Protozoa Darah

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kuliah blok parasitologi protozoa darah

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  • Protozoa darah

  • Parasit yg hidup di darah







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    Bag. Parasitologi FK UNEJ

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    Gambianse Sleeping

    sickness (Kronik)

    African Trypanosomiasis

    Atau Ngana

    American Trypanosomiasis

    atau Chagas disease

    Rhodesiense Sleeping sickness


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    Trypomastogote di

    Darah tepi

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    Distribusi Geografis : Afrika Barat (Gambia-Congo), Tengah ,Af. Timur (Uganda)

    Morfologi dan daur hidup parasit:

    anterior station multiplikasi binair ( di primary chancre & usus lalat)

    Gambaran Klinis : Inkubasi (Africans = non Africans) Trypanosomal chancre sembuh spontan 2-3 mgg Demam (Tryp.+) Tidur siang hari Keterlibatan nll :Winterbottom sign +(Lnn membesar) SSP :perubahan motorik, sensorik: Kerandel sign+(hiperestesi) Stad. akhir : koma & meninggal

    Trypanosomiasis gambian (chronic sleeping sickness)

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  • Sleeping sickness



    Distribusi geografis: Amerika Tengah (Mexico) dan Selatan (Argentina)

    Morfologi dan daur hidup: posterior station

    Stad. Amastigot intraceluler pada otot jantung dan jaringan lain

    Bentuk Tryp. bervariasi

    nukleus sentral, kinetoplast posterior, bentuk C atau U


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  • Toxoplasma gondii

    Disease :Toxoplasmosis

    Phyllum: Apicomplexa

    Class: Coccidia

    Order: Eimeriida

    Genus: Toxoplasma

    Spesies: Toxoplasma gondii

    Sejarah: 1908 Nicolle&Manceaux menemukan hewan Ctenodactylus gondii pd semua hewan kec.ikan


    1. Trophozoit

    -bentuk spt busur panah/crescent

    -1 ujung runcing, ujung lain agak membulat/tumpul

    -uk. 4-8 x 2-4 m (< eritrosit)

    -nukleus oval, subsentral

    -pd ujung runcing, tdp apical complex : conoid, toxonema

  • Trophozoit dapat berada:

    Di dalam sel makrofag

    berbiak dgn cepat (disebut btk proliferatif/Tachyzoit) koloni dalam makrofag berisi 8-32 tachyzoit Pseudocyst

    Di dalam sel jaringan (otot, otak, dsb)

    berbiak dgn lambat btk non proliferatif / Bradyzoit tjd coloni yg dikelilingi oleh dinding CYST (True Cyst)

  • Pembiakan trophozoit secara:

    Pembelahan biasa (bynary fission)

    Internal budding

    2. CYST (True cyst / tissue cyst)

    Ukuran 10-100

    Sel hospes dpt pecah cyst mjd extraseluler dgn dinding asli bentukan parasit sendiri

  • 3. OOCYST


    -bentuk oval, dinding tebal, unsporulated

    -ukuran 10-12 m

    -non infektif

    -infektif : 5-37C, 1-5 hari


    -sporulated, berisi 2 sporocyst masing2 mengandung 4 sporozoit

  • Tachyzoit T.gondii Trophozoit tahap


  • Tachyzoit dengan bentuk crescent, prominen, nukleus

    sentral kadang subsentral

  • Kista



  • Ookista toxoplasma gondii



    Mrpk parasit obligat intraseluler

    Ada 2 fase :

    o Asexual : dlm tubuh berbagai jenis hewan mamalia dan unggas, tms manusia

    o Sexual : dlm tubuh kucing

    Secara normal dimulai dengan masuknya:

    o Cyst berisi sporozoit

    o Oocyst


  • Malaria : masalah kesehatan dunia dan negara tropis, termasuk Indonesia.

    Di Indonesia 10 besar penyakit infeksi, insiden tahun 2009/2010 sebesar 22,9 dan prevalensi 10,6 % (Riskesdas, 2010; Ditjen P2PL, 2011)

    Di dunia, diperkirakan penderita malaria mencapai 216 juta kasus (81% terdapat di Afrika) dengan angka kematian sekitar 655.000 kasus (91% terjadi di Afrika). (WHO, 2011).

    3/25/2014 [email protected] 27

  • Malaria

    Infectious disease transmitted by mosquitoes (Anopheles.sp)

    Caused by protozoa of the genus : Plasmodium

    3/25/2014 28

  • Six species infect human :

    P. falciparum (malignan tertian malaria)

    P. vivax (malaria tertian)

    P. ovale (malaria tertian)

    P. malariae (malaria quartan)

    P. knowlesi (Singh et al, 2004; Sulistyaningsih et al, 2010)

    P. cynomolgi (Ta et al, 2014)

    3/25/2014 [email protected] 29

  • Widespread species : P. falciparum

    P. vivax

    Less widespread species : P. malariae

    P. ovale

    P. knowlesi

    P. cynomolgi

    3/25/2014 [email protected] 30

  • Endemic Malaria Area 3/25/2014 [email protected] 31

  • Transmission and life cycle of malaria parasites :

    A-sexual reproduction in a human host.

    Sexual multiplication (sporogony) in the anopheline mosquito

    3/25/2014 [email protected] 32

  • Life Cycle

    3/25/2014 [email protected] 33

  • [email protected] 34 3/25/2014

  • 3/25/2014 [email protected] 35

  • Hypnozoites:

    Some of the sporozoites of P. vivax, P. ovale and P. cynomolgi after invading liver cells delay their development into PE schizonts. They become dormant forms called hypnozoites

    Hypnozoites are reactivated to become PE schizonts by an unknown stimulus Relapse P. vivax ; after 1-18 mo

    P. ovale ; after 2-8 mo

    Relapse is not the same as recurrence, which can be due to re-emergence of drug resistent parasites

    3/25/2014 [email protected] 36

  • E-phase

    Time between invasion and bursting of the infected RBC : P. falciparum : 48 hours P. vivax : 48 hours P. ovale : 49-50 hours P. malariae : 72 hours P. knowlesi : 24 hours P. cynomolgi : 48 hours Fever is induced when the schizonts rupture, releasing

    pyrogens into the blood. Once the cycle is synchronized it is this cycle of multiplication

    in the blood which cause the periodic fevers of malaria. 3/25/2014 [email protected] 37

  • 3/25/2014 [email protected] 38


  • E-phase : trophozoite P. falciparum

    [email protected] 39 3/25/2014

    Young: -Small delicate ring form(

  • E-phase : Schizont P. falciparum

    [email protected] 40 3/25/2014

    -Not seen in peripheral blood - If (+) : severe malaria - Chromatine divission - Cytoplasm divission - 12-30 merozoite - Dark mass pigmen

    -Small compact -Few, uncommon, usually in severe malaria - mature: 12-30 or more merozoite in cluster - Single dark mass pigmen

  • E-phase : gametocytes P. falciparum

    [email protected] 41 3/25/2014

    Cressent or banana shape Central chromatine dots Rice grain pigmen

    -Banana shape or rounded - Single, well defined chromatine - Scattered, coarse, rice grain like

  • E-phase :trophozoite P. vivax

    [email protected] 42 3/25/2014

    -Inf.RBC > normal -Scuffners dots - Ring > 1/3 RBC - Heavy chromatin dots - Amoeboid cytoplasm

    -Schuffner stipling in ghost RBC - Broken ring to irregular form -Single, occasionally two chromatin -Scattered fine pigment

  • E-phase :Schizont P. vivax

    [email protected] 43 3/25/2014

    -Progressive chromatin division - Clump of brown pigmen - 12-24 merozoites

    -12-24 merozoites usually 16 in irregular cluster - Loose mass pigmen

  • E-phase :gametocyte P. vivax

    [email protected] 44 3/25/2014

    -Rounded or oval with homogenous cytoplasm - diffuse brown pigment - eccentric compact chromatin

    -Round large size - Single well defined chromatin - Scattered, fine pigment - Eroded form with scanty or no cytoplasm and pigment present

  • E-phase :trophozoite P. malariae

    [email protected] 45 3/25/2014

    -Inf RBC =/< nRBC - No Scuffner dots - Multiple ring: rare - Small ring with heavy chromatin dots - Vacuola at times filled in - Band-shaped solid form -Pigmen form early

    -Ring to rounded compact form - Single, large chromatin - Regular dense cytoplasm - Compact, dense pigmen

  • E-phase :Schizont P.malariae

    [email protected] 46 3/25/2014

    -Progressive chromatin division - Clump of brown pigment ( smaller, darker, larger than that of P. vivax) - 6-12 merozoites - Central arrangement of brown-green pigment

    -Small compact - 6-12 merozoites, usually 8 in loose cluster, some without cytoplasm - concentrated pigmen

  • E-phase :gametocyte P. malariae

    [email protected] 47 3/25/2014

    -Rounded or oval with homogenous cytoplasm - dark & coarse diffuse brown pigment - eccentric compact chromatin

    -Round, compact mass - Single, well defined chromatin dot - Scattered, coarse pigment

  • E.phase: Ring form & trophozoite P. knowlesi

    Ring form:

    Delicate cytoplasm

    1 to 2 prominent chromatin dots

    Occasional appliqu (accol) forms


    Compact cytoplasm Large chromatin Occasional band forms Coarse, dark-brown pigmen

  • E.phase: Schizont P. knowlesi

    Schizont: Mature = up to 16

    merozoites with large nuclei

    Clustered around mass of coarse, dark-brown pigment

    Occasional rosettes Mature merozoites appear


  • E.phase: Gametocyte P. knowlesi

    Gametocyte: Round to oval Compact, may almost fill RBC Chromatin compact Eccentric (macrogametocyte) More diffuse

    (microgametocyte) Scattered brown pigment

  • E.phase: P. cynomolgi

    Almost identical to that P. vivax

    red blood cell enlarges as the trophozoite grows,

    Prominence of Schffners stippling and pigmentations in mature trophozoites.

    The cytoplasm becomes amoeboid and pigments in small granules with yellowish brown in colour are scattered throughout the cytoplasm.

  • Rodent Malaria

    P. berghei

    P. Yoelii

    P vinkei

    P. chabaudi

    3/25/2014 [email protected] 52