
Progressivism · Politics: Presidents of the Progressive Era Teddy Roosevelt (R) 1901-1909 William Taft (R) 1909-1913

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Page 1: Progressivism · Politics: Presidents of the Progressive Era Teddy Roosevelt (R) 1901-1909 William Taft (R) 1909-1913


Page 2: Progressivism · Politics: Presidents of the Progressive Era Teddy Roosevelt (R) 1901-1909 William Taft (R) 1909-1913

Cities: •Cleaner


•Less Disease

•More Education

•Assistance to Poor

•Child Services

1905: “Bathroom" in a New York City cold-water tenement flat.

Toilets like this, 4 per floor, were communal



Social Progress

Page 3: Progressivism · Politics: Presidents of the Progressive Era Teddy Roosevelt (R) 1901-1909 William Taft (R) 1909-1913


Allows voters to petition if

necessary and have an elected

representative removed from



Allows voters to petition state

legislatures in order to consider

a bill desired by citizens.


Allows voters to decide if a bill

or proposed amendment

should be passed.

State Government Reforms

Page 4: Progressivism · Politics: Presidents of the Progressive Era Teddy Roosevelt (R) 1901-1909 William Taft (R) 1909-1913

Politics: Presidents of the

Progressive Era

Teddy Roosevelt



William Taft



Woodrow Wilson



Page 5: Progressivism · Politics: Presidents of the Progressive Era Teddy Roosevelt (R) 1901-1909 William Taft (R) 1909-1913
Page 6: Progressivism · Politics: Presidents of the Progressive Era Teddy Roosevelt (R) 1901-1909 William Taft (R) 1909-1913



Trust Buster

TR wanted to use the Sherman Anti-Trust Act to actually go after “bad” trusts One’s that hurt

the public

Page 7: Progressivism · Politics: Presidents of the Progressive Era Teddy Roosevelt (R) 1901-1909 William Taft (R) 1909-1913

TR was not always consistent: Initiated suits against Tobacco, DuPont, Standard Oil, & Railroads

Teddy Roosevelt: Trust Buster

Page 8: Progressivism · Politics: Presidents of the Progressive Era Teddy Roosevelt (R) 1901-1909 William Taft (R) 1909-1913

TR created 1st comprehensive

national conservation policy:

Defined “conservation” as

wise use of natural resources

Teddy Roosevelt: Conservation

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Page 10: Progressivism · Politics: Presidents of the Progressive Era Teddy Roosevelt (R) 1901-1909 William Taft (R) 1909-1913

1902 to 1903 Coal Strike

•Union wanted shorter days and higher wages

•Owners of coal mine said no…

•Workers strike

•Winter, nation needed coal to heat homes

•Coal supplies drops dangerously low

•TR calls a conference at the White House

Teddy Roosevelt: Justice and Labor

T-Rex orders ‘Collective Bargaining’

Page 11: Progressivism · Politics: Presidents of the Progressive Era Teddy Roosevelt (R) 1901-1909 William Taft (R) 1909-1913

•Journalists and photographers

who exposed abuses of wealth

and power

•Uncovered secrets of corporate

greed and effect on workers and the


•They felt it was their job to write and

expose corruption in industry, cities

and government

Progressives exposed corruption but usually offered no solutions


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Page 13: Progressivism · Politics: Presidents of the Progressive Era Teddy Roosevelt (R) 1901-1909 William Taft (R) 1909-1913

Muckrakers •Thomas Nast:

•Political cartoons

•Exposed corruption in New York City

gov’t: Tweed Ring at Tammany Hall

•Jacob Riis:


•How the Other Half Lives

•Exposed horrible living

conditions in slums of cities

•Focused on poor in tenements

•Response: new regulations for

building construction and


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Upton Sinclairs, The Jungle, exposed filthy,

unsanitary working conditions and corruption

in a meatpacking company in Chicago

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Food and Drug Act

Meat Inspection Act

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McClure’s Magazine

1904 - Ida Tarbell, History of Standard Oil

Rockefeller’s monopolistic practices

1904 – Lincoln Steffens, Shame of the Cities

Corruption in urban politics

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•Pure Food and Drug Act, 1906

•Labels with medicine as well as food.

•Contents of food and drug packages must

be listed

•All additives/chemicals

must be listed on labels.

•FDA today or Food and Drug


Page 18: Progressivism · Politics: Presidents of the Progressive Era Teddy Roosevelt (R) 1901-1909 William Taft (R) 1909-1913

•Moved into poor communities

•Their settlement houses served as community centers and social service agencies.

•Hull House, founded by Jane Addams a model settlement house in Chicago, offered cultural events, classes, childcare, employment assistance, and health-care clinics.

The Settlement

House Movement

Social welfare reformers work to relieve urban


Page 19: Progressivism · Politics: Presidents of the Progressive Era Teddy Roosevelt (R) 1901-1909 William Taft (R) 1909-1913

•To provide a center for higher civic and social life; to institute and maintain educational and philanthropic enterprises.

•To investigate and improve the conditions in the industrial districts of Chicago.

•To help assimilate the immigrant population

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RUN BY COLLEGE EDUCATED WOMEN provide educational, cultural, social services send visiting nurses to the sick help with personal, job, financial problems

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Pioneer in the field of social work

who founded the settlement house

movement through the

establishment of Hull House in

Chicago, Illinois.



Educated urban poor about the

benefits of family planning through

birth control. She founded the

organization that became Planned


Social Reformers

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“The issue is Socialism versus Capitalism.

I am for Socialism because I am for humanity."

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Income Tax (1913) Progressive income tax

assigned higher tax rates to people with

higher incomes.

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Increased voters’ power and

reduced corruption in


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Banned interlocking directors from forming trusts

Held business officers personally liable for monopolies

Helped workers by allowing strikes & banning injunctions

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Plessy vs. Ferguson, 1896

Supreme Court legalized

segregation throughout nation

“Separate but Equal”

as long as public facilities were


•Problem: Black facilities never equal to White facilities

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social reality

After Reconstruction, there were several ways that Southern states kept Blacks

from voting and segregated, or separating people by the color of their skin in public


Jim Crow laws, laws at the local and state level which segregated whites from blacks and kept African Americans as 2nd class

citizens and from voting.

poll taxes

literacy tests

grandfather clause

Page 31: Progressivism · Politics: Presidents of the Progressive Era Teddy Roosevelt (R) 1901-1909 William Taft (R) 1909-1913

"It's like writing history

with lightning. And my

only regret is that it is all

terribly true.“ –

Woodrow Wilson

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A New Generation Women’s Suffrage

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19th Amendment provides full suffrage to women in all the states, 1920.

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New Generation Women’s Suffrage

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Most successful and well known WCTU reformer was Carrie


She would march into a bar and sing and pray,

while smashing bar fixtures and stock with

a hatchet.

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(1919) Banned

manufacture and

sale of alcoholic
