retirement System (SURS or the System) is requesting proposals from qualified software and service vendors regarding a new Human Capital Management (HCM) and Financial Information System (FIS) software solution that will also accommodate modern, comprehensive interfaces with existing systems (internal and external).

All forms/required documents needed for submitting an RFP are available on the SURS website at www.surs.org.

A proposer’s preparation and submittal of a proposal or subsequent participation in presentations or contract negotiations creates no obligation on the System to award a contract or to pay any associated costs. All proposals and related materials will be retained by the System and will be subject to disclosure as required in accordance with the Illinois Freedom of Information Act.

II. Description of SURS SURS is the administrator of a cost-sharing, multiple employer, public employee retirement system that provides retirement, survivor, disability and death benefits to employees of Illinois state universities, community colleges, and certain other affiliated organizations and agencies. SURS was created in 1941, by an act of the Illinois General Assembly, and is governed by the Illinois Pension Code (40 ILCS 5/15-101 et seq.). SURS provides benefit services to over 230,000 members who work for 61 employers. SURS is responsible for investing assets of more than $19 billion in a diversified portfolio of U.S. and foreign stocks, bonds, real estate and alternative investments. SURS also administers a defined contribution plan, the Self-Managed Plan, which currently has assets of approximately $2.2 billion. Northern Trust serves as SURS’ master trustee custodian.

An elected and appointed, eleven-person, board of trustees, governs SURS. The chairperson of the board of trustees is, by statute, the chairperson of the Illinois Board of Higher Education. Five members of the board are appointed by the governor of the state of Illinois. The remaining six members of the board are elected by participating members (four individuals) and annuitants (two individuals). Trustees serve six-year terms. SURS is funded by participant payroll deductions and annual employer contributions provided by the state of Illinois. By statute, SURS is defined as a “body politic and corporate” created by Article 15 of the Illinois Pension Code.

SURS currently employs approximately 148 staff, located in offices in Champaign and Naperville, Illinois. Two SURS employees are in the Naperville office. The remaining SURS employees are currently situated in Champaign offices at 1901 Fox Drive and 1801 Fox Drive.

A copy of SURS’ most recent comprehensive annual financial report (CAFR) is available for review, or to download, at www.surs.org.

The Illinois Governmental Ethics Act, 40 ILCS 420, provides guidelines for ethical practices concerning state and local pension plans. Respondent providers should be familiar with the provisions of this Act.

Section 1-109.1(6) of the Illinois Pension Code (40 ILCS 5/1-109.1(6)) encourages Illinois public pension systems like SURS to utilize businesses owned by “minorities,” “women,” and “persons with disabilities” for all contracts and services, as those terms are defined in the Business Enterprise for Minorities, Women, and Persons with Disabilities Act (“BEMWPD”,30 ILCS 575). Additionally, Section 1-109.1(10) of the Illinois Pension Code (40 ILCS 5/1-109.1(10)) sets an aspirational goal of not less than 20 percent of contracts awarded to such businesses for "information technology services,” "accounting services,” "insurance brokers,” "architectural and engineering services” and "legal services" as defined by the BEMWPD. Accordingly, businesses that meet these definitions are strongly encouraged to submit responses to this

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A section of the Illinois Procurement Code concerning prohibitions of political contributions for vendors, 30 ILCS 500/50-37, may or may not apply to SURS service providers. However, each service provider should be familiar with the provisions of this section and comply with this section if the service provider deems it appropriate.

SURS is subject to its own procurement statutes and rules. Responders should be familiar with those procurement requirements as well. The selected responder will be paid by SURS directly.

Additional legal requirements that vendors should be familiar with are contained in the Addendum to Contract under Appendix D.

Background Specific to This RFP SURS is in the early phases of a digital transformation initiative, and the SURS Board of Trustees has approved a project to modernize and improve the functionality and efficiencies of the Human Resources (HR) and Accounting departments.

Human Resources

The human resources team is comprised of our chief human resources officer and two staff members all located in Champaign.

There is currently no cohesive electronic HR system in place. Current HR processes are paper driven with manual input into Excel and Word files. For example, time keeping is recorded by each member of staff in an individual Excel file. Every two weeks the file is printed and signed by the employee who passes the paper document to their supervisor for an authorization signature. The authorized timesheet is then passed to the HR team who manually check the sheet for anomalies as well as checking sick and vacation time used before creating another Excel file that is passed to the finance team for payroll. Similar processes are repeated in many aspects of HR work.


The finance team is comprised of our chief financial officer and six staff members located in Champaign.

The finance team uses Timberline / Sage 300 CRE (Version: 17.1.8 Rev 8) for accounting purposes, but it lacks much of the custom reporting capability that our finance team needs. Timberline’s lack of reporting means the finance team spend much of their time manually manipulating data in Excel to create meaningful reports. This is a problem for the finance team for year-end closing, budgeting and other standard reporting needs.

Several interfaces exist between our Timberline software and other internal and external systems. A few examples are EFT processing with our bank, DocLink for purchase order creation and A/P invoice approval workflow, and SURS’ iSeries-based Pension Administration System. It is anticipated that data exchanged via one or more of these interfaces will need to be accommodated in the new solution, in a more contemporary and automated fashion.

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III. Services Required The State Universities Retirement System is looking for qualified software and service vendors to upgrade existing legacy software and manual processes to a modern Human Capital Management (HCM) and Financial Information System (FIS) software solution that will also accommodate modern, comprehensive interfaces with existing systems (internal and external).

Successful respondents will also provide user and administrator training for SURS staff after the upgrade. Select vendors will be asked to demonstrate their solutions to SURS stakeholders.

IV. Minimum Qualifications The responder’s key professionals and/or organization must not have material conflicts with SURS or the SURS board.

A minimum of five (5) years providing Human Capital Management and/or Accounting software.

A minimum of three (3) years of experience with the public sector.

V. Proposal Content At a minimum, the proposal must include the following information to be considered for the engagement. For ease of review, each requirement should be addressed separately. All communications regarding this RFP must include the RFP ID shown on the title page.

Cover Letter A cover letter, in the form of a standard business letter, must be signed by an individual authorized to bind the respondent contractually. The cover letter must indicate the signer is so authorized and must indicate the signer’s title or position. An unsigned proposal will be rejected. The cover letter will be considered an integral part of the proposal package. The cover letter must also include:

a. A statement that the proposal meets all requirements of this RFP, and that the offer tendered by the proposal will remain in full force and effect until and may be accepted by SURS at any time prior to 30 days beyond the deadline for submission.

b. A disclosure of any current business relationship or any current negotiations for prospective business with SURS, or with any member of the board of trustees or SURS staff, or any party currently rendering services to SURS.

c. A statement that the respondent acknowledges that all documents submitted in response to this RFP may be subject to disclosure under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act and/or the Illinois Open Meetings Act.

Statement of Minimum Qualifications Respondents must complete and return the Minimum Qualifications Certification in the form contained in Appendix A.

Reference Checks Reference checks will be conducted for each finalist.

Company Organization and Diversity Questionnaire

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The questionnaire contained in Appendix B of this RFP must be completed and returned as part of the proposal.

Fee Proposal Respondents must submit a fixed-cost proposal in the format prescribed in Appendix C. Any deviation from the prescribed format which in the opinion of SURS is material and may result in the rejection of the proposal. The proposed fee shall include all costs and expenses for providing the services and equipment as described in this RFP. Once finalists are selected, fees may be subject to a “best and final” offer process to be determined at the discretion of the System.

The fee proposal must expressly state that the proposed fees are guaranteed for the term of any resulting contract. Indicate the amount for all initial setup work including installation, migration, customization, training, etc. and Annual cost for support, maintenance, licenses, etc. Ideally, SURS would be informed of the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) over a five-year agreement window.

Candidate Information Resumes for potential members of the engagement team, detailing applicable experience and credentials, should be included in the proposal.

Contract This RFP is neither a contract nor meant to serve as a contract. It is anticipated that one of the proposals submitted in response to this RFP may be selected as the basis for negotiation of a contract with the respondent. Such a contract is presently contemplated to contain, at a minimum, the terms of the proposal submitted, as finally negotiated and approved by the System. SURS reserves the right to negotiate additions, deletions or modifications to the terms of proposals submitted. The terms contained in Appendix D, Addendum to Contract, must be agreed to and accepted by the candidate or organization selected to perform the work contemplated by this RFP, unless exceptions are noted as part of the proposer’s response.

Project Schedule The submission must include a preliminary project schedule based on the number of calendar days required to perform the work following the award of the contract.

Software/Services Information Respond to all items listed in Appendix F: Software/Services Information in this RFP.

Current System Interfaces Describe how your solution will replace the interfaces listed in Appendix G: Current System Interfaces. The interfaces to SURS’s internal AS400 / CSG and all external services will remain after the new HCM / FIS solution is in place.

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HCM Requirements See Appendix H for a full list of HCM requirements. Use the separate file “HCM/FIS Check List.xslx” to indicate which requirements your solution does not provide, provides as standard, can provide via seamless integration with a third-party service, or can provide with custom integration with a third-party service. Send your completed check list file along with your RFP response documents.

A vendor’s proposal will not be rejected simply because they cannot provide an item in Appendix H, but SURS will evaluate the importance of the unsupported item and compare its availability in other vendor solutions.

If the response to this RFP is for an HCM only solution, include detailed information how your service will interface with a potential FIS system as well as SURS existing services.

FIS Requirements See Appendix I for a full list of FIS requirements. Use the separate file “HCM/FIS Check List.xslx” to indicate which requirements your solution does not provide, provides as standard, can provide via seamless integration with a third-party service, or can provide with custom integration with a third-party service. Send your completed check list file along with your RFP response documents.

A vendor’s proposal will not be rejected simply because they cannot provide an item in Appendix I, but SURS will evaluate the importance of the unsupported item and compare its availability in other vendor solutions.

If the response to this RFP is for an FIS only solution, include detailed information how your service will interface with a potential HCM system as well as SURS existing services.

VI. Submission of Proposals All proposals must be received no later than the deadline stated in the Anticipated Timeline and Contact Information section. Submissions must be made via email to the identified contact person by the stated deadline. Only email submissions will be accepted.

The proposals become the property of SURS upon submission. All costs for developing proposals and attending presentations and/or interviews are entirely the responsibility of the proposer and shall not be chargeable to SURS.

Only one proposal from an individual, firm, partnership, corporation or combination thereof will be considered for this assignment.

VII. Evaluation Process Pre-Evaluation Review All proposals will be reviewed to determine if they contain all the required submittals specified in this RFP. Those not submitting all required information in the prescribed format will be rejected.

Proposal Evaluation All proposals received by the SURS representative on or before the deadline listed in the Anticipated Timeline and Contact Information section will be reviewed to determine whether they meet the minimum requirements of this RFP.

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All proposals that are received by the deadline and pass the pre-evaluation review will undergo an evaluation process conducted by SURS staff. They will be reviewed to determine whether they meet the requirements of this RFP. SURS will consider the following factors in the evaluation process, ranked in no specific order, and will render a decision based on the perceived best fit and best value for the engagement. Fees will be one of the determining factors in this decision but will not be the primary determinative. Proposals will be evaluated based on criteria including:

• Understanding of the services requested. • Timeline for recommended solution to be implemented. • Proposed methodology and work plan to be used in the process. • Proposed deliverables. • Relevant knowledge, experience and qualification of firm and team members including

established record of success in similar work. • Commitment to diversity. • Willingness to negotiate contract terms. • Independence. • Cost. • Warranty. • References. • Adherence to RFP submission requirements.

Proposals that contain false or misleading statements or that provide references which do not support an attribute or condition claimed by the respondent will be rejected. Issuance of the request for proposal creates no obligation to award a contract or to pay any costs incurred in the preparation of a proposal. Nothing in this RFP or any resulting contract shall preclude SURS from procuring services similar to those described herein from other sources.

During the evaluation process, respondents may be requested to provide additional information and/or clarify contents of their proposal. Other than information requested by SURS, no respondent will be allowed to alter the proposal or add new information after the filing date.

Once finalists are selected, fees may be subject to a “best and final” offer process to be determined at the discretion of the System.

Any respondent selected by SURS will be subject to the terms of the SURS Travel Policy which are attached hereto as Appendix E. Respondents should be familiar with these terms as they will be included in any contract awarded by SURS. Respondents may either include all expected travel costs as part of their overall “not to exceed” cost for the work to be performed under this RFP or they must provide their best estimate for all travel expenses they expect to incur in performing the services required by this RFP.

VIII. Anticipated Timeline and Contact Information Schedule Date RFP Issued October 17, 2019 Quiet Period Begins October 17, 2019 Responder Questions Due November 8, 2019, 4:30 p.m. Central Time Responses to Questions Posted November 15, 2019 RFP Responses Due on or Before November 22, 2019, 4:30 p.m. Central Time Evaluations and Interviews November 25, 2019 – December 6, 2019 Software Demonstrations / Proof of Concept December 9, 2019 - December 18, 2019 Anticipated Project Start HCM – January 17, 2020

FIS – February 14, 2020

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SURS may extend these deadlines at its discretion. Any such extensions will be posted to the SURS website.

SURS RFP Contact Information [email protected] Procurement Officer SURS 1901 Fox Drive Champaign, IL 61825-2710

IX. Submission Process Deadline To be considered for selection, proposals must be received via email in Adobe Acrobat format at [email protected] no later than 4:30 p.m. CT, November 22, 2019. Please reference the “RFP-25-20-02 HCM / FIS” (with responder name) in your communications. An email confirmation will be sent confirming receipt of the proposal.

Withdrawal A proposal may be withdrawn any time prior to the deadline by written notification signed by the individual applicant or authorized agent of the firm and received at [email protected] no later than the deadline of 4:30 p.m. CT, November 22, 2019. Please reference the “RFP-25-20-02 HCM / FIS” (with responder name) in your communications. An email confirmation will be sent confirming withdrawal of the proposal. The proposal may be resubmitted with any modifications no later than the deadline. Modifications offered in any other manner will not be considered.

Questions To clarify any issues in this RFP, SURS will respond only to questions that are presented in writing via email to [email protected]. All questions should be submitted to SURS by 4:30 p.m. CT, November 8, 2019. Please reference the “RFP 25-20-02 HCM / FIS” (with responder name) in your communications. These questions will be consolidated into a single Q&A document and responded to by SURS on or about, November 15, 2019, by 4:30 p.m. CT. The Q&A document will be posted on the SURS web site at http://www.surs.org/rfp-non-investment. This document will include all questions received and SURS’ answers to the same without indicating the source of the query.

X. General Conditions Freedom of Information Act Disclosure All materials submitted in response to the RFP become property of SURS. Proposals remain confidential during the selection process. However, upon completion of the selection process, all responses, including that of the individual, vendor or firm selected, will be a matter of public information and will be open to public inspection in accordance with the state of Illinois Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

If, in response to this RFP, trade secrets or commercial or financial information are furnished under a claim that they are proprietary, privileged or confidential and that disclosure of the trade secrets or commercial or financial information would cause competitive harm to the person or business responding to this RFP, such claim must be clearly made, and such information must be clearly identified. (5 ILCS

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140/7 and 7.5) Responses to this RFP with every page marked as proprietary, privileged or confidential will not satisfy this requirement. Respondents are required to make a good faith attempt to properly identify only those portions of the proposal that are truly furnished under a claim that they are proprietary, privileged or confidential and that disclosure of the trade secrets or commercial or financial information would cause competitive harm to the person or business responding to this RFP.

Redacted Version of RFP Response In the event the respondent believes and claims that certain materials or information contained in the submitted response are exempt from public disclosure under the Illinois FOIA, the respondent is required to provide a redacted version of the response it believes will be suitable for release under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act. (5 ILCS 140/7 and 7.5)


However, any claim of privilege from disclosure is not definitive. SURS has the right and legal obligation to determine whether such information is exempt from disclosure under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act, and no information will be considered or determined by SURS to be proprietary, privileged or confidential unless it is identified and separated as indicated herein. (5 ILCS 140/7 and 7.5)

Ordinary Course of Business Communications Allowed Other than existing normal business matters, respondents, potential respondents, or their representatives should not contact anyone at SURS (including SURS staff, members of the SURS advisory committees and members of the SURS Board of Trustees) other than the listed RFP contact. In addition, respondents must not discuss this RFP with any employee of SURS, trustee of SURS, employee of SURS’ custodian, managers, legal counsel, or other advisors or persons/entities having contracts or other affiliations with SURS.

SURS Quiet Period Policy Please note the following Quiet Period Policy establishing guidelines by which the SURS Board of Trustees and SURS staff will communicate with prospective vendors or service providers during a search process. The quiet period for this RFP began on the date the RFP was issued: October 17, 2019.

1. The quiet period shall commence upon committee action (or board action if the selection is not initiated through a committee) to authorize a search for a service provider and end once a selection has been made by the board and accepted by the service provider;

2. Initiation, continuation and conclusion of the quiet period shall be publicly communicated via the SURS website (www.surs.org) to prevent inadvertent violations;

3. All board members, and SURS staff not directly involved in the search process, shall refrain from communicating with potential service providers regarding any product or service related to the search offered by the provider throughout the quiet period and shall refrain from accepting meals, travel, hotel or other value from the providers;

4. Throughout the quiet period, if any board member or SURS staff member is contacted by a potential service provider, the board member or SURS staff member shall refer the provider to the SURS staff member directly involved in the search process;

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5. All authority related to the search process shall be exercised solely by the relevant committee or board as a whole, and not by individual board members;

6. All information related to the search process shall be communicated by SURS staff to the relevant committee or board as a whole, and not to individual board members;

7. The quiet period does not prevent board approved due diligence, client conference attendance or communications with an existing service provider that happens to be a provider in the ordinary course of services provided by such service provider; however, discussions related to the pending selection shall be avoided during those activities;

8. The provisions of this policy will apply to potential service providers throughout the quiet period and shall be communicated to providers in conjunction with any competitive proposal process; and

9. A potential service provider or vendor may be disqualified from a search process for a violation of the quiet period or any portion of this policy.

Rights Reserved SURS reserves the right to amend any segment of the RFP prior to the announcement of a selected vendor/contractor. In such an event, all respondents will be afforded the opportunity to revise their proposals to accommodate the RFP amendment.

SURS reserves the right to remove any or all services from consideration for this contract. At its discretion, SURS may issue a separate contract for any service or groups of services included in this RFP. SURS may negotiate additional provisions to the contract awarded pursuant to this RFP.

SURS may request additional information from any or all bidders to assist in the evaluation of proposals, and SURS reserves the right to conduct background investigations of selected individuals or firms prior to awarding a contract under this RFP.

SURS does not bear any obligation to complete the RFP process or to select any individual(s) or firm(s). SURS also reserves the right without prejudice to reject any or all proposals submitted.

SURS will NOT reimburse any expenses incurred in responding to this RFP.

Equal Opportunity SURS does not discriminate because of race, color, religion, creed, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, military status, certain unfavorable discharges from military service, political affiliation, citizenship, ancestry, national origin, physical or mental handicap or disability or any other characteristic protected by law. It is the System’s intent to comply with all state, federal, and local equal employment and opportunity laws and public policies.

Terms and Conditions Following a review of submitted materials, if requested, selected individuals or organizations must be prepared to make a presentation or otherwise participate in an in-person interview in Champaign, IL or in Chicago, IL with SURS staff members and/or members of the SURS Board of Trustees at a date and location to be determined by SURS. SURS will not provide reimbursement for any costs incurred by the individuals or organizations associated with this presentation. Prior to the award of a contract pursuant to this RFP, selected individuals or firms must provide all requested documentation.

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Appendix A: Statement of Minimum Qualifications (Company Name) ________________________________________________ certifies that it meets the following minimum qualifications.

Please initial each as applicable.

1. The responder’s key professionals and/or organization has no material conflicts with SURS or the SURS board.


At least five (5) years of experience providing Human Capital Management and/or Financial Information System software.


A minimum of three (3) years of experience with public sector.

Signed: Date: Title:

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Appendix B: Company Organization and Diversity Questionnaire The following questionnaire must be completed and included with your response to this RFP. Type your responses in the same order as the questionnaire, listing the question first followed by your answer.

Contact and Company Information: Name of Individual / Organization: Mailing Address:

City: State: Zip Code: Phone


Federal Employer Identification Number:

Contact Person(s):

Name: Phone: Title:




Organization Background: 1. Please provide a general description and history of the organization, its operations (please include any

history of mergers and/or acquisitions), year founded, ownership structure, biographies of the principals and percentage ownership by current employees.

2. Provide a brief, descriptive statement detailing evidence of the respondent’s ability to deliver the goods or services sought under this RFP.

3. Is respondent a “Minority-owned business,” meaning a business which is at least 51% owned by one or more minority persons, or in the case of a corporation, at least 51% of the stock in which is owned by one or more minority persons; and the management and daily business operations of which are controlled by one or more of the minority individuals who own it? If so, please provide a detailed explanation.

4. Is respondent a “Female-owned business,” meaning a business which is at least 51% owned by one or more females, or, in the case of a corporation, at least 51% of the stock in which is owned by one or more females; and the management and daily business operations of which are controlled by one or more of the females who own it? If so, please provide a detailed explanation.

5. Is respondent a “Business owned by a person with a disability,” meaning a business that is at least 51% owned by one or more persons with a disability and the management and daily business operations of which are controlled by one or more of the persons with disabilities who own it? A not-

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for-profit agency for persons with disabilities that is exempt from taxation under Section 501 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is also considered a "business owned by a person with a disability.” If so, please provide a detailed explanation.

6. Does respondent’s firm/company have a formal diversity and inclusion policy or initiative? Does this policy extend to subcontractors? If so, please provide a copy of the same.

7. Does respondent’s firm/company have a formal mentorship program or offer enhanced training opportunities for minorities and/or women? If so, please provide details.

8. If selected, does respondent expect to assign any female employees, minority employees, or employees with disabilities to provide any of the requested services to SURS? Please explain.

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Appendix C: Fee Proposal Please include detail regarding scope and cost of services, deliverables and timeframe for completion of the project.

Company Name




1. Please include a clear and concise description of the deliverables you will provide to SURS, in order to meet project requirements as noted in this RFP.

2. The fixed cost below should contain all pricing relative to performing the engagement as described in this RFP. The total, all-inclusive fixed fee is to contain all direct and indirect costs, including out-of-pocket expenses.

3. SURS recommends that responders provide some sense of travel expenses typically associated with a project of this nature. Travel reimbursement terms will be referenced in detail in the contract awarded under this RFP.

4. Include a schedule of professional hourly rates and anticipated number of hours that support the fixed price. Include rates by staff level (project manager, business analyst, etc.) and multiply by the number of hours anticipated for each.

5. Please include other proposal content as detailed in Section V.

Fixed cost amount for all Initial setup work including but not limited to installation, migration, customization, training, initial licenses, etc.


Annual cost for ongoing support, maintenance, licenses, etc.


Five-year total cost of ownership


Please check and complete one of the following statements as it pertains to travel related expenses:

_________ The above costs DO include all expected travel expenses and said expenses will not be billed separately to SURS.

__________ The above costs DO NOT include all expected travel expenses and said expenses will be billed separately to SURS in compliance with the SURS Travel Policy attached hereto as “Appendix E.”

Responder has read the SURS Travel Reimbursement Policy attached hereto as “Appendix E” and estimates that travel expenses to be incurred for work to be performed relative to this RFP per the terms of said policy will total an amount not to exceed: $ _______________.

I, _________________________________________, licensed to conduct business in the state of Illinois and an authorized representative of the above-indicated firm, have reviewed and understand the ______________________ Request for Proposal, and I/we am/are prepared to provide the required services for the above costs.


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Appendix D: Addendum to Contract Addendum to Contract In consideration of SURS entering into such contract, the Vendor/Contractor also agrees to the following:

1) If the Contractor is an individual, he or she certifies that he or she is not in default on an educational loan as provided in Section 3 of the Educational Loan Default Act, 5 ILCS 385/3.

2) The Contractor certifies that it is not barred from being awarded a contract or subcontract because of a conviction or admission of guilt for bribery or for bribing an officer or employee of the state of Illinois or any other state in that officer or employee’s official capacity as provided in Section 50-5 of the Illinois Procurement Code, 30 ILCS 500/50-5 and further certifies that it is in compliance with Section 50-37 of the Illinois Procurement Code, 30 ILCS 500/50-37.

3) The Contractor certifies that it will provide a drug free workplace by engaging in the conduct prescribed in Section 3 of the Drug Free Workplace Act, 30 ILCS 580/3.

4) The Contractor certifies that it is not barred from contracting with SURS because of a violation of either Section 33E-3 (bid-rigging) or 33E-4 (bid rotating) of Article 33E of the Criminal Code of 1961, 720 ILCS 5/33E.

5) The Contractor certifies that neither it nor any substantially owned affiliated company is participating or shall participate in an international boycott in violation of the provisions of the

U.S. Export Administration Act of 1979 or the regulations of the U.S. Department of Commerce promulgated under that Act.

6) The Contractor certifies that no fees, commissions, or payments of any type have been or will be paid to any third party in connection with the contract to which this is an addendum, except as disclosed in the contract or an exhibit thereto as provided in 30 ILCS 500/50-25 and in 40 ILCS 5/1-

145. The Contractor shall promptly notify SURS if it ever has reason to believe that this certification is no longer accurate.

7) To the extent Illinois law is applicable to Contractor, pursuant to 775 ILCS 5/2-105, Contractor agrees to:

a) Refrain from unlawful discrimination and discrimination based on citizenship status in employment and undertake affirmative action to assure equality of employment opportunity and eliminate the effects of past discrimination;

b) Comply with the procedures and requirements of the Illinois Department of Human Rights’ regulations concerning equal employment opportunities and affirmative action;

c) Provide such information, with respect to its employees and applications for employment, and assistance as the Illinois Department of Human Rights may reasonably request; and

d) Have written sexual harassment policies that shall include, at a minimum, the following information:

i) The illegality of sexual harassment;

ii) The definition of sexual harassment under state law;

iii) A description of sexual harassment, utilizing examples;

iv) Contractor’s internal complaint process including penalties;

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v) The legal recourse, investigative and complaint process available through the Illinois Department of Human Rights and the Illinois Human Rights Commission;

vi) Directions on how to contact the Illinois Department of Human Rights and the Illinois Human Rights Commission; and

vii) Protection against retaliation as provided by Section 6-101 of the Illinois Human Rights Act. A copy of the policies shall be provided to the Illinois Department of Human Rights upon request.

8) To the extent it applies to Contractor and this contract, Contractor agrees to comply with the Illinois Prevailing Wage Act, 820 ILCS 130/1, et seq.

9) Contractor shall maintain, for a minimum of five (5) years after the completion of the contract, adequate books, records, and supporting documents to verify the amounts, recipients, and uses of all disbursements of funds passing in conjunction with the contract. Contractor shall further make all such books, records, and supporting documents related to the contract available for review and audit by the internal auditor of SURS and by the Illinois Auditor General and shall cooperate fully with any audit conducted by the internal auditor of SURS and the Illinois Auditor General and will further provide the internal auditor of SURS and the Illinois Auditor General full access to all relevant materials.

10) Contractor agrees to notify the SURS ethics officer if it solicits or intends to solicit for employment any of the employees of SURS during the term of the contract.

11) Contractor understands that SURS and this contract are subject to the provisions of the Illinois Open Meetings Act (5 ILCS 120/1, et seq) and the Illinois Freedom of Information Act (5 ILCS 140/1, et seq).

12) Counterparts. This Agreement and Addendum may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original, but all of which, taken together, shall constitute one and the same agreement. The counterparts of this Agreement and Addendum may be executed and delivered by facsimile or other electronic signature by any of the parties to any other party and the receiving party may rely on the receipt of such document so executed and delivered by facsimile or other electronic means as if the original had been received.

Under penalties of perjury, Contractor certifies that is its correct Federal Taxpayer Identification Number.

Contractor is doing business as a(n) (please circle applicable entity):

• Individual

• Sole Proprietorship

• Partnership

• Corporation

• Not-for-Profit Corporation

• Medical and Health Care Services Provider Corporation

• Real Estate Agent

• Governmental Entity

• Tax Exempt Organization (IRC 501(a) only)

• Trust or Estate

• Other:

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If responder’s personnel are required to travel to perform work on behalf of SURS, any reimbursement for said travel expenses will be as allowed, in part, by the travel requirements outlined by the Illinois Higher Education Control Board as found in Title 80, Public Officials and Employees, Chapter 4, Travel Regulation Counsel, Part 3000, Illinois Administrative Code as noted below. Accordingly, any expected travel must be preapproved by SURS and said travel reimbursements will be restricted to the following:

NOTE: actual cost receipts for the same must be provided before SURS may reimburse travel expenses.

Travel by Air. SURS will reimburse travel expenses for airfare at the price of a standard coach ticket. All travel must be via the most direct route. Expenses incurred due to deviations for convenience shall be borne by the traveler. No reimbursement above this amount will be allowed unless extenuating circumstances exist to support an exception to this travel policy. Any exceptions to this policy must be approved by SURS in advance of travel, in writing, by a duly authorized representative of SURS.

Travel by Rail. SURS will reimburse travel expenses for train travel at the price of a standard coach ticket. All travel must be via the most direct route. Expenses incurred due to deviations for convenience shall be borne by the traveler. No reimbursement above this amount will be allowed unless extenuating circumstances exist to support an exception to this travel policy. Any exceptions to this policy must be approved by SURS in advance of travel, in writing, by a duly authorized representative of SURS.

Travel by Rental Cars. SURS will reimburse travel expenses for the use of a rental car at the rate of $60.00 per day. The collision damage waiver and personal accident insurance on rented vehicles are not reimbursable. All travel must be via the most direct route. Expenses incurred due to deviations for convenience shall be borne by the traveler. No reimbursement above this amount will be allowed unless extenuating circumstances exist to support an exception to this travel policy. Any exceptions to this policy must be approved by SURS in advance of travel, in writing, by a duly authorized representative of SURS.

Travel by Private Vehicles - Mileage Reimbursement. If an individual chooses to drive a private vehicle, reimbursement for use of a vehicle shall be on a mileage basis and shall be at the applicable rate identified by the Illinois Higher Education Travel Control Board which is based on the rate promulgated pursuant to 5 USC 5707(b)(2) in effect at the time of travel. All travel must be via the most direct route. No reimbursement above this amount will be allowed unless extenuating circumstances exist to support an exception to this travel policy. Any exceptions to this policy must be approved by SURS in advance of travel, in writing, by a duly authorized representative of SURS.

Hotel Accommodations. SURS will reimburse hotel expenses at a maximum rate of $150.00 per day. No reimbursement above this amount will be allowed unless extenuating circumstances exist to support an exception to this travel policy. Any exceptions to this policy must be approved by SURS in advance of travel, in writing, by a duly authorized representative of SURS.

Per Diem for Meals. SURS will pay a maximum of $45.00 per day for a full day of per diem meal reimbursements with limits of $10.00 for breakfast; $10.00 for lunch and $25.00 for dinner. No reimbursement above this amount will be allowed unless extenuating circumstances exist to support an exception to this travel policy. Any exceptions to this policy must be approved by SURS in advance of travel, in writing, by a duly authorized representative of SURS.

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Appendix F: Vendor Software/Services Information Respondents should provide the following information:

1. A description of your organization’s ability to provide software solutions and/or services that align with the HCM / FIS requirements listed in Appendix H and I, enabling SURS to meet the objectives as defined in this RFP.

2. Regarding software solution(s), please address the following topics: • Solution Overview • Technical Platform Options • SaaS Functionality • Product Summary • Unique Requirements • Test Environment • Maintenance and Support • Source Code • Any Limitations of the Software

3. Regarding Implementation Services, please address the following topics: • Project Management Methodology • Project Staffing • Project Roles • Installation • Interface Development and Systems Integration • Data Conversion and Migration • Reporting • Business Process Workflows • Testing Tools • Organizational Change Management Methodology • Training • User Conferences • Timeline Considerations, Recommendations

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Appendix G: Current System Interfaces Our current finance system interfaces with our inhouse pension administration system as well as several other systems (internal and external) via CSV file export/import. The term Interface is used to describe an internal file export/import process or SFTP to get data to and from external sources.

1. AS400 / CSG – internal – file export/import SURS’ inhouse pension administration system. AS400 / iSeries system.

Interface FROM Timberline TO AS400 / CSG • Retirement contributions (SCON) • A/R information - updates AR keys related to job costing

Interface FROM AS400 / CSG TO Timberline

• A/R Info (invoices, payments, adjustments) • G/L Info (cash receipts and claims processes)

2. Northern Trust - external – SFTP - does not have to go through AS400 in new solution. SURS’ banking service. https://www.northerntrust.com/united-states/home

Interface FROM AS400 TO Northern Trust • A/P check and PR data • Vendor ACH • Excess Benefit Arrangement / ACH • Payroll ACH • Positive Pay

3. Illinois Department of Central Management Services (CMS) – external - via SFTP Illinois state's health benefits service. https://mybenefits.illinois.gov

Interface FROM CMS TO Timberline • Insurance premiums • Premium changes keyed into payroll

Interface FROM Timberline TO CMS

• Premium deductions via AS400/CSG 4. Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES) – external - via SFTP https://www2.illinois.gov/ides

Interface FROM Timberline IN TO IDES • Employee payroll file • Available v utilized vacation and sick time accrual

5. Human Resources Department. – internal - via Excel files – will be HCM to FIS in new solution. These processes are manual but flow from the HR team into Timberline.

Interface FROM Human Resources TO Timberline. HR generated Excel files

• Payroll data • Vendor pay data

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Interface FROM Timberline TO Human Resources. Reports created.

• Employee contributions • Check register • Check journal

6. Aatrix - Sage Timberline plug in – must be replaced with new FIS’ W2 solution. Tax form / filing service. https://www.aatrix.com/

Interface FROM Timberline TO Aatrix • Regular payroll file. • Excess benefit arrangement file.

7. Piracle – Sage Timberline plug in – must be replaced with new FIS’ check printing function. "Create-a-Check" software. https://www.avidxchange.com/piracle/

Interface FROM Timberline TO Piracle • Vendor check/stub

8. DocLink – external – can be removed if FIS has its own Document Storage solution. Electronic document management service. https://www.altec-inc.com/products/doclink/

Interface FROM DocLink TO Timberline • A/P invoices • Manages PO / AP workflow

Interface FROM Timberline TO DocLink

• DocLink pulls information from Timberline via Replicator (Sage product) • Approvals driven by vendor.

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Appendix H: Human Capital Management System Requirements System requirements. 1. Infrastructure for On-Premise Option

• Ability to run on VMWare virtualized servers. • Vendor-provided OVA pre-configured virtualized appliance that allows for easier

implementation and consistent experience. 2. Infrastructure - Cloud/SaaS Option

• System and Organization Controls Reporting - to support auditing requirements. • US-based data location(s). • SLAs for Priority 1 & 2 events (major and minor outages.) • Demonstrable Disaster Recovery / Business Continuity plan to safeguard SURS’

environment. • SURS to have input/control in the way upgrades are pushed.

3. Identity Management • Active Directory Authentication Sync / Single Sign On. • Multi-Function Authentication for at least Power Users. • Workflows for user permissions changes. • Role-based access controls.

4. Interfaces • Interface with SURS’ Primary system (CSG) for maintaining member data, processing and

paying retirement claims. • Interface with SURS’ current and future Financial Information System. • Integrate with FileNet / DocLink if solution does not have its own electronic document

management. • Extensible, well documented API capabilities. • Integration into Business Intelligence Edge data reporting / visualization tool. • Integration into VAR purchasing portals to expedite purchasing and charge direct to GL. • Workflow integration with service management platform to expedite permissioning changes. • Each HCM service component Integrates with all other HCM modules. No data duplication.

5. Service and Support • Log and report administrative access events via API / SFTP to SURS’ SIEM for audit. • Provide Admin/Power User/User training and support through introduction stage. • Ability to create custom reports using standard interface. No SQL/ programming skills

required. • Tiered support packages.

6. User Environment • Geo-fencing capability to lock down via IP or other capability. • Support for Windows and Mac OS Desktop Platforms within at least 2 versions. • At least one other environment (preferably two) QA/Dev sandboxes to test new

releases/functions/integration changes. • Mobile Application with ability to deploy via Air Watch or Microsoft Mobile Device

Management. • Integrate with Office 365 for workflow and documentation processes / PowerBI for dynamic

reporting/visualizations. 7. Security and Compliance

• PCI/HIPPA industry standard security compliance. • Encrypted data in motion and at rest.

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Human Resources

• One-stop employee record for all: i. Personal data ii. Demographic data iii. Position information iv. Tenure status v. Salary details vi. Leave allowance and requests vii. Sick allowance and usage viii. Key event recording ix. Dependencies x. Tax information xi. Status xii. Scanned documents xiii. Compliance records xiv. Other miscellaneous information (current and historical).

• Scanned documents securely stored with DOD 5015.2, PCI or HIPAA compliance. • Maintain health and safety reporting for all employees including employee incident histories. • Support multiple employee types (full-time, part-time, salaried, hourly, etc.). • Audit trail of all changes. • Departmental Cost Centers integrated with financial system for budget tracking. • Employee Self Service to view and update personal information, time-entry, bank account. • Remote staff to have the same ability/functionality as office-based staff. • Record and track employee hierarchy. • Ability to create custom record fields for storing additional data. • Auto-generate unique identifiers for tracking employees. • Support for multiple geographies, locations, divisions, etc.


• Integration with the current in-house Financial Information System (Sage CRE 300 Timberline) and upcoming new FIS service.

• Ability to run payroll at regular and irregular intervals (weekly, bi-weekly, off-cycle.) • Run pay, deduction, withheld taxes, and net pay calculations as a "proof" run for review prior

to final pay run. • Payroll integration with Time Capture, Leave Management, and Time and Attendance

modules. • Direct deposit file, check files and other remittance files. • Support direct deposit for payroll. • Provide direct deposit to multiple bank accounts based on amount and percentage. • Produces electronic files to send to bank(s) for direct deposit. • Year-end reports in applicable format (e.g. W-2, T4.) • Deduction listing for voluntary deductions, insurance, dues, etc. • Ability to report on statutory requirements (e.g. overtime hours for FMLA, ACA.) • Reports total cost of payroll for current run and historical. • Ability to generate forms associated with statutory requirements (e.g. 1095-C, 1094-C for

ACA.) • Generate pension earnings and deductions report. • Generate SUTA earnings and deductions report.

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• Generate pension report with gross amount by employee. • Generate pension report with employee earnings by earning type. • Record employer paid member contributions for CSG for SURS contributions. • Produce total compensation report by employee name. • Visibility into deduction and earning registers. • Custom payroll reporting by group, type, earning codes, deduction codes and other

parameters. • Tax distribution summary, GL distribution summary for current and past periods. • Pre-configuration of earning/deduction codes based on employee location, type and hours. • Ability to configure effective-date payroll start/end for new hires and terminations. • Split-pay functionality where part of salary is deposited to a different account. • Ability to track leave categories (e.g. FMLA, STD, LTD, Parental, etc.) • Employee self-service to view/print compensation package, pay slips, statements, bank direct

deposit information, W-2, W-4. • Employee expenses for travel, hotel, food, gas, etc.

Benefits 1. Integration with Benefits Provider

• Integration with third-party benefits provider, Illinois Department of Central Management Services (CMS) allowing HR staff to view employee benefits summary.

• Integration with CMS to get dollar costs for payroll. • Integration with CMS to track enrollment status. • Integration with CMS to produce benefit summary reports.

2. Reporting • Provide compliance reporting capability in an exportable format. Diversity Report, Monthly

Tax and Wage, Quarterly Tax & Wage, Civil Service Separation Report, TA2 Report. • Notification when employee becomes eligible / ineligible. • Prompt employees to update information when an event impacts eligibility. • Track and report on employer-side benefit contribution (Open Enrollment, Life Change,

Address Change, etc.) 3. Forms

• Provide participants with information about enrollment in different plans. • Provide forms to enter participant information (including dependents) • Enable employees to access policy-related forms and documents.

Talent Management 1. Position Management

• Create/manage jobs, job details, salary range, full/part-time, status, required licenses, certification, compliance related training, clearance, location-specific compensation levels, progression linkage for career pathing, including history of this item.

• Track all employee job-specific data (job grades, job families, salary, reports to, etc.) • Track EEO, FLSA, and other compliance-related data. • Maintain jobs across multiple departments, geographical locations, divisions. • Provide detailed position reporting. • Maintain link to job requisition, job description, job evaluation specifics.

2. Compensation Management • Report on compensation across organizational levels, by pay bands, job levels, job types,

specific positions, locations and other specifics. • Total employee rewards functionality, including salary, pension, benefits, perks, bonuses and


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• Configure role-based security for a compensation manager. • Maintain compensation-related history for roles. • Report of individuals who are above or below a job’s salary range. • Visibility into compensation range (low, medium, high.)

3. Talent Acquisition • Convert successful applicants to employees without reentering information. • Maintain applicant information in applicant pools. • Seamless integration with onboarding processes. • Ability to attach documents to applications (emails, notes, resumes, forms.) • Ability to copy requisitions as templates for recurring postings. • Post requisitions through multiple channels (internally, external portal, job boards.) • Integration with job boards. • Ability to create pre-qualification questions for posted requisitions. • Track and maintain historical requisitions and applicant information. • Provide talent acquisition specialists with tools to track the applicant pipeline at different

stages (pre-screening, long list, short list, offer.) • Provide activity dashboard showing open jobs, pending offers and scheduled interviews. • Report on open requisitions with details about time open, applicants screened, interviewed,

offers extended. • Integration with position management for job requirements. • Manage applicant notes within requisitions and client records. • Ability to initiate communications and scheduling with candidates within the Applicant

Tracking System • Integration for scheduling and email with Outlook. • Initiate candidate-related workflows to promote candidacy, solicit additional information, or

halt a process. • When a position is posted, suggest candidates within candidate pools who fit the

requirements (internal search.) • Job portal functionality for an external and internal facing careers page. • Built-in integration with background verification tools. • Employee referral capability within the Applicant Tracking System.

4. Performance Management • Ability for managers and employees to establish date-effective goals and objectives. • Ability for managers to cascade goals based on alignment with departmental or

organizational goals. • Sign-off and acknowledgement capability for both manager and employee. • Provide detailed and summary performance reporting. • Track percentage completion for specific goals and objectives. • Ability to administer multiple types of performance reviews/appraisals (ranking/grading, 360-

reviews, self-review, peer-review.) • Ability to administer reviews at configurable intervals (e.g. quarterly, annually, ad hoc) • Ability to attach documents to a performance review. • Ability to create, modify, and manage criteria including weights, order, and formatting. • Provide aggregate performance scores based on weightings and pre-established criteria. • Track historical performance for an employee, a supervisor's reports, or other hierarchy

segmentation. • Provide administration and tracking of performance improvement or remediation plans and

associated activities. • Identify training and learning opportunities based on performance scores in specific areas.

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• Configure workflow associated with performance rating on aggregate and on specific competency areas.

• Ability to link performance with incentive or compensation plans. 5. Onboarding and Offboarding

• Tracking employee leave type (voluntary, involuntary, death, etc.) • Statutory forms and reports associated with employee terminations, including both built-in

codes and created ones. • Integration with talent acquisition to action onboarding activities. • Ability for new hires to complete, sign and send onboarding documents electronically. • Workflow associated with onboarding steps (e.g. actioning asset issuance, badge allocation,

health and safety training, etc.) • Tracking of onboarding activities and time spent at each stage. • Offboarding capability to ensure employees exiting the organizations go through appropriate

steps. • Exit surveys or questionnaires, and reporting associated with results. • Ability to indicate an employee's eligibility for rehire upon exit. • Integration with background check process, including third-party verification.

6. Succession Planning • Manage succession plans for positions at multiple levels (senior leadership and executives,

management, critical employees.) • Define critical roles and critical individuals within the organization. • Define overall position risk based on flight risk of incumbent and readiness of successors (i.e.

high risk for positions where the incumbent is at a high flight risk, and successors are not ready.)

• Assess succession depth for critical roles and suggest redistribution of ready-now talent across the organization.

• Assess readiness of succession candidates with a configurable degree of detail (high/medium/low, ready-now/ready within a year/ready within two to three years, etc.)

• Create action plans for succession candidates. • Generate succession role mapping and organizational chart. • Create alerts when an employee in a critical position exits the organization. • Create alerts when a critical position successor exits the organization. • Add notes and attachments (emails, awards, recommendations) to succession candidates. • Maintain high-potential employee list with associated action plans, career paths, and

succession potential. • Integrate succession plans with performance and learning management to fill readiness gap.

Workforce Management 1. Organization Structure

• Support the creation of multiple organizational units, including companies, divisions, and departments.

• Support multiple organizational views based on configurable criteria. • Snapshot (point-in-time) organizational structure reporting. • Ability to track supervisor information both current and historical. • Reporting into span-of-control. • Ability to configure different structures of the organization (hierarchical, matrix, etc.) • Export organizational charts in multiple formats (Excel, image, pdf, etc.) • Visual representation of organizational levels with drill-down capability.

2. Time and Attendance • Track and report employee attendance.

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• Timecard integration with payroll and position management (e.g. transfer of job role information from the core HR system.)

• Ability to view and print time records. • Custom define accrual rules by job, position, and employee. • Automatic alerts for exceptions (rules violations, overtime allowances, etc.) • Includes real-time access for cost/budget statistics. • Create employee work schedules. • Employee self-service timecard input/update with manager approval function. • Indefinite audit trail of all timecard updates. • Automatically schedule payroll reports, including validation and error reports. • Support tracking of labor statistics for timesheets. • Configure multiple time and attendance rule sets to accommodate person schedules. • Export/print schedules in standard templates. • Support the calculation of benefit entitlements based on multiple inputs (hours/day, days per

weeks, fixed, bi-weekly, etc.) 3. Leave Management

• Support salaried and hourly employees with different rates of leave accrual. • Team and global visibility into calendar displaying absences by date, location, and type. • Track absence history. • Track multiple absence accruals (vacation, sick, personal days, etc.) • Track multiple leave types (vacation, STD, maternity, etc.) • Support workflow for supervisor or multi-step approvals processes. • Allow employees to schedule and cancel leaves/absences via self-service interface. • Track leave start and end dates. • Support monthly accrual for paid leave plans. • Support leave carryover and tracking. • Configure leave plans based on employee parameters like seniority, employee type, etc. • Support multiple rounding rules for accruals types (vacation/sick, benefits.) • Email notifications for approvals of both timecards and absence requests. • Provide notifications/alerts or reports associated with leave overages or exceptions. • Support for blackout days and time unavailable for leave.

4. Scheduling • Integration with core HR and time and attendance modules. • Create employee work schedules with export/print option. • Maintain a master schedule for all scheduled work types and groups. • Compliance with applicable legislation (e.g. FLSA.) • Overtime request notifications and alerts. • Support for blackout rules integrated with global leave schedule. • Audit trail for all request submissions, approvals, and denials. • Ability to build reports based on schedule data. • Status tracking for employees (on call/standby, available, unavailable.) • Workflow for schedule receipt or change requests. • Ability to view and schedule alternate resources when an employee is unavailable.

5. Workforce Planning • Assess absenteeism against peak, non-peak, and other capacity times/dates. • Track and maintain history of attendance management program KPIs, both current and as

they correlate with plan. • Analysis of attendance data to highlight area of opportunity. • Benchmarking base service levels to assess the need for staffing requirements. • Ability to accommodate remote workforce alongside local resources.

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• Comparison of overtime requirements based on historical-data and business-need aligned overtime requirements.

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Appendix I: Financial Information System Requirements System Requirements. 1. Infrastructure for On-Premise Option

• Ability to run on VMWare virtualized servers. • Vendor-provided OVA pre-configured virtualized appliance that allows for easier

implementation and consistent experience. 2. Infrastructure - Cloud/SaaS Option

• System and Organization Controls Reporting - to support auditing requirements. • US-based data location(s). • SLAs for Priority 1 and 2 events (major and minor outages.) • Demonstrable Disaster Recovery / Business Continuity plan to safeguard SURS’

environment. • SURS to have input/control in the way upgrades are pushed.

3. Identity Management • Active Directory Authentication Sync / Single Sign On. • Multi-Function Authentication for at least power users. • Workflows for user permissions changes. • Role-based access controls.

4. Interfaces • Interface with SURS’ primary system (CSG) for maintaining member data, processing and

paying retirement claims. • Interface with SURS’ current and future financial information system. • Integrate with FileNet / DocLink if solution does not have its own electronic document

management. • Extensible, well-documented API capabilities. • Integration into Business Intelligence Edge data reporting / visualization tool. • Integration into VAR purchasing portals to expedite purchasing and charge direct to GL. • Workflow integration with service management platform to expedite permissioning changes. • Each HCM service component integrates with all other HCM modules. No data duplication.

5. Service and Support • Log and report administrative access events via API / SFTP to SURS’ SIEM for audit. • Provide admin/power user/user training and support through introduction stage. • Ability to create custom reports using standard interface. No SQL/ programming skills

required. • Tiered support packages.

6. User Environment • Geo-fencing capability to lock down via IP or other capability. • Support for Windows and Mac OS Desktop Platforms within at least two versions. • At least one other environment (preferably two) QA/Dev sandboxes to test new

releases/functions/integration changes. • Mobile application with ability to deploy via Air Watch or Microsoft Mobile Device

Management. • Integrate with Office 365 for workflow and documentation processes / PowerBI for dynamic

reporting/visualizations. 7. Security and Compliance

• PCI/HIPPA Industry standard security compliance. • Encrypted data in motion and at rest.

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Accounts Payable 1. Invoice Processing

• Supports applying credit memo to invoice for incorrect amount. • Ability to pay of multiple purchase orders from one invoice. • System allows multiple invoices to be received and processed for one purchase order. • Automatically prevent duplicate invoice numbers for the same vendor to prevent duplicate

payment. 2. Matching

• Supports two-way matching (purchase order, invoice.) • Allow tolerance on PO price and invoice price for matching based on percentage. • Supports three-way matching (purchase order, receiving document, invoice.) • Provide workflow approval for invoice for services and other purchase goods/services without

receipt. • Matching occurs at line item detail level. • Notify when match does not occur.

3. Payment Process • Print checks on blank check stock. • Produce check with business name, MICR encoding, and electronic signature. • Pay vendors electronically (ACH, wire transfer, etc.) using standard NACHA formats (ctx) and

send email notification to vendor. • All users can work in system simultaneously without limiting each other’s actions. • Print checks based on regular schedule or on demand. • Permit users to select to pay one invoice per check or combine multiple invoice payments

onto one check. • Ability to itemize multiple invoice numbers on the remittance advice. • Allow users to place a payment on hold. • Supports positive pay. • After approval, schedule invoices for payment based on invoice date (example: 45 days after

invoice date) or date entered by AP clerk. • Create/sort checks based upon chart of account information (example: fund or department). • Enter broadcast messages which appears on all AP check stubs.

4. Tax Reporting • Monitor cumulative payments to 1099-Misc vendors. • Generate 1099-Misc on-demand. • Capture information for generation of federal 1099s at year-end (both manually and per IRS

approved file.) • Print collected 1099 payments into appropriate reporting boxes, i.e., rent, non-employee

compensation, etc. • Generate 1099 with a name associated or federal ID. • Produce electronic file to send 1099 related forms to IRS. • Send tax payments direct to IRS. • Status report showing if vendor’s tax, MWDBE, or other forms have been received.

5. Vendor File • Use one vendor file for purchasing and accounts payable. • Vendor file is linked to customer file used for accounts receivable. • Identify 1099 vendors. • Ability to identify MWDBE, Invest in Illinois, and other types of vendors for reporting.

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• Vendor file stores vendor payment preference (ACH or check.) • Store multiple vendor addresses for main office, remittance, delivery, etc. • Vendor files can identify terms and conditions that are applied to purchase orders for that

vendor. • Prevent duplicate vendors by preventing duplicate vendor tax ID. • Alert if duplicate vendors found by identifying duplicate vendor name or address. • Identify default payment remittance address. • Identify cumulative purchase history by vendor to identify common vendors. • Validate vendor is not employee.

6. Void and Cancel • Allow user to cancel warrant and system makes all correct accounting entries to reverse

payment, including contract balances. • Allow user to void check and reissue replacement check. • Allow users to cancel current and prior fiscal year checks and have system automatically

credit back designated accounts. 7. Recurring Payments

• Fill information for invoice from purchase order. • Allow entering of direct claims without purchase order. • Provide workflow approval path for invoices with or without purchase orders. • Invoices routed through workflow for approval based on amount or point of entry (entered by

department vs. AP). • Invoices routed through workflow for approval based on PO vs no PO or chart of account

information. • Support partial payments (partial payment of invoice). • Allow files to be attached in system to the invoice (scanned image of invoice). • Support creation of template for recurring AP invoices with predefined account distribution.

Budgeting 1. Budget Development

• Allow budget users to modify all department budget worksheets. • Allow budget users to roll budget to new version. • Maintain history of multiple budget versions including recommended, adopted, and revised

budgets. 2. Budget Projections

• Calculate budget estimates to project spending during the remainder of the fiscal year. • Project revenues and expenses. • Ability to use straight-line projections.

3. Budget Requests • Support multi-year budgeting. • Accommodate entering budget detail for departmental budgets (by accounts within a

department) and project budget (over multiple years - up to life of project.) • Prepopulate budget entry fields with past budget version. • Ability to prepare budgets for revenues and expenses. • Departments enter budget requests through system including attaching documents.

4. Capital Budgeting • Project budget created roll up to create department capital budget and overall capital

improvement plan. • Allow individual capital project budgets created in project module to feed budget module.

5. Personnel Budgeting

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• Project and budget tax and benefit costs based on current employee salary and current benefit elections.

• Project and budget tax and benefit costs based on position salary range and default benefit elections.

• Allow user to propose new position in proposed budget. • Provide ability to propose changing position status as part of budget development (funded -

unfunded positions). • Provide ability to request new positions as part of budget process. • Provide ability to request reclassification of existing positions as part of budget process. • Allow users to propose changes to salary amounts as part of budgeting process. • Automatically adjust any benefits/tax amounts, with changes to salary amounts. • Allow for the cost of a position to be allocated to multiple segments of the chart of accounts

(i.e. organizational codes, programs, projects, grants, etc.) 6. Program Budgeting

• Allow users to prepare budgets by program (can be across multiple departments.) Asset Tracking 1. Capital Budget

• Prepare multi-year schedule and forecast for asset replacement costs. 2. Depreciation

• Provide the straight-line depreciation method. • Prevent the depreciation of an asset's value below zero. • Depreciation calculated at month or year end. • Calculate pro-rated depreciation for assets sold mid-year or mid-month. • Designate some assets as nondepreciable (i.e., land, assets not in use.) • Automatically calculate depreciation in accordance with the depreciation method and

convention designated for an asset. 3. Disposal

• Upon disposal system calculate partial period depreciation and generate appropriate profit/loss calculation.

• Track reason for disposal. • Store information on disposed assets. • Provide workflow approval/notification for disposed assets.

4. Physical Inventory • Produce asset list by department or location for physical inventory. • Asset barcode-scanner file import and reporting for depreciation purposes. • Barcode field available for tracking.

General Ledger 1. Financial Reporting

• Provide Statement of Revenues and Expenditures. • Provide Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) reports. • Reconciliation of the Statement of Revenue, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund. • Provides monthly interim report (budget/actual information.)

2. General Ledger Set Up • Provide chart of account structure with multiple independent segments. • Designate an account as active - available for posting or budgeting. • Designate an account as inactive - not available for posting.

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• Allow transactions to post to active accounts within any open period. • Prevent accounts from being deleted if any activity is posted to them. • Segments of chart of accounts used in acceptable combinations to form full general ledger

account. • Support segments representing programs that can extend across multiple departments.

3. Journal Entry • Entries are posted in real time and are available for reporting. • Entries record the source of the transaction (e.g., manual entry or automated entry from

another module.) • Entries are validated against the chart of account structure for valid accounts. • Entries are validated against balancing entries (make sure all entries balance.) • Users can import journal entries from spreadsheet (e.g., Microsoft Excel.) • Imported transactions from spreadsheets are validated using the same business rules as

transactions made in the system. • Allow creation of a journal entry from previously entered journal entry format (copy journal) by

line item or by entire journal entry. • Allow users to reverse journal entry with proper security and approvals. • Allow schedule accrual auto-reversals. • Support "required" data fields and prevents transaction from posting until all "required" fields

are completed. • Support multiple line items for journal entries.

4. Recurring Journal Entry • Recurring journal entries occur at regular frequency (can set start and stop dates.) • Allow journal entries to be scheduled (example: lease/debt schedules.)

5. Month End Close • Allow closing of months. • Upload investment transactions prior to month end close.

6. Budget Control • Allow for budgeting at one level and controlling at a different level (example: budget by

account/object but conduct budget control at program level). • Allow budget control at summary roll up of account/object. • Allow budget control at summarized roll up categories. • Reconcile budget to actual spend.

7. Cash Management • Support use of pooled cash. • Allow import of daily bank activity and balances and reconciles to recorded receipts and

disbursements. Purchase Orders 1. Contract Administration

• Apply invoices and purchase orders against contracts. 2. End of Year Process

• Open purchase orders at year end can be rolled to next fiscal year. • Open purchase order can be paid out of old fiscal year in new year prior to old fiscal year

close. • Closed purchase orders at end of year release encumbrance on budget and contract. • Open purchase order rolled to next fiscal year can roll associated encumbered budget to next

fiscal year. 3. Modify PO/Change Order

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• Departments can initiate request for a change to purchase order through a workflow for i. increased/decreased quantity or amount. ii. canceling or adding line items. iii. canceling entire PO. iv. change of chart of account string.

• Printing of modified purchase order clearly labels that purchase order has been changed. • Purchase order identifies information that was changed on header and line item. • Identify revised purchase orders and indicates all changes that have been made. • When printing modified purchase order, all information and comments on original purchase

order are reproduced on modified purchase order. • Any open purchase order can be modified by change order. • Request to change purchase order (for increase) pre-encumbers funds. • Request to change purchase order (for decrease) release encumbrance when change

request is approved. • Approval of change to purchase order encumbers funds or releases encumbrance of funds.

4. Purchase Order • Auto-fill purchase order fields based on date, user details, selected vendor, etc. • View the remaining balance and transaction history of a purchase order. • Creation of purchase order creates encumbrance. • Provides for approval process for purchase order prior to being sent to vendor: • Approval process for purchase order can be routed by account (example: department or

fund) or by dollar amount. • Allow for encumbrance of shipping and freight and allows user to add shipping and freight to

purchase order. • Shipping and freight charges distributed to accounts by line item on PO. • User can attach files to purchase order at header level, files can be individually printed or

printed with document. • Purchase order sent to vendor through email or hard copy (print and mail) • Purchase order identifies originator (and alternate) of PO and contact information. • Purchase order prints with default contract terms based on type of purchase and commodity

code. • System identifies reprinted purchase orders as duplicates.

5. Receiving • Allow user to search for PO by PO#, vendor, description, department. • Track goods or services received. • User can acknowledge receipt of entire purchase order. • User can acknowledge receipt of purchase order by individual line item. • User can record partial receipt. • Receipt of a capital asset requires that the receiver complete asset record (serial number,

asset tag, other information, etc.) • Identify orders that have not been received by delivery date on PO. • Identify orders that have not been received after X days since PO creation. • System tracks vendor performance at receipt (on time, damaged, other comments).

6. Vendor Catalogs • Accommodate vendor catalogs with predefined purchasing lists by being able to punch out to

vendor catalog and/or upload data from vendor electronic catalog. • Allow user to access vendor catalogs through system and track all selected items in

purchasing system.

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Payroll & Benefits • Integration with the new HCM payroll solution. • Integration with third-party benefits provider, Illinois Department of Central Management

Services (CMS) to get dollar costs for payroll. • Integration with Internal CMS to produce benefit summary reports.

System 1. Audit

• Create audit log that tracks i. Changes to existing records, new records and deletions of records. ii. The user making change, time and date of change. iii. New value and old value for changes.

2. Documents • Allow attached documents to be stored directly in system. • Allow documents to be stored in document management system and referenced in ERP.

3. Security • Use role-based security where security roles are tied to users or positions. • Security integrates with Microsoft Active Directory for user authentication.

4. Workflow • Workflow approval can be sequential (person B can't approve before person A) • Approver notified of workflow items through email